- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
"Dad," said my daughter Sasha. "You have to come to the school tomorrow to meet my new teacher."
"What happened to your old teacher, Mrs. Greendale?" I asked.
"Her husband had a heart attack so she has to stay home and take care of him for the rest of the school year," she answered.
I liked Mrs. Greendale. She was an old school teacher. None of that new-fangled, blame it on the parents shit for her. I never had to go up to the school unless Sasha did something extra stupid.
"Can't your mom meet her at the PTA meetings?" I asked.
"I'd rather have you meet her, Mom has been acting so strange lately," said Sasha.
"Alright Angel, I'll try to get over there, but I'm not making any promises," I said. "Meetings with teachers clearly fall under your Mom's jurisdiction."
I'm Lucas McCain. I'm an account rep for Devlin International. I'm thirty five going on fifty. I'm about 5'10" with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm in pretty good shape from daily runs, and I love my wife and daughter more than anything I can think of. My wife Dana was one of the movers and shakers on the school's PTA or whatever modern name they had for it.
Dana was short, about 5' even. At least she swore she was. Every time I measured her she came out at 4' 11". She was curvy with a big butt and big boobs that I loved to motorboat. We'd been married for fourteen years, and had been spoiling our daughter for the past 10 of those. We had only 8 more years, until Sasha was off to college. Then Dana and I could walk around the house naked as the day we were born, and spend our time screwing on all of the furniture.
Sasha did have one thing right though. Dana had been acting strangely again. Last time she acted like this it was because she was pregnant with Sasha. She was trying to figure out everything we'd have to have and do to make the pregnancy easier before she told me. I guess I was practically to blame for that because I'd never shown any interest in having kids. But from the first day my little angel came into the world. From just after I personally cut her umbilical cord and smacked her on her butt, she's been her daddy's girl.
Dana came in a little bit later and headed straight for the shower. She was doing that a lot lately, maybe once or twice a week. I didn't think anything of it though because women are always taking way more baths and showers than any guy ever does. When I look back on it now I guess I was stupid, or at least clueless. But let's face it most of us are. We get married because we love the other person so much that we want them to be a permanent part of our lives.
Part of that love is the fact that we trust them, in several ways. We trust them not to hurt us. We trust them to be faithful to us. We just never expect the person we pledge to spend the rest of our lives with, to stab us in the fucking back. Let's face it love makes us clueless. If you're constantly looking over your shoulder and watching for the apple of your eye to cheat on you, then your relationship sucks. Kick that bitch to the curb right now. Trust me if you can't let your guard down around her, you don't really love her. I'm sure a lot of you guys out there are thinking "If my old lady was running around on me, I'd know it." Well double O seven when it happens to you, trust me you'll be as clueless as I was, but probably not as lucky.
Anyway, the next day I showed up at Sasha's school just in time to pick her up. The only thing I needed to pickup after I got there was my jaw off the floor. The woman in front of Sasha's class was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. She wore jeans and a nice blouse. When I came into the room she was turned around with her back towards me. She had an inverted heart shaped ass. When she turned to face me I was mesmerized by her smile and the volume of tawny hair cascading over her shoulders. Her boobs were nowhere near as big as my wife's but who cared.
I sat there staring at her for a long time before I realized that she was talking to me. They just didn't make teachers like this when I was growing up. She was tall, at least for a woman. She had to be about 5'8' and much slimmer than Dana. Not that I was comparing them or anything, but she was stunning. Yep that's a good word for it, stunning.
"Daddy," snapped Sasha. "Ms. Marshall is talking to you."
"Oh, sorry," I stuttered. "I just had a brain fart. I'm uhm ... Sasha's Dad. Mr. McCain, uhm. Lucas McCain. But you can just call me Luke." I extended my hand and she shook it warmly, and treated me to another one of those smiles. God Damn it, she should be selling those smiles.
"Sorry to call you here on such short notice," she said, smiling again. "I'm new here but the school takes parental involvement very seriously. Sasha is probably one of my brightest and friendliest students. And she's also one of the most helpful." She had a soft Southern accent that seemed to stretch each syllable into more than one. I could probably listen to this woman talk for ever.
I smiled at Sasha. I was proud of her. And she smiled back holding out her hand. I gave her five slapping her hand crisply. She looked at me as if I was retarded. "Dad, when someone holds out their hand, you're supposed to put money in it," she whined.
"Anyway continued Ms. Marshall, neither, you or your wife have participated in any of our projects or committees, this year."
"Uhm Ms. Marshall..."
"Please, call me Gianna," she said.
"Doesn't the PTA count?" I asked.
"Yes it certainly does," she smiled. "Are you a member of the PTA?"
"Well no," I said. "But my wife is; she attends every one of those meetings on Wednesday nights. She's never missed one."
Ms. Marshall's face changed in front of me. "Maybe I'm wrong," she said. "But the PTA meets on Tuesdays and only the third Tuesday of every month."
My face fell too. I had to find out what was going on with Dana.
"Why don't you pick out one of our committees or clubs to participate in anyway," she said. "And if your wife does turn out to be in the PTA than you're covered." she said all of that with plenty of sympathy in her voice. It was as if she knew what I was going through.
I looked over the list of activities and finally settled on Track. "I think I could help with this," I said. "I'm not an expert, but I run every day and I've done a few Marathons."
"That would be perfect," she said. "They meet on Tuesday and Thursday, at 5."
Sasha and I stopped off at McDonald's on our way home. It wasn't very nutritious as dinners go, but she likes it and that way I wouldn't have to cook. I knew that there was no chance of Dana beating us home, even though she got off work before I did.
Some guys like to sit in their favorite chairs while they think, and other like to go for a long walk. My favorite thinking activity was washing my red Mustang GT. As I rinsed off the car I started putting my thoughts about Dana's behavior in order. I knew that the PTA meetings were only once a month not every week. Dana had joined the PTA almost two months ago. That means that whatever she was doing, she'd done about six or eight times.
As I soaped the car up, I called a friend of mine. "Hey, Hop," I said into the phone.
"Hey Luke, how's it going?" he asked.
"Shitty," laughed. "Remember when you thought that Tia was cheating on you? What was the name of the agency you used?"
"Oh God don't remind me, of that," he laughed. "All I did was made some lawyers and some P.I.s richer."
"Well I told you that she wasn't cheating on you," I said. "She was taking some classes at the community college, because she thought that you were embarrassed by her accent and limited English."
"Yeah, I remember," he laughed. "Anyway the agency was called Ponderosa Investigations. They're in the book, and they're good."
"Thanks Hop," I said hanging up. I'd known Hop Sing since we were kids playing baseball.
I called information and got the number for Ponderosa Investigations. I called them and was told they'd have someone over in a few minutes, since they were located very close to my house.
I was polishing my Chrome Helo Tease rims when the car pulled up. I saw the man who got out, pull out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. "Your Chrome is so bright, I thought I'd go blind," he said. "My Dad had a 1970 302 Boss that he babied like you do this car."
I nodded, I loved old school Mustangs too. "I'm Lucas McCain," I said, offering my hand.
"My friends call me Luke," I stood up and looked at him.
"Joseph Cartwright," he replied. His handshake was firm and I trusted him. He didn't look like the usual tall chiseled P.I. In fact he was only about 5' 4" tall. "My friends call me little Joe."
I could see where the name had come from. "Why don't we go into the house and talk," I said. On our way into the house I explained my suspicions to him. He looked the house over and talked to me about the packages they had available. He ended up placing a recording device on the phone. I gave him her cell phone number, and since I paid the bill, he told me they'd be able to possibly monitor those calls as well. Then he put several tiny cameras around the house. I had the option of being able to view the feeds from the cameras on my own, or have them deliver a weekly or daily DVD. I opted for the cheaper option of the weekly DVD.
"How expensive is this going to be?" I asked him.
"How much would you be willing to pay for peace of mind," he replied. That told me that this was going to be pretty fucking pricey.
"In the end, one way or another, you'll think it was worth it," he smiled.
"Okay, explain that one to me," I said.
"Well if she's not cheating, you'll be able to let all of those nagging suspicions go," he said. "You'll be able to trust her again and work on making your marriage stronger. All of the stress that this is putting on you will be over, so you'll be able to relax." He breathed out letting it all go. I saw his point.
"On the other hand if she is cheating, not only will you know it. You'll have all of the evidence you need to confront her, or to even divorce her if necessary," he said. "That way no one will be able to make a fool out of you with some sleazy affair that lasted for years. You'll be able to move on with your life, one way or another."
"We'll be in touch," he said as he drove away.
I went back to polishing my car. About a half hour after he left, Dana got home. She was cheerful, and came over to sit and watch me work. That was new.
"Dana, I don't like to have anyone look over my shoulder while I work," I said. "You're not doing anything bad it's me. It just gets on my nerves."
"Okay honey, I'll see you when you come in," she said.
After I'd come in from washing the car, Dana sat down beside me as I watched TV. She was being awfully God Damned friendly all of a sudden. I got up and went to take a shower.
When I got out of the shower, she was still there. I sat in the chair instead of on the sofa. "I'm going to bed," she said. "Coming?"
"I'll be in soon, I just want to watch the news," I said. I pretended to fall asleep on the sofa. When she came in supposedly to awaken me so I could go to bed, I just rolled over, as if I was deeply asleep.
The next morning I was up earlier than usual. I got ready for work and grabbed a cup of coffee. Dana and Sasha were just stumbling into the kitchen as I left. I kissed my daughter good bye, while Dana looked in the fridge. By the time she realized that I was leaving, the door had closed.
She called me at work later that morning. "Hey you left without saying goodbye to me this morning," she said. "What did I do?"
"What do you mean Dana?" I asked.
"We've been married for 14 years and together for 16. Unless we're angry at each other, you kiss me goodbye every morning, and tell me you love me. Sometimes you do it just to break the ice when we're angry at each other. I know it sounds stupid to you, but it kind of helps me start my day off. When I leave the house every morning it's good to know that someone loves me. It makes me feel special."
"I'm sorry Dana, I'll try to remember that," I said.
"What happened to you last night?" she asked.
"What do you mean now Dana?" I asked again.
"Well, I was horny," she said.
I just let it go. I was smart enough not to say the first thing that popped into my mind. If I'd gone ahead and said, "I'm sure whomever you're fucking will appreciate that." It would have only let her know that I was on to her. Since I didn't have proof yet, I saw no reason to stir up what might not have been a problem. I was taking Hop Sing's lesson to heart."
"Oh, I wanted to remind you, I have..." she began.
"I know you have your PTA meeting tonight, Dana," I said coldly. "I'll talk to you later, I AM, at work." I hung up the phone. Fuck Hop Sing's lesson, I thought. There's no way I'll stand by and let this go on. As soon as I have proof, I want to be able to move quickly. I called Hop again.
"Hey Hop, who was the lawyer that your aunt used for her divorce?" I asked.
"I don't remember," he said. "I can give you the number of the guy I was going to use."
"Hell no," I snapped. "He was too God Damned friendly. I remember he kept talking about all of that sitting down and talking it over, bullshit. He talked about being reasonable, and sharing. All of that shit about making joint decisions and being mature just rubs me the wrong fucking way. I want that lawyer that your Aunt had that took your uncle to the cleaners."
"Okay, calm down Luke. I'll call her right now and get the number for you. Are you even sure that anything is going on though?" he asked.
"I'd rather have her, and not need her, than need her, and not have her," I said.
"Okay, I'll call you right back," he said hanging up.
For the next few moments I actually did some work. I processed orders for a couple of clients and arranged shipping for the products they needed that had to be shipped overseas.
When the phone rang, I picked it up on the first ring.
"Her name is Ann Wilson," said Hop. "She works for the Heart agency. From what I've heard she's the meanest divorce lawyer in the state. They call her Barracuda. Are you sure you want to..."
"Thanks Hop," I said. Then I hung up the phone. I called directory assistance and got the listing for the Heart Agency. I asked the person who answered if I could speak to Ann Wilson. The Phone started ringing again, as my call was transferred.
"Hwhaat d'ya want now?" The voice on the phone was so loud and so angry, that I was afraid. I started to hang up immediately. There was so much rage and frustration coming off of that single question, that I wondered what could cause a person like that to work for the public.
"Uhm, I'm looking for Ann Wilson," I said politely.
"Sorry, this is she," said an almost melodious female voice. "Sorry about that, I thought you were my ex husband. He's been calling me early in the morning lately just to aggravate me."
I had found my lawyer. I was sure of it for two reasons. First, from the sound of her voice I was sure this woman's balls scraped the ground when she walked. I knew she'd take no fucking prisoners, and that was what I wanted. Second, she was divorced, so I'm sure she can understand the rage and the pain, a rough break-up can cause.
"I'd like you to represent me in my divorce," I said.
"Sorry, I don't think so," she said. "Lately, because of my reputation, I've been getting a lot of calls from men, who want me to represent them, so their wives don't hire me. In my opinion if you cheated on her, you deserve what's coming to you. If you guys would just once think about something with the brain in your head instead of the one in your dick, the world would be a better place."
"Can you get down off of your soap box long enough for me to explain things to you?" I asked sharply. "In the first place, I've never cheated on my wife in the entire time that we've been together. She's the one who's cheating on me. And she's not only cheating on me, but on our beautiful little daughter. I've been feeling like a single Dad for a couple of months and I finally found out why. I don't have any evidence yet, but I have a P.I. firm working on that. I want to move quickly so this can all be handled over the summer, to mitigate the problems for my daughter."
"I'm really sorry," she said. "Her whole demeanor had changed." We set up an appointment for later that day, to discuss the particulars and hung up.
For the rest of the work day, I really tried to concentrate on work but I was distracted. I kept trying to figure out what went wrong. I spent a few seconds wringing my hands and thinking about where I'd failed her. Then I sobered up and started trying to figure out just how stupid she had to be to ever cheat on me.
Just before 3 p.m. My phone rang. I answered it.
A soft and sultry voice, with just a hint of a southern accent instantly brought back memories. "I hope that it's okay to call you." she said. "I just wanted to remind you that our first little get together is tomorrow afternoon." I was lost in that voice all over again.
"Okay," I said. "Go ahead and remind me." That brought laughter from her. Even her laugh was sweet and funny.
"The kids will get there at about 5," she said. "We should be there a little bit earlier. Wear something you can run in. Tomorrow, we'll probably just do a slow easy group run. Bye."
All of my thoughts about Dana were gone. Somehow when Gianna, said, "Bye," the word meant so much more than just good bye. There was a hint of playfulness, and even a bit of "I don't really want to stop talking to you in it." It also made me wonder if she didn't just mean "Bye, for now." I was sure I was just imagining it though.
I picked Sasha up from school and we went home. We played Little Big Planet together on our Playstation 3, for a couple of hours. I grilled steaks for us and made a small salad. Then after dinner, Sasha went to her room for homework and "boy," talk with one of her friends. I went to the computer to look for new things to do to My Mustang on some of my favorite after-market parts websites. After convincing myself that my car really needed a chin spoiler, I went back to the PS3 and started watching the Blue Ray disc of Ironman 2.
I had the volume up so loud that I didn't hear Dana when she came in. She wrapped her arms around me and tried to kiss me. I quickly stood up as if she had startled me, moving away from her in the process.
"It serves you right," she laughed. "You know you shouldn't have the surround sound on that loud. How is Sasha supposed to sleep?"
"Sorry," I said, turning back towards the television.
"Well wait a minute," she said. "What smells so good? Did you grill something?"
"Just steaks for me and Sasha," I answered. "We didn't think you'd want to eat when you got in. Your usual pattern is to immediately take a shower and rest after your uhm meetings."
She had trouble meeting my eyes, and she just nodded, and went into the bedroom. I couldn't tell if I'd given anything up, or if she was just feeling guilty. And I didn't really care which one it was, I just wanted this over with.
I thought about all of the things, financial and otherwise that Ann Wilson wanted me to provide by our next meeting in order to quickly facilitate the divorce.
I needed Income and tax statements from both of us and a list of assets and their value. She also had me list all of our responsibilities towards Sasha, and who handled them. With our state being a community property state, it was a foregone conclusion that any property settlement would probably be 50/50. I liked the idea of us just walking away from each other, she kept hers and I kept mine. Since I made more money, I was hoping that a judge would rule that alimony balanced out against child support. I'd keep my daughter, with Dana getting liberal visitation. She wouldn't have to pay child support and I wouldn't have to pay alimony. Since the house we live in belongs to my parents, there was no way she'd get it. We would have to split the furniture and everything else though.
Again, I just wanted it over so I could move on.
"Are you coming to bed?" she asked, a short time later.
"Maybe later," I said.
"Luke, what's going on?" she asked. "For the past 2 days, you've been avoiding me. I want to know why. Did I do something to upset you?"
"Dana, for the past 2 months, you've been distant and acting weird towards both Sasha and me. Do you want to tell us why? What about the mood swings, you've been going through? We never know which Dana is coming home. Maybe we're just trying to give you some space to get your head out of your ass." I hadn't intended to start this but it was all coming out.
I got up and grabbed my car keys before I said something I'd regret.
"Where are you going?" she asked. It looked like she was about to cry.
"I'm going out for a drive, to calm down before this gets even more out of control," I said.
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked. "Maybe we could talk."
"Nope, there's no point in waking Sasha, because we aren't getting along," I said. "Or were you planning on leaving our daughter in the house alone, while we were out? Maybe it's just that you forgot about her because I'm usually the one who takes care of her?"
Dana started crying. She reached for me and I pulled away from her. "Luke, I love you, and I love Sasha too. You know that."
"You have a funny assed way of showing it," I growled as I closed the door.
Driving my Mustang at night has its own magic. The faces of people on the street as I passed them were fun to look at. They heard the car's engine a bit before they saw the car. They tended to watch me long after I'd gone by them.
As I drove, I wondered what was going through Dana's mind. She had a husband and a daughter who worshipped the ground she walked on. Why would she risk that just to fuck some other guy? Our sex life all the way until 2 days ago was pretty vigorous, even after 14 years. I was also not huge but above average in the size department. I just couldn't figure it out. Was she bored with what we did? Maybe I was just being a guy. Maybe this was about more than just sex.
I guess guys always tended to think that when someone cheated, it was about sex. Maybe I was doing or not doing something in a completely different area. But it had to be more than just sex, or me, because she was treating Sasha differently too?"
I drove around and wasted gas for about an hour before heading home. When I got there all of the lights were out, so I assumed that Dana was asleep.
I took a quick shower and slipped into bed. My intention was to stay as far away from her as I could. At least until I found out whether or not she was actually cheating on me. I had been productive during my drive. I had come up with at least 5 or 6 reasons for her flakey behavior. She could have had a secret gambling addiction. One of the women who'd been friends with my mom went through that. She was sneaking out of the house and driving to a casino at least once or twice a week for a couple of years before her husband found out.
He never would have found out if she hadn't gotten way over her head and had to bet their mortgage payments. Once she missed that third payment and the mortgage company called him at work all hell broke loose. But in the end they got her some help and stayed together.
Another possibility was that Dana was hooked on some kind of drugs. I guess it only showed how fucked up I was, that I'd prefer to have her gambling or on drugs than fucking someone else.
Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow she slid over near me. "I'm sorry," she said. "I've been stressed out at work lately. I guess I didn't realize it until you said something. Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?"
"Treat Sasha better," I snapped.
"Well for right now I was thinking about something more personal," she said, rubbing her hands up and down my stomach. As her fingers neared my pubic region I grabbed her hand and moved it.
"What's wrong?" she asked. I could tell she was kind of shocked. In 14 years I had never, not been in the mood.
"I need to get to sleep," I said. "I have a big day tomorrow, so I'll need all of my energy." Then I rolled over and moved even further away from her.
"But..." she began.
"Goodnight Dana," I said.
The next morning, for some reason, I felt great. I looked through the files in our home office and made copies of all if the tax documents that Ann Wilson had asked for. Within hours, Barracuda would have all of the information she needed to go forward with my divorce. All we needed now was the proof. I really hoped that Little Joe had something for me.
I've heard a couple of things over the years from married couples and divorced ones that I guessed I'd always thought might be true. One was the old chestnut about how you couldn't turn off love like a light switch, unless you had never really loved the person. I really believe that's false now. I think it depends on the situation and the people involved.
In my case until 3 days prior, I had loved Dana with all of my heart and soul. She's the mother of my daughter and I really thought and hoped that we'd grow old together. But the realization that she'd betrayed me had simply changed my feelings for her. If she had cheated on me we could still grow old, but it wouldn't be together.
The second old wives tale was that the husband never knew when the wife cheated. The guys are always painted as being clueless. Unless the poor sap came home early and found the proverbial strange car in the driveway, he never found out. Even then sometimes the wife came up with a clever lie, and convinced the guy that nothing was going on. Basically the only way the husband ever finds out is to catch them in the act.
None of those scenarios described me at all. I needed to get Dana out of my life, but that wouldn't be totally possible for a while. She was Sasha's mother. For at least the next 8 years we'd have custody issues. Then we'd both probably have to go to graduations and her wedding. Then there'd be the births of children. Hopefully after a few years I'd find someone else and get over her cheating ass. Maybe my skin would stop crawling when I saw her too.
At lunchtime I faxed copies of the documents over to Ann's office. So she could start on the papers. My afternoon seemed to drag after that. I kept thinking back to how much I loved Dana when we'd first gotten together. I had to get myself together. My mood swings were as bad as hers. I kept alternating between hating her guts, and wishing she wasn't doing this so we could stay together. I thought about marriage counseling. I thought about maybe trying to forgive her and get past this. The thought lasted for about a picosecond.
There was simply no way I could forgive her, if it was true. I also considered the fact that I was guilty too. I mean I had, from time to time fantasized about other women. I'd even been running a little mental crush on Dana's new teacher all week. But there was a difference between thinking about someone in favorable terms, and actually fucking someone outside of your marriage. Most guys are always going to look at hot women, and think about it. But when you actually do something about it, a line has been crossed.
Dana called me at work, and I didn't take her call. She tried my cell, but I didn't answer it either. She left me a message telling me how much she loved me, and how we needed to talk. I deleted it after listening to it.
I picked Sasha up from school at the normal time. She was excited about something, but I didn't remember what was supposed to happen that day.
"Dad, are we going to eat first or are we going straight to the park?" asked Sasha.
"Who said we were going to the park today?" I asked.
"Oh, no," she said. "You forgot didn't you? You're supposed to be helping out with the track club today."
We drove home and I changed into a track suit. I figured that was what the volunteers and coaches would wear. I was ready to leave when Sasha told me to grab my iPad. I brought it out and handed it to her.
"Thanks Dad," she said. "That way I have something to do while I'm watching you watch people run."
When we got to the park I took a look around to see where all of the kids were. The park was bowl shaped. The parking lot was at the top and you had to walk downhill to get to the trails and the other activities the park offered.
Just past the unused tennis courts I saw a group of familiar faces, and some parents too. I saw a couple of kids that Sasha hung out with from time to time and their mothers or fathers.
I went over and joined the group. A few minutes later I looked back up the hill and saw a Jeep pull into the parking spot next to my Mustang. Gianna got out of it and was talking to Sasha. As she walked down the hill, I noticed that she had on a track suit too.
I think every one of the fathers there, gulped together when she came over and introduced herself. One guy, who had only seconds ago been talking about how he'd be glad when the teacher got there so he could leave, sat down to watch. Inwardly I was laughing my ass off. She obviously had the same effect on them that she'd had on me. Wait until they heard that voice and her accent.
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Many thanks to Jedbeaker for the editing of this story. It happened on a Friday afternoon at a crowded supermarket. No parking spots were available until I saw a car leaving the lot and a small red Honda waiting for taking it, but as I was in a better position, I quickly took it. Not a polite thing to do and the good-looking young woman in the red Honda obviously shared that opinion because she came out from her car and gave me an impressive and unforgettable cursing that really got me...
Everyone knows that sometimes temptation is a little too hard to resist. And this was definitely one of those times. I’ve always been curious about females. Males bore me. Every inch of a woman’s body fascinates me, though there are areas that I’m sure you can guess I pay a little more attention to sometimes. Being a photographer, I get to take photos of all manner of things: landscapes, people, architectural things, sunsets, and I enjoy them all…mostly the people, and yes, mostly the...
Everyone knows that sometimes temptation is a little too hard to resist. And this was definitely one of those times. I've always been curious about females. Males bore me. Every inch of a woman's body fascinates me, though there are areas that I'm sure you can guess I pay a little more attention to sometimes. Being a photographer, I get to take photos of all manner of things: landscapes, people, architectural things, sunsets, and I enjoy them all…mostly the people, and yes, mostly the females...
Quickie SexA girlfriend of mine, Shamita, and I have a mutual friend, who happened to be an ex of mine who had a fantasy of a three-some. We will call him Amit. Just kidding around we told him we were going to massage his whole body and then we were going to tear him up. Of course he knew we were kidding. That is until we each had a couple of drinks and relaxed a bit. Then what started out as kidding around turned out to be an evening we still smile to each other about. We did begin to give him a body...
The new neighbor had moved in a month ago. Her three bedroom apartment was directly accross the hall from my two bedroom. We had met only briefly when she was first moving in. That was enough though for me to want to see more of her. There was something about her that drew me in. Something that made me want to see her happy. I didn't know then that it was a desire to please her. The only thing that held me back that kept me from aproaching her, other than my amazing shyness, was...
I was a typical teenage boy. I liked all of the things most typical boys my age were into, girls, games, girls, sports, girls, cars, girls, movies, and did i mention girls! I had dated several girls since freshman year, and i had fooled around with plenty of them, but i had not had sex with any of them. I wanted to have sex as much as the next guy, but i wasn’t interested in a “one night stand.” i wanted a relationship. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that i found a girl that i really liked...
Gay MaleMmmm, today was a good day. I was sitting at work fantasizing about the sexiest man that had to be alive, in my world anyway. I finally spoke to him on the way home last night…and that was all she wrote. This man was godly, almost too good to be true. He had a nice and tight body with a smile that could kill. And you know what, he fucked me so good last night, I almost lost sight of who I was. Shit, how does one lose sight of who they are? Easy, when you do some shit you normally...
My day had been lazy and generally unproductive – just the way I liked it, for a Saturday evening. I had lounged around the room all day in a pair of tight blue boxer briefs, watching television, eating whatever I fancied and idly playing on my laptop. This was my idea of a relaxing, enjoyable weekend alone. Nothing could disturb me. No sooner had I thought this than my phone vibrated on the table in front of me. An ear-piercing song that I had once loved – now a grating noise to be tolerated...
You are Jason Smooth, an average looking guy, tall and slim, with dark hair, a goatee and hazel eyes. You may not boast a six-pack but you have no fat either. You are married to a beautiful, green-eyed, long legged blonde named Audrey... And this is where you troubles begin. Although you genuinely love your wife and have a good sex life too, you cannot help lusting for your female friends. You don't want to loose your wife and you know an affair is out of the question, especially with someone...
Martin Black-Davies was proud he hyphenated his name when he got married. Some of his friends told him it was unmasculine, but hell this was the 21st century, then again some of his friends were against the very idea of this marriage. Saying he had the whole of his life ahead of him. He agreed with that part but he was certain that he wanted to spend that life with Miss Kate Davies, now Mrs Kate Black-Davies. While most of Martin's friends called Kate "bland" or "nothing special" with her...
My day had been lazy and generally unproductive – just the way I liked it, for a Saturday evening. I had lounged around the room all day in a pair of tight blue boxer briefs; watching television; eating whatever I fancied and idly playing on my laptop. This was my idea of a relaxing, enjoyable weekend alone. Nothing could disturb me. No sooner had I thought this than my phone vibrated on the table in front of me. An ear-piercing song that I had once loved – now a grating noise to be tolerated –...
Wife LoversLet me start by introducing myself my name is Leyla ,i am 16 years old and I am Russian, Brazilian and Dominican. I have long wavy dark hair and I am 5"7. My skin is quite pale but has a tan glow on it and my almond shaped green eyes are well enhanced with my long dark lashes. I have Latina lips, normal sized hips and I am an A-cup. Enough of me ,lets me go on with my story... My mom Andrea,a 39 year old Dominican and my dad David,a 40 year old Russian/Brazilian have been together for about 20...
IncestMmmm, today was a good day. I was sitting at work fantasizing about the sexiest man that had to be alive, in my world anyway. I finally spoke to him on the way home last night…and that was all she wrote. This man was godly; almost too good to be true. He had a nice and tight body with a smile that could kill. And you know what, he fucked me so good last night, I almost lost sight of who I was. Shit, how does one lose sight of who they are? Easy, when you do some shit you normally...
Straight SexThis is not a real story....There's a beautiful girl named manasa married to a well settled guy. She's 26 and he's 31. Both were decided not to have c***d for 2 years. So they were using protection in sex. As days goes by, manasa's husband got busy in work as he's passionate about his work. Manasa was a horny woman who craves for her husband's love. She felt there's little emotional connection between them but her love towards husband was still the same. One day, her husband had a trip to other...
Sharon didn’t really know when she realised what she had was special. From an early age she’d always been able to figure out what people were thinking. Nothing special you might think. Anyone can do that by looking at body language, that sort of thing. Most people can be fairly accurate with the gauging, others are totally blind to the obvious. Sharon, on the other hand, was 100% accurate. Not long after she hit puberty she began to realise when boys were lusting after her. She’d been fairly...
As I stepped out of the car, Mom offered a big hug and kiss on the cheek. At the same time, my Dad had walked around to the other side and offered the same to Erika. “So how’s my favorite daughter-in-law,” he asked. “Well, your ONLY daughter-in-law is doing quite well, Mr. Evans,” she said with a laugh. “Come on, come on. You guys get in the house. We’ll get your suitcases later. I know it’s not as cold as what you guys are used to, but it’s quite chilly tonight,” Mom pleaded. “How about...
I had never done this kind of work before but all the shows made it look so easy just whisk around the cafe and serve beverages with flair. All my friends told me with my figure it would be so easy to make up for the minimum wage with tips. Even though I am a size 12 with 40 d cup breasts by frequent visits to the gym I stay in excellent shape with a nice firm hiney, with long black hair and green eyes. Any way enough about me back to my adventure. It was the morning rush it seemed like...
Straight SexI'd always been attracted to thin women. I was a long-tall-sally kind of guy. But there was something about Darshelle that just floated my boat. She was a big girl, a very big girl, big breasts, big butt, big everything. To quote Muddy Waters, "She had waves like a baby child." It's possible that she caught my eye because she carried herself with such confidence. She moved like a long-tall-sally. I think she was a ninety pound super model trapped in a giant black body.Our first date went well....
Oral SexYour eyes flutter open like energetic butterflies as you awake to the familiar sight of your bedroom ceiling. Only sparing a second to let your eyes wander,you jump off your bed like a five year old on a trampoline as you turn your attention to a digital clock on a small table,the time clearly reads 9.05am. "Haha!No annoying sound from you today" You mock the electronic clock as you turn the alarm clock you set last night off,heading straight to your bathroom. Quickly,you strip yourself of your...
I first met Jenny when we were k**s playing in the neighborhood. She was one of those tomboy types of girls, always climbing trees, running, and going fishing just like one of the guys. Us guys would laugh sometimes, but the truth was Jenny could run as fast and climb without difficulty as good as us boys could, sometimes faster if old man Farnsworth’s bull caught wind of us slipping through his posted property and charged.Time passed, and Jenny filled out nicely, her tiny boobs enter her...
Many, many moons before I met my man, I had a friend – let’s call him Arnold. And I do mean a friend. Arnold was gay, or so my innocent self believed. I was about eighteen at the time and thought I was a worldly woman. A fumble at fifteen made me believe I wasn’t so innocent but turns out the cherry was still there, but that’s another, much more boring, story. So anyway, Arnold and I would hang out with some mutual friends most weekends, and we got on great. Naturally, one night the talk turned...
AnalHi all. I was happy with the response of all the readers to my first story “First Time with my Mother”. Hence I am writing a second story of sex between me and my mother. I hope you all like it better than the first one. As I had mentioned in the first story I first had sex with my mother when my wife had gone to her parent’s house for her delivery. That was in an afternoon on a Sunday. When we finished I had thought that was to be the last sexual encounter between me and my mother. But that...
IncestStocking vacation Kim Hye-jin looked forward to her first trip to Jamaica. She had just graduated college from Seoul National University with a degree in business administration. It had been a long four years of hard work and study. This vacation was a gift from her parents to reward her for being a dutiful daughter and achieving her goal of being top of her class and finding a high-paying job in the States. She was on the fast track to success, at least according to her parents who had high...
I have been happily married to my second wife Dawn for nearly eight years. And before that I was married to my first wife for twenty one years. In twenty nine years of married life I have always fantasized about watching my wife having sex with another guy. I cannot really explain why this should turn me on, but I know that this is a very popular fantasy amongst guys. My first wife knew about this fantasy, and we often role played when making love. We would often pretend that she was having a...
VoyeurNote : This story is completely fictional!!! I am a 32 years old ,unmarried girl.I teach at a university in Delhi.I wish to share my sheer helplessness in a train accident .I was travelling alone from Guwahati to Delhi .I was seated in an AC 2 tier berth.I had in front of me an elderly couple with their grandson.The train took off in the morning.The journey was good.They were talking to me and we were sharing a very good time together.I did not know when it got dark and i had dinner .I went to...
EroticWhen I first married my British wife Sarah I knew she loved to suck cocks and was very good at it. As long as she sucked a stranger,s cock I Didn,t mind as long as I was present as we both found it turned us on even more and the stranger enjoyed it as well. I was very tempted to eat Sarah,s juicy cunt, but was a bit shy till one evening we were at a party at a friend,s house. We,d all had more to drink than usual and unexpectedly Ted the host brought out his movie projector. I half expected...
So a few weeks ago I was at my local Costa coffee just doing some work I had to finish on my day off work, as I looked up from my laptop my mouth sprung open as the barista brought my latte to my table, she wasn’t the girl who served me she must have just started her shift, she was wearing a bright pink hijab, which attracted me even more to her, her costa shirt was tight and I could see she had big tits, she wasn’t petite she was about a size 10-12 and short around 5 feet, she didn’t have much...
To say that in the days following his date Pat had some thoughts about Jill would be an understatement. That was all he thought about. Her looks, her personality, her body, and the way she made love were constantly on his mind. He hadn’t realized how much he missed making love with a woman. Pat phoned Jill Wednesday night and confirmed the date they had made for Saturday. Jill asked what he was planning to do. He responded by telling her all he had thought about was having dinner. She...
What a shitty day I've had, I don't even think it will get any better, so off to bed I go naked of course. I hadn't even been sleeping for 20 min and the door bell rang. In my half wake half sleeping state I stumbled to the door and answered it not even thinking abut the fact I had no clothes on. There before me stood the neighbor hood security man, he was 6ft tall, thin build and a good looking man despite his messed up hair and dirty clothes.Oh hey man I'm sorry for disturbing you this late...
I was sitting outside Farrell Hall, studying for my upcoming Bio-Chem exam, when I noticed that someone had walked up to me. I looked up, and there was Dallas. He was wearing grey sweats and a black DC t-shirt that was snug around his muscles. He always looked so sexy and inviting. My heart began to race, it had been three long months since I had seen him.“Hey sweetie, what are you up to?” he asked.“Just trying to understand this bullshit,” I replied as I put my book in my bag.“Well I’m going...
Straight SexWhen I first met the boy we will call Siggy (10 points for anyone who guesses why), I was not in the least bit attracted to him. I needed friends as I had just started an MFA program in a new city and knew no one. But I would never hook up with him, I told myself with conviction.For this reason, whenever I felt the mood of our hangout sessions changing from bromance to romance, I would use my foolproof mood-killing method of bringing up the topic of castration.“Did you know that Freud said that...
DonnaMadonna is my personal submissive slut MILF. She makes herself available to me on a regular basis for mutual sexual enjoyment. As requested, Donna met me at her door in a very sexy red low cut, short hemline dress (no panties, of course) that is one of my favorites. It not only displays her tight little body, manmade 34D's and protruding nipples to perfection, but also provides easy access to any part of her body that I want to explore. Whoever did her boobs was a master - they are...
Pansy Pumpscock felt wonderful wandering through the mall hand in hand with her sister Prissy. She was a good sissy because she was wearing an extremely tight, slutty prom dress that showed off her tight waist and sexy legs. Pansy was bathing in the afterglow of having just made Sheriff Bob cum by bouncing up and down on his wonderful cock until he pumped loads of cum inside her. Pansy was carrying his cum inside her right now, holding it in with the massive butt plug that constantly...
Prelude to her Night Several weeks had passed since she had her Night of Pleasure, when she sat down at the table and told me she had something to tell me. She said that she had planned the night before hand and was hoping I’d go along with it, but there was something that she didn’t tell me right away. She felt now was a good time, as we had both enjoyed it. She told me that while she was at work that day, she noticed that her friend was more talkative than usual and he was asking all types...
Jake was smiling as he showered Saturday morning. He had slipped out of bed, drained his bladder despite his morning wood while hunched over the toilet, and climbed into the shower. He had a day planned that he hoped Lana would enjoy. He had talked with her a few times at school and enjoyed the girl's company. She was feisty, and didn't take shit off of anybody. He had borrowed his Dad's pickup for the day, giving Mark the keys to the Mustang. His dad loved the car almost as much as Jake...
It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going...
MILFHe began chatting years ago, when the worked on the road alot. Living out of hotels, gave him the privacy that he needed for his secret life. Day by day.. he would add women that he chatted with to his friends list. Some, he never connected with again, others were more regular; but, nobody really "clicked" with him. After a career change, he settled in a nice job in his hometown. No longer traveling on the road, but still frustrated in the bedroom, he knew that his chatting would...
Second Nature: Descent By Crystalline Chapter 15 - Become So Numb "I know you're awake, brother. Go on. Try to move. Of course, you can't. Your body is completely restrained, you know. You're not going anywhere." "You fool. Do you really... think..." he started to say, but stopped, surprised at the sound of his own voice. "What have you done to me?" I laughed for a second, then looked at him with the seriousness of a heart attack. "I did nothing. All I did was destroy your...
After a cold winter and a lot of bad eating, spring finally arrived and I started training hard at gym again. It was a Saturday morning when my husbands parents stopped past for breakfast with us and asked to spend sometime with their grandaughter for the day. We said it was a good idea and that we would come to them for a dinner later to fetch our daughter and spend some time with them as well. At about 10h30 they left leaving my hubby and I home alone. My body was rather sore from the gym...
Being a nerd is not so bad sometimes. It meant I could do a lot of things that other guys couldn’t. Because I read a lot and because I was good with technology. That was how I helped Mrs. Griffin get the goods on Mr. Griffin. He had been cheating on her for many years. My name is Edgar. I was short but my cock was long and my body was in great shape. I had been bullied as a child. That would never happen again. I was now in my mid-twenties. I lived in a rooming house. It was taken care of by...
Note: This story is set between 2003 and 2004 in rural Tennessee if that sort of thing matters to you. Michelle is barely past her 21st birthday and Brian is 25. ***** I paced nervously in front of the phone. My fingers restlessly fluffed my long chestnut hair and plucked and pulled my clothes to lay in a more flattering way. A short loud burst of laughter escaped my lips when I realized I was preening as if this were a real date instead of an arranged date for phone sex. I’d been chatting...
AUGUST "Mr. Kwong, we should be landing in three minutes." The helicopter cabin went silent as the pilot clicked off and I glanced out the window to see Shea Stadium and the Tennis Center go by. I sighed. "Sometimes it feels like I'm barely working, and yet I really want this vacation." I shook my head for a moment. Just a week ago, I'd been in Tokyo seeing the sights with Cassandra by my side. But despite the good food and exotic little excursions, that hadn't really felt like a...
This story takes placeover a number of years, starting almost 25 years ago, when I was much more naïve, and continues to the present. Sarah is different in so many ways. She is a sharp business woman, a designer of women’s clothes and buyer for a national chain of stores. She is always sharply dressed, nails and hair perfect. She is an accomplished artist, working mostly in pencil, pen and ink and water color. Her artwork has been displayed in Boston and New York and she has even sold some...
I woke as someone threw back the covers to get up. It was Amber and she squirmed out of bed to use the bathroom. That started a parade before we went back to bed. I was a tragic wasteland of strained muscles as I hobbled to the bathroom and then back to bed before Lana pulled the covers over us and we drifted off again. Sunshine poured into the room through the open door as Emma came to wake us. There were groans of protest, some of which might have been from me, as she got us up and moving....
It did not seem like it had been a year, as life on New Ulster was exciting and moving at a pace that promoted expansion and growth. Michael had seen the farms grow, and many crops harvested with produce like they had never seen on earth. The farmers were already looking at crop rotation, and fallowing the fields so that they would not burn out. Manufacturing was producing several items that were on the consumable list and would have lasted many years had not Michael had not pushed for the...
In Private Gold, Boxing Beauties the sexy blonde Lucy Heart is upset after being kicked off of the boxing team but her boy Emilio Ardana knows just how to comfort her. Lucy soon forgets all about it when she is given a large serving of cock which she gladly enjoys with an amazing sloppy blowjob, sucking, gagging and getting everything wet and ready for a nice fuck. Then watch as this sexy blonde bends over and gets pounded before offering up her tight little ass and taking some hard anal action...
xmoviesforyouI wandered to my room and so tired from my stressful day I didn't much care who saw me. Regardless, it had just gotten dark and no one was outside. I put the key into the lock and went in. Turning on the light, I was surprised and very happy that someone had left a minibar size bottle of wine on the table. I don't know who arranged that, but I was definitely in the mood to drink. I opened the wine and poured it all into a plastic cup. As I hadn't eaten all day, I was very hungry. I then...
“Okay, remember - be cool and follow my lead.” Donna said while going to answer the door on Monday afternoon. “Hi girlfriend.” she said a little too chipper for my taste. “Hi sweetie!” Cindi responded giving Donna a big hug. “Hi Cindi,” I said from the couch. “Hey Luke,” Cindi said. I tried to be cool, but I couldn’t help it when my eyes fell to the well-shaped mounds on her chest. “Come on, let’s take your stuff to my room.” Donna said pulling Cindi out of the doorway. As they walked by...
The ADThis all started with an ad on Craig’s List, was not even much of an ad, it was just looking to see if it would work, to find someone for play date. Now this ad was kind of stupid. The ad was; Looking for a Naughty Gurl to Play with.I’m looking for someone to roll play with, are you a naughty gurl? Do you like to dress the part? Do you like your Daddy to be a little rough?Would this be your fantasy too? Mine is a little naught treatment and spanking along with the show and tell tease.The...
Peggy floated about the house. The changes in her, and in Johnny, were pleasantly surprising. As young as he was, she couldn't get over how willing and eager he was to do thingsmany grown men would not do, or even think of doing. She was surprised ather herself too. She found it intensely exciting to piss, especially with her son close by. This thing about pissing didn't bother her, nor did it bother her son. She was no longer hesitant to let her son see her naked, see her cunt and ass and...
Stick frowned, pursed his lips. "Why we got started, or why we haven't stopped?" "Both." Stick glanced at Teddy, mildly exasperated. "This ain't like, a lecture, or anything, is it?" "Huh?" Randall blinked. "Oh, you want to know if I'm going to go all moralistic on you? No. This is curiosity -- more or less the same thing as we're talking about doing physically. I'm asking questions. That's all." "Guess I ought to start," Teddy kicked off. "Being pretty much a joke...