Dunning free porn video

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I didn't come from a rich family. As it turns out, I did come from a horny family.

It was mid-February of 1989, a month after my 23rd birthday. I had come to New York for a vacation. I'd just spent the 12 months since getting my B.A. by earning my Masters. As with my first four years of college, I had supplemented a very small scholarship with very large loans and whatever part-time work I could find, usually word-processing.

Unlike my first four years of college, I hadn't had a man more than once in 12 months, and that was essentially a "mercy fuck" provided during a brief visit by my former steady. A four-night fling with a Puerto Rican co-ed in my dorm had been diverting, but not fully satisfying. And, of course, with the threat of AIDS all over the place, I had long since given up the stunts of my freshman year.

Some folks look at me and are a little surprised by that "mercy fuck" business. "But, Janet," they protest, "you're really cute and sexy! You can get any guy you want!"

The problem is, there aren't that many to want.

Want to bet? Eliminate: drug- and alcohol-abusers; the witless; the inconsiderate; the ones whose idea of foreplay is "Yo, bitch - suck!"; the ones who want to own you and occasionally smack you around... Well, you cut down the available ones pretty damn fast.

Then eliminate the ones who are strictly gay or frighteningly promiscuous, whether straight or bisexual. Next, skip the fools who won't even talk about Safe Sex. Finally, cross out the ones who are in a committed relationship (whether they want to fool around is not the point; if they don't, you can't have them, and if they do, you don't want the SOBs).

And, finally, they had to be willing to put up with the kind of schedule I had and be at least as bright as me. (Modest, eh?)

Net effect - one "mercy fuck" in 12 months.

"But, Janet," they protest, et cetera.

By the time I picked up my bags at Newark Airport, I was one very, very horny woman. And tired and cranky. The bus from Ann Arbor (where I took my Masters) to Detroit Metro had been delayed in traffic, and despite allowing a three-hour cushion, I'd barely made my flight. And then sat in the damn jet on the runway for 45 minutes. Since smoking was a capital offense in the bus, the jet and both airports, I was itchy from nicotine deprivation. (So I'm not that bright, after all.)

I collected my bags and got cleared by the bored security creature checking claim-checks against luggage tags and made for the exit and the buses (no smoking, naturally) into Manhattan. At least while waiting for the bus I could grab a smoke - or 10, figuring my luck so far in traveling. Nothing like a cold, rainy Thursday in Newark Airport to put you in a good frame of mind.

Just inside the revolving doors opening to the vehicle ramp stood a tall, uniformed black-skinned man holding up a piece of shirtboard inscribed with "Janet L. Dunning."

"I'm her." I showed him my ticket with my name on it.

"Your brother sent a car to meet you," he said. (Actually, what he said in heavily accented English was, "Your brothah send de car to meeeet you." But his West Indian or Haitian accent didn't make him at all difficult to understand.)

"Oh!" I was pleasantly surprised.

"If you'll wait here, I bring it to the door."

"I'll be outside." He looked puzzled. "Smoking," I added, somewhat petulantly.

He nodded and grinned and carried the bags outside for me, then half- jogged down the sidewalk. I lit a More and sucked the smoke down, savoring it. My hands were shaking, and not just with the nicotine craving. It was damn cold out there, and a freezing rain was falling.

Less than 10 minutes passed before a Lincoln Towne Car pulled up in front of me. My chauffeur hurried out, held the door for me, loaded my bags into the trunk, and then we were away into the maze of roads leading eventually out of Newark Airport and onto the Turnpike heading for New York. The rain and the lights in the night made it all a bit surreal.

"Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Oh, no, ma'am." I could see white teeth flashing in the rearview mirror. "You just make yourself comfortable and unwind after that nasty flight."

Which I did, especially after he pointed out that there was a very small but adequately stocked liquor cabinet complete with ice bucket. The Towne Car may not have been a limousine, but I was not about to complain.

With the weather and traffic, we made good time - about an hour to my brother's door. He owned a two-bedroom co-op in an old high-rise on Christopher Street. With a doorman, even.

My driver refused any tip - "Your brother has already taken care of it, ma'am, but thank you just the same." - and the doorman gave me the keys in a sealed envelope after putting my bags in the elevator for me. I read Pete's note during the slow ride up to the 16th floor.

"A close friend has had some bad news - a death in the family - and I've gone over there. I'll be back by 10. Make yourself at home."

... It was signed with his initials and the friend's phone number.

I'd never been to my brother's apartment before. Pete was almost 15 years older than me. (I was what they call an "Oooops" baby; my next- oldest sibling, my sister Maureen, is 12 years older than I am.) He and I hadn't been particularly close, since he was away at college by the time I was four, and he was seldom home on vacations. Sure, we'd stayed in touch with cards and at the occasional family get-togethers - usually funerals and weddings - but he was pretty much a loner. His address resurrected my curiosity about his sexual preferences.

I found the light switches - dimmers - and explored. What I saw confirmed what I already knew: My brother the portfolio manager was making out quite nicely, at least in financial terms.

Nice living room, replete with all the electronic entertainment gear you'd expect, plus a couple of lovely walnut bookshelves crammed with leather-bound volumes flanking what appeared to be a working fireplace with a marble mantle. Nice. A pair of French windows opened onto a narrow terrace, but given the miserable weather, I figured I'd pass it up. There was a small dining room, a kitchen almost big enough for two grownups to stand in and a very nicely appointed bathroom with three doors.

I went back into the living room and opened the other two doors. Behind the first was what was obviously my brother's bedroom, nicely but not lavishly appointed - though I did note the bed was king-sized and looked to be a flotation bed of some flavor. Another pair of French doors opened onto what I assumed to be a continuation of the terrace.

The other door opened onto what I'd expected to be the second bedroom. Maybe it was planned that way, but now it was a small home office, equipped with a stereo, a small television (topped by a cable TV converter) and what looked like a custom-built computer desk. No sign of a bed.

I tried the lone other door in the room, hoping for a Murphy bed, and found myself back in the bathroom.

And just where did my big brother plan to have me sleep?

I sighed and resigned myself to a hot bath and a change of clothes and waiting for his return. I gave his workstation the once-over and went back to the living room. I inspected the curved, modular sofa more closely and realized it had a pullout section in it. Question answered.

I pulled out a change of clothes and my toiletry kit and stowed my bags next to the entry foyer's closet, then went into the bathroom through his bedroom and drew a hot bath. There was a small bottle of scented bath oil - lavender - near the tub, and again I wondered about my brother's sexual preferences. I stripped as the bathroom filled with steam and automatically gave myself the once-over.

I looked like hell. My hair was a mess, my eyes were red-rimmed and tired, and my posture was terrible: roundshouldered and slouching.

"Perk up, woman!" I ordered my reflection.

"Blow it out of your ass!" my reflection growled back.

I turned off the taps and stepped gingerly into the tub. The water was almost too hot, so I lowered myself slowly. It was a full-size tub, so at five-foot-four, I could stretch my legs comfortably and settle slowly till just the tips of my breasts were visible.

I just lay there, wallowing in sybaritic pleasure, for about 15 minutes. The hot water was slowly relaxing me, and I was starting to feel better. Better enough to let my hands get frisky and start toying with my nipples.

I've got somewhat strange nipples. They're rather broad - maybe an inch and a half across - and when they're excited, the whole things swell up till they're about the size and hardness of half of a walnut shell. I like having them licked, sucked and caressed - who doesn't? - but I also really get off on having them squeezed, nibbled and even lightly bitten. During my lesbian interlude I discovered that I could even cum just by having them properly toyed with.

Before long, I was playing with my nipples with one hand and my pussy with the other. And my imagination was running amok, starting with my favorite fantasies and wandering off into the truly outrageous. I got myself a nice, medium-weight (for masturbation) orgasm finally while I imagined myself sixty-nining with one well-hung stud while another did me doggy-style. All of us came simultaneously, of course, and the fella licking me was as good as Tina, my lesbian interlude.

My fantasizing about having not one, but two, well-hung guys was somewhat amusing. For one thing, I tend to be rather tight and have usually been uncomfortable with big dicks (defined as anything longer than six inches or too fat to close my fingers around). There have been a couple of exceptions, the most notable one being he of the "mercy fuck." Jack was positively huge - something like nine inches long and much too thick for me to close my fingers around. But Jack, unlike a lot of well-hung men, was sensitive to my needs and responses and positively loved foreplay. By the time he was wedging his big dick into me, I was aching for it. And he usually took his time, too, which meant that when he did push that last inch home, I could just... barely... take it.

Find two guys like Jack? I figured the odds were slim to none. And would I really want to be with more than one at once? Well, sure - if they could be like they were in the fantasy.

I shook myself from my daydreaming. Quickly and efficiently, I soaped and rinsed and climbed out of the tub. I opened the drain and as the water swirled away, I looked for the shower to rinse any residue away.

What I found was a hand-held stainless steel thing, about eight inches long and shaped for all the world like one of those cheap plastic vibrators. I figured out the shower controls and turned it on. There were an infinite range of water jets available, from pulse - like an ejaculating penis - to-spew-like-a-hose, with another setting for a needle-like shower spray.

This, I thought, would be a hell of a lot of fun for masturbating and douching at the same time. And again, I wondered at my brother's sexuality.

I rinsed the tub, dried and pulled on the only robe handy, a long terrycloth velour job that felt all snuggly and cozy. The waist was much too high for me, of course - Pete is almost six-feet-two - so I pulled the sash from the loops and refastened it higher, around my real waist. I automatically tied it tight enough for my 20-inch waist. Didja hear me? I said 20-INCH WAIST.

Yes, I am proud of it. I have always watched my diet and worked hard at the gym or health club, no matter how busy I am or how tired. My face is okay, but I'm never going to be on the cover of Mirabella. I know my figure is my best asset, and I work on keeping that asset in shape. With 33-inch hips, a 20-inch waist and wearing (only optionally!) a 34-c bra, I am capable of dressing to kill. And I haven't even mentioned that I have rather gorgeous legs, if I say so myself.

I checked myself in the mirror and discovered that posing carelessly made the robe part enough to give a rather good view of most of one strange-nippled tit.

Just as I was laying out the clothes I planned to wear, I heard a key turn in the lock and then the door opened. Pete.

"Hey, Jan-Jan?" he called softly, the name he'd always used on me when I was a little kid.

"Petey!" I flung myself at him impulsively and hugged him close and gave him a big wet smackeroo. He stiffened, then softened and gently let me to the floor. We stood like that for a few moments, him with his arms around my shoulders and me with my arms around the wet raincoat he was wearing, upon which he remarked momentarily.

I looked up at him and grinned. There were a few laugh-lines around the eyes and some weariness in the set of his lips, but it was unmistakably Pete, and he looked good, if sad.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you myself," he said.

"How's your friend?"

"Pretty broken up."


Pete took off his raincoat and hung it in the tub to drip dry. "Not at all. Everyone knew it was coming."

He came out of the bathroom and saw my curiosity. "AIDS-Related Complex." He slipped out of his wet shoes, bending easily at the waist in his jeans and sweater. "We were all hoping the AZT would keep Jeff going until something could be done, but - " He straightened. "Part of Marty's shock, I think, is that he hadn't been dealing with the reality, and this is about as real as it gets."

"And Marty - ?"

"Oh, sure - he has the virus, too."

I had to ask. "Anyone else?"

He frowned, studying my face. I'd never realized how pale and gray his eyes were.

Then: "Oh, me! No, no, I tested nega - " Then it really hit him. "Jan-Jan, I haven't gone gay, if that's what you're wondering. Not even bi." He gave me the once-over. "And if you don't close that robe, you're going to inspire vivid proof and make this a very uncomfortable visit."

I giggled. Mind you - I do not giggle. I laugh. I chortle. I chuckle. I even guffaw (especially at a good lawyer joke), but I do not giggle.

But when my older brother told me I was turning him on, I giggled.

"Are you hungry?"

Now that he asked, I realized I was famished and said so.

"Give me 10 minutes to wash up and change," he said, "and we can go for any food you like. Preference?"

Even though we hadn't spent more than 30 hours, total, in each other's presence in the last four years, I could read him like a book. The enthusiasm was forced, the energy was faked. He was tired and drained. A long day that ended with a few hours spent consoling a friend who'd just lost a lover - yes, that'll take the starch out of you. And to tell the truth, I didn't feel like bouncing around in the rotten weather, either.


"My preference is 'delivered,'" I said. "As in, 'Please deliver to this address.'"

"Oh, c'mon. Are you trying to tell me that after all the traveling to get here, you just want to sit around and vegetate?"

"Tonight I do."

He shrugged, and I realized that beneath the loose sweater, my brother had one serious set of shoulders. "Suits me. Hold on a min'." He stepped into the kitchenette (note the diminutive). I heard a drawer open and close and paper rustling. He returned and handed me about a dozen sheaves. "These all deliver."

I looked through them: Four flavors of Chinese (including Comidas Cubanos Y Chinese), Indonesian, Vietnamese, Indian, Italian, Filipino, Burgers, Pizza - Armenian???

"Uh, Chinese."

"Mandarin, Szechuan, Cantonese - "


"Good deal. What'll it be?"

"Oh, you surprise me while I change."

Pete went to the phone while I took my new selection of evening clothes - a flannel nightgown and a dressing robe - into the bathroom. When I reappeared, Pete was stacking some kindling and logs in the fireplace.

We opened a bottle of red wine and started sipping it while he started the fire and showed me how to operate his home entertainment conglomeroid. He told me to pick any music I liked, as long as it wasn't disco or LITE-FM. I toured the dial until I heard something vaguely familiar.

"How's this?'

"Great! Sounds like Alan Stivell with his Celtic harp."

It turned out that we had largely the same tastes in music, though not in reading. I usually avoided fiction, but Pete devoured it, especially mysteries. Also, I loved watching football (a prerequisite for admission at Ann Arbor), while he deplored it; he was a hockey and baseball fan.

We talked a little about his work and my planned career and pretty soon were well into a fairly intense discussion. Well, OK - an argument. I had taken a Masters in Social Work because I wanted to help people. Pete felt that by manipulating his portfolios to produce wealth, he'd also be doing more good for more people. I was about to point out that my career was going to be helping the "less" - the ones that fell into the cracks in his system - when the doorbell rang.

I have never seen so much Chinese food in my life. Two shopping bags.

"What did you order - company?"

Pete laughed. "One of everything, The leftovers go in the refrigerator and get microwaved for snacks as wished." He was madly opening containers as he spoke. The room was filled with eau d'szechuan. I was drooling.

"I'll get plates and forks - "

"You'll do no such thing. There are traditions to observe. In New York, when you eat takeout, you eat it out of the containers and you eat it with the crummy little chopsticks they send."

"I don't know how to use them. I'll starve!"

"I'll teach you," he promised and opened another bottle of wine. I hadn't realized we'd killed the first bottle already.

We sat indian-fashion in front of the fire, surrounded by opened containers of Chinese food. The wind moaned outside, and sleet beat at the windows, and we continued our argument until we agreed to disagree. I asked him how his love life was.

"Virtually nonexistent."

I stared at him in surprise. He'd been keeping steady company with a young woman, a lawyer, for a couple of years. I'd half-expected them to get engaged at any moment. "But what about, uh, Elaine?"

"Emmy," he corrected. He reached into the pocket of his cardigan and withdrew a pipe and a pouch. "Well, we got along fine in every way but one, but..." He shrugged and began packing the pipe. "That one managed to ruin everything else."

"I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. Can't do anything about it, anyway." He lit his pipe, puffing slowly.

I'd never met her, but I'd seen her picture and heard the love in his voice when he spoke of her. Emmy was of Japanese descent, and Emmy was a knockout. Classy. sexy and exotic, all wrapped up in one. And from what he'd said of her, she was smart, sweet and tough. There'd never been a hint of any problem.

But if he didn't want to talk about it, I figured -

"And how about you, Jan-Jan. How's your love life?"

"Between working five hours a day, studying five hours a day and cramming two semesters' credits into one - "

"What love life?"

We laughed.

"I was kind of hoping to meet some nice guys here," I hinted real subtle-like.

"Good luck."

"Hey!' I smacked him on the arm. It was like smacking a side of beef. "I was counting on my big brother to help me out!"

"If you weren't my sister, I would." He leered suggestively. "As it is, though, I wouldn't trust my friends with you, and I wouldn't trust anyone but a friend with you."

"What's the matter with your friends?"

"They're either gay or married - some are both - or in the same business I am."

"Don't you have any eligible friends who aren't in one of those gloops - groups?" The wine was hitting me, now - hard.

"Not unless you're into women."

"Not regularly," I blurted, then felt my face redden.

"Oh-hooooo..." He refilled my glass. "Give."

I let him - and the wine - coax it out of me. About Tina making her gentle pass in the shower. About impulsively encouraging her. About discovering I could really enjoy being with a woman. About discovering I did not enjoy having a possessive woman as a lover any more than I liked a possessive man.

"Well, stud, did that turn you on?"

He whistled. "Jan, I wasn't horny before - just deprived - but now I'm horny."

I looked down at his lap. "Hey, Petey, is that a tree in your pocket or do you like the show-and-tell?"

He blushed - something I'd never have imagined possible - and made a great show of closing up the containers containing uneaten food. "We better put these away before they spoil."

I struggled unsteadily to my feet and carried a few cartons to the kitchenette. While he stored them, I went for more. As I bent, I lost my balance and tumbled. I wasn't hurt, of course, but Pete was right there checking me. As soon as he was sure I was OK, he turned away and hurried back to the kitchen.

I realized then that in falling, my robe had opened and my tits were clearly visible through the thin flannel nightgown - especially my nipples. They were as swollen and hard as that lump of wood he had in his pants.

Pete opened the pullout for me and gave me dibs on the bathroom. When I emerged, he gave me a little peck on the cheek and disappeared into his home office, a cup of hot herb tea in one hand. I toppled into the pullout and fell asleep fast...

... and wet.

I had incredibly erotic dreams. Two well-hung studs, then a horse-hung man and a gorgeous woman, both nibbling my tits and fingering my pussy. I awoke to find one hand pinching my nipple and the other between my thighs.

I also had a full bladder.

I struggled up out of the bed. The rain had stopped and the low clouds reflected the city light in through the french doors, giving sufficient illumination to find my way to the bathroom. I did my business and noticed the door to Pete's bedroom was open, just a crack. I looked through. He was sprawled naked on his belly, and even in the dim light I could see the silhouette of his muscular back and gorgeous buns.

That Emmy is a goddam fool, I thought, and went back to my pullout and collapsed.

I sat up suddenly, wide awake and not knowing why, and abruptly I regretted sitting up suddenly. My stomach and head told me to regret it. I had to put both feet on the floor to stop the room's rocking. It took me about 30 seconds to orient and place myself. Right - Pete's place.

I had the place to myself. The clock in the kitchenette said it was almost noon. I couldn't believe how long I'd slept. Pete had left a note on the refrigerator door on a piece of memo paper bearing the legend, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT KIND OF DAY TO HAVE!"

Want to double for dinner with Adele and her brother, Martin (Adele says he's a "hunk")? Call me at office before five and let me know.

Was it really necessary for him to mention food?

I found the coffee and figured out how to operate his Nuclear-Powered Faster-Than-Light coffee pot. While I waited for Salvation to brew, I forced myself to drink some orange juice and went into the bathroom to Take Care of Business. The hot shower helped some. The Excedrin helped more.

Wearing Pete's robe, I padded into the kitchen and poured some of the salvation and sipped it as it was - scalding and black. With both trembling hands I carried the mug into the living room and sat down to light a cigarette and recover.

I kept flashing on Pete's naked butt in the bed and wondered if he and this "Adele" were becoming an item, or just what kind of relationship they had.

The coffee began to work, and I decided that the vital signs were stabilizing enough to dress and clean up my pullout bed. The clouds outside were the color of a clam's shell, threatening snow. I found the remote control for the TV, but not the set, itself. Experimentally, I pressed the ON button. In the corner of the room, something hummed and a five-foot projection screen extruded itself down from the ceiling. The projector itself was under the coffee table. CNN came to life and a low murmur came from the stereo speakers. I fingered the volume control and found the Weather Channel. Yes, there was a Winter Weather advisory for later in the day. Dress warm, I told myself. I switched back to CNN and made my bed and exchanged my brother's robe for a pair of Chic jeans and a beige cashmere sweater over a sheer bra. CNN was reporting on the latest rumor of a hostage release in Beirut.

I poured another cup of coffee and examined my brother's home entertainment section. Stereo receiver, cassette deck, CD player, VCR and some tapes. What tapes did my brother own? Classic detective fare, for the most part: "Maltese Falcon"; "The Big Sleep"; the original and remakes of "Farewell, My Lovely." And some that surprised me: "Amerika"; "Airplane"; "V"; "Say Amen, Somebody."

There was a cabinet door. I opened it. Inside were more tapes.


Yes, I'd found my brother's porn collection. I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a prude, by any stretch of the imagination (or anything else). It's just that the few porn films I'd seen were boring, unimaginative and tasteless. The women always love to have the men cum on them rather than in them and inevitably love to lick up the cum. And they're always saying things like, "Oh, fuck me, baby!" I was a little disappointed that Pete bothered to buy low-grade anything.

Still, I was curious about his taste. I didn't recognize any of the titles, so I picked one at random and shoved it into the VCR. The all- in-one remote control - a Zenith, I think - took charge and there was a flash of gray on the big screen, the usual stupid music and titles and then the action began - immediately.

A blonde entered an apartment. She took off her coat and entered the bedroom, where a redhead was sleeping. They kissed. Soon they were making out, then they got down to some serious sex. I liked it when they rubbed their nipples together. I was fascinated by the blonde's nipples. Her breasts were firm, not overly large - and sported nipples that must have been almost an inch long. The redhead paid plenty of attention to them, too. It even looked like she was chewing on them.

I started rubbing my thighs together. By the time the two women had arranged themselves in the classic sixty-nine, I was pretty wet and knew I'd have to change my panties. I stood and stripped off my jeans and panties, then hit PAUSE to get a towel before I sat again on the leather sectional.

When I let the action resume, I had one hand between my legs, playing with myself. The camera work was very good and crisp, and the only sounds were those made by the two juicy women. They were either very good actresses or they were really getting into it, especially the redhead, who was on top.

When the blonde got a finger into her, the redhead went nuts. When I got a finger in me, I felt pretty decent, myself. When the redhead got a second finger, she started groaning. So did I. At the third finger, she stopped her licking and just gasped for more. I couldn't get a third finger into me, because I'm too tight, but I gasped anyhow. The blonde worked a fourth finger into the redhead and jammed in all four right to the knuckles. The redhead's pretty pussy was really stretched, and she was digging it, fucking up and down on the blonde's fingers. Then the blonde folded her thumb into her palm and started trying to work the whole thing in.

No way, I thought. The redhead was slim and her cunt was already full. It would surely tear her apart. It had to be hurting. Was Pete into S&M?

Then I saw the redhead kneel up straight and force herself down, impaling herself on the blonde's hand. I watched the woman's entire hand sink into the little pussy right to the wrist. The redhead started rolling and bobbing her hips, her smooth, firm ass working wildly. She was grabbing and pinching her own tits as she screamed and came, her hips bucking madly.

She finally fell to one side, and when the blonde pulled her hand out of her, the redhead's widespread legs jerked out straight and she shook and screamed again. Then she grabbed the blonde's hand and kissed it, licked it wildly, and rubbed it all over her breasts.

At about which time, I came, too.

The pair on the screen collapsed into a warm, cuddly embrace, which I envied. The screen faded and switched to a new scene. The blonde and a man entered and sat on a couch. They started making out. Before long, her clothes were open and so were his pants. He was sucking those fabulous nipples and feeling her cunt. She pushed him back and bent to lick and suck the biggest cock I've ever seen. She couldn't get much of it in her mouth, but what she did get in there, she took good care of. Her hand jerked on his thick shaft. I was about to hit fast- forward when the couple froze at the sound of a key in their door. In walked the redhead. Look of horror and apology. After explaining that her date was a real asshole and she'd dumped him, she went into the bedroom. No problem, she was assured.

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Gilbert nervously dialed Jaicie's number. Her profile on the Boy Toy Phone Sex website indicated she had numerous BDSM interests, including smoking fetish, bondage, and cuckolding. He hoped that a sexual conversation with her would be interesting. Gilbert heard a pleasant voice answer the phone. "Hello?" "Is this Jaicie?" "Yes" "This is Gilbert. Are you available to take a call now?" "Sure. How long of a call would you like? "An hour please." "Would you give me your credit card number,...

3 years ago
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Daughters First

Quinn is 18 years old and is finishing up High School now. She is slender, about 5' 3", with Brilliant Blue eyes, A-Cup breasts, and Short Red hair. She has had 3 boyfriends, but she never got very physical with any of them, she gave one a handjob, that's it. Quinn is starting to doubt her sexuality, and she's caught herself staring at her friends during Soccer Practice and in the showers. Nina is 37 years old, she is in good shape for a middle-aged mother. She has an average build, is about 5'...

3 years ago
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Guys can Suck Better than a Women

"So you think you can suck cock better than a woman?" Jay took another drink from his beer and laughed softly. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously in the low-lit bar. "Dude, it's a generally accepted belief that guys who suck dick are better at it than most women." I followed suit and sipped from the ale in front of me. "Guys have cocks, so it stands to reason that we know how to properly suck them. It's logically really, I know how I like my cock sucked so I know how to do it better.""I see...

3 years ago
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The Will Part Four

The Will - Part Four Just about three and a half months now into my PTP. My weight is still going down nicely. Mother is so proud. I know it was planned this way, but I rarely think male thoughts anymore. Why would I want to? My life has become immersed all things feminine. Though I am still outwardly a male, I still wear male clothing. I wear no makeup, my hair is still that of a long haired male dilettante. But inwardly Mother has succeeded in placing the world of femininity into...

1 year ago
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Margarets Pleasure

Margaret looked up from the bed. She was still panting a bit, slightly out of breath from the last 30 minutes of sex with her husband Rick. Her chest was still rising and falling and it made her already large breasts look bigger. She and Rick have been married for 18 years and early until just a year ago the sex was ok, yes, just ok, but Rick is a good man, a good father, a good provider and sex had never really been a priority for her. She enjoyed it but since it was pretty much the same each...

4 years ago
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How the Women Got Plastered and Patrick Got BustedChapter 6

One of the things I didn’t know about Tabby was that she wanted to know what it felt like for a boy to see her naked. She hadn’t told anybody about this ... it was just there. Like most girls, she thought she was very plain, at best, and probably ugly, at worst. She knew that if some boy saw her naked, she’d find out, but that was about as far as her little fantasy went. When my project came along, though, and she realized her brother would be that boy... That was another thing I didn’t know...

2 years ago
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A Trip to Hawaii

After a few happy months of dating my new 18 year old boyfriend Roy, I thought we could take things to the next level and consider taking a vacation together. I liked him a lot, and I loved the idea of us spending a couple of weeks together rather than just the odd night here and there. We didn’t live together, and I didn’t know if that was realistic, he was half my age, yet we were so compatible on so many different levels and just understood each other very well, and he was much more mature...

2 years ago
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Michaels naughty little stepsister PART 2

Introduction: Thankyou for all of the comments on part 1. Again, sorry if it sucks. Michael continued to lick and suck her until her clit was too sensitive. Jade wasnt sure how she felt, she was a little bit ashamed that shed just done such things with her stepbrother, but this was overridden by the feeling of pure satisfaction from the pleasure shed just received. That was by far better then any orgasm Ive ever given myself she thought. Shed definitely have to pay him back. Michael looked up...

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The Forbidden Magic at Hogwarts

It is Harry Potter's seventh year at Hogwarts - Voldemort was killed in battle by Harry and the Order of the Phoenix last year and, except for Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, everyone survived the final fight. Now, with the castle varying between mourning for the dead and jubilation, a lone figure is easily able to sneak away from the Common Room, down to the library in the middle of the star-filled night, and smoothly into the Restricted Section without setting off any alarms...

3 years ago
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Cocksucker To Do List

Cocksucker’s “To Do” ListI regularly chat and cam with other men who wear women’s clothing, men who love to perform for each other in sexually explicit ways. We enjoy each other and our small group has become a sort of club since we are geographically and sexually close. A leading member of our “club” organized a challenge and selected a number of us to attend a special “real” event. Three of us accepted the invitation. We would be meeting for an “opportunity” to perform the sexual goals...

2 years ago
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Princess of Persia 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, Mera naam Shipra hai aur ye kahani bas meri ek kalpana hai. Main ek history student hu aur mujhe purani cheeze sunna aur purani cheezo par research karna pasand hai. Ye kahani bhi kuch aisi hi hai. Kahani ek fantasy hai to mera naam bhi kahani mein kalpanik hi hai jo ki hai Nimeria. Main ek bohut khoobsurat ladki thi. Aur iske upar hi kafi ladaiya bhi hui to padhiye kahani mein. To kahani kuch aisi hai ke bohut saalo pehle puri duniya ke sabse bade 2 hi saamrajya the. Ek Persian aur...

4 years ago
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Pavitra My Anal Slut

https://xhamster.com/users/exposedesi i fucked above link girl genuine contact here I woke with a start as I felt a female hand brushed my thigh. It was Simran fresh after a bath, a towel round her fair femalr figure and her white tit flesh a treat to a lusty pair of eyes. She smiled at me as her hand snaked towards my rising cock through my towel,”How did you like it?” she asked. ” What are you talking about?” I said astonished at her words. “I mean, the fuck show that I gave you last night....

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 55 The Invictus undergoes a refit John gets to know the Maliri

“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...

4 years ago
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God Is On Our SideChapter 6

Time moved on and once again Christmas was fast approaching. I had recovered a little more enthusiasm for my work and I had found lodgings not to far away from the office. I steadfastly refused to consider what I would do at Christmas. But on the fateful Sunday 7th November 1941 the news broke about the attack on Pearl Harbour. The free world was stunned, however the fact that America was now in the war was a devastating blow for Hitler, and a terrific boost for British Morale. It was two...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 38 Albuquerque

Tuesday, June 15, 1971 If this was Tuesday, it must be Albuquerque. The sun was shining and it looked like another hot day, but at over 5,000 feet in elevation, it was nowhere near as muggy as Houston had been. The ATSF yard was bustling with activity all around us. I felt like we were on an island in the midst of a choppy sea as I scanned for any signs of danger. Everything was clear. The Dining Car was empty so I started the coffee brewing in the galley as I rummaged around for something...

2 years ago
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Meat Does His Sister

I don’t know how it got so big; it just did and it didn’t take long either. I had a growth spurt between twelve and thirteen and it was about six inches long when that passed, I mean when it got hard, and my sister caught me beating off and sucked it for me - once. And then when I was fifteen, I grew out of my clothes, got to be six-one almost overnight it seemed although it was really in six months or so and ended up with a nine-inch cock that I could barely get my hand around. I remember the...

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She looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding - she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact.... Tonight has been an experience already. We've been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we're both expecting it. I wouldn't use the word "planned" but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...

3 years ago
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Brie Larson gets taken down a peg

When Brie Larson sees that her place on the table is right between Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen, she is not happy. It is no secret that she doesn't have a good relationship with those two. Since Brie arrived to the MCU starring in Captain Marvel, her pretentious and unfriendly attitude has turned all the other actors against her, but the two that have been more vocal about it are precisely Scarlett and Lizzie. Not to mention that they are both much prettier than her and will make her...

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Bi Family Fun

Finally! My stepdad, Bill, headed out to the driveway with his golf clubs for his Saturday morning ritual with his friends. My Mom, Peggy, had already left to start her Saturday ritual of shopping for hours and hours. Now I, Johnny, could start my Saturday morning ritual.Looking out the bedroom window as Bill loaded his clubs into his car and drove off, I untied my pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. Nude, I headed right into their bedroom and opened the door to their closet. Months...

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Girlfriends Lesson

Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...

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Casino Cuckolding

“Charge it to your room Sir?” “Yes please, Room 3205.” I replied. I took a sip of my Manhattan and glanced at my watch. 2:15 pm, probably a little early to be drinking a Manhattan but I had just walked away from a blackjack table with a couple grand and felt like celebrating. I was sitting at the Taughannick Falls Bar at Mohegan Sun on the second day of a three night stay. The Falls bar is one of my favorite places to sit and people watch. Located between two of the casino floors and at...

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The Vassal

She slowly came out of sleep, becoming aware of his presence. She could feel his cold clammy hands groping her breasts, his hard cock thrusting into her, his hot breath tickling the back of her neck. She began to struggle, to escape from him. His arms wrapped tighter around her as he thrust harder and faster into her. She began to scream and to thrash about, trying to escape, trying to get away. “You are mine,” he whispered into her ear, “You are mine for ever and ever.” With a final scream...

4 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT4

FridayI woke early, thinking of Samuel's Black hands on my wife and her obvious enjoyment. Was it just the dancing? I had always thought of myself as a Dominant, but here I was imagining scenarios of me watching as other men fucked my wife. How far would she go? How far would I go? What would happen to our relationship?I reached over and started to stroke her body. She came awake instantly and rolled into my arms with a dreamy look."Thinking about yesterday?" "Mmmm.""What part of it? Beach or...

1 year ago
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We did it Well she did it Great Cuckold Experie

My wife went out to a club in Charlotte a few weekends ago and we were hoping to connect with a guy that might want to seduce her. Well, it didn't happen. I was very bummed, but my wife Mary was kind of relieved. She's just kind of shy.Well, last night (literally 10 hours ago, we went to a nightclub downtown. We danced on the floor to some great 80s music and before long, we were dancing in a group of guys and girls, mainly in their late 20s and early 30s.There was one guy in the group that was...

2 years ago
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14 January 2009Chapter 2

“There they are!” Tina exclaimed rising to her feet and waving her hand to be seen amongst the crowd. “That’s Mom in the open coat and wearing a red sweater.” Several people walked passed temporarily blocking Dan’s view. He noticed her and instantly recognized the strong resemblance. Dan politely stood as her parents came closer. Her dad was the first to spot Tina and pointed in her direction. Smiles grew on their faces as they came together for hugs, kisses, and saying how much they’d...

4 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 28

Cal was not used to uncertainty, especially about his own actions. What had happened to the self-confidence that had stood up to deadly kidnappers and hired thugs? that had allowed him to come onto the football team cold and win a spot as a freshman? that had motivated him to intervene with Cheryl's family for their own good? that helped him build a nice business taking pictures of all kinds in people's homes? He certainly had not turned wishy-washy or anything and he still had more...

1 year ago
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PetiteBallerinasFucked Katy Rose Fabulous Fuck

Cum hungry Katy Rose gets her petite body all warmed up as she works out on the barre, but she allows herself to be distracted by her dance coach Ricky Rascal. Ricky loves watching Katy work out, but he’s even more into pulling up her miniskirt, peeling aside her thong, and feasting on her greedy bare twat. When Katy’s soft gasps of excitement fill the room, Ricky takes off his own clothes so that his hot little ballerina can suck him off. After demonstrating her exceptional...

2 years ago
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Not Yours Tonight Part 1 of 2

15 June 2013“This is not a Science class,” Mr. Philips sighed, emphasizing the disappointment in his voice.  “This is philosophy, we are philosophers. Can no one give me the philosophical implication of his relativism?”“There is no right or wrong, it’s all relative. Having said that, everything is right and no one is wrong,” I said.All eyes in the classroom fixed upon me.“Tell me more?”“I am making this up as I go along, sir… from what I have learnt in my previous classes.  Take numbers six and...

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Palministry and the Titan Totem

"Under my thumb, Well I can still look at somebody else"- The Rolling Stones -In the beginning there was a cardinal-red satin sky. Plenty of it. Large streams of the stuff pouring over the darkness and the four Fingers and one stump who nestled within its clouded slump. Then there was the patchouli and ylang-ylang oil. Plenty of that, too, in a small amber chamber held between two soft swollen rivulets. Finally, there were the prurient memories, hectoring each member of the four-Fingered...

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Across the Lake 2

I was so nervous on Saturday I put ground coffee in my cup instead of instant, and couldn't keep any food in me. While cutting the grass I stopped and bent over until it was just the dry heaves. Mowing was too dangerous so I quit and decided to wash my car. My mind was still wandering and when I got all wet I noticed I had on a womans scoop neck tee shirt and a pair of Daisy Duke shorts. My nipples were standing way out there, and I had an erection. I put the hose in my pants and...

2 years ago
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Johnstr Mark had worked in construction since he was a child. His father ran a construction company and Mark had been his helper as he grew up. After his father died, Mark went to work for himself. His mother died a few years after his father. He was in his mid 30s now and was on the road. He had lived in a town that had one major employer. The town had done well until the plant closed. One by one in a domino effect, stores closed. Jobs disappeared and the town folded up. There were more...

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Forever in My HeartChapter 2

Easter Monday, April 5th, 2010 Just after 9:00 Monday morning. Ms. Madeline Westerbrook Esq. was leaning across John Hanlon’s desk; ass high up in the air, hose and panties around her ankles semen dripping down her thighs. He’d just finished his ‘six minute workout’. Zipping his fly he smacked her cherry red behind, smirked and said, “Don’t know why you won’t let me check that back door.” Madeline turned; her immediate supervisor John Hanlon; he looked a little worse for wear this morning....

1 year ago
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The Messages Continued

“Changed your mind, did you… Fuck! Nick? What are you doing here? I thought you were…. What are you doing with Bradley’s phone?” Nick barged past Beth and stumbled drunkenly into her flat. “It sounded like from your voice clips that you could use some company. Can’t be fucking your cunt with that vibrator, when there’s a perfectly good cock you could be riding,” Nick slurred. To emphasize his point he pulled at his semi erect cock through his jeans, looking like a really bad wannabe rapper....

Straight Sex
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” To my great pleasure I have learnt physically attractive, forty-five year old women can be wonderful sex partners. They have long lost any inhibitions, are sexually experienced, are able articulate what they want and very often have ripe,...

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MyFriendsHotMom Aubrey Black 23383

Aubrey Black returns home to find her son’s friend solemnly sitting on her stairs. He tells her that her son went to baseball practice, but that he’s just alone, brooding about the girl that he’ll never have. When Ms. Black inquires, Rion tells her that he’s never been with a girl before — he’s a virgin — and has no idea what to do, no confidence. Aubrey consoles the young man and tells him it just takes some experience, but that you’ve got to give the old college try. But more importantly, she...

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Slaves Ch4

He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him. "You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the long hallway. "The Queen asked for the most beautiful of new boys." Of course he did not understand a word. She laughed, grabbing his firm ass cheek, giving it a slap. His beauty really was something else. Of course all slaves had to condone to certain standards of attractiveness (who, after all, wanted to rape or torture an ugly boy?) but there...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 18 Teach her a Lesson

I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...

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Katies ride home

Katie is a mature geek who loves puzzles. Married to another geek, she took pretty good care of herself but we all have what genetics give us. No amount of bike riding was going to slim those 50 inch hips or 44D tits! She kept her waist at a comfy 32 inches via frequent biking, walking, and a yoga class. She wasn't a looker, but she knew there were men who couldn't resist a fine big ass and wasn't against using her double x chromosomes as needed for leverage. It was a sneaky snow day in North...

2 years ago
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WizardChapter 11

Mum, Aunty Mary, Taff and I travelled over to meet Taffy's folk. I was glad to get out off the car, by the time we reached their home, between 'girl' talk and not too subtle comments about our age difference, I was just about ready to explode. After introductions, Ted gave me the wink and suggested we let the women do their secret business while we men folk discussed the merits of a few different brands of beer, an Aussie tradition deeply seated in the male psyche. Finally, all the...

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Sirs and their boy toy

We caught our breath, resupplied with favors, grabbed our gear and moved into the bed room. Chris came up to me and whispered, ‘you’re so sexy, a lot of fun, and we want to have some more wild play.” ‘FUCK YEAH,” I nodded, and he went on to say “we want you to be the sub-boy for this part, and you will respect your Masters!” I lowered my eyes and nodded, “Yes, Sir!” “We’re going to cam this on Xhamster” Chris gently caressed my face and traced my lips with his fingers. Then he dropped his...

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Denises First Blowjob

David and several co-workers had planned for several weeks to have an after-work outing. At 20 years old, David was the youngest of the group. April had talked him into going. She was happily married and 13 years his senior. Anything more than friendship was out of the question.When they all arrived, April introduced her babysitter Denise, to the group. She was a 26-year-old blue-eyed brunette with a beautiful smile and a figure that was easy on the eyes. Denise sat across the table from David....

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Sexy Aunty K Sath Virginity Todi

Hello friends, I am Sidkid 20 year old from Udaipur ,Rajasthan Height 6’2″ Weight 80kg Body type : athletic Shoe size lol : 6″ Any girl , bhabhi and aunty from udaipur or near udaipur can contact me at full privacy and satisfaction guaranteed. Now comming to the story well I will start in hindi Baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai As mai engineering k final year mai tha as such jyada ladkiya to college mai hoti nhi hai aur jo hoti hai wo kiss tak hi rok k rakhti hai. Hawas ka item bomb fat rha tha. Ek...

3 years ago
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boxer shorts swap

Jeff and Mike were friends. They'd known each other forthe last year or so, and had started hanging out together.They had met the year before on the high school swim team, andit was then that Jeff first developed his crush on Mike. It had started in the locker room, while changing intotheir Speedos. Jeff watched Mike strip off his jeans andshirt, and got instantly hard at the sight of this tall,goodlooking boy standing in front of him in his boxer shorts.He had to wait before changing. ...

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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 5

As long as I could remember, Mom and Dad always had a spring barbeque. When the company was small, it was only a few people. Now, with three crews on Tom's side and my guys, we had almost fifty people invited. I wish I could tell you about all the conversations that were going on, but I can't. I know Tom talked to Dana for a while and then I saw Jenny and Mom talking to her and they all seemed to be having a good time. I was really happy about that and I figured maybe at last she would...

4 years ago
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Exiting second time

After the first time had already passed, I decided to take some time as my ass still hurt a few days after my encounter. The guy I used to talk still had not sent me any message a 2 weeks after the events of the previous story so I decided to do something. After the pain went away I noticed I coul very easily play with my ass and I would not hurt at all! I went to the point that I could fist myself and it would rarely hurt.I played putting things in my ass and it felt awesome. I decided I was...

1 year ago
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Me and the girls from work

I'm 23, not bad looking, not overweight nor slim, and I measure 5'10". In fact, take the appearance of a computer geek. Remove some of the usual clichés and you got me. My life hadn't been what you could call fun. Always getting beaten up and laugh at while I was young. I didn't get many friends and neither did I get steady girlfriends. I ended up a computer and started programming at lot which led me to be programmer analyst in web solutions in a not too small company doing web sites. This c...

4 years ago
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ValChapter 6

Because I was done with the current project in art class, I had free time on my hands. I started sketching in my art pad. I didn't really have an object in mind; I just let my hands go on autopilot, with minimal help from my mind. Eventually, the picture was of a human, then later I noticed it was of a girl. It wasn't until Miranda walked came over and stopped and said, "Wow, that's a beautiful picture of Valerie. And judging from the look on your face, a look you don't show often when...

3 years ago
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Following on from my first meet

Hi All,This follows on from my previous story called my first time.Unfortunately i never seen daddy again as not long after our first meet he sold up and moved to Blackpool, wish was a huge shame as our first meet was great.A few weeks after i ended up getting into a relationship with a woman, my bisexual urges actually went away for quite some time, it was until about 2-3 years later i started fantasizing about pleasing older men again, i joined a few hook up sites and started chatting to a...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Kinsley Karter Cute Cock Wrangler

Kinsley Karter has one of those cute little voices that lets you know she is a playful, bubbly girl who loves a fat dick inside her slit. She has been in the industry for about a year, and she has made quite a name for herself because of how hot she is. Her silky, black pussy is tight as fuck and every guy wants to stick his cock inside! Today, our lucky stud has the honors, and he plows her chocolate pie with passion. She moans as he strokes in her love tunnel, and then climbs on top for a...

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After cocktails

It was hot, that night in Bermuda, but no-one was thinking of the war. Everyone at the cocktail party was drinking instead of eating, and whether from shame that they were dodging their duty, or fear that they would soon be back in the thick of the fighting, they were determinedly jolly. Finally, the last guest left, so that their hosts could retire to bed. The ceiling fans whirred as they undressed: she, her designer dress; he, his white tuxedo. In bed, she looked at him. "David,...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 4

Thursday morning, it is supposed to be Dahlia’s tern to wake me up, but she is under punishment. Instead it is Carol’s mouth I find wrapped around my cock when I wake up. Carol was my reluctant girl. I had to be careful not to push her too far. That isn’t the case anymore. Ever since the jocks tried to kill me and I fought my injuries to stay conscious and make sure she was taken care of, she has become a new woman and gave herself to me mind, body and soul. As soon as she sees my eyes open,...

3 years ago
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My Education

I went to class that morning in a bad mood. Some students in the apartment next to mine had decided to ring in the school year with a big bash, and I had barely slept all night. At my polite request to keep the music down, several drunken frat boys had urged me to join the party. I almost considered it, but their leering gazes and sloppy attempts at flirtation made me a little sick and I withdrew.I had spoken to my mother the evening before; she was depressing me with interminable talk of...


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