- 3 years ago
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It was a beautiful personal library. Two walls of the room anchored dark wood shelves that held numerous books and knickknacks, and the sort of awards and honors and sporting trophies that a successful man earned in a lifetime. The room's other wood paneled walls were decorated with hunting prints and landscapes. There was a rock-faced fireplace hissing with the flickering flames of gas logs. At one end of the room was a large wood desk stained to match the walls and shelves. Seated at the desk was a middle-aged man. He looked fit and trim with a full face and dark hair that was accented with silver highlights. The man was absorbed in the information he was gleaning from a computer monitor that took up a corner of the desk.
At the other end of the room a door opened and a woman appeared. She struck a little pose with one hand resting high up on the doorframe. She smiled seductively at the man behind the desk, but he never saw it. He never looked up from his work. "John," she sang softly, managing to draw out the single syllable into a low, seductive three-note love call.
The man responded by tapping at his computer's keyboard and peering even more intently at its monitor.
The woman shook back her hair and thrust out her generous breasts. She daintily cleared her throat and resumed her seductive smile, but again the man failed to respond. She frowned and narrowed her eyes. "Hey, you behind the desk," she said sharply.
"Hmmm?" John said, finally raising his head. His gaze fell across the room to his wife. In her mid-twenties, two decades younger than John, the tall blonde looked stunning. She was wearing a festive, red babydoll negligee trimmed with white fur-like marabou around the neckline and hem. In one hand she held a small bottle of wine and two glasses. "Carole," he smiled, "you look good enough to eat."
Carole gave him a shy smile and then she pirouetted, revealing nothing in the way of underclothing when the hem of her babydoll swirled up. She curtsied and said, "Eating me is sort of what I had in mind, good sir." Then she grew more serious, "John, it's Christmas Eve. She held up the wine and glasses to eye level. The fine crystal made a tinkling sound. "Can't you set aside time from your business for a little fun?"
"Unfortunately babe, business competition doesn't recognize holidays, but if you'll pour the wine, I'll be there just as soon as I finish this report."
Carole saw her husband turn his attention back to the computer screen. In a second he was completely engrossed. She sighed; it was as if she hadn't been in the room at all. Shoulders slumped; she turned and left the library, softly closing the door behind her.
John continued to read until the words began to blur on the screen. He leaned back in his chair and massaged his eyes with his fingertips. He rubbed his hand across his face, trying to wipe away his weariness. Just one more page and he would finish the report and then he could go to bed. John leaned forward and peered back at the computer monitor.
"Hello John," said a menacing, dark haired woman from the screen.
"Ha!" cried John, jerking upright in his chair. The woman on the screen was the image of his long dead first wife, Markie. She was dressed in a hideous orange nylon over-stuffed winter coat and on her head was an ugly, pink stocking cap with a purple ball at its crown.
A dozen things went through John's mind. His computer wasn't running the Internet browser, so it couldn't be some sort of transmission. He didn't have any pictures of his former spouse in the computer. And if he did, he was sure that Markie would never have dressed like the woman on the screen. Was this some kind of joke? He continued to stare in amazement at the image on the screen. He and Markie hadn't had a particularly exciting marriage. He'd worked at building a successful business. In fact he'd worked a lot and made a pile of money, and then spent what little free time he had on the golf course. Markie had seemed content to spend her fair share of that pile of money on herself and to run their social life. They had rattled on like that for years, childless, and sort of content with their own separate lives until Markie had made an ill timed left turn into the path of an eighteen-wheeler and John had become a widower.
"Come on John, say something," commanded the woman on the screen.
John reached for the keyboard.
"This isn't a chat room John, just talk to me."
"You can hear me?" asked John, his voice a couple of octaves above normal.
"Obviously I can hear you. I'm not a computer program, John. I'm the spirit of your loving wife."
"Uh... OK Markie, why are you here, and what's more," he gestured at the screen, "why on earth are you wearing that awful coat and stocking cap?"
"I've been sent here to try and redeem some part of your shriveled soul. And as far as these clothes are concerned, you know, you wear in death those things you make for yourself in life."
John frowned at the thick winter clothing, "I don't remember you being particularly cold natured when we were married."
"For goodness sakes John, it's a metaphor. These awful things show how I became frigid in our marriage and what an awful match we became. Frankly, I blame you because Lord knows, I would never wear pink, purple and orange together. "
John became defensive, "I know we didn't have a great marriage, but I don't remember you complaining much. You bought almost anything you wanted, and I'll have you to know that I was always faithful to you, even when our sex life was practically nonexistent. You never seemed to be in the mood.
"Are you kidding?" she said, sarcasm dripping from every word. "Maybe I would have been in the mood more often if you had spent more time at home instead of the office. In fact, when I was in the mood, as you put it, I practically had to tackle and rape you before you could run back to work." Markie took a deep breath and waved her hand in front of her face. "Never mind that, the time for our relationship has passed. I'm here to help you before that sweet young thing you've married ends up wearing this crap." She gestured at her garish coat. "Now listen, three more spirits will visit you tonight. I'm sure you know the drill. Maybe you'll learn something."
John had regained some measure of composure and he was a little miffed at being blamed for their poor marital life. He knew that he hadn't been a great husband, but he'd done his best. "Come on Markie, I don't want to waste sleep on this Dickensian stuff, can't you just make your point now?"
"Sorry John, the powers that be just called me in for the intro'. Actually, most of my spirit is about a thousand universes over that way." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "I'm studying to become a minor deity. I only wish the sentient beings there didn't have such an awful shade of green skin. "Oh well," she began to fade away. "Good luck, John." She disappeared.
John groaned. Was this some sort of waking dream brought about by too much work? Would he be scared witless out of his sleep three times in one night as the spirits invaded his bedroom? And how about Carole, would she sleep through all these visitations? He paused. Carole. What was he was supposed to remember about Carole?
John shivered, startled once again. There was another figure on his computer screen. It was a nice looking young lady dressed something like a flight attendant.
"Hello, I am the Spirit of Christmas past. We feel..."
John interrupted, "Can you hear me?"
She tossed her auburn hair and looked a bit testy. "Of course I can hear you. Now if you please, I have a long night ahead of me."
"Sorry," mumbled John.
"No problem." She gestured to her right and a blank window appeared on the screen. "Now, as I was saying, we feel that, like a lot of men, you have some issues with intimacy. This episode, from a Christmas in your past, should give you insight into those issues."
John hated the word issues used in that context, but he kept his mouth shut and dutifully watched as a picture appeared in the screen window. Almost immediately he recognized the scene that it revealed. He'd been sixteen years old. It was Christmas Eve sometime in the mid-nineteen sixties. His parents, who were real partygoers, had insisted that he accompany them to a dinner with friends. John had been pretty sure that since he had just received his driver's license, he was along as a chauffeur for his hard drinking parents.
There were three married couples at the dinner - John's parents, the Halls and the Leathermans. Also present at the party was Kay Leatherman, the daughter of their hosts. Kay and John were in the same grade at the same school but they rarely shared the same classes.
There were plenty of before dinner drinks for the adults, and John found himself sitting with the other males in the Leatherman's comfortable den. John nodded his head and smiled at the older men as they managed to blend politics, the Vietnam War, football, the space program and car maintenance into one alcohol blurred conversation.
After dinner the men headed back to the den and the television for a football game while the wives adjourned to the kitchen with a bottle of wine. John was about to accompany the men when he heard Kay hiss his name. When he turned to look, Kay was curling a finger at him in a come here gesture. He followed the girl down some stairs into a family room in the basement. The main feature of the room was a pool table that stood at its center. There was also an old couch and a black and white television as well as an assortment of the odds and ends that a family collects and then stores away.
Kay smiled, "I thought maybe you'd had enough of the adults."
"Yeah," said John, "they were getting pretty wasted."
"Our parents like a good party, that's for sure." She grinned at him. "I do a little partying myself. Would you like a drink?" she asked conspiratorially.
"A drink?" echoed John. He'd never had anything stronger than a sip or two of beer, but he knew he wasn't about to refuse Kay. She wasn't the prettiest girl in school, but she certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. She was of average height, with dark, straight, shoulder length hair. She was wearing a red and green tartan mini-skirt and a matching green sleeveless turtleneck blouse with a thin gold chain necklace. "Uh... sure," agreed John, "I'll have a drink, that is, if you are."
"Of course," she said. Kay moved some junk that was in front of a low cabinet and opened it. She removed a bottle that proved to be half full of bourbon. She disappeared into a small bathroom and reappeared a minute later with two glasses nearly filled with a bourbon and water mix.
She handed one of the glasses to John. He didn't want to take a cautious little sip in front of Kay. So his first gulp was twice as much as he had intended. His first thought was, gahhh... how can anyone possibly drink this stuff? And then the burning started. He gasped. Of course that was a mistake. The fumes he in haled made him cough and his eyes began to water.
Kay's eyes were laughing at him, but she managed to keep a straight face when she said, "Maybe I made yours a little too strong."
"Maybe," was all John could manage to gasp. But soon he realized that once the burning got past his throat, the bourbon produced a pleasant sensation. Warmth flowed down to his stomach, and then to his surprise, it seemed to sort of swell and tickle his penis.
"Drink up," said Kay, "we don't want anyone to catch us." She finished off her glass in three long swallows.
John held his breath and gulped down the rest of the drink. He could feel his face begin to flush and he felt as if his senses were beginning to sort of ooze away from his brain. After Kay put away the bottle and glasses she grabbed a cue stick and said, "Let's play some pool."
John readily agreed and they rolled into a game of eight ball. Kay claimed that she hardly ever played and proved it by clumsily rolling the balls around the table to little effect. John didn't care. He spent the time he wasn't shooting by positioning himself to look at the generous amount of leg Kay showed every time she bent over the table. Not to mention how nice her ass looked in her tight skirt.
After John won the first game Kay smiled and said, "I lost. Does that mean that I have to make us another drink?"
"Oh yeah." John was enjoying himself. Between the liquor and Kay's skin show he was a little light headed and sported a nice hard on.
They downed another drink and started another game. Now they giggled at every miss and flubbed shot. John's cock was achingly hard. He took to giving it a little rub whenever Kay bent over the table.
Suddenly she straightened up in the middle of lining up one of her shots and looked over her shoulder at John, "Are you looking at my butt?"
"Oh... nooo," said John, holding up his right hand, and crossing his heart with his left.
"Oh... OK" said Kay, with a little disappointment in her voice. She returned to her shot.
"I've been too busy looking at those beautiful legs to notice your butt." Oh God, thought John. Is this what liquor does to you? He couldn't believe he'd had the nerve to say that.
Kay flattened out on the table, shaking with laughter. She finally managed to say, "Well stop it and show me what I'm doing wrong."
John felt as if his fuzzy mind was just along for the ride as his body walked up behind Kay. He had the feeling that he'd seen this scene in a movie. He slid his warm hands down the length of Kay's bare arms until his hands rested on hers and his hard on nestled onto her firm butt.
"You see," he spoke softly into her fragrant hair, "you're holding onto the cue much too firmly with your left hand." He moved the fingers of her left hand into a looser position. "The cue," he whispered as he slid the cue back and forth by guiding her right hand with his, "should move in and out, in and out like this." With each thrust of the cue he slid his erection up and down and side to side on Kay's tight butt.
"I think I'm getting it now," said Kay. "Let me give it a try."
John slid his hands back up Kay's arms, but he wasn't about to move his burning body away from hers. He moved his hands underneath her arms and cupped her breasts. All John could feel was the sensation of the fabric of Kay's blouse slipping over her bra, but he thought it was the sexiest thing in the world.
Despite all of John's help - or perhaps because of it - Kay missed her shot. The two teens straightened up. Kay turned and looked into John's eyes. "No fair," she said in a throaty voice. Her hand slid down between their bodies until the back of Kay's had was brushing against John's erection. "Let's see if you can shoot with my body all over yours."
"Sounds fair to me," said John. His alcohol-fueled libido kicked into high gear and John leaned forward to Kay give a sloppy, wet kiss. At the same time he grabbed her hand and mashed Kay's palm against his stiff member. Kay's responded enthusiastically. Her tongue went into John's mouth and her fingers danced all over the bulge in his pants.
It was going to be another Saturday much like any other in the small town where I lived, if you could call Korona Florida a town. Pretty much it was one paved road that connected US1 with I-95 and home to maybe a couple dozen families. Nothing ever really happened there, hell we didn't even have a police department. My buddy Dave's parents went out of town every weekend so usually Dave, our friend Kyle and I would sc**** together enough money for a case or two of cheap beer and maybe a few...
I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...
We’d been celebrating Jess’ and Jack’s baby with rather a lot of alcohol and with Jess in hospital for a few more days Jack had no need to be home at any particular time. We’d known the couple since teenagers and had done pretty much anything you could think of together one way or another. Anyway by now all three of us were sprawling about on beanbags with Carole displaying so much leg due to her wrap around skirt no longer being fully wrapped around her, that Jack was...
I was visiting my lover, Carole, one morning and found a strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on dresser. I was going to leave it alone but my curiosity got the best of me. I took it out to look at it. It was made of silicon, firm, but soft. It was shaped something like a hockey stick. The larger end (7 inches) looks just like a real cock. The other end hooked around to be inside the wearer. It came with stretch panties that had a hole in them right where the dildo snapped through. I was...
Carole Gallacher's tits were the stuff of local legend when I was at College. Perfect in every way, they were the reference point to which all other tits would be compared by the guys in our accommodation block. In the winter, these enormous breasts would protrude majestically from Carole's figure-hugging roll neck sweaters; in the summer, they would jutt out spectacularly from beneath her tight T-shirts. Like a National Park, their appearance changed with the seasons but always remained...
EroticCarole relates some magical, sexy, fantastic tales, so this is for her xxxx One sunny Friday afternoon, I was busy deciding what to do for the weekend when my phone went and it was my dear friend Roo. who is a very attractive brunette with such a natural femme shape, she makes me jealous, however, she asked if we could have fun with a photo shoot together (something we had not yet done), so I jumped at the chance and said yes please,,,what time and where ? The Dorchester was the reply !! Wow...
I loathe Christmas. In fact I loathe any prescribed festivity which obliges one to feign good will towards people one is at best indifferent to at all other times. Christmas is especially vile since the people most likely to go into a huff over the gift you’ve bought them are those who have spent weeks telling you, “It’s the thought that counts.” And you can’t go shopping without being force fed trite sentiment masquerading as music, much as turkeys are twice-stuffed, alive and dead. I said as...
CheatingWhen I was in college in the early 80's, I met a hot little thing named Carol. We met at a frat party. She was an English Lit. major, I was pre-med. We hit it off immediately and soon were quite the talk of our social circle. I don't specifically remember our first sexual encounter because it is lost in the hurricane that was our time together. Carol was insatiable. She never missed a chance to jump me. Anytime or anywhere!! But this story is about what is the most memorable events of our...
Christmas Carol When I woke up the sun was shining through my window, bathing the room in golden light. Golden curls brushed my chest tickling me softly. I took a deep breath drowning in the lovely smell of my sweetie. Her head was resting on my chest and she was breathing very lightly, but what I proudly called happily and content. Her beautiful body was pressed against my side and I could feel her tender skin and warmth. I lay there for some moments taking in the peaceful air. I...
I wrote this story a awhile ago where it was posted on my blog I have since re-visited the story and this is the revamped version I hope you enjoy reading it. Hello I’m Carole 42 years old divorced with a twenty year old Son Frank this is my story.all this occurred five years agoI have always loved my son yes I know a Mother is supposed to love her son or Daughter but my feeling went deeper than that I admit I adore my son at fifteen he is in every way an adult, I also realize the fact that my...
Ben stepped from his BMW into the cold December night. His ears were immediately assailed by an incessant ringing from the guy in the Santa suit suckering people for donations."Merry Christmas," Santa called as he passed, trying to draw his attention."Fuck off," Ben grumbled. "Get a real job."As Ben entered the front door of the building, a group of carolers was waiting to be buzzed in. "Get back," he ordered, as he pushed past them, unlocking the door. "You stay here. I don't know you. I'm not...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...
According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...
Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...
“There is a beast in man that must be exercised, not exorcised.”-The Satanic Bible*It was Christmas Eve, and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do. A job he dreaded.He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, hesitating as he lifted a rusted key from around his neck. Did he really have to go through with it? Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this last chore. Maybe everything would be better off if he just left well enough alone…But no.; he...
Supernatural-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...
Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...
Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...
It is only November 1, and the mall speakers are blaring Christmas music already. The Christmas season hasn’t been a favorite of mine for many years. And each year the commercialization Christmas seems to start earlier. Hell, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Halloween was just last night! The last Christmas I can remember that I actually got excited about, was nearly forty years ago. It was the last one before my mom died. Christmas was her time of the year. She saved a bit of the...
Christmas Story Four Stocking Stuffer I have been the community Santa Claus for a few years now and then one day I received a phone call from a woman trying to hire me for a Christmas party. I had a funny feeling about it so at first I said no but she was very persistent. She offered me more money than I normally charge and she said that there would be a lot of children there too. I was finally sold on the idea as long as there were kids involved. She said that I was to show up near...
By: beagle9690 December 2009 Gabriel: I awoke in a hospital room to sunlight dancing on the sleeping form of my angel in the chair by my bed. Her long unbound hair shone like a heavenly halo as it caressed her neck and shoulders. Peaceful and innocent in her slumber, Amy's deep contented breathing was a comfort to me knowing that she was safe. Amy is my angel, my salivation, oh how I loved my beautiful brown eyed girl... how healing her presence is to me. My heart swelled with...
NOTE: This story contains pissing not water sports, sorry. Christmas Story Five Box & Bow One night about a week before Christmas I was awakened by mom letting out a scream. I got out of bed and started out of my bedroom door when dad shouted at me to get back in bed and go back to sleep. He looked at my sister coming out of her room too and told her to do the same thing. Mary Ann is my fourteen-year-old little sister. She is cute but I’ve know her my whole life and she can be a...
Copyright Oggbashan December 2011 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for something that probably wouldn’t happen. I was the most...
Christmas Story Three Sister’s Are Forever When I saw that coffee mug sitting on the store shelf all of a sudden it made sense. “Sister’s Are Forever!” That was what it said on it. My girlfriends have come and gone but my sister has always been there for me. This might be my last Christmas at home too. In June I would be out of high school and on my way to a college in another state. I bought the mug for my sister. Nichoël is my sister. My mother named her Nichoël because she...
Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...
I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...
An English Christmas It was a long flight for Ethan and Nichole Smith. The two had to rush home after school to double check their suitcase to ensure that they had everything. Their father Nigel had already done the check for them and added some additional clothes that they had forgotten, particularly underwear and socks. He had had a hard time not shuddering at seeing Nichole's panties but it was for the greater good that he counted and made sure she had enough. Their mother Karen...
Dear readers, this story was written by me and my partner Midnitehawk. I hope you enjoy our story. I am sure our love and lust for each other shines thru into the story. Please write and let me know what you think and I will show all mail to Ian. We love to receive feedback on our stories. * * * * * The kitchen smelt of apple and blackberry pie. Heat, from the oven, pervaded the whole room. It felt like Fran had been cooking all day. A streak of white gashed her forehead, and she swept some...
April awoke to the sound of a winter wind blowing outside her window. She shivered a little at the sound, then sat up and took a couple deep breaths. To her relief, she didn’t cough and her lungs felt more or less clear. After checking her temperature to confirm that her fever was gone, April jumped out of bed and stretched.“It’s over,” she said aloud to the empty room, “That fucking disease is really over.”April had been bedridden for most of the last month. It had begun with a nasty flu and...
AnalMelinda and her husband Mike used to go all out at Christmas time, decorating every inch of the house, inside and out. It was her favorite holiday. One of the traditions Melinda brought from her childhood was the family setting up the tree the first Sunday of December. Nowadays it was not just their kids, but grandkids as well. The sounds of children giggling, a serenade of Christmas melodies, make that day extra special. This year however just wasn’t the same, because her husband divorced her...
Straight SexChristmas at the Jones's. By Tanya H. For Lina, Becca and all the women who were strong and brave enough. Christmas Morning. A good family Christmas centres on tradition and hosting hers in her brand new (dream) house made Mum understandably nervous. I didn't help when I'd messaged, a few days earlier, to say I'd be bringing my boyfriend having decided the time was right to disprove the suggestion I'd invented him to try and reassure Mum. She met me on the driveway, as I...
2003 © Thank you Angel for all your wonderful help. It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim had bee n a constant visitor with his father, going there to see his mother since she had been diagnosed with cancer last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn't be home. Spending the day with he r had helped young Tim a lot. They took...
A big thank you to Tigerjen for taking time out of her busy schedule to edit my story at the last minute… And I mean the last minute! * * * * * It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim, and his father had been doing it since his mother had been diagnosed with cancer, last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn’t be home. Spending the...
Dear Diary, Well, this has been another interesting Christmas for me, it is the seventh anniversary of my parents death, my seventh Christmas without a family. I didn't expect much for Christmas; only a few friends here at College know my story. The ones that had money and could afford them gave me presents. I got three or four small things, nothing major or worth mentioning and I gave my friends presents that I could afford. I did my usual bit for humanity by working in a soup kitchen and...
Chapter One Twenty-eight days before Christmas I found myself in a remote, fortified camp in what seemed to be a million miles from nowhere. I am Lieutenant Eric Steiger, United States Navy, and I command a mixed unit of Marines and Navy SEALs. Our mission is to gather intelligence on arms being transported from Iran into Afghanistan. ‘Hey, Lieutenant. The supply helo is about ten minutes out. Do you have anything that needs to go back to headquarters?’ Chief Petty Officer Thomas Kincaid...
Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for Christmas Eve...
Step dad, mum and college lass: Everything under a Christmas tree should be opened with relish and delight....Some may say I’m lucky, others who share the same birthday as me, will take a different view. My birthday falls on Christmas Day. Yet here I was getting up excited and very early on Christmas morning just turned eighteen. I was prepared as usual for the ‘single double’ present that covered both birthday and Christmas. But at least it was under a tree. The tree I had helped decorate with...
Christmas On Duty Copyright Oggbashan December 2012Minor edit December 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. *************************************************Our office party was set for...
Christmas at Thanatos Manor – Part One Dear Reader. Here's a cruel and depraved little confection to brighten yourholiday season. So put down the ribbons and wrapping paper and spend a fewminutes with the members of the Thanatos Society as they gather at the Manorto celebrate Christmas. Like most of my tales, this one is not for the faintof heart. If you would like to let me know what you think of this story, youmay contact me at [email protected] Cerberus A leather-clad chauffeur...
"Are you ready, yet?", Samantha hollered from their bedroom."Just a little while longer, Baby!", Rick yelled back. "I'll come get you! You just keep watching that video I bought you!"It was Christmas Eve, and Rick had spent hours upon hours planning this night to give Sam her "special" Christmas present, and here it was, Christmas Eve, and all his efforts were coming to fruition. Rick told Samantha to dress up in one of her sexiest, see-thru negligees and watch the video while he set everything...
That was the awkward Christmas. I had come back from my sophomore year at college, visiting my parents for a few days — the first time I felt like a visitor in the house I grew up in. My younger brother, Randy, had accepted an invitation to go skiing with some cousins, a trip that my other obligations made impossible for me. His absence turned the time with my parents a bit more claustrophobic. Then, with only me and my parents in the house, they decided on a table-top Christmas tree instead of...
However, the coming Friday was Christmas. Instead of celebrating, she would spend the day sleeping late, enjoying a TV dinner, while watching one of her old taped movies, like “Gone with the Wind.” Or so she thought, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her mother. She was calling to invite Melinda to come home for Christmas, after all she was only forty miles away. As usual, mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “But Mom, I don’t feel like celebrating, it brings back too many...
Christmas Story Two Here Kitty Kitty I was away at college during the holidays. My mother was home all alone, since dad had died earlier in the year. I didn’t have the money or anyway to get home so mom would have to face this first Christmas all alone. I missed being home for Thanksgiving and my roommate knew it. He tried to comfort me, he tried to get me drunk, and he even tried to get me laid too. As it got closer to Christmas I told him that my mother had been born on...
Copyright Oggbashan December 2012 Minor edit December 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This story is set in the 1960s, long before texting and mobile phones. ************************************************* Our office party was set for Christmas Eve starting...
Introduction: This is a romance between two young people thrown together by an unlikely set of circumstances, at Christmas time. If you are looking for a porn story, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for a lot of wild sex, you will be disappointed. But if you are looking for a tale of romance and generosity, a story about growth and selflessness, I hope you will read and enjoy. I would be remiss if I did not thank my muse, the amazing woman who keeps me sane and happy.*"Mr. Summers,...
It’s Christmas Eve and you’d think I’d be happy and excited for tomorrow, but to me, it’s just another day. My foster guardians, I’m certainly not going to call them parents, don’t give a shit about Christmas. Rick McCray and his rotten tooth wife Caroline, who are supposed to be my guardians will most likely spend their Christmas all strung out on crack. Rick deals but also uses and Caroline only uses. Crack’s not the only drug they ingest. They’ll take anything they can get. Crack’s just...
The British prime minister shuffled up to the lectern as the cameras went live. He was once described as being like a dishevelled blond orangutang. Tonight that description seemed apt.A last-minute news conference had been called on the Saturday before Christmas. All across the country, people were looking forward to a brief respite from the lockdowns. They had been promised five days of freedom by the orangutang.They weren't going to get it.The Coronavirus had mutated and now there were...
ThreesomesThe Curse JoAnne forced her way brusquely through the dense crowd toward the Thai place on the corner. Lord, she hated holiday shopping – screaming brats, the jarring sounds of ringing bells, the constant fucking “gimme, gimme, gimme” of the damn “charity” workers. As if they weren’t really there to guilt you into forking over the goddamn money. And all these fucking people just kept on bumping against her, wrinkling her $2000 black skirt and jacket power suit. Didn’t they have somewhere to...
This story, although fictitious, is based heavily on true events and true people, just the names have been changed and it's mostly my own fantasies that are touched upon in the actions.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was a brisk chilly Christmas eve, the 24th of December.I was staying with my gorgeous girlfriend at her mum's house. My parents were away on holiday and my girlfriend always spends Christmas with her mother, and...
Christmas Surprise By Margaret Jeanette Terry and Jennifer Buxton had everything going for them. Married eight years and having their own real estate business that was thriving gave them a good life style. Jennifer was nominal president of the company while Terry was listed as vice president. All major decisions were made by both of them. They had 10 agents working for them and each one seemed to show success in selling properties. It was three weeks before Christmas and lunch...
A Christmas Sex Party My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company. She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states. Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home. This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4. To maintain personal contact with most of her...
Melinda and her husband Mike used to go all out at Christmas time, decorating every inch of the house, inside and out. It was her favorite holiday. One of the traditions Melinda brought from her childhood was the family setting up the tree the first Sunday of December. Nowadays it was not just their kids, but grandkids as well. The sounds of children giggling, a serenade of Christmas melodies, make that day extra special. This year however just wasn't the same, because her husband divorced her...
We made a pit stop at the sandwich shop and then caught a taxi. I took her to Fashion Valley Center. She looked a bit nervous when she saw how everyone else was dressed. I was wearing the same comfortable polo shirt and jeans that I'd been wearing when she met me. Seeing that she was nervous I led her into Nordstrom's and then into the women's clothing section where I located a sales attendant. "Hi Barbara. My name is Rich and this is my friend Lynn." "Hi Rich, Lynn, it's a pleasure...
The day of Christmas Eve was quiet and low-key. I think both of us were a little worn out by the constant activity of the previous week and glad to have a restful day at home. I spent some time puttering on the computer--no dire emails this time, thank goodness!--and caught up a bit on the novel I was reading. I found a few moments to wrap the St. Christopher medallion I'd bought Mike at the street fair, smiling as I remembered dancing in the square and kissing under the mistletoe. Had it...
“Elfi,” a male voice barked, directly to my left. I winced as the sound exploded against my eardrums, and angry flecks of saliva slapped against my cheek. “Get back to fucking work. Now!”If that sounded harsh written in English, let me tell you it actually made my skull vibrate in the original German. German is a perfect language for shouting.The words came from my boss, Klaus Richter, Head of Entertainment at the Christmas market in Berlin, where I worked. My muscles tensed, my hands started...
TransThis work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. This is a sequel to 'Christmas Star'. Christmas Wish By Paul G Jutras "Today's the day!" Collen James called out to her sister Jennifer. Colleen couldn't believe that just a year ago, she was Jennifer's brother Carl who had been transformed when they had made wishes upon the Christmas tree star for him to be more like her. Both of them now were...
We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
Keeping things fresh after 10 years of marriage is difficult. It was a fact that our sex life had been on the wane for quite a while before Amy came along, Amy being my husband’s 23 year-old girlfriend. I must admit that I laughed in his face and told him that he must be delusional when he claimed that our beautiful blonde neighbour had propositioned him for sex; the sudden spark we found in the bedroom meant I had played along with his supposed-fantasies and I had been trapped by the truth...
Quickie Sex