Prodigious CollectionChapter 17 free porn video

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8 Section 79 -- Udders

"We volunteer to suck your nipples," giggled Erin, "so they'll get toughened up and you'll be more ready to nurse Adam." The twins sat on both sides of the startled Diane and insinuated themselves beneath her arms, their shining faces turned up toward hers. Diane laughed heartily and hugged the girls to her.

"Methinks you two have hatched a new plot that will end with you singing your own orgasms!"

"Moi?" the twins asked in unison. They batted their eyes at her in innocence. Each brought her gaze down to the nipple in front of her. "Your nipples are getting bigger," breathed Emma. "Do you feel the changes?" Each of the twins began to swirl the tip of her tongue around the areola in front of her.

"Oh, God," Diane gasped, "I think they improved the nerves that connect my tits to my pussy!" The rest of the family had a hearty laugh. "I have felt a strangeness in my boobs. I'm still not completely used to being eighteen again, so I can't really tell. I think you're right that my nips are getting bigger, and my boobs, too. I don't wear a bra anymore, of course, and can't tell for sure. Gawd, that feels good! What am I going to do if I'm feeding Adam and I have an orgasm?!?"

"I don't think Adam's arms are going to be long enough to rub your clit while he suckles," chirped Erin as she began to explore Diane's pussy with her fingers. Emma's fingers were right behind. One had two fingers inside Diane and the other was stroking her clit. As only twins can, an imperceptible signal made them change places, and her clit got a fresh batch of lubricant.

"I never had an orgasm while nursing," observed Beth, "but lots of times the feeding session led to a wonderful bout of love-making."

The twins were by now sucking for all they were worth. Beth had taught them that a baby latched on to the entire areola. The twins did suck, but they could not resist lashing Diane's nipple with their tongues and even gently biting her. They relentlessly double-teamed her pussy and clit. Diane's lust was skyrocketing.

Claire knelt before Diane, spread her knees and pulled her hips forward. For a while, she just watched the twins' tag-team assault on Diane's pussy. Diane was unable to sit still, her hips frantically seeking more friction. The twins waited until Claire's face was in Diane's lap before yanking their hands away. Claire wasted no time, latching onto Diane's clit and sucking.

That was it. Diane keened her orgasm as she thrashed around, hemmed in by Claire and the twins. The family laughed and cheered as Diane enjoyed her post-orgasmic bliss.

"Jack," said Martin with a big grin. "Why don't you push Diane down onto the sofa and give her a severe banging?" Jack looked around at the rest of the family, surprised and embarrassed into paralysis.

"Don't hesitate, Jack," said Beth with a smile. "Don't falter. Get over there and do as you're told. She doesn't need any foreplay, but you might show her your trick about staying hard through your first orgasm."

Diane looked coyly at Jack. "Coward?" she smirked. "Think I'll eat you up?"

That did it. He rose from his seat and headed for Diane, his rampant erection pointed right at her. He pushed her down onto her back -- she didn't resist -- and slammed his dick all the way home. He didn't stop to savor the feelings or to let Diane adjust. He began powerful rapid strokes.

"Oh my gawd," she breathed in her best Southern accent. "I ain't nevah been fucked without a kiss. Bang me good, Jack. You feel wonderful."

Laura shrieked, panic on her face. "What's wrong?" asked Beth. She spanked Jack to keep him going. Jack missed only a beat before resuming his pounding. Laura spread her knees and revealed a pool of liquid between her thighs. "Looks like you broke water," smiled Beth. "Baby Adam is ready to be born."

"I'll get a towel," cried Erin as she shot toward the kitchen. She quickly returned. Laura opened her knees to see ... nothing.

"There's no puddle," Laura said in surprise. "I saw it come out. Well, I saw the liquid as it splashed on my thighs and on the sofa. I can't see my pussy," she blushed.

"The liquid was absorbed by the sofa material," said the AI.

"I saw it gush out of your pussy," said Sandy. "I have actually never heard of any woman who has seen her water break naturally." The other women shook their heads in agreement. "One of the many benefits of our wardrobe," she chanted as she pointed up and down her nude figure.

"It doesn't last but a second or two," observed Sarah. "Who on earth lays around buck naked when she's nine months pregnant?" That brought chuckles.

Laura looked nonplussed. "Now what?"

"The AI may correct me," answered Beth, "but now you wait, and let your body do its thing. AI, is Laura's progress being monitored? Will we be advised to take her to medical at the proper time?"

"Affirmative to both questions," answered the AI. "However, childbirth is a bonding event for every family. Four of you concubines have each been through childbirth twice. Your collective experience should guide you. Laura's condition, the baby's condition and Laura's progress will be continuously monitored. The AI will not intervene unless necessary. It is recommended that the mother-to-be experience some contractions. The experience will also be worthwhile for Diane, Jack, Erin and Emma. However, a little bit of that experience goes a long way. When Laura wishes, or when you feel it appropriate, you may transport Laura to the medical bay. She will be placed under the care of the medical staff, who will place Laura in a med tube. Please keep in mind that Laura will be more comfortable in her home, surrounded by loved ones. In the medical bay, only the sponsor and one concubine can be present with Laura. It is recommended that Laura not proceed to the medical bay too soon."

"Are you having contractions?" asked Erin.

Laura shook her head. "I've been having contractions for weeks," she answered. "They weren't very strong, and they weren't regular. They became part of the background noise. I don't even know if I had a contraction right before my water broke."

"AI, how shall we transport Laura to the med bay?" asked Martin. "Should she walk? Should I carry her?"

"If you or one of your concubines will proceed to the transporter pad," said the AI, "a wheel chair will be transported for Laura's use."

"I'll go get it," said Rob. "Been there, done that," as he pointed his thumb at the ladies, "no tee shirts allowed."

Laura's eyes suddenly got big. She sucked her breath and held it. Finally, she relaxed.

"THAT was a contraction," announced Claire.

"Remember the no-touch rule," advised Beth. "Laura is in for contractions as long as they are tolerable. You girls will learn a lot."

"Diane would learn a lot, too," giggled Sandy, "if she wasn't full of dick."

"They'll be done before too long," allowed Martin. "Diane -- and Jack, too -- will have plenty to learn from."

"Don't you think it's odd," said Emma, "that Diane and Jack are half killing each other with sex in a room full of people, and nobody else is interested?"

Nobody could resist at least glancing at the loving couple. "Looks like they're having fun," said Beth.

"What about me?" asked Laura. "I've never been through this before, either."

"We'll help you," smiled Claire.

"We need something to do, so we don't go wild every time Laura shifts," said Erin.

"I KNOW!" said Emma. "Body sculpting! Laura hasn't chosen what she'll look like when she comes back from the med bay!"

"Guilty as charged," sighed Laura. "I already wanted this pregnancy to end. I didn't want to torture myself by thinking about how I'd look afterward. I guess now is a good time to get that taken care of."

All of the women cheered. Martin sat back to observe. "Where do we start?" asked Erin.

"Let's all sit on this side of the room," said Claire. "AI, when we're seated, will you please make a hologram of Laura as she is now?"

"Wait, wait, wait," chirped Emma. "Let us get beverages for everyone before we start." Beverage orders were collected and the twins went to the kitchen to fetch the drinks. The lovers' screams and grunts reached a crescendo and then fell off. Martin noted with pleasure that Jack's hips had merely slowed.

The twins had the disconcerting experience of walking right through the Laura hologram. Nothing was spilled, but it was a near thing. The women chuckled. Drinks distributed, all comfortably seated, Claire said, "Back to work, ladies. Behold Laura as she is today." So they did. The Laura hologram actually did something of a pirouette, as the real Laura had done nearly a week ago. "AI, please put another hologram beside the first. Show Laura as she would be after Bozo's birth. Do any tune-ups, weight loss, and the like but no enhancements."

There was a collective gasp. Laura actually looked quite good and there were comments to that effect. She's all yours, Laura," chuckled Beth. "What would you have done to her?"

"Well," Laura sighed, "My sister claimed great wisdom on account of her advanced age, which was rolled back the following day. No one has accused me of being wise, now that I'm oldest of all my sisters. I think I'd like to be the same age as the rest of you."

The family laughed at the way she put it. Oohs and aahs followed the image change. "It may be because I've felt like a hippo for the last months, but I want to try being thinner than I ever was on Earth. AI, would you roll back the weight by a pound every, say, two seconds?"

At first the change was not noticeable but it did not take long before real visible changes were appearing. "AI," said Laura, "slow down the weight loss to a pound every five seconds. Put her knees together and keep taking weight off the thighs until plenty of daylight shows near the top."

A few seconds later, she said, "That's enough on the thighs. Actually, that's enough weight off. What do you think, Sisters?" After some banter, Laura was satisfied that she had done well on her new weight.

When Laura did not continue speaking, her sisters looked at her and found her in the middle of another contraction. Her sisters were all smiles while they waited. Soon, Laura took a deep breath. "That was a good one."

"You'll be tired of birthing a baby before very long," said Sarah. "I guess you won't have much time to feel depleted. The med tube will completely restore your body and perform the enhancements all at once. That's a wonderful feature, isn't it? Come out of the delivery room doing cartwheels and anxious to jump your master's bones!"

"That's SOOO much different than unaided childbirth. I don't even want to talk about the Earthly way," said Sandy. "Hey, let's stay focused on Laura's enhancements. Then we can ask the AI a thousand questions about how they actually go about birthing a baby around here."

The rest of Laura's enhancements were easy and typical: no hair except on her head, teeth straight and white, eyesight corrected, hair made lustrous and a tad longer, scars and skin flaws removed, a light tan all over, and the like. When she was done, her sisters clapped and cheered. Laura looked to Martin for approval. He grinned and nodded, saying over the noise, "AI, I approve of these changes. Please put them into effect during or after the baby delivery."


Laura was radiant. Even another contraction didn't damp her joy. She blew him a kiss.

On the other side of the room, the volume was rapidly increasing as Diane and Jack increased the intensity of their lovemaking. They had changed to doggie style. Jack was pounding into Diane from behind, his hands roving everywhere. Well, everywhere but Diane's clit, which she strummed furiously. Her nearly continuous vocalizations were arrested when another orgasm seized her body. Jack plunged on, right through each orgasm. Diane was right back with renewed vigor, throwing her ass back to meet Jack's every thrust.

Jack looked up and saw Sandy signaling, her thumb touching her fingertips of one hand, two fingers on the other hand sawing in and out of the hole made by the first. Jack immediately got the idea. He began collecting moisture from Diane's thighs and depositing as much as he could on Diane's rosebud.

"She loves it up the ass, Jack," said Martin. "Whatever she says, bury your cock in her ass and fuck her hard."

As if on cue, Diane began to complain about Jack's attention to her rosebud. She went on and on, telling him her ass was off limits. Her body belied her words when his index finger penetrated her ass and she had another orgasm. As soon as she recovered her faculties, she complained loudly of his violation. A second finger joined the first and Diane screamed like murder. Diane spread her ass cheeks with her own hands. Jack got the message. He pulled out of her pussy, withdrew his fingers and slowly but forcefully pressed his cock into Diane's bowels.

Diane released a string of expletives beyond anything Jack had ever heard from her. She cursed him for raping her ass, made charges about his mother and called him more names than he had heard of. Diane meanwhile spanked her own ass several times. Jack again got the message loud and clear. He began spanking her, one hand at a time. "No!" she cried after every blow.

Diane 'came out of character' and whispered, "You've gotta cum soon, Lover. I can't take much more." She snapped back, screaming her feigned pain and cursing Jack relentlessly. Jack seemed to redouble his efforts, thrusting even harder and faster. Finally, he suddenly stopped and bellowed out his own orgasm.

The rest of the family had been watching with rapt attention. Jack dutifully remained plugged into Diane and he gently stroked her skin. At her signal, he withdrew and moved to lie beside her. She stretched out her legs but remained on her tummy.

She turned her head to face Jack. Her eyes sparkled and her whole face smiled. "Thank you, Jack." She puckered her lips and Jack moved in for a long, soft, loving kiss. She smiled at him. "If we do this scene again," she said, "you ought to charge that I earned my mad money by selling sex, and I wasn't particular about my clients." She giggled and he nodded understanding, cuddling up to her.

"Thanks for the interlude, Diane and Jack," chirped Erin. "I'm glad we twins aren't the only ones who like sodomy." The whole family laughed. "Let's get back to delivering babies!"

"AI," said Martin, "Jack and Diane can watch this discussion whenever they want."


"Okay," Beth said, taking the lead on the discussion. "There is much more to the story than the generalization I'm about to give. On Earth, the general procedure for a normal birth is to keep the mother in what's called a 'labor room' until her cervix is completely opened. She is then moved to the 'delivery room.' If everything goes normally, the doctor and nurses don't intervene until the baby's head appears. That's said to be when the baby 'crowns.' The doctor plays catcher. When the baby is free of its mother, the doctor makes sure the baby is breathing. The baby is briefly examined. The umbilical cord -- which still connects the baby to the placenta -- is tied off near the baby's tummy and then severed. The nurses clean up the baby, get a diaper and a hat on it, wrap it in blankets and let momma hold it. The placenta is delivered and any repairs to momma are handled. An exhausted and drained momma is transported back to her room and the baby goes to the nursery. The baby is shuttled in and out of momma's room for meals and bonding. After a couple days' recovery, momma and baby go home.

"Whew! AI, you know how much I've skipped or glossed over. Would you please give us a similarly broad overview of the procedures Laura will encounter?"

"At that level of detail," said the AI, "the procedure is much the same. When a woman becomes pregnant, Confederacy technology begins preparations to ease the eventual delivery of the baby. The primary physical alteration is that the pelvis is enlarged to make additional room for the baby to easily pass through the birth canal. This alteration occurs over the course of the pregnancy. The woman and her family are not consciously aware of this change. In cases like Laura's, when the woman arrives already pregnant, the preparations must be accelerated."

"Oh!" breathed Laura. "This is my first pregnancy, so I didn't know what to expect. Now I understand why my pelvis has ached."

"That is correct," said the AI. "For all women approaching delivery, nanites are busy altering the internal pelvic muscles to ease the baby's transit through the birth canal. These changes commenced within Laura when her water burst, and will be complete shortly. The changes to the musculature and the pelvic bone will be reversed after the child is born.

"The birthing process is otherwise not altered during the early phases. Nanites are monitoring the mother's progress but the monitoring is rather crude by Confederacy standards. In almost all cases, the mother-to-be will become sufficiently uncomfortable that she is placed in a med tube well before labor has advanced very far. Rarely, the AI directs that the woman be transported to the medical bay.

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Before lunch the next day, a very anxious-looking Swiftrunner was back. He was told to bring us to see the Lady, as I knew he would. He added his own stipulation though – we had to have our weapons bound or leave them behind. I knew it wouldn't be a huge hindrance – they'd never find all of Zevran's daggers, Shale didn't use a weapon anyway, and the two mages were hardly helpless while empty-handed, but Sten, Alistair, and Leliana were all less than thrilled with the prospect. But...

3 years ago
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Getting Ready for Work ch1

Ch1"I'm so ready to get off," I thought to myself as I was winding down my day at work. Anyone who is a supervisor will tell you that people can get on your fucking nerves. The day had started off well, I woke up dick rock hard as usual. For a guy quickly approaching forty , I was pretty proud of this. My sex drive was through the roof. I rolled over and gently started rubbing my soundly sleeping wife's nipples. I had learned over the years that if you hit them real lightly back and forth they...

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The Public Lesson

Dale and George were sitting in their seats in the theatre waiting for the Shakespearean play to start. They had been waiting outside for their friends, Barbara and Janet, but as they didn’t arrive when the bell sounded for the show to start in a few minutes they made their way to their seats. All four were in their mid-to-late sixties.The second bell sounded and then the lights dimmed soon after they were seated which meant that no one could now come into the theatre until the halftime break....

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Daddy Fantasy ndash Bree

Daddy Fantasy – BreeBree had her wrists secured to her thighs. She was leaning forward at the edge of the bed with her pretty feet hanging in the air. Her face was pressed into the sheets. She looked like a triangle from the side with her beautiful ass in the air. A blindfold covered her eyes; she felt helpless. Her lover was standing on the floor between her feet sliding his cock in and out of her dripping pussy. He varied the speed and depth of his thrusts. Sometimes hard and fast so...

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DominiqueChapter 10

Still half asleep, I started turning over. Whoa! Not a good idea! By the time I'd returned to my original position, I was wide-awake. Complaining quietly in the almost pitch-blackness, my eyes where drawn to the thin arc of yellow moon illuminating the room. It was almost at the end of its nightly trek, low in the sky and on an angle. Rolling a little onto my right shoulder, I took deep breaths and concentrated on its shimmering halo. It was quite beautiful, framed by wafting tulle drapes...

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Miss Taken

It was dark in the parking lot and Tara was hunched a little over into the wind. Grim, almost. It was getting cold and she didn’t enjoy being out here, so she stuck close to the wall to avoid the wind as much as she could. She heard footsteps running behind her but didn’t turn, instead picks up her pace. She heard a male voice call out ‘Katherine!’ urgently. With relief she dismisses the runner as a potential threat, the name reassuring her that he must be looking for someone else. She keeps...

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FlintkoteChapter 81

The plane construction proceeded apace. From the tail feathers we constructed the wings, the cowling, and invented brakes. Having seen the problems with the most popular radial we went with the 137-hp Scarlett 7u. The company, Verner, has been flying one for two years and 300 hours. Mom insisted on the engine. We finished the aircraft and then I found out it’s not aerobatic. The engine runs well and has that ‘real’ airplane sound. Maybe I can sell it and finance a Pitts. I learned a lot ......

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DoceoChapter 9 A Night to Remember

As usual I was dressed and ready for dinner well before my client, so I had plenty of time to hang out with Nancy, Chad, and Claudia in the kitchen. We'd shared a very memorable week and the conversation started off bittersweet, but Chad soon had me keeling over with laughter. The laughter was contagious and soon we were all joking about the highs and lows of the last week. Once everything was ready, I invited everyone into the living room for a drink before the meal. Emily made her...

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Tree House

My story starts last on a Saturday last April, a month after my wife, Judy, and I had moved into our new home. Judy was working that day. She is a department manager in a large department store and often has to work nights and weekends. This particular Saturday she had gone in at noon and had to work till 8:00 that evening. It was a beautiful spring day and I had decided to do some work around our yard. This was the first nice weekend we had since we moved in the house so it was the first...

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Reddit AmateurGirlsBigCocks, aka r/AmateurGirlsBigCocks! I’m not a fucking photographer or even a cinematographer (but if I get to see hot ass and pussy all day, I may learn how to do both!), but even I know this to be true. There isn’t a better kind of XXX picture or GIF you can snap that’s fucking sexier and will get dudes rock hard faster than a giant cock going inside a tight, wet hole. Take that notion, make the bitch an amateur, and you’ve got an insane, sexual sandwich that would make...

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a siblings love for each other1

There two things I like the most in girls. One blonde hair because every girl with blonde hair is always got. And two them having a sibling because I’m into incest and I always like to image girls having sex with their sibling and if they don’t have one I imagine that the sibling is me. My big sister Patty has both those thing. Her long blond hair stops halfway through her back and combined with her blue eyes and beautifully face she looks like an angel in a human body. Her boobs are a...

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The Break Up

I was 19 when I was dating my brothers best friend Ted. He was a ridiculously good looking 24 year old who was rich, fit and funny. One problem though, he had an anger problem and usually took it out on me. My brother had no idea we were together. He used to come over and fuck me and then when my brother came home, he’d say he was waiting for him. We didn’t plan to have a relationship, it just happened. I was a gorgeous teenager and he was a horny young man. We just fit together like two puzzle...

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Estate LivingChapter 04

The next morning I wake up at my usual 5:00 a.m. before Nataly wakes up. We’re still cuddled up so I start fondling her breasts as I gently press my morning erection between her thighs. She purrs and wriggles in her sleep. I lean forward and kiss her neck, which makes her she purr again. I open my mouth and suck hard to give her an instant large hickey on her neck. She wakes up while saying, “Fuck.” Moving back I roll her over, spread her legs, and move between her thighs as I say, “Since...

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Wife Trys a Black Man Published by 425olds

Wife Try's a Black ManMy husband shocked me to my core when he asked me to fuck a big black cock. I couldn't believe he would ask me to do this. Didn't he want me? He told me it was just a fantasy that he wanted to try but I said "NEVER!"I thought it was over but our relationship struggled over the next few weeks. He clearly was upset with me as I was upset with him. Why did he want this so much? I started to worry about what this would do with our relationship long term. What if he never got...

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FilthyFamily Nina Elle Threesome With My Creeper StepSon

Juan keeps on spying on his stepmom she is hot and beautiful and he broke up with his girlfriend. The mom Nina keeps on noticing it and decides to talk to her new husband Marcus, they decide that she is gonna talk to his son. When she confronted Juan he admitted it and promise to try and stop spying on her. Later on, Juan hears some moaning coming from his parent’s bedroom and sees Nina and Marcus having sex, so he decides to spy on them. Mom again notices it and decides to give Juan some...

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Teaching Her Girls How To FuckPart 4 The Holidays0

The middle of May, I got a message that my CO wanted to see me. I went to the command tent, and was surprise that it was the Colonel who wanted to see me. He was sitting at his desk, reviewing some paperwork. I stood at attention, till he pointed to a chair for me to sit in. "Staff Sergeant, no Jack you have been an exemplary soldier in my command, that is why I find this order from Fort Bragg most unusual." he said. "The order reads that I am to place you under arrest and have you...

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Horny Fanz! Since OnlyFans, the adult industry has never been the same, and fuckers love the content they get on the platform. The site has a little bit of something for everyone. You get access to content from amateurs from down the goddamn street to professional porn stars that know how to make you subscribe and cum. Well, you can find tons of OnlyFans content and more on the aptly named Horny Fanz.Regardless of your favorite porn star or type of pornography that gets you off, the chances are...

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China Town Pleasure Girl Rough Night

I slept late, I was so comfortable in my new bed. The morning light, filtered through the trees outside and the pink curtains, seemed both subdued and brilliant. I got out of bed and walked around the large room. The queen bed, night table, dresser, and settee sofa all still left the room to seem spacious. I went into my bathroom, then put on my robe and went out to the kitchen. Suzi had left a note on the table. "Ani, I'll be away most of the day. Make yourself at home. You're on your...

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Adams Apple Ch 05

Christine smiled as her brother and niece hugged, putting the past behind them.“Thank you, Daddy,” Lynne said after releasing Ron from her embrace.“Thank you for forgiving me.  I was being pig-headed.”“It’s okay.”Ron smiled at his daughter and said, “As long as I’m in town, I thought I might look up a couple of old friends.”  He then turned to Christine and added, “If you don’t mind me staying another night?”“No, of course not,” Christine answered.“Is that fine with you, Lynne?”“Sure, Daddy. ...

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I can't believe what I've become. Six months ago I was your run-of-the-mill middle-aged husband and father, a boring, suburban guy with a nice house, a good job, a bad golf game, and a hard-on for the neighbor's teenage daughter. Actually, not much of that has changed other than what gives me a hard-on these days; no longer is it the s*******n year old next door in her skimpy bikini, sunning herself by the pool on weekends. Now, I actually look forward to Mondays, when I hit the road driving...

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Quadruplets Cum Together

This Story is about 4 kids 14yo who are quadruplets, 2 Girls and 2 Boys. They learn about sex, then explore with other. The rest you'll have to find out, As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. Quadruplets Cum Together We have a family of 6 siblings. A 20yo brother Jay, 16yo sister Ann, Then there were to 4 of us. I was born 1st, so I guess I’m the oldest. We’re 14yo, my...

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Adventures of Peter and Louise 1 The Lone Sunbat

Back in the early 80’s when in my twenties and still coming to terms with my sexuality , I lived in North Yorkshire and would enjoy days riding my motorcycle to the coast and walking along the coastal trails. I set out on a hot sunny day to walk along the coastal path between Whitby & Scarborough. The path in those days was very secluded in parts and as it was mid-week there were very few walker’s out. As I rounded a cove the path dipped into a hollow & to my surprise there was a...

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Fathers Day Pt 6

He let me lower my upper body on trembling arms and must have felt my hair touch his thigh. I need his cock, I need his cock in my mouth NOW. I had my head turned to one side, lying on his abdomen, and I was just sucking away like a nursing baby.He did the same to my little clit, occasionally pausing to push his tongue as far as he could into the tiny opening of my cunt. I was so hot by this point that I just lay there, sucking him at one end, and pulsing into an orgasm every half-minute...

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Tracey The Garage Incident Part 1

Tracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...

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Sex in the Lounge

The night was young and she was going to meet her man, she was wearing the new lingerie that he bought for her, the bustier, G-string, stockings and suspenders not to forget the stilettos and on top she was wearing a flowing robe. He was sitting on the couch, dressed in a 3-piece suit, not aware of what she had planned for the night. Firstly the lights went out. The candles that had been set in position around the room got lit one by one… upon seeing this happening he removed his jacket and...

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A Beautiful MessEpilogue Sunset

"You got everything, Char?" Stephanie asked. Char, who was near tears, simply nodded. The suitcases were loaded into the trunk of the Mustang, everything she owned and everything I owned. Ron shut the trunk and walked over to us. He handed me a credit card, a cell phone, and a wad of bills. He patted me on the shoulder and smiled at me. Then he stood with his hands in his pockets, smiling. Charlotte stepped up and hugged him. "Don't you cry now, my girl. We'll be up to see you guys...

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I Was a Teenaged PirateChapter 3

By the time they got home, John had an idea. His health class had discussed the movie "Jackass" and some of the things the guys did there. When the term "homoerotic" was explained, Jim and John had a hard time not looking at each other - although it had far more specific meaning to John. But the movie discussion suggested that boys could enjoy sticking thing up their butts just like girls liked sticking things in their pussies and John had an idea what. Jack knew John was planing...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 18 The Loving Cousins

"I really want to thank you for letting me stay with you the rest of the trip," Melissa said between gasps. "No, no, no need to thank us, Ron explained everything and we're happy to help. Patty is like family to us," Stan said, "well she'll probably end up our daughter-in-law one day, that makes her sister our family as well and," giving an extra-strong push to get his nine inch cock in as deep as possible into the tight teens pussy as he fucked her then quickly pulling all the way...

1 year ago
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Daddy Takes a chance

Note : This story is completely fictional! Teenaged Meenal stretched out nakedly on the air mattress directly beneath the skylight, sighing with pleasure as the bright noonday sun played over her young body. She slipped one hand down to her crotch and began to finger her horny little pussy. It had been a couple of days since she had been fucked, and the knowledge that she was alone in the house with her handsome father made her breathing grow faster. She felt a hot tingling sensation deep in...


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