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"Snippety, snip!"

Aurora was playing around down there again. After we'd made love she'd often lie there with her head on my thigh and "play doctor" as she called it. She usually set a frantically passionate pace once we got going, climbing all over me and urging me to thrust everywhere into her, and when finally we'd both gotten sated, bitten, scratched, and covered with each other's juices, when finally I was exhausted, she'd be pleased but somehow restless. We'd been seeing each other about six weeks, five of them mostly in bed. No way had we used each other up. I felt closer to her than ever, and I'd begun to live for each evening when she'd come over from wherever she lived. My work fell to one side, and my friends never saw me. Much of the time we wouldn't even bother to eat the romantic little dinner I'd prepare or we'd phone for.

We played wonderful games. Langoruous courtesan, with Aurora leaning back in satin as if amused, while I coaxed from her the sexual favors she half-denied, half-yielded. Slave prince, me tied to the wall and defiant while she was the Amazon princess who used me. Once bitch in heat, me sniffing her privates before a glorious lunging fast fuck, jabbing my withers at her as quickly as I could. Then one week we played all these roles again, and the others too, only in reverse. I was the bitch in heat. She was the imperious captive. For my role as a courtesan I wore satin and stayed home from work all day to get my hair and make-up just right, and she wooed me with a diamond necklace that made me feel genuinely lovely as she clasped it around my neck, the two of us looking in a mirror. After a swooning session that left me breathless, my unladylike cock finally limp inside her, she said, "Oh, you should have been a girl," and I smiled and kissed the tip of her strap-on dildo in reply. She also wished I could be a bitch in heat more often. Only when we played stallion did she show impatience, while I was mounting her. I'm not that large. But mostly I give satisfaction.

Then she had a game of her own she liked to play with her fingers, clipping everything extraneous off the world. Waiting for me to come back to life a third time, even a miraculous fourth, her own playfulness undiminished, she'd wave her arms in the air all around me, like some Circe casting a spell, and waggle two fingers together like scissor blades, and mock-cut things up. Hair from her head, or from my crotch. Her bra, crumpled into the bedsheets under her sweet rear end. One of her nipples, still jutting nobly out of their pink aureoles on the tips of those gorgeous breasts. My penis.


When I objected to that even in play, she smiled and moved down to my balls, sprawled exhausted in their limp sack, waiting to recover. She lifted them with one hand and clipped the sack between her two fingers just below where the penis attaches, as if she were cutting excess material from an apron or house dress in process. "Snippety!" she said.

I let it pass.

"You don't mind my snipping these, now, do you," she said, experimentally hefting both balls in her palm before letting them back down on the bed.

"Well, yes," I said. I decided not to say anything more.

"But why?" she asked, I couldn't tell whether impatiently or teasingly. "You don't need them. You don't mean to have more kids, do you?"

She knew I didn't. My ex had been awarded both, and the grief I'd caused and felt for them all through the divorce and since was enough for several lifetimes.

"And I certainly don't want kids. Whether we keep seeing each other or not. So why do you need them? They're in the way when you jog or play tennis or do anything healthy, bouncing and jouncing. When you're my captive maiden in my dungeon, they ruin the view. And anyone can put you into agony by punching them."

She swung her fist in a short uppercut from between my legs, and I flinched before she arrested her swing and held her hand up, palm out. "See?" she said. "Never touched them, and look at you. Big strong mans."

She meditated. "I don't have any and I get on just fine."

"Aurora," I said. "That's what makes the juice that made us so happy a few minutes ago, when I was reaching and reaching for it and finally you brought it all spurting out of me. Into you, and you seemed glad to have it, the way you arched your back and cried out over and over."

"No, those things don't," she said. "Not that juice. Not your testicles. Where'd you get your sex education? That joy juice is from your prostate, down deep just behind this limp thing here, your penis. From that smooth little lump I tickle sometimes, when my finger's deep in your ass, and then you cum like a jackrabbit."

"That's some stunt," I said with feeling, remembering. "Where'd you learn that?

"In sex education. In the ninth grade."

"They taught finger fucking?"

"It was a liberal school," she said. Her mouth mused a little, and she glanced sideways at me for a moment, then went on. "Both sexes got the same sex lectures at the same time. A doctor explained our physiologies. He told the boys how doctors reach into assholes to feel the prostate to see it's OK, especially when a boy gets to be an old man. It sounded neat. So I took three boys outside and dared them to let me try it on them. Then once I got them going, they all three came all over themselves. That was fun!"

"You were something!" I said, admiringly.

"I'm not now?" she asked. She knew the answer and went on. "Then they asked me to do it again, and I played hard to get. They said they'd do anything I wanted if I'd do it to them again. So I did, a few more times that day. Then each day for a few weeks. It was lots of fun, better than Girl Scouts for sure! But I ran out of things to order them to do, and it got boring. I told them no, no more, and they pleaded a while, but you already know pleading doesn't work at all with me. Not at all."

She paused. "A year later one of them told me they were still doing it to each other. I bet they still are."

"What'd you order them to do?" I asked. I felt stirred, somehow.

"Oh, stuff," she said. Her lips were close to the head of my penis, and I wondered if she was going to take it into her mouth. That beautiful mouth, with those red, curling, curving lips. "Told them to walk around naked, and kneel in front of me first whenever we were starting a session, and ask me nicely. Like I asked you to kneel earlier tonight, and you were so sweet and did it. You know. One I made wear one of my brassieres and panties all day under his clothes. He became my dedicated girl-boy. I put him in dresses when we went for sodas and things. He was so afraid he'd meet someone he knew! I made the other two boys try to tickle his prostate gland with their cocks, but both cocks were too short, so I had to finish him off with my finger usually. They'd push their pricks into his ass, but nothing ever happened except they'd cum in him and make him messy."

"The day I told them all I wouldn't play any more, I figured I'd cure my girl-boy of being afraid, as a going away present. I told him maybe I'd change my mind if he did everything I told him with no hesitation. Then I got him up in my nicest party dress, his hair done up with a ribbon, and a little lipstick, and all. He really was pretty! I kissed him, and I said, 'That's my girl' to encourage him. Then I walked him all over the neighborhood, the schoolyard, everywhere, and made sure everyone did see him and recognize him. He was mortified at first when the first girls we saw teased him, and the guys all told him to meet them behind the school for a little 'you know what.'"

"Oh my, look how you're swelling up. You really do like girly games too, don't you. Anyhow, after a while there was no more reason to feel afraid. Everyone knew. The rest of that year everyone teased him that he was a fairy girl and a pantywaist, and everything, and he finally learned to say, 'So what?' By then he liked wearing panties, and dresses, and all the rest. When the three of them took up diddling each other, he usually dressed up and played me, I heard."

"You really were something!" I said admiringly. By now I could feel her moist, warm breath on my cock, those lips not an inch away from it. "What else did you do?"

"Not much else. Couldn't think of much else, at the time. Stretched out their assholes, of course. Not with a dildo or a butt plug, the way I do you. Couldn't afford things like that then, not on my allowance. But I figured, what my finger could do, a broom handle could do better, and then a baseball bat could do better still. And they sure could. Though I had to be careful to grease them, and not to push them in too far, and to wash them off especially after. Yuck!"

My prick was definitely on the mend, and I began to caress her nipples with both hands. She settled in to enjoy it with a snug little grunt of contentment. "There was an accident," she said a little dreamily. "But not too bad. I tied off their balls, the two that weren't my girl-boy, and got a leash and a whip, and tied the leash to the loop around their balls, and started to teach them circus tricks. Crack the whip, and tug on the leash, and up they'd go, climbing ladders or a tree in my back yard, or sitting on each other's shoulders. My girl-boy sitting and watching in his pretty dress would applaud us."

"So what was the accident?"

"One day they were both in a tree being monkeys, and one of them dropped the other on the other side of a branch, and when he fell he hung by his balls for a while, until the other boy could cut him loose. Scream? A neighbor called an ambulance. But no real harm done -- he was back in school inside of a week. When he got back he told me his balls were too damaged to keep, so they'd taken them out and put in little soft plastic ones instead 'so he wouldn't be disfigured' they told him, and when he grew up they said they'd give him big plastic ones. 'Disfigured?' I ask you, whose crotch looks better, yours with all that clutter hanging off it, or mine, swept to a simple V-shaped mound and neat as a pin?"

She glanced up and saw a little gleam of lust in my eye, and then she looked back down at my cock again. "Right," she said. "No contest! Anyhow, they gave this kid shots later on, so he'd grow hair on his chest and all, and be a man, same as if he still had balls. Couldn't have kids, of course, but what's so bad about that? Couldn't knock anyone else up either and then run off. He didn't care for girls after that anyhow. And the other boys taunted him, called him a eunuch when they learned the word. But as my girl-boy learned to say, 'So what?' They hung out a lot together afterward, my three little boys. They were my first.

"So that's how I know about shots. If you already have hair on your face, and you don't want kids, you don't need these gumballs."

She clutched them in her hand, and squeezed, till they hurt a little. I tried not to let on. She took an experimental lick on the tip of my penis, and then another, and squeezed a little harder, and looked satisfied for some reason. "Well, maybe they're good for one thing, though shots are still better. A little bit of testicle juice, you're a little bit horny. A lot and you're a lot horny, if you're the right kind, though too much from your balls make can make you nasty, really aggressive, you know? Angry, and you don't live as long. Shots work out better. Of course your own can conflict with the shots, and then your balls can atrophy or get cancer, and then you lose them anyhow. "

"How's this little fella doing?" My prick had gotten plump, not yet stiff. Suddenly she took the whole of it into her mouth, rolled her eyes up to meet mine mischievously, and started sucking on it. In two minutes I was hard again, and in five more minutes she'd sucked me to a monumental orgasm, my prick pulsing and pumping in her mouth until there was no more juice left for her to swallow, and then pulsing a few more times anyhow.

Then she wanted to slither up my body and have me thrust my penis into her yet again. No way.

"Aurora, I've come four times in the past couple of hours, once just a few minutes ago. That's already twice my world record for assisted comes.

"I told you," she said. She waved her arms around, making that scissor gesture again. "Shots are better. You want to see a doctor I know. She'll fix you so we can go from morning to night, and then all night if you want to really shoot up. Maybe an implant. Just talk to her about it, OK?"

I agreed to talk. She licked me up and down for a while, concentrating on the head of my penis and on my nipples, until I felt a peculiar desiring in my groin, which was still soft. The desiring starting to build, like an orgasm, but without my penis responding it seemed to have no place to go. She could feel a delicious tension rising in me finally to stretch out my whole body, I'm sure, because she said, "Oh, yes! You're the one!"

Then suddenly without another word she got up, got dressed, and was gone. It was barely midnight. An early evening.

For a few days I didn't hear from her, and I began to worry she'd quit with me. I hadn't performed for her. I realized I had no phone number to call to ask for another chance. She'd always called, and she'd always come over, or we'd met someplace. I didn't even know where she lived! Then Saturday morning the phone rang. "I'll be there in twenty minutes," Aurora said without preliminaries. "Be ready. We have an appointment with my doc in forty minutes. She was just able to fit you in. I'll honk and you come out." And she hung up.

What had I agreed to do with her doctor? To talk about hormone supplements to could keep my pecker up indefinitely. Induced satyriasis? I pictured myself going to work crouching down and trying to hide an all-day boner, and grinned. Well, a permanent hard-on would solve my problem with Aurora for sure, I thought. Just what the doctor ordered. And if our relationship didn't work out, no harm done. I threw on sweat pants and a sweat shirt as if I were going jogging, and when her little Toyota honked I came out in a trot and hopped in. Only when we were under way did I realize I'd taken no wallet, no money, not even house keys.

Her doctor practiced in a clinical building just outside of town, apparently with other physicians with no other Saturday patients, as far as I could tell, because an "MD" license plate was the only other car in the lot.

"Now, you're sure you want this?" she asked me, leaning back in her chair after Aurora introduced us. "Sign this release please."

I glanced at Aurora. She shrugged slightly, her head a bit askew, as if to say, "Humor her, she'd odd but she's worth it." Doctors these days won't give you the time of day if they don't feel protected against litigation. So I signed the paper on the edge of her desk and then started in.

"First of all, I'd like to know what's involved."

She looked annoyed and her eyes flicked off her wristwatch. "Medial resection and then hormone augmentation, maybe by implant. A simple procedure. The effects can be rather long-term, however," she said drily. "I'll ask again, are you sure it's worth it to you?"

"Aurora's quite a woman," I replied, smiling at Aurora. She beamed back at me reassuringly. "She's worth quite a lot. She's special. I want to satisfy her."

"She surely is special," the doctor replied. "And so will you be. Well, I have a busy afternoon at the hospital, so if you're ready I'll explain as we proceed," the doctor said. "There's a small OR here, sufficient for these kinds of in-house procedures. Usually people go directly home afterward, but I understand Aurora wants you to spend the night here. That's acceptable. Aurora, if you'll wait here for now. We shouldn't be long."

This time I grinned inwardly. An implant to give me indefinite hard-ons. I could live with that. And if Aurora wanted to take immediate advantage of it, that's OK too. We walked into a small brilliantly lit room, and as ordered I removed my pants, lay down on her examination table, and as asked put my feet into the stirrups. I'd heard women comment on how open and vulnerable they felt during gynecological examinations with their feet bound to those metal extensions high off the table, their private parts utterly exposed, and now I understood. Then with swift efficiency the doctor strapped down my hands and started an IV.

"First something to help you relax while I'm working," she said, injecting something into the tubes leading to my veins. Almost immediately I felt warm, confortable, reassured about everything. Then the doctor went between my legs to do something I couldn't see.

"Is it an implant you'll use?" I asked. "Injections? How does it work? It stays hard all the time?"

"Ordinary injection of a local anesthetic. I'm already injecting the site, and I see already you can't feel it. Oh, you mean hormonal implants? In your case I think time-release shots to keep you going for a month at a time. And does it stay hard? No, it gets easier with practice. I do lots of these for women who request them, those with brutal husbands, or men who wander into other women's arms. It lets them know who's boss. For Aurora it's been to assure performance, until now. Injected hormones aren't as stressful to the body, and she likes it with lots of juice. Not many agree to this. I don't know where she finds you people. Of course those earlier this year were gay I hear."

I was adrift nearly asleep on a sea of good feeling, bobbing up and down, and had no idea what she was saying. The doctor was busy between my legs.

"There," she said. "That's one of them. Now merely tie off the main blood supply and cauterize the small blood vessels."

Was she installing a dildo in my cock? Half-dozing, I was amused by the idea of changing the batteries. A vibrating cock? I'd finish up a real fucking machine. A six million dollar man, easily worth that much to any woman who couldn't get enough. Feeling all mellowed out.

"There," she said. "That's the other. Done. Now I'll finish the suturing and pack the wound. Then tomorrow we'll start your replacement hormones."

I must have nodded off. "Want to see?" I suddenly heard her say. She pulled a stainless steel pan out from between my legs and showed me. In the pan floating in a clear liquid were two yellowish, pink eggs, like two hen's eggs, with blebs of flesh of some kind attached, and a few small veins on the surface, a large vein of some kind running across one side.

I looked again.

Then I looked again. There was nothing else they could be!

I looked down! My vision was blocked by the sheet -- I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel anything. There was nothing to feel. What was she doing? What had she done? I felt rising horror! An awful fear rose up in my stomach and flushed though my body! I came suddenly fully awake.

"Nooooooooohhh!" Someone in agony. A terrible wail echoed in the tiny room.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," the doctor said. "This is very tidy work down here. You have no basis whatever for complaint!"

Aurora! What had she done? The doctor continued down there, and I could neither see or feel! But I knew! There was nothing there! Not any more! Nothing!7E Was my penis... ?

As if answering the question, the doctor said, "I'm taping your penis to one side, to keep it out of the way until the wound heals. There's a catheter in it now, so you won't need to pee. I'll remove it tomorrow before we discharge you." She looked up and smiled. "I mean remove the catheter, of course! My but your pulse jumped when I said that! No, this is only an orchiectomy."

There was nothing for it. My brain refused to register any more shock or fear. The tranquillizers held me firmly in their grip. I tried to think about it. Nothing to think about any more. Oh, my God! I blacked out.

When I came to, there was Aurora sitting in a chair in a small hospital room of sorts, looking at me with some concern, but mostly prepared to be pleasant and cheering. She was wearing a business suit, and looked as if she'd stopped off on her way somewhere else. Previously I'd only seen her wearing a shirt and jeans, and then usually for not long.

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The Race Part 1

The Race, Part One Note: This is a multi-part story and this part is mainly setting the scene for what is to come so there is not going to be much domination or sexual activity in this one. Story: "Will you relax already," John told Kristen. Kristen tried to stop her leg from tapping. "Excuse me for being a bit nervous. It's not like I do this everyday," Kristen told him. "What is it to be nervous about. You've seen me drive. Relax," he told her while putting a hand on...

2 years ago
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Carnal Connection Pt 03

SO FAR: Divorcee and short-term prostitute Jilli Drummond has endeavored to escape from her sordid past and on the coast meets a young man Joe Wright who has taken a month off to recover from the aftermath of his divorce. Joe takes the former hotel restaurant manager home. ‘Home’ is a 26,000 cattle ranch in South Dakota. Thus begins a cultural shock including some exciting times and now it’s time to introduce Jilli to local society. Chapter 5 Hostess Mae Zimmerman met Joe and Jilli at the...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 4

“Incoming transmission from Surveillance Team Alpha,” the wall secretary said in its mechanical voice. “Thank you, Charles,” Blacker told the machine. “Open a line.” I’ve got to reset that thing with a female personality one of these days... “Line open,” Charles, the wall secretary said. “This is Chief Blacker.” “Uh, Sir,” the voice on the other end of the line said. The loud whir of a rotor-powered flyer nearly drowned his voice. ‘That would be the personnel flier I issued to enhance...

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The first time is not always planned

I posted this story in another smaller group, thought that I should share it here as well. It is a true story. I had talked about her playing with another guy a long time before this happened, but she always said no, never, and got angry so I dropped the idea. A few nights ago I was in the chat room with wetman and PolysexMinOH. The conversation got around to first time sharing. We were all agreeing that it takes a lot of planning when I mentioned that the first time with my present wife...

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Rays Sister The Conclusion

Valerie dropped me back off at the theatre and gave me one last kiss before she drove off. What had started out as a trip to the movie theatre for a double feature of horror movies turned into something better; I had just lost my cherry to my buddies sister. I had missed the first feature and the second one was halfway over so there was no point in going in and I didn't want to get home too early so I instead peddled to a local burger joint and treated myself. As I sat outside on one of the...

First Time
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Became My ExBoyfriend8217s Slut 8211 Part 2

Hello there, Rida, here. Please read the previous part to get the link to this story. Now carrying further. Due to drugs, Hardik was quite wild in the bed. He fucked me like an animal, and I had lost count as to how many times I had an orgasm last night. We slept naked. I was sleeping on him the whole night. He woke up in the morning and pushed me over, and that woke me up. He got up and started wearing his shorts. I went and hugged him, but he pushed me again. I was naked. I jumped on him...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 22 Responding to Revelations

When Ashley led me from the television room that night, I think I finally realized that my thoughts about just how crazy things might become had been wrong. Just the rumor of and few released reports about the Sa'arm invasion had been enough to get four hundred women into that room based on a very faint promise of protection. They had submitted to a televised humiliation on little more than a rumor and trust in the government. I was determined not to let the show upset me too much, but that...

4 years ago
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My Boss And I Part3

The major deal Ifeoma and I struck with the national phone service provider put her in line for a promotion. The northeast regional director was retiring, and Ifeoma was the front-runner to take his place. I was rooting for her to get the position and continue her ascent, but secretly I was somewhat disheartened that I might not be working with her directly anymore. The regional director, while still assigned to the same building I was, would be reporting directly to corporate and would mostly...

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A Second Chance inc

A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...

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The Swinger Confessions Corrupting Shirley Temple The Epilogue

“Oh, my God! Angie, you are not as innocent as you seem.” My Shirley girl smiled as me and Rob’s cum juices shone lusciously on her face. I wanted to lick it, my desire to taste that pleasurable nectar on her skin was deeply rooted. I motioned for her to join me on the car, pulled her face to mine and proceeded to lick her smooth caramel skin. “Oh fuck, Coco! You have to know what you do to me, don’t you?” “No.” “You do…” My head shook in the negative, as my tongue snaked from my mouth and...

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Bonding Between Siblings 8211 Part 3

Hi, my name is Sanket. Today, I am writing the next installment of a fictional story about the incestuous relationship between a brother and sister. Before we begin, I would like to thank my audience for appreciating the first two installments. Those who have not read it, please read the first and second parts first. Now, continuing the story where we left it. Pratik sat in his room half nude wondering what he should do when sleep took over him. Pratik woke up half an hour later and was...

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A Charming ChoiceChapter 6

Maddie 4 Maddie was scheduled to return to the Center the next day. She arose on time and went downstairs to breakfast. Breakfast at the Parton's was a free-for-all where everyone helped themselves to whatever they could find. Maddie fixed a bowl of cereal, while her mom and sister ate yogurt with fruit. Her father entered the kitchen whistling. He looked sharp in his crisp dress shirt and tie, and smelled of aftershave. He filled his travel mug with coffee and grabbed a muffin wrapped in...

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A Man For Valentines

The snow crunched under the tires of her jeep, prompting Elizabeth to switch over to 4-wheel drive. The deep snow was twinkling in the faint glow of the streetlights, catching the light and throwing it in all directions. Christmas lights were long gone from this country road but the crystal snow kept it looking warm and cheerful. Sometimes she had regretted moving out of the city, especially during her daily commute when the weather turned nasty, but days like this reminded her why she did it....

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My First Experience Episode 8211 1

So hello everyone! Myself Akhil from Bangalore. Excited from reading the numerous stories and varieties here, I have decided why not share my own experience. And before I begin for any feedback do contact me So as a boy I used to be so quiet, ignoring almost everyone and stay at home all alone. Concentrating on my hobbies and stuff. As the years passed and the days of sexual feelings touched me I was so embarrassed that almost regretted not being so social with others. That is when I...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 4

"Do I have permission to enter?' she asked with a smile. I could see a little sparkle in her eyes. I immediately got up from my chair and turned toward the woman who had recently beaten me in a race. "You are a hard person to catch," I said, as I flashed one of my, (so I'm told), infectious smiles. She laughed at my comment and with a chuckle said, "I live on the island across the bridge. I like to take my run on the beach in the morning. I have been doing it for quite some time....

2 years ago
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Im Straight I dont Blow Dudes Gay

It all started on what seemed like an ordinary Friday night. I had been hanging out with my friends Ralph and Dave over at Dave's house. We had been drinking some beers, just relaxing. Ralph is a good friend of mine. I have known him for years and he has always been a great guy and a reliable friend. Dave, I did not know as well. He always struck me as a pretty arrogant guy, to the point where I sometimes found him to be annoying.Ralph had just left after getting a call from his girlfriend. I...

1 year ago
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Today, for some reason, I started thinking about the lunch we had last summer at Cityview Tavern, the one up on a hill with a porch that overlooks the city. It was easy to lose myself in the sunny memories of that warm day. It's really a gorgeous summer, and I'm wearing my green sun dress, with shoulder straps, a full skirt. We go out on the back porch, and the sun is very bright. You leave your sunglasses on, as usual. Its sort of late for lunch, on a tues, so no one else is on the porch with...

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Ubering Another Couple

I saw them whispering about something and then the boyfriend leaned up to the driver’s seat and said, so what do you think of my gf Well, I didn’t lie I told him “she’s fucking hot… you’re a damn lucky man” He said, “well she thinks your cute too and she wants to fuck you” Well, shit, I almost ran into the back of the truck in front of me. I said “what?” He said, I want you to fuck my gf while I watch, is there some place secluded we can go where no one will bother us” I said, “yeah, I...

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My Tattoo

Every couple of months a group of us at work go out for a few drinks to unwind. There are three women and four guys that kind of hang around together. Sometimes our spouses join us, but last week we were all solo. Let me start off by telling you that I am an uncontrollable flirt, and I sometimes enjoy flashing a little skin in the process. So, were sitting at a large booth at this bar and having a good time. We started talking about tattoos and I casually mentioned that Dave and I talked about...

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Big brothers best friend

I mean, yeah why would he be at my door when my brother left an hour ago? But something was different tonight. There was an energy between us, that hadn't been there before. He said "Hey" and smiled at me, but differently than usual. I'd known him for years, but for the first time he wasn't looking at me like I was Kevin's little sister. Of course, if I had known he would come back, I probably would be dressed differently. Once him and Kevin left the house, I went and changed. Little...

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Beckys after school surprise

"Oh god!" I yelped fearfully as Dr. Roberts pulled my white cotton panties down to my knees.He had me bent over his desk with my little plaid skirt hiked up, so that my bare white ass was now fully visable. I tried to stand up, but he put a hand on my back, holding me down against the desk."No!" I cried, "Please!" as his other hand reached up, and started rubbing my virginal little pussy."What are you doing to me?" I wept, tears streaming down my face.He suddenly let go of me, and opened his...

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Girls Weekend

I hoped the girls days at the beach would be memorable, and that it was. Beach bar and grill, awesome music, sea breeze and plenty of liquor for everyone and I had a dinner date! We’d talked about the sex we were going to have on the beach and I had been anticipating it all week. The girls all knew it and teased me unmercifully. I was way past ready for some rough action. He was suppose to be there by 7, so by 9 o’clock I knew he wasn’t coming. I sat there getting madder and madder about him...

1 year ago
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Fun With Roommate8217s Girlfriend

It was a hot summer afternoon and I was feeling very horny in the office. I had got an opportunity to get a peek at the cleavage of Akhila, one of my co-worker, earlier that day and my dick was in no mood to settle since then. After unsuccessfully trying to divert my mind to work I came to the conclusion that it was not possible and needed some action. I tried messaging the sluts that I normally fucked but everyone refused to say that they were in office. Feeling helpless but horny I thought...

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Ever see a BBC Before Gay

When I was 18 I got in trouble, got caught and was put in detention. I was held in the Bay Area of Northern California. After being processed and sent to a holding cell, I was given a set of clothes, a towel and told to shower. After undressing, a guard gave me a plastic bag for my street clothes and said, "C’mon boy, follow me, time for your shower." We walked down a hall with doors on both sides. Passing a guard station with wire windows I used the towel to cover my cock since everyone inside...

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Sharing My Room With Sis 7 Secrets

Mom was already gone to work for the day. As I went to the bathroom I realized I was again a free man. On Saturday I had become Abby's slave for the day after loosing a childish bet and a childish argument. Abby had not only made me do a school project for her, but had made me walk around naked all day except for a bowtie. She had teased dick with soft touches and kisses, and when she found me jerking myself, she made me show her porn while she masturbated. Finally, she had me give her a...

1 year ago
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Opening mouth The Bet part1

Jeff and I have been friends since high school. You could not find two guys who are more different than we are. Jeff is 5’9”, 250 pounds, pudgy, bearded, quiet, a big fan of pornography, but with little dating or sexual experience. I on the other hand am 5’11”, 170 pounds, with spiked blonde hair, a motor mouth, with little interest in porn but big interests in dating and sex. For the past ten years, Jeff has been content to listen to all of my stories about the numerous female conquests I’ve...

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Wendy does community service

Wendy had been searching for something to fill her spare time and had volunteered to help a charity renovating homes in disadvantaged areas. The people she met at first were mainly organisers for various tradesmen that would be need to complete the projects and she shadowed a lady called Linda for her first couple of projects with Linda being the one to hand over the houses to their new occupants at first. As summer was in full swing Linda had planned to go away for a week or two which...

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Group Therapy

Group Therapy By: philosopher1112 Revised and Updated (Thank you all for your comments. I've been puttering away at this story for such a long time, and now I have a fairly large update. I hope it is at least adequate.) Chapter 1, in which I am introduced to the other members of the group. Slipping into the comfortably dim room, I took a seat and tried to put aside my long-standing suspicion that psychiatrists were the modern equivalent of witch doctors. Even if the name of my...

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My Funhaus Summer Internship Breeding Elyse Willem

So starts another busy day at the Funhaus office in Los Angeles - although it turned out to be no average day at all.I’m on a summer internship as a video editor for the YouTube channel. As well as editing the videos the channel makes, I’m also in charge of helping post stuff onto the channel’s social media accounts.The stuff that gets the most views and likes on the socials are pictures of Elyse Willems. So I’m sitting on the couch sorting through spreadsheets and files, just away from the...

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The Rolls and the Pipe Ch 05

Welcome to Chapter Five! Before I go on, please remember that is an adult orientated site, so if you’re not 18 or older, vamoose. I got inspiration to write this chapter while reading a story by ‘impressive’. While Impressive’s writing style isn’t my favorite, this individual writes fairly well. I suggest that you go read! I have been realizing that my writing style is a bit heavy, and I apologize for that – I’m trying to do better! * * * * * Kaiser’s Perspective As Paige stepped...

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Meeting a Deaf Submissive

For what must be the twentieth time I looked at my watch and glance up at the arrival board... still about 15 minutes to go. Once again I pulled the ASL book from my hip pocket and practice some of the signs I have learned in order to surprise her. Foot traffic was heavy in the Nashville terminal and the boarding area was crowded with people waiting to board or waiting as I waited for those arriving on the same flight. My mouth was dry. Knowing I had a few minutes, I headed down the concourse...

4 years ago
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I Cant Get It Up During My Wifes Threesome

For the last couple of months my wife had been bringing up the subject of having a threesome. What she really wanted was to 'feel like a woman' and have sex while giving another man oral sex. She didn't want to have sex with another man, necessarily, but she did want to give a blow job while I had sex with her from behind. I was bothered at first by it, but it was fairly tame. She wouldn't be having sex with him, just giving him oral while I gave her a nice orgasm from behind. Eventually I gave...

Wife Lovers
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Tales of Mrs Abbott Girl Next Door Part One

Serena"Thank you, Serena." A firm, smack on my ass is followed by my bed dipping as Gary awkwardly crawls his way off the side. Oh, yippee. I grimace because he can't see my face, it still being smushed into one of my deep feather pillows, and all. I push myself up and manage a small giggle that my mother would recognize as false. "No, thank you, Your Honor." I flash a wide, innocent smile, and then barely catch the corner of my bottom lip between my teeth for ultimate effect. I know how to...

Straight Sex
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I'd been staying at Graeme's house on and off for as long as I could remember. We met when we were about seven, and we'd gone through hell together on numerous occasions. We treated each others homes as though they belonged to both of us, and both my parents and his were happy with it that way. We only lived four houses apart, and as we were going through our early teen years, we would crash wherever we found ourselves at the end of the evening. If we were messing with model boats, we'd be...

4 years ago
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Erotic City In the hive of the Queen

Harmony struggled to keep up with the long legged women, who had captured her. Afraid that she’d lose her balance and be trampled to death, she kept her eyes forward, but her mind was on Byron. Were they as rough with him? Where were they taking them? So many questions were floating around in her head, all without answers. They weaved in and out of various side streets that sparkled in the artificial light, until stopping at a set of diamond steps that led to the very castle that had originally...

2 years ago
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Tender Trap

Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...

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A perfect morning

She woke up with a tongue up her ass, I did not give her any choice, my cousin was shocked, but she did not scream, I was licking her ass slowly and she started to push my head away but it only gave me more energy and passion, I was kissing the hole, licking around it, and starting my way in, she said please no! Another magic word, I have just put my tongue in with even a bigger resolution!There was no fighting this! We were alone, her parents had left for shopping, screaming was futile, her...

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