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"What the heck is that?" I sat up in my sleeping bag listening to a low humming sound coming from outside the tent. When I unzipped the corner of the flap and peeked out I thought I could see a very faint light coming from near the top of the mountain. I checked my watch and saw that it was a little after 2AM; it couldn't be dawn. The sound was definitely mechanical and that was out of place this far up in the mountains.

I pulled on my jeans and boots and grabbed the flashlight to investigate. When I got maybe a hundred yards up the hill there was a rustling of leaves off to my right and I thought I caught movement in my peripheral vision. Since I was alone and without any kind of protection, discretion won out over valor and I decided to come back in the morning and get a closer look. Just as I started down the mountain, the humming sound increased in pitch and the light grew brighter then very rapidly rose into the sky, disappearing into the clouds. With every hair on my body standing on end, I wasted no time retreating back to my tent. We've all heard the UFO stories but I didn't count myself among the believers. I might need to re-think that.

Coming from a long line of tree huggers, hiking and camping out is just about my favorite way to spend a weekend. My dad had taken me on two and three day outings for as long as I could remember. When I turned sixteen last year, he said he thought I was experienced enough that I could do solo hikes. This was my first. As I lay there in my sleeping bag trying to rationalize what I had seen ... no, what I THOUGHT I had seen, sleep was a long way off; but there were no more disturbances for the rest of the night and I finally drifted off.

By the time I woke up, the sun was high and it was starting to get warm. In the light of day, I began to think that whatever happened during the night probably wasn't as exotic as I first believed. One thing my dad taught me was to never fall victim to my own imagination so, determined to solve the mystery, I wolfed down a couple of handfuls of trail mix and hooked my canteen onto my belt for the trip back up the mountain. Near the top there was an open area about twenty-five or thirty yards across. At first it looked undisturbed but as I walked around I found five circles about three feet in diameter that had been pressed down by something very heavy. Ok, now my imagination was in high gear; I hadn't dreamed last night's events. I cussed myself for not bringing my digital camera and headed back down to get it before the wind and weather erased the depressions. Near the edge of the clearing, my eye caught sight of a small black object lying in the brush. I picked up something that looked a little like the electronic keys that come with the newer cars but I couldn't read any of the markings on it. There were three little circles printed on it and I pushed them one at a time but nothing happened. But when I held my thumb on one of them and pushed another with my finger I felt a weird sensation like a mild electrical charge going over me. "Whoa!" I jumped back a step and dropped it. It didn't really hurt, it just surprised me. I picked it up and put it in my pocket to show to my dad when I got back home.

When I did get home that afternoon I parked Dad's Jeep in the garaged and hauled my gear up to my room. Dad was at work so there was nobody home. He and my mom had split up a couple of years back and I don't have any sibs so I was often on my own. I emptied my pockets, stripped and tossed all my dirty clothes into the hamper. Still intrigued by the gadget I found, I sat on the bed and examined it again. I couldn't resist trying the thumb and finger thing again and felt the same slight 'energy' sensation. It didn't seem to do anything else. I laid it on the bed and stood up go take a shower. When I looked over at the full-length mirror to check out my developing seventeen year-old body that I was probably unjustifiably proud of, I think my heart stopped. I stared, rubbed my eyes and stared again, but I wasn't there. It was like I was looking right through myself! I could see the room behind me but I couldn't see me. I reached up and grabbed my head to make sure it was still there ... it was. I looked down and my body was still there as well. What the hell was going on? Then I thought of the little buzz I felt when I pushed the circles on the gadget. In a near panic, I grabbed it and pushed them again. Nothing! Maybe if I pushed a different combination ... I held my thumb where it was and pushed the center circle and felt the tingle again. When I looked up, there I was in the mirror where I belonged! OK, this is where I say HOLY SHIT!

If there were any lingering doubts about what I almost saw up on the mountain, they were gone now. I think that if this had been the nineteenth century, I would have been convinced that this thing in my hand was Satan's own tool. Now, I'm no Albert Einstein or Steven Hawking but I think I've read enough about theoretical physics to believe that what I was seeing was at least possible. I'm also crazy about science fiction books where anything and everything can happen. My best guess was that the "tingle" I felt was some kind of energy field that was causing light to bend around me. We've known since Einstein that light bends but it takes something as massive as a planet to make it even perceptible.

So here's the monologue that was going on in my brain:

"Jeez! This is so cool." I stood there in front of the mirror watching myself disappear and appear at least a dozen times.

"When this gets out I'm going to be about the most famous guy in the world! Just think what you could do with this!"

It was about this time that biological fantasy reared its devious little head.

"Yeah, just think! It's a pretty sure bet no one else has one of these things. Why do I need to turn it over to the authorities right now? I want to play with this for a while before I have to give it up."

What hormone-charged seventeen year-old could resist?

After I showered and dressed, I stuck the tiny field generator in my pocket and left the house walking around the neighborhood thinking about where I could go to try it out. Of course all the places that were forbidden to teenage boys began to crowd my brain; strip clubs, porno book stores, the girl's locker room at the pool. If I put my mind to it the possibilities were almost endless. Oops! There went my imagination getting in front of my thinking brain again. I needed to start small and work up to the really hot stuff.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching me, I stepped behind a tree and pushed the circles. As I walked toward the downtown area I was having a hard time convincing myself that I was really invisible. Then I saw my chance to try it out; a friend of mine was coming toward me on his bike. When he was almost even with me I yelled out, "Hey, Jeff!"

He skidded to a stop and looked around, his eyes moving right past me without seeing a thing. He kept looking around with a bewildered expression on his face, finally giving up and pedaling on down the street.

"Yes!" I shouted, pumping my hand.

Oops again! "Quiet you dumb ass. Don't blow it now." That followed by another panicky thought. "Do I have a shadow?" I looked around me ... nope, no shadow. "Of course not, idiot! If the light is bending around you, why would there be a shadow."

I continued walking toward downtown. My first real test was slipping into a strip club that had a pretty sleazy rep around town. I had to wait by the door until a guy came out, stepping inside before the door closed. It was dark inside and I stood off to the side for a couple of minutes while my eyes adjusted. There weren't more than a dozen customers but there were two bare-breasted women dancing on the bar. Neither of them were especially good looking but their bouncing boobs and the way they moved their hips was enough to stir me up a little. Careful not to bump into any chairs, I edged my way to the bar to get a closer look. The dancer with the biggest boobs squatted down in front of an old guy and waved her butt back and forth in front of his face. She had some bills tucked into her G-string so I guessed she was trolling for more. When she was facing away from me, I reached over and ran my finger up the crack of her butt.

"Hey, Asshole!" she said as she spun around looking at the old guy. "House rules say you don't touch!"

The old boy looked nonplussed. "What are you talking about? I didn't touch you."

"Right! So maybe we got ghosts? Do it again and you're outta here!"

"Damn, woman, you need help!" He picked up his money and headed for the door. Trying my best to stifle an audible laugh I followed him out.

I spent about an hour browsing in a porno bookstore but, being a computer-age kid with easy access to all the porn in the world, it wasn't that much of a turn-on. I went back home thinking to give my newly found super powers some more serious thought.

When Dad got home from work we talked about my two-day hike. I told him about what I had happened on the mountaintop and showed him the pix I took of the depressions. I wasn't ready to give up my most important discovery yet. As I expected, he was pretty sure there was some logical explanation but he wanted to go back up on the weekend to check it out. That would be my chance to conveniently 'find' the field generator again.

I lay in bed that night thinking of all the mischief I wanted to get in to. I thought about that stripper's sarcastic comment about a ghost touching her butt, then it hit me! I knew what I was going to do. It was perfect! I'd start setting it up in the morning.

There's this awesome-looking girl, Nickie in my class that is into really weird stuff. She tells people that she's a witch and puts hexes on anybody she doesn't like. She also says that she not only believes in ghosts but that she's seen several of them. I don't really know if the rumors about her are true but that's what I heard. My opinion is that it's her way of shouting "Look an me!" Anyhow, aside from this little peculiarity, she seems pretty nice and physically she's an eye turner. In fact, I'd had the hots for her since middle school. Word was that, if you played your cards right, sex was a real possibility but I also know that guys lie to each other about those things without a second thought. I know I found relief fantasizing about her during jerk-off sessions more than once. So, anyhow, she was the object of my plan.

Next morning, I looked in the student directory for her number and called her cell phone.


"Hi, Nickie, this is Mike."

"Mike? Mike who?"

"Mike Dawson. From school."

"Oh, yeah. Hi, Mike. What's up?"

"Well, um, I heard that you were interested in paranormal stuff like ghosts and spirits."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, there's this old house out on Otis Road that's supposed to be haunted. I don't really believe in that stuff but I thought I'd like to have a look anyhow. Since you're up on those things, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me and check it out."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I think it'd be fun. I'll spring for pizza after. Come on, Nickie. Go with me."

She was definitely suspicious. "Well, it might be interesting. OK, I'll go. But if this is some kind of practical joke, Mike, I'll kick your ass!"

"Great! I was planning to go out there around four or five. Is that OK with you?"

"Yeah, that'll work. You gonna pick me up?"

"Sure, see you at about four."

I took the Jeep and headed for Otis Road. The house sat on an acre lot completely surrounded by trees and heavy shrubs. It wasn't really abandoned, it just hadn't been used for a couple of years. I heard the owners lived somewhere in Europe. Some friends and I had walked around it peeking into windows and saw that all the furniture was covered with sheets. It did look creepy though, with weeds growing waist-high around the place. I went around to the back where the windows had old-fashioned screens that were hinged at the top and had a latch at the bottom. I cut a little slit in the bottom of the screen and flipped the latch with my finger. Then, standing on the tailgate of the Jeep, I was able to slip my knife blade up between the windows and slide the lock back. If my Dad ever learned about this I'd be grounded for a month. I raised the window and crawled inside.

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The Rask RebellionChapter 11 No Sale

“Did you learn anything from the human?” the Crewmaster asked, Korbaz pausing to take a sip of her drink before replying. They were lounging in one of the common rooms, sitting atop a pile of silk cushions as their attendants brought them refreshments. “Only that I hate the little bastard,” she snarled. “He’s smarter than he looks, it’s going to take more prying to get anything useful out of him. I’m hoping that spending a night alone in his cell may have loosened his sharp tongue enough for...

4 years ago
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The Dinner and desert

This is a story i've been working on for a bit... i do hope you enjoy, and feel free to comment directly to the author at [email protected] j The Dinner (and desert) By joan edwards (2004) Chapter 1 - The Date Despite the warm darkness of the room, sleeping was out of the question, although I lay comfortably on my back in bed. Even before I could hear her moans of sexual pleasure, I couldn't take my mind off my throbbing cock, the erotic sensation...

2 years ago
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The Caucasian Delight

I am talking about a time when I was studying at Boston University on a company-financed programme. Of all the things that I enjoyed, living in Boston was the peace I had as compared to the constant pressure of corporate life. I had built up a healthy schedule – running in the morning, then lectures, a half an hour siesta after lunch, then again lectures and in the evening, a wonderful drink at the café close to the campus to end the day. It was here that I met Juliane. She was the waitress...

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Path To GloryChapter 14

Tom and I were waiting outside his office when he arrived. He told us we had five minutes to get there, but I think we made it in about two. "Gentlemen," he said brusquely as he brushed past us. "Give me a minute and come in." I glanced at Tom and he shrugged. Coach Brown was seated behind his desk when we knocked and entered. His face broke into a smile. "Fantastic," he said. "I honestly figured it would take most of the morning to get half the team to less than 8 minutes. I...

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My First Mouthful of Cum Gay

Just arriving home at 4 in the morning, a salty yet intoxicating taste lingering in my mouth, I felt I should put my thoughts down before retiring. After all, I had just sucked a cock for the first time, and it was a wonderful experience I had waited oh, too long to try. I now knew it wouldn't be my last, so I decided that, at least for my own sake, I should describe the feelings so I could relive them again and again.I am an average white male, so I thought, who has been out of the loop since...

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Sklaven Kapitel 9

Kapitel 9Die Nacht über schlief ich wie ein Toter. Die Ereignisse des vorigen Tages hatten mich ausgelaugt und waren anstrengend genug gewesen. Trotzdem erstaunte es mich doch. Ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet. Als ich dann morgens aufwachte, ließ ich meine Augen zu. Niemand sollte sehen, dass ich bereits wach war. Ich brauchte ein wenig Zeit für mich, musste mir endlich Gedanken darüber machen, wie ich dieser Situation entkommen konnte. Noch war zumindest für mich die Sache recht glimpflich...

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Lollipop For A Good Boy

He fussed with the string. What kind of idiot would design something like this! ‘Trouble?’ Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees, but thankfully the buttons didn’t go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment. ‘This stupid thing,’ he said, hand groping. ‘My...

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ComrieChapter 44

Betsy and Judy were waiting when Jasmine, Vicki, Traci, Gilian, Dara and Ellyn, joined them in the clinic's consulting room on Dóchas. Betsy and Judy had just finished giving each a hug when Máiréad and Ciar arrived. "Ladies," said Betsy, "we are a little concerned about doing this consultation as a group, even though you requested it. The issues each of you face are significant, and your choice will affect the rest of your life. For those reasons, we want your choices to be yours, with...

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Semper FiChapter 18 The Redemption

Willow couldn't believe how quickly she began to relax in the spring. While the air temperature was quite cold, and she'd shivered tremendously as she shed her layers of clothing at the pool's edge, once she was inside, her body warmed quickly and felt soft and calm. Even old aches started to melt in the spring's magical waters. Kieu-Linh was working soap through her hair, and Willow watched her a moment. The young woman was very beautiful, and though many of the people she'd known in...

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Ticket to Ride

With her eyes squinted tight she glowered, everything seemed just a little too bright for her liking. She was trying to recall why she felt so bad, the night before was an elusive mystery, but it was slowly coming together in tiny fragments. It was hardly a typical event for her to wake up in such a state after boozing, gambling and flirting with strapping men. This time was different, she had overdone it, she had drunk until all sense had left her and something felt off that morning. While...

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Rebecca part 2

My life was completely changed. I had just ****d my 18 year old daughter and just when I couldn't think of how things could possibly get any worse my wife was standing there in her night gown. I could usually read my wife's emotions, but this was different.Quickly Becca and I grabbed what was left of our clothing desperately trying to get dressed again in a vain attempt to somehow get past this moment. My daughter looked at her mother unable to speak with tears welling in her eyes. I couldn't...

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Cousin8217s Wedding But It Was My Honeymoon 8211 Part 2

DEAR FRIENDS I hope you liked part 1 of my sexual experience as a young man…..let me continue here…. I slept on the bed in the hallway for about 2 hours I think, and was woken up by someone who hands their hands on my eyes……covering them….and saying wake up wake up… instinct I pushed my hands up over my head and tried to push the person away. My hands felt something very soft and round…..and I kept squeezing hard……only to realize it was Gitu and her boobs were over my head and on my face….....

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Carla Episode 1 Carlas Helping Hand

Carla and George, both live in an upper class, suburban neighborhood.  George is forty-nine-years-old, a very intelligent, and well-respected cardiovascular doctor who is committed to his practice, and his success is proof of it.  He has been divorced from his wife for the past five years, and his sex life has been non-existent.  His only excitement recently has been looking at Carla from the window, in her school uniform skirt.  The sight of Carla always gives him a massive erection.Carla is...

First Time
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Avoiding Trouble

Copyright 2003 "Hmm, well," said Angela and I could see she was contemplating the question what next? It had certainly been a busy day, and we'd been quite late getting to supper, so I could easily imagine just going back up to our room and reading a bit before falling asleep, even if this was our vacation. And I knew Angela enjoyed such evenings too even if she did tend to push herself out more than I did. At least we were no longer feeling so hungry. "I wonder where the men gather...

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CuckoldSessions Aubrey Black 04102022

Aubrey is a Real Estate Agent sick of her lazy Husband who just sits around and watches TV all day but refuses to get a job. She tells him she has an important meeting with her Real Estate Agent partner to go over some figures and can he go somewhere else in the house and he says no. She asks him if he can go grab some food and he says no. Then she reminds him that he crashed her car because he’s such a bum and she’s always paying all the bills. Finally she decides to teach him a...

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Seducing The School Janitor

I was still living at home with my mom and her new live-in boyfriend Doug. He was such a fucking pervert. I just had to get the hell out of there. My mom had put on weight since her divorce from my dad, and she was nearing forty. The only things she had going for her was that she owned her own house, and had a steady job. She met Doug maybe six months earlier, and I think he really just pushed his way into our lives. He was, of course, unemployed, but got disability checks for some supposed...

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A night at the neighbors

“Hi, Jo, how is life treating you?” “Not bad. How about you?” “Boring, just hanging around the house. I can't seem to get my wife interested in anything and I am sick of just watching TV and reading.” “If you want, I have a few people over from time to time. You're welcome to stop in anytime. Your wife, too.” “My wife and I don't socialize together very much. Our taste in people differ. To be honest, I am more into men than women and my wife isn't into watching me or...

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Big Spender

My name is Amber, and you may remember me from the story, 'Not Everything in Life is Black and White,' with my friend Kat.Well, I want to tell you all about my summer, and the pickle I got myself into. I had the opportunity, with Kat, to work as a hostess at a Casino. Our work was to cheer up the punters and help make their day, build them up when they won, and make them feel better when they lost. No touching, no fraternising and no drinking.It was fun, and quite a turn-on galivanting around...

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THE FETISHIST AND THE SPINSTER "I could just beat him! I'd like to beat him within an inch of his life!" the big woman said. Bedelia, the lady bartender, listened with interest to this plight of her patron for she, like the men of her profession, was proficient at doling out sympathy and advice along with glasses of good cheer. This was a new customer, obviously not a regular habitue of bars. A tallish, largish woman, plain looking but with every potential for fixing herself up into an...

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Second That EmotionChapter 27

The helicopter landed on the roof of CIA headquarters thirty nine minutes later (more or less... I wasn't wearing a watch) and Dr. Wills and I headed down to the lower levels. When we were both seated in his office, he pressed his hands together so it looked as if he were praying. He pressed his two index fingers to his lips and looked as if he were about to speak. I waited patiently. Finally he heaved himself back into his leather chair and tossed his hands into the air. "This mess is...

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Popscotch part 1

Introduction: Guided Evolution Important: This part of the story does not contain actual penetrative sex. The next part will contain plenty to make up. Please do not read this part for penetrative sex and then complain that there isnt any. If you do read this and just find that it wasnt worth it regardless, I understand, and will withhold the next part for your convenience. If there though is a demand, I will complete the story on this site. Popscotch — Part 1 – Whats your name mister? Im...

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Sex Education To My Female Friend

As I said I was in 12th standard so we had many chapters about sex educations. I had a friend of mine who had a huge boobs believe me there were as huge as watermelons and also a busty ass. She used to sit beside me we were good friends and frank enough. I use to masturbate by thinking about her. Once we had a debate competition and I and she was in a group. For the same purpose she use to cone to my house to discuss about the topics and when she use to come there would be no one in my...

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The Hunger Part Two

* * * * * The insistent ring of the bedside phone woke me. I moved Azelia slightly so I could reach the annoying thing. “Hello?” I said. “Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is your ten o'clock wake-up call, as you requested. Would you care for breakfast, sir? We would be happy to bring you a tray,” the cheery female voice said. “Thank you for calling. I shall make my decision about breakfast in a bit.” I hung up the phone. “John? What happened last night?” Azelia said,...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Violet Myers Where The Fuck is my Nurse

Johnny was waiting for the nurse that was coming to take care of his father. However, once she arrived, he was instantly attracted to her. Nurse Violet Myers is beyond stunning, with a huge pair of tits, an enormous ass and a super curvy body. So Johnny decided to grab some crutches and pretend that he was the one hurt. As his dad waited for the nurse in the bedroom, Johnny brought her in and she started attending to his fake injuries. Eventually, she realized that Johnny wasn’t hurt and he was...


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