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I wrote this ten years ago, so it’s long overdue for another outing. It’s mostly a romance with only a smattering of sex, so if it’s the latter you want, maybe try my stories in the Incest section.


Eyes closed, my nostrils wafted in long ago memories.


I lifted my head from the bouquet, and glared at Tom. ‘OK son. There’s no cause to shout, I’m not deaf.’

‘Sorry Dad,’ he hushed, ‘I forgot.’ The pretence of my deafness has existed for so many years that he forgets from time to time.

He gestured towards the florist. ‘Do you want to choose a card to go with the flowers?’

The woman behind the counter fanned a bundle of cards for Tom’s attention. Clearly, based on his treatment of me, she’d decided I was an ancient imbecile, with him acting as my guardian.

I scowled at her and snatched the handful of cards. ‘I’m not stupid, young lady.’

My choice was immediate, one with an oil painting of a bluebell wood. Diane would appreciate my selection, it was appropriate, even though it was over forty years late.

I removed the Parker pen from my blazer pocket and wrote the message. There were so many more words I would have loved to write, but there was no point. Decades of regret had passed, never to be recovered.

While Tom scowled with characteristic impatience, I allowed far more time than was necessary for the ink to dry.

‘And the address, Mr Grantley?’

‘The Parkway Hospital. I presume you have the details.’

She ignored my sarcasm. ‘Yes, we deliver regularly. Who are they for?’

Her name smoothed over my tongue. ‘Clarissa Cavendish.’

Tom’s head jerked around, by contrast, the florist didn’t react. I assumed she was in the habit of delivering bouquets to celebrities at the region’s most prestigious private hospital.

During the time I wrote the cheque for the bouquet, I was conscious his attention was fixed on me.

When I finished, I turned to him. ‘Ready, son?’

He hadn’t shown so much interest in me since he was a youngster. ‘Yes, Dad. We’ll be off then.’

‘Good Day, Madam,’ I said, as I tipped my hat. ‘Thank you for your assistance.’

Her goodbye was uncertain as Tom held open the door for my exit.

I slid into the passenger seat of my Bentley. From the time I was diagnosed with a heart problem, my doctor will neither accept bribes nor coercion to allow me to drive. Blasted man! He’s in far worse condition than me, yet he still runs around in his Jaguar.

Tom started the engine. ‘Home?’

Fatuous question. He would never consider taking me anywhere else. He can’t be rid of my burden quick enough. I grunted my assent.

Tom pulled into the stream of High Street traffic and casually remarked, ‘Clarissa Cavendish?’

‘Yes,’ I stabbed at him, ‘what of her?’

‘I wasn’t aware you knew her.’ His voice was quiet, my pretend deafness ignored. For years, my supposed hearing problem allowed us to travel in silence, a situation we were both at ease with.

‘I know that, Tom. I never told you.’

He gave me a sideways grimace. ‘Are you going to tell me now?’

‘I doubt it would be of interest to you … or anyone for that matter.’

Tom smoothed the Bentley into the car park of The Greswolde Hotel. ‘We are both referring to the actress, aren’t we?’

‘You know perfectly well that we are. Her arrival at the hospital was on the evening news last night.’

He parked and swivelled sideways so he all but faced me. ‘I am interested. Very!’

I shrugged.

‘You want a drink, Dad?’


He smiled at me, which was a rarity. ‘Yes,’ he offered.

He knew my weakness is cognac, more so since my idiot doctor banned it.

I followed Tom into the hotel. Like me, he’s a lanky beanpole except, since my retirement a year earlier, the inactivity caused me to add ten pounds.

In the lounge, we allowed our bodies to settle into the depths of the leather armchairs.

‘We can’t drink on empty stomachs.’ He handed me a menu. ‘Lunch?’

‘Thank you, Tom. That will be good.’

While we perused the menus, an attractive waitress arrived. She appeared to be in her early twenties, all smiles and eager to please.

‘What would you like, Dad?’

‘A sandwich will suit me.’ I attempted to gain the attention of the waitress who hadn’t seemed to notice my existence. It was obvious her interest was in Tom’s handsome features. I coughed loudly. ‘Miss!’

With a lack of enthusiasm, her gaze abandoned his Paul Newman blue eyes as she turned to me with a false smile.

‘Tuna,’ I growled and added a reluctant, ‘please.’

‘I’ll have the same,’ Tom added, as he sleeked a tanned hand through his premature grey hair. ‘And two Armagnacs … make them large.’

‘Certainly, Sir.’ She gave him a final cherub smile and left.

He settled back into his seat and smirked. ‘Well Dad, you are the dark horse.’

I grunted. ‘You can dispense with the wise cracks. Do you want me to tell you?’


‘Very well, except I must have your assurance you will not repeat a word of it.’

His dark eyebrows raised and, although he was clearly intrigued, he kept his silence, except to provide me with a hesitant agreement.

‘It happened just before the end of the war, in the spring of ’44.’

‘Hmm, forty six years ago.’

‘Yes, almost exactly. It was in April … the sixth.’

‘You recall the exact date of this … event?’ He studied my features. ‘Something momentous then?’

‘It involved Diane. Clarissa is not her real name. You realise that?’

Tom smiled and nodded. ‘April 1944. That’s when you met her?’

‘No, we knew one another before.’ The initial excitement when I first saw her flooded back. ‘Well, that’s not strictly correct. I knew her, but I doubt she ever noticed me. To be frank, I had a serious crush on her, even before that day. Not that I would have dared to tell her, for one thing, she was almost two years older.’

‘My guess is, she still is.’

I ignored Tom’s infantile humour. ‘The war was great for youngsters, but I’d grown into an adult. It was a week after my eighteenth birthday, but I was naive. Things were different back then, we were innocents. Today there’s far too much sex. It’s everywhere, even …’

I tailed off as I looked up and saw his stone face.

‘Yes, I know. I’m off on a tangent.’

Our lunch arrived and we sipped our brandies.

‘You may not remember Bill’s Wood. You were still a baby when we left Shirley and moved to Dorridge. Wartime, the wood was far larger. My best friend was Steve, Steve Potts. You wouldn’t know him, we drifted apart many years ago.’

Steve, dear chum. Why didn’t we stay in touch?

My eyes misted over. ‘I went to his funeral last November … up in Nottingham.’

Tom glared at me once more.

‘Sorry, son. I’m rambling.’

‘That day, Steve and I were in Bill’s Wood. We frequented a pond, it wasn’t very large, but big enough to swim five strokes from one end to the other. We used it because the kids preferred the larger one, half a mile away. Although early April, it was a warm day and we were swimming. Naked.

‘We splashed about and laughed and, I presume it was our noise that meant we didn’t see her.’


‘Yes.’ Oh, that name. Such melody. Diane, Diane.

‘She wore a pale blue dress, a denim coloured cotton, buttoned at the front from top to bottom. She had sandals and ankle socks … white. The dress was old, not tattered, but faded.’ She was so beautiful.

‘She laughed at us, a teasing snigger. ‘Where are your clothes, lads?’

‘It was instinctive to look to the spot on the grass where we’d left two bundles of clothing. They’d gone.

‘Steve was the first to respond, he waded through the water, b
ut skidded in the thick mud on the bank. Despite that, he was soon back on his feet and after her.

‘I was out of the water in a search for our clothes. It took a minute before I located them, bundled behind a nearby oak. While I’d been in a rummage through the undergrowth, Steve had shouted for me. I pulled on my trousers – no pants, and followed his voice.

‘I found them fifty yards down the trail. He had her pinned against a tree, although it was obvious he was about to lose her. Steve was short and she was a good four inches taller. We were all slim, there were few fat kids during wartime, but Diane was that bit stronger. However, against the two of us, she had no chance, and we soon frog marched her back to the pond.

‘What should we do with her, Will?’

‘How should I know?’

‘Whatever you do, you mustn’t mud bath me.’ Her pale blue eyes stared into mine. I swear she blushed a little.

‘Good idea,’ agreed Steve, as he struggled to wrestle her to the ground.

‘I helped him, while wondering why she’d suggested her own reprisal. It didn’t make sense.

‘Diane lay on the grass, her arms pinned down by Steve, while I part sat and part lay along her legs.

‘Now what?’ I queried. ‘How do we get mud and stop her from escaping?’

‘Steve stared at the pond, ten feet away. ‘Will, can you hold her while I get the muck?’

‘I suppose.’ I shrugged. ‘I’m bigger than you, so best for me to give it a try.’ I leaned forward until my torso rested on hers. ‘Go on, quick before she tries to escape.’

‘While Steve scooped up a double handful of mud, I rested full length on Diane. I was amazed. She didn’t struggle, but lay dormant as though afraid to move. My head rested beside hers and I could feel the warmth of her soft breath on my cheek.

‘When Steve returned, I sat up and repositioned myself until I straddled her hips, my thighs acting as a gentle restraint.

‘He looked down at us, as mud drips splattered on the grass. ‘What do we do now? Sprawl it over her?’ His eyes pleaded with me. ‘Will?’

‘Diane twisted her head until she could see him. ‘Steve Potts, if you ruin my dress, my mum will flay you alive.’

‘Steve’s eyes began to bat. Not only did they open and close in rapid succession, but his face scrunched up with each eye movement.

‘Calm down, Steve. She’s kidding you.’

‘He looked ready to cry. ‘What can we do, Will?’

‘Suppose we pull off her dress.’ As I uttered the words, I was nearly sick. I couldn’t believe I’d dared to say them.

‘Her face was impassive. Astounded by her indifference at my outrageous suggestion, I asked, ‘Diane, is that OK?’ It was a stupid question.

‘There was no reply, yet I was sure I detected a faint smile which seemed to inform me she was in agreement.

‘Steve and I exchanged glances, undecided as to our next action.

‘Diane began to unbutton her dress, while we stared in awe. Halfway down, with her hands mere inches from my crutch, she gazed up at me.

‘From her expectant look, I guessed what she wanted and moved out of her way. I slid down and knelt astride her, with my lower limbs and her thighs in tender contact.

‘She tugged up the light fabric, pulled it around her waist and released the remaining buttons. Without hesitation, she pulled the dress apart so the two halves lay on the grass. Diane stretched out on her dress, seemingly relaxed despite her exposure. Her bra and panties were white cotton, simple and basic – sexless by comparison with modern lingerie. To me, it was the most incredible sight I’d seen.

‘I near fainted at what she did next.

‘She arched her body from the ground and her hands slipped behind her back. With a quick flick, she pulled the bra loose and tossed it onto the grass. ‘My mum would kill me if you ruined it.’ She winked at me and I sensed the burning of my face.

‘My heart clambered into my mouth and I gazed in awe of her. I’d never seen breasts and hers were exquisite, with the palest of pink tips.

‘Steve’s eyes explored her body. They still batted open and shut, and a nervous twitch of his head added to his ludicrous appearance. He allowed the lumps of mud to fall from his grasp and they splattered onto her chest with the sound of gentle slaps. He grabbed her wrists and forced them to the ground. ‘Go on then,’ he gestured to me. ‘Rub it in.’

‘Why me?’ I protested.

‘Cause I’m holding her arms.’

‘She lay motionless. It didn’t appear she required any constraint. It was as though Diane was eager to get a mud bath. Nevertheless, I accepted his logic, swallowed deep and forced my hands towards her bosom.

‘As much as possible, I avoided physical contact with her chest as I retrieved handfuls of mud. It was smeared over her, and beginning at her stomach, my strokes layered the sludge with firm pressure.

‘Will, not so hard,’ she hushed. ‘Be gentle with me.’

‘The reprimand was given in such a soft whisper, it excited me in a way I couldn’t comprehend.

‘With care, I smoothed the mud over her stomach and midriff until my hands were poised below her breasts. I examined her face. Was it a dare? She nodded her approval as though she could read my mind. I felt the need to form an additional barrier between my massage and her audacious breasts, and asked Steve for another helping from the bank.

‘He returned and, that time, avoided her body as he deposited a massive load onto the grass. It splashed down and large gobs showered the girl and I.

‘Steve grabbed hold of her wrists and sat cross-legged.

‘I scooped up a handful and smeared it over her breasts. I spread it into her skin and in a short while, the muck was no longer sticky. The more it smoothed over her, it became thinner, turning soft and silky like her skin. Within a short time, it was almost water and, through the thin film of dirty liquid, I sensed her nipples as they pressed against my palms. I continued to roll my hands over them, conscious of a curious sensation in my stomach.

‘She groaned, a sound that resonated deep within her throat. Not only once, but over and over, like an animal in pain.

‘Steve’s eye batting had increased in intensity, but her moans changed that. Wide-eyed, unblinking, he looked at her.

‘In addition to the unusual sounds from her open mouth, Diane’s eyes were half closed and her head lolled to the right.

‘It was too much for Steve, he abandoned his responsibility and forced himself up onto shaky legs.

‘Hey,’ I complained. ‘You let her go.’

‘What was that noise?’ he whispered. ‘Why did she do that?’

‘How should I know?’

‘He gathered his clothes and pulled them on while he continued to stare at her. ‘I have to go,’ he squealed. ‘You coming?’

‘My gaze lowered to Diane. Her eyes were glazed as they bore into mine. She shook her head from side to side as if to deny my absence. I didn’t know why, but there was nothing on earth that could have persuaded me to leave her.

‘Steve sat on the grass as he struggled to pull on his boots. ‘OK,’ he said. ‘See you tomorrow?’

‘Yes. Come round in the morning. Usual time.’

‘What shall we do? Go to the pub or the pictures?’

‘My mind couldn’t cope with such trivia. ‘Er, what?’ I replied, while her eyes locked onto mine. ‘Oh yes, I don’t care what we do.’

‘Steve rushed through the clearing, shirt tail trailing out of his trousers. When he reached the line of trees, he took a last look back over his shoulder and vanished along the pathway.

‘I was never so glad to see him leave, though worried as to what I should do with Diane. Not for long!

‘The girl took my hands, placed one on each breast and pushed them onto her flesh. Her eyes smiled into mine.

‘Unsure of what I should do, my fingers remained where she’d left them.

‘She took control, used her hands to guide mine over her bosom, manipulated my touch
to pleasure herself.

‘Dad,’ Tom snapped. ‘I’ve heard enough.’

I pulled back to reality to see his irritation aimed at me. ‘Yes, sorry. Sorry, Tom.’

He rose to his feet and buttoned up his double-breasted jacket. ‘I should go. I forgot I have a client to see.’ He checked his watch. ‘There’s time to drop you off.’

My food was untouched. ‘No, Tom. You carry on. I’ll finish my lunch.’

‘Here,’ he said, as he folded the napkin around the sandwich. ‘You can take it with you.’


Tom looked startled at my abruptness. ‘Fair enough. You’ll get a taxi?’

‘Of course. Bye.’

He gave me a lengthy appraisal before he strode away.

I ordered another double and sat back to reminisce.

Diane’s face was beautiful. Long strawberry blonde hair flowed haphazard in the grass, lips parted by the pinkness of her tongue, eye’s closed against the world, as she lay in some secret place of her own.

My hands trembled as she guided my fingers over the softness of her slim body. Her nipples grew, swelled into pencil rubbers, while she rolled them beneath my palms. The mud had all but gone as it slithered down the sides of her body, and collected into patches on her open dress.

‘Will,’ she hushed.

I blushed at the look she gave me. ‘Yes,’ I stuttered.

‘Hold my nipples.’ She pressed the right one between her finger and thumb. ‘Like this, Will.’ As I gazed in amazement, she rubbed herself.

My limbs were paralysed.

Diane’s hands captured mine and, with the most delicate touch, they led me to her breasts. Her eyes held me, and as my fingertips closed around her buds, she released a long sigh and her eyelids softly closed.

‘That’s the way, Will. Squeeze them gently as you pull on them.’ Her eyes opened for a brief moment before she groaned.

She asked me to cup them and press them together. ‘That’s good. Your touch is so tender.’ She gave me a reassuring smile. ‘Yes,’ the dear girl sighed. ‘Keep doing it, don’t stop.’

While I petted her, a silence fell around us like a shield, isolating us. A stillness settled, broken only by her moans and my laboured breathing. The whole world centred upon this darling girl – woman.



‘I want you to remove your trousers.’

‘Must I?’

‘Yes,’ she giggled. ‘It’s the only way. Do you want me to help you?’

‘No, I can do it.’

I stood, and with a struggle, finally controlled the tremble in my fingers and unbuttoned my flies. I turned my back on her and tugged the trousers down.

‘Will,’ she laughed, ‘I’m over here.’

With a supreme effort, I turned to face her.

Diane’s gaze lowered to my middle and she smiled. ‘Come here, you darling boy. Kneel down. I won’t hurt you.’

I had no underpants, naked and vulnerable, I bowed before my goddess.

‘Will you do something nice for me?’ she lulled.

‘Yes, anything.’

‘Remove my panties?’

‘If you want,’ I said in a low voice, so quiet I scarcely heard it myself.

She raised her bottom from the ground, and I awkwardly grasped the elastic waistband.

As I lowered the flimsy material down her legs and exposed her, my heart pounded so loudly, I was sure she could hear. When the garment was finally discarded on the grass, I worshipped her nakedness.

I had never seen a naked female and, with no idea of what to expect, I was eager to explore her.

Diane studied my face while she parted her legs. It was a languid, tender moment as she revealed herself, and nothing has ever surpassed the beauty of what I saw.

The fine hairs were light brown, a delicate covering. Amongst the tangle of curls, I could detect the faint trace of a parting.

‘Diane … may I touch you?’

‘Let me see your hands.’

I thrust the muddy hands in her direction.

‘Will, they’re filthy,’ she said in mock disgust, ‘go and wash them in the pond.’

I rushed to the water, waded in and with my back to her, had a secret pee.

On my return, I held out my hands for inspection, turned over the palms to show the back and front, as though I was a child ready for dinnertime.

Diane grinned her approval, and I knelt between her open legs.

‘Now you can touch me,’ she whispered.

I had no idea of what I should do.

Diane took my hand in hers as she helped me unfold her. The darling girl initiated me, showed me how I should fondle and, as I wondered at her splendour, a thrill travelled from the tip of my penis and engulfed my groin.

I gazed at myself. I was erect, a fine dribble flowed onto the grass.

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The gang started with four memebers, 3 black and one white. All four met 10 years ago when they worked at McDonald's, and now they were all managers of different ranks, and had become good friends. Carl the unofficial leader and brains of the pack was 33, married with four young children. Dave 32 also married with 2 teenagers was as smart as Carl but did not command the same respect from the others. This was something he resented, and could make him hard to control. Dave was very good...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Ashlyn Peaks Who Needs Your Father Anyway8230

When my hot new stepmom Ashlyn Peaks frustratedly asks me (Tony Rubino) where the beverage is, I know something isn’t right. I sit down with her to talk, trying not to focus on her massive knockers in that low-cut dress. She gets to telling me about how my dad doesn’t give her any attention anymore and I bury him further by talking about the ex-wives & his shitty track record. I start complimenting my sexy stepmom and she gets all giggly with me. Before you know it, she is...

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Grannys House

Up to this point in my life I had never seen a live pussy, never smelled a live pussy nor felt the inside or outside of a pussy. Everything I had learned about pussy was from looking at magazines or the internet and maybe a peak from someones mom or a camel toe at the pool. I was at that age when a boy thinks about pussy morning noon, and night. I knew sex would be great and wanted so badly to fuck a girl, so bad that my cock would get hard at the slightest breeze. I jacked off all the time....

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Loves ShepherdChapter 14 Dreamers

The twins were uncomfortable with the idea of going to the mall with us. Actually, the idea excited them until they realized they would have to wear clothing to do it. Clothing apparently was very uncomfortable for them for some reason, and it wasn’t because my father wanted them to walk around naked all the time. He wasn’t like that at all. He would much prefer them to dress like the other women and not have to constantly make special arrangements whenever they traveled with him. That was...

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It was a Sunday and all our family members were relaxed. Me and Urvashi were watching TV, mom was engaged in kitchen and dad was reading newspaper, sitting in balcony. Like this our morning came to afternoon. We had lunch and then mom and dad got ready as they have to go in some of their friend’s function. Me and urvi left alone in the home and were getting bored. So thought to call up some of our friends and have some fun like playing games, singing songs and lots of eating and drinking. It...

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Banged My MILF Cousin

Hi! I” Arsh( Name Changed) and I’m a student of class 11, studying in the commerce section. I’m 18 years old and I have a good height of 5’10. I have a slim body and fair skin color. I’m a regular reader at ISS. The incident which I’m going to narrate is real sex story which happened just a day ago in my hometown Kolkata. It was Puja time in Kolkata and as many of you know it is the most widely celebrated festival in West Bengal and Offices/Schools give holidays for at least 2 weeks. My Cousin...

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Wendy does community service

Wendy had been searching for something to fill her spare time and had volunteered to help a charity renovating homes in disadvantaged areas. The people she met at first were mainly organisers for various tradesmen that would be need to complete the projects and she shadowed a lady called Linda for her first couple of projects with Linda being the one to hand over the houses to their new occupants at first. As summer was in full swing Linda had planned to go away for a week or two which...

2 years ago
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Fashionably Late For My Funeral

This is essentially a romance story set against a background of international drug dealing with the occasional side plot of the usual mayhem. Paranoia: (Pron. para-noya) noun, a mental disorder marked by the unjustified belief that one is being persecuted, usually accompanied by megalomania and insane distrust. Paranoid (Pron. para-noyd) adjective, also called paranoiac of, relating to or affected by paranoia. A person affected by paranoia. CHAPTER 1 I do not suffer from paranoia. I am not...

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Jinnis First Encounter

I have been dressing for about 15 years. It has been a wonderful experience and I still enjoy the feel of the nylons and the way my legs in high heels. I always wear heels of at least 4 inches and even wear nylons under my awful male clothing everyday. While my life is now exciting and enjoyable my mind still wonders to the excitement of the early days of dressing. I have shared my experiences with others in person and in chat rooms. I have recently felt an urge to share with even...

2 years ago
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False Positives

== False Positives == by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. ----- I pulled up to the gate and showed the guard my invitation; she waved me through and directed me to visitors' parking. At this angle, the Lamp didn't look as much like an old-fashioned Arabian...

1 year ago
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My Horny Telecaller 1

Hi Readers,Am a regular reader of ISS.I am posting my experience for the first time.Am Kiran(name changed),30 years,married and am running my own bussiness at Thrissur(Kerala).I have about 5 telecallers who call our would be customers for selling our products.I have been in this bussiness since the last 6 years.Although I had several sexual encounters in my life I have never looked upon my staff in any sort of sexual manner.All this changed in January this year.In January a new telecaller...

3 years ago
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Hitting the showers1

"its fucking cold out here." Ross replied. taking his hands out from Shaun's pockets. it was a mid January day and Ross and his best friend Shaun where running laps for there after school detention. It turns out that unscrewing a teachers coffee mug top was not the smartest prank to pull when there are witnesses everywhere. "how much longer of this do we have to do" Shaun asked. "i don't know but if we don't stop soon i'm going to get frost bite. speaking of frost bite how is...

1 year ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 8 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his “normal” self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him, it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t see a way to convince the Etas to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn’t alter about ourselves....

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Ed BiggersChapter 19

Wearing an outfit that looked a lot like a space suite, Ed walked around trying to get used to the feel of the strange outfit. Removing the control from a pocket, he turned down the temperature a couple of degrees. Replacing the control to the pocket, he stood there for a minute waiting for the suit to cool down. He looked over at the man standing next to him and said, “This is pretty nice.” The man answered, “It uses a fusion well to generate heat for the suit. With the built in radio and...

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Meeting Mr Clean

The temptation was in the air. My meetings were over and I had the freedom to sample the Big Apple. But how far would I allow myself to go? Would I even have the nerve to go all out on the make in this fast-moving concrete jungle? Would one night on the loose be worth the risk?When I accepted this assignment to travel to New York to interview a celebrity for my magazine, I had not planned on such a thing. I was merely doing some sightseeing, perhaps visit some places I’d missed when I traveled...

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Oil of RosesChapter 4

Dr. Margo Wohler-Sapperstein. What a joke, Margo thought to herself. All her life she had been driven by the will of her parents, driven to achieve, to excel, to succeed, to exceed. Even now, even after their deaths, she felt their cold hands on her life, steering her future from beyond the grave. They hadn't lived to see her move away from the family practice she loved into cosmetic surgery. But they'd planned it. They hadn't lived to see her marry Benjamin in what could only be...

2 years ago
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Burgundy LipsChapter 3

Yesterday's exertions left me exhausted so I had retired early, slept well and woke up feeling fit and ready to go again. Perhaps that was fortunate, as I had promised Elisabeth that I would visit Jutta today. I had a hearty breakfast to give me energy for the day and, as I was eating, I got the thought, 'What would my friends say, if they knew how I had spent yesterday afternoon?' Well, I certainly wouldn't be telling any of them. But I do know one thing: I'll bet they have never...

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Ruined Skinnydip

This is a story about an Asian woman that gets her clothes stolen and tries to get home naked. There might be some options for some noncon. This story is moderated by me, but please add to the story, unless your addition is really terrible or trolling I will approve it. The more directions the better. This story will not be complete until about June 2021

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 2 of First Time After Few Year Apart

Ok, here I'm to finish the story, I'm sorry I had to quit but here it is. So yes after a long time in the shower and all that great contact we had, between kissing, nibbling, touching, holding tight, sucking, deep throating, leaving hickies on my body, so we got dry and walked to bed, ohh we were all naked and I love seeing him naked he looks so hot!!!so I was on bed on all four and he was going to play with my boypussy, so he started fingering it, my pussy was so tight, that sliding in...

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Mature Aunty With Young Boy

Mature aunty wid young boy By: jack Hi I am Jack from Thane. I am a great fan of ISS, and enjoy almost every story. Now I am 21 years old and a very sexy guy. This happened when I was 20 years old. I am having a aunty living in front of my home named Savita, but I never called her aunty, only by her name “Savita”. She is always smiley, on at that time she was of 28 years with 2 kids. Her breast was very huge like big watermelons with full of juice and her hips also well round and big though she...

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Arranged Bride to Be Ch 02

Lunch in the gardens was not as torturous as I assumed it would be, in fact it was even slightly pleasant. David introduced me to his wonderful family. The father is a little rough around the edges, however he seemed nice enough. Right now, I am sitting in the carriage waiting for David whilst he talks to the horsemen. I never realised that people could become so fortunate with their arranged marriages. I completely understand that I could be a lot worse off. I mean, I could be a slave girl who...

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Cuckold Camping Trip 3

After that night I noticed a change in my sweet Jen, She was a different woman inside and out. She became much more confident mostly because she began to realize how attractive and powerful she was. She and Kevin’s wife began going to the gym regularly I watched as the extra weight fell off of her. Her new found confidence as well as a more toned physique started to bring the attention of other men when we were out. With the changes her old wardrobe was exchanged for more provocative dress....

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VERONICA’S EROTIC MASSAGEAlmost every table in the breakfast room was occupied and the din of conversation could have been called a dull roar. Roni leaned close to be heard.“Every muscle in my body aches,” she said. “I doubt I could get onto skis again tomorrow.”“That wouldn’t disappoint me,” I said. “We tried. We fell down. We’re sore. There must be a few antique shops in town to visit.”“Okay, but what am I going to do. I’m in pain.”“Have you tried aspirin?”“They did nothing.”“The soreness...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 47

We marched into the fishing village around noon that day. I led the way into the village once Gort and Ohba had verified that there weren’t any armed men there. My troops had been deployed around the village so that if anything did happen, my people would be in place to respond. I went in with Dunbar, Carmen, and two men from Durt’s squad. Our arrival caused quite a stir. The village stood about ten feet above the high water mark and roughly thirty feet from the water’s edge. It consisted of...

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The Revenge Of Anna

This is a story about a woman scorned. A not so tall tale about revenge. This is the story involving a pretty girl, college, stereotypes, and sports. This is the revenge of Anna.As Anna put on her lip gloss, red was the color of her choice. Red was also one of the school colors. She showed off her lipstick as she puckered her lips in the mirror. Red was also the color of jealousy as Anna rocked her hips in her dress that showed off her legs and her assets. She knew she looked good in it. Anna...

Group Sex
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Navy LarksChapter 2 Tony gets Punished

"Right turn off caps." The master at Arms ordered. " Sir Able Seaman Nash is charged that, contrary to good order and Naval discipline that he broke into the WRNS quarters on Friday 9th July. And that he was found in the bed having sexual intercourse with one of one of the ratings namely Wren Tranter " 'Do you plead Guilty or not Guilty Nash?" The Captain asked "Not guilty Sir' "What do you mean man" the captain asked. "I did not break in sir, I was invited in" "What are the...

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Me And Sam Chapters 4 5 and 6

Chapter 4 Alice Peters I slept somewhat fitfully that night. A few bizarre dreams had overtaken me. In one of them Sam and I were getting married though she was the groom and I was the bride. That dream in particular woke me up and I stared into the darkness for a few minutes before realizing that all was well and drifted back into dreamland. Sunday morning I awoke quite refreshed. I looked at the clock on my night stand and it read 10:00 AM. That couldn't be right, could it? I'd...

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X Keez Movies must belong to a Dutch mofo, right? Well, every person who browses the internet for more than an hour at once can definitely say that they’ve experienced at least one moment of ‘heat’ which was quickly followed by opening up a private incognito window and searching for some XXX content worth fapping to. This kind of porno consumer is impulsive, and they would definitely open up even fishy XXX tubes that seem like they might be hiding spyware or malware in order to get the job...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sex With Deepti My Office Employee

Hi, I m a Singh (name changed to protect secrecy), i m running a company, where we have about 110 employees, most of them are beautiful females. But most of the employees are based in different parts of the state and very few, may be 20 are based at the head office. I’m the owner of the company. One of my employee, Deepti (name changed to protect secrecy) who always remains in touch with me through SMS etc.. This story is about 2 years old and is the real one (I’m great fan of iss, but this is...

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Alone at the Party

‘Excuse me a moment,’ I say to the guy who has been talking my ear off about UFC for the past fifteen minutes and slip through the party to the restroom. You must have been watching me from across the crowd because you slip into the room with me before I pull the door shut. ‘Um, hi,’ I say, a bit taken aback. ‘Hi, yourself,’ you purr at me. ‘And what are you doing here?’ I mockingly inquire. ‘Coming to see you.’ Your hand reaches down and cups my balls as you plant an enormous sloppy kiss...

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What Mary gets up to part 3

Since being introduced to my body by Claire, I have an aching cunt that I just don’t know how to manage, doing the mundane chores around the hotel allows my mind to drift off and think about various things she has taught me. I was in the bathroom of the Pastor’s rooms cleaning the floor on my hands and knees, the movement of the material of my dress against my nipples whilst I polish the floor causes my nipples to harden and my pussy to itch. Knowing that the Pastor and his wife are not...

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The Ring AOChapter 51 Getting the Dress

On Monday Morning Julie picked up Helena, drove to Suzanne and they went to the bridal shop for their final dressing. Again Julie had a few tears for her favourite clients. They looked out of this world in their wedding dresses. They packed their dresses in suitable suits and returned to the Hilton for lunch. They made plans for Thursday. Suzanne would stay overnight with Helena and dress there. Helena would take the dresses home and place in the 2nd bedroom. As Helena requested Suzanne to...

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SaralindaChapter 38 Moira

"You ready?" I was in Joanne's room, though it hardly looked like the room I knew. Instead, it seemed like a rather barren guest room. All of her carefully gathered trinkets were gone, packed away and already sent to San Diego. Gone also were the wall hangings and the framed paintings and prints that had covered her walls. Gone, even, was her quilt, a gorgeous blue-toned handmade heirloom that had been her grandmother's. The suitcases, sitting ajar on the floor, made me sure that if I...

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100% fiction! Am Rashvitha. I live in Dallas with my girl friend, we've been in relation for the past 3years. We make love 5times a week. I work as a Computer Engineer, she practices pulmanology. May be I should say she took up pulmanology for me cause am affected by cancer and gonna live for another 7-8months may be. She always wanted to pursue Cardiology. We met thru common friends back in India, by the time I felt like telling her about my disease she proposed to me. She called me and asked...

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MomPOV Avery Doing porn was her fantasy

– 35 years old amateur first time doing porn – Has fantasized about being in a video for 10+ years – Loves rough sex, being man handled and thrown around – She gets nasty with dirty talk and anything nasty – Will take cum anywhere her partner wants to put it – Takes cock in all of her holes, including anal sex – She takes her time in bed, will fuck for hours – Says she cums best when riding a cock real deep – Real sexy fit all natural body great time in bedroom – After fucking all of her holes...

2 years ago
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The Making of a White Sissy Slut

Truth be told, Steven wasn’t gruesome; he was merely average. Average for a white boy unfortunately is just shy of ugly. Thin lips, pasty skin, thinning hair, non-descript features, he was nothing to write home about. I had plans to change that. The ad to which he replied was a proposition to completely transform a white boy into a sexy, desirable, cross-dressing, sissy, and insatiable, cum-crazed whore for black cock. I didn’t pull any punches and he knew what he was in for so there was...

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Nicolette Performs at the Whipping Post

Chapter OneThe week has gone by so fast. It has been another good week at work. I have been able to organize Rachel’s office. It’s Saturday and Rachel is due back from her business trip today. Mark, Rachel’s husband and submissive, is asleep beside me in my bed. I have been left in charge of his care while she’s been gone. It has given me the opportunity to work my Domme skills that Rachel has been mentoring me on. Except for the first night, he has gone to bed with a very sore backside. Rachel...

3 years ago
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Festival of Fate and First Meeting

“Kelly, are you listening?” Grace asked as she jabbed me in the arm. “Huh? What?” I said startled out of my thoughts. “We are trying to plan for the festival and your input would be nice,” Mady said annoyed, but smiling. I felt my cheeks catch fire as I bit my bottom lip and looked down. I didn’t want to talk about the festival because I was anxious about going this year. “Sorry, guess I have too much on my mind,” I said as I looked up at my two best friends. Mady and Grace laughed and I...

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