Slow Train
- 4 years ago
- 17
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I sat in my sleeper compartment as the train carried me inexorably towards oblivion, a place where I could make the choice between starting a new life, and ending this one before that could happen.
I was not just running away from my old life, I was running away from my old memories, old hurts. Okay, so I’m a coward, what’s wrong with that? Someone once said ‘he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.’ I’m doing the first part, I’ve fought and bailed before I got too hurt, and I’m about to decide whether I want to fight another day or not fight.
I chose the Ghan for two reasons, as a train it took its own good time getting from Adelaide to Darwin, and that suited me fine, and it crossed some of the most desolately beautiful countryside in the world.
The Ghan was named after the Afghan cameleers who, with their ships of the desert, helped to open up the lines of communication through the centre of Australia. Its predecessor was a slow, rattly, un-airconditioned series of wooden carriages hauled by, firstly steam locomotives and then diesel, along desperately unstable tracks that would buckle under the oppressive heat or disappear under oceans of brown flood waters on the rare occasions that it rained, stranding the train and its passengers for days, sometimes weeks.
The new Ghan was well appointed and airconditioned, it had lounge cars, buffet cars and dining cars, none of which were of particular interest to me. I went to the dining car for meals and stayed only long enough to eat what was put in front of me and not long enough to get involved with my fellow passengers.
I was travelling light, having sold or given away my past life, my memories. I had not much more than the clothes that I wore and a book that I had wanted to read for years but had put off until I saw it on a rack at the rail terminal at Adelaide. After several attempts to get into the book I began to wonder why I had wanted so much to read it, so it sat, without a bookmark, on the table in front of me.
The further the train travelled, the further it took me away from the hurt that was all that was left of my life. A marriage where my wife failed to recognise the potential for a good life, and chose to gain as much, financially, from the debris that she brought about, deliberately. ‘I want nothing from you.’ She had said, ‘It wasn’t my money that bought us the house so I won’t ask for anything from you. This is not about the money.’ Bullshit! Then, ‘I want something but I’ll leave enough so that you can start over.’ Crap! To finally, ‘I’m entitled to half of everything, so that’s what I want.’ That was more like her!
She wasn’t entitled to steal from me the cards that she had given me from before we were married, and that I wanted to keep as precious memories of the good part of our life together. That hurt, just as much, if not more, than the separation.
By now you have probably decided that I am a bitter and twisted person who has no redeeming virtues to warrant you reading any further, and if I were in your shoes I would have to agree with you, but, like the book that I have been trying to get into, the rewards for perseverance may just be worth the effort.
The train pulled into Alice Springs just after lunch on Monday and I got out, more to stretch my legs than see the sights. I walked from the platform and stood outside the station building looking around me, trying to decide how I would spend the next four hours.
‘Can’t you decide either?’
‘I beg your pardon, were you talking to me?’
‘Do you see anyone else? Of course I was talking to you. You look like you need someone to talk to.’
‘Looks can be deceiving.’ I began to look at her. She was dressed in tailored slacks and a blouse that looked as if it had been starched. She had a wide brimmed hat that shaded a face that looked as if it saw little sunlight. She was tallish, slimmish and middle ageish.
‘I’ve noticed you,’ she wasn’t about to give up on me, ‘you spend only enough time to eat your meals before scurrying off back to your compartment and hiding from the rest of the world. I always thought that part of the attraction of coming on these long train journeys was so that you could meet new people, not hide away.’
‘When the world has beaten you hard enough, and often enough, it takes a stronger man than me to face it. I would like to be left alone.’
‘Pardon me if I disagree, I know enough about human nature to realise that the last thing a person should be when he or she is going through what you have obviously gone through, is alone. I tell you what, you and I will see the sights of this place for the next four hours, we might even have a drink somewhere, or if you don’t want a drink, a cup of coffee, and we won’t talk about your problems, and, when we get back on the train, if you decide that enough is enough, then so be it. Is it a deal?’
What the hell, there was no stopping this woman, and it would take my mind off my miserable life, at least for a little while. ‘Okay, deal.’ I let the exasperation hang there, just so she knew that I was doing it under sufferance and that there was no hope of me wanting to be with her any longer than necessary.
It was depressing, I picked up yet another souvenir, from the stand in the souvenir shop, which looked as if it was hand carved by one of the indigenous people of this land, only to find that it was made in China. Why does the rest of the world have to take advantage of the uniqueness of this country, why can’t we?
Cassie, short for Cassandra, we had gotten that far in our relationship, saw me looking at it. ‘I know, I know, you’d think that the government would whack such a heavy tariff on the importation of these things that it would be cheaper to produce them locally.’
For some reason I had a vision of Meatloaf looking at, I think it was Ellen Foley, and singing ‘You took the words right out of my mouth.’ I stopped the vision right there because I didn’t want to remember the next line. I also didn’t want to admit that we were thinking along the same lines, that would end in disaster. ‘While the punters are prepared to buy them they will continue to import these phoneys.’
‘Let’s make a stand! Let’s refuse to buy any souvenirs that aren’t made in Australia!’ She shouted, the whole store screeched to a halt and all eyes were on us. Revolution! Anarchy! Futility. But we did it none the less. We walked from the store souvenirless.
At around 2 o’clock Cassie grabbed my arm. ‘Brian, I’m just about ready for a cup of coffee.’ We were, as it happened, standing outside a coffee shop. So, of course we went in. The coffee was passable, the cakes were an improvement on passable and the conversation was refreshing until it got to this. ‘I don’t mean to pry on your private life,’ Bullshit! ‘But I think that I can help you. I might have it all wrong but I think your troubles stem from a relationship break down, one that has hurt you more than you thought possible.’
‘To quote the classic line, ‘I refuse to confirm or deny that assumption.’ How could you possibly understand what I have gone through.’ I was just about to add ‘because you’re a woman’, but thought better of it. ‘I thought that we had a deal.’
‘Oh all right, we have a deal. If we can’t talk about your problems, maybe you can help me with mine.’ I said nothing and she took that as agreement. ‘The reason that I’m on this trip is because I’ve reached the point in my life where I need to get away, have a break, to decide whether I should continue in my present job with no prospect of being able to break through the glass ceiling, or quit and make a fresh start somewhere else.’
‘And what makes you think that I can help you make that decision.’
‘Because I get the impression that you’ve seen a fair bit of the world in your lifetime and experienced the exasperations of not being able to realise your goals or your potential, work-wise that is.’
‘How could you know that?’
‘Because I have seen many men who have experienced your frustrations, enough that I can recognise them a mile away. You have worked in the same job for most of your life and have recently had to face up to the prospect of the young, computer savvy hot-shots, leapfrogging over you when it comes to promotions. You have tried to get your head around the technology but have concluded that the ship has sailed and you have missed the boat, so to speak. To your bosses and workmates alike you are ‘Good Old Brian’ the guy that gets the job done. Unless you can learn at least the fundamentals of computers you will find yourself on the corporate scrap heap. Am I right so far?’
‘Yes. But if I can’t solve my own problem, how can I be expected to solve yours?’
‘By looking at the options that are open to me. My problem is similar in that you are limited by your lack of computer expertise while I am limited by the very fact that I am a woman. You know more about the mechanics of the job. You were doing it as efficiently, if not more so, before the dependence on computers and could probably run rings around these young guys when it comes to problem solving. I know a lot more than the men in our company because I have been doing it a lot longer than they have. I know the way that the clients wish to be treated, as humans, not numbers, but that doesn’t seem to bother the Board of Directors. I believe that reciprocal loyalty with the client is far more desirable than the bottom line.’
‘Unfortunately that loyalty doesn’t always work.’ I interjected, she had hit on one of my pet subjects, ‘The bottom line mentality, based as it is on greed, results in both your company, and my former company, looking to maximise the profit potential at the expense of client loyalty, which of course results in the client adopting the same attitude, which also means that if they can get the product that you are selling cheaper elsewhere they will go down that path, and you lose out Everyone goes in ever decreasing circles until they eventually disappear up their fundamental orifices, or is that orofi?’
‘See, I knew that you’d understand.’
‘Understanding the problem doesn’t solve the problem. I don’t have an answer.’
‘Yes you do. You have made a decision to leave that situation, it may not have been the main reason that you are on this train, but if you hadn’t decided to cut your ties with that company you wouldn’t be here, you would have stayed in Adelaide and suffered through the constant reminders of your previous life.’
She had a point there. I could have handled my hurt if I had been happy in my job, but because I wasn’t, I used that as a catalyst for change. ‘So, what is holding you back? Why can’t you just pull up stumps and leave as I have? What is keeping you in your job?’
‘Fear more than anything. Fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake, fear of losing everything that I have worked for.’
‘So you’re afraid of taking that step? Let’s look at the positives. You could find a better job with a company that appreciates your thinking, your concerns for the relationship between the company and the client. You could even take the money that’s coming to you in retirement benefits and invest it in your own company. I know,’ I said holding up my hand to forestall her objections, ‘that this would be a major leap of faith, but it should be considered.’
‘If that is your answer, why haven’t you done that very thing?’
‘I guess I’m feeling that sorry for myself I haven’t been able to think straight.’ She’d managed to turn the subject around to my problems in spite of our agreement but what the hell, we’re here now I might just as well keep going. ‘Depression is a funny thing, the more depressed you get the harder it is to realise that you are depressed and need to do something about it I thought that I was handling things well enough until my boss took me to one side and told me that unless I lifted my game I would have to be ‘let go’. I pre-empted that decision by leaving. I thought about investing the money that I salvaged from the property settlement and my retirement package in my own business but, like you I was scared of the next step.’
‘What business were you in?’
‘Transport and logistics, I worked for one of the largest freight companies in the country, I was in charge of the transhipment area where goods was off loaded from trucks onto trains or ships and vice versa. I knew my way around bills of lading and invoices and customs procedures. Now of course everything is bar coded and tracked by computer.’
‘I was in a similar industry, I was in the travel and tourism industry, and had been since leaving school. That industry sees the role of women as eye-candy in the agencies, selling packaged tours at an inflated price. I thought that we should have been concentrating on client based tailored packages where the client set the agenda and the timeline and we negotiated on his behalf for the best deal.’
‘Your bottom line was different to your company’s so you got no great satisfaction out of your job.’
‘It got to the point that, in the time it took me to park my car in the employees’ section of the shopping mall car park and walk to the office, I had developed a stress headache and would have to take something to get me through the day. To make matters worse, the guys in the office were always going out of their way to promote themselves to the boss, they would go to the hotel for lunch with him, buy his favourite wine for after work drinks, anything to crawl up his arse. I hated it and them.’
‘Let’s get out of here and do a bit more sightseeing before we head back to the train, otherwise we’ll end up a couple of jibbering fools crying on each other’s shoulders, not that the thought lacks merit.’
We spent the next couple of hours just wandering the streets looking in shop windows, checking out the Todd River, the site of the only dry river regatta in the world. We arrived back at the railway station about fifteen minutes before departure. ‘I need to freshen up before dinner. I’ll see you in the Dining Car at six.’ Cassie seemed to assume that I’d agree to continue our acquaintance. She was right, I enjoyed our time together and was quite looking forward to having someone to talk to over dinner.
Getting back to my cabin I picked up the wretched book and found that I got into it straight away, it was me that was the problem. I devoured forty or so pages before I showered and prepared myself for dinner.
Cassie was already seated at a table when I walked into the Dining Car, I looked at my watch and found that I was actually early. She stood and smiled at me as I approached. She caught me by surprise when she flung her arms around my neck and kissed me hungrily on the lips. ‘Wow! What have I done to deserve this sort of welcome? Not that I’m complaining mind you.’
‘I just felt the need when I saw you come in. Oh, and it was also for the benefit of those two guys at that table over there who have been trying to hit on me, I had to show them that I’ve been taken.’
‘Have you?’
‘Been taken? Yes, I believe I have.’ She reached across the table and took my hand, ‘You were a great help to me this afternoon, whether you meant to or not, you have helped me to make a decision on my future. When we get to Darwin I am going to Email my resignation to the company.
‘I hope that you aren’t being a little hasty.’
‘No. I thought about it after I left you and I came to the realisation that it was what I had already decided to do, I just needed the impetus to set the ball rolling, and you gave me that.’
I don’t know whether it was the rhythmic movement of the train, they don’t go ‘clickety clack’ along the tracks any more, not since the concept of continuous long track laying was brought in, but there was still a rhythm about it, or the excellent food, the excellent wine, or just us, the two of us, that made the time together specia
l for me. I have not felt this good for a very long time. And we didn’t even talk about our problems, not once.
It was quite late, the Dining Car was almost empty and the tables were being set for breakfast, when we left and I walked her towards her cabin. We walked slowly, I don’t think that either of us wanted the evening to end, until we arrived at her cabin door. ‘Would you like to come in for a little while?’
‘Do you think that would be wise?’
‘No. But the invitation still stands.’
‘Much as I’ve enjoyed our time together this evening, I don’t think that this would be a good idea just now. I might be tempted to…’ I let the thought hang there.
‘I know. I probably would be tempted as well, but, you are right, now is neither the time nor the place for this. I’ll see you at breakfast, I’ll look forward to seeing you at breakfast.’ With that she stood on her toes and kissed me, passionately, on the lips before breaking away and slipping through her door.
It was just as well that she did that because I had just begun to close my arms around her and hug her to me, the embrace might not have stopped there and we might not have stopped there.
What is sleep? Sleep is when your body relaxes to the point where all thought leaves you and you shut down to regain your strength. Sleep is not lying awake with your thoughts alternating between was has been and what could be. My thoughts inevitably, as they had done for so long, went back to my miserable past, but then galloped to the now, to the imagined future, what if Cassie and I could get together? What if we could build a relationship together? What if that relationship should move beyond the business, self supporting, self sustaining, into the personal? Could I cope with this? Was I prepared for this? Did I want this?
I can remember at one time, it must have been just before my body cried out to my brain ‘enough already’ and shut down, I saw the red numerals on my alarm clock telling me that it was 2:30 in the morning. My next waking thought was the alarm going off at 6:30. Time to drag my body out of bed and shower before breakfast, before Cassie.
‘You couldn’t sleep either.’ Cassie was somewhat subdued from a lack of sleep.
‘Is it that obvious?’
‘Yes. What are your plans for today?’
‘We have a four hour stop at Katherine from 9:00, do you want to do the tourist bit here?’
‘Only if you do. There probably isn’t much else to do, and I wouldn’t mind a trip down the gorge, I’m told it’s spectacular.’
‘Okay, we’ll do that then. Now, apart from coffee, what would you like for breakfast?’ We picked at what was a perfectly good breakfast and had seconds and thirds of the coffee.
As we left the Dining Car Cassie took my hand. ‘Brian, will you come and sit with me until we get to Katherine, I have something to discuss with you.’
‘Sure, what do you want to discuss?’
‘When we get there.’
She had a double cabin with an en-suite, it was very nice, and expensive. ‘Sit with me.’ She sat on the edge of the bed and I sat next to her. ‘Brian, will you kiss me, I mean really kiss me?’
I thought about it for a nanosecond and kissed her, kissed her as I had imagined I would in the early hours of this morning, kissed her as I’d never kissed anyone before. My tongue found her open mouth and waiting tongue, we played tonsil hockey for I don’t know how long, but eventually had to surface for breath. ‘Wow! You obviously have the same thought as I do. For hours last night I lay in bed thinking about yesterday and how absolutely great it was to be speaking to someone who wasn’t trying to get into my pants, or trying to prove how much better he was than I. You have no idea how much I appreciated that time with you.’
‘I have a pretty good idea, the same things kept me awake for most of the night when I was trying to get to sleep and, believe me, I need my beauty sleep.’
‘Part of me, my stupid brain, told me that I was to lure you into my cabin and make mad passionate love to you, rape you even, but not to let this opportunity slip, while another part of me said to play it cool, take your time and see what develops, and an even other part of me said to stop deluding yourself, that you wouldn’t be thinking the same things as me and that it will never progress beyond two lonely people spending a little time together on a train trip.’
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DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 06:...
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My first a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...
Hello everybody this is Prakash. I am a working guy from Pondicherry. Basically, I am from North India but I am working in a south Indian company, so placed here only. I am 27 yrs, 5ft 7 inches male with a good look, & a very strong sex drive & I have a nice hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. My job requires lot of traveling in south Indian cities. So during a short period of time, I came to know about many cities of South India. But I never had any experience before this...
London can be a very harsh place; especially if you are from India or sub-continent. If you have traveled in a Indian public transport you would have noticed that the majority of people love to talk. Talk to each other, talk to their maids on the phone, talk to the bus conductor, talk to the person sitting in the next bus or just moan about the conditions of road during the monsoon. In London the scene is quite radical. There pin drop silence on the trains. The most noise you can hear is from...
This is a normal morning at Virar railway station. Whole crowd rushing towards the arriving train. Some people managed to get in while train is still moving. I am in crowd near gate rushing to get in. crowd is pushing me from all sides. I am moving forward slowly and finally I am in. Still crowd pushed me from behind and I couldn't move further as there are many people ahead of me in train. I tried to hold handle, which is above my head. I held handle, which is already grabbed by someone....
I honestly thought that, after two years of commuting into the city for work, I'd experienced it all. Until that was, the afternoon of the points failure. Now that was an afternoon that will live long in the memory. Sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, let me back track a little. I'd been traveling on the train to work for quite some time. You get to see the same faces day in, day out, but you never speak, never acknowledge that each other exists. It just isn't done. The same train in,...
MasturbationHi readers, I am Kumar, staying in Bangalore for around 7 years, working as software professional and doing business as well in native, 29, fair, 6.1 ft tall, average weight, living alone in 1bhk rented house. Here I am going to tell true story with Amudha(name changed), 33, house wife, married to a shop keeper for 3 years, living with her husband Biju in kerala along with her mil in house, no kids. Story happened on 29th July 2015 in train. I use to travel every Friday week end for my...
Hello dosto. Mera naam nilima hai, log mujhe nilu kahte hain. I am a student in B.A. first year. My age is 18+ ,, fair, slim, 5.4 height, sundar figure, 32 24 30. Mene isi saal collage join kiya he. Pahle jahan tak mene class 12 kiya wo ghar ke paas tha. Par collage bahut dur he, sabse sidha rasta train ka he collage jane ke liye. Local train me 1.20 hrs yani 80 minute lagte hain. Pahle to pareshani hui, koi sathi bhi nahi tha. Akele aana aur jana. Wapas aane ke samay office time ho jata tha....
Version One - Mother's Way Billy watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o'clock. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train finally came to a stop. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a lady hanging out of a window frantically waving at someone. She was one more good looking woman, he thought before he realized that it was his mother. He...
Standing on the platform heading coast bound, at 8:30am, Scarlett was stood up, slender back leaning up against a dirty grey wall, with a half ripped poster advertising a theatre, swigging a ice cold bottle of coke. A tiny bead of coke rolled from the bottle, down her chin and rolled on to her chest, her shirt was missing a tie, and was unbuttoned to the third one down. Her shirt looked like it had spent too much time in a tumble dryer on a high heat because her size d breasts seemed to be...
It never occurred to me when I decided to visit a college friend in Asia that I'd end up a victim of different cultural attitudes toward women. I'd traveled in Europe frequently, always without incident. Besides, I never worried about riding public transportation in the middle of the day, not even in New York City. But I was in for a hard lesson about what can happen in broad daylight, if no one chooses to help you. My friend, who called herself Susie in the states because her name was a bit...
October 8th, 1995, 11:40 PM CT, Mile 2342 Union Station, Phoenix, AZ The finger for the train sat in the parking lot of Phoenix Union Station, in his brand-new 1995 Range Rover County, smoking a cigarette, and luxuriating in the scent of it and the Connolly leather of the poorly-built British luxury off-roader. He was intently listening to his electronic radio scanner waiting to hear from the freight train as it passed through so that he could give a good estimate, and ensure that it was...
Chapter 2 The Kid The teenage clerk was looking at him with a blank stare, like someone trying to peer through a dirty window. The clerk craned his neck to look past the angry man in the grey pinstriped suit standing at the counter in front of him. The man realized the clerk was looking at something behind him and turned to see what it was. ‘What is it?’ The man barked. ‘What the hell are you looking at? And do you have my car or not?’ He demanded angrily. ‘He’s probably looking at the sign...
CAW10 ENTRY by Hardrive The memory of that special day when a boy losses his virginity to a stranger on the midnight train to manhood.” ------------------------------------------------------------- It was a stormy evening and I was standing at the door watching my wife Cindy getting into her car. She was on her way to visit her mother and as she entered the vehicle she turned and waved a final good-bye. Looking at the distant sky I noticed that the flashing lights had...
This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...
This is a story of me at that time when I was studying in class 12. My boards were over and I had a long vacation ahead of me. So I and my friends planned to go out on a week-long trip. But my family intervened and told me to go visit my grandma first, who used to live in a different town. It was actually a five-hour drive. But since my father used to be busy in those days my mom told me to take the train instead which took about two and a half hours. So here I was waiting at the train station...
Last Friday a car accident occurred on the major freeway in the direction of traffic travelling to the city. I usually drive to work in the city and park in the company's parking facilities. Due to the accident a major hold up eventuated. Traffic reports over the radio alerted motorists though to late for those motorists already caught up in the traffic jam. I had not left home at that point so on hearing the news of the accident i decided to drive to my nearest station and catch the train to...
A Journey By Train.I was late, dammit! Any other morning but this one. I ran into the station just as they were announcing the departure of the train. I scrambled through the barrier thankful that at least I already had my ticket. It was just starting to move as I managed to open the door. I flung my overnight bag on board and climbed in after it. I slammed it shut after me and then leant against the wall trying to recover my breath. Jeez, what a start to what I guessed was already destined to...
Tired beyond measure, classes and her job so tiring on her (and she was only in her third semester - so many yet ahead of her), Sarah walked slowly down the steps that led to the underground PATH station. A young woman, not yet old enough to drink alcohol, Sarah was almost waspishly thin. The semi-short black skirt she wore showed that, although thin, she was lithe; her long legs were shapely and strong, her small firm breasts pressed out against her white button-up top that was loosely tucked...
His meeting overran and so he is now on the last train back to Leeds in Yorkshire that is just leaving the station 9.30pm. There are not many passengers getting on the train so he chooses a group of 4 seats with a table, sits in the aisle seat with his back to the direction of travel, puts his bag on the window seat next to him and hopes nobody decides to join him. After a long day and with a two and half hour journey ahead, he decides to have a snooze. He leaves his tickets on the table in...
PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a six foot tall, thirty something ex football player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years.He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape.Oh, and he loves the ladies! StoryTom has been in Edinburgh for a business meeting. A nice summers day had been forecast, so he is dressed in beige chinos, brown brogues, a white open colour shirt and blue blazer. With his...
Without moving at all, we were fucking each other. Her cunt was rhythmically squeezing my cock. The vibration of the train was buzzing up through the base of my shaft into her, and every bump drove me a little deeper. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning so I didn't draw the attention of the other passengers. We were fully clothed and she was sitting on my lap, facing away from me, pretending to look at her phone. Her skirt was spread over my legs, which kept us from being too obvious, but...
ExhibitionismI was sitting in my compartment on the southbound train, heading for Los Angeles. I hadn't seen my girlfriend since she left for UCLA ten months ago. Why am I taking the train? I'm terrified of flying and I fall asleep while driving. But the expense was worth it to have my own compartment where I could stretch out to sleep. I'm six-six and the chairs in the cattle car just aren't conducive to sleeping. Also, I could shut out the k**s.We actually left Seattle on time, passing Safeco Field and...
I am a foreginer have been living in Japan for almost 4 years now and I always have the fantasies of being fingered or groped on crowded train. I think that is so sensual. I have a very small and timid structure. Height around 4”9-10 inches, weight less than 90 pound. I uses to commute at least 2 hours on train frequently to work and to go back home. I was a little worry to begin with, so I always use the “women only car” on train. But the long daily commute get really tiring and boring. Then,...
Hi to all ISS readers, myself Vineet from jalandhar, back again with n incidence , which clearly shows that how lust can seriously turn anything from negative to positive, if any of the lady feels a need of a man or want to have a cute looking man as yodream , just feel free to contact, everything will be between you and me, full privacy guaranteed.. My email id is you can also connect with me on facebook, there my name is ray sharma… First I would like to tell about myself, I m fun loving guy...
This incident happened 3 weeks ago while I was traveling from Kasaragod to Calicut in train. I wish to express this short and crisp. Recently, I have been to Kasaragod to attend a function and I was supposed to return to Cochin in afternoon train which I have already booked in advance. However, whether due to my luck or bad luck, the train was later for 3 hours and I learned this after reaching the station. Then I got another train and I took general ticket and got into sleeper compartment. By...
By : Sexmaster Few Months back I was travelling by a train with my friend along with his wife Sumathi and his only daughter Naviya to his native to attend a marriage of our friend. Sumathi is 38 years old looks like tamil actress preetha (Actress Manjula’s daughter) and her figure is 36-30-40, medium fair with charming smile, big eyes and tempting beauty, that day wearing black blouse and plain violet saree. Her daughter Naviya is just touching 18 years. But she had good boobs with 32-24-34...
We had settled the deal earlier this week. He ordered the train tickets and sent mine to me. The purpose of it all was to have some fun and for me to earn a little bit of extra money; being a student, every bit helped. We had talked online for about two months and he didn't seem to be a creep, though he was twice my age, maybe more. He’d never told me his exact age. The arrangement was that I’d get on board and he could do whatever he...
ExhibitionismI am Meeta and I am 24 years old. I got married about a year back and my husband Ashok works for a company that has a lot of work with the central government so he is posted in Delhi currently. I am a very beautiful and sexy woman who was very sexually active during the school and college days. I was the college bicycle, anyone and everyone who wanted could and did ride me. I stand at 5 feet 5 with a figure of 36D 26 38 which when clad in a saree looks very enticing. My husband Ashok`s job...
This is a four-part chapter in a chronologically and procedurally arranged series; I'd recommend that you start with Ch. 1 to get your bearings (which also happens to be one of the most popular chapters), or at least read Ch. 2, which is a very short synopsis of the rules of the universe in these stories. All parts of this chapter have been completed and submitted; expect to see one section go live each day, so stay tuned. This series deals with first-time, free-use, age difference, light...
Hi, My name is Sweta. I am a 21 year old telugu girl and I want to tell you about some of my experiences. I read many great stories on this wonderful website, and decided to write some of my own. Consider them my fantasies, or that they really happened, or that they are from someone else. I just hope you enjoy reading them. Thats all I really care about.. Before I start, let me tell you some about myself. I am an average girl. I am a bit on the fairer side and slim built. I am short girl, only...
I was late, dammit! Any other morning but this one. I ran into the station just as they were announcing the departure of the train. I scrambled through the barrier thankful that at least I already had my ticket. It was just starting to move as I managed to open the door. I flung my overnight bag on board and climbed in after it. I slammed it shut after me and then leant against the wall trying to recover my breath. Jeez, what a start to what I guessed was already destined to be a boring day.I...