Team Pink Take Out Trish and Ashley
- 2 years ago
- 34
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A school nativity play presents a problem for the boy selected to play the Virgin Mary - he can't find a bra big enough!
"Ashley, certainly not! You are not having a bigger bra, and that's final! The very idea!"
"But Mum!"
"It's the Virgin Mary you're playing, not an exotic dancer. Denise's old bra is more than big enough."
Ashley stalked upstairs and slumped gloomily on to his bed. He turned over the blue gown and picked up his big sister's old bra. Stuck into the stretched cups with sticky tape was a pair of balloons wobblingly filled with warm water and tied at the neck with string. The balloon nozzles were arranged to protrude like nipples in the appropriate places.
There was a soft knock on his door. "Ash?"
"Come in, Denise."
"What's up, kid?" She came over and sat down next to him. If she hadn't been his sister, Ashley could have lusted after Denise in the worst possible way. In fact, as she was his sister, and he did lust after her, it was the worst possible way already. Denise was, in a word, stacked. The bra she had let him borrow for the school play was this late summer's model, and when he had filled those balloons with water, they had felt quite dangerously full.
"Mum says I can't have bigger tits," he said, his head downcast. He laid the bra on the bed.
Denise had to struggle not to laugh. A year younger than her, Ashley had always been easily upset. He was really quite a pretty boy: the obvious and natural choice for the role of Mary in his boys-only school's production of the Nativity play. She suspected that peer pressure was being applied to Ashley to get him to wear bigger breasts beneath his Virgin Mary costume. She was correct, as usual. The plan was for him to be more modestly endowed throughout rehearsals, then to blossom into a gloriously-stacked Virgin on the night of the performance. Needless to say, the teaching staff had not approved this plan.
"Try it on again, Ash, let's see how you look."
"It's no good," he sighed. "The older boys want me to be bigger. Joseph says he wants me to look more like you."
"More like me? Who's playing Joseph?" Denise asked, licking her lips.
"Andy Barrett. He says you're really fit!"
Denise blushed. She felt more or less the same thing herself about the hulking senior. If the things the other girls said about him were true, she would dearly love to find out for herself at first hand. Or even both hands! "I suppose I could let you try my new bra. You know my latest one? It's two sizes bigger than that one. It's a 34G." She felt her blush getting deeper.
"The blue one... ?" Ashley stopped himself too late. "I saw it in the laundry basket," he stammered lamely.
"I only bought it yesterday! You've been peeking through my bedroom door. How much did you see?"
"Nothing. Hardly anything." The boy's face was crimson. He crossed his legs, too late by several seconds. Denise stroked the back of his hand, sorry for him despite everything. She was feeling unaccountably moist.
"I'll fetch it and we can try it on you. Don't go away!"
Ashley wasn't going anywhere. He could hardly even stand up in his present condition. As Denise slipped into her bedroom, he frantically wrestled his jeans down to his knees and tried to readjust his underwear. She was back in seconds, panting and slightly flushed.
"Golly!" she said, "I'm not the only one who's been growing round here!"
"Sis!" Ashley was trying to hide the throbbing evidence, and failing miserably.
"Let's try this thing on you," she said huskily. "No balloons yet. Turn round."
She was standing close behind him, and he could feel her warm breath on the back of his neck as she concentrated on fastening the bra's four hooks behind his back. In the dressing table mirror, he could see his sister's long nipples, spiking beneath her T-shirt, her breasts gloriously heavy and full, bra-less and trembling. Her eyes met his in the mirror, and he looked away.
Denise was all thumbs. It wasn't easy, putting a bra on someone else. She'd been wearing bras herself for four years, increasingly big ones - especially in the last few months - but this was the first time she had tried putting a bra on anyone else. It wasn't made any easier by the glimpse she'd had of Ashley's bulging shorts, which she could just see now, in the mirror. God, he was throbbing! Not up to Andy Barrett standard, but not to be sneezed at by any means.
"Have you done it yet?"
Denise started guiltily. "Done what?"
"Those hooks."
"They're tight. They have to be strong to hold up my great big breasts." She had the satisfaction of hearing a low groan escape Ashley's lips. "There, it's done." Quickly, she transferred one hand to her crotch. Even through the heavy material of her jeans, she could feel a warm dampness. She didn't dare look in case it was starting to show through. "Any more balloons? We'll just blow them up with air for now, until we know how big we can make them."
They each puffed on a balloon. Denise had a blue one, Ashley's was green. Their eyes met as the balloons inflated.
"How big do they need to be, Sis?"
"A bit more yet." She stopped blowing and held the neck of the balloon, holding it next to one of the bra cups. "They're too round, really. Breasts are sort of longer than this..."
Ashley looked at his balloon, then at Denise's well-filled T-shirt. "We'd get a better idea if..."
Denise placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "Don't you dare tell Mum about this." And she pulled the T-shirt out and up, so her breasts slid out, to wobble heavily on her chest. She was breathing heavily.
So was Ashley. "Shit, Sis! You're huge!"
"Tell me about it, Ash. Be quick and make your balloon the right size, in case she comes in and finds out what we're doing."
Spurred to action, Ashley blew three more times into his balloon, then placed it next to the real thing. "Looks good, Sis!"
"Are mine as big as that?" she gasped.
"Yeah! I said you were huge."
She was, she realised. Her bust was very nearly forty-two inches now, and she was getting bigger literally by the month. But it was only when Ashley's pale blue bra was stuffed with two well-inflated balloons that Denise saw just how big she really was, in side view and every other view. She was perilously close to flooding her pants. Surely, he could smell her arousal by now. She certainly could.
"Let's try the dress on you," she said, her voice cracking. And she dragged the blue gown off the bed and shook it out. This was part of the problem. Mary's gown was so voluminous, Ashley was lost in it. Even with his new G cup bosom, the gown tended to disguise things. Only when Denise tied the belt tight and dragged the material back across the bust did Ashley really stick out in front. And clearly, Mary the Blessed Virgin couldn't wear her gown like a 1950s starlet. "They could do with being even bigger," she said, turning him round and round and staring critically.
Ashley, crestfallen, had to agree. He stood facing his sister, then glanced sideways at his image in the mirror and hurriedly crossed his legs. There was a decidedly un-Virginal bulge at his crotch. Denise seemed not to notice. "I could perhaps get a bigger bra for you," she said slowly, stroking her chin.
"You could? But I can't wait until you grow some more. The play's in three weeks."
"Ashley!" She was delighted despite herself. "I know I'm growing really fast, but even I won't be more than another inch bigger in three weeks! No, I was thinking of someone else who's bigger than me. Much bigger!"
"Bigger than you?" Ashley's spirits were cast down again. None of your friends are anywhere near your size."
"Not my friends, no. But my friend's friend might be. It might be difficult to arrange it, though..."
"I'd be ever so grateful, Denise."
"How grateful?"
"Ever so!"
"How much?"
"I could let you have a go with my latest computer game..."
"It would be much more difficult than that. I'd have to persuade my friend's friend..."
Ashley had an idea. An Idea. "How about if Joseph came along, to see if your friend's friend was big enough?"
"Joseph? You mean..."
"Andy Barrett, yeah."
Denise lost it in that instant. As she flung her arms round her brother, she felt the spreading wetness round her whole groin. Her breasts squashed massively against her brother's balloons."
"Careful, Sis! Sis!"
"Oh, fuck it!"
"Oops!" She stepped back, crimson faced. The Virgin Mary was suddenly flat-chested.
"What are you two up to in there... ?"
"So I wondered if Heidi would be able to help?" Denise finished in a rush and waited for Alice to respond.
Alice narrowed her eyes. "What's in it for me?"
"I dunno. You could have a go with Ashley's latest game..."
Alice curled her lip. "What do you think I am? You want to borrow one of Heidi's bras for your brother to wear, full of balloons? You some sort of pervert, or what?"
Denise swallowed. "Andy Barrett will be there."
"Andy Barrett?" Alice took on a predatory look. "Why didn't you say? I'll have to have a word with her. I don't know how well she really understands English. She's pretty good, but this is a bit complicated."
Denise saw that it might be. Trying to explain to an Austrian au pair that you wanted to borrow one of her bras so that your friend's brother could wear it at Christmas for a school Nativity play was likely to prove a daunting task. "You could persuade her, Ali! Tell her she can have a go with Ashley's latest game."
"She can't understand games. She only knows about babies. But she's very good with babies."
And she had giant tits, too, thought Denise. The diminutive au pair was the only girl Denise had ever seen close up who had breasts bigger than her own. And they weren't just bigger. They were mountainous, compared to hers. The girl was freakishly large. She always wore loose clothing to try and disguise her bust, but there was no disguising such opulence. A moment of panic...
"She does wear a bra, doesn't she?"
"Not all the time," said Alice. "But she's got some. When she doesn't wear a bra, they hang right down here. She looks horrible!"
Denise's jaw had dropped open. Alice was indicating with her hands how far down Heidi's breasts descended. Surely not! Why did people always have to exaggerate?
They walked in a strained silence down the hill to Alice's parents' house. Ashley and Andy Barrett plodded along in front, not talking. They didn't really have anything to talk about. Strangely, it had taken a surprising amount of persuasion to get Andy to come along. He didn't want to get involved with a bunch of girls. Why couldn't Ashley just borrow the fucking bra and get on with it on his own?
He had finally agreed, as long as he could borrow Ashley's latest game for a whole week.
Alice and Denise walked a few yards behind. Two sets of teenage girls' eyes were glued to the taut seat of Andy Barrett's jeans. Two sets of teenage girls' insides were assailed by feelings of mounting lust. Indeed, mounting was very much to the forefront of two teenage girls' minds. They weren't talking to one another. They had become deadly rivals. Denise felt a certain advantage by virtue of her forty-two inches, displayed to the utmost in an almost bursting silk shirt. The chill December air was making her nipples stand out like wine corks.
Yet Denise had grave doubts. The slightly chunky, pear-shaped Alice was no match for her up front, and had wisely worn a loose sweater, teaming it, somewhat unaccountably, with a skirt. At least, she wasn't shivering like Denise, unless it was with wholly understandable nerves. Denise's worry was that Alice was the most sexually experienced girl in the whole school. She'd had everybody, and according to legend, she'd had most of their dads as well. Denise was apprehensive about taking on such an accomplished sexual artiste at her own game, on her own home ground. Her tits were really going to have to earn their keep this day. The thought of what lay inside the well-stuffed crotch of Andy Barrett's jeans acted as a spur to her ambitions. Once she got her hands on the prize, she would be able to work out what to do with it in her own time. She crossed her fingers and trusted her instincts.
They had arrived. This was, as people always said, the moment of truth.
"Heidi! You upstairs?"
"Ja, Miss Alice. One moment. I komm. First I put baby to sleep."
"Mum and Dad have gone out for the rest of the day," said Alice. "They won't be back until tomorrow," she added more loudly, with a significant glance at Andy. "Here she comes, the great cow..."
Heidi was making her way downstairs, coming down slightly sideways so she could see past her bust. She was tiny but not really petite. She was certainly short, but surprisingly bulky-looking in her nurse's white coat. There was a big beaming smile on her face. "Hello, Miss Denise." She transferred her attention and her eyes widened. "Hi, boys!" She greeted them in the plural, but her eyes were solely on Andy.
Denise and Alice looked alarmed.
"Now, you tell me you girlfriend haf who need to try on big bra, ja? Where is she, dis Ashley?"
"That's me..." Ashley started.
"I tellink you, if she as big as me in the busen is, she very big girl. But she is not here, no?"
"It's not a she," said Denise. "Ashley's my brother."
A frown spread over Heidi's open features. "Your brother? But he has the busen, your brother... ?"
"Not exactly. He needs to borrow it for Christmas. For a play."
"He vant to play with a brassiere for Christmas? Vot he ist, some kinda sad geek?"
"It's at our school," said Andy, speaking for the first time, slowly and distinctly, which is the only way to make foreigners understand anything. "At Noël, ve ein Nativity play haf, mit Mary und Josef und der kleine kinder Jesus lying in a manger." He pronounced it Hey-soos, which he thought sounded pretty foreign.
Heidi laughed. "Shit, you sure do talk fonny, boy! Who is English teaching you?" She sidled closer to Andy and looked him up and down. "Dis ist your brother, Miss Denise? Vere you hidink him all my life?"
"No, that's Josef ... I mean Andy," Denise explained. "That's my brother, there."
"Me," said Ashley, holding up his hand as if begging to be excused from class.
"Him?" Heidi sniffed. "Vy he want a bra?"
"It's for the Nativity play," Ashley tried to explain. "I am Mary. The Blessed Virgin."
"I am not surprised," Heidi shrugged. "So you are Josef, ja?" She edged closer to Andy until there was a soft collision. Andy made a whimpering noise and backed away.
"Ashley needs a bra to dress as Mary," said Alice, in an attempt to divert Heidi away from the hulking youth. "He puts balloons in the cups. Denise's bra is too small."
"Denise has nice breasts," Heidi admitted. "Not big, but not bad for such a young girl." Four jaws dropped open at this staggering statement.
"Do ... you ... haf... eine ... bra..." Denise checked herself. "Do you have a bra we could borrow for a few weeks, please? We will take good care of it."
Heidi advanced on her prey once more, corralling Andy further and further into the corner. The girls followed and Ashley tacked along behind. "I vish it were Andi who to wearing mein bra vos vanting. Andi a big boy." She insinuated a knee between his thighs. Her giant, squidgy breasts flattened against him. She gave a wriggle, grinning up into his panic-stricken face. "But it ain't! Still, never mind. Ashley can have mein bra, okay, dank you very much. Ja." And she grabbed the front of her nurse's jacket and literally ripped the buttons undone. Inside was a vast pair of pendulous breasts, with a cleavage right down to well below her waist. Holding it all together was a black bra with cups as big as Tesco carrier bags. "You vont it, Ashley, you come and get it!" The coat came off altogether, and Heidi was standing there in her black undies; the bra as specified and a pair of the skimpiest panties any of them had ever seen. "Komm, Ashley! Be not afraid!"
The boy took a step closer, then stopped. He looked fearfully at his sister, but she couldn't help him. She nodded and inclined her head. Ashley stepped forward and placed his hands on the fearsomely wide band of the bra. It was wider than the full width of his hand and held together with more hooks than he could ever imagine. Heidi frowned over her shoulder. "Get on with it, boy. We haven't got all day. That's better..."
The hooks came undone with little resistance, once Ashley started on them, and Heidi shrugged it off without bothering to look at him. As Ashley backed away with the bra in both hands, Heidi moved in on Andy once and for all. With both her hands she lifted one breast and offered it to him. He was mesmerised, staring at the gigantic crinkly nipple waving before him. "You don't like Heidi's busen? You vont the other one?" Andy didn't seem to want that one, either. He whimpered again. Alice and Denise decided there was still hope. Alice was now the more confident, as all the indications were that Andy wasn't a fan of big tits. She rated herself firm favourite.
Denise tended to agree with her. What kind of boy could refuse an offering like Heidi's giant tits being thrust into his face? Andy was either a fan of flat-chests or he was queer. From all reports, he wasn't that, so it had to be that he didn't like breasts. Denise found her shoulders drooping to disguise nature's endowment. It didn't seem to make much difference. A pair of G cups don't just disappear as easily as that.
Meanwhile, Heidi was approaching second base. Her arms snaked up and around Andy's neck, drawing his head down to within range. He bleated like a stricken sheep. "Komm, Andi. Kiss your Heidi. Ve mit each other love make!" And one hand detached itself from the boy's neck and plunged between his legs.
Andy squealed like a piglet.
Heidi stopped and pulled back. Her face took on an unpleasant sneer. "Ach, so!" She bent to pick up her nurse's coat. Her breasts actually bounced off the floor as she bent down. They really did! She was putting the coat on, pulling it across her swaying bosom, fastening the buttons. "I go see to baby," she snapped. "I may tell your vater you make yoke of me, Miss Alice. Ist not fonny." And off she stomped, climbing the stairs with her coat threatening to burst open at every step.
"Wow! What got into her?" Denise whispered after a door closed with considerable firmness upstairs.
"They're all a bit funny," Alice said.
"Au pairs, or Austrians?" Denise turned to Ashley who was still fingering the fantastically huge bra with disbelief. "At least, we got the bra off her. Literally off her."
"It's still warm," Ashley mumbled.
Alice wandered over to Andy, finding herself as if by accident at his side. "Well, since you got what you came for, you'll be wanting to go off and practise stuffing it with balloons, won't you, you two?"
Ashley nodded, then stared at his sister, who had gone very red. She approached Andy and looked boldly up into his eyes. "Maybe Joseph would like to come home with us and supervise things," she said.
Andy didn't offer an opinion, looking from one girl to the other helplessly. "Maybe I'd better be getting along. I've got homework..."
"There's no hurry to do your homework, Andy." Alice took his hand. "It's the weekend tomorrow. Let's have a Coke and watch one of Dad's horny videos." She tried to tow him away towards the kitchen. "Maybe we'll see you two later?"
"You mustn't keep Andy from his homework, Alice. Why don't we all go up to my place, call at Andy's on the way, and all do his homework together?"
"Sis! We need to try my bra on. We might have to buy more balloons..."
"Andy doesn't want to do homework on a Friday. He can tell the teacher the dog ate it, can't he." Alice let go of the boy's hand, after tickling the palm gently with a fingernail. "I'll go and find a video. Dad's got some real hot ones. What kind do you like? There's this one with this big black bloke delivering a package to this old blonde woman. It's so big, it's halfway down his leg..." She slunk from the room, her big hips swaying, smirking back over her shoulder.
"What was halfway down his leg? His package?" Denise eyed Andy's well-stuffed jeans.
Andy looked distinctly uncomfortable. "I'd better go..."
"We'd all better go, Sis..."
"Let's have a quick look at Alice's video first," said Denise.
"I've found it!" Alice's voice drifted in from the living room. "Hey, Andy, come and look at this!"
"Come on, Andy!" Denise beckoned to him, stuck out her rack and led the way to the living room door. The boys followed meekly, but at a distance.
Alice was on the couch, her legs wide apart. The TV was turned on and playing a sleaze-ridden tune, but Alice had her eyes tight shut. "Come on, Andy!" she murmured, squirming her bottom. She was obviously somewhat aroused. "I'm keeping my eyes shut so it will be a surprise. A big surprise!" She lifted her skirt and plunged a hand into the shadows. So that's why she was wearing a skirt. And apparently nothing underneath.
Andy started to retreat again, but Denise gripped his arm. At the same time, an expression came over her face, a devilish expression familiar to Ashley. "Ash," she muttered fiercely, jerking her head in Alice's direction. "Go on!" She pulled Andy closer to the doorway, as if to allow him to see the TV screen.
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Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. Dirty Doctor, Naughty Ashley. Hello, The characters name is Ashley. She is 18years old. Description: Dark blonde hair, long Big breasts, 36D Tall, long legs Round ass, smackable A bald tight cunt Lovely pink sensitive nipples with perfect sized areolas ~~ Chapter 1 I am a horny girl, Always had many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral. Both giving and receiving. I was popular in my school for my slut image and...
Hello, The character’s name is Ashley. She is 18years old. Description: Dark blonde hair, long Big breasts, 36D Tall, long legs Round ass, smackable A bald tight cunt Lovely pink sensitive nipples with perfect sized areolas ~~ Chapter 1 I am a horny girl; Always had many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral. Both giving and receiving. I was popular in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends. I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my last year. The...
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Introduction: This is such a beautiful girl that any man would do anything to fuck her.. Seducing The Beautiful Ashley This story is purely fictional and although its a fantasy I would love for it to come through. I am married with no kids but my wife and I have a large family with lots of kids and young teenagers.I am someone who is a hard worker and I am very careful when it comes to getting my groove on outside of my marriage which I only did once in 15 years of marriage.My wife is a very...
I was sitting on the bench in the park just watching people. Trying to decide what I was going to do about my girlfriend. You see we had this really big fight and now she won’t talk to me. Oh, where are my manners. My name is Sindie. I am a five foot ten inch tall woman. I have short dark brown hair and I am told that I have a body to die for. I guess in order for you to understand my situation I should go back to before the fight. *********** ‘God where are my damn heels?’ I asked to the...
Ashley lived in a mobile home that belonged to her grandmother. Granny lived somewhere else of course which gave Ashley the freedom to pursue one of her favorite past times, sex, sex, and more sex. As she and I came to be friends I would hang out at her place and noticed that a number of the neighborhood teens would drop by from time to time to visit her. Then one evening after a few too many drinks things took a different turn. Two young men came over to hang out for a while. She...
The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...
This story is purely fictional and although its a fantasy I would love for it to come through. I am married with no kids but my wife and I have a large family with lots of kids and young teenagers.I am someone who is a hard worker and I am very careful when it comes to getting my groove on outside of my marriage which I only did once in 15 years of marriage.My wife is a very down to earth woman and is open to my needs.On a few occassions while we would have our usual drinks on a late...
Once upon a time there was a boy named Alex, he is 15, 150 pounds, and 61. his penis is 7 1/2 long and 1 1/2 thick. But Sadly he is still a virgin. Why or How he si still a Virgin is because he is Bi. But he has always had one friend but his side through thick and thin, his best friend Ashley who is also a Virgin even though she is one of the Hottest girls in there entire school. She is Also Bi. The other reason they are both Virgins is because they belive in reserving Sex for marriage. But...
HEADS UP: IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO GET HOT AND BOTHERED BY THIS STORY, THIS IS PROBABLY NOT FOR YOU. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A LAUGH, WELCOME FRIEND!It was a cool fall night, football season for the local school had started. Most of the games were boring because... 1. the local school was typically 5x bigger than the school they were playing 2. While winning is fun, you gotta lose to appreciate the wins. We always won so I would get bored at the games, knowing the results would be predictableSo, I...
Ashley Robinson had been my best friend since kindergarten when her family had moved into the house next door. During the almost ten years we did everything together, for example, this morning we decided to go fishing. Living in a small beach town in Florida has its perks, we were far enough from Daytona that we didn’t get all the tourists but close enough that we still had the same white sandy beaches. This morning we had the beach mostly to ourselves. We joked around and laughed as the warm...
So I moved to a new house with my f****y when I was about 6-7 years old. My parents and my s****r and I. Me and my s*s made friends with all the k**s on the block, oh yeah and my s****r was two years younger than me. Well, anyways, our best friends on this neighborhood was two k**s down the street, a b*****r and s****r named Zach and Ashley. Ashley was my s****r’s age, two years younger than me, and Zach was even younger, and he was kind of annoying. So me and my s*s always hung out with...
For Jeni...It was an exciting prospect. Having only spoken to Ashley in groups before, to be asked for a drink after classes one day, as far as you were aware by yourself, was intriguing. Much as you had gazed at - and lusted after! - Ashley for some months, the right moment had not presented itself to make a move, and this invitation from her was potentially a lifesaver. You were glad that you had chosen your clothes wisely this morning - some mornings it was hard to do more than the basics,...
She was half my age and made it pretty obvious that she would fuck me anytime and anywhere but I was married and scared.Ashley had been a customer of mine since she was eighteen and was always a wild child. She stood five foot six with blonde hair and curves that would make any woman envious. Her physical attributes were just the beginning as she was intelligent and had common sense too.From our first meeting I wanted her, but was happily married and was older than her father. She was always...
CheatingUntil I met Ashley, I never considered myself bi-curious. But now, well you have to meet Ashley to understand. I met her in a chat room, and as chats would go everyone was aware of the fact that she was a lesbian, who happened to be into a D/s lifestyle. She was tough as nails and did not mess around and made it very clear she was only interested in women, particularly rubenesque women. I checked out her profile and was I in for a gorgeous creature of a woman, standing 5 feet 8 inches tall,...
LesbianSummer semester, finally! And for once I wasn't taking any classes and had the summer free!! Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 20 and a college student. I'm slender, sandy blond hair and I have to say nicely tanned. I'm pretty happy with my body. Young pert 20 year old breasts and a flat stomach, who could ask for more?I'm pretty happy about going home for the summer for a couple reasons. One, my best friend Jessie and two my Dad. I should probably explain that I'm bisexual....
its summer i had just got out of school and was loving it because i hated school but i was still on a early schedual and stuff i got up i morning around 7 and took a shower and ate breakfast then i got a call and it was my best friend she was a girl and her name is ashley she said her mom and dad are going out of town and wanted to no if she could come over till about 5 o clock and i said sure but were gonna have to be kinda quite cuz my mom is sleeping so she got to my house at about 8 30 and...
In my algebra class, there were many . However, one particular beauty I always had my eyes on. Her name was Ashley, and she was a freshman. She was average height with long, light brown hair. Her face was so perfect it is difficult to describe. It was mature and beautiful, and it wasn't the look of those slutty, cute girls who slept with anyone. She was pretty alright, more than I could have ever imagined from a freshman. Her long eyelashes seemed to beckon to me. She was only 16, but her body...
First TimeAfter being married for just over ten years, I had noticed that over time, my marriage had started declining. I knew that it was partially my fault, but I'd gotten increaseingly frustrated at the fact my wife simply didn't have interest in sex. For awhile I thought she was cheating. I pursued that angle, and discovered there was nothing there. She'd just stated to me over time she'd gotten "older", and it "didn't get her worked up like it once had", and so on and so forth. So for the...
Taboo**This is my first story so feedback would be nice please. ** Some Information About the Characters: Juan- I was in 9th grade and I was 15 at the time. I was 5' 6" and had brown hair. My eyes were brown. I had a nice tan because I was part Hispanic. I wasn't build but I wasn't fat either. I was pretty much an average teenager. My penis was about 7 inches. Ashley Mathias- She was my English teacher. I don't know how long she had been teaching, but I knew she was probably in her...
I went downstairs to see Ashley. She was my 'sitter' for the weekend. The notion that I needed a babysitter was ridiculous, since I had just turned 18 two months ago. I didn't think my parents hired Ashley to babysit for me. They probably did it to make sure that I stayed out of trouble while they were gone for the weekend. Whatever the reason, I sure as hell didn't resent them for it. Ashley was a knockout. She was 22 years old, had a beautiful tanned body, shoulder length brown hair, and...
This story is about my niece Jehna and one of her friends Ashley they are both 18 it came about when I was visiting my sisterr while I was looking for work and I had to stay with my sister as I lived in GA and she lived in FL. My sister had just moved into a 1 bedroom apt and it was fine with me on the sofa and the arrangement was working until her daughter Jehna who just turned 18 5’7 about 120lbs and nice 36c breasts broke up with her boyfriend and needed a place to stay so she also moved in...
IncestMy three morning classes were quiet. The teachers seemed a bit distracted, and the students just wanted to whisper about the President's announcement. Most students were speculating on the special show to be on television in two weeks. No one seemed to have a clear idea of what to expect. I stayed silent as the others continued to gossip. It was not due to a lack of interest in the possibilities. My issue was that I wanted to have facts rather than rumor, and other than Jessica, there was...
CHAPTER 1 Bo Short (Bo being short for Bob which was short for Robert) went into the bar. He’d been told to meet Charlie and Eddie Hooker there because a well-paying job was on offer. The brother’s Sergeant at Arms, a beefy guy called Herb, frisked Bo and the guy said through broken teeth, ‘Go to them. They’re behind me.’ The bar was half-full of guys who looked like crims and all the women looked like sluts, as women tend to do when they slouch in bars or show their panties sitting on...
The Corseting of Ashley By Ashley Another True Memoir Exploits, Humiliations, and Embarrassing Moments of Ashley It was a beautiful, sunny day in the nation's capital. For a road warrior, which is what we road weary types like to call ourselves, this was the beginning of a glorious mini- vacation. One of the benefits of flying very frequently is the chance, on occasion, to fly the significant other to where you are instead of making the usual trip home. Waking up in the...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
There was one other guy in the class, Clarence Bodecker, going to Fort Bragg, assigned to the 321st Field Artillery, and thankfully, he didn’t have a car. I dug him up and made a deal, I would rent the cargo van and carry both our gear, if he would drive my car. He didn’t have all that much crap, but he had no way to get it there, and I needed to move and drive a car. This way Marilyn wouldn’t have to fly out and do the cross-country trip again. We were to report in on Monday, December 5 th,...
Amazing how some things happen so overwhelmingly fast yet you can’t really forget a second of that brief moment, to this day, I haven’t had a thought that can override that of the first time me and my cousin Ash (Ashley) got to know just how much fun can two cousins have on a stormy Florida day. Well, it all started one morning of autumn, it was a Sunday, I recall; My cousin’s Teri, Ash and Alec were to visit us and stay until dinner time; Ash was sprung 18, same as me, and we...
100% fiction! In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, 18 years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, we were the only two in the...
Cheating WifesDisclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...
SRU: Reforming the Brat by Daphne Xu Credit: The song "Nuttin' for Christmas" was by Sid Tepper and Roy Bennett. ****************************** James MacBeth sighed as he made his way through the mall, returning to work. He'd been called to school yet again, along with his wife Suzy from home. His nine-year-old son Jeff had committed yet another prank. This time, Jeff had apparently crafted a contraption and slipped it onto his fourth-grade teacher. The...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...
Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...
Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...
Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...
We both slept all night in one another's arms and made the connections I never dreamed of in my life. After sleeping for several hours, I slowly opened up my eyes. 'Holy shit, Bradly and I fucked each other like ten times last night,' I thought, before peeking at him. "And you're still fast asleep," I whispered, rubbing his neck. I licked my lips and stared at him for a moment in silence. I surely didn't want to wake him up just yet, and I wanted to enjoy the moment. 'I know what this...
IncestBecoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...
"Hey, Bradly?" I asked out, cracking open the bathroom door. "Yes, sis?" I heard him reply. "I just got out of the shower, and I forgot a towel. I'm drenched wet and naked here." "Okay, Jenna, I'll get you a towel," I heard him tell me, before I heard some footsteps. A few seconds later, I saw him carrying a towel, but with his other hand up to block me. "Thank you, Bradly," I said, taking it and before I wrapped it around myself. "I love you, and I know I'm your sister, but you...
IncestBecoming Brandee Chapter Five: "Oh my God, Oh my God." As we drove back to Richard's condo we both were so excited that the hypnosis actually worked. Richard would ask me about things and words that I once knew of but I found that it was either hard for me to remember them or that I no longer even knew what they meant. For a second I thought that I should be concerned about it but on other levels I felt relieved instead. This change in mental status as well as other retraining...
Her body lay on the floor coated with body fluids, littered with numerous condoms, welts, and open wounds. Standing over her I listened to the music of her raspy shallow breathing, pain-filled groans, and the wet slapping sound her left hand made as it jerked involuntarily in a puddle of filth. Ashley's long brown hair now sticky, slimy, and knotted was pasted against her neck, face, scalp, and the floor. The horrible stench only added to the beauty of this scene, but could not be recorded...
Another in the series of tales about magic books. Simon becomes Simone, a pawn in the power struggles of a witches' coven. MRS. BRAITHWAITE II ? by: Geneva When I was fourteen, my mother died and I was left an orphan. Well, perhaps that wasn't really true, but my father had disappeared soon after his brief liaison with my mother, barely taking long enough to impregnate her. I had no idea whether he was still alive, and I never cared much about it anyway. I lived with my mother...