The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 4 May is Gone Maynard is Back
- 3 years ago
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Arthur Lambert and Mark Wheeler had been classmates since the first grade. Both sons of university professors, they lived a block apart, adjacent to the university, in what is known as the hill section of the city. Besides excelling as students, they were excellent athletes. To the consternation of their parents, they were successful at the scheming and plotting necessary to pull off pranks that might have gotten them thrown in jail, if they were caught.
Like the time they "borrowed" a cow from the university farm. It made the local paper when the cow was discovered wandering next to the stage of the campus movie theater. Only Mrs. Wheeler figured out who did it, when she found cow dung on Mark's shoes. "You better clean these before your father sees them," is all she said.
In early January of their freshman year of high school, Art made this observation to Mark. "You know, I think I have all this boy/girl thing figured out. You know, why the girls in our class don't pay any attention to us. I also have an idea as to how it will play out, too. And, my friend, I have something else that is really hot for us to work on."
"Really, old great Sahib, fill me in on your wondrous observations."
"Have you noticed what grade the guys are in that the best looking girls of our class are dating?"
"Well, have you? I'll tell you. Every last one of the nice looking freshman girls are dating either a junior or senior guy."
"Hmm, now that you mention it, your right."
"The way that I have got this figured is that the attraction of the older guys is that they have cars, and move with the older crowd, who have the best parties."
"So, you've got it all figured out, Dude?"
"Sort of. Here is the plan. We keep a book listing each good looking girl in school, freshmen, sophomore, and junior. Each girl will have a page on which we will record the name of the guys that she dates. Also, how long does she goes steady with one. Girls that we have an interest in, we try to sit near, when they go to the movies to try to determine just how intimate they are with each guy. Anything we learn about a girl goes into the book.
By their senior year, the guys that they are dating will have graduated, gone away to college."
"So what?"
"Don't you see? A girl who has been really getting it on with a steady guy will suddenly have no steady, or anyone for that matter, to take her to the dances or parties."
"Golly, what do you propose, Einstein?"
"Fuck you. Get serious. How many dates have you had in the last month? None, right?"
"You got me there. Go ahead with your words of wisdom."
"Okay. First, when we are sophomores, we ask out the dateless senior girls that went steady for a couple years. If they will date us, even if their only motive is to have a warm body to escort them to a party or dance, we will be with a girl who has done a lot of heavy petting, and is used to drinking with the older crowd... Failing that, we try the junior girls in the same fix."
"Whoo, Imagine having a date with Ellen Austin?"
"Speaking of Ellen, her brother told me that her boyfriend, Troy Burton, has a full football scholarship at South Carolina, so next fall she will be available, with luck, for some kissy-facing, maybe even a fuck."
"Sounds good. We will see how it works out. It is going to be a long year until then. What is the other hot project?"
"Have you ever taken a good look at Mrs. Bowerman, the lady who lives next door to me in the yellow house?"
"Not really, no."
"I know a secret about her. I heard my folks talking a couple nights ago. Mrs. Bowerman is a drunk. You know, an alcoholic. Dad was telling Mom that he heard that she made a fool of herself at a frat party that she and her husband were supposed to be the chaperones of. According to Dad, her husband took her home when he found her in a hallway with two guys, who were taking liberties with her."
"How does that help us?"
"I clean her yard. The other day when I was talking to her, just before ten AM, I could smell whiskey on her breath. She had a robe on. She did not notice that it was part way open. I could see most of her tits. Her husband, Mr. Bowerman, is the regional manager for an insurance company. He is away every other week. That is why they have me take care of the yard, as well as clean their pool. With my driver's license, I can offer to take her shopping, or whereever she needs to go."
"What the hell are you talking about? Why doesn't she drive herself?"
"I used to ask myself the same thing, until Mom and Dad mentioned it the other night. Mom, said to Dad, "Her drinking explains why she does not drive her car anymore. She must be afraid of being picked up for DWI." If that is the case, I could get in thick with her, if I drive her around. Let's go to my house. If she is sunning herself by the pool, there may be something to see. I can see over their fence from the attic window.
Peeking from the window, Art handed Mark a pair of binoculars, he had just been looking through. "You can see the side of her tits, plus some pussy hair."
"Just your average lady. Bleached blonde, with nice legs. How old is this babe?"
"How the hell would I know."
"Watch her often?"
"I check to see if she is out on the sunny hot days. Hey, notice the milk glass filled with her drink. If that is booze, it is a lot."
"It's booze. I can see the bottle, as well as a small ice chest, under her lounge."
During the rest of the school year, the boys carefully observed the girls in the school. In addition, they asked the other members of the football team, as well as the members of the basketball team leading questions about the girls that they knew or dated. One night in particular, they received a gold mine of information. The Friday night after the last football game of the year, Jimmy Barnes held a keg party at his father's hunting camp. Everyone agreed that if they came, that they would spend the night so that no one would get caught driving drunk.
In fact, there were three kegs. Everyone chipped in twenty bucks for the beer, steaks, and chips. It was a great party. Only the football guys were there. At one time, there were seven guys pissing off the rear deck. Jimmy told them to piss off the deck so that the septic system would not overflow.
Anyway, Mark said in a loud voice, "How many of these cocks have been in a real live pussy?"
Of the seven, four turned to wave their cocks at Mark. Troy, Ellen's boy friend, could be heard slurring out his pronouncement, "See this pretty cockee righty here. This baby gets used a lot in a nice warm pussy, let me tell you. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm."
Before the night was over, Art and Mark had identified twelve guys who claimed that they were doing it with their girlfriends. Like the good students that they were, the boys agreed that some of the guys might be exaggerating how far they could go with their girlfriends, but at least it gave them some girls to investigate.
The next two years were uneventful. Both boys dated upper-class girls, but neither had any success getting into any girl's pants. Mark took Ellen Austin to the New Years Eve ball. Everyone was invited to an after-ball breakfast at Dawn Simpson's house, just three doors from Ellen's house. No pussy for Mark that night.
Art was now a regular visitor at the Bowerman's house. At first, he drove Mrs. To the grocery on Wednesdays. He would push her cart for her, as well as unload the groceries onto her kitchen table so that she could put them away. He hit a home run, when he remarked that he wished that he knew how to dance better. Mrs. Bowerman, who now insisted that he call her Jenny, lit right up. "I love to dance. I would love to teach you."
"Oh, great. I feel like such a dunce at the dances now."
"Oh, Art. You are such a good guy. The girls will be all over you when you get older."
From then on, Jenny got more and more relaxed with Art. She let her hair down in more ways then one. She danced with him a couple nights a week, when her husband was out of town. At first, he could not smell whiskey on her breath. But soon, he noticed that the odor was strong. Her coordination, on those nights, would be off, as was her speech. He got bolder and bolder using his hands and legs to grope her, or run his legs between her's. When he did, he would notice that a slight smile came across her lips. He knew that she knew what he was doing. She thought that it was cute. Art was not sure of himself enough to try to go all the way with her, at least not yet.
Mark reminded Art several times that all his planning wasn't worth dip-shit. But then, one night in February of their senior year, their luck changed. Boy did it. It was a Saturday night. Art noticed that the Bowermans were throwing a big party. There were a at least twenty cars in the street. Art could see guys in suits, and ladies in long dresses pass, by the windows, all of which were open to allow the breeze to blow through the house. The Bowermans did not realize that Art could see over their fence, into most of the rooms, from his attic.
Art saw a man and a woman walk to the end of the pool which was out of sight of the rear porch. Shit, he thought, that guy just lowered the top of her gown to play with her tits. Art phoned Mark. "Me. Get over here right away. I will leave the front door open. Folks are out. Come up to the attic. Something to see. Hurry."
"On my way."
By the time that Mark got there, the couple had returned to the inside of the house. As Mark softly padded over to the window, Art said dejectedly, "All over. Want a coke?"
"Be right back. Keep your eyes on the pool area."
When Art returned, Mark hissed at him, "Wow, come look at this. Isn't that Mrs. Bowerman?"
Art took up a second pair of binoculars. "Sure as shit is. Never seen the guy before."
As they watched, the guy was running his hands all over her. He lit up what appeared to be a cigarette. Then they saw that both were sharing it in a way that they had seen pot shared. Finished, he backed her near the tool shed. Then he picked up a lounge mat. Thinking they would be hidden from view, he placed it on the cement deck behind the shed. Hidden from the house? Yes. From the boys? No. They watched her being finger fucked. Then both gasped as he lie on her, with his ass rising and falling. When they finished, Mrs. Bowerman used her panties to clean her pussy. She left them laying there, when she and the guy returned to the house.
"Give me five man. That was something," Mark remarked. Art sat back to sip on his "Coke."
Ten minutes later, Mark stiffened. "Oh shit, here we go again."
Mrs. Bowerman, with a different man, was in the bedroom near the front of the house. They did not bother to turn the light off, another moment of good fortune for the boys. "Be right back," Art tossed over his shoulder, as he ran out of the attic.
Art returned in time, with his camcorder, to record over ten minutes of hot fucking. When the guy finished, he got dressed. She lie back on the bed naked. Both boys enjoyed studying her.
Spring break came. A Monday morning, Art mowed the Bowerman's lawn. When he finished, Jenny offered him a glass of milk, plus some "Fig Newton" cookies, which he gladly accepted. Art could smell the booze on her breath across the room.
"Art, could you drive me over to Centerville Arbors, just past the Centerville dam. I want to buy some flowers to plant around the house."
"Love to. My folks have gone to Raleigh to visit my relatives. How about stopping at the deli on the way. After you buy your flowers, we could stop at Welder State Park. I know a neat place in the ledges over the lake to have a picnic."
Jenny was turning towards the sink as he said that. She stopped to turn back to look at him. Their eyes met. For all of six seconds she stared at him. Those six seconds, Art would remember all his life. It was the six seconds, he knew, when a full grown woman made the decision that she would allow him to have sex with her. "So, young man, do you think that it is proper for a married woman to picnic in a secluded place with a much younger single guy, like your self?"
Boldly, Art responded. He knew that she was playing with him. "It all depends on what the woman wants to do with the young man, and where does she want it to happen, don't you think?"
Jenny's eyes never left his. "And just what do you think a married woman might want to happen if she was with a young guy, such as yourself?"
Art stepped forward to where he could put his arms around Jenny. He kissed her on the lips. For a moment, she tried to push him away. He backed her to the wall. His body pressed against her. Her arms went around his neck. She returned his kiss. He backed her to the stairs. Jenny took his hand, leading him up the stairs, into a bedroom.
Both naked, standing by the bed, Art thought that he would cum, when his cock brushed against her naked body as they kissed again. Art knew nothing of foreplay. It made no difference. She was wet and ready for him, as he slid onto her.
She guided his eager, throbbing cock to her waiting cunt. As it slid into her, she tossed her head back, closed her eyes, and let out the long sigh of a woman who knew the pleasure a young cock would give an older woman. She had fantasized about having sex with Art. She had pictured, in her mind, him on her several times, one right after another.
On night, dreaming of being with him, she woke up with her finger in her pussy, humping away. If all went as she planned, she would have an in-house "Boy-toy" to fuck her every night that her husband was away. It was all working out. Art was an accepted fixture at her house. A fact accepted by both his parents and her husband.
Eyes closed, she was in ecstasy as Art's cock probed in and out of her place of pleasure. He come, with several groans. His eager hands grasped, fondled, her generous bosoms, as many men before him had done. Now hard, his cock was inserted again in her. This time, she felt the tingle of an orgasm building in her pussy, spreading to her spine. Then, "Yes, yes, yes, Oohhooo, Yessss, Ohhooooo."
After the second go, she took his head in her hands, as she gave him instructions. "You clean up in the bathroom down the hall. I'll shower in here. Drive me to Centerville. After I buy my flowers, we can stop at the deli, and then have a picnic. That will be fun."
Seeing the frown on his face, she added, "We can do some more of this, too."
Shopping done, they drove to the park. Settled on a blanket on a slab of rock thirty-feet above the water both enjoyed the lemonade, grinder, pickles, and potato salad lunch.
It was a warm, cloudless day, with the wind blowing at thirteen knots out of the southwest. A boat could be seen, over three miles away, trolling slowly, probably for walleyes. Jenny lie on her back, arms up under her head, with her eyes closed. Art was on his side looking at her. She had on a yellow sun dress. Her hair was up in a bun. Her sandals were off, laying to the side of the blanket. A pine fragrance came from a nearby strand.
Without opening her eyes, Jenny said, matter-of-factly. "Come over here. Rub me."
Lying next to Jenny, Art ran his right hand the length of her left arm, then across her midriff.
Jenny let out a soft chuckle. She took his hand off her. Standing, she said, "This is more of what you had in mind, isn't it." With that, she slipped her dress over her head, to stand over him, completely naked. Again on her back, she took his hand, placing it on her pussy. "Play with that for awhile." She closed her eyes.
Art, sans clothes, lie next to her. His mind was going bonkers. He wanted to feel her tits, and finger fuck her, but he could not do both at the same time. So, he concentrated on his index finger which he was slowly probing her cunt with. For Jenny, enough was enough. She wanted cock.
Jenny lifted her spread legs in the air, while pulling him to her... On her, he slid forward. She reached under her right leg to use her hand to guide his cock to her hair-covered, wet entrance. With one push forward, Art was in. Her arms held him tightly to her. As a woman would, she wanted him to savor it. She whispered in his ear, "Art, Honey, go very, very slow. Feel how nice your cock feels as it slips in and out of me? Do it real, real, slow."
She held him, She tutored him. She used her pussy to tease him. Yet when he stiffened, cock about to spurt, she became a slut-whore, who loudly demanded in his ear, "fuck me, push, fuck me."
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Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...
ExhibitionismKaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...
Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...
Mind ControlIt was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...
It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...
“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...
Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...
Wishbone LITE By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a short story I entered into a TG fiction competition a few years back with a 1000 word maximum (This story is 1010 words). For the record, I did win first place. I originally wasn't going to upload it here because of how short it is, but decided otherwise and here we are. If there is demand to expand it to something more I'll gladly do...
"Mount up, babydoll!" he said. At last understanding, Christine squealed and leapt to her feet. She pulled up her skirt and wiggled her hungry red beaver at him. She needed a trim. With a wish, all her pubes fell out, then an arrow-shaped landing strip grew in their place. "Are you really going to fuck me Mr. Phillips?" she asked eagerly. "You bet your sweet ass I'm going to fuck you, Christine!' he exclaimed, reaching around to grab said ass. "It really is your only hope of...
36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...
IncestMAYO THE WOPPart OneIn a dark street somewhere in the twisty depths of London, the light of a torch bounced off the walls, flickering amongst the wet stones. It caught a rag on the ground, a dark lump of body. The torch bearer ran forwards to see better, shining the torch straight into the face. A hand reached out trying to block the flare, but the men grabbed it and dragged the body upright onto his feet revealing the tender complexion of a fifteen year old boy with black fine curls and the...
Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...
Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...
I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband. I had often fantasized about such an encounter with my wife, Maya; however, whenever I brought up the matter of a threesome and bringing another man into our sexual adventures, my wife was firmly against it.This was rather curious since we were hardly prudes. We had an ongoing swapping relationship with another couple for quite some time....
Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...
> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...
Khan Chacha went into Rekha’s room to sleep. Vinod was lying on the ground helpless with Rekha’s panty stuffed in his mouth. And Ali slowly started moving to his prize, Rekha. Akhtar walked towards Maya’s bedroom, and Maya followed him. Akhtar was 45 years old muscular, and very well built 6’2” tall Muslim goon. Maya was a 35-year-old lady whose husband died 2 years ago. Ever since then, she had not had any man touch her. Losing her husband so early didn’t do any good to...
Girl Meets World - Fun with Maya and Uncle JoshRiley Matthews arrived home after hanging out with Lucas and Farkle at Topanga's Café for smoothies. They were the only three there when Maya didn't go with Riley to hang out with them. Riley's parents and her little brother Auggie were out of town to visit Cory's parents, so Josh was there to keep an eye on Riley and make sure that she doesn't mess the apartment up. When she looked around for Josh, she didn't see him in the apartment. Riley began...
Riley & Maya By: James Stryker [For me to do this story, I cannot write about Riley and Maya having lesbian sex at the age they are in the show because it's just not right. So I am going to age them up to 18. In this story, Riley and Maya decided to have a little experimentation to see what it's like to have lesbian sex.]"Come on, Riley. It'll be fun." Maya said to her best friend."I don't know about this." Riley said looking shy.The two best friends were now 18 years old and they were in...
Girl Meets World - Maya's Birthday SurpriseToday was going to be the greatest day of Maya Penelope Hart's life. Today, she is turning 18-years-old. Her mother and her stepfather Shawn surprised her with birthday pancakes that they both made for her. Shawn also surprised Maya by taking her to the art museum to look at some of the paintings. This is going to be the best day ever. Later that day, Riley has planned something special for Maya. Maya has picked out the perfect outfit to wear: she wore...
Hello Readers. This is the story of Suchit and Maya. They both were classmates and college mates. They both love each other and are married. Maya doesn’t have any world, she thinks about Suchit all the time. Suchit is also a gentleman and never touched any other girl. They both used to have sex before marriage also. Maya never says ‘no’ to Suchit on the bed. Due to financial drawbacks, they didn’t plan for the child. Both parents opposed their marriage. One fine day Suchit met with an accident....
Introduction: An older married woman follows her quest for kinky sex The Rape of Maya Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critters scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!… When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled...
Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critter's scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!... When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled sexual desire to be orgasmed had been satisfied far past any wild sexual degree...
I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...
Incest-= Part 1 of 2 =-About us, most of you who have read some of my other stories, know about my cum loving, Maya. Me Sam, 35, married for 21 years to Maya. its been ten yrs now, since she now has passed away. we made a fine, if sextordinary couple. If you like guys and girls next door types, not too overweight, not too short, nice faces then that's us. Middling jobs too. I was in Newspaper editing and still am. Maya was a stay at home mom, we had 4 k**s, that are all grown up, and we had other...
For over the last two decades, I've had many housekeepers and cleaning ladies. Most of them working either part-time every day or just a couple of hours a week. My (now ex-) wife has never been aware of my mindset regarding the ladies. She'd even recruit them, most of the time. Not that I didn't want to be part of the selection process but I just wanted to let odds decide, in a way. Did I treat the ladies wrong? Never. Did I pay them well? Always above market standards. But I did play a game...
Although she was only a back-up singer, Maya was feeling rather worn-out after the concert. She scanned the backstage area hoping to find a decent-looking guy to spend the night with. ‘Wonderful,’ she thought. ‘Not a single male groupie.’ Disappointed, she got a beer out of the cooler and sat down on a nearby loveseat. She gazed jealously as she saw every other band member (all guys of course) chatting up some dumb-looking chicks. As she put the bottle to her full, painted, lips, she made...