Human Resources
- 2 years ago
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Among other things, Mabel’s husband was a cheapskate. Except when it came to himself, of course. He gave her plenty of money to buy food and beer but she had to buy her clothes at resale shops. He had a few other quirks too. He dominated the television, watching one sporting event after another when he was home and pretty much ignoring his wife of over 20 years.
She didn’t even get much sex from him. Being too cheap to pay for birth control he would only fuck her just before, during, and just after her period. Even then, not very often. She had a lady friend next door who let her use a computer and showed her porn and erotic story sites. That way she learned just how much she’d been missing.
Sports nut that he was, he had a buddy that he invited over to watch the big games. Mabel thought maybe she could get some attention by being a hostess so she found a scoop neck blouse and a short skirt to serve them beer and snacks, bending over for some good braless cleavage shots. Her tits weren’t huge but they were still nicely shaped.
Hubby didn’t notice, but Chuck the buddy sure did. He gave a big smile and opened his eyes wide to let her know he appreciated the show. The next time he came over she had the same get up on but this time, he noticed that she was behind the kitchen counter where she could look over and see the back of her husband’s head glued to the TV screen. Chuck came up behind her, ostensibly to get a beer, reached under her short skirt and peeled down her panties.
“Oh my God,” she thought, “this could be fun! It’s one of my safe days too.” She moved her legs apart. Detecting acquiescence, Chuck reached under to stroke her pussy which quickly got his fingers wet. With that encouraging sign he unzipped his shorts, pulled out his rising erection and eased it up into her eager juicy cunt from nehind.
Mabel bit her finger to keep from making noise as strokes from the second cock of her life began building the pleasure that her pussy too rarely had. She felt the pulses of hot cock juice coat her insides before she got her climax but her fingers kept going as he withdrew, zipped up, and took a fresh beer back in front of the TV. Rubbing his fresh cum on her clit got her off big time again and she headed for the bathroom to clean up. She reeked of sex and sprayed some air freshener in the kitchen and the bathroom.
The game was over and her husband went to take a pee so she asked Chuck, “You ever have any free time when my husband’s working?”
“I’ve got a flex schedule. How about 8 o’clock tomorrow morning?” He knew exactly why she’d asked the question.
She met him in a nightie she hadn’t worn since her honeymoon. Didn’t seem to do anything for her husband so she just wore regular cotton nightgowns when she went to bed with him. She knew that Chuck would appreciate this one and he sure did. He pulled her close and gave her a hot wet kiss with tongue, the first one she’d had in years. His hands pulled up the back of her sheer nightie and cupped her ass. She started unbuckling his pants.
He was already hard by the time her mouth found it. It wasn’t circumcised and she was a little puzzled about what to do until he peeled the foreskin back to show her. Damn this was interesting! She cupped his big hairy balls as she licked and sucked on this impressive organ, something her husband never seem to care for. Chuck told her how much he liked it and that made her all warm inside, and especially her crotch. Shit, she was dripping!
Mabel couldn’t stand it any longer and just laid down on the carpet, wisely putting a towel under their waists and Chuck answered her invitation with seven inches of hard meat. It was wild to watch it disappearing beneath the fur above her crotch. Yesterday’s quickie had been good but this was fantastic as he took long leisurely strokes, letting her enjoy every inch as it went in and out.
The hour-long experience left the woman practically exhausted and pissed. Certainly not at Chuck but at her husband for all the years that she’d missed out. This copulation was as much different from the quickie they’d had as that had been from her husband’s pitiful screwings. They agreed to get together once a week for a leisurely lay, and sneak quickies during the sporting events. Chuck sprang for her birth control too.
With her pussy itching for more action, Mabel turned in another direction. With the pitiful household allowance that her cheap husband gave her, she ended up having to mow and otherwise care for the yard herself. Neighbor boys periodically stopped by to ask if they could have a job doing that, but she couldn’t pay them ... until now. She wondered if a 16-year-old would find her mature body attractive. Only one way to find out.
When Tommy from down the street was walking by after school she called him over. She was wearing her Saturday sports hostess outfit. His eyes bugged out and his shorts tented as he ogled the views all away down to her bellybutton when she bent over to talk to him. She noticed that tenting and thought things were going well. She asked him how things were going at school and he said he was struggling with a couple of subjects, topics that she was pretty good at so she offered to tutor him.
When he said that he couldn’t afford to pay her for that, she said, “We’ll work a deal and trade for some yard work around here.” His eyes brightened up and he nodded vigorously. They set their first meeting for tomorrow right after school which would give a couple hours before her husband showed up from work. Perfect.
His schoolwork was pretty easy for her and she was able to prompt him in the right directions so he got his homework done before dinner for the first time ever. Their agreement was that he would spend an hour helping her out for every hour that she spent tutoring so that was not going to happen until Saturday.
When she told her husband about it at supper, he didn’t seem very interested except wondering how she was going to pay for it. He liked her explanation because it didn’t cost him anything. He did come up with a list of projects for the young man though.
Hubby was gone all Saturday morning going to the hardware store and making sure they had enough snacks for the afternoon ball games. Nobody was coming over today so he had to buy his own beer which he grumbled about.
Tommy arrived about the time that the game was starting so they headed out back and went over the list and she showed them where all the tools and other supplies were located. It was a warm day and she was wearing as little as she could get away with. Some of the work was strenuous and Tommy got so warm he peeled off his shirt, causing tingles in Mabel’s pussy as she looked over his mostly naked and moderately muscular body.
When some of the projects required her to get up in the garage attic, she took the opportunity to have him hold the latter and stare up the legs of her loose shorts. Of course, she was commando.
His crotch was bulging quite a bit by now so while she had him in the garage she faced him and said, “I see you’re enjoying looking at this old body. Haven’t you seen naked women before?”
Tommy stuttered, “Well, uh, oh, only in pictures.”
She smiled, “I think a boy your age should know more than that so I guess I’d better do some other tutoring besides the academic.” She took both of his hands to the bottom of her blouse to have him pull it up over her head. Her unfettered breasts swung a bit as she moved. They were soft and pendulous but had very nice curves and, right now, very full nipples.
He just stared at them as they hung in front of him, paralyzed with surprise. Mabel smiled as she reached for his hands again and put them on the outside of each breast indicating to him that he should caress those fleshy mounds. After a bit she also showed him what to do with fingertips on nipples before whispering, “They like to be sucked on and nibbled.” He got right to that and her body was tingling from the sensations.
She couldn’t hold out too long and exclaimed, “My turn to play,” as she reached for the front of his shorts. There was no fly so she just pulled them down and out it popped, the longest one she’d seen yet. It seemed about the same thickness as her husband’s and it was circumcised. Her fingers stroked it as she got down on her knees and began Tommy’s very first blow job. She got a mouthful before long and was concerned that his loud groans would get heard by somebody.
“I think we’d better get back out in the yard and work. We’ll do this again, I promise.”
After the ball game was over her husband came out and was impressed with how much had been done. She actually got a rare thank you from him and then she went in to fix dinner without any help as usual.
Tommy suddenly became a good student, buckling down to get his schoolwork done quickly so he could play stud with Mabel. He learned lots of fun positions for burying his bone and became a proficient pussy eater. He also brought some ideas from watching porn and Mabel got some new jollies too.
When he asked if his buddy Rod could join in on the fun, twice as much yard work got done for a given length of time and that made more time to play which Mabel enjoyed twice as much now. She realized for the first time in her life how much sex she could enjoy. When her husband made his infrequent request for coitus she would go in and douch herself on the toilet so he wouldn’t feel the recently deposited semen that was often in there.
Then shit hit the fan, as it often does. Hubby came home early and caught her being spit roasted by two teenage boys. She heard the door slam and ran to the window to see him roar off down the road. The police called a while later and said that he had missed a curve and slammed into a large tree. There was nothing that could be done for him.
She was devastated and her two young men did their best to console and support her until her sister arrived to spend some time until the funeral. After that sad event, she got a call from her family lawyer and she went down to go over the consequences of her husband’s demise. He was well insured so that was a big relief since she did not have a job and had only minimal marketable skills.
One other shock was finding a letter to her in her husband’s desk drawer. It had been written some time ago and talked about how he was fighting depression which he tried to deal with by watching sports. It was also the reason for his low libido. He was too macho to admit to either one of them while he was alive.
It took a while but finally Tommy, a frequent presence in her home as a genuinely caring young man, finally detected Mabel’s reaching out to him for closeness. His parents already knew how much he cared for her and so his presence there did not concern them at all and he had stayed overnight a few times when he said that she was very much in need of company.
This night Mabel attacked him. There was no other word to describe the fury with which she wanted naked closeness with him. She was still working through the guilt of having her husband discover her infidelity but her deep needs were also surfacing. She’d had much of a bottle of wine by the time Tommy showed up and she didn’t stop until she’d worn him out. Then she said, “Text Rod to get over here pronto.” There was no need to explain why to either of them. By the time she’d fucked Rod senseless, Tommy could get it up again and she rode him like a mad woman, slapping his face with her hanging tits.
During that night, she got both of them in her pussy at the same time and had a traditional DP too. They left in the early morning because they had obligations but she found a note that they would return that evening and would bring dinner. She slept most of the day.
When they arrived, Mabel was embarrassed and asked for forgiveness for using them so blatantly. They hugged her and said it was all right, they were glad they could make her feel better. And from then on they went back to their tutoring and helping routine and she did feel better and better.
Even though the house was paid for and she had some money in the bank, she wanted to do something else with herself during the days when the boys weren’t attending to her and she them. Rod suggested that she rent rooms in the four-bedroom house to college students. The city bus line ran right past her house directly to campus and it wasn’t a bad bike ride either.
The boys researched what some other places were doing and charging. She could offer a better deal than the dormitories for about the same money. Home cooked meals, laundry, a more homelike atmosphere were major selling points. If she marketed to graduate students then she would get a better class of tenant, the boys thought. She checked and found that there weren’t any permits required for only three bedrooms and her young helpers set up a little marketing campaign for her.
The rooms were filled quickly, even though it was a few months until the fall term started. One of them was taking a late-summer short-term class and so that would be her maiden voyage at this new venture.
Matt was a PhD student in physics and in his mid-20s. He was delighted with the accommodations since they would offer a quieter place to study than a dorm and was much less expensive and troublesome than trying to maintain an apartment. He would only be there for dinner, often leaving early and getting something to eat on the way and having a lunch out. Sunday might be the only day he would actually stay in residence.
Mabel got her renting system figured out with his feedback. His absence during the week was similar to her husband’s work schedule so she and her boys got back to the playing they were familiar with.
Her roomer was often studying on Sundays but she had tried to have conversations with him at dinner time to find out if he had any interests besides just being a student. He was pretty shy so she had to pull things out of him. He did admit to liking science fiction and she had read some of it that she liked, so Sunday afternoon they watched a film together. He even bought a bottle of wine for them to enjoy and she made some little snacks to munch on. It was fun sharing things with somebody older than her teenagers. That became a regular joint entertainment for them.
Deja vu happens also. Matt came home early one weekday and was looking for Mabel. He found her being team fucked by the two teenage boys that he knew she tutored. Having no claim, he didn’t want to reveal himself but just retired to his room quietly. They hadn’t noticed him.
After dinner he offered her a drink, and she knew something was different. As they sat in the living room on the couch where they often watched their movies, Matt told her, “I came home early today and looked for you and you were quite occupied doing something that I hope was recreational because it sure wasn’t academic.” He stopped and looked at her.
She turned red and didn’t know what to say, looking everywhere but at him.
Matt continued, “I can understand why they are interested in you. You have a voluptuous body. Since it takes two of them to keep up, you must be a very lusty woman.” He looked at her and she nodded slightly, realizing he was not going to be critical. “As you know, I am pretty involved in my degree program and do not wish to expend the energy for a romantic relationship in order to get my male needs satisfied. Of course I have them, but they’ve just been suppressed for quite a while. Do you find me attractive enough to consider me as an older sex partner than your current ones?”
That was an offer to consider. She’d enjoyed the visiting with him and he had lots more smarts than her young men whose frequent erections were such a joy. She was very flattered that this young man would think her attractive enough to proposition so she said, “I like you as a person and so I’m willing to give it a try. If it just doesn’t seem to be working out, I hope we can both be mature enough to just scale things back to the way it has been with no hard feelings.”
“I think that’s fair and I can agree to that. When do we start?” said the young man who now appeared in a very different light to her.
Mabel gave a little tinkly laugh, “If you’ve finished your academics for tonight then we could start your new course of study whenever you are ready. I’m going to go put on my robe.”
They both sat on the couch in their robes and Matt reached over to hug her. He went for her lips and she was soon sharing spit with him. A bit of that and she took his hand and slipped it inside her robe top and he moaned feeling a handful of the soft flesh lurking there. A bit of titty touching later, she led him to his bedroom and the robes dropped so they could each see their new lover for the first time.
Things proceeded as you might expect and Matt was soon balls deep in Mabel. No matter that her pussy had been well fucked by two hard dicks earlier that same day, she loved the way Matt’s bigger bone stretched her even more than they had. He worshipped her bosom and that made her tingle all over as he pushed and pulled his swollen tool amongst her sensitive inner tissues.
She wasn’t at all surprised he didn’t last long, squirting hard in the residuals of her teen boys’ stuff, but she’d learned with her teenagers how to keep a guy where she wanted him until he got firm enough to do the job once more. It worked for Matt and he was absolutely delighted, admitting that getting off too quick had been a problem with the few women he had bedded. He also told her that her tits were the finest he’d ever gotten his hands and mouth on which helped reload his equipment.
Back in her own bed, she rubbed his cream on her clit and got herself off again as she thought about this new adventure in her sex life. How often would he want to spread her legs? Should she cut back on the boys? Then she figured, “Why the hell should she turn down any opportunity if her pussy didn’t get too sore?” She’d try fucking them all as often as they wanted. Matt already knew what her pussy was doing but she wasn’t going to mention him to her youngsters.
About a week of that was enough, satiating her curiosity about how much of a slut she could be. Her body was a more abundant source of pleasure than she had even previously appreciated. She began encouraging the boys to find girlfriends of their own and cut them back to three times a week. She decided to ration Matt to short fucks the other days and they would be together much longer on Sunday, she expected.
One thing she hadn’t expected was Matt’s bringing some imagination to their copulations. He’d apparently seen some stuff on the web and so they tried a number of fetishes from time to time for some variety. Role-playing and light bondage and watersports ended up being their favorites to try on Sunday afternoons for entertainment.
Soon enough, the next semester was starting with two new boarders moving in. Fred was 52 and a visiting professor for just a semester. Andy was a nontraditional student, going back to finish his bachelor’s degree in business after quite a few years in the military. He was late-30s and single. Matt noticed that she had only selected male applicants.
Class schedules were discussed and mealtimes planned. Discretion was now necessary to hook up with her existing fuck-buddies due to the varying schedules of the three men in residence. There was only one weekday when her teenagers could stop by after school and be pretty assured that no one else was there. Matt was a bit easier to get between her legs, being in residence. Late night quiet fucks seemed to be OK, or so she thought.
Just a couple weeks into the semester she was home alone with Fred who often came back to work on his class preparation. It was midafternoon and she brought him some tea and cookies. He thanked her and then asked, “I have a rather personal question to ask you. Would it be okay?” She nodded so he continued, “I got up to pee the other night and I saw Matt coming out of your room in his robe. Of course you’re both adults so you can do what you choose, and I’m not being judgmental please understand, but I wondered if there might be a special service of the place that I could take advantage of. I’m married, but I’ve not had sex for quite a while since my wife finds it painful. I miss it a lot.” He stopped there, waiting for a reaction.
Mabel sat quietly, her face blushing a bit in embarrassment at being caught. After a bit she replied, “As you know, I became a widow rather suddenly but, like you, I still have needs and I find various ways of satisfying them. I am not selling my body, since I consider good sex to be an even exchange and I won’t accept anything but good. You are close to my late husband’s age and our sex was good and quite different than with Matt. It said that variety is the spice of life so I’m willing to give it a try with you.”
Fred broke out into a big smile and said, “I think I’m still functional and if so you will find that I’m not boring in bed. When could we find out how we are together?”
Mabel stood up and pulled off her loose pullover, exposing her unsupported breasts. “Here is an appetizer for you to try.” She moved over and bent down so a nipple was in front of his mouth and he began to expertly suck and nibble on it. His hand reached up to grasp the other one and make it feel good. “Mmmmm! They like that,” she murmured.
Her hand reached down and found a swelling in his pants, a very good sign. Pulling her breasts away from him she knelt down and unzipped his trousers, working a growing pecker through his tighty-whitey’s. It wasn’t circumcised, something she’d had only a little experience with. Peeling the foreskin back was fascinating and she moved it back and forth a few times before bending over to taste him.
Fred hummed and commented, “Do you want a mouthful or would you rather have it someplace else? I like what you’re doing but I like pussy better.”
They finished stripping and lay together on his bed, side by side. He was pretty trim although not muscular and his equipment was about the size of Matt’s, close to the same length but thicker than her late husband’s. Their arousal built quickly and she soon said, “I’m ready” so Sam positioned himself between her legs. It was all her own lubrication since she hadn’t fucked Matt for almost two days.
His thrusting pattern was different than any of the others, rubbing her in some good ways, his pubic bone on her clit, and his foreskin rubbing a sensitive spot in the upper part of her pussy wall. “Was he getting to her G-spot?” she wondered. In any case he lasted quite a long time for a man who hadn’t been laid very recently and she had a solid orgasm before he spurted. She felt the warmth spreading but not the actual semen shots like her younger cocks with their more vigorous ejaculations.
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Plz read and comment. I am naked in a bathroom, in front of me sits a beautiful woman only wearing high heels. While i play with her hard nippels, she starts to pee, we both acknowledges it, on the sound of her pee splasing down in the bowl, without any words. Right after she slowly stand up in front of me, my hands a running softly over her skin, as she in a quiet and friendly voice asks me "do you want to lick me clean?" I go down on my knees, she spreads her legs open and pushes her hips...
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Brother Samuel here. A name that should require no introduction at this point. Your favorite big and tall, good-looking and openly bisexual Haitian-American author, law student and activist living near Boston, Massachusetts. Sometimes, I wonder why people simply can’t leave well enough alone. Why must they try to fix things that don’t need fixing? Don’t fix anything that’s not broken. Why do idiotic people get their cats and dogs neutered when the animals were perfectly fine the way they were?...
The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...
One day Carly and Sam were in the iCarly studio doing a rehearsal for an upcoming episode of their popular web-show when their technical producer, Freddie Benson, came bouncing in with a long, big box.“What’s that for?” asked Carly.“It’s a new device I found on Sky-Mall which allows the person strapped in to bounce around the room safely and securely. Almost like you’re bungee jumping, but in all different directions,” Freddie answered as he placed the box down onto the floor.“So you didn’t buy...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My older brother (by about 3 years) had married Laura, his high school sweetheart while I was in the Army stationed in France. When I was scheduled to return to the States for my discharge my brother had enlisted and we had passed somewhere between the U. S. and Europe. When I got to my folk's house my new sister-in-law was living there too. I had known Laura from high school and, even tho she was a couple years older than me, she and I had a very good...
IncestLet me introduce again -I am Abijeet R. and my wife Nitisha .R, well you must had read the first series which I told about my kinky fantasies where I saw my wife Nitisha having sex with other man (Vijay). I wanted to see how my wife goes wild with him, naughty, hidden lust of another man. We loved each other since college days so trust and bonding has been strong. First she hesitated to have other man in our sex life reason was my jealously & Indian culture. But I made everything ease and told...
The rain and alcohol brought my hidden desires into reality. As my boss’s sexy wife’s ass caressed on my bulged cock, I extended my arms to reach out to her. I still couldn’t believe the things happening. I still doubted that this was happening. My boss’s wife didn’t find what she was searching for and resumed cooking. I moved behind her almost within her reach. I could see her hands shivering. I noticed that the stove was already off. She was waiting for me to make the move. She clasped the...
Me kafi handsome dikhta hun and maintained hu. Mera lund 6.5 inches lamba and 2-inch mota hai. Ye baat aaj se 1 saal pehele ki hai. Meri nayi girlfriend bani thi uska naam priya hai. Vo mujhse junior hai but kya kamal ki dikhti hai, gora badan neeli aankhen aur uske boobs aur gand to aur kamal ki, ki man karta hai ki jaha dikhe dabane lag jao. Relationship me aane ke 6 mahine baad me uske hometown kolkatta gaya apne college ke kaam se to priya ne mujhe apne ghar bulaya as a friend apne gharwalo...
The Smedleys had a boarder living in the loft, a writer, an odd sort but he paid very well to have his meals brought to him. He was little trouble, little noticed, seldom seen, but the six-hundred dollars he paid in cash each month was. That money was a godsend to the Smedleys who had three teenage daughters all needing the things growing teenage daughters need just to stay abreast of other teenage daughters breasts. They went through bras like boys went through socks and would not wear...
Hours seem to pass since John told me go upstairs. I pack up my stuff. Sad that the weekend has to end. Devastated that John and I are more than likely over. I never wanted it to end this way. I never wanted to hurt his wife. Deep down, I did wish he would have left her for me. But I know that would never happen. After my things are shoved in my suitcase, I flop down onto the king size bed and close my eyes. I think about Tiffany kissing me and punishing me. It was so hot. I would have...
"I think I'd like a drink," Councilor Estebahn said. "Anyone care to join me?" Everyone but me said yes. "Max?" "I'm still underage for a couple of weeks, Sir," I told him. "Fuck that. You deserve one." Taylor nodded his agreement. "Then if you have a decent porter, stout, or dark ale, I'll take one of those." He turned off the security, went to the door and asked someone to grab the drinks. He resumed his seat and a few minutes later a man came in with a tray of drinks...
“STOP!” Marie turned and shouted at Ken, “If you want to fuck me more, it will be on my terms! I’m on top! I will control how fast, how hard, how deep your cock thrusts into me! Those are my terms for you to fuck me. Don’t look at me like that! Okay? Don’t! If you want to pound my pussy the way you just did even more, then you can wait another hour, or two, for me to recover and rest up for that! Or maybe even three hours. Will your cock still be hard three hours from now? Will you...
I picked up my niece around noon and started heading back to home. Neither of us watched the weather and didn’t know that a huge nor’easter was about to hit the east coast. It wasn’t long before we were driving in white out conditions. I pulled off an exit at a truck stop to check the weather and get something to eat. We sat in a booth at the truck stop watching the TV weather. Here we found out the worse isn’t even upon us and they are calling for 24” of snow by tomorrow morning. ...
"Fuck me, those are the biggest tits in the world." Russell Nolan didn't know what to say. He sat there and stared at the blonde stripper, his mouth agape. They were balloons. That was the only description that seemed apt. The girl had stepped out on stage with two large, flesh-coloured balloons attached to her chest. Dark pink nipples wobbled at the centre of each enormous breast. "Fuck, who'd have thought that drug-addled muppet was actually telling the truth for a change." "Hey,...
There was a knock on the door. Shahid got up and opened the door. It was Prashant. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, kids, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” said Prashant. Roja laid there on the mattress, covering herself with the blanket facing us and listening to the conversation. “Ok… go on,” said Shahid. “Well, today is our 30th anniversary, and I want some wedding anniversary gifts for her, and it kind of requires your help,” he said. “What is it? I will be glad to help,” Shahid...
The woman had been staring at me all afternoon right in front of her husband, we where at the pool side all day soaking up the hot sun. I was there on a stop over for two days alone and took the time to relax, I didn’t mind the woman staring at me but her poor husband could see it and clearly didn’t like it giving me dirty looks all day. The woman must have been 45 or so and very overweight packed into a one-piece swimsuit that had her fat bulging out from every opening. Her breasts...
NATALIE (Monday 12/5) I heard the alarm go off and fought my way out of sleep. I felt Bob come awake behind me. I wiggled my ass, squeezed my twat and squeaked, "Unka Robert, why do you have your man-thing in my little cunny?" "Thuh better to boink ya, Missy Lillian." In my normal voice, I asked, "Then what are we doing just talking?" He nuzzled my neck and shoulders and moved in and out. Oh, to wake up to such sweetness is wonderful! We intertwined legs and arms so he was...
Rose was her name; my next door neighbour. She’d been friends with my parents and had even come over to our house during the summer to enjoy our pool. I’d seen her in her bikini – all bouncing boobs and smooth, tanned skin. To my eighteen-year-old eyes, she was a goddess. They’d been good friends, the three of them,; often spending summer nights drinking and talking and laughing out in the garden. That was before she had fucked my dad. The lucky bastard. After that, she wasn’t invited to...
VoyeurNot my Story, but a great read.Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled # 1 (mmf)bisexual – mmf – threesome - creampie – clean upIntroductionMy wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her...
Ok, I know all you guys have at one time or another fucked a cute girl in the ass but this story is a little different and involved my girlfriends mom and her mothers tight asshole!My girlfriend "Carla" and I were both juniors in high school. I had been fucking Carla for a couple of years and would hang out at her house all the time. Her mom was divorced, had a really nice house, two other hot daughters and a full bar in their den.Her mom was named "Martha" (a horrible name but that was it) and...
“Fucking A, this is a pretty sweet place to bunker down for now at least!” I chuckled after I spurted one rope in each of the Karens. “You know what would make it sweeter?” Ben laughed as he caused Brenda and Lamar to simply appear in front of me. “Sis?” I reached out to hug her, but she shrunk for a second ... probably because I was nude. “Bro ... why are you naked? What’s that ... gun in your hand? Some kind of ray gun? Are you behind these recent events? Are they ... what’s going on?”...
purplemind Romance, adventure, accident, male/ female, ass to mouth, reluctant, domination: Story follows from part one. Reading part one is essential to understand the characters and plot. It was a miracle that Jack and Anni survived the crash. The Corsa rammed the back of Jack` s pick-up causing the thief to lose control of the vehicle, promptly taking out the corner traffic lights. The Corsa escaped with minor damage to the front bumper, grill, bonnet and lights. Jack` s Bakkie on the...
Bigtit stepmommy Lauren Phillips is intent on keeping her stepson, Ricky Spanish, up until midnight to ring in the new year. Ricky is so tired that he can’t help himself; he’s constantly on the verge of falling asleep. When Lauren can’t get through to Ricky by talking to him, she gets the bright idea to put on some hot lingerie that shows off those incredible tits of hers and teasing him into staying awake. Ricky is a bit on the shy side and would never ask for his...
xmoviesforyouFriday Mid Morning, On the Deck “It’s beautiful!” she said, as they got out of the car and looked around. The cabin looked like a log cabin off the side of a mountain somewhere, it needed a little TLC, but it was quaint. It sat a short distance from the lake, and was surrounded by trees and fall wild flowers. The trees were at their fall best—beautiful bright reds, oranges and yellows, with the pine trees adding the green. There was a porch that wrapped around the cottage. The front overlooked...
A Happy Ending, Or Not? Inevitably, Sandy and Jeremy began to argue and fight. They fought over Jeremy’s lack of attention for Sandy, over his long hours at work, and his general blasé attitude toward life. They fought over how Sandy had been unable to find work, and how Jeremy was footing all the bills by himself, and over the amount of time and space Sandy reserved for her favorite hobby. They fought over dirty clothes that hadn’t been tossed in the hamper, over what they were having for...
Narendra sat sated and contented on a sofa eyeing his dear, beautiful mother, who had now d****d herself in a dark blue sari. She appeared so splendid, so beautiful as she lay on the grand double bed – relaxed and looking at her son with half-shut eyes."Mother you' re wonderful," Narendra said.Her mother smiled. "It was a great experience," sunita told her son. "Soon we will be flying back. And you will learn more – a lot more about life.""No mother will do what you have done for me," Narendra...
I met my wife Karen when I was twenty-six working for a construction company. I remember perfectly the day we met. She was an older woman at forty-two with a chiseled body. She could have been a model with her perfectly round C cup breasts and plump ass. She got out of her black BMW dressed in a tight red dress and a black blazer on top. Instead of a warm greeting she yelled "Stop! Just stop! Don't ever talk to me again!" I was quite confused and wondered if that was my queue to jump right into...
SeductionMy co-worker Joyce just found out the night before that her husband had cheated on her. I overheard her telling our boss, Alice, that he had stepped out with his secretary.“That fucking douchebag had the balls to do it in our bed too,” she said through her tears.“How on earth did you find out? Are you sure?” Alice prodded.“When I got home last night, I saw her driving away from my house. He was in the fucking shower and I smelled their sex in the bedroom. That god-damned schmuck.”“Did you...
Love StoriesChapter 1: Dog Park My son had gone off to college and I had inherited his basset hound. He said his mother could not be trusted with his baby and I had to agree with him. The only thing she never neglected was herself. We had been divorced seven years. My son’s final argument in his plan to convince me I should take his baby was that the dog would get me laid. He knew that would be unlikely as the reason I was not active in the pursuit of pussy was the combination of gun shyness, (thanks...
It had been six weeks since Sienna’s near death experience at the top of the club’s stairs and the subsequent encounter with the enigmatic bouncer who had since haunted her thoughts, both waking and unconscious. In that time she’d ditched the wannabe player who’d nearly caused her demise, aced her end of year Anthropology exams and reconnected with her friends. What surprised her, though, was the effort it was proving to reconnect with her pre-Adam self. She’d avoided THAT Sydney nightclub in...
I showed Eddy the videos we had made a couple of days back and he seemed convinced that we were on the right track but he said, "I still can't get a hard on." "That will be taken care of later today and I will also demonstrate that the woman you are thinking of marrying is not what you think. No. One she is not forty three years old as she says, she is sixty eight. No. Two she just wants to use you as a sex toy for the men she brings in. No. Three she is a nymphomaniac that does not care about...
Group SexThe most common sentence used towards me has always been, 'Phillip you are just not living up to your potential.'At first, in high school, I purposely tried to confirm those words by getting fifties on tests and handing in assignments late...even though I was capable of nineties...I just didn't see the purpose of doing the extra work for generic marks that don't mean anything once you leave high school.So instead I slacked off, focusing instead on football and music. I was a good football...
This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...
I was glad to see my parents for Christmas, but I knew certain things would have to change for a little while. I had to pretend I was the same innocent girl that left. Who know how my parents would act if they knew how much I enjoyed "vices" like sex, alcohol and partying!For the first week, being good was easy. I stayed home a lot of the time. I only really went out in the day to hang out with girl friends, and I spent most of my time catching up on a lot of Netflix or on twitter. Then, as...
Last Tuesday is one of best enjoyable and remember able day in my life. This day remains a special for me in my entire life. Tons of my hidden passion and dreams of so many years came together and showered me. I met. Yes I met. Really I met the SEX GODDESS. It’s true. She is my sister in law. We both loved each other in our teenage. But we never reveal our love in the past to each other. Looks and smiles only. 10 years back she married. 5 years back I married. We both have 2 children each...
When my period is about to come. My pussy gets extra wet. I need to be extra naughty. Give a stranger a couple of hours of fun. I have never did this before now. I put on short dress no panties and the breast part barely holds my tits in. I always have to adjust or they would pop out.So I hopped on the bus ready to give a couple of guys a show, and see how they respond. This one guy he looked like a business guy, he saw me and stopped reading. He stared at me well at my body. I don't...
hey there how are you Hey gorgeous! I'm ok! How are you? doing well thanks.... this is 1st time for a cpl weeks able to have some relax time.... been busy with project commitments and catching up with friends Well, I'm glad you have time to chill then! kinda lol..... are things settled over your way ? Yes and no Maybe ramping up again oh that sucks Yes well, apparently there are a lot of idiots in the U.S.! Numero Uno is our orange idiot president! yes i noticed i'm going to get my cock hard...