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I grew up in a small Texas town of 3,100 people. My dad was a Church of Christ minister and my mom was a teacher. Needless to say, I couldn’t jaywalk without them hearing about it.

They were both killed in a car accident, so I had to go live with my aunt in Dallas. She got a lot of life insurance money when her husband died in a work-related accident, so she didn’t have to work. Instead, she stayed drunk 24/7/365. Most of the time, even when she wasn’t passed out, she hardly knew I existed.

I should have been having the time of my life, but I didn’t know my way around Dallas, and I wasn’t old enough to get my driver’s license anyway. To make matters worse, she wouldn’t give me any money, so when I needed something from the store, I had to pinch money out of her purse. She never missed it.

An old man lived next door. Sometimes, I would see him out mowing his lawn or swimming in his pool. The neighbor on the right had a privacy fence as did the neighbor on the other side of him. There was only a short chain-link fence between our yard and his.

One day, when I was sitting on the back porch feeling particularly depressed, he got out of his pool and walked up to the fence, “You look like you’re absolutely miserable.”

“You have no idea” I told him.

“What’s wrong, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Nothing really. I’m just bored.”

He nodded, “Well, you’re welcome to use my pool anytime you want.”

I smiled at him and thanked him for his offer. “I’ll take you up on that. Is right now too soon?”

“Not at all. Just hop the fence and enjoy yourself.”

My bikini in place and a towel in hand, I climbed over the short fence and was in the pool within seconds. God! It was wonderful. I wasn’t paying any attention to anything but the cool water on my body. When I did look around, the old man was sitting in the shade of an umbrella with a drink in his hand.

I decided to confront him, so I swam to that end of the pool and called out, “Did you invite me over here just so you could watch me in my swimsuit?”

He let out a chuckle, “No, but it is a nice bonus. You’ve already made my day.”

“Well, at least you’re honest about it. And by the way, you made my day too. Your pool is wonderful.”

“Well there you have it then. It’s a win-win situation. You get to swim and I get to gawk at a sexy young woman in a bikini. How do you know Linda?”

“She’s my aunt. My parents ... a car accident. They both died, so I have to live with her.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your parents. Does Linda treat you okay?”

I laughed, “Hell, she doesn’t treat me at all. Most of the time she doesn’t even know I’m here. She’s always drunk.”

“Yeah, I expected as much.”

I got out and joined him under the umbrella, “What are you drinking?”

“Jack Black on the rocks.”

I grew up in a dry county, so I didn’t know much about booze. “That’s whiskey, right?”

“Yes. Have you ever tasted whiskey?”

I nodded, “I’ve sneaked a drink or two from my aunt’s bottle of Jim Beam when she was passed out.”

He winced, “Jim Beam is the cheap shit. It’s too sweet for me. I prefer Jack Daniel’s. It costs more, but it tastes a lot better.”

“I didn’t drink it straight like you are. I mixed it with orange juice. It tasted terrible, but it seemed to help with my depression a little.”

He shuddered noticeably, “Gezz, that sounds terrible. You should have mixed it with Coke.”

I shrugged, “I didn’t know. By the way, I’m Gina. What’s your name?”

“I’m Paul” and he reached across the table to shake my hand. “Nice to meet you. So Gina, would you like to try a little Jack and Coke? Oh wait! How old are you, sixteen, seventeen?”

I laughed out loud, “Try fourteen.”

His eyes shot open, “Wow! I would have never guessed you’re that young—not in a million years.”

“Can I still have that drink? If not, I’ll go get some of my aunt’s.”

He pondered that for a few seconds, “I guess so, as long as you don’t tell anyone.”

I chuckled, “Who the hell would I tell? I don’t know anyone but my aunt ... and now you.”

“Okay” he said as he got to his feet, “I guess one won’t hurt.”

When he got back outside, he had a fresh drink for himself and one for me. When I took a sip, I had to agree it was a lot better. Of course it was mixed with Coke instead of OJ. “It’s good.”

“I knew you’d like it better than Jim Beam and orange juice. Ukkk”

By the time I was finished with that drink, my extremities were already tingling. “Wow! That’s good stuff. Would you mind terribly if I have one more?”

“I really shouldn’t. I don’t want you going home drunk.”

I rolled my eyes, “Like Aunt Lush would know.” And then an idea came to me, “I’ll make you a deal. If you let me have another drink, I’ll go back in the pool so you can perv on me some more.”

Paul laughed out loud, “You don’t have to do that, but I have to admit, looking at you in that bikini makes your offer tempting—very tempting.”

I giggled, “Then I’ll let you look all you want.”

“Well, I can resist anything except temptation, so okay.” And he took my glass into the house. He returned two minutes later with a fresh drink and handed it to me.

After taking a couple of sips, I got up and walked slowly to the pool and walked down the steps into the water. I’d never felt so naughty in my life, but it was fun.

My body was really tingling later when I walked up the steps and out of the pool. Paul was staring at me intently. I don’t know how I got the courage to be so bold, but I walked right up in front of him, tilted my head back, closed my eyes and held my arms out from my sides. “Look all you want.”

I stood there like that for maybe a full minute before picking up my glass. I was still standing right in front of him. I looked at his eyes while I sipped from the glass. “You like?” I asked him. Of course, I knew I had a nice body. My legs were long, slender and toned. My 34 C tits weren’t bad either.

“Absolutely! You’re gorgeous!”

I giggled, and then sat down and continued sipping my drink. Even before I was finished with it, my body was tingling all over. “So, Paul, tell me, what do I have to do to earn one more?”

He seemed to actually be considering it. I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. After half a minute, he asked, “Are you serious?”


Finally, he said, “I’m trying very hard not to be a dirty old man.”

I found it funny that this old man was practically eating out of my hand. “Paul, if you’re a dirty old man at heart, then why are you trying so hard to hide it?”

His tone was serious when he said, “You’re only fourteen, for Christ’s sake.”

Without those two drinks, I would have never been bold enough to do what I did next. I stood up, reached behind me and unclasped my bikini top. I didn’t let it fall off though. Instead, I held it in place with my arm across my tits, and showed him a naughty grin, “It’s going to be hard to hold my top in place while I’m swimming.”

Paul’s eyes were as big as saucers. When he regained his composure, he took our empty glasses inside. When he came out, I was in the pool. My bikini top was draped over the back of my chair. The look on his face made me wish I had a camera.

When Paul sat my drink on the table, I took a deep breath and then walked up the steps and over to the umbrella. I immediately grabbed my bikini top and put it on. Then, I looked over to him and grinned, “That should earn me another drink or two.”

When he’d recuperated enough, he said, “If you keep doing things like that, you can have all you want.”

I giggled, “If I get too drunk, you may have to help me back over the fence.”

Actually, I had two more drinks, but I didn’t feel really drunk. I just had a really nice buzz. In fact, I was feeling good enough to tease Paul a little. “So Paul, are mine the first fourteen-year-old tits you’ve seen?”

He cleared his throat, “Uh ... yes.”


After thinking about it for only a few seconds, he said “They look incredible. You look incredible.”

“Just so you know, you’re the only person I’ve ever let see them ... well, at least other than other girls in the shower after gym class, but they don’t really count, now do they?”

“I’m honored.”

“It’s really hot out here, even in the shade. I’m about ready to take another quick dip and I’m trying to decide if I should wear my bikini top into the pool this time. What do you think?”

He didn’t hesitate, “I vote for you leaving it on your chair.”

I giggled, “Oh, does Paul want to see my fourteen year old tits again?”

“He does ... I do.”

I took a big gulp of my drink, and then stood up and stepped in front of him with my back to him. “You do the honors.” I could feel his hands shaking, but he finally managed to get my bikini top unclasped. Then I walked into the pool without turning to face him.

When I got out after a couple of minutes was a different matter. I walked right up to him and just stood there and let him ogle my tits. God, that made my pussy wet and start to tingle. My nipples were hard and poking out. I stood there for probably two minutes before holding out my hand for my bikini top. I was about to put it on when I thought better of it. I sat down still topless and began sipping my drink again.

“I should probably go home. I’m starting to get a little hungry.”

“I could order pizza or Chinese or something.”

I giggled, “I take it you’re not tired of looking at my tits yet.”

He chuckled, “Hell, I’ll never get tired of that.”

“Okay, I like meat lover’s pizza.”

“I’ll be right back.”

But I got up and followed him. “I really, really need to pee.”

When we got inside, he pointed me down the hall. Alone in the bathroom, my brain was spinning. I whispered to myself, “Shit, Gina. You can have anything you want from him, and it doesn’t hurt you at all. He’s putty in your hands. He’ll give you anything you want, maybe even money.”

When I crawled back over the fence late that evening, I was feeling very tipsy, but not really drunk. I’d let him see my bare tits a couple more times, and he gawked at them each time like it was the first time he’d seen them.

I learned that Paul was fifty-two years old. He’d owned a nightclub for fifteen years and it did very well, so he’d managed to squirrel away a good piece of change. He sold it when he was forty-eight, and cleared enough from the sale to retire comfortably.

Paul wasn’t a handsome man at all, but he wasn’t ugly either. He was five-eleven, a hundred sixty pounds, and his once blonde hair had turned to pure white. I loved his quick wit. He made me laugh a lot, and because I could explore the sexual side of me that had been so long repressed, I felt as though I was getting a mulligan on life. I could choose what to do with it.

I didn’t get up until almost eleven the next morning. Surprisingly, aside from a slight headache, I wasn’t hung over at all. The Lush was just leaving when I walked into the kitchen. She said she was going to the store, and then she was gone. She didn’t even ask me if I needed anything, so I assumed she was going to the liquor store for more booze.

I’d never smoked, but I was feeling rebellious, so I swiped a pack of her cigs and headed out to the back porch. When I lit the first one and inhaled, I coughed and gagged for a long time. “Shit, how can people do this?” But I knew kids in my previous school who did, so I kept at it. Three cigs in, I wasn’t coughing any more.

“I didn’t know you smoke. Those things will kill you.” Paul said from across the fence.

I showed him a smile, “I just feel like it.”

He shrugged and threw up his hands in surrender, “They’re your lungs.”

“I’m going to go in and put on my swimsuit. I’ll be over in a few minutes.”

When I got over to Paul’s yard, the first thing I noticed was an ashtray on the table under the umbrella. I had brought the cigs and book of matches with me, so I put them on the table before jumping into the pool.

When Paul came out of the house and saw me in the pool, he waved and called out with a smile, “How’s the water?”

“Wonderful!” I called back.

He walked over and sat under the umbrella and watched me, so when I was finished swimming, I got out and teased him, “Enjoying the view?”

He grinned, “You have no idea.”

“So, how about a drink?”

He glanced at his watch, “It’s only noon-thirty. Don’t you think it’s a little early to start drinking?”

I shook my head with a shrug, “I don’t have any plans for today. Do you?”

Dutifully, he got up and went inside, returning a few minutes later with two glasses. When he handed me my drink, he said “I’m going to have to make a trip to the liquor store.”

“I’ll come with you. I want to get some more cigs and a lighter. I just have to wait till the Lush gets home so I can lift some money out of her purse.”

He laughed, “You don’t have to do that. I’ll buy them for you.”

I took a drink from my glass and lit a cig. “Ahhh, that’s awfully sweet of you, Paul, but I don’t want charity. I’ll bet I can think of some way to pay you. I was thinking of working on my tan later, and I don’t want to get tan lines ... any tan lines, if you get my meaning.”

His tone was scolding when he said, “Gina, you don’t have to do that. I can afford it. You don’t have to pay me.”

“Thanks, but I insist.”

Paul let out a chuckle and shrugged, “Okay, but I may die from a heart attack.”

“I really doubt that.”

And then his tone sounded more serious when he said, “Gina, you said I was the first one, other than the girls in your P.E. class to see you topless, is that the truth. I hope you feel that you can be honest with me.”

“Yes, Paul. That was the absolute truth.”

“Then you’re a virgin.”

“Yes, I’ve never even kissed a boy. It was a small town, and my parents were very strict. Why do you ask?”

He shrugged again, “I don’t know. It just seems like you’re ... I don’t know...”


“Yeah, that’s the word I was looking for. You’re just really bold for a teenage girl who hasn’t had any experience at all.”

“After my parents died, I just said, ‘fuck it. I’m going to finally have some fun being me. You’re just the first opportunity I’ve had to experiment a little. Until yesterday, I was beginning to feel like I didn’t care if I lived or died. I was even thinking of taking a bunch of pills or something. So, in a way, you saved my life.”

“Wow! Please don’t ever think about that again—not even for a second. And, just so you know, I love watching you experiment. What red-blooded man wouldn’t? I may be old, but I’m not dead.”

“In that case, why don’t we head to the store?” And I drained the last of my drink.

“Okay, how long do you need to get ready?”

“I’m ready now.” I said with a giggle.

“You ... you don’t want to put on something ... more?”

I laughed, “What’s the matter? Are you afraid of being seen with a fourteen-year-old girl in a bikini? If anyone asks, just tell them I’m you niece or something.”

“It’s not that. It’s just that I might wrap us around a telephone pole.”

I laughed again, “You’ll just have to muster up the will to keep your eyes on the road.”

“That’s going to be easier said than done.”

I got up and looked down at him, “Just keep in mind what I’m going to do when we get back—tanning, remember? That should keep your mind occupied.”

It was a real hoot in the grocery store where we bought the cigs and Cokes ... Paul seemed really embarrassed by me being with him in just my bikini. When he got back in the car from the liquor store, I had to laugh. He’d purchased two half gallons of Jack Daniel’s. I teased him, “Paul, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re planning to ply me with alcohol and take advantage of me.”

He just showed me a devilish grin, “Maybe.”

During the drive back to his house, I took off my bikini top. When he glanced my way, he did almost run off the road. “What are you doing?”

“Just getting ready to lie out in the sun.” And then I raised my butt and slipped my bikini bottoms down and off. “Surely you didn’t think I was kidding about sunbathing totally nude, did you?”

“No, but I did think you’d wait until you’re in the backyard before getting naked.”

“You really don’t get it, do you, Paul?”

“Get what?”

We were just pulling into his garage, so I said, “I’ll tell you when we get inside.” And then I got out and waited at the door for him.

Inside, he showed me into his den and showed me his wet bar. While he was fixing each of us a drink, I said, “You don’t get how liberating it is to be able to do anything I want—what with my strict, overprotective parents and all. And besides, I love the way seeing my body makes your eyes bug out.” And I let out a hardy laugh.

He wasn’t being shy about gawking at my naked body. When he finally looked up at my face, he said in a low, reverent tone, “Pardon my language, but you are fucking stunning.”

“Why thank you.” I said as I was walking around to his side of the wet bar. Once there, I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a warm kiss on the lips.

“You know, this could land me in jail for the rest of my life, don’t you?”

So I gave him another warm kiss and purred in his ear, “Then I suggest you don’t tell anyone.”

When I finished that drink, Paul fixed me another. I carried it outside and placed it under a lounge chair so it would be in the shade. I adjusted the chair into a semi-inclined position, and then lay down. I had just put on my sunglasses when Paul walked right up to the foot of my lounge chair. He was just standing there staring at my naked body.

His boldness caused a tingle in my pussy and it grew moist. “I’m glad you’re getting over your shyness. I like it when you look at me like that.”

“Just be careful not to burn.” And then he carried his drink over and sat in the shade of the umbrella.

After about fifteen minutes, I took a big gulp of my drink and then adjusted the chair into a fully reclined position. And then I lay down on my stomach.

When I thought another fifteen minutes had passed, I got up and took my drink over to where Paul was sitting. After standing right in front of him for about a minute, I sat on the other side of the table from him. “I don’t think that was too long for my first time, do you?”

He shook his head, “Nah, I think it was about right. You’ll know in the morning.”

When he heard me giggle, he asked, “What?”

“I was just thinking ... if I burned, you’ll have to buy some cream and rub it into every inch of my skin.”

When he didn’t say anything, I teased, “Has a cat got your tongue?”

He chuckled, “No, I was just trying to conjure up an image of me doing that to you.”

“You should probably wait to conjure up that image until you’re alone in your room.” I said with a giggle.

“Oh, I promise you I will do exactly that.”

After taking another sip of my drink and lighting a cig with the new Zippo lighter he’d bought for me, I said, “Paul?”


“Are you ever going to kiss me—not like earlier, but a real proper kiss—a French kiss?”

“Gina! I don’t think we--”

“Bullshit! Sooner or later I’m going to go on dates with boys my own age. I’m sure they’ll want to kiss me like that. Unless someone teaches me, how am I supposed to know how to do it? And, I want that someone to be you.”

He looked around nervously, “What if your Aunt looks out the window?”

I giggled, “I doubt she’d even recognize me, but if that’s what’s bothering you. We can go inside. I need a fresh drink anyway.”

Paul didn’t say anything for a really long time, and then he said in a pensive voice, “If you’re sure that’s what you really want, then I’ll do it, but only if you’re really sure.”

I stood up, “Great! Then let’s go inside.” I didn’t wait on him. I went into the house and straight to the den. I was sitting at his wet bar when he entered the room, so I stood up and faced him.

When he stepped up in front of me, he moved in and lifted my chin. Just as he started to lean down to kiss me, I stopped him. “If I was your girlfriend, you’d probably be holding me, right?”

“I guess.”

“Then hold me like you would a girlfriend.”

He looked nervous as hell, but he finally put one hand on my back and drew me closer. I grabbed his other hand and placed it squarely on my butt. “That’s better. Now kiss me.”

I could feel him shaking, but he leaned in and gave me a warm kiss on the lips. And then he pressed his lips to mine more firmly. I instinctively parted my lips and teeth, and he slid his tongue into my mouth. When I began swirling my tongue around his, he moaned into my open mouth. God! That kiss made my pussy tingle and moisten.

A full minute or more later, he pulled back and looked into my eyes for a reaction. I showed him a smile, “That was way cool. I really enjoyed it. Now, I expect you to do that at least a few times every day. Understand?”

He grinned and then kissed me again. This time, he moved his other hand down to my butt and started kneading my naked flesh with both hands. He pulled my lower half firmly to him, and I could feel his dick poking me in the belly. I had to force myself to hold my giggle until after that very long kiss ended.


“I could feel your dick poking me.”

His face got really red, but then he just shrugged and said, “That’s the effect you have on me.”

I was just about to tease him, but thought better of it. I showed him a warm smile, “I’m glad. That makes me very happy, and by the way, it made my pussy tingle.”

It was two days later when I decided to set the hook on Paul, even more than I had already. I’d been totally naked around him several times, and I was today as well. We were sitting in the shade of the umbrella sipping our drinks. When I finished mine and put out my cigg, I stood up and led him into the house and straight to the wet bar.

I didn’t have to tell him what I wanted, and he mixed me a fresh drink without comment. But when he handed it to me, I led him over to the sofa and had him sit. And then I straddled his lap facing him.

“Paul, I want to experience what it feels like when someone other than me touches my tits. Will you do that for me?”

His jaw dropped, so I gave him a passionate kiss. When I pulled back, I said, “Pretty please.”

He looked flustered, “Gina, I appreciate the offer and I’m honored, but I don’t think--”

I put a finger to his lips to silence him. “Don’t think. Just do it.” And I gave him another deep kiss.

Finally, Paul relented and put his hands on both of my tits. “Oh my God!” I moaned. “I knew it would feel different and great, but Holy Shit, that’s incredible.” I wasn’t lying either. It did feel wonderful. I was almost tempted to let him suck them, but I decided to take baby steps with him.

Later, Paul ordered Chinese. He chuckled when I took my seat at the table, “Are you really going to eat naked?”

“Sure, why not—unless you’re tired of looking at me.”


“I appreciate the food, Paul. The Lush doesn’t tell me when lunch or dinner is ready. I have to look through the fridge for her leftovers.”

Paul shook his head, “That’s terrible. Just so you know, I’m a pretty decent cook. You can have lunch and dinner with me every day. It’ll be fun cooking for someone else again. It’s been years.”

I giggled, “What about breakfast? When I stay over here, I expect breakfast.”

“Stay over here?”

“Unless I’m not welcome. The Lush won’t even know I’m not there, and if she does notice, she won’t give a shit.”

“You’re welcome any time, of course. I’ll straighten up the guest room.”

Hearing that made me laugh out loud for a long time.


“Paul, Paul, my dear sweet Paul. When I stay over here, I will sleep in your bed with your arms around me or I won’t stay at all.”

“Uh, well ... we’ll see.”

The following morning, I thought it was time to give Paul a little test. I told him, “I need to find a job that’s not too far to walk to. I’m tired of being broke, and sooner or later, the Lush is going to get wise to me stealing her money. I’d like to buy some new clothes that fit my newfound sexual side, and stuff like that.”

We were just sitting out in the shade drinking ice tea. He got up and offered me his hand. When I took it, he pulled me to my feet and put a hand on each of my shoulders. And then in a compassionate tone, he said, “Gina, you don’t have to get a job. I’m not exactly what I would call rich, but I am fairly well off. I will start giving you a decent allowance—enough to buy clothes and things. It’s the least can do for you. After all, you make me feel twenty years younger, and I love spending time with you. Will a hundred a week get you by?”

My eyes got puffy and I could feel a tear running down my face. I was too emotional to speak right away. Finally, I sniffled and said, “Paul, that’s a very generous offer, but I just wouldn’t feel right about it. I love spending time with you and teasing you and getting you all hot and bothered. I don’t expect anything in return but a meal now and then.”

“Nonsense!” He said sternly. “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for my own selfish reasons. Now, I insist. I won’t take no for an answer, and when you want to go to the mall or wherever, all you have to do is say so and I’ll drive you.”

I threw my arms around his neck and got on my tiptoes to give him a very long, very passionate kiss. When our kiss ended, I said, “I know it’s early, but I could really use a drink.”

“You know where the wet bar is, and now you know how to mix them. Help yourself anytime you want.” And then he surprised me by reaching into the pocket of his shorts and pulling out a key. When he handed it to me, he said, “I had this made for you. It’s to the back door, just in case I’m gone somewhere.”

“Shit, Paul, I need to go get a drink before I start bawling.” And I turned and went into the house.

That evening, while I was on my knees straddling his lap with him kneading my tits, I told him it was okay if he wanted to suck them. He didn’t hesitate. God! Talk about amazing! The second he sucked my nipple into his mouth, my whole body came alive with pleasurable sensations. There must be a nerve that goes from my nipples to my clit, because it came alive too. While he was sucking on one of my nipples, I told him, “You know, one of these days fairly soon, I’m going to want you to fuck me.”

His head jerked back and his whole body stiffened. “We ... we can’t do that. I’m old enough to be your--”

I put a finger to his lips to shut him up. “You’re old enough to be my very handsome, distinguished, knight in shining armor and my best friend who just happens to be the man I have the hots for. Besides, do you want some randy teenage boy who doesn’t know any more about sex than me to pop my cherry? I think not. I want it to be someone who I have feelings for and trust, and someone who knows enough to teach me. I choose you, and just like you said about giving me an allowance, I won’t take no for an answer. The only problem is, I’m not on birth control. I can’t stand the idea of you using a condom. When the time comes, I want to feel you inside me, not some flimsy piece of rubber.”

“Oh wow, Gina. I don’t know what to say. Are you sure?”

“Yes, Paul. I’m a hundred percent sure. I’m not ready for that yet though, but I will be before long, so I need to get prepared.”

Paul helped me off of his lap and headed for the wet bar. He took my empty glass and refilled it, and then he filled his glass all the way up with Jack. I teased him, saying with a giggle, “Oh, someone needs something to calm his nerves, huh?”

“Ya think?”

The next day, I got my period, so I couldn’t go totally nude or go swimming. When I told Paul, he just grew red in the face and said, “Oh.”

I giggled, “Don’t worry; you can still play with my tits.”

Paul called his doctor and explained my situation to him. The doctor told him it was illegal for him to hook me up with birth control pills without permission of a parent or guardian. He suggested Paul call Planned Parenthood, which he did. Sure enough, they could hook me up.

Paul drove me there after my period ended, and after a brief exam and an explanation of the waiting period for having sex after starting birth control pills, I was all set.

On the drive back to his house, I asked him, “So, have you come to terms with the idea of fucking me?”

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eyes to a new world part 2

I didn’t ponder to much why she was asking so much about my personal life. I guess you can say all I was really interested in was more sex. So I said in a smart tone “You just want some more of big papa.” ‘I think your getting a little ahead of yourself cowboy because got you some ass’ Ashley said in a angry tone while pouting. Feeling like a dick now I went in for a kiss to make her feel better and maybe get her in the mood again. She block my lips with her index finger and said with a...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Guests

I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I tried to shake the cobwebs from my brain. Did I really experience what I think I experienced? The soreness of my rectum confirmed it. I opened the drawer of my nightstand to find the dog collar right where Lisa had placed it after removing it from my neck. Lisa was in the shower when I went in to piss. She called out to me, "Don't you dare flush the toilet or there will be hell to pay." I could see her gorgeous outline through the shower curtain...

Group Sex
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Lust Of Incest 8211 Part 3

I was more encouraged to write next part after getting feedback and suggestions form ISS readers. You can find my previous two part here. Continuing from previous part, Lust Of Incest-Part 2. Naveen got emergency call from his home and he wanted leave urgently. While leaving he said, “Raju try your best seduce your sister and fuck her”. He wished me good luck. Now I was planning how to seduce and fuck my own sister Sahana. Day by day I was getting hornier looking at Sahana. I was taking all...

3 years ago
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Arys initiation

The sludge encrusted harpies circles Ary slowly. Lassa left brownish marks on the floor. "Do you wish to change..." Lassa said, in her echoing voice "I do" replied Ary "Do you have the bowls of cum from a male, female, horse and yourself?" Lassa "I do" "Do you have the bowls of shit from a male, female, horse and yourself?" "i do" "Do you have the ounce of blood." "I do" "Take these four feathers. they are the final ingredient" "Take the...

2 years ago
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First things first, my name is Robert Schipp, and at the time this story starts, I was a 25-year old man with a decent job, a great girlfriend, and a pretty nice, muscular body. Nowadays...well I guess I'll just tell the story. One day, I was bored at home alone after work on a Friday, naked, since I was alone and it was hot out, and decided to open up my word processor and start typing, just to see what would come out. So I sat down on my bed with my laptop, hit the power button,...

1 year ago
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Caroline Ch 0105

Interim (No sex) (Hi, please read the intro to Ch. 01 then you’ll know what’s coming. This is the first time I specifically mention female/female sex. I have no experience of this (other than Adult movies) so I don’t describe it, you’ll have to use your imagination!) When I got home we kissed goodnight and he hugged me tightly as if he didn’t want me to go, it was lovely. Jo was on lates so I was left on my own to sit and go over what had happened. What a day, I never realised that sex could...

2 years ago
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Neighbors niece

I knew my neighbor pretty well. His niece, Lola, would visit from Japan once or twice a year, so it was no surprise when he told me she was coming to visit. Lola was a pretty, 21 year old Japanese girl. She was about 5’6′ , dark hair, brown eyes, and skinny. My 20 year old son had a thing for her. I would always catch him checking her out when she was around. A couple of days after she arrived, Lola and my son started hanging out a lot. She spent most of the day at our house. I didn’t mind, but...

2 years ago
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Secret Affections

“Not quite yet, mom,” I eventually had to sigh. I felt the warm lips moving for a while longer until mom knew she had to give up for now. My mother was naked and on her knees in front of the bed between my legs. Mom had short black hair and her breasts were small and flat, although the nipples were prominent, and around her neck she was wearing a silvery pendant which my sister had given her on Christmas. I tried to avoid looking at the dark bush between her legs, but often I found my eyes...

3 years ago
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Small Changes

Small Changes by X_Zero_23 Alfonso Dukamon hated A. Franky Midgill with a passion. He had only known of his existence for five short months, but during those months he had looked at the young man with nothing but loathing. Both were trumpeters in the Weldon City orchestra. An inconsequential little assemblage to be sure, but it played very large in the life of Mr. Dukamon. It was in fact the most important thing in his life. Al had started out in life with such promise, and an I.Q....

1 year ago
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Tara under the Banyan Tree

Tara under the Banyan Tree. by Tara Richardson. 1. I boarded the plane still a little flustered. I had just made it, no thanks to the end of term party at Redwood College of Art, my flatmates, the late taxi, and the usual chaos on the M25 motorway. Inside the airport there had been the usual female security guard who I was sure this time was a lesbian. Moving the metal loop across my body to the hem of my dress, I felt her feathery fingers touch my naked thighs, and my nipples immediate...

4 years ago
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Sissy Slave

Joanne, my wife, has for many years insisted that I wear lingerie and girly things under my male clothes when at work as part of my sissy training. At home I am a sissy slave.“Sally” she said “Today we are going to make you feel more aware of the pretty things you wear”. After years of taking hormones my breasts are a nice 38C with dark brown shades round my nipples and Joanne had arranged for me have my balls and sac removed when we went to Thailand one year. Despite this and though my cock...

1 year ago
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Drive in the country

Drive in the Country: You both have a day off and decide to go for a drive in the country, Debbie likes speed and to be driven fast and your sports car thrills her and if she were honest it gets her excited, turned on and her pussy wet.............before you set off you say if she wears your favourite sheer crotch tights you will drive even faster than usual....she excitedly agrees her heart racing as she goes to her tights /stockigns draw and pulls them on whilst sat on the bed.....low heels...

4 years ago
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Tales From Helena Ch 4

As Staci reviewed the details for her next appointment, she couldn’t resist looking down her long, slender, tanned legs to what she considered her ultimate demonstration of how she had finally turned the corner. Gleaming up at her from her dainty (euro) size 36 feet were her first ever pair of “Jimmy Choo” shoes. The beautifully sculpted, 4 inch heeled, Amada leather peep-toe pumps made her feel deliciously decadent and, to her, were well worth every penny they had cost. Even the figure...

1 year ago
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ltttle girl slut0

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

2 years ago
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John and SueChapter 5

John reads his wife's letter to him and has a decision to make. Sue handed me the envelope and left the house. She had been crying I could see by her red-rimmed eyes and the sniffles as she walked away from me. My anger was still alive and in the front of my thoughts. I went to the desk in my den and sat down. I started to read the letter she had written me. As I read I realized that she was spilling out everything that she had been doing for the last year, or almost everything anyway. I...

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 11 Lost Memories

Almost a month later to the day I returned to the SlendaBond Training Facility. Virginia was not with me on this trip. I visited Morgan Richmond again briefly and again set out with the training director, Charlie, for another tour. I hoped to see many things this time that he had not shown me on my initial visit. "I am just dying to see how far you good people have gotten bringing Stephanie under control!" I said. "We have been able to embed many post-hypnotic suggestion words in her...

2 years ago
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The girls get together for a little sexchat

“Where’s Joanna,” asked Peggy, “she’s always late?!?” Judith smirked a little and responded cattily, “Doesn’t Frank have Wednesdays off, if he does, I think we all know what she’s up to!” The three at the table all chuckled at that one, but it was Susan who came to Joanna’s defense when she opined, “Let’s not be too hasty with our criticism, I think we would all agree if one of our husbands had a day off we’d...

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A Sentimental HeartChapter 8

Marcus stretched out beside Miranda and watched her as she slept. The sun wasn't even up yet, and he could hear the wind howling outside. That wasn't the reason that he wanted to stay right where he was though ... Why he wanted to stay here in Miranda's bed... She was lying on her stomach, her head turned so that she was facing him. Her dark hair was sprawled across her white pillow, looking like the wing of some large bird. Her lids covered her incredible blue eyes, but her lips...

2 years ago
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A Special Introduction

I had lined up a "double" with Angela, an escort that I had seen before. I knew she was a bit of a loudmouth and more business than pleasure, but she always did it for me, and she had a rocking body. She had also described her doubles partner, Mia. Mia sounded hot, and I had some extra cash on hand so I decided a three way would be a fun way to spend some time.When I arrived at the a nice apartment that Angela was apparently using for her activities, I was pleasantly surprised to meet Mia. ...

3 years ago
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Trapped in a Gloryhole

I had been out all day and was very desperate for the bathroom, I was half way home walking because I had lost my ticket to get back, I could really feel my bladder tightening and when I saw a public bathroom in the distance I felt a rush of relief through my body.I quickly rushed to the bathroom already desperate and getting worse for seeing the place, when I was shocked to see that the women's bathroom was closed for maintenance. I had already prepared my body to go and now was dancing on the...

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Malan MothersChapter 15

The DNA result for Margo had come, but it was decided to wait for the results for Esme and Ruth to be found; then all four children would be united with their mothers at the same time; no-one would be left out. Jeannette was informed that the legal documents for the sale of the newspaper were completed, ready for signing, and she had to arrange payment to the Colony of the agreed sum. Her application for a company title deed for Nabarro Books to be registered was now complete, so she merely...

4 years ago
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Lady In The House Part II

Lady in the House ? Part II By Michele Nylons From Part I Then the full light of the situation dawned on me. As I looked at the reflection of the trampy woman in the business suit I realised she looked just like a caricature of the 'sexy secretaries' I had seen posing in porn magazines just before they stripped off their clothes, page by page. Now I knew why Eddie had called me his secretary! Oh my God! He had been planning this for weeks, having me help him pick out clothes,...

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Friendship To Lust 8211 The Journey Of Two Neighbors

Hi guys this is Raj here, well I am back with where I stopped, In case if any girls or women in having some fun or making new friends, Pls do get in touch to and other readers pls give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let’s get started. Well I just pushed Nithya back, she at the moment did not understand and then just looked at me and ran down, I followed her and she allowed me in as soon as I came she shut the door and as her mother had gone out of Chennai so we were safe as no...

3 years ago
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Moms Friend

Mom is a very good looking woman for being 42. She is 5’ 3” and works out 3 times a week to keep her figure tight. Often I have had naughty thoughts about her over the years. I have even jerked off while watching her sun bathe by the pool.One of Mom’s friends drops in several times a week to chat and drink with her. She is okay, but not as hot as Mom is. Belle, Moms friend is maybe 5’ 6” and has a little bit of a belly and some stretch marks that cover her butt and belly. She has quite a nice...

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A Delicious Jessie Sandwich

Introduction: The following is an account of my long-awaited first sexual encounter with my friend Jessie, coming with a wild twist. Some details are exaggerated for the enjoyment of the reader, but the integrity remains. Also, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. The shot glass shook in my hand as I endured the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Ive never been a drinker, but the alcohol was needed tonight to calm my nerves as I sat across the glass coffee table...

2 years ago
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Timestop The Train Ride Chapter 5

In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- CHAPTER 5 After punishing the Bitch for what seems like hours, I'm completely worn out. In...

3 years ago
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Boys and Girls and Boys Part I

“But, you know, maybe I’m not cut out for this. I mean, an 85. What kind of professor will I be if I keep making 85’s on my exams?” I stared across the dinner table at my boyfriend Roger, willing him to shut up, just for a second. He had been prattling on about his damn 85 – the first ‘B’ he’d received since starting college two years ago – ever since he’d received the grade six hours earlier. We had been at this restaurant celebrating the first anniversary of our first date for over an hour...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Hitchhiker 2

"First, you both need to come over here, closer to me." They both slide closer until all three of us made a triangle with me in the middle. I leaned forward and kissed Kim on the lips. I teased my tongue into her mouth. She kisses back with wild abandon. she obviously has done this before. Her thick lips press against mine as our tongues dance together. her hand slides up my leg and squeezes my thigh. i break off the kiss and pull Sandy closer. Soon I'm tongue to tongue with Sandy's...

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Katy D

I remember you said: “You have to swallow it, Katy. That’s what girls do.” You should have noticed how I was staring at you. I mean I was naked on my knees in front of you, doing my best trying to give my own dad my first ever blowjob on my eighteenth birthday, and you were telling me I had to “swallow it”. I really didn’t know what I should have thought about that, so it was a bit weird start, I have to say. I didn’t quite know what to expect anyway. I mean I knew the general sex things, of...

1 year ago
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Angel of Mercy

I was sitting in front of some apartment building, down town, in the worst neighborhood. I had a razor on me, I was thinking about turning down an alley and just ending it all. I was hoping someone would come along and make the choice for me, rape me and slit my throat. Hell, I’ve already gotten comfortable with the rape part, after a few times you hardly notice, you know? Then this guy comes along, just before dawn, and tries this Good Samaritan crap on me. He was thirty something and smelled...

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Snowed InChapter 2

Though the power had come back on again sometime early morning, the house was still cold not having heated up yet. We'd gotten a new fire going in the fireplace, which helped, but the storm had continued, not letting up at all. Nearly five feet of new snow covered the ground making the roads all but impassible for anything other than four-wheel drives. Having turned on the news while we still could, weather reports were warning everyone of an additional three or four feet before there was...

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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 3

Chapter 3 After the encounter, I knew my worldview shifted. That goat creature had ruthlessly crushed my old life's paradigm. Being a voracious reader of fantasy, I understood there might be more to this world, "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio' and all of that but at no time did I actually believe it to become my reality? I also tried not to think about it, or give it a name. Names would give it power; however, I knew such thoughts were useless. With my old...

2 years ago
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A New Taste Part 10

My secret life continued with regular meetings. I satisfied Nicks needs and he rewarded me with long sessions of indulgent fellatio. I had become an expert cock-worshipper. Four months earlier I had only expressed my desire to suck a cock by watching porn and masturbating. I never really believed I would actually experience the warm firmness of the real thing let alone repeat the event. The fixation I had developed over the years was for large and beautiful cocks. I wasn’t interested in small...

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Skipper Chapter Four

Skipper, Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff I woke the next morning to a knock on my door as Sissy brought me breakfast. I was feeling deadly. "God you look a mess. You'd better get yourself home and tidied up before Margaret sees you. She'll be here all afternoon doing my accounts." After finishing breakfast, I sneaked out to my car and drove home to clean up and choose a new outfit. This took most of the morning and after I was finally happy about my appearance, I carefully hung...

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staying at a mates

This is a real life experience of mine. This is my first attempt at writing a story, so i hope it is not that bad. I was on a pull out bed at my friends house, we had turned in for the night, i was lying there unable to sleep and i heard a whisper. I looked around, it was dark, but could only see my friend sleeping. Suddenly a hand came up from under the pull out bed and i jumped, it was my friends sister. I didn't see her come in or hear her. She was quietly whispering 'do you like me? do...

4 years ago
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The Neighbor Part Six

I woke up early on a saturday morning, frying some bacon and eggs for myself and maybe Cynthia who was sound asleep in my bed. In time the aroma will get her attention and she'd be wanting some or wanting me for breakfast instead. Cynthia continued to be a wild little number. I don't recall ever feeling this good with a woman before. Certainly not my ex who was no fun to begin with. The only times we did have sex was when she was angry from work or frustrated when things didn't go her way. She...

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Top Sports Customized JocK Strap Fitting

“Oh, bein’ out for basketball, I go through them fast.” “Not that fast, I do your laundry every Saturday and I don’t see why you can’t get by with four or five? This seems excessive.” go “Well, Mom I don’t want to run out. Besides, Tommie can use them when I go to college in a couple years.” “Your little brother has his own. You have way more than you can use. Come in here for a second. Where do you get these, young man?” Walking into his bedroom, Donnie replies, “From the Top...

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Met In Train Fucked At Home 8211 Part II

Hello guys and gals hope you are doing well. In the last story I told you that how I met a lady and how we come closer to each other and how we went to her home while her hubby was away for tour. Now I will tell you how we cherished each other bodies to fullest. As we moved to her bedroom we started smooching like mad and enjoying each other. I was kissing her badly and she was responding fully to me. I entered my tongue into her. We were exchanging each other saliva. It was so sweet. I kissed...

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The Becoming Pt 1

Oh my God! She thought in frustration. If she had to listen to One – More – Asshole yell at her about matters that were utterly out of her control, matters that they were too stupid to understand in even the simplest language, she was going to rip her hair out a fistful at a time. It wouldn’t be as painful. She sat in her car at the end of her shift at the bank and just took several deep breaths, her feeble attempt at calming herself before she tried to tackle the fun house ride that was the...

1 year ago
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10 October 2008Chapter 9

Susan’s nervous excitement grew more and more as Dan opened their hotel room door and she went to the washroom to freshen up. “This is a new experience for us so please be considerate of my wife and not treat her like a whore, though I think she’s going to become my very slutty wife.” “Jason and I will be the first fuck Susan has had beside you?” “Yes, we have a very active sex life involving just us and thought we’d try expanding our interests.” Susan returned, the air filled with her...

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Being a slut of Moms boyfriend

It was my nineteenth birthday. A few hours earlier, I was enjoying the party with my friends, and now I was in my room, fucking my mom’s boyfriend, John. My panties were on the floor next to me, I was bending over the bed and John was fucking my ass from behind. I wasn’t a virgin, but he took my anal virginity. I wasn’t kinky but in the past one hour he had turned my ass red by spanking me hard. Earlier he was calling me a slut and now I was screaming and moaning, asking him to fuck me good as...

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The shopkeeper

Zaid celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week. He had a good deal to be proud about, since coming to England from Somalia twenty five years ago with his wife Jamilia and their two eldest children, they had had four more children. All his children were healthy and successful, all had done well at school and although he had to work hard and long hours at his three shops, they provided him and his family with a good income and their house and car were the envy of many. Zaid was a respected...

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A Walk in the Park

I am Ray, a 31 year old single bi crossdressing male. I am not passable, I just love dressing up in cute girly clothes. I live in a small coastal community, about 5 miles inland from the beaches. Between my house and the beaches is a large wooded park area that is almost all a series of small trails through the woods. Now that the weather had warmed up I decided to go explore as I had not ever spent any time there since I moved into this area. While on an early evening walk one day, I noticed...

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Sardi mein garmi ka ahsaaas

Yeh saal pehle ki baathai meri baji ki shaadi thi aur gaun sey bohat sey mehmaan aye huay they jis waja sey hamarey ghar mein jaga bhi kam ho gayee thee aur is liye main store room mein aik chaarpayee bicha ker soya hua tha ke achanak mujhe apni tayee ki awaaz aayee woh apni bety ko jo ke mujhe 2 saal choty thi us waqt meri umer 28 saal thi ko keh rahi thin ke jaga ki problem hai is liye tum yahin ahsan ke saath hi sojao bhaihi to hai is ke baad tayee chali gayeen aur bano mere paas aker late...

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Dianas Story

(copyright, March, 2002) 1 – Me My name is Diana Roberts. I am 48 years old. I live in a large metropolitan area in Canada. I am married but no longer living with my husband, and I have two sons, Robby, who is 23 and who is currently attending medical school here in the city we live in, and Toby who is a year and a bit younger and whom I haven’t seen in a while. My husband’s name is Bob and we had been married for over 20 years when Bob decided he no longer wanted to live with me. He...

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The GiftChapter 16

The trip did not start out well at all. I had paid for a single berth. When I got aboard the ship, I found myself in a double cabin, with another bachelor. I complained to my steward. I waited over an hour, and nothing happened. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I left my cabin where I had been waiting for resolution of this problem, and made my way to the pursers office. He was not in. I asked how long we were to remain at the dock, and was told the ship would depart on time in...

1 year ago
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Singing of the Chalice and the Lash

I was really looking forward to Beltane (May day), which for me is probably my biggest religious holiday of the year. Spending a few days celebrating openness, embracing passion and love, off with my gods and community was just what I needed. April was tough. Shortly before the festival, my girlfriend lets me know that she won’t be able to come. In many ways, this was our event, the time when we get to be as together as we can be. However, a critical family emergency kept her away. Being all...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 74 I Know Nothing About That

November, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Friday was a lazy day around the house. Sofia booked her flight home, and wasn’t very happy with what she had to do. “We have finals on the 21st, so I have to stay until then. The only reasonable time to leave is Friday night at 5:00pm. That gets me to Heathrow the next morning, and then I take a flight to Landvetter. Mom wants me home Saturday night for a dinner at her parents’ house. I’m going to be a complete zombie!” “Is your Friday exam early or...

2 years ago
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All I Want for ChristmasChapter 3 is My Moms Sweet Love

I still can't believe what happened to me. December 25th 1999 is a day I will never forget. That is the day my mother raped me for the first time. (Merry fucking Christmas you bitch!) I mean it was just cruel and sick and nasty. There is no excuse, no rational explanation for her behavior. It wasn't just that she raped me, it was how she did it, the utterly despicable way she went about it. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself a little. To understand you have to go back a year to the events...

4 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Chapter 1

Lisa Reynolds came in the house having just got home from school. She hung her coat on the hook on the wall next to the door and headed for her room. She passed by her mother who was in the kitchen fixing dinner. "Hi Mom, I'm home," she said as she walked by, "I'm going to change clothes," Her mom looked up and smiled as she passed quickly by.Lisa went to her room and quickly changed out of her good school clothes. She was glad to get out of them, much preferring her regular casual wear to the...

1 year ago
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Mr SmoothieChapter 2

I had a hell of a time getting to sleep that night. I stayed with Amy and cuddled until almost time for our parents to get home. Even then, I was thinking of the girl's reputation, so I had set an alarm clock to warn us just in case we fell asleep or something. It would have been hell to pay if our parents had caught us naked in bed with each other! They were about as broadminded as parents could be at that day and age, but I doubt that even they could have coped with fucking between Amy and...

2 years ago
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Playing Doctor with the New Nurse

‘Well, at least I get out of math.’ I thought to myself. It was time to go to my school physical. They were always a pain. The nurse, Mrs. Masterson, was about a hundred, and she was never particularly considerate when it came to pokes, jabs and pricks. I would have had my physical with everyone else at the beginning of school, but I had been out with pneumonia, so I had to get it done now. As I walked through the halls, I saw Brittany Henderson bending over to take a drink from the water...

1 year ago
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A Wife Pleases I

Working out "rules to live by" in a marriage is often slow and may seem tedious when so many of the accounts seem to relate instantaneous action and satisfaction. I find that the "trail" to successful "threading the needle" of interest and desire on the part of two people often has moments of uncertainty and doubt, but with proper tutelage the desired result can be achieved. Often, at the beginning, one doesn't know what that final objective sort of builds upon the cooperating parties...

3 years ago
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Fuckin my Colleague upto her satisfaction

In my office there is a girl named rupali, 23yrs 34-26-32 is her shape. I have been trying to get her attention from about 2 months. She has one hell of a breast, which excited me more. I just can’t imagine how pink and juicy her pussy will be. One day as I reached the office. I was informed that due to the local MLA’S death the office would be remained closed for the day, just then rupali joined me in the office, i had to create lot of database and hand it over to a firm in bangalore. So I...

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We built a sex room

The Sex Room A Couple Builds A Room With The Purpose of Pleasure. NEW YORK 2010 Jennifer moaned softly as her boyfriend Jim moved the pocket rocket vibrator lightly over her clit. They were spread out over white sheets in their bedroom, the window open, the sound of the New York traffic on the streets below in the background. Jim alternated between kissing Jennifer and sucking her left nipple. Jennifer played with her other nipple with one hand, and held Jim’s cock with the other. She smiled as...

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