- 4 years ago
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She sat reading at the kitchen table, as she did every morning, waiting for the bread to finish baking in the oven. The lantern light flickered across the page as she started reading the next chapter drawing her attention back to reality. The sun had started rising without her realization. Angele jumped to her feet, startled so much time had passed already. She was a slender, beautiful girl of 18 with mahogany hair soft as satin and warm brown eyes men tended to get lost in. At her age, Angele had the curves any woman would envy and every male wanted to dominate. Rushing to the oven, Angele saved the bread from burning just in time and placed it on the table. ‘Angele?’ Gethen, her father, called down the stairs as he descended. It had been the same ever since her mother had passed on years ago.
‘I’m here, Papa.’ Her father was the only family she had left. While other girls were already married and starting families, her only wish was to stay home and take care of her father as it seemed his health was failing more and more often. Though sometimes she wondered what would happen to her once her father did pass on, she always decided she’d face that when it happened. Watching for her father, Angele didn’t realize how close her hand was to the oven vent. Her mind was on her worries so she didn’t immediately notice as her left hand settled on the vent. After a few seconds, the pain finally penetrated her thoughts. Crying out, she attempted to pull her hand from the oven. Her hand had been on the vent for too long, however, and her skin had fused to the surface. Gritting her teeth, Angele yanked her hand free, tearing the skin off of her palm at the base of her fingers. Blood started to flow from her raw hand as she quickly tried to wrap it in her apron.
‘Angele! You more careful!’ Her father chided her as he did his best to get to her side. At one time, her father had been a tall, proud man. Standing to full height, he had been six foot one inch and one of the best hunters around. He was also very intelligent. Gethen was always coming up with ways to make the life in the village easier, or at least that is how it had been in the past. Years of hardship and heartbreak over the death of his beautiful wife had taken more than their fair toll on the poor hunched man in front of her. Now walking with a limp from the shipwreck that had also ended her mother’s life, Gethen panted with the effort of trying to make it to his daughter’s side. Examining her hand, his thoughts strayed to the life they had lost.
Before the shipwreck, Gethen had been very wealthy from the furs of the animals he hunted. His family never wanted for anything in those happy years. Gethen himself though had not been satisfied and thought that he’d be able to sell the furs at a much higher price than the merchant that had been transporting them. The merchant had explained due to the fact that the furs were being transported by wagon through the mountains, they wouldn’t bring the profit desired. Gethen argued with the man, wanting him to sail the furs to the city. The merchant refused, he had been wary of the waters. Gethen, being as prideful as he was, decided he’d show the merchant there was nothing to fear and rented out a vessel. His beautiful wife, however, had begged him not to go for she feared he would never return. In his overconfidence, he convinced her to join him on this journey, leaving Angele with a close neighbor.
For the first few days, the journey went smoothly. Yet when the ship was half a day’s distance from shore, a terrible storm hit. As if the very ocean had been angered by Gethen’s greed and arrogance, the waves seized the small barge and dashed it into the cliffs. The ship was utterly destroyed, taking all of Gethen’s hard-earned, fine furs to the bottom of the sea. Worse still, when he finally awoke on the shore, what else did he first see, but his precious wife’s lifeless body. The waves that had barely put her to the shore still engulfed her over and over as if the sea was trying to reclaim her. Though she was only a short distance away, Gethen had been badly injured, his leg broken, and could not move fast enough. As his fingertips brushed her cold skin, one last surge and the ocean stole the love of his life away with more permanence than death itself. He finally was able to return home weeks later, but with nothing.
The village had took pity on him at first, sympathizing with his loss. As the years came to pass, many had started to whisper things. Some said he had squandered his earnings and perhaps had even sold his wife before returning. Others gossiped that maybe his wife had found another lover, stealing Gethen’s profits and escaping away in the night. The cruelest yet suggested he had murdered his wife and had spent the wages to keep the fact remaining a secret. Never the less there were still those believed in Gethen. They excused his irrational habits and behavior, thinking that the trauma might have made his mind weak and it was the reason for the deteriorating state of his health. Angele had showed no sign of interest in any suitors and dedicated herself only to the health and care of her father. Even the most avid and handsome Samil hadn’t seemed to be able to appeal to her.
Though Angele’s inhibitions towards men might have been a good thing, Gethen despaired over what fate would bestow upon her. Trying to focus back on her injuries, he noted that not only had she been burned pretty badly but her palm had quiet a bit of flesh missing, flesh the oven vent had refused to relinquish. Seeing this as an opportunity to get her to go into town and maybe find someone suited to her taste, Gethen started trying to form the right way to persuade her to go, maybe there would be a traveler or gentleman visiting since no one here had succeeded yet. She always seemed to want to try to avoid that ‘daunting task’, as she called it and his mind seemed to be exceedingly less cooperative for vocabulary than in days of old.
‘Angele, maybe you go into town to doctor for this?’ Frustrated with his obviously increasing limitations, Gethen looked at her with pleading eyes. He only hoped she’d be able to understand that he really would like her to get out of the house for a little while. She’d been reading and tending to the few animals they had obtained for over a week now without even the slightest inclination about going into the village. He glanced around the little kitchen trying to be inconspicuous. Noting the items they were becoming low on, he decided that if she tried to resist he’d ask for the supplies as a back up reason. If she agreed without complaint, he’d leave the shopping for another day or so to have a reason to get her back into the village.
Angele stared at her hand in utter frustration. She had to be more attentive of her surroundings: especially for her father’s sake. Sometimes he just did not notice the danger in things as normal minds would. It proved to help sometimes in some of his inventions. Other times, it seemed to just make things worse because he did not understand why she would insist on his ceasing when projects became too dangerous. Instinctively, her eyes swept to the corner of the kitchen where a big contraption was hidden away under a sheet. It was by far the most hazardous contrivance her father had come up with yet. The intention was for it to be able to cut firewood down to a size suitable for bread ovens all on its own. The worst part was that he was insisting that every time he tested or worked on it, the real ax had to be involved.
‘Papa, I don’t think it’s that bad,’ Angele tried to excuse it but winced as she attempted to rearrange her apron covering the still bleeding wounds. Her father never missed anything, and his expression visibly showed more worry. Not wanting to upset him further, Angele conceded. She didn’t think he would try anything dangerous in the short amount of time that Dr. Du Bols would need to examine her hand. ‘Yes, Papa, I’ll go into town. Is there anything we need for when I com
e back?’ Angele asked starting to look around the kitchen just as he had seconds before.
Trying to dissuade her, Gethen shook his head fervently. ‘No trouble yourself. Just worry about hand,’ he pleaded, hoping she didn’t interpret his real reasons for wanting her to go into town. Though he was genuinely concerned with her injury, his eyes flickered over to his invention. He was convinced all he needed was a few candle marks, and he’d have it working and completely functional. When he looked back to his daughter, she was studying him as if worried of what he might do while she was out. He tried to look as if he had nothing important on his mind, and he must have been successful. Angele, still clutching her hand, moved to the door and slipped her shoes on. With only a quick farewell, she left her father alone. Listening to see if she had truly gone, Gethen waited. Once he was satisfied that it was only him and the animals, he snatched the sheet off his soon-to-be prize invention with such force it sounded with a crack, sending the dust flying.
Normally Angele would have waited outside the door to hear if her father rushed to get tools and start tinkering. Today was different. Her palm felt as if it was bound to red hot irons. She quickened her steps to put less distance between her and the small village. Her house had been one of the furthest from the center of their little town, close to the forest on one side with a sprawling open field to the other: something the cruelest of the townspeople hadn’t missed. The stories of fairies and the evil creatures that inhabited the wood had been around ever since she could remember. Though she’d never seen anything to attest to the existence of such critters, some still whispered about curses and such that might be over her family.
Heaving a sigh, Angele came to a realization as she started getting into the more populated area: she just did not like people. No matter how nice and kind she was, people in general still insisted on being bitter and inconsiderate. The town was starting to come to life now that the sun had started to peak over the nearby mountains. They bustled around in the same manner as every morning. Sometimes it seemed like this tiny village was just repeating the same day over and over. Hearing the church bells ring to signify it was seven hours past the mid-hour of the night, she watched the door of the bakery. Before the bell had even finished ringing, the baker came out with fresh hot rolls, just the same as any other day.
Shaking her head with a slight smile, Angele continued on her way. Like normal, as she strolled through the streets at a quick place, eyes followed her. Men, some even married, looked after her with varying expressions. Women, on the other hand, seemed to ignore her completely. She saw some girls she once played with when she had been a child standing in a group. As soon as they noticed her, however, they turned their backs and headed down a lane between the houses. Sighing again, Angele tried to focus on her hand. She needed to get to Dr. Du Bols. The sooner she got there, the sooner she could go home.
The doctor’s house was at the far end of the little square in the right side corner. In the middle of the square stood a fountain that was a tribute to the queen of the good fairies. Angele never understood that if many of the townspeople denied the existence of these magical beings, then why would they have a fountain built in recognition of their queen? Still pondering that fact, she rushed past it, reminding herself that she needed to stay focused on her injury. Realizing it had gone almost completely numb, she quickened her stride to almost a run. She didn’t notice the shorter man leaning up against the side of the tavern as she rushed to open the doctor’s door, but Gervaise made note of her. As she disappeared from sight, he chuckled and hurried back towards his master’s house.
The little tarnished bell chimed as Angele rushed through the door. It was a wonderful idea her father had presented to the doctor. If someone were to enter at a leisurely pace the bell would only tinkle. If a person were to dash in with a medical emergency, it would sound off with a shrill clang. Though it didn’t seem all that loud or shrill, Dr. Du Bols jumped out of his kitchen as though he thought someone might’ve been shot with a musket. He must still be getting used to the bell, she thought to herself. Seeing her dress splattered with the blood that had seeped through the apron, the older man visibly paled.
‘Angele! Child, what ever happened to you?!’ he exclaimed, surging towards her in a hurry now. Dr. Du Bols had been the only doctor in this village since his father had passed the trade to him. He had never found the time to marry, though, and as such had never produced an heir to carry on his profession. He adored the younger people of the town and when asked about his decision not to marry and have kids, he simply answered that he had never found the time while taking care of his ailing father. Angele sometimes worried she would end up the same way. Putting that line of thought out of her head, she started to peel the apron from her seared flesh and tissue. Gasping in the painful effort, Angele tried to gather her thoughts so she could explain.
‘I was cooking the morning bread and got distracted,’ she began. ‘My hand got too close to vent and I just did not realize.’ With that the doctor cut her words short with a single look.
‘Reading those books again?’ He asked with obvious disapproval, ushering her into the sitting room. ‘You know, Angele, a young woman such as yourself should be busy making a home? Most ladies,’ he said putting emphasis on the word, ‘don’t even know how to read.’ As Dr. Du Bols lectured her, he was wandering around collecting the salves, gauze, and such needed items from the shelves lining the walls. While Dr. Du Bols continued the lecture, Angele started looking for a way to change the subject. It seemed all too often that, no matter where she went, she was always getting told how it was wrong for her to want to learn and read. Seeing a new bear throw rug as she started towards the chaise he had motioned towards, she seized the opportunity.
‘I apologize for the interruption, doctor, but is that a new fur? It’s so beautiful! It has such unique markings,’ she gushed, trying to sound as exuberant as any of the others would be in this hamlet. Hunting was one of the only excitements this village seemed to appreciate. As for Angele, she had never approved. Hunting the animals out of necessity for food, she could understand. Killing them senselessly because their fur had unique or beautiful patterns? Not only was the thought of that almost sickening, but it had been the destruction of her family.
Eying her with obvious suspicion, Dr. Du Bols led her the rest of the way over to the chaise by the window so that he could get a better look at her hand. She had forgotten the doctor had known her ever since she was a child. ‘You’ve taken a sudden interest in the trapping art, have you?’ He took a pair of tweezers and methodically started removing the bits of lint from the wounds. Angele bit her lip, trying not to cry out as the cold metal scrapped across her raw tissue. Oblivious, the doctor continued on, ‘Master Samil shot that bear for me a few weeks ago, had a bit of a time with it too, apparently. Left claw gashes right down his back, it did.’ The old man was smiling as if the thought of Samil’s personal struggle with the bear excited him. He probably wishes that it was him out there, Angele thought to herself, suppressing her sigh with a little effort.
‘I had to sew up the scratches, I did. He was so grateful that, in exchange, he gifted me this splendid throw rug,’ he said, gesturing to the pitiful carcass on the floor that once was a mighty creature. As he placed the tweezers on the table, he picked up a glass bowl, positioning it under her hand on his knees, and a glass bottle full of almost clear liquid. Knowing that the water from
this area never got that clear even from the spring, Angele braced herself for the burn. ‘This’ll hurt,’ was the only warning Dr. Du Bols gave her. He poured the alcohol over the burns, clamping down on her wrist with a grip of iron when her arm jerked, an involuntary reaction. Pain seared through her mind, sending tears flowing down her cheeks. Still she did not cry out, she was too proud for that.
The doctor glanced over her features to make sure she was not going to faint. Too many times did he have women in his house that, even at the slightest amount of pain, would collapse. It was the very reason he had her come to the chaise. He didn’t have the strength as he had in his youth. Angele had always been a strong-willed young lady though. A head-strong, beautiful girl who never seemed to figure out that in these times, it was better to try to blend in and just deal with it than being so outspoken. Dr. Du Bols wondered if she had ever considered the consequences of being so different. As he wound the gauze around her hand, he considered trying to talk to her about it once more. At least it’d break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between them. Studying her face once more, the doctor decided against it. If she were to ever find a man who would be suited to match her, it be a miracle, thought Du Bols. Either that or he’ll have to be just as peculiar as she is.
Angele listened as the doctor warned her about keeping the bandages dry and giving the wounds some air periodically but only half of her mind was hearing his words. By the time she left, Angele’s spirits had dropped significantly. How could she have let herself be so careless? Who was going to do the cooking for the next few days? These and similar questions kept swirling through her mind to the point that she didn’t even noticed the other villagers looking at her blood splattered dress in alarm. Remembering her father’s worry, though, Angele decided since she was already in town, she would go to the place that never failed to cheer her.
As soon as Angele walked into the book shop, Pierre knew something was wrong. He was a burly man aged into his late forties. He had always approached life with a smile and a warm heart. The Lord had been kind enough to grant him a wife and family for that, or at least that was his belief. Having a daughter himself, he could recognize that look. Angele shuffled in, starring at the floor, looking as if she had suffered a tragedy. Pierre wondered if it had been more careless comments from the other townsfolk. They seemed to delight in causing this young lady undue grief over what he thought was a valiant act, her taking care of her father instead of abandoning him to start a family of her own. Then he noticed the blood on her dress.
Still chastising herself, Angele wondered over to the closest shelf. It was her favorite because it held all of the stories about princes, fairies, dragons and such. The books always helped her escape from her life and from the worries it contained.
‘Difficult morning?’ Pierre asked hoping the blood on her dress had not come from her father. Angele jumped. She hadn’t even noticed Pierre standing close to the back of the shop. He was looking at her with a gentle smile and compassionate, yet worried eyes. Angele smiled back as best she could. He was right: it had been a rough morning. She thought about confiding in him. She had always found it easy to talk to the gentle man. He somehow seemed to understand her love and joy for the written word.
‘Yes, Monsieur Pierre, it has been a very trying morning.’ With that, Angele started pouring her heart out to the kindly man. He tsked in all the appropriate places and shook his head in others. Once she was finished, Angele took a deep breath to try to keep the tears back. She had ended with how much she was actually worried about becoming a spinster. She hadn’t realized how much this frightening possibility had worried her until now. Pierre studied her with guarded eyes and looked like he was about to say something she may not like. He looked at his hands as he began.
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Hello dear FRNDS , main PATNA (BIHAR) ka rahne wala hoo my name is Abhi , Main hamesha new style main sex karne ki kooshish karta hoo, joo k uss female ko new lage aur woh khush hoo , maine chat per 1 female 32 saal ki umer wali se doosti ki , who bhi Gaya ki rahne wali hai , Hum log phone pe baatein karte the kooch din k baad who Patna aane k liye ready hue , aur boli k woh mere sath reall sex karna chatti hai aur maine haa kardi. Woh Gaya main 1 bank main kaam karti hai , apne husband ko...
Hey, Rachel is there anything I should know? You know what I mean more things dripping out about you. Don’t you have work to do and what shoe slut reputation how you have your legs and heels straight up wear my cravat can see you. Oh! please, you act like the typical love master I really need someone more challenging if you get my drops you know what I mean. Well, do you think the other men heard your argument? Why could the thing be easier to just say yes to everything? I don’t think anyone...
Breakfast was at six-thirty sharp, though I was already dressed and more or less ready for the day when I came down to the "relaxed" dining area as it was called well ahead of that. Deidra and Bella were already seated however in preparation of being served. "Sit down, join us," Bella said. "I will ... but I need to do something else first," I informed them grinning. They looked at one another also grinning, and then stood ... leading me back down the hallway, up the stairs to Ted's...
I arranged for Hannah to come up to London for the weekend. She was at that age where girls need cock. Proper man's cock. Hannah has used her hairbrush to break her virginity, but she is now craving warm, hard cock forced in her.I picked Hannah up at the station. She was showing her long legs bare, with a short slutty denim skirt on, white top. Strappy sandals. She was carrying a small suitcase. She looked the picture of innocence. During the car ride we chatted about this and that. I reminded...
The next day at school, Jasper asked Anna Belle if he could get a ride home and she agreed. It was the first chance they'd had to talk since their little spat. As she pulled out of the student parking lot, she asked if he'd like to stop at the little cafe near the school for a soda. As they settled next to each other in a booth, he said, "I'm really sorry about the way I've been acting lately. I had a long talk with Elmer yesterday and he straightened me out about a few things." She...
Naomi was a good student. She listened to my critique and promised to do better next time. Well, I doubted that she would unless she had a chance to practice more, but that had to wait. We reached Albany before dark and had time to find a comfortable place to spend the night. That translates to “spend the night with sex.” We had not missed a night so far, and neither one of us was getting the least bit bored with the repetition. Neither of us was familiar with Albany, so it took some time...
Mom and dad had left for the week end and the young daughter was all alone. She was asked to entertain a friend coming to stay for a week. He arrived just after noon and she was out by the pool in her bikini. She was going to sun bathe topless, but knew the visitor would be arriving any time. He walked to the pool and greeted her. He stared at the girls sexy body in the skimpy suit. The triangles of fabric barely covered the huge tits and the bottom thong had less material. He liked what he saw...
This one woman, Felisha, looked like a mighty offer. She had some pulmpness, an attitude, and some experience already that would help break the ice a bit. So I could be considered a bit impatient, as I walked into the apartment complex, swinging past all kinds of broken and ghetto looking doors. I made it; apartment number five.. guess it was time to see the fruits of my labor. I knocked and soon the door opened to that beautiful ebony woman, long flowing hair, perfect brown eyes, and a bit...
Kay had to admit it would be hard to top last night's wild experience but she would one-up her husband this night. She was thankful she had arranged the little gathering in advance or she would have been lost as to how to best try and at least match the previous night.It had taken some work but one of the girls at the gym had agreed to help her and then as soon as she had agreed, a few more had decided to chip in and help as well. She sat at her desk this morning going over details. It was to...
Group Sex-one- Fifteen minutes later back in my motel room, just as I opened the door, the telephone was ringing. ‘Hello.’ ‘Scott Norton?’ I didn’t recognize the voice. It was low and soft, a man. ‘Eddie Schwartz,’ he said. ‘I use to know a buddy of. yours back in Pittsburgh. I saw your photo in the paper last week. Remember Audie Miller?’ Who would forget Audie? Audie owned a nice cozy little bar. Former fighter, never missed a football game. ‘How’s Audie?’ ‘Great. He sold the joint and he’s...
it was 2 years ago when i recently met up with a girl who used to baby sit me when i was younger.she was about 8 years older than me and recently split up from her husband she asked me if i would go to a wedding with her as a friend as it was her first social function since becoming single and i happily agreed. we attented the weeding together and at the end of the night she asked me back to her daughters house where she was staying to continue the drinking and partying so off we went.her...
It's been a long day, for you that meant you just got out of the bed after a long sleep. You could feel the tension building in your body as the warm water form the shower slowly began to wake it up form it's sleep. At the same time you started to feel that familiar thirst building up. You heard rumors of older kin able to feed on weekly, or even yearly basis. But you still needed your fix every night. With out a willing partner, that luxury you wasn't even close to, it was out for hunt every...
FantasyQuite rightly so we stopped over, booked in and retired to our room. After an hour or so Christine left the room to explore the reception area and said ‘I’ll be right back”. When an hour later she did not return, I went downstairs myself to look for her, but could not spot her. I walked around a bit and finally went around to the pool area to have a rest. Not amazed, on the opposite side of the pool, I noticed Christine indulging in oral sex with an unknown person. I say not amazed, because I...
I should have locked the door, but did not think to. My neighbor came walking in after taking Utah to the airport right before our Sunday night staple, ‘Iron Chef America.’ I didn’t look at him, I couldn’t. He sat next to me and put his arm around me as if nothing were wrong. After he kissed my cheek I pushed him away. ‘I need some time alone,’ I said to him void of emotion. ‘Why?’ ‘Just go.’ ‘Alright,’ he said sheepishly and stood up. He stood there for what felt like minutes before...
I suppose I should start my story with a little introduction and some background. Well, my name is Robert Johnson and my wife, Debbie, and I have been married now for 15 years. We met in college, both of us attending Texas A&M. I was going for my BS degree in Computer Information Systems, while she was getting her Bachelors degree in Nursing. Actually, we met at a Spring Break party in Galveston (neither of us had the money to take the typical Florida or Mexico trips). We were considered by all...
CheatingI was really young at the time, only 11 or 12, and i'd heard about a cottage (gay toilet) nearby and was really interested. A few times i had tried to tell myself to go but couldn't bring myself to do it, until one saturday afternoon.It was a pretty average day and i told my parents that i was just 'going out' and jumped on the bus to my local cottage. once i got inside the smell of piss was nearly overwhelming, you could almost taste it, but i went straight to the urinals anyway. There were to...
Everyone in my family knew that I was a deep sleeper. I had slept through an earthquake, slept through loud fireworks in front of our house and other reasons that didn’t even make me glitch in bed. Everyone knew the fact that having an alarm clock in my bed wouldn’t bother waking me up, the only way I got up was when I myself was done sleeping or when someone shook me. That’s right! So, every morning before I went to school, either my parents or my big brother would come to my room to wake...
IncestShe looked at the cock bobbing up and down in front of her face and she thought to herself, "I haven't done anything like this since college, but then that's why I'm here isn't it? Because of college? She thought back to her days at Davenport State College, days that were fun, days that were a whole lot simpler than now. She had been a good student, but she had also been a fun loving, good time party girl without a care in the world and a long happy life stretching out in front of her. And...
Author’s note: This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person. It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song. Enjoy. *...
"You, you put me through all this shit for a stupid joke? That is so not cool, Kelly. I thought you were really sick or something serious," he said, sounding really pissed. "Honey? Ronnie, I would not joke about something like that, I love you, and know how badly you want children. And, I know that even though I know you love me, there is always that little crack of doubt in my armor, that you might leave me for a woman who can give you children," I told him, starting to cry. "That's...
Hello dosto, Mera naam mahesh hai. Ye meri pheli kahani hai. Umeed hai Ap sab ko pasand aegi. Apne comments zarur likhe aur ladkiya to yaad se likhe. Ye banawati kahani hai aur maine ache se likhne ki kosis ki hai. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai 19 ka tha. Mere pados me ek 18 ki ladki thi naam nisha. Hamari bht achi baat hoti thi kuki hamari mummy ek dusare ki bht achi dost thi. Ek din mummy aur aunty ko shopping Jana tha bahar aur laute laute raat ho jati. Aunty ne nisha ko mere yaha hi chod dia...
This is a true story and is my personal experience.While I was in high school I was part of ASB and we did this thing where we sold chocolates to make money for our school. One of my friends who always looked so hot in our meetings was in charge of this fundraiser for our school. I knew her pretty well, we would talk here and there and would also text each other sometimes. To me she had the nicest body with some nice perky tits and a nice big ass with some sexy ass lips. She always wore tight...
At the desolate rocks, I fucked the feet of newlywed Russian gymnast Marina's .I was working as a waiter at a hotel. Usually Russian tourists were visiting our city and hotel. It was almost middle of the July. That is, hottest days f the summer.Even very beautiful women wouldn't impress me because I usually used to it.We were working shifts night and day.But, that day everything changed. I had just finished night shift. After breakfast I was resting in the staff room. I was watching Russian...
I once knew a guy named Kent (not his real name) who I met at work. Kent was a big, husky type guy, a bit of a biker and we sometimes found ourselves in the same pub after work. One night, after a few beers, Ken produced a joint and asked me if I wanted to go outside and toke up. He decided we should go to his car to smoke so I climbed into the front seat and he lit up the joint. It was great shit and we both got really high. While we sat there talking I looked down and noticed that Kent was...
As a freshman she became a cheer leader and later the freshman beauty in the home coming Queen's court. Fay was tall and played basketball. She was voted best All Around Good Sport in the school Year Book that year. Fay had intense cravings for sex, she masturbated often, she had enjoyed a lot of sexual intercourse in Memphis and remembered how a hard prick felt all to well. That was what she really wanted, a hard prick in her. Fay knew that if she fucked any one in her school those guys...
Super Bowl Sunday Here in America on Sunday, February 1, 2009 Super Bowl XLIII (43) took place. Our version of football is quite different from that of the rest of the world. In soccer you don’t need a helmet and pads for protection and the other team isn’t trying to drive your body into the ground. This year the two teams were the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. To make a long story short Pittsburgh won. Now for what really happened… My five best friends and I...
Well us girls like the Shopping Mall, bright dry and full of shops to entice us in, to spend our hard earned cash.I go to mine constantly it tends to get full of young gangs of men, unemployed and full of spunk.So the other day I am sitting on a comfort bench, which is not very comfortable, knowing full well there is a smoking ban, I dug deep in my hand bag for my electronic cigarettee-lites they are called, bring on the steam!!!Placing it to my lips and inhaling I found myself being watched by...
I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...
Jack pulled out of the drive and drove home. He parked the car in the garage and went into the house. His parents were in the kitchen, discussing dinner. "Would you like to go out for dinner Jack?" His father asked. "Your mom doesn't feel like cooking tonight and I don't want pizza." "Sure why not," Jack replied, taking a can of soda from the refrigerator. "Please tell your sister to get ready," his mom said. Jack nodded as he drank from the can of soda. He emptied its contents...
Mera naam Raj hai. Meri family me mere alawa mere parents aur meri badi bahan hain. Meri umar 23 saal hai aur meri bahan ki 28 saal. Meri bahan ka naam Shilpa hai. Dekhne me vo koi bahut sundar nahi hai par ek average ladki jaroor hai. Par us ki figure use overall attractive bana deti hai. Us ki figure hai 36d/30/38. Chahe us ki chuchi hon chahe gaand, jo dekh le bas dekhta hi reh jaata hai. Mere parents abhi tak us ke liye koi ladka nahi dhoondh paaye. Un ko aaj tak koi ladkaa pasand hi nahi...
Charly sat at the counter at the McDougal Coffee Shop, staring down at her plate. It had been a week since she encountered the four tourists by the lighthouse and she’s made every attempt to steer clear of them ever since. She’d been pretty successful at it so far, but her luck was about to change that morning. She was now quietly gazing down at the toast, over-easy eggs, and a small serving of hash browns on a plate in front of her. A steaming cup of herbal tea stood close by. As appetizing...
Tracy enjoyed being in the nation’s capital, even if it was for business. She had worked for her company for several years and was finally promoted to Vice President. At the age of thirty-two, she was not only the youngest board member, but also the only female. Most of her female peers opted for marriage and children over career. Tracy remained focused on career, sometimes forgetting the importance of a personal life. Tracy was an attractive female with shoulder length frosted hair. She...