Wright SistersChapter 4 free porn video

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Nina Borman was wondering what the hell her crazy wild man of a husband was up to now as she walked beside him with her hand linked under his arm along the crowded street off lower Fifth Avenue. Because he certainly was up to something, there was no doubt about that. The lithe long-legged young brunette in the cheap, poorly-cut navy blue suit they were following - at least Nina assumed they were following her, Axel refused to answer her questions - turned up the steps of another shabby brownstone house and, after scanning the names listed by the door, hesitantly rang the bottom bell. It was the sixth building she had tried and each time she came out looking more dejected and discouraged. The pure classic beauty of her profile was visible for an instant, then the door clicked and she went inside.

As usual Axel had stopped as soon as the girl turned up the steps and was pretending to examine the wares displayed in the window of a basement "head" shop. Some private eye he'd make, Nina snorted to herself. With his elegant Malacca walking cane and his perfectly tailored grey business suit he stood out like a sore thumb in the motley crowd of long-haired hippie boys and girls who were thronging the sidewalk.

It was growing dark and there was a chill nip in the autumn air that bit right through the white Angora wool coat she was wearing over her black chiffon cocktail dress. When Axel had phoned her unexpectedly that afternoon to meet him at the corner of Fifth and Eighth, she had expected to be taken to the opening of a new art show or a party, not shadowing some poor girl up and down the streets of Greenwich Village.

"Damn you, Borman!" she snapped, using his last name to indicate her exasperation, although she could hardly keep from laughing at the picture he made... the distinguished Wall Street broker staring earnestly down at the beads and sandals and other assorted junk in the window. "Damn you!" she repeated when he didn't even bother to look at her. "If you don't tell me why we're following that poor girl, I'm going home right now."

"How'd you like to suck her pussy?" he shot back at her in a low voice gangster-style out of the side of his mouth.

"Oh, is that what I'm gonna do?" Nina retorted sarcastically, feeling nevertheless a little apple of excitement in her tummy. "Well, what are we waiting for? Why don't we just take her home with us so I can get down to business?"

"Shhhhh," Borman warned her. The brunette was coming out of the door of the brownstone and behind her an enormously fat woman with her peroxided hair up in curlers and her face beet-red with fury was screaming.

"Whore! Harlot! You're all whores and harlots. Out! Out of my house before God strikes you down as he surely will. Out! Out! Out!"

The young brunette half-ran, half-stumbled, down the steps with tears streaming down her frightened face and hurried off with Nina and Borman in pursuit.

"Did you set that up, you bastard?" Nina asked when they had slowed down again. The brunette had stopped and was fumbling in the large rectangular leather pocketbook which she was carrying suspended from her shoulder by a strap. She drew out a handkerchief and began dabbing at her eyes.

"Nope," Borman replied. "But it won't hurt. Soften her up a little more..."

Just then Nina felt someone jostle past her and caught just a glimpse of a long-haired, beetle-browed man who darted between the intervening passersby, ripped the purse from the brunette's shoulder and took off at a dead run down the crowded block.

"Stop, thief! Stop, thief!" Shouting loudly and brandishing his cane like a character in an old-fashioned melodrama, Borman surged after the running figure and a second later both of them disappeared around a corner. A few people turned to stare curiously in the direction of the brunette who was standing there with an expression of bewildered consternation on her face, but no one went up to her to comfort her, just as no one had raised a finger to stop the thief.

About par for Fun City, Nina thought angrily to herself. She suspected at once that her husband was behind the purse-snatching episode and was sure that it was just a gambit in whatever crazy scheme he had cooked up, but the indifference of all the other people to the robbery in broad daylight really got to her. Impulsively... and knowing at the same time that it was probably exactly what Axel would want her to do... she went up to the distraught girl and put her arm around her.

"Don't worry, honey," she said sympathetically. "My husband will get your purse back for you."

"It - it had everything in it," the brunette sobbed brokenly. "All my money, my driving license..." She caught hold of herself and looked gratefully at the slim elegant blonde stranger who had taken pity on her. "God, it even had the key to the locker where I checked my suitcase in it!" she suddenly remembered. "I won't be able to get my suitcase out."

"Don't worry," Nina comforted her again. "Here comes Axel now... my husband. Oh... oh! I'm afraid he doesn't have your pocketbook though." She nodded toward Axel who was barging toward them through the crowd. He was panting like a winded bull, and his heavy square-jawed face was all ruddy with his exertions.

"Lost him, damn it all!" he growled thumping the tip of his cane on the sidewalk. "Think anybody would try to stop him? They just got in my way, that's all. Stupid bastards!" Then suddenly his grim expression vanished and his face split in a charming smile. "Well, I'll be damned," he said to the distressed brunette. "Aren't you Miss Wright from the realtor's office in Laketon, Maryland? I'm Axel Borman. Bought a farm there from Mr. Chisolm last summer. Remember?"

What a god-awful ham you are, Axel, Nina thought affectionately as she watched this minor miracle unfold right in front of her eyes on the sordid streets of Greenwich Village. Recognition dawned in June Wright's eyes and soon her hand was tucked under Axel's other arm as he towed both the women along Fifth Avenue toward Washington Square Park.

"We live just down the street," he was saying to June. "I'm afraid your purse is gone for good, but I'm sure I can get your bag out of the locker without any trouble. You just come up to the apartment and rest for a few minutes while I make a couple of phone calls..."

Wow, those few minutes had really stretched, June was thinking a little woozily to herself about four hours later as she sat cozily curled up in one corner of an enormous couch, warming her second large snifter of after-dinner Brandy-and-Benedictine in the palm of her hand. She was sitting in what was beyond doubt the most lavish and tastefully decorated living room she had ever seen. It was like something right out of the movies, only much better. In fact, the whole evening had seemed enchanted and unreal, right from the minute Mr. Borman had recognized her and brought her here. Why, she was almost glad her pocketbook had been stolen, even if there was over sixty dollars in it, just to get a glimpse of the way Mr. Borman and his charming wife Nina lived. The meal they had eaten, prepared by the Borman's personal French chef, was probably worth sixty dollars all by itself, she figured. She had never tasted such delicious food, and every time she looked out of the dining room window she felt as if she had the whole city of New York at her feet.

The Bormans lived in a duplex penthouse on top of one of the few high-rise buildings in that area. Standing on the terrace before dinner she had been able to look way down at the long rows of shabby brownstone houses and dingy brick tenements like the ones she had been looking for Tiffany in. After two cocktails she had broken down and told Nina and Axel... it was hard for her to call him Axel, he was so imposing, but he had insisted... anyway, she had told them about Tiffany's running away with Cliff. She'd covered up the real story by saying they had eloped together... And about the telegram and how when Cliff didn't meet her at the train as she had expected he would, she had gone to the address he had given. God, she certainly would never forget that place. She thought she had done a pretty good job of describing to Nina and Axel how sinister and awful it had been with all these freaky filthy people lying around in the most awful mess she'd ever seen. Empty yogurt cups and rotting fruit and vegetables in all the corners.

She was certain everyone there was on drugs, and the only one who had seemed to be in a halfway normal state had just laughed when she asked about Tiffany. Nobody has a name here, baby, he had said, and when she showed him the picture of her sister she had brought along, he explained that the place was just what they called a "crash pad." People came and went every day and he'd only been there a week himself.

Then there was the policeman she had asked where the Missing Persons Bureau was. He had snarled at her that Western Union was always making mistakes and that she should check numbers 62 and 52 and 27 and so on before she bothered the Bureau. Why not 18th street, too and 108th street, why not every building in the whole city of ten million or whatever it was... ?

Axel had told her that he knew exactly how callous and indifferent the police appeared to be. It was really because they were overworked, he assured her, but he knew someone in City Hall who would see that her sister's case received the proper attention. Meanwhile, since it had been too late to contact the man he knew who could help about her suitcase, it had been decided that she spend the night with them. After the hostility... the downright inhumanity... of the city it had really been wonderful to meet such warm hospitable people, and June's protest that she didn't want to impose on them was pretty feeble.

"Oh, pooh," Nina laughed. "You're not imposing at all. I'm not as... uh... busty as you are but maybe you can squeeze into one of my nighties. How about a little nightcap before we turn in?" She leaned forward to take the decanter from the coffee table and poured some more of the amber liquid into June's glass in spite of her protests.

"I'm really not used to drinking so much," she giggled a little foolishly. "Cocktails before dinner, wine with dinner and three liqueurs after dinner. Goodness, what would the people in Laketon say?"

"What the hell do people in Laketon drink, for chrissake?" Axel growled suddenly in a surly overbearing voice from the deep easy chair he was lying back in, puffing on an enormous cigar.

June was really shocked and didn't know what to reply. He had been so charming and affable right up until that moment. What had she done to offend him?

"Ho-hum, I guess it's time for beddy-bye. It's been a long day," Nina said, rising to her feet with a meaningful glance at June. "Bring your glass along, honey, and we'll finish up our nightcaps while I'm showing you your room and where everything is." She led the way from the living room with that supple graceful walk that June had noticed earlier and admired so much. Everything that Nina did was stylish and elegant, and next to her June felt like a hulking country clod, although god knows the slender blonde woman was the essence of warmth and friendliness itself and certainly not in the least bit condescending.

As she rose rather unsteadily, June said goodnight to Axel who merely grumbled something curt and unintelligible and continued to glower at the wall like a huge cross old bear.

Goodness, he certainly was a moody man... She didn't envy Nina having to put up with such sudden outbreaks of bad humor if they occurred often. It probably had something to do with the difference in their ages because Nina couldn't be more than thirty while Borman must be close to fifty... her father's age.

To her mortification the voluptuous brunette found that she was actually weaving as she followed her hostess down the hallway to the guest bedroom. Such a thing had never happened to her in her whole life before. It must be the wine, she decided. They had drunk both white Bordeaux and red Burgundy, all imported from France, and it had gone so well with the different courses that she had drunk a great deal without realizing it.

"I think you'll be comfortable here," Nina said, patting a large double bed covered with a lovely satiny aquamarine comforter. "Over there is your bath..." She pointed to a door across the room. "And if you'll just wait a second, I'll see if I can find a nightie that will fit you. You certainly have a magnificent figure," she smiled, looking June over with frank admiration in her eyes.

"Oh," June protested, blushing at the compliment. "Don't bother. I can just sleep in my slip." Then she blushed even harder when she thought of how the last couple of months she had been sleeping in the raw so that she could more quickly satisfy her ever-demanding body. God, for the past four hours she hadn't even thought of... that... and now she could already feel the blood beginning to race through her veins in anticipation of the moment she would be alone in that wonderful big bed. No, dammit! She wouldn't touch herself tonight, she resolved. It would break the spell of the whole day.

Nina had been quietly watching the crimsoning face of her beautiful raven-haired guest and speculating as to what thoughts were passing through her mind to make her blush so furiously. The excited tingling in the pit of her own tummy told her that she would find out before too long. Axel had finally explained to her the first part of his plan and intuitively she knew that he was right. Her husband, as she had learned many years before, had an unerring instinct about women like June Wright; he claimed she was the type of woman who by nature is overwhelmingly sensual but who for one reason or another has not yet been awakened to the full hidden depths of her sexuality. Nina shivered with inward delight at the thought of the role she had been assigned to play in June's awakening. Moments like these were the spice of life to her.

"It's no trouble at all," Nina said, placing her snifter of B-and-B on the bedside table as she left the room. "I'll be right back."

June was wandering around the spacious room admiring the paintings on the walls... they were all abstract but in soothing subdued colors that went perfectly with the rest of the decor... when she heard Axel's voice raised in a loud angry roar and the sound of shattering glass followed by a heavy smack of flesh against flesh. Seconds later Nina came running breathlessly into the room, slammed the door behind her and locked it. One entire side of her delicately featured face was blotchy red where Axel had obviously slapped her with all his might.

"That rotten bastard!" she gasped, panting like a hunted animal as June instinctively ran to her and enfolded her slim pliant figure comfortingly in her arms. She could feel the older woman's heart pounding rapidly against her breast and a tremor rack her trembling body.

"God, I'm so ashamed!" Nina choked out finally when she had gotten herself under control. "I never dreamed he would do that with a perfect stranger in the apartment. Not that you're a stranger," she added quickly with a grateful glance at June. "I feel as if I've known you all my life."

"Oh, Nina, come over here and sit down," June begged almost tearfully, leading her hostess over to the bed and still hugging her tightly to her breast as though she were a frightened child. "Why on earth did he strike you? Does he do it often?"

"Oh no, only when he drinks too much sometimes," Nina said mournfully. "And when he's been around some woman he knows he can't take to bed. He's very much attracted to you, you know, June."

"What!" The idea that a man as old as her father could desire her physically shocked June to the roots of her being. "I just can't believe it."

"Well, it's true," Nina smiled ruefully. "I know all the signs, believe me... June, I hate to ask you this on such short acquaintance, but would you mind if I slept in here with you tonight?" She slyly eyed her guest to see if there was any sign of reluctance but there was none, so she went swiftly on. "By tomorrow morning Axel will have slept it off, but if I go out there now he might really work me over. I'll be safe in here with you. Come to think of it, you'll be safer too if I'm in here with you."

"Wh - what... ?" June faltered, uncertain that she understood. "You don't really mean he would... ?"

"Break down the door and rape you?" Nina finished the unspoken thought for her. "He might. He just might. He's never done anything like that up till now, but he seems to get crazier and hornier each year instead of calming down like most men do when they grow older. That bastard had a hard on for you as big as a telephone pole all during dinner. I'm amazed you didn't notice it."

"Wh - what... !" June stammered again, hardly able to believe her ears that the elegant sophisticated Mrs. Nina Borman would use a coarse expression like "hard on". She hadn't heard that since the girls used to whisper it in high school.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I shocked you, honey," Nina said understandingly, placing her slender petite hand on June's larger one. "It's just that when Axel hits me, it makes me feel degraded like a... like a whore. And then for some reason I want to degrade myself even more and talk like a whore. Say things like - cock, fuck, ass, cunt... Damn him anyway!" She grabbed up her snifter and downed what was left in the glass in one gulp. "Sometimes I wonder why I stay with him."

June gazed at the abused wife with her heart full of compassion. She very clearly understood Nina's compulsive need for self-degradation... self-debasement. God, who could understand it better than she could? She had been involuntarily debased by the vile spectacle she had witnessed on the porch that afternoon, and for months afterward had continued to defile herself, plunging headlong into an apparently bottomless pit of lonely self-debauch. She picked up her own glass and slowly drained it. She felt completely sober. The fright she had experienced seemed to have cleared her head.

"Fuck! Shit! Piss! Cunt! Cock! Cocksucker!" Nina spat out the lewd words again, balling up her little hands into fists and jabbing out at an imaginary target. "That's all I am, a cocksucker. My husband's private little cocksucker. Rub my back for me, will you, honey," she begged plaintively, stretching out suddenly on the bed. "It's the only thing in the whole world that calms me down. My nerves feet like they're going to jump right out of my skin!"

Aghast at the stream of filth spouting from the married woman's lovely mouth, June dazedly began to stroke her back through the sheer silk material of her cocktail dress. Nina's head was resting in the crook of her arm so that her exquisitely sculptured face was turned toward June in semi-profile. Was it possible, June wondered, that those delicate cherry red lips which looked so innocent and pure had actually been forced to close around the loathsome penis of that hulking brute out there in the living room? Probably... She was beginning to believe that Axel was capable of anything. She knew from her readings in abnormal psychology that people did indulge in such disgusting practices, and hadn't Cliff said that her own sister...

June suppressed a sudden urge to retch but oddly enough she felt no repulsion for Nina, only sadness that the older woman had the misfortune to be married to a sadistic animal like Axel Borman. Her hand slowed in its smooth stroking and she gently massaged the nape of her hostess' neck, feeling the soft warm flesh through the curling tendrils of short blonde hair there.

"Oh, that feels good, your hand on my skin," Nina purred contentedly. "Let me take off my dress." She jumped quickly off the bed, unzipped her dress and let it puddle to the floor, then unhooked her brassiere and tossed it carelessly on top of the dress. June modestly turned away her eyes but not before she had a glimpse of Nina's small but beautifully shaped breasts which stood out in pearl-white perfection against the tan remaining on the rest of her body. They were capped by little red berrylike nipples that jutted out so enticingly.

June blushed and guiltily swallowed the saliva which automatically filled her mouth at the sight of those dainty nipples. God, she wasn't going to turn out to have lesbian tendencies too, was she, in addition to being a voyeur? She shook her heavy black mane of hair impatiently to reject the absurd notion, but something dim and shadowy was stirring deep inside her, something vaguely threatening to her already much diminished self-esteem.

Clad now only in the wispiest of panties, Nina climbed back onto the bed and stretched out luxuriously like a contented kitten for June to continue to rub her back. She felt the nervousness in the first touches of the timid girl's hands on her naked back and smiled secretly to herself. She hadn't missed the look of confusion on June's face and that second vivid blush when she dropped her brassiere. This was going to be easier than she had expected. She wouldn't even have to use the series of Climax Illustrated pictures that she had hidden in the dresser before dinner just in case. The pictures showed two ravishing Scandinavian girls fondling and sucking each other's breasts, then tonguing each other's clitorises in the sixty-nine position.

No, Nina was sure it wouldn't be necessary to bring them out. This was going to be a straight seduction scene with no artificial props, and she intended to enjoy it to the hilt. Of course, nothing could replace a man's long thick hard cock which she loved in any part of her body but if anything could, it was a beautiful, almost virginal and potentially passionate young woman like June. A little sixty-nine just between girls would be a nice prelude to whatever Axel had planned for later on. He hadn't taken her that far into his confidence, but the slap he'd given her to set the stage for this scene had been too goddamn realistic. The horny bastard didn't know his own strength.

"Hmmmmmmmmm, that feels so-oooooo good," she purred as June's hands resumed their gentle stroking. "You have wonderful hands. I can feel the electricity coming out of them... the vibrations or whatever it is. You could be a healer." She lay there quietly until the massage had turned into a series of long languorous caresses which set a liquid warmth filtering sweetly through her relaxed body. Then she began to almost imperceptibly undulate her hips against the comforter, pressing her warmly throbbing vaginal mound down on the bed when June's hands traveled up her back to her shoulders, then raising her softened, slightly splayed buttocks to meet them when they descended again. She could definitely feel a tingling current of mounting desire flowing through those feathery fingertips which were dallying now near the base of her spine and expected them any minute to float down between her thighs into the wetly waiting valley of her cunt and finally home in on her pulsing clitoris which was emitting signals of anguished yearning at the rate of about ten thousand per second... But when she accentuated the rotating movement of her hips and spread her legs farther apart in frank invitation, the hands were abruptly withdrawn.

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The first time Joe saw Erika was when his brother introduced her as his girlfriend. Joe was instantly attracted to her hot tight body, but it was his brother's girl, she was off limits. Besides that, Joe was in love with his own girlfriend, so he put any thoughts of a sexual nature aside. As time went on, Erika married Joe's brother, Joe married his girlfriend, everyone was happy. They meet often, dinners, family functions, joint vacations. Joe's wife became Erika's best friend. As Joe got...

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Thanksgiving To Get Her

Tags: teen group sex, voyeurism, mistaken identity, first time sex, virginity lost, cheating girlfriend. "So are you excited to see Aunt Sonja?" Stephanie, my older sister, whispered in my ear once we were almost done with the long drive as we sat in back seats of the car while Mom was chatting Dad's ear off as he drove. It'd been like forever since the fourth of July and I'd never had the chance to do more than an awkward goodbye handshake with the girl who had secretly taken my...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Audrey 06202019

Unlike so many of our fresh-faced newbie’s, Audrey Hempburne didn’t need any priming for today’s shoot. Strait for the word go Ms. Hempburne, who loves the Hemp smoke BTW, is a self-proclaimed slutty whore who loves girls, large cocks, 3somes, and can’t get enough rough sex. She is so outgoing and comfortable with herself and her sexuality that all of her high school friends told her she would be doing porn, and they were right! I’m sure she was voted in the school...

3 years ago
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Maza hi maza

Main is site ka shuru se hi pathak raha hoon is site ki sabhi story mene padi hai aur Mene bhi apni ek story likhi thi {gaon ka maza}par mujhe bahut kam mail mile aur female ka to Ek bhi mail nahi mila tha aur is site par bahut se female likhne wale aur padne wale hain agar aap Mujhe sabhi male and female ka sath milta raha to me aage bhi story likhta rahunga Mera mail id{}mujhe aap ke mail ka intjar rahega Jesa ki aap jante hain ki aagar kisi ladke ko choot ka chaska lag jaye to wo...

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Surprise Visit

JACK The alarm went off at its usual time, 6:00 AM, and my wife, Anita, and I got up to start our day. I groaned audibly as I sat up on the edge of the bed and swung my feet to the floor. "What's the matter? You sound like an old man." she teased as she headed for the bathroom. "I feel like an old man after what you did to me last night." I heard her laughing inside the bathroom as I recalled the evening before. She'd given me an energetic fucking and topped it off by a very...

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Big Girl

Introduction: Alex, a shy teenager, meets a heavy girl and the two of them quickly become very good friends! If you havent read my first story yet, please do so if youre interested. I plan to write a paragraph or so of information before all of my stories, so check it out before you go the actual story. Or, just go right to the story and masturbate. I dont care. Anyway, this one is another story about two teenagers discovering sex. Only this time, the girl is rather large. Honestly, this isnt...

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Banana fun

This is a story from already some years ago! Think its funny to tell and show you all how experimental I was with sex!Must have being around the beginning of my carrier when I starting in the porn industry and starting to discover what boys and girls all are about! What are there sexual G-spots, how sensual the body really is and what makes me hard and what makes them come! All very exciting! A world of new forbidden fruits to taste! I remember it very well! His name was Pablo, around 23 (same...

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MyGF Jessie Saint Fun at The Park

Jessie Saint joins us this week to have some public fun. We head out to a nearby park where she attempts to fly a kite but we fail miserably. Eventually we move on from that and we go deep in the woods for her to shove my cock deep in her throat. After choking on my cock for some time, it comes time to make her cum. So I penetrate her tight little hole in several different positions making her scream with pleasure. Once she was properly fucked it was time to deliver her reward. Huge load all...

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Discovering My Love For Golden Showers

About fifteen years ago, I discovered my love for BDSM. I was in my early thirties and in excellent shape working out every day. One Sunday afternoon, I was browsing the magazines at my local bookstore when I came across Hustler's Taboo magazine. I was very curious what it was about but it was shrink wrapped so I had to buy a copy to find out. I quickly walked to the cash register to find a rather long line of customers. I joined the line pressing the magazine to my chest so that nobody would...

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WG der Streiche

Eine 3er WG die sich gegenseitig gerne Streiche spielen um den anderen zu demütigen. Es sind 2 Frauen und ein Typ in dieser WG: Laura, Aylin & Corto Hier sind die Protagonisten: Laura ist 24, hat schulterlange blonde lockige Haare und eine blasse Hautfarbe. Sie ist 1,64m groß und wiegt 9 kg. Sie hat einen großen knackigen Hintern bei einem kleinen Busen. Laura ist ein kleiner Wirbelwind und immer gut drauf. Ihr Körper ist athletisch und sportlich. Meist trägt sie enge Leggings wenn sie in der...

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Gaapuchi Gaapuchi Gum Gum

Hi Friends.Aap mujhe to jaante hi ho to first introduction dene ki zaroorat nahi. Main Gaurav aur ye incident main aapke sath share karne jaa raha hu woh mere early days of job ka tha. Ye baat hai jab main Vapi me job karta tha. Woh ek manufactring company thi, main waha as Assistant Manager join hua tha. Wahi pe ek ladki bhi thi jiski nayi nayi shaadi hui thi. Uska naam Heena tha aur woh Baroda se thi. Hum sirf aate jaate ek dusare ko smile karte the kyu ki hum ek hi department me kaam karte...

2 years ago
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Allys Travels Part Three

A couple of hours later, the trio landed and tried to catch a cab. ‘TAXI!!’ Daniel screamed.  Four taxis passed by and they all ignored him.’ ‘Geez Daniel let me show you how to get a cab.’ Jen said. Jen stepped into the street and whistled loudly. A cab stopped for them. ‘Wow Jen!’Allie said. ‘Just a freaking whistle’ Daniel muttered under his breath. Daniel opened the door for the women and as Ally stepped in, her skirt ran up and Dan saw her pink thong. He had an instant hard-on. He knew...

4 years ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 3

What first woke her was Richard leaving the bed. It was light outside, and there was a knocking at the door. At her call, Phyllis came in with her cup of tea. She felt marvelous as she stirred in a second lump, and the room looked different, too. “The light seems different,” she said. “‘Tis the snow, Milady.” When she got out of bed and looked out the window, she saw what Phyllis meant. Snow, white snow, covered the ground, and more was falling. London snow was normally dirty, from all the...

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A Game of InchesChapter 35

One of the trainers came over and handed me a hat and a tee shirt, both signifying we were Superbowl Champions. I tossed my helmet to the side, placing the cap on my head, I threw the tee shirt over my shoulder. Even though I had been fortunate enough to win a National Championship in college, that moment was pale compared to this one. The party on the field lasted for close to an hour, the team being awarded the trophy, Josh being named Superbowl MVP for his performance. Finally the entire...

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The Goblin Horde

Ertun the old wizard cackled, his frail arm moving manically as he threw himself into his work. He had an epiphany while he was sleeping last night. When he woke he knew that what ever this was would be glorious. The door creaked open but Ertun was unconcerned, there was only one type of creature near his tower. What's more only one of the them would be allowed up here. He turned his head looking at the goblin. Ertun smiled remembering his young days. When he was young he had a run of bad luck...

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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 8 Contrition and Make Up Sex

The afternoon passed slowly, Mel’s imagination locked into all that Nick had said, at what Tracy had gotten dragged into, and how much worse it all could have been. Mel had wanted to talk it out with Tracy, go on his knees and apologize and explain, but her car was gone and this just wasn’t the kind of stuff to talk out on a phone. So he paced, tried to prepare a winter garden, started up a quick beef barley soup, all in an unsuccessful attempt to ignore the tight knot that had become a...

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my slutty wife gets her tits stuck

this happened not long after her loan and taxi events. She was getting more slutty in her every day life when my friend came over to watch tv she would take her top off and suck our dicks. When she had a few drinks she would let us both cum in her mouth and show us both loads before swallowing. She would wear tops so low cut her nipples would fall out when she was shopping often in the supermarket leaning over the trolley her tits would be completely out of her top sometimes for minutes at a...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alexandra Rose 11142019

When we first laid our eyes on 18 yr old Alexandra, we thought there must have been some sort of mistake because this girl appears to be way too young to be showing up to some random hotel to fuck a stranger for cash. Didn’t your parents teach you about “stranger danger” dear? So after triple checking her ID’s we were relieved that this unbelievably innocent looking newbie was legal and ripe to get her fuck hole exploited and show everyone she’s not so goody to...

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This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be. My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 37 and she is 28. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when...

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Double Act ndash Chapter 3

I stepped close and went to kiss her but she turned her face and I stepped into a hug instead. She gripped her arms around me as we stood close against each other."Not yet," she whispered in my ear. There was a pause, as though Bethany was going to say something else, but then she pushed me away."I want to see you eat me," she said.I smiled nervously, trying to match my s!ster's bravado. "Then you'd better sit down," I said, as suggestively as I could. On impulse, Beth reached out between my...

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Slow Train to Oblivion

I sat in my sleeper compartment as the train carried me inexorably towards oblivion, a place where I could make the choice between starting a new life, and ending this one before that could happen. I was not just running away from my old life, I was running away from my old memories, old hurts. Okay, so I’m a coward, what’s wrong with that? Someone once said ‘he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.’ I’m doing the first part, I’ve fought and bailed before I got too hurt, and I’m...

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Butching It Up

Butching It Up A Story By LorenaMae, Copyright (c) 1995 I was sitting on a stool in my favorite queer bar, my legs, clad in sheer black nylons sleekly crossed. Between the miniskirt and the four inch pumps, they looked a million miles long. I was wearing my hair in a Veronica Lake style, long, blonde and falling over one eye. I supped my vodka tonic and took a cigarette from the pack on the bar. I started to look through my purse, long red nails clawing to find my lighter. ...

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Journey to JanusChapter 4

I thought we were headed back to our ship when Mom took a side street, and much to my disappointment, we were not going to be going through the red light district. I asked why the detour, and she said I would know soon enough. She was walking with purpose, so I figured she knew where she was going. Oxy and I followed along in silence. We entered a residential section, and the streets narrowed. I tried to stay well to the side of the street so as not to block traffic. Fortunately, we did not...

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Amazing Tits

Reddit Amazing Tits, aka r/AmazingTits/! Is this your first rodeo with Reddit? If so, what a strong way to start mate. Welcome to a place dedicated to chicks who were gifted with a pair of perfect knockers, and whoa re not afraid of sharing them. Of course, the standard for perfect is different for all of us, so what I might find fucking hot, you might not, and vice-versa, I think you get the gist.I need to say this, for all you sensitive pussies, who will find a beauty with a pair of tits that...

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NubileFilms Dania Vega She Came On To Me

Brown-eyed babe Dania Vega has the hots for Seth Gamble, but Seth’s sister would be pissed if he fucked her friend. That doesn’t stop Dania from wanting to get into Seth’s pants. She tries to entice him, first engineering an opportunity for him to accidentally see her in nothing but a towel, and later by walking to do some laundry wearing nothing but sexy lingerie. When she knows she has Seth’s attention, Dania even shakes that ass to remind him that she’s...

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Madeline Jones

It had been six months since I'd moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not quite so lonely. She...

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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 12

He snored. Avery ran her hand in a circle over David’s chest. He gargled and snored quite louder than he sometimes did. She smiled. She slid out of bed. She lifted her t-shirt off of his nightstand and pulled on her flannel pajama pants. She slipped into her beaten and untied sneakers. It was almost a routine drop out the window. The back lawn had grown wet over night and she wiped her hands on her shirt as she walked back home. A few orange leaves were spiralling down but just as many trees...

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Babette Collared

Babette - Collared By: Rachael Free It was a relaxing day as I sat on my front porch getting some sun. It was my day off and I didn't want any interruptions. My job is very stressful and taking time to just relax is special to me. I am a programmer and work a lot of hours. The only good thing is that I work from home. I don't have much interaction with any coworkers and do all my work over the internet. I only have one sister in my family and she lives in Hawaii so I rarely ever get...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 277 Memorial

The home of Lily and Sly Cortales was delivered and set up the third week of June. The next weekend, they moved in and their first act was to invite Samantha, Rhonda, and me over for dinner. "We moved here to be close to our children," Lily said. "We were there the night Brian and Samantha tied the knot around their wrists and we were here at Christmas two years ago when the two of you were handfasted to Rhonda. You are our children. You are all the children we have now." She actually...

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Slave SisterChapter 5 The Raffle

Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by Dave just moments before during his regular early morning fuck. Fran could hardly believe all that had happened in the week since her brother had slipped into her room in the...

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18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...

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Neon and Nylons

New York City, New York. When the US became corporate controlled, a lot of people panicked. Riots. Anarchy. Puppy kicking. In the midst of all this chaos and death, New York saw just another day. Some say it was corrupt, and had been for years. Others will say that, after seeing everything in the world, the fall of the US government into a puppet state was just another thing. Whatever the case, it's home. While the tourist authority would have rich visitors believe that New York is only SoHo...

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Attracting Alan And Greg Jr

"Greg, could you zip me up please?""Sure, Mom," he replied, getting up off the bed. "You are ravishing by the way," he complimented me, bringing the zipper up."You're biased, but thank you," I mentioned, smirking and looking at myself in the mirror."Well, he is right, Mom. That pink dress is perfect on you," Alan put on the record."Thank you both," I said, turning around and glancing at both of them. "You two have always been the best sons a mother could ask for in my book. I just hope John...

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HandsOnHardcore Honour May Naughty New Neighbor

Blonde British slut Honour May just loves it when she gets a new neighbor. Most men end up moving out of her building after simply not being able to keep up with this all-natural nympho’s needs. It’s Mugur who’s put to the test next after being invited in for a cup of coffee and a quicky. The blue-eyed glamour porn goddess goes in for his package, to his complete surprise, but not to his disappointment. Watch as the curvy assed college babe blow the new boy on the block and...

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BFFs Kelsey Kage Maddie Winters Alissa Avni My First Girlfriend

Kelsey Kage was headed off to college. Her best friend Maddie Winters was going to come over to see her off. Kelsey low key had a crush on Maddie all her life. She wants to try and make something happen before she goes away. As they were chatting in Kelseys hot room, the girls took off their shirts, then things started to get real. Kelsey admitted her love for Maddie, and it turns out she also felt the same way. The girls began to kiss and fool around for a little then relocated to the other...

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A Night in the ChateauChapter 5

In the Count’s bedroom on the floor below, Sarah’s thighs were screaming in pain as she continued to rise and fall on the Count’s still permanently rampant cock. She had been riding him now for what seemed like an eternity, and the only saving grace was her youthful experience of horse riding and the resulting strength she had in her strong thighs. She had lost count of the number of times the Count’s beautiful cock had filled either her cunt or anus with warm sperm – he was the first and...

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Mom8217s Best Friend

Hello all, My name is Abhi and this is my first blog so I would like to apologize for all my mistakes or my inability to make you all connect with the story. Further, i would like to confess, everything I tell here is totally true (except for the name of the female) with absolutely zero amount of exaggeration. About me: I’m a 23 , 6’2″, athletic(80kgs), good-looking guy from New Delhi. I am currently finishing up with my university studies. About Her: She is a mature (33), very fair, married...

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I am a Cock Slave Love IT part II

my MASTER as if reading my wanton , cock, cum, craving mind ,then pulls my face up towards HIM , slaps it hard , spits in it , & says:"Not yet, you fucking little, cock whore, slave !!"Then slaps my face harder as i squirm, & moan "mmmmmmmmm" softly from the pleasurable pain of my red stinging face."Undo my belt , & pull down my pants you pig slut" HE commands .i almost scream in delight , as if hopefully i will soon see the ONLY GOD left , in my cock, & cum starved, transfixed,...

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Mannequins From Mars 8

Mannequins From Mars 8 By Paul G. Jutras "Help me take charge of the situation, Sylvia," Samantha said, knowing her team members needed to be trusted. As they took out their blasters, they blew apart the mannequin zombie farmers. "We're the federal help you requested." Kim said to the girls at the school dance, who took off their hose. Team mannequin followed the same plan until almost everyone was restored and the nylon aliens got more than enough runs to finish them...

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