Ghosts Goblins
- 2 years ago
- 34
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The night air was charged with portents of an impending storm, one with a predicted intensity that sent most Gothamites hurrying home to safety. There was one, however, who raced not to the safety of home, but into danger. Clad in dark gray with a mantle of black, the tall, powerfully built man was the city’s self-appointed guardian. Dedicated to his mission, some would say obsessed, he was hardly a man to let adverse weather stay his course.
Racing across rooftops and back alleys that he knew as well as the halls of his ancestral manor, the masked avenger thought it fitting that it should rain tonight of all nights. That the skies themselves should shed tears in memory of events now two decades gone. Of a searing moment in which he lost that which was most dear to him. The moment in which Batman had been born.
It was supposed to be a celebration, an early birthday gift for a son deeply loved by his parents. They had gone to see a showing of the classic movie “The Mark of Zorro”, little realizing how the film, and the tragic events that followed, would shape the life of a child not yet even in his teens.
The neighborhood had then been called Park Row. It would be years later that it would acquire the more infamous name of Crime Alley. Many would mark the start of that transformation with that night. The night that Thomas and Martha Wayne died.
It had happened almost too quickly for the young boy to fully realize what was happening. The armed figure that had stepped out of the shadows with a demand that his parents give up their valuables. A careless motion by the thief had pointed his deadly weapon in the direction of the boy’s mother, which prompted a counter-motion by his father that placed him between the two in an attempt to protect his wife.
Then came the ear shattering explosion of two gunshots, bolts of lightning that destroyed his world and killed the man that Bruce Wayne might be one day have been as certainly as they stilled the hearts of his parents. The thief had then fled, but not before looking deep into the eyes of the boy he’d just orphaned. What he saw there frightened him in a way that he could never have imagined. It was a fear that untold numbers of his fellows would come to experience in years to come.
The boy grew to be a man, armed with vast wealth and a lifetime of knowledge and skills. Combined with a vow made over the bodies of his parents, he would spend every day of his life fighting the good fight, so that no one would ever have to suffer the pain that he had felt. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, Batman would keep his city safe.
Through his myriad contacts, Batman had learned of an attempt that was to be made to hijack a new and experimental power transfer system that had been jointly developed by S.T.A.R. Labs and Wayne Enterprises. A unit that, if it lived up to its designer’s hopes, would go a long way toward solving some of the country’s energy demands.
Coming to rest on a rooftop adjacent to the Gotham Energy Research Center, Batman used his dark cape to blend into the shadows and become virtually invisible. He watched with interest as a large fork lift moved the prototype from the loading dock onto the back of a flatbed truck that was scheduled to take it to S.T.A.R.’s Metropolis complex for further testing. Overhead, the light rain began to grow more intense and the sky echoed with the peals of thunder.
“It should be any minute now,” Batman thought as he watched the workman who had secured the unit climb down from the truck and move inside to avoid the rain.
Almost as if on cue, three large men emerged from a parked car up the street, an assortment of automatic weapons in their hands. Clad in black outfits resembling those worn by military units, they carried an air of professionalism around them that confirmed the rest of Batman’s information. That they were mercenaries led by a former Spetsnaz officer named Konstantin Kurakin who, since the fall of the Soviet Union, now worked for the highest bidder. The rent-a-cops employed by the Research Center were ill-equipped to handle adversaries of their caliber.
Following the silent hand instructions of the tallest of the attackers, who Batman quickly identified as their leader, the two soldiers for hire quickly took up positions on the opposite ends of the loading dock. So efficient were their actions that they overpowered the numerically superior guards without firing a shot.
Batman waited until the guards and truck driver had been herded into the safety of the storage shed before he made his move. If he had acted before, the odds were that one or more of the employees might be hit in a crossfire. That the masked man was also outnumbered and outgunned really never entered his mind. After all, it was really just a matter of perspective. Especially since he had visited the loading dock this afternoon as one of the co-sponsors of the project after hearing of the possible hijack attempt. In his wake, he had left a little surprise that he now made use of. Planning and preparation, one of his many teachers had drummed into him years ago, were essential to survival.
Dropping down on a silk cord from his vantage point, Batman pressed a dark gloved hand against a switch on his utility belt. The switch in turn activated a small, localized transmitter that sent out a high-powered signal that triggered two powerful shock and stun grenades as well as a matching pair of smoke bombs.
The explosions and sudden near black out conditions had the desired effect, throwing the two junior members of the trio off balance. Especially since they had begun to foolishly relax after thinking they had eliminated any possible opposition.
It would’ve been nice to have gotten all three of them at once, Batman thought as he hit the ground and sent a booted foot into the chest of the closest mercenary, but you had to work with what you could get. The force of his kick both disarmed the large man and sent him hurdling into a wall of storage drums, a wall that then came crashing down, knocking his target senseless.
A quick glance around the loading dock, which had already begun to clear of smoke due to the rain and high winds, brought no sign of the group’s leader. So Batman turned his attention instead to an emerging threat as another black clad form leveled a machine pistol in his direction.
Rather than dive for cover, the Darknight leapt toward the danger and, in one fluid motion, dropped to the ground to effect a body roll that brought him back to his feet only two feet from the would be executioner. All the while, managing to avoid a cascade of weapon’s fire in his direction.
It only took another few moments’ work to put the second mercenary into the same condition as his compatriot. Although the worst this one would have to worry about was a broken jaw rather than the shattered extremities the first might have suffered. Then, not even pausing for breath, Batman turned to face the leader of the assault group, whom he had finally spotted out of the corner of his eye during his body roll.
Another powerful leap brought him to the back of the flatbed, where hidden behind the prototype, the former Spetsnaz had taken cover. Watching his carefully planned operation come apart in a dozen heartbeats, coupled with the harsh reality of what he had previously considered to be nothing more than an urban legend, was almost enough to break Kurakin’s confidence in his ability to defeat any enemy.
But like any good soldier, the Russian fell back on his training and under normal circumstances, that might’ve been enough. Too close now to make use of his gun, he instead met Batman’s charge with the same bloodied blade he had carried with him in Afghanistan.
The weight of the blade in his hand returned his confidence, since he was both a deadly knife fighter as well as an expert in a half dozen forms of hand-to-hand combat. But the man in gray and black he now faced had spent a lifetime learning his craft from experts the world over, and they included all that Kurakin had learned as well as a dozen more. While not every blow the Russian attempted was blocked, the most deadly ones certainly were. Just as most of the American’s counter blows seemed to find their target and strike where they would have the most effect.
Not even the full force of the storm, which had chosen that moment to strike, was enough to break Batman’s concentration. Which was why, when the very air between the combatants exploded in front of him, he was taken by surprise as he rarely was. Against all the odds, lighting had hit the truck and the large prototype on it. In less time that it would take to describe what had happened, the vast amount of natural energy charged the transfer system, overloading its safety limits and causing it to overload, releasing the enhanced energy surge in one blinding burst.
The explosion threw Batman and Kurakin in opposite directions with both landing hard on the pavement. An action that probably saved their lives as the unleashed energy reduced the truck and its cargo to twisted slag. Stunned, it took Batman a few moments to catch his breath, but as soon as he did, he didn’t even wait for his head to fully clear before taking off after his prey, racing down the only street he could’ve taken.
Gotham’s Guardian quickly covered the next block and a half in record time, sure that the Russian couldn’t have had that much of a head start on him. He was running on instinct, twisting and turning according to the mental map he carried in his head. A map that suddenly failed him as he shifted to his left to find a street that shouldn’t have been there.
A look of disbelief filled his face as he stopped and looked at the unfamiliar street sign in the once again light rain. For the first time in his adult life, he was lost in his own city.
“Kane St?” he repeated as he looked at the street sign a second time. “This wasn’t here a week ago.” a puzzled Batman added as he considered that the explosion might have injured him more than he’d thought.
It was a consideration that he didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on as, first a gunshot, then a loud scream filled the air. No matter what his condition, a call for help wasn’t something that he could ever ignore.
“That couldn’t have been more than a block away,” Batman thought as he unfurled a batarang and again took to the rooftops.
Whatever the street names, the Caped Crusader located the source of the cry with ease. Below him were two muggers holding guns on a young couple. The woman had screamed when one of the gunmen had fired a shot that grazed her escort’s arm after he had refused their demands.
Faced with a replay of his own tragedy, the reason he had come into being, Batman went into action without hesitation. Dropping down on one of the two criminals, he savagely slammed his elbow into his face, causing the not yet even twenty year old’s nose to break and spout blood. The distance between the pair had been too much to take both of them down at once, so he whirled around to face the new peril even as death again stalked him at close point range.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, the gunman hesitated in pulling the trigger, freezing instead with a look of horror on his face. A moment of indecision that was all Batman needed to close the distance between them.
“No, you’re dead, everyone said you were dead,” he cried out in the last seconds before the impact of a gloved fist robbed him of his weapon. “It was even in the papers.”
A second punch was already in motion to rob the thief of consciousness as well, but the frightened young man beat him to it as he fainted dead away. Batman had spent his career exploiting the cowardice and superstitions of criminals, but this was way over the line.
“He acted as if he’d seen a ghost,” Batman said as he turned his attention from the now prone pair to those they would have robbed without pause. To his confusion, the expression on their faces as they ran away from him wasn’t all that different.
“Perhaps he has,” a woman’s voice said from behind the black-cloaked hero.
Faced with the possibility of a new threat, Batman whirled around, ready to face anything. Anything, that was, except for what actually confronted him.
“Oh my God!” Batman exclaimed under his breath as, for the second time in the last five minutes, he raised self-doubts about his mental capacity.
Standing a dozen feet in front of him was a tall, dark haired woman, at least fifteen years his senior. She was garbed in a bright yellow and red costume with her face partially covered by a pointed red face mask. On her chest was a symbol he knew all too well, for it was one he called his own.
As the shock washed over him, Batman now felt like he was seeing a ghost. For the woman standing there was an older version of someone he knew to be dead, whose funeral he had personally attended. In was only after he accepted the reality of what he was seeing that he finally understood what had happened.
“This isn’t my world,” Batman realized as he allowed himself to relax his combat stance. “Somehow, I’m on Earth 2.”
From his adventures with the Justice League, Batman was well aware that there were alternate Earths in different dimensions. One of these was Earth 2, a world that mirrored his own in many ways, but still had some significant differences. It was the home of the legendary Justice Society of America.
On this world, many of the heroes he knew had similar, if not identical counterparts, most which had started their careers in an earlier time. It was also a world that had seen its own Batman fall a few years before, giving his life to save the city he loved.
“Assuming the costume you’re wearing is real,” Batwoman said as she stepped closer to get a better look, “you’re a long way from home.”
At first, Batwoman just assumed that the man in front of her was an impostor, someone wearing the mantle of Gotham’s deceased champion. Then she noticed the subtle differences in the uniform, the more modern utility belt and the golden halo around the bat symbol. Differences that only a handful of people in all the world would’ve known about.
“The costume is real,” Batman said as he went on to explain how he believed he came to be there.
The woman in red and yellow listened intently as the younger man explained his theory that the energy discharge during his fight at S.T.A.R. Labs had opened up a dimensional portal and threw him through it. The only question was how did he get back?
“Science has never been my strong point and this is all pretty much beyond me,” Batwoman said. “I think I’m going to need some help with all of this.”
Two hours later, after the would-be muggers had been turned over to the Gotham PD, Batman was faced with his third shock of the night. The help that Batwoman referred to came in the form of a face that was also familiar, yet different, to the man under the cowl. Only now it was that of a fully-grown man only two years younger than Batman, and not the boy he had taken in and raised as his own. The costume the man wore was an adult version of the red, yellow and green Robin costume, for on this world, Dick Grayson had never become Nightwing.
“It looks like your theory was right,” a maskless Robin said as he shut off the diagnostic machine he’d used to examine his unexpected visitor. “There’s a residual energy signature of some kind in your body that I don’t recognize. The good news is that it looks to be steadily decaying. I would venture to guess that when it drops to zero, you’ll automatically return to your own Earth.”
“That almost looks like Zeta radiation,” the equally cowless Batman said as he glanced at the computer readout while he pulled his form fitting shirt back on.
“Zeta radiation,” Robin said as he shut down the equipment, “I’m not familiar with that.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to be,” Batman replied, “it’s pretty rare.” he added as he went on to explain. “On my own world, a man named Adam Strange discovered he could use a teleportation beam based on Zeta radiation to travel to a world called Rann in the Alpha Centauri system. When the radiation wears off, he automatically returns to his point of origin.”
“Interesting,” Robin said.
“Could you tell how long it’s going to take to wear off?” Batman asked.
“Based on the rate of decay,” Robin answered, “I would say no more than two or three days.”
“What about using the JLA/JSA transporter to send me home sooner?” Batman inquired as he thought of the device used by his associates to travel between worlds.
“Given this Zeta radiation, as you call it, in your body, I’d rather not take the chance,” Robin offered his opinion. “But you can run my findings past the other scientists in the Society if you like. Most of them have much more experience than I do in trans-dimensional travel.”
“No need, chum,” Batman smiled, “your word has always been good enough for me. I can wait a few days to get home.”
Robin stiffened at Batman’s familiarity. It might have been meant to convey a sense of appreciation for his help, but as it was, it only served to accent what the Earth 2 hero had been feeling since his appearance. That this Batman was a living reminder of what he had long since lost. His reaction to the words, though unvoiced, wasn’t lost on his guest.
“I guess we just need someplace for me to stay until I can go home,” Batman said, realizing that it would be uncomfortable for Robin if he were to stay here in the Batcave.
“You’re more than welcome to stay at my apartment in town,” Batwoman, who had also removed her face mask to be more comfortable, suggested.
“It might be safer here in the cave, or up in the Manor,” Robin replied, putting aside his discomfort with the idea, “we run the risk of someone recognizing him. After all, Bruce was a public man in this city for decades.”
“And most people would remember him as a man in his fifties,” Batwoman pointed out. “So I hardly think anyone is going to look at him and make the connection. At worse, if someone actually did, I could say he was a younger cousin or nephew. In fact, didn’t Bruce actually have a cousin who looked like him almost enough to be his twin brother.”
“Yes, and interestingly enough, his name was Bruce as well, they just had different middle names.” Robin admitted.
“Then it’s settled,” Batwoman said in a tone that put an end to the discussion.
The late morning sun hung high in the sky as Bruce opened his eyes and returned to full consciousness. It took a few moments for him to remember where he was, the surroundings being so unfamiliar. Then it all came flooding back in an instant.
Riding on the back of the Batcycle, they had arrived at the high-rise in which Kathy Kane lived shortly before dawn. The events of the last hours finally caught up with the world-hopping adventurer and he was more than happy to accept the offer of the guest room. Sleep had come almost the moment his head had hit the pillow.
It had not been a totally tranquil sleep, however, as his mind continued to consider the history of this Gotham and how it differed from his own. At the top of the list was the fact that early in his career, his older doppelganger had married Selina Kyle, the Catwoman, after she had paid her debt to society and given up a life of crime. On his Earth, Bruce had more than once found himself intimately involved with the Feline Fury, but marriage or even a long-term relationship had never been an option.
Still, the marriage of Batman and Catwoman had been a success, so much so that it produced a daughter named Helena, who took up the cloak her father had abandoned after the death of his wife to continue his mission as the Huntress. Giving up being Batman wasn’t something the younger Darknight could imagine, but the fact that his counterpart continued to safeguard the city as Police Commissioner gave him something to consider in case he ever had to put aside his own cape and cowl.
Another thing that weighed heavily on his mind as he slept was his hostess, sleeping in an adjacent room. In some ways, she was so very much like the Kathy Kane he had once known. Both had been circus performers when younger, entertaining crowds both as a trapeze artist and a champion stunt cyclist. In each reality, they had both inherited a small fortune that made them suddenly wealthy.
That was were their lives began to diverge. His own Kathy had only entertained a brief fling as a costumed adventurer, coming to realize that she preferred to follow a more conventional path and use her newly acquired wealth and influence to help those less fortunate. In this dimension, Kathy aspired to have a more hands on approach and spent years fighting beside Batman and Robin.
Bruce had come into contact with the socialite Kathy Kane many times at various charity functions, developing an on again, off again relationship which never went too far. As with most of his associations with the fairer sex, the specter of Batman stood between them. In the end, even that distance hadn’t been enough to prevent her from meeting her death at the hands of one of his enemies.
Sitting up on the edge of the bed, Bruce reached for a robe that had been laid out for him and wrapped it around his well-developed body. His uniform was folded on a nearby chair where he left it, but it was hardly something he could wear all the time. Stepping out into the living room, he suddenly had the strangest feeling. For the first time since the death of his parents, he had absolutely nothing to do. No financial empire to rule by day, and no city to patrol after dark.
Stepping up to the large bay windows that offered a magnificent view of Middletown Park, Bruce looked out on a city he never knew. Comparing it to the memory of his own, he could see where some architectural differences emerged.
“The view is breathtaking, isn’t it?” Kathy said as she suddenly appeared behind him.
“That it is,” Bruce agreed as he turned around to greet Kathy.
The shocks of the previous night had prevented him from really seeing Kathy, his narrow focus assigning her the role of Batwoman and not the woman beneath the mask. The mask and costume were now gone, replaced by a small, thin robe that highlighted the still trim body beneath it. There were some women who while undeniably pretty when young, grew even more beautiful with age. Such was the case with Kathy Kane, a thought that gave him a moment’s regret that he never would get the chance to discover that on his own world.
“I hope you had a good night’s sleep,” Kathy said she walked into the room.
“Yes, thank you,” Bruce said, thinking to say anything else would sound ungrateful.
“I was almost afraid that I’d wake up to find you’d faded away during the night,” Kathy smiled as she motioned for him to join her at a small breakfast nook where two settings had been arranged.
“It wouldn’t be polite to leave and not say goodbye,” Bruce smiled in return as he sat down in the closest chair.
“I hope you like steak and eggs,” Kathy said as she poured each of them a cup of coffee, “it’s been quite some time since I had an overnight guest and I wasn’t sure what to make.”
“That actually happens to be one of my favorite,” Bruce replied as he took a sip of the coffee. “And this is excellent as well.”
“I’m glad, because there’s so much that I wanted to ask you,” Kathy beamed as she tasted her own beverage.
“Such as?” Bruce asked.
“Well, I have to confess that you must know a lot more about our world than I do about yours,” Kathy said as she cut up and began to eat her breakfast. “It’s a strange feeling to know that you have a duplicate on another world.”
“It can be,” Bruce said as he started on his own as well.
“Do you know my double on your Earth?” Kathy asked curiously.
“We ... we were friends.” he answered awkwardly.
“But no longer?” Kathy continued, picking up on the past tense.
“Being Batman wasn’t exactly compatible with having a successful relationship at the time,” Bruce offered, only giving part of the truth.
“But you had a relationship?”
“Of sorts.”
“Our Batman,” Kathy said, “and I still tend to think of he and Bruce as two separate people since I didn’t know his secret back then, was a little different in that aspect. He was capable of loving someone and still wear the cowl. My problem was that I wasn’t the one he loved.”
Bruce nodded in understanding, having heard at least part of the story before.
“Still, it didn’t keep me from loving him, even after I knew he’d gotten married. He didn’t even have to tell me that he did, I just knew. Even after I put aside my costume and married a man who loved me, I never really stopped loving my Batman.”
“What made you put the costume back on?” Bruce inquired as he changed the subject.
“My own marriage didn’t last,” she explained. “In hindsight, it had been a mistake in the first place. Then, after Gotham lost Batman, I felt I had to do something. His loss reminded me that I’d never felt so alive as I did during the years that I wore that costume.”
That was a sentiment that Bruce certainly understood.
“Most people don’t really know what happened that day up on the Gotham Trade Towers, because Dr. Fate did something afterwards to make everyone believe that Bruce and Batman were both killed, and not that they were the same person. The only ones who remember the true story are those who knew that already.”
Bruce tensed up for a moment, not sure if he really wanted to hear any of the details of his counterpart’s death that he was sure Kathy was about to relate. Then he changed his mind, thinking that it would help him understand what motivated this woman across from him. A familiar stranger whom he was finding more fascinating by the minute.
“The Justice Society was fighting some madman named Bill Jensen, and getting the worse of it,” Kathy began as she gained the younger man’s undivided attention, “he was a common murder who had somehow gained incredible powers and wanted only one thing, the death of the man who put him in prison - Police Commissioner Bruce Wayne. In the course of the battle, Dr. Fate had hidden Bruce in the City Museum on one of the lower floors of the tower. As best as the JSA was able to reconstruct afterwards, Bruce took the Batman costume that was on display there and joined the fray.”
Kathy paused for a moment to catch her breath. It was obvious to Bruce that it was a painful story for her to tell. Yet at the same time, she seems to draw strength from it as well.
“Jay Garrick, the Flash, was the only one who actually saw Batman before those last moments, but even that was only for a few seconds because he blacked out after Jensen had tossed him off the roof.” she went on. “He later recounted his surprise at waking up in mid-air and then suddenly being caught by Batman. The Flash remembered asking him what he was doing there, in costume, since he had swore never to put it on again after his wife’s death the year before. Batman simply replied, ‘what I have to’.”
In his mind’s eye, Bruce could hear his own voice saying those words.
“The rest happened so quickly. Batman made it to the top of the towers, just as the JSA was regrouping and trying one more time to subdue their foe, only to fail again. Jensen turned on Batman, but he wouldn’t be stopped. Batman endured what would’ve surely killed another man and defeated Jensen. At the cost of his own life, he saved his friends, and the city.”
Bruce took a deep breath, feeling the loss of the man he might have been.
“What I have to,” Kathy repeated. “That’s the reason I put the costume back on.”
Silence filled the table for a long moment as neither of them was really sure what to say next. Fate took a hand in the form of a news bulletin that interrupted the background music that had been playing on the radio.
The brief report told of a botched early morning bank robbery in which Robin had attempted to free some hostages, only to be wounded and taken hostage himself. The GPD was attempting to negotiate with the gunmen, but so far without success. More updates would be broadcast as they became available.
Kathy immediately caught the look in Bruce’s eye as he started to get up from the table. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bruce cut her off.
“You know that no matter who sees me, I’m going,” he said, hoping that she wouldn’t give him an argument.
As it turned out, he needn’t have worried.
“I know” Kathy replied with a smile as she also rose from the table, “What I was about to say was just give me a few minutes and I’ll join you.”
The bank in question turned out to be the First Gotham Trust, an institution that once counted Thomas Wayne as one of its Directors. It was housed in an old landmark building that had been constructed back in the mid nineteenth century. A memory of a youthful visit to the hundred and fifty year old building planted the seeds of a plan in Batman’s mind. That was if the unique aspect of the structure existed on both worlds. Directing Batwoman to drop him off in the alley behind the bank, he outlined his plan and sent her off to make contact with the GPD out front.
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Larry Wilson did his best to forget New Year’s Eve. But dreams of his partner’s wife started to affect his ability to sleep and to think straight. Even more confusing was the fact that during some of those dreams, Dawn Estevez’s face would blur into the face of another woman he didn’t recognize at first. But the look in her eyes was what he had wished to see in Dawn’s… The other woman looked similar to Dawn, she was petite and they both had beautiful dark brown hair, but her skin was darker...
Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set. He had called his and Tom’s boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night’s developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they’d gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some other...
New Year’s Eve 1956 in Los Angeles was also an unforgettable night for Rick and Dawn Estevez and Jon and Barbara North. They attended a party hosted by a civic organization specifically for members of the police force. Rick’s partner, Larry Wilson, and Jon’s partner, Jerry Olson, were also there. Neither of them was married and they didn’t bring dates, so they were hanging around with their partners and their wives. Dawn and Barbara had excused themselves to go to the ladies room for a few...
Dawn Estevez’s heart pounded all the way home. My God…my husband is about to fulfill the only fantasy that has ever driven me to distraction… She glanced out the back window of their car to see that Rick’s partner with the L.A.P.D., Officer Larry Wilson, was still following them. She’d always thought Larry was a nice guy… even after Rick had told her that he and Larry had fucked a few women together. To look at Larry, you’d never suspect he was the type. He looked like the All-American,...
Wednesday, February 13, 1957, Diana Richards received some stunning news. That same day, a messenger arrived at her office in the movie studio and she was astounded to discover what had been delivered. She called all of their friends and invited them to dinner with her and Charles that Friday night. While everyone was finishing dessert, Diana stood up to deliver her surprises. ‘I’m so glad all of you could be here tonight. I have a couple of surprises. The first one is for Charles.’ She looked...
‘What is it, Tom?’ Charles Richards asked in concern at the look of total shock on his partner’s face. Tom Seldon replied, disbelief echoing in his voice, ‘That’s why I knew I’d seen this man before. That’s who this is. Major Bradley Williams… my former commanding officer in Marine Intelligence. We all thought he was killed on a reconnaissance mission in September of 1944. His tags were sent to us along with a statement that they were taken from his dead body. I was sent back to Okinawa a...
By June, the group of friends had expanded considerably since the beginning of 1957. Robert Clark and Lisa Green were starting their new life together. But they couldn’t get married until her divorce from the bastard Donald Price was finalized, which would take another eight months. They were being careful not to get Lisa pregnant. They wanted to be sure the baby wouldn’t be born until after they were married. Larry and Maria Wilson’s baby had almost been born out of wedlock… Lisa and Robert...
Author’s Note: I begin this new series with much thanks to my new editor, Moralez18pt…you’re a Godsend to me, my friend…thank you for…everything… Prologue Betsy Hightower returned to her home in Oregon at the end of November 1956. She’d made the trip to Los Angeles to pick up her car and make funeral arrangements for her nephew. Her sister, Eddie’s mother, had been too overwrought to make the trip. She frowned. Oh, God…how do I tell Mary how sick and evil her son was? I can’t believe what...
Thursday morning, September 12, 1957 at just after six o’clock, Diana Richards awoke from a disturbing nightmare and with a funny feeling. She lay in bed for a moment trying to figure out what it was besides the dream that woke her up. Then she felt it… the muscles of her abdomen contracted harder than she’d ever felt them do so before. Dr. Hamilton had told her she would probably be feeling these ‘false labor’ contractions during the last few weeks of her pregnancy as her body readied itself...
‘So, this man is Harold Green, owner and CEO of Green Worldwide Enterprises. And Donald Price is the Chief Financial Officer and his son-in-law. But we still don’t know who this other man is…the one I know I’ve seen before!’ Agent Tom Seldon stated in frustration. ‘And we still don’t have a connection between them and Robert Warren…or Clark…or whatever his real name is!’ his partner, Charles Richards, added, just as frustrated. Assistant Director Peter Woods stood up to leave the office they...
Lisa drove carefully as she followed Robert’s directions to his hotel. She kept her face forward, concentrating on her driving, but out of the corner of her right eye, she could see him staring at her intently. She pulled into a parking space in front of the hotel and turned the car off, but she didn’t move to get out. Robert was partially turned in the front seat, still staring at her. She turned her head to look at him. ‘What?’ she asked nervously. He pried the fingers of her right hand...
Mary Elizabeth Brooks died in the autumn months of 2010, leaving behind her a loving husband and an only daughter. Clarissa had only been sixteen at the time of her mother’s death, and the suddenness of the bereavement had left her worryingly melancholic. Her mother had been her guiding light in life, and now that she was gone, the world had seemed a much crueller and darker place.* Clarissa and her father’s relationship had strengthened in the convening years, each supporting the other. There...
Incest"You're serious, aren't you?" "I'm always serious when there's a penis in me!" "Well, THAT'S your problem!" Fred thrust into Lisa faster, feeling her legs wrap around his waist tighter. If she could still speak, he wasn't doing a good enough job. Looking down at her face, he once again marveled at how beautiful she looked. Especially with her red hair spread haphazardly over his sheets, and her breasts jiggling in time to his thrusts. Smiling, he risked taking one hand off its...
Fourth period was not one of Fred's favorites. Oh, most of the seventh graders were fine. Eager to learn, or at least willing, It was February with no real big vacations coming up to distract them, so he had their attention for the most part. But, that was part of the problem. Fourth period had Sue in it. As occasionally happened, this thirteen year old, new to the whole puberty thing, had decided she had a crush on him. She tried to get his attention as much as possible, wrote little...
The next few days are a little fuzzy in my memory, because I don't think I was ever sober for more than 30 minutes to an hour. Just long enough to walk from the dive I was renting to a liquor store on the corner. It was down on 8th street in downtown Jacksonville. Pawn shops and video shops and hamburger joints and hookers in short shorts watching the cars go by and sometimes stop. I've never been really sure how I got there. I've lived in Jacksonville on and off for 30 years and I've...
At 8 p.m. I stepped into Pelicans, a downtown bar that I'd been in a couple of times, squiring around business clients of the bank who wanted to check out Jacksonville's nightlife, such as it was. I tended to like the Beaches bars or a down home place called O'Brien's on Jacksonville's Westside, but Pelicans had a cachet and had been featured in national and regional publications as the 'in place' for the young and hip, or hep, or whatever the hell they were called nowadays. Coffee...
At Christmas of 2007, I split my time between Peter and Nicole. LA and New York are big cities, major metropolises, but outside of the definition, I don't think you could find two places on earth more alien to each other. It was invigorating – or at least it had been – visiting both cities in the course of December in past years. New York was often snow, frigid winds, surly cabbies and plays; LA a few days later was 70 degree/shirt sleeve weather, hookers in hot-pants on side streets, and...
I had thought it would be harder, seeing her in the flesh. She'd been a memory for two years, and a painful memory at that, but somehow ... somehow, I felt better. I realized that hearing about her, imagining what she had become, visualizing what she looked like after two years, was not the same thing. She could have been dead for the past two years and everyone could have been lying to protect my feelings. Crazy, I know, but things like that crept into my thoughts sometimes late at night....
It was 2:30 p.m., Thursday, September 17th. I will never forget the day, the hour or the minute that the phone rang. I was in my office so I picked it up and my secretary said, "Hugh..." Her voice broke and I knew something very bad had happened. She clicked me through and a man's voice came on. It took me a few moments to realize who it was. "Simon, what is it? What is it?" It's one of those times that make you believe in telepathy, or premonition. Before I could make out one word...
It was jumping by the time we got there. I'd called ahead and asked the owner, a former professional boxer named O'Brien, if he could save a spot for me and he'd promised there would be a table or two when we got there. Of course, some urban cowboys had spotted the tables, brushed off the objections of the waitresses trying to hold it for us and were sitting and being obnoxious when we walked in. Normally, O'Brien would have cleared them out, but he had his hands full with a catfight...
"So, this man is Harold Green, owner and CEO of Green Worldwide Enterprises. And Donald Price is the Chief Financial Officer and his son-in-law. But we still don't know who this other man is ... the one I know I've seen before!" Tom stated in frustration. "And we still don't have a connection between them and Robert Warren ... or Clark ... or whatever his real name is!" Charles added, just as frustrated. Assistant Director Peter Woods stood up to leave the office they were meeting in...
Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set. He had called his and Tom's boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night's developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they'd gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some...
"What is it, Tom?" Charles Richards asked in concern at the look of total shock on his partner's face. Tom Seldon replied, disbelief echoing in his voice. "That's why I knew I'd seen this man before. That's who this is. Major Bradley Williams ... my former commanding officer in Marine Intelligence. We all thought he was killed on a reconnaissance mission in September of 1944. His tags were sent to us along with a statement that they were taken from his dead body. I was sent back to...
By two o'clock in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, Diana Richards was explaining where they were going to her husband Charles as he and his partner, Tom Seldon, loaded their overnight bags into the trunk of the car. "Your mother is expecting us to arrive around three o'clock. She's hoping we'll stay for dinner and visit with your family before we leave to go to my parents' home in Virginia. The drive should take about four hours. So if we can leave by seven, it should put us at my...
New Year's Eve 1956, Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon were celebrating at a party in the ballroom of the hotel they were staying at in Washington D.C. The Bureau had very generously rewarded them with tickets to the party for their quick work. They had discovered the identity that Bradley Williams had assumed and that he'd been traveling back and forth between the U.S. and Singapore for the past eight years. Charles and Tom clinked glasses. Charles chuckled and muttered,...
New Year's Eve 1956 in Los Angeles was also an unforgettable night for Rick and Dawn Estevez and Jon and Barbara North. They attended a party hosted by a civic organization specifically for members of the police force. Rick's partner, Larry Wilson, and Jon's partner, Jerry Olson, were also there. Neither of them was married and they didn't bring dates, so they were hanging around with their partners and their wives. Dawn and Barbara had excused themselves to go to the ladies room for a...
Dawn Estevez's heart pounded all the way home. Dear God ... her husband was about to fulfill the only fantasy that had ever driven her to distraction ... She glanced out the back window of their car to see that Rick's partner with the L.A.P.D., Officer Larry Wilson, was still following them. She'd always thought Larry was a nice guy ... even after Rick had told her that he and Larry had fucked a few women together. To look at Larry, you'd never suspect he was the type. He looked like the...
When Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon returned from Washington just after the new year, they informed their friend, Dawn Estevez, that they had confirmed the identity of her uncle and that he was, indeed, involved in their investigation. She very sadly promised not to inform anyone in her family what was going on until the investigation was closed. They had also returned with all the authorized documents from headquarters to begin the actual investigation into the import/export...
Lisa drove carefully as she followed Robert's directions to his hotel. She kept her face forward, concentrating on her driving, but out of the corner of her right eye, she could see him staring at her intently. She pulled into a parking space in front of the hotel and turned the car off, but she didn't move to get out. Robert was partially turned in the front seat, still staring at her. She turned her head to look at him. "What?" she asked nervously. He pried the fingers of her right...
Wednesday, February 13, 1957, Diana Richards received some stunning news. That same day, a messenger arrived at her office at the movie studio and she was astounded to discover what had been delivered. She called all of their friends and invited them to dinner with her and Charles that Friday night. While everyone was finishing dessert, Diana stood up to deliver her surprises. "I'm so glad all of you could be here tonight. I have a couple of surprises. The first one is for Charles." She...
Larry Wilson did his best to forget New Year's Eve. But dreams of his partner's wife started to affect his ability to sleep and to think straight. Even more confusing was the fact that during some of those dreams, Dawn Estevez's face would blur into the face of another woman he didn't recognize at first. But the look in her eyes was what he had wished to see in Dawn's... The other woman looked similar to Dawn; she was petite and they both had beautiful dark brown hair, but her skin was...
By June, the group of friends had expanded considerably since the beginning of 1957. Robert Clark and Lisa Green were starting their new life together. But they couldn't get married until her divorce from the bastard Donald Price was finalized, which would take another eight months. They were being careful not to get Lisa pregnant. They wanted to be sure the baby wouldn't be born until after they were married. Larry and Maria Wilson's baby had almost been born out of wedlock ... Lisa and...
Thursday morning, September 12, 1957 at just after six o'clock, Diana Richards awoke from a disturbing nightmare and with a funny feeling. She lay in bed for a moment trying to figure out what it was besides the dream that woke her up. Then she felt it ... the muscles of her abdomen contracted harder than she'd ever felt them do so before. Dr. Hamilton had told her she would probably be feeling these "false labor" contractions during the last few weeks of her pregnancy as her body readied...
Marcus Is a tall Black man with alethic and muscular features. He and his friends Cal, Jay and Rick call themselves the black knights because of their black skin and muscular toned bodies. They used to run a web site called The Black Knights Club com. On this website they offered a service to a select people who were always married women whose husbands would like to watch their wives be gangbanged by four hung and black men. Marcus and his knights enjoyed what they did in many ways because they...
In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful. "In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A...
FantasyThe Silver Knights organization was growing far beyond the original group of a few kids who were just having fun. Ed Smith suggested that it would be prudent for the Silver Knights to incorporate into a non-profit service organization. As a lawyer, he was happy to donate the time and effort to make this happen. Before long, they were The Silver Knights, Inc. John was president, Mary was CFO, and a couple of other jobs were taken by parents so that they satisfied all of the state’s legal...
Schon nach dem ersten Semester Geografie wusste Jasmin Graumann, dass dies nichts für sie war. Sie wechselte ins Fach Theologie und spürte, dass sie ihre Bestimmung gefunden hatte. Und nun wurde die Neunundzwanzigjährige mit den strahlenden blauen Augen und den dunkelblonden, meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebundenen mittellangen Haaren als Pastorin zur Anstellung mit einem Gottesdienst in der Johanneskirche in ihrer neuen Gemeinde aufgenommen. Nachdem sie ihr Vikariat in einer benachbarten...
"What should I say ?" I wonder. I'm in Copenhagen, about to leave the airport transition zone. Out there, Emma's waiting... I hope. She made me come here. We wanted to see each other. Hardest decision in my life. I thought of De Niro in heat (Michael Mann, 1995).Then I see her. I knew I'd think she is beautiful. Still, it's a shock. Her face is a combination of mature features and teeny mischief. She's put just the right amount of make up, discreet yet sexy. Her hair is put up like THAT time....
Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....
Group SexGary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 14 - Ladies' Favorite Activity I finished all of my work assignments and my home chores by Thursday. I had chatted with Kay a few times and was surprised when the phone rang on Thursday evening. "Hi Gabrielle, this is Kimberly. Are you all set for Saturday?" "Hi Kimberly, what's happening Saturday?" "Don't bull-shit me, you bastard. You know what's happening as well as I do and I'll bet you've been thinking about it all week." "I have...
After a couple of years folks came to visit on the weekends just to take in the flower displays that Josie was growing. They changed with the seasons and were always beautiful. I provided a few benches here and there for people to rest their legs. The clover field behind us thrived into a dark-green mat of foliage. We began cutting slices of it for other clover fields. They all seemed washed-out in comparison to our seeded field. I remembered to check on my experiment. I got a lesson in the...
On the edge of the galaxy an interstellar species known as Terrans continued to explore and expand their reach. Calling themselves the Steel Empire, or SE for short, they have vast technology, and ambition. Their home world now known as Steel Crown, is the origin of the Death Knights. Gifted among the Terran People for their ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe. Only one in a hundred thousand Terrans are born Death Knights, and they form the ruling class of the SE. The Death...
‘What do you want for Christmas?’ The child on Santa’s lap began a recitation of toys and gadgets that television had persuaded him were cool to have. Jenna Ritter stood at a distance. The scene did not delight or amuse her. What did she want for Christmas? Charles Ritter of course. Charles in the flesh, by her side, as he had been a week ago. Charles had died on December 10th. It was a senseless accident. He’d gone to the grocery and been hit by a drunk driver. Jenna had not wanted to...
By the time Hank got back to the site of the accident, Jean had called 911 to ask for an ambulance and a policeman. One of the first things she said was “This is a call from the Silver Knights.” The dispatcher had been warned of a possible call from one of the kids, and that she was to take any such call seriously. She had no trouble taking seriously a call about a Hit-and-Run accident and a child with a compound fracture in one leg and a simple fracture in the other leg. Jean had already...
THE NEXT MORNINGI took a shower and crept back into the bedroom, careful not to wake Sue, and got dressed. The house was quiet as I made my way to the kitchen, following my nose to the pot of coffee. I poured a cup and looked for who else was awake, wondering what I would say to whoever it was. All the rooms had been cleaned from the night before. When I got to the den I still had found no one, but stepping to the sliding door I saw Marybeth outside on a lounge chair, drinking coffee in the...
Group SexI spotted her as she slipped into the third pew during the opening song. Her dark short hair highlighted sparkling eyes. She moved with the graceful power of an athlete and she joined the singing immediately. I could not take my eyes off of her. Being the pastor of this growing congregation, I always welcomed any newcomer. Yet I felt strangely nervous as I greeted her after worship. She looked me straight in the face and said, ‘Good Morning, Pastor Tim. I truly enjoyed your sermon. I...
I have a different schedule from my wife. So a have the days to myself, for part of the week. This morning I got up had some coffee, and noticed my 7in cock was very horny. It just kept staying 3/4 hard while I started to get some pastries out for breakfast. I forgot to mention I enjoy lounging around in the mornings completed naked. I also leave the bay window blinds open in the kitchen breakfast nook, just in case some of our sexy neighbors might be home for the day. I like the thought of...