Fessée indian porn

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La fess eacute e ou la cravache

Quand tu arriveras pour me rejoindre dans l’appartement, je t’attendrais bien sagement à genoux devant la porte d’entrée, ne portant qu’un porte-jarretelle sans string avec des bas et un soutien-gorge en dentelle très transparent… Je tiendrais dans la main droite la cravache et dans l’autre les liens pour que tu puisses m’attacher comme bon te semble, me soumettre au moindre de tes désirs…Tu commenceras par me relever en posant ton index sur mon menton, forçant ma tête à se redresser pour te...

2 years ago
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La Condamn e

Tous les personnages de cette histoire sont fictifs, majeurset ?g?s de plus de 18 ans. Toute ressemblance avec des faits ou personnages ayant exist? ne serait que pure co?ncidence. Il s’agit ici de fantasmes. ? Ceci est l’histoire de mon avilissement, de ma descente aux enfers, de mes d?sirs d’humiliation et de d?gradation. Je m’appelle?Samantha Endersson; ? 45 ans je suis une femme pulpeuse, une chevelure ch?tain qui tombe en larges boucles jusqu’au milieu de mon dos, une bouche aux l?vres ourl?es, un visage fie...

4 years ago
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Moms Confession Lands Her In Trouble

sanju_s93Hi friends myself sanjay i am here with an imaginary story hope you would like it...so continuing to the story..My name is Paul. I am 20 year old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have...

3 years ago
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La mont e du d sir

Ce premier chapitre, présentant les acteurs et les circonstances des fâcheux événements qui s'ensuivront est peu chargé en véritables descriptions sexuelles, de fait l'auteur semble avoir voulu mettre en évidence la montée du désir entre deux personnes amies qui ne de prime abord ne se convoitaient ni l'un ni lautre. * C'était la dernière semaine que Chris passait avec Lisa e Dave en tant qu'invité. Il avait déjà passé deux semaines de bon temps avec eux. Dave était un grand ami...

3 years ago
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Soir eacute e secr egrave te Part 1

Mon expo était sur la bonne voie, ma petite équipe me donnait entière satisfaction travaillant d'arrache pied à l'organisation de cette manifestation artistique. Elle couronnait 2 années d'un travail photo intense sur l'abstraction et la lumière.Quelques personnes étaient dans la confidence, je préparais un After un peu spécial après l’expo. J'avais convié quelques intimes et quelques amis partageant les mêmes envies lubriques, cette soirée secrète aurait lieu après le vernissage. J'avais...

2 years ago
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The English Professor

"Shit!" Taylor swore. A panicked look spread across his face as he came to a stop in the middle of campus and patted down the pockets of his jacket and pants. "What is it?" Craig asked. "My phone," Taylor answered. "It's not here. "Did you leave it in your classroom?" "Yeah, probably," Taylor responded to his colleague. "Listen, man, why don't you go ahead to the faculty meeting? Let them know I'm running a few minutes behind. I'll catch up with you in a bit." "Alright. Hope you find it." ...

College Sex
4 years ago
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soir eacute e avant le breve

MA SOIRÉE PRE BREVET.... C'était un soir de juin, il faisait bon. un léger vent se faisait ressentir et une bonne soirée s’annonçait.Nous étions une bande d'amis stresser par le passage du brevet. Et oui, nous étions jeunes.Nous sommes la veille au soir du début des épreuves.... 2 jours de galère à bucher sur les sujets...Alors, nous avons décides de décompresser à notre façon. RDV fixé à 19h00... Nous sommes tous au RDV, prêt à passer une soirée agréable.Nous nous rendons au McDo afin de nous...

2 years ago
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Layla and the Professor

Good morning, welcome to creative writing 101, I’m Professor Donlon. You’re here because you have aspirations, you want to be a successful, published author. Many of you believe you have the talent to be an acclaimed novelist. I’m here because I’d like to see you achieve those objectives.’ Looking at the professor I could think of many objectives I’d like to achieve with him. My radar never failed me. An older, intelligent man who wanted to teach me things I didn’t know, that could be more...

2 years ago
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Eacute vangeline vierge d eacute flor eacute e

Les aventures d’Évangeline, vierge défloréeCette histoire fût créée par moi et un Français, avide de sexe et bien cochon. Pour ceux et celles qui désirent apprendre comment faire un bon texte érotique enligne, prenez la peine de lire ce fantasme. Je vous assure qu’il saura alimenter l’appétit sexuel. Bonne lecture,MoniqueSynapses :Ce beau Français se rend au Canada pour des aventures bien coloriées. Sa deuxième journée lui permet de faire rencontre avec Évangeline, une jeune fermière...

4 years ago
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Girl e Part 7 and conclusion

Girl-e by Paul1954 (c) Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Fools Rush In Part 7. Where Angels Fear To Tread Epilogue * * * * * * * Part 7. Where Angels Fear To Tread I had spent a fitful night tossing and turning, but I had a lot to contemplate. As unlikely as it seemed, last night might have been my last night as a girl if...

3 years ago
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Professor s Tale

I was beginning to think seriously about taking work outside the teaching profession that sunny, early fall Saturday, and I hate to think of what I would have missed if the phone hadn’t rung during my lunch. The small college town of Giles, Michigan didn’t seem to be able to offer any interesting positions for me in either of the two local colleges, and there was a pretty good little touring jazz combo that needed a drummer and sound engineer… maybe that would be a good gig for a while, I...

2 years ago
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Histoire d une poup e Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

2 years ago
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Layla and the Professor

Good morning, welcome to creative writing 101, I'm Professor Donlon. You're here because you have aspirations, you want to be a successful, published author. Many of you believe you have the talent to be an acclaimed novelist. I'm here because I'd like to see you achieve those objectives."Looking at the professor I could think of many objectives I'd like to achieve with him. My radar never failed me. An older, intelligent man who wanted to teach me things I didn't know, that could be more than...

4 years ago
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Histoire d une poup e Partie 1

Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...

4 years ago
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Meine gro e Schwester

Ich druckte die Daten aus, die ich brauchte, um meiner Schwester zu beweisen, was ich gegen sie in der Hand hatte, und las mir alles zufrieden noch einmal durch. Diabolisch lächelte ich. Das war es. Das musste reichen für meine geplante Erpressung. Meine Schwester Sara war sechs Jahre älter als ich, und wir hatten uns nie gut verstanden. Als ich noch klein war, hatte sie sich immer wie meine Zweitmutter aufgespielt und mich immer nur gequält und unterdrückt. Heute war es fast noch schlimmer,...

2 years ago
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Girl e Parts 1 and 2

Girl-e (Parts 1&2) by Paul1954 Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in progress Part 1. Man On A Mission! Prologue The dark and heavily built man could barely manage to hide his distaste at the sight of the effeminate looking boy that he had just passed the package to, although as far as he was concerned he certainly...

4 years ago
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The Professor s Gambit

For a college professor, a Friday afternoon is usually very dull but I'm going to turn that idea on its head. Screwing up will cost me my career and land me in prison. However, if everything goes according to plan I'll have the most gorgeous coed on campus begging me to fuck her before the end of the day. Pussy is the most powerful force on earth; let no one tell you different. For fame, money, power and status a man may be willing to do many things. He still has his limits and his pride,...

3 years ago
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Une Journ e Difficile

Des fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....

2 years ago
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culotte port e culotte tach es colla

Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

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culotte culotte mouill e culotte port eacut

Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

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Lisa s Confession Sessions Prelude

Lisa’s Confession Sessions Please send me feedback. Prelude I was still numb, tasted cum, and was still a bit fuzzy in the head. I could hardly believe I had just blown the cock of a top Las Vegas Psychologist in his office…during a session. A lot had happened and I was still trying to understand. The psychologist, Dr. Heard, had been asked to both present the full offer from my ‘benefactor’, more of a sugar-daddy-cuckhold, and record the story of my life, a confession really. “You are making...

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culotte port eacute e culotte tach eacute es colla

Je m'appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j'adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d'y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d'un délicieux nectar ... C'est un moyen pour moi d'avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l'érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d'ouvrir l'enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

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culotte culotte mouill eacute e culotte port eacut

Je m'appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j'adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d'y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d'un délicieux nectar ... C'est un moyen pour moi d'avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l'érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d'ouvrir l'enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

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Confessions of a Sexaholic

Los Angeles, California. February 2009. "People think it's tough to play a bipolar nympho, but I just played myself!" Several years ago, I said that in an award acceptance speech. There are those who still think I was kidding today. It was the truth, however. It wasn't a joke. I really am a bipolar sex maniac. Those who know appreciate it, for the most part. I need to introduce myself, don't I? The name's Isla Fisher. Occupation: actress, comedian, all around spreader of good humor....

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Jos eacute e Moaning Cam Career 1 Creampie

Josée Moonen studies too hard so I decide it is highest time for a Long Love Lesson for my 'V.V. Virgin'Josée Moonen is my room-mate from the moment she arrives as freshman Anthropology in AmsterdamJosée Moonen is still a 'Verified 'Victorian' Virgin' back then as she is from strict small-town Catholic famJosée Moonen is having a crush on me Six years senior Almost after second B.A. & switch to other M.A.Josée Moonen is holding her breath while her hips heave - Her toes tell me when she...

4 years ago
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Level of Professionalism

Level of Professionalism By Rosie Groggily, David Greene reached over to the incessantly buzzing cell phone and numbly thumbed at the touchscreen until he finally managed to turn off the alarm. He could tell it wasn't the first time it had rang that morning by its increasingly frantic sound, but he didn't know how late he was until he opened his eyes and looked at the screen. 7:43 AM, September 20th, 2075, the gently flowing characters read. With a jolt, David rolled out of the...

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Deconstructing the Professor

Deconstructing the Professor: A Novella Summary: A proud black MILF is slowly dommed by a racist white co-ed. WARNING 1: This story includes many politically incorrect words (such as nigger). If any such words or concepts offend you, please do not read any further WARNING 2: Personal Reflection: I have many kinks. I love the thought of being seduced and used by a younger woman, I love the idea of submitting to a black man or woman (ideally both), I love the thought of utter submission. My...

4 years ago
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A S H I E L D Agent s Evaluation

Hearing a knock at the door, Dr. Jemma Simmons jumped in shock, her determined attention pulled away from the device she had spent hours constructing. Straightening up on her stool, the flustered biochemist eyed the metal entranceway suspiciously.Jemma was used to uninvited visitors in her lab; the bus was a hectic place, people, aliens, artifacts; everything came through that door. But to hear a knock? Well that was a first.Leaning through the doorway Skye smiled brightly down at the surprised...

2 years ago
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Couple en soir eacute e

Nous sommes un couple tout juste la trentaine. Elle est belle, une belle chevelure brune, de beaux yeux noirs en amande, une taille toujours aussi fine malgré 2 grossesses. Elle est sexy, terriblement sexy : une petite paire de fesses, de beaux seins aux tetons qui pointent et surtout une vraie femme, de caractère, forte et courageuse dans un corps de jeune femme. Ce soir nous sortons, on fait garder les enfants. Elle se fait belle elle met sa plus belle robe. Une robe noire qui lui va à ravir....

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

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Tel le est pris e qui croyait prendre

Tel(le) est pris(e) qui croyait prendre... Les sauna mixte et club ?changiste, est un de mes passe temps favori, de m?me que je ne suis un habitu? d'aucun des ?tablissement que je f?requente tellement je varie mes visites. Mais voil? maintenant un mois je me suis rendu au "club myst?ria" c'?tait un apr?s midi, ce club est situ? dans le centre ville d'une grande ville et en ce samedi apr?s midi de d?but d'?t? les gens ne se prom?ne pas trop dans les centre ville de bord de mer, comme vous l'aurez devin?, ils pr?f?...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 11 Otogi s Confession

I hate admitting it, I really do, but the truth is – I like Kaiba Seto. I'd never tell a soul that, of course – not even Ryou – but he's actually a nice guy if you can get past his ego. His very flexible both physically and mentally and that's the highest compliment I can pay anybody. People who are stiff break under pressure. You have to know how to bend, to weather life's storms. That's how I know he's not completely the bastard he wants people to think he is; he's weathered too...

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Confession of a Middle Aged Housewife

Hi I get lots of letters from various housewives and ladies those who make lots of confessions. Sometimes request for my suggestions. Now I am going to narrate an incident from one such confessional letter by changing the names of the characters. The letter is as follows I am a housewife of 44 years of age, I have got a son of 20 years who is doing his graduation in Kolkata University his name is Rahul and my husband Deep, 48 years old working as a general manager in a MNC. We are very...

4 years ago
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Cody and the Professor s Wife

Here’s a more detailed version of Cody’s description and personality: Now 22 years old, he is about 6 feet tall, and has a slim figure, but a muscular build. He looks much like his brother Chris, but something about his face seems to give him a slightly meaner look. His eyes are a deep dark blue, unlike Chris who has more gray in his eyes; in effect they look like two pieces of ice, hence the cold, unfriendly look. He wears his hair long, and usually keeps it in braided locks. And he has...

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The Girl From U N C L E

The Girl from UncleBy April DancerPart 1 -Initial training and UNCLE's suggested recreational sex program -Hello, my name is April Dancer. I am among a class of about 75 probationary female recruits to join UNCLE (the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) in hopes of becoming an UNCLE Agent. Our enemy is the dastardly sinister THRUSH organization, which is out to dominate the World. I was recruited in my senior year in college with a degree in Political Science and minors in foreign...

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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

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Changing Professions Part One

The Interview I thought it couldn't happen to me... but it did. I am, well was, a compassionate third grade teacher and recognized in town as a caring individual who always put children first. The problem was that teachers without tenure were "downsized" first (read "fired") when the school district experienced budgetary concerns. My name is Eve and I was two weeks short of gaining tenure when the principal, Mr. Selznick, called me into his office. Maybe it was Friday the thirteenth... I don't...

Straight Sex
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L inquisizione e la strega italiano

oLETIZIA LA STREGA  Era il mese di febbraio dell’anno 1508 e Letizia aveva compiuto da poco i 22 anni. Era alta circa un metro e 70, capelli castani ricci e lunghi, occhi verdi e sebbene non bellissima di viso aveva un corpo attraente con bei fianchi e seni seppur non molto grandi. Lavorava come serva nel palazzo dei Falieri, la famiglia pi? ricca ed importante della citt? e di tutto il contado circostante; i suoi genitori erano morti quando lei era piccola e, siccome lavoravano presso i Falieri, ...

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An Iteresting Profession

An Interesting Profession By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. Prologue I had worked at an advertising firm as a novice gopher for more than a few...

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Pleasures And Shame Of A Socialite French

PLEASURES AND SHAME OF A SOCIALITE Viviane est une femme très distinguée, élégante,sûre d'elle et de son charme. Veuve à 33 ans, elle a de nombreuxprétendants, qu'elle tient éloignés avec une gentillesseun peu hautaine. Mais en même temps elle est incapable de s'opposer à celuiqui la traite avec autorité, voire avec une certaine brutalité.Celui-ci peut alors la prendre n'importe quand et n'importe où, se contentantd'ouvrir rapidement ou de baisser les vêtements qui couvrent son sexepour...

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Confession Of A Slut Wife

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/first-class-ac-nightmare/, would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/glooming-gents-hair-saloon/, would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/village-adventure-idiot-wife/ , would add spice...

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Calonge Cuties 2 Sas Marina Jos eacute e SM Marlene BDSM


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Jos eacute e Moaning Cam Career 2 Crushing

Josée M slowly shows us her tasty tight tiny titties & sexily shaven beautiful bald butterfly-belly Josée Moonen is secretly sexually very active Only in the nights when she thinks I'm really deep asleepJosée Moonen is having her right hand busy between her legs laying on her belly - Keeps looking at meJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the week - So soon she starts to come under the showerJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the month So in October I overhear her orgasm on...

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Jos eacute e Moaning am Career 3 Camping

Josée Moaning is my Fine Freshwoman roommate Sexy Student Sexuology Seems Still SexSshyJosée Moonen is secretly sexually very active Only in the nights when she thinks I'm really deep asleepJosée Moonen is having her right hand busy between her legs laying on her belly - Keeps looking at meJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the week - So soon she starts to come under the showerJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the month So in October I overhear her orgasm in toiletsJosée...

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CHAPTER 6: PRESENT DAY: HIS PETIt was frankly still shocking to me. Only four weeks ago, I was that frustrated woman seeking thrills by privately separating my sexual life and my professional life. Then, in seemingly a blink of an eye, I awoke this morning to the insistent demands of a huge dog wanting to again fuck me. Never mind that during the night I had been double penetrated by Hein and Chris, then spent the night in the kennel and mounted by both dogs two times before.Then I found myself...

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CONFESSIONS PT 6These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======nice i had an older 20 something girl at work that would change in the girls bathroom but at the end of the day i was the last one out and went in the bathroom to see what goodies i...

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Black Widow submits to S H I E L D

A lone personal assistant walked hurriedly through the entrance hall at Stark Industries, her heels clacking in the silent space. The massive corporation was empty this late into the night and the throng of visitors and staff that normally clogged the reception area were now long gone.The young redhead climbed the central open stairway, ascending quickly. Once she had reached the highest level she turned left, continuing along a dimly lit corridor. Every office was dark, each door closed....

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HAIKU s 1 in C D E F G H NL I

A collection of HAIKU's, first in five languages: Dutch, English, French, German and PolishI start with three in English after observation of voyeur video of a brunette beauty batingAfter every haiku in another tongue I will try to give a variation of it in English as wellI will first explain how it all started to happen here for me - quite unexpectedly in fact!In most HAIKU's I try to play with the sound of it in four different tongues from my mother'sAt last moment of my edit I decided to try...

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Confessions of a Kidnapper

I know I can’t justify what I have done, and I wish there had been another way. I only wanted him to love me the way I had come to love him, but no matter what I tried he refused to see how right we were for each other. When I first met him he was involved with someone else. I understood that. I even gave the stupid bitch a job. I figured that with her working for me he would come into the shop and be able to compare us side by side. Overtime I knew he would see how much better I was for him,...

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When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years I left the radio station and started my own business by acquiring a licensing agreement from a national company to sell direct marketing products. As this was an outlying area and not heavily populated, the company looked at it as an area with limited profit potential and whatever...

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An older college student persues her professor

Six months ago, you walked into my classroom, clearly with something on your mind. I’ve seen many students like you over the last few years. The economy tanked, your job just isn’t going anywhere. You’ve returned to community college after a few years away. Older, wiser. You’re around 27 or 28. Living on your own. You’ve got a boyfriend that you’re not too serious about and feel like life is going nowhere fast. Your only hope at this point is getting these classes done and getting a degree that...

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The F E T I S H Ray Tales Cindy s Story The Audition

by Fidget The audition: Cindy's story Cindy walked timidly into the room, her small hand shaking as she closed the door behind her. The room's layout was stereotypical, with a large wooden desk and camera on one side, and what was clearly a casting couch on the other. Cindy briefly wondered what sorts of acts had happened on that couch as she walked to the center of the room and faced the man in a sleazy-looking suit sitting behind the desk. James looked her up and down, quickly assessing...

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The F E T I S H Ray Tales The Audition Cindy s Story

Cindy walked timidly into the room, her small hand shaking as she closed the door behind her. The room's layout was stereotypical, with a large wooden desk and camera on one side, and what was clearly a casting couch on the other. Cindy briefly wondered what sorts of acts had happened on that couch as she walked to the center of the room and faced the man in a sleazy-looking suit sitting behind the desk.James looked her up and down, quickly assessing her potential value to his company with an...

Mind Control
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Bob e io Capitolo 7

Capitolo 7 Passai il resto della giornata pensando a Bob e a quanto lo amavo. Di quando in quando portavo alla mia faccia il dito che avevo messo nel suo sedere e lo annusavo prendendo profondamente il suo profumo nelle mie narici. Normalmente si dovrebbe pensare ad un cattivo odore, ma non questa volta. Era il profumo di Bob ed io amai ogni suo odore. Lui era la persona migliore che avessi mai incontrato. Potevo immaginare di passare il resto della mia vita con lui. A metà dell’ultima ora di...

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E Club

E+ CLUB Cheyenne Chaste Moon It was another sultry August evening. It was another boring Friday night. It seemed to be a night like countless others, yet the air was crackling with excitement and magic, and before it was over, it would change forever the lives of three young people. With a population of only seven thousand, Landesport was a small, quiet town which many folk would love to retire to. It was not, however, a place for three young college students who liked...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 24 Riki and John and Janet oh my

Riki hadn’t noticed him as he entered the bathroom quietly, but she sure as hell noticed as John’s hands closed over her breasts, and it was completely unfair. She should have shoved him off her, she should have yelled for help, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a deep needy moan, and her body further betrayed her by pushing her ass back into his larger body. “John, no, we can’t do this,” she gasped to him as her own hands covered his own, encouraging him to squeeze her tits....

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Retiring e t

Firstly, I just want to say thanks to John (aka Wrigglepup1) for letting me use his page on xHamster. I’m NOT a ‘member! I just think this site, and others like it, have made me decide to retire from the profession I love! I became an e****t 15 years ago, at the age of 23, following a failed marriage. I had no income, no qualifications (except being darned good sexually!) and most importantly, very few inhibitions! I loved what I did! Earned a decent amount of money, and enjoyed ‘earning’ it!...

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CHAPTER 9: ORCHESTRAS & BALLSI felt like a princess. Or, maybe a queen. Hein had taken me shopping … again! This time, though, the dresses and accessories were formal, very formal. He wouldn’t say why, merely insisting on allowing him to give me some surprises. The gown he chose for tonight was stunning. It was a beautiful long v-neckline with halter top bodice on sheer illusion net with sparkling lace. The bodice had bra cups to compensate for the fully open back. The sexy, slim...

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HIS P E T 20

CHAPTER 20: CARIBBEAN YACHTING“Hein!”My shriek across the airport baggage area drew the attention of most of the other people and they parted a path for me as I ran across the space between us. I dropped my two small shoulder bags at his feet as my hands and arms encircled his neck and our bodies were crushed together. We kissed long and deeply in the midst of the crowd and it wasn’t until we had parted a few inches to allow our eyes to search each other’s that I became aware of some of the...

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Mr E Over The Top

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature audiences. If you are under the appropriate age to view such material in your area, or are offended by stories containing sexual content, then please reframe from reading this submission. Note from author: I had intended to finish this story much sooner, but my editors had a mild disagreement about its content. Khepri94447, who edited my last piece, felt that I went overboard in creating my main character. She suggested that a more scaled back...

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Angel S 1 E 13 Hope Lost

Angel S:1 E:13 "Hope Lost" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover ---United States Embassy, Moscow---April 3, 1987 Megan sat beside the bedside watching Eugene sleep. She held on to his hand, careful not to disturb any of the pick lines in his arm. His hand slowly squeezed hers and his eyes fluttered and opened. He brought his hand up and yawned, then turned to look at Megan. "Hey there, how long have you been here?" he said as...

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Girl e Parts 3 and 4

From: Paul Wayman To: Paul1954 Subject: try gain Date: 21 November 2000 22:53 Girl-e (Parts 3&4) by Paul1954 The next two parts of the serial currently running on 'The Outside' http//:www.btinternet.com/~theoutside Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in...

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Angel S 1 E 8 It s the End of the World as We Know It

Angel S:1E:8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" In the late 1950s, a popular do-it-yourself project for the home was to build your own bomb shelter. The Cold War was in full swing, and both the Soviet Union and the United States were stockpiling nuclear weapons with...

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C O L L E G E Anthony I

I sat right beside him for weeks without acknowledging the way he flustered and fidgeted, and yet he still chose the seat next to mine, coming in a second behind me even if I was late. I had given him the once-over--more than once, actually--silently assessing his businessman vibe and noting a cut physique underneath it. But young professionals were the types I usually stayed away from, even if they were physically appealing, because they often required a commitment of some form. I wasn’t...

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Michelle s New Profession Chapter 5

Have you ever had a single, innocuous sentence spoken that forever changed your life? I spoke such a sentence two years ago when I asked Michelle, “Honey would you mind reading this?”I’m referring to that New Year’s Day a little over two years ago when my first story on Lush, 'The Night I Shared my Wife' had just been published. Michelle’s revelations to me from that night changed our lives in ways neither of us could ever have imagined.We went from a very happy, monogamous couple, except for...

Wife Lovers
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Angel S 1 E 14 Dwayne s World

Angel S:1 E:14 "Dwayne's World" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Liz sat on the couch with her wedding band in her hand. She sat staring at it while Ashley slept with her head on Liz's lap. It was a simple gold ring with a small hard to read inscription etched into the inside. She didn't need to read the words; they were etched in her heart. "Forever locked onto your heart." Ashley coughed and started to wake up. Liz put her...

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Mr E

Public image is that tiny portion of ourselves that we allow others to see while we try and mask further unsightly traits of our personality which we are too afraid, embarrassed or shy to have revealed. How well we truly know someone is often not an easy question to answer honestly, as everyone seems to have something about themselves that they would rather keep hidden from the world around them. On the surface Trent Hamilton appeared to be your typical high school nerd. He was always reading,...

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E Mails To My MasterChapter 16

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Continuing our role-play... Dear Daddy, Thank you for answering my e-mail so quickly and for the advice you gave me. As you may have suspected, I have several questions to ask you:- 1) If it wasn't soap that splattered against the glass side of the shower, then what was it? And why would it be good for my complexion? 2) What is a vibrator? 3) Why would mummy call you 'Master'? That seems such an odd thing to say when she usually calls you 'my dear'...

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A S H I E L D Agent s Evaluation

Hearing a knock at the door, Dr. Jemma Simmons jumped in shock, her determined attention pulled away from the device she had spent hours constructing. Straightening up on her stool, the flustered biochemist eyed the metal entranceway suspiciously. Jemma was used to uninvited visitors in her lab, the bus was a hectic place, people, aliens, artifacts, everything came through that door. But to hear a knock? Well that was a first. Leaning through the doorway Skye smiled brightly down at the...

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Who Are You Chapter 7 The Confession

I set my cell phone to awaken me at one AM since I wanted to be awake for Carin's visit. Somehow I knew that she had made a decision concerning us, and I didn't want to postpone our talk until the morning. There would be too much going on then, and now would be the perfect time as it would be quiet and we would be alone. I drifted off to sleep dreaming of Carin. I was suddenly being kissed and the kiss was butterfly soft, yet I could feel a burning passion just behind the surface. Was this...

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True Confessions Intimate Touches Part 3

Linda, Jessy's mother, and I had become good friends soon after Frank and I moved in the house next to theirs a year earlier. Our backyards were surrounded by privacy fences that prevented passerby’s from seeing in or from us seeing into the others yard. Who had ever built the original fence had installed a gate in the common wall of the fence that separated our yards, so we could come and go without being seen from the street.  Linda had become like one of the family, coming and going as she...

Straight Sex
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M atilde e e filha

Sou uma menina de 18 anos, vivo com a minha mãe, que ficou viúva há muitos anos, do meu pai.Temos vivido sempre na casa que o meu pai deixou e a minha mãe nunca mais quis nenhum homem. Sempre nos apoiamos uma à outra, sempre esteve comigo quando eu precisava foi minha mãe e meu pai minha amiga e agora é minha amante. A minha mãe ensinou-me tudo. A minha mãe vai acompanha-me em tudo e há uns dias atrás foi comigo ver um concerto de uma banda muito famosa. As minhas amigas aproveitaram e foram...

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Umiliata di fronte ai miei compagni di classe e no

25 Marzo. Diario di Marzia Cabelletti.Finalmente riesco a scrivere nuovamente sul mio diario. L’ultimo mio aggiornamento risale al 12 Marzo, il giorno prima di… di… ancora oggi ho difficoltà solo a ricordarlo. Devo farmi forza. Lo psicologo da cui sono andata mi ha detto che per me è molto importante che io ricordi tutto e che lo scriva. “Per esorcizzare la vergogna” dice lui. E’ facile dare consigli, vorrei vedere lui se i suoi colleghi lo prendessero e… no, così non và bene, devo seguire un...

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An Interesting Profession Part 2

An Interesting Profession Part Two By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet of legal age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night long, not being used to sleeping on...

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E113 Subjects E and F

Thursday morning, Emma tells Donald to go and shower himself while she tans and is massaged.  She feels such compassion for him now, but she knows she cannot back down from being his femdom yet.  The self-realization he has been experiencing these last few days, Emma understands, and his deep desires to explore this side of him.  She does not want to deny him this opportunity.So Emma remains strong and continues this ‘punishment’ Donald now feels he deserves and wants.Though he is unhappy as he...

Love Stories
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Sex Teen Tease Juicy JOS Eacute E 1 Six Pix


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E Is for Exhibitionism

Fundamentals Underlying Nudism / Social Exhibitionism. That was the course title at Suffolk U. But the students and many of the faculty referred to it simply as FUN SEX. They had good reason to do so as the course instructor was Henry Hitherbottom whose previous course was Sexually Abnormal Social Systems ( acronym SASSY ) outlined primitive rituals from Aztec and Cretan sacrifice of virgins to Dionysian Saturnalia to the modern rituals of hazing college co-eds. Features in common included...

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Gioia mia giovane lettrice e il suo fidanzato nell

chi mi volesse contattare può scrivere a [email protected] è una ragazza Toscana, una mia assidua lettrice. La nostra conoscenza è cominciata per via dei suoi commenti ai miei racconti che inizialmente erano molto brevi ed asciutti con frasi come scrivi dei bei racconti complimenti.Nel tempo lo scambio epistolare con Gioia si fa sempre più fitto non perché mi confidi chissà quali cose anzi le nostre conversazioni sono abbastanza banali, ma comincio a pensare che se mi scrive così...

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The saga of E Girl

THE SAGA OF E-GIRL Since the good Doctor refuses to clear me for active duty until I write this, I had better get it over with . I can look out the window and see most of the Compound,, the official home for the largest number of the world's super-powered people. I had never imagined that I would be among them, nor just what it would cost me to join the ranks of the "Superior". The Doctor wants me to write out my story so that I can put the guilt behind me and move on. I don't know if...

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Leslie proviseure de lyc eacute e

Bonjour, je m'appelle Leslie. Je suis proviseur dans un lycée mais aussi une belle salope... ça se voit à ma tenue, non ? Dernièrement, il m'est arrivé une drôle d'aventure. Vous avez envie que je vous en parle, hein ?J'aime sucer la bite des étudiants que je reçois dans mon bureau. J'adore recevoir leur sperme chaud sur mon tailleur. Il me faut de multiples doses quotidiennes. Je ne peux pas me passer de leur foutre.Je crois même que ma réputation de salope commence à se savoir... Des...

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My Personal Professor

I graduated from high school several years ago and got caught up in marriage and kids, though I always knew that I needed to go to college, if only for my own, personal satisfaction. I'd known for some time that I want to be involved in the medical field, though I'd never been exactly sure what aspect of the field was perfect for me. I'd been considering physical therapy, but my husband wasn't too keen on the idea of me touching other men on a regular basis, even though it would be strictly...

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La professoressa del liceo

Jane Stone aveva 27 anni ed era alla sua prima esperienza da insegnante. Si era da poco laureata in Lettere e aveva già l'occasione di insegnare in un liceo classico privato di Roma: un orgoglio per lei stessa e per i suoi genitori, che l'avevano sempre sostenuta negli studi fieri dei suoi risultati di studentessa modello. Jane era originaria di Milano, ma ormai da molti anni viveva a Roma, dove aveva frequentato l'Università e si era laureata a pieni voti. Condivideva un appartamento con...

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Annabelle vides couilles professionnel

Bonjour, je m'appelle Annabelle, j'ai 25 ans, je mesure 1m65 pour 48 kg, je suis très fine, j'ai des cheveux longs, de couleur rouge avec une mèche qui cache mon œil droit, j'ai les yeux de couleur gris clair, petite bouche avec lèvres pulpeuse, petit piercing a ma lèvre inférieure, j'ai des petits seins, et un petit cul bombé.Je travaille dans un sex-shop, et oui un boulot rêver pour une petite salope comme moi, j'y travaille en temps que vendeuse et conseillère sur les sextoy de la boutique,...

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The ProfessorChapter 24 Delayed gratification Halloween party

There had been a modest effort to put away the leftover pizza and side dishes, and square away the kitchen after the impromptu meal. The four girls – Lisa, Marcia, Ashley, and Christy – had tempered their nudity by putting on aprons for the meal. None of their feminine parts were frontally displayed, but there was a lot of skin, ass, cleavage, and occasionally a breast, pussy, or bare leg that kept Myron and I hard as rocks for the entire meal. I had a hundred questions for him about what his...

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F E M M E B O T S Initiation

F.E.M.M.E.B.O.T.S.: Initiation By Sarcastic Slut I met her in a nightclub. She was stunning - Blonde, toned, classic features and an amazing dancer. I offered to buy her a drink but she insisted on getting me one. Unfortunately I didn't see the pill she slipped into it or realise just how out of it I was becoming when she ushered me outside to get a cab. I don't remember the journey back to her place or arriving there. The next thing I remember after stumbling about outside...

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HIS P E T 24

CHAPTER 24: A FLEMISH PASTORAL FARM – THE BEGINNINGBack in my own suite, I sipped more of the champagne and remembered that Celine wanted me to call. I looked for the time, finding it to be 1:33 in the morning. I called as she requested. They were also in the hotel. She picked up on the third ring. She asked a lot of questions, which I answered. “I know it is late, but we know you. Spending all that time with them and receiving nothing. You must be all wound up. Will you come to our room?” She...

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Relationships 103 The Misdirected E mail

Copyright© 2007 by DB. It's the classic mistake of the Internet age. Perhaps it's classic because sooner or later it will happen to you, either as sender, or recipient. I was that recipient. Minor details are disguised to protect the privacy of those involved. Hi D... thought you'd find this interesting... this is from a man I knew in the -- club. I met him the same night I met J-- so he never had a chance. I have never been attracted to him in any way but he has always be ga ga...

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Angel S 1 E 12 Motherland Part II

Angel S:1 E:12 "Motherland Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2013 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Episode 12 "Motherland Part II" Dear readers, What you are about to read is an alternative history of the events that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. For the story, I have moved the events to march of 1987 a full four years earlier under the pretense that the fictitious events of the of the Icarus sparked necessary reform changes...

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Death by E MailChapter 1

-Gabbygirl- Glenn had just left with the young ones for some fishing at the park and Gabriella had feigned illness so she could be alone with Snuffher. She had read his story a half dozen times, but she couldn't wait to reach wetporn.orgy, Snuffher's own erotic story web site. As soon as the family car disappeared, she went up to the bedroom, stripped down to her bra and panties, and sat down at the computer. In her thirties, she still looked like twenty-something. Gabriella's ancestors...

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Michelle s New Profession Chapter 3

Monday after I got home from work, Michelle and I had fun going through her escort service e-mails. If they had the words ‘fuck’, ‘cock’, or anything comparably crude in the subject line we deleted them. Michelle loves romance. She wants to be romantic and see what follows…hopefully a very enjoyable evening, then a night of fantastic sex. I love going through them with her, to see the type of man she wants to spend the night with. It’s hot as hell for me!There still weren’t many, seven to be...

Wife Lovers
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Mamaji My College Professor

By :Sjyoti Amr Hi friends I’m Jyoti me amritser me rehti hu me bome second year me pad rahi hu meri hieght 5,4 hai mera rang light hai vaise meri frnds mujhe bahut sexy kehti hai mera figur 36,28,34 haii mujhd bra pehnne ki adat nahi kyuki mere boobs bahut hi tight hai mera badan golmatol hai meri gaand bahut hi bhari hai to ab me story par aati hu
Baat tab ki hak jab me collage me padti thi vo din sabse badia din the meri do frnds mere saath rehti thi undono k boyfrnds the jo unko hafte me do...

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True Confessions Of A Lonely Housewife

Hi I am a regular reader of this site , my name is Roshini (name changed) a 37 yr married keralite woman. I have two kids and they are in a posh hostel in a hill station and my hubby – Kumar – is working in a MNC software firm in kolkatta. He is a dud and has till date never given me the enjoyment a woman needs apart from just screwing me under the influence of alcohol and so were my two children born. I am a simple hearted housewife and never had any illicit relationship with any male as I had...

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E Mails To My MasterChapter 3

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master I have been waiting patiently for your report today but to no avail. It is now 21:30 and you have still not made contact. I hope for your sake that you have a good excuse. You will keep in mind that your Master does not like to be kept waiting. Punishment will be swift and unmerciful if this situation continues. I have spoken. I am your Master. You will obey... TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master I have, at last, received your message of which I am now going to...

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My Fianc e and the Black Bodyguard Parts 04 05

Ok, this update is kinda long and doesn’t get to the action until the next update. Friday I’m back at work at the studio early setting up for the session and running the events of the week through my head. I’d discovered my fiancée had been texting the 6’6” large black bodyguard she’d met while visiting me at my work. My fiancée is naturally gregarious and flirty so this was almost no surprise. What had got me worried is that her texts were always deleted when I’d checked her phone the next...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 61 Renee s Confession

Outside my apartment, two white utility vans were parked with their backs toward my front door. Vikkor or at least some of her women were probably inside with at least Chloe, Carrie and Tanya, and possibly several others. I had two choices, rush them and take down everyone in sight, hoping to put everyone asleep before anyone could react, or just walk in and try to talk the girls out of the situation. The last couple of times I tried rushing groups with guns, shots were still fired before I...

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Confessions of a Brother Fucker Pt 6

As I came out of my trance and started to relax my muscles, Mintu slowly climbed into the bed. He then said, "Tomakyaamee ebarey choodbo." ("I will fuck you now.")I gave him that inviting look that all women who want to be fucked give and said, "Ayshow." ("Come")Mintu slowly sat up and said "Paa dutow phaank korow." ("Spread your legs wide part.")I did. He did not appear terribly happy with the way they were parted. He assisted me by holding my knees and spreading them an inch or two more.He...

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Im 42 yrs old. divorced, and a closet gay sissy. I always have been.I cant start from the begining cuz of the u******e thing so Ill start on my 18th birthday.I went to school for half days, then work for the other half. every day I would stop at home; while my parents were at work, and jack off.but not like most boys. most boys would blow their load, wipe it up and be done. That was fine at first but I wanted to be as perverted as I could with my hour of total privacy. See back then, growing up...

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