Christmas Carol free porn video

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Christmas Carol When I woke up the sun was shining through my window, bathing the room in golden light. Golden curls brushed my chest tickling me softly. I took a deep breath drowning in the lovely smell of my sweetie. Her head was resting on my chest and she was breathing very lightly, but what I proudly called happily and content. Her beautiful body was pressed against my side and I could feel her tender skin and warmth. I lay there for some moments taking in the peaceful air. I had found my peace and love. 40 and a male virgin did not sound too promising in regard of finding a partner - not for one night and sure not for a lifetime. But somehow I scored jackpot! I met Carol on a scuba diving trip and promised to send her some underwater pictures. What had started as an innocent exchange of letters led to bigger feelings and finally we met again and Cupid put a bunch of arrows through our hearts. That was two years ago and I am sure no virgin anymore. Still I am always surprised, how lucky I have been so far. You see I am not a bad looking guy and I am not gay or something. It's just ... I don't know ... I always felt kind of different. Sometimes I wished I could be a girl or a woman but just for a day or so. I have never been sure if it was just curiosity or an obsession, some suppressed feelings or an afterglow of a former life. Driven by such feelings I became a closet cross dresser. But maybe this is already a too big name for it. I tried different feminine items and sometimes found they brought me peace. Sometimes for weeks, sometimes only for the time I wore them. But still I was not sure what was 'wrong' with me. Although I was pretty sure there was nothing wrong in total. Still I thought it plain unfair to burden such things on a girl who might fall in love with me and so I never searched and I wasn't found either - until there was Carol. I fell in love with Carol - more I base jumped head first into love. No stopping, no second thoughts, no security rope and she broke down all those barriers I had erected around my heart over the years. Maybe first there was curiosity and sometime even light jealousy about her body, but soon it became natural and I kind of accepted me the way I was. My soul found peace and my body too. And love was great. And sex? I can't even tell... We were like two pieces of the same body and soul that finally had found each other. --- I took a deep breath again and I could feel her stir too. She moved tiny bits of her body as if not to wake me up. I whispered "morning, honey bunny" into her ear and brushed her neck and back with my finger tips. She slowly spun her head around and the loveliest blue eyes I have ever seen beamed at me - full of love and topped with a tiny wicked spark. She crawled and wiggled sexily on top of me, smiled at me and planted a sweet kiss on my hungry lips. Her naked skin pressed hot against mine and her heat spread through my body. Immediately my little buddy became alive and started to grow. Her wicked smile intensified before she planted another hot kiss on my parting lips. Her tongue teasingly poked between my lips and her eyes flashed another wicked spark at me, while she murmured sweet 'I love you's through our tongue fighting. I told her the same while tracing her spine and ribs with my finger nails. Finding the right speed and pressure resulted in cute goose bumps. She squealed a bit and wound her body on top of me. Suddenly a more wicked thought flashed through her mind as I could tell from the look in her eyes. Not long and she flipped over, still laying on top of me. Now her back was on my front and her cute little buttocks found my little buddy - squeezing him gently but merciless. She knew exactly that I could not withstand this. He grew harder and harder and I almost feared he would burst any moment soon. But I am not that helpless, you know. I crawled a bit up the backrest with Carol still on top and supported her head with a cushion. Now my hands free, I steadied her while I pulled up my knees so that the hollows of her knees rested on my knee caps. Those preparations finished I looked over her shoulder and it was easy to imagine her body was mine. I could see her tender legs where my mind reported mine. I could see her beautiful breasts move up and down when I took a breath and when I stretched my neck a bit more I could see her belly and a silky little bush, but my buddy was nowhere in sight. Still I could feel him grow harder and harder when I closed her/my legs. My hands had long started to take a journey over 'my' body. I closed my eyes while my hands brushed 'my' belly, 'my' slim sides or 'my' soft and round mounds. 'My' nipples hardened and became erect when I gently traced their contours. I started to squeeze and massage 'my' breasts slowly and lightly. Carol let out some moans which drove me further. My left hand slid from 'my' left breast and moved further down. It was replaced by my right hand. My left hand had found 'my' soft bush and brushed it with two fingers. My right hand continued massaging 'my' left breast and caressing its nipple with as little force as possible. Simultaneously my right forearm took over to massage 'my' right breast. Carol threw her head back and I placed some sweet kisses along her slender neck and on her cheek. Then I started sucking her earlobes. She had already begun to contract and to relax her buttocks every few seconds and my little buddy wasn't that little anymore. My left hand had moved further and was now caressing and stroking 'my' moist and damp slit. Suddenly my buddy's head touched my finger tips and destroyed part of the illusion. I drew my hand back a bit and let my fingers trace along the folds covering her clit. When Carol and I found the same rhythm it really felt like 'my' fold and 'my' skin and even 'my' clit again. Carol's moans and screams had grown until she suddenly placed her right hand between her legs. It now cupped her little mound and my buddy. Her fingers started drumming against my shaft. Its tip was now drumming against her clit. Both were throbbing with ecstasy. Our breathing grew faster and louder. My hands found 'my' breasts again and I closed my eyes imagining how her fingers stroked 'our' clit. A wetness gushed down my shaft and my pubic hairs became even wetter than they had already felt before. The rhythm of her finger became faster and Carol came long and hard. She screamed. But instead of falling back and starting to relax she sat up. Now I could feel her nether lips pressed against the base of my shaft half encompassed by them and then her hand grabbing my buddy. She began stroking it and increasing the pressure and the rhythm quite the perfect way - just as if she could feel how it was for me. I guess she was because of her little knob rubbing against my hot skin down there. And then I could feel the pressure build up inside me and the veins pent-up as if about to tear each second. The biggest climax I had ever had was on its way. Carol screamed like she felt the same and then it came. Our bodies shook and we screamed and I could feel another gush running through my pubic hair and down the skin of my inner thighs. I climaxed and I felt the spasms by I could not feel fluidal relief. Still it was the best orgasm ever! Carol relaxed a bit and collapsed backwards onto my chest. We were both breathing heavily. Still I managed to embrace her and kiss her neck and cheek. We both lay there in our afterglows before she managed to tilt her head and we kissed long and lovingly. My hands found her breasts again and I gently traced her mounds. My nails teasingly scratched her soft skin until the goose bumps were back. Her nipple still stood hard and erect like in icy air. My hands explored further parts of her bodily landscape, roamed free over her twitching sides and trembling belly. Everything was warm and moisten by sweat. My left hand sneaked down to her sweet triangle, but was stopped short by my little buddy ... MY LITTLE BUDDY!?!?! My head shoot up and my eyes were about to pop out off their sockets while I peered over her shoulder. There, right through the valley of her lovely breasts I could see the very familiar and very private part of me resting deflated between her soft curly hairs on top of her belly just like it had on mine so many times. My hand darted forward and I could see my fingers grab my penis. But although I felt with my fingertips, what my mind expected and what my eyes witnessed, I COULD NOT FEEL IT! It was like I was not touching mine but someone else's penis. Then as surreal as it appeared through the clouds of my foggy mind a tiny voice told me exactly that might be the case! But if this was 'Carol's penis' what was ...? My arm dashed forward trying to extend its reach so that my fingertips could reach down where my buddy had been all those years. I wiggled them this way and that but all I could feel was a sticky moist and Carol's double-paired lips. That's when my mind registered that I could actually FEEL nails brushing MY (?) skin exactly matching the way my fingertips felt Carol's (?) sweet folds of skin! My middle finger followed the damp notch up and I COULD ACTUALLY FEEL IT SLIDING OVER MY SKIN! Then my finger hit a little knob and an electrifying shock rushed through my body. I had touched MY CLIT! I wiggled frantically out from under Carol. She gnarled a bit, still in her afterglow and not ready to move yet. I sat up and looked down. She lay there next to me, her eyes closed and her lips still grumpily pressed together. She looked perfectly normal if not for my good old little buddy down there. My gaze snapped to my nether regions and I too looked more or less normal. That is, if you count the absence of my dick and its replacement by a barely visible slit normal. My usually bushy hair was kind of flattened and covered with brownish milky slime. A bit scared I touched it. It felt normal too, beside the sticky mess, of course. When I turned my hand, my finger had the same red-brownish tint and smelt coppery and rusty. BLOOD! I touched the area but I could see and feel no wound. Everything looked and felt as if it had ever been like that. Slowly and carefully as if not to be caught in a trap my finger moved down through my pubic hairs. I avoided the little nub. Instead I let my middle finger trace the top of my inner lips. A warmth began to spread through me while I felt them swell just the tiniest bit. My finger slid along those closed lips like on cruise control. The nice feeling intensified. The fingertip moved with lesser and lesser resistance as a moist film formed underneath. Suddenly the lips relaxed and my finger dove down into the hot skin beneath. It felt exactly as it had always felt with Carol. But this time I felt my finger enter ... intrude ... invade! Shocked I pulled it out and looked at MY PUSSY and my finger. Then my eyes locked onto my (?) buddy. It still lay there slouched against Carol's pelvis bone. I grabbed it and pulled a bit. But it did not come loose. Carol snarled shortly but remained kind of unconscious. I bent HER dick this way and that, back and forth, but it really was attached as if it belonged there and had always been this way. While I had examined her new appendance Carol's snarls morphed into soft moans. I did not register it first, but now her dick grew slowly between my fingers. The one-eyed snake looked me straight in the eyes. I don't know why but suddenly I was moving closer. Some time ago I read that almost every boy tries to reach his penis with his mouth - mainly out of curiosity - but fails. Maybe this curiosity was back now or ... oh I just don't know. Anyhow only moments later I found myself probing the taste with my tongue. It didn't taste bad. It didn't really taste at all. It mainly smelled. It smelled of Carol's juices and a bit fishy. I tasted a bit more. Now I found it tasted a lot like Carol's juices, too. The more I licked the more I found the same fruity and sweet taste I had enjoyed so much when eating Carol's pussy. Maybe it was just a bit more salty. When I looked at the tip again a little milky drop had formed. Without further thought I licked it clean. Carol moaned softly. Carol had always complained I was too big and her jaw joints would hurt too much when she tried it. So maybe it appeared like a challenge or a test when I opened my lips and engulfed the tip. I opened my jaws wider and slid down her shaft bit by bit. My muscles ached a bit too, but finally the tip touched my uvula. I almost gagged so I drew back an inch or so. Carol breathed in sharply. A wicked grin played around my lips as far as this is possible with such stretched ones. I sucked a little harder and moved my lips slowly up and down. Her breathing became faster. My tongue found the tip and drove around the rim. All the while I was sucking with alternating intensity. Carol began to moan louder and to throw her head from side to side. Her buddy twitched and my lips felt the blood rushing through its veins. Suddenly a muffled cry escaped her lips, her pelvis shoot up and her body went rigid. That's when my mouth filled with gush after gush as her buddy twitched. Carol's body relaxed and so did her buddy. I still kept it engulfed and the space left was filled with her fluids. What could I do besides spitting it on my bed? Hence I swallowed. It didn't taste bad either - just different. I sucked and licked and swallowed, but soon my little friend retreated and slipped out. I looked at it as it fell back against her pelvis before I turned around and looked at Carol. She lay there still breathing heavily, her head turned away from me. Now it turned my way as she looked back. A sweet smile washed over her features and she glowed again. I snuggled close to her and kissed her square on the lips. She wrinkled her nose a bit and a surprised look shortly washed over her features before it was replaced by love and happiness. I rested my head on her shoulder and began to play with her nipples. They were still erect and I touched them as gentle as I could. Carol started to purr and then her hand moved slowly downwards. When she reached my private spot, her hand went searching and came away empty-handed literally. That's when a static shock hit my nerves and her eyes snapped open in shock, too. She had found my clit and it dawned on me that she did not perceive our 'modifications' before. I watched her silently while her hand travelled slowly and fearfully to her midsection. Although she might have guessed already, when she found my extra-inches attached there her eyes grew even bigger. She sat up and looked down speechlessly taking in the new view. I waited for her to calm down and come to terms with what she saw. Meanwhile my hand caressed her back. It felt as if minutes ticked by, before she collapse onto my shoulder and looked me timidly in the eyes. "How?" was all she could breathe. "Don't know... I thought you would know or ..." I made a long pause to decide whether or not to continue. "... you had something to do with it..." Now I was the one breathing the last part. I averted my eyes, because it felt so wrong to accuse her. Startled she jerked back. I could feel her stare at me. I looked into her eyes again. She was still confused, but at least not offended. I tried a little smile. "Maybe it's just ... an illusion...?" She stared at me again. Then her hand shoot forward and when her finger met my new soft spot I almost jumped out of the bed. "Do you still think this is an illusion?" she asked sarcastically. "Ummm ... no..." "Thought so!" I was speechless. Now it was my time to stare at her. After a while I managed: "Sorry! I didn't want to hurt you. Nor was I blaming you. I ... I just didn't know how this could happen..." "... and then how do you think I would have done that?" She asked still a bit provocatively, but not that harsh anymore. "I don't know ... but you were the last one ... ummm ... you know ... playing with him..." She peered at me a minute or two and then her features lightened up. "Not when I think about it..." A playful smile curled her lips as she raised her right eyebrow. I looked at her dumbstruck before it hit me and I blushed. "... but ... but I didn't ... and that ... was after ..." I silenced. She laughed and patted my belly. "Don't be ashamed! It was... good ... strange ... no that's not what I mean... It was fantastic! Different and good and fantastic and familiar and strange somehow... Argh! I ... I don't know..." It seemed she wasn't mad no more. "I just hope we soon switch back. I think I feel my bladder..." "Me too... But ... uhm ... you know it works for that too. At least I've never had to complain..." Now it was my turn to smile wickedly and Carol's to turn red. "Okay" she answered seconds later and crawl toward the edge of the bed. But I had already whirled my legs out of the sheets and was standing next to the door. "Me first! Now that I am the 'girl'..." and I went running while Carol shouted after me: "Okay, but hurry! I don't know how much longer I can hold it back with this ... thing!" I had already sat down when she ended her speech. Don't know what all those stories stereotypically were ranting about. I hadn't thought twice about it. I just sat down. Okay, maybe it was because I still was bare-naked, but men have to sit on the john too ... at least from time to time. I could feel my bladder pushing but it still took me a while to relax enough and on the right spot too hear the liberating hissing sound. I breathed a sigh of relief while I became aware that Carol was standing in the doorframe shifting from one foot to another knees pressed together like a little girl. I sprang up and was about to leave the throne to her when she stopped me short. "You have to wipe yourself clean, you know... Otherwise you might catch an infection now that you..." She waved her hand up and down in my direction. When I looked at her clueless, she added. "And always from front to back or just patting..." I went to comply, but she was already about to find relief herself. A moment she was standing there as if not sure if to sit or to stand, but then turned around and sat down, too. Now she was the one searching for the right muscles. I stood there holding my used toilet tissue not sure what to do next. It was so bizarre. Finally, a hiss of relief came from Carol, too. When she stood up, I returned her favor: "You have to shake off the last drops. You may dab him try, too, but the paper tends to stick there and it is a pain in the ... to get rid off it again!" Blushing she turned around and gave my former buddy a good shaking. "Easy there! If you doing it more than twice you are playing with it!" I repeated the bad line of all those gender bender flicks while I bend around her to drop the tissue into the bowl. That's when I saw a red tint on it. I remembered the blood and went over to the tub. There I sat on its rim using the douche to get clean down there. Carol watched me a while before she came over. I turned off the water and stood up. But instead of handing me the towel she kneeled down in front of me and dabbed my pussy dry as I had done on her so many times before. She dropped the towel and told me with a wink: "Now let me see if everything is clean and dry..." Her hand probed here and there caressing my new mounds and folds before adding: "Hmm, looks okay to me, but one can never be too sure!" And with that she kissed the top of my slit, before I felt her tongue tracing it between my legs as far as it would go. "Yummm! Clean and sweet smelling, too!" This took me a bit by surprise. Carol had frequently told me she found her vagina ugly, how it grossed her out and how she could never understand what I liked about it anyway. She had also told numerous times how disgusting a lesbian love scene appeared to her. Still she was trooper enough to boldly go where no other (wo)man had ever gone before. I couldn't reflect about it any longer, as a warm and moist feeling spread through me. My knees trembled and were about to go weak. So I drew her up and kissed her passionately on her soft and tender lips. While I hold her pressed tide against my chest something brushed my inner thigh. Since I had stood legs apart when Carol dabbed me dry, my - uhm - her buddy had enough space to inflate. Soon it was brushing my new lips. I brought my thighs a little bit closer together trapping him there. Then I began to move my pelvis back and forth. Carol stalled our kissing for a short moment, smiled, purred and took over the rhythm herself. Soon I picked her up and she tried to wrap her legs around me like we had done so often in the past, but this time she winced when her hard-on blocked her ascent. I moved my nether region out of his way. When I felt the tip on my belly I straightened up again and Carol slung her legs harder around me. Now 'my' member was pressed against my belly again, but it still felt different. For one it was bent the wrong way. It was the wrong side pressing against me, too, and it was too high and much harder. I guessed, that's because when it had been hard before it was pushing away from me and now against me. Not thinking too much about it I carried Carol back to our bed. I noticed another side of the absence of my buddy. I had been too occupied before when nature called, but now I took in nothing hitting my thighs and nothing swinging this way and that. There was only a different kind of rubbing of skin between my legs. And that skin was reporting sensations, my mind could not really identify yet. I reached the bed, laid Carol down and slipped in next to her. She pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me. Then she placed her buddy against my slit and slowly rocked back and forth. I could feel my pussy respond. I became very excited but I could not feel the growing of an erection as usual before today. Still there was a similar feeling joined by some kind of need. I was about to grab my old buddy when Carol suddenly turned around. Now her head was close to my pussy while her balls were dangling right before my eyes. I could feel some slow kisses and an exploring finger and finally a teasing tongue. It found my new lips and then my clit. More gentle this time and more arousing. Her lips engulfed that little nub and then there was this sucking. I have always thought it was great when Carol gave me a BJ, but now I knew what it really could feel like. I felt fluids building up and an energy and warmth taking over my body before finally everything broke loose and I had an orgasm of a lifetime. Carol turned around, wiped her lips clean with the back of her hand and bowed down to kiss me. I could taste her ... my ... oh what so ever ... pussy on her lips. It was as sweet and yummy as usually. Still I had that need. So I grabbed her erect buddy and poked around for my new cavity. Carol laughed a bit and then took over. "Now the pussy is on you and I still have to show this little fellow the correct way..." I was opening my mouth for a snappy comment when something cool and hot at the same time entered me. The feeling of intrusion was back but Carol was already pushing the rest of her into me. It was really weird but so exciting, too. Carol pulled back slowly and pushed again. I felt my pussy muscles tremble craving for more. But Carol went rigid. Her buddy twitched and there was a new warmth inside me. That was all? "Sorry, but it was so exiting!" Carol averted her eyes. "I know how exited this little fellow is when around this pussy..." I smiled and added. "Don't worry! I don't blame you. I had to learn it, too, as you might recall." I really didn't blame her. I knew it was the same for me when those inches were mine. Still I had that unfulfilled craving. When my buddy still was mine and came that fast, I had to keep him excided for the next 20 seconds or so. If I managed to keep him hard that long I could go on for an 'eternity' because he had to recharge for the next load. Knowing this I kept my new muscles trembling as well as I could muster and really Carol didn't slip out of me. She remained hard and began to shove and retract rhythmically. A new orgasm was coming my way and Carol kept her rhythm up. My hands steadied her and pulled her deeper inside until I came. There were spasms inside me and that's when Carol came too. Then she collapsed on top of me. Her face was glowing once more and she was red and sweaty, but I guess so was I. I kissed her a lot before we both fell asleep in each other's arms. When I woke up again, we were still nestled against each other. Carefully I rolled us over. My bladder was already complaining again and I thought I should better clean me down there, too. When I tried to slide off of her, there was a dead stop. Astonished I tried the other way and it worked as it had all those years before. I looked down and my little buddy was back where it belonged. So was Carol's sweet pussy. A little sad I shuffled over to the bathroom. When I passed the living room I saw the Christmas tree. Right! Today was Christmas day! But there were no presents and no parcels underneath the tree. We had all we needed. We had us. So we didn't wish for anything beside... I had made a silent wish! I wished we would love each other even more in all those coming years together and that we would learn to understand each other better and better. I think this night was a good start. But who knows there are still birthdays, Easter and other Christmases to come...

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Young and petite Carol

It was the first day of college. All the newcomers were crowding the campus, hugging and greeting each other after a long summer vacation. I had to fit in with the people there. My name's Chris, I turned 18 back in June. The reason why I stated this is because when parents see you've reached that certain age; they think you're going to go wild. Being a college freshman myself, I had to learn the ropes around campus. Making new friends, memorizing the campus area, etc. I was always that shy...

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Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...

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What A Christmas Carol

The snow tumbled from the sky like a curtain in big, wet flakes that glittered in the porch light and added layer after layer to the smooth, edgeless blanket that tried to swallow the world. From time to time, trees capitulated under the weight and threw their branches to the ground with a final, resonating gun shot, or faltered altogether with a cannon blast. The startled jerks and hammering heartbeat were the only things that broke Carol’s miserable monotony while she stared out of the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 32 Quality Times With Carol

Saturday, April 9, 2005 (Continued) I went in carrying the two bags of Prof's material. As I went through the kitchen, Mom saw the bags and raised an eyebrow in the way that mothers do. In this case clearly conveying, "I didn't see you with those bags this morning, so I'm curious what is in them. Please tell me?" All that from a single eyebrow. I answered her eyebrow with, "It's a pile of information Prof gave me about OSU, the Math Department, all the courses they offer, and a bunch...

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Steve and Carol

Steve and Carol are parked in a steamy automobile on a deserted road under a full moon. "Please Carol, Steve whimpers, let me make love to you- I'll do anything". Carol pulls away from him quickly. "I told you Steve, I'm not that kind of girl" If you ask me again you can just take me home. Steve begins to blubber, " I'm sorry - you just turn me on so much, I lose control of myself". Carol looks at him coldly, then smiles sweetly." Well.. Ok". She begins to slowly lick his ear again, her breast...

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Interviw with Carol

This is a transcript of an interview for a FemDom magazine with Carol M, a twentythree year old female, born in the United Kingdom but now residing near Sarasotain Florida where she is employed conducting research into renewable formsof energy, particularly wave energy. She resides with a nineteen-year-old male named Paul, although their relationshipis somewhat unusual. Interviewer; ?Thank you for talking with me today. I understand youwere born and educated in England but now reside in...

1 year ago
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Anne Signs Anullment Papers And Celebrates With Carol

James left me with a smile on my face and wealthy.. I'm Anne and after 2 years of marriage I am going to the attorney's office after work to sign Anullment papers. When I got to the attorney's office I was told James had signed the paper work and checks. His signatures were notarized and he was gone. I looked at the bank statements and investments. Everything was in order. He left me with all of the money in our bank accounts and investments. There is about quarter of a million dollars in all...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Carol

"Man, would I ever like to fuck that!" I was standing next to him at the bar and I turned to see who he was looking at. Couldn't blame him when I saw where he was looking; she was tall, well built and blonde and easily the best looking woman in the place that night. She was also the biggest slut. What the man next to me didn't know was that he could fuck her if he really wanted to; all he had to do was walk up to her and ask. If he didn't have bad breath (Carol was hell on bad breath)...

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“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...

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Meeting Carol

I met my wife, Carol, at work.  We were both junior software engineers and worked with a number of eccentric people who had open opinions about everything.  We worked outrageous hours, evenings, weekends, holidays, etc.  The company encouraged a social atmosphere.  Everyone was very welcoming.  In my first week at work, Carol came to my cubicle and introduced herself.  She was stunning - blue eyes, long lush brunette hair, firm breasts and ass, a body to lust after.  She sat on the edge of my...

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“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...

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A Christmas For Carol

Carol struggled with the Christmas tree that Miss. Collins paid her ten dollars to tie it on top of the car for her. Carol was so happy for it meant she would be able to eat a hot meal tonight. She lifted the six-foot tree over her head when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her chest and left arm that knocked her to the ground, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Miss. Collins called 911 on her cell phone while a young girl laid Carol’s head on her lap instead of the rocky ground. ...

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things got a little kinky with Carol

“Well I am glad that you two finally did it “Lee said “ see Carol I told you that you would like him. Are you two ready for breakfast or shall I wait a bit”,Lee said then stood up and walked to the door. She turned around seeing Carol go back to my cock then chuckled”well the coffee is hot too. I will wait until you two come out to start breakfast”she said blowing me a kiss. Carol took her mouth off of my cock long enough to say “I love that woman” then continued to finish what she had...

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A Christmas Carol

(((((Re-written))))) It was the Christmas after my visit (related in Hotel Antics) to Jason’s fraternity that he came to stay with me at my Charleston hotel for the holidays. Jason's biological mother had moved on after divorcing his dad and had another husband, chi*dren and life four states away. Except for the occasional call and a card on his birthday she pretty much ignored that she had a son in South Carolina. With his dad and both sets of grandparents dead, so far as anyone knew it was...

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John Carol

Note from Author: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. This story is a relatively long romance story about the blossoming of love between two unlikely characters. There is sex in it but if that’s all you want look in the latter pages. I hope you like the story, I’ve lived vicariously through it while writing it. If you like it or not please let me know. As always this is a work of fiction, any similarity to any persons is purely coincidental and this story is intended for adults, and...

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Crossbones Carol

She was now the captain of the 39 foot sailboat named “Crossbones” on Lake Erie. For years she and her husband had raced the boat in the many regattas that were held there. He’d had the boat when they married and their honeymoon was a 10 day voyage to Lake Huron. They’d sailed naked and screwed out in the middle of the lake as well as every other chance they got. But cancer got him and she was now left with the memories and the boat. To play along with the boat name, her husband had gotten...

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Mexico with Carol

Introduction: Carol loves to have sex. In the back of a cab….. Carol in Mexico Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of C cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs, she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face dont tell the real story, though. This is a story about one week in the best sex year of my life. After my divorce I went from 20 years of what Carol called housewife sex to the hottest girl I had ever had. Carol didnt just like...

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The first time I played with a girl was with my best friend Carol. I had just got my first bra and I had to show it to her. I pulled up my shirt and she began to look me over then put her hand inside my bra and feel my tits. Then she pulled up her shirt and asked if I wanted to touch her tits. We began rubbing each others tits and feeling our nipples get hard. It did not take long till we had our shirts off and was sucking each other like babies nursing. Every time she sucked my nipple I got a...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 5 Carol

When she listened to her heart, she knew her marriage was solid, the family would be all right. Listening to her head, however, happened far more often, and she was sure all was tearing itself apart, never to be mended. It wasn't just she missed Harry, although his absence was a hole in her sense of self, and her sense of the family. There was so much tension, so much fear, so much anger ... no one was who they should be anymore. Except for Rachel. The arrival of Eddie's little sister...

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191 a night out with les freind carol

191 Avis a night out with les carol With my black lover Jerry back home, my friend Carol decided we needed a ladies’ night out and said she would take me to a private place she knew that catered to alternative lifestyle people. I again put on a sheer black blouse, no bra so that my tits could be seen, see through black skirt showing off my panties and garter belt that held up my black stockings and my 6” open toed ankle strap stiletto heels that I loved so much. Carol dressed in a similar...

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Mexico with Carol

Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of ‘C’ cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs; she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face don’t tell the real story, though. This is a story about one week in the best sex year of my life. After my divorce I went from 20 years of what Carol called ‘housewife’ sex to the hottest girl I had ever had. Carol didn’t just like sex. She needed it. If we missed a couple of days she would rub...

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"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...

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Lee shared me with her friend Carol

I have had a long sexual relationship with Lee, a woman 15 years older than I. Me being just 50 and in a soured relationship with someone else Lee filled the void. Sex was what Lee wanted with me and was always happy to see me when ever I dropped by. Lee in her younger years was a prostitute but as the years went on so did her activities with the men. When I came along she had already given up and had begun to think she wasn’t attractive any more. But I changed that because to me she was...

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Moni and Carol

I Love All Black Gangbangs Story For Moni Moni And Carols Vacation By: Me Written on January 20th, 2013 Nice fantasy from a friend Moni and her friend Carol had decided to go on a girls only vacation to Jamaica with some resistance from the husbands. They said they would be fine at a resort what can happen there. They left for Jamaica in march still be cold in Canada the girls were looking forward to some sun and beach. They arrived in Kingston and were bused away to the resort. looks like a...

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My girlfriend Carol

Until quite recently, when I related it to someone else on this site, I'd never ever told anyone about this experience, that I had many years ago, so it's a bit of a first. I was probably about fifteen or sixteen, at the time, but I'm pretty sure I was still at school when it happened. I was going out with a girl called Carol (not Barry's sister who I'd mentioned in another of my reminisces) who was about the same age as me if not a little younger but quite advanced sexually for her age and was...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 10 Carol

She felt Tamara before the knock at the door – a tornado of fear, anger, and despair. So it was Carol who shot out of the bed, and hurried toward the door, scared for her oldest friend. “Tammy?” she said as she opened the door. Her friend, always small, seemed even tinier, drawn in upon herself, struggling under some great weight. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” In reply, Tamara held out the phone, and played the voicemail over its speakers. When it was finished, Carol said, “Candy, wake ‘em up....

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My fantasy carol

eCarol.This is a true story and one that became my main wanking fantasy.I'm 49 now and so this was 35years ago I used to babysit for carol my mums friend, one day I was in carols kitchen with my mum ,they were chatting and I was just there ,the talk got onto videos which were a new thing then suddenly carol said that Steve had also got a couple of blue films and looked up at a small cupboard high up in the kitchen basically telling me where to look,although she hadn't took her stare away from...

3 years ago
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Cock Curious Carol

In his later thirties, Jake had worked maintenance at a small machine tool company for over ten years. With a failed marriage and a few failed romances, he left women alone. Excitement was watching ball games and movies on his TV. Being an introvert, he carried on few conversations with fellow workers. He did notice that for the past few weeks a young woman from the front office had been sitting by him in the break room to eat lunch and trying to strike up conversations. He couldn’t figure out...

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Chrismas Carol

Good morning Mr Scrooge, I’m Bob Cratchits daughter Carol my father is poorly this morning and as sent me to apologise. The wrinkled old man looked the young girl up and down, he new she was eighteen from his employment papers, fuck she looked good bright blue eyes juicy red lips and what a pair of tits she must be DD looked just great for a good tit wank.Humbug was his reply, more than likely too drunk with all that Christmas booze again humbug. Well young lady your just going to have to take...

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Seduction by Carol

This is fiction – that means IT NEVER HAPPENED – but I sure wish it had, hope you enjoy. See note at the end about the source for these beautiful pictures.I will begin with a quotation from the movie “Christmas Story” in which Ralphie spoke of his father in this way. “My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master.” I will change that now rather famous line to the following: “Carol works in seduction the way other artists might...

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CAROLOne of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard. The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent...

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A Different Christmas Carol

Alone at that bar on my thirty-fifth birthday, I had to disagree with those magazines that claimed this was my sexual peak. Having a drink while I waited for the tow truck, about the last thing I expected to hear was someone offering to buy me another. I didn’t need to turn to know he was drunk and desperate. The former was confirmed by the sound of the voice; the latter, by my appearance: the bulky sweater that masked my out-of-shape body, the knit cap that tried to hide my winter hair, and my...

Straight Sex
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A forced date with Carol

A bit about myself. I am in my mid twenties, a bit over six foot and almost two hundred pounds. I have been targeting one or two people a year since I was nineteen or so, and have never been caught. I know it is wrong, but I can’t stop myself, so I limit it to once or twice a year, and pick targets that attract me in some way I can’t describe, other than maybe a vulnerability or aloofness that I find challenging. I enjoy regular sex, and have tried hiring prostitutes to play the part, but...

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A few months ago while chatting with Carole and talking about things we would like to do, she told me: “Would you like we do together some of the things we have talked about and we both like? Would you dare to make our fantasies a reality?” At first I thought she was like joking at me and I replied: “Of course I would like, do you think I am not able?” She then said: “Then why don’t I visit you and have a lot of fun with me”. I told him that I would think about it.From that moment the idea of...

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CAROLThere is a place in Vagues I would take her to. They had a round bed as you walk into one of the group rooms. Carol loved to be cum on, lot of cum, from a lot of strangers, This is including glory holes we played at but that is in another story, she never wiped any of it off. I did not have a fuck toy so I would sit on the outside of the round bed, between her legs, insert two fingers in her so cum would not go in, and very slowly masturbate her. She did not want to be fucked. A lot of the...

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I had met Carol through a dating site. She was 8 years older than my 50 years but she was VERY sexy with a nice curvy body. The sex with her was awesome and the more we fucked the more uninhibited she seemed to become. One night while we were screwing I blurted out that I would love to see her fucking and sucking another cock. To my complete surprise she said that she would do that if it made me happy. My cock became even harder than it already was and I asked her if she was serious? Her reply...

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Its a Christmas Carol

Hi Folks, Last year's Christmas story was full of evil pooping reindeer and a foul mouthed Santa. That's almost normal compared to this one. Those of you who are looking for a lot of sex might want to pass this one by. Those of you who want a traditional Christmas divorce story might want to follow suit. But for those of you who want to take a walk on the weird side ... Enjoy. Merry Christmas All. And thanks to Sir Charles5150 for editing this one and to Mikothebaby for continuing to inspire....

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My Second ChanceChapter 47 Carol

When the car stops at the hotel where the grad celebration is, we spend a minute with me getting the lipstick removed and the girls cleaning up and applying more. Piling out of the car, the first thing we do is group pictures. Seeing Blair and Kevin arrive, I pull them into the mix, so we have photos of the seven of us together. We are the core group that started my companies, and this is the first time we get pictures of everybody. The only one missing is Rachel. When we are finished with...

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Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

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Hanging out with Carole

It was going to be another Saturday much like any other in the small town where I lived, if you could call Korona Florida a town. Pretty much it was one paved road that connected US1 with I-95 and home to maybe a couple dozen families. Nothing ever really happened there, hell we didn't even have a police department. My buddy Dave's parents went out of town every weekend so usually Dave, our friend Kyle and I would sc**** together enough money for a case or two of cheap beer and maybe a few...

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Carmen and Carole

I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...

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Sharing Carole

We’d been celebrating Jess’ and Jack’s baby with rather a lot of alcohol and with Jess in hospital for a few more days Jack had no need to be home at any particular time. We’d known the couple since teenagers and had done pretty much anything you could think of together one way or another. Anyway by now all three of us were sprawling about on beanbags with Carole displaying so much leg due to her wrap around skirt no longer being fully wrapped around her, that Jack was...

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