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The polished snow white stone floor was going to kill her.

Jem’s silk slippers, designed for the plush carpets of the main harem quarters just weren’t made for running on the polished stone with a murderous harem guard in pursuit.

Jem slid precariously around the corner, nearly falling, but she righted herself, looking back to see the giant, mute, eunuch several paces back – his calfskin boots weren’t any better than her slippers on the mirror-bright stone. She suppressed a smile – if she could just get to the back stairway, she might make it.

Two more turns and she bolted down the darkened hall for the stairway.

Then her luck ran out - she slammed into something heavy, but yielding. Not yielding enough, though; her feet slipped, slamming her down flat on her back on the cold smooth stone.

She looked up right into the grey face of the Pasha’s First Wife. For a lesser wife, like Jem, even looking Fahrar in the eye was a bad idea; she ruled the harem with an iron fist and a horrifyingly cruel imagination. The last time Jem had offended her = and she was never even told what she was supposed to have done wrong – Fahrar had ordered hot chili pepper paste rubbed into Jem’s privates, her behind and dripped in her eyes. Three days in a row. Three times per day. Her living hell had ended when one of the other girls managed to offend Fahrar.

It seemed someone in the harem was always being punished.

This time, however, Jem just stared into Fahrar’s bulging eyes. She stared back, unblinking and unseeing, with darkened face and protruding blue tongue as her body rocked with the impact. Her long white silk robes dangling to the ground curtaining the rest of the corridor. A red silk noose had cut deeply into her neck all but disappearing into the flesh. She must have come out here to hang herself, since the polished dome ceilings of her quarters wouldn’t have anything to tie the noose to. The always-neatly-appointed woman would have been appalled at the mess her death had made of her appearance. Jem started to scoot back frantically away from the dangling corpse, her skidding feet momentarily tangling with an overturned stool.

Her death loomed.

The morning had started well enough – breakfast had been one of Jem’s favorite meals. Then the girls had been called to the main room. Once they were all there, the chief eunuch had begun arranging them by grade and status. Without warning the huge harem guards had rushed the assembly, drawing their huge swords. That had been the start of a general massacre, the enormous guards wordlessly hacking girls down. Jem had only escaped because one of the girls, Asha, stabbed one of them with a guardsmen’s dagger she’d had hidden in her vest. Asha had been as close to a friend as Jem had in the harem, a rash girl with a fire for life. She had a secret lover among the palace guards, and that knife had been a gift from him. It was a death sentence to take a lover, but some girls couldn’t make do with salatik – cucumbers – all the time. A small group of palace guards had burst in, led by Asha’s lover, and attacked the harem guards; the blizzard of violence had separated Jem from Asha as guards tangled up with each other – and Jem had seen an opening to flee. That had started the chase that was ending here.

A rush of sound behind her signaled that the guard had finally caught up. Nearly twice her height with a curved scimitar as long as she was, the now-enraged guard prepared to cut her down.

Jem knew there was no way out, but tried to futilely scramble, skidding and slipping, under Fahrar’s dangling corpse, to buy herself a few more seconds of life, bracing herself for the impact of the sword.

Something brushed past the corpse from the other side, A tremendous clash of metal sounded and then another. Jem looked back in confusion, finding herself staring at a broad-shouldered mail-clad man standing over the convulsing body of the giant guard.

Pale skin, long brown hair, neatly trimmed beard, and light blue eyes. A coat of silvered mail, a green surcoat with some kind of gold emblem – a crescent moon, maybe – and a long, straight, sword stuck in the breast of the giant fallen guard. He tugged it free with a wrench of his wrist, flashed a crooked grin at her and then turned to the body of the guard, pulling off a gold and gem encrusted bracelet.

A Westernor soldier of some type.

So that’s what had triggered the massacre of the harem. The Westernors who had besieged the city must have finally breached the palace walls. Rather than let the Pasha’s girls be sullied by the foreign despoilers, the First Wife must have ordered them all executed, then taken her own life.

The Pasha’s navy had been taking Westernor kingdom ships for several years with little in the way of consequences, but when they butchered passengers aboard a diplomatic packet, they slaughtered royal family members from six Westernor kingdoms.

Enraged, especially when the Pasha sneered at their demands for an explanation, the Westernor kingdoms formed a campaign to crush the Pasha. Their heavily armored soldiers initially struggled in the heat of the Southlands, but they soon adapted, and their crushing war machine forged south along the coast, destroying all in its path.

The Pasha’s hordes of light horsemen proved no match for the army of heavy cavalry and armored infantry forged in the continual wars of the Westernor Kingdoms. At first, there was still no real fear: the palace was in Akira, the main port city of the kingdom, its deep harbor well protected from attack from sea. Nobody had believed the Westernors were willing or able to march their army down the rocky coast, but they had, keeping their army supplied by sea.

Then the Westernor army was at Akira’s gates and the siege started.

Unhappily for the Pasha, the Westernors were much practiced at taking cities, and one by one, the outlying works fell. A month previous, the relief expedition from the Pasha’s brother arrived, only to be slaughtered in battle with the lethal Westernors. The brother’s mutilated body had been launched over the walls into the city, stripped, mutilated and shorn of hair – a grave insult.

Just a few days after that, during a stormy night, the Pasha, his children, his personal guards and a few favorite wives simply disappeared. Jem had heard rumors of a fast sloop leaving under the cover of the storm.

Of all the Pasha’s favorites, only the the dark, wizened Magus with his unsettling gaze and twisted body, had stayed behind. Jem avoided him at all costs – serving girls and even lesser wives had gone missing after being seen near him even in the best of times. He was rumored to spirit them away to his caves under the palace for unspeakable rituals.

The end became inevitable, as was the unrestrained sack of the city when it came. Cities that fell to siege could expect no quarter. The First Wife must have tried to prevent the despoiling of the harem by barbarian soldiers with her execution orders.

But while the prospect of being violated by hordes of barbarian soldiers certainly terrified any girl, Jem would have preferred to make her own choices, take her own chances.

And she was facing one now. She could see past Fahrar’s corpse down the corridor – a bit of smoke curling along the ceiling and the sounds of screams and shouting came up through the broken door at that end. She wasn’t sure what was happening there, but it sounded rather more ... active ... than she was seeking.

Turning back she noted the Westernor was prying gems from the corselet of the guard and stuffing them into a small belt pouch. He caught her looking and sent her another crooked smile and wink with a raised eyebrow. Despite how obviously dangerous he was and the insanity of the situation Jem had to suppress a giggle. He appeared to be as much a mischievous child on a lark as a warrior. Still, maybe he was her way out of what was rapidly turning into a disaster.

She wasn’t sure this would work, but if the Westernors were in the palace, it was too late for other options. She stood up and yanked a dangling chain from the First Wife’s corpse, then walked toward him, hand out in supplication.

“Come with me.” She knew there was no way he’d understand Parsai, but maybe he’d follow her anyway.

He looked puzzled for a second, glanced around then answered – in Parsai!

“Where to?”

He had a gruff accent – rather more like a lion speaking rather than a man, but he was understandable.

She was shocked and it showed.

He grinned again “What? I’m a barbarian, so you think I would be unable to learn your language, even though we’ve been marching through your God-forsaken desert for 20 months?”

Right then, Jem decided he was perfect. She felt a genuine smile of her own bloom.

“I have a bargain to offer, but not out here.”

He glanced both ways down the hallway, shrugged and followed her as she walked into the First Wife’s quarters. Fahrar’s expansive, plush quarters were quite different than Jem’s tiny room. A sitting room with settees and small tables adjoined a large bedchamber.

The Westernor raised his eyebrow as Jem headed straight for the oversize bed, but didn’t say anything. Instead of getting on the bed, Jem walked to the side and crouched, searching until she pulled out a small chest. She paused for second.

It was too late to have second thoughts, so she lifted the weighty chest to the bed and used the key she’d pulled from Fahrar’s body.

“The First Wife’s treasure.”

He stared into the open chest with a hint of disbelief. A Sultan’s ransom in gems glittered there; rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and a dozen other kinds of gems, all perfect. Fahrar had “confiscated” countless gems from the girls of the harem over the years on the flimsiest excuses, adding them to the hoard gathered by the previous First Wife who had oddly broken her neck in a fall. Jem wondered how many generations of First Wives had accrued this treasure. The gems had mostly been given as gifts by the Pasha to harem girls as gifts on holidays. Jem’s own contributions had been a few small pearls and a sea green zircon. The warrior strode over to stand by her. He started to say something, then stopped.

Jem looked him dead in the eye. “I’d never make it out of the city alone, with or without the jewels. I’ve got nowhere else to go anyway. All I can offer is this. And me.”

She untied her fragile blue skirt and the matching top, dropping them to the floor, exposing herself to him. She stood there while he carefully closed the lid of the trunk and put it on the floor. He looked her petite frame over slowly walking around her to look at her from all angles, his gaze lingering. She knew what he was looking at – she’d seen herself often enough in mirrors; she was short, with coffee colored skin, large dark brown eyes, long, dark, almost-black hair, and a compact, but well-rounded figure. Her breasts were certainly not the huge melons of some of the girls – more tangerine sized, but she had nice hips and a full butt. He looked her over one final time, with a hint of amusement, then walked back to the door to the apartment and wordlessly wedged the door shut with a dagger inserted firmly in the jamb.


It took him a little longer to disrobe, as he had to lift the heavy mail shirt off, but shortly he was picking her up as if she weighed nothing and placing her on the bed.

Her only experience with a man had been with the perfumed, effeminate, Pasha.

The warrior was nothing like him. He smelled of metal, leather, sweat and smoke. His hard muscles felt like stone, and his easy strength when he lifted her was almost terrifying. She braced herself as she hadn’t thought to grab the oil that she had always used with the Pasha.

Then he kissed her. She’d never been kissed by a man – the Pasha firmly believed women’s mouths were made for other duties, although he seemed to enjoy making his lesser wives, such as Jem and Ascha, kiss each other. The warrior kissed her forcefully while she was wrapped in his arms. He tasted of roast meat and strong wine. When he broke the kiss and moved his mouth to her neck just below her ear, she felt herself start trembling.

And Jem suddenly realized she wasn’t going to need any oil.

When his rough calloused hands found her breasts, she arched her back a little to force them harder into his palms, her nipples as hard as the gems in the cask. In a flash, what had started as a bribe turned into driving desire. He pushed her further back on the bed and mounted her with one thrust. His rod was far harder than the Pasha or any salatik she’d ever tried and she reveled in it. He held her there, impaled, for a moment and looked down into her eyes, an amused smile on his face.

“You’re an eager one, aren’t you?”

She couldn’t even answer as he began long, slow thrusts into her. Jem buried her face deep into his chest and breathed in his scent. Completely unexpected, the aching need in her exploded; she couldn’t think straight – she heard herself crying out incoherently, lost completely in a wave of intense feeling.

As she came out of it, she realized she was laughing almost uncontrollably with her arms wrapped tightly around him; she could feel her juices running down her body.

He smiled bemusedly “I thought you were just trying to get me to take you out of here, but that felt like you needed it.”

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Destinys RoadChapter 44

I woke up well before anyone else in the house. My brain was still working on what Tami had told us the night before. I had some ideas on how we could intercede and help Judy, but I didn't want to go off half-cocked. I had already gone into the situation with Emily's dad ill prepared, and there was a chance my choice of actions could blow back in my face. I didn't want to set up any more time bombs for myself. I spent a longer amount of time than normal for my morning run as I worked out...

4 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 6

Dear readers,I’m Krishna again . Thanks for your love and mails. Lets begin the next part of my story. My adolescence was exploding. My friends added fuel to that. They taught me the lessons of wild sex and I became a sex hungry whore. They thought a new lessons ” everything is good and tasty in sex.” . I really enjoyed the wild world with my friends. As I mentioned earlier me and my friends enjoyed our school life. The two years of that period made me shameless sexy whore . But we were good...

3 years ago
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Making more gentle love to you

Hello: I’m sorry it has taken me so long to “reload.” I had a number of diversions and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to pick up the story of what you might expect when we get together. If you’ll remember, I was digitally giving you thrills and orgasms with my fingers running in and out of your hot body. Well, now, I want to sit between your spread legs and look at your beautiful, hot, super wet pussy. I’m sure there would be that wonderful aroma of my woman in sexual arousal. First,...

Love Stories
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Mom and dad ka sexy game

Hi i m ashutosh , 22 year old.i m doing graduation from lucknow.i live with my parents & with my 2 sisters. So we are only two male in our house that is me & my father.first i m going to introduce u with my mom & mom name is “suman”.she is now 50 year old but still looks sexy.her boobs size is 36(i saw no in her bra).she used to shave her pussy summer i used to watch her nude from the window of my bathroom when she goes to take bath in evening,even i also watch my sisters...

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Blake Ch 06

Author’s Note: To my readers, I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication! *** When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected...

3 years ago
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Indian Hotel Experience

I was staying in a small hotel in India while running some work there…the hotel was on the water front close to the very famous Taj Mahal Hotel ..Each night I would have to make various international calls to England, the U.S.A and to Singapore which I had to book through the operator in the hotel. She was a lovely sounding girl and we often laughed and joked both before I made a call and after when she would call up just to check everything was okay. Some of our conversations got a little...

3 years ago
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Dreams Of My Sister 8211 Part I

By : Arousingboy Hi this is bob again, I guess it has been a long time that I had posted my story. I got good replies regarding the story “Kareena Kapoor and Bob. Now wasting no time would like to tell you guys about one more story. Again it is not truth but my imaginations. First would like to tell the truth is. My name is Bob, I’m 5’10, athletic, with a manhood of 9 inches long. Since my childhood I have been a shy guy which actually didn’t took my anywhere regarding fulfilling my sexual...

3 years ago
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A Sister in Need

first time writing a story please keep comments positive or constructive, I don't condone incest which is why this is a work of fiction so please don't call me a sick pervert I have no control over what gets me horny and I can safely assume that neither do any of you. Be warned this story contains incest, anal, watersports, and enemas if none of this is your bag or any of it for that matter press back now, you have been warned. Now lets start with looks thats how all of these start...

2 years ago
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EDIs night on duty

Chapter 1: EDI's night on duty Chapter Text "EDI was sitting in the Normandy's cockpit when all of a sudden she heard strange noises coming from the back of the ship some where." Going to check out what all the noise was about, then she came a cross something strange lying on the floor in the weapons area. Not know what it had been she left it there on the floor then continued to the back of the ship. There was a light on in the engineering area. From what she could tell is that someone was...

4 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 22 Breaching the ramparts at Yorktown

I was much impressed with the defensive posture of Cornwallis at Yorktown. I thought this must be due to extensive experience in European style warfare in direct confrontation and meeting engagements on open fields of battle. That sort of warfare was really a place where reality was replaced by toy soldiers on a flat playing board in a child’s game with no blood being spilled in copious quantities. It would be totally unlike a deadly duel in the sun with actual firearms and sharp swords that...

2 years ago
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teaching a first timer

I am a 50 year old man who likes both men and women. I have been with a few guys before but this story is about me being someones first. It was summer time and I was lonely and needed some company. I was looking through craigslist and I came across an ad where this young man was looking for someone to be his first in gay sex. He had posted a picture of his dick and it looked really tasty. I did not know if he would be interested in an older guy or not since he did not say an age so I decided to...

3 years ago
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Wicked Uncle Slutty Aunt Virgin Niece

{Revised from the original} “Gwen? Where are you? I got the mail.” “I’m back here Nelson. I’m online with one of our Lush fuck-buddies.” Nelson, 52 years old, lean and well muscled, wandered into the “office” of their small house in Texas. “Gwen, it looks like we got confirmation of our hotel in Amsterdam. Any word on the plane tickets?” His wife, a youthful-looking 40, was sitting at the computer, her lovely hair in disarray, her blouse open, her skirt pulled up to her hips. Her husband looked...

1 year ago
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Lauras Birthday

Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...

3 years ago
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Business Trip Part 1

Laurie and I had been chatting, texting, and Skyping for over six months. We lived a thousand miles away from each other and with finances, family, and jobs it just never seemed possible we’d ever be more than online friends. We had exchanged a lot of fantasies and knew each other’s hottest fantasy fodder. To say our online relationship was sexually charged would be a gross understatement; but we never expected an opportunity to make our shared fantasies a reality.This all changed when my...

4 years ago
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A cold windy day and a sauna

That late afternoon Victor and I were in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping. That day the city was really cold and windy.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and were welcomed by a friendly, nice looking dressed blonde who was...

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 42

Tom stood in Sean’s way from the cafeteria line to the table where Suzie was waiting for him. With a snarl on his face, Tom said, “You’re going in the trashcan.” “Really?” Sean asked looking at Tom surprised. He figured that Tom hadn’t realized what was being served in the cafeteria that day. “Yes,” Tom said enjoying the moment. Sean looked over at the trashcans for a second. Turning back to Tom, he asked, “Which one?” “Huh?” Tom asked rather surprised by the question. Sean wasn’t playing...

2 years ago
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What she cant get at home 7

So i was eagerly walking to my front door, because a few days earlier i had received a message from Poppy, the young hot slim brunette Bi, in a lesbian relationship with her hot blonde girlfriend Maisey, that they were keen to meet up with me again, and this was them just arriving.I quickly opened the door and was greeted by Poppy grinning excitedly at me, with her bushy brown hair up in pigtails again, wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue jean dungarees and red boots."Hi!" she said warmly before...

1 year ago
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My Friend Sexy Wife

Hi I am Sunny from Chandigarh. I completed my studies and entered into business. Most often I keep visiting to various places on my business work. My friend Sumit got settled in Kolkatta and even got married. We both were good friends during our college days but later couldn’t meet for a long time. When I was on a business trip to Kolkatta I contacted Sumit and asked to meet. He was very happy to see me in Kolkatta and had lunch together in a Hotel. He asked me about my stay, I told him that I...

3 years ago
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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 4

Thursday 18 September 1975, 9.05am Instead of going through the prices with Gina as originally planned, we delayed that until the evening. So I drove off to see Stan at Rawlings in Gloucester on Thursday morning, but only after checking with my guys back at the works that all deliveries could be made on Friday first thing. I was also informed by Bob Andrews that the production guys had worked all night on the stainless to complete the order and were continuing production to build up some...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 107

Hey Lily, You have trees outside the dome? I thought your homes were underwater. Or are you saying that there are additional domes, away from your "home" dome. Just trying to get a picture of your setup. I know Willow wrote a bit about ours to her brother back when we first landed over a year ago. Wow, it's been a long time since we came. The island we are on is large considering that several people estimate that it was once the top of a volcano crater. One of the college prof corporals...

3 years ago
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A Long Evening

Last night, my husband & I were both in the mood to make love. It had been a while; my husband was always shy in the bedroom department, and it took courage for him to make a move, even knowing that I was always hot and bothered and always, always, wanting him. My husband Mic began by half-heartedly kissing me, and since I was wearing a nightgown but no underwear, fingering me. I hate being fingered right away, unless I was already very hot and bothered. He quickly realized my displeasure and...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstute Pia

Die ist die Fortsetzung von Teil 2 der Geschichte "Pia sucht" Den Teil 1 "Die Hütte im Wald" findet man hier

3 years ago
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First Time Cross Dressing Experience

Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net.This is my story how I got an opportunity to get my inner desires satisfied.I am from Kerala and I have come across very weird stages in my life, being groped by men and women which is why I think I am happy being a bi-sexual.Now moving along to the story. I met this girl name ‘Monica’ name changed who is an North Indian in an party in Mangalore and we exchanged numbers.Within a few months we we got very close and met her a few times again in...

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Barbaria Act 1 Epilogue

Personal NarrativesNerine, Drax, Flavia, LeoNerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaI feel sorry for the new girl, Flavia. She is very delicate, very pretty. Obviously so sensitive. Rather like myself in many ways. So I understand all the better what she is going through.At the same time, when I say I am sorry, I am also glad. Because whenever a new girl arrives, it takes the pressure off some of the slaves of longer standing like myself. To some extent we get less attention pais to us. That is...

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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

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