A Temporal Shiver free porn video

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Drisana paced the promenade nervously. Three weeks ago, she had been on Earth enjoying a simple walk through the northern Utah mountain side. She never could have planned on what happened next. On her way back down the mountain side, a sudden overwhelming dizziness overcame her, followed by the feeling of being pulled in a direction she never even knew existed. Then, she blacked out. When she came to, she was in a large metal holding cell, dimly lit except for some reddish lighting that seemed to come from the floor and ceiling, but no light source could be immediately seen. She was interrogated by humans-or people who at least looked human, as well as by some beings she never ever dreamt existed.

It took her interrogators a solid week by her count to realize she did not have a translator implant, and another week for her to get adjusted to it enough to understand what was said to her. The questions once she could understand them were fairly basic, and once they realized she was not a threat, that she had in fact been pulled through a temporal anomaly, they released her and gave her own quarters and a small stipend of money until she could figure out what to do with her life as she would never be allowed to go back, even if she could-she had seen too much and could change the timeline.

Not only had the temporal anomaly take her more than four hundred years into the future, but it had pulled her to a section of space that in her day was not even known to exist. She had landed at a space station on the end of the Gamma quadrant called Deep Space Nine, or DS9 for short. It wasn’t long before the entire space station knew about her, if not her name.

The humans and bajorans on the station tried to be as friendly towards her as possible, but she could sense the guardedness in which they talked to her, that the friendliness was fake. Drisana had never felt so alone in her life. It was during one of these depressing self-reflections of her new life, sitting in a small bar called Quark’s that was run by a Ferengi bartender that she finally connected with someone in a most unexpected way.

As she sat at the bar counter, sipping at a light beverage they called synthohol that she happened to overhear a rather interesting and intelligent debate between the merits of two races, Human, and one she had never heard of before-Cardassian.

She turned to look at this hot bed of debate and saw Doctor Julian Bashir, whom she had met once or twice during her interrogation and whom had given her the translator implant needed for communication…and the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on. He was certainly not human but to her eyes he was so much better than human it did not matter. Turning so it wouldn’t appear that she was staring she listened surreptitiously to the conversation they were having and discovered he was a Cardassian, exiled to this space station and that he owned his own business as the station’s number one Tailor.

Later that night in her quarters Drisana dreamt of the attractive Cardassian. Wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers along his elongated neck, down the scaled ridges that ran along the sides of it, or perhaps over the light ridges that made up his eye brows and the light plating over his nose bridge. She started awake from her dream, half engulfed in the passionate sensuality of the dream and half laughing at herself, for being so insane. For all she knew, human females could disgust him.

Still, she did clearly hear he was an exile from his own people, completely alone. While she did wonder what had caused his exile, she was more interested in knowing how he spent his time, wondering if he might just be as lonely as she was.

Pacing her quarters the rest of the night, Drisana decided she would pay a call to his Shoppe first thing in the morning. She had finally decided she had nothing to lose by his rejection, and if nothing else, might end up with what she would consider her first real friend aboard the station. Unable to sleep any further, Drisana prepared a bathe and some very light perfume and laid out her best clothes.

She thought visiting him first thing in the morning might give them a chance to talk before most of his actual business showed up. She looked forward to getting to know the handsome, exiled Cardassian Tailor, no matter what direction the conversation took.

Garak sighed deeply as he slowly opened his eyes and peered at his old-fashioned digital clock above his bed. Another glorious day of being bound alone to this insipid station, complete with fake smiles and courtesies for his customers all the while slowly dying inside from utter loneliness, a feeling he would rarely admit even to himself for fear of sinking into a depression nothing could shake him out of. Pulling himself out of bed and slowly stretching his long neck he headed for the shower and to ready himself for yet another day as the station’s Tailor. Considering he had once been a top spy for the Obsidian Order and an Assassin of considerable talents (though admittedly hidden behind a disguise of being a gardener), he considered this to be without a doubt the bottom rung of his now pathetic existence. Yet, he was in fact an excellent Tailor and did take some small measure of pride, of condolence from that fact.

Garak had just barely unlocked the doors of his business when the familiar buzz of a customer crossing the threshold sounded. Emerging from the back room with his fake smile in place he was about to put on his usual act until he looked at her. He did not know her name, but he did know her background as did the rest of the station. Garak slowed his approach. He had seen her sitting alone in the bar yesterday. He had also longed to join her, but his luncheons with Julian had become such a tradition he didn’t feel it right to break it, not with the only person who had gone out of his way to make any sort of friendship with him. He hated to admit it but those luncheons were one of the few things that kept him able to go on living in his five years of exile that he had thus far endured.

What caused him to slow was not that he had seen her before, but rather what seeing her had done to him that night. Garak had been plagued with sensual and sexual dreams of this human female to the point he awoke half-way through the night to discovered he had soiled his sheets with his own male essence in the passions of his dreams, a problem he had not had since first become a full adult male more than twenty years ago.

He was about to introduce himself, but she spoke first. Her voice was deeper than most human females, but still very feminine with a smoky almost sultry quality to it that made his member jump a bit of its own accord-which he dearly hoped she did not notice as she spoke.

‘My name is Drisana. I am sure you know all about me. Everyone on this station seems to know how I got here. I . . . Well, I was at the bar yesterday and could not help but overhear the conversation between you and Doctor Julian. I um . . . I thought you made some excellent points. I…I’m sorry, I must sound insane but I was wondering if you would mind having dinner with me tonight? I don’t really know anyone and the few I’ve met seem to think I’m fragile or cursed or something-but from the conversation I overheard, I thought well, that you might be different. The truth is I am lonely and could use the company. So….if I haven’t totally scared you off with my bluntness, would you consider it? ‘Drisana rushed the words out, barely pausing to catch her breathe. To her ears, she sounded exactly like she felt-nervous and desperate. She also knew if she were in his shoes she would say no and get out of my store any second. She wouldn’t blame him either. You think spending half the night rehearsing this speech she could have come up with a few better lines!

Garak swallowed hard. Here was the woman who, dreaming of her alone was enough to get him to orgasm. Here was that same woman asking him to ha
ve dinner with her. Him! A Cardassian and an exile at that! He could hardly believe his luck and when he tried to answer her found he had to swallow three or four times before his vocal cords would work properly. His body however had no problem in acting on its own accord. Before he even knew he had done it, he had crossed the distance between them and very gently grasped both her hands in his own. He looked deeply into her dark brown eyes with his own vividly blue ones before finally managing to say in a half-choked voice ‘I would be honored-what time?’

Drisana could hardly believe her ears-he had accepted! Not only that but he was holding her hands, which she couldn’t help but squeeze back just a little in return. ‘1700 hours sound okay?’

Garak nodded and once again hoped his male urges would go unnoticed by her when he felt her squeeze his hands. Finally, after forcing himself to release her, he asked ‘By the way-where shall I meet you?’

Drisana blushed-how could she of overlooked such an important detail? ‘How about we meet for drinks on the promenade, just outside Quark’s place? I’d love to hear some of those interesting conversations you have with the good doctor- Or about them, anyway. By the way-I never did catch your name. Shall I ask around or will you tell me?’ She grinned in what she hoped would be taken as a light tease. But she really did crave to know his name more than anything else.

Now it was Garak’s turn to feel embarrassed-of all the things he never forgot to do, introducing himself was at the top. That he had managed to forget to do this simple thing that he did every day was almost too much for him. ‘My name is Elim Garak. But everyone just calls me Garak. You however can call me as you wish.’ He grinned at her in what he hoped would be interpreted in a flirtatious way and was well rewarded by her slight cheek blush. Drisana smiled back ‘Garak it is then. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends.’ She then turned and walked, rather hurriedly, out of his Shoppe.

Garak walked back to his counter and leaned against it for a moment. His whole body was tingling and his palms sweated, not to mention his well-endowed member was standing at full attention. He hurried to his back room to relieve himself as quickly as possible. Not out of pleasure but simply so he could go on with business. It would hardly do his business any good for a customer to see him in such a state of extremely impassioned masculinity.

Drisana walked to the promenade and sat by a fountain, splashing its cool, crisp water over her face and on the back of her neck. She had managed to secure a date-one date, with Garak. There was no good reason to feel such infatuation with the Tailor . . . at least not yet. They had barely had one conversation. Still, she looked forward to dinner with Garak in a way that she had not looked forward to anything, past or present, in years.

What she could not foresee was how Garak was feeling at the same moment, that this was the first time in his five years of exile that he actually felt any sort of true happiness-even to the point of being happy he was trapped on this station even if it meant being a lowly tailor for the rest of his life if it also meant being trapped together with the very sort of woman he had always dreamed of having, a woman he could only ever dream would show any interest in him at all.

Garak was going to take no chances on this date. He planned to close his Shoppe early and bribed the Ferengi owner, Quark, well to help ensure everything went well. There was a private table on the third floor of the bar, and a lineup of the best drinks of human preference. Garak even went so far as to ensure instrumental music that had hidden within it highly exotic and sexual subliminal messages playing during the entire dinner. He even ensured her food was made from scratch-no replicator cuisine mishaps would do.

In the meantime, he read her profile from the security office. Illegal of course, but worth the risk in his opinion just to find out her every like and dislike. He wanted nothing more than to give her the most pleasurable night she had ever had.

Drisana…her name drifted throughout his mind all day and into the evening. The time was drawing near for his date with her. Still, he could not help day dreaming of her and the mixed pleasures he hoped to share with her eventually, the two of them becoming as one. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to pleasure himself to the thoughts of her-middle of the work day or not. He was relieved when he closed his Shoppe early and went to change into something more suitable, even choosing musky cologne to wear along his lower neck ridges, having read she loved the smell of a now extinct plant called Patchouli but whose oil could still be replicated. He hoped she would enjoy it.

All Garak could think of as he changed his attire was of her-he wanted her, and not as a one night stand. He wanted her forever. He even day dreamed of her helping him in his Shoppe-what would be their Shoppe. Even children, different ages, some looking like him, others more like her. He was sick from loneliness and felt only she could ever fill his need for companionship.

Garak knew he could help her too-he could employ her, that would give them time together, to work together and perhaps play together when business was slow-the back room was there, after all. More than that-he could love her, he could offer her his total loyalty and devotion. He had never felt this way about any female, Cardassian or otherwise, in his life.

All he had to do to make his dream reality was to win her heart. It became Garak’s goal from that point forward. He would have her.

The time approached and he left his quarters, dressed to the nines and smelling lightly of the musky scent of patchouli oil. Soon, very soon, he would be having dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world.

Oh, how the other occupants of the bar would stare at him. Garak, the exiled Cardassian, having dinner not just with a female which would shock them all enough, but with a human female and not any human female at that but the first and only one to ever transverse a temporal anomaly without a vessel and also what was probably the most beautiful human female on the station. Or so he thought of her at least.

Garak thought of her form.

Drisana was about six feet tall barefoot, tall for a female of her species, but he liked that. It meant he wouldn’t have to bend to kiss her every time he wished to show her affection. She was also heavier than the other human females. Not fat, but thickly built. Large thighs and a round solid rear, a small waist and decent sized breasts that were naturally perky (no detail of her chest or thighs had gone unnoticed by his perceptive glacier blue eyes). She had what used to be called an Amazonian build and an hourglass shape. He found he loved the combination. It suited him.

Drisana was strong yet feminine, tall and graceful in her walk and above all carried her head high-her long neck almost reminded him of a Cardassian female, minus the ridges. Her skin was pale moon white, so pale it almost glowed and her hair was long, a deep brownish red and done in a very old style that matched the rest of her perfectly.

She had worn on her visit to him a simple black t-shirt as they had been called, black thick cotton jeans, a black leather belt with silver studs, and black lace up boots. Her outfit was almost military but the almost too-tight t-shirt, showing the firmness of her breasts as it did, give away her civilian disposition. As he made his way to the promenade, he prayed-though he wasn’t sure to whom or why he felt the need to do so. All he knew was his prayer was sincere. ‘Drisana’ Garak prayed, ‘Let me love you.’

* * * * * * * *

Garak was delighted to see her waiting for him near the fountain of the promenade before Quark’s establishment. So nervous he was not even sure he could stomach a
single bite of the dinner, he forced himself to walk casually towards her. Drisana smelled him before she saw him, her back was turned to him, but that familiar scent of patchouli drew her attention-and was delighted to see whom it was coming from. Garak was dressed in what she would call a tunic cut top, black with a gold trim at the throat in a rectangular pattern. His pants were of the same soft yet firm material, black with small pleats that ran vertically all the way down and black boots with thick, solid rubber heels. Drisana had, in other words, never seen a more well-dressed or attractive man in her life…and she was about to have dinner with him.

Drisana dearly wished she had had something better to wear, something to match his regalia. All she could manage was a silk purple tank top and a short black skirt with knee-length black leather boots. She didn’t have much in the way of a wardrobe yet so she had hoped this would suffice.

She felt completely out-classed by his outfit but, reminding herself of his profession, decided not to try and compete with him on that aspect and merely hoped he would find it acceptable. Garak, on the other hand-could not take his eyes off of her legs or the tops of her breasts as he approached her. Try as he might to look her in the eyes, to not betray his lust for her his eyes wandered continuously to the bare skin of her thighs and the vertical V-neck slope of her sleeveless tank top that somehow seemed to make her skin glow of its own accord. Swallowing again, he extended his arm to her as he had watched many humans males do to their dates. ‘Shall we enter?’ He tried to sound as casual as possible, not wanting to overpower her or frighten her away from him.

Drisana nodded, accepting his arm and together, they walked into Quark’s bar. Just as Garak had expected, the bar all but fell silent at the sight of them, of the fact she was walking with her arm entwined in his. Drisana on the other hand just kept wondering if her outfit was breaking some Bajoran law she hadn’t been told of and hoped it wouldn’t cause any trouble. She was glad when he led the way to a private table on the third floor landing of the bar.

She didn’t like the staring glances of the patrons, thinking they were judging her. Drisana had no idea that the real reason they stared was because of her choice of company. The bribe Garak had given Quark paid off splendidly-the drinks arrived almost once they were seated. The first thing Garak had ordered for her was a Sumerian sunset-a crystal clear drink -or so it appeared-she had brought it to her lips and was about to taste it when he stopped her, placing his hand gently over its top and lowering it a bit from her mouth. ‘Watch’ he said, and with a fingertip, flicked the glass rim lightly, making the sound ring beautifully. The liquid in the glass changed colors-exactly like watching a miniature sunset-reds, oranges, pinks, even a hint of blue.

Once it settled down to a solid orange Garak took his hand away and motioned for her to drink it. Drisana sipped at it slowly, more mesmerized by the beauty of the drink than its taste-which while good, was nothing compared to its visual effect. Drisana gazed at Garak after finishing the last drop of it. ‘That was very good. I think I like it for its beauty more though.’ She smiled at him, unabashedly. She was right-Garak was great company. She could tell he had gone to a lot of trouble for her, and wanted to show she appreciated it.

Garak could not contain himself. He tried to at first, swallowing his drink as she did, making light conversation, showing her how to properly enjoy a Sumerian sunset…but when she smiled at him like that his physical impulse overrode any reasoning he had, any reservations about not rushing this. Looking back at her smile, he did not smile-but looked deeply into her eyes and very subtly, very gently, placed his hand upon her bare left thigh and held it there.

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Wish Shift: Chapter Nineteen Crossing the Rubicon Year 1 A.S. Day 103 Bob's was a little bit busy this morning for a Thursday. Derek had picked Jenny up at her house at the regular time for her appointment, but they still had more than an hour or so to kill when they walked into the restaurant. Bob waved to Jenny and Derek as they came in the door, but he didn't come over. There were too many people cycling through the place at the moment. Jenny was pretty sure that if he got a...

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Tushy Whitney Wright I Think I Can Help

Whitney has been working as a personal assistant to a big Hollywood producer and her boss expects the best of everyone around him. She is one of his biggest fans and has always been so attracted to him. She’s kept this under wraps, but on this occasion, when he has been nominated for best picture, he is a favourite to win, and he is strangely showing a little vulnerability. Whitney is willing to support him in any way she can, and when she sees now nervous he is, she lets him know she can...

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Halloween Party

Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...

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I thought you said you Werent Gay PT2

When I arrived at the state prison the inmates were waiting for me. The inmate g****vine is everywhere, and inmates I had been in county jail with had carried the news of my coming, my sissy name, and who I belonged to. DeShawn wouldn't be coming to the prison until after his trial, so he had sold me to a member of his gang - a black man named Batuco. When the guards walk a new inmate to his new tier, the inmate is stripped nude, handcuffed, and walked by the arm by a guard to his cell. The...

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Mothers New BoarderChapter 5

The shadows of dusk fell across the warm, ocean-side community, and though there was enough light to see outside with, the sun just setting with streamers of orange and red, Marleen turned on the lamps of the shop. It had been a slow day, allowing her to contemplate life and her small segment of it, and worse, she'd allowed herself a few "medicinal" sips of brandy over the hours, and she stood teetering behind the counter, having just thrown the once-new, now-empty fifth of brandy into...

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Truck Stop RendezVois

“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A 36 year old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men. I’m what you would call...

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Thias MemoryChapter 7

Shane drove through the big gates that led to his parent's house. He'd always thought that this house was too big for the five of them, then the four of them when his dad passed away. Back when his dad was alive he was a very rich man, owned a big computer firm, and inherited Shane's grandfather's money, who was a very rich man too. When Shane was old enough to realize how rich they were and also to realize that some of his friends and mostly all his girlfriends were pretending to be...

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Cougar Condo

“Oh no,” was the reply. Stephanie Van Deven put her towel out in the chaise lounge and then laid down on it. She was working on her tan the natural way. She looked great, tan but not too dark, her snow white bikini with light blue dots showing off two beautiful tits. She was proud of her forty year old body that she had worked hard to maintain, her willowy curvy legs just looked just as good in a bathing suit as they did in a short skirt. Her very light brown hair had some blond high...

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How I Spent My Summer

Author's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...

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FuckingAwesome Sofi Ryan The Photo Shoot

In The Photo Shoot sexy Sofi Ryan just moved to Los Angeles where, between her job at the law firm, nights out at the club, and all of the different men she’s been dating, her life has become very hectic. There was only one place where Sofi felt completely relaxed and that was with her friend, Ramon Nomar, a photographer whom she had recently met at a studio opening. Ramon would have Sofi over for private photoshoots, letting her relax and be herself as she posed seductively for him. It was...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 11

On returning to our quarters to change clothes, Seamus and I were greeted by Cessair and Dealla, who were in an exuberant mood. "You missed the big event!" they told us joyfully. "Big event?" Seamus and I asked. "The mare delivered her foal this morning while you were gone," Cessair told us with a big smile. "We helped!" Dealla added happily, also with a smile. "You have to come to the stable and see her," Cessair told us, insistently. "Maybe we should change clothes before...

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WinnerChapter 2

So I climbed up the cement steps toward the three men who were sitting back in the shade of the pavilion roof. I was aware that my knee hurt and worked hard for it not to show. The one in the middle was short, smooth-faced and looked about twenty years old. He had a lot of slicked-back hair that enveloped his ears, and wore frameless sunglasses and a watch with a dial made from a silver dollar. The other two appeared to be twice his size and age, but they were very deferential to the younger...

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JulesJordan Amia Miley Amia Miley Is Such A Tease In POV

Sexy brunette Amia Miley makes you feel like you’re fucking her in this hardcore POV scene. Amia’s got it all going on, athletic hard body, ass for days, perfect perky tits, and pouty lips that can’t wait to have a cock shoved in between them. She shows off that body in tight purple lingerie as she teases Manuel out by the pool. Manuel has a hard time controlling himself around such a hot chick as he convinces her to take off all her lingerie and show off that sexy body of...

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Anal ruin

anet was a cute girl, 20 years old. She had long dark hair, a bit more than average sized breasts and was about 5 feet, 6 inches.When she was 15 she discovered the pleasure of inserting objects into her pussy and ass. It all started with curiosity, some candles, cucumbers, apples. At the age of 18 she had her first boyfriend who acknowledged her skills and well-trained holes and started to teach her how to take a man's fist in the ass. It took about 3 months but he finally managed to get his...

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A Day on the Dunes

My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand Dunes to do some dirt-bike riding.This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father {My ex.} had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son.Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with him...

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First Time Sex With Sleeping Girl

Hi everyone this is mike here this is a series of my story there are main three characters as follows Mike- with 7-inch cock Jessy- 35-30-36 Rani-30-28-30 Soniya-28-28-28 We all work together and stay in the same house this story is about how sex fired between us. In this part, I’m going to tell the story of how I found Sonia fucking her boyfriend. That day I and Jessy went to office but as I forgot my id card I had to get back home as I have my own key I opened the house and found no one to...

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Bitch For Bull

Let me shed some light on my background. I am a police head constable Jagadambika. My husband’s name is Krishnan. He is an insurance agent. I have a son, Surya. He is doing his bachelor’s degree in a nearby college. I was a traditionalist woman until this happened in my life. Let me start the story. One day I came home after long hours of duty. I found my son with contusions and cuts all over his face. He was crying. I was dismayed by seeing him like that. My husband was cleaning my son’s...

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CherryPimps Laney Grey Making Bad Decisions

Laney Grey is all about making a sex tape, but her partner, Charles Dera, is a doctor. He can’t let anyone see that! He wouldn’t want to get in trouble or anything. Laney insists, and knows how to manipulate him into doing the naughty things she wants to do on camera. She caters to his ego, and starts to strip for him, right outside at the pool. She cannot wait to get her lips around his cock, while he films her. Things begin to heat up and he seems to worry a whole lot less about...

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Magic 101Chapter 13

It hit me then. It was like a blow to the back of the head, and I recognized why others, like Lady Eisenham, for instance, thought she was unfeeling. After spending so long with Doctor Atkinson and with his patients, I recognized, at least partially, what was off about Dame Matsuko! She had facial paralysis, at least partially. When I was done reasoning it through in my head, I looked up again, realizing I must have seemed preoccupied. Dame Matsuko was staring at me, her eyes seeming to bore...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 8

Clusters of faceless men sat at tables scattered around a room. Well dressed and arrogant, they drank with a purpose, tossing back their whiskeys and gesturing for more. Most of them were older, with neat manicures and well-groomed steel-gray hair. A few, though, were young. Their eyes hot with lust and jealousy. Stephanie and her mother, wearing identical skimpy outfits, rushed about the room serving drinks. As she passed amongst the men, hands snatched at her legs or pinched her butt. One...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 6

I couldn't believe it! Sarah's surprise for me was Ashley. I ignored the stares of those around me from the broken glass and flew into her arms. "Oh God, I am so happy to see you," I cried. "Me too," she said in tears. "I am so sorry for hurting you," I said. "It was my fault, I am sorry." I couldn't bring myself to let her go. I was so happy to have her back. She wouldn't let go of me either. We hugged each other for what seemed an eternity and finally Sarah had to...

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The Boy Who Lived Science Fiction

Dedication: To my grandchildren, this is how your great-grandfather got me to pass Algebra II. The tale that foretold I once read a story written by the great Science and Science Fiction author, Issac Asimov, about a brother and sister who were home schooled by a learning machine, what we would now call a computer, a PC in other words. But learning was not a happy activity for them. One day, they chanced upon an ancient book which told of educational times long past. How children would go to...

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Three Some And Beyond

Well, I remember once coming home late one night, and I could hear some some deep-moaning and groaning, I peeped round the lounge door, only find my then ex-wife on all-fours hungrily sucking on naked young man’s cock on the sofa, I watched her head bobbing up and down, sucking hard on his well-endowed cock, this was erotic, then, to my suprise I then noticed yet another man, an older looking guy, naked and dark skinned, he walked towards my wife he knelt down and licked her ass and plunged his...

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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 2

I guess now is a pretty good time to mention what I actually did for Rusty. We washed and cleaned every single day (sometimes twice or more a day) every official Casino owned car, bus, van or limo, plus every single car that pulled up in front of the Casino main doors for valet parking. This took a round the clock staff of about twenty folks plus at least ten full time drivers to manage. Despite it being a nominally menial position that was prone to a good bit of manual labor, I came to find...

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Mery Pehley International Flight

Hi friend mera naam samia khan hai or mera taluk islamabad pakistan say hai mein ek private airline mein airhostess ho mera figure 36 24 36 hai or mein international flights mein hotey hoo yeh bhe mery first international flight ki kahani hai jub mein islamabad say UK janay wali ek flight mein apni duty anjam dey rahy thein flight mein zayada tar forieghner thein unhe mein aik admi jiska taluk may be UK say he tha mjhay ghor raha tha or flight k takeoff karnay k baad Bahnay bahany say bula kar...

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Willing Ready and Able

I’ve had the same basic fantasy over and over again for a while now. It seems wrong, simply because of the nature of the fantasy, but I guess when you’re asleep, you don’t really have any control over what you dream now do you? My dream always begins the same way. I am walking home, my beginning location changes each time, whether it be from work or a night out with the girls or a night out shopping; but I’m always dressed the same; a short jean skirt, a tight tank top (the color varies) and...

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My Sick Day 2

Hello, I am Zeeshan from Canada and this is a continuation of my earlier story titled ‘My Sick Day’. As I and Parveen played with each other in my bed, mother was working upstairs. I had no idea how I would get Parveen to her home in time, without her being caught by my mother or her family becoming suspicious. Since I and Parveen had already committed a ‘crime’ we found it fitting to commit another one. My room was in the basement and it was set in such a way that it was divided into half by...

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Daddys Princesses

"There are going to be new rules in this house "There are going to be new rules in this house." Frank sat on the edge of his bed and stared at his two beautiful daughters. Molly had long brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She had a flat stomach and nice size 32C boobs. Her ass wasn't that big but it was nice and round and perky. Mary's on the contrary, was nice and big, perfect for spanking. She had short dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were twins, but certainly...

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Neighbor8217s Friend Harish

Hello readers, I am Minati (Name changed)living in posh south Mumbai , aged 40 married for the past twenty n years. I am a housewife with two children. One son and another is daughter. Son age is 19 and daughter age is 17. My husband runs his independent TRUCK BISUNESS. I possess almost every worldly comfort one can ask for. My house is big beautiful independent house, caring family, wardrobe full of clothes and jewels and a decent bank balance and financial security. In other words, I live...

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An Unwanted Miracle

Roger sat there in shock, listening at the receiver in his hand but not hearing anything, desperately searching for an excuse, yet none surfaced. It had been a conscious decision, he had known about the possible consequences and had taken the required precautions why had this happened? How had this happened? He hung up on Veronica and relaxed on his bed, allowing himself to dose briefly, fighting to overcome the weariness that had suddenly overcome him. Finally he drifted off into a deep...

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NuruMassage Alina Lopez My Wifes Sister

Alina Lopez comes back from vacation to be greeted by her sister and her husband, Derrick Pierce. She’ll be staying with them temporarily but Alina can’t linger too long or she’ll be late for work. When the girls leave the room, Derrick spots something popping out of her purse. Curious, he grabs the paper and reads it. When he finds out that his sister-in-law works at a sensual massage parlor, he can’t resist the urge to pay her a visit. Meanwhile, at work, Alina is...

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No matter who it is, everyone always has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I'm no different, and at my place of work... her name is Candace. She's twenty-three years old, but has the slender and sexy body of an eighteen year old. With her long black hair and pouty lips, she's a sight to behold and a woman that I am sure most men would jump without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her working at her own, wondering what it would be like to wave my...

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Several times I tried Anal sex

He licked me, playing with my nipples, teasing and stimulating me. He controlled my pleasure in determining the pace and intensity. Heading excited me more and my pussy clenched and dripped with desire. "Show me," he said, "let me see You wet." I pushed to his feet , and he looked at me. I felt exposed and a little embarrassed, but wanted to follow his example. He reached out and took my hands. - No. "Show me," he repeated, putting his hands on my pussy. "Show me how wet you are". He looked me...

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Alyssas Sweet Ass

Growing up with a younger sister came with its perks and its annoyances. It was convenient having a younger sibling to poke fun at and manipulate into doing chores for me. I also rather enjoyed having someone other than my parents enthusiastically cheering for me at hockey games, wearing old jerseys of mine to show her support. She was my biggest fan when we were kids. Youth hockey is pretty all-consuming during the winter where we grew up. She happily followed along from town to town, hotel to...

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Shelly Ki Chudai Kri

Hi I am harshit and I am from Delhi story pr start krne se pehle pehle me aapko apne or shelly k baare me bta deta hu me 18yrs ka hu or good looking or smart hu or an me aapko apni sex partner k baare me btata huu wo ek randi se bhi bdiya mza deti hai uski age 20yrs hai or smart hai uskii gaand ek dum tight or moti hai jab wo chlti hai to ski gaand zor zor se hilti hai or tight jeans me to uski gaand bhosda lgti hai ar uske mome aise uchalte hai jaise baket ball ho agar koi bhi usse dekh le to...

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