First Sally Story
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Lady Sally's house lay under siege. I had first become aware of it nearly a week ago. A furtive movement across the street as the light became iffy near sunset. A tiny rustle, like leaves in the wind, except that there were no leaves, and no wind. The sound of footsteps, yet no one was there.
These past nights it steadily increased. Now in nooks and doorways across the street, there appeared to be glimpses of figures in black, wispy cloaks over shadow, possessing neon-orange glowing eyes. They kept their distance, and seemed to fade away when looked at directly, but they were on all sides of the house now.
So far, Lady Sally's domicile and place of business stood firm against this assault, as it had against all previous ones. The multi-floor house occupies an entire block of a quiet neighborhood in New York City. It was built nearly a hundred years ago, when people built such mansions, and looked ready to stand another thousand, provided the melting polar ice caps didn't inundate it first. Even if they did, it would probably still be standing proudly on the sea floor. Rumor was that Lady Sally has party plans for every eventuality, including one for when the first wave laps against the front door. My name is Maureen. Should that day arrive during my lifetime, I can think of nowhere else I would rather be than here.
The house has entrances on all four sides, each serving a different purpose for different clientele. In the past two nights, I'd peeked out of all of them to confirm that the house was indeed surrounded, although not yet breached. The strangest part of it was that nobody else noticed - or at least mentioned - seeing anything unusual. This assault seemed invisible and unnoticed. I kept hoping Lady Sally herself would say something about it without being asked outright, but so far she'd held her silence. Until Lady Sally chooses to speak, I was ready to hold my tongue as well. But I kept my eyes and ears open when going around every corner in the house, alert for the sight of glowing eyes, or the sound of leaves inside these walls.
Inside though, it continued to appear as business as usual. Lady Sally's Whorehouse of Incredible Repute[tm] always seemes oblivious to the changing world outside, as if it exists in its own little island of reality - separate from any other. In the two years since I had gone full time with the professional staff (and they are all true professionals), nothing has halted the business-as-usual attitude for more than a few hours at best. And those were always events so strange that nobody could have ever expected, or anticipated, them anyway.
It is not clear why Lady Sally's house hosts so many events so strange that nobody could have ever expected, or anticipated, them. Somehow it just does. Yet despite all the strange things that have happened inside the house, it still always feels much safer than outside. For now, I'm making sure I'm safely inside before the last rays of sun depart the street outside. I feel protected here, and that's a luxury you have to live without for a few years to properly appreciate.
All the action here starts in the Parlor. This is where the majority of the clients enter, after going through the cloakroom and divesting themselves of their umbrella, coat, and any lethal hardware. Lady Sally has a strict policy on that. You can take it with you when you leave, but you can't bring it inside.
The Parlor is a long room with chairs, couches, a gigantic fireplace at one end, a concert grand piano, and two bars opposite each other. It's where most everyone hangs out until they decide what they want next, and make arrangements with the appropriate person(s). Some people, including the house's favorite clergyman, never go beyond the Parlor. But most do. What kind of a house would we be otherwise?
Overall, it's like a big party that never quite ends. Its tempos and rhythms wax and wane with both the cycles of the day, and those of the moon. But only when the remaining diehards are pushed into the corner for an hour's worth of cleaning in the early streaks of dawn's light, do they threaten to stop. Before they can flicker out entirely however they are fanned again, and rise like the Phoenix while the cycle starts over again.
It's always the new things that I like most about living and working here. The surprises each day seems to bring. Today I got a double dose. One of them was an impossible request from a client. The other was a new, young man I was hoping to see again tonight.
First, the new young man. It's strange for me to have called him young, since I'm only twenty and he is certainly in his early thirties. Yet I felt that way about him when I met him. While I'm a veteran of some hard years on the street before I came to Lady Sally's two-and-a-half years ago (I don't talk about those days anymore), he was clearly new to this scene. Last night had been his very first visit.
All the customers have house names, and these house names usually reflect some particular aspect of the customer's personality. House names preserve one's anonymity, yet also seem to free the person of their inhibitions and hang-ups. It's as if, by becoming another person, one can step out of their limitations for a while. Lady Sally has created a safe zone for this to happen, and that's why her house is the best.
When he had attempted to offer me his name the previous night, I had stopped him and explained that, for his own privacy, he would get a new name here. House rules. And no one can use your house name outside the house either.
"And is Sherry your real name?" he asked me.
That stumped me for a moment. No one else had ever asked me that so quickly and directly.
"It's one I've used here for awhile now," I finally replied. "One I choose for myself, rather than had chosen for me." I didn't mention that length of time I'd used "Sherry" coincided within a couple weeks of officially becoming an "artist" here at the House. I considered myself "official" when I had gotten my first salary check for the art. Lady Sally's is not like any other House you've ever hear of.
"Sherry," he said, rolling it over his tongue as if taking a delicate sip and tasting both its sweet, and tart - not that kind of "tart" - nature. "I've never chosen a new name for myself," he finally replied. "I guess you'll have to help me," he said, with a bit of a smile.
With that, I looked him over carefully, really for the first time. He was handsome enough, and came across as intelligent - much like my good friend, The Professor. But he didn't seem a con man, and I'm very good at spotting con men.
Yet he also seemed restless. Like he wanted this phase of our interaction to get over soon, so he could get on to the next one. But it wasn't just that he wanted to get on to having sex with me. While I don't flatter myself unnecessarily, I am quite good at what I do, and have a long list of regular customers to attest to it. This was more like he knew he was at the beginning of a long journey, and was antsy to get started. To find something important.
That was it. I cocked my head and finally said to him, "I'm going to call you 'Hunter', since it makes a better name than 'Searcher.' 'Searcher' is more of a title, while 'Hunter' is a name I know at least one woman uses, even though it seems more masculine than feminine."
I paused for his reaction. For a long moment, he didn't react at all. Could I have guessed to wrong about him? Then a slow smile creased his face. Hunter was obviously a careful thinker. That improved my opinion of him another couple of notches.
Hunter also proved to be a careful and considerate lover. He had as much concern for my enjoyment of our time together as he had for his own, and didn't rush anything, including a good session of cuddling at the end. Nothing exotic, just straight sex. But the kind that leaves you feeling really good afterwards.
Being more than pleased to be his first date here, I kept watching to see if he returned again tonight.
As for the impossible request, we say that nothing is impossible in this house. But I have to admit that this request is the closest thing yet I've seen come to testing that rule.
Lady Sally's house is a house built on puns. Now puns are the lowest form of humor, yet seem to be engaged in by the most creative of people. I don't understand it, but have come to accept, and even enjoy them. But in this house, you have to be quick - and good!
Out of one ear I heard a group gathered in tight circle here in the Parlor discussing how one's profession might relate to their desired manner of sexual congress.
"I say the taxidermist has it best of all," a relative newcomer said.
"How's that?" came the chorus back.
"Well, he spends all day stuffing and mounting..."
"And all night," they all roared back, "mounting and stuffing."
I noticed an English diplomat friend in the group to whom I had been meaning to explain how a "bird" in the hand is not nearly as much fun as two hands in the bush. I might have actually gotten it out to him, except my other ear had just finished hearing the most impossible request ever made in this house.
Their voices were low, and it appeared no one else had noticed.
An earnest young man I recognized as "Harry" (since he always seemed harried) had just told Mistress Cynthia how he would like to tie her up naked to her rack, torture her until she broke free in an expression of female strength and rage, and then have her make love to him on the dungeon floor in some Stockholm Syndrome fantasy.
Mistress Cynthia is a small, petite woman of indeterminate age whom nobody crosses. A lot of pain and humiliation go on in her dungeon (for those who like that sort of thing), and she expertly inflicts all of it. In a hundred years I couldn't learn what she already knows about pain. And nobody tells her what to do in her dungeon, or out of it.
I was wondering how quickly I could get out of the blast radius of her reply.
But she just looked at Harry, then replied in her soft, wispy voice, "I'm sorry, Harry, but you don't know enough about applying pain properly."
Those few words were the irresistible force of "every guest's request will be satisfied to the limit of the house's ability" crashing against the immovable object of Mistress Cynthia. I held my breath, waiting for the Universe to end.
Anyone else attempting to stand up to Mistress Cynthia would have wilted under those words. I've got to admire Harry for standing his ground. I realized from his next words that this wasn't some casual or frivolous request on his part.
"Then I'll learn," he said back to her just as softly. "From Master Henry, if that will meet your standards."
Mistress Cynthia studied Harry in a way I've never seen her do before. As though she had never taken anyone as seriously in her entire life as she was taking Harry right now. Meanwhile I thought about Master Henry, a big, and much more approachable, man who runs the mirror-image dungeon next to Mistress Cynthia's.
"Do you realize what 'learning about pain' entails?" she finally asked.
"I believe I do," he replied.
She appraised him for another long moment before finally saying, "Tell Master Henry what you want. And come back to me when he says you're ready."
With that, I let out the long breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. I couldn't believe Mistress Cynthia would actually agree to anything remotely like what Harry wanted, so my best guess is that "learning about pain" probably involved experiencing a whole lot of it. Fortunately not my concern, because just now Hunter came in.
But after the huge buildup, and following letdown, I was to be disappointed. Hunter came over with a big smile and hello to me, but then went up the big spiral staircase with Linda, a cute blonde several years older than I am. So Hunter's actions were my second surprise of this evening. I thought I'd given him a better time than that.
The next couple days passed quickly, and I was kept busy enough to not have too much time for thinking on my hands.
Harry had gone off with Master Henry that night, coming out a couple hours later looking very shaken, but still determined. He had returned religiously the next couple of nights, to again spend sessions with Master Henry. I had to admire his resolve, and I think even Mistress Cynthia was ready to give him some grudging respect.
Hunter returned each night as well, and spent his session with a new girl each time. He really was hunting for something, and it obviously wasn't me.
And the weird goings on outside seemed to intensify.
As for Hunter, after the fourth time with a new girl, Lady Sally intervened and took him down to her office. I've seen her do this on occasion, when she feels that somehow a guest just isn't getting what they want. She takes very seriously her aim to please, and is an excellent psychologist. When he returned to the Parlor sometime later, he had Terri by his side. That had to be my surprise for today.
Now Terri is about the nicest person in the whole house, after Lady Sally. She appeared at the door seeking refuge about nine months ago, and has stayed here ever since. But she is not a working girl.
Terri is about five feet eight, with luxurious, cascading dark brunette hair, and a face and apparent figure that would make her one of the most popular women here. But that never seemed to be her interest. Instead she is a wiz with computers and accounting systems. She always wears thick-framed glasses that give her a serious, intelligent, librarian look. She has taken over running Lady Sally's books and payroll, and never seems to make a mistake. All the money was accounted for. Checks come correctly on time. And bills are paid. No one ever complains about computer problems when Terri was around.
I'm acquainted with her in passing, but nothing deep. Most guests never see her at all. So I was more than a little surprised to see her with Hunter. And the moment they spotted me, they came over my direction.
"Hi, Maureen," she said, in her pleasant contralto.
"Hello, Terri. Hi, Hunter."
Hunter rewarded me with a warm smile and a surprising hug that made me forget that I wasn't his only interest in the house. Then he spoke to me for the first time since that second night.
"Maureen, Lady Sally thinks that maybe Terri can help me out."
"But we need your help too," Terri added.
I didn't know if this meant they wanted a three-way encounter, but Terri quickly clarified things. "Can we just go off and talk together for a bit?"
"Sure," I replied.
Up in my private studio, we all got comfortable.
Terri organized the conversation, starting by asking Hunter what he liked about his time with me, and why he hadn't come back to me again. I know that sounds cold, but somehow Terri made it into a warm experience for us all.
We talked about what he had enjoyed with me, and some things he just hadn't felt comfortable in asking for the first time (any of which I would have willingly done). I found out that there had been a lot he did like about me, including my currently bright blonde hair. But there were other things that also interested him, that he was looking for with the other women. Somehow I wasn't hurt by that. I got to know him as a person, instead of just a client, and wanted him to be happy.
I also found out that Hunter was pretty much a computer genius, who hadn't had much time for relationships in the past. He lives alone in a nice house back in the hills upstate, and makes a nice living as a consultant. This intrigued Terri a lot, because of her own computer skills, and they spent a good part of the time comparing notes on operating systems and compilers and just what the limits of computer technology could accomplish. I must confess to being totally lost during that part of their discussion. However they both sounded like they knew what they were talking about.
The best part of all for me was in really talking with Terri for the first time. Up close she is even more beautiful than I had realized. Too often in the past she seemed to have shyly hidden behind her hair and glasses, quiet demeanor, and concealing clothes. Most people just accepted her that way, and gave her some space. And while most of us might be found at any given time in any state of dress or undress, she was always fully covered with long sleeves and a full-length skirt. Now that I got to know her a bit, I realized she is bright, articulate, and very friendly. I like her a lot.
I realized that Lady Sally had understand that Hunter wasn't being satisfied by her house, and had asked Terri to spend some time with him to help him work out what he really wanted. Terri's qualification to do this is unique in one special regard. Since Terri isn't a working girl, it keeps their relationship on a social level.
Before I realized it, they were both getting up to go. I stood up too and gave each a big hug, since I realized I now had gained two new friends.
For the next few days I enjoyed watching the various dramas play out in our house. Who needs television, when we have real-life here? Strange life sometimes, to be sure - but real.
Harry seemed to be standing up under Master Henry's ministrations surprisingly well. Mistress Cynthia was somehow always present and watching them like a hawk each time their sessions ended. I'm sure she has never paid so much attention to any customer before. And I'll swear I saw an occasional smile momentarily crease her lips.
Terri and Hunter casually "interviewed" the other women that Hunter had already visited. Nobody seemed the least bit ruffled by their questions. After they'd finished with everyone Hunter had visited so far, you could find them sitting together in the Parlor, apparently comparing notes and commenting about things they liked concerning the other people there. I would have thought them a budding couple, except that they never went off alone together. Heck, they never so much as held hands in public.
I started going over and sitting with Terri during common meal breaks down below in the employee's private dining area. We soon talked about everything except Hunter, and computers. The house rules are strict. Private business remains private business. I like it that way too. As for computers, I just don't understand them.
I found out that my first impressions of Terri were correct. She is a wonderful, warm, and friendly person. However, she did seem to have some other secret that we never discussed. And when I mentioned the eerie goings on outside, she quickly glanced over her shoulder and seemed to shiver. I didn't mention them again.
Outside, the level of strange activity was rising to such a level that I was expecting to see it being covered on the evening news any moment now. While Lady Sally seemed to remain oblivious to it all, others were definitely picking up on hints of it now. For myself, I refused to leave the house before 10am, and was always back by 2pm. Bright daylight and busy streets seem the best defense.
Everything came to a head Friday night.
Now what follows is a bit scrambled. I'm going to tell you what I know, what I witnessed and may or may not have understood, and what I have guessed logically had to have happened. I was never in the room with Hunter and Terri, so my guesses as to what happened there come from the tape afterwards. This is not the only time things in Lady Sally's house seem to have happened with no regard at all for the proper orderly flow of time, so I have nothing to apologize for here.
As best I can reconstruct events, this is what may have happened.
At 6pm Friday evening Hunter hadn't yet arrived. He'd stayed late talking with Terri the night before, and I hadn't seen her today either. In fact, I was having dinner downstairs when she rushed up to me, one towel around her body, another completely covering her hair.
"Maureen, you're my best friend, and next to Lady Sally, the only one I completely trust. I need you to give this envelope to Hunter when he arrives, and absolutely no one else."
I barely managed to nod my assent before she rushed off. I had never seen Terri in such an emotional flurry before.
At 6:45 I finished dinner, primped myself, and went up to the Parlor - Terri's envelope safely hidden where no one would dare look.
One of my regulars showed up unexpectedly. We had just gone up the spiral staircase and were heading down the hall his favorite scenario studio when I heard it: that rustle of dry leaves, followed by a footstep, and the sound of an in-drawn breath. I spun around on my heels just in time to see a shadow, and pair of orange neon eyes ten feet down the hall, fade out like the Cheshire Cat.
I gave an involuntary shriek, and ran back down the hall the way we'd come, completely forgetting my client.
As I ran down the spiral staircase, I noticed that Master Henry and Harry had just come into the Parlor from their longest session yet. Though Harry looked as white as ever from their time in session, the two of them were actually laughing together for the first time, and Master Henry had his arm around Harry's shoulder.
No time to reflect on that as I ran past them, around the counter at the end of the room, and straight down the stairs to Lady Sally's office. Fortunately she was in.
"Lady Sally!" I blurted, nearly out of breath. "They're in here! I saw them!"
"Calm down, dear," she replied, as unperturbed as usual. "What is in here?"
"The eyes! The shadows! The things from outside!"
"Then it's time," she said mysteriously. "Come back to the Parlor with me. I'll need your help."
I could only nod as she picked up the phone and spoke into it, "Terri? Meet me in the Parlor right now."
Then she brushed past me and I stumbled after her in my effort to keep up.
Lady Sally is a quiet woman, but she has a commanding presence second to none when she needs it.
The Parlor was crowded, even for a Friday night. But Lady Sally had no trouble marching through it until she reached the middle. Terri was already there to meet her, looking hurriedly dressed this time, with the towel still wrapped around her hair.
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Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...
Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...
Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally”Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...
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Sally Company Slut Part 3Hi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private Wealth...
I was four-years-old when the neighbors had a baby. I only vaguely remember them bringing her home for the first time. They had named their baby girl Sally. I remember being taken by my parents to the neighbor's house to meet Sally. Her mom called my mom on the phone and asked us to come see their new baby. I remember lagging behind my mom as we went in their door. Sally's mother called out to me. “Hey Billy, come on over here and see baby Sally.” Sally grew rapidly at first. However, by the...
Love StoriesLisa and I had moved on from one another. I was quite relieved in some ways. She’d do almost anything I wanted and I was feeling guilty. I honestly think that some things cost you small chunks of your soul. Threesomes, gangbangs, public displays, cummy fingers of strangers in the dark, going to her house at a moments notice, banging her mouth and leaving her in a puddle on the floor. I thought that in the end I’d do her permanent damage. She went on PoF and found a nice ineffective guy who was...
Sally Company Slut Gets a Filthy Mouth on herHi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is...
Sally Company Slut Gets a Filthy Mouth on her Hi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy. So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is...
Bob pulled up in front of Jack and Sally’s house. It was his third straight weekend to come down, and it was Friday late afternoon. The sun had gone down behind the houses on the other side of 18 th Street, and evening shadows were settling on the street.Bob wondered if Sally would greet him the way he told her to in his email, but as he was getting out of the car, he saw her step out on the porch and heard her call to him. She was naked. Her call would have been heard by anyone within a few...
It wasn’t unusual for someone to insist on renting a porn movie for the Saturday night viewing party; and usually it was Bob. Sometimes it was so bad that they spent more time laughing at the bad acting and poor plot line then becoming aroused by the film. The small group of close friends: Bob, Sally, Jill, and Kathy, had been enjoying this weekly ritual for several months. Now, if the porn movie were good enough, they’d all masturbate alone later – except for Jill, who would climax during the...
LesbianThat evening Bob took Sally and Jack out for dinner and dancing. “It’s a black-tie evening,” Bob told Jack. When Sally came out of the bedroom dressed only in the black slip dress and the black thigh-highs and her black heels, Jack thought Sally was dressed way to sexy for an evening out. He could in the light just make out her nipple through the dress and the black lace t-back Bob had bought. Bob had dressed her, so Jack would know he possessed her, at least for now. She looked good enough to...
Sally Company Slut Part 4 Hi my name is Rob and this is the fourth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private Wealth...
As he drove south on Interstate 24, Bob was whistling a happy tune. He could not help but be excited. And hard. He was on the outskirts of the city, and another 30 minutes he would be pulling into Sally and Jack’s drive. Tonight, he would be sleeping with Jack’s wife.It was only 30 minutes flying time, but adding in the hour or so for check-in at the airport, and the time it took to get from the airport to Sally and Jack’s, well, he did not mind the not quite four hour drive from his house to...
Sally Introduction to Sally.. I met Sally at work in the Bank we both worked for. She was a quiet girl in her late 20s and very conservative both in terms of how she dressed and socially. Sally had a great figure, small waist and big firm breasts which were hidden by loose fitting clothes and a beautiful long chestnut brown hair. She had a few friends from school but like her they were fairly introverted preferring a trip to the cinema rather than a night out at a club. At work she was very...
E-mail [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!! Sally Anne's Boss gives us a Surprise By SONIA Chapter 1 - The Email I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did I loved it! Sally Anne and I had a web site on the Internet, which...
Sally the Company Slut Part 5Hi my name is Rob and this is the fifth account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy.So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is fucking Private...
When Sally got home from her first date with Billy, she headed straight to the bathroom. She took a long hot bubble bath. Her freshly deflowered pussy was quite sore, and she thought a bath would help. She also wanted to remove the aroma of sex she knew would be all over her body. After washing herself, Sally blissfully soaked in the hot water and day-dreamed about her new boyfriend and lover. Billy had been so wonderful to her. He had told her he loved her as much as she loved...
When Sally got home from her first date with Billy, she headed straight to the bathroom. She took a long hot bubble bath. Her freshly deflowered pussy was quite sore, and she thought a bath would help. She also wanted to remove the aroma of sex she knew would be all over her body. After washing herself, Sally blissfully soaked in the hot water and day-dreamed about her new boyfriend and lover. Billy had been so wonderful to her. He had told her he loved her as much as she loved him. When she...
Love StoriesOn Thursday morning, during her scheduled run through Hyde Park, Sally’s long blonde hair was tied behind her head. Running past the statue of Peter Pan, along the lake and up a small incline, the sexy dancer felt a lightness in her step she could not explain. The sensation was not enough to warn her about what was to happen to her.She was too busy figuring out how to throw out her boyfriend, Jake, and how she got involved with him in the first place. She did not even notice the dazzling...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIn a small urban town just north of LA where the people fit loosely around church nor state lived a young woman coming of age in this world of information. She wanted guidance, support and inspiration. Her parents raised her by one motto: 'Plain girls that want to be included in sports can't be shy. Be Courageous.' This taught her two things; 1. Don't be plain, and 2. Just go for it. Coming of age in the modern age was tough, fraught with too many choices and not enough boundary to be...
"Oh God, oh God," the twenty-two-year-old cried loudly as she flung her naked body down once more, impaling herself on the hard cock of the equally naked twenty-five-year-old man underneath her. Sweat ran down her small heaving breasts. She flung her head back, sending long brunette hair in every direction as she approached the edge of orgasm. The equally dark-haired young man beneath her neared the same pinnacle with equal ferocity, grabbing her waist tightly and thrusting his cock deep...
“Oh my God!” I thought to my self in disbelief. “Did that really happen?” I got up carefully so I didn’t disturb her, and made my way, sleepily, to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t believe that I actually let happen what happened last night. I surely was going to prison after this. My marriage is over, and I’ll have to live in shame for the rest of my life. Surely, a teen-aged girl isn’t going to be able to keep a secret like this. Hell, it will probably be...
Andy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy’s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work.It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy that she...
Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a lot brighter than my wife, Sue. She awoke sometime after me and entered the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, complaining of a headache.“What time did you get home last night?”“About five minutes after Jon left I imagine.”“What do you mean, after Jon left?”“I saw him walking down the road away from our house when I arrived home.”“Oh, I’d forgotten, he came over asking could you help him out with a couple of jobs. I’ll call him to tell him you’re...
CuckoldSally and I were seeing each other pretty regularly now, everyone at the office knew about it and it was cool. We hadn’t moved in together or anything, but Sally would stay at my place every weekend and even a few nights during the weeks we would sleep together at one of our apartments. Sally had a roommate so we usually stayed at mine.It was Sunday morning and we were lying in bed together, I was watching a cooking show and Sally was kind of dozing next to me. She was laying on her front;...
Group SexI was four-years-old when the neighbors had a baby. I only vaguely remember them bringing her home for the first time. They had named their baby girl Sally. I remember being taken by my parents to the neighbor's house to meet Sally. Her mom called my mom on the phone and asked us to come see their new baby. I remember lagging behind my mom as we went in their door. Sally's mother called out to me. "Hey Billy, come on over here and see baby Sally." Sally grew rapidly at first. However, by...
Faye and Sally have a day out and make new friends The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that's a cliché but stick with me on this. I'm not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown of events so far. My name's Faye, I am nineteen and I have long red hair down to my bum. I'm fairly skinny with small but pert...
Hi, I'm Faye. So, let me tell you how it all began. It started, as things like this normally do, with a crush on someone I shouldn't have had a crush on. Her name is Sally; she's a twenty-eight-year-old primary school teacher and she's married to a friend of my parents. I first met the couple when they came around to our house for a late dinner when I was seventeen. We hit it off and honestly, I think meeting her that night confirmed to me that I was definitely gay. They came around once...
Sally Myers was a woman on the fast track. Since graduating from college, the ink barely dry on her law degree and her mortarboard not having sat still long enough to collect dust, she had delivered resumes to some of the most prestigious and best known law offices in Chicago. Having agreed to join the firm of Gabbott, Robbins & Clarke, she presented herself first thing Monday morning at the criminal defense department, under the tutelage of Jonathan Clarke, senior partner. Jonathan...
When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...
Sally Myers was a woman on the fast track. Since graduating from college, the ink barely dry on her law degree and her mortarboard not having sat still long enough to collect dust, she had delivered resumes to some of the most prestigious and best known law offices in Chicago. Having agreed to join the firm of Gabbott, Robbins & Clarke, she presented herself first thing Monday morning at the criminal defense department, under the tutelage of Jonathan Clarke, senior...
Straight SexThe story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....
Wife LoversSally, Beckey and Shela have been friends since college. All three live in a small town in upstate New York where they went to college. Since graduating, they frequently get together for lunch and of course gossip. Sally was always the adventurous one and loved to talk about her sexual adventures. She was only 5 foot one inch tall, weighed only 105 pounds, her nose and mouth were rather small and she had short jet black hair. Sally had the sexual appetite of man, a very horney man. There was...
ExhibitionismIt had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn't think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...
Straight SexSusan had already decided that if her 22 year old daughter Sally doesn’t have a good enough reason she is going to be put across her lap and given a spanking to remember. In fact Susan was worried. Sally was at the shopping mall and had promised she was going to be back by 3 O’clock. It was now 4 O’clock and no phone call. She had even tried to call her daughter’s mobile but it went to voicemail. It was so unlike Sally as she knew the penalty for being late without reason. Just then...
SpankingStanding at her bedroom sink, patting her vibrator dry, the last remnants of last nights orgasm draining down the sink. As intense as the orgasm was, and as relieving as it had felt, Sally yearned for the intimacy of sex with her husband. Bob had left only a couple of weeks before on deployment to the middle east. Being a military wife Sally recognised the stages she was going through, the same as all Bob’s previous deployments. At 36 she was now one of the older wives living on base. Their...
Mustang Sally By Heather St. Claire They say love is eternal. They say love can accomplish impossible things. Tom and Sally Fuller, a retired couple living a seemingly ordinary life in the city of Westport, are an amazing testament to love's power. It's hard to find a starting point for their story, because it's really a loop of time....The best place to begin may be in the year 2008. Tom Fuller, sixty-three years old and twice a widower, had just sold his insurance agency,...
It had only been two days since I took Sally to the airport on Friday so she could go spend a little quality time with our friend Bob. In his wanderings online he had found a nude resort he thought might be fun, but the rules of the resort stipulated no single males. He wanted Sally to go with him. About a month earlier, we had spent a long weekend with Bob at his farm. One afternoon, he and Sally went swimming in a stream that runs through his land. They wound up skinny dipping, and one thing...
James and Sally had been through a rough patch in their relationship. Their sex life had ground to a halt and both being only 24 years of age James was seriously considering looking elsewhere to fulfill his desires. He would never of left at this point as he loved her but no sex in 7 months not even a blowjob had put a real strain on things. James had received several offers in the past when out with his mates but always passed them up thinking things would get better soon but they hadn't. One...
Number 22 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne was Naughty by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me...
both the staff's quarters and the children's dormitories. The rooms are private, isolated and soundproofed so that the screams of the children she tortures to satisfy her pent-up sexual passions, can't be heard throughout the orphanage. When the other children were sent to bed that evening, the matron brought Sally to Alice's bedroom to prepare her. Drugged, little Sally wasn't sure where she was, the bed wasn't hers; it was far too large to be hers. The air was perfumed...
The Fourth of July Anticipation Sally couldn’t sleep. She looked over at the clock, ‘3:17’ stared back at her in glowing red numbers. The last time she looked it had said ‘2:53.’ What an interminable night. She writhed around under the covers and turned on her other side in thought and anticipation. Her thoughts were filled with only one thing, Kyle Peterson. Tomorrow, no! now at least it was today. TODAY! She smiled. Today she would be going with Kyle — Kyle Peterson, a widower, and his...
Number 13 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne's Birthday Treat (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Shopping My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne's birthday was approaching and she had decided she wanted a romantic evening...
Sally, If you want to see your husband again you’ll follow the instructions below. You will dress in the clothing which you will receive shortly, make sure you Wear everything; you will then be at the Hotel Castor by 8pm Enter the bar and sit in the 3rd booth at the far end of the room. You will be contacted with further...
Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...
------------------------------------The Morning AfterI awoke about 11 o'clock the next morning. Bob was already up and gone, but he had left me a note on my bedroom door. As was his way, Boss Bob had taken over, and as usual, of all the details had been considered and deftly handled. "Dear Harry; I called the maid and told her not to come in until two o'clock. Have Sally up and dressed by that time. I gave the maid the day off just as soon as she straightens things up. She should be gone by...
“Hey Boss, glad you could join us sleepy head.” Don was standing at the stove, along with Brenda making us breakfast. “Uncle Mark!” I heard a squeal from behind me, and arms were around my neck from behind. “Hey Alexandria. How ya doin kiddo?” I was trying to hide my confusion, but decided I’d just ask. “You did tell my I could borrow the place this week right Don?” “Oh yea buddy, we just thought we’d drive up, and see how the place looked, and make sure you had everything you need....
"You know what you have done wrong, don't you?" Master said, holding onto her leash close to her thick leather collar. Sally was naked, kneeling in front of him between his knees as he sat forward on the sofa. He was dressed in his usual tight black jeans, tight black muscle shirt, heavy square-toe biker boots, and mirrored aviator-style sunglasses. The whole picture would normally be very sexy had it not been for the circumstances she was in. Earlier that week, Sally had had an appointment...
SpankingSally’s Guilty PleasuresSally was the local dealer… dealer in guilty pleasures, that is. In other words, she was the only Girl Scout on the block. If you wanted cookies, you had to track down this cookie girl and share some of her “stash”. Each year, I would see her in her green vest going door to door taking orders and later delivering the boxes. Sally was kind of plain until she smiled. Then her face would beam like the sun. She had skinny legs and a slight figure. Her blonde hair was...
It wasn't unusual for someone to insist on renting a porn movie for the Saturday night viewing party; and usually it was Bob. Sometimes it was so bad that they spent more time laughing at the bad acting and poor plot line then becoming aroused by the film. The small group of close friends: Bob, Sally, Jill, and Kathy, had been enjoying this weekly ritual for several months. Now, if the porn movie were good enough, they'd all masturbate alone later – except for Jill, who would climax during...