Wright SistersChapter 4
- 2 years ago
- 27
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The following morning June was awakened by what she thought was the ringing of her old alarm clock at home. God, she felt awful! Her head ached, her mouth was dry and her body felt feverish all over. She must have come down with the flu. She would have to call in sick to the office, and old Mr. Chisolm wouldn't like that one bit. He hadn't been at all pleased when she told him she had to go to New York for a few days...
New York! All the events of the preceding day and night flashed through June's mind, and she sat up so suddenly that the wave of nausea which washed over her made her feel faint. New York! The Bormans! It was all true, she realized, gazing numbly down at the somewhat wrinkled aquamarine comforter which covered her, then around at the spacious room dimly lit by sunlight filtering through the heavy velour curtains. All too true. She had come to the big city, gotten drunk and been seduced by two perfect strangers on the very first day. That must be some kind of an all-time record!
Someone had straightened up the bed covers, she saw. Comforter, blankets, and sheets had all been tangled together the last she remembered them, tangled up like she and Nina and Axel were. God, what had gotten into her? She pressed her wrists into her stinging eyes as if to blackout the debasing images, but to no avail. When finally she opened them again, she noticed a note on the bedside table.
Gone to hairdresser. Back at noon.
They should deliver your suitcase sometime this morning.
Love - Nina
Love! June sniffed self-pityingly to herself. They had the nerve to call that love... that debauch... that orgy they had tricked her into! She had to get out of there before Nina came back. She peered groggily at her wristwatch - the only thing she hadn't taken off last night - and saw that it was already past ten. She never slept that late. They must have drugged her as well as getting her drunk!
Finally June realized that the persistent ringing in her ears wasn't a side product of her awful hangover but a real bell somewhere. Maybe they had brought her suitcase! Then she could get out of the apartment before Nina came back. Quickly, in spite of the agonizing jolts lancing through her head, she jumped out of bed and put on her skirt and blouse which Nina had neatly folded over a chair. At least she hoped it was Nina who had straightened up the room and not some maid. Oh what difference did it make! she scolded herself angrily as she hurried toward the sound of the bell. One stranger or another... Anyway, there must not be anyone else in the apartment or they would have answered the bell. It wasn't the front door, she saw, so there must be a service entrance somewhere. Swiftly in her bare feet she padded through the dining room, a pantry, then a really sumptuous kitchen with every possible labor-saving device in it, and a whole battery of beautifully polished copper pots and pans.
"Who is it?" she called out hesitantly at the back door. Unfortunately there wasn't any peephole to look out through.
"Suitcase for Miss June Wright," replied a high-pitched tenor voice that reminded her vaguely of the bellboy in the old Phillip Morris ad. "Suitcase for Miss June Wright," it repeated on the same note.
"Just leave it there, please," June said. She had read so many stories about what could happen in New York that she was really afraid to open the door... Even though she didn't see how anything worse could possibly happen to her than already had.
"Sorry, Miss, I need a receipt," the nasal voice insisted.
Reluctantly June opened the door and saw a seedy-looking youth in a shabby grey pinstripe suit much too large for him standing there with her suitcase. There was no mistaking that battered old relic from her summer-camp days. Relieved, she opened the door wider, and he pushed brassily past her into the kitchen, pursing his lips in a silent whistle.
"Some set-up ya got here, Miss Wright," he said, looking her insolently up and down from her bare feet to her still disheveled long black hair. "Looks like I got ya out'a bed, huh?"
"That's perfectly all right," June said in a voice that quavered slightly. He wasn't so young after all, she saw now, noticing the lines around his eyes and mouth, and he certainly was a disreputable-looking character. She had taken him for an adolescent at first because he had positively the worst case of acne she had ever seen in her born days. Big pimples... Uhg! "Just give me the receipt and I'll sign it," she added, doing her best to keep the disgust out of her voice.
"The bag wasn't locked so ya gotta verify the contents first," the man said with a half-witted leer. "I might'a stole a bra or a pair of panties or somethin'. Mind if I get myself a drink?"
Thinking he meant a drink of water, June told him to go ahead and bent down to open her suitcase. The sound of a refrigerator door slamming jerked her head up, and she saw that he was holding a lemon and a can of tomato juice in his hands.
"Put that back!" she snapped at him sharply but he just ignored her and strolled into the pantry.
"Ta-ta-ti-ta," he hummed. "Now don't get your bowels in an uproar, babe. You look like you could do with a little hair of the dog yourself. Have a little party last night?" He rummaged around in the pantry a minute, opening and slamming placard doors, and came out with a bottle of vodka. "A couple of Bloody Mary's are just what we both need to pick us up."
June decided that the best policy would be to say nothing to provoke him and get rid of him as soon as he had his drink, so she kneeled down again and opened her suitcase. The first thing she saw was a brown manila envelope that certainly didn't belong to her.
"What's this?" she questioned irritably, holding up the envelope. "It's not mine."
"Beats me, babe. I'm new on the job," Pimple Face replied, busying himself with mixing vodka, tomato juice, lemon and Tabasco sauce into two tall glasses. "Maybe some forms you gotta fill out."
June opened the flap of the envelope and saw that there were several large glossy photographs in it. Some deep intuition made her draw them out and look at them... They fell from her stricken hands.
June's eyes blurred with sudden tears, and she sank back on the floor, fighting desperately for self-control. She felt really ill... as if she were about to vomit. The picture she had glanced at showed a completely naked Tiffany hunched down on her knees and elbows being taken from the rear by some weird creature half-man, half-goat, and the expression on her childish face was one of anguished pleasure. Suddenly all the half-formed suspicions lurking in the back of June's mind crystallized with stark clarity. She had fallen into some kind of hideous diabolical trap set by the Bormans. Everything had been carefully planned from the moment her purse had been snatched... No, even before that. The telegram must have been a fake to lure her to New York. For a moment she teetered on the brink of hysteria, then abruptly she felt icily calm. She would show them she wasn't to be so easily defeated. She was going to get to the bottom of this, and before she was through they would all be in jail - the Bormans and everybody else involved, no matter how much money and influence they might have.
"Hey, that's pretty hot stuff, June baby." Pimple Face had drifted over with the two Bloody Marys and was staring down at the top photograph on the floor. With a scuffed toe of a very down-at-the-heel shoe he pushed it aside so that the second shot was visible. This one showed the same scene from a different angle, and June saw that the penis of whatever it was - a man dressed up - as a satyr, she supposed - was entering Tiffany's rectum instead of her vagina as she had thought at first. Well, that was nothing she hadn't seen already.
She looked up at Pimple Face who held out a Bloody Mary to her. Her first impulse was to take the drink and throw it right in his disgusting face, but she decided on the spot to start her investigation with him. He didn't look too bright, and it was obvious the Bormans had hired him to bring the suitcase. She put her glass on the floor beside her and accused him without warning, "You stole my purse yesterday, didn't you?"
"No, but I know the guy who did," Pimple Face grinned down at her unabashedly. "I was standing right there when he did it. Then I followed you here. Then I went and got your pocketbook from the guy who snatched it. Minus the money, natcherly. That's all he was innerested in, but I figure, somebody lives in a swanky dump like this, maybe there's something else in there worth some dough. I didn't know I was gonna find a gold mine. Little sister Tiffany sure likes her cock, don't she?" he added, pushing another photo into view. This one showed Tiffany sucking an enormous penis with an ecstatic expression on her blissful young face.
June wasn't in the least bit fazed. "I suppose you don't know the Bormans," she said sarcastically.
"Never heard of 'em," Pimple Face assured her nonchalantly.
"Then how did you know which apartment I was in?" June was unable to keep a note of triumph out of her voice.
"The doorman told me." Pimple Face shrugged. "As soon as he saw the suitcase, he asked if it was for Miss June Wright, and I said yes and he told me which apartment. He also told me to use the service elevator, the snotty bastard."
June's spirits sank. It made sense. Of course, Nina would have told the doorman that if someone came with a suitcase to send him up to her apartment. She picked up her drink with a hand that trembled slightly and took a sip. Immediately a warm glow radiated through her body. At least one thing Pimple Face had said was true, a Bloody Mary really did pick you up. She took another, longer swallow.
"Your sister may look like she's having a good time in those photos, but she's in bad trouble, babe!" Pimple Face snarled at her suddenly. "It's gonna cost you plenty to get her out of it."
"I - I don't have any money," June faltered. "I don't live here."
"I know you don't live here," Pimple Face snapped at her. "I read the telegram in your pocketbook. But if you got friends who live in classy dumps like this..."
"They aren't friends, they just know me from where I work. I - I'm a secretary." June stammered confusedly. "How do you know all this about my sister anyway? Where did you get those photographs?"
"Shit, I've seen that chick fucking for applause on the stage a dozen times!" Pimple Face snorted. "I recognized her soon as I saw that snapshot in your pocketbook. One gang runs all the sex shows in this town, babe, and I got plenty connexions, so finding out what the story is was easy. I brought those photos to show I'm on the level. You sure you ain't got any money?" he asked suspiciously, eyeing her over. "Maybe - you really don't. That ain't exactly no Christian Dee-or outfit you got on."
"Sex shows... ?" June quavered weakly. "You mean my sister... ?"
"Yeah, she acts in 'em, babe," Pimple Face sneered. "She has to, you better believe it. These guys don't fool around. She don't do right, she ends up in a concrete wedding gown on the bottom of the river. If you got money, you can buy 'em off, but if you don't, there's only one way to get her out'a this mess..." He paused sadistically, enjoying the miserable expression on June's face. "Only one way," he repeated. "You take her place!"
"What!" June clutched her glass and took a long swallow of the potent mixture.
"And for my part in the deal," Pimple Face went on, "I guess I'll just have to take it out in trade. Where do ya want me to fuck ya, babe? Up the ass or in the mouth?"
June was so stunned by the news of the predicament Tiffany had gotten herself into that she didn't really take in the last thing the repulsive creature said. It was hard to believe such things could occur in a civilized country in the twentieth century, but she had read that there were still gangs of men who controlled prostitutes and the awful things they did to the girls if they didn't cooperate, so why not with the poor people in these sex shows. God, what had Tiffany gotten into and how was she going to get her out of it?
Abruptly all the resentment and ill feeling she had harbored against her sister ever since she had caught her with Cliff on the porch that afternoon vanished from her heart, and all she felt was pity and loyalty and, of course, responsibility. She had to get Tiffany out of this mess but she couldn't take her place. It just wasn't possible!
Why not? another part of her mind nagged her. You're older and stronger and smarter than your little sister. You might be able to figure a way out of the situation that she never could...
In a flash June saw the solution. Her heart raced and she drained her drink in one long gulp to hide her exultation. She knew what she would do! When she felt sufficiently calm, she looked up at Pimple Face and said in a deliberately subdued and weepy voice, "All right, I'll do it. I'll take her place."
"Okay, babe. Now what about me?" The implacable man fingered his already bulging crotch suggestively. "I don't put you in contact with your sister until I get my commission. So which way do ya want it, kid?" He nodded toward the photographs.
The queasy feeling in June's stomach was so strong she almost gagged, but her mind was made up. She was going to save her baby sister, and nothing was going to stop her... not even THAT! And it certainly wasn't hard to make a choice. With a little quaking tremor deep in her bowels as she remembered how her father's cane had felt up her rectum, she pointed to the picture of Tiffany and the satyr. At least that way she wouldn't have to see the man's horrible pimply face. She just hoped he didn't have some awful disease. She started to leave the kitchen, but he grabbed her around the waist, and she saw that he was already yanking at his belt.
"We don't have to go nowhere, babe. The kitchen floor will do just fine. Just kneel down there and stick that hot little ass up in the air where Big Daddy can get at it." He leered evilly at her, and June noticed with relief that at least he had nice healthy white teeth. In fact if it wasn't for those horrible pimples all over his face he would be quite good-looking. His hand swarmed suddenly up under her skirt to cup one of her buttocks and she could feel his fingers sliding down her anal crack toward her pussy where he teased her pubic hairs which were still caked and crusted with her dried cum juices from last night. She blushed crimson at the memory of the unwanted but extraordinary climax Axel had brought her to. She'd been trying to block it from her mind ever since she woke up, but now it flooded back over her. In spite of herself her breath began to come faster as Pimple Face pushed his hand farther along her cuntal furrow until he found her hot, hardening little clitoris.
"No panties, eh babe?" he whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry ya hadda wait, kid. It feels like there was some action down there last night, but I guess you're ready for more, huh? Try this on for size." She heard the sound of a zipper, then her hand was guided to his hotly throbbing penis which had popped fully erect into the air. When she felt its surprising girth with her long supple fingers, she couldn't help but look down at it, even though she had resolved not to. God, it was long! Maybe not quite as big around as Axel's but probably even longer although this man was nowhere as tall as Borman. Height must not have anything to do with it, she thought distractedly, gazing in morbid fascination down at the bulging purplish head with its rim which flared out from the long hard shaft like the head of an aroused cobra. God, it was going to hurt! It was at least three times as thick as her father's cane which she had carefully vaselined beforehand... and much, much longer than the paltry three or four inches of cane she had managed to ram up herself before the pain stopped her. It didn't seem humanly possible to take that much hard flesh up inside her rectum. She didn't believe he could even get it in!
Dippy Gallagher was in his element. He loved breaking new broads into show biz, particularly when there was no risk involved, and Borman had assured him that with this big gorgeous brunette, June Wright, there would be no risk whatsoever. Also, the kind of people who were filling up the theater he had improvised in the loft upstairs were a double guarantee. They were strictly class, well-heeled and top-drawer, old chap... Friends of Borman and the society guy Jock Richmond. No sweat about...
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(I hope you enjoyed this erotic and happy story if you liked it please leave a like and comment down below if you didn't like it hit that dislike button I respect your opinion thank you for reading)
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I have been the owner of a video store for ten years and the turn around in staff is huge. You mostly get young girls working until they finish high school and then they move on. For the most part I have limited my feelings to fantasy and masturbation until recently. Ashley has worked for me for three years and she just turned eighteen. She is one of those girls that developed very early and used it to her full advantage. Ashley stands a full six feet with breasts and an ass of a fully...
EroticAll the women came out ta he'p me remove the bodies from our front yard. There wuz way too many ta bury, soz we decided ta burn the bodies, instead. We looted whatever we could use, which wuz mostly silver an' copper coins, muskets, powder an' shot, an' knives. I did take some boots what would fit me an' a couple of shirts. The rest we just burned in the pyre. Yep, they wuz British, all right. I found markin's on every one of the shot pouches showin' British Army issue, an' that wuz...
River and her stepdad were never close, but he didn’t mind her staying around the house and lending her some money here and there. The occasional blowjob or fuck helped motivate Brad to help her. The first time Brad had raped River was two months ago. Brad did not plan or really want to. But with River’s mom leaving them, he couldn’t help but resent the girl. He didn’t want to, but it happened. That resentment manifested as an aggressive lust one day when River spoke back to him...
‘I never want to move from here,’ Ada whispered dreamily, as she gazed at the paddle fan slowly revolving in the painted rafters over her head and listened to the songs of the jungle birds and clicking of the geckos out in the lush green vegetation beyond the pavilion. She moved her hips, seeking the assurance that Sun Li was still deep inside her. ‘Hmmmm,’ Sun Li murmured. He enclosed one hand over one of Ada’s breasts and held the other on her belly, pulling her ever closer into his lap as...
The process of getting ready in the morning was a strange one. Having vague access to Caitlyn's memories allowed me to slip into part of her morning routine. I woke up at 7am, needing to go to the toilet. The thick flow of pee felt strange coming from between my legs as I sat on the toilet. It felt strangely nice to relieve myself, but I guess that's how it felt as a male too. Next I jumped into the shower. Water cascaded off my breasts and my hair felt heavy around my face as it...
My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on any more of my money.Let me explain, from the age of eight, I'd won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start, but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going. I never got any satisfactory answers, and my parents began fighting with each other over it,...
Money“I don’t want to die” said the man with a note in his voice that said he knew it was inevitable “Then stop, now. We could go North.” she replied, though actually it had been a sort of prayer, and stroked his cheek gently. He looked at her; he wasn’t particularly striking except for his eyes. He was gaunt, from walking so much, so far, his face was almost pinched with a mouth that used to smile she thought, but now hung almost in defeat. His long black hair was lank, it looked like it needed a...
You just finished with a hard day of work. A lot of stuff piled up over the last few days and thus your boss cuts your breaks short, makes you work a lot of overtime and generally keeps you busy a lot. But it's friday today. Weekend awaits. And since you worked so hard, you deserve a treat! When you decided, you wanted to grab a drink at your workplace, Jane was in immediately. Agitated you wait in the lobby for her to come down from her department. Since you both worked overtime again, you are...
TeenOn my first day of job in this company, I saw this girl in the lift, and for a second, I thought if this girl is in my team, I would be lucky. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. I later learned that her name was Geetha. We worked on the same floor but in different teams. As the days went by, I got to know. She was four years elder to me and married, that day I felt ashamed of myself for thinking about this girl. One day we were called to a town hall meeting at 3 pm. I prepared myself for the...
Ben was my first. I was much younger than him. I had never even been with a girl yet, but there I was sucking Bens huge cock, swallowing his thick cum and even taking him in my virgin, tight ass. (I wrote about Ben here twice before, if you want to know how I got to this)I can't say if I was seduced by him or not, maybe I wanted him first, I don't know. I also don't know if I was in love with him or if I just loved the sex. I do know that every chance I got, I'd ride my bike to his house under...
Jack: We recorded that session and displayed it to every group of male concubines as close to simultaneously as we could. Those who managed to miss it were required to see it later. It was the ugliest thing I ever saw, bar none -- and I didn't ever want to see it's like done live again. I actually followed the group out the side door before coming back for Chief Stewart's closing questions; I don't think either Donna or Ed had their head on straight. That was trauma with a capital T!...
Removed Rewrite eventually
Halo iss readers, this is sudeer sharma again from raipur. I am going to narrate the incident how i fuck my mossi. This incident happen when i was 17 years old. I was not virgin that time but had have sex only one time and was very anxious to fuck any one. It was my summer vacation and i was spending my time at my mosi house. There are four members in the family mosa, mosi & my two cousins. They are living in two room quarter provided by the government and my mosa ji was in the government...
IncestHi, hot horny aunties girls! And others. Let me tell about myself jayant rathi 6 foot height thik thak body gora(as all my friends say) any my tool of 6inch enough to satisfy any horny hot lady. I live in madipur new delhi with my parents and a sister. Now coming to the story…. This story is about my friend’s mother neha (name changed). This story is of last summer jab hamari summer vacations chal rahe thee main aur mera dost daily sham ko 5 se 8pm badminton khelte thee. Uski mummy bhi vahin...
Introduction: When a night out gets out of hand (This is my first story. The ideas I have are a mixture of my fantasies and things that have happened to me. I plan to write more if people like them.) I can pretty much remember the exact moment when I realised that my body had a particular effect on men (it was when I was in my dads pool back when I was 15 and I noticed the look on my uncles face as he watched me laying on an inflatable in my swimsuit… but thats another story). Since then I...
This story took place when I was 18 years old, in grade 12, in high school.It was my very first day of grade 12 high school. I had a bit of a sexual awakening last summer. I had to do orientation to get familiar with my new classes. My very first class I was stuck with a group I noticed had a hot guy, and he happened to be in pretty much every one of my other classes. He was fairly tall, short brown hair, piercing green eyes, and tight pants of which I noticed hid his bulging giant erection...
"Mmmmmm. What I'd give for this moment to last forever. Lynn, you'll never know how much I appreciate the way you braid my hair. Talk about pampering!!" "Hey, Angie, what do you think a best friend is for?" I responded. "I think this is just an added bonus. I'm lousy at braiding my own hair, and my mom is anything but gentle." "I hate to admit it, Angie, but I'm actually being selfish, as I love running my fingers through your long silky hair." "Now, if I could only find a guy...
It was a cold, snowy Wednesday. My wife was off from work this week and was visiting friends with our Son for a few days. I had the house to myself and all I had to do was go to work, and kick back at home. I loved the freedom of the week. I had an extra spring in my step at the gym each day and had been going out after work for a few drinks each night. Today was no different. I woke up, shoveled the snow off the driveway and walkways and left for work. My coffee seemed to taste that much...
Straight SexThe term "Dumpster Diver" refers to having sex with someone filled with another male's cum.. And...this is the story of how i grew to love being one.I've always had a wide variety of women in my life, i've always had 2-3 girlfriends at a time to fulfull the many needs i like fulfilled. Theres always a showpiece, a sweet motherly giver, and a dirty whore when it comes to me. For the last 13 yrs my dirty whore has been a BBW mom of 6 with medium looks - a moderate squirter/occasional creamer who...
“Enjoy yourself?” It was Rosalie asking the question.“Sure thing,” nodded Havers. He was sprawled in an armchair, looking a shade tired. “In fact, Rosalie,” he went on, “I should say that it was the best fuck I’ve ever had. ” Julia, standing in the background, having been exalted from scullery maid to parlour maid, could hear every word, of course.“Really?” Rosalie raising her eyebrows.“Yes... really,” said Havers sipping the Scotch Julia had just brought for him. “How about the girl?” “Oh......
I was at home posting some racy selfies when my stepdad came into my room and started lecturing me about how I shouldn’t post those because they are going to get me in trouble. I told him he needs to chill and that he’s just too old and conservative. He doesn’t get that all the hot girls my age are doing it so it’s cool but he just wouldn’t stop lecturing. So I had to tell him that I know about the kind of porn he is watching because he forget to delete it from my browser....
xmoviesforyouLast year I was on work abroad and had a free weekend at the hotel. There was a spa and I went to take a look. The receptionist lady asked me to enter from the "mens" door and she came in from the other side and showed me the facilities. There were only men there, some practically nude. I thought they had separate spa for men/women and I decided to go for the sauna. I changed and entered the sauna when I saw 2 women inside. I said sorry and was walking out when one of the women said, it...
She was heading over to the school that day, thinking about her day with him but as she drove over, she also asked herself if it all of it was the right thing to do. She had said something to herself about it all too. Gosh, the guy sure knew how to kiss. He sure knew how to make love with me, didn’t he? I mean, wow yeah, she repeteated, he knew how to kiss, didn’t he? He sure was a romantic if ever there was one and how he had me feeling. I mean how I still feel, but then she stopped thinking...
Erica had too much to think about to ask many more questions. So she suggested they get back to work instead. He had again expressed concern about having a doctor look her over, but she dismissed that idea, saying she felt fine and they were already too far behind. Over the next four hours, they built five frames for the “forest” that was needed, and another long, low frame that would become boulders. Those frames looked odd to her, but when he cut a piece of cardboard and drew branches on...