Prodigious CollectionChapter 15 free porn video

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4 Section 62 -- Beth on the table

The Godwin women trailed in one at a time, mostly straight from the shower. Each one had to provide a blow-by-blow account of her recent fuck. There was much banter and laughter. Gibes and insults flew furiously, all in great fun. They also had to rave about each other's brand new bodies, to more laughter and joking.

Rob sensed an approaching coffee klatch and steered himself and Jack to the living room. They worked with the AI so they could watch a ball game without the commercials and with all of the slow parts at double speed. It did not take long before the AI had the right idea. The men settled back to enjoy the game.

Beth stumbled in last, simply glowing. She told them she had insisted on caveman treatment for the last go-round with Martin. It was the best sex she had ever had, she insisted, but warned that it was not for the faint hearted.

Sarah and Sandy brought the children down to be with them. Logan and Daniel thought themselves big boys and did not want motherly affection. They stayed with the men. They had too much energy to sit still for a ball game. They alternated racing around the room with sitting by their dads. Rob got the same treatment from Logan as Martin did: being sized up as a dad wannabe. Rob didn't mind. He got some attention from his own Daniel.

The smaller ones were content to crawl into a lap and listen. The women started teaching the children about the superabundance of moms. For little Morgan, it was a game of "Where's Mama Claire?" followed by a pointed finger in answer, and then "Where's Mama Erin?" and on and on.

For three-year-old Nathan and four-year-old Lily, Beth hit upon a fun little game. She stage-whispered, "Go climb into Mama Diane's lap, Lily. Whisper in her ear that apples are red." If that was successful, Diane would point her at another mama with a new secret. Emma got Nathan started with, "Nathan, go pat Mama Laura's big tummy." The two children loved the game. Soon, one or the other of them was racing around the table toward a new lap.

While this was going on, Claire more or less brought the women's business meeting to order. "Beth's bringing two babies into our family. Martin wants us to decide for ourselves how far apart to space the births, and a tentative batting order, if you will. Who has thoughts?"

"Beth sure has made the impregnation part very attractive," giggled Erin.

"I think," said Laura, "we should try now to make some sort of schedule that we can adhere to for the second and third rounds of our pregnancies. This is my first baby. I don't know whether I would have had another baby on Earth. If I did have another baby, I don't know what the spacing would be."

"The time distance between all of the kids here already is two or three years," said Emma. "But all of the kids were conceived on Earth. Concubines are supposed to make babies. Don't you think two or three years is too far apart?"

"Emma, births two years apart means fifteen months between birth and the next impregnation," Sandy pointed out. "Morgan is fourteen months old, for instance. If I got pregnant next month, those babies would be just about exactly two years younger than Morgan."

"Pregnancy is hard on your body," said Laura.

"A concubine's body is fully restored immediately after the birth," the AI interrupted.

"Well, being fully recovered is one thing," said Diane. "Being prepared to endure another pregnancy is quite another. I'm sure that, with Confederacy technology, a woman could be impregnated every nine and a half months or so. That's too much, carrying that baby is hard work!"

"Laura," chuckled Beth, "I think you touched a nerve. You're right, though. We should have a crack at a schedule that we can maybe keep up for three rounds each."

"Jeez," gasped Erin, "we already have five, soon six kids. Eight of us having twins adds sixteen more. Eight of us each having one baby twice adds sixteen more. What's that? Thirty eight children?? If we all had three sets of twins, with the six already, that's fifty four kids."

"Well, we signed up for twelve babies right away," Sandy pointed out, "and we were lucky enough to get you twins to boot. Fifty-four children are going to need a lot of love. It's a good thing we have eight big momma hearts."

"Can we have a run at a long term schedule?" asked Sarah. "Let's see what happens if one of us gets pregnant every month, and the time between pregnancies is six months."

"There are only four more of us ready to take our turns. Laura needs more time off and the twins aren't old enough," said Claire.

"Try every other month," suggested Erin.

"The last of the four of us would get pregnant eight months from now," said Claire. The next slot would be ten months from now. Laura's baby will be nine months old. The twins will still be too young to begin."

"I could probably be ready for more babies nine months after Bozo is born," allowed Laura. "The twins' birthday is twelve and a half months from now. If you twins think you'll be ready, slots are open twelve and a half months from now and fourteen months from now."

"Oh, we'll be ready," said Emma.

"In sixteen months," Sarah continued, "Beth's babies will be seven months old. Beth, do you think that going again that quickly will be alright? Remember, if you do it, the rest of us will be shamed into doing the same thing."

"I'm reminded of the AI's insistence that I'll be good as new right after delivery," Beth said. "If I can get some help, especially at night, then I'm sure I'll be ready again. The schedule seems so neat and tidy and I wouldn't want to start something different for the second and third rounds."

"You'll need the help," Claire told them as she hooked her thumb at her own twins. "Rob was a hero. He was up with me every time. Whenever he could take over and let me go back to bed, he did it. Of course, I wasn't rejuvenated and I was trying to recover while I nursed twins. Rob wasn't equipped to wet nurse but he did everything else he could. How he made it through his days of physical labor, I don't know."

"It sounds like there should always be two nursing mothers," said Diane.

"Are you volunteering?" asked Beth with a smirk.

Diane looked surprised. "Me?"

"Sure, Diane," chuckled Sandy. "Nursing puts your maternal instincts into overdrive. It powerfully bonds you with the baby. You'd be amazed. If you decide to help Beth nurse her babies, you'll feel like those are your own babies, and you'll feel you and Beth are one."

Diane looked shocked. She turned to Beth. "It never crossed my mind that I could do that," she said. "I think I might want to. Will you let me think about it for a while, please?"

"Of course you can," Beth replied. "I don't need the help for nine more months. You'll be pregnant by then, but I don't know how far along. That depends on where you wind up in the batting order."

"Laura is going to need help a lot sooner than that," Claire pointed out.

"You know," drawled Erin, "here we are talking about the batting order and stuff. I think I should point out that a couple of us are out of the lineup, so to speak, for the next year. Could we go in as pinch hitters?"

"You want to wet nurse Laura's baby?" asked an incredulous Sarah.

"Well ... yeah," said Emma. "I hadn't thought of it before. I think it's a good idea."

"AI," said Beth, "what's your take on Erin's proposal?"

"Dependents Erin and Emma are past menarche," responded the AI. "It is simple to induce lactation in women. Motherhood is not required. That is, the woman need never have birthed a child in order to lactate. Erin and Emma are dependents and could not be forced into this duty. They may volunteer and, unless the sponsor objects, the nanites will be introduced to cause lactation to begin. Their breasts are still developing but sufficient progress has already been made."

"Would the twins produce colostrum at the beginning, like the mother does?" asked Sarah. "Would the twins' colostrum be good for Laura's baby?"

"What about three -- Laura and the twins -- all producing milk at the same time for only one baby?" asked Sandy. "The mother alone is supposed to be able to produce enough for a baby. Having help will be great for Laura, but what about balancing supply and demand?"

"Erin and Emma would produce colostrum at first," answered the AI, "and the colostrum would be beneficial to the baby. The supply of and demand for milk will be balanced shortly after milk production commences."

"I suspect that the majority of the twins' milk will not be delivered to the baby," chuckled Claire. "Let me tell you girls that, if you lay around drinking each other's milk, your milk production will soar, and you will regret it."

"How long does a baby nurse from its mother?" asked Diane.

Beth chuckled. "Children will nurse for as long as their mother will let them. There are stories of children aged two, three, or even older still nursing, unbuttoning their mother's blouses and helping themselves."

"I was told that a nursing baby should be fed only mother's milk for the first six months," said Sarah. "I was also told that weaning is easiest when the baby is about one year old."

"I think we're about to get all tangled up with 'who's helping who' until we sort out the batting order for our pregnancies," said Claire. "I'm not sure we want to nurse deeply into our own pregnancies, since we'll be nursing well after giving birth. We're planning to get pregnant again when our babies are seven months old. We probably should stop nursing a month before we get pregnant. The babies will need another six months of nursing, but not from their mother. Let's have a go at a pregnancy sequence and then fit the wet nursing in."

There were no objections. Beth looked significantly at each of the four women. "We're talking about who gets pregnant two, four, six and eight months from now. Laura's turn is ten months from now. The twins' turns are twelve and fourteen months from now. Diane, Claire, Sandy, Sarah, do any of you have a strong preference?"

"I think Diane should have a free choice, any one she wants," said Sandy.

"Why?" asked Diane. "Why should I be special?"

"You're the only one of us who isn't already a mother," a smiling Sarah said softly. "You're the one who used to be a forty-something who wasn't sure you ever wanted to be a mother at all. It doesn't really matter to the rest of us what the order is. What matters to us is that you're comfortable and confident in your pregnancy."

"We're beginning to over-think this one," said Sandy. "Diane will take her turn. Laura's baby will show her what it's going to be like. If anything, Diane might wait until she sees that Bozo settles down and sleeps through most of the night before she takes her turn."

"The alternative," giggled Erin, "would be for Diane to jump in, head first."

"Oh, fuck it," barked a smiling Diane. "Can I have someone else be next, and I'll be next after that?"

Claire looked at Sarah and Sandy. "Beth is first and Diane is third. We probably shouldn't do it so that all the old women go first. Would one of you two like to be next?"

Sarah and Sandy looked at each other. "My Morgan is one. Your Lily is four. You should go next. Alright?" Sarah nodded. Sandy turned to Claire. "Do you want to be last or next to last?"

"You choose," smiled Claire.

"You really don't care?" Claire shook her head. "Then I'll be after Diane."

"Can we take a break?" asked Laura. "Bozo says I need to pee."

"I bet Morgan needs a dry diaper," said Sandy. "Nathan, let's go upstairs and see if we can get in some mischief."

"I think I've been derelict with the children," said Claire. "Logan and Daniel, let's go practice juggling."

The twins had wandered off to the living room where Jack and Rob were watching a ball game. They wondered whether they could find some balls to play with -- the kind attached to a man. Claire and Sandy were on the upper level with the kids.

Martin returned from his sleep training session to find Laura, Diane, Sarah and Beth sitting around the table, chatting. He smiled and nodded in response to their greetings but without a word he casually walked up behind Beth, ran his open-fingered hand up her neck and into her hair, gently but firmly stood Beth up and pressed her face down onto the table. His hand still full of Beth's hair, he moved her chair and stepped close behind her. He nudged her legs apart and let his rigid cock begin to seek her entrance.

"Oh, you savage," she hissed. "Right there, lover. Drive it in!"

"You're not even wet yet, are you?" asked an alarmed Laura.

"I think that's one of the attractions for her," Diane softly said. "Watch her face. It isn't the pain she loves, it's him forcing himself on her." And Beth did wince as Martin repeatedly thrust his dry cock into her dry hole. Knowing what she wanted, he did not even withdraw to spread her juices, easing his way into her. He kept his hand full of her hair, her cheek pressed onto the table surface.

"I had no idea, M ... Beth," said Sarah. "I can't picture Dad filling that role."

Diane giggled. "You probably avoided thinking about the folks having sex at all." Sarah nodded agreement.

"How bizarre," said Sarah, "that we're having a quiet conversation as we sit around our sister who is being all but raped on the table in front of us."

"You're right, Sarah," whispered Laura. "I think Beth is having a very old fantasy fulfilled."

"Guilty as charged, Laura. Ooh, Martin! Fuck a baby into me," breathed Beth. "Fuck two babies into me."

Martin had bottomed out. He stood for a moment, delighting in the entire scene, delighting in the sensations along his cock. He began to powerfully thrust into her. The thrusts were at first short but were soon lengthened. Martin noticed idly that there was all but no ripple in her newly eighteen-year-old ass as he slammed into her. The room was silent except for the sound of their bodies slapping together rhythmically. Both Martin and Beth began to sweat profusely but he kept up his attack.

Beth could no longer keep completely still. The longer they went on, the more aroused she became, the more squeaks and moans escaped her throat. Martin remained silent but his facial expressions told of his impending orgasm.

At last he roared as he blasted baby makers deep inside her. That sent her over the edge as well and she keened her own orgasm. He slowed his thrusts and then stopped. He stood still briefly, withdrew his fingers from her hair, stepped back and loudly smacked her ass with his open hand. He turned and left the room without having spoken a word. His handprint was soon sharply outlined on her ass cheek.

"Wow," breathed Sarah.

"I've had that fantasy for thirty years," Beth softly said, still lying on the tabletop. "That was all I ever dreamed it would be. God help me, I want to get a bucket so I don't have to pee in the toilet. I don't want the AI to tell us I'm pregnant yet. I don't want this rutting to end. I want to be fucked, just fucked 'till I'm like a rag doll."

4 Section 63 -- Notice of embarkation drill

"This neighborhood is now fully occupied," reported the AI to all collars, all implants and in all living units. "Tomorrow will be the first drill for routine embarkation to the cube transport ship. Drills for emergency evacuation will begin at a later date.

"There is but one transporter pad for this neighborhood," the AI continued. "Accordingly, embarkation will occur by row. The occupants of units 1-A and 1-J, furthest from the main corridor, will go first, followed in alternation by units, 1-B, 1-I, 1-C, 1-H, and so on until the last units in the row, units 1-E and 1-F have been transported. Next will be units 2-A, 2-J and so on.

"Transport of the entire neighborhood will require considerable time. Two hours have been budgeted for the drill, which will commence at nine thirty. From nine o'clock, all personnel are restricted to their units until it is time to approach the transporter pad.

"Every sponsor should designate one concubine as primary, or den mother, or straw boss or the like. This designation should be lasting but may be changed at any time by the sponsor.

"When directed to exit the living unit and approach the transporter pad, the sponsor will lead and the straw boss will be last so that he or she can ensure that the entire family is accounted for. It is recommended that you hold hands and move in single file. The straw boss should offer and accept the hand of the sponsor of the adjacent unit so that a continuous line of personnel is created.

"If any straw boss concubine discovers that the family unit is not entirely accounted for, then the entire family unit should step out of line, away from the center of the corridor. The straw boss should find the missing family member and get the family restored to full strength. At that time, the sponsor will lead the family toward the transporter pad. That family will be last through the transporter before the next row begins.

"The destination neighborhood is exactly the same as this neighborhood. You are instructed to proceed directly to the unit number in the new neighborhood corresponding to your current unit number.

"When everyone in the entire neighborhood has been transported and has occupied a living unit, the entire procedure will be conducted again and you will be returned here. When the entire neighborhood has been transported back and has reached their living unit, the drill will be complete and you will be dismissed."

Juanita Forester noticed that the voice of the AI was not exactly like the one they were used to in the living unit. She also noticed that the familiar voice was used when they were asked whether they had any questions. "AI, was what we just heard broadcast to the entire neighborhood at once? Was it like a public address announcement?"

"It was," acknowledged the AI in its familiar voice. "The living unit AIs are able to answer questions. Do you understand the instructions?"

"Let me see if I can summarize," said Alan. "When the AI instructs, we will leave the unit, me first and Lisa last. Lisa will see that all of us are present. When I exit, I will accept the hand of the last concubine from the next door unit. When Lisa exits, she will offer her hand to the sponsor next door. After we transport, we go to the living unit with the same number as this one. Then we do it all over again to get back here. Is that about it?"

"That is correct," confirmed the AI.

"Sounds so simple," said Alan. "What could go wrong?"

Day 5

5 Section 64 -- The Palmers find a family

"Hello? Is Lacey Palmer in here?" The man, a sponsor, stood in the open doorway of the living unit. Two concubines, apparently a mother and daughter, stood behind him.

Lacey came down the lift and approached the front door. "I'm Lacey Palmer. What can I do for you?"

"We told the AI what kind of people we were looking for to complete our family," the man answered, "and it directed us to you. Is your Marcie still available as well?"

Lacey stepped back as though she had been slapped. Her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes registered shock. She could only nod.

"My name is Lars Olafson. This is my former wife, Eileen," the man said as he wrapped his right arm around her, "and these are my daughters, Lauren and Chelsea." He urged them to take a step forward. Eileen and Lauren wore red collars and nothing else. Underage Chelsea was fully dressed. "The AI told us that you and your children would be a good match for all of us. I understand your Marcie is fourteen and your Jason is ten?"

Lacey was still too stunned to respond. Eileen stepped forward. "Lauren and I aren't daughter and wife anymore, Lacey. We belong to Lars now. We'd like to talk to you about you three joining us to make a nice big family. May we come in?"

"Of course," stammered Lacey. "Forgive me, I'm so surprised. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable." She led them to the living room. Lars sat on one sofa, between Eileen and Lauren. Chelsea sat on the arm of the sofa next to her sister.

"Lacey," said Eileen softly, "would you like to invite the rest of your family to join us?"

Lacey blushed and nodded. "AI," she said, "would you please invite Marcie and Jason to join us in the living room?"

"Acknowledged," said the AI. A moment later, it said, "Marcie and Jason are on their way."

Soon both came down the lift. Lacey intercepted them, explaining, "We have been invited to interview for the possibility of joining Mr. Olafson's family. Be on your best behavior." She guided them to the sofa across from the Olafsons and seated herself with one of her children on each side of her.

Lars smiled at the Palmers. "I don't think we're being terribly picky, but we have had spectacularly bad luck interviewing so far. It seems that the concubine candidates in the common areas are either overly aggressive or completely cowed. I'm looking for two more concubines. I'm looking for a woman who will become friends with Eileen. I'm looking for a young lady who will become friends with Lauren. I'm looking for a child who will become friends with Chelsea. When we find those three people, I'll know we have ourselves a family that will be happy and contented.

"The AI has already provided your CAP scores and sub-scores to me -- to all of us. We have reviewed and discussed them. We think you are very promising -- on paper, as it were. Lacey, would you tell us a little about yourselves, in your own words, please?"

Eileen interrupted. "Lars, maybe we should alternate. Will you let me tell Lacey about ourselves first? Then Lacey can tell us about her and her family. Then will you let Lauren share her thoughts before we ask Marcie about herself? I don't know if Chelsea and Jason will want a turn, but they are also welcome." Lars nodded agreement. Lacey looked relieved.

Eileen turned her attention to Lacey. "I'd like to put you at ease as much as I can, Lacey. We're from Gastonia. Lars is an attorney and was part of the office pickup. Lars brought as his 'dependents' the three of us plus our neighbors on both sides. We mutually decided that our neighbors wouldn't be a good match for our family. I think they have all been sponsored by now."

"Affirmative," the AI interjected.

"I've been a homemaker since Lauren was born. I had recently been anxious to get out of the house doing something productive. I never achieved that. We'll have to see what colony life is like. Maybe we can be useful outside our home before the babies begin to pile up! Lars is a pleasant man and very supportive of us all. Lars is my best friend. I not only love my children, but I like them as well. Lars and I are very supportive of the children. I have made an effort not to stifle them with more attention than they wanted or needed. Now that we're on the way to the stars, Lauren is an adult. I'm looking forward to helping her -- and helping Chelsea -- become mature young women. I'll let them tell you more about themselves later. I'm not really a chatterbox, Lacey. I think I'll end now and give you a turn."

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ProdigyChapter 8

"Now we'll be back between eleven and eleven-thirty," Helen Spangler told the baby sitter. "You have our cell phone number and Katy's. She's at the library studying for an exam and won't be home until late, but if you can't reach us, by all means call her." "Yes, Mrs. Spangler," smiled Angela Burton, the seventeen year old high school senior who had baby-sat with Phillipe when he was younger. "But don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'm sure it will be," smiled the...

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ProdigyChapter 9

"Honey, may I come in?" "Sure Mom. I'm dressed. I promise," he laughed. She laughed too, but nervously. She and Glen were no prudes but the sight of her fourteen year old son atop his baby sitter and her screaming in pleasure and begging for more had been the shock of her life. In the days since, Glen had tried talking with the boy without success. In fact the animosity between them had gotten so bad Phillipe had as much as told his father he was no man at all and it was a mystery why...

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ProdigyChapter 10

The next few days were tortuous for Helen. Not only was she forced to deal what had happened in Phillipe's room, but there was no one she could talk to. Glen was obviously out of the question and even the thoughts of sharing the incident and her dichotomous feelings about it with her mother brought a lump to her throat along with the resignation that no one -- no one could understand what it meant to have a fourteen year old son who was not only smarter, better read and better educated, but...

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ProdigyChapter 11

Helen had become deeply troubled. Since she had found her son mounting her best friend and sending Rachel through the roof with pleasure, she was at her wits end as to what to do. She dare not mention it to Glen who had already had two more run-ins with Phillipe, the last ending in a shouting match in which Phillipe had all but said he could take his mother away from his father if he wanted. Glen had dared him to try and now the stage was set. Phillipe genuinely cared for his mother, but the...

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ProdigyChapter 13

During the next few days Helen was determined to recapture her husband and marriage, yet Glen was cool at best and Phillipe always seemed to be near, admiring her, complimenting her, helping with housework. He didn't make any more advances which surprised her (she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed), but his looks spoke volumes. He had said all which needed to be said. He wanted her. She wanted him. She would eventually come to him. There were times when she, like Glen, found...

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ProdigyChapter 14

The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...

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ProdigyChapter 15

In the weeks which followed, Helen became, for all practical purposes, her son's whore. As soon as Glen and Katy would leave the house, she would strip and prostrate herself for Phillipe who would take her to ever ascending heights of rapture and joy. He screwed her in every room of the house, on the floor, draped across the furniture, even on the stairway. His favorite practical joke was to either enter her with his phallus or finger while she was on the phone, and watching her try to carry...

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ProdigyChapter 16

During the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...

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ProdigyChapter 18

And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...

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PenthouseGold McKenzee Miles A Kinky Date With Mckenzee Miles

Blonde beauty Mckenzee Miles’ date with Kris Slater takes an unexpected orgasmic turn when he presents her with a remote control vibrator that he wants to try out right then and there at the restaurant. The busty babe is worked up to such a horny frenzy, that she’s soon imagining herself naked and getting her pussy licked and fucked on top of the table. With the cook looking on to make things even kinkier, the Penthouse Pet gives a blowjob and gets pounded hard until she’s...

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A Clear Conscience III

At first, everything was fine, she would send me a few pictures of herself topless, and I would happily pleasure myself to her generous gift. But even with pictures of Lanie, my regular masturbation habit was just not enough for me. I wanted the real thing, I wanted a girl I could feel, not just gawk at. That’s when I met Fay.... Fay’s family had moved in next- door, and had invited everyone to a stereotypical neighborhood cook-out/pool-party. At first, I really didn’t want to go,...

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The Sun I Cant See CH 03

“Kill me!”“No... I won’t kill you. Come on. Stop acting like a baby.”I pressed the button on my talking watch for the tenth time.“The time is 8:38 am.”Last night at the Fox & Spice, everything was going fantastically well until... the kissing slave girl. I've been crying my life out since that moment. Immediately after what happened, I changed back in my regular clothes, and we went straight home; it, unfortunately, shortened our evening. This morning, Miles tried to make me feel better, but...

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The Dday Fucking Sexy Babe

Hi guys! Ashish here. I’m here to continue with my story from where i left it. I wanna thank all for your appreciating e-mails and overwhelming response which encouraged me to continue my story. If you haven’t read my previous story, then you may follow the given link: Something about me. Myself Ashish currently living in Delhi and pursuing engineering(3rd year) from Delhi...

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Just a SecChapter 11

The sex between Jennifer and Matt that night was slow and gentle; and definitely loving. The concerns about the possible level of noise resulting from their joining were unfounded. Any sounds coming from the two of them were limited simply to slightly-louder-than-usual sighs and moans. In fact, neither Connor nor Haley was disturbed, embarrassed, or even alerted by Matt and Jennifer’s sexual activities. But the low noise level was definitely NOT indicative of the level of pleasure and...

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Starting Sex Journey In Incest

Hi friends this is Rajesh from Andhra Pradesh. Today I am narrating a real life incident in my life. I had sex with both my cousin and my aunt (my mom’s elder sister). Their family consists of my uncle (businessman who passed away), aunt (house wife) and daughter doing MBA in private college. Cousin looks very sexy and has stats 34-30-32. Generally my aunt’s family is very traditional and conservative. Whenever they want any help they usually call me. Mom and aunt are very close sisters. So mom...

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Lusting for Amina

I think about fucking one of my best friends a lot. Her name is Amina, and I want her.Amina is Arabian, like me, and fuck is she sexy. Tan skin, thin hips, dark curls, and incredibly nice tits – a C cup, I think. Tight ass, too. Every time she wears high wasted shorts and a v-neck, I have to hide the fact I'm staring.Amina's 18, so she's younger than me, too. It turns me on a little more. If we fucked, I'd be her first lesbian experience. The fantasy of it makes me light headed.She's so shy,...

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Game WorldChapter 22

I took the watch that night, both as lookout and as helmsman. My enhanced vision gave me better night sight than anyone else aboard the Windrunner save perhaps Nimue and I wasn't going to put her on watch. She was still recovering from the blow to her head. The men had still grumbled, even though they'd been forewarned well in advance that we would not be seeking an anchorage. It was more about warm food and a good night's rest for all than anything else. Still we'd provisioned us well...

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Fellatio Friday

Every young boy or man as he grows up hears the phrase; suck my dick, blow me or something like that and it sounds repulsive. But as he grows older he learns it is just a way for guys to k** each other...then as a young man learns about sex he hears guys saying, she can suck my dick or she can blow me and it conjures up a whole new, erotic meaning. It aroused great curiosity for me as a late teen. Then the possibility of experiencing it arose when I became intimate with a favorite aunt, the...

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A World of My OwnChapter 6 Expanding Horizons Part 1

I woke the next day full of anticipation. This was developing so fast it had my head spinning with the possibilities. I was collecting lives and the shear power that implied was the best aphrodisiac I could have imagined. It was time to take this to the next level. It was time to convert Emily into the sex slave I always wanted her to be. I called her early, wanting to catch her before she left for school. She was attending Washington State University, studying architecture and was really...

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Mollyrsquos Boobs ndash part 5

After a time Molly became an expert in making big bras. Anytime I came to her room, there were drawings, layouts, parts, rolls of material and unfinished bras. She experimented, she studied the issue on Internet, she took part in discussions and forums about tailoring bras and she was becoming very skilled in sewing.Our sex life was good. I usually came in the afternoon and we went out for a walk or to a mall or to the cinema. People stared at us, or better to say, they stared at her. Well,...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 14

After taking a sip of his root beer, Tom sat down at the dinner table. He put the frosty mug down on the table and rubbed his hands together. He had returned the previous day from college, and had headed over to Dan’s house for a meal at the first opportunity. He said, “I’ve been looking forward to one of your pizzas ever since I went to Austin.” “Sorry, but we’re not having pizza tonight,” Dan said with a smile. He knew that he was going to get a reaction out of Tom on that little...

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Vacation with my family part IV

Our little conversation ended with some seroius masturbation and some really hot lesbian sex. Mom taught me so many things about girl‘s sexuality. For example she showed me that fisting was a hell of a fun and much more. But now the story continues... ------------------------------------ When I woke up one morning (some days after our ladies night) I heard no sound in our house. I stood up, got dressed and walked into the kitchen to find a note on the table. 'Good morning sweety....

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Anjan And I Play With Each Other 8211 Part II

This is a continuation from my previous story. Comments welcome at I grabbed Anjan’s superhard dick and started stroking it as I felt his mouth engulfing my cock. I decided to go slow since Anjan was in a disadvantageous position on the bottom. I began by softly caressing his rod till I felt a shiver run through his body. I gently rubbed up and down on his shaft while constantly licking at it with the tip of my tongue. I even playfully nipped at it a couple of times evoking a protesting yelp...

Gay Male
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Pictures of Molly

I’d been friends with Molly for a couple of years at least, mainly because our desks were situated close to each other at work.   We got along very well, but that was it really.   Despite my finding her incredibly attractive, she never really showed any interest in me, so we stayed “just friends”. Once we’d gotten to know each other about as well as platonic friends can, we started to discuss ourselves in a little more intimate detail.   It was nothing more than exciting conversations...

Straight Sex
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The Alchemist

The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....

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NubileFilms Charlie Red Take Notice

Charlie Red is taking notes as her boss Michael Fly dictates to her, but this secretary is more interested in what her boss can do for her than in what she can do for her job. A small touch of her foot to Michael’s thigh is all it takes to distract him from work and catapult them both into pure pleasure. Within moments Michael has relieved both of them of their shirts and has slid his hand into Charlie’s pants. Standing up so she can slip out of her shorts leaving just her high...

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St Angela

Dr. Maximilian Weiser, der gut aussehende Assistenzarzt in der Klinik St. Angela und heimlicher Schwarm aller Schwestern und Pflegeschülerinnen der Abteilung wankt nach einer anstrengenden 16-Stunden-Schicht kurz nach Mitternacht müde und ausgelaugt zu seinem Bereitschaftsdienstzimmer, um endlich eine Mütze voll Schlaf zu nehmen. Die bildhübsche, blonde und blauäugige Krankenpflegeschülerin Jule Petersen kommt ihm auf dem Stationsflur entgegen und wünscht ihm mit einem verschmitzten Lächeln auf...

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3 Heather

We headed back to mine after our afternoon by the seaside and after showering to get rid of all the sand we were sat on the settee watching TV in our dressing gowns. “So what do you fancy for tonight then?” I asked Lisa “I don’t mind visiting your local if that’s where you’d normally go” she replied. “But before we go I want to know something” “Go on” I said “Do we have a future this time, or are you just gonna sail off into the sunset again?” “I don’t have the k**s to think about so much now”...

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Fantasy Fulfilled Of A Defense Officer8217s Wife 8211 Part II

I am John, an Indian living in Delhi. I have been writing some real experiences in ISS. I am 35 year old tall fair clean shaven good looking man. I am a passionate love maker. You are welcomed to contact me on In my first part, I mentioned about the lady. Her name is Kavita(name changed). She was wheatish in complexion. She had an amazing soft flawless body. More importantly what strike me most about her was her passion and attitude. She was sex goddess in it. She was 34C-30-38. She had a...

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Elements Surprise

This is a story written by myself and Element late one night... The wind blew hard that night, rain pelted down rough on the windows and walls. Thunder can be heard echoing through the valley as in a bedroom a blossoming young woman laid under her sheets deep in sleep. Underneath the sheets she wore a black teddy that fit snuggly to her body. The fireplace nearby kept her warm enough to wear just this. Lengthy blond hair hung out all over her consuming her pillow, she lay on her left side as...

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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 21

It was Thursday lunch. Mona had cancelled Scitech for me. She'd also scheduled the Dean's conference room and arranged for pizzas, salad and soft drinks for a dozen. There weren't a dozen, but who knew who would eat what. I had put together lists of names and phone numbers and I had requested the Dean to join us for a few minutes to 'charge' the committees. Mona duplicated the lists. I wasn't sure whether I was looking forward to this or not. Things were going well at home. Weena...

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Exposed Hotwife Part 03

Chris rose up, pulling at her cords, when she heard the compressor kick on.'Oh my God,' her mind panicked, 'What are they going to do to me?'When the compressor reached its set pressure and kicked off; It got eerily quite. The large man climbed onto the bed carrying a yellow hose with a bright sliver nozzle attached. He looked down at her puckered rosebud. It was coated in the cum that still drained from her open cunt."Do you have a nice tight asshole? Do you take it in the ass, Bitch?" he...

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Michaels Strange Addiction

Michael Smith was a single, attractive, and financially stable man.  He did, however, have a strange fetish.  He was primarily attracted to fat women.  He especially liked to feed them while engaging in sex.  It was a strange fetish that he liked to keep under wraps.  His friends would never understand this strange behavior, but it was an incredible feeling for Michael, which made him feel powerful and was very erotic and satisfying for him.The proper name of fat fetishism is called a feeder....

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New lease on life

His was a tale of desperation, a tinge of sadness and a libido that just wouldn’t quit. Hers was one of similar circumstances and they’d “met” in a chatroom on Lush. They both tended to frequent the picture rooms, and every now and then they’d lurk in the background of the dungeon or just exchange messages on Tumblr, seeing who could “outsmut” the other. It was fun and they both needed it.They didn’t know each others name, they didn’t need to and they maintained a healthy respect for each...

Straight Sex
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An Hotel in Her Town

He texts you to tell you he has arrived in town, your heart beats faster as you read on, he asks if you can meet him at his hotel at two that afternoon. Your fingers tremble as you text back your acceptance. You begin immediately to ready yourself, First you take a hot shower, the needles of water stimulate your body and you lather yourself with luxurious soapy bubbles. You turn the shower off and dry yourself with a warm fluffy towel. You stand naked in front of your full length mirror. You...

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The Debate CoachChapter 4

We were busy. Karen with her volunteer work, and Hanna and I with our school. As far as I could tell everything was going well. I was a little uncomfortable with the idea that Amy would be coming over Friday night. I could imagine some interesting scenes but I had to let Hanna take the lead. While I was doing homework I had an email from Dr. Frantz. It said there was a secure message for me on the machine in his office. The password was on the back of a picture of Jules Verne hanging on the...

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Single Parents

By: teufelturm© It was Friday, it was a sweltering hot day, and because I hadn't been able to concentrate on my work, I'd decided to take the rest of the day off. This wasn't hard to do because I work at home most of the time, with just a few occasional visits to the company for meetings. There was another reason for my inability to concentrate, but that would be rectified on Monday. My daughter Jenny and Anne, her friend of many years standing had retreated indoors some time ago in...

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First Cherry I Broke In College Part 8211 1

This is about the first time I broke a girl’s cherry. My first college girlfriend was a year older than me and I wasn’t a virgin when she took my virginity her name was Deepa and she was a year older than the rest of us as she skipped a year college early on in her life. She was as tall as me 5.9 had long legs, an incredibly tight ass and small boobs that were impossibly perky. She was the perfect specimen of teen beauty. Even if her tits were bigger, it wouldn’t have made her more attractive...

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Always on GuardChapter 16

Jorgarn spent almost every waking moment at Denae's side or with Torbert during the remaining days leading up to her Ascension Ceremony. He was paraded as though he was prized livestock in front of the Lords and Ladies who had made the trek to the castle for the festivities. Denae was correct in that many of them attempted to match him up with their unwed daughters – some as young as 11 – as soon as it was possible to speak to him. Denae would inwardly smirk each time Jorgarn was introduced...

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Secret Diary Part Three

You can’t believe how pretty it is here. We turned off the highway and traveled down a long dirt road to see this huge cabin nestled in the woods. I’m not sure there are enough words to describe what my eyes saw, but I’m going to try. My eyes saw what my mind could not start to believe. I’m glad I took that architecture class last year. The front is a tall a-frame peak filled with a large bay window. It looks almost like the middle ages cathedral windows, simply breath taking. As you look past...

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