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[Book 6]

After pleading with my Daddy for almost fifteen years he has finally agreed to tell me what happened that weekend just before my fifth birthday. All that I can remember of it is some of the aftermath. I have no memory of anything before I was five years old. I was told that I had fallen from my Daddies canoe while we were out fishing. I was broken up really bad from the rapids in the river. I remember being in the hospital for a long time. For different reasons I have always felt what I was told wasn't the truth. I knew there was something wrong between my Daddy and me. From my earliest memories he treated me like I didn't exist. It wasn't until I was abducted and raped by Billy and his father that my Daddy changed. He became so loving, but that's another story.

He was told a few years ago that he had a tumour in his brain. He only had a few months to live. That was when he said he would tell me what happened that weekend, but there would be conditions. He said he would write me a letter explaining everything. He made me agree that I would not read it until after his death. He also made me promise that I would post his letter to this site. My Daddy knew of the stories I had written and posted here; he had read them all. He said that it was only fair for my friends to know the truth also. I agree to his terms.

My Daddy died two months ago. I am writing this introduction in advance of reading his letter. I don't want to feel influenced by it. I may make a comment at the end. I hope it doesn't bore you to death. I'm sure it was just some little mistake he made that he felt guilty about all his life.

Anyway, here it is.

When Barbara told me that she was pregnant I felt like the world had been pulled out from under me. I was twenty-six years old and she was seventeen. The last thing I wanted was to be saddled with a fucking cunt and her kid. I was just starting to make money on the stock market. I had invested in a new product called, software. It was going right off the charts. I was making more money than I had ever dreamt of. Barbara was a beautiful cunt that would do anything I asked her. A guy couldn't want for a better piece of twat than her, but the last thing I wanted was for her to have a hold on me. I tried to talk the bitch into having an abortion but she wouldn't have any part of it. I decided the only way to resolve this problem was to have the cunt rubbed out. Fate stepped in just before I finalized a contract. Mandi has always said that fate somehow looks after her. This must have been the first time; the little slut wasn't even born yet. My financial adviser told me that I would never be accepted in the big money circles unless I was married. I had to show respectability. I decided that I couldn't do much better than Barbara. If I married her quickly no one would know that she was already pregnant. Barbara liked money as much as I did; she jumped at the opportunity to marry me. It was just like her not to give me a son; now I had two cunts to deal with. I didn't see much of Barbara or her brat over the next four years. I was too busy making money. Barbara was content with the arrangement; she had a beautiful home and more servants than the Queen of England. The only time we were together was when it was necessary to put on a good face. I must admit that she was an important factor in my success. If she knew I was having trouble closing a deal with a client she would play up to him. I don't think any man could resist her charms. After he had fucked her brains out she would tell him how jealous I was. It would usually be enough to swing the deal. Barbara had several nannies to help her with Mandi. I paid such little attention to the brat that I wasn't to sure what her name was. Then one sunny day in June things changed. I was tinkering in my shop behind the house when I heard a loud crash against the door. When I opened it I saw Mandi sprawled on the ground bawling like a baby.

"What are you doing?" I said in a harsh tone.

The little brat had fallen off her bicycle. I looked around for one of the servants but there was no one around. I yelled at her to shut up, but that only made things worse. She was lying on her back with her hands between her legs. She was wearing a light pink summer dress and I could see she no longer wore diapers. She had a very hot looking pair of pink panties on. As I looked between her legs memories of a girl I had in India a few months earlier flashed in my mind. The Arab I had purchasers her from told me she was six years old. I had been very careful to stay away from young pussy in the U.S.A. The last thing I needed was a rape charge. When I wanted young cunt there were lots of countries I could get one from without any problems.

"Why are you holding yourself? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" I asked as I tried to clear my head of the thoughts I was having.

She said that she hurt herself as I bent down and picked her up into my arms. I was having feelings I had never experienced with her before. I could feel the warmth and softness of her young body as my cock began to twitch. I didn't like the idea of getting sexually aroused by my own daughter. I laid her down on my bench and told her to let me look at her injury. I watched in amazement as she removed her panties and lay back onto the bench spreading her legs apart. I was shocked. My first thoughts were; "Who has been fucking around with this little cunt." I was sure that her actions were sexual. As I drew closer she began pointing between her legs. I saw a small cut on the soft folds of skin that formed the outer lips of her sweet young twat. She was just a little girl showing her Daddy her injury. My attention quickly moved from the small scratch to the beautiful virgin cunt lying before me. I could feel my cock pulsing as it filled with blood. I looked down at the trusting little creature waiting for me to treat her wound. I began to massage her little crack. The lips seemed to be swelling to my touch. Then fear of being caught filled my mind.

"I have every right to tend to her injuries," I reassured myself.

I slowly spread the small lips apart. There wasn't much wetness; she was very dry. I began to rub my fingers over the small scratch and she smiled up at me.

"Does that feel good?" I asked her.

"Yes Daddy," she answered.

I realized that this little twat thought of me only as her Daddy, I could do no wrong in her eyes.

"I'm going to have to put a little antiseptic on it," I told her. "It may hurt a little".

I was past the point of no return, I couldn't control myself. The soft young pussy staring up at me was begging for my attention. I had never seen anything more inviting in my life. There was a five pound bucket of grease sitting on my bench. I stuck my fingers into it and began rubbing it between her legs. I couldn't believe how big her cunt seemed. It looked almost fully developed. I chuckled at the thought of a four-year-old with a woman's cunt. It had well formed lips and was bright red inside. The only thing lacking was the hair, but I had seen many shaved cunt before. My fingers were covered in grease as I started to spread her lips apart. I could see the opening to her vagina as I pushed the tip of my finger inside. It felt wonderfully tight. I thrust my finger into her hot little cunt till I could feel the opening to her uterus. The sounds of her sobbing made me realize that I hadn't paid any attention to how she was receiving what I was doing. I looked up to see tears pouring down her cheeks. There was a small trickle of blood coming out around my finger. The reality of what I was doing began to overwhelm me.

"I can't believe what I am doing," I thought in terror. "This is my four-year-old daughter lying on my bench. I am finger fucking my own daughter."

There was no way that I was going to be able to explain why I had just shoved my finger into her little cunt. If Mandi told anyone what I had done I would be on my way to jail. I pulled my finger out of her bleeding hole. My mind was frantically trying to find a solution to my dilemma. I decided that the only thing I could do was kill her. I would need to make it look like an accident. I thought of drowning her in the pool, but I was sure I would be seen. I decided to tie her to her bike and run over her with my truck. I would untie her after and claim it was an accident. Thoughts were flashing through my mind so quickly I could hardly comprehend them. A thought came to me that if I was going to kill her I might as well finish what I had started. She was still lying on the bench with a few drops of blood between her legs.

"I might as well get some use out of that cunt before I run her over," I chuckled to myself.

Just as I was releasing my throbbing cock from my pants my mind began to visualize the future. I could see Barbara screaming in horror when she saw her daughter's mangled body under the wheels of my truck. I could see the police and the coroner taking the body away. I pushed my cock back into my pants. I looked down at Mandi as fear and panic were raging in me. I realized that I couldn't kill her. I had shoved my finger into her cunt. If I hadn't bust her hymen I certainly had made it bleed and her cunt was full of grease. The same grease I greased all my bearings with. I saw the coroner doing an autopsy on her body. When he found her ripped bloody cunt full of grease they would all look to me. I would be sitting in the electric chair. I couldn't kill her, at least not now. Not under these circumstances. I had to somehow convince her not to tell anyone what I had done to her. I never felt so venerable in my life. I hated it. I took some rags and cleaned as much of the grease and blood as I could from between her legs. I told Mandi to put her panties back on. In my panic a thought came to me. I looked over at Mandi's bike. The handlebars were bent. It looked much worse than it was.

"Your mother is going to take away your bicycle for sure after this," I said as I watched Mandi begin to cry. "Maybe I can fix it for you."

"Please Daddy, Please fix it so Mummy doesn't find out," she began to beg.

"Do you know how to keep a secret?" I asked her. "If I fix your bike so that your mother doesn't find out we will be in a lot of trouble if she does find out later."

"Oh Daddy, Daddy, I won't tell anyone. I promise," she begged even more.

"You can't tell anyone that you hurt yourself either. You can't tell anyone that I fixed your Boo Boo for you," I said forcefully.

"I won't, I promise Daddy," she said happily.

"Okay Honey, I'll fix your bike, but this has to be our secret," I repeated.

It took me just a few moments to fix the bike. I watched as Mandi rode off towards the house. I spent the rest of the afternoon sweating bullets wondering if the police would arrive at any moment. I didn't even go into the house for supper. I couldn't handle the thought of sitting across from her at the dinner table. I could imagine her blurting out in front of everyone what I had done. It was late evening when I finally went into the house. I sat down in my den and poured myself a stiff Scotch.

"I see that you have finally decided to come in," I heard Barbara's voice saying. "I was just about to come out to see you. What were you and Mandi up to this afternoon?"

I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead, my goose was cooked I was sure.

"What ever it was you have certainly made an impression on her. I'm really happy to see that you are finally starting to take an interest in your daughter. She won't let the maid help her with her bath tonight; she wants you to help her. Just what was it you and her did this afternoon?"

"Oh, we just spent the afternoon tinkering in the garage," I said casually. "We talked a little, you know, Father Daughter stuff. Kind of got to know each other a little better."

As I walked up the stairs towards Mandi's bedroom a feeling of hate was filling my senses. I felt like a slave to my own daughter. I couldn't let her get mad at me; I would have to cater to her every whim. I could hear her splashing in her tub as I walked through the door of her bedroom. I sat on the edge of her bed and called out to her that I was there.

"Please come here and help me Daddy," I heard her call back to me.

As I walked into her bathroom she was floating on top of the water in her large Jacuzzi tub. I couldn't stop myself from looking at the puffy slit between her legs. She was making waves by opening and closing her legs. Each time she opened them I could see her glistening cunt opening up to me. When I looked up into her eyes I realized that she had been watching me staring at her cunt the entire time. It almost seemed like she understood.

"Daddy, you have to look at my sore. I can't tell mummy, so you have to make sure it's all right." She said laughingly.

I knew I was making a big mistake but I couldn't stop myself from taking the opportunity to touch her beautiful twat again. Mandi got out of the tub and sat on its edge. I spread the lips of her pussy apart and began to push my finger into her again. All of a sudden she slipped off the edge falling back into the water making a huge splash. The bathroom and I were completely covered in water. I was soaking wet.

"I'm sorry Daddy. I slipped. I didn't mean to get you all wet. Why don't you have a bath with me now that you are all wet," she giggled.

Without thinking I began to rip my clothes from my body. I heard my cock slap against my belly as I released it from my shorts. It was as hard as rock and standing straight up into the air. I was sure that Mandi had seen a cock before, but never like this. I got into the tub sitting across from her. The head of my swollen cock was sticking out of the water. It was twitching and bouncing as the cool air and the water licked it. I could hear Mandi giggling as she watched it jump around. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was risking everything to be with this child. I was at the mercy of a four-year-old. Mandi was still opening and closing her legs. She pushed herself a little closer towards me; her feet began caressing my cock each time she closed her legs. Each time she would spread them apart I could see her little cherry just a few feet from my face. I moved closer to her. She almost seemed to sense what I wanted. She held her legs wide open. I reached out my hand to her sweetness; her lips were soft and moist. They spread apart so easily. I began to push my finger into her again. She bent her legs and wrapped her feet around the throbbing head of my cock. The feeling of her feet on my cock was too much; I began to erupt. It was all I could do not to scream. I had never felt myself explode with such force before. It felt like it would never stop shooting cum into the air. As my senses returned to me I could see that the water between Mandi's legs was red with blood. I had buried two of my fingers into her four-year-old snatch. If I hadn't burst her cherry earlier, I surely had now. Her face was covered in cum. I expected to see a look of terror in her eyes; but instead there was a look of satisfaction on her face.

"How do you know about these things?" I asked in a panicked voice.

"I watch Mummy and the chauffeur do it all the time in Mummy's bathroom," she answered innocently. "They always leave the door open so they can hear if anyone is coming; but they never think about me. I sneak in and watch them."

I couldn't believe this little creature that was sitting in a pool of blood wasn't the least bit afraid. She was one tough little four-year-old. I was definitely past the point of no return now; I had just popped her cherry. As much as I was impressed by her and her composure I couldn't stand the thought of living in fear of her telling about us. I was going to have to think of a way to get rid of her quickly. After all, she wasn't the only four-year-old in the world, but she was the only one that could send me to jail. After I tucked her into her bed I went downstairs to my den and began to make some necessary phone calls. It was late when I climbed into bed beside Barbara, but I didn't think she was sleeping. It was time to put my plan into action.

"Are you sleeping?" I whispered as I climbed beneath the sheets.

"No," she answered as she rolled over looking into my eyes. "I don't think I have felt this happy in a long time. It's so nice to see that you and Mandi are becoming friends."

"If you had any idea just how close we were you wouldn't say that," I chuckled privately to myself.

"I just got off the phone with one of my clients from Germany," I said to her. "He wants to combine a little pleasure with business. He was up at our fishing lodge a few years ago. He suggested that we conduct our business up there. He said we should bring our families. What do you think about going to the cabin for the weekend?" I knew before she answered what she would say. She hated the cabin, she hated fishing.

"No way are you dragging me up to that filthy place," she answered abruptly.

"I just thought it would be fun for you and Mandi to come with me," I said.

"I didn't say you couldn't take Mandi. It would be wonderful if you took her with you," she answered just like I thought she would.

"Yeah!" I thought to myself. "With me and Mandi out of your way you will be able to give the servants the weekend off. That is, all except for your chauffeur. You will be able to fuck his brains out all weekend."

The next day I asked Mandi if she would like to go to the fishing cabin for the weekend with me. I told her that several of my business associates would be bringing their daughters along. It was going to be a father and daughter weekend. Mandi was so excited she started jumping up and down. I could see droplets of pee on the floor from under her nightgown. I guessed her little cunt wasn't as tight as it used to be. Mandi realized she was wetting herself and ran off to the bathroom. Barbara came in to the room just as she was leaving. I tried to stand over the wet spot; I didn't want Barbara asking questions.

"Daddy, come wipe my pee pee," Mandi's loud voice rang from the bathroom.

A look of confusion appeared on Barbara's face as she walked to the bathroom door.

"Are you having some kind of a problem Mandi?" Barber asked.

"No Mummy," Mandi answered.

"Young ladies wipe their own privates. They don't ask their Daddies to do it," she said abruptly.

"I wonder where she gets these crazy ideas sometimes," Barbara said to me.

A few more slips like that and Barbara would be sitting Mandi down for a long talk. I wasn't getting her away soon enough as far as I was concerned. Around noon on Friday Barbara had Mandi's suitcase all packed. Around two p.m. Mandi and I left for the Marina. We got loaded into my floatplane and were in the air by three p.m... We had a three hour flight to the cabin. Mandi decided to lie down on the back seat of the plane. Her dress had ridden up past her waist. I considered putting the plane on autopilot and getting some revenge for the torment she had put me through, but I had arranged other plans for her. I kept looking back over my shoulder; my eyes always falling between her legs. I began to imagine what it was going to be like splitting her in half. As we approached the cabin I could see that we were the last to arrive. There were three floatplanes already tied to the dock. As I taxied the plane in I could see my guests waiting to greet their new play thing.

"I only see men Daddy. Where are all the girls?" Mandi asked.

"They've probably already eaten them," I said laughing loudly.

I could see that my comments had disturbed her a little; I didn't really give a fuck. As we stepped from the plane all eyes were on Mandi. My four friends had flown halfway around the world for her. Hans was from Germany. Chan was from Japan. The brothers Abdul and Abbid were from the Sudan. Besides their worship of wealth and power, they had one other thing in common. They all loved young girls just as I did. Mandi was going to be a very popular girl tonight. There were still a few hours before the sunset. It was lovely and warm outside. Abdul said that he had a present for Mandi and gave her a small package to open.

"Take your present into the cabin," I said to her. "I'm sure he has given you something nice to wear. Put it on and come back out for us all to see."

I knew exactly what Abdul had given her; he always liked to start it the same each time. As Mandi stepped out of the cabin all the men began to whistle. Seeing a four-year-old girl wearing a tiny G-string bathing suit drove us all wild. Mandi was too young to realize the intent of the gift Abdul had given her. She just thought she looked pretty and enjoyed hearing the approval of all the men. She even did a little spin for everyone. I gave Mandi a plastic pale and a shovel. I told her that she could go down to the water's edge and play in the sand. As I watched her walk down to the beach I took my place with the other men on the front porch. The booze and drugs were starting to flow. There was every kind of drug you could think of. Most of us chose to snort cocaine; it would give us more energy for later. Everybody had a pair of binoculars. If we weren't snorting coke we had the binoculars stuck to our faces; and it wasn't the sunset we were watching. Mandi's little G-string bathing suit was much too big for her. The leg holes were twice the size they should have been. She was giving us quite a show. Every time she bent over the men would howl as her little pussy poked through. The two Arabs were getting really excited watching the small piece of white flesh playing in the sand. They began rubbing their swelling cocks through their skirts. I decided to make it a little more fun. Mandi was having a lot of trouble keeping her suit on. The shoulder straps of her little bra kept slipping, and the crotch of her panties was almost down to her knees. I walked down to her.

"I see that your bathing suit is causing you a little problem. I'm really sorry that Abdul bought it too big for you. Let me help you with it. This is our private beach. There are no strangers here. You don't need to wear a bathing suit."

I began to remove Mandi's bathing suit; she didn't complain at all. I walked back up to the cabin leaving her playing naked in the sand. The men were cheering their approval as I came back onto the porch. One of the nice things about very young children is they haven't learned about vanity. Try to strip an eight-year-old of her clothes and you would be in for one hell of a fight. Most four-year-olds love running around naked, Mandi was no exception. She had no idea what her tender body was doing to these men. Every time she bent forward to fill her bucket the men went absolutely insane. Her little pussy would pop out from between her legs to wink at everyone. I had told the men that the package was a virgin, white, and four years old, but when I told them she was my daughter they really got excited. There seemed to be something very different between a captured package and the fact that I was offering them my own daughter. As the sun was starting to set in the horizon I called Mandi up onto the porch. All the men were reaching out for her as she came up. Abbid was the closest to her. He quickly picked her up into his arms placing her onto his knee. He began rubbing her body; leaving the rest of us staring enviously at them. He made a point of not touching her cunt; he didn't want her freaking out just yet. He sprinkled some cocaine into the palm of his hand and held it under her nose. Mandi began to sneeze wildly as the cocaine filled her lungs. Her nose was covered in the white powder. Everyone cheered at Abbid's success.

"Here Mandi drink this," I said to her as I handed her a cup of orange juice.

She seemed very thirsty as she gulped down the heavily drug laden drink. I could see that her eyes were already beginning to glaze over. The men began passing her back and forth amongst themselves; each man finding a way to feed her more drugs. When she was placed onto the lap of Chan he started to rub and pinch her nipples. Mandi got upset and tried getting off of his lap. I could see tears swelling in her eyes. Chan pulled a small black case from his shirt pocket and opened it. He lifted a small cylindrical shaped object from it that was covered in silver foil. He peeled the foil from around it.

"Suppository!" He said with a devilish look in his eye.

He laid Mandi on her belly across his lap. She squirmed a little but the drugs were already starting to take effect. He then spread her legs wide apart. I could see the entrance to her tight little ass. He began pushing the suppository into her. Before Mandi could put up much protest it had disappeared into her. He lifted her back into a sitting position on his knee. After a few minutes I noticed that Chan was pinching Mandi's nipples again. He was squeezing them very hard this time. I watched as he twisted and turned them. Mandi didn't seem to take any notice of his mutilating her nipples. She was conscious and alert but unconcerned with what he was doing. Her nipples had turned a bright red in colour. They were swollen almost to the size of a woman's. He lowered his mouth to one. Everyone became quiet as we listened to him sucking and biting. Mandi just sat on his knee looking around and smiling at everyone. She seemed totally unaware of what he was doing to her. When he removed his mouth from her breast, her nipple looked huge. A nursing mother would have been proud to have a nipple like that. The entire darkened area was bulging from her chest and blood was dripping from the tip. Abdul and Abbid quickly placed their mouths on each of her breasts. I could hear them swallowing as they sucked her raw tits. I knew it must be her blood they were sucking from her. Her breasts looked like raw meat when they finally removed their mouths from her; they hung down like an old woman's.

"No feel, no feel," Chan said smiling proudly. "Only lasts two hours. Then pain come back," the little Jap said with a wide smile on his face.

We were all relieved to hear that the drug would be effective only for a short duration. It wouldn't be any fun if she couldn't feel what was happening to her. Whoever got the little cunt tonight would want her to feel everything. It was time to go in and start the competition. Chan lifted her off his lap and placed her on her feet. Mandi seemed a little wobbly at first but managed to walk into the cabin by herself. I really couldn't believe the size of her tits. They had swollen to the size of small grapefruits. I never knew that if you squeezed them enough they would swell that much.

"I'll have to remember that in the future," I chuckled to myself.

There were six bedrooms in the cabin. Each one could be locked from the inside. Everyone had their own bedroom except for Abbid and Abdul, they shared everything. The object of our game was to convince Mandi to enter into one of our bedrooms under her own free will. I had agreed that I would not be eligible to claim her as I had an advantage over the others. I would disqualify myself this time. They all thought that I was conceding a great deal. They didn't know that what I wanted was for Mandi to be with one of them. The method we would use to entice Mandi to one of our rooms wasn't complicated. We would play poker. The winner of the hand would be able to take Mandi into his room for five minutes. During that time he could use any form of persuasion he wished to make his room the most desirable to her. He could offer her clothes, candy, food, or bribes of any kind. No one had to divulge their methods if they didn't wish to. When Mandi would come out of the room she would sit on the lap of whoever won the last hand. Mandi was placed onto the centre of the table for the first hand. Chan cheered when he won. He grabbed Mandi and led her into his room. We all listened intensely. It was like no one was breathing. We couldn't hear anything from the room. After five minutes Chan and Mandi walked out. There were tears in her eyes. Both of her nipples were bleeding again. There was blood all around Chan's mouth.

"I wonder what he is trying to do," I thought to myself. "He will never get her into his room if all he has offered her is pain."

Mandi was made to sit on Chan's lap during the next hand. The entire time we were playing he continued sucking and biting on her bloody nipples. The next hand was won by Hans. We all sat silently again waiting for the five minutes to pass as Hans took Mandi into his bedroom. When she came out she was wearing a lovely leather dress, she seemed to be smiling. Hans had put some medication on her breasts to ease the pain. I won the next hand. In my bedroom I told Mandi that she would not be spending the night with me. She would be spending it with one of the other men. I told her not to come into this room again. Chan seemed so distracted by Mandi that his playing was lousy. He hadn't won a hand for almost an hour. When he finally did win he grabbed Mandi violently by the arm and dragged her into his bedroom. We didn't need to be quiet this time to hear what was happening in his room. Mandi was screaming at the top of her lungs. We could hear her begging him to stop. She kept calling out to me. We had never made any rules about what could or could not be done to a cunt while we were trying to persuade them to come to our room, but this was the first time I had heard anyone hurting one at this stage in the game.

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Amandas Discovery

Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...

4 years ago
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amandas Fantasy

amanda's Fantasy Dearest Mistress, Please understand that I have hundreds of fantasies. But You specifically asked for a fantasy from me about You. So, due to U/us becoming so close as of late, this one will probably be one of the greatest fantasies that I have. Please bare with me cause this is likely to become extremely detailed. At least from my perspective it will be. And so it begins.... The day has finally arrived and I am here to finally meet my beloved Mistress for...

3 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter4

You might well be pleased with my last letter but you have merited your own reprimand. You confess to having read it with too much action of the hand, not expecting any such very racy termination, and that when it came to such delicious mouth-fucking you were obliged to spend all over your dressing-gown. All I can say is don’t do so anymore, but come over to see me, and I will do it for you as you did it for me when we crept into each other’s beds at school. But I have more adventures to...

3 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter 09

I was obliged to break off my last letter, as the recollection of those two lovely creatures posing their naked and beautiful forms, all unconscious of a witness to their incestuous proceedings was too exciting for me to continue the de***********ion that day. Now that I am in a cooler mood, I will give you further details of the delicious scenes of which I was an eye-witness. A few minutes passed in mutual admiration of their enchanting forms. Louisa then taking the splendid prick of her...

2 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter 08

I found myself the guest of the most charming and agreeable family. The father was a fine, handsome man of fifty-one years of age. His wife, quite younger to him, was becoming plump. She was, however, evidently in the full force of health and strength, and although somewhat too prominent in bosom and belly, one could see by her remarkably fine arms how firm her flesh was. It was evident also that her arse must be of stupendous proportions. Her step was firm and elastic, her feet small, and...

4 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter5

A gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry’s studio I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don’t think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces. Louisa excelled herself in the...

2 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter6

I ended my last letter at a moment of utter prostration from the excess of lubricity I was then describing. Since then dear Louisa has devoted several days to ourselves, as well as three or four to Tom. We managed for her apparently to leave the house, but in reality to slip back into a snug little room. I then got rid of Tom very rapidly, and gratified that dear girl’s letch in fresh fucking her while still awash with all the plenteous streams of sperm that Tom had injected into her. I...

1 year ago
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Letter from the Inquisition

Letter from the Inquisition INTRODUCTION The following is a translation of a very long letter found under the floor of the Isabela de Castile transect of the old Santa Maria church in Tavavera de La Reina, in Spain.  The old Santa Maria church is of a gothic architectural style and was originally constructed in the early 1200s after the Moors were defeated in this part of Spain.  The Isabel transect is an extension of an earlier transect, possibly an original transect.  The addition was built...

1 year ago
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The Letter

Gemma Young paced back and forth in her living room as she furiously scolded her son. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to come home from work to find him having sex not only with their neighbor Sarah Matthews, but with her cute daughter Ashley too! Fancy that — a mother-daughter combo! Right there in her very own bedroom! The audacity of it! To see them both kneeling before him, covered in spunk. She had been lost for words and had just stood in the doorway eyes-wide aghast. A few...

3 years ago
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The Letter

Gemma Young paced back and forth in her living room as she furiously scolded her son. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to come home from work to find him having sex not only with their neighbor Sarah Matthews, but with her cute daughter Ashley too! Fancy that -- a mother-daughter combo! Right there in her very own bedroom! The audacity of it! To see them both kneeling before him, covered in spunk. She had been lost for words and had just stood in the doorway eyes-wide aghast. A few...

4 years ago
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Charlottes Mum Actions Mrs Denvers Letter

25 year old Charlotte walked nervously down the stairs holding the letter that her Mum would have to sign, her bottom stinging from the caning she had been given by Mrs. Denver just an hour or so earlier. The letter made it very clear her Mum was expected to give her a spanking before she got back to College tomorrow. Charlotte was worried a spanking today would open the flood gates, that her Mum would insist that spanking her will also be reintroduced for her at home purely for disciplinary...

2 years ago
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A Misplaced Letter

Miriam had been having trouble sleeping lately, it had been such a long time since she had shared her bed, and she felt as if she’d never share it again. Her work kept her busy, which was probably why she often used the image of her boss when she masturbated. Her lack of sleep was catching up, she tried many things from meditation to Yoga. Though when her Yoga teacher started hitting on her, she had been shocked at first. He had made it sound like a compliment that with her flexibility and...

3 years ago
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Letter of Intent

It all started as a joke. A few laughs with some colleagues about the ethics of being blindfolded and bound as part of the sexual act. I couldn’t see the point of it, but some of my work colleagues disagreed with me to the point of getting red in the face.Then letters started arriving at my house. I couldn’t make out who the first one was from or what it was about, so I opened it. It was hand-written in a lovely curly script. It was short and to the point. The content could have been directed...

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Kellys Punishment Letter

This is the final part of the story. Jenny, Charlotte, and Kelly, have all been disciplined by Mrs Denver. Three Mum’s who are spanked by the Headmistress who runs the Academy attended by their daughter’s. Each being given a Punishment Letter under the Parent Discipline Scheme. Each needing to ask for a spanking today or receive a double punishment tomorrow. This is the story of 39-year-old Kelly getting her second spanking. When Kelly parted company with Charlotte outside the Academy, she saw...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

4 years ago
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The Letter

This is a work of erotic fiction containing transsexual subject matter. If this material isn't your cup of tea, you would be ill-advised to continue. Feedback is welcome at [email protected] The Letter By Baby's Daddy I dropped my bag and was flipping through the mail, sorting the envelopes with half my attention as I headed into the kitchen. But when I reached the light green letter, I stopped. It was addressed to my roommate and best friend, Michael. And it would change...

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The Letter

The LetterThis seemed to be a typical Saturday, with Mr. Dawson mowing his lawn and the boys playing basketball in the driveway. I loved the way the sun warmed my face as I stepped beyond the shadows of the house. I thought how this was a perfect day to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Well, it would have been except for the fact that Dave had been called away at the last minute to settle a labor problem in their east coast branch—something about a pending strike. It was unusual for...

Wife Lovers
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Ninas Punishment Letter Spanking

Nina was at least glad that the time to go home had come but knew she had one last difficult task to do. Having tidied up her desk, she stood up, making sure as she had always done since being spanked earlier that her dress did not ride up so far that her red legs would be easily seen by those behind her. She managed it, and then looked across at Miss Millie, took a deep breath, and, as her bottom was still stinging from the spanking, she walked over to her boss. Millie looked up as Nina stood...

4 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter2

----------------------------- LETTER 2 To really emit is to spoil the thing. Of course, such a scene as I had under my eyes in photographing the secret charms of dear Louisa threw all my philosophy to the winds and, as soon as I was alone, I could not refrain from frigging myself until a copious discharge relieved me from my extreme excitement. I also confess that once, I became so awfully hard when reading Petronius, where the tutor seduces his beautiful pupil after dinner when the...

2 years ago
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Jennys Punishment Letter The Return Visit

Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...

2 years ago
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Jennys Punishment Letter The Return Visit

Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and...

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Jennys Punishment Letter Ordeal the Finale

This story continues with Jenny arguing with her Mum and suffering the consequences Jenny had spent a glorious hour on her bed with her vibrator giving herself several more orgasms. Now it was time to telephone her Mum, although by now the old Jenny returned, lippy, unthinking, and quite furious that her Mum had brought the additional caning on her without even telling her to expect it.Her Mother answered, and Jenny blasted off straight away,“How dare you Mother, asking her to cane me again,...

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Erotic Expectations Letter 1

This is part of a four part story that really needs to be read from the start in order to understand the plot. I hope you bear with me and enjoy what’s to come. The path to the cottage was overgrown, to the point where ducking to avoid the brambles that swung down from the branches of overhead trees was essential. I was caught more than once by the sharp barbs but with only the mild unpleasantness of pulling at the fabric of my light summer dress. The air smelt fresh and brightly coloured wild...

1 year ago
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The Last Letter

Many retired gentlemen as well as young bachelors of the locality visit the Friends Club in the evening. An evening of game of Contract Bridge is a good means for spending quality time for those past the prime gentlemen, who really don’t have much of activities otherwise. One can play chess as well as a game of carrom in this club, where there is an assortment of facilities for the youth as well as the elderly gentlemen. The club is a sanctuary of sorts for those people, who want to take refuge...

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Letter from a Slave Girl

Letter from a Slave Girl Letter from a Slave Girl   One: The Letter October 2006 The Supreme Office of the President,Club Model World  Dear Master President,  I am writing to you to beg for mercy as I don?t think I can endure another night of punishment like I recently suffered at your Club Model Showcase evening. Those men were very sadistic to me and hurt me a lot. Although it was three days ago I am still in agony from all the punishments they inflicted on me. My breasts, bottom and...

1 year ago
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Letter From the GraveChapter 4 partial reconciliations

Another year went by. Three years without Nora — a full year of "life after the letter." My feelings about the letter and its contents were still bad. I missed loving Nora, and I missed missing her the way it should have been. People have different beliefs about reincarnation, about where the soul goes after death and about ghosts. But using this miserable excuse as a reason to ruin my love and my life, well, I just could not understand it. I kept feeling like a cuckold husband whose wife...

3 years ago
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Letter from Augusta

LETTER FROM AUGUSTADear ShoeblossomDeuce, my second son is finally beating me at Ping-Pong. The ball flies over my head! When I was a kid the balls were just white, but now they come in neon orange! Deuce looks relieved, I wonder why. Is it because I have always punished him, taking his pants down and spanking him hard with my paddle when I beat him at table tennis?what a good way to make a good player better, right?But Deuce’s face falls as he sees Mommy walk towards him with a smile, and...

2 years ago
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The Letter

THE LETTER "Come on over here Chris you're up next." Christopher Dawson glanced over at his Mom. He had been standing by himself, staring at the Christmas tree display. Resignedly he walked over to join her at the front of the line to see Santa Claus. "What is this, a funeral?" laughed his Mom. "You look like you're being sent to the dog pound." Chris smiled in spite of himself. His Mom always joked about sending him to the pound when he was getting too wild with his dog Trinka....

4 years ago
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LettersPart 2 The Letter

"Dearest Amy, I know you hate me now, and I've lost the most important person in my life, but I must tell you that I never meant to hurt you. How could I, I'm in love with you. Leave it to me, your old pal Ronda, to fuck up a life long friendship. If I could take it back, I would. It's just that you seemed to like what I was doing and one thing just led to another. I also realize that I made another dumb-ass mistake. I talked to Mrs. Langston, but I was hysterical, you know how I get....

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 31 The Arrival of a Letter

The girls decided to run off with the sheets. I was still descending the ladder as they dashed through the trees. Ashley led the way, but Lenore was close behind as they scurried out of the grove. I kicked off the ladder and fell the final seven feet or so to the turf. Once I was on the ground I activated the remote and after verifying that the ladder was rising and the trapdoor closing I took off after the girls. The head start the girls had was enough that they were at the gate leading to...

1 year ago
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Letter From Ithaca

LETTER FROM ITHACA ? Dear Shoeblossom, ? I am worried that my BDSM tendencies were created by my Mother, who I still live with. For instance, my butt is still stinging from the other night, when I got home late from work. "Leland, where have you been?"Mother asked me. She is a striking woman, and once won the Cayuga County Joan Collins look-alike contest. ? "Mother, the bus was late...I wish you'd let me get a driver's license." Really. I'm thirty-three years old, Shoeblossom, and Mother won't...

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Jennys Punishment Letter Ordeal Continues

This continues the story of a mother and daughter's discipline. Please read the earlier chapter, "Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal" first, already published:By the following morning 42 year old Jenny and 17 year old Charlotte had recovered from the spanking Grandma gave them both the night before although their bottoms were still sore and neither felt like sitting down. They went together to the Academy to hand in their punishment letters. Charlotte was at her desk when Olivia and...

1 year ago
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Letter to My Navy Man

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived--always outrageously late but generally worth the wait."Sorry I'm late, hon" She said loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. "I was getting a bikini wax and it took longer than I thought."She always could make a stunning entrance. I looked around, but fortunately the place was relatively deserted."Just sit down. I'm starving.""Perhaps I should order oysters. I'm...

Love Stories
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His Letter

Alison Carter was driving to her job as a junior high English teacher and counting her blessings. She found her job very fulfilling and enjoyed being at work. In the three years she had been teaching, she had developed a reputation as a firm but fair teacher who was always in control of her classroom. She did her best to keep a usually boring subject interesting and was well-liked by her students and fellow teachers.She met her husband, Ken, during the last semester of her senior year. He was...

2 years ago
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A Letter to My Wife Becky The ultimate revenge fu

My Dearest Becky,If you are reading this, it means you are at your mother's house and you have discovered we no longer own a home. The key in this envelope is to a storage facility on Green Street where you will find all your clothes and personal items.I paid the rent for one month. I didn't have time to box it up neatly so I hope you don't mind the 12 garbage bags I used. I tried to be gentle with the fragile items. Well, I tried.Thank you for leaving me the handwritten letter on the mantle...

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Letter to a Cuckold

Dear Wimp, So you are Mary’s husband, the loser, the wimp, the shrimp-dick that I’ve heard about. Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you, wimp. The good news is that until last week, Mary had been faithful to you. Faithful for five years of marriage. That’s almost a miracle. That such a drop dead, knock-down gorgeous babe like Mary could have remained faithful to a wimp like you for five minutes is hard to believe. It just shows how religious she really is....

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 9

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 9 I had now got down at least half a partridge, and three or four glasses of wine, which he compelled me to drink by way of restoring nature, but whether there was any thing extraordinary put into the wine, or whether there wanted no more to revive the natural warmth of my constitution, and give fire to the old train, I began no longer to look with that constraint, not to say disguise, on Mr. H...., which I...

2 years ago
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Letter from a Reality Readjustor

Letter from a Reality Readjustor By Bill Hart There were a few questions and complaints with regard to reality readjustors following my story "Friends are Whatever You Make of Them". Rather then simply write a new explanatory story, I thought I'd share with you instead a letter I received several weeks ago that was the primary inspiration for the above story. I've changed the names, of course, to protect the innocent. That assumes, of course, there are innocent to...

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Letter from Tacoma

LETTER FROM TACOMADear Shoeblossom:When my husband, who is owner and ringmaster of the Epic Circus, comes into our hotel room (We, thankfully, don’t have to live in the circus trailers) I’m ready for him. He lays the whip down, and then it’s my turn??Strip it all off Spats, my love! Now you’ll get a nice thrashing?.it’s MY turn to use the whip!?Sometimes after that I put him through a grueling scene—if the hotel has any sort of eyehook in the ceiling, I’ll lock Spats’s wrists to the hook, and...

1 year ago
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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment. Dear Super Stud, You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say, just...

2 years ago
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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment.Dear Super Stud,You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say; just before...

3 years ago
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Form Letter

Form Letter by Ellie Dauber August 11, 2039 Jack Murphy 347 Hill Street Lawndale, Dakota District 57109-3518-42 308-522-M-51 This letter is to inform you that you have been randomly selected for Gender Re-Assignment, pursuant to the National Population Control Act of 2034. You are not required by the Law to accept such re-assignment, but there may be a penalty if you fail to comply with the provisions of the Act, or if the Re- Assignment Review Board rejects your...

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The Letter

As she sat down to open the envelope, her hands trembled. What had drawn her to the two black plastic dustbin liners in the darkest, furthest corner of her attic, she did not know - she'd only gone up there to check what was up there as she sorted through various belongings in anticipation of a forthcoming house move. But in those bin bags was an Aladdin's cave of dresses, high heeled shoes, wigs, makeup and all of the other items you'd expect to find in any well-dressed woman's...

1 year ago
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Letter from Boston

LETTER FROM BOSTONDear Shoeblossom:I have read with interest your letters from chastity belt couples. I really thought I was an enthusiast, but now I think it may have gone too far. My love affair with chastity and denial began, I think, in adolescence. In the summer after my junior year at Andover, I wrecked Dad’s  BMW  while drunk on the Montauk Highway, near our vacation place, and broke both arms and both legs, and I began getting visits in my hospital room from Noelle, a Candy Striper...

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Erotic Expectations Letter 3

I once more stood at the table. Blindfold raised, letter to the right of me, bell to the left.I glanced at the window and saw that the sun had moved around a little. Rays of light were streaming across the floor towards me; nearly reaching my feet. I don’t know how long I had been in the shack. But I knew one thing. I had learned an awful lot about myself, in what seemed to be such a short space of time.As I looked on letter number three, I reflected on my previous conversations with ‘M’. I was...

3 years ago
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Erotic Expectations Letter 3

I once more stood at the table. Blindfold raised, letter to the right of me, bell to the left.I glanced at the window and saw that the sun had moved around a little. Rays of light were streaming across the floor towards me; nearly reaching my feet. I don’t know how long I had been in the shack. But I knew one thing. I had learned an awful lot about myself, in what seemed to be such a short space of time.As I looked on letter number three, I reflected on my previous conversations with ‘M’. I was...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Letter

The weather report was calling for more snow. It was Christmas Eve and she sat in her chair sipping coffee and wondered at how much more they would have before morning. The wind had picked up a bit so she knew the roads would probably be closed with snow drifts. Another Christmas spent alone it looked like. There had been plenty of those these past few years. She mused at the idea of writing a letter to Santa, and leaving it on the table with some milk and cookies, after all what would it...

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A Letter Never Sent

When I was in college in the early 90s, I had a pen pal named Tami who I would write to about once a week--actual, physical letters. We'd been corresponding for a few years, and as we were a couple of awkward people who lived several states away from each other, we'd often flirt with each other. It started off in high school where we exchanged photos and I said she was beautiful. It later evolved into sharing innocent and not so innocent little fantasies and stories about each other: What...

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A Letter from Santa

Attached is a short, holiday contribution to the list. Feel free to post this on Fictionmania and any free site. Also, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy! A Letter from Santa By JDCopyhack "Okay, Rudolph. You can power down now. Looks like we have clear skies ahead." Santa leaned back in his sleigh and peered out upon the horizon. The cloudy, foggy, snowy, wintry sky had given way to the warm, clear skies of Florida. Looking out the left side of his sleigh, he...

1 year ago
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Life in 2115 A letter to the future

Introduction: Earth if taken by an alien race that is working to make it fit for their use and one worker finds a letter from the numans. I dont think you can class this as either a serious sex story or serious Sci-Fi but it is a fun little thing that I enjoyed writing and I still get a little smile when I look it over. Hope you smile a little too. Life in 2115 – A letter to the future M/F, M+/F, oral, anal, SciFi, interracial It was the spring of 2205. Zandack Cranockk was operating a...

3 years ago
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Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal

This continues the story of the mother and daughter caned by Mrs. Denver together called Mrs. Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter. Eventually Jenny had recovered enough from the caning to phone her Mother. She still didn’t want her to spank her, and even knowing the argument was useless she was again the arrogant 42 year old who had survived a caning and expected to convince her Mum not to spank her but to just sign the letter. Olivia listened to her Mum as she phoned Grandma to explain she...


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