Dead End Street IIChapter 3 free porn video

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As a freshman she became a cheer leader and later the freshman beauty in the home coming Queen's court. Fay was tall and played basketball. She was voted best All Around Good Sport in the school Year Book that year.

Fay had intense cravings for sex, she masturbated often, she had enjoyed a lot of sexual intercourse in Memphis and remembered how a hard prick felt all to well. That was what she really wanted, a hard prick in her.

Fay knew that if she fucked any one in her school those guys were likely to tell.

Fay's brother was not around to quench that flame in her belly. He had quit school and joined the Navy.

Her parents had decided years before that they would not allow her to have a date until she was fifteen years old. Fay was a truly frustrated fourteen year old.

Her friends in school never knew of her lust for sex, she hid that well. Guys would ask her for a date but she would smile and thank him then she would tell him she hoped he would ask again after her fifteenth birthday.

Fay was able to maintain her poise and project the image of the sweet young virgin while thoughts of sex were always in her mind.

Fay was still going to the public library often. She was using a small branch close enough for her to walk to it. Just before school was out for the summer she told her parents she was going to spend all day Saturday at the big one in town.

She boarded a bus to the downtown section of Birmingham and walked to the library there.

She saw a lot of young women and men from the four major colleges in the Birmingham area there.

Fay browsed the shelves and found something she liked then chose a seat at an empty table. Facing her at the next row of tables were several nice looking guys.

Fay was wearing a dress with a short skirt.

Now and then Fay would cross her legs when she knew one of them was looking at her.

Just thinking about a guy becoming hard looking at the crotch of her panties made her so hot she got up and found the ladies lavatory. She masturbated in a stall. When she went back to her table a girl was siting beside her place.

The girl was wearing a near nothing halter top and a pair of cut offs. She was a bit over weight and had a huge set of tits. Her hair was a frizzy blond (from a bottle and poorly done) and her face was covered with pancake make up.

Thirty pounds lighter and her hair natural and only lipstick on her face, she would probably be a pretty girl.

In a whisper the girl said " Hi my name is Tammy Simms and I go to U.A.B..." (The University of Alabama in Birmingham). Where do you go?

Fay realized that Tammy thought she was older than fourteen and old enough to be in college.

Fay whispered Samford.

Tammy asked "You like there."

Fay replied "Mostly."

Tammy asked Fay if she wanted to go to a party after a while.

Fay asked Tammy to tell her about the party.

Tammy suggested they go outside and smoke a cigarette. She said she would tell her about the party without having to whisper.

Outside, Tammy dug a pack of smokes out of her back pack and offered Fay one. Fay declined.

They sat on the steps and Fay gave Tammy a false name and told her she was from a small town in western Alabama. Fay said she roomed in a dorm at Sanford University. Tammy told of six guys that had an old house rented near Five Points South. They all had nearly new cars and usually each guy had some good grass. There was always beer and all kind of liquors. Tammy figured they all got as much money as they needed from home.

Tammy told Fay that she really was going to a party, the thing was the party went on all the time. It had started at the first of the fall semester and was still going.

Guys and girls came and stayed for a while and then left. Single guys came and sometimes stayed two or three nights. Single girls came and if they saw a guy they liked they might find an empty bed or share one with another couple for hours or days.

Tammy told Fay that it was "A totally wiped out scene." Tammy explained that those guys would throw a loud mouth or a guy that did not hear a girl say no out on his ass.

Tammy asked Fay to go with her and if she did not like the party, hell she could leave anytime and catch a bus to near her dorm.

Fay told Tammy that it sounded as if she might get in trouble by going there.

Tammy explained about how the six guys ran the show. Every one parked in back. No cars could be seen from the street. Everyone went in or out the back door. No loud music the neighbors could hear. The bar and dance floor were in the basement. (The noise could not be heard outside) There was a huge living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms and a bath room on the first floor. The second floor was off limits to any one but the six guys that rented the old house. Tammy said she had seen the upstairs as a guest of one of them "If you know what I am saying." She said there was a locked door at the top of the stairs.

Tammy asked if Fay was coming. She was ready to go over there now.

Fay told her she was game.

They walked three blocks and got in Tammy's wreck. It looked as if it had never been washed and it was the most banged up piece of shit Fay had ever seen.

Tammy ground on the starter several times pumping the gas pedal like mad.

The wreck finally started and Fay looked around the inside of it, the floor was covered with fast food wrappers.

Tammy grinned at Fay and said "It aint much but it's mine finally"

After a scary journey from downtown to southside through the U.A.B. campus Tammy pulled in behind a old house on an off street.

There were a late model Corvette, a two door Caddy Sports car, a nearly new red Ford 4x4 pickup and three other just cars.

Tammy explained that two blocks away was the bus stop for the bus to Samford. (That same bus went within two blocks of where Fay really lived.)

Inside through the kitchen and in the living room was five guys sipping beer. Tammy introduced Fay by her false name. Two of the guys were big-big. They played football for U.A.B. and had just come in from Saturday morning practice. One guy was tall and thin and he played basketball. Of the two remaining, one was near passing out drunk and the other was just a plain homely Joe. Every one there was friendly to Tammy. The drunk slurred out "How's your pussy these days kid", Tammy laughed at him and told him "If you were not to drunk to fuck I"d let you find out for yourself."

Fay was with Tammy so the guys assumed she was as ready for sex as Tammy always was.

One of the football players asked Fay if she would like to see the rest of the house. He showed her the basement. It smelled of male semen and hot pussy, there were couches and throw pillows scattered. Fay saw several used condoms discarded around the room. The guy (Jess was his name) asked Fay to excuse the mess, and said the maid came on Mondays.

Jess then took her upstairs through a locked door. That part of the house was nice. The walls had been painted and from the hall she looked into six big bedrooms all nicely furnished.

There were three large baths and at the end of the hall at the top of the stairs was a sitting area. Jess had been leading Fay around holding her hand. He led her into his room and told her he wanted to get better aquatinted with her.

He kissed her and she said her heart nearly stopped. Fay kissed him back with passion.

Jess led Fay to the bed. He undressed her and sucked on her tits for a bit then pushed her on her back and ate her pussy. Fay told me she had cumm while he was nibbling and kissing her breast. When his lips first touched her pussy she had erupted in the largest climax she had ever felt before. After he teased her clit with his tongue she had another just as gut wrenching.

Jess undressed and gave her a look at a larger than average prick. He asked her if she was ready for this now as he waved his hard from side to side. Fay had mumbled "God yes."

Jess started to get on the bed and Fay was getting in the center for him when she realized she was going to let him in her without a rubber.

She asked if he minded putting on a condom. She told him she was not on the pill, it had made her sick when she had tried to take it.

Jess said "Sure thing honey just a sec..."

When he got one out of the night stand she asked to put it on him.

Over the next hour Fay had too many climaxes to count. Jess used two condoms.

Jess said he felt as if he had pumped all the starch out of his spine that last time. He took off the rubber and wrapped it in Kleenex and put it in a waste can.

Jess told Fay he thought they should go back down now.

They heard a voice from the open doorway. "Just a minute buddy let me ask her if she wants this first", it was the other football player. He walked over to the bed and unzipped his fly. Fay looked at another larger than average dick. He was hard and ready. Fay wanted it. She told Jess to go on without her. Jess laughed and told her that as many times as she had just got off and still wanted more, she was the hottest pussy he had ever met.

Jess introduced Larry and left after putting his shorts and tank top on.

Fay had asked Larry to wear a rubber. He had asked her to follow him to his room. Fay carried her clothes with her down the hall.

Larry had a nicely furnished room. Larry was in a hurry, he was out of his tank top and shorts quickly. Fay put a rubber on his dick and Larry realized that foreplay was not needed or wanted. He was between her legs in an instant and pounding in her. Larry was not a slow lover like Jess he fucked her hard. Fay loved it. She began to climax regularly and had a lot of good ones before Larry shot that rubber nearly full.

They rested and Larry got cokes from a tiny refrigerator in a corner of the room. Larry wanted to talk, he wanted to know more about her than just her name. (She had told Tammy she was Nan Pinson. The name of her ex friend in Memphis) Larry wanted to know where she was from and if she had a steady guy.

Fay did not want to get cought in a lie. She told Larry to hush and fuck now, they could talk later. He did not have to be asked twice Fay had been playing with him since he brought her a coke and sat down. He was hard again. Larry lasted longer that time. Fay went to one of the baths and cleaned herself up.

"Want to go down stairs with me" she asked after she was dressed. Larry told her he might be able to in an hour or so. Fay went over to him and kissed him and thanked him for being so good to her. She promised to come back the next Saturday.

Fay entered the living room and found Jess on a couch, the tall nice looking guy on another and the drunk passed out on the floor in a corner.

Fay asked if Tammy had left and Jess laughed and told her Tammy and two guys were "Getting it on." Fay said she had not seen them upstairs. Jess shrugged and told her that girls like Tammy did not get to go upstairs.

Fay thanked Jess for being so nice to her. She told him goodbye and asked if she could come back next Saturday. Jess told her the party lasted twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and she was welcome anytime.

Fay had gone every Saturday for years. She had usually had at least two different men but on a few occasions she had used three to dampen that fire burning in her belly. There were lots of opportunities for her to show up on days other than Saturdays and sometimes she could get away on a Sunday after having been there the day before.

Fay was always treated nice and only had intercourse with guys she wanted. No girl was ever forced to do anything she did not want to do there. Fay loved to suck a man off but never did that to anyone there. She was scared that it might not be safe, she knew all those guys fucked a lot of different women.

She never let anyone in her that did not wear a condom.

Fay led a double life.

Her classmates never knew. When she was old enough to have her first date several boys asked her. She went out with a boy that had asked her a month before. He was a nice guy and Fay had fun with him but he was just a boy not a man. Fay had not even kissed him on that first date. He told in school about not even getting to kiss her on that first date but driveled on and on about how wonderful, witty, intelligent, pleasant, poised, graceful and just all around good to be with she was.

Fay's first date was with a "hunk" and he was popular with the girls in school. She went out with him a lot but quit dating him when he became possessive and insisted on their "Going Steady."

Her reputation was made, a nice girl but not a chance of her giving any guy some of her pussy. Those boys that were only interested in a girls pussy looked at Fay and wished but none of them wanted to waste any time on a "Good" girl.

Fay dated a lot of boys but none of them were important to her. They all seemed like kids to a fifteen year old that was fucking real men.

The other girls in school saw no danger from Fay concerning their boy friends.

She had it all, Queen of each class each year, star of the girls basketball team, Home Coming Queen two times, and the girl all the boys in school thought of when masturbating.

Fay continued to make straight A+ grades an was a cinch to get several good scholarship offers after graduation.

Fay was amused by it all. She knew that she had matured much faster than her classmates and that was because of her experiences in Memphis and with those people at the Year Around Party.

A girl that had been a paid whore at age nine would naturally mature fast.

Fay's school years were pleasant, She had as many men (Not Boys) as she wanted by going in to the Year Long Party and yet did not have that experience of being shunned by her classmates as she had in Memphis.

The summer she graduated from high school Fay changed, At the Year Long Party the next Saturday she smoked pot and thought "Hell this isn't anything." She smoked another "joint" and thought nothing was happening. She smoked her third and for the next four hours had only faint memories of what happened to her.

That night after slipping into her empty home late she tried to remember the afternoon.

She remembered a lot of guys fucking her one after another but she did not know how many. She remembered that none of them had worn a condom. She could not remember much but she could remember she had never cumm for any of them.

Fay remembered two girls pushing their hands inside her vagina all the way to their wrists and laughing at her screams because of the pain.

She remembered two blacks fucking her and them slapping her tits and face and pinching her ass to make her fuck back. They were not wearing condoms. They had punched her in her belly with their fists.

She had dim memories of those black guys brutally fucking her face and of her choking on the jism they shot down her throat. She remembered the foul smell of the nasty dicks forced into her mouth. She vividly remembered being dragged out to the back yard and guys walking up and pissing in her face and on her tits and, even two girls pissing on her face. One of the girls had turned a garden hose on full blast and hosed her down with cold water then pushed it up in her pussy hard. I'm cleaning this "piece of shit whore" up for you bastards she said to the crowd and they all laughed.

She dimly remembered being forced down over the arm of a sofa and having a lot of guys push their cocks up her rectum, she remembered laughter at her screams of agony and pain.

Later she awakened enough to get up off a filthy carpet that smelled of stale vomit and piss. She found her clothes, got dressed and sneaked away to the bus stop.

Her folks were away for that Memorial Day week end, would not be back until Tuesday.

Fay spent two days alone with her body hurting so badly she cried most of the time.

She realized she had fucked God only knew how many and not had the first orgasm.

She was scared shitless thinking about having fucked those guys with no protection.

Did any of them have AIDS?

How about Herpes or any other of the sixty sexually transmitted diseases?

Fay waited three weeks to go back to the Year Long Party. The original six guys that had started the party had graduated from school one by one and other guys had moved in. It was not the same as before, it was a grungy place now and the people were grungy to. Fay did find one guy she knew, he had been nice to her last year. He put on a condom and they fucked on a couch.

They fucked for a long time and he "Got off" two times but Fay did not even get close to having an orgasm. She had lost her intense interest in sex. Lost even the pleasant feel of a man's dick in her.

That fire in her belly had gone out.

Fay tried several more times to have sex with strangers that summer but it never resulted in her having a climax.

She could not come to a climax even by masturbation.

Fay had gotten a wonderful offer from Auburn her last month in high school. She was offered both a four year scholarship and a basketball scholarship.

She was going to get full tuition with both but for playing basket ball on the Lady Tigers team she would get a large private room in the Athletic Dorm and a nice allowance of money for expenses. She accepted Auburn's offer.

Fay's father was so proud of her he bought her a new car. After all, those college costs he had been saving for, were now going to paid by the scholarships.

She was to start three weeks before fall quarter began. She reported to the athletic department, was given her room and began practice.

Fay was friendly, but had learned her lesson well when moving from Memphis to Birmingham, she was slow making friends.

Fay turned down any offers for dates.

Fay's problem was mental not physical. She had a really complete examination before she was signed in, one test was for aids and other venereal diseases. Her horrible day at the Year Long Party had not given her anything that would not wash off or heal up. She was clean.

That took a heavy load off her mind.

Even though it was three weeks before classes started when Fay reported to school her days were full.

She was up at six and had breakfast and the remainder of the day was on a basketball court working her ass off.

Auburn's Lady Tigers is always a S.E.C. title contender.

Fay had played for four years in high school and thought she was ready for college play, she found that she was green as grass.

Those coaches made those girls mean, lean, keen machines.

Classes started and Fay's days were less strenuous. She had time to make a few friends.

She was given ten tickets to each football game. The girls sold them usually but Fay called her parents and invited them down for the first game of the season.

She kept three and sold the rest.

The game was with a minor college and Auburn got ahead early in the first quarter. The coaches let every body but the water boy play after that.

Fay's folks came just for the game and left after having dinner with her at her dorm cafeteria.

It was a nice visit.

Fay's first year went by fast, she was carrying as heavy a class load as they would let her. Team practice was year around. Fay was totally engrossed in school and was so busy she had no time for relaxing or leisure pleasures.

Her grade point average was 4.0 at the end of her freshman year.

After the end of her first quarter Fay had sought help concerning the loss of her sexuality. One of the foremost "Shrinks" in the country was a Professor at Auburn. Fay made an evening appointment.

Dr. Ellison was a middle aged lady with an abundance of clinical experience before she had taken a teaching position at Auburn.

Fay's appointment was at the Dr.'s office in her home. Fay soon felt relaxed and related all the events of her life up to the present. The Dr. asked questions as Fay talked.

The Doctor told Fay that what had happened to her at the Year Long Party was caused by not just three joints of pot. There had to have been some sort of drug given to her as well.

The Doctor had four more evening meetings with Fay. During the fifth meeting Dr. Elliston told Fay many stories of patients that had been traumatized by events so shaking that they had created mental blocks.

She told of one girl, madly in love with a guy, that had gotten pregnant. When she told the father, he had become so angry he beat her badly. He made her get an appointment and abort the fetus. The girl had let him continue to live with her. He and two of his drunk friends came in from a bar one night and raped her repeatedly. Again she was beaten.

She had nothing to do with him after that.

The girl had been so traumatized she lost all desire for sex. She could not even get herself off with her finger.

The doctor told of a lot more cases where a brutal Gang Rape or a woman severely abused and hurt sexually had lost all her interest in sex of any sort.

In every case the woman had recovered, some in months, some in years. She had heard of only a few exceptions. If the girl or woman was retarded she often never did.

She told Fay the mind has a way of healing it's self as time passes.

Fay asked if there was anything she could do to speed up that healing.

Dr. Ellison advised her to begin to date, but only with nice guys. She gave Fay four don'ts to remember and maybe her healing would begin.

Don't go out with a guy that might try to force her to have sex.

Don't have sex and fake an orgasm.

Don't drink while out with a date.

Don't ever get in a situation where she could be raped.

Dr. Ellison gave her a few suggestions that might help.

Meet a nice guy and keep the relationship one of a comrade and friend kind of thing.

Date more than one guy, go out with other men so that it becomes plain that you are not looking for a relationship.

Drop a guy that is getting too intense.

Have fun and do not worry, remember her sexual problem was not permanent.

Fay asked the Doctor how she would know when she was over the trauma, how could she tell when she was cured.

The doctor told her "Honey when with all your heart you want to fuck some guy's brains out you are cured."

Fay sat on the bench every basketball game that first year. The last of the season one of the coaches had her drop by her office.

Same as Dead End Street II
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Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

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Wendell and How He Got That Way part 2 by ButtFl

Wendell was in the middle of a major disconnect with the outside world. In his mind, he made himself invisible, so that no one was there besides him and the dancers. He didn’t hear the crowd screaming for the girls to hurt him. There was no crowd. The only sound he heard was the blood rushing in his head. The only things he saw were the g-strings and legs of whoever was dancing in front of him. The laughing, abusive men were just background players in a movie: a movie starring Wendell as...

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Dead End Street IIChapter 5

Below us were five studs spreading beach towels and five lush beauties watching. I heard Fay say "O.K. you handsome bastards give us a show taking off those suits one by one." Each guy did a kind of strip dance while taking off his suit. Pam told them to lie down while she and her friends admired and touched those handsome cocks. One of the guys told her it was the girls time to strip now. The ladies one by one got nude for them. One guy was so horney he erupted before they all were...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 11 Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Eleven: Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “That really, really is not an appropriate outfit to wear in public,” said Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's wife, as I sauntered into her apartment. “This?” I asked, plucking at the black miniskirt I wore. “Just something casual for my study date with Georgia.” “Study date?” The married MILF folded her arms beneath her breasts. She had on a pink...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

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Living on a Dead End StreetPart Two Tuesday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part Two ~ Tuesday by Ginny Wolf My alarm clock sounded early on Tuesday morning. I jumped out of bed, nearly completely awake as I needed some extra time to become ready and to fix breakfast for my wife Helene. While she continued sleeping, I took a quick shower, put my hair up on electric rollers as our rough and tumble love-making last night made my hair quite disheveled, and dressed in a toffee colored bra and matching panties. Helene demands that I...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend 2

The next day, Wendy went into one of the empty study lounges in the dorm to read up in her psychology textbook. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Dan’s huge cock, and almost unconsciously slid her hand down inside her sweatpants and started to absentmindedly frig herself. When Jim came into the lounge (for what exact reason Wendy never did find out) she didn’t stop, but kept right on rubbing her pussy. “Here, Wen,” Jim said to her as he sat down on the couch...

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Wendi the Winch Wench

NOTE: See the story “Lusty Lori” for more background on some of the characters. This can stand alone but is a sequel to the above. There was an itinerant sailor wench, the kind that goes from boat to boat as crew as their way of life, who had been sent my way. Wendi was a tall lean blonde in her late twenties. Small tits, big smile, and talented crotch. She was good at sailing and screwing so stayed with me for six months over the winter. She took good care of the boat and my cock so I took...

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Gender Bender

Today's date is 6/5/2011 - and I want to state, categorically, that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I don't write any more - but enjoy sending stories to Fictionmania. I also have a blog - nothing for sale - just a meeting place tor transvestites, cross dressers - and like minded sissies. It's at You'd all be welcome. Hugs Bea GENDER BENDER By Bea It probably took a long time for Phylis to set everything up, make the necessary...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

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Living on a Dead End StreetPart One Sunday and Monday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part One ~ Sunday and Monday by Ginny Wolf The clock said it was almost 10:30 on a Sunday night as I sat on my "beauty lounger" in the den. My was hair tightly set on 38 small brush rollers and covered with a pink hairnet. A layer of thick white cream covered my face in the kind of rock-hard facial that severely limited my ability to speak, with only my eyes visible under the beauty mask at work "softening and cleansing" my skin while giving me "deep...

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Dead End Street IIChapter 2

My darling Fay cooked the Canadian bacon and Toni poached the eggs. I toasted the English muffins and put it all together. We were eating (Make that gorging) by nine thirty. I noticed the black clouds to the south but kept quiet. Those gulf storms move fast. The C.D. player was going in the living area and if there had been any thunder no one heard it. At ten minutes till ten a deafening thunder clap scared hell out of the ladies. Most of us went to look out the windows. There was a black...

2 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 2 Wendy Wins

The ride back up the hill was considerably more sedate than the ride down. We also had the dubious pleasure of a police escort ... from a block back. Needless to say, I was very careful. When we got to Wendolyn's house, the movers were gone. Mrs. Porter was already losing the harried look. She pulled on my arm, "Please? Come in. I want to make sure it's all gone." She looked over her shoulder at the police car and hollered, "Officer? Please come with us?" He vacated his car and...

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Kendras Way Part IV

Kendra flounced into the kitchen just as Daniel poured himself a fresh cup of Kona coffee from carafe. She was wearing a very sexy silk negligee that was cut in a vintage style. It had been custom made for her as a wedding gift from her mother. A soft pink from the bust to the waistline it began to flare slightly as the colour transitioned to soft coral at the bottom, slightly below her knee."Ah thank you, Sweety...not too much cream. Need to watch the waistline," she smirked, rising quickly on...

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Kendras Wonderful Trip to Aruba

Folllow up For the past ten days, Kendra and I didn't have any intimate relations as I traveled for work. After the tenth day, she confronted me and asked, "Is everything okay, you've been home a while, and we still haven't had sex?" I smiled at her and said, "Perfect timing honey, I have a little surprise for you." I handed her an envelope which she opened. It only took her a few seconds to realize it was an itinerary to Aruba with first class plane tickets and a fantastic resort on beach....

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CuttyChapter 2 Miss Brendanrsquos House

When arriving at the mansion of ms Brendan after lunch, Donna was not too surprised to see it was a very luxurious one. It had started already with the limousine with personal driver. During the ride ms Brendan had received at least five phone calls from various business associates, as she called them. She had not really bothered Donna during the ride, leaving her to her own thoughts. “Walk up to the front door, Donna” ms Brendan instructed Donna “I will be there shortly, I have to make one...

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Changing Wendell

Changing Wendell By Donna Dee I had a topsy-turvy childhood, perhaps what you might call the curates egg - good in places! We lived in a large house set in its own grounds a few miles from the nearest town and as a consequence, apart from mates that I met at school I had very few friends outside the family, but they weren't really necessary because of the exceedingly tame wild animals that roamed our estate, animals that gave me hours of pleasure just to watch and photograph...

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Oh know fucking hell here is Brendan yet again part two

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mothering Sunday part two by Tony Smith Over the breakfast table Brendan could not help but notice both of his sisters were more giggly than usual and whispering a great deal more than was good for them. “What is the matter with you two?” asked their mother, and the siblings immediately stopped making any sounds; and just clammed up. Rachael was the eldest by thirty minutes at just eighteen years old. Mandy was the more popular one of the two sisters,...

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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

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A Nintendo Fans Lust 2012 Rewrite

Introduction: Josh enters the Nintendo universe and gets pussy from the women he grew up with since childhood DISCLAIMER This is a story about me, the author, having sexual intercourse with Princess Peach from the Super Mario Bros. series, Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, and Samus Aran from the Metroid series. I would like to note that the Zelda character playing in this story is not the blonde version from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but the brunette version from...

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

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Oh fucking hell its Brendan yet again

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mothering Sunday part one by T Smith The first time Brendan Lee saw his mother naked was an epiphany for him. She was taking a bath and he had to use the toilet. As he entered the bathroom; Mrs Lee was soaping her huge breasts, paying particular attention to her extraordinary areolas. Tweaking her erect nipples. Running her fingers in a circular motion around each proud nipple, first in a clockwise motion, then anticlockwise; every now and then tugging...

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Gender Bender

Gender Bender The game is real. The results are pure fiction. Hi everybody. My name is Ralph O'Rouke. (Yes I get kidded about it.) My friend's was Steve Becker. It is now Stephanie. This is how Steve became Stephanie. It was Friday. We were finished with work for the week. We went to the Pirate's Roost Bar and Grill. The owner liked old style sailing ships and he felt the name gave the place a style all it's own. The nautical theme did fit in due to the fact it was near the...

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Brendan and Tim

I have two friends named Brendan and Tim. They are both bisexual and have recently become partners. Brendan was a huge 25yo stud, and Tim was a 19yo twink with blue eyes and blonde hair. One day, as they were preparing for their second sexual experience, they were watching some nude wrestling porn. They were both supporting different people. Tim said "Go fuck him," towards his wrestler. Brendan responded "did i say you could talk, Cunt""Why are you my manager""Causes i fucked you last time. I'm...

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Glendas Revenge

Glenda's Revenge By PYT It was evening and I was glad it was Friday. I entered the brew pub and there was Jim seated in the center not far from the counter. "What's up?" I said. "Hey, Sam. How goes it?" "Same old. I put that Glenda out on her butt." "The hot waitress that works here? I thought you liked her a lot?" "I did, but you know I'm not the long term type. She was cramping my style. She wanted to spend the night all the time and she got mad because I was seeing a...

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The House at the End of the StreetChapter 3

Melinda was quite chipper the next morning, barely saying a word of contention to Heather. In fact, her only reaction to her older sister's usual jibes and teases was an increasingly smug smile. After Melinda had dressed and was heading out the door, Heather came up from behind her and laid her hand on the edge of the door, pushing it back closed. "What?" Melinda demanded, looking up at her older sister impatiently. "What are you up to?" Heather said, narrowing her eyes. Melinda...

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© Copyright 2003 by Rod Ramsey. All rights reserved. Chapter 1: The Professor's Office Glenda leaned against Professor John Walker's desk and raised her short skirt, her long red hair falling to touch the desktop. This was the fourth time in as many weeks the twenty year old sophomore had found herself in a position to be punished by the handsome Psychology Professor. Professor Walker usually found one or two female students every semester that were willing to trade an occasional...

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Mending the Rend

Like my other stories I am writing this one speradically. If you want to know when the entire thing is finished I will gladly email you and let you know. Feedback will be highly apprecieted. Also all copywriting law apply To the Alexandria Children’s Orphan Asylum, I am a young woman looking for three small children to raise and love. I understand that, as a single woman, you may have your doubts about my ability to care for three children, but I can assure you, I am quite capable. I own a...

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Mending the Rend Ch 02

To the Alexandria Children’s Orphan Asylum, I am a young woman looking for three small children to raise and love. I understand that, as a single woman, you may have your doubts about my ability to care for three children, but I can assure you, I am quite capable. I own a farm just outside of Knightsville, and I have plenty of room to care for them. I also have a steady income from the livestock I sell every year. I grow a healthy crop of corn, and beans as well. They bring in enough to pay...

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Rob and Glenda

We had just gotten off work and Ben and I were sitting at the bar in Riley's Tavern sipping suds and shooting the shit while watching Monday Night Football on the TV. The game was just so-so, neither team seemingly able to get it together although the Broncos did manage to get a drive or two going even though they never capitalized on them. A shot of the Broncos cheerleaders hit the screen and Ben nudged me and said: "Would you?" "Would I what?" "Do one of those...

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Glendarsquos first time out

I guess it’s safe to say that I am a bit of a freak, or more specifically a pervert. My various fantasies were created over a span of five decades and over the years, no matter how hard I tried to hide this fact from my partners, eventually I was found out, oftentimes with devastating results.Until recently I had never found anyone with whom I felt comfortable enough to share my innermost secrets, however I was able to subtlety steer some of my previous lovers into some wilder unabashed moments...

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Mehendi Lagake Bhai Ko Phasaya

Hi i am riya from bhubaneswar mujhe jab pata chala ki sex exp ko asi net pe share karte hai to me bhi apni exp share karna chahati hu jo apko pasanda ayegi me jo bol ne ja rahi hu wo mere bhai ke sath mera peheli bar thi mujhe pehele se exp hai thodi thodi. Ab me bina bore kiye hua apko mere family ke bare batati hu meri family ek higher middil class family hai mummy papa me aur mera ek chota bhai hai me 26 ki hu aur mera bhai 23 ki haiye kahani 2 saal pehele ki hai . are me to apni bare apko...

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A Baby for Glenda

A baby for Glenda By Talent Scout Constance lay in bed after a bout of weeping, her hand resting on her belly as she felt the hard knot of a baby within her. Last night, she could no longer hide the truth from herself - despite all the precautions, all the medicines and charms she used regularly, she was pregnant. Her last customer of the night had noticed and had asked her once he had taken his pleasure with her, his question piercing her carefully built walls of self-deception. She...

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Mrs Cavendish Sequel

Mrs Cavendish - Sequel © Titania Midsummer - 2021 Intro Paula Hanson recently wrote a very good story entitled "Mrs Cavendish." You must read it prior to this. Following is my version of sequel or conclusion. Paula, if you don't like this for any reason just contact me and I will delete it asap. No need to explain. Day 5 - Continued. Painting doesn't take much concentration so whilst doing it I tried to work out what was going on, and why. Clearly Julia was trying to...

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Streetwalker My wife and I enjoy a little roll playing in our marriage. My two favorite roll-playing games are the “Little Catholic Schoolgirl” and the “Streetwalker.” I love it when my beautiful wife puts on a “Catholic Schoolgirl” outfit that she got at a yard sale last summer. Usually I’m the “Head Mater” and have to punish her for something. She really gets into it too. It sure makes for some really good sex afterwards. Now the “Streetwalker” allows my tall slender wife to...

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SerendipityChapter 8

We might have been an old married couple ... almost. Not long after the dawn light woke us, Grace leaned over and kissed me deeply. "I'd really like to fuck you again before breakfast, Ted, but I also want to get to sea." "Only one thing wrong with what you just said, Sweetie," I said, "we don't fuck, we make love." She froze and looked at me, eyes wide, then kissed me again, more passionately than before. Even so, she got out of bed, climbed into some clothes and disappeared in...

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