Prodigious CollectionChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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2 Section 20 -- Barbara chooses her Jeff
"The deadline is approaching for irrevocable decisions concerning whether to proceed," came the announcement. "Any who wish to be returned to Earth should now present themselves. All concubine candidates should now be nude and wearing a collar."
Barbara Verduin sighed. She had holed up in the living unit with her friend, Lacey Palmer. "Time to fish or cut bait," Lacey declared and she began to hike her shift up and off. Barbara watched out of the corner of her eye as she sulked. "You don't have to be Jeff's concubine, you know that, don't you?" Barbara nodded. "Or do you really want to be his concubine and you think he won't ask you?"
Barbara was fuming as she began to undress. "I don't know what I want," she groused. "I know I don't want to be naked in front of Jeff, at least while he's dressed."
"Barbara," Lacey sighed, "it doesn't make a damn bit of difference to the Confederacy. It doesn't mean a damn thing to me. Why don't you just blurt out your real feelings and get them out of the way?" By now, Lacey had finished undressing. She left her shift in a heap on the floor and sat back down.
"It's not right, Lacey. It's not right. My handsome young Jeff shouldn't be saddled with his mother." Still Lacey waited. "God, what a hunk," she sighed.
"It's one thing," observed Lacey, "having thoughts about something you can never do. Now, the rules are gone. You can have him if you want him, Barbara. Do you want to share his bed for the rest of your life, or do you want a fling with him to get it out of your system?"
Barbara was poleaxed. She sat in stunned silence for a long time.
"I think a test drive might be in order," Lacey said gently.
"Yeah, right, how am I going to do that? 'Hey, Jeff, want to fuck your old mother?'"
"Barbara, one of the things that have changed that no one talks about is that we're going to have to be more honest with ourselves and with our multiple partners," said Lacey. "I can be more honest. I can tell you that I'm looking forward to being young again. I'm not sure I want to choose a sponsor right away but I damn sure need a roll in the sack, and soon. I can tell you that I wouldn't kick Jeff out of my bed, at least for a night. I don't think he'd offer to sponsor me. I'm not sure I would accept if he did offer. But I sure need some relief from this itch," Lacey smirked.
The outer door of the living unit opened and sixteen-year-old Carrie Verduin poked her head in. Seeing her mother and Lacey, she straightened up and walked in, nude, followed by her fully-clothed brother, Jeff, and then by Marcie Palmer, fourteen and also nude, and Carrie's ten-year-old brother, Jason.
Lacey scooped up all of the clothes on the floor. "Do you have your CAP card?" she asked. Barbara nodded. Lacey turned and headed for the kitchen as the youngsters settled themselves. Barbara seemed to shrink in her seat, attempting to cover herself without being too obvious; she was an utter failure.
"All the concubines are nude now, Mom," Carrie said softly. "Just relax. It's not a problem after the first few minutes."
Lacey returned, handed a green collar to Barbara and sat back down as she put on her own collar. Lacey kept her eyes on Jeff, appreciating his interest as her upturned arms forced her breasts into prominence. She intentionally let her knees fall open and smiled in satisfaction as his eyes fell to her crotch. "Two beautiful nude girls on either side, and you're scoping out an old woman," she cackled. Jeff blushed deeply and tore his eyes away, only to have them fall on his mother. "Put your collar on, Barbara. You've got nice tits and holding your arms like that displays them nicely."
No one moved. All eyes were on Barbara. Her gaze moved in turn to each of the others. Finally, with a sigh, she lifted her arms and put on the collar. Jeff squirmed, trying to ease the pressure in his pants.
"I think it's time for a planning session," said Lacey. "But first, Jeff, it would be a lot easier for me to get used to nudity if you joined the rest of us, at least for a while. Would you mind being undressed in here?"
Now Jeff was on the spot. There was silence in the room as Jeff tried to make up his mind. "Jeff," sighed Barbara, "there are four naked women in the room and you're nineteen years old. If you don't have a hard-on, I'll be shocked. The anticipation that you're creating is going to leave all us girls sitting in puddles unless you hurry." That brought guilty chuckles from the rest.
"Mom's having a hard time too, Jeff," said Carrie, "but she won't ask. Do it for Mom, will you?"
That was enough for Jeff. He tore his shirt over his head, stood up and pulled down his pants. His very nice cock sprang into view. He sat back down, tore off his socks, folded his clothes and stacked them haphazardly on the floor in front of him.
"Thank you, Jeff," Barbara murmured. She fought to tear her eyes away from his rampant cock, settling her gaze on his blushing face.
"Okay," said Lacey with a heavy sigh. "We're about to be scattered into a number of households. I don't know how much sexual experience you three youngsters have had, but I know you have never -- or rarely -- actually slept with a lover. I think all of us are going to wind up living in a group of at least two women and a man. We're going to start seeing our partners having sex. We're going to start having sex in view of others. We're probably all three in the group going to have sex at the same time. After the first time or so, it'll be as ordinary as being nude is about to become.
"What I want to talk about is, what kinds of people do you want to be in your family group? Do you want any of your real family in your group? Do you want to have only young people? Do you want an experienced mother in your family? Do you girls want an 'older man' as your sponsor? Do you want to only be three, or are you willing to have five people in your family, or even seven?" Lacey stopped talking and let the rest gather their thoughts.
"That's a hard one," allowed Jeff. "I've always lived with Mom and Carrie. I admit I have fantasized about both of you, but I never thought it would actually happen."
"So, that means you don't reject out of hand the idea that you'd take Barbara as a concubine?" asked Lacey.
Jeff looked searchingly at Barbara. "It sure would change the relationship."
"She's going to look your age, Jeff," said Carrie. "I think I would stay with Jeff and Mom, if that's what they wanted."
"It's time for some honesty, Barbara," said Lacey softly.
Tears began to run down Barbara's face and her lip quivered, but she smiled. "I love you, Jeff. I have always loved you as a son. I truly like you as a person. I admit that I have thought about you as a man. I don't feel good about myself right now. I feel old, and fat and ugly. I'm scared that you might choose me out of pity and not because you really wanted me." They were all silent for a time.
"This is a big decision," said Lacey, "for all of you. You're talking about brother, sister and mother sharing a bed for a very long time. I think you, each of you, deserve a trial run before you make up your minds. Why don't you three go take a nap? Take the rest of the day to think about it. If you still like the idea, spend the night together. Spend part of tomorrow morning alone, and part together, the three of you, and talk about it."
Mother, daughter and son looked at each other hesitantly. Jeff stood and extended his hands to Barbara and Carrie. They took his hands and stood. He pulled them into a three-way embrace. He gave a first-ever kiss on the lips to his mother and then to his sister. The kisses were chaste. Carrie, with a gleam in her eyes, kissed Barbara. The kiss lingered and Carrie began to nibble on her mother's lips. Carrie pulled Jeff's head in and they exchanged kisses, their passion building. Jeff broke off and began heading for the bedroom, one arm around each of them.
"You can leave the door open," chirped Lacey. There was no reply but the door was not closed.
Lacey and Marcie were alone, silent, taking each other in. Jason had long since gone up to the playroom. "You and I need to figure out our own situations," said Lacey softly. "I would never have had a conversation like this with you before this extraction. I need to be honest with you, and I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?" Marcie nodded slightly.
"I am so horny," breathed Lacey. "I haven't had sex in a long time anyway. They told us they upped our sex drives and lowered our inhibitions. Watching Jeff's love pole and seeing them come together has me ready to scream. It's all I can do to keep my hands away from myself." She giggled like a schoolgirl.
Rather than answer, Marcie opened her knees, revealing her glistening, swollen pussy. She chuckled self-consciously. Lacey followed suit.
"I'm afraid," Lacey continued, "that I'll say yes to the first man who asks me, without checking his CAP card, just to get him into bed. I need some relief so I don't do that. I was thinking about Jeff but now he seems to be spoken for."
"You helped him," Marcie pointed out, "maybe he'd help you. It's not exactly a great burden on a teen-aged boy to have sex with a woman."
"I don't think I could ask him," she replied. "And I don't think I could impose on Barbara and Carrie like that, not when their relationship is just beginning."
Marcie sighed and nodded. She knelt between her mother's knees, hands on hips urging her forward. "I don't have a lot of experience with boys," she giggled, "but I know my way around a pussy."
"What if Jason comes down?" Lacey asked in horror.
"AI, will you see that Jason stays up there until we're done?" asked Marcie.
"Acknowledged," intoned the AI.
2 Section 21 -- Home-bound
Men -- and a few women -- began to step off transporter pads in the main transporter room. Each was dressed in the street clothes worn when they arrived the day before. None of them was happy. A scant few of the women had minor dependents in tow. Some of the children looked bewildered and some were upset.
A girl of about twelve years appeared on one transporter pad in the midst of a world-class tantrum. The nearby staff were loath to do anything for -- or to -- the girl. One steward scooped up the girl, if only to restore use of the transporter. Almost instantly, a very harried woman -- obviously the mother -- appeared and stepped off the transporter pad. Next came a boy of about nine years whose tears ran freely down his cheeks but was silent.
"I don't want to go home!" screamed the girl. "I don't want to be eaten by the Swarm! We can't go home, Momma, or we'll die!"
"Marnie," whined her mother, "I just can't do it. I can't be the sex slave of some man I don't even know. I can't let him have me anytime, anywhere, any way he wants. I can't let him have me right in front of you, right in front of Aiden."
"Is that it?" screeched the girl. "You don't want Aiden to see you fuck, so we're going home to die?" The woman blanched at her daughter's coarse language. "Mom, Aiden has seen people fucking, and it bores him. He doesn't care."
The woman turned to her son, who nodded agreement with his sister. He embraced her around her middle. "Please, Mom, please keep us safe. Please don't take us home. I don't want to die. I love you, Mom. Find us a family here, please! I'll always behave, Mom. I'll protect you, I promise!"
The woman broke down and began sobbing as she crumpled to the floor. The staff wisely kept their distance, allowing the scene to play out on its own. The woman's wracking sobs brought both children to her side, cooing and trying to console her.
"Momma, will you make me a sister?" asked the sobbing girl. "Make Aiden a brother, please, please, please! I'll help you take care of the babies, Momma. I'll help you find a good man. We'll be safe, Momma!"
The woman was finally able to get her emotions under control. She sat up and collected her two children to her bosom. "I will," she said softly but fiercely. "I will keep my children safe. I will do anything it takes, anything, to keep you safe."
2 Section 22 -- Rodriguez family relocated
"Please return to your living unit," the AI told Maria and her girls through the still-green collars.
"What's going on?" asked Muriel.
"An explanation will be provided in the living unit," the AI answered. "It is rather too loud in the common area."
The door closed behind Pete, the last to enter the living unit. Maria and Muriel sat on the sofas. Juanita and Pete remained standing. "What's up?" asked Muriel.
"Concubines are being concentrated by category," the AI said into the room. "You are about to be moved to another living unit. You have expressed your desire to be sponsored together as a family. Until you are sponsored or your circumstances otherwise change, you will share the new living unit with other families like yourselves. Volunteers who still need a large number of concubines will be directed to the area of your new living unit."
"What about Connie?" asked Maria.
"Consuela is being transferred to a living unit housing mothers of one or more children," the AI answered.
"Pete is a child," Juanita pointed out. "What's the difference?"
"Am not!" spat Pete.
"Consuela is suitable for selection by a volunteer who only wants or needs a single concubine," the AI explained, "and who is especially desirous of children. She will be placed in an area with other concubines similarly situated. Single concubines without children will be housed elsewhere."
"When are we going to be transferred?" asked Maria.
"Now," said the AI. "There are no irreplaceable personal effects in this living unit. Segregation and concentration by type aids both sponsors and concubines to match up rapidly. It is entirely possible that you will accept sponsorship very soon after transfer."
"Will we be able to see Connie again?" asked Muriel.
"That will require the permissions of your sponsor and Consuela's sponsor," the AI answered.
"Okay," sighed Maria. "Can we stay here and rest before we go?"
"We've been sitting on our butts all afternoon!" said Pete.
"Mom's right," said Juanita. "Or rather, Maria is right. We should stay here for a while. We should stay together, alone. We should take this time to re-center ourselves in our new environment. Pete, thank you for your good behavior this morning. Thank you for being quiet while Muriel and I talked with Mo ... Maria about our nudity.
"I'm glad we want to stay together as a family. I love you all, even when I don't like you very much. Being sponsored together in a family has consequences that should be said out loud."
Turning to Pete and gently but surely reaching for his semi-hard cock, she said, "Muriel, for you and me, staying together with Maria means we agree to have sex with Pete. Not whenever Pete wants us, but not never, either. Not in our pussies until Pete's birthday." Juanita's words and touch had made Pete's cock grow fully erect. She gently tugged on his cock, coaxing him toward Maria. They sat on the sofa across from her. Juanita continued to fondle Pete's cock.
"Maria, you had a hard time making that last step to become a concubine. I know it was really hard for you to undress and let us see your body. You waited until the absolute deadline before you undressed. I know you're sitting here now, wanting to curl up so we can't see you. I'm sorry it's hard for you. We knew it would be hard for you. We're trying our best to help you.
"But it gets worse, Maria. I want all of us to be together. I'm positive that all of us want that. Maria, Pete comes with you no matter what happens to Muriel and me. Pete is going to share your bed, Maria. Pete cannot fuck you until he's fourteen. But you know as well as I do that Pete is not going to wait eight months before he sinks his dick in a woman.
"Our sponsor is going to need to know that you have already come to terms with this and you won't create big headaches for him. He's going to want to know the same thing about Muriel and me. I got his cock in my hand, Maria, and I can swallow it down my throat in front of a crowd without blinking." She threw her legs apart. "I'm not afraid to do this because I know Pete loves me and he would never really hurt me. I know Muriel is right now reaching the same decision.
"Maria, I want you to spread your legs wide open. I want you to invite Pete to kneel in front of you, to look at you and to explore your body with his hands, every place on your body. We'll give him a guided tour of a woman's sex another time. For now, let him heft your boobs, pinch your nipples and run his fingers up and down your coochie. When you're absolutely sure you can let Pete do that to you whenever he wants, then we'll go to our new living unit."
Tears were running down Maria's cheeks and she was flushed with shame at the very thought of doing what Juanita had said. She sat still, looking at all three of her children, for a long time. Juanita remained silent while she continued to stroke Pete's cock, so he wasn't going anywhere. He was smart enough not to speak.
Maria let her chin drop as she spread her knees, exposing her pussy. Pete made to move, but Juanita squeezed his cock to hold him in place. Still silence reigned in the room. Finally, Maria looked at Pete's face. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
"He's waiting for you to invite him," said Juanita. "Pete will always wait until you invite him. He will always wait for an invitation from me or from Muriel. He will surely let us know he'd appreciate an invitation, but that's as far as he'll go."
Maria smiled through her tears. "Come to me, Pete," she softly said. "I love you -- all of you -- with my whole heart, but I'm afraid. Come and help me overcome my fear. Come explore my body."
2 Section 23 -- Ken & June part company
"Are we really going to start another family together?" June Davidson asked her now ex-husband, Ken. "Do you really want that? Ken, it's time we be honest with each other. If you change your mind later, I'm helpless. Things haven't been good between us for a long time. I know, they weren't terrible, but I don't know if we can get the spark back between us. The rules have changed, Ken. I'm a big girl now. Tell me the truth: you're not really looking forward to another twenty years with me, are you?"
Ken was crestfallen. "I suppose you're right. I'm willing if you are, but you seem to be going the other direction. What about Leah?" he asked.
"What about Leah?" she replied. "Do you want her? Do you think she doesn't know about us?"
"I'd leave it up to her, but I think she'll be better off with her own family. Don't you think she'll be upset?"
"AI," said June, "would you ask Leah to come down here, please?"
Leah found her mother and father facing each other on the sofas. June asked her to sit on the love seat between them. "Leah," said June, "I think you know that your father and I don't really get along very well any more. I'm thinking of striking out on my own."
Leah sat in shocked silence, looking from one parent to the other. Tears began to form in her eyes.
"Sweetheart," said June, "think about what's upsetting you. You're wearing a green collar, expressing your availability. Had you planned on staying with both of us and making babies with your father?" Leah shook her head slowly. "We're all going to the same colony, Sweetie. I very much want to be happy there. I want your father to be happy there. I was hoping you'd already realize that both of us have a much better chance of being happy if we're with someone else."
"I can't say I'm surprised," Leah allowed, "but it's hard knowing that I have to deal with it now and not at some unknown time in the future."
"Let's not dwell on it," said June. "You said you aren't planning on staying with your dad. Do you want me to go it alone, or would you want a sponsor to select us together?"
Again, Leah looked from one parent to the other. "If I'm not staying with Dad, it doesn't seem fair if I stayed with you. I think I better find someone on my own."
"I think that's wise," said June. Turning to Ken, she said, "I really don't want to hurt you any more, Ken. When you find your new concubines, you'll want to bring them here. I don't think I ought to be here when that happens. Do you agree?"
"I don't know, June," he answered. "Neither way is very attractive to me. I'll go along with whatever you want to do. Would you take Leah with you?"
"The way I see it, when Leah or I get selected, we'll be going to his home, just like you'll bring your concubines to your home." Turning to Leah, she said, "You should make your own decision whether to stay here until you're selected. I want to have my own space before your father selects his concubines. It isn't that I don't want to meet them. I actually do want to meet them if I have an opportunity. It's just that I don't want to be relocated on zero notice. I don't want to feel kicked out of here, even though I plan on leaving on my own volition."
"I can understand that," said Leah, "but that doesn't help me make up my mind. I think I'd rather stay here for the time being. I don't want to contribute to Dad feeling soso completely abandoned. I'll get to meet his new concubines when he finds them, or at least one of them. When he comes back with a concubine in tow, I can kiss him goodbye and come join you. How does that sound?" She looked at both of her parents for confirmation.
2 Section 33 -- Anderson women prepare for enhancement David Anderson entered the living unit and walked right through a full-size hologram of ... Hattie. His four concubines were howling with laughter. They had evidently been at this for some time. It took them a while to recover their composure. One would burst out laughing and the rest would join in. Heidi did not trust her composure yet and instead began to applaud and cheer. The others joined her. David simply took in the scene, a...
Day 3 3 Section 36 -- Second morning -- McNeils, Katie "It is seven o'clock on Day 3," the AI intoned, "and time to get up." The McNeils began to untangle themselves from the arms and legs of their newly-enlarged family. Patrick had sponsored Linda and Valerie Norris. Nicole had sponsored Marc and Ruth Stankov. Belle and Melody Stankov, nine and six years old, were abed in the upper level. Patrick and Nicole had spent the night getting to know their new concubines -- intimately. The...
3 Section 40 -- Enhanced Andersons The living unit door opened and Heidi led her sisters in. Once inside, they arranged themselves side by side. "Well?" asked Heidi with a tremendous smile. David made a perfect pantomime of a fish out of water. Eyes big as saucers, his mouth worked but no sound emerged. The four sisters laughed at his reaction. Finally, he leaped out of his seat and raced to join them, enfolding all four in a fierce embrace. He stepped back to view them again. "You look...
3 Section 44 -- Ken Davidson gets his family "Dad," whined Leah, "I said I would help you find two concubines. You're looking more and more hunky to me. I love you, Dad, but I really don't want to sleep with you. I don't think it would be fair to Mom and I don't want to regret it for the rest of my life. I have never been so horny in my life, Dad. I can hardly keep my fingers out of my crotch. My body isn't going to let me wait much longer. Can we get you settled pretty soon, please?...
3 Section 50 -- Godwin orgy Rob and Allison were stretched out on the bed, taking in each other's visage, gently kissing and whispering endearments to each other. They completely ignored the mass of spectators, all vying for comfortable positions on the fifty-yard line. Beth, last to arrive, had parked the lubricant and washrag on the headboard before climbing up in front of Diane, whose arms quickly encircled her sister. The twins shrieked when Martin walked in, followed by Jack. "They...
Day 4 4 Section 51 -- Ryan's complaint "Look what the cat dragged in!" laughed Nicole as Ryan joined them in the kitchen. Katie, Jennifer and the two toddlers were right behind. "Looks like you had a tough night!" Ryan made a beeline for the coffee. "You wouldn't believe," he sighed as he poured three cups. Katie kept her head down while she got Alex into his high chair. Jennifer at least was laughing. "Mom, Dad, can we be part of your joint household?" asked Ryan. "What's...
4 Section 55 -- Spurned males "Listen up, guys," the steward said as he observed his audience. When the noise had abated, he continued. "We're here now to debrief. We would like some feedback from you. We want to help you. You guys are just in from the meat market, where you've spent a couple of days being inspected, neglected, and rejected, repeat, repeat, repeat. You've just left your loved ones behind, praying that they will find and join a safe and satisfying family. You've...
4 Section 62 -- Beth on the table The Godwin women trailed in one at a time, mostly straight from the shower. Each one had to provide a blow-by-blow account of her recent fuck. There was much banter and laughter. Gibes and insults flew furiously, all in great fun. They also had to rave about each other's brand new bodies, to more laughter and joking. Rob sensed an approaching coffee klatch and steered himself and Jack to the living room. They worked with the AI so they could watch a ball...
5 Section 69 -- Confirmation "The concubine Beth is pregnant," intoned the AI as the family had dinner. The room erupted with cheers, applause and catcalls. Beth sat quietly, smiling radiantly but with a bittersweet touch. Martin made his way around the table and knelt at Beth's side. They embraced, kissing tenderly but with passion. "Thank you," he told her before she could say the same to him. "No, Martin, thank you. Thank you for taking us all together. Thank you for selecting...
8 Section 79 -- Udders "We volunteer to suck your nipples," giggled Erin, "so they'll get toughened up and you'll be more ready to nurse Adam." The twins sat on both sides of the startled Diane and insinuated themselves beneath her arms, their shining faces turned up toward hers. Diane laughed heartily and hugged the girls to her. "Methinks you two have hatched a new plot that will end with you singing your own orgasms!" "Moi?" the twins asked in unison. They batted their eyes at...
8 Section 80 -- Ares Clipper Karl Rauser was the last of his rather large party to step off the transporter pad into the empty Copernicus Station living unit. His wife, his fifteen-year-old daughter, his eleven-year-old son, his daughter's best friend, and five of his wife's friends with their young children were crowded into the living room. The AI introduced itself and supplied the standard opening explanation. The children were happy to adjourn to play on the upper level, guided and...
This is the true story about my life. I didn't talk until I was 5 years old. The pediatricians my parents had taken me to, gave me a working diagnosis of autism. They said I would always stay a c***d, and never become independent. They recommended they put me away in an institution. My parents refused to do that. They kept me close to home instead. At about the age of 7, when I finally did learn to talk, they mainstreamed me into a public elementary school. I was teased, taunted, and beaten...
The following evening, Katy had joined them for dinner. The four sat around the dinner table, Glen totally silent while Katy and her mother made small talk. Phillipe had twice, without saying anything, caught his mother's eye, a slight smile curling the corner of his mouth. Helen, at first, tried to return a motherly smile but the boy's intent was clear and she soon found herself averting her eyes in embarrassment. "Didn't you tell me the other day that Rachel Donovan was coming for a...
Phase one was a makeover. Prior to his becoming interested in the opposite sex, Phillipe had simply worn what his mother bought for him. Clothes had been of no concern, so the conventional childhood attire had been good enough. But he was now very aware of the importance of image and the impressions it could make. So gone were the jeans, tee shirts and tennis shoes and in their place casual slacks, Polo pullovers or open collared collegiate style shirts and suede loafers. Gone also was the...
"Hi Phillipe. I'm really glad you could make it," said the young hostess. "Thanks for asking me, Amber," he smiled, giving her the look he had practiced many times in front of the mirror. A look of supreme self confidence and worldliness. The girl practically melted in front of him. "Looks like a great party," he commented over the music and noise of the twenty or so barely teens who were dancing, laughing, and engaging in the usual crude adolescent attempts at humor. "Uh, the soft...
"For my lady Juliet," said Phillipe smiling confidently as he handed her the rose. "I heard you had the lead in the school play." She ushered him in quickly, not wanting the neighbors to know she was having a male visitor. Amber's parents had agreed to Amber staying on Friday and Saturday night, but Taylor had not even asked about Amber staying tonight -- tonight she wanted Phillipe all to herself. She was taken aback by his bringing her the rose. No boy had ever done that before. She...
"Phillipe! You can't do this to us!" "Yes, please, tell us what the surprise is!" "Now, now, now. I told you -- you'll just have to wait until we get back to Taylor's house." He had picked them up in a cab and the three had had a great dinner at a small restaurant across town. The two had begun pestering him to reveal his surprise from the moment he had picked them up, but he had remained adamant. "All I am going to say is that this is a surprise unlike any other you've ever had...
"You are grounded!" "You can't do that!" "Just watch me! What in the hell were you thinking?" Phillipe looked up at his father from the dinner table. They had never been close and he had never had a great amount of respect for the man, but this attempt to treat him like a child angered him. "I just got a little revenge on two bitc... two former classmates who did nothing but amuse themselves at my expense. They humiliated me any number of times, calling me names, sneering behind...
"Now we'll be back between eleven and eleven-thirty," Helen Spangler told the baby sitter. "You have our cell phone number and Katy's. She's at the library studying for an exam and won't be home until late, but if you can't reach us, by all means call her." "Yes, Mrs. Spangler," smiled Angela Burton, the seventeen year old high school senior who had baby-sat with Phillipe when he was younger. "But don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'm sure it will be," smiled the...
"Honey, may I come in?" "Sure Mom. I'm dressed. I promise," he laughed. She laughed too, but nervously. She and Glen were no prudes but the sight of her fourteen year old son atop his baby sitter and her screaming in pleasure and begging for more had been the shock of her life. In the days since, Glen had tried talking with the boy without success. In fact the animosity between them had gotten so bad Phillipe had as much as told his father he was no man at all and it was a mystery why...
The next few days were tortuous for Helen. Not only was she forced to deal what had happened in Phillipe's room, but there was no one she could talk to. Glen was obviously out of the question and even the thoughts of sharing the incident and her dichotomous feelings about it with her mother brought a lump to her throat along with the resignation that no one -- no one could understand what it meant to have a fourteen year old son who was not only smarter, better read and better educated, but...
Helen had become deeply troubled. Since she had found her son mounting her best friend and sending Rachel through the roof with pleasure, she was at her wits end as to what to do. She dare not mention it to Glen who had already had two more run-ins with Phillipe, the last ending in a shouting match in which Phillipe had all but said he could take his mother away from his father if he wanted. Glen had dared him to try and now the stage was set. Phillipe genuinely cared for his mother, but the...
During the next few days Helen was determined to recapture her husband and marriage, yet Glen was cool at best and Phillipe always seemed to be near, admiring her, complimenting her, helping with housework. He didn't make any more advances which surprised her (she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed), but his looks spoke volumes. He had said all which needed to be said. He wanted her. She wanted him. She would eventually come to him. There were times when she, like Glen, found...
The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...
In the weeks which followed, Helen became, for all practical purposes, her son's whore. As soon as Glen and Katy would leave the house, she would strip and prostrate herself for Phillipe who would take her to ever ascending heights of rapture and joy. He screwed her in every room of the house, on the floor, draped across the furniture, even on the stairway. His favorite practical joke was to either enter her with his phallus or finger while she was on the phone, and watching her try to carry...
During the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...
And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...
The summer was moving along. Carlo's parents were still on their month-long cruise. Carlo had taboo sex with his Aunt Jackie and oral sex with his sister. He wanted to have sex with his aunt again. His brother Martin and his sister Kelly were at the beach with friends. Carlo saw his aunt sunbathing in the nude outside by the pool.Carlo put on his bathing suit and went out to where Aunt Jackie was. He had a semi-erection and wanted to get busy with his sexy and horny Aunt."Hey, sexy Auntie....
IncestOnly a couple of drinks in me so far, my sexual appetite becoming brave and unruly. I was out for a drink with a male friend of mine. We usually went out for drinks at least once a week, and for some reason the small minded people in this town, couldn’t quite get their heads around the fact that man and woman can be great friends without fucking one another. I was talking to a couple of strangers, well brothers actually. Clive was the youngest at 30, and his brother John 37. They were both...
Chapter 9 1982 – Janet Fowler — Fitzgerald Twenty-four-year-old Janet Fowler’s brown hair was tied back in a pony tail. Her face was soft and round, with pink cheeks, a small nose, and an overbite that almost looked comical, but emphasized her very full, pink lips. Her brown eyes were hidden by sunglasses. She wore a formless blue sweatshirt, which obscured her smallish, but beautiful naturally pear-shaped breasts. She more than compensated for this by showing off her eye-popping ass by...
Chapter 8 Day 5 In the morning with everyone awake, Aidan asked for everyone to join her in the bedroom. '(Good morning everyone, I hope everyone got a good night's sleep.)' Everyone nodded yes. '(That's good, so the good news is that Dylan is in a much better state of mind involving his entire family. Oscar, he overheard the conversation between you and his kids, he says you did fantastic and to thank you for your help. The Unicorn was nice enough to give me some background that...
We had been to a party with our friends Kate and Andy an had a few too many drinks, however it was back at their place after that things got interesting. Kate is slim and sexy, very outgoing while Andy is the quiet type with an athletic body that Debbie always liked. So it was back at their place over a few more drinks that talk got to sex as usual but tonight it was different somehow more intense. Kate as ever was quizzing Debbie about her boobs as she has small titties about 32b, but lovely...
Annabel is going door to door to try to sell cookies for a school fundraiser, but she’s not getting many purchases. She tries one more house and Peter answers the door. Unfortunately, no luck with Peter either. Annabel has had enough and won’t give up this time. She sneaks through the back and decides to use her secret weapon, her enormous tits. She takes off her shirt and pants and Peter is in shock. Her boobs are perfect, and Peter loves some big, natural tits. He invites her...
xmoviesforyouValerie shivered, and not just from the cold. She hated not knowing if one of them was waiting in the dark. Her fingers fumbled with the lighter, but finally, she got a spark. The flame wavered, but there wasn't quite enough wind coming through the roof hatch to blow it out. She lit three of the candles, setting two of them on a shelf across from the door. The other she held in her left hand while she pulled the little pistol from her pocket. She took a deep breath and pointed the weapon at...
Hello Indian Sex Stories readers this is crazy harsha.This is the first story of mine and you are free to express your suggestions about the story at I was studying intermediate second year when this beautiful episode happened.When I was undergoing my second year a thin beautiful girl with white complexion lately joined in our college.She was darn pretty that every boy in our class looked at her and fantasized.Her name is lakshmi(changed). Everyone tried their level best to introduce to her...
Introduction: who needs people Tess lay on her bed in a bubble of self pity. It was Friday night and the boy she had asked out at school had refused her. Another weekend alone and it didnt help that her older sister was on a date at that moment. Even when their parents got a divorce it hadnt taken their mother long to find a boyfriend. Tess let out a sigh and rolled over to get a look at herself in the full length mirror, her long red hair going past her shoulders, her pale blue eyes, her milky...
I woke up knowing that my life would be different now. I was different now. I was no longer a virgin. It wasn’t a very romantic way to get rid of my cherry, but it was gone. Getting fucked was checked off my bucket list. I was no longer eligible for all those satanic rituals that previously would have required my blood. I no longer had to fear that ‘Returned Unopened’ would be my epitaph. I got up early despite being so keyed up that I didn’t sleep much. I felt as if I had tons of energy....
History:Background on Mike and SallyMike and Sally have known each other since they were five years old. That was when Mike moved into the rural community where Sally also lived. Sally and her mom lived with her grandmother just down the road from Mike. Since both her mother and grandmother worked, they would bring Sally to Mike’s home during the day. Mike and Sally became very good friends.They attended elementary school together and rode the school bus to and from school. They always sat...
Cheating"Jeff Wimble... " the middle aged and nearly bald man called out. "Here... " a voice said somewhere from the right side of the room. "Is there anyone here I didn't call?" the instructor finally asked. I raised my hand, having gotten used to not being on the attendance sheet from the two previous classes I had been in. "And your name is?" "Tim Brandon... That's be are ay en, dee oh en." I said, remembering to spell my last name without the t. "Uhm, student number is four...
The Panty Thief By Cal Y. Pygia "Pablo!" a shrill voice called. "Pablo Rodriguez!" It was his mother. She was calling--for the second or third time, judging by her tone, a mixture of impatience and annoyance bordering upon anger-- which meant that he'd better waste no time--or no more time--in responding to her summons. He'd been so caught up in the moment, examining his treasures, that, apparently, he had not heard her initial calls. "I'll be right there, Momma!" he...
Working for Relatives By Margaret Jeanette Sarah Strong was visiting with her mother. As they sat and talked her mother steered the conversation around to Sarah's husband, Mark. "Where is Mark? I thought he'd be here." "He's busy. I asked him to clean the bathrooms and you know he's a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning." "I figured as much. It looks like you wear the pants in your family." "Mark is so good to me. I know he isn't the athlete you think I should...
I spend a lot of time cruising the Internet looking at porn. I don’t care about kinky stuff, and I am bored by professional porn workers. What I like is true amateur porn, people who put their photos and movies on the web because they enjoy sex and find it exciting to show that pleasure to others. There are many, many sites that pretend to show amateurs, and most of them are fakes. But there are a few out there if you keep looking. I am married, and my wife is a fine woman, but she hasn’t...
Thursday December 29 The trip home seemed to take forever. Whenever I wanted to be somewhere in a hurry, LA traffic reared its ugly head. Then the plane I was on had mechanical problems, and we had to switch to another flight. That meant that I lost my first-class seat and was sent to the back of the plane in a middle seat. It was either that or wait another day to get home. We landed in Chicago in the early morning, so traffic sucked getting out of the city. When I finally got home, I found...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Just then the door flew open and there was our mom standing in the doorway, her skirt creased around her thighs; she had obviously just woke up from her nap. She looked in the room and saw her son lying on the bed, with his cock being wanked into her own pantyhose by her daughter. The same daughter who was sitting on her son’s face, with her skirt rucked up to display her nyloned legs, silken panty ass and crotch. “Just what the fuck do you two think...
IncestWhen I woke up, sunlight was streaming through the open door of the tent and Matt was gone. I heard the sounds of breakfast and the murmur of voices coming from the picnic table. Pulling on some clothes, I noticed there was dried cum on my chest and matted in my pubic hair. I pulled out my phone and reversed the camera to make sure nothing was showing on my face or arms.I was the last one to the table.“What a sleepyhead,” my little sister said. My mom -- a great camp cook -- slid some pancakes...
BisexualThis was bizarre. Carla and I naked on the bed, making love and my boyfriend John on the speaker phone on the bedside table listening to our every word and move. He was sitting in the chair at our house, masturbating whilst we spoke to him, teasing him to death as we described to him what we were doing. Carla was now lying on her stomach with her head between my knees. Her hands were underneath the crook of my knees, parting my thighs as she began to lightly kiss the inside of my left knee. I...
Pretty much everything about gorgeous ebony babe Hazel Grace screams sex. Her toned physique. Her luscious dick sucking lips. And especially that horny look in her eyes. She has always wanted to try porn, and today she has come to the right place. Our stud presents his meaty prick, and she dives right in. She gobbles his sausage like she has been starving for years. Then she bends over and lets him pulverize her tight, black pussy cat until she is spasming orgasmically on his dick. Hazel dreams...
xmoviesforyouHarold called. A first. A dubious first from my point of view. Do I really want to be in a pimp’s cellphone directory? He asked me to come see him. Another first, but an intriguing one. He sounded terse. Like he was trying to conceal his nervousness. It was Tuesday morning around 11. Harold is turning into an early riser. I parked my F-150 in front of his house. He and Columbo were waiting on the porch. The front door was closed on this late Spring day, they didn’t want any of the whores to...
“Oh, damn it! That is one hell of a mouth that your lady has there!” Officer Jason Sanchez declared for Roger’s benefit as Jen swallowed yet another load down her thirsty gullet. “You should try this one, too ... fuck me, I’ve never had a woman let me titty fuck her before!” Officer Aidan O’Neal exclaimed as he came all over Ninve’s lovely bosom. “Well, that’s the last one for the day, I guess, but I wouldn’t mind a taste of Annbrith, if that’s okay,” Ninve suggested, making Roger chuckle...
"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate this," I said as the car rolled to a stop. "Just remember this in a few months when you get your license and I ask you to take Traci somewhere." I looked blank. "Traci, Traci who?" I started to open the door. "It's a long walk to Robbie's from here." "Oh, Traci! My beautiful, talented, loving sister. Why didn't you say so?" I grinned as I stepped out of the car. The raindrop hit right in the center of my head. I looked up and a second drop...
Anna Claire Clouds looks gorgeous in heels and glamorous lingerie. The blonde, tattooed stunner playfully teases, stripping off her clothes and fondling her delectable bod. Director/stud Mick Blue holds the camera as he jumps in for a passionate tongue kiss. The young girl strokes his big cock and rubs it over her wet pussy. She kneels for an intense blowjob. Sloppy throat fucking creates a mess of slobber on the floor. The nasty girl rims his asshole! Anna lies spread-eagled on the couch,...
xmoviesforyouEl bus de las 9Vengo de jugar un partido, voy en el autobús de camino a casa, es de noche, sobre las 9, voy con el pantalón corto y una camiseta, estoy cansado y me he colocado casi al final, voy solo yo y el conductor que ni se fija en mí por el retrovisor. De repente el autobús se para, veo que hay un atasco y al final se ven luces de ambulancia, debe de haber un accidente, toca esperar.Un poco más adelante veo varias chicas de veintitantos que miran hacia adelante, son curiosas. Veo que...
Gap-toothed beauty Keisha Grey’s voluptuous, oiled bod glistens in a tiny, spangled gold bikini. The racy, young slut seduces Mark Wood, giving his thick dick a gagging blow job, and drooling on her chest so she can wrap her perfect, natural jugs around his throbbing shaft. Mark pumps his cock inside Keisha’s furry pussy and licks the impudent minx’s puckered anus. In a deep, steady, passionate ass reaming, her boobs sway. Keisha’s vibe buzzes her pussy while she’s...
xmoviesforyouShe had to rush to pick the phone, if Rahim would have picked up the phone it would have created a problem for her as what a stranger is doing in the house at 10 pm at night. So she went in the nighty itself. She picked up the phone and it was Abhinav. She was talking to him for 5 minutes. When she kept the phone down she realized that Rahim was looking at her.Rahim: Wow Simran, you look awesome...just like a those models they show in lingerie ads!!!Simran know realized her situation, she was...
The past three months was spent by me trying to find a job. I looked & search every where to no avail. So, I went thru this temp service, Ameri-Temps for the time being. They gave me a study job. I worked the job for two weeks now it was cool cause i had got money in my pocket. After working so hard this friday, i was ready to go home & sleep the night away. But, a buddy of mines said" Man befo i head in i gotta have me a drink. Ameri-Temps always had a van that drop us off & pick...
Winter 1809/10 On the next morning, a boat from the shore brought two huddled figures in boat cloaks who turned out to be Mr. Paul Courtland and Mr. Erasmus James, recent graduates of the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth, who reported for duty in Tempest. Neither of them had been to sea before. Thomas received them in his cabin and studied their papers. Somebody in the Admiralty must have been possessed of a grim sense of humour, or perhaps they expected him to be more tolerant towards the...
The remainder of the week dragged by horribly. I even found that I wasn't exactly in the mood to do anything sexual either, though God only knows Cindy tried. I we both did that a lot of things were riding on this, including very possibly our marriage, though a lot had recently occurred that had cemented our love for one another even more so than it had been. Still...there were a lot of unknowns each of us had yet to face, the biggest of which was if we could comfortably go through...
Dismounting outside one of the largest taverns Monty had yet encountered on Chaos, he drew a deep breath. Nothing he had yet studied or practiced could fully prepare him for the final reality. To date, he had responded to threat; now, he was the threat. Charles looked through the door, stood back, and nodded. Having determined that Hastert was ensconced in the common room of his favorite tavern, Monty marched into the brightly lit room, across the sawdust-covered floor, and stood before the...