Prodigious CollectionChapter 16 free porn video

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5 Section 69 -- Confirmation

"The concubine Beth is pregnant," intoned the AI as the family had dinner. The room erupted with cheers, applause and catcalls. Beth sat quietly, smiling radiantly but with a bittersweet touch. Martin made his way around the table and knelt at Beth's side. They embraced, kissing tenderly but with passion.

"Thank you," he told her before she could say the same to him.

"No, Martin, thank you. Thank you for taking us all together. Thank you for selecting wonderful people for our family. Thank you for taking the children for your own. And thank you for the best sex I've ever had in my life. I will carry our children with pride and love. I will be indebted to you forever."

He simply smiled, knowing how firmly she believed what she had said. They embraced and kissed again before she shooed him back to his dinner.

"Does that mean the 'pregnant woman' rule applies to you now?" asked Jack.

She smiled at him as she shook her head. "I'm a tough old bird and I'm not afraid to tell any one of you where to get off. Just to keep you guys on the ball, I'll invoke the rule when I'm six or seven months pregnant, mostly for the benefit of the pregnancies that will follow mine."

"Are you done with exclusive use of our studly lord and master?" asked Emma.

Beth smiled sadly and nodded. "I'm afraid so, Emma. Now I'm back to being just one of the girls."

Blushing crimson, Emma turned to Martin, who was sitting at the next table. "We're the only ones who haven't had any of your seed."

Martin was plainly startled. "I guess that's right," he said. "I didn't mean for that to happen." He stood to approach the twins, who were sitting side by side.

"Sit down," Emma said. "We understand how things worked out. We just hope that we can have our first turn soon."

Martin sat back down. "I am your humble servant. You may choose the time and place." The twins giggled. "May I finish my dinner first?"

"Of course you can," laughed Emma. "We've waited this long. We can wait a little longer and still survive."

5 Section 70 -- Curiosity

Juanita squeaked and moaned as her orgasm approached. Alan pressed on the backs of her thighs, folding her nearly in half as he pounded into her core. She was almost there, almost there...

He stopped cold.

Juanita's eyes flew open. She stifled her complaint when she saw him looking to his left. Following his gaze, she saw a very surprised young Arthur standing in the doorway, his expression like a deer in the headlights. All three of them were frozen. The silence stretched for quite a long time.

"I thought you were hurting her," Arthur finally managed to sputter. His brain might not have known what he was seeing, but his body certainly did. His little pecker stood straight out, pointing right at them. Juanita had to stifle a giggle at the sight.

Alan sub-vocalized to the AI.

"Thank you, Arthur, for your concern," smiled Juanita. "Not only is he not hurting me, he's making me feel really good. We're practicing making a baby."

Lisa stepped into the room, mortified at her son's interruption. "Arthur, I don't think you belong in here right now."

"Wait, Lisa," said Juanita. "Arthur deserves to know. He told us he was worried that Alan was hurting me. I think we better have a biology lesson, right here, right now."

Lisa gave her a doubtful look and then shrugged acceptance. "I guess we should. Come on over here with me," she told Arthur. They approached the bed. "Arthur, it takes a man and a woman to make a baby. A man has to inject stuff called sperm into a woman. The sperm has to meet up with a teeny tiny egg made by a woman. It has to meet the egg in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. If the sperm meets the egg at the right time, then the egg moves into the woman's womb, which is in her tummy, and the egg grows into a baby. It takes nine months for the baby to grow in the mother's tummy. When the baby is ready, it comes out of the mother through the same place where the man put those sperms in.

"A man delivers the sperm with his penis. His penis has to get longer and stiffer to be able to put the sperm way up inside the woman, near her womb. See, your penis is stiffer than it usually is. You've seen Dad's penis soft. You've seen Alan's penis soft. Alan, please show Arthur your stiff penis."

Alan dutifully withdrew from within Juanita and allowed Arthur to see his stiff, glistening member. "Why is it all shiny?"

Alan answered. "It's shiny with a liquid lubricant that helps it go into Juanita without scraping her. Both Juanita and I have made that lubricant. That way it won't scrape me when it's my turn to practice making a baby."

"Are you making a baby in Juanita?"

"Not this time, Arthur," answered Juanita. "We're just practicing to make a baby. It feels really good for both of us." She pulled Alan's hips slowly toward her and managed to get him back inside her.

"I bet you didn't think it felt very good for Juanita, did you?" asked Alan. Arthur shyly nodded his head in agreement. "The man and the woman have to work pretty hard to get the man's sperm to come out. When it does come out, it's called an orgasm, and the man's body has a bunch of spasms or jerks. A woman can have an orgasm, those make her body spasm, but usually nothing comes out of her body. The orgasms feel really good. There is a big buildup of muscle tension in the body just before an orgasm. That's what caused Juanita to make those noises."

Arthur turned to his mother. "Does it feel good when you do that?" Lisa blushed and shyly nodded. "Does Vickie like it?" A smiling Lisa nodded again.

"Nobody in our home is going to be hurt, Arthur," said Alan. "Your dad and I are going to practice making babies with your mom, and Vickie, and Juanita, and Maria, and Muriel. Soon, it won't be practicing. Soon, all of the women in our family will start to grow babies in their tummies. Soon, we'll have a lot of babies that need a strong big brother."

"You are welcome to watch baby-making practice," said Lisa, "as long as the door isn't closed. A closed door means 'private' and that you should not enter. You may ask all the questions you have, but not during baby-making practice. Why don't you and I let Juanita and Alan get back to their practicing? You and I can go find a snack and you can ask me all the questions you can think of."

Day 6

6 Section 71 -- Embarkation drill redux

Clockwork. The drills went like clockwork. Not only for the neighborhood that had had so much trouble the day before, but every last neighborhood that was occupied by sponsors and their families completed the drill.

The secret to success was music. Sure, there was a Fear-Of-God speech delivered by Lt. Lentz in his own voice. It was now understood that the drills were life and death important and that no screw-ups would be tolerated. But it was the music that made it all work.

Female stewards met the sponsors assigned to units 1-A and 1- J, the units on opposite ends of the first row where the march to the transporter pads would begin. These two stewards started something of a conga line, stepping to the beat of the music, and none too quickly at that. When the first sponsors in the two conga lines understood what to do, the stewards broke off and began to see that the sponsor of each unit joined the conga line at the right time.

Yes, it took quite a bit of time for the first two lines of people to reach the transporter pad. But once the pad was reached, the metered pace was maintained. There was a line of people coming from two directions at once. A person from each line alternated with a person from the opposite line. There was a bit of jostling while the rhythm was fine tuned, but not enough to ripple back into the lines at all.

And, yes, it took a bit to perfect the timing of the start of additional rows of people. New rows began with the units furthest away from the main corridor. Sometimes the conga lines of people from the new rows arrived late and the transporter pad went unused for a time. Sometimes the new conga lines arrived a bit early and had to snake away from the goal in order to keep the line moving at the right pace. By the time the drill was done, all of the timing was down pat.

The drills began with the one neighborhood that had had so much trouble the day before. Everyone, stewards and neighborhood residents alike, was surprised that the drill went so smoothly. A cautious Lt. Lentz had assigned as many stewards to the offending neighborhood as had been needed the day before. Soon, it was obvious that far fewer stewards were needed. In fact, even fewer stewards were needed than an over-confident Lt. Lentz had originally envisioned. Happily, the number of stewards needed was the number assigned for routine patrol of a neighborhood. The surplus stewards remained in the neighborhood as observers and were later substituted in to allow for greater experience among the crewmembers.

The stewards in the neighborhood receiving 'passengers' had less experience with the problems suffered the day before by their counterparts on the sending end. The second half of the previous day's drill had been more subdued and orderly -- or less disorderly. The number of stewards assigned to the receiving neighborhood was reduced to match its counterpart. Surplus stewards likewise remained to observe and, later, participate.

The return trip drill was even better than the outbound trip. The lessons learned during the first half of the drill were quickly implemented. The entire drill was completed in ninety-five minutes.

All twenty-four of the stewards assigned to the two neighborhoods involved in the first drill were meted out in pairs as instructors. Soon, the drills were being conducted in the next six neighborhoods, a like number of empty neighborhoods receiving 'passengers'. These neighborhoods each had only six stewards, the standard complement. The drills, outbound and return trips, took an average of eighty-five minutes. For the third round, there were one hundred and eight experienced stewards able to instruct, and twenty-seven occupied neighborhoods were transferred to a like number of vacant neighborhoods. The third round went even more smoothly.

By the end of the third round, thirty-four neighborhoods had successfully participated in the embarkation drill. Lt. Lentz and his staff were mentally exhausted. The stewards who had participated in two or more rounds of the drill were also tired. Lt. Lentz pronounced the drills a rousing success and declared an end for the workday.

A cube ship contained three hundred and twenty neighborhoods. Not all of the three hundred twenty neighborhoods on Copernicus Station needed to fill the cube ship were yet occupied with completed sponsor families. The drills for the remaining occupied neighborhoods were conducted the next day.

6 Section 72 -- Too much

"What's wrong, Hattie?" asked David Anderson.

That brought a big grin, but it was bittersweet. "Mattie," she chuckled. "We're glad you can't tell us apart. We've enjoyed confusing people all our lives. After the med tubes, even we can't see any differences -- because there aren't any. Why can't you get the AI to tell you which of us is which?"

"I could," allowed David, "but it was obvious to me that you really wanted to sow confusion. It doesn't cost me anything to give you that source of pleasure. I had to tell the AI not to tell me who was who."

"That was really nice of you."

"You deserve it, Mattie. Both of you do. You still haven't told me what's wrong."

"Well," said Mattie slowly, "it's hard for me to say it, really. You've been so wonderful to us. Heidi and Rachel have worked so hard to make us equal members of our family. You really were right about our enhancements. We are exotic! The effect wouldn't have been nearly as good if we'd made our skin lighter. Coal black bodies, brilliant white teeth and emerald green eyes! Our collars and our matching lips and nails really stand out against our deep black skin and they really help emphasize our green eyes. You've turned us from okay-looking colored girls into ... almost goddesses. The problem isn't really enough to bother with. We'll get used to it. It's really okay, David."

David smirked. "Okay isn't good enough for any of my girls. Come on, Mattie, spill it."

Mattie could not bring herself to look at him. A tear ran down her cheek. "It's hard for me, David. I feel like I'm asking for a trifle when I'm so very grateful for all you have done, for all that Heidi and Rachel have done."

David knelt and collected her in his arms. She did her best to stifle her sobs. "Mattie, it doesn't cost anything to give you what you want. It's just like taking another bite of the dessert that's already right in front of you. Come on, Mattie. Let it out."

"Alright," she sniffed. "All of the enhancements are wonderful but there's just one tiny detail that we didn't realize was so important." She took a deep breath, let it out and looked David in the eye. "We look like we've been dipped in tar. It doesn't look natural. We didn't realize that it's important that us black people have lighter color skin on our palms and the soles of our feet. It doesn't have to be as light as it was before, but it needs to be lighter than the rest."

"Mattie! That's so simple, so perfectly reasonable, and you had a terrible time telling me there was a problem? Would you like to go to the med bay right now?" asked David.

Mattie was dumbfounded. "Just like that?"

6 Section 73 -- Wet nurse changes

"Something is troubling me," Claire Godwin told the family as they ate their lunch. "I may be completely off in my thinking, but I'd like to air my concern and see how the rest of you feel about it."

"Shall we talk about it now?" asked Beth.

"If you don't mind," answered Claire, "can we have a little meeting in the living room after we finish our lunch?" The entire family was agreeable and they enjoyed a pleasant meal together. When they had finished, Martin encouraged Daniel and Logan to lead the littler ones upstairs for some playtime. The kitchen and dining area were quickly cleaned up and the adults migrated to the living room.

Claire made a point of drawing the twins to sit beside her. The twins wondered what it was that they had done to get themselves in trouble, but said nothing. When the rest of the family had settled themselves, she began.

"No," she said as she hugged the twins to her, "you're not in trouble. I'm very proud of you both, even though Beth was right in predicting that you would quickly become sex fiends." They all laughed as the twins blushed furiously. "What I'm worried about does involve you. I know I'm just your mmm ... big sister, but I am worried. I want to discuss my concern with all of us, so you two don't think I'm just being mean to you."

She raised her gaze to the rest of the family. "Erin and Emma are really looking forward to helping Laura feed her baby. I don't want to be the one to say they can't, but I am beginning to think it is a bad idea. Wait, before you all jump in, here is my thinking." She hugged the twins to her and looked back and forth at them. "You're already sexual experts. You're showing maturity far beyond your years. I love you so much and I'm as proud of you as can be. BUT, you are twelve years old. I know, almost thirteen. Your bodies are still growing. You don't yet have your full height. Your pubic hair is still filling in. Your titties aren't done growing by a long shot.

"To show you what I mean," and she looked again at the family, "AI, will you please make a hologram of one of the twins for us just as she is now?" A full-sized hologram of Emma appeared and slowly rotated before them. "Now, AI, would you please slowly age the Emma hologram to eighteen, and assume no enhancements?" Over about a minute, the hologram figure grew about three inches in height. Its facial features matured. Its hips broadened. Its breasts filled out. The baby fat disappeared. The figure was by no means slender but was attractive. "Now, AI, would you please hold the Emma hologram and make an Erin hologram beside it that is as she currently looks?" The new hologram appeared. The differences between the two figures were striking. "AI, would you show us on the Erin hologram what she'll look like if she were lactating?" The change was stunning. The twins had been watching intently. They -- and everybody else -- gasped at the image.

"I see what you mean," Beth said softly. Turning her attention to the twins, she said, "It isn't that you physically can't do the job. The lactating Erin holo doesn't really look right, does she?"

The twins scrutinized the hologram as best they could with tear-filled eyes. They reluctantly shook their heads. Beth turned to Claire. "May I?" Claire nodded. "AI, will you instantly change both holograms to fourteen years old?" The AI complied. "Now, please age Emma by nine months as you show her pregnancy advancing."

There were oohs and aahs as the hologram changed. "On Erin, please advance her apparent age to seventeen as you advance her pregnancy." This time, the entire group -- and especially the twins -- cheered and applauded.

"Twins carrying twins!" laughed Diane. "Disappear the younger, please. Show us both Erin and Emma aged seventeen and about ready to pop out her own twins!"

"You look fabulous!" purred Claire as she hugged the twins to her.

Erin turned to Martin. "Can we still get pregnant when we turn fourteen?" Martin smiled and nodded. "And will you let us look seventeen when the babies are born?" This time, Martin laughed and nodded.

More cheers and applause. The twins blushed but were plainly very happy and proud.

"Okay," said Emma, "we concede that we shouldn't help Laura feed her baby -- or at least not this baby. But if we don't do it, who will?"

The entire family remained silent in thought for a moment. "Aren't I last in line for pregnancy," asked Sandy, "except for the twins?" There were nods of agreement. "Then, I volunteer to help feed Bozo. Laura, when are you going to tell us Bozo's real name? We can decide later when Laura and I should stop lactating. Laura is scheduled to get pregnant again right after me, and right before the twins."

"You don't mind?" asked Laura.

Sandy knelt in front of Laura and gave her a hug. "I love nursing babies, Laura. Erin and Emma were so excited about doing it that I didn't say anything. I don't mean to crowd out the twins, but I think they realize that Claire is right. With time, Emma and Erin will have beautiful bodies that make plenty of milk for lots and lots of our children."

Laura smiled at Sandy and caressed her face. "Thank you, Sandy. Thank you so much." She reached her arms out, urging the twins to her. The twins leaped to her side and she drew them into a hug. "I'm sorry to be the cause of a huge disappointment, Erin and Emma!"

"Don't worry about it," said Erin. "Mmm ... er, Claire is right." She leaned over and kissed Sandy. "Thank you, Sandy, for helping Laura. We'll do our best to be helpful, too."

A smiling Sandy moved back to her seat. Laura sighed. "Sandy, you asked me when you could call Bozo by his name. That's the problem. I don't have a name for Bozo." She turned her gaze to the rest of her family. "Will you guys help me choose a name for Bozo?" Everyone laughed and cheered.

The name game lasted for quite a while. The baby's father's name, Kevin, was immediately rejected by Laura. "I don't want anything or anybody -- especially my first baby -- to remind me of the pain and suffering I endured with that man. I am soooo much better off in my new, loving, family."

The names "Martin, ' 'Rob, ' and 'Jack' were also quickly rejected, there being enough opportunity for name confusion already. A lot of boy names were called out but none of them seemed to really catch Laura's fancy. Some were close, and prompted lively discussion, but were ultimately rejected.

"We seem to be on the wrong track," said Claire. "Beth, have you begun to think about names for your son? What are we doing wrong here?"

"Not really," answered Beth. "I haven't even been pregnant for very long at all. It wasn't by chance that both of my girls' names begin with 'S' though."

That point sparked a lively exchange between all of the women. Someone pointed out that Bozo would be the first baby born into their new family. Laura decided that Bozo would be named 'Adam' after the first man. The rest of the women agreed to name future children with the same first letter, going up the alphabet in order of birth. Beth said her boy and girl would be given names beginning with 'B.' Sarah's girls would have names beginning with 'C' and so on.

The women moved on to imagining features of their future home life. The more they talked, the more their comfort grew and their concerns waned.

When they were alone after the Bozo-naming meeting, Claire softly said to Sandy, "I thought I was last in line for pregnancy."

"Well," allowed Sandy, "you were. It suddenly dawned on me that the twins would be doubly hurt if they lost their chance and it fell to you instead. I thought it would sting a little less if it was me and not you."

Claire smiled. "That was quick thinking on your part, Sandy. Thank you for being so thoughtful to Erin and Emma."

"It was just a tiny part of us making a happy and loving family," chuckled Sandy.

Day 7

7 Section 74 -- Males prepare to return

"Settle down, please," Fleet Auxiliary Sergeant Ian McCormick said, using his amplified voice. He looked over his audience as they seated themselves. He could feel the tension and distress of these unsponsored males as the deadline approached.

"I know you are acutely aware that most of you will be going home tomorrow. Tension has been running higher with each passing hour as you compete more openly and more aggressively with the dwindling number of available sponsors. The stewards are interceding more frequently. Many incidents have escalated so rapidly that concubine prospects have physically attacked the stewards. Not all of these attacks are by males.

"Many of your peers have already given up. Many more have been evicted from the areas where sponsors are seeking concubines. When guys get evicted, they immediately go to all-male neighborhoods and simply wait to be returned to Earth; their wives are transferred to neighborhoods containing single women.

"I'm not suggesting that you give up. On the other hand, you need not sit idly in the common areas in order to be available for interviews. The AI knows your traits and the traits of your wives. If a sponsor expresses a desire for a couple that approximates your traits, the AI will arrange for you to appear for an interview.

"I encourage you to spend this last day alone with your wives, and with your children if you have them. Make the day memorable for yourself, for your wives and for your children. Ask the AI for guidance and assistance. If you and your wife want your wife to go to the colonies carrying your child, tell the AI. Your wife will be made fertile today. You won't be there when her cycle comes around again.

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ProdigyChapter 8

"Now we'll be back between eleven and eleven-thirty," Helen Spangler told the baby sitter. "You have our cell phone number and Katy's. She's at the library studying for an exam and won't be home until late, but if you can't reach us, by all means call her." "Yes, Mrs. Spangler," smiled Angela Burton, the seventeen year old high school senior who had baby-sat with Phillipe when he was younger. "But don't worry, everything will be fine." "I'm sure it will be," smiled the...

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ProdigyChapter 9

"Honey, may I come in?" "Sure Mom. I'm dressed. I promise," he laughed. She laughed too, but nervously. She and Glen were no prudes but the sight of her fourteen year old son atop his baby sitter and her screaming in pleasure and begging for more had been the shock of her life. In the days since, Glen had tried talking with the boy without success. In fact the animosity between them had gotten so bad Phillipe had as much as told his father he was no man at all and it was a mystery why...

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ProdigyChapter 10

The next few days were tortuous for Helen. Not only was she forced to deal what had happened in Phillipe's room, but there was no one she could talk to. Glen was obviously out of the question and even the thoughts of sharing the incident and her dichotomous feelings about it with her mother brought a lump to her throat along with the resignation that no one -- no one could understand what it meant to have a fourteen year old son who was not only smarter, better read and better educated, but...

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ProdigyChapter 11

Helen had become deeply troubled. Since she had found her son mounting her best friend and sending Rachel through the roof with pleasure, she was at her wits end as to what to do. She dare not mention it to Glen who had already had two more run-ins with Phillipe, the last ending in a shouting match in which Phillipe had all but said he could take his mother away from his father if he wanted. Glen had dared him to try and now the stage was set. Phillipe genuinely cared for his mother, but the...

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ProdigyChapter 13

During the next few days Helen was determined to recapture her husband and marriage, yet Glen was cool at best and Phillipe always seemed to be near, admiring her, complimenting her, helping with housework. He didn't make any more advances which surprised her (she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed), but his looks spoke volumes. He had said all which needed to be said. He wanted her. She wanted him. She would eventually come to him. There were times when she, like Glen, found...

3 years ago
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ProdigyChapter 14

The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...

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ProdigyChapter 15

In the weeks which followed, Helen became, for all practical purposes, her son's whore. As soon as Glen and Katy would leave the house, she would strip and prostrate herself for Phillipe who would take her to ever ascending heights of rapture and joy. He screwed her in every room of the house, on the floor, draped across the furniture, even on the stairway. His favorite practical joke was to either enter her with his phallus or finger while she was on the phone, and watching her try to carry...

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ProdigyChapter 16

During the next few days, Helen felt as if she were on a honeymoon. She and Phillipe went out to dinner almost every night, took in concerts and movies, even took a horse drawn carriage ride through the park. They were careful to limit their displays of affection in public, but once home Helen would be naked within seconds and screaming in orgasmic pleasure shortly thereafter. Phillipe was pleased that his mother was enjoying herself, but it was the feeling of victory over his father which...

2 years ago
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ProdigyChapter 18

And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...

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Fun In The Sun Part One

At seventeen, Jess was in the prime of his life; healthy, attractive in an unassuming way, and in good shape thanks to his passion for gymnastics, particularly the hoops. School was out and the Californian summer stretched ahead of him, full of hope and new experiences. As he walked along the sidewalk to his best friend Andy's house he felt a surge of excitement building within him. The purpose of his visit was to mow the lawn and do some upkeep on the well established back yard. He sighed,...

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After Hours Part One

Staying behind college to do my artwork wasn’t exactly my idea of fun, I was missing my bed, the TV and a lovely cup of tea but the painting was nearly finished. I wasn't as irritated as I could be but I seriously wasn't impressed either, the rooms were empty though so I could turn my music up louder and just get on with it. I was just applying the last few bits of detail when a boy I knew of well walked in.He moved with a swagger over to an empty table, perched on the edge and simply watched...

First Time
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A Backcountry Night to Remember

It was late August, approaching my final camp site for this trip. 30 degrees Celsius, beautiful sunny weather but you could see some clouds rolling in. Thankfully I was just a few kilometers from my camp site I wanted. The beauty about this camp site is that it was high up and gave a great view. Also had some wind come through it so the bugs would be almost non-existent.I arrived at the camp site, got all my gear out and secured my canoe. Went up to the spot and set up my tarp first and then my...

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Dominated Anika After Getting Drunk

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. This story is a continuation of my another meeting with Anika who dominated me on the bed last time. So after few days of our last meeting, we had another sexual meeting.This time I dominated her on the bed.Anika is a beautiful girl with big boobs, white skin and always have a sluttery and naughty expression on her face.So one day I had an argument with my parents about my studies.I got frustrated and left for college.I texted Anika if we could meet...

2 years ago
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End Of A Stay Or The Unexpected Virtue Of Fantasy

I discovered this story while using my friend’s computer. He’d been a student at kota during his 11th-12th days and currently we’re studying engineering in Mumbai. I don’t know how much of this is true and my friend won’t tell me. I found the tale really erotic and asked him to let me post it over here. He said yes, fortunately. So, here it goes. I hope people aren’t intimidated by the length of this piece as breaking it into chunks seemed like doing it injustice. Do provide feedback if you...

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How I Became A Witches Foot Slave

How I Became A Witches Foot SlaveI was short $300 on rent and the ladies who lived next door had to move. They offered me $300 to help them move, so naturally I accepted.I woke up at 6 am and had their truck loaded by noon. It was a six hour drive, but I needed to be back before the end of the weekend so I proceeded to unload everything as soon as we got to their new home. It was a secluded old house far up in the mountains, so when I was done I decided to stay the night and wake up the next...

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ChessChapter 11

That just left Tina, Tina was an oddball, even to the geeky oddballs. Here was an almost entirely asexual being; everybody realised that. She didn’t lust after the football team (even Mary did that and she wouldn’t have let them even see her bra straps), she didn’t lust after Miss Havers – young, very pretty teacher who had been the first in their town to have a same sex marriage. She didn’t lust; until now. She had never told anyone, but she had frigged herself once, masturbated three times...

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Time Loop

You wake up in a small hotel room, at exactly 7:02 a.m., just like so many days before. It's not like you've been here forever, but it certainly feel so when you look at the familiar ceiling and the bare walls. In fact you've only stayed for a single night, but it seems like you've somehow been trapped in some kind of time loop, which sees you living the same day over and over again. The first few times it happened you were in a state of shock and confusion, but now you're just trying to figure...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 20 Nothing Is As Easy As We Thought

With the start of fall term only days away, a move to Athens wasn’t feasible, but preparing for a move after Christmas was possible if they pushed hard. As they did with most of their studies and projects, the Covey identified a team and team captain for each area to be addressed. The weekend following the extraction in the park, they were sitting in the family room. Roycealee led off first, “Each of you needs to use UGA’s website to contact y’all’s department and let them know you plan to...

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Meri Maa Ki Godbharayi

Hi friends, mera naam Ritesh hai aur mein first year engineering college mein padta hoon. Yeh kahani meri maa aur mere beech ki hai. Baat uss samay ki hai jab maine class 12 board pass karne ke baad, college shuru hone ke intezar mein chutti mein ghar bhaitha tha. Main Kolkata ka rehne wala hun aur bengali hoon. Ghar mein time pass karne ke liye mein kafi der tak internet mein sex stories ka anand lete rehta tha. Ek din maine ek maa bete ki sex story padi. Pehele to mujhe thodi grhina hui par...

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Akshara 8211 The Hot Neighbor Girl

Hello everyone. I am Anirudh here, 21 years , from Delhi. This story is about the real sex adventure I had with a hot neighbor girl named Akshara. She was 2 years younger to me but was hell lot sexy. Her stats were 34-26-34 which made every boy go crazy after her. Since, we were neighbors, our families have a friendly or you may say family type relation with them. I used to fantasize her and masturbate thinking about the fucking her. Her mother used to visit our house and ask me about my...

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Camp B

„Nur ein einziges Mädchen?“ Mr. Lorenz blickte den grobschlächtigen Mann, der vor ihm stand, verärgert an. „Was ist mit den anderen?“, wollte er wissen. Seine Partner aus der Ukraine hatten ihn augenscheinlich betrogen. Er hatte eine Anzahlung für fünf gerade eben volljährig gewordene Mädchen guten Aussehens geleistet. 12.500 Euro hatte er bezahlt, 50 % des Gesamtpreises. 5.000 Euro für jedes Mädchen. Jetzt erzählte ihm der Fahrer, er hätte nur ein Mädchen dabei. Er blickte über den...

1 year ago
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Second Honeymoon Part 1

We had been married for ten years, and my parents agreed to look after our two boys aged nine and six for a week so we could have a second honeymoon. Our first had been okay but a bit disappointing, as we were not well off, so a cheap hotel in London had to suffice. Right now, we were not much better off but decided to take our caravan to a remote site in mid-Wales. The weather was glorious as we set out, and with our caravan being towed behind my (company) 4x4, we headed for the hills. We...

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Incest Journey 8211 Part 2 Pregnant Mom

Hi readers, I am here with the second part of the series “Incest Journey”. I hope you all enjoyed the first part of the series. Let’s start with the second part. During the entire month, I and my mother enjoyed ourselves a lot. I fucked mom 10 to 15 times! Every time she enjoyed it a lot and was moaning with pleasure. Then my sister Vidya shifted to the hostel and joined the college. She came home once a week, spent some time with me and mom, and returned to the hostel. Since Vidya was also not...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 The First Night Home

(an old story my now wife sent me years ago from her perspective, to me. the names have been changed to protect the innocent, lol) It was a warm day, especially for December 11th. You sat in your living room, anxiously awaiting your little Katie’s return, and as the clock rolled over to 6:00pm, you knew that she’d be there any minute. As if on cue, you saw headlights flash across the wall, and the familiar sound of her car’s tired engine. Her silhouette was outlined in the light from across...

1 year ago
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Sisters Date For The Night Ch 2

Note: I am grateful to for providing space to share with other my fantasies. I enjoy reading and writing about my fantasies as it provides me another outlet to live/re-live my fantasies. My stories and fantasies, for the most part focus on incest, exhibition, wife swapping, voyeurism, some non-consentual and group sex fantasies. I make every effort to omit anything which involves sexual relations with children, pain, torture and humiliation as it is not my style or interest. As...

2 years ago
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Camping with Stepdaughter 27

Bonnie asked me just what I meant. I could see the excitement in her eyes. I said that I was just thinking that there were quite a few horny men out there that could use a little relief. She asked me what I had in mind. I asked her if she would be into a gang bang. She smiled and said, if that is what you want. I told her to walk to the bathroom naked that I was sure that she would run into one or more men headed back to their camps. She smiled, gave me a hug and took off down the trail....

4 years ago
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from curious to first time part 61

after leaving his house this time, it was very hot! The mirror action and view was so hot to see. To watch myself getting fucked was just so hot to watch. Feeling what I was watching was just, mmmm! Leaving his place to go to work knowing he had cummed in me had me turned on most of the day. As I left, he was on the phone on his conference call. He couldnt talk but he was sure to squeeze my ass as he walked me to his door. I went on with my day. When I got home I showered and cleaned up...

1 year ago
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OceaniaChapter 5

Lieutenant Greg Bennett drew in a long breath as he reviewed the bloodbath in the Birdcage's lounge. Terry Mason was one of his target criminals but he'd never managed to gather enough evidence for the prosecution service to issue an arrest warrant. Bennett mused this would now be irrelevant. The last of the corpses from downstairs was being photographed prior to loading onto a waiting gurney for transfer to the police morgue. "What have we got Pete?" he asked Detective Sergeant Sands,...

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My Didi My Goddess My Queen 8211 Part II

And then my Queen came in my dreams ..the scene of she pushing her fingers in my mouth came as a flash back .. she was there smiling mischieviously , her aura her aroma seeping through me , going in me , the tingling sensations of her fingers exploring within my mouth made me shiver all through ,, her pressing of my tongue softly with her fingers as if she was milking a cow , made me convulse out oI sheer pleasure , it was a bliss .. I was moaning , I was screaming , it was something out of...

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Change Happens Part Four Whats Normal

I loved my early morning runs, not the one on the treadmill that will happen later, no, these early mornings just before the sun comes up. A slight chill in the air, the only sound was coming from the birds and my feet hitting the concrete. I loved the feeling of being alone, just me, and the birds. I never wore any of my earbuds or listened to any music on the mornings like this one. I felt my heart racing as I ran up and touched my marker, a light pole six miles from my house. It wasn't...

Quickie Sex
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We were having the basement painted all the furniture had to removed to the garage. The furniture was wicker style pit group and about 18 pieces not heavy but a bit awkward to carry up stairs and out the door to the garage. With the tables and wicker units it took all afternoon into early evening. Everything was set up in the first bay as a joke we set it like it belonged there into almost a living room. One of the guys who helped stayed and had supper with us and later my girlfriend came over...

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White CaptiveChapter 4

Susan dimly heard the door shut behind them as Duke kicked it shut with his foot. It didn't stay completely closed but swung open slightly so that it didn't shut away the piteous moaning sounds of the distraught Jodie being assaulted again on the bed where Susan, herself, had been so bitterly humiliated last night. She wanted to cry out and plead with him to shut the door to take her mind from what was happening to the poor negro girl and what was about to happen to her. But she dared not...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Aaliyah Hadid StepSis Does My Chores And Me

You know you got it good when your sexy stepsister is bent over scrubbing the floor for you. I bet you’re wondering how I got here? Let’s just say for every sneaky stepsister there is a craftier stepbrother. And now I’ve got Aaliyah on all fours! She seemed a little hesitant when I asked her to show me her pierced tits & even moreso when I got her to suck my dick, but I reminded her about the material I still had on her – which of course helped to grease the...

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My Dirty Little Secret

My name is Marie Jenson and I am twenty four years old. I have been married for two years to a man that has made my life a living hell. I want out of my marriage so bad but I am so scared because he has a tendency to be abusive and we have a one year old daughter. It wasn’t until I started hanging out with my best friend Tommy again that I realized that I wasn’t allowing myself what I truly deserved in my life, Friendship. Tommy is the kind of guy that you can talk to about anything and he...

Love Stories
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 16 The Cummings Sisters

The last three days in the Parnell house had been nothing but nonstop sex. The joke had been that everyone was concentrating on teaching Billy; if so, the last three days had been at a postgraduate level. Toby silently marveled at what had happened over the last few days. First, nobody had worn much clothing since that first full morning. The boys usually wandered around in boxers or shorts; their mothers hadn’t even bothered with that much. Second, the positions and people had been an...

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Always Expect the Unexpected PART 2

The sleeping bag didn’t bother my sleep that night. I had a few dreams about Maggie. Mostly just me thrusting myself upon her over and over and squeezing her erect nipples until both of us came.I guess I didn’t get enough of her last night. Dusk turned into dawn and the fourth day started. Again it was speedboat day, and the family was still sore from yesterday and this was just going to make it worse. Which was good for me. We got to the cabin after the boating. Nothing really happened...

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Jail Force Parts 19 20

Parts 19-20 By Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Bruno loved the feel of the boy's hot cum spraying on him, the air was scented with the smell of the boy's fresh load of cream. As Brian's nuts had jetted, Bruno felt the tight band of Brian's ass lips contract and expand. The boy's fuck chute was still nice and tight, it was deep and made for a good, powerful fucking. Bruno bent down,...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Nine Recovery and the Domme Returns

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Nine - Recovery and the Domme Returns Linda's recovery went well. As promised, Dr. Carter returned the first night to do another examination and to answer any questions. She found Linda sitting up in bed with her gag loosely hanging from her neck. Beth was sitting in a chair while her slave was hogtied on the floor and being used as a footstool. "Welcome back Charlene," said Beth as Charlene entered the room. The doctor looked as...

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The Queen of the NileChapter 4

It was dark inside the musty crate. Rhonda took her tiny key ring flashlight from her belt and illuminated the corners of the huge crate. The sarcophagus was bedded in a nest of sparking clean desert sand to prevent movement in transit. She noticed that the interior walls of the crate were lined with a vinyl like coating. Her momentary thought was to get that analyzed as well. Four of the customs crew began to scoop out the sand. They carefully preserved it in black rubber bags to prevent...

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Angels Journey Chapter 1

I head towards my new job at the office. The uniform is uncomfortable but fortunately mostly hidden by my long coat. My 6" inch patent heels clatter on the pavement, the locks (supplied by the office without keys) shiny on the ankle straps, drawing attention to my long stockinged legs. The tug of my suspenders is a constant reminder of what I'm wearing, as is the tight waist cincher (also fitted with a lock with no keys provided.) My delicate steps and swinging hips constantly tease my...

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