Split Tail On A Soft Tail free porn video

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My first day out ended early in Alabama. I checked into a motel, unloaded my bike and took a ride along the Gulf Coast. I rode from Mobile to the coast, saw the sights and rode back and put the cycle back on the trailer. This is how I planned to spend every day. Drive, stop, ride.

The next morning I had been driving about two hours and I needed a piss break. I pulled into a rest area and parked beside a group of three motorcycles each with a different state plate. I took a leak, got a drink from a vending machine and sat at a picnic table next to my truck. As I was sitting there, three women in leathers came to the two wheelers parked beside me. One of them stopped to look at my Road King and made some comment to the other two. They walked to my table and one asked if it was my ride, I said yes. She said it was too pretty to be sitting on the trailer, I should be riding it. I told them about my trip and asked them to sit if they had the time. They did. They told me they had been to a woman’s bike rally in Florida and were headed home. One was from Texas, the second from Kansas but the third had ridden all the way from Portland Oregon. I asked the Oregon rider how long she had been on the road and she said ‘forever’, the way her ass felt. We talked a little more; I told them about my plans for an evening ride every day. I pulled out a map and showed them my route and asked if it was a good one for side trips. Miss Oregon had already made the trip and suggested a couple of changes that I told her I would keep in mind then I left.

I made Shreveport later that day and pulled into a motel. I unloaded my bike and went exploring the hills along the Mississippi river north of town. When I came back to the motel, I noticed one of the bikes from the rest area parked near the front office. Pastel blue, Dana Low Rider, Oregon tags. I waited until she came out of registration and said “Hi.”

She looked at me and said “I saw your truck and stopped.” I asked where the other two were and she said they went their separate ways a few hours earlier. We talked a few minutes until she said she needed to clean up. I told her that when she was done, we could walk over to the restaurant across the street and get dinner. She said that was a good idea and, “By the way, my name is Kathi.”

During dinner I found out Kathi had been on the road close to a month. She had ridden east with another woman but she had to leave because of a family death. She shipped her bike back to Oregon and flew home. Kathi told me that she was tired of riding and really didn't want to ride back alone. She joked that I should sell my truck and ride with her, Seattle wasn’t that much farther than her place. We finished dinner and moved to the bar and ordered a couple of beers. I asked her if she had any deadline for getting home and she said no. She was single and did freelance writing for magazines so she could do her job from anywhere. In fact, she was using the trip as the basis for an article for Easy Rider magazine, “What are you going to call the article?”

She said wryly, “How about ‘Split Tail on a Soft Tail”?

Kathi was an attractive woman when she was wearing her leathers; she was even more attractive when she wasn’t. She was roughly my age, give or take a couple of years, about 5’8, 130lbs and nicely put together. And she had dark cinnamon hair. True red hair is God’s gift to my eyes and she had plenty of it. Usually true redheads have green or hazel eyes but hers were a medium gray. If I did nothing else in my life, I wanted a picture of her to look at in my old age. I told her that, she smiled at the compliment then said goodnight and went to her room.

I wasn’t done for the night. I put on my trunks, went to the motel pool and jumped in. While I was splashing around, Kathi came out and asked me if I was having fun, could she join me. Yes, to both questions. She disappeared into her room for a minute and came out in a two piece that didn’t have a lot of fabric to it. Now I had a second picture to take before I left. She looked exotic and I was having a hard time not staring at her. I’m glad I was in the water because my cock had hidden itself, trying to stay warm. If I had been out of the water it would have noticed her and stood up for a lust filled peek.

We stayed in the pool for a while and talked more until she said had to go do laundry. She couldn’t pack a lot of clothes so she had to wash what she had every couple of days. I told her she wouldn’t have to wash the swim suit, she just did. That got me a big smile and she said that maybe she should wash her panties the same way. That sounded like a great idea to me.

The next morning I left my room to find a cup of coffee. Kathi was standing beside her bike and smiled at me when I walked over to her. She said good morning and I asked her if she had coffee yet, she said “No, let’s get some.” We went across the street again and ordered breakfast. She told me that she felt very relaxed that morning, that talking to me put her in a good mood and she slept well. I told her that talking to her had kept me up longer because I was thinking of things I should have said and didn’t, “Like what” she asked?

“Like what are your plans for the rest of the trip?”

She answered “I have to ride home, no other plans.”

“You said yesterday your ass was sore from riding and you don’t want to ride alone. Right?”

“Yeah, but what choices to I have? Get a plane and ship the bike? I don’t have that much money.”

“Why don’t you put your bike on my trailer and ride with me for a while. There’s room enough for both cycles and my truck seats won’t beat your butt too hard.”

“But what about your plans? I would be screwing up your trip.” I told her they were flexible. The only thing I had to do was be in Seattle in 17 days. “Will you let me pay for gas?’

“Not all of it, but you can buy this breakfast.”

She smiled, “Let’s go load up my bike.”

I don’t know if she could tell or not but my heart was racing when I made my proposal. Afraid she would say no, and equally afraid she would say yes. Suddenly my trip took on a whole new dimension. I was traveling across the States with a truly sexy woman sitting beside me. The possibilities flooded my mind.

The day passed way to fast, but not fast enough. We finally stopped at a motel and got our rooms. We unloaded the motorcycles and took an evening ride around a local lake. We chanced upon a nice little park that was deserted so we had the place to ourselves as we watched the sun go down. We talked about nothing and everything. Just at dusk Kathi walked to the water, kicked off her shoes, pulled up her pant legs and waded in. She came back to me and said I should join her in the water, we could swim a little. I told her I didn’t have my swim trunks with me. She said that if I didn’t mind, she was going in and went back to the water’s edge. She dropped her pants and took off the blouse and dove into the water. I don’t know that there is a lot of difference between a swimwear and underwear, but underwear is a hell of a lot sexier when wet. My pants started to bulge as I watched her. She called me in again but I wasn’t going to strip down with the erection I had. Damn she looked good. She swam to the shore and walked out of the water which had turned her panties almost invisible. As she picked up her clothes and started toward me I could see her pubic hair, a darker red than her hair. I was getting a hormone rush and my cock was beating a tattoo against my pants, trying to escape.

She walked straight up and stood directly in front of me and asked me if I had a woman waiting for me. I said no, no girlfriend or wife. She got a serious look and said “In my job I travel a lot and now this trip has been going on way too long. I don’t have a boyfriend and haven’t been close to a man for months. We could make this a very nice trip together, starting right now.”

There was nothing I could say. There was nothing to say. I stood up to her then she reached for my pants, unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper to the stop then pushed them towards my ankles. I reached behind her and pulled her closer. She stepped into me, threw her arms around my neck and put her lips on mine. She had been thinking of this for more than a minute. The heat from her flowed through her skin into me. Everywhere we touched I could feel her burn, the cool lake water clinging to her was turning to steam. We were locked in an embrace, lips pressed together. I caught the elastic of her panties and stripped them down, then pulled my boxers down. My cock was standing at attention and firmly wedged between us as we kissed, caressed and fondled each other.

We stood tied together by our arms and let our body heat weld us even closer. I stepped back to the picnic bench and sat down, she stepped over the bench and straddled my legs and lowered herself onto my cock. Both of us were ready and the lubrication was flowing. She slipped onto me full length then stopped moving. She laid her head on my shoulder and sat still. Her breasts were heaving with each breath she took and the tips of her bra were grazing my chest. I twitched my cock inside her then began rocking my hips. As I rocked, she moved with me and soon I was stroking in and out of her. She sat up straight and put her hands on my shoulders and pumped her hips harder, trying to force me deeper into her. She wasn’t making a sound but her breath was coming in short gasps through her teeth. Her eyes were open but she wasn’t looking at me or anything else. Her entire concentration was on the connection between us.

We were in a clearing; our little picnic bench was surrounded by a stand of shade trees. It had been a hot day and the twilight air formed a soft warm blanket around us that was infused with the scent of Nature. I caught the scent of the vegetation, the lake and the soil mixed with the fragrance of the woman. I was immersed in a heady cologne of nature which stirred a deep primal lust from a million years past. That ancient calling was building rapidly to an eruption deep in my balls.

She sat across my legs and we fucked hard for several minutes. She was stroking my face, kissing me and caressing me everywhere she could touch. I had her ass in my hands and helped her pump her pussy on my cock. She leaned over and started kissing my neck and ears. That did it, I couldn’t hold out any longer. My balls pulled up tight against her ass and screamed for release. She felt me teetering and lifted off me slightly then reached between us and used her fingers to finish me off. She was tickling my nuts and stroking my shaft as I reached for the stars. I had several week’s worth of energy built up and I let it all go into her. When she felt me stop shooting, she dropped back down and kissed me deep until my spasms died out. She kept rocking on my cock until I was quiet. We sat there a little longer catching our breath. I felt a little sheepish that I had rocketed off without her. She lifted her head from my shoulder and kissed me, then said “Maybe you don’t have to go swimming after all.” She stood up and started putting her clothes on and said that we had a room waiting. She kissed me, smiled and said “You owe me.”

We rode back to the room and parked the bikes. We didn’t bother to load them on the trailer; we had better things to do. As soon as Kathi got off her bike, I grabbed her arm and started for my room. She was laughing and asked me what the hurry was, I told her that I owed her and I always paid my debts. As soon as we got the door closed, she began to undress. She said she needed a shower and asked if I was going to join her. This woman seemed to spend a lot time in water.

Naked she was any man’s wet dream. She looked like she exercised regularly; her breasts were not big but plenty enough for a handful. Her nipples were standing erect from the swell of her breasts. Her body was flushed with vitality; bonfire embers floated in her eyes. She crossed the room on long beautiful legs then ducked into the shower stream.

I stepped in behind her and reached around her and cupped her breasts. I was turned on again and made sure she knew it. I put my erection against the crack of her ass and pulled her to me. She moved her feet apart which gave me room to let my cock slide between her thighs where it came to rest against her pussy. She started rocking her hips, sliding her sex on mine. She reached behind me and grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me against her as hard as she could. I could feel her cunt swelling and getting hot. She held her face into the stream and let the water flow down her front across her breasts as I teased her nipples.

She wasn’t thinking any more. The animal passion inside her had taken over as she reacted to my caresses. I ran my hands down her stomach and began to play with her pussy with both hands. I reached between her legs, caught my cock and held it tighter against her. I held it in place with one hand and felt for her clit with the other. I knew when I found it; she gasped and rose up on her toes. She took one of her hands and covered mine and pressed it harder on her clit. When she rose up, I had a better angle to her sex and put the head of my cock inside her. The double assault on her pussy was too much for her and she began to say “Oooohhh take it noooww, don’t wait!” She bent her back and rolled her hips to me which gave my cock more pussy to explore. Just as I started to penetrate her deeper, she started bucking. She hissed loudly like a cat, then lost control and her knees collapsed. Kathi had several months of sexual need stored in the vault of her body and she took much of it out in that one withdrawal. Every muscle in her was vibrating and convulsing as the electrical arcs of the orgasm flashed through her as internal lightening. She slumped to the floor of the shower and let the water wash over her as shudders washed through her. I wasn’t close to being finished but I just paid her back; we were even.

I turned the water off. She looked around slowly as if she were recuperating from some kind of shock. She was sitting on the shower floor, back against the wall. She took my hand and pulled me down to sit beside her. She watched my erection as I sat and said that I looked ready for more. I told her I could go another round. She smiled and asked if she could rest a little. I stood, pulled her up and took her to bed.

We lay on top of the blankets side by side and said nothing. I could have hung a flag on my cock but for the moment it was forgotten. I laid there about five minutes before I realized she had gone to sleep. I got out of bed pulled on my pants and went out and put the bikes on the trailer. When I came back in she was still out. I watched her for a few minutes with my prick aimed for the ceiling again. Eventually I lay back down and faded to sleep.

I was tied down at the wrists and ankles, unable to get away from the woman. She was holding a knife over my nuts laughing at me. She took my balls in her hands and touched the knife to them.

I woke up with a start from the dream. It took me a couple of seconds to get my senses back and realized that Kathi was holding my balls looking at me with a big smile. She had bitten them lightly which woke me up. I felt her fingers wrapped around my hard cock, gently jerking me off. She bent her head down and put the head of my shaft in her mouth and worked on me with her tongue. She put the tip of her tongue in the hole at the top of my cock and tasted me. While she suckled I reached between her legs and slipped a finger into her. When I did, she bit down on my cock and moaned around it.

She came up for air and a kiss. She slid her body along mine, throwing a leg over my groin, capturing my cock in the bend of her knee. She squeezed it with her leg while our tongues fought for space between our lips. I was lying on my back so she rolled over me and came up to her hands and knees. I was under her, her breasts even with my mouth. I began to lick and kiss them while my hands got busy between her thighs. I moved slowly down her body, sliding on my back through her legs. I kissed and fondled any part of her I could reach with my mouth and hands. I stopped my downward progress when my tongue found her pussy. I felt for the opening to her sex with my tongue and it opened to me like a hothouse flower. I reached between her legs, cupped her ass cheeks in my hands and pulled her closer to my face. I kissed her cunt lips with my own and blew a slow hot breath on her clit. She arched her back and began to hiss quietly through her teeth and pushed her sex harder on my mouth.

I ate my pleasure of Kathi and she took her enjoyment from me. I could feel her body tremble and her pussy quiver every time I stroked her clit with my tongue. When I penetrated her with the tip of my tongue the air in her lungs would force out of her in that hiss she does. I learned quickly the hiss is a sound of pleasure.

She reached for the headboard, crossed her hands along top of it and rested her head on her arms. I pulled out from under her and moved to my knees between her legs. She was rocking back and forth on her knees, moving her ass in small circles inviting me to join with her. I put my hands on her hips and put the head of my cock against her sex. When she felt me probing between her legs she pushed back until I was completely sheathed by her tender hot cunt.

I began to fuck her. Using her hips for support and handles, I hammered in and out of her. Every time I drove my erection into her my balls would slap against her pussy. The sound of my body smacking against her ass was followed by a short hiss and moan. She pushed off the headboard and rose to a sitting position on my cock. I sat back on my knees and wrapped my arms around her, taking a breast in each hand. We continued to fuck but now I was able to pinch her nipples and roll them in my fingers. I started to strum them like guitar strings and was rewarded with louder moans from Kathi. She was keeping tune to the stroking of her breasts. She reached over her head and took my head in her hands and pulled it down until my mouth was on her neck. I kissed her just behind the ear then bit her neck.

I could feel my balls swelling with pent up energy and fluids. I couldn’t take much more so I whispered a warning in her ear. She grabbed one of my hands and put it between her legs. I probed the folds of her cunt until I found her sweet spot and started to massage it. As soon as I put pressure on her clit she began to cum. She whispered ‘fuck me’ ‘fuck me’ ‘fuck me’, the words accented by a hiss. Her body was quivering as she whipped her cunt back and forth. Her orgasm overwhelmed me completely and my body reacted to her. I started to climb the peaks of love and gave her everything I had. We had no control, Nature had taken over our bodies, we had no thoughts, only sensations. I fell to my side and pulled her down with me. We collapsed to the mattress completely lost in the awe of each other.

We lay in the soft, satisfying afterglow of good sex, me behind her with my grateful cock still inside her as we came down from our sexual high. Kathi pulled off my relaxing boner slowly then rolled over, kissed me softly on the chest and asked me if I thought we could get a refund on the other room.

I had 18 more days until I had to be to work. I was looking forward to the rest of the trip.


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Hentai Love features 720p and 1080p hentai videos with excellent stream speeds and minimum bullshit. HentaiLove.tv is regularly updated with new hentai videos straight from Japan, and the videos have English subtitles so you can read along as you stroke your dick. Dubbed videos are available as well.Videos are sorted by years released, language, censorship, studio, and various tags. This makes it easy to find specific things, like for example if you want big smelly tentacles you can just search...

Hentai Streaming Sites
1 year ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 4

“Relax, little kitten. Watching the clock just makes it seem like it’s taking longer,” the sleepy voice next to me said. I glanced over at Elizabeth and smiled apologetically. Master had kicked me out of bed tonight, and she had offered to come with me because Amanda was still stuck on her back when it happened. Master wasn’t mad at me, but I was too excited and couldn’t stop bouncing up to check the clock. It was the last night of my restriction, and I was too wired to sleep. I lied back...

2 years ago
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Welcome to High Tail Hall

Welcome to the furry world please select a time to be in. First High Tail Hall. A pub in the woods with small rooms for guest or "customers" to stay the night. Also a strip club below the pub where anything is allowed. In these woods you can hear moans in the moonlight. Second High Tail Hall. On a Private island and allows very few people. This Island has just started business but has a wide verity of women to pick. The sand is hot and the sex is hotter. Third High Tail Hall. Set in a city a...

4 years ago
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A Tail of Change

Author's note: This story is not completed. I'd love to hear comments about where it should go from here. Thanks, and enjoy! As I stood on my back porch, pulling out my pack of cigarettes, I thought back on the past few weeks, and the sequence of events that led to my current state of affairs. I pulled the Camel 99 out the pack - my third so far this week - and lit it. I felt my chest heave as I pulled in my first drag, feeling the rush of the nicotine wash over me. The...

2 years ago
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Who Wants to Play Pin the Tail on the Ho

Melanie stepped out of the shower and wrapped her shoulder length brown hair in a towel. She turned her music down a bit, dried her slim toned body, brushed her teeth and slipped on a pair of white cotton panties. She slinked around her small apartment picking up her laundry, straightening her bed, feeding her cat and finally serving herself a bowl of cereal. She finished and stared out the window at the busy beach street for a while before grabbing her cell phone and dialing Roberto's number....

4 years ago
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1994Chapter 10 Hot Little Piece of Tail

The move on Friday proved to be such an exhausting day for Cynthia that she fell asleep while the hair stylist was trimming her hair. I put her to bed and kept her there until ten AM the following morning, refusing to let her go back to her office until she was fully rested. After a light breakfast, I told her to get dressed for work while I called Marcie. "You're such a dear for taking care of me, Darling. What would I do without you?" she asked, dodging my attempt to slap her on the...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 3

“Slow, deep breaths Felicia, just remember that there’s no commitment here. You’ve wanted to do this for a long time now, and the worst that can happen is you end up not liking it. You can always go back to your old life.” I smirk as I realize I’m talking to myself in my head again, but I guess there’s one advantage of not being able to talk anymore. I feel less crazy sitting quietly in my car in front of a strange house than I would if I were sitting and talking to myself in my car in front...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 5

I looked over at Marian and could see the concern on her face as well. “Jaden, are you sure this is the right place? I know she got a decent sized settlement after the accident, but she could never afford a house like this.” “This is the address the rental agent gave me,” I replied. “I was shocked enough when we went to her house and found she was renting it out. The tenants have only been there a couple of weeks, so it’s a recent change. Maybe she just hasn’t had a chance to write us yet....

1 year ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 28

As soon as Master started stirring, I snapped awake and remembered what today was. The butterflies that Master and Marcello had finally settled last night came back with a vengeance and I wanted to vomit. You wouldn’t think it would have been a big deal, but I’d never been this nervous. I would rather perform in front of an audience of thousands than face today. “Master, would you be upset if I just showered alone and went down to play my harp until breakfast,” I asked quietly. “It’s the...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 23

I woke up with Alonso’s arm around me and snuggled closer into him. Gianna was curled up against his other side, and behind her, I could see Sonia, Marta and Kiera curled up in a pile. I couldn’t believe I was lying in a bed with five other people, all of us naked, and I was fine with it. Of course, I’d done many things in the past few days that I never would have imagined a week ago. This time last week, I was living out of my car. Yes, I had friends who let me crash on their couches, but I...

4 years ago
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Fairy Tail

You walk out of the Inn you were staying in to see a blue cat with wings, a girl with blonde hair and some kid with pink hair, a vest and scarf going to the Fairy Tail guild. 'This could be my chance!' you think to your self. Oh wait we should first go over what you look like. Okay so your have jet black hair that has the same style as the kid, you are 5 foot 11, you have white pale skin, abs and a 10 inch cock. You like to wear baggie jeans, and skin tight shirts. Okay back to the story. You...

4 years ago
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Old Wifes Tail8212Part One8212Fur Burgers and Pair oLies

Old Wife's Tail-Part One-Fur Burgers and Pair o'Lies Juliette Lima You need not have read the previous chapter "Stupid Husband Tricks" but it helps. Suffice it to say the protagonist has been gifted with a nanotech device that controls the body, it can change shape and repair damage, it also communicates aurally and visually. But all this chat aside on with the story. Too often lore of yore was frail Dismissed as an "Old Wives' Tale" Our hero now will drift And receive a froward...

2 years ago
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Tattletale Tail 2

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two "What kind of girl am I?" gulped Todd. "Yup?" nodded Annalise. "That's the question, princess?" "Petrified. Todd sighed, seeing all the young girls giggling and hugging each other at the bottom of the stairs. "Gee just like I was when my parent's talked to me after our teacher called my house," said Annalise, staring down at him. "Now how's that feel, tattletale?" "I'm so sorry," said Todd, feeling his...

1 year ago
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A Walk at the Beach A Morality Tale with a Tail

A Walk at the Beach, A Morality Tale with a Tail "Thirty bucks for this piece of shit? What a joke!" The man was clearly used to speaking his mind and getting his way. He loomed over the tired looking woman next to him. "Oh Larry," said the tired looking woman, "you don't have to buy me anything." She said it in the resigned voice of someone who knew that it made no difference. He turned toward the far end of the cluttered little shop where a frizzy- haired woman in a tie-dyed...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 6

I let out a contented sigh as I leaned back from the table and sipped my coffee. “As far as Christmas dinners go, that was the best one I’ve had in many years. I need to thank everyone for joining us, and especially the ladies for all their hard work on the lovely meal. It’s been too many years since I actually felt like the host at a holiday dinner.” “Now that dinner is finished, however, I think it’s time to adjourn to the living room. We held off on opening presents so Corbin could join...

1 year ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 25

“Who was that, Master,” Sonia asked sleepily as I hung up the phone. “It’s kind of early for random calls, and you didn’t just hang up on them, so it must have been important.” “It was Julien actually. He knows I’m usually awake by six and was too excited to wait any longer. I’m happy to inform you that Julia Marie Slade was born this afternoon. Seven pounds four ounces and she is the spitting image of her mother,” I told her. “He wanted to share the news and make sure you all knew that your...

3 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 6

The drive was like any other I had ever been on. Hot, dusty, filled with stubborn animals who didn’t want to leave their home range. By the third day we had them almost trail broken and life was getting easier. The old brindle cow who had assumed the lead position was up before daylight most days, ready to begin the journey. I decided she would be spared the fate of the others and would bring her home with us. A good lead cow is as valuable as a good hand. We’d been on the trail for four...

2 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 8

I joined Claire in the parlor. She had regained her composure and her eyes were steady. She had her Remington on, her shotgun and rifle beside her on the sofa. I knew what she had planned. I took her hands, and kissed her gently. “You can’t go, honey. None of you. If we go together, and things go bad, there will be no one alive to keep the ranch going and look after our family. Sabrina, Henri, and Paris all need you. You’re the glue that holds this family together. Please don’t fight me on...

4 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 9

Butch Kramer appeared on top of the wall, wondering why his sentries hadn’t notified them. He had no way of knowing all three were currently tied up back in camp. They weren’t very good sentries. “Sorry, boys. No stolen cattle here. We’re just private citizens on our own land, minding our business.” “Really? I thought Zeke Walters owned this spread.” “He doesn’t need it all, so we lease some of it from him.” “He know that? He told us you were trespassing and he wanted you gone. You got a...

3 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 10

We were all shocked when the howitzer shell exploded, watching men tumble to the ground. Some lay still while some screamed in pain. It pleased me to see it because it helped a great deal in evening the odds. My opinion of the prissy little Lieutenant went up quite a bit. I knew we were going to have to strike soon before they tried to slip away into the tunnel. I was in no mood to chase them again. I wanted to end it here and now. The only thing holding us back were the hostages. I was...

1 year ago
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The adventures of Silenos Heros his tail Masha

Silenos and hero (he has his own life)The lovely naked Masha lies on the earth, bounded at a radiator! A junky, addicted to the juice of her twat has caught her and suck always her twat…Silenos and MsCockTail, the sympathical masturfant want deliver her…Silenos is an ambitious amateur masturbator, he has began in c***dhood. You know him, he often exercises rubbing his tail by visiting MsLily from Myfreecams. From her he has learned to fortify the tickling by stimulating the sphincter with...

3 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 4

A Little Tail - Part Four By Lexi Lee Tom the Plumber After my Todd night of passion (I still haven't paid the bitch) I had to just suck off my clients for a few days. I didn't mind and I doubt if they did. I still think I'm the best cocksucker in town. Hell maybe the state. Why I'm probably in the top 10 in the world. Somebody should make it an Olympic event. I can see me now getting the gold metal or better yet a pearl neckless. Have you noticed I...

1 year ago
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A Little Tail Part 5

A Little Tail - Part Five By Lexi Lee DisneyFuckLand The house is coming along great. The plumbing is all done but Tom the plumber is still filling this young whore's ass. God does he have a meat-shaft. I've probably given Todd three grand to fuck Tom's ass while Tom is fucking mine. Best money I've ever spent. Now let me tell you about the new place. Five count em five bedrooms 2 with mirrors, 1 with the maso-sado theme, 1 that is just all bed and I mean...

4 years ago
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Tailed Beast Conquest

The Elemental nations is in a state of chaos. Since anyone could remember, the Elemental Countries have always been beset by these ten giant monsters. Lightning, Wind, Earth, and Water have always been attacked by them all. Often in groups. Countless ninja's have been sent out to push them back. But every attempt that was made is ruthlessly crushed one after the other. We find sixteen year old orphan, Naruto Uzumaki walking through the forest planes of Fire Country. He was on his way back to...

3 years ago
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Pussies and Boots A Piece of Fairy Tail

Pussies and Boots: A Piece of Fairy Tail Colonial America 1760 King George Highway (Prologue) Beggars and Bastards “Kind Sir, may I have a penny for a penny-loaf of bread?” the young man asked. He hung is head in humble surrender hoping against hope he would not receive rebuke. Little chance had he. “Get the hell away from our table, beggar boy!” my eldest brother did indeed reproach. “There is nothing more I detest than beggars!” My other brother objected, “Now,...

4 years ago
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Exploits in Leeto A Tail Gone Wrong Part One

Part OneVvvrrrooommm.“Attention, passengers and crew,” a man’s voice called out over the transmission console.No, no, no, Charlotte Miller thought wildly as she held the vibrator against her clit with her left hand and her right hand slid up her body to grab onto her right breast. Her nipples were very responsive, and they instantly hardened at her touches. She was so close to finishing. Not yet!Vvvrrrooommm.“We will be docking at the Leeto spaceport in approximately two hours,” the cold and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Fast Fap Fairy Tail

Welcome John to fast fap, the interactive where you get to the sweet sexual action with you favourite fairy tail character without having to read about how it came to be. So if your ready let's start this fap train all I need to know is your gender and sexual orientation then your off to pick you fairy tail character and get to fapping! Ps be sure to check out the great story that gave me this idea: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.125213 Happy Fapping!

2 years ago
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Fairy Tail Universe

In the Fairy Tail Universe, the world is full of magic, and mages. These mages grouped themselves into what they call guilds, which take on jobs from the local populace and other mages. Many guilds are evil, love massive destruction, or are just straight up assholes. It is in this universe you may start your adventure; will you bring someone from this universe to yours?, Will you live the life of one of its characters?, or will you become something completely different! (Most if not all...

2 years ago
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Well blow me and sting in the tailhelliphellip

Well blow me and sting in the tail……..This post and story was told to me by a “friend of a friend” which I’ve tried to recall and record as best I can.The key character is Phil and the story is told from his perspective. Phil was a salesman working for a company who exhibited their products at small exhibitions all over the UK working with other salesmen plus a few in-house logistics guys. The story centres around one of the logistics men Eddie. Phil and Eddie often worked together and built up...

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A Vampirersquos Tail by DannyV

Josephine stood, eyes closed, in the shimmering water of the lake. Her naked body glistening in the dying sunlight. She enjoyed the feel of the cool water on her skin, how it ran down her body, making her ample pubic hair curl in odd patterns around her luscious, pouting pussy lips. A twig snapped in the nearby forest, and Josephine’s eyes snapped open, her hands instinctively covering her ample breasts.The sun was almost setting, and she cursed to herself to be out so late in THESE woods. She...

3 years ago
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Old Wifes TailPart ThreeUranus is a Gas Giant

Old Wife's Tail--Part Three--Uranus is a Gas Giant. Juliette Lima Well thanks do very much For all your kind attention I'm sure your belief's and such Are stretched to great distention. The six of us sat around Gayle Cockburn's table after finishing dinner. My cousin still wearing my wife's body typed industriously on a laptop. "Well here's a hell of a note!" Cindy's spouse exclaimed. "What's that Colonel?" I asked. "These files on the laptop our swarthy little friends...

4 years ago
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Elanas Tail

Elana’s TailElana’s TailNine P.M. and another hard day at the Sunset Funeral Home is ending. At the front entrance, Sam the undertaker is bidding farewell to the last guests from the dinner in honor of the late Cathy Briggs, late guest in the undertaker’s basement prep room and, incidentally, the main course (in the guise of barbeque spare ribs, rump roast, pork loin, pork shoulder, etc.) at her own funeral.?Sam, you have really outdone yourself this time, this was the finest, albeit saddest,...

2 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 13

I looked up from between her luscious thighs as Mandy panted, trying to recover from her latest orgasm. I’d promised Elizabeth that I would play with each of my new sisters that I hadn’t gotten to at Christmas before asking her to play again, and Mandy was the last one. I enjoyed all of them and knew I wanted to get to know all of them better, but I had a special bond with Elizabeth and Amanda. Not that I was complaining about the time I had spent with my other new sisters. The twins were...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 24

I had been surprised by how soft his hands were as they ran over my stomach. For someone who did construction and landscaping, it was odd. My late husband’s hands had always been rough and callused when he was the groundskeeper, despite my forcing him to moisturize regularly, but Marcello’s hands were as soft as one of my sisters. Zara had surprised me with her offer to join them, but I was more than happy to accept. Her desire to play had run all over her desire to get pregnant first. When...

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