Prodigious CollectionChapter 14 free porn video

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4 Section 55 -- Spurned males

"Listen up, guys," the steward said as he observed his audience. When the noise had abated, he continued. "We're here now to debrief. We would like some feedback from you. We want to help you. You guys are just in from the meat market, where you've spent a couple of days being inspected, neglected, and rejected, repeat, repeat, repeat. You've just left your loved ones behind, praying that they will find and join a safe and satisfying family. You've probably got a mix of emotions running through you right now: empty, angry, frightened, confused and a lot more. We want to take this time to help you get yourselves flying straight and level, get you squared away so you can return to Earth and live a productive and rewarding life there. We expect you to return and tell of your experiences here in the moon. We hope those experiences were mainly positive in spite of the fact that you have to go back to Earth. As we told you in the orientation a few days ago, we need your goodwill. Lemme tell you why.

"We're now assembling two hundred and fifty thousand people to board the cube transport Valhalla. The cycle for transports is only two weeks: boarding, outbound travel, unloading and the return to Earth. With one cube transport, we oughta have two weeks to assemble the next load of passengers.

"The second cube transport will be commissioned in just a few weeks. Then with two cube transports, we will have to assemble two hundred and fifty thousand passengers every week. The third cube transport will be commissioned a few months after that. And the cube transports will keep coming out of the shipyards, demanding more and more passengers, faster and faster.

"Three days ago, we tried out a new method of extractions. You guys were part of that. With the office building and the follow-up dependent extractions, we got about twenty thousand people from each of two cities. The method was judged a success. Two days ago, we did four buildings in four cities and got about eighty thousand. Yesterday, the same yielded another eighty thousand. After the extractions today, we will have ... you did the math, about two hundred and eighty thousand people. About thirty thousand of those will be adult males who we cannot transport to the colonies. They'll have to go back to Earth.

"We want your help in limiting the number of males who have to go through the ordeal of inspection and rejection. We want to know from you how to persuade the males not to come to the moon at all. We want to learn from you how to use the fear-of-God orientation session to persuade more men go back to Earth." The steward called on a man who had raised his hand.

"If I hadn't come with the rest from the office building," the man said, "my wife and kids wouldn't have been extracted."

"We're aware of that," answered the steward. "I hope you'll agree that the marines doing the pickup did not dwell on that point. Does anyone disagree?" No one spoke up. "We can talk more later about whether we should modify what the marines tell the office building people.

"This office building extraction was followed up with a wide open secondary pickup. As you know, we agreed to one pickup at one location for each person who came from the office building. The secondary pickup could include a pretty much unlimited number of people. So far, the number of male concubine candidates has been relatively low on the secondary pickup. That number is rising every day with every new pickup.

"You guys will be among the first to have been in the moon and then sent back home. We have had four days of office style pickups and nobody has a clue what they will encounter in the moon. That will all change as soon as you guys return. Unhappily for you, the media is going to be all over you when you get home. We want to talk about the story you will tell when you get home.

"What I'd like to know right now is, how did you feel about the males-only orientation, where we tried to convince you not to stay? Anybody?"

There was some stirring among the crowd but, at first, no one spoke up. "I really thought I could convince a sponsor that he or she should pick me, my wife and my two children," said one guy.

The steward looked away for a moment, then focused on the man who had spoken. "Dave," said the steward, "we really need to learn from you guys. Let me ask you this: did you ask the AI about the likelihood of you being sponsored?"

"Yes," answered Dave.

"And what did the AI tell you?"

"It told me that the probability of me being sponsored was about 50/50, and it mentioned a couple of my attributes that would be problematic for prospective sponsors."

"Dave, did you discuss this with your wife?"

"Yes. My wife really, really wanted me to try to be sponsored with her. She was frightened at the prospect of a new man..."

"We didn't give the fear-of-God lecture to the women," allowed the steward. "How many of you were pressured by your wives to stay?" About two-thirds of the men raised their hands.

"Let's talk about the lecture you heard at the beginning. What can you tell me about it? Did you think it was truthful? Did you think it wasn't as bad as we portrayed it?"

"I kept thinking about my wife," said another man. "I thought that lecture was probably right but I knew my wife wasn't going to go for it. She wanted me with her."

Pretty soon, almost all of the men were participating in a lively discussion. It was unanimously agreed that the women should hear the 'gloves off' lecture about trying to be a male concubine. There was disagreement whether the men and women should hear the lecture together or separately. Most of the guys wished that the AI had not hedged its report on the probability of being sponsored.

"This office building extraction method won't be useful for very long," said the steward. "Earth First and other anti-Confederacy groups will find a way to make the method too expensive in terms of the loss of life. But there will be other new kinds of pickups. We need too many people, too fast, for us to merely do the little restaurant pickups that were the standard routine at the beginning. Don't get me wrong: the little pickups will continue; none of the smaller transport ships have been taken out of service.

"We need a reliable way to dissuade male concubine candidates from making the trip in the first place. We need a reliable way to convince male concubine candidates not to stay for the meat market. What are your thoughts on that?"

Again there was a lively discussion. There was unanimous agreement that having all of the men from the office buildings come resulted in a lot more dependents who could go to the colonies. The group reached consensus that the 'gloves off' lecture should be given to the men and women at the same time; and the AI should be less circumspect in its assessment of the probability of success for the male concubine candidates.

When this aspect had been completely talked out by the group, the steward turned the discussion toward the men's imminent return to Earth. "We want to help you," said the steward, "but we don't want to encourage male concubine prospects to come to the moon and stay through the meat market." A lively exchange ensued. The guys of course wanted enhancement, age rollback and military training. The steward pointed out that the men's experiences would be widely publicized. The unfortunate result would be that many more male concubine prospects would come to the moon and would endure the negative elements simply in order to achieve enhancement.

The discussion went on for a long time.

4 Section 56 -- Beth's ova

"Ohhhh," sighed Beth as she rubbed her lower abdomen on the right side. Despite her obvious discomfort, she smiled dreamily as she lay back in her seat.

"What's wrong?" asked Erin.

"AI," breathed Beth, "that was the ovum being released, wasn't it?"

"It was," answered the AI. "If you felt that, you should soon feel the release of the ovum on the other side. The first ovum wasn't quite ready for release, and needed some assistance. The ovum on the other side wasn't preparing for release at all and would not otherwise have been ripe until next month."

"You can feel your egg being released?" Emma asked in shock. Beth nodded gently but said nothing. She lay back on the sofa, still rubbing her abdomen and smiling.

"For twenty some years," Beth finally said softly, "every month, I felt a twinge when an egg released. Every month, I knew that that egg would go unused. This one," and she pointed at her ovary, "and this one, when it comes, are going to be fertilized, are going to attach themselves in my womb and become children."

"Some women can feel it every month and some can't," said Claire. "I understand that the pain usually goes away pretty quickly. For some, it can be quite painful and the pain can last for days. I have never felt an egg being released -- at least not knowingly."

"It is called mittelschmerz, or ovulation pain," added the AI. "Only one in five women is able to sense the ovum release. Far fewer have pain associated with the sensation. Now that Beth has reported the pain, it is being attended to and will subside shortly."

Now Beth grimaced and rubbed on the other side. She exhaled in a long, steady breath, trying to control her response to the pain. She smiled, eyes still closed. "Oh, that hurt," she said softly. After a pause, "I have two ova on their way to meet their destiny. I know I'm going to have twin babies. I'm going to be impregnated today. I haven't been this horny since my wedding day, and that was a long time ago. I need to feel myself wrapped in his strong arms. I need to feel him deep inside me, filling me up. I need to feel the jets of his semen, launching his sperm on their journey."

Lauren shushed the twins with her finger over her own lips and then crooked her finger, calling them to kneel in front of her. When they arrived, she quietly told them, "Go sit on either side of Beth. Cuddle up close. Pull her arms around you. Hold onto her hands, like this," and she showed them what she meant, "gently, like you're soothing her, cuddling with her, but don't let her pull her hands away. Rub her tummy for her. Let her show you how much pressure she wants. After a few moments, start in on her nipples with your tongues -- just a very little at first -- and, after that, her areolae. When she's ready, I'll put a lip lock on her clit." The three giggled quietly.

The twins took up their positions, smoothly wrapped Beth's arms around themselves and began to soothe her abdominal pain with their hands. Beth patted their arms in silent thanks for their help. She pressed her hand over Erin's, letting her know that she wanted more pressure on her tummy. When Erin had it right, she withdrew her hand. She had not opened her eyes at all.

Emma began to extend the distance she was massaging, maintaining the pressure over Beth's ovary but letting the rest of each stroke become more and more like a caress. Soon, she was rubbing along a line from Beth's ovary to her mons. Erin picked up the ploy and mimicked her twin on the other side, timing her strokes opposite Erin's so that only one hand was near Beth's mons at a time.

Erin moved in and, ever so gently, licked the tip of Beth's nipple. Beth shook in surprise but did not open her eyes. Emma's tongue on her nipple did not make her shake. Instead, she sighed in appreciation. The twins watched each other, each mimicking the other's actions. A gentle bite and stretch of one nipple was immediately copied on the other side. One tongue and then the other twirled around the nipple, over and over. The breast play remained gentle but increasingly intense.

Beth was enjoying the ever more erotic strokes and the attention that both of her breasts were receiving. The glistening dew on her lower lips was easy to see. Her hips began to move back and forth. Her knees opened and closed.

Laura timed her move perfectly, dropping to the floor between Beth's outspread knees. She immediately began kissing Beth's inner thighs, quickly working her way to her prize in the middle. Laura decided that subtlety was for another occasion. She dragged her flattened tongue from the lowest part she could reach, all the way up to the top, right over Beth's still-hidden clit. Sure enough, Beth tried to yank her hands away but the twins were prepared. Beth's long, loud inhale of breath told Laura that she was on the right track.

"Noooo," Beth moaned, "three on one isn't fair!"

"You've made love your whole adult life," said Laura. "You've been fucked a lot. Today, Beth, Martin is going to breed you." Beth shuddered.

"It is said," giggled Claire as she lazily jacked Rob's cock by rocking her pelvis, "that you're more likely to get pregnant if you have an orgasm. You want more babies, you need more orgasms. And more orgasms. Give her the works, girls!"

They did just that. Beth got kissed, licked, sucked, nipped, probed, fingered, fisted, brought to screaming orgasms beyond count. When her sisters had reduced her to a mass of quivering Jell-o, they stretched her out on the sofa for a rest.

4 Section 57 -- Fourth day extractions: Anchorage, Honolulu, Osaka, Seoul

Tired from extractions in Australia and India, the marines took a long rest. By the time they were ready to begin the fourth day extractions, the day was nearly over across the continental United States and Canada. Extractions in Anchorage and Honolulu were arranged.

The tallest non-hotel building in Anchorage was twenty-two stories. In order to achieve the planned headcount, three separate building extractions had to be conducted at once. In Honolulu, extractions in two buildings occurred at the same time.

The marines were by then old hands at this type of extraction. The transporter pads disgorged the Anchorage office workers and then the Honolulu office workers. The marines went back for the Honolulu secondary extractions first while they awaited twilight in Anchorage.

Next came extractions in Osaka, Japan and Seoul, Korea.

When they were done, the marines had over the past four days accumulated more than two hundred eighty-four thousand men, women and children from seven countries.

4 Section 58 -- Sarah, Sandy & Jack return

"You look the epitome of 'freshly fucked', Diane," smiled Claire. "I hope you're as refreshed and recharged as you look. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Claire," said Diane as she and Martin seated themselves. "What have you hooligans done to Beth?"

"They ganged up on me," Beth breathed, still prone on the sofa, eyes closed. "Three on one. It wasn't pretty. I think they want me to have quadruplets. I may be boneless for the rest of the day."

"Who were the culprits?" chuckled Martin, panning the room. The twins and Laura blushed furiously. A smiling Claire's finger pointing was unnecessary. "I suppose you didn't come to her aid, Claire, because you were full of cock?"

"Well, I am still full of cock," laughed Claire, "but, if I weren't, I would have helped with the attack." Beth groaned.

"You must be missing out on something special, Boss," said Laura. "Rob's been fucking her continuously since before breakfast."

"What?" exclaimed Rob, feigning affront. "I'm just sitting here minding my own business. I like Claire on my lap."

"You know what your fingers look like when you've been in a hot bath for too long?" asked Diane. "I wonder if that happens to Rob's cock."

The front door opened and in pranced Sandy, Jack and Sarah, holding hands and chortling. Applause and cheering erupted. The three lined up side by side, still holding hands, and bowed deeply. The twins raced to meet them and started a group hug. "Show us, show us," they chanted as they ended the embrace.

All three of the newly enhanced family members did pirouettes in front of the family. It was plain that the show was planned -- their stances were the same and they turned in the same direction at the same time. Jack looked ridiculous between the sisters, his erection bobbing with every tiny step.

"Look, ladies," laughed Laura, "you've given Rob a hard-on!" Claire was still on Rob's lap. Everyone knew his cock was still fully embedded inside her.

"Naa," laughed Beth, now sitting up, "that's the same hard-on he woke up with!"

"You look really great," said Martin, "all three of you. How do you feel?"

"I feel great!" beamed Jack.

"I feel young!" exclaimed Sarah.

"I feel horny!" shouted Sandy. Jack and Sarah nodded vigorously.

"Well, sit down for a bit," smiled Diane, "and we'll share the plan with you." The three happily plunked down on a sofa with Jack in the middle. The sisters both wrapped a hand around his erection and each jammed one of his hands into her crotch. A smiling Diane simply shook her head, but also noted that the width of both girls' hands was not nearly enough to cover Jack's cock.

"While you were away," began Claire, "Martin found himself in the mood to make babies. While some of us wanted to wait until our entire family was together, our overseer," and she waived her thumb at Beth, "took matters into her own hands. She pointed out why none of the rest of us ought to be first to get preggers and she elected herself the first mother of Martin's children.

"So while Martin scratched Diane's itch, the AI proceeded to get Beth's ovaries busy. Beth now has two ova coming down the chute for a rendezvous with Martin's baby-makers. It turns out that Beth can feel her ova being released. The first egg was nearly ripe anyway. The second wasn't ready at all and forcing its release was painful. Laura plotted with the twins to take her mind off the pain. They ganged up on Beth and made her orgasm until she was boneless.

"Martin says he wants to take a page out of the lion's book and mate with Beth over and over until the AI reports her pregnant."

"And you two sisters," said a grinning Martin, "get to choose for the entire family whether Beth's impregnation should be a ceremony or whether you'll drag the other men off and fuck them silly."

"Can't we do both?" asked Sandy. "We can solemnly witness you stuff babies into her before we retire to get our own pipes cleaned!"

Without another word, Martin rose and collected Beth in his arms. As he stood there, they kissed tenderly. As the seconds stretched out without Martin moving, the twins led the way into the bedroom, racing to get the best spot. Sarah rose and dragged Jack along to join the twins. Laura waddled away with Diane.

As Martin headed for the bedroom, Sandy helped Claire to stand and then pulled her into a kiss and embrace. "May I borrow your man for a while?" Sandy asked.

Claire smiled, nodding. "Rob isn't my man, Sandy. I'm comfortable with Rob, and his cock fits in me real well. Maybe I ought to start branching out -- get started whittling away at my four thousand orgasm deficit." She giggled. "Rob just can't get over how long he can stay hard. I think he just sticks it into me out of habit. Take him. Ride him hard and put him away wet."

"Hey!" snorted Rob, "you make me sound like an animal!"

"Don't complain, my studly stallion. Sandy wants to ride you for all you're worth. Take good care of her!"

Martin laid Beth on the bed and crawled up beside her, one arm beneath her neck and the free hand caressing her face. Her breathing was already ragged, the expression on her face a mixture of lust, excitement and fulfillment. Her thighs were shiny with her juices. She was ready. She caressed his face before pulling him in for a scorching kiss.

The twins had sandwiched Laura between and just in front of them so they could both hold her up, saving her back. Each twin wrapped an arm behind Laura's back and held on to her sister. With their free hand, and with her permission, they gently stroked Laura's arms.

Rob was spooned up behind Sandy, his head propped up on his arm, his free hand for the present merely stroking Sandy's arm. Sarah yanked Jack back from the bed and slurped up his cock until he was rock hard. Then she pushed him onto the bed, upright with his feet straight out. She proceeded to climb into his lap, facing away from him and impaled herself with a sigh. Diane and Claire sat together, knees out, feet behind them with their arms wrapped around each other's back.

As the kiss became a serious bout of tonsil hockey, Beth coaxed Martin onto her, freeing her arm in the process. She used both hands to caress his face while she pressed herself up, feeling his rigid cock along her slit. The kiss was broken. While she looked deeply into Martin's eyes, she softly said, "Diane, I ask your blessing."

Diane's gasp revealed her surprise. She happened to be positioned so that she could bring her face to Beth's without having to move. By the time Diane was within Beth's vision, tears ran from Beth's shining eyes and into her ears. The joy on Beth's face made her radiant. "Make a baby boy for all of us, Beth," Diane whispered. "Make us a baby girl. Bless you for all you've already done for us, Beth. You bless us all."

With that, Martin lifted his hips to align his cock with Beth's entrance. Diane gently but firmly grabbed his cock and brought him into position. As she let go, he slid all the way into Beth in one steady thrust. He stopped, buried to the hilt in her warm wet envelope, and watched her shining eyes. Soon, she gently thrust upward, signaling her readiness.

He began long, slow thrusts, pulling back until he was nearly out and then surely thrusting all the way back in. He ground his pelvis into hers before beginning the next stroke. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him passionately. The kiss ended and she pushed him back far enough to see his face. Her smile filling her entire face, she softly said, "This feels so good, Martin. But our goal is you fucking babies into me. I think the operative word is 'fuck.' Will you please cut loose and fuck the shit out of me? Fuck me now, and I'll fuck you next. Can we rut, over and over, until we know we're successful?"

Martin smiled and nodded as he began to pick up the speed and power of his thrusts. "Make me cum before you fill me up, Martin. An orgasm enhances my fertility."

Beth got what she asked for. Martin's reproductive enhancements shown as he slammed deeply into her again and again, relentlessly continuing until they were both huffing and sweating profusely. The audience could plainly see that Beth's orgasm was fast approaching. Someone started quietly clapping while chanting, "Go, go, go, go." Soon Beth and Martin were the only ones not chanting. The volume and speed increased as Beth's orgasm approached like a freight train. It slammed through her body as she let go a blood-curdling scream. Martin kept thrusting until he too roared his release.

Martin tried to roll to Beth's side but she would have none of it. She squeezed him tightly to her chest, whispering, "Thank you," over and over. He raised his head to peer into her radiant face. They kissed softly, lovingly. "Stay inside me," she whispered. "Stay hard."

Sometime during the episode, Sandy had thrown her leg back over Rob's and guided his cock inside her. Rather than thrust, he reached over her and began running his fingers through her pussy.

Sarah was impaled from the beginning. She too refrained from riding up and down Jack's cock, instead opting to let his fingers play in her gash while she fondled his balls.

The twins had artfully arranged themselves to provide plenty of access to their pussies. Laura found both of her hands in the twins' crotches. She did her best to get them both off without attracting attention to themselves.

Claire and Diane were the only two not getting any. They did not mind. They had both had plenty earlier in the day. They had focused their attention on the show that Beth and Martin were putting on before them. The antics of the remaining family members were not missed, either.

Beth had only to look at Diane to convey her need. Diane sprang off the bed, pulling Claire with her. With space freed, Beth rolled them both until she was sitting on his pelvis. As she gently rocked her hips, she turned her gaze toward Laura. "Martin's awfully thirsty, Laura. Do you have any nectar you'd like to serve him? He likes it straight from the source. You don't have to if you don't want."

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"Phillipe! You can't do this to us!" "Yes, please, tell us what the surprise is!" "Now, now, now. I told you -- you'll just have to wait until we get back to Taylor's house." He had picked them up in a cab and the three had had a great dinner at a small restaurant across town. The two had begun pestering him to reveal his surprise from the moment he had picked them up, but he had remained adamant. "All I am going to say is that this is a surprise unlike any other you've ever had...

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ProdigyChapter 7

"You are grounded!" "You can't do that!" "Just watch me! What in the hell were you thinking?" Phillipe looked up at his father from the dinner table. They had never been close and he had never had a great amount of respect for the man, but this attempt to treat him like a child angered him. "I just got a little revenge on two bitc... two former classmates who did nothing but amuse themselves at my expense. They humiliated me any number of times, calling me names, sneering behind...

3 years ago
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ProdigyChapter 8

"Now we'll be back between eleven and eleven-thirty," Helen Spangler told the baby sitter. "You have our cell phone number and Katy's. She's at the library studying for an exam and won't be home until late, but if you can't reach us, by all means call her." "Yes, Mrs. Spangler," smiled Angela Burton, the seventeen year old high school senior who had baby-sat with Phillipe when he was younger. "But don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'm sure it will be," smiled the...

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ProdigyChapter 9

"Honey, may I come in?" "Sure Mom. I'm dressed. I promise," he laughed. She laughed too, but nervously. She and Glen were no prudes but the sight of her fourteen year old son atop his baby sitter and her screaming in pleasure and begging for more had been the shock of her life. In the days since, Glen had tried talking with the boy without success. In fact the animosity between them had gotten so bad Phillipe had as much as told his father he was no man at all and it was a mystery why...

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ProdigyChapter 10

The next few days were tortuous for Helen. Not only was she forced to deal what had happened in Phillipe's room, but there was no one she could talk to. Glen was obviously out of the question and even the thoughts of sharing the incident and her dichotomous feelings about it with her mother brought a lump to her throat along with the resignation that no one -- no one could understand what it meant to have a fourteen year old son who was not only smarter, better read and better educated, but...

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ProdigyChapter 11

Helen had become deeply troubled. Since she had found her son mounting her best friend and sending Rachel through the roof with pleasure, she was at her wits end as to what to do. She dare not mention it to Glen who had already had two more run-ins with Phillipe, the last ending in a shouting match in which Phillipe had all but said he could take his mother away from his father if he wanted. Glen had dared him to try and now the stage was set. Phillipe genuinely cared for his mother, but the...

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ProdigyChapter 13

During the next few days Helen was determined to recapture her husband and marriage, yet Glen was cool at best and Phillipe always seemed to be near, admiring her, complimenting her, helping with housework. He didn't make any more advances which surprised her (she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed), but his looks spoke volumes. He had said all which needed to be said. He wanted her. She wanted him. She would eventually come to him. There were times when she, like Glen, found...

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ProdigyChapter 14

The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...

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ProdigyChapter 15

In the weeks which followed, Helen became, for all practical purposes, her son's whore. As soon as Glen and Katy would leave the house, she would strip and prostrate herself for Phillipe who would take her to ever ascending heights of rapture and joy. He screwed her in every room of the house, on the floor, draped across the furniture, even on the stairway. His favorite practical joke was to either enter her with his phallus or finger while she was on the phone, and watching her try to carry...

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ProdigyChapter 16

During the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...

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ProdigyChapter 18

And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...

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Lady in Red

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing I had always thought of girls, not that I was really a lesbian, but I had a real interest in their sexuality. I was always a very sexual person, but when I looked at girls from a young age I was always more interested in what was under their clothes than what was under a boys. It wasn’t until I was age 20 that I got to see what another girl was really like. At age 11, once I had experimented with a friend but she...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Nadya Nabakova Making His College Feet Dream Come True

This guy and I are both college seniors. We hang out pretty often, do homework together, and sometimes he tutors me. This one time, while we were studying on my bed, he said something sarcastic and I teased him by shoving my white socked feet up against his face. Though he was embarrassed, I think he liked it. After my last volleyball game Jake and I were studying together again but my tired feet and soles were so sore that I asked him to massage them. Before I knew it, he was licking and...

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Surprise Im LefthandedChapter 6

After that bath, I think that I was the cleanest that I had ever been since the last time my mother washed me as a baby. Oh, Martha did leave the room before I stood up, so I still had my modesty intact. I dried off with a large towel that Martha had found for me, and I got dressed before I dumped the water from the tub out the back door. Well, I do not know if I really felt physically better as a result of the bath, but it was nice to know that women would not now shy away from me because of...

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Havana Dreaming

Havana Dreaming   - ? 2009 by Metternich? -   TEIL 1   Kapitel 1   ?Der Kerl da dr?ben, mit dem wei?en Leinenhemd, der erinnert mich an Joe den Spieler.? ?Der sieht aber nicht so abgebrannt aus.? ?Dummkopf! Bevor er alles verspielte hatte, nat?rlich. Da war er noch eine stattliche Erscheinung, nicht so wie heute, wo man ihn am Rinnstein, voll wie eine Strandhaubitze, liegen sieht.? Die beiden M?nner, der eine dick, etwas untersetzt, kahlk?pfig und mit Dreitagebart, der andere lang und d?nn mit M...

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OverwatchChapter 7

We woke about 03.20, absolutely freezing. Your core temperature drops naturally about two or three in the morning in the morning, because of your body's natural rhythm, then rises again just before you wake. This was going to be a hard stag. Derek produced another flask. More tea, a fag, and a piss, then we dressed forward. This time I took the radio and log first. Like I said earlier, in the city, not much moved at night. Here, in the arsehole of nowhere, there was fuck-all cubed. Most of...

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lost my virginity at 15 to my uncles wife

I was 14 years old and my aunt was 20 years old. She married my mom's brother (uncle) 1 year prior dec 1988 in germany. I first met her in the summer of 1989 they came here (toronto) for honeymoon, When I saw her I thought she was really pretty and hot. She stood about 5'3 130-140lbs but all in her chest, nice firm body. They stayed with us for 3 weeks. I stayed clear of her a few days. I feared having a boner infront of her and my family, and did not want to seem foolish/horny teen.She had an...

1 year ago
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Breaking the norm Ch 2 revised

Ch. 2 After a night of cunnilingus and felattio with Donna my sexual appetite was a tad bit lessened than it would be on a hump day or any other day for that matter. Before I could truly get lost in my sexual ambitions there was work. I couldn't wait for this week to be over; I was looking forward to next week when the basketball league started back up. All started well and typical with my day. My first call was a breeze, but the second call was a 2 hour install for home networking....

2 years ago
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Dying DeclarationChapter 2

She slid into my embrace, warm, silky and fragrant. At first it had all the characteristics of hugging a close friend, or a sister-until the kiss came. It was delicious, sensual, and went almost instantly from a hesitant tasting to full, unabated deep kissing-we devoured each other's mouths, our tongues stabbing, probing, and her body pressed warmly to me. I felt a new host of sensations sparkle inside me. We kissed there at the end of the stone footpath for at least a full two minutes,...

1 year ago
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Now on Offer Revised

There's this girl in a local shop I frequent. She's not conventionally pretty; rather, she's this slight, awkward thing with a constantly worn, if not exhausted, air about her. I guess her employers keep her busy. She has dark circles under her eyes, and her work attire is this rather perfunctory black number, which swamps her small frame and renders her anonymous.Despite this, I find myself drawn to her, inexplicably so. Knowing full-well of the supposed predisposition for men to assume...

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JapanHDV Nao Mizuki Wakes her new husband so she can suck his cock

A new wife needs to be taught how to be a good wife. It is not something inherent. Nao Mizuki is a new wife and learning how to be a good one. We had a lesson in how to treat a husband when he returns from work after a long hot day last time with Nao. She got into the bath to clean and suck on her husband in the bath and get him clean and relax him from his day. Today we have Nao in bed with her husband and trying to get him to stay awake. She seems horny and wants to get into some fucking so...

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GloryHole Lisey Sweet 04172021

Lisey Sweet is all alone this evening at the swinger club because her husband tied up at work. What’s a solo girl to do but find the most available dicks in the place in the backroom Glory Hole. Dressed to the 9’s she is looking for just that and bigger. She is quick to get her dress up and tits out to entice the cocks from their holes. Big and Thick they come out together and she slobbers over them with joy. Her pussy needs it’s attention as well and is quickly bent over and...

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Liz discovers her sexuality

Elisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5’3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school. However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...

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How I Fucked My Indian Mom

Hello friends, My name is Joshua and I’m from Tamil Nadu. As every teenager, I used to fantasize having of getting into a deep relationship with my mother. Every person in his/her teens might have fantasized about having a physical and romantic relationship with his mother or her Dad. Its very usual as psychology claims this attraction towards the parent of the opposite gender to be quite natural and humane. I too was not an exception to this. About my mother, her name is Rani and she is 45...

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A Romance in the News

It was quite possibly the busiest news day I had ever seen. Everyone was running around, trying to cover all the angles of the ever developing War on Iraq. I was sitting at my desk, talking to my various sources, and watching the coverage anchored by the networks senior anchor, Darien James. Darien had always been an idol of mine, the top journalist at the network since he had joined back in the 70's. He was only in his early 50's, but didn't look a day over 40. I was getting ready to go out...

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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 11 Rumors and veiled accusations

Momma Nelson instructed me to never say too much about what happened in my bedroom, but I have to admit that Fate surprised me with how much she appeared to enjoy the evening. It was close to two hours before I finally rolled onto my side and tiredly demanded that I be allowed to sleep. Fate agreed, but proceeded to lie on her side and back up so her ass was pressed tightly against my cock. When I tried to pull free she grabbed my arm and pressed it against her breast. At that point I...

2 years ago
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A present from Tokyo

Chantelle hated Tokyo. The meeting that she’d planned for so long was a complete bust. There was supposed to be equality in Japan but no-one had gotten round to telling the Japanese that. There were glass ceilings everywhere. She’d seen perfectly competent women being forced to serve Tea to complete idiots just because they happened to be male. It had made her bridle which hadn’t helped when her hosts noticed it. The meeting went cordially enough, there were lots of smiles and...

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La fesseacutee ou la cravache

Quand tu arriveras pour me rejoindre dans l’appartement, je t’attendrais bien sagement à genoux devant la porte d’entrée, ne portant qu’un porte-jarretelle sans string avec des bas et un soutien-gorge en dentelle très transparent… Je tiendrais dans la main droite la cravache et dans l’autre les liens pour que tu puisses m’attacher comme bon te semble, me soumettre au moindre de tes désirs…Tu commenceras par me relever en posant ton index sur mon menton, forçant ma tête à se redresser pour te...

1 year ago
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Marriage of Inconvenience MChapter 4 Well

Bill Pierce was not enjoying this July. Many representatives were on vacation. Of course, many doctors were on vacation, too. But representatives had their lists of doctors whom they saw, and getting the doctors actually at work covered by the representatives actually at work was a pain. To add to that, doctors often didn’t tell the representatives when they would be on vacation. That meant that Representative X spent time going to Doctor Y’s office to find it closed. Or he went to the...

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A Layover

A Layover By strangefun Walking through a crowded airport, I smiled. The clothes I wore under my regular drab felt wonderful on my body - tight, constrictive, kinky, and so inappropriately feminine for a guy to wear under his mundane jeans, tee and sweatshirt. The only thing that could give me away was my footwear - tiny, cute, black canvas Keds with just a little of my opaque, shiny pantyhose showing below the hem of the jeans, but I figured they were innocuous enough not to...

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Revenge on Rachel

“Are we really doing this? I thought it would never happen.” Will shook the long, dark hair out of his eyes. She had mentioned it in the bedroom before, and he had been so into it, but he’d definitely thought she’d be too scared to follow through. Ella was full of surprises. She fiddled nervously with the phone in her hands, trying to give an outward appearance of being cool. She was scared, but she wanted this more than anything. Her veins filled with fire when she thought of this...

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Hobo mania

You scratch your filthy face. It is swollen and itchy. You feel the sore parts of your feet roll under your lazy gait. The sun is almost up, and you stretch out on the dusty floorboards, each yawn drawing an answer in creaking from the wooden planks beneath you. You have slept badly, another night in this abandoned office building. Sunlight filters, fresh and golden now, through the openings in the rickety window frame. You move to the window and survey your territory. Today is the day you...

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AOL Love

I don't use America Online often. Most of the time I spend online is to access the Internet. I've seen my younger brother in chat rooms almost everyday. I've only gone into a chat room twice. I thought the rooms were for little kids, perverts or Star Trek fans. I never found anyone to talk to in the rooms. I was always the oldest person in the room or the only one talking. When someone did instant message me, he would be a loser that I did not want to talk to. However, tonight I'm extremely...

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Summertime seduction part 2

.... I could see Alesha’s face going red with the obvious nerves about the situation, Fran said “Are you both just going to stand there? Would you like me to help you 2 kids get started?” I couldn’t help staring at Alesha’s huge tits in her skimpy bikini top, she was obviously turned on because her nipples were visibly hard through the bikini, so much so that you could’ve hung a coat on them. Fran took Alesha’s hand and led her closer to me, my rock hard cock was pressed against the soft...

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Erica by loyalsock

Erica lounged out by the pool, considering her options. It was a hot Sunday afternoon and she was wondering what the day had in store for her. She reached down to stroke her smooth, shaven pussy, she was in the mood for a good fuck by some young, yet unknown, stud. Erica set down her tea and strolled into the bedroom to get dressed. She removed her robe and admired herself in the full length mirror, at 32 she had already been divorced, had no k**s, but still had a fantastic body. She touched...

4 years ago
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Coming Ashore Part 1

As a first port of call after twelve weeks at sea, the King’s Head wasn’t bad. The beer was good and reasonably priced, there wasn’t too much noise and the bar didn’t slope. The smell of stale smoke was in keeping with the faded upholstery. It was just after opening time and the bar was almost empty. The barman was watching a replay on the telly, only coming near us when we called for beer. By the third pint we were supping rather than gulping, leaning our elbows on the bar and putting our...

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ScoutPart 14

Several minutes later, I had to stop watching the view screen as we twisted and turned along the path through the Wastes, missing by feet, and sometimes inches, asteroids far bigger than we were. I trusted Crystal and the other AIs implicitly, but watching still made me nervous. “Approaching the intersection,” Crystal announced nearly an hour later. The AIs and the bots laughed when I let out an explosive breath of relief. “Tell Rampage to end their pursuit,” I ordered. I didn’t want them...

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Kelly Girl 4

Copyright 1999,2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this story, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter IV "All the Carrots" By Wanda Cunningham Andie opened the door and stuck...

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Adventure Time

Introduction: Innocent love… Gone wrong It was the first time I had been out in a long time&hellip, Just needing to get away from mommy hood for awhile and have some fun. I show up dressed in my usual, tight jeans and a black tight tee. As Im In my car, I check my make up one for time, making sure I look acceptable, then I hope out and walk as cute as I can to the door, as I notice youre standing there to greet me. I give a flirty smile and follow you into the living room. We sit, bullshit and...

3 years ago
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I LIKE BLACK BOYS 10 Lizzie Tucker scene recap

I LIKE BLACK BOYS #10 - Lizzie Tucker scene: really fun setup with her on the phone and talking to herself while she gives in to her urge for bbc; Lizzie then sucked the big guy off and then took a break to remove all her clothes (which made me rewind to see it a second time) and then climbed on top of him for a ride on the stallion; it’s going to be a bumpy ride, it looks like; one thing I don’t understand is how is he getting balls deep inside that girl? It just doesn’t seem to make sense;...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girl by Melissa Blake Andy Haugen sat quietly at his desk in his office doodling on his notes from a recent staff meeting as he tried to pass time until his lunch break. Cubes and swirls dotted the margin as he stabbed his pen into the holder at the head of his desk. Looking around his office, he admired the plaques and awards on his "I love me wall". Fraternity pictures and an army guidon stuck out most while his eyes scanned the room. It was Thursday, and a three day...

1 year ago
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Gorgia Spies On Kristy And Her Old Man

I had no idea that Kristy was already into sex, and I'd certainly never figured she was fucking with John her old man. He wasn't a tall guy but he was very muscular.Kristy was a sexy piece of ass. You should have seen her. She was only 4'2" tall, with the sexiest little body. Great legs and a cute rear. Her tits were very small, with tiny pink nipples. Her hair was long, blonde, and straight. She had just a small patch of pubic hair just above her slit leaving the rest of her vagina completely...

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