Strings Attached
- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
I stood at the doorway watching her. I don’t like kids. I don’t dislike them either, they simply don’t exist in my day-to-day life so I don’t really think about them much. But, something about the little girl that was compelling. She was talking to a woman who was clearly her mother. They could have been twins, separated by 20 years and a few hundred dollars’ worth of tattoos. The woman was shaking her head “no” and the little girl was looking up at the acoustic guitar.
Walking over, I took it off the wall. “Hey, I’m Alex. Did you wanna see the guitar?”
The woman smiled but shook her head again. “Oh, no, thank you. She’s just ... Well, her uncle plays and she wants to. She, uh, gets excited.”
“Honestly? It’s more of a prop than anything else. She’s welcome to fool around with it. Worst-case scenario, we’ll re-string it.”
“That’s really kind, she’ll be careful.”
The girl was careful as she took it gently from my hands. Speaking over her shoulder, she addressed her mother. “Mom, I can talk for myself.” She looked up at me. “Thanks! My uncle has electric guitars, but he said he’d teach me how to play one like this.”
“That’s great. Have you started yet?”
“No, he’s sort of busy.”
I smiled down at her. “I’m sure he’ll find the time.” I looked around and they were still setting up so we had some time. “Wanna try something real quick?”
She nodded her head. C Major was probably too difficult for her small hands, so I wracked my brain for something that would be workable for her. Maybe some simple open chords to shift up and down? We could just use three strings instead of all six and she’d at least get a feel for playing.
I smiled. “Sorry. I was lost there for a second just thinking. You know ‘Happy Birthday’, right? Why don’t we give that a try? Three chords should be doable and people have birthdays all the time, right?”
We worked through it as people around us set up the studio to help look like a precise, arranged photo was actually impromptu. They worked and left us alone and I enjoyed the joy in her eyes when she mastered something. Her mother looked both happy and concerned.
“Are we in their way? I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”
Her mouth twitched a bit, her worried tone kind of endearing.
“Nah, it’s fine.”
“You work with these people?”
“Sort of.” I looked down at the little girl. “So, you know ‘Shake it Off’? The Taylor Swift song? Wanna try that?”
We again only used the thinner three strings and she was soaking everything up like a sponge. Her smile was contagious and some of the studio employees and photographers’ assistants would smile along or pat her on the head, which was sort of obnoxious. She was a kid, not a pet.
We got through the whole song once and was trying it a second time when the star of the show arrived. He was the rockstar of the moment and came in with the requisite rockstar attitude. He was ignoring some people while berating others and had a bottle of Jack in his hand with the 80’s throwback leather jacket with no shirt.
The only thing that gave him any redemptive value is that he dropped everything when he saw the little girl.
“Uncle Jimmy!”
“Hey, there’s my munchkin. You doing okay?”
“Yeah, Alex was showing me how to play guitar!”
“Was he?” He turned to me. “You Alex?”
I smiled up at him from the stool I was sitting on. “Yup.”
“Well, Alex, you know who I am?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer and just kept talking. “I’m Jimmy Reilly. Maybe you heard of me? Cover of Guitar Player? Three top 20’s in the past 12 months? Why don’t you go back to pushing pencils or a broom or whatever you do and I’ll teach my niece about the guitar.”
“Look, dude...”
“You deaf, Alex? I don’t have time for a conversation. Want an autograph, see me as we’re leaving. Pick up your little acoustic, get out and hope that you didn’t get her started on any bad habits.”
I looked at him for a minute before he continued.
“Should I be using sign language? Get the fuck out.”
Shaking my head, I left. Sitting down in my office, I turned on my laptop. The studio was live and I could hear everything going on through my speakers. Big Mike was talking.
“Reilly, get in the control room.”
“Get in the control room or get the fuck out.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“Co-owner of the studio. Leave or come talk to me in the control room.”
A few seconds passed and I could hear them again, this time without the ambient noise.
“I didn’t want to call you out in front of anyone and I’m gonna let you finish up, but you’re not coming back. You’re banned.”
“You can’t be serious. You’re banning me? You think the label’s going to let that happen?”
“Yeah, I do. You know why you’re here? ‘Cause we’re famous. Fucking legendary. Everyone wants to record here and all the best have. You really think the label is going to back your play and have some sort of boycott or something? Get real.”
“What, cause of some dick who shouldn’t have been in there anyway? Whadda ya want? I’ll give him an autograph, smooth it out. Not a problem.”
“An autograph? You have any idea who that guy is? You’re the flavor of the month. Six months from now there’ll be another you. Two years from now no one’ll remember your name. That guy you were going off on is Alex Franzetti. Fingers Franzetti. He’s been one of the greatest guitarists in the world for three decades. Fuck, you’re not even talented enough to know how good he actually is. He’s also my business partner. You’re done. Enjoy the day, cause you’re not coming back.”
Jimmy started cursing and I heard a door slam. Picking up my phone, I called Big Mike.
He answered and immediately started speaking. “Hey, it’s handled.”
“Yeah, I heard. Do me a favor. Give the girl the acoustic. Not her fault her uncle’s a douche.”
“You got it.”
I saw the girl and her mother in the parking lot through my office window shortly after. They got in their car and were leaving when the car stopped abruptly near the building. She must have seen me through the window and made her mother stop, as she bolted from the car, guitar in hand and ran over the grass and through some thigh-high bushes and banged on the window.
She mouthed “Thank you!” and hugged the guitar to her chest.
Smiling, I mouthed back “Welcome.”
Her mother waved as the girl was more cautious in pushing past the bushes and headed back to the car. She was a beautiful woman. Jimmy was an ass, but he seemed to care about his niece and his sister was hot, if way too young. Yeah, her youth and my age didn’t stop me from noticing that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
Sitting back in my chair, I started typing up my article for Guitar Player. I wrote for them under the name Curt Llama, reviewing new albums, talking about the state of the industry or pretty much writing anything that caught my interest. I decided to write about supposed prodigies who cared more about showmanship than craft. Pulling out examples of flash-in-the-pans who were supposed to be the next wunderkinds, it was pretty clear that I was referring to Jimmy.
As I wrote I could hear him getting progressively louder. I guessed that Big Mike’s not kissing his ass hadn’t gone over well. I left the link on and listened in. He was going off on everyone that might listen and his people were trying to placate him without doing or saying anything that would irritate my partner. The simple truth is that we were bigger than Jimmy was.
Being located in Pueblo, we were out of the limelight of LA or NY. For bands or artists that wanted to remove themselves from distractions and temptations, we were exactly what they needed. As they came here when they wanted to produce their best, we garnered a reputation as the ‘go-to’ studio if you wanted to create your masterpiece.
Jimmy wasn’t interested in producing a masterpiece, or maybe he was stupid enough to believe that he had. Living in Pueblo, his photoshoot was the result of happenstance and convenience. Legendary studio and up-and-coming artist and he could roll out of bed and be here in half an hour.
So, there I was typing while he was ranting and the poor photographer and his staff tried to get some useable shots. Eventually, Jimmy must have found a guitar. He told everyone he was going to just riff and play whatever popped into his head ‘cause he’s incredibly creative. He’d barely begun playing when I realized it was “Caprici di Diablo” by Yngwie Malmsteen. Not the easiest song to play, but not insanely difficult either. I was pretty sure he was directing the music my way, throwing down the gauntlet however he could.
Laughing, I just continued to write. When he was done, he started yelling again. Big Mike had finally hit his limit and I could hear him throwing everyone out. Picking up the phone, I called our security guys and had them help clear out Jimmy and his sycophants. Big Mike is a tough crotchety son of a bitch, but he’s in his early sixties.
Jimmy was stumbling towards his limo, no longer clutching the bottle of Jack, when he saw me through the window. He flipped me the double bird and walked off. His niece was much nicer.
When I was done with the article, I plugged my guitar into the audio interface, played “Caprici di Diablo” and then got his personal email from someone at his label. I sent him the recording with the following message:
Is that what you were going for? Keep practicing.
“ ... that bitch ass motherfucker—”
“Watch your fucking mouth,” I spat.
Jimmy rolled his eyes at me, still glaring down at his phone. I took two steps across the small kitchen, snatched the phone from his hands, and turned off the ridiculously-fast twanging of some metal song before it made my nerves snap. Pepper whined from beneath the table, his tail thumping against the chair leg.
“I don’t want to hear this crap right now.”
“This crap is how I make my fucking living, Em.”
“It won’t be for long if you keep acting like you did today.”
“That was—”
“—bullshit, it was absolute fucking bullshit.” I peered down the hallway, where a mostly off-key rendition of The Birthday Song was being played from Leia’s bedroom, and lowered my voice to a hiss. “You embarrassed the shit out of me.”
“I embarrassed you? You were supposed to be directing my goddamn photo shoot and you took off!”
“You threw a tantrum! An actual tantrum, Jimmy! In front of Leia!”
“That old dude—”
“—was teaching Leia how to play the guitar, because all she’s talked about for the past six months is how Uncle Jimmy says he’s gonna teach her to play the guitar and Uncle Jimmy’s going to come this weekend and show her how to play the guitar and Uncle Jimmy promised that next weekend—”
“I’ve been a bit busy, if you hadn’t noticed,” he said icily.
“Maybe if you put down the booze once in a damn while—”
“Who the hell are you to talk? You were just as—”
“Don’t even go there with me.” I turned towards him, and whatever look was across my face made him shut up. “Yeah, I did stupid shit when I was 20, too. But I didn’t have the kind of money you do, and that severely limited the stupid shit I could do. And hey, it worked out for me, because I got Leia out of it and you damn well know I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the entire universe, but you know what she didn’t get out of it?”
“A father. I fucking know, you’ve told me—”
“Then why do I have to tell you again?”
He folded his arms across his chest, looking far more like a pouty, emo pre-teen than a man of twenty with a music career. I took a breath and ran a hand through my hair.
“Jimmy, I get growing up wasn’t easy—”
“Oh, and here we go with the traumatic childhood bullshit—”
“Fuck off, are you serious?”
He fell silent as I glared at him.
“I’m sorry I left you at home when I took off. You were ten. I was eighteen. I clearly couldn’t even take care of myself, let alone my kid brother, as proven by the fact that I got fucking knocked up like, two years later.”
He put his hand on his hip in an exaggerated effeminate pose. “‘And I could have let you just live on the streets when you got kicked out, Jimmy, but out of the goodness of my heart I took you in and for the past five years I’ve done nothing but love you and support you.’”
His high-pitched mocking of my voice hurt me more than it irritated me, though it was incredibly irritating. Taking another deep, shaky breath, I swallowed the hurt and put my hand on the counter.
“I will be taking Leia to get guitar lessons from someone else.”
“I can do it for free. Someone else is gonna cost you—”
“I don’t care. I don’t want you teaching her right now.”
Jimmy fell silent, pain and confusion furrowed into his brow. His mouth opened but for once, he didn’t speak.
“We’ve had this conversation a million times. You’re drinking too much. You’re partying too much. You want to live the rockstar lifestyle, fine. But you will not be exposing my daughter to that kind of toxicity while you do.”
“I’m not—”
“It’s not up for discussion.” I folded my arms and leaned against the counter as Jimmy stared at me. “You are drunk. Like, literally right now. You’re drunk, and you have been for hours. I’m sorry I wasn’t the perfect role model for you, I’m sorry we had shit parents, but you can’t keep throwing that in my face. I’m trying to do better for her. And right now, you aren’t better.”
“You can’t.” The words were slurred, but beneath the layers of bourbon-scented breath was a pleading desperation. “She’s my niece, you can’t stop me from seeing her.”
“I can, actually, but I won’t. That would hurt her more than it would hurt you. But you’re not going to be teaching her to play guitar, and as long as you keep acting like you did today or showing up drunk or high or whatever, you’re not going to be allowed around her.”
Jimmy wasn’t used to being told “no” anymore. Part of it was the amount of ass-kissing thrust upon him by his manager and fans, but a larger part of it was the intense anger he could muster up in a single stare. His magazine covers all featured that seething scowl, a trademark of his that he had been using to intimidate people for years.
It didn’t intimidate me, however. Not only had its effect on me worn off after years of seeing it, but it was also hard to feel intimidated by someone whose dirty diapers I had changed and who I’d had to mother in place of our actual mother.
Still, I felt myself breathe a sigh of relief when Jimmy stood up and stumbled from my kitchen to the front door. I watched as he got in the back of an expensive black car that looked completely out of place in my neighborhood.
I knew its departure also meant my doorbell would be ringing in approximately five minutes. When it did, I had already opened two beers and had a bag of popcorn in the microwave.
“It’s open!” I called over the sound of Pepper barking.
The pattering of two children running—one from her bedroom to the front door, the other from the front door to the bedroom—was immediate.
“Baylee, be polite! Say hi to Em.”
“Hi, Em!” called a young voice.
“Baylee I got a guitar!” shrieked Leia.
With that, the girls were off, and Kelsie was wandering into my kitchen.
“So what’s the latest?”
Kelsie was my best friend. We stuck together like flies on paper. Baylee and Leia had been in the same class since kindergarten and had thankfully been practically inseparable since. As far as I knew, Kelsie and I were the only two single moms in the girls’ class, and that was reason enough to ostracize us. It didn’t help that both of us looked ... well, a little less clean-cut than most of the moms.
I had taken most of my piercings out after having Leia, but Kelsie kept all of hers: eyebrow, lip, nose, and tongue were the visible ones. She had a few tattoos, but not many; I would need to wear a floor-length turtleneck poncho with mittens to cover all of mine. She dyed her hair multiple colors; mine was naturally dark.
Together, we were clearly those moms. Other moms joked about drinking coffee until it was socially acceptable to drink wine. Kelsie and I had definitely shared a flask more than once during a soccer game.
I told her the story of the day as we sat at the kitchen table, drinking beer and eating popcorn, throwing the occasional piece to the dog begging at our feet.
“So this guy, Alex, is showing Leia how to play guitar when Jimmy walks in and just tears him a new one. And like, he’s clearly someone with the studio, because he just ... gave Leia a guitar. Like, had one of his people give it to her. And I’d already started taking off because I was humiliated by Jimmy’s tantrum, so I didn’t even get to thank him.”
“Hmm. Was he cute?”
I had to think about it for a moment. The short answer was yes, really. There had been something enticing about Alex, something almost familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was like being reminded of someone, but not being able to pinpoint who.
“I mean, he was ... I don’t know. Sure. In that khakis-and-golf-shirt kind of way.”
“Ah. Dad-bod?”
“No!” I laughed, shaking my head. “Just like, not my type. You know. Probably too clean-cut. He had some great tattoos though.”
“We both know you love your tattoos.”
“I do. He was also like, way older than me.”
“Hmm. Too bad.”
I took another sip of beer. “Anyway. Now I have to figure out how I’m going to pay for guitar lessons.”
“Jimmy should be paying for them.”
“I’m not asking Jimmy for money.”
“If you would just get over your pride—”
“That’s not it. I just ... it’s weird. He already spoils Leia. He paid off the house.”
“He could have bought you a better house.”
“I like this house.” I shook my head before she could speak again. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not asking Jimmy for money.”
“Why don’t you go back to the studio tomorrow? Ask this Alex for suggestions and thank him for the guitar?”
“Not a bad idea, actually.” Finishing my beer, I grinned. “And hey, two birds, one stone. Leia still has to sell an entire case of Girl Scout cookies. Maybe she can charm some of the staff while she’s there.”
Big Mike and I each had our own office and then we had a common office where we met with clients. We had no need to be in the center of the city and space was cheap, so we built for comfort. I’d dragged a decent chair into his office and we were going over monthly bookings. He sat on a metal folding chair behind his desk as we worked. It was a weird point of pride with him and he’d look at my ergonomic chair with disdain whenever he saw it.
For people outside the industry, musicians and singers were legends. In the industry, people like Mike were the legends. His basic uniform had been the same since the ‘80s; shorts to his knees, black socks, sneakers, and a Hawaiian shirt. A large man, he’d been terrifying in the day. He’d managed some of the biggest bands in history and was as professional as you could hope for unless he felt you were messing with what he termed “my people”.
If he felt you’d ripped off a band somehow, start running. And don’t try to hide in hell, ‘cause I was pretty sure that Satan was terrified of Big Mike and would give you up in a minute. Have a deal with a site manager and he didn’t live up to his obligated percentage of concession sales during a concert? Mike paid him a visit and the situation was rectified immediately. The label playing games? He’d hire the biggest, scariest lawyers you’d ever seen and forensic accountants that would find Jimmy Hoffa just to rifle through his wallet.
Mike was the center of more urban legends than Ozzy.
He was older now and retired from managing bands, but that hadn’t mellowed him much. The thing that pissed him off the most? If you let it be known that he was actually the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. There’s a local father and daughter duo that played charity gigs around the area. The girl played the violin, the father played pretty much anything else; guitar, another violin, bass, etc. Big Mike was visiting his mom at a senior center they played at when he saw them playing for the residents. They sold CD’s after the shows and donated the money to homes for homeless vets.
The quality was crap. Mike had to fix that. He had them in a studio and they were playing as we went over the books. Gratis. He also paid for the engineer and the artist who worked on the cover. His only condition was that they never, ever mention his involvement. He’d disappeared from the studio a number of times over the years for up to two weeks at a time. No word, no notice; just gone. I was the only one who knew it was to take a musician to rehab and stay by their side until they got over the initial hump.
How did I know? I saw the books. Our studio paid for most of it and I was fine with that. I’d be a hypocrite not to be, as Big Mike was the person that picked me up from the gutter and got me into rehab and has been my sponsor ever since.
Glasses on the end of his nose, one hand rubbing his greying beard, Mike spoke up. “Black Soul Records is paying for last week’s fucking cleaning. All of it. Aroldis Gomez thought it would be a good idea to try to get some chick’s vocals while she was cumming and was banging her on the floor next to the mic. Fucking degenerate. That shit was overplayed when Guns and Roses did it.” He paused without looking up. “Don’t. I’m telling ya, Alex, don’t fucking touch it.”
My finger had been headed towards his little hula-girl statue that he kept on his desk. If you flicked her hips she moved back and forth, grass skirt swaying. He hadn’t even glanced my way.
“Seriously, don’t ‘What?’ me. Just don’t touch her.”
Smiling, I went back to my laptop. He preferred using a print-out. We spent another hour going over end-of-month reports and when we were done, he hit a button on a console and the recording session from the father and daughter came on.
“Think you can play something?”
“For them? No, why? The father’s got it.”
“Yeah, but his name won’t sell copies.”
I stared at him before speaking. “You know I’m not into that. I don’t want my name out there. Just let all that shit die.”
“It’s been, what, 25 years? Get over it and grow a fucking pair. The money goes to vets, you fucking commie.”
My neck and ears were growing hot and I was sure I was turning red. “Look, just make a donation. I’ll cover it. It ... You don’t know...”
Mike interrupted me, speaking softly, voice laced with anger. “I don’t know? Me? I was there, Alex. Every day and every night. Out of rehab, back in rehab, meeting after meeting after meeting since then. Don’t tell me I don’t know. It wasn’t my family and I respect that, but you don’t get to say I wasn’t there. You paid your debts. She wouldn’t want you to keep hiding. You know that.”
Standing, I clenched my fists. “I said no! Leave it be.”
“Listen, Ms...”
“Em. Just Em is fine.”
“Ms M, unless you have an appointment—”
“No, Em. E-M. No Ms. Just Em.”
Mike’s beard almost twitched with a surly annoyance and whatever modicum of politeness he’d managed to muster fell.
“Listen, lady. I know you were here yesterday, but people don’t walk in here and demand to see Alex without some sort of...”
I waited for the rest of the sentence, but his eyes had left my face and were staring somewhat behind me. I followed his gaze to see Leia had finally walked up hauling her case of Girl Scout cookies.
“Isn’t that a little heavy for you?” he asked.
“She insisted,” I muttered. Leia could be as stubborn as they came sometimes and had insisted on hauling the case of cookies by herself from the trunk of the car.
“It won’t be if you buy some Girl Scout cookies from me, Mister.”
Mike’s beard twitched again. His lips pursed slightly. Then he smiled, noticed that I saw him smiling, and the surly annoyance returned to his face.
“Why’d you need to see Alex again?”
“When we were here yesterday, he was ... teaching her. And you said he gave her the guitar.”
He nodded, then shook his head.
“That means this is Reilly’s niece. He’s been banned.”
“So her uncle was a dick and that means we’re banned, too?”
“I wanna be in a band!” Leia gasped. “Mom, can I be in a band?”
“No, banned as in not welcome here,” he said.
I watched the moment Leia wrapped him around her little finger. Her shoulders drooped just slightly, her lower lip curled beneath her teeth, and she made the tiniest sniffling sound before he caved completely.
“Of course you’re welcome here,” he grumbled. “C’mon in. Let me grab that case, kid.”
I tried not to laugh. Leia’s reaction had been completely genuine. She had no idea that most people would do anything just to see her smile. One glance of her big, innocent eyes could melt even the coldest of hearts. My life was going to be hell the day she figured out how easily she could manipulate people.
We followed Mike through the studio. When we got to the office area, he pounded on a closed door.
“Alex. You got a drop-in.”
He looked at Leia and jerked his head to the other door.
“Got your money in here, kid. Let’s see how many boxes I can afford.”
“ ... the fuck you talking about, a drop-in?” floated through the door as it opened. Alex was frowning, but it changed to an expression of confusion as he saw me.
“Hi. We met yesterday, sort of.”
“Yeah.” He stared at me. “The kid I was teaching.”
“That’s my daughter. Leia. She, um ... well, I wanted to say thank you, you know, for showing her how to play, and more importantly giving her the guitar. I’ve never heard ‘Happy Birthday’ so many times in my life.”
Alex laughed, his face brightening as a smile spread across it. That trace of something familiar, something tempting, was there. A small glint in his eye, maybe. I couldn’t quite put a finger on that or on the way it made me feel before it faded away again.
“I, um, also wanted to apologize. My brother’s an asshole. He has that rockstar syndrome and it’s ... something.”
He shrugged, waving it off. Alex didn’t seem to be much for words, so I continued.
“Anyway, I wanted to thank you, apologize to you, and then ask a favor.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s when you ask someone for their help with something.”
The quip was out of my mouth before I could stop it. I cringed, but Alex started laughing again.
“Yeah, all right. So kind of—what’d’ja call it, fay-vurr—are you looking for?”
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, but I did shake my head.
“Her uncle said he’d teach her but ... well. I’d rather he didn’t. So I thought, maybe it wouldn’t be too expensive to just ... I mean ... do you have any recommendations? People who might be willing to take Leia on as a student?”
Alex rubbed the back of his neck. The sleeve of his golf shirt fell back slightly, revealing even more of the tattoo on his bicep. I tried very hard not to stare, and even harder not to wonder if he had more tattoos hiding under that clean-cut look of his.
“I’m sure I can think of someone. Let me think on it a bit.”
“Sure. No problem. I mean, it’s not the—”
I was interrupted by a squeal of delight coming from the other office. Alex raised an eyebrow and stepped past me, going to the other door. I followed him and poked my head in.
Leia was watching a dancing hula girl sway her hips back and forth, giggling madly. Mike was sitting behind a desk, elbow resting against it and hand covering his mouth. It did nothing to hide the smile in his eyes as she played with the hula girl.
Alex, on the other hand, looked completely flabbergasted.
“What are you doing, sweetie?” I asked.
“Mom!” She hustled away from the hula girl on the desk, eyes sparkling. “Mister Mike bought all the Thin Mints!”
“Yeah, well...” Mike coughed gruffly.
“She touched the doll,” murmured Alex, slightly awed.
As if she had just noticed him, Leia turned to Alex. She grinned wildly, a dark splotch between her white teeth gaping through. She’d lost a tooth just last week, and the change in her smile tugged at my heart the same way she tugged at everyone else’s.
“Hi, Alex!”
He almost fell over when she rushed up and hugged him. Leia was slight so I doubted it was from the force of her hug, and more from the shock that washed across his face.
“Thank you so much for the guitar, thankyou-thankyou-thankyou!”
He patted her shoulder almost uncomfortably before smiling as Leia let go of him. There was almost a sadness in his eyes as he looked at her, hidden just so, replaced by the usual look of reluctant adoration that people got when they looked at Leia.
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Nathaniel woke slowly, his mind foggy, his head aching and his stomach roiling. Really, he thought it should be much worse – he’d started drinking early, and while he didn’t remember how much he’d had to drink, his actions the previous evening indicated that he should have stopped much sooner than he had. Given that he’d apparently drunk until enraged, then pathetic and sloppy, and then blacked out, he was surprised he wasn’t feeling more ill – he would have expected to spend the day with his...
Her assignment as a messenger shouldn’t have been a surprise, but as she galloped through the rain between one army encampment and another, she cursed the luck that had made her one of the few fast riders the army had access to. The mages had been training – there were now a handful with the ability to shape-change into a bird – but that didn’t negate the need for horseback messengers, especially when it came to communications with the Chantry, who none of the Dalish mages would approach...
Nathaniel watched the bard surreptitiously through half-closed eyes, forcing himself to focus on her face, and not the long expanse of pale skin on perfectly formed legs that he’d been unable to avoid noticing in the night. It was clear from her frenzied movements and her quick, shallow breaths that she was anxious, and he couldn’t blame her – when he’d asked to have Leliana directed to his tent once she’d arrived, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed and dead to the world in his own...
Leliana had almost managed to resign herself that her – increasingly ardent – fantasies were just that: fantasy, and pure fiction. Nathaniel had shown no sign of wanting more, and as she kept reminding herself, he was a Fereldan Arl – he was never going to choose her, even if he was interested. And he’d made no overt moves to show that he was interested in her; he’d been friendly, and he still watched her the way Alistair looked at cheese, but he’d done nothing else. But it was only ‘almost’...
If he hadn’t been turning to look at her, Leliana knew, he would not have missed the pack of Blight wolves that suddenly appeared in their path – and he’d never have fallen off his horse. He’d shown himself to be a good horseman, and she was experienced enough to know from his stance that he was probably better than she’d seen so far. But he’d had his mouth open, his eyes wide, and he hadn’t known the wolves were there until he’d been airborne. She thought she’d probably always feel a little...
Nathaniel woke with a terrible but familiar taste in his mouth: elfroot. His head ached worse than the worst hangover he’d ever had, and he tried to think back to what he might have been drinking that would have affected him like this. He gradually became aware of the rest of his body, as he thought; his leg was sore, the ribs on one side felt bruised, and he was almost unbearably cold – and slightly damp. It was this last that convinced him to do something despite the pounding in his head;...
She giggled and turned her head, lashing him with her damp hair, and he sputtered while she laughed. When she settled back down, she tilted her head back until he could press his forehead against her skull, his breath ruffling her hair. His heart was in his throat, and he felt deliriously short of breath. “Leliana?” “Yes, Nathaniel?” He could feel the vibration caused by her voice against his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled, her scent somehow exotic despite the undertones of...
When she finally pulled away, panting, Leliana’s lips were tender and swollen from kissing, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck as he adjusted his position and wrapped both arms around her again. She was surprisingly comfortable, his strong arms cradling her against his chest and sharing his warmth. She was still cold, not that she’d paid any attention to that recently, and he shuddered as her cold nose pressed against his skin. He was an incredible kisser, she had to admit –...
He watched her sleep for hours, in the end, reluctant to wake her after everything she’d been through during the day. She slept with her mouth slightly open, her face looking younger when slack, and he’d contented himself to hold her, shifting his grip periodically to avoid cramping up – and to make sure he warmed all of her as much as he could. He hadn’t been joking when he said she’d saved his life; he’d seen what happened to people who’d been bitten by Blight wolves, and it wasn’t pretty....
The morning dawned sunny, for the first time in forever. Leliana woke, still wrapped in Nathaniel’s arms, finally starting to warm up as warm sunlight shone through the cave’s opening. She heard snoring, and realised that the handsome archer must have finally fallen asleep. She blushed when she remembered the night they’d spent, the kissing…Andraste preserve, had she actually bit him? She rolled her eyes at her own impulsive antics. She sat up carefully to look down on the nobleman,...
Now she’d managed to distract him with imagining their first time – and the second, and the third, preferably all in the same night. They’d both laughed uncomfortably, and then avoided eye contact as they’d extracted themselves from the rather intimate embrace they’d found themselves in. Getting dressed had been somewhat awkward; there was little room inside the tiny cave, so they nearly couldn’t avoid accidentally bumping into each other as they attempted to don their respective armour....
Returning to camp took less time than Leliana would have liked; they were discovered by a patrol after they’d walked only a few minutes on the trail where they’d been ambushed. King Cailan had noted that they – or really, Nathaniel – was missing and had sent out search parties at sunrise. As the patrol hadn’t realised they would find Leliana with their missing Arl, they’d only brought one spare mount, but neither archer could bring themselves to complain about sharing. As they rode,...
The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...
Leliana yawned, fighting the urge to stretch. Unlike Zevran, she’d never trained for stealth or ambush; her strengths ran to seduction and manipulation. She’d never practiced lying in wait, motionless, for a target. But there was no one else she’d trust to do this, no one with her aim – or her motivation to do the job well. So she stifled a sigh and remained still, watching over the darkened camp like a hawk. She was grateful for Anders; he’d known a spell to temporarily sharpen her vision,...
Nate’s smile fell, his hands clasping into fists at his side. “Maker take me, we had him. If I wasn’t such a blighted idiot...” Leliana turned to him, her smile sympathetic. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known—” “You did.” Nate sighed. “I’ll bet you all did. And I’ve just ruined any hope of pinning this on Esmerelle.” “He wouldn’t have talked.” The Antivan seemed completely confident in his assessment. “I know the type. Anyone willing to poison themselves to avoid capture...
She made a small, pleased sound when their tongues touched, and he swallowed her gasp as he nipped at her lips. Before she realised what had happened, she found herself sprawled across his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, as he laid back unceremoniously in the middle of the tent. They kissed for an eternity, lips sliding deliciously against each other, their breath intermingling. He was a good kisser, not too aggressive, but nicely assertive, his tongue teasing hers, his breath...
He sighed. Any other time the woman had asked him to take his clothes off, he’d have been thrilled. However, she’d made it quite clear that nothing was going to happen that night, and as he got a whiff of the alcoholic stench coming off his clothes – to both disguise the liquor he hadn’t drunk, and also hide the fact that his breath didn’t smell very strongly – he admitted she was probably wise to decline. But now he was supposed to shuck his trousers so she could inspect his bare skin –...
He was gone in the morning when she woke, but he’d left a piece of parchment with a note scrawled across it in hasty handwriting: Your route is being handled by another scout for the day. I thought you could use some rest. I hope to see you tonight. She sighed and stretched. She could admit she had been looking forward to waking up together but knew Nathaniel would be eager to report back to Cailan. It left her with a day to herself – a rare luxury – and she was determined not to waste it....
She led him through the tree the way she’d come, to another, smaller clearing just out of line of sight. She had laid everything out already – two tarps for standing on, one already wet and one dry except for a few small, damp footprints; a clean towel; soap and shampoo, the scents he favoured; a blade to use as a straight razor; and a pile of new, clean clothes that had been harder to obtain than she’d admit. She turned to face him from the edge of the tarp and held out her free hand,...
After an eternity of lavishing attention on her neck, her ears, and the delightful dip between her collar bones, he returned to her lips, gentling the kiss until he pulled away, touching his forehead to hers instead. He rolled to one side, propping himself on one elbow to look down at her, running his hand from her shoulder, down her arm, until he found her hand, loosely draped across her belly. “Lel—” Whatever he’d planned to say was interrupted by the noisy grumbling of her stomach, and...
Sneaking back to her tent was a simple matter. Nathaniel had demonstrated his abilities back in Denerim, and he’d been half-starved and weakened from weeks of torture at the time. Now only her own, considerable skills even allowed her to follow him when he disappeared into the shadows of the darkened camp. It would have been even easier, if not for the slight shaking in her hands, and the queasy sort of quaking in her stomach. It had been a long time since she’d had nerves related to going to...
He released her arms with a huff, unable to keep the serious frown on his face. Leliana had a gift – one of many, he admitted – for making him laugh, something no one had really been able to do in years. It felt good, even if it was entirely inappropriate in the middle of an intimate ... interlude. It wasn’t better that he was half-naked and more than half-hard from the sinful feeling of her hands on his skin. He’d let her take the lead at every step so far in their relationship, terrified...
She thought she would lose her mind; he’d played with her body, driving her mad with teasing licks and touches for what felt like hours, until she couldn’t take it anymore. He’d reclaimed her free hand, so she could do nothing but wriggle and pant under his talented lips and fingers. “Nathaniel, please!” she gasped, and finally – finally! – she felt his hand creeping lower, across her smooth stomach to the gap between her thighs. He paused to stroke over her mound, stirring the hairs there...
Finally buried inside her, the heat and damp of her, like a tight velvet glove, was nearly his undoing. He clenched his hands, his nails digging into his palms painfully, as he struggled to think of something – anything – else to distract him from his imminent need. And then she moved, rising up slowly and slamming back down until her skin impacted against his thighs, and he almost shouted. The woman he’d been dreaming of for months was in his lap, making love to him, and he was about to...
“Nathaniel,” she sighed, her tone embarrassingly breathy. She was overwrought, her aching muscles clenching every time she touched herself, every time he buried himself inside her; she didn’t think she could firm up her voice if her life depended on it. It was too much, but at the same time it was too good to stop – she never wanted him to stop. This was her punishment, she was sure of it. He was trying to pleasure her until she gave out. And as much as they’d both been joking about the...
She kissed him one more time, her heart feeling like it was overflowing. Things had moved so fast, but the only thing she regretted was that they’d waited so long. He was everything she had expected – methodical, deliberate, passionate – and so much more. She was anxious for the future; it was easy to say they didn’t care what others thought, and yet harder to live by – and they both had responsibilities. But she’d decided she’d cross those bridges when she came to them. The Maker had...
‘Hey, you clean up nice,’ a deep voice whispered in Kate’s ear as she felt a large, toned body sidle up against hers on the dance floor. ‘Thanks,’ she blushed, spinning around to place her arms around Brett’s broad shoulders. ‘Good job at your game today,’ she giggled into his ear before dropping her lips to nibble softly at the base of his neck. She grinned when he shuddered at her touch and released a strangled groan of pleasure. ‘You be careful,’ Brett warned her, his eyes darkening at her...
From the conversation I had early that day, one thing had became apparent. Louise didn’t want me anymore. I knew I wasn’t good enough for her but I really thought she was going to give me a chance to prove I wasn’t the man I use to be. I had grown up now and truly wanted to be with her. I felt like shit and just wanted to go to bed and forget about it. My phone begun to ring. It was my mate Justin. ‘Wanna come out tonight? Some guy at work told me about a really cool club. I think we should...
I met you on a dating website. We started chatting and I discovered you are married, but very unhappily, to what I think the biggest asshole I ever heard off is. I was looking for someone to have casual fun with, and you were just a very horny and desperate housewife.We have been chatting for some time and we have been trying to meet somewhere for a discrete meeting where we could have some quick sex. Getting the opportunity seemed to be very difficult, as you had your family and you worked...
This is Arun from bangalore. I stay in one of the most popular area in bangalore called marathalli. I am a bachelor and stay alone as I am from kerala. This is a story of how I influenced my neighbor to have sex with me all day and night..Best treasures in world are always hidden.. So is the sexual pleasures in the world..Always hidden deep inside women. As far as my appearance is concerned, I am wheatish, well built as I am a gym freak. I stay in a 2 storey building and in second floor. My...
Gloryhole Attachments By strangefun. WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sexual abuse and humiliation. Part 1 - The Preparation. We are both very kinky, my wife and I. Vanilla sex does happen in our bed (and other places), but not often. Usually, it's something that smashes our buttons instead of pushing them. Or ties them up in the strictest way, plugs them with biggest toys, suspends them from the sealing, applies clamps with electrical contacts to...
Years ago, after my divorce, I did what most new divorcees do: I blamed myself the whole thing. It must have been something I did or didn't do that pushed him away. It couldn't have been the fact that he was just a lying, cheating bastard. So as a result, I went out of my way with the next man in my life do everything I could to make him happy, figuring that was the way to keep him close. This is a story about one of those attempts. Sex with my ex had been good, at least I had thought so,...
I turned 19 in the summer of 2011. I had just ended a relationship with a skank who cheated on me after couple years of being together. I didn’t care too much, why waste my time on a whore? It wasn’t long before I was back on the prowl. I didn’t want a relationship. I was finished with those for a while. I was looking for a bitch who would suck my dick – anywhere, anytime – a slut that I could have coiled around my finger. No emotion. No attachment. That’s exactly what I found in a old friend...
I turned 19 in the summer of 2011. I had just ended a relationship with a skank who cheated on me after couple years of being together. I didn’t care too much, why waste my time on a whore?It wasn’t long before I was back on the prowl. I didn’t want a relationship. I was finished with those for a while. I was looking for a bitch who would suck my dick - anywhere, anytime - a slut that I could have coiled around my finger. No emotion. No attachment.That’s exactly what I found in a old friend of...
Straight SexChapter One I write short stories for a living. It’s a modest living and it’s not likely I’ll ever be anything even approaching famous but it’s fun, profitable, I can work wherever I am and I can set my own schedule. How much better can it get than that? Well it certainly could be more profitable. My life style does not provide for high end cars, long exotic vacations or expensive toys but I have healthy savings and checking accounts and investments that I hope will provide for me by the time...
Stacy hadn't been expecting a package, and while her parents had occasionally sent letters or photos from their trip away, this would have been the first time they'd actually sent a gift. Maybe her sisters had gotten packages as well? She'd have to ask. She shook the cardboard tube gently, feeling a weight inside shift with a light thudding noise. Probably not a letter granting her extra credit for last semester. That was a shame - she really could have used the marks. It might have been...
Mind ControlOf course, I came to seeing the lid of a medtube sliding back. I sat up, buck nekkid, to a group of people standing around watching like they had never seen a medtube open before. Four of them hadn’t. Ruth and Yoo Jin were there, of course, as were several high-ranking Navy Intelligence officers, the Marine squad leader that had given me the pistol, and, most embarrassingly, Frank, Anne, and Obie Henderson, and standing behind them, wringing her hands, Consuela their housekeeper. “Uh,...
Madison extracted his limp black cock from the woman's mouth. She breathed a sigh of relief. Behind her Thorton was savoring the view of the rounded end of the large butt plug nestled between her all cheeks. He tapped it roughly with his index finger and Beatrice moaned, feeling the vibrations deep within her bowels. He gripped it between strong fingers and pulled, nudging the thicker part against the inside of her widely stretched brown ring. This illicited a husky groan from the tied...
Beatrice screamed in fear, with a pitiful, unearthly howl as the shafts suddenly began to piston, slowly, back and forth within her splayed bottom. The speed dial, which operated an electrical rheostat, was set at position one on the scale, which ranged from one to ten. Slowly, oh so menacingly slowly the huge shaft within her stretched cunt withdrew from between her clasping prominent lips, until just the pointed tip remained. Then it entered her just as slowly, as the anal probe began to...
There was a knock at the door.“Hi, I’m Angela, can Stevie come out and play? Haha!”“Hey, Angela, I’m Fabian. It’s so nice to meet you. Stevie’s almost ready, come on in,” I saidAngela was a pretty Latino, in her thirties. She had dark brown hair, dark eyes, tall with a beautiful tanned skin tone and a slight Spanish accent. My wife, Stevie was in total contrast: blonde, petite, with crystal blue eyes. After a few minutes, Stevie came out of our bedroom dressed to kill. She gave both of our...
ThreesomesIntroduction: Fourth in the series. Takes some more time to establish the characters, etc. Be patient. When Spring finally arrived and things got busy again with the team, coach Mark Evans found the usual routine of working with his group of high school girls was not quite as routine as it had been only one year earlier. That was before anything had happened with his recently graduated athletes Dee and Bobbi, and before they filled him in on the intimate details about two of his current...
ONE ONE Matthew Winton struggled to keep his eyes from fixating on the huge tits sitting across the desk from him.? Katherine ?Kit? Marshall, his star reporter, was staring back at him, daring him not to look in her eyes.? This was not too difficult for Matt since Kit had beautiful dark green eyes that accented her blazing red hair.? Still the humongous orbs that projected from her chest were topics of intense discussion among all of the male employees at the Tribune.? Kit knew this and...
“So how did it go?” Tilly asked as we drove home from our first swapping experience.I gave her a fairly complete account of my hour with Arlene, how I had persuaded her to shower off the perfume and industrial-strength floral deodorant, and how things had improved after that. A fairly complete account.We were back in our own home by the time we got on to Tilly's story of her time with Geoff.“He's a strange guy,” she began. “Nice enough and he really cares about Arlene, but I don't think he...
SwingersRuby led me first to the bathroom and washed off my face. She told me, "You are doing well Carla. I know they strip you of any pride and want to make you a mindless, obedient slave, but if you have any chance of living through this, you must do whatever they demand." She then took me to her bedroom and into her closet. She selected a pair of 4" spike heeled shoes with open toes and forced them onto my feet. They were too small by a size or two, but they were now on my feet. She told me, "When...
“Hello you two. You want to come in here to buy me a drink and have a good chat?” The voice was the usual high pitched squeaky sound the girls had given off all night as Ruth and Bob had walked through the streets of Bangkok. This time though there was something extra attractive about this girl and Bob stopped and eased Ruth into the bar. “Come on babe, we may as well stop here for a while. I’m ready for a drink and she looks like she could help us pass the night along. What do you...
I went to the basement to get Vicky. I was glad that it was me the one who would wake her up; that is, if she got any sleep at all. Crystal is very nice, but Vicky has only known her for what, two weeks? Today, a close friend may be the comfort that she needs. I hear Crystal in Robert's room getting ready. She will soon be getting Candy up too. I open Vicky's cell and help her struggle out of it. Not an easy job with her legs immobilized by the spreader bar, so I release her hands first,...
There are things people enjoy which others don't. Other people either hates them or don't care mostly. The people with weird fantasies and kinks are called weird by others. This story is all about my own weird sexual or non sexual fantasies/fetish/ kinks . You can add yours if you want just don't write violent ones or nasty ones like poop and pee. I have to jump from a building if i see that. The main character should be you yourself and write things what you would actually do in that kind...
TranssexualMonica kicked woke the boys from their fuck-induced slumber and rousted them out of her one room apartment. She then picked up the phone and dialed David’s number, leaving a suggestive message on his recorder. She fixed the bed and lit some incense to cover the gamy smell of sex that lingered in the loft, then headed to the bathroom. She turned on the water, and admired her lean body in the large mirror. She pushed her perky breasts together and the teats stuck out in hard pride. She admired...
I am out for dinner at a Caribbean restaurant in London, with my family. As I take a look at my surroundings. I notice you are in the restaurant and seated 5 tables away from me, with your wife and children. We are given our menus, and as I look up to thank the waiter, we notice each other. We keep a little eye contact over the other tables from across the room, as we sit with our families. An order of drinks to our tables, gives us the opportunity to look directly into each others eyes, and...
Hello all. I also posted this in the general forum and will keep updating this thread there. So excited that I want everybody to follow this journey with us. It is going to be a lot of fun. TksI have hoped and waited many years to be able tell a story like this, but only if it were true would it be written. And I am excited to say the day.I have been into our fetish for as long as I can remember and much like most of you, I felt like it was kinda taboo and was fearful of what others may think...
The following morning June was awakened by what she thought was the ringing of her old alarm clock at home. God, she felt awful! Her head ached, her mouth was dry and her body felt feverish all over. She must have come down with the flu. She would have to call in sick to the office, and old Mr. Chisolm wouldn't like that one bit. He hadn't been at all pleased when she told him she had to go to New York for a few days... New York! All the events of the preceding day and night flashed...
“Yeah, but he sucked at it,” she giggled. She sucked on the top of my cock and smiled. “Really?” I smiled, “Is that why he used to be your boyfriend?” I thought about her hot little body lying spread on a bed and going down on her. The guy blew it. “Nah,” she answered, “He started dating Mindy Taylor, she’s a big slut who’ll fuck anything.” She didn’t seem disappointed by it at all. “So all you would do is blow him each day after school?’ I asked incredulous. My mind thought about the lucky...
Welcome to the world of Shangri-La... A World filled with Fantasy. In this world, you can find all sorts of wonderful magical creatures. A world with deep forests, vast labyrinths, and kingdoms that touch the sky. But the thing that makes this world different from the rest is that Shangri-La is fully dominated by Females. Male as a whole with their low magical affinity has reduced Physical Capabilities and is often always unblessed downstairs. Males are considered to be only good for looking...
FantasyWell it's fund raiser time again for the Girl Scouts and as you know, they go door to door selling their cookies. This is my first time at trying to sell my cookies, and I'm not having much luck. I've tried a couple dozen houses in my neighborhood and have found that someone from another troop has already been there. I was feeling rather defeated as I walked up to the last house within walking distance from my house. It was an older home and I knew that an older man lived here because he...