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Adam was in love. It was a storybook romance, or just about as near to one as you were likely to find in the real world. He and Brook had met in Intro to Economics, been instantly charmed by each other, and bonded further over coffee, then bowling, then a fancy dinner, and then ridiculously incredible sex back at her dorm room. Three years after that, he had popped the question on a cloudless night, and she had eagerly said yes. Their friends attributed an almost supernatural power to Adam and Brook: they never fought and never seemed to suffer from the boredom, jealousy, and minor irritations of any normal relationship. They had had a hard time winning over Brook's orthodox Jewish parents to the decidedly gentile Adam, but in the end their obvious love for one another prevailed. It was enough to make a more cynical person sick. The wedding was a week away, and from there an endless road of wedded bliss stretched out to the horizon.

But then came the trip to City Hall.

Adam blinked, not sure of what he was hearing. "Excuse me, can you say that again?"

The heavyset lady behind the counter looked up at them. She was obviously preparing a rant about stupid customers in her head. "Exactly what I said the first time, Mister Lutz. I can't give you a marriage certificate because you already have a marriage on the books. You'll have to get a legal divorce before you marry Miss Silver here."

Brook looked at Adam, puzzled. Adam leaned forward and put his hands on the counter. "I'm sorry, there has to be some sort of mistake in your registry. I've never been married before."

"That's not what the computer says," said the clerk without looking up.

"Well, the computer is wrong."

"It could be," she said. "But you'll have to take that up with someone else. I'm not about to become a party to bigamy."

"This is ridiculous," said Adam. "Who am I allegedly married to?"

The clerk turned her computer screen around so that Adam and Brook could see it. It showed a legally-registered marriage between one Adam Lutz and a Shelley Devitt, married for just over three years. "I don't know this person," said Adam. "Is it possibly you've got me confused with another Adam Lutz?'

"Another one with your social security number?" said the clerk. "Look, check with Kathy down in the filing department. If there isn't a physical marriage certificate, then maybe this is just a computer error."

That sent Adam and Brook off through the halls and back passageways of City Hall, all clogged with queues and bureaucrats rushing from one department to another. Adam walked quickly, and Brook struggled to keep pace with him. "You never told me you were married," she said with a fake pout.

"I'm not," he said. "Like I said earlier, it has to be some sort of mistake. You trust me, right?"

Brook giggled. "Of course I do. I was just teasing you, sweetheart."

But at the filing department things grew even more confused. Kathy, a sarcastic young girl who seemed put out by the idea of doing something for people, quickly found a paper marriage certificate. Adam's signature sat on the page, looking almost identical to the one he put on everything from restaurant cheques to the lease for their new apartment. Next to it was an unfamiliar squiggle that was clearly identified as that of Shelley Devitt, whoever she was.

"This is ridiculous," said Adam. He realized he had been saying that a lot, and was probably going to keep saying it for the conceivable future. "This is my handwriting, but ... I've never seen this piece of paper before. I sure haven't seen this Shelley Devitt before. This has to be some kind of forgery."

"Uh huh," said sarcastic Kathy. "You want me to do anything else?"

Brook looked at Adam, her lips pursed. "The wedding is in a week."

"It'll be fine." Adam turned to the clerk. "Can you give me the information of this Devitt? Or Mrs. Lutz, as you keep insisting. I need to contact her ... maybe we can get a quick annulment. However this happened, the marriage certainly hasn't been consummated."

"I'm sorry," Kathy said. "I can't give out other people's personal information."

"Not even my alleged wife?"

"Sorry sir. That's the policy."

Adam was just about ready to tear his hair out in frustration. But it was only going to get worse from here.

The next several hours were taken up by a whirlwind of phone calls and in-person visits to various bureaucratic institutions and the occasional law office. Through it all Adam felt like he was falling down the proverbial rabbit hole, only instead of leading to Wonderland it only lead to an underground network of further rabbit holes that all connected to each other in labyrinthine ways. One thing eventually became clear: in every conceivable legal way, he had been married to Shelley Devitt for the past three years.

Adam and Brook finally returned to their apartment with a bag of Chinese take-out, mentally exhausted. Adam collapsed on the couch with a plate of fried rice. "I have no idea what's going on, babe."

"It has to be some kind of weird mistake," said Brook. "And don't eat that on the couch. You'll wind up with little grains of rice in between the cushions."

She had a point, but Adam couldn't help but feel nagged – a distinctly unfamiliar experience. He made his way over to the dinner table, where Brook was scarfing down some wonton soup. They ate in silence for a couple minutes.

"So, the license was signed February 2010," said Brook. "We had just started dating then."

"Brook," Adam said. "There's nothing to it. You don't think I would have told you after all this time if I had a wife stashed away somewhere?"

"You never know," said Brook. "It could be a Jane Eyre type of situation."

Adam dug into a carton of chicken balls. "Never read that one."

"I told you we should have taken Victorian Lit together."

After a delicious and frankly gluttonous meal, Adam spent an evening with the phone book, calling up every S. Devitt in the tri-county area. Each greeted him with nothing but confusion. After that, he tried the S. Lutzes, and other than a nice chat with his cousin Shirley he didn't get anywhere. A listing for "Lutz, A & S" seemed promising, but it was just an old couple on the East Side who promptly tried to chat his ear off.

Adam had spent the past two hours phoning futilely, and was just about ready to throw his cell against the wall. Brook wandered into the room and massaged his shoulders. "There, there. We'll figure out what's going on. I called Manny, and he's going to meet with us tomorrow morning."

"I should check the Internet," Adam muttered.

"I already did," said Brook. "Plenty of Shelley Devitts – mostly in Ireland – but who can say if any of them are the ones we're looking for?"

Adam sighed. He felt as though he was letting down Brook. Everything about their wedding had been planned perfectly, and it was set to be every bit the magical experience it was supposed to be – and then this. It might still turn out to be a minor obstacle, but even a minor obstacle seemed like a mountain when compared to the smooth road around it.

"So what do we do now?" said Adam.

Brook shrugged in that elegant, subtly sexy way she had. "Well, we seem to be at a dead end. I guess we just have to find ourselves something to take out minds off this."

Adam raised an eyebrow. "You want to check what's on Netflix?"

"Not exactly." Brook closed the distance between them and kissed him hotly on the mouth. He felt a surge of erotic energies come flooding to the surface. This was always how it was with Brook – she had merely to touch him and Adam felt as though he was about to combust.

The two continued their passionate liplock as their hands started desperately groping one another. Brook dragged him to the couch, where they fell into a well-worn grove. Adam licked quickly at her neck and left small bites on her collarbone. Brook moaned and tried to pull him further into her. It was always a rush with them – they just couldn't wait to touch each others' bare flesh.

Brook tugged at the bottom of Adam's shirt, and he began unbuttoning it, although that hardly seemed like the best use for his hands right now. She pulled at it hard, snapping off the remaining buttons and exposing Adam's nicely-honed chest. "I lose more shirts that way..." Adam said, before he began kissing her neck again.

She straddled him and began writhing up and down against his body. Adam suddenly found himself rock hard as Brook pressed his head into her chest. She was falling into a familiar rhythm, although an outside observer might think she had gone berzerk. Adam pulled her T-shirt up to get at her breasts, quickly disposing of the front-clip bra. Brook's tits, which had the size, colour, and softness of peaches, dangled enticingly in front of him, and Adam quickly buried his face in her cleavage while she vigorously dry-humped him.

"Oh, baby..." Brook moaned into his ear. He was basting her breasts with his mouth, leaving hot trails of saliva across her chest. Brook pressed Adam tight to her inflamed skin, and then abruptly pushed him down. Adam laid back and watched as she turned around and started unbuckling his jeans. He loved it when Brook took charge like this.

A few moments later she was bobbing her head up and down on his rock-hard cock. Brook sucked eagerly at every drop of precum Adam emitted, and swirled her hot and wet tongue around his head to ensure that there was more where that came from. Adam was loving the sensations that Brook was sending through his cock and which rushed through the rest of his body, but at the moment he was distracted by her shapely ass. Brook had worn a nice white skirt to the courthouse, looking as much like an innocent country farmwife as she could manage. At this moment Adam could see up that skirt and to the thin white panties underneath that barely contained his fiancée's generous behind.

Adam tugged the skirt down her legs, and Brook gleefully kicked it off. The offending garment landed on the lamp, where it would hang for the rest of the night. Through her damp white panties Adam could see her pussy lips as they pressed outwards, ready for penetration, and her thick ass as it stood out proudly in front of him. He slid Brook's panties off of her and began rubbing her asscheeks, kneading and slapping them. Brook trilled with glee and dove back down on his cock, scarfing down as much of his manhood as she could.

Adam took two fingers and slid them into Brook's moist cunt. She moaned and shifted back on him before sinking her mouth onto his dick once more. The two of them were like a fast-moving machine, him fingering her and her sucking him with one pounding rhythm. Eventually, however, that rhythm got to be too much for them.

"Baby," Adam said. "I've gotta fuck you."

"That's funny," Brook said. "I was just thinking that I needed you in me."

"Well, great minds," Adam said. His wit was a little dulled at this point by the ferocious blowjob he had been receiving.

Brook spun around one more time and planted her hands on Adam's chest. Her shirt was still bunched up around her shoulders, putting her hard nipples and ripe breasts on display. With expert precision and grace, she straddled Adam and took his cock deep inside her pussy. It was like returning home after a long, hard day's work.

Adam always tried to start slow, but in the bedroom there was very little slowness to anything he and Brook did. Looking at the way they doted on each other and spoke with sugary affection, one would guess that they were into slow lovemaking with candles, soft jazz, and a massage beforehand. Instead, they were the hard-fucking, break-the-headboard, wake-the-neighbours-up-at-2AM type. They had experimented with toys, handcuffs, positions and fetishes they found online, and occasionally a third or fourth party. So it was no particular surprise when, a minute after he had entered her, Adam was holding onto Brook's hips as she savagely slammed them down onto his cock, and both of them were cursing up a storm.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Brook said as she bounced up and down on her fiancé's stiff cock. "So fucking good ... oh god, my pussy loves your cock, Adam ... fuck me ... fuck!" There was a kind of poetry to it, Adam found.

He revelled in the feeling of Brook's tight but wet cunt grasping his cock and in the sight of her riding him, rapidly building up a sweat that added a kind of glow to her already beautiful breasts. Adam grabbed Brook by the shoulder and pulled her head closer to his. Her chestnut-coloured hair fell around his head and chest like a halo. They kissed hotly, and Brook continued pumping her hips. Over her shoulder Adam could see her ass working in double time. He thrust up to meet her every movement.

Adam took her by the shoulder and pressed up, their signal to change positions. Brook reluctantly climbed off of him and took in a deep breath. He stood her up, and pointed to the large mirror that hung on their living room wall.

"The mirror again?" Brook said, raising an eyebrow.

"You love it too."

Brook smirked and trotted over to the mirror. Along the way she disposed of her shirt and socks, leaving her as nude as the day she was born. Adam kicked off his pants, which had been bunched around his ankles, and shed what remained of his shirt. Brook placed her hands against the big mirror and bent over, waving her wet pussy lips at Adam.

That was an invitation he couldn't say no to. Adam grabbed his fiancée by the hips and sheathed himself inside of her with one deep stroke. Brook groaned and rubbed her ass against her man's hips. Adam bent over her and began roughly stroking her breasts as he savagely fucked her from behind.

Brook pressed herself up against the mirror, her boobs crushed against the glass. It looked like she was making love to a perfect copy of herself, and that thought got Adam incredibly hard. He could see his cock as it pumped in and out of her, and the red trembling of her pussy. When he looked up, he could see his own expression, and it shocked him a bit. He looked like an animal, or at the very least a barbarian. Brook looked almost just as feral. The mirror was more than just a hard surface for him to take her roughly against. It presented their lovemaking back to them again. It was like watching a porno movie and being in one at the same time, although this was way better than any sleazy skin flick.

Brook had surpassed swear words and was now simply moaning and gasping. Her body shook against him, and Adam knew that his girl was having one hell of an orgasm. Which was good, because he didn't think he could last much longer either. With one definitive slam, he buried his cock into her pussy and came. The orgasm shot through his whole pelvis and he briefly felt as if the ground beneath him had fallen away. It was like the runner's high he got after jogging every morning, only a thousandfold. He could feel his cock pulse once, twice, three times as he shot his seed into Brook's waiting womb.

The two lovers collapsed onto the floor. Both rolled onto their backs, trying to resist rugburn.

"Phew," Brook said. "Well, at least we've got that part worked out."

"We've always got that," Adam said, with a big stupid grin on his face.

Emmanuel Osmond was a practicing attorney and amateur accountant, but was known to Adam mostly as his father's "smart friend" who had always handled the family's legal affairs. His office looked like the nest of a particularly undiscerning magpie, filled with not just paperwork but half-read novels, discarded food containers, local artwork of questionable quality, indecipherable Post-It notes, and photos of people Adam had never seen before. Brook looked around questionably, but Adam had faith in this man.

"No, you don't understand," Adam said, his voice angry. "That has to be a forgery, or a mistake or something. I never married anybody."

"I understand perfectly," said Emmanuel. "But every kind of official documentation I can find suggests that you married this Devitt woman three years ago. For one thing, you claimed the marriage on your tax forms – which got you quite a nice break, by the way. And she's named as your emergency contact on every relevant form. You have her signed up for your company's health plan. The paper trail doesn't lie."

"Except in this case it does," Adam insisted.

"You never claimed you were married on any of those forms?"

"No!" Adam was starting to turn red. "Look, I kept a copy of my tax return last year. I can show you that I put myself down as single. I don't know where all this is coming from."

Emmanuel looked down at his paperwork. "There's also the fact that you co-own a house with Mrs. Devitt – or maybe it's Mrs. Lutz."

Brook looked at Adam, confused. He knew how she felt. "I what?"

"Nice little suburban starter home in Woodside, Pennsylvania," said Emmanuel, reading off his computer. "You and Shelley each paid half in cash, up front."

"Manny, I'm one step up from the mailroom," said Adam. "There's no way I could afford a bloody house, much less drop a couple hundred large in cash."

"Hey, I'm not saying it's true," Emmanuel said. "But in my experience the paper trail doesn't lie."

Emmanuel had always been a family friend, but he was seriously getting on Adam's nerves. "What are you saying?"

"I'm just telling you the facts," Emmanuel said. "But I would be very careful how I proceed. Adultery is not a crime. Bigamy is." He cast a heavy gaze at Adam's engagement ring.

The truth was, Adam couldn't blame Emmanuel for being suspicious. Whoever was doing this – maybe some kind of bizarre identity thief – was thorough, so thorough that it was much more plausible to believe that Adam had been living a double life with another woman. Hell, there had been times during this whole endeavour that Adam had started disbelieving himself. He supposed it was possible that this marriage was some kind of deeply suppressed memory. Not likely, but perhaps the most plausible solution at this point.

"Manny," Adam said. "Can you give me the address of this house I allegedly own?"

"Of course," Emmanuel said. "What do you want this for?"

"Well, if I've paid for this property, I think it's time that I pay a visit."

The plan had made Brook nervous to the point of nausea. She had asked Adam not to go, saying that it could be dangerous or just a waste of time. Beneath those explanations, Adam thought she might be worried that he was going off to sex up his secret wife and never come back. Adam had kissed her on the forehead and reassured her that he would be home in time for dinner, then left for the suburban streets of Woodside, Pennsylvania.

It was a difficult place to find. It was in the state mapbook he kept in the glove compartment, but only in the sparsest detail: a small monochrome yellow section a half-hour outside Philadelphia. The suburb's actual location, however, wasn't where the map had it. Instead he found the turn-off, marked only by a small sign, a mile down the road. He had to drive through another subdivision, the picturesque Windy Bluffs, to even reach the entrance of Woodside, enduring the strange looks from wary parents.

Woodside was a maze of candy-coloured houses and cut-rate mansions. Each home was identical to the one three doors to its left. The streets didn't run straight, but wound in circles like the demented scribblings of a child on amphetamines. Anyone else would look at the verdant grass and the sun-dappled streets and conclude that it was a perfect place to raise a family. The whole place seemed like it was straight out of a real estate ad. But somehow Adam was uneasy.

Maybe it was because of the people. When he looked at them head on, they had smiling faces and beautiful features. The couples were all young and white, their children all precocious toddlers and energetic five-year-olds. But when Adam saw them out of their corner of his eye, things were different. When he didn't directly focus on the bystanders, they seemed to lack any expression at all. Their faces were just blank expanses of skin, their bodies a blur of grey. But when he turned to get a closer look, they were all human again, smiling and waving.

That was eerie too. Did everyone here have nothing better to do than stand around and watch a stranger drive by?

And it had been overcast half a mile ago, but here it was suddenly a clear blue sky.

Adam was sure he was just letting the paranoid side of his brain get ahead of him. Maybe his eyes were going. Just one more thing that was falling apart.

After three wrong turns, he finally reached 250 Primrose Avenue, the address scrawled down on a page of Emmanuel's memo pad. It was a house like all the others – a cozy light-pink domicile with a narrow triangular roof. Plastic flamingos sat on the lawn, still in the breezeless air that smelt strangely like baby powder.

Adam double-checked and triple-checked the address. This was supposed to be his house. There was no car in the driveway, so he pulled in. Adam got out, walked through the neatly-trimmed yard, and knocked on the front door. He hoped someone was home. To be more specific, he hoped it was this Shelley woman who had wreaked bureaucratic havoc across his life without even meeting him.

The door opened. Adam was greeted with a boisterous hug and a warm kiss on the mouth.

"Welcome home, honey!"

Brook lay around the apartment for about 15 minutes after Adam had left. She flicked on the TV, discovered that there was nothing on, and turned it off again. She picked up one of the books she had got from the library, but found her eyes scanning the same paragraph over and over again, unable to derive any meaning from it. She couldn't stop thinking about Adam and what he was doing. Specifically, she couldn't stop thinking of the elusive and possibly imaginary Shelley Devitt.

Brook trusted Adam. She really did. They had been together too constantly, and too openly, over the past several years for Adam to have been living a double life this whole time. It just wouldn't have made sense. Brook had had boyfriends cheat on her before, and after several bad experiences she knew the signs – when he seemed to have mentally checked out, started telling jokes about you to his friends, and started making very vague excuses for not being able to go out this weekend. Adam had done none of that.

But maybe he was a different breed of adulterer. Maybe Brook's skills at reading Adam just weren't as good as she thought they were. It certainly wasn't impossible that he had deceived her this whole time. After all, it made more sense than this being all some sort of paperwork SNAFU, and once you eliminated the impossible...

But Adam wouldn't do that. She knew him. She loved him.

Brook let this debate go on for a few more rounds in her mind before she finally got off the couch and threw the book down. "Fuck this," she said. "I'm going after him."

"A-are you Shelley?"

The voluptuous woman who had just greeted him at the door smiled. "Why are you playing games, silly? Come on inside."

When she said it, it sounded so reasonable. It was the least he could do. Adam stepped inside and took his shoes off. The woman shut the door behind him.

"So how was my sweet-cheeks' day at work?" said the woman.

"I think you have me confused with someone else, ma'am," Adam said. His head was spinning.

"Don't you ma'am me, Adam," she said. The woman playfully spanked him. "Call me sweetie, honey, or cutie pie, or even plain ol' Shelley – just don't call me late for dinner."

Adam found himself stepping over the threshold and into the house. It was warm and inviting, the walls painted in a maternal mixture of yellows and blues. A faint scent of baking – perhaps some cookies, or even an apple pie -- wafted through the air. He hadn't decided to go inside, but it was as though something had been tugging at his feet and he didn't see any reason to resist.

Shelley winked at him and pivoted on her heels, facing back into the recesses of her suburban home. "Kids! Daddy's home from work!"

Kids? Daddy? But there they came, bounding around the corner, blonde-haired androgynous tots that all went up exactly to his waist. They rushed at Adam and again he found his legs tugged on by some mysterious force. He fell to one knee and the first child, a boy, jumped up into his arms. A girl grabbed his knee and hugged it as if trying to wrestle him.

He had never seen these children before, but when they wrapped their small arms around him, it felt more right than anything ever had.

And there was Shelley, the beautiful and lovely Shelley, leaning over with that angelic smile that only she could produce. "How about you sit down, honey? Take a load off. I've got dinner in the oven."

"Of course," Adam said. "I would love that."

Brook had been driving for what felt like hours, but there was still no sign of Woodside. She had borrowed her mother's car, and the map in the glove compartment showed no sign of the suburb. Google Maps came up similarly empty. And yet when Adam had used it earlier, it had displayed the location plain as day – he had showed it to her. She was trying to work off that memory, but she just took one wrong turn after another.

She stopped at a gas station and asked how to get to Woodside. Everyone there had just scratched their heads and said that they had never heard of a town by that name. In desperation, she had called Adam. No signal. Her fiance had driven off these back roads and out of the known world.

But maybe it had all been a scam. Maybe this was just Adam's escape plan, a way to run off with his mistress – or maybe his wife. He could have just turned off his cell phone, driven across town to a seedy motel room, and toasted Brook's ignorance with the surely beautiful and wicked Shelley.

This was the most rational and plausible explanation for what was happening. But Brook knew that it was completely nonsensical. Adam could no more betray her than he could sprout wings and fly. And given recent events, the wings were probably more likely.

And then, at last, it was there at the side of her vision. A small and battered sign denoting a turn-off: WOODSIDE – 9 MILES. Shelley swerved into the turn-off so hard she almost crashed into the guardrail. How had she missed this the previous four times she had passed?

The highway she drove on was empty. Brook could hear every twinge of the engine and every pebble kicked underneath the tires. When she checked in the rear view mirror, she could no longer see the sign that had caused her to drive this way in the first place. But she knew that she was going in the right direction, and she knew that she had been right to come after Adam.

The TV played all his favourites – Gilligan's Island, I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith. Adam found himself sinking into a familiar groove of the couch as one of his children nestled into his side. Shelley had produced a cold beer and was off putting the finishing touches on whatever culinary delight she had for him tonight. Truly, life was good.

Only this wasn't life. He knew that, dimly, in the back of his mind. For one thing, his children seemed to keep changing every time he turned around. Sometimes there would be two and sometimes three. Sometimes they were adorable tots and sometimes sulky teenagers. The room itself changed too, a Norman Rockwell reproduction becoming an oak bookcase, a worn rocking chair becoming a glistening coffee table. And the TV shows proceeded in a strange dreamlike fashion, with nonsensical plots that were quickly abandoned. Lucy wandered into Mayberry and then was abruptly back in the chocolate factory.

What was he thinking about? Of course this was real. This was his house, his family, and his beautiful wife.

Adam was overcome with delight and hunger as Shelley came in with a heaping portion of food, served in a convenient TV-dinner tray. This was no microwaved meal, however: steaming baked potatoes, tender pork chops, and lightly seasoned green beans that were far more delicious than such a pedestrian menu has any right to be. Now that he thought about it, the meal reminded him a lot of his mother's cooking.

He devoured every bite of it. Shelley had a tray too, but he never saw her eat from it. She just sat there, staring with undisguised adoration as he digested her meal. When he looked over again, her plate was clean. She must have eaten while he was focused on his own food.

"Did you like it, honey?" Shelley said.

"It was delicious."

She beamed. "Wonderful! Now, sweetie, there's just one thing I have to ask of you."

"Anything for you, darling." Darling? Since when had he called anyone "darling"?

Shelley held out her fist and then opened it. In her soft palm was a golden ring topped with the clearest, most beautiful diamond Adam had ever seen. It made the ring he picked out for Brook look like a party trinket. Wait, who was Brook? Probably someone he used to know, way back when...

"You left this on your dresser this morning," said Shelley. "Do you not wear your wedding ring at work any more?" It could have come off as a suspicious query, but in this moment Shelley seemed entirely innocent.

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Mein Onkel, der Bruder meiner Mutter, war ein Mann, der über eine natürliche autoritäre Ausstrahlung verfügte. Als Kinder hatten wir daher auch immer einen Heidenrespekt vor ihm gehabt. Sein Grossvater hatte ihm ein Internat vererbt. Wenn ich meinen Eltern glauben kann, führte er dort ein strenges Regiment. Als es darum ging, welche Schule ich besuchen sollte, verhinderten meine Eltern vehement, dass ich das Internat meines Onkels besuchen sollte. Ich traf meinen Onkel nur bei den üblichen...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interlude My Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story. — The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

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Yes Maam whatever you say

Title: Yes Ma?am, whatever you say Title: Yes Ma?am, whatever you say.Synopsis: The story of an office worker becoming his work colleague?s slave and how they both explore the world of slavery and discover the sexual side of pain, control and humiliation.Author: Mr AccessEmail: [email protected] codes: F+M/m slavery bondage exhibition spanking toys BDSM consensual scatology WaterSports D/s B/D S/M feet job slow consensual reluctant humiliation torture Serious  Chapter 1Life was...

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A Kingdom of Endless Wonder

The Kingdom of Mirantia.... Known and admired throughout the world as the fair land where magic and mortal coexist. For well over one hundred years the inhabitants of the kingdom have prospered, thanks in no small measure to the wise leadership of a succession of good kings. Its current monarch, King Malcolm, has continued the policies of his father and grandfather by striking a careful balance between the magical and mortal beings. Malcolm has been on the throne for over 20 years. At 45 years...

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The Bet Chapter 21

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 21 (Friday - week 3) In her dreams, she reigned supreme! She gave the orders and everyone ran to follow them. People danced to her tune like puppets, doing absolutely anything she said - for her own amusement - like crowds of court jesters. Those who tried to outwit her soon discovered that her mind was quicker and more devious than theirs, and one by one, they all fell to her superior abilities. Everyone admired her. Everyone praised...

1 year ago
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Some friends and I were sitting around, drinking and getting bored when somebody suggested “Truth or Dare”. “What do you think this is, Jr. High?” my oh so sophisticated friend, Allison asked. We all laughed at that. We where just barely in our twenties, but we thought we where so grown and mature. “What are you afraid of?” Jake asked. “You got some secrets to hide?” “Of course not,” Allison snapped. Every one in the room laughed again. Jake said, “I don’t know, you seem awful touchy. Maybe...

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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Own Bro Ashish 8211 Part II

Hi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...

3 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 54

I got home from work Friday to an empty house. This isn't normal, if my wife is haveing a afternoon delite she usally is always home when I get here. I went to the fridge to get a cold water and there on the fridg door was a note. It said " I'm camping with some friends , you are welcome to come up but theres two rules. Number one, you can't stay the night and number two you MUST wear your CB3000." Well I just had to think about that for a while. If I go, I'll be watching my wife being fucked ,...

4 years ago
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A Revengeful Woman

This is a tale I wrote some time ago after sitting in my armchair thinking back to some of the people I had met when I was a young man. I had driven taxis briefly but this is not a true story, just a product of my mind. Set in an Australian city. Any mistakes are mine. I must thank my proof reader, she does a great job. Enjoy! +++++++++++++ Talk about timing, I had just finished filling her tight sheath with my thick baby batter when the bedroom light went on. I rolled off her and looked...

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Bangalore Days

So let me tell you the context. I’m fair looking IIT-IIM grad, 23 years of age. I was recently in Bangalore for a few days. I had no pressing things to do and hence was really bored. I was looking something fun to do. That was when one of my Indian Sex Stories readers emailed me( This can be you, :). Mail me if you think if you are smart and sexy. Smartness is mandatory.Mail me at (speed of light decimal, if you notice :P )). So this was this cool lady in her mid 20-s. She introduced herself...

3 years ago
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My Married Aunty 8211 Part 1

So, few weeks back I read stories on this site and I was soo amazed I started visiting this site almost regularly. Reading everyone’s cheating stories made me write my dark life story too. The stories I’ll share about my married aunty, perfectly real. It’s not fictional at all. I know it’s a sin; but who cares when it’s fun? :) I’m jasneet(name changed) from Delhi I’m still in my college and I’m living a really good life. I’m fucking my female friends from last 1-2 years. Ldkion ki kammi bilkul...

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The Alpha bet Ch 04

Authors note: This chapter is a little longer than the previous one, and it took a little bit more effort to develop, ’cause just like that saying, ‘Now, the plot thickens.’ Hope you enjoy it. ********** Part One (Against the wall) She was fuming, and just wanted to get home as fast as possible. He didn’t even dare to say a word during the trip to drop her off. She was boiling and any little thing could make her lid pop. He dropped her at the gate of the condo, and drove off. They...

1 year ago
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Hot for Teacher0

I was. I tossed a ‘wink’ her way first, half expecting her to block me from her profile. Instead I got a short mail commenting she was flattered by my interest. I sent a reply one saying, "why wouldn't I be hot for teacher?" That started an exchange that ran all that week, even from her computer in the classroom while her students worked on that day's assignment. She commented once she noticed my son walked & talked a lot like me. I was startled that she'd even noticed MY walk!...

2 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 21

Harlen awoke with a start, realizing that he was alone in the bed. He sat up, casting his eyes about searching the darkened room for Hyandai. When his eyes fell upon his beloved, standing in a long, flowing gown of rich blue silk, they stopped and widened. Hyandai radiated beauty and affection toward him. She was just standing from a small desk in the corner of her room. A miniature calyondo shone light down upon the desk from a wooden stand. She had been writing. "Harlen, all is well,"...

3 years ago
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Two Becomes Four

I was fooling around with Josh. Timmy was fooling around with Mike. Mike and I told each other who we each were fooling around with and all of the things we did together, as well as the things we had not done yet but wanted to do. Mike told me that his dick was 8.5 inches. I told Mike that my dick was 8 inches. We agreed to show each other our dicks and his was definitely bigger than mine. Soon we were doing a hot 69 with me on the bottom. I had both his balls in my mouth as I watched him take...

4 years ago
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Chase And Justin Forever

Story Title: Chase And Justin Forever WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this and any erotic story. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Enjoy! 10pm. Rainthuds. ZeroWind. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my...

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Dear Diary 4

Dear Diary #4"Don't worry; I knew the two of you were involved when he invited me over. I think it's kind of hot actually, but I don't know how you could handle him. His cock is as big around as your forearm. I trust you won't say anything about me being here. You can trust that I won't say anything about the two of you either."I couldn't stop the smirk that crept across my face. "I couldn't handle him. I don't know how far I got, but it definitely wasn't all of it. My pussy was so sore after...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 30 A Sailor Like My Daddy

December 5, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Why the family meeting, Jen?” I asked as all of the adults were gathered in the great room on Thursday evening. “We’re going to need to find some new babysitters.” “Uh-oh,” Elyse said. “What happened?” Josie laughed, “No, nothing like that. Nothing bad. April is getting married. It seems she found herself in the family way!” “Oops,” I chuckled. “Is this her steady boyfriend?” “Donny? Yes. She’s due sometime in late April or early May. But you haven’t...

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HandsOnHardcore Brooklyn Blue TopHeavy Hardcore Goddess

Dear DDF Network family, let’s get ready for our top-heavy hardcore goddess Brooklyn Blue, a blonde hottie with incredibly hot blue eyes and a curvy ass you simply can’t stop staring at! The skin-tight dress comes off quickly as she notices Billy Marrick’s enormous boner in his pants. While shaking her impressive 30G / 65I hooters in front of his face and granting him deep insight into her breath-taking cleavage, his mind turns right into hardcore mode, ready to bang that...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 23

(The French fleet saves the day) Strangely, even though I was fully aware of the outcome of this all-important battle, I had grave doubts on that fateful morning when the British artillery managed to hit our gunpowder reserve with a lucky shot that destroyed nearly seventy percent of our powder with just one shot in midst of our largest magazine. That event added to the loss of an entire cohort of sappers snuffed out when one of our tunnels collapsed either by accident or sabotage by...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 21

I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...

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Elizabeth goes Swinging

We are a couple called Elizabeth and Billy and we really like to have lots of fun with other people. Swinging and having sexy adventures with other couples and erotic sexual encounters. I like to have Elizabeth dressed up in her posh outfits. Her expensive posh dresses, skirts and wearing posh erotic lingerie, stockings, suspenders and basques and sexy outfits in leather and lace and take her out and about to places. Sometimes without her wearing any panties.During most weekend we will go out...

3 years ago
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Slutty girls fantasy

Slutty girls fantasy Fantasy #1I am dressed in a very skimpy black skirt barely covers my bottom, lacy pink boy cut panties that cling to my pussy lips like a second skin,black thigh highs and my sexy "fuck me" high heels, a hot pink push up open cup bra with my nipples openly visible and accessible, lastly a thin black collar that reads SLUT across the front.. youve picked out my sluttiest outfit and have plans for me tonight you said.. I love Sirs surprises.. 7:00pmI wait on my knees by your...

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One HOT Summer Party

One HOT Summer Party It was that time of the year that most people enjoyed looking forward to summer was here. We'd had quite a few new neighbours move in our street, and one of our best neighbours (Sherry) had a brilliant idea to welcome them to the street with a summer night party but with a twist. Everyone who came would have to dress up in costume and have masks, that way no one would feel an outsider. We had no idea if anyone was up for it, but hey it was summer! So we both went to the...

Straight Sex
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The Knights of Oof

The Knights of ... Oof By Quicksilver I sighed as I looked over the sea of sharply dressed people before me. They were all listening intently, or at least putting on a good show of it. The preacher seemed to drone on and on about something or other. I wasn't really listening; instead I was counting down the time until church ended. If it weren't for my girlfriend, I definitely wouldn't be here. She seemed to think that this was important and I would rather sit here for an hour...

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First time in the Ass Pegged

At The Pub, I unwound from my work week. I was slightly more stressed than usual due to some restructuring of my company and my drinking reflected that. By the time we climbed aboard the shuttle van we had rented, I was mostly out of my mind. The Kitten Club was dark with thumping techno music and strobe lighting. There were several stages and many girls working the crowd. We pulled up to an empty table and ordered a round of beers.The night was coming to a close when a pretty dancer approached...

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Mom Taught 4

…………………….. David finished scanning all the documents and pictures to a jump drive and carried the fireproof box and key back to his parent’s bedroom. The morning was already warm, and the sun had not even full rose in the eastern ski. Walking to an outbuilding his mom was hard a work. “Gonna be a hot one darling,” she said with a smile. In long strides, he walked to the barn and saddled his well-rested Appaloosa. Riding along a large stand of ponderosa pine, David’s sharp eyes scanned...

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Chelles Secrets A Prelude

Michelle grinned at the sight before her: three young men, all of them a good decade younger than her 31 years, all standing naked, their hard young cocks at attention before her at the foot of the bed. Three men, all for her. "Well, well," she said to the one in the center, the one that she actually knew. "Just look at what you brought me this time!" Slowly she crawled forward on hands and knees towards the closest one, her naked ass wriggling invitingly behind her as she moved. This was going...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 3

Nestled in the corner of the Kugnae Palace grounds was a small stone building. Although less than half the size of the Library, almost everyone in the Kingdom thought it was remarkably large, considering that its building was entirely privately funded. The PteriDae Magic Research Facility or Pteri's School, as it was known amongst the students, was two small lecture halls and four tiny laboratories, separated by a row of offices. Tonight, the whole building was dark except for one lantern...

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MMPR Kimberly Becomes Katty Part 2

At the Juice Bar, Kat met the other Power Rangers, Trini, a beautiful Asian girl, Billy, a good-looking intellectual, Aisha, a luscious black girl, Rocky, a powerful lad and Tommy, Kimberly's boyfriend, the leader of the Rangers and a total hunk.Kat decided if she ever felt the urge to have a cock in her, she would want it to be Tommy's, but she was far more interested in Kimberly's carpet.Kimberly spent a lot more time at the bar with Kat, Trini and Aisha than Tommy and he felt a bit put off...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 1

Bob hollered out to the family as he entered the house one Friday evening, "Family meeting in five minutes, in the den. Everyone is required to attend!" He strode purposefully into the kitchen where Dana was busy at work making dinner. He wrapped his arms around her small frame, and lifted her high off the ground as he nuzzled her neck, kissing here and there. Dana struggled to get free, to no avail. The truth be told, she didn't struggle very hard. He put her down lightly. She quickly...

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Time to Breed

You stand in the shower letting the hot water flow over your body a slight smile on your lips. Tonight is the night, your desire to breed has been growing for months and tonight is when you throw caution to the wind. The hot water is starting to run out so you turn off the water with a sigh and reach for a towel. As you dry off you look into the mirror and see

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Cynthia MartinChapter 54

To the women's surprise, the President had ordered out one of the presidential aircraft to pick up Colleen in Chicago. Since the cabin was set up in a VIP configuration, the two older women were sitting side by side on a sofa talking while Maureen slept. Vangie looked at her friend and said, "Colly, you never told me anything about your husband and I was always too selfish ever to think to ask. When did you meet?" "Twenty-three years ago this June," she replied. "I met him in Dublin....

4 years ago
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The WingmanChapter 2

Loren dashed into his bedroom. He quickly pulled up and straightened the bed covers; then he scooped up stacks of clothing and stuffed them into his closet. Pulling open the nightstand drawer he began rummaging through it. In the back he found a box of condoms ... empty. "Shit," he muttered. He opened the drawer on the other nightstand -- nothing. That time we took the trip to Boston, he thought. Into his closet he headed and from a high shelf he pulled down a suitcase. He found nothing in...

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The Special Assistant

The Special Assistant I met Laura at a cougar bar. I was attracted to her perfect China Doll haircut. The color was jet black and her bangs just barely touched her perfectly shaped eyebrows. I offered to buy her a drink and she graciously accepted. She told me she owned a hair salon. I explained that I sold solar panel systems. She invited me to have dinner with her and we exited the bar. Over dinner she asked me if I had any feminine tendencies. I was pretty perplexed by her...

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The Free Kingdom of Avaria

The Kingdom of Avaria is an isolated place, resting on the fringes of the known world. It was founded nearly a thousand years ago by a cabal of sorcerers, fleeing the persecution of less enlightened times. The resulting colony began to attract misfit colonists from across the world, and it wasn't long before the wizards' sanctuary became a chaotic mess of warring tribes and unaligned bandits. Fearing for the future of their home, the founding sorcerers pooled their magic and resources to found...

2 years ago
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Beneath the Surface We Walk With DemonsChapter 3

The afternoon couldn’t be more of a perfect day for barbequing. Harper doesn’t know how Anthe convinced her father, but before the day ended she was called into the man’s office and invited formally. He told Harper that because she is so high up in the company, running many of the day to day operations, that it only seemed right she be there to mingle with the lower employees. Of course Harper didn’t turn it down. The barbeque is going rather well, with discussion about the success of the...

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Playing DoublesChapter 3

Laura's little failure put a bit of a damper on the remainder of the evening. The whole athletic event had been, for me, spectacular, and I had new admiration for the skills of my friend, Pete Ettinger, as a lover. But, skillful or not, the effort had been unsuccessful. I was embarrassed that my much-anticipated presence on the scene hadn't turned out to be the difference-maker. Selfishly, I found myself imagining, and regretting, that I would likely not be invited to participate, however...

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How I Fucked My Best Friend8217s Girlfriend

My name’s Raj. I’m from hyderabad. Age 24, height 6’1. This is my first story of the many to come which happened a few months ago. My friend Mahesh and I have been friends for 6 years and his relationship with his girl is around 3 years. I would never betray him had it not been coz of this girl, Monica. She’s 5’9 , 38-24-36 , short hair and has wheatish complexion. I’ve known her since an year. Both are 2 years elder to me and he’s shorter than her. She plays tennis occasionally which explains...

1 year ago
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First Comes Punishment Then Cums Reward

"Fucking slut."I was in trouble. When He told me to think about what I had done all day and that He would talk to me when I got home, I knew my punishment would be bad. When I got home He met me at the door and instructed me to strip. "You were a bad girl. You will be punished. Repeat." He said."I was a bad girl and I will be punished." I repeated quietly, looking down. He then led me to a chair and told me to bend over. When I did He bent out my elbow and said, "Don't move, Slut.""Yes,...

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Straight Pleasures

Theo had no desire to be a woman and did not think of himself as a transvestite or crossdresser in any way or form. He was very happy being gay and although he was rather feminine and quite camp, he enjoyed being a man. There were a few things about him that bordered on the ‘girlie’ side, however. Firstly, he loved wearing ladies stockings and G-strings. Secondly, his hair was shoulder length, which he constantly tucked behind his ears (when not at home), to give himself a more masculine...

Gay Male
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Freshman Year part 2

“Well, it is 8.” HOLY FUCK I WAS IN THE SHOWER FOR AND HOUR AND A HALF! “Haha true…well I was just about to get dressed and come on over. So did your roommate come yet?” “No, she moves in tomorrow I guess…so do you have any cups?” I pointed to the stack of disposable cups in the little kitchen area, which just consisted of a sink, mini-fridge, and microwave. I grabbed a pair of shorts and another t-shirt from my drawer and said that I would be back in a sec, and headed off to the bathroom...

1 year ago
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I was in a club with friends. I was at the bar taking a break from dancing when I noticed a young woman starring at me from the other side. I smiled, she winked and I decided to go over to talk to her.I introduced myself and she just said " Amy." She then said " would you like to join me?"" Yes I would love to." There was no seat so I squeezed in next to her. Her crossed bare knee was touching my stomach. She had on a little tight black dress and I was wearing a tight blue strapless leather...

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Getting even

Her silky white blouse came away in a shower of broken cotton, tearing easily across the front shedding buttons as I grasped it firmly and pulled, to reveal her red brassiere and her softly swelling breasts. I reached around fought to release her bra catch, it beat me so I just popped those sweet pink boobies out of the brassiere cups, baring her dark brown nipples which seemed to strain in the moonlight and I pulled the bra straps over her shoulders and pulled the whole thing to her...

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Cuckhold Fantasy 4

My wife, Susan, has been going out on Thursday nights with a group of girlfriends, all married, for some time now. They go drinking and dancing. Innocent stuff, at least as far as I know. Only once did she mention that one of her friends had hooked-up with a guy she met dancing. I stay home, read and go to bed early. Everyone is happy.Recently, I’ve noticed that she is dressing more provocatively. Her skirts are shorter and heels higher. Her makeup is heavier. Her perfume stronger. I’ve adopted...

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Adam and Andrea

"This is so unfair," said Andrea to no one special. She was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling. From outside the sound of a truck reached her ears and she looked out the window. It was the garbage truck passing by. She lay down again with a sigh.It was spring break and Andrea had to stay at home with her step brother. It just wasn't fair. It wasn't her fault that he had failed all the exams and had to stay home to study the entire week. She had made plans to drive down to Daytona Beach...

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Freeing Kirsty Ch 09

THE FINAL: Divorcee Merrick Jamieson (35) visiting New York comes into contact with the moll of the mysterious Spiro. The spirited Kirsty Fallon (25) finds she has become attracted and follows the photo-journalist to his homeland and begins working with him. Merrick foils a retriever sent to return Kirsty to New York and then travels to Manhattan and wins her freedom from Spiro. The couple are now in Los Angeles married. Merrick is incapacitated, suffering two knife wounds when defending his ex...

2 years ago
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L at Midnight

On a mid-winter’s night, there were two lovers, alone together, gently lying on their bed, whilst passionately cuddling and kissing each other. The boy had one hand gently placed on the girl’s cheek, so he could guide her lips to his, whilst he gently ran his other hand up and down the girl’s flawless back. With each stroke, the girl leaned in a little more, giving deeper and deeper kisses.The girl had both of her hands on the boy’s cheeks, so she could take control of the kisses. At first,...

3 years ago
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An introduction to the pleasure of anal play

I gently pull your black panties and t-shirt off so you are naked in front of me. I lead you to a padded massage table. I have you lay on your back and I spread warm coconut oil over your entire front. I massage your body starting with your fingers and hands, then working down your arms. I massage the oil into your breasts, rubbing my hands in circles feeling the nipples rub against my palms. Slowly pinching and pulling them, feeling the blood flow within. Feeling them swell.I roll your nipples...

4 years ago
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A Night Of Fun With Lilly

A Night of Fun With Lilly I had come home from work, exhausted from a long day at the office. Walking into the house, I noticed it was quiet, no television going, no water running, no noise at all. Maybe my wife Lilly was out shopping or with friends. I walked into the kitchen and got something to drink, then started to walk upstairs to our bedroom. As I got closer to our door, I heard a soft noise that I couldn't quite make out. I slowly opened the door to my bedroom just a crack. What...

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