Dial 911
- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
I stand in the living room in front of the curtainless picture window, bathed in the strong moonlight that flows effortlessly around me, lighting the room in a soft silvery glow. I can’t sleep again and Jens is sleeping so soundly, I don’t want to disturb him with my tossing and turning. I stand there in my robe, staring out at the still beauty of the night, thinking about…nothing really. Suddenly, I sense a presence behind me and a pair of strong hands rest firmly on both of my shoulders as I feel a light kiss on the top of my head.
Leaning his head down next to mine Jens whispers in my ear, ‘What are you doing out here at this time of night? Come back to bed, sweetheart.’
‘Oh, Jens, I didn’t mean to wake you,’ I protest as I turn to face him.
‘You didn’t wake me, I just must have a sixth sense even in my sleep when you’re not there. That’s all.’ He tries to reassure me as he lightly strokes his hands up and down my arms. Looking intently into my eyes, he’s trying to discern from the look in them what is causing my restlessness, my inability to sleep peacefully. I don’t know what he could possibly see in them, I don’t understand myself this undercurrent of anxiety and even worry I feel just below the surface. I can’t explain it.
Jens has been so wonderful to me during the horrible events of this past week. So strong and comforting, such a rock and a support. In some ways I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to him than I do now. And yet at the same time, I haven’t felt like making love since all of this has happened and I feel a guilt over that lack of desire. It’s actually not a lack of desire, the desire I feel for him is somehow always there, but I guess the physical desire has taken a back seat recently to other, more powerful, desires I have for him.
‘Come on’ he urges as he takes my hand in his and leads me back to our bed. It’s strange, I think to myself, as I allow myself to be led by him. I’m staring at his broad, naked back and I can see the strong lines of the muscles in his shoulders, the straight line of his spine, down to hips that are encased in a pair of cotton boxers. It’s strange to me, because just now I admitted my lack of desire to myself, and now not 30 seconds later, the sight of his body has rekindled that flame in me somehow. It’s all a little confusing.
As we reach the bedroom, Jens draws me with him toward the bed. Sitting down on the bed in front of me, he works on untying the knot on the belt of my robe. It easily yields to his capable fingers and I feel him slide the robe off my shoulders and lay it carelessly at the foot of the bed where the covers also lay in a tangled heap.
The light from the open bathroom door allows me to see his deep green eyes moving over my body now, taking in the sight of me in my short, satin champagne colored gown. He takes in the sight of my small, yet curving figure under the diaphanous material. The thin straps at my shoulders, the deep plunging V-neckline that shows the soft curves of the inside of my full breasts and the shadow between them. The flare of the skirt as it flows inward at my waist and then falls in gentle folds over my wider hips.
Standing completely still between his legs, I let him complete his visual inspection of me and it surprises me once again the difference in our size as he is able to look me directly in the eye, even in a seated position. ‘You’re beautiful, you know,’ Jens whispers to me, looking deeply into my own green eyes as he speaks. I’m embarrassed and start to turn my head away as I open my mouth to contradict him. He stops the movement with a finger at my chin and turns my head back to him. ‘It’s true. In my eyes, you are beautiful.’ I don’t know what to say to this obvious heartfelt declaration from him. So I do the only thing I can do. I smile at him. And he smiles back at me.
He slides back across the bed and urges me to follow him with a tug on my hand. I crawl onto the bed too and allow myself to be pulled down beside him, both of us laying on our sides as I feel him spoon up behind me.
Jens is so close to me that I can feel the heat radiating from his body all along the back of my body, warming me with his presence. So close that I can feel his soft and curly chest hair along my upper shoulders. So close I can feel his breath stirring the short wisps of dark hair along the base of my neck. So close that I can feel his arms tighten around my waist from underneath and along my hips from on top. So close that I can feel his strong, flat abdomen along the curve of my ass. So close that I can feel his hair covered legs follow every curve of my own shorter, smooth legs down to where my dainty feet rest lightly along the top of his shins. So close that I can feel the beginning of an erection swell against that special spot where my thighs meet my ass. I start to turn towards him.
He stills my movement by holding me even tighter in his arms. ‘Shhh, darling. I can’t help that, you know. I can’t help it that you make me so hard. It’s nothing, just go back to sleep, OK?’
He doesn’t understand, though. I want to…no, I NEED to do this. As I continue to struggle to turn over, he finally loosens his hold on me so that I can roll to my left side to face him.
Looking into his dear face, the return of my desire for him is instantaneous and complete…like it was never gone. I cup his cheek in the palm of my hand, lightly rubbing my thumb at the corner of his sweet lips and then over the wonderful fullness of his bottom lip that I love so much. I smile wistfully at him.
‘Jens, I’m so sorry that I haven’t been making love to you lately,’ I begin. He immediately brings two of his fingers to my lips to stop the flow of words. ‘There is no need for an apology,’ he immediately assures me. ‘We’ve BOTH been through a lot recently and there’s nothing wrong between us. Nothing at all.’
‘How did I get so lucky?’ I think to myself.
‘Jens? I’d like us to be together tonight, like we used to be. Please, will you make love to me?’ I whisper to him as green eyes lock with green eyes, looking for that same spark of desire in his eyes that surely must be in mine.
‘I thought you’d never ask,’ he exhales on a long sigh. His head closes the distance to mine and I feel his lips cover mine in a kiss that is soft and gentle, yet insistent in it’s purpose to arouse my desire for him. It’s working. Deliciously so. I can feel that familiar curl of excitement in my stomach as his lips caress and nip and take from mine at the same time I am taking my fill from his.
As he continues to kiss my lips, drawing my tongue into his mouth to play gently with his, I can also feel his hands sliding over the curves of my body that are covered by the slick satin of my gown. I can feel his hand move to my thigh where the bottom of my nightgown is and I can feel the heat and faint roughness of his fingers as he strokes my smooth fair skin, beginning to reach under my gown, moving further up along the outside of my thigh until he reaches the curve of my hip and the small string of fabric of my panties stretched across that hip.
He fingers that string for a moment before moving his hand along that string around to the back where there is more satin covering my ass. No more satin fabric, he is thinking to himself, I want to feel satin skin. I can feel his fingers move under the elastic at the top of my panties, and suddenly it’s both of his hands there, moving underneath that satin, cupping my ass in his hands as they rove over and over the silky smooth skin there.
I’m becoming breathless as I feel his hands moving and stroking my ass at the same time we are kissing each other senseless. Just when I think I’m going to pass out from lack of oxygen, he breaks our kiss and at the same time I can feel him pushing my panties down over my hips to my thighs. Holding my gaze with his, I can feel his hands brushing down my legs as he removes my now damp panties from me.
Without a
glance at them, he flings them toward my robe at the foot of the bed. His hands return immediately to their place underneath my gown at my ass, stroking me from the tops of my thighs where my ass begins, over the smooth curves to the small of my back, then around the side to the swell of my hip as it meets my leg.
I’m so turned on by the hunger I can feel in his touch. His hands now begin an upward journey to my waist and beyond. However, my gown is designed in such a way that he can’t reach any further underneath it. ‘This needs to come off,’ Jens whispers urgently to me. I agree whole-heartedly.
He begins bunching the satin fabric between his fingers as he moves it steadily up my body, revealing as he goes flashes of white skin and curves…lower abdomen, belly button, rib cage, and finally my large breasts with their hardened tips. He continues until I raise my arms and he pulls the gown from me completely. It’s now at the foot of the bed with everything else.
I lay there on my side close to him and again I can feel his eyes lazily survey my naked body from head to toe. His gaze is like a caress I can feel.
I feel the need to give his body the same thorough inspection he has just given mine. I remember something he said to me once, about how amazing he found a woman’s body, my body in particular, to be. How mysterious and with so much to explore and understand, that you could spend the rest of your life with it and it would never lose it’s fascination for you. I feel the same way about his body. When I told him that, he scoffed at me and said that men’s bodies are nothing mysterious or beautiful like women are. I have to disagree with him on that. The body of Jens is endlessly fascinating to me.
I move my hands from where they have been holding and caressing his face as we kissed, down his neck and throat to his broad shoulders and strong arms. I love that feeling of strength I can feel under the tautness of his warm skin. I really could just cling to him and revel in that strength. I move my small delicate hands to his chest and rub the flat of my palms up and down and across the broad expanse there, feeling the tickle of hair against my palms.
Moving down I caress his stomach and feel his muscles clench in anticipation of my hands moving even further down. I don’t disappoint him as I continue moving my hands down to where I can feel the pubic hair begin that cradles the very essence of him. I hurriedly shove his boxers down and off. They join the foot of the bed too.
Jens is already semi-erect as I grasp him lovingly in my hand and I suddenly know what I want to do to arouse him completely. Escaping the feeling of his hands roving gently over my back, I nudge him over onto his back and I scoot down until my face is even with his cock. As I hold his hard shaft in my hand, I breathe warm soft puffs of air over the satiny head of his cock and the liquid that has already accumulated there. I can see him twitch in excitement. Good.
Still keeping up the stream of air directed at his cock, I move my face closer and closer until I can reach him with my tongue. Using just my tongue, I lick the head of his cock over and over again, lapping at the precum that continues to accumulate there. I then move my tongue to that special spot, just below the head underneath and allow my tongue to follow that ridge back and forth, back and forth.
I can hear him begin to moan in excitement and move his hips to try to get my mouth more fully on his cock, over him, around him. I decide to end the teasing and do just that. As I open my mouth wide to engulf the head of his cock, I can feel his hand move to the back of my head to hold me there.
I gently suck on him and move my tongue along the bottom of his cock as I take him more fully into my mouth. I move my head back and forth slowly, allowing his cock to move smoothly along my tongue, feeling the vacuum and friction I create as I suck on him. His hand at the back of my head is gentle in it’s stroking of my hair as he holds me connected to him, not wanting me to let go just yet. I continue. When he is at a fully erect state, Jens reluctantly pulls me away from him.
‘You need to stop now, Kim honey, or I’m not going to last. How do you want this? Tell me what you want, I want to give you everything you need.’
I take my place at his side again, laying on my left side. I pull at him to resume his former position on his side facing me. ‘I want it like this,’ I tell him as I scoot closer to his body and raise my leg to hook it over his leg, exposing my pussy fully to him now. Okay, we’ve never done it like this, but that seems to be OK with Jens.
He starts to caress my breasts, cupping me in his large hands and tweaking at my nipples with his thumb and forefinger. I shake my head at him. ‘I don’t need that, I’m ready for you now,’ I tell him breathlessly. Sure enough, his fingers confirm the truth of my statement, as he feels the abundance of moisture that has collected at my pussy. ‘Please, now Jens. I need to feel you inside of me now.’
Taking his cock in his hand, he brings himself closer to the glistening wetness of my pussy. He can feel the heat emanating from me as he approaches. He needs me closer to him, so he takes my leg where it rests on his upper thigh and moves it higher up so that it curves around his waist. So natural. So right. He tries to be gentle as he eases himself inside of me, because he’s not convinced I’m really ready yet.
I easily welcome his cock inside of me, until I can feel that he has completely buried all of his 7 inches in me. I let out a sigh of pure happiness. I know he loves the feeling of being inside of me so completely, but I don’t think he knows that I crave to be inside of him too.
In this position, I feel completely surrounded by Jens. His right arm is underneath my body, around my waist as he grips my ass and holds me even tighter against him. His left arm is at my upper back and shoulders, pressing my breasts tight against his lower chest. His legs are between mine, my face is pressed against his shoulder and I’m giving him little love bites. I’m engulfed by him, there’s not a part of me that isn’t connected to him. It’s as it should be.
He begins a gentle rocking motion with his hips. Not really so much sliding in and out of me as he is just grinding our hips together. Mmmm, this feels so good. I begin mimicking his motions, tracing my hands along his back and down to his hips too. Cupping his ass in my hands and holding him tightly against me too.
Jens feels the need to move though, the grinding just isn’t enough now. It’s hard to move in long strokes in this position, so he takes up a rhythm of short, hard, fast strokes. It’s jarring to me each time he comes inside me, but I love the feeling of him being so much a part of me and me being part of him. I bury my head in his shoulder as I let him take me to that place where there is nothing but the two of us.
His motions are becoming less rhythmic and more erratic as he gets closer and closer to cumming. He knows I’m liking what he’s doing, but he can’t tell if I’m close to orgasm or not. He reaches his hand between our bodies to reach my clit and hopefully help me along.
I shake my head no into his shoulder. It isn’t going to happen for me, I can tell, and I’m not going to lie and fake it for him. Besides, this isn’t about cumming for me, it’s about bridging a gulf between Jens and I, it’s about healing something inside of me with his tender lovemaking. Somehow, (and I don’t know how), I’m able to communicate this to him without saying a word. Continuing our desperate thrusting, I raise my head from his shoulder to finally meet his eyes.
‘I want you to cum for me, Jens. I want to feel you cum inside of me. Let go darling and give it all to me, please.’ I continue stroking his body everywhere as I urge him to surrender himself to me. I can feel him begin that unavoidable climb to his peak as he desperately holds me ag
ainst him, frantically thrusting inside the heat and warmth of my body. Then…I feel him bury himself deeply inside of me and he is letting go, filling me up with his hot cum in an exclamation of joy and release that begins and ends with my name.
I can’t bear to let him go just yet. I cradle him against me as he fights to regain his breath and control the shaking of his limbs. I feel the sting of tears in my eyes and I struggle to hide them from him, since I know he won’t understand that it is simply the joy of being connected to him again.
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Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Runt sat beside him, the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had taken a liking...
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Hi guys! At the outset, thanks for an immense amount of positive revert on my previous story (link on top). Just a quick re-iteration about me, born and brought up in south delhi, a fair and attractive young boy with athletic body. Horny by nature yet conservative in outrightly approaching women for pure sex a.K.A casual flings due to an apprehension of discretion. This is a long yet true incident of how posting the first story in iss landed me two sexual encounters within a week. Since my...
I am regular iss reader for the last 6 yrs & thankful to iss team for such a good platform and collection of stories. I have posted my experience earlier also (1. Me and my bubbly niece in incest section, 2. My lustful journey with my young patient). Hi I’m a doctor with average physique n 7″ long n 3″ thick tool. I’ve experience of satisfying many ladies( some of them friends and few patients too). Any lady (aunt/ bhabhi/ girl in and around Lucknow / Delhi NCR / Allahabad) please do contact...
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He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
I won’t bother writing about my own indoctrination. It happened almost two years before Cathy’s and was almost identical. They’re even used the same ass hook. I was the fifth female so honored, while Cathy was number ten and Eve’s combination anal hook and vaginal gang bang initiation brought the number of girls and couples in our “club” to eleven. Before my own initiation I probably wouldn’t even dream I could have enjoyed such treatment. Fortunately the girl never knows exactly what’s...
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IncestSo after writing my second post yesterday I really had fun doing it and was pretty worked up thinking about old times and I had to continue to try and find a cock to suck after many months of doing nothing and just recently beginning to explore options. No glory holes though, I wanted something different and challenging that I had to find and work for. The hunt was just as much fun. I've spent the past month looking, driving for a half hour after work, with my zipper down, underwear pulled over...
hello... this is the work of fiction... do not read if you are not old enough... and you know who you are... post-halloween costume by don davidson hi... it's november 5th now... 5 days after halloween... and i'm still in my costume... i can't believe i got my self into this mess... i'm still in the basement... she hasn't let me out yet... my hair is a little longer, she's touched up the makeup, my lips a still a bright red, mascara, blush on my cheeks.. she shaved...
Hi friends. I’m back. I request you guys to kindly read my previous stories and then come to this in order to have a proper flow of the story line. I assure you won’t be able to read the previous stories and finally reach up to this one without touching your genitals. So keep a box of tissue by your side. As you all know my maid who I started referring as Surekha RANI(queen) has started to mate with me and the night the chawl girls took me to her house for my suhagrat. I was about to drink the...
For those who have read my By the Sea stories and enjoyed them, the following series may please also. It finds the loving couple at home after their seaside vacation. Comments and observations--both praise and instruction--always are welcome. toy aka searic Post-Sea Saga Back to the mundane workaday world, my lovely wife-Mistress and I were careful to keep active the intense fulfillment and just plain fun of our D/s life. This could range from an entire weekend of play, beginning...
Post-Sea Saga Part II Note: this is a continuation of the author's series on the adventures of a couple deeply in love, who explore together the delights of D/s, with him as the eagerly willing submissive to her exquisite and loving Dominant. Currently, they are in the process of turning him into a humiliated sissy cuckold. "Clean me, little pussy," my wife commanded, and I moved between her legs, licking and swallowing the juices that coated her pussy as well the remnants of my...
Post-Sea Saga Part III (Wife/Mistress of our happy subbie has instructed him to make arrangements so that they can act on their long-discussed plans for his ultimate service and humiliation. Both believe that this will draw them closer together, more than ever before.) Monday morning found me calling the yard/pool service with an explicit request that Billy be sent out. I asked that he come the following Saturday and was assured that he would be there...
Post Sea Saga Part IV Spying from the living room, I remembered that I hadn't seen the kid for a while and had never paid that much attention to him, but knowing that someone is going to fuck your wife tends to focus the attention. Billy was wearing ragged cutoffs and a faded red tee shirt. His feet were in a pair of Reeboks. His hair was blond, maybe faded from the sun--he had a deep tan from his work outdoors--and it was long enough to look a...
Post-Sea Saga Part V (For those who have followed the saga thus far, many thanks. For those who have not, it would be useful for you to check out at least the last two segments of the adventures of a loving wife and husband who also are Domina and submissive little sissy slut.) I watched the movement of her body as she walked away from me and burned with love and desire for her. I felt deep humiliation at the thought of what was going to...
I'd just had another great night clubbing, and I was crashing at home with a couple of guys I'd met while out. We were all sitting there, d****d on the couch, talking shit and laughing about the night we had just had.I decided I needed a shower, so I left them there and jumped in. It felt so good, washing away the night, the warm water coursing down my body. As I enjoyed the water rushing over my face, I felt a finger running its way along my ass crack. I turned around fast, and there was...
It was so easy. I was thinking about our relationship now. My husband (at the time) and I were participating in a special archeological study of a tribe which had no previous contact with modern man. We are both in our early 30s. I am rather tall at 5' 10" 140 lbs. with long blond hair and (if I do say so myself) a killer body!) Stan, my husband, was a shrimp at 5' 6", 120 lbs. with a physic of a child. He had longish brown hair with somewhat gentle features. A real Nerd! ...
It is often said that opposites attract and I believe that is true. I also think the same theme applied when one is experimenting with having cuckold fun. My wife Sarah and I got into the sex with others thing about 10 years ago and it became something we really only did on holidays. Sarah was very particular about who she takes as a sexual partner and what she will do with them.Firstly, they must have a big cock, certainly over 8 inches but preferably bigger, unless she is in the mood for anal...
Out here at “beautiful” Pebble Creek U. (a.k.a. the State U. of New York at Stony Brook, home of mud and fluffies), we have a fairly active science fiction club, the Science Fiction Forum. Now, in addition to the standard library and games and MUDding and whatnot, we have some pretty wild people. Most of them are “active” fen (as in, go to cons, filk in their spare time, do weird murals on their dorm walls type of fen). We tend to kinda sorta of live in the Forum...
Author’s Note: Kwajalein is a real place, as is the battle, the sunken Prinz Eugen, even the two pine trees. I encourage you to google the island. Chapter 3 Depart: 8:20 a.m. Arrive: 5:40 p.m. Tues., May 29 Tues, May 29 Guam (GUM) Kwajalein, Marshall Isl (KWA) One stop. Time on ground 0.45 Travel Time: 7 hr 20 mn Distance: 1,590 miles Flight:UA755 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Y) Meal: Breakfast No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: The previous night had a surreal...
POSTCARDS. BY CASSANDRA ANACONDA MORRISON Tiresias Tiresias (tire' shes, -sees) (tire' shes, -sees), in Greek mythology, blind soothsayer who appears in many legends, and who, according to Ovid's METAMORPHOSES, lived for 20 years as a man and 20 years as a woman. FRANK & DORIS CASWELL April 17 1974 Riverton Blvd. Apt. 9 Honeywell, Tx 79606 Dear Frank & Doris: Well, our trip got off to a great start. The wife and I are really enjoying...
[This postcard is about Deidre, whose wife has signed him up for a weekend of training as a Restoration chambermaid.] Postcards from The Estate: Deidre's First Day By Eugene Webber As he checked his e-mail, Colin was surprised to find a message for Deidre, his feminine alter-ego. The only other person who knew of her was his wife. At her insistence, Deidre was kept securely in the closet except for one or two weekends a month, and then they went several hundred miles away to...
POSTCARDS FROM THE ESTATE: MY WIFE, MY PIMP, PART 1: I BECOME A WOMAN 1946EW "Remember," my wife said, kissing the tip of her forefinger and pressing it to my lips lightly, so as not to muss my lipstick, "Keep track of everything you do with the St. Clairs. We've let them have too many extras." I kissed her finger looking directly into he eyes. Wordlessly, I opened the passenger side door and swung my nylon-encased legs out, planting my three-inch heels firmly on the pavement...
Depart: 8:20 a.m. Arrive: 5:40 p.m. Tues., May 29 Tues, May 29 Guam (GUM) Kwajalein, Marshall Isl (KWA) One stop. Time on ground 0.45 Travel Time: 7 hr 20 mn Distance: 1,590 miles Flight:UA755 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Y) Meal: Breakfast No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: The previous night had a surreal quality. For one thing, it was the middle of the day in New Jersey. Sean can fall asleep any time, anywhere, which is a skill I envy. He says he...
Hello luke you here a voice behind you as you turn back you see a dude shining with a staff that has a dildo on it. I am new sex god Eros and I am going to make you luke my first apostle. luke asks whay do you mean by new god what happened to old one. Well Eros replied he had enough of it so he reliquished his powers to me his first apostle and became a demigod and left. luke asks so there are more apostles and what is a demigod and what happened to other aposles. erros anwered there are more...
Mind ControlThis is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696Postapocalyptic reality 3http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-3-664235Postapocalyptic reality 4http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-4-702206Postapocalyptic reality 5http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-5-758359Postapocalyptic reality...
I looked up from my book at the sound of whoops and cheers from the basement. Smiling, I picked up my iPhone and checked on the hockey game that my husband and his two buddies were watching. It was over and “our” team had won handily, five goals to two. That was my signal. Putting my book aside, I got up and slipped off my sweatpants and sweatshirt. Underneath, I wore a pink satin bra with some black lace trim. It uplifted but barely contained my ample assets. Down below, I wore matching...
Wife LoversThis is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696Postapocalyptic reality 3http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-3-664235Postapocalyptic reality 4http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-4-702206Postapocalyptic reality 5http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-5-758359Postapocalyptic reality...
This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696Postapocalyptic reality 3http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-3-664235Postapocalyptic reality 4http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-4-702206Postapocalyptic reality 5http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-5-758359Postapocalyptic reality...
This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696Postapocalyptic reality 3http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-3-664235Postapocalyptic reality 4http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-4-702206Postapocalyptic reality 5http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-5-758359Postapocalyptic reality...
This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696Postapocalyptic reality 3http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-3-664235Postapocalyptic reality 4http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-4-702206Postapocalyptic reality 5https://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-5-758359Postapocalyptic reality...
Miriam had always considered kissing other women or better yet having sex with them as really weird. Not really the ‘it’s unnatural’ angle, rather the ‘not my kind of tea’ one. It had taken a collapse of society, a civil war with even less people winning than a normal one and a year of living a life as a scavenger to change her opinion, but now it was thoroughly changed.Maybe it had been coming to the realization that having sex with another woman was far less ‘having sex’ and far more ‘playing...