Prodigious CollectionChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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8 Section 80 -- Ares Clipper
Karl Rauser was the last of his rather large party to step off the transporter pad into the empty Copernicus Station living unit. His wife, his fifteen-year-old daughter, his eleven-year-old son, his daughter's best friend, and five of his wife's friends with their young children were crowded into the living room.
The AI introduced itself and supplied the standard opening explanation. The children were happy to adjourn to play on the upper level, guided and supervised by the AI. Snacks and beverages were supplied and the adults settled themselves in the living room.
The standard orientation was delivered. As usual, the two eldest of the women lamented that they were too old to start a new family. As usual, the AI displayed holograms of the six mature women and encouraged them to request modifications. When the two teen girls complained of being left out, their hologram likenesses were added. Alterations were made until the women were delighted with the results. Karl sat in bemused silence. When it came to the point at which the AI would have undressed the holograms, it stopped.
"Thus far," said the AI, "the standard orientation has been delivered to you. Karl Rauser is a sponsor with a CAP score of 6.9. He is allotted two concubines. Before the deadline tomorrow, you must decide whether to irrevocably commit yourselves to become concubines or, in the alternative, to be returned to Earth. If you choose to become concubines, and even if you are immediately bound to a sponsor, you will be nude for the foreseeable future.
"At this point in the orientation, standard procedure is to unclothe the holograms and have you make any further alterations that you desire. In an all-female audience, the holograms would be unclothed as a matter of course. The holograms are not you, but they are a perfect representation of your appearance, as altered. Not only are you of mixed gender, you are not all family. We are mindful of your modesty at this early juncture. Your modesty will be a hindrance when you commit yourselves to concubinage. It is recommended that you allow the standard presentation to proceed. The unclothed holograms will in a small way help to acclimate you to nudity. You should spend time now discussing this matter. You should also begin to come to grips with the fact that only two of you can be sponsored by Karl Rauser."
Silence. Utter, complete silence weighed on the room. Karl was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and to feign indifference. The women alternated between exchanging embarrassed glances with each other and intense examinations of their laps.
"Karl Rauser," the AI broke the silence, "you and your group are scheduled to remain in the moon until you are boarded in the cube transporter Valhalla in about three weeks. However, the Kilo-class transporter Ares Clipper is now in Earth orbit and is in the process of extracting passengers for transit to a breeder colony. If you wish, you may select three concubines from among those in this room and be transferred to Ares Clipper."
"Yeah!" screeched Karl's daughter, Liesl. "Take us, Papa! Take Mama, and Alise and me!"
"Liesl," said her mother softly, "do you understand what you are asking?"
"Of course! We'll all live together, and I'll have my friend Alise for always!" Her mother gave her a long, sad look. "What's wrong? It'll be perfect!"
Margret Rauser was silent as she composed her thoughts. The rest of the group sat in pained silence, watching the tableaux. Liesl's elation began to turn into distress. "Liesl," Margret said softly, "if you go with Papa, then you will bear his children. Do you understand that?"
Liesl was poleaxed. She looked from her mother to her father, to her friend Alise and back again. She turned her gaze to the silent women, hoping one of them would speak up, rejecting the awful words her mother had spoken. Every single person in the room remained silent as she processed her mother's words. Tears started to flow freely down her cheeks. "That isn't what I wanted, Mama! Papa is yours! I can't do that to you! I can't do that with Papa!"
Margret sighed and tried to put on her most sympathetic expression. "Liesl, the choices for a concubine are quite limited. You can decline as many sponsorship requests as you want. You can't make a sponsor choose you. You can't make a sponsor choose both you and Alise. A sponsor might choose both of you -- I don't know whether that is likely or not. Your sponsor might be transferred to another colony and we won't be able to see you -- maybe never again.
"If Papa asks me, I will go with him, no matter who else is with us. If you want to be with me, then you will have to be with Papa and he will father your children. If you want to be with Alise, then being with Papa and me is the only way to make sure that you and Alise are together." She turned to Karl. "Do you want me with you?" Karl nodded and smiled. "If Liesl and Alise want to be with us, will you sponsor them?" Again, Karl nodded and smiled. Margret turned to Alise. "Alise, would you be willing to live with Papa and me if you could live with Liesl?"
Alise nodded vigorously and smiled brightly. She clearly wanted that to be the final decision. "That's what I have been expecting since Liesl invited me to join the pickup."
The AI said, "Karl Rauser, it appears that you are inclined to accept the invitation to be boarded in Ares Cruiser. It is recommended that you and your prospective concubines retire to another area of this living unit while you settle the matter. There is much important information that must be imparted to the other prospective concubines in this room. If any of you decide against being transferred into Ares Cruiser, you may return to this room at any time."
After obtaining a slight nod of agreement from Margret, Karl rose to his feet. "Where do you suggest we go?" he asked.
"It is recommended that you step into the hall, turn left and enter the first room on your right." Karl led the way and found himself in a room with an enormous bed. The room was so large that several pairs of upholstered chairs and side tables along the perimeter did not begin to make the room feel crowded.
"Papa!" cried Liesl as she turned from the huge bed to face him. "I'm a virgin! I can't have sex with you now! Not here, not now, not with Alise and Mama watching!"
"Karl," interjected the AI, "Liesl is obviously reluctant to submit to you as a sponsor. A test-drive is indicated to ensure her compliance."
"I see that tact is not your strong suit, AI," smirked Karl as he looked at Liesl. "I do not think that a 'test-drive' is what is needed right now."
"I don't know if I could ever have sex with you, Papa," Liesl said softly as she lowered her gaze. "I love you, Papa, but you're ... old."
"I'm only forty-one," he chuckled. "I don't think I'm old."
"But I'm only fifteen!" she shot back.
"Stop," said Margret firmly. She sat on the edge of the bed and gently tugged on Karl's arm, guiding him to sit beside her. She smiled and waved the girls into facing upholstered chairs. "AI, please show us a hologram of Karl aged twenty-five." The image of a younger Karl immediately appeared, his head full of hair and wearing the same clothing Karl presently wore. "Please add a bit more muscle to his arms and chest." The image instantly changed.
"Would you please make holograms of Liesl, Alise and me as we modified them before?" The three images appeared. "Please regress my age to eighteen." A younger Margret image appeared. "Liesl, would you like to be my twin?"
"Oh, yes, Mama," Liesl said with glee. "Can I have breasts like yours?"
"Ha!" chuckled Margret, "I would like to have breasts like yours! You can have big breasts -- if Papa approves. Mine are always in my way. I think small breasts are more sensitive. Now is not a good time for girl-talk. AI, make the Liesl and Alise images age eighteen." When the images changed, she continued, "Give Liesl somewhat bigger breasts. Please make mine a little smaller." Turning to Alise, she asked, "Alise? Bigger breasts?" Alise nodded vigorously and giggled. "Bigger breasts for the Alise image, please."
Turning to Liesl, she said, "We aren't truly twins, but we do look at least like sisters. Shall we three have the same haircuts and such?"
"I've always wanted to be blonde," Liesl giggled. "Alise, can Mama and I copy your hairstyle?" Alise giggled and nodded. The images changed.
"Liesl," Margret sighed, "I think all of us fantasize about what it would be like if we were picked up." As she spoke, she began slowly and inconspicuously to unbutton her blouse. "I always thought Papa would be picked up and I wouldn't be with him at the time. I thought I would be picked up while he wasn't with me. It always upset me to think that I wouldn't have Papa with me anymore, and that made me sad. I have always hoped that we would be at the same pickup, and Papa would choose me to come with him. I have thought a lot about being one of Papa's two concubines. I have come to terms with the fact that I will share Papa's affection and attention."
"Mama," what are you doing?" squawked Liesl. Margret had shrugged off her blouse and was reaching behind her back for the clasp of her bra.
"If the stories are correct," Margret said softly as she let her bra fall to the floor, "then I will have to be nude when we are moved to the transport ship."
"If you choose to be a concubine," said the AI, "then you will be nude regardless of whether your sponsor is transferred to Ares Clipper."
"I am going to be a concubine," Margret said firmly as she continued to undress. Turning to Karl, she asked, "Do you want me, husband?"
"Marriage does not exist in the Confederacy," said the AI.
Karl grinned, ignoring the interruption. "Yes, Margret. Will you be my concubine?"
With tears in her eyes and a serene smile, she firmly but softly said, "Yes."
"Recorded," the AI said as the couple tenderly hugged and kissed. "The concubine Margret is bound to Karl Rauser."
As the couple broke their hug, Liesl asked, "But Mama, why did you undress first?"
Margret gave her a rueful smile. "Liesl, you are an adult now. You have to make a decision tonight that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. I wanted to make myself vulnerable right now, to show you that I feel safe and protected by Papa, by Karl. I think I look pretty good for a forty-year-old woman. I confess that I'm looking forward to being eighteen again very soon. I may be eighteen for the rest of my life. I don't know how things work in the Confederacy. I want you to know what it looks like -- what it feels like -- to be a forty-year-old woman." With that she stood and approached Liesl. "Stand up, Liesl. I want you to feel my breasts -- I didn't know you liked my breasts! -- and see whether you really want that." Margret collected Liesl's hands and placed them on her own breasts. When she was sure that Liesl's hands would remain there, she let her arms fall to her sides. Liesl gently stroked, hefted and caressed her mother's breasts, the doubtful expression becoming one of interest and even some pleasure.
"Feel my waist and my tummy," she directed, and Liesl complied. "I was once slender like you," she chuckled sadly. "I'm not as fit anymore. Move around and examine my bottom." Again, Liesl complied. "I swear, if I can have a tight butt again, I'll never let it go as I have."
Margret guided Liesl back in front of her and wrapped her into a loving hug. "We have been affectionate in front of you, but we have kept our intimacy private. I suppose that was for the best but now I regret it. I will tell you that Karl is a wonderful lover. He is considerate, and passionate and playful. I have never felt unsafe with Karl, in bed or anywhere else.
She brought them to arms' length and looked her daughter in the eyes. "If you decide to go with us, then I will be your twin and I won't be your Mama anymore. If you decide to go with us, then Karl will be your sponsor, your man, and he won't be your Papa anymore. If you decide not to go with us, then we will still be your Mama and your Papa but we won't live on the same planet.
"There isn't going to be any sex with anyone in this room right now. If you decide to take Karl as your lover, I want you to wait until you can go to him willingly, happily and confidently. I will be with you and Karl if you want me to. Right now," and she reached her hand out to Alise and urged her to her feet, "I want you and Alise to kneel on both sides of Karl's knees." When she had settled them, she continued, "I want you to help each other undress Karl. You can touch him, or not -- it's your choice. Karl isn't twenty-five again yet. Karl would be unable to tell you truthfully how he feels about you as women, but his body cannot lie."
Liesl gasped, looking frantically from Margret to Karl to Alise and back again. The others were silent as she worked through her feelings. Finally, with a look of resignation mixed with acute trepidation, she looked at her friend. Alise winked and raised her hands toward the top of Karl's shirt. She kept her hands suspended there until Liesl's hands joined hers.
With shaking hands, Liesl managed to get two buttons undone before she sank back and dropped her hands to her lap. With a pleading look to her mother, she said, "Mama, why are you making us do this?"
Margret knelt between her daughter and Alise. "Liesl, I'm going to tell you a bit about myself. I thought about asking you to tell me about yourself, but I think that would be too stressful for you right now." She sighed, looked down as she prepared herself and then looked up to engage her daughter's eyes.
"There are dreams, and there are fantasies and there is pretending. All of them are in your mind and no harm is done. You can't control your dreams. Sometimes dreams are acting out what you really want -- even if you are not consciously aware of your want. Sometimes dreams are acting out what you deeply fear. Fantasies and pretending are harmless. You can imagine or pretend the most outrageous things and, when it's over, nothing has changed.
"When I masturbate," and a gasp escaped Liesl's startled expression, "I have a few favorite fantasies that help me reach orgasm. I like to masturbate in the shower. I like to imagine that someone has turned off the bathroom light and it is completely dark. The shower curtain is moved back and someone steps into the shower with me. I cannot tell who the person is. I am already facing the showerhead in the front of the shower. The person bends me forward. I have to hold the faucet handles for balance. The faceless person presses himself into me from behind and strokes powerfully for a long time. Finally, he fills me with his seed and I explode in an orgasm so powerful that I fall to my knees. When I recover, he is gone."
They were silent for a while. Liesl asked, "Why did you tell me that?"
"Liesl, I have imagined lots and lots of sexy things. Some are things that would be terrible if they happened in real life. Some are things that will never -- should never -- happen in real life. Lots of them are things that could happen. I have imagined a lot of things that might have happened if I were picked up without Karl.
"I know you have hormones coursing through your body. I assume you have learned how to pleasure yourself." Liesl blushed crimson. "You are a virgin. Is your hymen intact?" The blush deepened. After hesitating, Liesl nodded. "When you pleasure yourself, do you fantasize about one of your teachers? Boys at school? Karl? A movie star?" Liesl couldn't look at her mother. "Do you fantasize about what it must feel like to have a man thrust deep inside your body?" By now, Liesl was so embarrassed and ashamed that she began to quietly sob.
Margret turned to Alise. "Will you help us out here, please?" A smiling Alise began to unbutton her blouse. "No, no, no," laughed Margret. Even Liesl giggled through her tears and stopped sobbing. "Stay dressed for now. I've told you that I am a sexual person. I have vivid fantasies. I have thought a lot about being picked up, about different sexual encounters. I know you are a healthy young woman. Will you share some of your hopes and fears about being picked up? Will you acknowledge your growing sexuality?"
Alise blushed and glanced at Karl before returning her gaze to Margret. "I sometimes think about Mr. Wagner, the math teacher," she confessed.
"He is a handsome man," Margret agreed with an encouraging smile. "Have you caught him looking at you in a way he shouldn't?" Alise giggled and nodded shyly. "Have you ever noticed someone trying to get a glimpse up your skirt, or down your blouse?" Another shy nod. "And did you shift your posture so he can see more, but not too much?" Shocked at the suggestion, Alise's blush deepened and she looked away before nodding shyly. "Isn't it exciting to know that someone is attracted to you?" Both girls giggled happily. "Have you seen evidence of a man's attraction in his pants?" The giggling girls blushed and nodded.
"If you are typical teenagers," Margaret continued, "you probably think that your parents stopped having sex on the day your youngest sibling was conceived."
Alise giggled. "My parents keep their activities behind closed doors but they make a lot of racket!" Liesl and Alise laughed. Margaret nodded understanding.
"Liesl, I hate to have to break this to you here and now, but my sexual desire has never been higher in my life. A woman's libido peaks at about my age. If you want to be with Karl very infrequently, that will be fine. Karl will not suffer any lack of female attention. I suspect that Alise will be an eager and frequent participant once the ice is broken."
"During the initial screening, for all adults the libido is enhanced and inhibitions are relaxed," intoned the AI. "The effects will become increasingly apparent over the next few days."
Margret looked at Karl with hooded eyes. "Oh, my darling, you're in for quite a time," she said softly. Karl blushed and smiled but otherwise kept still.
"I have thought about being with my dad," Alise supplied. "I got powerful orgasms from that. I have thought about being sandwiched between ... Karl ... and Liesl, both of them kissing and touching me. Those were great ones, too."
"Alise, have you ever touched a boy's privates? Has a boy ever touched yours?" asked Margret.
"Only though clothes," she blushed. "I've never let a boy under my blouse or in my panties." She looked at Liesl for a moment before adding, "Boys, that is..."
Margret gave a knowing smile. "Alise, I have been paying attention mostly to Liesl because she's distressed about her choice. Do you want to find out what my big boobs are like?"
Alise nodded and giggled. She shifted her knees a little so that she was nearly facing Margret. She reached out, let her hands hover over Margret's breasts for a moment, and then began caressing them as she smiled serenely. "Yes, I would like THESE," as she gently rubbed and pinched the nipples. "It is so hard, waiting to finish growing. I feel so..."
"Gangly," Liesl supplied. "I've grown UP more than I've grown OUT. My titties are so small. I don't have much of a waist yet. My legs are like sticks..." Her tears began anew. "How could anyone want me as I am?"
Margret gave her a wry smile. "Oh, you'd be surprised. Men have a special weakness for young girls. Usually, they don't act on the attraction. Tell me that you haven't noticed your Papa appreciating your beauty?"
"He has?" Liesl was thoroughly surprised.
Now it was Margret's turn to blush. "Sometimes when we go to bed, I pretend to be a young girl. Karl enjoys that very much. It isn't you that we are pretending me to be, just some imaginary young girl. But I'm sure you -- each of you -- have starred in Karl's fantasies. Fantasies are not real, and they do no harm. Now, our reality has changed. I'm sure he will allow you to advance the age of your bodies, but I hope you will be with him at least once before the changes are made." Both girls looked at Karl, Margret and each other with dawning understanding.
"Now, you two, strip off Karl's clothes as fast as you can." Alise went right back to his shirt buttons. Liesl hesitated only a moment before she started to pull the shirt from under the pant waist. Now giggling, they helped each other get the shirt off and discarded. As Liesl hesitated, Alise shot to the floor and began untying a shoelace. Liesl recovered and quickly followed suit. The shoes flew over the girls' shoulders, followed by the socks. Again, Liesl balked. Alise made for the belt and had it open in a flash. She worked on the button, now hindered by Liesl's hands working the zipper.
"Lift up! Lift up!" Alise laughed as she grabbed the side of his pants and began to tug. Liesl was only a beat behind. Karl dutifully raised his hips off the bed to let his pants come down. Liesl had to go back for a fresh handhold when she discovered that Alise was pulling down both pants and underwear at once.
The girls' attention was on Karl's lower legs and feet as they struggled to finish their task. When they were done, they turned and looked at Karl. His cock was at half-mast and pointed right at them. Both girls gasped. Margret was right there to take the lead.
"Karl, move forward and open your knees," she instructed. "Girls, watch as Karl becomes fully erect." As predicted, Karl's cock continued to inflate, pointing ever upward until it flopped onto his abdomen.
Alise moved in closer. "Can I touch it?" she asked. A smiling Karl silently nodded. She brought her hand in and gingerly surrounded the shaft of his cock. The expression on her face was priceless. She looked at Liesl and giggled. "You do it," she said. Alise moved her small hand toward the base of his cock. Liesl's hand found its way to the upper portion and the head. Her face expressed wonder and excitement.
"Is that semen?" asked Alise.
"No," answered Margret, "that is lubricant. Your bodies make a lubricant very much like that. Together, they make it possible for a man to enter a woman without injury."
"When does the semen come out?" asked Liesl, who was becoming more comfortable by the moment.
"You know what you must do to achieve orgasm," chuckled Margret. "You have to RUB. The equipment is not the same on girls and boys, and the rubbing is not the same, either. For now, open your hands until you are just touching him. Start to stroke up and down the shaft."
It took a bit for the two girls to get in rhythm. They were completely enraptured with their activity. Karl's hiss of pleasure caused the girls to withdraw their hands as though from a hot stove. Margret's laugh was musical. "That hiss means you're doing it right," she chuckled. This time, Liesl's hand was back first and she resumed her stroking. Alise's hand was right behind.
"Not that we're in any hurry," smiled Margret, "but why don't I help you?" She rose from the floor and sat in a nearby upholstered chair. "Men respond to visual stimulation much more than women do. Karl loves to watch me masturbate. I'll give Karl a show, and I guarantee that he'll act like a human fire hose," she laughed. Karl groaned. The girls giggled. They looked at each other. Liesl was at first scandalized at her mother's planned action. She looked at her own fist stroking up and down Karl's cock and decided it was all right.
Margret scooted forward in her chair and leaned against the chair back. She ran her index finger up through her pussy lips and showed the girls. "I'm already pretty wet," she giggled. "I think I'll get used to nudity very fast." As the girls gawked, Margret brought her finger to her mouth and made a show of cleaning it. "Don't stop," she reminded them. The girls restarted with renewed vigor. "Not too fast, and not too hard," she warned. "Share that lubricant all along the shaft."
Margret often tortured Karl by stretching out her masturbation session for a long time. She wasn't confident that the girls weren't chafing his cock, so she decided to expedite the show. She was putting on a show for the girls, too, so she started a bit slowly. She stroked up and down her body, lingering here or there before moving on.
It wasn't long before her right hand was stationed between her legs; her left hand had breast duty. Karl had laser-like focus on her right hand and the parted lips beneath it. The girls' attention was divided between watching Margret, keeping their own hand rhythm steady while watching the hard cock, and watching Karl's face as his heart rate and blood pressure soared.
Soon, he began gasping for breath and his face was perspiring. Margret, too, was flushed with arousal and exertion. "He knows I'm about to orgasm," she breathed. "He'll be right behind me." Soon, her body began to spasm and she keened her orgasm. Right on cue, with a huge groan Karl shot jet after jet through the air and onto his abdomen. The girls trilled with excitement. Liesl jerked her hand away but Alise held on for dear life. The last of Karl's spend flowed over her hand.
Margret quickly recovered and approached the girls. She made a show of bringing Alise's hand up and licking it clean. The girls squawked in surprise. Margret gathered a fingerful of Karl's spend and offered it to Alise, who doubtfully accepted it. Alise's face registered a range of expressions, ending with a smile. Liesl was every bit as doubtful but accepted her gift and ended up smiling as well.
"Karl will be soft for a while," smiled Margret. "Are there any other concerns you have about joining in a happy, loving family?" Both girls giggled and shook their heads. "Well, if you're going to be concubines, then you know the uniform of the day," she chuckled as she pointed at her own body. The laughing girls immediately began stripping off clothes, tossing them here and there. When they were done, Margret gathered them in a hug. She turned them so the three could face Karl.
"This is the part where the sponsor asks..." smiled Margret.
"Liesl, Alise," asked a smiling Karl, "will you be my concubines?"
"YES," they answered.
"Molly Fagan, Eamon Fagan, you are each entitled to two concubines," said the AI. "You and your group are scheduled to remain in the moon until you are boarded in the cube transporter Valhalla in about three weeks. However, the Kilo transporter Ares Clipper is now in Earth orbit and is in the process of extracting passengers for transit to a breeder colony. If you wish, you may each select three concubines from among those in this room and be transferred to Ares Clipper."
Twins, Molly and Eamon had been part of the secondary extraction of their mother's 'dependents.' Nora Fagan had contacted Molly while she was at school. Molly and Eamon had gathered their brother Declan, six of Molly's friends and three teachers. Two of the teachers had each brought two children.
Molly's friends were all atwitter at the body changes that they had made to holographic images of themselves. Miss Riley, at twenty-four the youngest of the three teachers and the one who taught art, was enjoying and encouraging the girls' enthusiasm. Mrs. Grant, the history teacher, had kept her two small children with her and was absorbed in their play. Mrs. Sullivan, the oldest of the three teachers, was watching the goings-on in bemused silence. Her two children were still minors but were older than those of Mrs. Grant. Fourteen-year-old Declan sat alone, rather bewildered at the entire affair and completely unsure of his future. His 6.3 CAP score was not high enough for him to volunteer. He had wanted not to come to the moon at all but his twin siblings had insisted.
Nora was in rather bad shape. She sat alone with her head held high but a river of tears ran down her cheeks. Earlier, Molly had tried to console her mother, who was deeply distraught with the loss of her husband and the unknown future facing her. Nora had been unwilling to participate in the body-sculpting exercise.
Molly and Eamon turned to face each other. Both were surprised at the AI's offer. "This is rather abrupt," sighed Eamon. "It's been a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds, a whole range of thoughts and emotions. We've only been here for a few minutes. Now, the AI wants us to choose our families for the rest of our lives."
"We've been a family," sighed Molly. "Ma's not doing too well over the loss of Da and what her future holds. If we take up the offer, I guess our family will be split up."
"Molly and Eamon," interjected the AI, "it is permitted for sponsors to combine households."
Molly blushed deeply but had a quick riposte. "Ah, Eamon Fagan," she said coyly, "would you be wantin' to bonk yer sister?"
Eamon hadn't recovered his bearings after the AI's point as quickly as his sister. He smiled at her gibe but she could tell that he was lost in thought. His head shook a bit as though he had snapped back into consciousness. "I may as well," he sighed, "it looks like I'll be bonking my ma and you'll be bonking my brother."
Molly's surprise was palpable. "What do you mean?"
"Think about it," reasoned Eamon. "Even if we don't go now, what is the only way to make sure Ma is taken care of? What is the only way to make sure Declan is sponsored? We can stay here, wait for the next boat to sail, see whether Ma can catch a sponsor, see whether Declan can get himself sponsored. Even then, how do we know how Ma's sponsor will treat her? How will we know whether Declan has the chance to grow into sponsorship? The only way for you and I to take care of our family is for you to sponsor Declan and for me to sponsor Ma. We may as well have a joint household. It would keep our family together. I wasn't looking forward to the end of our twin relationship. I've never said much, but you have to know that you're more to me than just a sister."
2 Section 29 -- McNeils get Linda, Valerie "Linda and Valerie Norris," said the AI, "it is time that you also be relocated. Unsponsored concubines are being housed together with concubines in similar circumstances. The segmenting is imperfect, as each person's circumstances are different. You will be housed with other mothers and daughters as well as sisters or very close friends. All of them are desirous of being sponsored together. Elsewhere, units will house other groups, such as...
2 Section 33 -- Anderson women prepare for enhancement David Anderson entered the living unit and walked right through a full-size hologram of ... Hattie. His four concubines were howling with laughter. They had evidently been at this for some time. It took them a while to recover their composure. One would burst out laughing and the rest would join in. Heidi did not trust her composure yet and instead began to applaud and cheer. The others joined her. David simply took in the scene, a...
Day 3 3 Section 36 -- Second morning -- McNeils, Katie "It is seven o'clock on Day 3," the AI intoned, "and time to get up." The McNeils began to untangle themselves from the arms and legs of their newly-enlarged family. Patrick had sponsored Linda and Valerie Norris. Nicole had sponsored Marc and Ruth Stankov. Belle and Melody Stankov, nine and six years old, were abed in the upper level. Patrick and Nicole had spent the night getting to know their new concubines -- intimately. The...
3 Section 40 -- Enhanced Andersons The living unit door opened and Heidi led her sisters in. Once inside, they arranged themselves side by side. "Well?" asked Heidi with a tremendous smile. David made a perfect pantomime of a fish out of water. Eyes big as saucers, his mouth worked but no sound emerged. The four sisters laughed at his reaction. Finally, he leaped out of his seat and raced to join them, enfolding all four in a fierce embrace. He stepped back to view them again. "You look...
3 Section 44 -- Ken Davidson gets his family "Dad," whined Leah, "I said I would help you find two concubines. You're looking more and more hunky to me. I love you, Dad, but I really don't want to sleep with you. I don't think it would be fair to Mom and I don't want to regret it for the rest of my life. I have never been so horny in my life, Dad. I can hardly keep my fingers out of my crotch. My body isn't going to let me wait much longer. Can we get you settled pretty soon, please?...
3 Section 50 -- Godwin orgy Rob and Allison were stretched out on the bed, taking in each other's visage, gently kissing and whispering endearments to each other. They completely ignored the mass of spectators, all vying for comfortable positions on the fifty-yard line. Beth, last to arrive, had parked the lubricant and washrag on the headboard before climbing up in front of Diane, whose arms quickly encircled her sister. The twins shrieked when Martin walked in, followed by Jack. "They...
Day 4 4 Section 51 -- Ryan's complaint "Look what the cat dragged in!" laughed Nicole as Ryan joined them in the kitchen. Katie, Jennifer and the two toddlers were right behind. "Looks like you had a tough night!" Ryan made a beeline for the coffee. "You wouldn't believe," he sighed as he poured three cups. Katie kept her head down while she got Alex into his high chair. Jennifer at least was laughing. "Mom, Dad, can we be part of your joint household?" asked Ryan. "What's...
4 Section 55 -- Spurned males "Listen up, guys," the steward said as he observed his audience. When the noise had abated, he continued. "We're here now to debrief. We would like some feedback from you. We want to help you. You guys are just in from the meat market, where you've spent a couple of days being inspected, neglected, and rejected, repeat, repeat, repeat. You've just left your loved ones behind, praying that they will find and join a safe and satisfying family. You've...
4 Section 62 -- Beth on the table The Godwin women trailed in one at a time, mostly straight from the shower. Each one had to provide a blow-by-blow account of her recent fuck. There was much banter and laughter. Gibes and insults flew furiously, all in great fun. They also had to rave about each other's brand new bodies, to more laughter and joking. Rob sensed an approaching coffee klatch and steered himself and Jack to the living room. They worked with the AI so they could watch a ball...
5 Section 69 -- Confirmation "The concubine Beth is pregnant," intoned the AI as the family had dinner. The room erupted with cheers, applause and catcalls. Beth sat quietly, smiling radiantly but with a bittersweet touch. Martin made his way around the table and knelt at Beth's side. They embraced, kissing tenderly but with passion. "Thank you," he told her before she could say the same to him. "No, Martin, thank you. Thank you for taking us all together. Thank you for selecting...
8 Section 79 -- Udders "We volunteer to suck your nipples," giggled Erin, "so they'll get toughened up and you'll be more ready to nurse Adam." The twins sat on both sides of the startled Diane and insinuated themselves beneath her arms, their shining faces turned up toward hers. Diane laughed heartily and hugged the girls to her. "Methinks you two have hatched a new plot that will end with you singing your own orgasms!" "Moi?" the twins asked in unison. They batted their eyes at...
This is the true story about my life. I didn't talk until I was 5 years old. The pediatricians my parents had taken me to, gave me a working diagnosis of autism. They said I would always stay a c***d, and never become independent. They recommended they put me away in an institution. My parents refused to do that. They kept me close to home instead. At about the age of 7, when I finally did learn to talk, they mainstreamed me into a public elementary school. I was teased, taunted, and beaten...
The following evening, Katy had joined them for dinner. The four sat around the dinner table, Glen totally silent while Katy and her mother made small talk. Phillipe had twice, without saying anything, caught his mother's eye, a slight smile curling the corner of his mouth. Helen, at first, tried to return a motherly smile but the boy's intent was clear and she soon found herself averting her eyes in embarrassment. "Didn't you tell me the other day that Rachel Donovan was coming for a...
Phase one was a makeover. Prior to his becoming interested in the opposite sex, Phillipe had simply worn what his mother bought for him. Clothes had been of no concern, so the conventional childhood attire had been good enough. But he was now very aware of the importance of image and the impressions it could make. So gone were the jeans, tee shirts and tennis shoes and in their place casual slacks, Polo pullovers or open collared collegiate style shirts and suede loafers. Gone also was the...
"Hi Phillipe. I'm really glad you could make it," said the young hostess. "Thanks for asking me, Amber," he smiled, giving her the look he had practiced many times in front of the mirror. A look of supreme self confidence and worldliness. The girl practically melted in front of him. "Looks like a great party," he commented over the music and noise of the twenty or so barely teens who were dancing, laughing, and engaging in the usual crude adolescent attempts at humor. "Uh, the soft...
"For my lady Juliet," said Phillipe smiling confidently as he handed her the rose. "I heard you had the lead in the school play." She ushered him in quickly, not wanting the neighbors to know she was having a male visitor. Amber's parents had agreed to Amber staying on Friday and Saturday night, but Taylor had not even asked about Amber staying tonight -- tonight she wanted Phillipe all to herself. She was taken aback by his bringing her the rose. No boy had ever done that before. She...
"Phillipe! You can't do this to us!" "Yes, please, tell us what the surprise is!" "Now, now, now. I told you -- you'll just have to wait until we get back to Taylor's house." He had picked them up in a cab and the three had had a great dinner at a small restaurant across town. The two had begun pestering him to reveal his surprise from the moment he had picked them up, but he had remained adamant. "All I am going to say is that this is a surprise unlike any other you've ever had...
"You are grounded!" "You can't do that!" "Just watch me! What in the hell were you thinking?" Phillipe looked up at his father from the dinner table. They had never been close and he had never had a great amount of respect for the man, but this attempt to treat him like a child angered him. "I just got a little revenge on two bitc... two former classmates who did nothing but amuse themselves at my expense. They humiliated me any number of times, calling me names, sneering behind...
"Now we'll be back between eleven and eleven-thirty," Helen Spangler told the baby sitter. "You have our cell phone number and Katy's. She's at the library studying for an exam and won't be home until late, but if you can't reach us, by all means call her." "Yes, Mrs. Spangler," smiled Angela Burton, the seventeen year old high school senior who had baby-sat with Phillipe when he was younger. "But don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'm sure it will be," smiled the...
"Honey, may I come in?" "Sure Mom. I'm dressed. I promise," he laughed. She laughed too, but nervously. She and Glen were no prudes but the sight of her fourteen year old son atop his baby sitter and her screaming in pleasure and begging for more had been the shock of her life. In the days since, Glen had tried talking with the boy without success. In fact the animosity between them had gotten so bad Phillipe had as much as told his father he was no man at all and it was a mystery why...
The next few days were tortuous for Helen. Not only was she forced to deal what had happened in Phillipe's room, but there was no one she could talk to. Glen was obviously out of the question and even the thoughts of sharing the incident and her dichotomous feelings about it with her mother brought a lump to her throat along with the resignation that no one -- no one could understand what it meant to have a fourteen year old son who was not only smarter, better read and better educated, but...
Helen had become deeply troubled. Since she had found her son mounting her best friend and sending Rachel through the roof with pleasure, she was at her wits end as to what to do. She dare not mention it to Glen who had already had two more run-ins with Phillipe, the last ending in a shouting match in which Phillipe had all but said he could take his mother away from his father if he wanted. Glen had dared him to try and now the stage was set. Phillipe genuinely cared for his mother, but the...
During the next few days Helen was determined to recapture her husband and marriage, yet Glen was cool at best and Phillipe always seemed to be near, admiring her, complimenting her, helping with housework. He didn't make any more advances which surprised her (she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed), but his looks spoke volumes. He had said all which needed to be said. He wanted her. She wanted him. She would eventually come to him. There were times when she, like Glen, found...
The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...
In the weeks which followed, Helen became, for all practical purposes, her son's whore. As soon as Glen and Katy would leave the house, she would strip and prostrate herself for Phillipe who would take her to ever ascending heights of rapture and joy. He screwed her in every room of the house, on the floor, draped across the furniture, even on the stairway. His favorite practical joke was to either enter her with his phallus or finger while she was on the phone, and watching her try to carry...
During the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...
And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...
Beep Beep the bell went at school. Thank god i thought to myself it was yes so i got my stuff out my looker and got ready to head home. When one of the most sexiest boys in the school came to me. his name was zack. well he was walking to me i checked him out will quick. i always hoped he never noticed me checking him out but hey what can you do. so i just got my stuff when all of sudden somebody poker me so i turned around. It was...
Jack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...
CuckoldLimping into the Copper Kettle for the start of my shift I hung up my coat. As I was putting on my apron ready to begin serving customers I heard Kelly sighing behind me. “Again Karen, you really need to sort this out.” she said and watched me turn awkwardly to face her. “I’m OK Kelly,” I said seeing the look on her face as she watched me. “Honest I am.” “You are not OK girl, and you can’t face people like that. Take the day off.” “I’d rather not if you don’t mind, I can’t afford another...
I had been going out with Val for a few months. We had fun together and enjoyed each other’s company. We hadn’t discussed whether we were dating each other exclusively. We hadn’t said “I love you,” the charmed words that mark the boundary waters of a serious relationship. We saw each other most weekends, and occasionally during the week. Our sex was electric, and at the time the primary glue of our relationship. She was in many ways still a stranger to me, and I to her. We were sitting at a...
I woke up later that day and filled Stevie and Lex on most of the details from the date. I left out most of the ’emotional stuff.’ I hoped that maybe he would call. Stevie said that she had given him my number before the date. But as the days passed, I thought I had just struck out again. That is until I happened to eavesdrop on a conversation. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard Stevie on the phone: ‘You weren’t supposed to actually like her. I just wanted her cheered up,...
So I followed Steve through to our front room. He was still fully dressed as was Pete who followed happily behind, 2 beers in hand. I was lead to Petes arm chair and told to sit. I leant back into the comfortable recliner and as I settled Steve knelt at my feet and parted my legs for me, resting my knees over the arms so i was relaxed and as open as I could be. This was exactly what I had plotted but now I was nervous and feeling completely out of my depth. Steve began to massage my inner...
Betty was very quickly going bananas. It seemed that everybody was having a ball except her. Just when she thought she'd had Billy in her little hot pocket, he'd gotten vague and spaced out and all tangled up in her mother's clutches. "My own mother! It's enough to make you puke." Actually there wasn't anything particularly sickening about it. Betty was just plain old jealous. And now she had the added guilt of what she'd come to with her own brother. Mere hours of their old little...
Twisted and TornPart 4 The cocksucker was enjoying Chris’s cock and was hoping he would be allowed to go further with this hunky married sauna virgin.Chris had always thought he had great blow jobs before but this felt like something else. He could feel the back of the guy’s throat milk his cock head and pushed it deeper. The wet lips touched his balls and he looked down at his cock buried to the hilt and it felt damn good. He pulled out a bit and saw the wetness and the guy sucked in his...
Gay MaleHi guys, I am Ram. I am just 23 years old and working in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. I am a quiet person but only my close friends know my inner demons. I drink and smoke occasionally. Enough about me, let us get to the story. This is a true incident happened two months before on my birthday week. This is my first story, so pardon me for my mistakes. It will be quite a big one, so please have patience. I am working as a graphic designer in...
I reclined, gratefully nude on the couch. My wife's three daughters were visiting us for a few days and I'd had to remain "decent" for two of them so far. Their arrivals and departures were staggered, with the older two of them (Pauline and Sarah) arriving the day before yesterday — on separate flights — and the youngest, Lila yesterday. Mattie, my wife, was married before to Pauline's dad. Together they had Sarah and Lila, who were virtually grown when they got divorced. According to...
Thank you all for the wonderful response to my previous part. This is the continuation to part 1 and telling you what happened after my colleague Angela came to pick me up for work. Without further ado, here it goes. I was waiting downstairs for the car to come, anxious to see what this day has in store for me. And then, while I was in these thoughts, a car suddenly stopped in front of me. It was a black Audi Q7. The windows were tainted so she had to roll the window down for me to see who is...
I've always been a very sexual person. My boyfriend realized this and since then has encouraged me to continue to have fun as along as I let him know what I’m doing and even let him watch (smile) if he’s around. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life. One day when we were coming home from a friends wedding and staying over night in a hotel, we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman, who happened to sell wine, yum. The guy seemed nice enough...
Sixteen year old Alex Parker wasn't quite sure why his parents had insisted upon engaging a tutor for him. For Alex the whole thing was a mystery, considering he was already a straight A student in school. His pleas to his parents that he didn't need a tutor went unheeded and his parents persisted in their strange idea. Alex stopped complaining about getting a tutor as soon as he met her, for the first time for the tutor his parents hired for him was a very pretty girl doing her first year...
Rachael strolled into the kitchen as I finished the last of the French toast I’d made for breakfast. She’d changed yet again. My granddaughter was quiet. She sat at the kitchen table and every time I looked at her she smiled gently, not shy but demure. She studied my face as if looking for some reaction or an answer to an unasked question. Last night, after we’d finally eaten dinner, her bubbly excitement had been replaced by softness, and when she came to bed in panties and a small...
It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...
It's the fourth of July. My family has gone up north to New Hampshire for the holiday. I did not go up with them, because yet again I have to work. But this year, I am not lonely, because you have come up to visit me for the holiday.The house is silent as we make sandwiches in the kitchen. You come up behind me, and kiss my neck, as you press your hard cock against my back. I laugh, as you nibble on my ear a little and your hands wander towards my breasts. I lean back into you, as I pull your...
At that moment one fat old man in a blindingly garish robe was doing his best to entertain a crowd of locals who were getting very upset, not with him, the 'mind reading' trick was going flawlessly, with Greyshadow's whispered help. What had the townspeople upset was a sudden blanket of fog that had mysteriously rolled in from the north. Gareth hadn't spent the last thirty years with a Mage who thought she had never met a spell she couldn't improve without recognizing the surge of power...
Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...
MONA TURNS TO BE THE SEX QUEEN OF LONG ISLAND, NEW YORKTHE WILD SEX STORY OF MONA (SARA ANSARI):Mona (Sara Ansari) is the younger sister of my wife. Before moving to New York she lived in Pakistan - while I was living in Europe. I was fascinated by her as soon as I saw her first time at the occasion of my marriage. And a few months later I had told her that I was so fascinated by her. Even at that time she gave me a welcoming response, though nothing moved further during that phase. Next year...
“So, what went down in Frederick in our absence, anyway?” I asked Charity after we came together at last. Judging from the look on my bride’s face, her post-orgasmic bliss was shaken a bit. We were naked as we basked in the sweaty slickness of each other’s flesh against our skin. Charity looked even more like her Creek ancestors as she nestled her head against my chest, loath as she was to discuss politics when we had just shared such primal intimacy with each other. I caressed her belly, of...
Originally the story was about the two main characters, but since it took so long for them to reconnect, Chris's girlfriend Hailey took on a larger part of the story than I had originally planned. Here is th story from her point of view. Fair warning, it takes a while before any sex occurs. “So how was your big date?” Hailey could hear the excitement in her best friend’s voice and sighed. “It was awful. He’s a total ass.” “What happened? What did he do?” The concern in Amanda’s...
Before shekhar left i again reminded him to bring his three friends who had fucked me and deepak in the ass and had inserted their cocks in our mouths for sucking so that we may take our revenge by doing the same with them. He said he will send ashok who had used abusive language today at 7.00 p.m. and shashikant tomorrow morning at 11.00 and shankar tomorrow at 7.00 p.m. then he left. At 2.00 p.m. asha came and i asked her: do you know what your brother did yesterday? She said that jyoti had...
It was the drugs first, a syringe into each cheek of my ass and then one more in my arm, everything started from there... Well, in reality everything had started the week before when I had been invited to one of my boss's high society parties. She had told me that if I didn't mind helping her to set things up then I could join in the fun later. How could I resist? Sophia's parties were legendary in the town. Everyone who was anyone was there and I'd heard about all the business deals...
Probably shouldn't share this but somehow I can't keep it in. It was about a year ago, very late one warm early autumn night, coming home from work. I got off the subway and was starting through the little park that was there when you came down from the station, when I saw on a bench away from the lights a woman, her legs spread wide and her loose dress pulled all the way up so her thighs were bare. It seemed like she didn't notice me until I got right in front of her, and then she laughed a...
"AWA" Get up, pull myself into consciousness, stop sleeping It was the worst possible way to wake up, the buzzing headache and the forced knowledge that was crammed into the charged word, but Alex grit her teeth and acted as if it hadn't bothered her. Over the past few days she had learned to become incredibly good actress when it came to ignoring the Terrans' forceful way of speech. She yawned and blinked with a vague smile, as if looking forward to a free day instead of sitting alone...
Chapter 6Four Months Earlier... New York City...I stared at Rambo. "Well?""I can't work miracles, Sugar Tits...""Would you fucking stop calling me that!"Rambo didn't even bother answering. A smirk and another fistful of potato chips stuffed into his fat face was all I got. When he did bother answering it was to answer my first question while brushing crumbs from his shirt."Look, I'm great at hacking, but there simply isn't anything to hack. I've hacked every file of every computer connected to...
My wife’s response took me by surprise so I cautiously moved back into the water to be with Loon and Branch. “Can I, may I, have a little time for talking with you about something? I’m a little confused to say the least. I know you can help me and you know I love you.” I was pleading not wanting to upset my wife wondering how to respond to what she just said in response to Sylvia. I’d just made love to my life partner in the most outrageously glorious sex ever thinking we were all alone and...
As I sat in my apartment with my bag packed up and ready to go, I tried to stay positive about the weekend ahead."It'll be just as fun as it always is," I kept telling myself. But the message rang hollow. It didn't seem like that was going to be possible.The trip I had packed for was the annual McCormick boys camping excursion, and it was typically something I looked forward to every year. At its inception, it started as a family thing. All four of us — mom; dad; my brother, George; and myself...
Love StoriesWhen teen Gina Valentina overhears Keisha Grey bullying the new girl Alison Rey, she comes to her rescue and clocks Keisha in the face, knocking her out cold. And when she wakes up with a headache in her bed, Gina is sitting beside her. Gina wants to know why she bullies everyone. Keisha defends her position and claims that she’s putting them in their place. Her family has been working the farm forever and the new girls come in thinking they run the place. Gina suspects something else is...
xmoviesforyouHello readers, I am Amit, my age is 28 and I live in Banglore. I am a software engineer. I was in relationship with my girlfriend Neha for almost 2 years. Everything was going perfect,but one day i came to know that she was cheating on me. she had one more boyfriend. i caught her red handed in a restaurant with that other boy. I saw her and fought with her boy friend there only, but she slapped me and asked me to leave. She slapped me in front of so many people, that has created so much of...
I really enjoyed the story "The Perils of Powers" by Callie Messenger. Although the story was close-ended, I felt the concept had a lot of potential, and as I result I wrote this. The characters here are similar to, but (as Matt Groening would say) legally distinct from, the ones in Callie's story, and you don't need to read Callie's story to enjoy this one (although you should read it, as it's really very good). -AnonMan This story can be reproduced as long as it's in its entirety and...