New Slave PlanetChapter 4 free porn video

The hour was finally up and Brianna and her girls were led out of the room in a total stupor. They could barely see straight, let alone walk properly and kept checking different body parts to see if they were still in one piece.
“Go ahead, clean up, eat, rest up and take some time to refresh yourself. We want you all looking really pretty and as energetic as the fucking irritating energizer rabbit when we present you to your masters. By the way, the masters insist you all be shaved down there. A slave will be sent to make sure you do such a good job that all of you are permanently as bald as new born baby.”
The family groaned in disgust at the indignity but was so defeated, none of them dared to complain lest they get sent back to the punishment room. None of them wanted that. As they ate and showered, all were silent. After a quick nap they roused themselves and began to feel better. The last traces of the painful hour had already left their bodies, but that horrible time would remain in their minds for a long time and compel them to do things they earlier thought impossible.
Brianna was a completely changed person. All of her bitchiness had been drained out of her and instead of threatening to kick the balls off of any man who dared to touch her daughters, she now set about encouraging them to be especially nice to those nasty men, no matter what they wanted.
“You know what we got to do girls if we want to stay out of that God awful pain room. Hands up. Anybody want any more of that?”
Both of her girls began shaking, solemnly shook their head and eyed their mother with expressions of despair and disbelieve.
“Okay, look. I know you’re not going to like this one little bit, and neither do I because it totally goes against everything we believe about being nice, decent girls who don’t do any slutty stuff, and I know it seems too gross and indecent to even think about, but we all going to have to let those nasty old perverts do whatever they want with you.”
The girls gulped, and looks of apprehension and alarm crossed their faces as the implications of what their mother speech meant began to sink into their brains, but both slowly nodded.
Brenda added. “I’m terribly sorry I got you into this nightmare, but since it seems there’s nothing we can do about it, it looks as if we have to be really, really nice to them, no matter what, or they’ll just get angry and punish us again. So even when they want to touch you in all your private places and insist you do totally disgusting things with them, you must let them do it, and don’t try to refuse or disobey an order, understand?”
“But mommy,” Emma sobbed. “I don’t like being shaved bald down there. It doesn’t feel right. And what are you going to about that horrible man who came in our room without permission? He was so ugly, and he kept looking at me, and telling me all kinds of nasty things He even told me he couldn’t wait to get me naked so he could play with my naked breasts, or have me touch his penis. What if I don’t want to do that?”
Holly nodded in sympathy with her sister and stared askingly at her mother, expecting an explanation. “It’s so sick having my vagina shaved bald so that I look like a little girl. Did you know that one of those plug ugly preverts that came in our room when you were gone, kept leering at me in a dirty way and he said nasty things to me too. He said he was gonna pop my cherry and then fuck me silly and stupid. I’m virgin, I never did anything like that before and I don’t even want him coming close to me, let alone touching me in any way.” She wailed in distress.
“What’s does popping a cherry mean,” an innocent Emma asked.
“It means he’s gonna fuck me for the first time. I wish I would have let one of my boy friends back on Earth do that,” Holly sobbed.
“I’m a virgin too,” Emma exclaimed with worry. Nobody has ever touched me down there.”
Brianna was so beside herself with fear and worry, she thought she was going to go insane. This exciting excursion to explore a new planet wasn’t turning out at all what she expected it to be. It was hard to believe how drastically their lives had change since their arrival on Earth Two, barely two days ago. In that short span of time she and her daughters had been subjected to repeated insults and tortured to the point where they were ready to offer their bodies and their dignity to a group of dirty old men, they hadn’t even met yet. Already, she was no longer the super self-confident, hot shot reporter nobody in their right mind dared to tangle with, at least nobody back on the real Earth.
Also, she’d already learned that nobody on Earth Two was in the least intimidated by her very presence, or with her so called, gold plated press pass, which had turned out to be a totally worthless piece of plastic and not worth a damn. She now feared the worst for herself, but didn’t really give a fart in the wind about, because it was something she knew she could handle, if she had to. It was the fate of her girls that was making her a nervous wreck.
She felt so God damned guilty about dragging them all the way to his horrid planet, instead of just leaving them safe at home, which was they should be. They were so young, pretty and innocent, that all those perverted masters would have a fucking field day with them. It would probably a non-stop orgy full of every type of debauchery and perversion known to man. She recalled that one of the men had described them as prime sex slaves. Now she understood what it meant.
Brianna looked at her daughters. “I’m so sorry I got you into this. If there was some way I could get you both on a space ship and send you hightailing back to home, I would do it in an instant, but I can’t and that’s the worst part of this unbelievable situation. It’s become such a horrendous mistake, I can’t believe that I was so fucking stupid, I allowed myself to get talked into it on so short notice, I didn’t even take the time to make a proper inquiry. But, we can’t do anything to fight or change our present circumstance, so we just have to make the best of it. Look, I’m sure if we can all at least make a decent effort to whatever those men want, they won’t have any reason to punish us again. At least that’s one bright spot,” Brianna told her wide eyed girls.
“That sounds like very good advice,” a man’s soft spoken voice interrupted Brianna.
He slowly stepped inside the restroom and stared at the family. They were all dressed for the night. Emma wore a tube top so tight and small it barely covered her small, apple sized breasts and left her flat tummy bare. For bottoms she wore a much too tight bikini that outlined her camel toe and highlighted her perfect bubble butt. Holly wore a similar top so tight her bigger tits strained and threatened to pop right through the fabric. Her bottom was also a tight bikini that framed her pussy outline into a perfect camel toe. Brianna was thoroughly humiliated and embarrassed to have to wear the same outrageous skimpy costume as her daughters, who much younger. Still she had somehow, managed to put her more mature and more voluptuous body into the same kind of scandalous outfit. She finally managed the task of getting into it, but to her horror, it looked like it was painted on and left absolutely nothing to a viewer’s imagination.

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