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(copyright held by the author, February 2003)

The only reason I'd hesitated at taking the apartment - on a beautiful block in east Midtown Manhattan, walking distance to my office, and below-market rent - was that it was not on the top floor, because, after all, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. In the end, I was seduced by the wood-burning fireplace, set in a beautiful, gray marble mantel. I decided I'd take a chance.

I have been fortunate with most of the tenants who rented the apartment above mine. With only two exceptions, they have been very quiet and considerate. And only one was really noisy and inconsiderate, but after I explained to him how cranky I get when I am excessively disturbed, he decided he'd rather live elsewhere than abandon playing Really Bad Disco loud enough to drown out jet engines or the screams of a man who has just had his liver ripped out and displayed to him.

But in six years, much to my disappointment, the only young (i.e., younger than me) women who'd lived in the building were invariably living with someone of the male persuasion. Not that I was neglected, mind you; I had a couple of close friends - and one in particular - of long standing, not to mention strong survival instincts (necessary in this age of killer STDs). If only for aesthetic reasons and the pleasures of the occasional harmless flirtation, however, I really wanted to know why, in the heart of a city that may have more beautiful, available women per square yard than any other in the world, none of them were in my building.

Then Chloe moved in.

Someone was walking around in the vacant apartment upstairs. That was what had awakened me. Over the course of showering, feeding the cat, drinking coffee and checking the news online, I heard heavy footfalls up and down the stairs and occasional muttered grunts of effort. It was a May Friday, around nine in the morning, and glorious sunshine beamed down. As I reached the vestibule doors - both wedged open with books (a good sign) - two large and very good-looking young men were just entering, lugging a steamer trunk.

"Good morning," I said, and stepped back and out of their way. "Just moving in, eh?"

"Not us," replied one, a blond.

"No, just helping a friend who has the heaviest collection of junk on the planet," added the other, a crewcut redhead. Between the two of them, they looked like an ad for the Aryan Nation.

Outside, in a Stanza - with Kansas plates, for crying out loud - was presumably the friend who had the heaviest collection of junk on the planet. At the moment, said friend was kneeling doubled over on the backseat, rummaging among miscellaneous shopping bags and, not incidentally, flexing, through a pair of pale green tights, a pair of buttocks that could have polished a dime.

"Hi! I'm your downstairs neighbor, Michael."

She backed out of the car and stood, turning to me. "I'm Chloe." She smiled. She had a great, soft smile. She was tall, maybe 5-foot-7, had frizzy dark-brown hair pulled back with a band, big brown eyes, an honest nose and slightly overwide lips. But did I mention her smile? Oh. Since she was clad in a baggy sweatsuit, I couldn't even guess at her figure, but that smile was - well, great.

"You don't by any chance have any pets, do you?"

She shook her head. "I thought pets weren't allowed in the building - "

"It's not a problem unless someone complains," I said. "I have a cat."

She raised her eyebrows and looked plainly pensive. "That's... nice."

I chuckled. "It's not a conversational ploy or obsession. Nobody else in the building has pets; I was hoping you might, so we could work a trade."

"I don't understand."

"Take turns looking in on each other's pets. I'm going out of town for a week."

"Oh!" She brightened. "I really wouldn't mind - "

The two guys came out of the vestibule. "Chloe, for someone who had so much stuff to move, that apartment looks pretty bare."

"It's OK; furniture is supposed to start being delivered this afternoon." She turned back to me. "I really wouldn't mind - "

"Naaahhh, that's okay; it's got to be an even trade. I'll get someone in my office to look in on Arnold. I work about five blocks from here." I gave her my card. "Don't hesitate to ask for help or information. Even just to use the phone. Welcome, Kansas."

She blushed and hit me with that smile again.

As matters worked out, I didn't see Chloe again until almost a month later, on a drizzling Monday. We were leaving the building simultaneously. She was, I learned, in her residency at a nearby teaching hospital. Ahhh - that explained why I occasionally found a doctor's greens in the basement laundry room.

"How did you decide to get into advertising?" She asked, as we crossed Lexington Avenue.

"Necessity of food. Some years ago, I learned that it was not a good sign to have your published novels sell fewer copies than your collected poems. So I made the rounds and eventually got a job. You've already adopted some New York traits."

She wrinkled her nose at me and unleashed that five-megawatt smile. She was wearing a light raincoat over loose jeans and a loose blouse. "Such as?"

"Identifying people by their work. At least you didn't ask me my sign." I smiled to let her know it was a joke.

"Oh; you're a Gemini."

I blinked. She had me.

She laughed softly. "Sorry; I couldn't resist. It's adapt or perish."

"No - it's adapt and thrive."

She gave me an odd look. "I like that," she said.

She had to go south on Park, I continued west, and that was that.

It was the Fourth of July in New York City. Which meant I - along with Gina - was jockeying for a good perch from which to see the fabled fireworks display over the East River. (Which is not really a river; it's an estuary - but, I digress.)

Fortunately, Gina had an acquaintance, a "person" (Gina-ese: someone for whom she had the hots) named Karen, a putative artist, who had a studio at the tip of Greenpoint, which is the neighborhood that occupies the northern triangle of Brooklyn bounded by the East River, the Newtown Creek and the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Greenpoint is a great neighborhood to be from, as in "having left." I speak from experience, here. It took its name from the description of Dutch sailors in the 1600s, who referred to a "green point" of land interrupting the flow of the river. (I mean "estuary." But, I digress.)

So we took the No.7 train (Anyone remember John Rocker? Never mind.) to Long Island City (known as "Lie City" in the Point), and then we walked across the Pulaski Bridge (named for Kasimir Pulaski, the scion of a noble Polish family, who was so swollen with the ideas of Robespierre and Marat that when he learned the colonists in the New World were fighting to establish a land of equality for all [white male property owners] - a radical idea at the time - he sailed to North America and offered his expertise. As the scion of nobility, he'd grown up the way a mascot would grow up in West Point, and he taught the bumbling but undeniably brave and committed hayseeds of the Continental Army how to function as an army, which was a terrible shock to the mercenaries hired by England to quash said bumbling hayseeds... but, I digress) to the Point, since Karen's studio was actually closer on foot that way than taking the G [formerly the GG] to the Greenpoint Avenue station. (Which is yet another digression.)

So we got to Karen's building, and we searched for the entrance - this happens in Greenpoint; don't ask - and in the process we met and cross-introduced ourselves to William and his friend, Christine.

I was struck immediately by two things about William: He was about my age but not carrying the years as well (which I say with no modesty whatsoever), and he was a dweeb. Worse: an overbearing dweeb, but I'll get to that.

Christine struck me a different way. She was wearing faded, baggy denim and an old giveaway ballcap, and she was the most beautiful woman I had every seen face to face.

(Elaboration: I wrote ad copy for a New York City agency that specializes in the fashion industry. I have had occasions to meet some of the most beautiful women in the world who get into the public eye. Christine made all but a few of them look shabby - and the few exceptions didn't come close to Christine.)

Gina summarized it superbly:

"She is the perfect Nordic blonde."

And she was. Maybe eight inches shorter than me, her hair was almost - not quite - platinum. Her complexion was almost but not quite translucent yet glowed with good health. Her eyes were the color of blue ice. And her lips, under the lipstick, were lush, pale and small - in fact, her mouth was small. I guessed she was somewhere between 22 and 26 years old, because there was maturity in her face, yet she still had that wonderful, barely contained vitality that in most people seems to fade out by the 30th birthday. She was wearing jeans that had to have been tailored, because her legs were a bit long for her height. Ahhhh! A flaw! She had a lightweight, matching denim jacket that was unbuttoned over a navy blue tee-shirt. The tee-shirt was tucked into the waist of the jeans and was beautifully filled by breasts so firm that she had to have been wearing a bra, even though no lines showed.

She was so beautiful; I was intimidated. Yes, me, who traded bad puns with Iman (before she got the boob job and a spouse) and got a peck on the cheek from Tyra Banks (who regarded me as a nice-guy-uncle-type, to my extreme displeasure) when she learned it was my 40th birthday. And I won't go into the whole incident with Frederique's broken strap or Claudia laughing herself right out of her dress at the sight of my screen-saver.

As we watched the rockets' red glare over the East (non-)River of what had been a Tory, Loyalist town during the Revolution, it occasionally occurred to me to wonder why Christine was with the dweeb.

But, then I would catch sight of Gina's butt in her jeans - by the light of a bomb bursting in midair - and I would immediately remember: Beautiful women who accept how beautiful they are seldom let go in bed; Gina did. William was probably satisfied just having Christine on his arm, like some gorgeous trinket. Looking at Gina's round, ripe, denim-clad backside really focused priorities for me. There were some things I would rather have on an extremity than Christine on my arm.

After the (truly majestic) fireworks display had ended, one of the other guests gave Gina and me a ride back to Midtown, within a few blocks of my place. We walked, arms around each others' waists, back to my building, climbed the stairs to the third floor and oozed inside with the ease and comfort of people who have been lovers and felt no pressure to perform. We quickly changed into the slouch clothes we preferred when hanging out in my place - old jeans and a Mets tee-shirt (from the days before the appropriately named Third Strike, which was when I joined about 20 million other people and completely gave up on Major League Greedball - but, I digress), and Gina in a long, faded, yellow Road Runner™ sweatshirt and panties (black). It was while changing in my bedroom that Gina made the observation about Christine.

Gina: "What was she doing with that dweeb?"

Me: "He's a painter. Model?"

Gina: "At least."

Me: "Meaning?"

Gina: "Did she give you a hard on?"

Me: "No."

Gina: "That's because you're old."

Me: "Un-uh. I found her intimidating."

Gina (clad only in panties, nipples outstanding): "You?" (Skeptical.)

Me: "You betcha. She's so... beautiful..."

Gina: "She is the perfect Nordic blonde." (Slipping her Road Runner™ sweatshirt over her head, pulling it down to but not covering her hips.) "If I was a guy, she would have given me a hard on."

Me: "Instead you - ?"

Gina: "A wet on, I guess. I hope your tongue is feeling energetic tonight. Want a nightcap?"

I followed her into the living room of my apartment. "If you'll join me."

She rolled her eyes - Gina was very good at this - and pouted. "Michael, you know what happens if I have as much as a half-ounce of alcohol." Gina, like a significant number of people who are of Asian descent, simply couldn't handle alcohol. At best, she would become terribly nauseated; but she could also break out in dreadful hives and have even more serious allergic reactions. All of which made her absolutely nuts when I had an interesting wine, which she could sniff but not taste.

"It was meant as a joke. Ha." Pause. "Ha. Did she really turn you on that much?"

She rolled her eyes again. "Are you totally numb? Michael, she was one of the most beautiful and sexiest women I have ever seen in my life." Gina's nipples were quite hard - sufficiently erect under the heavy material of her Road Runner™ sweatshirt to be visible across the living room.

I couldn't resist. "Don't you wish she was here now?"

"Yeah, just the two of us. Alone, by the fire..."

I ambled closer.

She turned to the liquor cabinet. "Knob Creek?"

"Please. Just the two of you?"

She shrugged, then began putting ice in the glass and poured a drink for me. For some reason, she enjoyed doing this. "What do you care? She intimidated you."

I slipped my arms around her, then slid my hands up under her Road Runner™ sweatshirt and cupped her breasts in my palms. I really liked Gina's breasts; I really, really, liked them; especially when her nipples were hard. (And they were.) Gina stood almost 5-foot-9, and while her bust measured 34 inches, she had a waist measuring just 22 inches, Getting the picture? Gina was into fitness (which was how we met, at a gym - not a "health club"; I digress). But Gina's nipples - !

What can I say? I was mesmerized by them. When Regina Chow was aroused, her nipples swelled out and out and out - almost a full inch, I guessed, thought I never dared presume to suggest measuring. She loved to have those wondrous nipples played with. And I delighted in playing with them. Holding them, rubbing them, very carefully flicking my fingertips across them - she called it "twinking" them - sucking them and licking them and even nibbling them.

At that moment, her nipples were fully swollen - I think "turgid" is the word - and I was savoring the feel of them between my thumbs and forefingers.

"I can feel your chauvinism showing itself," she said softly, wriggling her black-panty-clad butt against my stiffening chauvinism. I nibbled the side of her neck, then slowly licked the little hollow under her ear. "But you're not going to make me stop fantasizing about the beautiful blonde." Then she ground her backside against my fully stiffened chauvinism.

It had been her perfect ass - tiny, especially for a woman as tall as she - in her leotard that had first caught my attention at the gym, followed by her lithe, grace in the ring (Yes, Gina boxed), and then her buzz cut when the helmet came off intrigued me. Her forthright intelligence had cemented my interest. But, the first time I saw her nipples stiffening - within a sweatshirt - I was totally taken with her. Having the aforementioned nipples in my grasp with the above-cited posterior against me would make even a 40-plus ad copywriter get a chauvinism-er of surpassing rigidity, i.e., I had a boner a kitten couldn't scratch.

So, being in the bedroom already and both of us turned on - albeit, for different reasons - what ensued was somewhat predictable. Within five minutes, I was making the most of lips, tongue and (gently) teeth on her spectacular nipples, and five minutes later, my face was between her legs, each hand cupping a taut Gina-cheek and my tongue and lips busily at work on her (very lightly) furred pussy, happily slobbering in her rather copious lubricants. We're talking snorkeling, here.

Gina came only about 60 times in the next 20 minutes, but I can't credit that solely to my skill: Gina was a very orgasmic woman to begin with, and on that occasion she was unabashedly fantasizing about having the "perfect Nordic blonde" between her legs (managing to ignore my beard - but, I digress). I, on the other hand, had not cum, and nothing turns me on more than a woman cumming, preferably with me. So what had begun as an adamantine steel erection was rapidly adding a critical mass in my testicles as an accessory. (Translation: My nuts were overfull. Duh.)

She finally pushed my face away and gasped "That was so good!" She groaned. "Ouch! I think I may have pulled something."

I crawled up next to her and pulled her into my arms, my chauvinism (stiffly) nestling between the aforementioned perfect cheeks. "Sorry," I muttered. I mean, what else can you say at a time like that in response to a statement like that? "So, what did you think of the O.J. civil-trial verdict vis-a-vis the criminal acquittal?" No; I don't think so.

She reached back over her shoulder and caressed the back of my head. "Don't be. I came so good and hard and long, it was worth it." She cranked her face around -

Did I mention Gina's face? She wore no makeup - well, damned little - but with her cheekbones and... Let's just say she had a wonderful face, full of character and strength and too much of both to be "cute," "pretty" or "lovely"; her face was beautiful. And when I eventually learned the experiences she had overcome that had given her so much character and strength, not to mention a preference for women as sex-play partners, it became a face I could easily have fallen in love with. Maybe I did, a little bit - but, I digress.

- and we kissed, gently, on the lips, not much tongue but just, well, "sweetly" comes to mind.

"I really need you inside me," she breathed when we broke the kiss. "You know how I am when I cum so much like that."

Happy happy, joy joy. I nuzzled the tip of my chauvinism up to her pussy. We wriggled and writhed, slipping it slowly into her. ("Slowly" because after Gina came a lot, she was greatly tightened, and I, though not overly long, am a tad thick in that department.)

"Perfect," she wheezed when I was all the way in. I had reluctantly relinquished the grip of one hand (left) on one breast (left) with accompanying nipple and slipped it down to toy with her swollen labia (lips) and clitoris (love nubbin, et cetera).

We began to undulate, like a twinned serpent, slowly and appreciatively: her, of the way I filled her, and me, of the way she had clamped onto my penis and begun pulling on it with her athletic pussy.

"I'm, uh, not gonna last long," I warned. (Panted, really.)

"Will - UH - you take - UH - care of - UH - my needs?"


"Let go."

Her wish, et cetera. Hearing those words was the last thing my self-control needed. I let go. And then some. I came hard in her. I kissed the back of her neck as the spasms ended and waited till my wilting chauvinism slid out of her, then kissed my way down her back, between her buttocks and used my hands on her slender hips to urge her to turn over. Still panting slightly, she did, swinging one long leg over my head and shoulders till I was back between her lanky and tremulous thighs, my lips and tongue confronted with her swollen and still-hungry cunt. Not to mention, my fresh sperm. I didn't mind - haven't since I was 30 (but, I digress). I chowed down, so to speak. But, I knew what she really craved.

I slipped one hand from beneath her butt to her cunt, wriggling a finger inside, then - quickly - a second. And then, in about a minute, a third.

"Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!"

My pinky slid inside with a bit o' twisting.

"All! More!"

Many people have the idea that all women of Asian descent have tiny, tight pussies. I knew - and know - better. Even slender Gina could have a capacious cunt (

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"Okay, ladies. I'm taking A2. You can figure out where you all sit." Malia, Saralinda, and Moira all looked at each other and at the three boarding passes I was holding out to them, and they all looked like they wished I'd be a dictator and tell them each where they should sit. I had a bet going with myself that Moira would take the initiative and either claim A1, or decide she wanted to sit across the aisle with Saralinda in A3 and A4. I was wrong. Malia suddenly looked at Saralinda...

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Reshma Ki Chudai Train Mai

There are places where u find sex to be enjoyable but I found it where u can least expect. My name is r.k.(nickname) and am from Himachal Pradesh. I was born in una. I had to go to Deelhi to meet my friend’s grandparents. The journey from Una to Delhi usually lasts for 1 night . I got into the train at 8:30 pm and took my place, which was the middle berth. I looked around here and there to settle off with my luggage and to see if there are any sweet chicks around. I saw each one of them but...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 19

Thursday, June 24, 2010 Jake felt Leanne nudge his arm. He looked around. They were in the parking lot of the brothel. “Have I told you lately that you are my favorite woman in the whole world?” “Jake, you’ve just brought me to a whorehouse. Why are you sweet-talking me?” “I know this is a stretch for you, but you never fail to impress me with your strength and character. I love you for doing this.” “Don’t make me cry on the way into your whorehouse.” “I’d like you to help me...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I'd just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

Group Sex
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CHAPTER 7After King pulled his knot out of my pussy, I stood brazenly in front of our guests with my legs apart, my pussy gaping open, and cum running. Jake took me in arms, kissing me passionately, his hands stroking over my bare back and ass. He turned me around, pulling me into his dressed body, one hand cupping my left breast, and his other sliding up and down my stomach.“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Lara, my newly committed submissive.” They stood as one and clapped. Several of...

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Adventures of Kyle David Chris pt 2

One day we were hanging out in the handball courts by ourselves and we were talking. We were talking about sex and he told me about a time his cousin, a boy cousin, made him do some things with him. Well, David was about 11 and he was still living in Poland when it all happened. His cousin one day said that if David would suck his dick he'd suck Davids, and they did it. But to make sure David did it, his cousin would beat him. They did this more than once. His cousin made David stand in...

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PenthouseGold Brynn Tyler Office Sex Fantasy Cum True

Naughty secretary Brynn Tyler has been teasing boss Danny Mountain with views of her all-natural tits and pantiless pussy since she was hired, and in today’s racy premium Penthouse porn video the blonde nympho finally makes his taboo office sex fantasies cum true. The blonde temptress gets up on the stud’s desk and lays back to give him full access to her cleanly shaved pussy which he hungrily devours. After an amazing blowjob, watch them fuck until her juicy titties are spattered...

1 year ago
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Some Work in the Garage

This is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...

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Sams YearChapter 20 Kununurra 4

Sam and Tessa were served bush fruits, mangos and witchety grubs for lunch. They each took a bottle of water and their torches from the Land Rover – which Potoroo had called a ute. Then Tom led them down a path to the east and south. “Before the whitefellas made the lake,” he said as they walked, “The land was full of giants. They lived east into what’s now the Territory. They did something wrong and the spirits turned them to stone. Where we’re going you can see their heads where it looks...

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Wife serves more than coffee to friends in my wood

It was usually me that brought up sharing with my wife, but occasionally she would offer. She was shy about it, whispering to me even when we were alone. It wasn't on my mind one evening as I puttered in my wood shop on a nude statue I was working on. I had two regular friends, and a younger friend of theirs visiting. Checking on us she could hear we were talking about boobs. She pulled me out side and ask if I'd like it if she served coffee to the guys topless. We hadn't done anything kinky...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 24

Even after the wait for the heat to come up, the shower left me with s slight chill. I was still naked when I walked to one of my few purchases. I had bought one of those old fashioned full mirrors with legs when I first moved into the cabin. I removed the towel and put it on a nearby chair. I took a good look at my body. "Not too bad for an old slut," I said, with a smile. My boobs never were big, so they didn't shrink much when I lost weight. They did begin to sag even more. The sag...

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Miranda the Visit

Of course I was expecting the doorbell to ring, after all I knew she was coming and I'd even heard the car pull into the drive, but it made me jump anyway. I suppose I must have been day dreaming again; whether I like to admit it or not, old wistful memories of the good times kind-a creep up on me unexpectedly, and sometimes, nostalgia for what once was, can be a real pain in the arse as well. I really had wanted to play it cool, as if her visit was nothing special. Because to me, it wasn't,...

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Senji Raja Kotaiyil Vibachaariyai Oothen

Ithai antha mallu udan vanthu iruntha aan ketathum ini enal mele vara mudiyaathu endru solinaan. Appozhuthu antha mallu innum konja thuram thaane vaa endru azhaithaal, aanal antha 40 vayathu aan ennal kandipaaga vara mudiyaathu endru soli vitan. Athanaal mallu sari naan intha thambigaludan mele sendru varugiren endru solinaal. Ithai naan keathum en manathirkul oru sugamaana unarvu ear patathu, athanaal naan malluvai paarthu vanga aunty naan ungalai batharamaaga mele azhaithu sendru keezhe...

4 years ago
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House of Dark PleasureChapter 6

Mrs. Wynton had been explaining Doris's duties to her; now they were sitting in the small office where Doris would do most of her work, when Mabel Williams tapped at the door then entered. "Would you like your coffee in here, Ma'am?" she asked in a subdued voice. "Yes," said Mildred, then asked, "would you like a coffee, too?" Doris nodded, glanced at her watch. It was eleven o'clock on her second day--and first morning at Romily Manor. Doctor Marston wanted to see her that...

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Pete and I are friends that did a lot of partying in our younger years. Living in a rural area cantering to tourism gives way to a lot of areas for entertainment.Pete and I would go about 30 miles out of town to an area where there were good fishing lakes where there were little resorts and bars around the lake. One sure place was Smity’s where Smity have a bar and some cabins for tourists.Just about every night, we would go and drink beer and entertain ourselves with the locals and...

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Oh My FatherInLaw

Banging My Hot Neighbor AnuI never knew this would happen. I never thought so. OMG…. My name is Pranitha and I am basically from Bangalore. My parents are from Delhi but I am totally brought up in Bangalore as we are settled here for dads job. I am a modern girl with positive mentality towards everything. After finishing my PG, when I was 24, I got a marriage proposal from Chennai through my Dad’s friend. I liked the proposal and the marriage was over in 4 months. I wanted a love marriage but i...

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08 TogetherChapter 98

Flashback – Masha – Another day with Tina After having a terrible day with Tina, then slapping Brenda because of the insult she delivered to Louise, I had reached my limit for the day so I sat on the floor and began to cry. Gwen (who had come in the room and asked if my problems with Brenda were over) and Louise began to comfort me. Louise asked, “Auntie Masha what’s wrong?” I sputtered, “I ... I ... I failed. Tina defeated me today.” Louise replied, “Auntie Masha you didn’t fail, Tina is...

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Neighbour Granny Seduced me

Hi readers, i am posting the incident happened to me long back.My family was went to attend one function in a city which is 750kms away from my house.My mom requested the neighbour to take care of me. as they will back to home after 3 days only. I was left in house due to studies.Let i explain about my neighbour. They are 4 people in my opposite house.Beautiful structured aunt aged 22 with boobs of 34D. Her husband (Lucky man) works in software industry. Her 2 yrs old cute boy (vicky)and her...

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ThisGirlSucks Natalie Porkman One In A Million

Gorgeous Natalie Porkman is only eighteen years old, but she can already please a cock with the best of them. The adorable babe sports a bob cut as she bobs her head up and down on our stud’s big meat. You can tell she’s the type of chick who’s infatuated with dick, and she demonstrates that with her voracious cocksucking abilities. The cute teen dives all the way down to the root of our stud’s member, covering every inch in her shiny spit in the process. She even gives the lucky guy a slobbery...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 14

As Kelly stumbled into the restaurant, Ed examined her, hardly believing what his eyes were telling him. Her hair was wild and she acted like she was drunk. Looking at her, it appeared that she was in a state of shock and unaware of her surroundings. She even walked past the table where he was sitting before standing next to a chair at the counter. Martha immediately greeted her, “Hello, Kelly.” It took Kelly a moment to remember that she had been at her wedding and several more moments to...

2 years ago
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Manpreet Aur Meri Kismat Chudai Part 8211 1

Hi aunties, bhabhies and and all the sexy fans of my hot stories on iss, this is sunny from kashmir once again with a new story. Sab se pehle mai unsab fans se maafi maangna chahta hu ke mai aapki sabhi mails ka reply nahi ker paata hu, kuch fans especially jo reh jaate hain mai iss bar koshish keruga ke aap sab ko mail ker saku. Keep mailing me. This is one more incident happended to me few months back, when I was in chandigarh for a company meeting, there were many girls in the meeting cuse...

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The Slut Diaries

Chapter 1 On all fours, shorts and panties laid discarded on the floor with her tank top, her heavy, 42dd breasts hanging loose over the cups of her bra... Her ass was pushed upwards, legs spread as an eager tongue lapped at her hairless engorged cunt. She barked and whimpered encouragingly for the canine that was feasting on her. The young woman's skin was flushed with excitement and a bit of shame. Finally she shifted her balance to one hand, pinching each of her nipples roughly...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Busty Czech Chick Loves Anal

Sofia Lee is a hot brunette babe with brown eyes and wonderful natural tits. That big ass of hers looks so inviting and it’s impossible to resist this curvy goddess. She’s here today to take a bath and enjoys herself in the bathtub when her hubby Cristian enters the bathroom and reveals his massive boner to her. Sofia Lee sees his hard dick and starts sucking that rod to lube it up for her warm wet pie. The two start making out and soon his fat cock disappears inside her shaved...

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A prayer might be answered

The contract work on a drill-ship was too lucrative to pass up. Arrangements for my k**s was hard to setup. With so many Kristen needed help 7*24 and quality care is very hard to find. Pretty dull work but heavy skill and it paid off. Informed all computer connections are monitored. So I stayed away from this site. Got back Saturday and I've been hugging my babies ever since. No cock for a month. All work and no play makes Andie a bad girl. And Kristen is the best. She has basically...

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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 12

Paris France RATMMAS LEANS TO THE SIDE MOVING only his torso letting Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi fall harmlessly past. His massive right hand in the form of a fist crashes down behind Errios’ skull knocking her to the ground. ‘Is that all you got little one?’ he asks mocking her. Errios pushing up from the ground and wipes blood from her mouth with her free hand. Oh you’re gonna pay for that one mother fucker. She spins around throwing her sword evenly at the horseman’s feet. He jumps easily...

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Winning Streak

Another day of watching TV at home, flipping through channels of nothing but news, sitcoms and shitty reality shows. However, when the next channel comes up, it's playing a new show. "What would you do for a shot at a half a million dollars?" A tall, skinny man with brown hair and a shirt bearing the logo for the show appears on camera, holding a microphone. He's standing in a city park by himself. "My name is Kent Davis, and today, we're gonna watch as one lucky hopeful is gonna bare it all...

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Attention Seeking Whore I am an

Attention Seeking Whore (I am an …) Part 1 Thank you, dear reader, I am so pleased you decided to visit shy, unworthy me. I really don’t deserve your consideration because you are far too notable, eminent and important, but I will do my utmost to entertain salacious, sensual you. I will stretch my limbs and open my malleable mind, I will tease and titillate, simper and smile, flutter my eyelashes and run my tongue seductively across my sharp white teeth, I will mould myself into your perfect...

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CUC Airport

Columbia United Commercial is a bustling mid-sized airport that serves about 20 million travellers per year. A popular stop on flights coming to and from Seattle, Las Vegas, and Vancouver, it features a variety of amenities and a modern interior. It is, by all accounts, a normal airport... ...Well, maybe not by all accounts. Reports of families becoming seperated are sky-high at CUC, and some male travellers (mostly middle-aged men and a few particularly-scrawny teenagers) have reported...

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ADVENTURE IN MASSAICHAPTER THREEThere I was, held down on a stone altar, stretched and open like a walnut. My eyes that were eyes rolled back in my head started to come into focus. The warriors released me from the ropes. One of them lifted me into his arms and carried me like a baby. In the flickering torchlight I recognized the path back to my hut. As my eyes become accustomed to the twilight I realized that all were involved in some kind of orgy. Nothing frantic, women were sitting in men's...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 2 A Change of Mind

Thanks for the positive comments to the first chapter. Here is the next instalment. Chapter 2 A Change of Mind Derek has a strange day DEREK finished showering and dressed for work in his usual uniform of dark suit, white shirt and sober striped tie. He drank a quick cup of tea before putting some slices of bread in the toaster. He turned on the TV and watched the morning news as he ate his toast. After putting the few dishes in the dishwasher to be washed later he...

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Origins Of Sarah Part 3 8211 Ashley8217s Submission

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. Adventures Of Sarah. This is the 3rd Instalment of a 10 part series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 5

Hi Guys,   This is Romy bringing you the final Part 5 of Noor’s Goa journey. Thanks for the great feedback and please if you like the story, do comment below and like the story, and of course spread the word.   Will keep forwarding the feedback to Noor. Do give the previous parts a read prior to continuing this. Will start from Noor’s Point of View now.   Hi Guys and Girls,   So I could hear my phone ringing multiple times but I really did not give a fuck. It was our last day in Goa, and I...

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PornstarPlatinum Erica Lauren Cock Is What Im Missing

After the holidays it was really busy & I really wasn’t getting much. Then the AVN show, I have been really missing nice, hard, strong cock. Just something I can put in my mouth to lick & suck. Just thinking about it gets me really hot. Oh & look it’s a guy with a cock just for me. Look at you you, you’re already hard under those jeans. Let me get some of this hard cock in my mouth right now. I’m going to stroke it, lick it & suck it, till I get a hot load all over...

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BrutalSessions Lily Lane Fucked in Strict Bondage

The time has come for Lily Lane to suffer at the hands of Tommy Pistol. Lily is placed on her back with her legs tied at the ankle and knee to ensure her helpless. Tommy sees an opportunity and jumps right in and tries to bury his fist deep inside of Lily’s pussy. It’s early, and her pussy needs to be warmed up. Tommy moves on to torment. After some flogging, he begins to fuck her face with his hard cock. He commands multiple squirting orgasms from her willing pussy. The dungeon is wet and he...

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Car trouble

Beverly, I call her Bev, had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty five pounds, long wavy ebony hair, flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her. I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

Love Stories
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My trip to visit my friend Part 1

(This is my first story so please leave comments so I can improve for future use. Enjoy!) It had been two years since the tragic passing of theirfather. Two years however can be seen as a long or short period of time depending on the people involved. For James it was difficult to watch, firstly because he watched his best friend fly away with his sister and mother. They were only a two hour flight away but compared to living in the same street as him, it felt like another continent. James was...

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2 Teachers at once

Note : This story is complete fictional - never try to do it in real live! Hi, My Name is Adam I was 14 at the time of what I'm about to tell you, I'm Tall, Dark hair and I have brown eyes, and i'm reasonable hansom. It all started on a school trip to Spain, two of my teachers were goin on it aswell as another 6 teachers because after all there were 2 coaches of 30 going. Well the two two teachers that taught me were Miss Day and Miss Lavery, Miss Day was tall, brown hair, brown eyes bout a C...

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