Bullied by My Stepbrothers
- 3 years ago
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Autofellating Brother?
1- Kim's bedroom: Saturday January 7th 2012"Ohhh myyyy gawd!" Almost shrieked. Coming from Sarah. I looked over.
"What?" Nikki asked before I could.
"He's sucking his own penis," Sarah said as she pointed at the computer that was sitting on her lap.
"Who is?" Megan asked, unable to keep a giggle from her voice.
"It's huge ... look," Sarah said as she turned the computer towards Megan and Nikki who were both sitting on the other side of my queen sized bed. I still couldn't see anything.
"What is?" I asked as I stretched and tried to peer around Sarah.
"His big cock!"
"Whose big cock?" What the hell is she talking about I wondered as I took another sip from my beer.
"That is so sick," Megan said as she stared at the screen.
"I mean how long do you think it is? Ten inches?" Nikki asked.
"More like twelve," Sarah answered, then started to giggle.
"That's like two of Tim's," my best friend said as she grabbed the computer from Sarah's hands. Tim was Nikki's boyfriend. Her latest anyway.
All four of us who were lounging on my bed that night were freshmen (or fresh women!) at Temple University.
Nikki and I, Philly locals, were still living at home while Sarah and Megan were roommates in Peabody Hall, a dormitory on campus. And definitely not the best one! School still hadn't started, we were due for our first class of the term on the following Monday morning. My parents and little brother had decamped for the weekend – mom and dad were taking Mike on a tour of three upstate colleges – so I'd decided to invite the girls to spend the weekend at my house. Sarah and Megan had gotten back to campus on Friday but none of our boyfriends were due to arrive back until Sunday.
So we'd been alone. A girls weekend! Which was the reason why four nineteen year old college beauties (we are!) found themselves lounging around my bedroom at one in the morning in our pj's. None of us were drunk but we were all feeling pretty darn good. We'd gone clubbing for a while earlier and then had broken out the beer when we'd gotten back to my place.
Music was playing. The TV was on. Four cell phones lay on the bed or floor. Megan had her IPad in her lap. Sarah had been checking out her computer as the conversation had echoed back and forth in my room. Which had brought us to the guy who was sucking his cock. Which I'd finally been allowed to see when Sarah turned her computer towards me.
And yes the screen did show a guy, a teenager, lying on his back with his cock in his mouth. My first thought was that it was impossible and the video was a fake. "They photo-shopped it or something," I said as I watched the guy pumping his penis into his mouth. "It's impossible!"
"He's going to dislocate his back if he keeps that up," Megan opined.
"Talk about a deep throat," Nikki added in a voice that didn't hide the obvious awe she was feeling for the feat she was watching on the screen.
"Look, it's called auto fellatio," Megan announced as she studied whatever she was seeing on her IPad. "Here's what Wikipedia says about it," she added as she started to read aloud: "Few men possess sufficient flexibility and penis length to safely perform the necessary frontbend. However, increased flexibility achieved via gravity-assisted positions, and physical training such as gymnastics, contortion, or yoga may make it possible for some. Biologists Craig Bartle and Alfred Charles Kinsey reported that fewer than 1% of males can successfully orally contact their own penis and that only 2 or 3 men in a thousand could perform a full autofellatio."
"I'm pretty sure your Kyle isn't one of the one percent," Nikki said to me with a laugh. My best friend was making fun of my boyfriend?
"Yeah like Toothpick Tim is," I responded, giving her a shot back.
"And the guy's not even black," Megan said with a sigh.
"Here's another one," Sarah offered as she held up her computer.
"He's a fucking contortionist," Megan screeched as we all watched the guy on the screen. He was bent like a pretzel.
"His cock's not as big as the other guys," Nikki commented as the guy manipulated every inch of his cock into his mouth and down his gagging throat.
"Here's something else," Megan said as she held up her IPad. Then she started to read from some web page: "Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues reported in Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male, that, 'a considerable portion of the population does record attempts at self-fellation, at least in early adolescence'. Sadly, given our species pesky ribcage and hesitant spine, only about one in a thousand are able to achieve the feat.
"I'm going to ask Tim if he's ever tried," Nikki announced.
"Here's something else," Sarah said as she looked up from her computer. "Young guys are more likely to be able to do it because they're way more flexible. It says here that once a guy hits twenty-five or thirty it's almost impossible. Only one in ten thousand can do it. The really big, big boys," she added with a laugh.
"We should all ask our boyfriends if they can do it," Nikki suggested.
"There's no way Sean can do it," Megan answered, referring to her boyfriend.
"Too small?" Nikki teased.
"Too much beer," Megan answered. Sean, at twenty, already had grown a beer belly.
"Zach?" I asked Sarah. He was her boyfriend.
"I don't think so," she answered. "He may have seven inches but he's not very flexible."
"Zach has seven inches?" I asked. I couldn't keep the surprise from my voice.
"Uh huh. How about Kyle? He's pretty athletic."
"Around six," I offered, shaking my head no, surprised that Zach, a nerdy type, and a Drexel student, was bigger than my boyfriend.
"So probably none of our boyfriends can do it," Nikki summarized as Sarah held up her computer. She'd found another video of some guy doing it.
"We've got to find somebody who can do it," Nikki said determinedly. "We must know someone who's got a big cock and who's flexible. Surely Temple's got some auto whatever you called it," she told Sarah. As it turned out none of us did. We'd all had more than one lover; in fact as we went over names it turned out that as a foursome we'd had sixteen total lovers over the years – Nikki five, Sarah and I four each, and Megan three.
But we didn't think that any of them had had the requisite cock length required combined with the flexibility of a contortionist.
"Asian guys are flexible," Megan offered at one point. "Surely one of your guys must have been able to do it," she told Sarah. Sarah was a Chinese-American.
"I've only slept with one Chinese guy and he had a micro cock," Sarah answered, unable to hide her exasperation.
After that we sorta moved on to other things. We watched a few more videos. We talked. We laughed. We drank. Megan passed out just after two. Minutes later, out of the blue, Nikki said the fateful words. "What about Mikey," was all she said.
"Mikey who? And what about him, whoever he is?" Sarah asked.
"Don't you remember Kim's little brother?" Nikki asked. It was about then I started to pay attention.
"Little Mikey? The cute guy? He's like fifteen," Sarah scoffed. Sarah had grown up in our neighborhood. The third member of the Kim/Nikki/Sarah troika that had been inseparable in Junior High. Then her dad had been transferred to Chicago when we were all thirteen and we'd lost her. It was only when she'd come back for her freshman year that we'd been able to reunite. She hadn't seen my brother since he was eleven or twelve.
"Remember what a little scamp he was?" Nikki asked. "Remember when we used to take him to the park and he'd play on the bars? He was like a fucking monkey." We all laughed, even I. My brother had always been doing some crazy contortion or somersault when he'd been young.
"How old is he now?" Sarah asked.
"Eighteen! A high school senior," Nikki said with a gleam in her eye. The Nikster had always been the troublemaker in our group and I suddenly didn't like where she was going.
"Little Mikey's eighteen? No way!" came from Sarah.
"And he's mucho good looking. He's got teenyboppers following him everywhere," she added. "Which means..."
"Which means nothing!" I insisted.
"Which means he must have a big cock," Nikki finished.
"Mikey has a big cock?"
"He does not!"
"That's not what I heard," Nikki said with a leer. Which was bullshit and we both knew it. She didn't know anything about my little brother's cock.
"Have you seen it Kim?" Sarah asked me.
"Of course not! God, what do you think? That I'm sneaking around trying to check out my brother's penis? Besides, I'm sure it's not that big." I'd never thought of my brother's penis before that night. Never. He was my little brother for crying out loud. He was a boy!
"He's flexible too." Which came from Nikki who was ignoring every word I said. "All swimmers are flexible, they have to be. And they all also have to have big penises," she added. I was ready to strangle her!
"They do?" Sarah asked, clearly trying to encourage Nikki even if she didn't believe her.
"Do you think any self respecting, heterosexual, eighteen year old male is going to wander around in one of those little gay Speedo bathing suits if he doesn't have a big package? Nooooooooo way! I read somewhere, Sports Illustrated I think, that swimmers have the largest penises of all the athletes in the Olympic Games. Guys with small dicks always drop out of swimming because they're embarrassed."
I couldn't help but laugh. Nikki had never read a page of Sports Illustrated in her life. But the picture she was painting was funny.
"Really?" Sarah asked.
"And have you ever watched a race? At the start they bend right over and touch their toes. They're as flexible as orangutans. If they didn't have their little Speedos on they could all just stay on the blocks and have a cock sucking contest. Swallowing for gold." All three of us were giggling by the time Nikki finished her spiel.
"You are such a slut," I finally offered through my giggles. Visions of eight guys standing next to a pool and sucking their cocks were bouncing around all of our heads.
"Which means that Kim's brother Mikey is our number one prime candidate if we ever want to find an auto fellater or whatever Megan called it," Nikki concluded.
Soon after all of us fell asleep. Or passed out. Sometime during the night I got up to pee. And then detoured into my brother's room on the way back to mine. His door had been open. There were three girls sleeping in my bed. I jumped into Mikey's. Within seconds I was back in dreamland.
My head was throbbing when I woke up the next morning. The smell of coffee was wafting through the room.
"Wake up sleepyhead!" Nikki's voice.
"Leave me alone," I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. Where was I?
"I've never been in here before ... not for at least ten years anyway," my best friend said as my eyes finally recognised my brother Mikey's bedroom. Somehow during the night I'd transferred myself from my bed to his. I had no memory of it.
"Coffee ... give me coffee," I pled as I reached for the mug in Nikki's left hand. She passed it over to me even as she took a sip from the mug in her other hand.
"So this is where the little self-sucker lives. We can investigate," she said as she walked over to my brothers desk and then opened the center drawer.
"Don't! It's his stuff, we shouldn't," I said.
"Hah! Brothers are always spying on their sisters. Why can't we?" Nikki asked as she opened another drawer.
"It's not right."
"Maybe we'll find a picture of him ... naked!" Nikki answered with a leer.
"You're such a slut," I accused as I tried to get up from the bed. My head was spinning.
"See if he really has a big, big cock," she added.
"He doesn't have a big cock!"
"You said you'd never seen it. Don't you remember, I explained to you last night that they all have big cocks."
"Which was total bullshit," I answered. Nikki continued to poke through my brother's drawers. First his desk and then his dresser.
"Would you wander around in one of these if you had a small cock?" she asked as she pulled a red Speedo from my brother's dresser and then held it up.
"Put that back," I ordered. As if Nikki could be stopped once she was on a roll. A second later she stepped into it and started to pull it up her legs. All she'd been wearing was a sleepshirt and as I watched her pull the swimming suit up her thighs I saw her pubic hair.
"Oh my gawwwwd! You don't have any panties on," I accused as she pulled them all the way up. "You'll get them--"
"Get them what? Do you think I have cooties or something?"
"Still," I answered. The thought of my brother pulling his bathing suit on after Nikki had worn it was more than troubling. Nikki pubic hairs mixing with my brothers? Gross.
"Look, if a guy has a small dick this is what you'd see," she said as she slipped a finger down into the suit and started to wiggle it. I couldn't help laughing. "A teensy, weensy little worm bobbing in the water."
"You're sick," I said through my giggles.
"Now let's try the Black Avenger. Where is he?" she asked as turned and headed for the bedroom door.
"Don't you dare," I squealed as I threw myself out of bed. Badly hung-over, I stumbled before I'd gotten two steps. "Don't you dare touch him," I yelled at the retreating back of my friend as I lay on the floor. A laughing guffaw was her only answer. The 'Black Avenger', a name Nikki had coined, was a dildo. My black dildo. My rainy day friend. My seven inch dildo that I only used occasionally. That's my story anyway.
"You are the biggest slut in the whole world," I accused when she reappeared a minute later. Sarah, giggling, was trailing after her. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was the 'Black Avenger' that was clearly outlined through Mike's Speedo. You couldn't miss it through the thin cloth of the suit.
"See," she said triumphantly, "you can see the ridge, even the vein in it through the suit." The 'Black Avenger' was one hundred percent realistic!
"I'll kill you. Now take that out!"
"I think the three of us should all go to your brother's next swim meet," my best friend answered as she wiggled her hips at me. "See his big avenger"...
2- Kyle Murrays dorm room: Wednesday January 11th 2012Before I go any farther with my story let me just say that I'm not a slut! I don't sleep around indiscriminately. I've had sex with four boys in my life. Just four in my whole life! My high school boyfriend. A guy last summer I met at the camp I was working at. One mistake my second week at school with a frat boy. And then Kyle my current boyfriend.
So I'm not a slut. In fact, outside of that one time, I've been pretty darn careful. But I do like sex! A lot.
I've been going with Kyle Murray since early November. Like me he's a freshman. He's from Dayton, Ohio. He's six feet tall and weighs about one eighty-five. He's nice. I didn't sleep with him until I'd known him for over a month and had gone out on five dates with him. Which shows you how careful I really am.
His penis is just over six inches long. It's a very serviceable penis. I like it. I hadn't had sex before that Wednesday afternoon since he'd gone home for Christmas break weeks earlier. So I was due. I was horny. Wednesday afternoons had sorta become a regular occurrence for us since we'd started sleeping together. It was the one time in the week that we had total privacy. Neither of us had classes that afternoon while his roommate did from one until five.
And that was why I was in my boyfriends bed that day. I'd just been fucked. It had been pretty darn good.
"I missed him," I said as I ran my fingers through his pubic hair and then onto the still semi hard, and now very sticky, shaft.
"You didn't miss me?" Kyle asked.
"You? No way, just this big guy," I teased as I leaned over and planted a wet kiss on the head of his cock. Boy's love being told they're big!
"You're bad," my boyfriend groaned as his cock stiffened.
Cocksucking isn't my favorite pastime since I have always had trouble getting much more than three or four inches into my mouth and I don't particularly like the taste of the stuff. But what the heck, Kyle had deserved a little Xmas present from his sweetie. So I gave him my best shot. Mind you I pulled away well before he came and mounted him. My pussy needed some attention too!
So he came for a second time that afternoon inside me. I didn't quite get there. But that was all right. My vagina was tingling and I liked the feeling of his sperm inside me.
"Do you masturbate a lot?" I asked as we lay on our backs recovering.
"Not with you around," Kyle answered, then leaned over and kissed me.
"Did you used to? Like when you were in high school?"
"Sometimes," he conceded warily.
"Every day? Rubbing your big cock," I encouraged as I leaned over and put my hand around him. Then started to pump him.
"Christ Kim, you'll kill me," he groaned.
And then I asked him! I actually asked him if he'd ever tried to suck his own cock. "Did you ever try to get this big fatboy into your mouth?"
"WHAT!" He denied it at first. Asked me if I thought he was some gay boy or something. But then I told him what Megan had read us, pretending that we'd stumbled across it accidently.
"They say every guy tries it at least once. That's its completely, one hundred percent normal," I told him. Then added, "the article even said that the guys who don't try it are the abnormal ones." It hadn't said that at all but I figured it would get him talking.
He finally conceded he'd tried. When he was younger. He told me that he'd almost touched it with his tongue. He was watching me carefully when he said it. I knew I'd better encourage him some more. "They said only one in one thousand can do it, the real freaks," I told him. "Besides this big guy is made for a woman's mouth." My boyfriend smiled. Later I asked him about sperm. Whether he'd ever tasted his...
3- Campus Coffee Shop: Monday, January 16th 2012"He can't do it."
"Who can't do it? And what can't he do?" Nikki asked back. The two of us were sitting in the campus coffee shop.
"Suck it."
"Suck whaaa-" Nikki stopped in mid question. She'd figured it out. "Kyle?" I nodded. She looked around to see if anyone could hear us before asking, "Kyle can't suck his own cock? You asked him?" I nodded. Nikki started to laugh. I smiled. "And you accuse me of being a slut," my best friend said derisively.
"He has tried though. Like when he was younger. But he said he couldn't quite reach."
"That's because he's got a small cock," Nikki said dismissively.
"Hah! As if Timothy Grant is Mr. Well Endowed." Tim was Nikki's current boyfriend.
She laughed then said, "He can't either."
"You asked him?"
"What do ya think? Of course I did. I mean that's all you weirdoes were talking about the other night."
"We weirdoes? It was you that-"
Nikki would never admit to anything. So I got back to the subject at hand. "So he's tried it?"
"He said he had a long time ago. He said the tip of his tongue almost touched it."
"Yeah, in his dreams," I scoffed. "Did he admit to ever tasting his cum?"
"Like I was going to ask him if he liked sperm?"
"I asked Kyle."
"No way!"
"I went down on him. The other day ... after we'd had sex," I told my friend.
"I thought you didn't like giving blowjobs."
"It was a late Christmas gift," I said with a grin. "Anyway, while I was doing it I turned my body so that my legs were over his face."
"A sixty-nine?"
I nodded. "But he wouldn't. Said he didn't want to lick me when I was full of his own cum. That it was gross."
"I hoped you stopped sucking him."
"It was a Christmas present," I answered. "Anyway, once I'd finished I asked him about it. Asked him if he'd ever tasted his sperm."
"They all do. At least once," Nikki said authoritatively. "I read about it in Cosmo or somewhere."
"He denied it at first. But then finally admitted it. Said he just wanted to know what it was like. But that he'd only done it once! And hated it. And then had rinsed out his mouth like six times."
"Yeah and we're supposed to like it," Nikki groused. "The little perv probably loved it." Nikki had never been a big fan of my Kyle...
4- Wilson Home: Tuesday, January 24th 2012 8:03 a.m.Even though he's only one year behind me in school I'm almost twenty months older than my little brother Mike. He'd just turned eighteen.
My first class on Tuesday mornings is Soc 101 – Introduction to Sociology. It's an 8:30 a.m. tutorial. It had been cancelled for that morning because the TA who ran it, a PhD student, had a dentist appointment. Which meant that I hadn't got up at my usual 7:00 that morning, nor had I left the house at 7:30 with mom like I usually did on Tuesdays. My parents left our house at the same time every workday morning, dad at 7:20 to drive to his job at the insurance company downtown and mom at 7:30 to her accounting job in the North Village. And seeing that mom worked less than a half mile from campus I always caught a ride with her on the days I had early classes. Which was Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday and Thursdays I got to sleep in.
Which meant that Mike believed he was home alone when he walked out of the bathroom at 8:03 that morning. Drying his hair as he walked. With nothing else on! Naked as a jaybird as they say. I was walking towards him. Dressed and on my way down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I stopped. Looked. Gasped. Looked again. Oh my gawd!
For ten seconds neither of us moved. Mike's mouth had popped open. My eyes had! For second after second neither of us said anything. I should have turned away. Or said something. I didn't. Instead my eyes locked onto the thing hanging between his legs. And stayed locked on it.
Mike should have said something. And he definitely should have quickly covered himself with the towel. But he hadn't. It was like the two of us were frozen in some slow motion tableau.
After what seemed like a minute, but was probably only ten or fifteen seconds, my little brother finally reacted. "Jeeesus," he finally muttered, then a quick, "sorry," before he rushed through his bedroom door and disappeared. But not before I caught a look at his naked butt. My brother was no longer a little boy!
Ten minutes later, as I was sitting at the kitchen table trying to swallow my morning cereal, Mike appeared. Fully dressed. Ready for school. My mind had been swirling with the images of what I'd seen for the last ten minutes.
"I didn't know you were still ... I thought you'd gone with mom ... I wouldn't have..." my little brother spluttered out.
"It's okay, I didn't really see anything," I answered as a blush spread across my face.
"You didn't?" We both knew I'd seen everything.
"Anyway, you're my brother, it's normal ... it was bound to happen sometime. I mean we do share a bathroom," I said as I got up from the table and carried my empty bowl to the sink. I just wanted to get the heck out of there.
"Still," Mike offered as I headed for the door. I knew if I stayed one minute longer I'd ask the question that had been on the tip of my tongue since I'd seen him naked. The hair thing.
5- Wilson Home: Monday January 30th 2012I didn't tell Nikki what I'd seen. No way! But don't kid yourself, what I'd seen was not easily forgotten. My brother had a large cock. I mean I hadn't seen it erect or anything but just hanging there it had been longer than Kyle's. And bigger around. And then there was the other thing!
It had been a strange week since I'd seen him. My brother's and my relationship with each other had been irrevocably changed. Knocked upside down. We hadn't mentioned the 'incident' once in the following days but it had been hanging over us every second we'd been together. I'd been nervous every time I'd run into him.
My brother was a man! He'd morphed from a cute younger brother, a pest at times but usually tolerated and even loved by his older sister, into this guy with a penis. A bald penis for crying out loud. And what the heck was with that I continually wondered as the days passed.
It will never happen again I tried to convince myself even while somewhere deep inside my brain I recognised that I wanted it to. That I wanted to see it again. I dreamed of it that week. Again and again. Both as I'd seen it and how I imagined it erect.
Monday was one of my regular sleep-in days. Days I didn't leave early with mom. My first class was only at ten. So Mike certainly couldn't use the excuse that he'd thought he was alone in the house when he exited the bathroom nude that morning. In fact I'm pretty sure he'd been listening for me, waiting for me to come out of my room. Had he wanted me to see him nude again as badly as I had wanted to?
"Sorry," he said when we almost bumped into each other. But he didn't sound sorry. Or act it. In fact I couldn't miss the insouciant pose he struck. Thrusting his hips out even as he pretended to be surprised. His cock was bigger than it had been the first time. It wasn't fully erect but it was certainly more than half way there. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Had he made it bigger purposely, rubbed it, before he'd left the bathroom I wondered as I watched it.
I stared. He caught me staring. Seconds passed. He finally turned and made as if to flee to his bedroom. I simply stood transfixed as I watched him. My brother's cock was beautiful. I mean it. It looked like the ones you see on the internet: big, strong, straight, the right color, the head perfectly shaped ... I snapped out of it just as he disappeared through his door.
Then, without conscious thought on my part, the words spilled from my lips. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
Mike reappeared. Still nude. Smiling. There was a look on his face that guys give girls they're trying to impress. It was a look he'd never given me before. "Sure. What?"
Don't ask him I tried to order my brain. It didn't listen. "Why don't you have any hair?" I didn't say pubic hair but he knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Here you mean?" as he held up his arms and exposed his hairless armpits. "Or do you mean my legs?" he asked.
"You're ... there," I said as I pointed at my brother's groin. He started to laugh. Then slowly ran his palm across his groin. A groin that sported only a light stubble of blond hairs.
"Do you really want to know?" I nodded yes even though what I really wanted to do was flee. "It was for the swim meet. The big one the week after Christmas. The State one."
"You're not supposed to shave down there."
"Just when it's a special occasion. For a big meet. We all do it."
"All? Who all? Surely not the girls..."
"It's sorta a team ritual. Just for the older members of the team. The night before the State meet. And only for those that qualified. We shave each other."
"What! Girls and boys together?"
"You can't tell anyone," my brother cautioned. I was having trouble keeping eye contact with him as my eyes continually darted downwards. "This year only Jennie Connors and Sue Graham and I qualified."
I knew my brother had gone to the meet. It had been held the second, third and fourth of January in Pittsburgh. "They shaved you? Your-" Mike nodded. "Where were the coaches? Christ they're supposed to be supervising you."
"You don't understand," he answered.
"Jennie Connors and Sue Graham shaved your prick and balls and I don't understand?" My brother raised his eyes in surprise at my use of the words prick and balls.
"It's for luck. To build team spirit," my brother answered.
"Team spirit! What about your girlfriend? What about Bonnie?"
"This has nothing to do with her. She's my girlfriend, this was sports." As he talked another wheel clicked in my brain.
"You didn't shave them?" he nodded. "Everywhere?" Another nod. And then Mikey launched into a full description of the group shaving. Two eighteen year old girls had lathered my brothers body. They'd shaved his arms, his legs, his stomach. Then they'd moved lower.
"Did you get an erection while they were doing it?" I interrupted. He nodded. For second after second the vision of two girls on their knees with razors in their hands facing my brothers cock bounced around my brain. "You didn't do anything else? Any sex stuff did you?" I finally asked.
"Of course not!" In a tone that asked, 'are you crazy'. "You can't have sex the night before a race. You can't waste the energy ... you'd never swim as fast. Everyone knows that."
Yeah right, I thought. You can spend all night shaving each other's private parts but you can't have sex. And I was about to tell him that when he said, "You only get to sleep with the girls if you place in your race. And only after the meet is over."
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IncestChapter I Damn him! Thirteen year old Karen looked at the bra she was putting away. One of the hooks was hanging to the material by only a thread or two. It hadn't been like that when she'd taken it off several days ago. It had to be her brother. Again. For the past couple of months she'd been suspecting that Tom had been trying on her underwear. This wasn't the first bra whose hooks looked like they'd been stretched much farther than her 32 A chest was capable. She couldn't...
Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...
After getting wet in the rain, her brother shares a storyThe chance to finally seeing my big brother Tommy again was making me nervous. Or maybe, I don't know, really excited. What I missed most about Tommy was just talking with him, well, listening really. Anytime we talked -- his voice just seemed to calm me down and make me feel SO good. During our last phone call I said, "I really miss you.""Oh Jackie, Please, don't sound so sad, I miss you too."Talking on the phone is wonderful, but it's...
"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...
I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me. Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my...
IncestLike Brother Like Sister By Trapper Jock McIntyre Authors note: Given the lack of female to male cross-dressing stories, I decided to dive into this genre. Scant few authors seem to handle the topic appropriately. Only one handles it properly, and to her/ him, I kozmically tip my hat. To further spur interest in the topic, I'd like this story to be a thought started for a female to male cross-dressing universe. I realize that the story here is lightweight as are the characters....
Inside Brother: the story of Mac n Nash WolfeMac walks over to the studio door and pulls the shade. He turns off the outer sign and locks the door. As his key turns in the deadbolt he takes a stern look over his shoulder and says, "Pretty boy, slide your ass across that counter and bring it into my reach. I need to worship." "Yes Mac, I'm coming." Nash replies, boyish adoration emanating from his smile. He lifts his lean, toned 180lbs by his arms and leans over the counter, then plops back to...
Sex education for my younger brotherThis story is how I have seduced my younger brother and became his lover and it is my darkest secret which I want to share. Although the attraction between us was mutual, it was more from my side and probably he initiated it.I am 25 years old woman, divorced my loser husband a year back, as he was useless in finance and even in bed. I was supporting that loser with my hard earned money and I am working as an architect in a reputed firm in Bangalore. After I...
My first lesbian experience, at least outside of my family, was with Brenda, my college freshman roomy. As things turned out, she had an older brother. He was married but like a lot of husbands, was ready for something new – or should I say “someone”. The best part was that it wasn’t just me he was interested in!When I was a freshman in college my roommate turned out not only to be extremely cute but bisexual as well. Brenda was the first girl I was with outside of my family and needless to...
I had never had any unpure thoughts about my older brother Rahul that is until by best friend Preeti started drooling over him. Rahul, I have to admit, was hot! He is about 6’0″ and 190lbs with short dirty blonde hair and almond shaped green eyes. He was 26 at the time and he got his own apartment. Preeti and I went over every Saturday that summer to go swim in the pool that my brothers apartments had. I was 18 and Preeti was 19. We became friends that year in art class in college. She was a...
IncestFreia had never quite felt like she fit in.It's the nature of being a step-sibling, and it's only amplified when your connection to the family isn't around any more. She knew that she was lucky, really, that her "father" had taken her in the way that he had after Freia's mother left town - he'd had no obligation to, and he'd never shown even a hint of resentment.They'd tried to include her, they'd done everything that they could, but nothing had helped. She didn't feel like she fit in, she'd...
Everyone has, or at least has had, sexual fantasies. I have various fantasies, but my biggest fantasy would be to watch my wife fuck another man. On the internet I regularly visit sites where people post erotic stories. I like almost all of them, and other than those involving pain, just about every erotic fantasy people write about is of interest to me, but I seem to be drawn to the cheating wife stories the most. While I read about someone’s wife sucking and fucking some other man, I...
Cheating"You're taking it easy today, right, Dad?" I kissed my father's cheek, leaning over the back of his chair to do it, and rubbing my hands over his chest. "I don't think I have much of a choice," he chuckled and put his right hand on top of mine, giving me a little squeeze. He was reading a magazine while my mother was upstairs, sleeping after her bath. She really had been worn out from the night before and then our little scene in the kitchen. I was off for downtown, to pay a visit...
“Why? What happened?” “Oh yeah, I never told you.” Hannah had a flair for being forgetful, but even as she hardened herself to tell me, it was clearly something she’d always remembered. “Well, when I was younger, my second oldest brother started molesting me.” “How so? Just kissing and touching?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “More than that,” Hannah paused. “He’d force me to suck his cock, he’d give me oral, and then he’d have sex with me.” “Did he ever say why?” I gave Hannah a look...
Hi, this is Nikki. I am 25years old girl with stats 32-26-36 and I am going to share my real sex experience and how I was seduced by my sweet Cousin Brother and had touched the heaven and treasure of sexual happiness. This is my real sex story. I am actually from Telangana state. I am married a year back and presently staying in the USA with my husband. It started with my cousin brother who is 33 years old and around 2 months back when one day my sweet brother started sending messages to me by...
Incest(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Slut Training with Brother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The moans drifted through the walls separating my classroom from Vicky Samuels's. A low, wanton groan of pure pleasure. I shivered, unable to resist myself. It was so much easier to forget about my financial problems through masturbation than worry how my husband would react when he learned I squandered our savings on online...
Cindy Tyler felt good as she pulled into her family's driveway. She attended UC San Diego School of Medicine, and she enjoyed living on her own, but as corny as the saying was, there was no place like home, and currently, she was back in Los Angeles for spring break."Mom, Dad!" she called as she walked in the door. The house was fairly small, so her mother wasn't far away, and she leaned out from the kitchen to greet her daughter."Hi, honey!" she said with a warm smile. "Your father's still at...
Hi, dear ISS readers, after a long time I am coming up with this story, which as usual will be very interesting incest story. Those who had read my earlier stories will see the continuation. As I was continuing the threesome incest with my Sister in law Vani and my brother, my brother came with the idea of including my wife in to our relationship. Vani too insisted me to make my wife also join us to make a four some group. I was excited with this idea and promised them that I shall at any cost...
IncestOne day I and AJ and his aunt (bhua) were sitting in the garden drinking tea.Bhua said to us, my daughter (Pinki) from UK will be here 2 days from now we should pick her up at the airport. Sure we will go to airport and pick her up. How old is she aunt? Aunt: she is 19.Me: so she is at right age for fun.Aunt: I told her all bout fun.Me what do u mean told her? Aunt: I told her all about you and my son AJ and maid and Raja.Me: you are naughty auntyAunt: woman got to do what got to do.Me: ...
My name is Varun and I work in Chennai.I am 25 and I live with my younger brother, Vignesh, in an 1.5 bhk apartment. He is 5 years younger than me and studies engineering in a nearby college. I have a girlfriend, my office colleague. Every now and then, I bring her to my home where I eat her to my satisfaction. She is Brindha. I would put her in the heavier side. 34-30-36 was her shape. Her ass was the star attraction for me. I always brought her home when my brother was not there at home. Not...
By : Mridula Hi Mridula is here with a hot sex experience. Pooja, name changed helps her brother in renting a house. Hope you like. Write you comments on I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news, Didi. I now have a good job but can’t find a decent house. No one rents a house to a bachelor. Now where should I bring a wife to rent a house, Didi? You tell me what should I do?” My innocent looking brother Rohit said to me last week he came to my house when my husband had served a notice of divorce on me....
IncestISS Live Cam model online now! This story is being narrated by my real sister Pooja. Send me your opinions on sislover_ [email protected] My Aarti bhabi died in an accident and my Man Bhaiya refused to remarry. I am Pooja, and my husband Kiran works in a big company in Dubai. Man is just 30 years old and I am 32. My brother is handsome. He had suffered a huge loss when my bhabi died. It left him a broken man. I was also suffering from the long absences of my husband from home and I missed my...
This story is being narrated by my real sister Pooja. Send me your opinions on My Aarti bhabi died in an accident and my Man Bhaiya refused to remarry. I am Pooja, and my husband Kiran works in a big company in Dubai. Man is just 30 years old and I am 32. My brother is handsome. He had suffered a huge loss when my bhabi died. It left him a broken man. I was also suffering from the long absences of my husband from home and I missed my regular supply of hard cock. I was a lonely and horny woman....
Incest“You know, Rohan, I think Vishal’s turned on by you,” Neha said as her brother, Vishal, left the apartment, giving me a smile. Neha’s my lover and Vishal’s her brother. Vishal moved in with me and Neha when he came to live in New York a couple of months ago, right after graduating high school. It seemed someone saw him in a high school drama production back in Iowa and thought he had real talent. So the second he got his diploma and turned eighteen, Vishal headed for the Big Apple and right...
Incest"You're shittin me." I thought there was a punch line in there from my big brother."I wish," and he cast his eyes down. "Don't know why I'm telling you this but you can't share this with a soul. Sara, I don't know who to go to. It's embarrassing. Sue does NOT want to have sex with me anymore."I did not know what to say. I mean Nick is just 31, how could this be? A good looking guy. I began thinking about Suzanne and there was always something a little cold fishy about her and I can't say we...
Chapter 1 I guess this story starts the day I was born, September seventeenth, nineteen ninety-one. So, yes, that makes me twenty years old. My name is Michelle Newcomb and I'm in my second year of college, majoring in Business, after all, I do hope to do something beyond waitressing after I graduate. So, I'm really beefing it up with extra accounting and finance credits along with some marketing courses as well. There's me, Mom and Dad, and my little brother, Ryan, who is a senior in my...
It was a long day at work, I was returning home when my brother called to tell me he was coming home for dinner. I wondered he would never invite himself but then again being a brother I couldn’t say no to him. To tell you a little about me, I am 30 and so is my brother.. shocked? Well we are hot indian Punjabi girl. To be honest I am about 6 feet, good built and a have never had a complain with my cock, it was a decent 9” monster and my wife loved it. My wife was 5”9 lovely brown hair, 36cc...
Erotic FictionMy Married brotherIt was a quiet Tuesday night. James lay half asleep in bed in the darknessof his room. His mother and father were downstairs in the living room,probably discussing their youngest son. James found that he was a fondtopic of discussion with his parents - why was he behaving so strangelythese days . . . why did he do this that way when he used to do it this waybefore . . .He was used to that much by now.The honest truth was that he felt very lonely these days. He had a fewfriends...
Part 1. [by Anna] It took me a while to even consider to write about these incidents that happened over 25 years ago. But my brother was rather persistent till I finally gave in. After starting over again and again twenty times I realized that it is still difficult for me to talk about that time period and our involvement. Mainly, because describing it accurately means obviously to relive it in a way. I found out that I was afraid to do that. This chapter was long closed for me. Staring at...
We live with our mom in a house in Washington, DC. Mom’s hardly home because she has to work to support us, so it’s mostly only me and Marque here. We do everything together because it’s always been the two of us. But for the past two years I’ve found myself having dirty thoughts about the brother I use to bathe with all the time when we were younger. I mention that because I’ve always appreciated his naked body, until that appreciation transformed into lustful need. Right now though, I’m...
Hi All,When i was 18 my parents had to go out of station for 3 days so they asked my cousin brother to stay with me. That day I went to college and came back home my brother also came back from work and we had dinner and sat before the TV then I sat on the sofa and my brother was sitting on the floor I was wearing only shirt and short skirt and my brother was wearing only shorts because it was summer and after seeing some songs in the TV my brother went and brought some beer from the fridge...
Incest"Katherine?" came a call from outside the room. "What?" asked Katherine. "Can I grab the keys? I'm going to John's." "Sure," said Katherine. Quickly, she adjusted her messy hair, and pulled the straps of her tank top to the side so that it fell down even further, revealing the very top of her bra. Likewise, she adjusted her shorts so that the thin line of her panties showed. She then unlocked the door and her brother Tim walked in. Tim was 16, 5 years younger than...
Jen and I have been dating for about three months now and I never dreamed that life could be so wonderful. We're both sixteen, in high school, and having sex every afternoon before Jen's mom gets home from work. The sex started after the first few dates when Jen asked me to take the bus home with her; she had a surprise waiting for me. Well, we had done some nice kissing and feeling around so who knows what lies ahead. Even though I had dated several girls, I was still fairly...
That’s me! Your annoying, obnoxious little brother. The one that was always doing mean and naughty stuff to you when we were growing up. But you deserved it as you were just as devious yourself. When I was 11 and you were 14, you told me that if I played with myself long enough something special would happen and you were right. I came for the first time and that’s how it all started. From that day on, you created the little pervert/monster that would torment and play with you and for you for...
Hi, Indian sex story readers, my name is Neha and this incident happened when I was 25 years old. In my family, apart from my parents, I also had a younger brother who was younger to me by about 5 years. I and my brother were very close to each other and we shared the same room. Since childhood, I used to snuggle up to my brother while sleeping and he would also sleep like a child with me. Though we had grown up now, we were as close as our childhood and never thought of anything incestuous...
IncestShe developed when she was young. She had an adult body as a teenager. It made her so curious about sex. In school the boys loved to look at her tits. soon she found they made her very popular. She always had a boyfriend and she liked being with the guys. She found they wanted to touch her tits and she liked them doing that. They would go and park and she would remove her sweater and her bra. The boys would touch then kiss and then suck her nipples. It wasn't long before they would be naked in...
The story contains an explicit image below.Samantha Wylde! I couldn't believe my eyes! From all the girls in the world, my brother had to fuck Samantha Wylde! Yeah, Samantha. That stupid cunt!What? How do I know my brother screwed that ugly bitch? Because I saw them. I saw her ride my brother's cock. I witnessed how she sucked his solid cock, and then how he came and flooded her dirty mouth.Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexis Jones, an 18-year-old suburban teen from Washington...
IncestMy Best friend’s BrotherBy Dina PetroJulie told me, her parents would like me to join the family at the family dinner table, Julie is one of my very close friends, she is a lover in fact, we are both bisexual girls, we had sex encounters, she was bout my age and we both were in mid-twenties.I had met her parents while going in and out of her room at the house, she came from a rich family who lived in a very fancy, huge house, her parents were very nice, warm loving people. The reason for the...
At first I want to introduce myself – my name is Simran 21 yrs. Old, doing graduation from Mumbai. I have one elder brother who is doing master in computer application. He is two year elder than me. My father is govt. employee and my mother is principal in govt. school. My boob’s size is 34, waist size is 26 and hip size is 32 and I am very fare in color. This is the month of July and college is open. Today Swati joined the college first time after her marriage. I am best friend of her. So she...
IncestHow I seduced my little brother My name is Fatima I am from Pakistan by origin, but was born and raised up in UK. This is reason I am outgoing person and very little known to Pakistani culture. As I spent most of the time with white skin people I am almost like them. We are 5 family members in all, dad, mom, me eldest among kids and my 2 brothers Sohail (19) and Wasim (18). I am 22 years old with perfect body which can attract any guy in the world. I had a English boyfriend named Vinc at...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is April. I am a tall blonde about 5'8 to be exact, 112 pounds and 34-C breast cups, I have had a lot of men and women tell me that I am attractive. This story takes place when I was 20 years old and my brother was about 2 years my junior. We both lived with are two parents. I had just come home from a stressful date, the jerk I had went out with was only in the date for sex, and I was still a virgin. All my life I had wanted to stay a virgin...
IncestI have a small size family. I just have my older brother Jeffery and my parents. I am lucky to still have both my parents that are still married and happy together. All my friends are not so lucky. The bad thing though is that they are always gone for business trips. I believe that is why Jeffery and me are so close, because it is just him and me most of the time. I really like my parents being away from home now. I get to look at my handsome brother all day long. I got to know him...
My brother and I play video games as often as we can, so we can get a chance to see each other once in a while. We are only a couple of years apart, so we have always been really close. So, one evening I called my brother and asked him if he wanted to come over to my house to play games that night. He agreed to be over in a couple of hours. When he showed up, we had some drinks and started playing. After a while I told him we should take a break. We sat down and had a few more drinks with my...
So my first time with a tight young virgin boy was fuck'en amazing.I was 20 at the time and at my girlfriends place when her parents were out for the weekend. We are in the living room at the time fooling around and just having some fun. I was straight at the time and didn't really think about boy pussy at all, but her younger brother was there and he always acted a little feminine and sorta teased me a little bit but I was not interested. So that night she was sucking me off and I could see...
This is a true story, have modified a bit for privacy, I am Priya, happily married to a wonderful person and a mother of a baby girl, but this is a story of a unique relationship between me and my brother who is elder to me by 3 years, yes its sex between siblings and yes I am proud of it and not a wee bit ashamed of it, its the most amazing experience I have it in my life, sex with my brother is amazing and its magical for both of us. My brother usually comments on every incest story in this...
IncestHi, my Name is Navesh, I am from Goa and Living in family which has four members, me, my brother Tushar who is two years elder than me, my father who is 52 years old and my mom Ulka who is 46 years old nice looking sex carving women and who can have sex anytime,anywhere if she wants. Me and my brother are good looking boys but we never had any girlfriends in school lifes and now college lifes also. My father is good guy but mom was not happy with him as he never satisfied her in sexual way...
IncestHi to all ISS readers I have my own experience of threesome incest sex involving my elder brother and his wife. Since this is a unique experience, I’m going to share my experience with you guys out there and I introduce my sister-in law Vani. She is a above average village girl but have a very good complexion and nice structure that make every one to give a second look. My elder brother is thin and 5.7” with dark complexion and very moody type. I am of 5.9” fairly built, very active and...
Had always thought highly of my brother, Sanju. We were best friends all through our childhood. He became very protective of me, which bothered me a little, but I thought it was a very sweet gesture. He was interested in what I did, where I went, whom I liked and whom I dated. Once he found me nude fingering myself when he came into my room unannounced. I was on the peak of the pleasure and totally nude lying on my bed like Venus. Me and he, both were shocked and he left the room. Then he...
IncestIntroduction: I told you about wife fucking her older brother. This is when she did her younger brother. In My Wife Fucks Her Brother I told you about the time Sue fucked her older brother. This is the true story of when she fucked her younger brother. My stories may not be as racy as some of the fantasy stories written on this site, but truth usually is milder than made up stories on what one would like to happen. By the way in all my stories the names have been changed to protect the...
“I live in the city. I don’t make enough money at my job, so I had to move in with someone. It just so happen to be with my older brother. He was six years older than me, and I really didn’t know him, growing up, because he WAS six years older. It was all good. He was happy that his kid sister was moving in with him. He had a girlfriend, and I don’t think she liked me very much, and I don’t know why. For those first two months, we really got to know each other. I was dating a guy from the city....
IncestHi All. This is Nivitha from Chennai. This is a story about how I and my friends enjoyed sex with my brother. After completing our college we all three that’s my friends (Jyothi and Sharanya) were looking for a job. We got too frustrated and started being at home and enjoying more. Both of my friends come to my home early morning and leave by night sometimes they stay as their homes are nearby. We were watching movies and discussions and started about sex. During college days we use to talk a...
IncestThe Castle of Erlenburg was in deep mourning. Rudger, Lord of Erlenburg had died the night before, at fifty years of age. When his wife, Helga, had gone home to the Divine Maker one year ago, it was as if she had taken his will to live with her. He simply wasted away. His three sons sat with their father's trusted advisors, discussing the difficult situation. The oldest, Gøtz, was the heir to the castle and the lands. He was close to thirty, and he was admired as wise beyond his years. He...
Nothing I say is fanciful or far fetched, ask any girl who is brave enough to be honest and you will find similar stories like mine. It would seem that in many cultures girls at puberty become sexual objects that drive men wild, it would appear the thought of being inside one so young, inexperienced, and be able to feel her heart beat as you move rhythmically in and out of her, is the ultimate penetration.'You are more powerful than Viagra', my uncle once whispered into my ear in a jocular...