Meagan's Tail...A Beauty Or A Beast? free porn video

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Tuesday, July 12 2016 6:50AM Palos Verdes, California As Bruce continued changing into a human, he snatched a towel from under David's boogie board and dropped it on his lap, "That's better, it's best not to get arrested on my first day...besides your GG'ma would turn me into chum!" he laughed to the teens. "So you are my mentor...Bruce is it?" Meagan asked, while watching that tail of his was still very much there, even though he could pass for a human...except for a now much smaller tail and his very wide, shark like mouth that was still VERY full, of VERY sharp teeth! "Mentor, priest, what ever you need me to be Meg...if I can call you Meg or do you prefer 'your highness?'" Bruce had to ask, because in his mind...heck world, Meg was a princess in more than one way! "Meg is just fine!" she laughed back a being called a princess! "Well I can mentor you, or you can ask nothing of me? But none the less I have to try, then try to keep you safe and teach you as best I can. So do you any questions for me right now?" he smiled a row of sharp teeth her way, plus the utter blackness of those shark eyes he had were more than unnerving at best! "Ahh I found out that I can't change back unless my body is dry, why is that?" she asks him with a very trademark tilt of her head. "Well you have to first understand this part of your powers or your family's powers. You can command water, mostly sea water and the waves in them, the weather above the oceans. That is your base of power or so it is when you are still wet? You are very much still connected to all of that immense power in a larger way than you are practiced until you are dry, you can't control how or when your body changes... not just yet that is!" "So I can make the perfect wave in this surf!" she yelped while waving towards the ocean and bubbled out very excited at the thoughts of making thirty foot tall perfect waves! "Here...sadly no. Not till you grow a little more in your personal powers, enough to override your GG'ma's command on her realm. Now back at your home, you can practice in the pool very easily and develop those skills far faster, start with small waves. Those are easy to make, but a true master can make a glass smooth ocean during a storm and that is a true test of power...fine control over the seas madness!" "Okay that makes sense to me in a strange way, but how do I practice my changes at home anyway Bruce?" "Humm take some of your pool water into the house and practice in the bath or sit at poolside and try to do it there. It's best to start small and the smaller changes are better to learn control faster, start with a hand then move down to just a finger or two with growing webbing between them?" he suggested. "Okay I get it, but what the heck was the 'plumber, candy gram' thing you pulled on me out there?" "Ohhh brother," he sighed out heavily and Meg, plus David saw his gills flap with air as he did! That was too funny to see and hear, that flapping, almost 'fart' sound he made by sighing so deeply. "darn kids, that is a classic Saturday night live skit from the 70's...heck I bet you don't even get the joke in my name...DO YA!" "Nope and no one watches Saturday night live anymore, that show sucks ass!" David laughed. "What was the name...or you named after Bruce?" Meg asked while slapping her brother on the side to shut him up! "Bruce was the shark or robot shark prop on JAWS...the shark films?" He gestured to the two teens with a wave of both hands, then gave up shaking his large head. "Youth these days?" "Hey tell ya what Bruce I will google that one and download a youtube on it, so I can watch it?" David offered the large shark man, as he patted it's large back in friendship and found it felt like sandpaper, very much like a shark! "That would help you understand that joke better...but I had better get on moving, as the darn fog is rolling out, that means your GG'ma must be awake now and wants some sunlight on her ship. So call me if you want me!" Bruce said jumping up, tossing the towel to David while his tail grew longer and his head started changing back to what both teens thought was his day to day 'normal' "How do I call you, you don't have a phone number?" Meg asked the shark walking into the surf line. "Simple, sing my name towards the water and I will hear your siren call for miles!" he smiled sliding under the water with a huge splash. "What do you mean 'sing your name?'" Meg as the now gone shark man and stomped the sand in her anger, "Well now what do I do?" she barked. Tuesday, July 12 2016 8:40AM Palos Verdes, California Meg walked out of the home's hallway bath wrapped in a large robe and was busily rubbing towel over her head to help dry it out better. She tossed the wet towel from her hair into her bedroom's bin and started to layout an outfit to wear on a trip to the mall with her friends. Out of the freshly made stack, she slipped on her panties. Then grabbed one of her newer bras, but this time when her hands tried closing the darn things clasp...she found it WAY too tight. "Funny I just bought this a week ago and now it's too small...maybe it shrank in the wash?" she questioned the garment, then grabbed what she positively knew was one far too big to fit her properly! From a lower drawer on her dresser, Meg fished out a very pretty silk Victoria's Secret bra and this was one she bought on a had bought on a mental bet with herself. She knew it was at the least one cup size too large for her and should be for at least a year at the rate she was growing? She slipped it on with ease, then found the darn thing was a perfect fit to a point...even this one was 'just' a little tight on her! Now Meg shook her head to the question sudden growth in her mind, so the teen grabbed her 'skinny' jeans that fit just last week and tried in vain to get them on...they did not fit...not because she was fatter? But because she was bigger and taller that she could easily see by where the jeans legs stopped much higher up on her now longer legs! Those jeans were not only shorter, but now a very noticeable two inches shorter or more! Meg sighed as she grabbed what she called her 'fat' jeans out of the back of her deep closet and found that they indeed did fit now! These jeans hugged her body tight, but she still had her very fit swimmers body...the doc did warn her that she might grow in sudden spurts and since that morning on the pool deck turning into a creature, then a mermaid. Meg had not really worn any of her 'tight' fashionable clothes at all, but has leaned to her comfortable sweats or 'fun' clothes! "I would normally say this a is bad thing, but I MAY have to get a whole new wardrobe and I bet GG'ma pays for it all!" she giggled in glee at the possibility of shopping unhindered by limits and shopping like a raging manic! Meagan ran down the homes large staircase and then right into the kitchen where Doris her mother was busy making a late breakfast for all three of them, Mark her father had to go into work today even if his only girl was now a growing mermaid? "Mom..." the teen yelled as she ran into the room. "Ahhh honey I am right here and not deaf...YET!" the now furious mother barked at her shouting teen with a scowl as she cooked the meal. "I have bad news and I have good news I think?" Meg grinned to her mom trying hard to keep the 'look' of innocence on her face. "Ohh boy, lets hear it and I am sure that the bad can NOT be that 'bad' comparing it to the beginning of this week?" she worried back and took a seat at the counter making herself mentally ready for what came next. "Well mom from my point of view...The bad, I had a growth spurt like the doc said I might have coming...The good...I have to buy all new clothes!" Meg bubbled out while grabbing a soda from the fridge. "Ohhhh no, that will cost thousands!" Doris worried, her husband Mark might be well paid. But dropping thousands on a young teens clothes still added up! "What would cost thousands?" David asked just hitting the door to the room and spotted that breakfast was indeed ready! "Your sister she needs all new clothes...or does she?" Doris squinted evilly at her daughter. "WELL I grew a whole cup in boob size, then add two hole inches in height is my best guess mom!" Meg shouted back, "want to measure me now!" she sassed while sliding open the kitchens large drawer of tools and starting a search for a tape measure. "Ohhh my sisters boob size...that I don't need to hear...cya!" David hissed while snatching a sandwich off the counter and grabbing a soda...then trying to run from the room! "DAVID stop, you are going shopping with your sister." Doris sighed out. "No mom, kill me, beat me, drown me in the pool...put bamboo shoots under my fingernails or Chinese water torture...but not that, it's just inhumane!" David cried foul to both girls. "DAVID, go with your I asked?" his mother demanded. "Hummm...Meg are you going with your friends?" he had to ask in building his defense at being trapped inside a mall with not only his sister, BUT a pack of shopping teen girls! "Ahh ya why not?" "AND there is going to be at the least five or six of them from the swim team or others in the 'pack'?" he added to his defense. "Yep, I'll call Joy, Maggy, Dot, Meggs, Sarah and for sure Donna too and maybe Sev?" she thought and counted on her fingers the growing guest list or RAIDING party! Like the Norse of old, that group of teens girls armed with unlimited credit could and HAD stripped many a store bare! "See mom, Meg will not be alone and SEV...Sev is a black belt in at least three martial arts...Her mom is a freaking cage fighter on TV!" he reasoned back. "Okay...David you are off the hook if Sev goes along Meg?" Doris gave in thinking of the time the fifteen year old Sev and beaten a eighteen year old senior that had made a grab at her...the poor boy had many broken bones and had to spend a day in the hospital! "Agreed mom, I'd rather have Sev along than the twerp!" Meg sassed and stuck her tongue out at her brother. "Fine, fine and Meg please give me the cell phone GG'ma left with you...I need to see if she is pitching in on this shopping trip or do we have to sell our blood this week?" Doris sighed as the teen handed over the phone from her backpack or oversized teen girl purse in this case. Doris walked out onto the pool's deck wanting to have her chat with the sea goddess in private and dialed the first name on the list...'GG'ma', then looked out into the bay at the queen's ship floating on the bay's swells. "Hi Dana, this is Doris.... No nothing is wrong with Meg, well not really?" she started and now could see the older woman come out on the ships deck as a speck in the distance and wave to her. The talk was short and straight to the point, a very simple matter for a person worth untold billions and had access to many more. Doris walked back into the house hanging up the phone as she came in, but barely had time to give Meg the phone back when the door bell sounded off it's musical chiming. She handed Meg the phone back. "Honey I'll go get that and please keep eating your breakfast?" And the mother found exactly who she expected at the home's door and that 'who' was Doris, GG'ma's personal assistant standing there dressed in a wet dripping bathing suit and holding a small plastic pouch, "Here you go ma'am, a open ended credit card in your daughters name. There is no limit on this card, but don't tell Meg that and it has several personal services attached to it's use, I hope it all works out for her?" she winked to the mother. "Thanks Doris, you did not need to swim this right over this minute? Meg will not be going out shopping for a few more hours and my card could have covered this one trip easy," she reasoned back, more worried for the woman jumping at GG'ma's beck and call. "It was no bother, I needed the swim anyway...besides, what the Queen asks for...must be granted and us handmaidens must stick together!" She laughed and started back down the home's long drive. Tuesday, July 12 2016 11:40AM Palos Verdes, California It had taken only an hour or so for Meg to gather her forces for a full on frontal attack on the local mall and the conquering of the many high end stores housed with in it...the nearly drained cell battery was worth it's sacrifice on the altar of the shopping gods! Meg was in good hands, she had gathered a team of eight of the best shoppers in her immediate circle of friends and one of them was Sev at her mother's insistence. The why? Because the nearly six foot tall amazon girl, could kill a navy SEAL with a glare! Sev's mom was indeed a professional cage fighter of some note, then a stunt woman for motion pictures and a teacher or Sensei in no less than three martial arts. Sev being the good daughter she was, followed in each of her mom's footsteps and had gained one black belt at her mother's side, then was working on gaining the other two just like her mother! As all eight of them sat on the light rail car winding its way north up to the mall where it stopped, Meggs snatched the new credit card from Meagan's fingers as she pulled it from a thick leather card holder that held the card and a very long list of card holder amenities housed in a small pamphlet attached to the carry case. "Ohhh my god Meg, you have a freaking Mithril card!" the teen shouted out every excited at the sight of one. "A what Meggs?" Meg questioned. "I got this from my GG'ma to go shopping with, you are saying it's not a normal card with a bunch of perks?" the very confused Meagan asked her friend. "Ohh heck you don't even know?" Meggs cried out and flapped the bright silver card through the air and fanned herself with it feigning being hot or flushed. "Nope, it's just a card...right?" "Just a card...just a card? Girl this card is SO very rare, my dad does not have even have one and he is a billionaire!" Meggs laughed at her friends expense. "Ohhh?" Meg questioned again. "Ohh ya! One you have to be rich, then add able to afford a fifteen 'K' per year fee to have one and then add the darn thing is rumored" Meggs hushed down to a whisper as the girl pulled in closer to her to hear! "to be only issued to Fae creatures or those with influence on that magical race or are honored to even have's like being knighted in England!" "Really?" Meg perked up and finally snatched the card back to study it closer! "Yep and I hear it has or is rumored to have other perks?....Let me read that instruction book Meg!" the other teen sassed and made a quick snatch at the hand made leather bound card holder that came with the card, decorated in multi colored leather and several real gold, plus silver accents. Meggs grabbed the leather card holder, but no matter how she looked at it...upside down, sideways or even trying to 'see' light through the paper...strangely she could not read a letter or word in the small booklet! "What gives Meg, what is this written in? I can't even read a darn word of it?" the teen said and Sev took her turn at trying, as she could read ten languages and one of those was Russian, plus Arabic! Sev shook her head in defeat. "Heck I can't either?" Meagan took the leather book from Sev's hand and flipped to a random page and found...'this cards limit is null, call this number for personal service and in an emergency snap card...ONLY REAL LIFE OR DEATH EMERGENCIES! all others will pay a fifty thousand dollar base fee!..." on and on it read. "I can read it?" she said simply. "Well there ya go...MAGIC again, only the card holder can read the darn booklet...So what does it say Meg?" The now bossy teen asked in a huff. "Ahhh it says...heck I know what it says darn it, but I just can't say it?" "There we go again, MAGIC." Meggs played at her with the wavy 'magic' wiggling fingers gesture! "Who is your GG'ma anyhow?" Meggs asked crossing her arms in judgment. "Old, rich and family?" Meg shrugged back, not knowing what to say amongst her friends outside of the privacy of family? "Rich I bet, but with this card the sky is the limit girl!" Meggs laughed once again as the train car came to a slow stop and she leapt from her seat. "Time is a wasting, let's shop till we drop!" Meg studied the card once more as they walked towards the malls entrance laying only a few dozen yards off the train's stop. Meg examined the card closer and found that the card was made from a shinny silver metal, that shined like very finely polished chrome and she picked at a hologram bump on the card with a fingernail and thought innerly that the center was a gem inset into the metal like a ring would do? There was one hand written note stuck to the card when Meg opened it for the first time at home and she took this time out to reread its short message. "Buy anything and everything you want or is no object! Signed GG'ma." Meg had smiled at reading that last part! Meg pocketed the card as the raiding party of teen girls struck the mall at it's most vulnerable spot and time. The front doors opened on the sight of Victoria's Secret and a high end clothing shop it shared the hallway with...the time was noon, when most shoppers were only here to eat or be seen! The plan was to hit Victoria's Secrets first because they gave a growing teen girl the best way to measure her new exact size, as they were the experts on such things in any mall! Then add you might as well start with a good foundation and great fashionable underwear was that foundation! Once in the store, Meg's happy band of raiders found her a room to get situated in and found a wiling...well not so willing attendant to get meg's measurements redone! Meg found she was proudly a whole cup size bigger indeed and two inches across the chest was now added via her last growth spurt! Next she found that she did indeed grow two whole inches mostly in legs from her last doctor exam only a few months ago! That new measurement, meant buying all new jeans! With that new information, Meg jumped at the displays of new silk bras and panties all over the store. Soon enough she had a very full basket of them, at least two weeks worth! Her friends added a few new swimsuits and workout clothes to the massive pile. When the clerk finished adding up the damage and took her silver credit card. The lady bubbled out very happily, "Ohhh a Fae card user, I have only ever seen one in my fifteen years and this card is the only one that I know of, that has a messenger service to send what you buy home...instead of you carrying around all these bags all day honey!" she informed the group of teens. Joy whistled at the card. "Wow now that is ser..VICE! If I ever heard of it and I have to get me one of those...somehow?" "Who else had this card if I can ask?" Meg just had to know. "Ohhh a set of young teen twins, a little younger than you are, by a year or so? But that was last year and I have not seen them since...but they did buy out most of the store in their size and only took organic clothing...silks and cottons, but nothing else!" the lady smiled and bagged the clothes, then filled out an online form that popped up on her display and stapled it onto one of the bags. "All done, a messenger will be here in less than an hour to take this home for you...there is someone there...a servant of yours to sign for it?" she asked. Meg giggled. "Yep, my mom is at home and she will take it...I am sure of that," she said thinking of how surprised her mom will be by a run of messengers arriving all day! The next store over held the collection of the best and most fashionable jeans in town with price tags to match! In this store, Meg had to try on each and every pair because the style and size changed radically in each pair of jeans! Meg wiggled into a tight pair and showed them off to her friends. "Ohh Meg whatever happened to you over the last month or so...I want it too! It looks like you worked out on your Butt for a whole month girl!" Sev offered her appraisal of the new looks. Over a dozen jeans later, Meg now had a nice set of skinny jeans, tight ones and loose ones that were coming into fashion! She grabbed a couple of the newer denim jackets off the rack from a designer labeled brand without even glimpsing at the tags! The leather, embroidered back on the three grabbed her and the only choice left was what size to grab! The last one was covered by a huge leather embroidered sexy mermaid, her new trademark! The large pack of giggling girls was now in search of a few coats for Meg, she would need a nice one for rainy days to come soon or a warm one for those few days that the cold fog rolled across the bay. Dot was the first to spot him, Bobby the guy who was trying to date each one of the girls swim team one by one and he was down to just one more in his twisted mind...Meagan! Sarah was the last to date him, she found him overly grabby and wanted her out of her clothes in record time! From that date one the girls team nicknamed him the squid! For being overly sticky and seemed to have more than two hands at anyone time! Dot stopped the group as she noted that the overly eager teen boy was watching them or 'stalking' them all. "there is Bobby...Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!" She giggled a warning, jesting a line from the Brady bunch! Bobby was the type guy who thought he was the best at everything in life, yes he was the best male swimmer in the school and most of the division in the surrounding area. But he left most girls he dated feeling 'icky' or mad as he made them feel at fault for the break-ups that he had started, so that he could make a grab at the next girl in his personal crosshairs! He even tried to 'rock' that look from the 80's of the very blond hair and swept to one side long hair of that era...yes it was coming back into fashion right now, but would be so dead in a few months! "Heya Meg, I been looking for ya...I'd like to ask you out for a movie some night this month?" Bobby asked when he came close enough, but did not seem to be able to pass by the large 'click' of girls surrounding Meg at the moment. "Ohhh bobby, get lost tentacle boy!" Sev hissed in his direction. "Sev, Sev, I know we had a 'thing' but please give up already?" he sassed back at her like he had 'dumped' her and not the other way around! "Ohh really, how do the NUTS feel bobby...the last time I crushed them! This time I might take them home as a trophy?" the mad girl warned. Meggs held the enraged Sev in check easily, because they were both close friends. But Meagan had to tell Bobby to get lost too, or he would come back later? "Bobby, we will never be a thing and NEVER an item? Your dating rep sucks so bad, I'd rather be seen with an MS13 gang member than you...gang tats and all VATO!" she barked at the insistent boy. "Ahh Meg, I had hope for ya, I wanted us to make beautiful music together...the best guy swimmer should hang out with the best girl swimmer and best looking one like you?" he tried making a play for her...and failed because she laughed in his face! "Bobby, I could never date a guy named like a girl or a pair of socks from the 50's...So go to a sock hop, bobby and dance by yourself!" Meg laughed while walking away from him and the rest of the girl followed, Sev even 'high fived' her. Bobby was left stewing behind with his two friends and seemed to be angrily mumbling under his breath as he walked away with them. "Meg keep and eye out for Bobby, he will want to get even...the only reason why he left me alone was because I can kick his ass with ease!" Sev warned her friend and Meg nodded in agreement. "I will." Tuesday, July 12 2016 9:40PM Palos Verdes, California Meg waved from the home's door on the last of her friends to leave, "See ya at the swim practice tomorrow!" she shouted at Sev's car exiting the drive and Sev happily waved back. She closed the door, then slowly walked back into the living room overlooking the pool and the bay beyond. GG'ma's Yacht rode the smooth gentle waves just off the shore and its lights filled the bay once again. Meg slid onto the sofa like a cat stretching out next to her mother watching the TV news, it was a show about Dr. Quake's or Dr. Quack to most was on right now and they were very busy disusing the facts about his machine might be breaking down. They went on to cover the machines history, built by the madman in the late 60's, it had stopped all earthquakes across the whole state...not even a single tremor for over forty years! So this machine that only he could built it seemed and service, it breaking down was a huge worry to the whole state! Because without it...California might have a 9.0 quake or worse with all the earth's tensions suddenly released! Right now there was a public motion to free the man from prison, even though he had robbed many places and killed several dozen citizens during the crimes. Free Dr. Quake! T-shirts were a popular thing to be seen in...a rebellious streak feed into the madness of letting him go. "Hon...we have to talk about your swim meet tomorrow?" Doris said softly while patting the back of her daughter to sooth the teen a little for what was coming. "Yes I understand mom, I have to quit the team or someone will notice that my race times have dropped by nearly half?" Meg sighed out not wanting to loose most of her close friends to all of this madness of being GG'ma's handmaiden. "You can tell them it's a medical thing, the coach will cover you and maybe you can help the team out with coaching, plus other tasks that need to get done. You don't have to quit the team and your friends one hundred percent hon?" Meg's mother offered. "I like that mom, I get to be there and help out more? I am sure that the coach will go for it after the school let his last assistant go!" smiled up to her mom. Wednesday, July 13 2016 2:40PM Palos Verdes, California Palos Verdes HS pool area Meg practiced with the rest of the team, but only in the single events so that the team would get used to her not being there. "Meg your dropping out?" Meggs had to ask one of her best friends over the years. "Yep, I have a medical issue that will keep me benched from competition, a muscle in my leg is strained bad and the doc says I can swim, but not hard competition like I used too...maybe I can come back next year?" she lied, trying to keep the family secrets as best Meg could! "Awwww?" the too tall Maggy added as she gave Meagan a huge hug in her long arms. Meggs shook her head to the rest of the team sitting on the bench waiting for the boys to finish up with their laps, "Well there goes the state championship...with your times last week, we had that locked up solid!" "Hey I will stick around as a trainer and help Coach Turnbull out?" After the boys finished their laps, the girls took to the water. All but Meg for the most part, she stayed next to the coaches side running the timed laps numbers and helping a few of the girls out with their swimming forms just like she always did. Years at her Olympic medal wining mother's side showed, Meg knew by instinct how to swim better and teach the correct techniques to others. Unseen by Meg and all the girls team. Bobby sat on the last bench watching the team workout and kept an eye on 'his' new girl Meagan...she would be his soon. After the practice was finished up, coach Turnbull had Meg help him out with closing up the teams gear as he chatted with her, "Sorry it had to be this way, but you know as well as I do. That when your numbers showed such a huge jump, the ruling body of the state championship would notice it and act accordingly with a test demand or an outright ban on you?" "I know coach, but I still don't have to like it!" she hissed back angrily at the situation and not the man who had to obey rules just like she did. "Look at it this way Meg and I am sure you already do because of your mom. You are still on the team and might help one of the other girls land a scholarship with your coaching...what is that worth?" He smiled to the teen. "That is worth a whole lot, that is what gave mom a break from a poor family and got her into college, then the Olympics where she met my dad!" Meg bubbled out joyfully. "Yep, doing this kind of job in like...coaching is fun at times Meg. I always feel that I add to kids lives like you, rather than take away." He thought over to her dropping the last bag of towels into the huge bin for them. "Well coach looks like we are done and my family is waiting...cya!" she shouted running off towards the locker rooms to shower up and do a quick change. Meg ran into the locker room and found it empty of the rest of the team. She made a mental bet, that most of them were already on the way to the after meet pizza fest and would wait for her. As she ran into the large room, the lights snapped on because of her motion and she grabbed one of the last towels off the table next to the showers, then headed in. Meg stood in the curtain covered doorway of the first stall and leaned in to get the water flowing and warmed up. With the shower warming up fast, she tossed the large towel onto on of the nearby hooks and stepped in the streaming water to wash the chlorine out of her suit before she would take it off to clean up farther. Meg washed the suit via letting the water wash over it and pulled down the front and back to let the water slip in to flow through all the suits cloth. She was just stepping out of the booth to pull the suit off when she spotted someone watching her. "Awww Meg, it was just getting good girlfriend!" she heard a male voice mutter from the shadows of the doorway leading back to the main locker room. "IS that you fucking creep!" she shouted at the shadow. "Yep, it's me your special boyfriend! Let's just stop pretending that we don't like each other, no really love each other and get to it right here... All the girls are gone and this is a great place know?" he grinned like a maniac while he stalked over closer to Meg and then added, "Sex is better, more fun and kinkier when you might get caught!" "Get out now..." Meg warned him with a shout. "Naww lets get started, I know you'll love this!" Bobby laughed as his hand grabbed one of Meg's shoulder straps on her swimsuit and tore it away. From there it was just flashes of memory trapped in Meagan's mind forever! One was her hand, a utterly huge hand, lashing out to nearly rip Bobby's head off and one more lashing out...that sent him flying back into the locker room several yards away. The next one, was Bobby staggering back to his feet with a bloodied face screaming "Monster!" and her tossing a row of lockers at him. One more flash was of Bobby being hit by yet another row of lockers and falling, then Meg trying to rip the mass of metal off his still form and then her leaning down to bite his head off? Just outside the huge school gym building... Most of the girls were gathered up waiting for Meagan to show up and take her to a pizza party...they all stayed behind to show support for their girl! Meggs was busy making sure that her dress fit 'just right' as Maggy checked it out from behind for wrinkles for her. Sev was on the mats near by the gyms door giving David a few lessons on tossing an opponent, when she overheard what sounded in her mind like an elephant tearing up the locker room just behind the wall, "What the hell is that?" she yelped while pulling David away from the building just in case. Sarah being the only evil and raised in the inner city kid on the team. She whipped a large blade from her backpack and a can of mace, "Ahhh guyssss, I think that getting out of here is a REAL good idea right now?" "Megs is still in the locker room!" Donna warned the rest of the team watching on as a whole row of lockers just now sailed out of one the buildings windows and crashed into the ground yards away! One more locker sailed out of the other side of the building, not one more second had passed by when a large form hopped up into the busted out window frame from the inside and started tearing the rest of the leftover metal out of its way with a set of impressively clawed hands! The huge creature jumped free of the building, landing in the schools tennis courts and started a head long dash towards the beach. It had to bash its way through the baseball backstop and then leapt over the next ten foot tall fence heading towards the cliff near the school and the beach laying under it! "What the heck is that!" Dot yelled while watching the nearly seven foot tall monster walking shark leap out of the shattered windows and it landed on the blacktop with a 'thud'... "Fuck if I know?" Sarah shouted back over the sounds of carnage, noting the creatures huge head, even bigger shark tooth filled mouth and tall body covered by the tatters of a swimsuit. They all watched on in disbelief of the monster as it ran away, its long finned tail trailing behind it, leaving a small line in the loose dirt of its path towards the waiting beach. After it leapt over the last fence, it ran across the street while a pack of kids filmed it with their phones and then it bashed a homes fence to kindling...then finally leapt off the hundred foot cliff out of sight. Doris ran into the gym followed by Mark, the team of girls ran after the creature trying to grab a pic or a few seconds of film and see where it went! "MEG honey...moms here!" Doris shouted out into the mess of the room and the darkness of several shattered, sparking lamps still hanging from the ceiling. Mark tried to move a row of shattered lockers out of the way while searching for his daughter, "Do you think that was her..." He trailed of while hefting a locker off a sound he had heard. "I think so?" the mother worried out, as she searched under the pile and found Bobby's body laying among the destruction. Out on GG'ma's yacht Dana one of the queens of the seas, nearly leapt off her lounge chair sitting on the huge ships aft most deck where she was talking over strategies with Bruce Meg's new mentor. Her being a queen, she was connected to that world and this personal connection meant she knows what was going on within her realm all the time, what was happening to its creatures and her personal subjects. "NO!" she shouted out while spinning towards the shoreline. "Meg needs help!" Bruce was already one step in front of his Queen, he tossed off the Samoan Lavalava or to some a 'skirt' and ran over to the ships rail. "I have this your highness!" he shouted while his numerous tribal tattoos faded away as his skin changed to a shark gray and he leapt off the deck into the sea fifty feet below. Bruce's huge shark body hit the sea like a truck, he weighed over a ton when he entered the water and then swam off at great speed. A pack of dolphins headed out of the bay from around the yacht to join in with him! Dana barked at her crew next, "Get this bucket ready for a high speed run just in case we need to leave and make the chopper ready too...get moving!" she put a point on her orders by angrily slamming a closed fist into the ship's rail...shattering a section of it, while a pall of Thunder sounded off from the ocean miles away. The next thing Meg knew of, was that she was wrapped in a very warm towel and she looked up into the face of a huge bald man that was carrying her, "Bruce is that you?" she questioned him because of not ever really seeing his fully human visage. "Yes young one, you are safe now. Nothing short of a battleship could hurt the queen's yacht and lets not even mention the very seas watch over this vessel!" Bruce handled the teen's body like she was a doll and to his huge size Meg was! Doris, GG'ma's personal assistant was following at a close pace right behind them and smiled to her, "Hey Meg, I'll take care of you and I have some clothes already for ya in your cabin." Inside one of the larger cabins. Bruce laid her down on a soft bed as Doris handed him a new Lavalava to tie around his waist and then handed the big man a towel to wash up with. "I or we girls have it from here big guy!" she laughed at him. "I'll be standing at the door...waiting for any need," he told Doris and both girls knew what that meant...he was closely guarding the both of them! Doris cleaned up Meg's few scratches then took her into the shower to wash off the last of the sea salt and work out any 'kinks' her overstrained muscles might have with the hot streams of water. No sooner had the older handmaiden laid the youngest of them all down on the bed...Meg was out like a light! Back on shore Mark worked hard to free the boy as the cops came into the ruined room and ran into check the room over for any missing. Mark yelled to the cops, "I have one kid over here.." As the cops worked on freeing the boy, one officer asked both parents if their child was missing too? Both shook their heads back to the question, just adding they had come in only for her bag and they started to leave as the first of the fire rescue teams joined in on the search for other victims The worried mother grabbed Megs bag from a ruined locker as they left the building and tossed it open to search for the cell phone GG'ma gave her. Doris found it at the very bottom of the mess her daughter carried day to day and once she was outside snapped the case open, away from the prying ears of any police! Then dialed the number at the top of the list. When it rang through, she yelled at the phone, "Is Meg there with you?" 'At this time...Bruce had just leapt from the ship and had not found Meg yet' "No she is not here, but I have Bruce looking for her and many, many others!" "Find her...and if she is hurt....I will...." the crazed mother trailed of in warning. "She is fine, that I am sure of...scared out of her head. But unhurt that I am sure of, I know when one of mine is hurt or worse...believe me Doris...I do know that." GG'ma told the younger mother. "Okay what now?" Doris wondered to the phone. "Go to the cove where my ship is and wait for one of my boats to come get you. Meg will be coming out to my ship for right now, then you can take her home after we are all very sure it's safe for her and your family on shore." The family dropped Meg's confused friends off at the pizzeria, then headed back to the house and then leapt from the SUV running downhill to the beach. Once the family arrived at the beach, Doris yelled at the surf and a speed boat left the yacht headed into shore straight at them. When it partially beached itself, the worried mother was the first onboard who turned around to help Mark out with getting David onboard and then finally himself, "Get this tub moving now!" she barked at the crew already leaping into action. Dana greeted the whole family on the huge ships internal dock. "Meg is okay, I have her resting in a cabin and I suggest that she remain sleeping for a while longer?" "What the heck happened to her, was she that...that shark monster we all saw running away from the school?" Doris asked the queen. "Yes it was, something scared her so badly...she reacted by taking the form of what Meg felt could handle it and that IT was Bruce or his appearance when transformed partially to his shark form." "What is a Bruce and what shark form is that!" the impatient mother yelled at the queen. "This is Bruce," she waved over to the huge man just now arriving on the docks level, "and he is Meg's mentor. This is what he is or what Meg may have changed to before she ran away?" She nodded the large man's way. "Hi Mrs. Ler, the Queen is correct I am or might still be Meg's mentor. I can help with her training and personal growth, I have done this task for the queen many times before and might again?" he asked glancing the Queen's way, she gave him nothing back. "But anyway ma'am...this is what I can do and most likely what Meg did by what you saw fleeing the school?" Bruce finished, then changed into the far larger 'shark-man' that Meg and David had met on the beach. "Ohh shoot...that is exactly what Meg did! She copied you from the beach?" David gasped out in realization. "Beach...what beach?" a now confused dad asked his son. "That was the morning I introduced myself to both of your children...sir?" Bruce said as his form shifted back to his smaller human one. "What did he do?" Doris asked her son. "Awww mom he played a little with Meg...some, ahhhh...candygram... I am a dolphin joke?" Mark snickered at the remembered joke. "He pulled a Saturday night shark on that is funny and your name is 'Bruce' like the shark from Jaws?" "It fit me, so I adopted the name...because most Americans can't even pronounce my name?" Bruce shrugged back to the father with a most silly grin covering his face. "Well tell them Bruce, I know the question is hanging on their minds right now?" GG'ma insisted to the man. "Ne'igalomeatiga Toa Fa'amasino...and Ne'igalomeatiga is from my kinda means 'pain in the butt' or 'my great pain, or 'remembered pain'...that definition matters on who you ask in my family." The large man shrugged. Several hours later, Bruce heard stirring coming from Meg's cabin and went to fetch her mom. As he felt it was best that Meg awoke to seeing her rather than his huge form or her GG'ma that the teen had only met days ago? Meg's eyes fluttered open to seeing her mom leaning over her. "How are you feeling honey?" she asked warmly. "Ahhhh mom!" She sat up in bed hugging Doris fiercely. "Bobby tried to... to..." she cried. "Tried to what?" Mark asked in that very 'father' voice, that may be asking but was still demanding in its tone! "He tried to...he ripped off my top and was talking crazy about us dating then he tried...but then all I remember is trying to rip his head off or....shoot...bite it off...was I a shark or something, I remember teeth and lots of them!...IS he dead?" Meg cried worried that her life was over because Bobby was very dead. "Honey, Bobby is fine...well mostly?" Mark shrugged now very glad that the kid was hurt a little, but not dead...not until the angry father got his hands on him! "Mostly!" Meg shouted up to her father. "He was hurt a little and might have scars on his face for awhile unless someone heals him with tech or magic...?" Doris said hugging her daughter closer and glaring at GG'ma for an answer. "Don't look at me, I am not sending one of mine to heal up that near rapist!" the Queen bellowed back. "My Queen, maybe we should...Meg may have used her sirens call on him unintentionally and that fed into his ego to have her?" Bruce stated bowing his head to the lady. "AND if my court mage does not find that evidence of a sirens call on the boy...are you willing to do what needs to be done...Bruce TOA!" the Queen asked and reminded Bruce of his place...'Toa' his middle name meant 'warrior and protector of the realm'. "Only at your word, your highness," he said back. Telling the Queen that deadly choice was always left up to her in the long run and courtiers like him only acted on the queen's choices. Meg cried to both of them. "I may hate Bobby, but I do not want him hurt any farther!" she demanded at the last. "Yes honey you are right," her mother soothed Meg and her choice right now. "Take me home mom, I'll feel better at home, safer at home," she asked. Mark turned to GG'ma instantly. "Well you heard her...get a darn boat ready and let's move it!" he demanded and the queen nodded back to him, "Yes...Meagan asked and she gets what she asks for." Wednesday, July 13 2016 10:40PM Palos Verdes, California While Meg slept soundly, her dad carried the teen snuggled close to his chest down to one of the waiting speed boats that took the whole family back to shore and finally back up to the house. Meg was laid down in her bed, then tucked carefully in, "I have not seen her sleep like this since she was a baby?" Doris spoke at barely a whisper hoping not to wake the sleeping girl. "I am sure it is because Meg spent so much energy changing her form and doing so away from the ocean or any water that might help feed her." GG'ma told the mother. "That makes sense!" David added with a tilt of his head from the doorway of the room. Several hours later, Meg peeked open her eyes and saw that she was back in her bedroom with the door shut, but she could barely make out several voices talking away down in the living room below her room. So she sat up and pulled at her robe laying on the chair next to her bed, then got up to wrap herself in its comfort and warmth. Meg yawned out slowly with a huge stretch, then crept down the stairs that lead to the kitchen area where so found a huge bald man 'bopping' in dance to the soft disco music just barely heard from the computer on the countertop. He swayed with the music with a 'skirt' covering his lower half and his upper half bare with the exception of being covered nearly to the inch in tribal tattoos. "So you are up finally and how is my handmaiden doing now?" the man asked not even turning away from his cooking. "Bruce?" Meg asked recognizing the voice, but not the man minus a tail and shark teeth! "Yep, that would be me and if you are about to ask...I am cooking a late night snack for the family and you!" He smiled finally turning to the teen now just taking a seat at the counter on a tall stool. "So what's cooking doc!" Meg deadpanned. "Well the chicken is almost done, the cookies are done and no you can't have one..." Bruce warned then slipped into a whisper. "Well just one and then I have a salad I am cutting up just now." Meg bit into one of the warm cookies and smiled. "Where did you get macadamia nuts, mom does not have any?" "Aww easy, I sent back to the yacht for some and some spices that come from my home island...then add some real nice breadfruit! I would have cooked a 'Fia fia' but I ate the last one a few days ago?" he sighed. "A Fi...what?" Meg asked snatching another cookie that Bruce wagged a finger at, then cracked an approving smile. "Fia suckling pig and boy when cooked right by ME...just awesome!" he boasted. A little later, Meg helped carry into the family room the dishes that Bruce had made and placed them all on the small dinette table in the corner the family used at times. "Come and get it!" Bruce bellowed and the Queen gave him a harsh stare, then a accepting giggle with a much needed nod of her approval. David jumped on the chicken, pulling off a leg and snatching a few fruit to finish off his plate. "Thanks I was dying to eat!" "So what did you two chat about?" the queen asked taking a few slices of the chicken breast and a serving of salad. "Well, we chatted over what happened as best I could remember it, then Bruce told me that you all were busy thinking about where I should go to school...because you know...I loose it again like that and the next 'bobby' might not make it out alive?" Meg sniffed remembering why she changed and how close she came to dinning on the boy! "Well honey." Doris began hugging her daughter again. "We did not get quite that far in our family discussion before you woke up. but I do have the pamphlets our doctor gave us?" she said fishing a small stack of them out of the basket for family paperwork resting on the desk in the family room. The mother handed them all over to GG'ma who put her plate down and looked them over. "Nope, that one is in Europe and this one is bad... too many villain kids come out of that one...this one sucks, too small... this one is nowhere near water, it might be one of the best around. But the nearest lake is a nearly a mile away and the ocean is hundreds of miles farther! That only leaves one in my opinion and that one is right here in LA," she said dropping the stack back on the table and picking up her plate to take a bite. "There is a school for supers or mutants or Fae in LA GG'ma? I have lived here nearly all my life and never heard of one? Mark questioned his elder with a glance of confusion. "Yep, one of the best! And it's the best, because nearly no one even knows it's there!" she smiled. "Well where is it?" Doris asked with a shrug. "Right out there," the queen stated and pointed out the window to the west and a bit north in the ocean. "There is nothing there GG'ma!" Mark laughed. "Ohhh yes there is, that is why it's the best...NO one knows it is there, it's been there all along and yet no one sees it!" "Okay where is it then?" "That way I just pointed, an island. It is tribal land and an old military base too." "What island and what tribe?" Mark asked knowing there is no island out that way! "The Island is called Tracy, and the tribe is the Hekawi. Then add the island has been a base on and off since the gold rush in the 1840's," Queen Dana told the two parents. "A base, surly I would have heard of it at least once or at the very least SEEN the island?" Mark questioned once more, because he had sailed all over these waters for years and had never seen a 'Tracy' island in person or on any chart! "Aww that is why I said the best, no one knows it's there!" she boasted once again. "This island is a very strange place. The Fae have a good connection to it and some say something is buried very deep under it and that is why you can't see it...not until you know it's there...that is! Trust me Mark, that island is very much there and a very nice boarding school for mutants or Fae rests on it." "What did the military base do out there?" Mark asked starring out to sea in the direction where he was pointed to once more by Bruce. "HUmmmm, once it was just a post for soldiers. Then before world war one, it was a armory, plus ammo supply dock. Next it became a very secret installation to guard the port of LA with huge guns and experimental rockets that could reach over a hundred miles with ease. Then just after the war, bizarre experiments went on there and they ranged from biological, to nuclear, to some space flight and dimensional gate I am told by those I know in the government," she laughed. "So this place could teach Meg how to use what she is becoming and be closer to home?" Doris asked. "Yes and I will set you up with a interview with one of their top people that I know personally by weeks end or Saturday at the latest!" the queen added in last. While the family discussed what Meg's future might hold. Bobby was being questioned by now less than six men in his hospital room. The now sad looking teen was recovering from, one broken arm, one broken leg, four broken ribs and three large gashes across his face. "So Bobby you don't remember the person or thing that attacked you, or why you were found IN the girls locker room?" the one man from Department or Exo-human Affairs or DEHA asked "Nope, don't even remember most of the day..." he mumbled out past the bandages on his face. The next man crossed his arms to the teen. "So nothing as to why you were found so far from the doorway AND in the wrong locker room...were you in there to...." ends his question and leading sentence to the WHY the teen was in a girls only area. This man was an investigator from Meta-Human Control Agency MCA, a California agency that is in competition with the DEHA and seeks to protect meta's from the feds DEHA for the most part. And right now Mr. Jones his tag read on his duty vest for the MCA thought that the boy had invaded the girls locker for some nefarious deed or caught or was attacking someone and paid the price! "Not one thing sir," he said once more. "So this does not ring any bells..." the agent from the DEHA asked as he played a video on his laptop captured from a cell phone. The video played on as something flew out of a window, a large square something and that was followed by a large claw hauling up an even larger body into a window. Then the beast jumped to the pavement, glared at the now shaky camera and ran off by leaping or bashing through several fences...the gone. The vid ended by the person filling the others around them. "Did you see that....awesome!" one teen spoke and then the video ended in black. Bobby cringed in his bed, the teeth that thing had was the only thing he remembered and he showed it instantly. "That things teeth I remember and that is it man!" he shuttered in fright. Right now the video was all over the net locally, now called 'the beast of Pac Palie'

Same as Meagan's Tail...A Beauty or a Beast? Videos

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The Beast By: Melissa Attimes Synopsis: A young lady promised her mother that she would take care of her deadbeat brother when her mother is no longer able to. After the mother dies the lady discovers that the son's behavior is so bad that her only choice is to throw him out of her house or turn him into a girl. Which option should she chooses? Categories: Crossdressing / TV, Femdom, Authoritarian, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Real Life Situation, Chastity Belts, Hormones,...

4 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 3 Lair of the Beast

“Watch out!” Iden shouted, his boot dislodging a rock. It rolled down the steep incline towards Isabelle, picking up more loose stones as it went, until it had formed a kind of miniature rockslide. She dodged out of its path, taking cover behind a nearby boulder, the stones clattering against it as they cascaded down the mountainside. “Careful where you step!” she yelled back, peeking out to glare at him. They were really far up now. Iden had seldom seen the clouds from above, they created...

4 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast

Beauty and The b**stcelebrity: Anne Hathawayauthor: DarkTemplarcontent: [M/f, blowjob, facefucking, cumswallowing]disclaimer: The following story is completely fictional and would obviously never happen in real life. This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to...

2 years ago
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The Beast

Once there existed many such creatures, like the Beast. Although in time, the humans have hunted down many such creatures into near-extinction. Except for one creature, a tentacle creature, that history will know and call as simply - the Beast. For his rule was re-established and his kin would achieve dominance, that none could or would be able to challenge him again. But for now, the lair of the Beast remains a simple dark forest - from where several young adolescent boys that had gotten...

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He liked to believe he wasn’t violent, but the moment she started with those snarky comments his anger spiked. She used that mouth and tongue of hers like a weapon designed specifically to get a rise out of him, perfectly orchestrated to bring the beast to the surface. Usually he could resist, deny her the satisfaction of knowing she got him right where she wanted him. Tonight he wasn’t as strong. It always started when he got home. Today was no exception. He could tell her mood by the way she...

1 year ago
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Beauty is a beast

I must precurse this story by saying that despite its stereotypical, fantastical elements and proportions, all events described, no matter how impossible to believe, are absolutely not embellished and are to fact, well mostly. My name is Evan Derby and I’m a twenty-one year old literature major at a University prestigious exclusively for its reputation as “most beligerant campus.” Two years ago I felt like kind of an odd ball on campus despite being in what most would refer to as the...

4 years ago
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Beauty with the Beast

It's late on a Thursday morning and I'm in the shower. I don't have any classes on Thursday's so I slept in and I'm taking my time getting going. I lather up my long red hair and hum to myself. My roommate, Shannon, is off at class so I have the apartment to myself. Mmm, Shannon. She always says overweight but I prefer to think of her as voluptuous. I've masturbated many times thinking about my hot, black roommate. I've masturbated about most people I know, I'm always horny. Even right now my...

4 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 9 Foul Beast

The Paladins struggled up the rocky crags, the weight of their armor and their heavy shields making their progress all the more difficult. They had tied the horses up at the base of the mountain, the climb would have only resulted in broken legs, and it had taken them almost a whole day to reach the peak. The terrain here was all jutting rocks and knee-deep snow. Perilously high falls and slippery surfaces had resulted in more than one accident, but none of their number had been injured thus...

2 years ago
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Taken by the White Beast

I had always been scared of Jerry, my boss from summer camp, yet here I was, in a hotel room with him while my boyfriend was far away. I knew from the look in his eyes that after he had licked me to a climax, he hadn’t finished with me. Jerry pulled me to the edge of the bed pushed my knees back and prodded his big dick between my legs. I asked him to wait, my body and mind weren’t ready for him, but he didn’t seem to care and said he had to find out how tight my Asian pussy was. I lay back...

3 years ago
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“Darkness is its own kingdom, It moves to its own laws, And many living thingsdwell in it.” -Patricia McKillip My kind is startling to humans when we are accidentally glimpsed, cloaked in night’s dark mystery. We are a unique type of were-folk, with an appearance more feline than wolfen, and of course werewolves are far more prevalent in your mythologies. We learned long ago to avoid contact with humans whenever possible and as a result there are few references to us in your histories. Created...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Ravaged A Village Girl Like A Beast

Hi, I am Rahul. I am reading ISS from the past few years and this has given me courage to narrate one of my sexual experiences. Let me first tell you something about me. I am Rahul Sharma aka DEATH BY CHOCOLATE originally from Delhi, currently staying in Bangalore .My height is 6 ft 2 inches, age 23,slightly dark and my “buddy” measures around 9 inches. Lost my virginity at age 16 to my first love in school. This is my first story so please excuse me for any mistakes. It happened 6 years ago...

4 years ago
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Bella and the Beast

Bella and the BeastA Horror Story of Animal Lust and a Young GirlIntroduction and Disclaimer        This is a story of  a thirteeen-year-old girl who becomes the object of a strange, mythic, humanoid creature.  The Beast has a primordial, imperative drive to mate, but has endured decades without opportunity.  He happens to encounter a rare candidate—lovely, young Bella.  It is a violent story of inter-species sex, and readers who are under eighteen, and those who would be offended by a very...

3 years ago
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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 10 Lust Beast

It was two days later. Again that crazy crave crawled in Sharon's pelvis. She could feel the itch, the desire. She could sense it growing. She knew it was there, alive like an animal, like a terrified beast seeking solace from a dreaded hunter. The beast hid in first one corner of her twat, and then laid flat on the bottom of the cave, and then it stood up and reared his head outwards, as if to challenge all comers: "Fuck me! Fuck me! See if you can fuck me!" She felt it growing stronger,...

4 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 26 Battle of the Beasts

In the video projected on the wall, was the view of Goliath screaming “Incoming!” at the top of his lungs and Fatty firing an Arc Cannon as 30 huge black rhinos charged towards them through a field. One by one they fell, but some of them still reached the pair. As the few who had escaped Goliath and Fatty’s cannon fire hurdled out of the grain field, Fatty roared loudly and launched forward to meet one. It was like smashing into an immovable object as the massive horn collided with Fatty’s...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 5 Meeting The King Of Beasts

The Red Rose Beaks tribe was situated in Valgarel farthest than any other tribe from the border between the humans’ and beasts’ territories. It was the home of all crane type beasts and many other bird type beasts. Those who were assimilated through the years, after the establishment of the tribe, joined by succumbing to the influence and prestige of the ruler of all beasts in New Earth, who also happens to be a bird type beast. His Valor Ozeyn had all of Valgarel under his control, but the...

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Aztec EarringsChapter 5 Beauty and the Beast

I sat back down, pulled my knees up to my chest with ease, and began to think. I was sure that my dream and my discovery of the cave had something to do with my transformation, but what did it all mean? Did the cult of the Aztec tribe still have an influence over visitors to their long drowned island? Was this the "gift" of their female sun god? While I would admit to having wondered what it would be like to be a woman from time to time, to be forcibly transformed into one for the rest of...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Cute Chubby Teddybear Turned Into Wild Sexual Beast

Hello readers, I’m your boy Gowtham here. First of all, thank you for your great response to my previous stories.You can contact me at Now I’m going share my another incident which happened recently. A little introduction about me for the new readers. I’m Gowtham staying in Vijayawada working in IT. I’m a biker and I love to tour. I’m average built,fair and good looking. It all started a few weeks ago when I was really angry and shouting at the watchman in the parking. The reason is someone’s...

4 years ago
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The Beauty and her Beast

Once upon a time in a land not too far away lived a widowed man and his three beautiful daughters, who lived in an opulent manor just outside the village. Although kind and gentle, he was a shrewd businessman, who made his riches through hard work and determination. Not wanting his daughter to ever want for anything, the merchant lavished them with exquisite clothing, giving them anything their hearts desired. The older two daughters were vain and greedy, always flaunting their wealth,...

3 years ago
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Beauty And The Beast

My wife, Eve and I, Tom, have been married for 25 years. We decided to take a holiday to Gran Canarias to celebrate. We have never had any other partners, although we often fantasised about her with another male or female during our love making. A visit to the dunes at Maspalomas changed that. We were three days into our holiday when we met Mike and Sami whom we shared a table with at breakfast. We are both in our mid fifties and Mike and Sami mid forties. They asked us if we had been to the...

Wife Lovers
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Beauty and the Beast

This is the first story of my life. Being not a native English speaker, the story will have errors. Forgive those, please. *** ‘Fuck off!! You asshole!’ She shouted to Bill. This is one of those numerous times she have said this to this guy. He came to tell her his ‘brilliant’ idea of fucking her, as a compensation of unpaid rents. ‘ Okay, I’m going but you are also leaving this place, YOU HEAR!’ He was standing in her doorway, redden with anger. She’d had enough of him. She just took one...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 2 The Beast

Okay, so here's what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible; well, that's derogatory, right? There's no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he's saying it about a girl ... well, that's a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman ... especially a pretty woman ... turn men on; make them hard; make them aggressive; appeal to them. I've had that problem my whole life. I'm too trusting, too quick to...

2 years ago
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Meagan and Chester

I was standing at the bar next to my wife when Don showed up. I laughed and accused him of being late. He threw up his hands in mock despair. Meagan just frowned at me; she seemed nervous. "Whatcha drinkin'," I said to the new arrival. "And where's Bert?" Bert was Bertha, a pretty, big breasted German girl ten years any of our junior. "A beer will be fine," he said. "She's at home. Got a bug of some kind." I nodded, Meagan had had the same thing a week earlier and had had to stay...

5 years ago
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Coaxing the Beast

I wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me. I knew if there was one person, who would know how I should best coax the beast out from within my boyfriend, it would be you. I listened to your words of wisdom and spent the entire day, walking around in my smallest bikini. I bent and teased, positioning my body purposely to give him the best view. I’ll be honest, and say, I thought you may have given me dud advice, as at the time I didn’t even get a flicker of a reaction. I was losing hope,...

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He liked to believe he wasn’t violent, but the moment she started with those snarky comments his anger spiked. She used that mouth and tongue of hers like a weapon designed specifically to get a rise out of him, perfectly orchestrated to bring the beast to the surface. Usually he could resist, deny her the satisfaction of knowing she got him right where she wanted him. Tonight he wasn’t as strong. It always started when he got home. Today was no exception. He could tell her mood by the way...

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Hide or go Beast

"Welcome to Hide or go beast!" And the simulated crowd goes wild. There wasn't anyone actually in the studio with Jess and the announcer. This was probably because they'd ether all be unkept or have no where to really sit. The rafters in this god awful place were absolutely decrepit. The announcer, walking around you puts a hand on your hip and lets it trail behind your back and to the other side. "Our tender young Jess here has just turned 18, and is ready to win some money! Or, maybe she just...

4 years ago
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Unleashed a beast

My wife Barbara and I’d been fantasizing and talking about swinging for a good while and it would really get things hot while having sex and talking about it. I created a profile on a lifestyle site and started looking around. At first when Barbara found out that I’d done this she was taken back but when she started checking out the site she warmed up to the idea. We started chatting with some single guys and found one, Victor that she really took an interest in. For a month or so she would...

Group Sex
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Submitting to the White Beast

Jerry scared me from the first moment I met him. When he came to run our school summer camp, none of us had ever seen or heard anything like him before. Our school was in rural Thailand and back then, it was a Thai girl’s only school into which this white man, called Jerry, with the loudest voice I had ever heard walked in. It was like throwing a big rock in a quiet pond. It was clear he had never seen anything like us before because if he did he would know that Thai girls don’t like getting...

3 years ago
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Coaxing the Beast

I wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me. I knew if there was one person, who would know how I should best coax the beast out from within my boyfriend, it would be you. I listened to your words of wisdom and spent the entire day, walking around in my smallest bikini. I bent and teased, positioning my body purposely to give him the best view. I’ll be honest, and say; I thought you may have given me dud advice, as at the time I didn’t even get a flicker of a reaction. I was losing hope,...

Straight Sex
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The Matrix of the Beast

Mantra and related characters are the property of Marvel Comics. Opening poetical quotes are by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. THE MATRIX OF THE BEAST A Tale of Mantra by Aladdin Chapter 1 READING, WRITING, AND 'RITHMETIC "And so stands he calm and childlike, High in the wind the tempests wild; O, were I like him exalted, I would be like him, a child." Whenever Gus and Evie chow down on hamburgers, it reminds me...

3 years ago
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Fucked By Beast

My 10th board exams had finished and it was hot summer in Hyderabad and three months for colleges to start. I would be alone most of the time as my parents were working and I was their only son. My dad bought me a pc (apple I mac yellow colour costing 85k) with an internet connection. Also I had joined myself in a nearby Gym. On the pc I would watch porn everyday. Also i would search for bodybuilding exercises and diet. The models fascinated me lot. Though I was very fair and handsome, llike a...

Gay Male
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Taming the Beast

Taming the BeastEmile, 2010 - 2011---I guess I'd been pretty bad, but then when you're the most handsome built jock stud in your grade, who wouldn't.  I was always trailing my two older brothers in school, they were smarter, more popular, friendlier guys, but then puberty came, and I got lucky.  I was already the sportsman - football, rowing, you name it, I was captain - and my tight teen body swelled out til I was packed with muscles - bulging chest and massive guns, and suddenly, I was Mr...

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Meagan Vacations at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street.  Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room.  I surely appreciated that.  Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security,...

Straight Sex
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MeaganI had befriended Lois at the gym. She was an attractive woman who did hard workouts. We had first chatted when working out together with the trainer. Neither of us really needed him but it is always nice to get some new perspectives and input as to our own individual routines. Lois could have been every bit the vaseline, glamour cover girl if she had been taller. Standing five-four in pumps hadn't exactly worked in her favor as to enter into that line of work. Still, there was no denying...

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Meagan and Matt

I give my brother my virginityI fell in love with my brother when I was in the eighth grade. I've always loved Matt, but when I was thirteen, I fell IN love with him. At the time when I reached puberty, and my hormones kicked in, and all the other girls my age were going goo-goo over boys in our class, all my dreams and fantasies revolved around my brother, who is two years older than I am.I had just started my senior year in high school, when on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center was...

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