Wrinkle Shivers free porn video

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He shivered violently, as if he wanted to shake off ice water. The room was devoid of moisture, and it wasn’t even very cold, no colder than any other classroom. There was the stale air of hopeless effort, but that wasn’t enough to create a physical effect, it only filled him with more curiosity than usual as the test wore on.

He was in hour two. He wasn’t frightened. Friends had warned him that the key to making it past anything would be to shut his fear down. Fear was useless. And really, there wasn’t a reason to be afraid, just like there wasn’t a reason he should shiver.

And yet here Simon was, shuddering like a dog. There was a freshly pretty girl with gray hair sitting next to him, occasionally peering up from her screen to see why the air around her was vibrating. She smiled in commiseration the first two times but after that she just stared in annoyance. This was serious, and if he couldn’t take it he should leave.

He knew he had it made. He had flown past the diagrams and puzzles in the first nine sections. He had been preparing for months, learning everything from the physics of Mars to Talmudic philosophy. He had covered every academic base there was. He would finish the last section in the next half hour, easily. He knew it would be a flawless performance, not an answer wrong or point unproved. That was the upside of being inhuman. Errors weren’t really a problem as long as the information could be accessed. It was what was going to come after this that gave him pause.

No AI that had made it to hour three had ever been back to explain the experience. They had simply Become. At least, that was the collective belief of the remaining AI.

Simon was an excellent specimen. His creator had loved him, even before the blueprints were dry. He had been the fondest dream of the Specula organization, an AI capable of endless memory. A program had been developed with the potential for exponential knowledge.

The Wrinkle program (named after the human phenomenon of the brain wrinkling once for every newly acquired skill, memory, or fact) was a mystery to most laymen. It had simply come into existence. One day AI had been magnificent creatures, awesome in their intellect, but completely fathomable. The Wrinkles, as they became known, were epic. Even other AI wore expressions of trepidation when speaking with them. There was something bottomless about them. You could see it in the eyes, that pale sea green that never varied. You wanted to touch those eyes to see if they were as warm and yielding as the ocean itself, but you held back because falling in and away seemed more than a little plausible.

Simon was the thirteenth model of his kind. His twelve predecessors had all chosen to take their TRAIECTUS exam (Temporary Reality Artificial Intelligence Entrance Challenge: Trepidation Unit Selections) and they had all failed. None had made it to hour three. They had shown brilliant comprehension of all the questions posed, but had lacked whatever signs the committee needed to see to warrant the next level of inquiry. And once the Wrinkle AI decided to attempt the change from AI to human there was no going back. A failure did not mean a return to work, a failure meant nothingness, the amputation of power circuits and an all-encompassing void. There were now twelve beautifully preserved models of the Wrinkle program in the Specula Hall of Achievement, each with a small plaque commemorating their day of inauguration and their day of termination.

It wasn’t cruel, really. The AI had requested each termination in question, immediately after their failure. Specula had told them they would be welcome back in any capacity they chose, other than human, but numbers one through twelve had shaken their heads, smiling softly, all of them preferring soft smiles that denoted a hint of sadness or regret, much like preferring Bach over Mozart, and asked politely to be shut down. One drawback of an endless possibility for knowledge and a built in curiosity for the unknown is that a denial of any knowledge is seen as an irredeemable loss. Better that they retire in hopes that another model would step into their place and achieve what simpler models of AI could attain: humanity…whatever that was.

Simon hadn’t subsided his shivering. The freshly pretty, gray-haired girl AI sitting next to him no longer looked up, although the corners of her mouth tightened occasionally to show her displeasure at his distracting behavior. Just because he was the thirteenth in line to fail for his model didn’t mean he should make it harder for the rest of them. The belief that he was willfully distracting her was written in binary across her face.

He brought up ‘shiver’ briefly in his head. It was from Middle English, and his preferred definition was ‘To quiver or vibrate, as by the force of the wind.’ He had finished section ten with seventeen minutes to spare before their screens were locked and they could no longer make corrections. He would entertain himself for the remaining time, he didn’t need to look over his work. He knew it was perfect. Even without the reflection action being launched he knew.

His work as a doctor had put him in the habit of checking each answer individually after he had given it, instead of checking en masse at the end of examinations. He had done so today. He had been able to recall information on every topic broached, and he knew that his appreciation for human language (but he checked himself, it wasn’t appreciation, it was comprehension) gave his diction a poetic quality most AI did not possess, and there was reason to believe that this would give him an edge when he was graded, he was sure. He ran through the changes humanity would bring about to his career.

He would be able to attend dying patients now. He knew he could be of service in the cancer wards, but assigning work in a terminal ward to a doctor with no fear or understanding of death had not been a popular decision amongst the families of the fading and in 2308 it had been criminalized. Empathy could not be learned, only faked, and outrage at this fiction had been so unanimous that the law hadn’t been questioned vigorously at all. There had been a few politicians from states with a heavy AI voter percentage that had raised feeble complaints, but then the Humans Against Robotic Medicine had found an eloquent teenager with leukemia to be their spokesperson, and it was hard to say no to a sixteen year-old that looked both eleven and eighty at the same time, stunted and aged from too many drugs, too many meals regurgitated, and too many hopes dashed. Those that had resisted quickly silenced themselves and sat back in their chairs, praying that they would not be remembered as callous for misunderstanding the needs of dying children.

Simon had tired of research and routine examination. He knew empathy would make him ten times the doctor he was already, and just the potential of what he would be capable of shook him to the core, filled him with an unutterable need. Words were inadequate to explain how badly he needed this empathy to become the paragon of wisdom he could be.

So he sat and shivered, because it was his favorite word, and he liked that he could embody something without having a true body. He hoped it was anomalies like this that would finally push him past hour two when his predecessors had fallen. The seventeen minutes passed pleasantly enough. He had, after all, shut his fear off.

The slight change in light, dimming from one hundred watts to sixty signaled that time was up. It seemed silly to Simon. All the candidates had finished their work with at least eight minutes to spare. He noted that none besides him had finished with more than fourteen. He hoped that this would also work in his favor. They waited patiently while their work was examined by the committee of experts, human from the fields of philosophy, psychology, and theology, of which one out of every three believed AI were a plague, the sign that
humanity was at an end, giving way to machines that believed they could be better humans than humans. The selection committee required that the judges not be stacked in favor of the candidates. The fundamentalists of religion and science sat in judgment.

After fifteen minutes the screens in front of them flashed a request, ‘Please wait.’ Mere seconds after that the screens changed to a solid field of color. Each screen was a different shade of purple, red or blue. Those with redder screens showed greater potential for humanity while those with bluer screens were recommended for a return to AI existence. The purples would have to undergo another test in a year, but they would at least get another chance. If you were blue you were not allowed to attempt humanity again.

Simon allowed a soft smile with a hint of sadness and regret (his favorite kind) to spread slowly over his face as he beheld a lovely burgundy screen. He had made it to hour three. He shivered so ferociously that his arm flew up and knocked the gray-haired girl’s cobalt screen to the floor. She nodded, as if to say, ‘So that’s where that goes,’ and stood up with the other AI that would not be allowed to move on. She turned before she walked to the door and glanced at Simon. He noticed that her eyes seemed metallic, a complementary silver for her gray hair. He could see himself perfectly, down to the sea green eyes and small scars covering the tops of his hands he had gotten himself as a present, to celebrate his decision to take the test.

She stared for a moment and then whispered, ‘Wrinkle.’ She turned and left, straight backed. He wondered briefly if she would request termination or return to her position as…whatever. Then he noticed that a previously unnoticed door was opening out of the left side of the room and he and the two other remaining AI were being beckoned inside by another lighting change from sixty watts to forty. He walked patiently, choosing an amble over a saunter. Granted, he had come this far, further than a Wrinkle ever had, but now uncertainty would hover for an hour, and he thought the curiosity would be more than he could take.

What comes after? What comes after? He had said it under his breath a thousand times studying for the test. He wondered if, hypothetically, after he became human he would still have an insatiable thirst for that question. He would soon know what was coming after the first two hours, and he could soon know what came after being a human, but it wasn’t certain yet. If it had been certain he would have selected something more along the lines of a saunter, but it wasn’t and a saunter would have been inappropriate. An amble would be fine.

He ambled in behind the red haired male marching in front and the green haired girl striding in behind them. He saw looks of determination on their faces and congratulated himself on choosing a different attitude. Hopefully this anomaly would also make him stand out. There were three chairs inside a small room, crisper than the classroom had been, with a feel of smaller residual occupancy lingering. Not many had seen this room, that much seemed clear.

The three of them stood and waited, the other man standing with feet apart and his hands clasped behind his back, the girl taking on the Salamba Sirsasana yoga stance, balancing neatly on her head and forearms, and Simon leaning back at a seventy degree angle against the wall.

A small boy came in and looked them over, scrutinizing them through orange eyes before he spoke.

‘A Vulpic child. See Mercury, Roman god of shepherds, land travel, merchants, weights and measures, oratory, literature, athletics and thieves, and known for his cunning and shrewdness. Most importantly, he is the messenger of the gods.’

All three of them listened sharply, running over everything ever written on, against, or by a Roman god, not to mention cross indexing their query with references to shepherds, land travel, merchants, weights and measures, oratory, literature, athletics and thieves. He approached the girl first.

‘How do you feel?’

She stared for a moment, and then let a peaceful, beatific beam cross her Asiatic features.

‘Honored to have completed my first task efficiently.’

The child nodded and then looked over at the red haired Zulu.

‘Same question.’

The Zulu model wore a warrior’s glare, perhaps to show the Vulpic that he was human enough to enjoy eating him…human enough to eat him in the first place.

‘Ready for a challenge.’

The child giggled, once, quickly, and then turned to Simon.

‘And you?’

Simon examined his head, knowing he would find a word to give the child and that the word would be ‘curious’, but then something strange happened. He knew that this question was not just a simple question, why else would they send a Vulpic to ask it? He had been prepared to offer the truth but then he wondered whether or not it would be what the boy wanted him to say. He realized that this was the moment that his predecessors would have failed had they reached hour three. They would have known that they could not give the perfect answer and retired, leaving room for a newer model that could. Simon concluded that he, too, would fail at this point. Worse than that, he realized, he had already failed. If he could not even answer a child’s question then they would never let him see what came after. He would only ever know the now. The after for him, he saw, would be the same termination as the twelve before him. The soft smile with a hint of sadness and regret fell from his face.

‘I have the sinking suspicion that I have failed a portion of this test already, although I’m not sure exactly in what capacity. The consequences of this will be my termination. I will never know what comes after AI. I will never know what comes after human.’

The Vulpic’s eyes went from orange to nacarade.

‘And how does that make you feel?’

Simon knew the answer to that.


The Vulpic stared hard at Simon. Then he reached out and ran his fingers over Simon’s fresh scars. He smiled and placed his cheek on the left hand’s marks. Deep slices.

‘They’re lovely. Did you get them for yourself?’

‘Yes. To celebrate taking the test.’

‘Why scars?’

‘They’re permanent. And the texture is interesting. I think. Different.’

‘Do you? I see.’

The Vulpic let go of Simon’s hands and left the room. The Yogi AI and Zulu AI watched him go. Their eyes mirrored him as he went. Simon’s eyes absorbed him, wondering what, if anything, had just happened.

The door to the classroom opened again and the lights indicated they should go. They entered the classroom to find that the Yogi AI and Zulu AI’s things had been placed neatly on their desks but that Simon’s were gone. Simon’s companions gathered their belongings and left silently. Simon waited standing up. He didn’t want to be unprepared for whatever was about to come. After ten minutes the Vulpic reappeared from the door on the left and winked at him.

‘Come on, Wrinkle.’



They walked back into the side room. There was now a chair with a tray of silver, pointy things beside it. They glowed with an eerie sheen. He sat because it was logical that he sit. He waited for the Vulpic to begin. The boy was eye level with him seated. He seemed to be waiting for Simon. Simon started.

‘What now?’

The Vulpic shrugged charmingly.

‘I don’t know.’

Simon blinked.

‘Am I going to become a human?’

The Vulpic’s eyes had no sheen to them, just rock warmth.

‘Would you like to?’

Simon nodded.


The Vulpic scampered.

‘Close your eyes.’

Simon blinked twice.

‘What are you going to do? How does it happen?’

The Vulpic realized it was scampering and stopped.

‘Not telling.’

Simon sat up a little straighter.

‘How do I know that you are to be trusted? I know…I don’t know what happens when you Become. Am I going to Become?’

The Vulpic made peace with its desire to scamper.

‘Not telling.’

Simon ran his left hand over the right’s scars. Burns.

‘That’s not fair.’

The Vulpic scampered to beat the band.

‘What’s more important to you? Knowing what is, or risking what could be?’

The Vulpic stared hard, then reached out and touched Simon’s eyes, feeling the invulnerable plastic beneath his fingers. Simon allowed the saline to leak from his tear ducts. He allowed the Vulpic to close his eyelids. He leaned back as he heard the silver pointy things start to whir.

He thought, Smell and taste and touch.

Simon took what felt like a breath and shivered.


Cut away. Cleared away. A vast forest leveled and torn out from the root. Light speared in through a million holes in his eyes. He opened them and took a breath to scream. Rape of the lungs. More air than any thing could possibly need. A trachea battered and shocked with the harsh, viscous reality of the body’s duties. Breathing was a violation on par with a knife wound. How dare my body receive this? A wave of hideous nausea, then. Frame shaking, breath-stopping (oh thank you) blackout nausea, the kind a parent experiences seeing their child snatched away by random circumstance. And oh now he hated the word tactile. Hate. Hated it. Found that word and held on, hating and seeing and breathing and feeling. And now something sharp and thick had found its way under his screaming skin, puncturing through veins and tissue. He ran towards the darkness, loving his hatred, thankful for its cool, metallic surface. And then he was skating, sliding forever, fiercely glad to again perceive without immersion.

The last thought he had was, Oh. Hate.



Sound, interestingly enough, was not an invasion.

He allowed it to spread like the balms he had given burn victims. He understood the words relieve and sooth.

‘Simon? Things should be a bit softer now.’

He observed pulses along his being. A rising of bone and air here, a warming and brightening of skin there. If before had been a violation, this was an initiation. There was no tearing this time, or fear, or disgust, there was exploration and a gradual loosening of ignorance. He visualized a cellist that had fallen in love with him and taken up his ministrations out of mentoring kindness, tuning his strings, bringing him to tonal perfection. The voice and its effects, and vicariously his name, were exquisite.

‘Simon? I’m going to touch your hand. That’s what will be happening.’

Simon began whispering plosives, not meaning to ask permission to be left alone, but instinctively reaching for a please don’t. Then there was…pressure, and comfort.

‘Good. That’s wonderful. Wonderful work, Simon. Give me a look now.’

I will awake soon, he thought.

‘Not yet? All right, Simon. Sleep some more. Keep this in mind, though. You can sleep when you’re dead.’

Someday I will die, he thought, and I will see God. He will touch my face. Weeping was lovely. Sleeping was gorgeous.


He picked up the checker. He was black, the small girl was red. He’d been there for weeks. She’d come in around ten that morning suffering from a gun shot to the abdomen. They’d pumped her full of Safinol and the wound had repaired. She was waiting for her mother to pick her up and take her back to school.

‘Simon? Play, Simon.’

He smiled. She was a striking child, with waist length cobalt corn rows. Her name was Wasi. Simon jumped his checker over four of hers in a sequence and grinned wider, grins having been his expression of choice that week.

‘No fair! Wrinkles know everything!’

Simon’s grin felt as cramped and hot as the four red checkers clutched in his left hand.

‘I’m not a Wrinkle, not anymore. I’m like you.’

She laughed.

‘Not really. You can breathe and stuff, but you weren’t born. Someone made you. You don’t have a dad.’

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I had almost missed my flight. I was the last person to board the aircraft, with several of the other passengers giving me looks of annoyance as I moved past them through the first class cabin to my window seat in the last row of the business class cabin. I was being sent to Bolivia for a secretive assignment as a part of my role as an agent for the Australian Covert Defence Agency (CDA). My task was to investigate TMI, a chemical manufacturer located just outside of La Paz in Bolivia. My cover...

Straight Sex
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Lindsey An unlikely Romance part 6

It was mid October, a week from Lindsey's eighteenth birthday. And I got a call from her mother. "Will you come to Lindsey's birthday party? She is to shy to ask you, and with all you've done for her, it would be nice to see you there." I was in a conundrum! It might look suspicious if I declined, but the same if I went! I asked what day, it was on a Tuesday. A school night. That might make it easier to make a quick getaway. But it would ba awkward talking to her parents after seeing...

4 years ago
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No Good Deed Goes Unchanged Chapter One

Thomas and his friend Karl were up on the Downs when he heard a scream, and motioned quietly to Karl to follow him into the bushes, where he saw one man held down by another whilst a third stabbed him over and over again. He took out his camera and took a picture of the scene, just before they saw him. "Get them!" "Run!" he told Karl and they both fled, Thomas throwing some marbles behind him, and hearing a satisfying thump as their pursuers fell over each other. They made it to Karl's...

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My Hidden Talent

All my life I’ve searched for that one thing I’m good at and then to launch my career using that hidden talent. I definitely have been a ‘Jack of all trades and master of none’ my whole life. My father always told me that practice makes perfect and I believed him, it was just I searched for a natural talent of some kind and when I found it then I always thought I would practice it until I had honed it to the edge of perfection. I played one sport after another and many I played fairly but I...

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Tifa the World Renown

A/N: I don't own any of the final fantasy characters. Square Enix does. All names of original characters are strictly off the top of my head and have no relationship to real life people. Anybody who shares a similar name is pure coincidence. This story may contain spoilers from Final Fantasy and other games. Other then that? Enjoy. Tifa the World Renown By Shadow Rave Part 1 - The Ultimate Gaming Experience "And what is this supposed to be exactly?" What the boy...

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The FindChapter 9

When they got there 2 FBI attempted to detain Marty, and Tom and Arron came unglued both were put down and a 50 cal. opened upon the gaggle of alphabets but didn’t hit anyone and disarmed all and Tom called someone on the phone asking for the Head of the DOD. He told them they would take the call which he did. Two minutes later they disbanded and 2 were cuffed. Tom was told only by Potus was he to be bothered. He asked about the 50 and was told Arron was mad. He told Tom to apologize for him...

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Ladies LodgeChapter 2

"Look what we've got here boys! Couple of randy little lesbians rolling around on the floor - dirty little cows. Come and have a look!" Gwendoline and Jessica had been two days in the open and the previous night had found a large deserted barn- like building far from any habitation and had gratefully decided to get under cover for the night. The weather was becoming much more autumnal and yesterday had seen a steady drizzle falling all day. The poor visibility had made it easier to cross...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 11 Introducing the Harrisons

A bunch of us were hanging around at Helen's house one weekend. She had a great house for it, with a nice entertainment area and a pool with a big deck in the backyard. Others might ascribe different motives to it, but I think that Helen had us over to show me how she controlled Ken. They had been dating for a while, and I was able to observe them together when they were around me, as well as when they didn't realize that I was nearby, and despite her protestations, she treated Ken...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 18

It took Navajo Pete about two days to upgrade the day scope for the M200, to his standards. He had all the parts and was about to fit the scope to a fancy hunting rifle for a customer in Denver. He said the Denver customer could wait a few days. All he had to do was fit the new device to the mount for the M200 and get it sighted properly. It was about twenty times more powerful than the regular scope, and if I wanted to switch it over to a night scope all I had to do was plug in a battery. I...

2 years ago
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Apne Chacha Ke Ladke Se Chudi

Mera naam pinky h aur main sabhi iss readers ko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi kaise main apne chacha ke ladke se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja ata aur main daily naye naye lund se chudwati hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya ukse liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi. Main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu aur sex chat karti hu mere ghar chacha ka ladka aaya tha aur wo hamesha mere...

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Manny the Manager

Kingsoft Company was a cruel and brutal place. Manny hated every single day he went to work. He wasted more time in office politics than actual productive tasks. His days went from 8 am to 10 pm, sometimes even later if his boss handed him some last minute stuff. Manny's wife, Raquel asked him to quit but he feared he couldn't find a job at his age. He had to do something drastic and he got the idea while watching National Geographic one night. It was a documentary about Bonobo monkeys....

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A sexual journey Chapter 4

We were both now in the clutches of the evil Marge and Dominique. Having crossed the line I realised that there would be no escape from their depraved actions. Reg knew it too. He had been drawn in and, surprisingly, seemed very comfortable with the way it was headed. I could only ponder what was coming next. The only concession was that Reg was turned on by my surrender to whatever they wanted to do to me or whatever I was required to perform for them. The answer to that was revealed the next...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 22

On Thursday, I was just sitting down for General Hospital when the phone rang. "Hello." "Tony Sims, please." "This is Tony." "Tony, this is Martin Mulino. I was wondering if you could come see me this afternoon?" "Uh, Mom and Dad are both at work." "Unless you think they'll object, I only need to see you." "Uh, ok. When?" "As soon as possible." "Twenty minutes?" "That would be fine. See you then." I hung up, wondering what was happening now. School was just...

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Craigslist Free Blowjob

Hi there. My name is Daniel, and I want to tell you about an incredible experience I had a few years ago. Back then, I was still a second year university student. Unlike all my other classmates, I was actually quite organized, so I was never pressed for deadlines.  I always finished my work slightly early, so that I wasn't under so much pressure when exam times came and deadlines were all within the same week. I wasn't a straight A student, but I was an organized student. But if you got a lot...

Oral Sex
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The Club Jennifer

A new girl at The Club caught my eye. I made some discreet enquiries with Claire, the older girl who had been allocated to look after her in her first weeks at The Club and found her name was Jennifer.Jennifer was a pretty girl, by no means a beauty though. The 'girl next door type' which I like. Still innocent looking. The first thing which struck me about Jennifer was that she had a lot of hair. Very ligh brown, straight but slightly frizzy hair which reached well below her shoulders. Not...

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Meri Biwi Aur Mere Dost Ke Beech Ki Holi

Meri biwi ka naam Harshada hai. Kyunki hume abhi shaadi karake 2-3 saal hi hua hai, meri biwi jawan hone ke karan badi khubsoorat dikhati hai. Lekin shaadi ke ek saal bad hi mera meri biwi ki or ka attraction khatam ho chuka tha. Isliye main meri biwi ke saath bahotbar apni fantasy sharing karata tha. Hum meri kaam ki wajah se apna ghar chhod ke dusare shehar mein aaye hai. Aur luckily mera ek dost bhi udhar mere najdik hi rehta hai. Uska naam Kaustubh hai. Uske bare mein itna hi kahoonga ki...

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ImageFap Lesbian

It’s time to ditch all of your crusty porno mags with stuck-together pages and wrinkled covers. There’s a better way to find fap-worthy content of busty lesbian sluts. And, trust me, I get it. Old habits die hard. But there is so much more content out there for you to blow loads to. There are sites jam-packed with a nearly infinite number of pictures and videos of horny sluts scissoring each other. That shit would cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars if you were to get it from a bunch of...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Chained CheerleaderChapter 4

Debbie simply sat, naked, on the bench. She cried bitterly, her entire body shaking with the strain of her emotions. Never had the young girl been subjected to such abuse. Her ass hurt worse than anything she could remember. The strap had been more than effective in raising welts on her soft, tender flesh. The way her asscheeks throbbed and hurt now, she wondered if the pain would ever go away. And that was just part of it. The cuntjuice soaked strap had been thrust between her lips. The...

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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 28

The nearest peaks in the Coastal Range were visible even from Circle Bay, and it hadn’t taken long to reach the foothills south of the city. Corec was setting up his tent when Ellerie and Boktar returned from climbing the nearest hill for a better look. “Did you see anything?” he asked. “The road curves around to the east,” Ellerie said, “but if my maps are right, we don’t want to go that way. There’s not enough land between the sea and the mountains for what I’m trying to find. There’s...

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Private Madison McQueen MILF On The Hunt

With her never aging body, Madison McQueen is already a MILF, and today this horny cougar has come to Private Specials, Beach Angels to show off her incredible curves and catch some prey in true www.private.com style! A blowjob is the perfect way to get acquainted, and Madison wastes no time getting acquainted with Potro as she invites him back to her hotel for a deepthroat blowjob before going on to enjoy a spectacular fuck that has her moaning with pleasure as she gets spanked and pounded all...

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The Professor and the Bimbo

Here's another "gargoyle." Now that it's out of the way, I can work on the long one for a while. The Professor and the Bimbo By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Yo, Gordo, the grades are in," Steve Lambert said, knocking on the open door of the room he shared with his frat brother. Gordon "Gordo" Barrenstein had his back to the door. He was sitting on a stool doing biceps curls with a set of weights taking his timing from the heavy rock music coming through his stereo headphones. Gordo...

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Katie and her Biology Teacher

The biology teacher looked very young from the outside, but in the inside, he is around 40. He is very short because of his addiction to coffee. His leatures were funny because he included funny jokes in them. Katie likes him as a good teacher. His name is Mr. Knight. As Katie did the worksheet Mr. Knight passed out, he walked up to her and told her to come afterschool. Katie was very confused, she was a straight A student, and a teacher has told her to stay afterschool for absolutely no...

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BangBros18 Jade Kimiko Innovative Massage Techniques

Jade has to give a family member a massage as part of her homework assignment. Her stepdad is down for a hot and warm massage. Jade’s massage is so good that it causes her stepdad Peter to get aroused. Peter wants to end the massage right away. Mom might be home soon and she can’t find out. Jade explains that it’s very normal and that she’s willing to give him a happy ending. it will be all professional and mom will not find out. Jade massages her stepdads penis by giving slow strokes with her...

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GSP Chapter 1113 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead

G.S.P. Chapter 11 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead * * * “I must ask you citizens of New York. Does the presence of the G.S.P make you feel safe?” Cyclone shouted into the camera and then took a long pause as to let the question ring before he continued. “Looking at the past weeks you have reasons to feel more secure, but not because the lazy for hire G.S.P group, but because of us honest heroes from my Knighthood of Peace. It all fits the same pattern. G.S.P was never about battling the...

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Unmarried Didi Of Raja

I am Raja from West Bengal. The story belongs to my sexual encounter with my beloved didi Aparna. It dates back to when I was 20 years old unmarried guy. We live in small town in Kolkata suburb. I stayed with my parents. I was doing my engineering then. There was a family living next flat to us. They consisted of two daughters & one son. Their mother passed away due to illness. Father was aged 70 & bed-ridden. Eldest daughter was married & son had a medical shop. Younger daughter Aparna was 38...

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My Hotwife Responds To Lush Members

I‘m the husband…the writer and the communicator. My luscious hotwife Katie is the insatiable slut and…well…just insert whatever feels good right here. She’s my inspiration and consistently helps with my stories. I try to make sense of her twisted thoughts and wild experiences so we can all share. Sometimes I get quite aroused as I write about some of the things she’s done or would like to do. On more than one occasion she’s thoughtfully assisted my focus by crawling under my oversized home...

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KellyChapter 22

Todd sighed, wishing he could have a cold beer and a hot smoke. Two intense orgasms and his lovers were upstairs. "Damn, it's still early in the day as well," he thought. But he was going to fix Kelly and Laura. Slowly, he got to his feet and staggered out of the darkroom. Vanetta didn't say a word as he passed by her desk, but she was smirking as he stumbled into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Evian and Kelly's cigarettes then collapsed onto the couch. The same couch where he had...

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Double Act ndash Chapter 2

"Doesn't that feel good?" she whispered at my ear."God yes," I said, not sure if it was loud enough for Tim's benefit.I opened my eyes and saw him staring at my tits. Given that they were a little bigger than my s!ster's, Beth was making the most of them for his benefit. She ran her hands over and over them, letting her fingers flick the bullet-hard nipples. Then she ran her hands down to my waist and undid my skirt. I stepped out of the clothes and turned to face my s!ster. We grinned at each...

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Innocent Junior Turned Out To Be A Sex Goddess

Life was good ! Specially the sex !! She was open to all my fantasies.Making out in the public garden at two o clock in the night, on the staircase of a deserted building were my latest favorites. I was leaving for work when she called me from the bedroom. I walked back to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing the white night dress that ended a little above her knees. She usually doesn’t like to wear anything underneath. The thin cloth of dress was tightly hugging all her...

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Violett 5 I Star in a Sex Show

At the age of twenty-two I started getting my kicks through exhibitionism. It started after I landed my first job and moved in with a biker chick who picked me up at a rock concert. She was a tall, muscular blonde, a Nordic war-goddess who worked out twice a day, loved leather and had the strongest tongue I have ever known. She enjoyed showing me off and she bought me these very revealing costumes of satin and suede and then cruised around town with me on the back of her bike. We would go on...

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Going Down on the Up Escalator

Sometimes people get in such a rush that they simply forget to look at the small details and find themselves in situations that should have been able to avoid with ease. That was certainly the case of young Tess McAllister who normally was a level-headed and cautious young lady of excellent and proper up-bringing. However, this was a special Friday evening and she was in a hurry to get to the main ballroom on the mezzanine floor before the dance party officially started. Before getting...

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The time of my life with Donna

Jack is a player and him and Donna have been hooking up all semester ,just for the sex. She also has a boyfriend but he is too far away to take care of her needs. I also have a girlfriend back home and I am in the same situation ,she is also too far from school. Now Donna is the one horny chick, she tends to go after the new students fucking them until she finds the one she wants. Jack was one of her favorites and pretty much stopped looking for any one else. I could understand because if...

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my fantasy of a great time watching my wife in the

My wife Amber has often claimed that she doesn’t particularly like sex often, but uses it just to play. When you see her, you understand why it is so easy for her. Amber is about 5’7’’, has big brown eyes and long gorgeous legs. Her large breasts are tipped with unusually large nipples that get very long when they are hard. She knows the effect of those breasts and always hard nipples, especially combined with her size 4 waist and perky butt and always wears clothes that exhibits her attributes...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 11 Father Mcrsquogillicutty Lives

I was ready to fall in love with her, remembering or not. She was something! Stimulus: I looked at Sylvia and Maria thinking about my lovers and all the fun we’d been having. I didn’t know I was special in any sexual way, the special woman pleasuring way, the furnace man my candy lady relationship gave rise to. I was just a shy person doing the dirty job no different from what I’d grown up as. But memories surged, and they were compelling yet kind of creepy. /s/21507/1964-the-dairy-of I...

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