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Eyes closed, my nostrils wafted in long ago memories.


I lifted my head from the bouquet, and glared at Tom. “OK son. There’s no cause to shout, I’m not deaf.”

“Sorry Dad,” he hushed, “I forgot.” The pretence of my deafness has existed for so many years that he forgets from time to time.

He gestured towards the florist. “Do you want to choose a card to go with the flowers?”

The woman behind the counter fanned a bundle of cards for Tom’s attention. Clearly, based on his treatment of me, she’d decided I was an ancient imbecile, with him acting as my guardian.

I scowled at her and snatched the handful of cards. “I’m not stupid, young lady.”

My choice was immediate, one with an oil painting of a bluebell wood. Diane would appreciate my selection; it was appropriate, even though it was over forty years late.

I removed the Parker pen from my blazer pocket and wrote the message. There were so many more words I would have loved to write, but there was no point. Decades of regret had passed, never to be recovered.

While Tom scowled with characteristic impatience, I allowed far more time than was necessary for the ink to dry.

“And the address, Mr Grantley?”

“The Parkway Hospital. I presume you have the details.”

She ignored my sarcasm. “Yes, we deliver regularly. Who are they for?”

Her name smoothed over my tongue. “Clarissa Cavendish.”

Tom’s head jerked around; by contrast, the florist didn’t react. I assumed she was in the habit of delivering bouquets to celebrities at the region’s most prestigious private hospital.

During the time I wrote the cheque for the bouquet, I was conscious his attention was fixed on me.

When I finished, I turned to him. “Ready, son?”

He hadn’t shown so much interest in me since he was a youngster. “Yes, Dad. We’ll be off then.”

“Good Day, Madam,” I said, as I tipped my hat. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Her goodbye was uncertain as Tom held open the door for my exit.

I slid into the passenger seat of my Bentley. From the time I was diagnosed with a heart problem, my doctor will neither accept bribes nor coercion to allow me to drive. Blasted man! He’s in far worse condition than me, yet he still runs around in his Jaguar.

Tom started the engine. “Home?”

Fatuous question. He would never consider taking me anywhere else. He can’t be rid of my burden quick enough. I grunted my assent.

Tom pulled into the stream of High Street traffic and casually remarked, “Clarissa Cavendish?”

“Yes,” I stabbed at him, “what of her?”

“I wasn’t aware you knew her.” His voice was quiet, my pretend deafness ignored. For years, my supposed hearing problem allowed us to travel in silence, a situation we were both at ease with.

“I know that, Tom. I never told you.”

He gave me a sideways grimace. “Are you going to tell me now?”

“I doubt it would be of interest to you ... or anyone for that matter.”

Tom smoothed the Bentley into the car park of The Greswolde Hotel. “We are both referring to the actress, aren’t we?”

“You know perfectly well that we are. Her arrival at the hospital was on the evening news last night.”

He parked and swivelled sideways so he all but faced me. “I am interested. Very!”

I shrugged.

“You want a drink, Dad?”


He smiled at me, which was a rarity. “Yes,” he offered.

He knew my weakness is cognac, more so since my idiot doctor banned it.

I followed Tom into the hotel. Like me, he’s a lanky beanpole except, since my retirement a year earlier, the inactivity caused me to add ten pounds.

In the lounge, we allowed our bodies to settle into the depths of the leather armchairs.

“We can’t drink on empty stomachs.” He handed me a menu. “Lunch?”

“Thank you, Tom. That will be good.”

While we perused the menus, an attractive waitress arrived. She appeared to be in her early twenties, all smiles and eager to please.

“What would you like, Dad?”

“A sandwich will suit me.” I attempted to gain the attention of the waitress who hadn’t seemed to notice my existence. It was obvious her interest was in Tom’s handsome features. I coughed loudly. “Miss!”

With a lack of enthusiasm, her gaze abandoned his Paul Newman blue eyes as she turned to me with a false smile.

“Tuna,” I growled and added a reluctant, “please.”

“I’ll have the same,” Tom added, as he sleeked a tanned hand through his premature grey hair. “And two Armagnacs ... make them large.”

“Certainly, Sir.” She gave him a final cherub smile and left.

He settled back into his seat and smirked. “Well Dad, you are the dark horse.”

I grunted. “You can dispense with the wise cracks. Do you want me to tell you?”


“Very well, except I must have your assurance you will not repeat a word of it.”

His dark eyebrows raised and, although he was clearly intrigued, he kept his silence, except to provide me with a hesitant agreement.

“It happened just before the end of the war, in the spring of ‘44.”

“Hmm, forty six years ago.”

“Yes, almost exactly. It was in April ... the sixth.”

“You recall the exact date of this ... event?” He studied my features. “Something momentous then?”

“It involved Diane. Clarissa is not her real name. You realise that?”

Tom smiled and nodded. “April 1944. That’s when you met her?”

“No, we knew one another before.” My memory recalled the initial excitement when I first saw her, but I pulled myself back to the present. “Well, that’s not strictly correct. I knew her, but I doubt she ever noticed me. To be frank, I had a serious crush on her, even before that day. Not that I would have dared to tell her, for one thing, she was eighteen months older.”

“My guess is, she still is.”

I ignored Tom’s infantile humour. “The war was great for youngsters. It was a week after my fifteenth birthday. We were too young to realise how bad things were for the adults; for us, it was a great adventure. In those days, it was safe for children to roam, there was freedom to explore bomb sites and...”

I tailed off as I looked up and saw his stone face.

“Yes, I know. I’m off on a tangent.”

Our lunch arrived and we sipped our brandies.

“You may not remember Bill’s Wood. You were still a baby when we left Shirley and moved to Dorridge. Wartime, the wood was far larger. My best friend was Steve, Steve Potts. You wouldn’t know him, we drifted apart many years ago.”

Steve, dear chum. Why didn’t we stay in touch?

My eyes misted over. “I went to his funeral last November ... up in Nottingham.”

Tom glared at me once more.

“Sorry, son. I’m rambling.”

“That day, Steve and I were in Bill’s Wood. We frequented a pond, it wasn’t very large, but big enough to swim five strokes from one end to the other. We used it because most of the kids preferred the larger one, half a mile away. Although early April, it was a warm day and we were swimming. Naked.

“We splashed about and laughed and, I presume it was our noise that meant we didn’t see her.”


“Yes.” Oh, that name. Such melody. Diane, Diane.

“She wore a pale blue dress, a denim coloured cotton, buttoned at the front from top to bottom. She had sandals and ankle socks ... white. The dress was old, not tattered, but faded.” She was so beautiful.

“She laughed at us, a teasing snigger. ‘Where are your clothes, lads?’

“It was instinctive to look to the spot on the grass where we’d left two bundles of clothing. They’d gone.

“Steve was the first to respond, he waded through the water, but skidded in the thick mud on the bank. Despite that, he was soon back on his feet and after her.

“I was out of the water in a search for our clothes. It took a minute before I located them, bundled behind a nearby oak. While I’d been in a rummage through the undergrowth, Steve had shouted for me. I pulled on my short trousers – no pants, and followed his voice.

“I found them fifty yards down the trail. He had her pinned against a tree, although it was obvious he was about to lose her. Steve and I were at the age just prior to sprouting, whereas she was sixteen and a good eight inches taller. We were all slim, there were few fat kids during wartime, but Diane was that bit stronger. However, against the two of us, she had no chance, and we soon frog marched her back to the pond.

‘What should we do with her, Will?’

‘How should I know?’

‘Whatever you do, you mustn’t mud bath me.’ Her pale blue eyes stared into mine. I swear she blushed a little.

‘Good idea, ‘ agreed Steve, as he struggled to wrestle her to the ground.

“I helped him, while wondering why she’d suggested her own reprisal. It didn’t make sense.

“Diane lay on the grass, her arms pinned down by Steve, while I part sat and part lay along her legs.

‘Now what?’ I queried. ‘How do we get mud and stop her from escaping?’

“Steve stared at the pond, ten feet away. ‘Will, can you hold her while I get the muck?’

‘I suppose.’ I shrugged. ‘I’m bigger than you, so best for me to give it a try.’ I leaned forward until my torso rested on hers. ‘Go on, quick before she tries to escape.’

“While Steve scooped up a double handful of mud, I rested full length on Diane. I was amazed. She didn’t struggle, but lay dormant as though afraid to move. My head rested beside hers and I could feel the warmth of her soft breath on my cheek.

“When Steve returned, I sat up and repositioned myself until I straddled her hips, my thighs acting as a gentle restraint.

“He looked down at us, as mud drips splattered on the grass. ‘What do we do now? Sprawl it over her?’ His eyes pleaded with me. ‘Will?’

“Diane twisted her head until she could see him. ‘Steve Potts, if you ruin my dress, my mum will flay you alive.’

“Steve’s eyes began to bat. Not only did they open and close in rapid succession, but his face scrunched up with each eye movement.

‘Calm down, Steve. She’s kidding you.’

“He looked ready to cry. ‘What can we do, Will?’

‘Suppose we pull off her dress.’ As I uttered the words, I was nearly sick. I couldn’t believe I’d dared to say them.

“Her face was impassive. Astounded by her indifference at my outrageous suggestion, I asked, ‘Diane, is that OK?’ It was a stupid question.

“There was no reply, yet I was sure I detected a faint smile which seemed to inform me she was in agreement.

“Steve and I exchanged glances, undecided as to our next action.

“Diane began to unbutton her dress, while we stared in awe. Halfway down, with her hands mere inches from my crutch, she gazed up at me.

“From her expectant look, I guessed what she wanted and moved out of her way. I slid down and knelt astride her, with my lower limbs and her thighs in tender contact.

“She tugged up the light fabric, pulled it around her waist and released the remaining buttons. Without hesitation, she pulled the dress apart so the two halves lay on the grass. Diane stretched out on her dress, seemingly relaxed despite her exposure. Her bra and panties were white cotton, simple and basic – sexless by comparison with modern lingerie. To me, it was the most incredible sight I’d seen.

“I near fainted at what she did next.

“She arched her body from the ground and her hands slipped behind her back. With a quick flick, she pulled the bra loose and tossed it onto the grass. ‘My mum would kill me if you ruined it.’ She winked at me and I sensed the burning of my face.

“My heart clambered into my mouth and I gazed in awe of her. I’d never seen breasts and hers were exquisite, with the palest of pink tips.

“Steve’s eyes explored her body. They still batted open and shut, and a nervous twitch of his head added to his ludicrous appearance. He allowed the lumps of mud to fall from his grasp and they splattered onto her chest with the sound of gentle slaps. He grabbed her wrists and forced them to the ground. ‘Go on then, ‘ he gestured to me. ‘Rub it in.’

‘Why me?’ I protested.

‘Cause I’m holding her arms.’

“She lay motionless. It didn’t appear she required any constraint. It was as though Diane was eager to get a mud bath. Nevertheless, I accepted his logic, swallowed deep and forced my hands towards her bosom.

“As much as possible, I avoided physical contact with her chest as I retrieved handfuls of mud. It was smeared over her, and beginning at her stomach, my strokes layered the sludge with firm pressure.

‘Will, not so hard, ‘ she hushed. ‘Be gentle with me.’

“The reprimand was given in such a soft whisper, it excited me in a way I couldn’t comprehend.

“With care, I smoothed the mud over her stomach and midriff until my hands were poised below her breasts. I examined her face. Was it a dare? She nodded her approval as though she could read my mind. I felt the need to form an additional barrier between my massage and her audacious breasts, and asked Steve for another helping from the bank.

“He returned and, that time, avoided her body as he deposited a massive load onto the grass. It splashed down and large gobs showered the girl and I.

“Steve grabbed hold of her wrists and sat cross-legged.

“I scooped up a handful and smeared it over her breasts. I spread it into her skin and in a short while, the muck was no longer sticky. The more it smoothed over her, it became thinner, turning soft and silky like her skin. Within a short time, it was almost water and, through the thin film of dirty liquid, I sensed her nipples as they pressed against my palms. I continued to roll my hands over them, conscious of a curious sensation in my stomach.

“She groaned, a sound that resonated deep within her throat. Not only once, but over and over, like an animal in pain.

“Steve’s eye batting had increased in intensity, but her moans changed that. Wide-eyed, unblinking, he looked at her.

“In addition to the unusual sounds from her open mouth, Diane’s eyes were half closed and her head lolled to the right.

“It was too much for Steve, he abandoned his responsibility and forced himself up onto shaky legs.

‘Hey, ‘ I complained. ‘You let her go.’

‘What was that noise?’ he whispered. ‘Why did she do that?’

‘How should I know?’

“He gathered his clothes and pulled them on while he continued to stare at her. ‘I have to go, ‘ he squealed. ‘You coming?’

“My gaze lowered to Diane. Her eyes were glazed as they bore into mine. She shook her head from side to side as if to deny my absence. I didn’t know why, but there was nothing on earth that could have persuaded me to leave her.

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I spent the rest of the day with my mates. We hit the gym for some r & r working out. Even with her large size Jenny was still doing exercises that her doc had approved. Jenny had another appointment with the doc on Wednesday the birth date was closing fast. After working out we had a quick lunch at the refreshment center. We cleaned the house from top to bottom and even Crash and Marlene helped. Crash kept the trash cans empty and Marlene took a turn at the wash machines and driers....

2 years ago
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Chucks DaughterChapter 4

Cindy kept moaning as he continued to lick for a full minute. Then he pulled down the waist string of her panty, causing the lace over her cunt to be loose. "Are you removing my panty, Mr. Hard-dick?" "Do you want me to?" "No, sir... don't, sir... please..." She couldn't understand why she didn't want her panty removed. "Pleas don't take offence, Mr. Hard-dick." "Okay, Cindy. I won't remove your panty but let me push the front part inside your cunt..." "Why, Sir?" But he...

3 years ago
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Penny Gets Punished

I am standing alone in this damp dark and very cold cellar. It’s creepy. There are cobwebs and all sorts of things I can’t identify. I am frightened – yet at the same time I am so turned on my pussy juices are moistening the small cotton patch of my panties. I am in a bent-over position, my right wrist cuffed to my right ankle and my left wrist cuffed to my left ankle. I am wearing my tall heels, my leather collar and my new satin pink G-string with lace trim. My long brown hair is hanging over...

3 years ago
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My love for the older woman

I've been a fan of older women since I was 16. It was summer 1979 and in my local parkland area was a summer fete. Unusually for Scotland it was a fantastic hot day. I'd managed to get some beers some cigs and a porn mag and I was in hiding in some thick bushes drinking, smoking, reading the porno an watching the goings on at the fete. There was a path close by and every now and then I would here voices as people passed by. But they didn't bother me as I knew I was well hidden. Until I heard...

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6 Chasing CanariesChapter 2

"No, scissors go in the bottom-left drawer," Rhonda said from over Chet's shoulder, while pushing her black framed glasses back up her nose. He was putting away their trainer's gear in what looked like an over-sized fishing tackle box. It was a month after his breakup with Lori. Irregular gusts of wind were carrying bursts of sun brightened reddish-yellow leaves down the length of the field as the football players trooped off to the showers. Chet laughed. "You sound like Ms....

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A Glorious Interview

"Thank you for taking the time to come out and speak with us. We'll give you a call if you are selected."I couldn't help but laugh a little. That was the worst interview I had ever gone on. There was literally zero chance I was getting this job. Why they were pretending they might be calling me was a joke.How bad was it, you ask? It was so bad that they didn't even bother introducing me to the woman I was trying to be the personal assistant for. I spent the entire time talking to an HR person,...

Quickie Sex
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 8 One Flash Leads To So Much

Alice carefully placed the end of the one-foot ruler against her labia. She stood as tall as she could and still hold the ruler in place, and then moved her thumb to edge of the hem on her short skirt. She pulled the ruler up and looked where her thumb was; three inches. The dress had a freeway of three inches between the hem and her beautifully bare pussy. Alice smiled and looked at herself in the mirror again: short electric blue dress – hem higher than mid-thigh, what Dave had started to...

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BrattySis Jazmin Luv My Stepsisters Sexy Thanksgiving

Jazmin Luv is going through a phase of creative expression through her sexuality. It’s an annoyance to her mom, Ryan Keely, and a total shock to her stepbrother, Ricky Spanish. When Ricky shows up for his Thanksgiving meal with Ryan and Jazmin, Jazmin runs to change her outfit. While Jazmin is gone, Ryan warns Ricky not to engage with his stepsister at all. When Jazmin reappears in sheer lingerie decorated to be vaguely thematic, Ricky does his best to follow Ryan’s instructions....

3 years ago
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Trading Places Ch 2

©June 2002 by Bob Peale ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Author’s Note: This story was originally distributed in 7 chapters. If you missed the other installments, check my author’s page. This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached, as long as no charge is made for it and it isn’t changed in any way. If it is archived or displayed, it is done so with the understanding that the...

4 years ago
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Bhua Ki Chudai Meri Virginity Lost

Hi friends.!! M Raushan from bihar. M 18 years old. Jyada baate ba krte hua mai story pe aata hu. Ye sachi ghatna hai. Koi khani ni hai. Hope you all will enjoy. Kuch din phle tk mai virgin tha. Pr jb meri mom ki tabiyat kuch kharab hui to meri bhua unki madad krne aayi thi. Papa ko hospital me hi mom ke saath rhna prta tha. To mai aur bhuaji ghr me akele the to saath me hi sote the. Mera koi glt intension kvi ni tha unke liea. Unki figure thi 30 36 30. Ek din jb meri nind khuli to mai dekha ki...

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Cheerleading Coach

The bleachers were always heaviest in front of Marcie, though she anchored one end position. Her section was heavily weighted with boys of all ages. That didn't bother her too much. Cheerleaders aren't bashful, and a weighted section away from the fifty-yard line was the sincerest form of flattery. Being placed on the end to spread out the crowd was official recognition. She didn't mind the attention or being used as a crowd spreader, it was the grown men sitting in groups that bothered...

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Soiled Panties

Wendy and Bill had been married almost seven years now and Wendy loved Bill with all her heart.   He was everything she wanted in a man.   He provided well for her, they had a nice home and he earned a good living.   This allowed her work only part time.   Bill worked very long hours and in return Wendy happily took care of the house.   She viewed her ten hour a week job as mostly fun and a way to get out and see people.   They had close friends that they enjoyed seeing and socializing...

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Worlds Oldest RookieChapter 8 Keeping My Distance

We wrapped up the home stand, still winning, and were on the road again by late Thursday. I hadn't seen Maria since picnic night, three days earlier. That had been deliberate on my part. If you don't know what to do with a girl, the best thing to do with her is nothing. We had the White Sox, then the Twins, and then Detroit before we would be back in Baltimore for a lengthy series of games at home before the All-Star break. I hadn't gotten the call to pitch in several days, but it didn't...

1 year ago
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Lisa the Geek

At the age of sixteen I was a high school sophomore thirsting for sex.  I was good looking and owned a car.  I dated a lot of girls.  But never had my eager fingers stroked a girl's breast.  Never had my hand been allowed beneath a girl's skirt.  Dates turned out to be make out sessions, after which I would go home and masturbate.It was late in the school year when Lisa Franks transferred to our school from York, Pennsylvania.  She was tall, thin and stoop-shouldered.  She had stringy, unkempt...

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The English Teacher 3

--- THE ENGLISH TEACHER 4 ---The sun, that had been in Mr. khan’s eyes just seconds ago, was shaded by a figure with long wavy locks.“Hey there, Mr. khan.” The figure straddled him on the lawn chair, and then moved his Forbes magazine out of the way. He recognized her immediately, and the easy smile on her face was all too familiar.“kavita? What do you want?” His eyes darkened to an intense blue and he ran his gaze over the two little metallic bronze triangles that covered her breasts.She...

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Happy Birthday Dear Wampyr Part I

‘369, The Goose Drank Wine, The Monkey Chewed Tobacco On The Streetcar line…’ It was her birthday. The Dark Lord rose, the old rhyme humming in his head as he scented her upon the night air. The scent of her yes, but also the smells as she prepared herself to allow him to take her into the night in celebration. The Almond Butter she used to dress her curls, the ancient Florentine perfume she still favored after all these decades, the hot ironed smell of her crinolines, a darker duskier aroma as...

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Fuck Me Chapter II

Nate pulled me up, and dragged me into his room. I’d only been in here to collect his laundry and to give it back, so it wasn’t a place that I knew well. He grabbed one of his sweaters and tied it around my head, preventing me from seeing anything. He lay me down on what I thought was the bed, and placed my arms above my head. For a moment his touch left me, and I could hear soft movement, and then he was on the supposed-bed beside me. I felt cold metal on my wrist, and then on my other, and...

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Jessicas Story Part 20

Jessica's Story - Part 20 Anne was checking the calender for her next day off work. Since going full time at the supermarket, she had been given every second Wednesday off, along with every Sunday. The reason was simple, as she needed to visit the register office to arrange her civil partnership ceremony to Julia. "Next Wednesday," she said to herself. "It will have to be then." "Shall I call Sally and tell her?" asked Helen. "I'll call her," said Anne. "I'm sure she'll get some...

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B IS FOR GIRL chapter 9 B Is For Belle Of The Ball and Birthday Girl

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 9: "B" is for Belle Of The Ball and Birthday Girl "That," said Mrs Templeton, "was the most unusual start to a term I have ever experienced. Or, for that matter, am ever again likely to experience." We were sitting in Mrs Templeton's office. All the other boys and girls had gone into assembly, led by Mr Nairn. Mrs Templeton put her hands on the desk, one on top of the other. "Beverly," she said, "your mother telephoned me earlier, to advise me that she had...

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A Sub Boy Meets His Dom

A Sub Boy Meets His Dom By Datdagen Chapter 1 - Master D The day the third and final package arrived was easily the most long anticipated of Eric's life.  The package was about the size of a suitcase, quite a bit larger than the others had been.  He had no idea what it would contain, but he did know what its arrival meant.  Tonight he would finally meet Master D.  Tonight he would be dominated and ravaged in ways he had never known before.  Tonight he would feel the hot spray of his Master's...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 232 Working on the Plan

I awoke only slightly before noon. Since everyone had traveled the day before, we all slept in on day two. Since we all had transportation of some kind, we straggled out to whatever meal we were in the mood to eat. In my case it was very thick French toast complete with link sausage and apple sauce. I also had lots of french roast coffee. The coffee was only adequate but it was better than nothing. When I got back to the motel, I used Martin's secure line to speak with Jen. "First of all...

1 year ago
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Lesley part 26

Rob retreated to his office when the sound of a car pulled up outside his house. He told Lesley that he would make sure nothing untoward happened to her, and told her to relax as much as possible. "I'll be glad when mornings here!" She said. "I'm shaking". "You'll be ok.....promise. It'll be all over soon. Remember....plenty kissing. Try to get him to say he loves you!" "Ok...I'll try....wish me luck". "Break a leg!" He replied in acting fashion. Ooooo"Lesley...oh my god. What a sight....fuck...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 42

My natural clock had finally adjusted to my schedule; I was in the process of waking up, lying on my right side, when I felt the covers and bed move from both sides. A warm naked body squeezed tight against me, a hand settled over me to grasp my breast and started gently playing with my nipple. I could tell by the touch that it was Lorrie. She was still cautious, still learning about another woman's body. She was gently placing kisses against my neck. Given the time, I doubt it was meant to...

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A Very Private BeachChapter 5 The Fifth Day

I was awakened by the touch of lips on my cheek. I opened my eyes, and there she was, nestled against me, her hand on my cock. "Hungry?" she asked. "For breakfast, or for you? I think you, first. Then breakfast." "Coming up!" she said. She meant my cock, which was indeed responding to her caresses. "I should be getting you off first, dear." "No. You're a guest in my house. This one is yours. The next one's mine." And with that, she lay on top of me and rubbed the folds of her...

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Wifes FunChapter 3

I heard a car pull up outside and its door shut so I got up and headed for the back door, and opened it just as Jason reached the porch. "Damn it man, she was right that you would answer the door in panties" he said as he came up the stairs. "Got any beer" as he eyed my bulging panties where the chastity cage was showing though the white cotton panties. "Sure thing, got beer and some whisky, come on in as I guess we got a few things to talk about" I replied as he walked past me into...

4 years ago
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Met A New Granny Today

I went to the grocery store just to grab a few things today. I'm stroling thru the store and I grabbed some cabbage, red potatoes, and some corned beef. Now I'm looking for some to drink to go along with it when I see this gorgous mature woman. She had on a short sleeve button up top and you could see her bra straps and bra from the side as she walked. Her breast were very large, I followed her to get a chance to see her ass. She was a pear shaped woman, but had very nice hips. You could...

2 years ago
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A good colleague called me recently and told me to finally fight with her boyfriend. He was angry because the same day bought two tickets for mini-vacation to a cabin on the Prahova Valley and I wanted to invite him make a surprise weekend. Unfortunately, this thing was not possible because the fight was started before deconspirarii surprise.Honestly, I was with her even from this point of view, such a sadness because I had lived only a week before, when my friend told me that "no go" and...

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Our night before southern trip A slaves blurr

Well it has been a really busy past few weeks and I have been too busy to stay caught up in updating my slaves’ progress. I am going to take this time and kind of put it all together for everyone. I had a family emergency out of town and had to travel south for 3 weeks. It wasn’t such urgency as my sister had the privilege of tending our mother after her hospital stay for the first couple weeks, so I was able to arrange flights and schedule time to be with my pet before I left. I chatted with...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Prescription Part III

I swallowed nervously as Master greeted Dr. Johnson. I stood awkwardly trying to cover up my reddened tits and pussy, still stinging from the cat Master had used on me. Master slapped me hard on the ass and told me to greet the doctor properly. After I had, he told me to get some drinks ready and that he and the doctor needed to talk. I walked into the kitchen and prepared drinks for the men and set them on a tray. I carried it to the living room and approached my Master and the doctor. They...


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