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Wanted: Girl with an extremely open mind will pay handsomely

Charlotte was intrigued, she had racked up so much debt during her time at University that she would do anything for money, even if that meant prostituting herself. Her mouse hovered over the link, she was somewhat reluctant to click but her curiosity got the better of her.

I’m offering one lucky girl a payment of £5,000 to satisfy my deepest desire, my kink if you will. I will not share this kink until you arrive as I want to see how truly open minded you are. Please respond to this through private message with a picture of yourself, preferably nude and I will send you the details of our meet.

Of course they had to meet before he’d spill the beans. To Charlotte it seemed like one of those hoax posts that were frequently made on the forums. She moved the mouse to the close button but waited a few seconds. Surely it was a hoax, but what if it wasn’t? Five thousand pounds could really put a dent in her debt. Her thoughts suddenly flipped a full one eighty, as she found herself writing a private message to the poster.

Hello, I was deeply intrigued by your post. I am up for anything and would love the chance to earn that money. Here is a picture of me.

Charlotte’s cheeks turned a bright shade of crimson as she uploaded a full frontal image of herself. She couldn’t believe she was actually showing a stranger this intimate photo. She looked at her face first; her fringe covered one eye as the rest of her blonde locks hung down to her shoulder. Her eyes were intense with a deep oceanic blue iris, people could get lost in them for hours. Then there were her full lips, soft to the touch and her angelic jaw line.

Her eyes scanned further down to her voluptuous breasts. Two lovely grapefruit sized boobs hung perfectly on her chest. They had been the highlight of many man’s wet dream, especially when she had lost her bikini top on vacation. Going further down over her slender body, she finally looked at her bald womanhood. A little line split her skin as she wasn’t aroused in the picture. Sighing, Charlotte clicked send and closed her computer.

She fell back onto her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Darkness swallowed the room as the idle monitor finally shut itself off. She felt conflicted, had she done the right thing? It was too late now, that photo had been whisked away to a mysterious stranger. She didn’t know his name; she didn’t know where he lived, hell she didn’t even know what she had to do. Her head sank further into the pillow with all the questions running through her head.

“Hell, I probably won’t even hear back from him,” she spoke aloud as she closed her eyes.




Sunlight flooded the room through the skylight. The birds sang their sweet melodies and cars revved down the street as Charlotte rubbed her eyes. She looked around the room, pondering the previous night’s activity. She was adamant that it would all be some sick joke to get naked pictures from girls and that they were probably all over the internet by now. The bed creaked as she sat up and reached for the laptop.

The fans whirred as she started it up, and through the lengthy start-up, she was eager to view her emails. Rubbing her eyes once more, she clicked and clicked thinking that it would somehow make the computer faster. Charlotte felt herself becoming more and more impatient until finally she was in.

One new message received. 00:27 Today.

Her jaw hit the floor, was he being legitimate?

Thank you for responding to my request, out of the few people that responded I enjoyed your picture the most. I was wondering if you could join me today for some exciting activities. Like I mentioned, I will tell you all about it when you arrive.

A bewildered look began to form on Charlotte’s face. Today? She had never even spoken to the man and he wanted to meet so soon. Something had to be up and Charlotte was going to find out what the crack was.

Today?! How do I know I can trust you? I mean we haven’t spoken or anything. For all I know, you might not even pay me for doing what you want.

Slouching back against the headboard, she eagerly awaited his reply. That’s if he was even there anymore. However, he continued to stun the young woman as he replied relatively quickly.

We don’t need to speak, I am true to my word but understand your scepticism. If you message me your bank details, don’t worry it’s nothing to do with sort codes and stuff, just simply your name and account number, I will prove to you that I am the real deal sexy.

Bank account details, did this man think she was stupid to hand over that information? She wasn’t going to let anybody rob her blind just like that. A few minutes passed, she was truly trying to find a witty remark to make to the unknown man. The more and more she thought about it, the more it made sense to her. He would need her account number and full name to pay her money; she had to do the exact same to pay her mother. Realising her mistake, she launched herself towards the purse sitting on her bedside table and scrambled for the card she used most.

Charlotte Fielden, account no. 01829663

Opening another tab on her browser, she opened her bank account and incredibly, one thousand pounds was sitting there. Her hands covered her mouth in shock. She couldn’t believe that he was being true to his word and paying her the money.

Believe me now? I will pay the rest when you do as I wish. Consider that £1000 a little warming gift. You want the rest; you will meet me in Truro train station at noon. I suggest you get ready; your train leaves shortly from Paddington station.

How did he know where she lived? Who was she actually going to meet? He knew exactly where she lived despite her never mentioning it once and he knew her closest railway station. This was beginning to get extremely worrying for Charlotte as she still had no idea who he was but he knew who she was. Then again, she had shared her full name and a picture of herself, he must have seen her on Facebook or something surely. Never the less, she wanted the rest of the cash as it would help greatly with her debt.

Closing her laptop, Charlotte raced into the bathroom. She had money to make and it was sitting in a small city, two hundred miles away. Steam cloaked the room like a veil, concealing everything inside. The warm water cascaded down her body before crashing onto the cast iron bath below. Images and thoughts ran through Charlotte’s mind. What could he possibly want that would throw anybody off? She was down to do anything, even if it included fucking him with a strap on, she would do it.

The strong aroma of peaches filled the air from her body wash. For some bizarre reason, the scent had always hit a chord deep within Charlotte. She adored it more than any other. With her skin beginning to turn red from the heat of the water, she stepped out of the shower. Water droplets fell to onto the tiles as she reached for a towel.

A trail of wet footprints marked the carpet as she walked up to her room, the towel covering her naked body.

“Hmm, what outfit should I wear?”

Her hand brushed through her clothes. Occasionally she’d see something only to dismiss it.

“Too slutty… Too dorky… Oh god, am I going to church?”

Eventually she swept to a snug black dress which showed off her incredible figure whilst remaining tasteful. She carefully placed it on the bed before pulling a black g-string up her slender legs. She then clipped her matching bra around her breasts. Finally, the dress hugged her figure perfectly. It showed every single curve and asset her body had to offer.

One last time, she opened her laptop to the page where her mysterious partner was waiting.

I’m on my way to Paddington station, I will be with you soon.




The green pastures flew by the window as she stared into nothingness. All she could think about was getting into Cornwall, having some wild sex and getting her money.  What would the other people on the train think if they knew what she was actually up to? To them, she was likely visiting family for the day. They had no idea that she was on her way to fulfil a complete stranger’s darkest fantasies.

In the distance, the spires of Truro cathedral could be seen. Charlotte stared in awe, she had always admired architecture. After a few moments, her mind snapped firmly back to the task at hand. She was here for one thing and one thing only, she was not a tourist.

As the train started to brake gently, Charlotte scanned the crowds, looking for a man whom she’d never met. She was adamant he’d be some kind of shaded figure, standing back from everyone else as they approached the train to either board or greet their loved ones. However, nobody seemed out of place until she looked towards the waiting room. A man in a black business suit was fixated on the train; that had to be him.

Stepping off the train, she approached him cautiously.

“Hi, I’m Charlotte.”

“Come with me, we can exchange pleasantries when we get back to my house.” He said sternly.

Charlotte followed him to his blacked out Mercedes. Reluctantly, she opened the door and got inside with the stranger. As they started to leave, Charlotte gazed at him, taking in every single detail. He couldn’t have been older than thirty, definitely a successful business man. Strands of dark brown hair were combed to perfection and his face was smooth to the touch. She knew he’d probably scrub up well as he had the money to throw around but she wasn’t expecting anybody nearly as attractive. She fell in love almost instantly with his chiselled features. It was as if God had created him himself. Surely he could have had any girl he wanted.

After a short drive, they pulled up outside a huge country house. The décor looked as if it was from the Tudor times, it had to have been worth a couple of million, easy.

“Are you just going to sit there and drool?”

“No, I’m here for a reason.”

“Oh don’t I know it, follow me.”

Charlotte got out of the car and followed him into the house. The interior was just as fabulous as the outside. Paintings decorated the marble corridors and chandeliers hung from the ceilings. It was as if she was in a palace rather than a country house. The stranger led her to the lounge where he closed the doors quickly behind them.

“So, my name is Stuart.” He said as he turned back to her.

“Charlotte, pleased to meet you.”

“Yes, we’ve already established that. How old are you Charlotte?”

“Twenty-two,” Charlotte replied sheepishly.

“Great age, now I would like you to strip for me.”

Charlotte nervously did as he said. She didn’t want to upset him as she was focused solely on the money. As she removed each article of clothing, Stuart gazed upon her with hungry eyes before handing her an outfit to wear for him. Her cheeks filled with colour, she graciously accepted the clothes he’d picked out for her. A small sheer bra, a pair of panties with a sheer skirt attached to the waistband and a pair of fishnet gloves.

A few moments of silence ensued as she put his outfit on. Her mind wandered slightly, what was this kink that he mentioned in his post. Surely there was more to it than just this.

“Excuse me, what is the kinky stuff you mentioned?” Charlotte enquired.

“We’re getting to that girl,” Stuart replied with an annoyed tone as he moved to the walnut unit in the corner.

He made sure Charlotte couldn’t see inside as he opened it. It was as if he was making it all a big secret to her. Looking over his shoulder, a sadistic smile started to form on his face as he threw her a gasmask.

“You’re going to be my little plaything today girl,” he laughed. “Put that on.”

Charlotte looked at the mask, then back at him as he came closer. Taking a deep breath, she placed the mask over her head and looked at him.

“Good girl.”

He came closer to her, their eyes locked firmly on one another. His hands started to cup her breasts, giving them support as their gaze continued. He then unclipped her bra, allowing it to drop to the floor.  He stepped away, pulling his phone from his pocket.

“Pose for me girl, I want a picture of you.”

Charlotte did as she was told, leaning back against the wall for her photograph. A few quick snaps were taken on his phone before he placed it on the coffee table and came closer once again. His hands started to touch and feel Charlotte’s nude torso. He was delicate to begin with as he admired her bosoms and her belly. Gradually he became rougher, grasping her tits tightly in the palms of his hands. Charlotte remained still, allowing him to feel and grope her body.

Stuart started to run his hand down into her panties. The warmth from her pussy made it feel as if he was sticking his hand into a boiler. He looked up to her eyes as his finger entered her wet sex. She pushed herself towards his finger, allowing him to go deeper. Feeling her moisture, Stuart breathed heavily knowing that Charlotte was secretly enjoying him having his way with her.

He pulled his finger from her cunt and started to stroke up her torso, leaving a snail trail of wetness behind. As the sunlight reflected from her juices, Stuart pulled her panties down, revealing her swollen labia. He fell to his knees and started to lick at her pussy rabidly. Charlotte moaned softly into her gasmask as she felt his soft tongue lash at her clit.

Charlotte was paralysed against the wall as the stranger ate her cunt better than any man ever did. His tongue probed both her hole and her clitoral hood. Hearing her moans, Stuart knew she was close. Keeping her on the edge, he stopped licking and stood back up. Once more his eyes met hers, the gasmask lenses misting up a little bit.

Stuart pulled his trousers down swiftly, revealing his long, thick member. Charlotte gulped as it was the biggest cock she’d ever seen. He slowly started to rub the head up and down her slit, coating it with her juices.

“You ready for this slut?” he asked.

Charlotte nodded her head as he rubbed his helmet up and down one last time before sliding up into her warmth. Her body seized as he pushed his cock fully in. His hands grabbed her waist as he impaled her with his length. Slowly, he started to withdraw before pushing in again. He pushed her back, pinning her body between his and the wall.

His rhythmic thrusts made Charlotte moan loudly in the gasmask as he fucked her hard and fast. The slapping of his balls against her body was hypnotic as her eyes closed, accepting the pleasure. Her warmth started to intensify around his shaft. Using this as a signal, Stuart placed his hands on her neck and started to apply a little bit of force, choking her slightly as he fucked her cunt.

Charlotte struggled to breathe as Stuart fucked her harder and harder, his hands cutting off her oxygen. She shuddered violently as her eyes rolled back into her skull. Stuart carried on pounding as his hands released her throat. A rush of orgasmic delight overwhelmed her body as cum flooded over his big meaty cock.

Her body trembled in the aftermath of her orgasm. She had never felt anything like it and she felt ashamed that she loved every moment of it. Stuart continued to fuck her tight, wet cunt, enjoying the sound of her moans coming through the filters of the gasmask. He wanted to feel her tighten around his girth again.

Pulling her sensitive body towards him, he pulled his cock from her dripping hole. He then repositioned her on the ground and as he looked down at her, he could truly see what a catatonic state her orgasm had left her in. Cum trickled from her pussy as her erratic breathing started to become controlled again.

Stuart climbed down to her and reintroduced his penis to her pussy. His fingertips dug into her hips as he started fucking her rough once more. Every so often, his thrusts would be interrupted by a hard slap across her beautiful tits, making her nipples stand on edge.

“You’re loving this aren’t you slut?”

Charlotte moaned as another firm slap struck her voluptuous breasts. She then looked deep into his eyes as once more, he started throttling her. With one hand on her throat, the other making regular slaps, his cock slid faster and harder into her, pushing deeper and deeper. The asphyxiation was becoming too much for Charlotte as her eyes rolled back into her skull once more.

“You’re cumming again aren’t you?”

His words became jumbled in Charlotte’s mind. All she could hear was the sound of her own breath and everything else was just a figment of her imagination. His cock continued to plunge deep into her cunt but Charlotte was that far gone, all she could feel was the impending orgasm beginning to take course.

Her pussy started to flood with her succulent juices once more as Stuart carried on fucking her. Her pussy muscles contracted around his member, almost clamping him in place. Using her tightness as motivation, he started to forget about everything else. Charlotte was feeling total bliss and now it was his turn. His length slid in and out of her fast, his balls recklessly smashing against her body as she shuddered with ecstasy.

His breathing became heavy and his balls started to clench together. He withdrew his cock and took aim. His cock jerked, shooting hot strings of cum onto her tits. Stuart groaned as one final string glazed her beautiful breasts, his breathing matching hers as they both struggled.

Charlotte removed the gasmask, coughing as she took in as much air as she possibly could. Her heart was racing with pure adrenaline as Stuart had given her the best fuck of her entire life. Grabbing his phone, he paid the rest of the money into her bank.

Payment successful.

“And there’s plenty more where that came from slut,” he said between laboured breaths.

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Mia i njen mu prepiska izmeu nje i mene

Mia i njen mužLovac sam kao i tvoj muž, sastali smo se u vašem kraju, lovci se druže, zar ne. Lov, cuga, klopa i onda razmještaj po kućama. Ja sam dopao kod tvoga muža, ranije sam se raspitao, rekli su mi da ima zgodnu ženu i da je ljubomoran. Družio sam se s njim i izgleda da sam mu se učinio bezopasan, dok je odlučio da me dovede na spavanje.Ljubomoran je, čuo sam to i sama se pitaš kako to da je stranca doveo kući na spavanje?? Pustio sam priču da me puno ne interesiraju žene jer imam...

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john never saw this comingblackmail

now before i go on i must explain something these stories are about 85% true and 15% fantasy i am writing about john because he is a useless fag that needs someone to show him off to the world and force his exposure though blackmail i just have to find someone with the guts to do it.john was to become a sissy fag slave for a bunch of sissys they put a sissy collar on john and locked it so he could not remove it.he was to wera 6in heels with ankle locks so he could not remove them they had him...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard Training All Tied Up

“Mike!” shouted a voice down the corridor. “Hey what’s up?” “My friend didn’t show to help out with the lifeguard examinations, and we need a person to pretend to be unconscious!” “Sounds easy; when do you need me?” “In, like, five minutes?” I’d just left the gym and was on my way home. Jessica is my flatmate, a slim brunette girl. She was wearing black capri leggings with three white Adidas stripes on the side and silver stripe around the knee, white trainers and a red polo shirt. She’s...

2 years ago
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Rubbersuit Rick

Rubbersuit Rick by Throne When you have more money than you could spend in three lifetimes, what do you do with it? Well, if you're me, you pursue your most elaborate and kinky fantasies. Mine was to create a living doll. It would be an attractive flesh-and-blood woman, sealed into a bodysuit that enhanced her natural contours and gave her an exaggeratedly sexy face. Of course, that face would include a mouth with very full lips. I'm sure you get the picture. I put a tiny...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 07

Monica’s story There was a knock on the door, and when I opened it, there was Jennifer’s mother. ‘Hi, Mrs Matthews, Jennifer will be right back, she just went down to the bathroom is all.’ I’d never seen Jennifer’s mom before, but I knew who she was the second I saw her, it was like looking at Jennifer at 45. She had the same long hair, the same honey blonde color, but with streaks of white in it, and the same blue eyes. No, not the same: her eyes were even bluer than Jennifer’s, more...

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Yoga Pant Loving Gets Nailed

Hey people,this is Amit (name changed) from New Delhi. I am a 22 year old man With slightly above average looks but possess a good built and dress according to it. People find me hilarious,hence attracting similar aged girls is not a big deal. But I have always longed for women over 30 years of age.All interested ladies can contact me at the moron who decides to neglect you suffer by using me!This is my first sex story on this platform,hope you enjoy it! The woman who had me going crazy is a...

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The New Girlfriend 3

Authors note: Thank you all for the encouragement. A point of clarification. You may have seen that the first two parts were reposted. This was not in error but was done after I proofread and edited some parts again. If there's any more typos I apologize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Shit Shit Shit" screamed Andrew from outside his apartment door. A half asleep Emily came to the door, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand, "Shut up Andy....

1 year ago
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Technocratic Episode 2 Diving into Madness

Technocratic: Episode 2 - Diving into Madness By Robyn You don't know how great being normal is until you're not. Oh you strive for individuality, to set yourself apart from the crowd, but deep down there is always a need, a desire, to be normal. To be differentiated, but not different. It was a pleasant May day when Tom's normal life shattered into abnormality. Before he had held no secrets, now he had one big secret. It had all happened so fast too. One moment he was staging...

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By Any Other Name

©2009AdrianLeverkuhn There are some stretches of road that are nothing less than Hell. Some stretches of water, too, for that matter. And mountains. Mountains are rather like life, too, but it’s better to get by the rough patches and move on than it is to dwell on the toll they take. Sometimes there’s just no way to avoid the rough spots, other times find us tempted by the idea of taking a short-cut around life, maybe missing out on a little pain or finding our way to happiness just a little...

1 year ago
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Group sex in the office though I have a bf Cheating Sex Stories

It was early morning. I was just off the bed, getting ready for office when my boyfriend walked in with a breakfast tray and a big smile. Guilt swept over me though I loved his sweet gesture. Mike and I have been together for two years and we were the happiest couple you will find. I moved to his city getting a job here just to live in with him. Things went haywire right after that but Mike did not need to know. I put on a strained smile as I went on with my hair and makeup. Mike took the...

2 years ago
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Hidden VideoChapter 9

Cris stirred from sleep sometime later. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but the faint light starting to come in the window told him to was early morning. One of the twins, most likely Michelle, was sleeping soundly with her head on his right shoulder and her naked body snuggled up next to him. There was a persistent, light tickling brush of something on his stomach, right above his cock, which was in is typical wake up state of morning wood. As his eyes strained to adjust to the darkness,...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 380 I Pick Up DCup With Some Help From God

Monday, July 2, 2007 Carol and I went for our drive shortly after midnight, driving to D-Cup's home, stopping a block away so I could do some snooping. I searched the house quickly to find out if she was there. After a quick glance in a couple of wrong bedrooms, I found her in the third. I took that as confirmation that God approved of my plan, which was good because He was going to be helping me. I looked around the house more slowly to get a feel for the Smiths. In a word - and it's not...

1 year ago
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A good time at the sauna

That late afternoon I was in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping with my loving husband. Victor had always hated the wind and that day the city that never sleeeeps was really windy… and cold.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and...

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Fucking a Pregnant Wife

My parents and I lived in a college town in the 1980s. Dad worked in a local manufacturing plant, and mom stayed home. When I was 16 years old a new family moved into the neighborhood right after Christmas. The family consisted of a man, woman and small boy not quite two years old. The man, Greg, worked at the local university and was also an organizer for a large union in town. He appeared to be about 40 years old, and was 6 feet tall and 170 pounds. Overall, he was an average looking guy, but...

3 years ago
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5974 Beautiful Burst of Semen

His love is for me,His thick cock is for me.His beautiful bursts of semenand all his intense joy,all this, my lover brings me.When we are apart,my sexual worship becomes digital.God Bless iPhone technology!Five hundred miles distant, I can seemy lover stroke his glorious erection,enjoy him squeezing his balls,as he moans and comes for me,all this, my lover brings me.And I save my best orgasms,And I save my best joy,And I save my cash,And I save my ambitions,And I save my best love,to share with...

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Island Bicycle Ride

It was a hot weekend in the Princess Islands… I had met a hot brunette, a Christian twink online from island of Büyükada and in the weekend we met at the island. The weather was so hot and in order to cool down a bit we rented bikes as most of the people visiting the island. We started our ride from the port up to one of the two hills of the island. The guy wasnt very talkative during the ride but one in a while he opened his mouth to tell me about some historical places on our way. He kept...

3 years ago
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It was several months after my encounter with Jake that my husband Jim and I were relaxing while watching some television one evening when a passionate love scene was burning up the screen! I glanced over at Jim and noticed him viewing the action with that intent look he gets when his mind is fantasizing. I don't remember what movie was on, but it had several erotic love scenes in it though it wasn't a porno. I knew that it would just be a matter of time before Jim suggested I meet another...

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The HillsideChapter 6

Jacob saddled up his horse and put the buckboard halter on two others. There was no hurry to get to Brockton — although Susan might contest that assertion — so no extra mounts were needed. Susan had been a bundle of energy for the past 10 days. She had started out pleasant enough, happy with the knowledge that she soon would be back with her beau. That pleasantness turned to snippiness as the days past until Marnie finally pigeon-holed Jacob for a firm date. With nothing at the ranch that...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 15 The focus has changed from internal to external

By October 3, people were moving into the brand-new houses. General Williams was walking into the City of Spokane with his army of 2,000. A thousand miles to the south, John was fulfilling the general’s request to contact the Marine Corp. John and Peter were dressed in Marine Corp camouflage. They were in one of the Humvees that had been taken from the mercenaries squatting on the reservation land. The Humvee had flags mounted in the front corners denoting the president of the U.S. The two...

4 years ago
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A Walk in the Park

The time is 8:00 pm. You are walking home from your friend's house where you accidentally stayed past your curfew. You're late, so you decide to take a shortcut through the park between your friend's house and yours. Before you go, you stop to think about it first, as you've never gone through the park at night before and don't exactly know the layout of the park, which could make you even later. The park looked eerie and still under the dim lights of the street lamps.

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 107

“Did you threaten Mage Frederico, John?” Morgana asked mildly after requesting my presence in a meeting room in the command centre with Mages Sofya, Frederico, Simon and Julia. “Yes, my Mage. I most certainly did and meant it too,” I replied. “Why would you feel the need to threaten him, John?” she asked, knowing fine well why. “It would have been somewhat impolite to simply kill him on the spot, my Mage,” I replied, utterly deadpan, seeing Simon and Julia start slightly before hiding...

4 years ago
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On My Knees at the stag party

NOTE this is a story forwarded to me a few years ago I thought you might enjoy. I've always been lucky in having a big circle of interesting friends andacquaintances, with many sub-groups with whom I spent afternoons andevenings playing around. One such sub-groupwas, for all intents and purposes, a bunch of guys. I was about 19 atthe time of this story, fresh out of high school the year before. I wasbetween boyfriends (luckily, for me).I was one of two women in a group of eight who liked to get...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 981

British News Bits ___ From the Churchdown Parish Magazine: ___ ‘Would the Congregation please note that the bowl at the back of the Church labeled “For The Sick”, is for monetary donations only.’ ___ From The Guardian concerning a sign seen in a Police canteen in Christchurch, New Zealand: ___ ‘Will the person who took a slice of cake from the Commissioner’s Office return it immediately. It is needed as evidence in a poisoning case.’ ___ From The Times: ___ ‘A young girl, who was blown out...

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E019 Pearl Nine

Both Donald and Emma are thinking to themselves as they drive home.  He takes one hand from the wheel, and places it on Emma’s thigh, raising her dress a little so he can stroke at her lovely silk stocking covered legs.  She just sighs, as she thinks.‘This has been the perfect day. I have never experienced so much and had such lovely feelings running through me.  My Donald has proven most worthy of all my attention.  I must adjust everything in my life.  All the meetings I attend and the things...

Love Stories
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My sister in law edited version

“I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We thought that you used the bathroom upstairs. I just wanted to take a shower”, she says. “OK, yes, good morning, excuse me”, do I say startled as well. I knew my sister in law was planning to stay the weekend with us, but I did not expect her to be arrived already. I walk to the bedroom, but turn around without thinking about holding a towel in front of me and say that I am finished and the bathroom is free. My sister in law smiles...

3 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “Good evening, Mr. Hawk,” a tall, handsome man said as they entered. “I see that you’ve brought a beautiful woman to dress up my shabby restaurant.”Reaching his hand out, Tommy said, “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Dominic. This place needs a little help, and I think when the word gets out that Elizabeth eats here, your business will improve.”“No doubt,” the man replied as he unashamedly checked her out. “Let me assume that with someone so lovely, you’ll not be sitting at the bar....

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 8 Date Knight

Friday Afternoon and Night, May 23, 2008 “Sam, I know what you want, but I had an idea about something we could do now to stretch the night out. How would you like to go on a date? An overnight date?” “What! A date?! How ... what ... where ... I have nothing to wear.” “Yeah, big surprise, I figured that might be the case. Yuk Yuk Yuk ... Now, I am not objecting to you having nothing to wear, but knowing you, how about we start there? Then supper, and maybe a stop or two after. Night club...

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The BareBreasted Viola Player

"You going to the dance?" I looked over at Rachael. "Yeah. You?" "I don't know if John is going to ask me. With Jennifer?" "Yeah, I already asked her." Rachael and I were sunning on our backs beside the pool late in the summer between our sophomore and junior years in high school. Me in my Speedo, Rachael in her two-piece. Not quite small enough to be a bikini, but getting there. I don't know how it is for brother-brother or sister-sister twins, but when your twin is the...

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I get to do the Fucking Pegged

I knew I was in deep trouble the minute she slammed through the door of the video shop with Gavin, her boyfriend, in tow. I'd caught Gavin stealing a gay porn DVD a few weeks ago, and the fallout had involved some pretty heavy and very gay sex--very gay. She had that "all-American" girlfriend look, with just enough edge that made me wonder if one of those pert little breasts harbored a nipple ring. Her path to the counter of the shop weaved through startled customers with the fury of a little...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 6 Rex Buys a Whore

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Six: Rex Buys a Whore Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Thursday, May 26th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA Reina and Queenie slipped into the outdoor shower stall with me as the sun peaked over the mountains. Water rained down on us from a tin bucket punctured with small holes My thoughts tumbled together the last two days. My parents might come back. I might get to see them. And I had promised to stop them...

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