Angele Ch. 01 free porn video

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She sat reading at the kitchen table, as she did every morning, waiting for the bread to finish baking in the oven. The lantern light flickered across the page as she started reading the next chapter drawing her attention back to reality. The sun had started rising without her realization. Angele jumped to her feet, startled so much time had passed already. She was a slender, beautiful girl of 18 with mahogany hair soft as satin and warm brown eyes men tended to get lost in. At her age, Angele had the curves any woman would envy and every male wanted to dominate. Rushing to the oven, Angele saved the bread from burning just in time and placed it on the table. ‘Angele?’ Gethen, her father, called down the stairs as he descended. It had been the same ever since her mother had passed on years ago.

‘I’m here, Papa.’ Her father was the only family she had left. While other girls were already married and starting families, her only wish was to stay home and take care of her father as it seemed his health was failing more and more often. Though sometimes she wondered what would happen to her once her father did pass on, she always decided she’d face that when it happened. Watching for her father, Angele didn’t realize how close her hand was to the oven vent. Her mind was on her worries so she didn’t immediately notice as her left hand settled on the vent. After a few seconds, the pain finally penetrated her thoughts. Crying out, she attempted to pull her hand from the oven. Her hand had been on the vent for too long, however, and her skin had fused to the surface. Gritting her teeth, Angele yanked her hand free, tearing the skin off of her palm at the base of her fingers. Blood started to flow from her raw hand as she quickly tried to wrap it in her apron.

‘Angele! You more careful!’ Her father chided her as he did his best to get to her side. At one time, her father had been a tall, proud man. Standing to full height, he had been six foot one inch and one of the best hunters around. He was also very intelligent. Gethen was always coming up with ways to make the life in the village easier, or at least that is how it had been in the past. Years of hardship and heartbreak over the death of his beautiful wife had taken more than their fair toll on the poor hunched man in front of her. Now walking with a limp from the shipwreck that had also ended her mother’s life, Gethen panted with the effort of trying to make it to his daughter’s side. Examining her hand, his thoughts strayed to the life they had lost.

Before the shipwreck, Gethen had been very wealthy from the furs of the animals he hunted. His family never wanted for anything in those happy years. Gethen himself though had not been satisfied and thought that he’d be able to sell the furs at a much higher price than the merchant that had been transporting them. The merchant had explained due to the fact that the furs were being transported by wagon through the mountains, they wouldn’t bring the profit desired. Gethen argued with the man, wanting him to sail the furs to the city. The merchant refused, he had been wary of the waters. Gethen, being as prideful as he was, decided he’d show the merchant there was nothing to fear and rented out a vessel. His beautiful wife, however, had begged him not to go for she feared he would never return. In his overconfidence, he convinced her to join him on this journey, leaving Angele with a close neighbor.

For the first few days, the journey went smoothly. Yet when the ship was half a day’s distance from shore, a terrible storm hit. As if the very ocean had been angered by Gethen’s greed and arrogance, the waves seized the small barge and dashed it into the cliffs. The ship was utterly destroyed, taking all of Gethen’s hard-earned, fine furs to the bottom of the sea. Worse still, when he finally awoke on the shore, what else did he first see, but his precious wife’s lifeless body. The waves that had barely put her to the shore still engulfed her over and over as if the sea was trying to reclaim her. Though she was only a short distance away, Gethen had been badly injured, his leg broken, and could not move fast enough. As his fingertips brushed her cold skin, one last surge and the ocean stole the love of his life away with more permanence than death itself. He finally was able to return home weeks later, but with nothing.

The village had took pity on him at first, sympathizing with his loss. As the years came to pass, many had started to whisper things. Some said he had squandered his earnings and perhaps had even sold his wife before returning. Others gossiped that maybe his wife had found another lover, stealing Gethen’s profits and escaping away in the night. The cruelest yet suggested he had murdered his wife and had spent the wages to keep the fact remaining a secret. Never the less there were still those believed in Gethen. They excused his irrational habits and behavior, thinking that the trauma might have made his mind weak and it was the reason for the deteriorating state of his health. Angele had showed no sign of interest in any suitors and dedicated herself only to the health and care of her father. Even the most avid and handsome Samil hadn’t seemed to be able to appeal to her.

Though Angele’s inhibitions towards men might have been a good thing, Gethen despaired over what fate would bestow upon her. Trying to focus back on her injuries, he noted that not only had she been burned pretty badly but her palm had quiet a bit of flesh missing, flesh the oven vent had refused to relinquish. Seeing this as an opportunity to get her to go into town and maybe find someone suited to her taste, Gethen started trying to form the right way to persuade her to go, maybe there would be a traveler or gentleman visiting since no one here had succeeded yet. She always seemed to want to try to avoid that ‘daunting task’, as she called it and his mind seemed to be exceedingly less cooperative for vocabulary than in days of old.

‘Angele, maybe you go into town to doctor for this?’ Frustrated with his obviously increasing limitations, Gethen looked at her with pleading eyes. He only hoped she’d be able to understand that he really would like her to get out of the house for a little while. She’d been reading and tending to the few animals they had obtained for over a week now without even the slightest inclination about going into the village. He glanced around the little kitchen trying to be inconspicuous. Noting the items they were becoming low on, he decided that if she tried to resist he’d ask for the supplies as a back up reason. If she agreed without complaint, he’d leave the shopping for another day or so to have a reason to get her back into the village.

Angele stared at her hand in utter frustration. She had to be more attentive of her surroundings: especially for her father’s sake. Sometimes he just did not notice the danger in things as normal minds would. It proved to help sometimes in some of his inventions. Other times, it seemed to just make things worse because he did not understand why she would insist on his ceasing when projects became too dangerous. Instinctively, her eyes swept to the corner of the kitchen where a big contraption was hidden away under a sheet. It was by far the most hazardous contrivance her father had come up with yet. The intention was for it to be able to cut firewood down to a size suitable for bread ovens all on its own. The worst part was that he was insisting that every time he tested or worked on it, the real ax had to be involved.

‘Papa, I don’t think it’s that bad,’ Angele tried to excuse it but winced as she attempted to rearrange her apron covering the still bleeding wounds. Her father never missed anything, and his expression visibly showed more worry. Not wanting to upset him further, Angele conceded. She didn’t think he would try anything dangerous in the short amount of time that Dr. Du Bols would need to examine her hand. ‘Yes, Papa, I’ll go into town. Is there anything we need for when I com
e back?’ Angele asked starting to look around the kitchen just as he had seconds before.

Trying to dissuade her, Gethen shook his head fervently. ‘No trouble yourself. Just worry about hand,’ he pleaded, hoping she didn’t interpret his real reasons for wanting her to go into town. Though he was genuinely concerned with her injury, his eyes flickered over to his invention. He was convinced all he needed was a few candle marks, and he’d have it working and completely functional. When he looked back to his daughter, she was studying him as if worried of what he might do while she was out. He tried to look as if he had nothing important on his mind, and he must have been successful. Angele, still clutching her hand, moved to the door and slipped her shoes on. With only a quick farewell, she left her father alone. Listening to see if she had truly gone, Gethen waited. Once he was satisfied that it was only him and the animals, he snatched the sheet off his soon-to-be prize invention with such force it sounded with a crack, sending the dust flying.

Normally Angele would have waited outside the door to hear if her father rushed to get tools and start tinkering. Today was different. Her palm felt as if it was bound to red hot irons. She quickened her steps to put less distance between her and the small village. Her house had been one of the furthest from the center of their little town, close to the forest on one side with a sprawling open field to the other: something the cruelest of the townspeople hadn’t missed. The stories of fairies and the evil creatures that inhabited the wood had been around ever since she could remember. Though she’d never seen anything to attest to the existence of such critters, some still whispered about curses and such that might be over her family.

Heaving a sigh, Angele came to a realization as she started getting into the more populated area: she just did not like people. No matter how nice and kind she was, people in general still insisted on being bitter and inconsiderate. The town was starting to come to life now that the sun had started to peak over the nearby mountains. They bustled around in the same manner as every morning. Sometimes it seemed like this tiny village was just repeating the same day over and over. Hearing the church bells ring to signify it was seven hours past the mid-hour of the night, she watched the door of the bakery. Before the bell had even finished ringing, the baker came out with fresh hot rolls, just the same as any other day.

Shaking her head with a slight smile, Angele continued on her way. Like normal, as she strolled through the streets at a quick place, eyes followed her. Men, some even married, looked after her with varying expressions. Women, on the other hand, seemed to ignore her completely. She saw some girls she once played with when she had been a child standing in a group. As soon as they noticed her, however, they turned their backs and headed down a lane between the houses. Sighing again, Angele tried to focus on her hand. She needed to get to Dr. Du Bols. The sooner she got there, the sooner she could go home.

The doctor’s house was at the far end of the little square in the right side corner. In the middle of the square stood a fountain that was a tribute to the queen of the good fairies. Angele never understood that if many of the townspeople denied the existence of these magical beings, then why would they have a fountain built in recognition of their queen? Still pondering that fact, she rushed past it, reminding herself that she needed to stay focused on her injury. Realizing it had gone almost completely numb, she quickened her stride to almost a run. She didn’t notice the shorter man leaning up against the side of the tavern as she rushed to open the doctor’s door, but Gervaise made note of her. As she disappeared from sight, he chuckled and hurried back towards his master’s house.

The little tarnished bell chimed as Angele rushed through the door. It was a wonderful idea her father had presented to the doctor. If someone were to enter at a leisurely pace the bell would only tinkle. If a person were to dash in with a medical emergency, it would sound off with a shrill clang. Though it didn’t seem all that loud or shrill, Dr. Du Bols jumped out of his kitchen as though he thought someone might’ve been shot with a musket. He must still be getting used to the bell, she thought to herself. Seeing her dress splattered with the blood that had seeped through the apron, the older man visibly paled.

‘Angele! Child, what ever happened to you?!’ he exclaimed, surging towards her in a hurry now. Dr. Du Bols had been the only doctor in this village since his father had passed the trade to him. He had never found the time to marry, though, and as such had never produced an heir to carry on his profession. He adored the younger people of the town and when asked about his decision not to marry and have kids, he simply answered that he had never found the time while taking care of his ailing father. Angele sometimes worried she would end up the same way. Putting that line of thought out of her head, she started to peel the apron from her seared flesh and tissue. Gasping in the painful effort, Angele tried to gather her thoughts so she could explain.

‘I was cooking the morning bread and got distracted,’ she began. ‘My hand got too close to vent and I just did not realize.’ With that the doctor cut her words short with a single look.

‘Reading those books again?’ He asked with obvious disapproval, ushering her into the sitting room. ‘You know, Angele, a young woman such as yourself should be busy making a home? Most ladies,’ he said putting emphasis on the word, ‘don’t even know how to read.’ As Dr. Du Bols lectured her, he was wandering around collecting the salves, gauze, and such needed items from the shelves lining the walls. While Dr. Du Bols continued the lecture, Angele started looking for a way to change the subject. It seemed all too often that, no matter where she went, she was always getting told how it was wrong for her to want to learn and read. Seeing a new bear throw rug as she started towards the chaise he had motioned towards, she seized the opportunity.

‘I apologize for the interruption, doctor, but is that a new fur? It’s so beautiful! It has such unique markings,’ she gushed, trying to sound as exuberant as any of the others would be in this hamlet. Hunting was one of the only excitements this village seemed to appreciate. As for Angele, she had never approved. Hunting the animals out of necessity for food, she could understand. Killing them senselessly because their fur had unique or beautiful patterns? Not only was the thought of that almost sickening, but it had been the destruction of her family.

Eying her with obvious suspicion, Dr. Du Bols led her the rest of the way over to the chaise by the window so that he could get a better look at her hand. She had forgotten the doctor had known her ever since she was a child. ‘You’ve taken a sudden interest in the trapping art, have you?’ He took a pair of tweezers and methodically started removing the bits of lint from the wounds. Angele bit her lip, trying not to cry out as the cold metal scrapped across her raw tissue. Oblivious, the doctor continued on, ‘Master Samil shot that bear for me a few weeks ago, had a bit of a time with it too, apparently. Left claw gashes right down his back, it did.’ The old man was smiling as if the thought of Samil’s personal struggle with the bear excited him. He probably wishes that it was him out there, Angele thought to herself, suppressing her sigh with a little effort.

‘I had to sew up the scratches, I did. He was so grateful that, in exchange, he gifted me this splendid throw rug,’ he said, gesturing to the pitiful carcass on the floor that once was a mighty creature. As he placed the tweezers on the table, he picked up a glass bowl, positioning it under her hand on his knees, and a glass bottle full of almost clear liquid. Knowing that the water from
this area never got that clear even from the spring, Angele braced herself for the burn. ‘This’ll hurt,’ was the only warning Dr. Du Bols gave her. He poured the alcohol over the burns, clamping down on her wrist with a grip of iron when her arm jerked, an involuntary reaction. Pain seared through her mind, sending tears flowing down her cheeks. Still she did not cry out, she was too proud for that.

The doctor glanced over her features to make sure she was not going to faint. Too many times did he have women in his house that, even at the slightest amount of pain, would collapse. It was the very reason he had her come to the chaise. He didn’t have the strength as he had in his youth. Angele had always been a strong-willed young lady though. A head-strong, beautiful girl who never seemed to figure out that in these times, it was better to try to blend in and just deal with it than being so outspoken. Dr. Du Bols wondered if she had ever considered the consequences of being so different. As he wound the gauze around her hand, he considered trying to talk to her about it once more. At least it’d break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between them. Studying her face once more, the doctor decided against it. If she were to ever find a man who would be suited to match her, it be a miracle, thought Du Bols. Either that or he’ll have to be just as peculiar as she is.

Angele listened as the doctor warned her about keeping the bandages dry and giving the wounds some air periodically but only half of her mind was hearing his words. By the time she left, Angele’s spirits had dropped significantly. How could she have let herself be so careless? Who was going to do the cooking for the next few days? These and similar questions kept swirling through her mind to the point that she didn’t even noticed the other villagers looking at her blood splattered dress in alarm. Remembering her father’s worry, though, Angele decided since she was already in town, she would go to the place that never failed to cheer her.

As soon as Angele walked into the book shop, Pierre knew something was wrong. He was a burly man aged into his late forties. He had always approached life with a smile and a warm heart. The Lord had been kind enough to grant him a wife and family for that, or at least that was his belief. Having a daughter himself, he could recognize that look. Angele shuffled in, starring at the floor, looking as if she had suffered a tragedy. Pierre wondered if it had been more careless comments from the other townsfolk. They seemed to delight in causing this young lady undue grief over what he thought was a valiant act, her taking care of her father instead of abandoning him to start a family of her own. Then he noticed the blood on her dress.

Still chastising herself, Angele wondered over to the closest shelf. It was her favorite because it held all of the stories about princes, fairies, dragons and such. The books always helped her escape from her life and from the worries it contained.

‘Difficult morning?’ Pierre asked hoping the blood on her dress had not come from her father. Angele jumped. She hadn’t even noticed Pierre standing close to the back of the shop. He was looking at her with a gentle smile and compassionate, yet worried eyes. Angele smiled back as best she could. He was right: it had been a rough morning. She thought about confiding in him. She had always found it easy to talk to the gentle man. He somehow seemed to understand her love and joy for the written word.

‘Yes, Monsieur Pierre, it has been a very trying morning.’ With that, Angele started pouring her heart out to the kindly man. He tsked in all the appropriate places and shook his head in others. Once she was finished, Angele took a deep breath to try to keep the tears back. She had ended with how much she was actually worried about becoming a spinster. She hadn’t realized how much this frightening possibility had worried her until now. Pierre studied her with guarded eyes and looked like he was about to say something she may not like. He looked at his hands as he began.

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She rolls on top of me, kissing me softly, a light giggle in her throat. We're both far too drunk, due to having the shittiest day. The place we work claims they are downsizing, letting go way too many employees to help with costs. Since we are some of the newer people hired, we're being let go. I found her in the ladies room, crying and punching the door to the stall. “It took me months to find this job!” She growled, “I can't start all over again. I hate this economy, it's too hard.” Her...

2 years ago
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My cuckold Life

In an earlier posting I mentioned that even before we were married Nancy, my Wife, said that she intended to keep her sexual freedom and did so by screwing her Aunt's well hung boyfriend. She's doing as she said and we both enjoy the lifestyle. Being married to a hot wife is different – very different. Unlike most women Nancy never dresses casually unless she's at the beach. For Nancy it's heels and hose, immaculately done makeup, a nice dress or skirt and blouse, and plenty of eye-catching...

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Mom8217s Ass Banged By Suresh Uncle

Hi guys…Mera naam arun he aur me 22 saal ka hu..Mere ghar me mein mere dad aur mere mom rhte he..Humaara nuclear family he aur middle class ke he..Mein engineering padh rha hu aur mere dad bank me clerk kaam krte he aur meri maa housewife he.. Yeh kahani meri mom ki he isliye meri mom ke baare me thoda batata hu..Meri mom ka naam rashmi he..Wo ek housewife he..Wo dikhne me ghori he aur uska figure 32 34 36 he..Dekhne me to fresh lagegi aur muje lagta he dad ne use zyaada use nhi kiya he..Meri...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Cherie DeVille Dating app helps cuckold hotwife finds her first BBC

Hotwife Cherie Deville has bee unhappy with her marriage for quite some time. Her snivelling husband is a poor excuse for a man, always trying to be the “nice guy” and cater to her every need. He never understood that Cherie loves to be dominated by a strong male who oozes confidence and masculinity. Cherie finally got so fed up one day that she decided to install a hookup app to see if there were any bulls around that could give her the sexual satisfaction she deserves. Jovan...

3 years ago
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Hi I am 20 yrs Shaheen Rangwala from Pune for the first time on ISS. What happened with me can be called as a true nightmare. It went like this….one day i was at my home just getting ready to leave for my college. I am in second year of degree. Suddenly there was a knock on my doors. Open up its Sanjay. He was my neighbor’s servant. He came to me and said madam can you take me with you to your college so that I can give food tiffin to mahesh who was my neighbor’s son who was in junior section...

4 years ago
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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Friends Slut

I always knew one of my three friends was bi. I just never knew about the other two. I'm writing this story to make sense of a situation that happened that is both embarassing, and erotic. Maybe someone can relate. But it's a secret I've been carrying for a little while. Maybe because of another situation I had this was my punishment. Or maybe it was just a way of me finding a way to...I dont' want to give any names so I'll just call them Friend 1, Friend 2, and Friend 3. I am a very...

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The Girl Next Door Her Arse Day

The affair between next-door-neighbours, Trevor Neil, aged mid-fifties, and nineteen-year-old Kelly Simpson had become legitimised if not approved by Kelly's mother, Fiona. Whilst not actually approving of it Fiona could not really object as her daughter had discovered that she was getting fucked by twenty-one-year-old Steve Taylor and both women wanted to keep their affairs secret from Kelly's father, Chris. Although neither woman knew it, Chris himself was shagging a married woman that he...

2 years ago
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Aunty Shalini Take My Virginity

Hello Reader I am a great fan of ISS I always love to read the stories of ISS, Incest is my Favourite and Maid Server sex also make me more hornier can mail to me and have a chat at my id is Before directly going to story I would like to introduce myself as Samsex name changed due to promise given to my Aunty, sorry my hot and sexy aunty. I found my aunty when I was in hunt of job as I was searching very hard for job at last got a chance in a good company and to start the stories you need to...

1 year ago
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Micro Wave Man Ch 01

Jun 14, 2009 MWM Chapter One ‘Meet Mark Surrender’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 6

I had a slight hangover on Sunday morning. The thing to cure it, I thought, would be a long, slow fuck, so I rolled over to caress my naked wife's back, thinking about our drunken conversation the night before. Would she really like to fuck with Leanne or was it the alcohol talking? She certainly wanted to fuck with me, I realised, my fingers on her wet pussy! It was one of our favourite ways to wake up, and I bent my head so my tongue could lap her clitoris, waiting until her orgasm had...

4 years ago
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The Remodel sales pitch

"Hello?" she said."Hello." I replied, standing at her back yard gate, because I heard her in the house but the music was a tad bit loud and she did not hear me knock. so after her hello, I handed her one of my business cards. "I'm Eddie Matthews and I'm a representative of the Classic Remodeling Company. If you have thought about doing any remodeling, I wonder if I could show you some of the things we have done for people and see if you might like to use our services.""Sure, honey. Come on in....

2 years ago
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First time with friends

All of the other boys in the neighborhood were not out playing for some reason, so it was just mark and I. We had been riding bikes through the neighborhood when he suggested that we go by his house to cool down in the A/C for a bit and have a cool drink.After we had cooled down he told me to come upstairs to the bedroom that was situated in the attic, he wanted to show me something. So we walked upstairs where it was a good bit warmer than it was down stairs. He laid down on his stomach and...

4 years ago
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Teacher gets owned

As I left school I saw Sandra, one of my pupils at the gate with 2 large cardboard boxes. She was struggling holding them and trying to walk down the street. I pulled up and offered her a lift. She gratefully accepted and directed me to what I assumed was her address. On arrival I helped her with the boxes. She led the way to the front door and I followed with the 2 boxes. She opened the door and asked me to put the boxes into the next room. I entered the dimly lit room and suddenly felt a...

3 years ago
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When it all began I must admit satisfying anyone's fetish was the last thing on my mind. I was just looking to get laid. Yet there it was, an ad looking for something very specific. She wanted someone to play daddy. She also had some very specific ideas about the type of daddy she wanted.I thought why not. If it would lead to some sexual fun I would be her daddy, her long lost uncle, the delivery man or the paperboy. She asked what kind of daddy I would be and I wrote back and told her I would...

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Aw Fuck MeChapter 13 Still Not Home

Abraham watched as the countdown progressed. He was not sure what to expect, Jim hadn’t been sure of what might happen, either. Tests of the unmodified power generator had proved to be both immensely successful and anticlimactic, in that it hadn’t caused the end of the world, not that anyone had wanted that. As important as the development had been, it just hadn’t ranked up there with time travel, even imperfect time travel. However, the power device would prove to be a huge boom for...

1 year ago
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That One Day 2

I hopped on my bike and was riding over when I began to think. I really was getting excited about going over to Taylor's. I wondered what he would want to do, especially after that one day... And then there was his twin sister, Katie. I hadn't really noticed her much, and we were somewhat friends before but now she started to develop nicely and I couldn't stop thinking about (much less stop talking to) her when I was around her and so now we were pretty good friends. She was about 5'3,...

2 years ago
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A Stone for DannyChapter 5

With each passing day Danny was improving. He had been home for over a week and he was increasingly looking more like his old self. It was a huge relief to me. Although we had slept in separate beds for years he had always been a good husband. The fear I felt at the prospect of losing him shocked me. As for Melissa it seemed to be a non-event that her father had come close to death. As a teenage girl she was self-centred and lust was on her mind. And she was confident that her night of...

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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 34

The battle was over, but Katrin and Shavala hadn’t made an appearance yet. As soon as Corec could get away, he went looking for them, heading into the building where they’d been positioned, taking the stairs as quickly as he could in his armor. Reaching the top, he found Marco sitting alone on the floor with his head in his hands. “Where are they?” Corec barked. Had something happened? “Katrin’s helping Shavala back to the camp. She got hurt during the fighting.” “Hurt how?” “I don’t...

1 year ago
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So anxious

So Emily and I have been friends for like, forever. We do alot of thangs together. You know ususal friend things like hang out, go to the movies, stuff normal friends do. Even go to the clubs every once in a while. I go over to her house late at night and we walk the streets go hang out at the park sit on the swings and just talk. But just the other night while at the park, we can drive now so I picked her up and we went to the park, we were sitting on the little table area and she just went in...

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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Seven

Over the past year they’ve exchanged numerous letters back and forth, a five minute phone call probably once a month, if she got lucky. They used skype some; she saw changes in him, every time she saw him on the computer. Half the time he had a frown between his brows as he talked to her, he was worried, their conversations always brief and they always ended in I love you and stay safe. School was great, she was on the varsity cheer squad and next year she had a good chance as being...

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Doctor Weston 2

Doctor weston 2 Doctor Weston leaned back in bliss after his secretary had just given him an amazing blow job, he had a few more minutes to enjoy the afterglow until his next appointment. Tom and Abbie smith walked into the doctor's office and sat on the chairs he offered them. The Doctor looked over the pair, Tom was a short guy only around 5 foot, with a thin frame and long dirty blonde hair down to his shoulders. Abbie was of similar height and build but with Red hair. Doctor...

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A Camp With A Difference

Man eater Kate strikes again, her confidence and gutsy panache know no bounds as she sets upon her prey. She is ten times more confident and daring than I have ever been and always gets her man …                                              ~~~~~~~~~~ I packed my rucksack with a few essentials and threw it into the passenger seat of the pick-up. I fired up the gutsy engine and pulled out of the drive. I drove about five miles and took the slip road for the main trunk route. I was heading due...

Straight Sex
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My Christmas surprise from Auntie Carol

My Christmas Surprise January 2, 2011, 4:20 pmTrue StoryEvery year for Christmas my Auntie Carol comes and stays with us because she lives alone, and everywhere she just cries about not having a husband or someone to be with on Christmas, this year was different as she wouldn’t be crying on Christmas night she would be screaming in pleasure.I drew the short straw which meant I had to sleep on the couch in the same room as Carol; I was dreading it because she gets to sleep by crying. Don’t get...

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BBC internship

Introduction: Being reunited with the past leads to late night office play Last summer I got an internship at a prestigious law firm in the city. I was really excited about the professional opportunity, but at the time I had no idea what else I was going to experience that summer. The firm was huge with hundreds of lawyers working there. There were a lot of other interns and each of us was assigned to one of the younger lawyers who would have more time to show us around. On my first day I...

4 years ago
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Makaan Malkin Ko Choda

By : Youngboy.Rohit Jaisa ki maine aapko apni pahli kahani me bataya ki maine kaise apni naukrani ko choda aur uske baad apna ghar badal diya. Maine naye ghar me shift kiya jahan ki ek family rahti thi. Wo teen log the. Bhaiya (makaan maalik), Bhabhi (Makaan Malkin) aur unki 1.5 saal ki beti. Bhaiya army me job karte the aur saal me do baar aate the, wo bhi sirf ek mahine ke liye. Jab maine room change kiya to dekha ki bhaiya aaye hue hain. Magar do din baad bhaiya chale gaye. Meri unse kaafi...

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My Story

“If you met me, you wouldn’t be able to tell that I’m in a same-sex relationship for the last three years. Quite like a heterosexual couple, we don’t want sexuality to define us. We live together, bicker over big little things, share daily chores and holiday expenses, and sleep in the same bed. It is 2019, after all, and we are not criminals in our country, courtesy of the Supreme Court partially striking down Section 377 last December. The secret life, however, fades in the selective company...

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Succubus Statistics

************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2004/October 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I was in real trouble. I had failed the statistics module of my last year and HAD to...

3 years ago
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The Interviews A Jake Joyfully StoryChapter 5 A New Life

I have been passed from Alysa's family to Adel's. This happened the very week I learned I was pregnant with Ray's child. Ray knows I am pregnant and seems quite happy about it. I hate to disappoint the boy but I will seek an abortion shortly. Adel tells me I am to spend a month with her family and then I will be passed to another family. I like the idea as I will get a real close look at a number of the families and get a chance for some real serious field work. Adel has been in the USA...

1 year ago
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Makan Malik Bhaiya Se Chudwaya Part 8211 4

Hi doston mai monika phir se apni story apko batane ja rahi hu .Din me makanmalik bhiya ke saath chudai ke baad raat ko jitendra ko sex ke liye mana kar diya kyonki kahin wo meri dheeli choot me land daal ke mere uper shak na kar de ki main kisi se chudi hu kyonki jitendra ka land 5″ tha jabki main 10″ ka mota land aur 8″ ke mote land ek sath apni gand aur choot marwa chuki thi. Subah jab main uthi to mujhe bukhar sa laga maine jitendra ko bola to bole chalo mai dikha ke tumhe taxi pakda dunga...

1 year ago
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I Seem to Alway Do The Wrong Thing

Yeah, that's right, I always do the wrong thing. From the first day I foolishly followed Daniel, Charlie and Bruce to their home. Not fighting back as best I could when they attacked me and sexually assaulted me. Even to the time that I let Bruce con me into going to his uncles house and wrestling with Bruce on the floor and Bruce ending up having unprotected sex with me. Yeah, that was dumb, yeah I should have known better. I still regret it seeing that Bruce's uncle was drunk in the bedroom...

2 years ago
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Amity 2 CoercionChapter 10 Bugger

Doc Allan Avon and Kale were working in his lab with the berries. Allan was an avid scientist and loved learning about why different components in plants affected people. He had distilled quite a few poisons and toxins in his time. He had even found plants that helped with pain and stopped wounds from getting infected. He loved plants. They had found a small epiphyte plant growing the berries on one of the trees near the farm. Kale had helped him carefully remove it, and they put it in a...

1 year ago
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Some Hard Fun

Max was over at Dave’s flat, they’d had a chat on the phone beforehand and agreed the outlines of the play that was about to unfold. What Max didn’t know was that Dave had added some extras he though Max would like.Dave was wearing a light dressing gown when Max arrived. Dave showed Max into a room and told him to strip, at the same time Dave took off his gown. On the massage couch were leather cuffs, collar and cock ring. There was also a blindfold, a gag, some clamps and a large butt plug.Max...

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Eaten by a Plant

Flowers have always been a passion of mine, to me there is nothing more beautiful in this world. This love drove me to commit my whole life to them and through a lot of hard work I finally became a researcher at the largest flower R+D firm in the world, Flower Technics. I was a juinor researcher so most of my jobs was admin stuff for the proffessors, but this meant that I got to see some of the most amazing plants. None more so than the giant sunflowers in the top secret labs. These were the...

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