- 3 years ago
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I wrote this ten years ago, so it’s long overdue for another outing. It’s mostly a romance with only a smattering of sex, so if it’s the latter you want, maybe try my stories in the Incest section.
Eyes closed, my nostrils wafted in long ago memories.
I lifted my head from the bouquet, and glared at Tom. ‘OK son. There’s no cause to shout, I’m not deaf.’
‘Sorry Dad,’ he hushed, ‘I forgot.’ The pretence of my deafness has existed for so many years that he forgets from time to time.
He gestured towards the florist. ‘Do you want to choose a card to go with the flowers?’
The woman behind the counter fanned a bundle of cards for Tom’s attention. Clearly, based on his treatment of me, she’d decided I was an ancient imbecile, with him acting as my guardian.
I scowled at her and snatched the handful of cards. ‘I’m not stupid, young lady.’
My choice was immediate, one with an oil painting of a bluebell wood. Diane would appreciate my selection, it was appropriate, even though it was over forty years late.
I removed the Parker pen from my blazer pocket and wrote the message. There were so many more words I would have loved to write, but there was no point. Decades of regret had passed, never to be recovered.
While Tom scowled with characteristic impatience, I allowed far more time than was necessary for the ink to dry.
‘And the address, Mr Grantley?’
‘The Parkway Hospital. I presume you have the details.’
She ignored my sarcasm. ‘Yes, we deliver regularly. Who are they for?’
Her name smoothed over my tongue. ‘Clarissa Cavendish.’
Tom’s head jerked around, by contrast, the florist didn’t react. I assumed she was in the habit of delivering bouquets to celebrities at the region’s most prestigious private hospital.
During the time I wrote the cheque for the bouquet, I was conscious his attention was fixed on me.
When I finished, I turned to him. ‘Ready, son?’
He hadn’t shown so much interest in me since he was a youngster. ‘Yes, Dad. We’ll be off then.’
‘Good Day, Madam,’ I said, as I tipped my hat. ‘Thank you for your assistance.’
Her goodbye was uncertain as Tom held open the door for my exit.
I slid into the passenger seat of my Bentley. From the time I was diagnosed with a heart problem, my doctor will neither accept bribes nor coercion to allow me to drive. Blasted man! He’s in far worse condition than me, yet he still runs around in his Jaguar.
Tom started the engine. ‘Home?’
Fatuous question. He would never consider taking me anywhere else. He can’t be rid of my burden quick enough. I grunted my assent.
Tom pulled into the stream of High Street traffic and casually remarked, ‘Clarissa Cavendish?’
‘Yes,’ I stabbed at him, ‘what of her?’
‘I wasn’t aware you knew her.’ His voice was quiet, my pretend deafness ignored. For years, my supposed hearing problem allowed us to travel in silence, a situation we were both at ease with.
‘I know that, Tom. I never told you.’
He gave me a sideways grimace. ‘Are you going to tell me now?’
‘I doubt it would be of interest to you … or anyone for that matter.’
Tom smoothed the Bentley into the car park of The Greswolde Hotel. ‘We are both referring to the actress, aren’t we?’
‘You know perfectly well that we are. Her arrival at the hospital was on the evening news last night.’
He parked and swivelled sideways so he all but faced me. ‘I am interested. Very!’
I shrugged.
‘You want a drink, Dad?’
He smiled at me, which was a rarity. ‘Yes,’ he offered.
He knew my weakness is cognac, more so since my idiot doctor banned it.
I followed Tom into the hotel. Like me, he’s a lanky beanpole except, since my retirement a year earlier, the inactivity caused me to add ten pounds.
In the lounge, we allowed our bodies to settle into the depths of the leather armchairs.
‘We can’t drink on empty stomachs.’ He handed me a menu. ‘Lunch?’
‘Thank you, Tom. That will be good.’
While we perused the menus, an attractive waitress arrived. She appeared to be in her early twenties, all smiles and eager to please.
‘What would you like, Dad?’
‘A sandwich will suit me.’ I attempted to gain the attention of the waitress who hadn’t seemed to notice my existence. It was obvious her interest was in Tom’s handsome features. I coughed loudly. ‘Miss!’
With a lack of enthusiasm, her gaze abandoned his Paul Newman blue eyes as she turned to me with a false smile.
‘Tuna,’ I growled and added a reluctant, ‘please.’
‘I’ll have the same,’ Tom added, as he sleeked a tanned hand through his premature grey hair. ‘And two Armagnacs … make them large.’
‘Certainly, Sir.’ She gave him a final cherub smile and left.
He settled back into his seat and smirked. ‘Well Dad, you are the dark horse.’
I grunted. ‘You can dispense with the wise cracks. Do you want me to tell you?’
‘Very well, except I must have your assurance you will not repeat a word of it.’
His dark eyebrows raised and, although he was clearly intrigued, he kept his silence, except to provide me with a hesitant agreement.
‘It happened just before the end of the war, in the spring of ’44.’
‘Hmm, forty six years ago.’
‘Yes, almost exactly. It was in April … the sixth.’
‘You recall the exact date of this … event?’ He studied my features. ‘Something momentous then?’
‘It involved Diane. Clarissa is not her real name. You realise that?’
Tom smiled and nodded. ‘April 1944. That’s when you met her?’
‘No, we knew one another before.’ The initial excitement when I first saw her flooded back. ‘Well, that’s not strictly correct. I knew her, but I doubt she ever noticed me. To be frank, I had a serious crush on her, even before that day. Not that I would have dared to tell her, for one thing, she was almost two years older.’
‘My guess is, she still is.’
I ignored Tom’s infantile humour. ‘The war was great for youngsters, but I’d grown into an adult. It was a week after my eighteenth birthday, but I was naive. Things were different back then, we were innocents. Today there’s far too much sex. It’s everywhere, even …’
I tailed off as I looked up and saw his stone face.
‘Yes, I know. I’m off on a tangent.’
Our lunch arrived and we sipped our brandies.
‘You may not remember Bill’s Wood. You were still a baby when we left Shirley and moved to Dorridge. Wartime, the wood was far larger. My best friend was Steve, Steve Potts. You wouldn’t know him, we drifted apart many years ago.’
Steve, dear chum. Why didn’t we stay in touch?
My eyes misted over. ‘I went to his funeral last November … up in Nottingham.’
Tom glared at me once more.
‘Sorry, son. I’m rambling.’
‘That day, Steve and I were in Bill’s Wood. We frequented a pond, it wasn’t very large, but big enough to swim five strokes from one end to the other. We used it because the kids preferred the larger one, half a mile away. Although early April, it was a warm day and we were swimming. Naked.
‘We splashed about and laughed and, I presume it was our noise that meant we didn’t see her.’
‘Yes.’ Oh, that name. Such melody. Diane, Diane.
‘She wore a pale blue dress, a denim coloured cotton, buttoned at the front from top to bottom. She had sandals and ankle socks … white. The dress was old, not tattered, but faded.’ She was so beautiful.
‘She laughed at us, a teasing snigger. ‘Where are your clothes, lads?’
‘It was instinctive to look to the spot on the grass where we’d left two bundles of clothing. They’d gone.
‘Steve was the first to respond, he waded through the water, b
ut skidded in the thick mud on the bank. Despite that, he was soon back on his feet and after her.
‘I was out of the water in a search for our clothes. It took a minute before I located them, bundled behind a nearby oak. While I’d been in a rummage through the undergrowth, Steve had shouted for me. I pulled on my trousers – no pants, and followed his voice.
‘I found them fifty yards down the trail. He had her pinned against a tree, although it was obvious he was about to lose her. Steve was short and she was a good four inches taller. We were all slim, there were few fat kids during wartime, but Diane was that bit stronger. However, against the two of us, she had no chance, and we soon frog marched her back to the pond.
‘What should we do with her, Will?’
‘How should I know?’
‘Whatever you do, you mustn’t mud bath me.’ Her pale blue eyes stared into mine. I swear she blushed a little.
‘Good idea,’ agreed Steve, as he struggled to wrestle her to the ground.
‘I helped him, while wondering why she’d suggested her own reprisal. It didn’t make sense.
‘Diane lay on the grass, her arms pinned down by Steve, while I part sat and part lay along her legs.
‘Now what?’ I queried. ‘How do we get mud and stop her from escaping?’
‘Steve stared at the pond, ten feet away. ‘Will, can you hold her while I get the muck?’
‘I suppose.’ I shrugged. ‘I’m bigger than you, so best for me to give it a try.’ I leaned forward until my torso rested on hers. ‘Go on, quick before she tries to escape.’
‘While Steve scooped up a double handful of mud, I rested full length on Diane. I was amazed. She didn’t struggle, but lay dormant as though afraid to move. My head rested beside hers and I could feel the warmth of her soft breath on my cheek.
‘When Steve returned, I sat up and repositioned myself until I straddled her hips, my thighs acting as a gentle restraint.
‘He looked down at us, as mud drips splattered on the grass. ‘What do we do now? Sprawl it over her?’ His eyes pleaded with me. ‘Will?’
‘Diane twisted her head until she could see him. ‘Steve Potts, if you ruin my dress, my mum will flay you alive.’
‘Steve’s eyes began to bat. Not only did they open and close in rapid succession, but his face scrunched up with each eye movement.
‘Calm down, Steve. She’s kidding you.’
‘He looked ready to cry. ‘What can we do, Will?’
‘Suppose we pull off her dress.’ As I uttered the words, I was nearly sick. I couldn’t believe I’d dared to say them.
‘Her face was impassive. Astounded by her indifference at my outrageous suggestion, I asked, ‘Diane, is that OK?’ It was a stupid question.
‘There was no reply, yet I was sure I detected a faint smile which seemed to inform me she was in agreement.
‘Steve and I exchanged glances, undecided as to our next action.
‘Diane began to unbutton her dress, while we stared in awe. Halfway down, with her hands mere inches from my crutch, she gazed up at me.
‘From her expectant look, I guessed what she wanted and moved out of her way. I slid down and knelt astride her, with my lower limbs and her thighs in tender contact.
‘She tugged up the light fabric, pulled it around her waist and released the remaining buttons. Without hesitation, she pulled the dress apart so the two halves lay on the grass. Diane stretched out on her dress, seemingly relaxed despite her exposure. Her bra and panties were white cotton, simple and basic – sexless by comparison with modern lingerie. To me, it was the most incredible sight I’d seen.
‘I near fainted at what she did next.
‘She arched her body from the ground and her hands slipped behind her back. With a quick flick, she pulled the bra loose and tossed it onto the grass. ‘My mum would kill me if you ruined it.’ She winked at me and I sensed the burning of my face.
‘My heart clambered into my mouth and I gazed in awe of her. I’d never seen breasts and hers were exquisite, with the palest of pink tips.
‘Steve’s eyes explored her body. They still batted open and shut, and a nervous twitch of his head added to his ludicrous appearance. He allowed the lumps of mud to fall from his grasp and they splattered onto her chest with the sound of gentle slaps. He grabbed her wrists and forced them to the ground. ‘Go on then,’ he gestured to me. ‘Rub it in.’
‘Why me?’ I protested.
‘Cause I’m holding her arms.’
‘She lay motionless. It didn’t appear she required any constraint. It was as though Diane was eager to get a mud bath. Nevertheless, I accepted his logic, swallowed deep and forced my hands towards her bosom.
‘As much as possible, I avoided physical contact with her chest as I retrieved handfuls of mud. It was smeared over her, and beginning at her stomach, my strokes layered the sludge with firm pressure.
‘Will, not so hard,’ she hushed. ‘Be gentle with me.’
‘The reprimand was given in such a soft whisper, it excited me in a way I couldn’t comprehend.
‘With care, I smoothed the mud over her stomach and midriff until my hands were poised below her breasts. I examined her face. Was it a dare? She nodded her approval as though she could read my mind. I felt the need to form an additional barrier between my massage and her audacious breasts, and asked Steve for another helping from the bank.
‘He returned and, that time, avoided her body as he deposited a massive load onto the grass. It splashed down and large gobs showered the girl and I.
‘Steve grabbed hold of her wrists and sat cross-legged.
‘I scooped up a handful and smeared it over her breasts. I spread it into her skin and in a short while, the muck was no longer sticky. The more it smoothed over her, it became thinner, turning soft and silky like her skin. Within a short time, it was almost water and, through the thin film of dirty liquid, I sensed her nipples as they pressed against my palms. I continued to roll my hands over them, conscious of a curious sensation in my stomach.
‘She groaned, a sound that resonated deep within her throat. Not only once, but over and over, like an animal in pain.
‘Steve’s eye batting had increased in intensity, but her moans changed that. Wide-eyed, unblinking, he looked at her.
‘In addition to the unusual sounds from her open mouth, Diane’s eyes were half closed and her head lolled to the right.
‘It was too much for Steve, he abandoned his responsibility and forced himself up onto shaky legs.
‘Hey,’ I complained. ‘You let her go.’
‘What was that noise?’ he whispered. ‘Why did she do that?’
‘How should I know?’
‘He gathered his clothes and pulled them on while he continued to stare at her. ‘I have to go,’ he squealed. ‘You coming?’
‘My gaze lowered to Diane. Her eyes were glazed as they bore into mine. She shook her head from side to side as if to deny my absence. I didn’t know why, but there was nothing on earth that could have persuaded me to leave her.
‘Steve sat on the grass as he struggled to pull on his boots. ‘OK,’ he said. ‘See you tomorrow?’
‘Yes. Come round in the morning. Usual time.’
‘What shall we do? Go to the pub or the pictures?’
‘My mind couldn’t cope with such trivia. ‘Er, what?’ I replied, while her eyes locked onto mine. ‘Oh yes, I don’t care what we do.’
‘Steve rushed through the clearing, shirt tail trailing out of his trousers. When he reached the line of trees, he took a last look back over his shoulder and vanished along the pathway.
‘I was never so glad to see him leave, though worried as to what I should do with Diane. Not for long!
‘The girl took my hands, placed one on each breast and pushed them onto her flesh. Her eyes smiled into mine.
‘Unsure of what I should do, my fingers remained where she’d left them.
‘She took control, used her hands to guide mine over her bosom, manipulated my touch
to pleasure herself.
‘Dad,’ Tom snapped. ‘I’ve heard enough.’
I pulled back to reality to see his irritation aimed at me. ‘Yes, sorry. Sorry, Tom.’
He rose to his feet and buttoned up his double-breasted jacket. ‘I should go. I forgot I have a client to see.’ He checked his watch. ‘There’s time to drop you off.’
My food was untouched. ‘No, Tom. You carry on. I’ll finish my lunch.’
‘Here,’ he said, as he folded the napkin around the sandwich. ‘You can take it with you.’
Tom looked startled at my abruptness. ‘Fair enough. You’ll get a taxi?’
‘Of course. Bye.’
He gave me a lengthy appraisal before he strode away.
I ordered another double and sat back to reminisce.
Diane’s face was beautiful. Long strawberry blonde hair flowed haphazard in the grass, lips parted by the pinkness of her tongue, eye’s closed against the world, as she lay in some secret place of her own.
My hands trembled as she guided my fingers over the softness of her slim body. Her nipples grew, swelled into pencil rubbers, while she rolled them beneath my palms. The mud had all but gone as it slithered down the sides of her body, and collected into patches on her open dress.
‘Will,’ she hushed.
I blushed at the look she gave me. ‘Yes,’ I stuttered.
‘Hold my nipples.’ She pressed the right one between her finger and thumb. ‘Like this, Will.’ As I gazed in amazement, she rubbed herself.
My limbs were paralysed.
Diane’s hands captured mine and, with the most delicate touch, they led me to her breasts. Her eyes held me, and as my fingertips closed around her buds, she released a long sigh and her eyelids softly closed.
‘That’s the way, Will. Squeeze them gently as you pull on them.’ Her eyes opened for a brief moment before she groaned.
She asked me to cup them and press them together. ‘That’s good. Your touch is so tender.’ She gave me a reassuring smile. ‘Yes,’ the dear girl sighed. ‘Keep doing it, don’t stop.’
While I petted her, a silence fell around us like a shield, isolating us. A stillness settled, broken only by her moans and my laboured breathing. The whole world centred upon this darling girl – woman.
‘I want you to remove your trousers.’
‘Must I?’
‘Yes,’ she giggled. ‘It’s the only way. Do you want me to help you?’
‘No, I can do it.’
I stood, and with a struggle, finally controlled the tremble in my fingers and unbuttoned my flies. I turned my back on her and tugged the trousers down.
‘Will,’ she laughed, ‘I’m over here.’
With a supreme effort, I turned to face her.
Diane’s gaze lowered to my middle and she smiled. ‘Come here, you darling boy. Kneel down. I won’t hurt you.’
I had no underpants, naked and vulnerable, I bowed before my goddess.
‘Will you do something nice for me?’ she lulled.
‘Yes, anything.’
‘Remove my panties?’
‘If you want,’ I said in a low voice, so quiet I scarcely heard it myself.
She raised her bottom from the ground, and I awkwardly grasped the elastic waistband.
As I lowered the flimsy material down her legs and exposed her, my heart pounded so loudly, I was sure she could hear. When the garment was finally discarded on the grass, I worshipped her nakedness.
I had never seen a naked female and, with no idea of what to expect, I was eager to explore her.
Diane studied my face while she parted her legs. It was a languid, tender moment as she revealed herself, and nothing has ever surpassed the beauty of what I saw.
The fine hairs were light brown, a delicate covering. Amongst the tangle of curls, I could detect the faint trace of a parting.
‘Diane … may I touch you?’
‘Let me see your hands.’
I thrust the muddy hands in her direction.
‘Will, they’re filthy,’ she said in mock disgust, ‘go and wash them in the pond.’
I rushed to the water, waded in and with my back to her, had a secret pee.
On my return, I held out my hands for inspection, turned over the palms to show the back and front, as though I was a child ready for dinnertime.
Diane grinned her approval, and I knelt between her open legs.
‘Now you can touch me,’ she whispered.
I had no idea of what I should do.
Diane took my hand in hers as she helped me unfold her. The darling girl initiated me, showed me how I should fondle and, as I wondered at her splendour, a thrill travelled from the tip of my penis and engulfed my groin.
I gazed at myself. I was erect, a fine dribble flowed onto the grass.
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Jim was the father of three pretty teen girls. Two were twins and getting very sexy. The twins jai and joi, were sixteen and the younger daughter Jan was fifteen. His wife no longer wanted sex so Jim kept looking at his girls. Tonight Joi was walking around the house in just a tank top and shorts. He watched her seeing that she wore no bra. Her tits were pushed against the tight material and he wanted to grab and squeeze them. Her ass swung as she walked across the room. His cock got hard...
********************* The sweltering island looked more like an international airport than a private playground on the day of the wedding. Lear jets and helicopters taxied between the military buildings as an array of jewel encrusted dignitaries most fat with the trappings of power were each dutifully fawned over by Mobana's guards and his island madam. "This way your highness, " the oriental Chui said as she bowed to the King of a close by third world state, "and welcome to...
This is a repost of an old romance story with a new edit. Chapter 8 Sherry’s orgasm bounced like a skipping stone, one diminishing peak after another, and then the final splash. Her overloaded senses didn’t identify the moisture on her face, until a drop fell on her lips. Reawakened taste buds recognized the saltiness of a tear. Sam hid his face in the pillow, and said, ‘Thank you.’ Unsure of what happened, she hugged him, and crossed her legs over his back to hold him as close as humanly...
I wrote this after our "wonderful" Friday Gang Bang. I still can't believe it happened. We had just gotten a letter from someone after they had seen her picture. Hope you enjoy it... Well, your letter did the trick. She read it this morning and there were a couple of detectable moans as she was reading. I thought I would help her out, so I pushed aside her robe and pulled her panties down. I licked up her leg till I got to her pussy. It was already juicy. I ate ... She read. She said she...
The ad was very short notice as it gave details of a pre-arranged meet at a national trust car-park in Bedfordshire. The couple made it clear that it was their first time and that there would be no participation-just watching-but when B said that G may be giving her a good spanking at some stage depending how she behaved-well I just had to be there. (I got into erotic spanking with an old girlfriend who was sooo turned on when I used to put her over my knee that her pussy would literally flood...
I hate vaction time, I really hate when I have to share it with my family. Don't get me wrong I do love them but I really like having time to myself after all being the Manager of a large company that just happens to belong to my family is stressful enough without having to go on vacation with them. "Mom, I really wish you would not ask me to go on this vacation trip," I said wishing I could reach through the phone and choke her into silence. "I really don't mind taking the down time alone."...
IncestHis day started when everyone else's was nearly over. He couldn't help it though; over ten years of working at the same convenient store made him the graveyard worker. The boss trusted him above all other employees; the kind of trust a boss could exploit. His other co-workers had college or other training to fall back on, but not Gilbert. Gilbert knew it was time to wake up when the sun was nearly down. He had the next two nights off, but his sleeping pattern stuck to him...
The hot shower felt amazing, as she knew it would. So Ariel took her time under the hot spray, probably too much time, since she walked out of the bathroom into her dark bedroom.“Guys?” she whispered. “Who sleeps at a sleepover? Seriously.”“Yeah, come to bed, Ariel,” said Bell. “Cindy has early practice and I have work and it’s late.”Ariel let her eyes adjust to the dark until she could see who lay where. Cindy and Jasmine lay on either side of Bell, who seemed to be lying favoring Cindy’s side...
Hardcore"HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS" I cheerfully yell, waiving to the kids as I walk out of the reception hall. It's been a long night but I'm finally done and I can get out of this hot Santa suit. I've been doing the Santa gig for about 10 years now. Its something that I love doing and it provides me with a little extra cash for the holiday season. The smiles on the faces of the kids are absolutely priceless and there are always hot mommies to check out at every outing. I used to do the mall thing,...
FetishI told Thomas all the details of why I was out this night and he loved the idea. He took one of his Viagra and he led me out of the bar. I felt a little embarrassed at all the cum leaking down but some of the cross dressers were just smiling at me like they were saying “you go gurl!” which made me a little proud.Thomas followed me in his car until we got to my place and I took him by the hand until we got in the door. When I walked in I heard a thumping upstairs and asked Thomas if he would...
CrossdressingAre they going to tell me something I don’t know or can’t figure out on my own? “Who wants to go first,” I asked as I noticed the remaining yellow highlighted ones in the room pissed their pants. They didn’t know I understood everything they were saying using a language they didn’t expect me to understand. To show them the errors of their ways, I got loudmouth’s cell phone, redialed the last number called, and told the person who answered, in the same language as the men, “Got anybody else...
“The first days of January 1942 brought enormous amounts of snow. The reader already knows what snow meant for the clergy. But this time the torture surpassed the bounds of the endurable. At the same time the thermometer hovered between 5 and 15 degrees below zero. From morning till night we scraped, shoveled, and pushed wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of snow to the brook. The work detail consisted of more than 1,000 clergymen, forced to keep moving by SS men and Capos who kicked us and beat...
I was getting out of my SUV. I motion for my friend to get out of the passenger seat. Ace worked at a tattoo shop in town. I sold him a computer last year. He owed me a favor. "Buck... Is this the place? Should I get my needle and ink?" said Ace. "Yes! She's right inside. She can't wait." I said. He smiled. "She really wants your initials on her breast and ass??... Wow! That's my kind of woman." said Ace. I smiled. 'Yeah! I'll show you were to put "BK" on her. Thanks once again."...
Ye story aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Main us time 22 saal kaa tha aur ghar se durr ek MNC mein kaam karta tha.Ye December ki baat hai ek subah mujhe ghar se phone aaya. Mujhe pata chala mere pitaji ko heart attack aaya hai aur unki maut ho chuki hai. Mere pairo tale zameen khisak gayi! Maine turant apna samaan pack kiya aur gaon ke liye nikal gaya. Jaise hi main ghar pahuncha charo taraf rone chikhne ki awaazein thi. Meri maa ne jaise hi mujhe dekha woh aake mujhse lipat kar rone lagi aur main...
I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...
CuckoldAndy had been fairly frugal during his four and a half years aboard the Albatross. He didn’t gamble, only drank a little, and his biggest expense was on women in nearly every port. He had a respectable sum in the bank. So the first thing he did in Sydney that late September day in 1932 when he was paid off was find a comfortable hotel near The Domain and book in for five nights. He spent two days at the Australian Museum, finding that he was more interested in the myriad artefacts than in...
Valentina has been dragged along on yet another business trip with her husband, and she has nothing to do while he is working all day. She is feeling pretty frustrated with him always giving priority to business over their marriage, so this time she has decided to get her revenge. She doesn’t even remember the last time they were intimate together, but unfortunately, the hotel is so quiet and there is nobody to talk to. When her husband leaves for the day, she orders some champagne from room...
xmoviesforyouEver had someone smack you with a baseball bat? If this wasn't the equivalent of a tap to the noggin with a Louisville Slugger, I don't know what is. "But you said-" "I know what I said. And I was lying through my teeth." She started pacing around the room, never looking directly at me. "By the time I realized what a silly fool I had been for letting Callista get to me with her stories, Morgan had already made--with my blessing--her play for you, and succeeded. What else could I do...
Hi friends Mera nam Vishal hain. I am a regular reader of ISS and hard core fan of this site. After reading many travel-sex-fun stories, I thought to venture something on my own. This story is about how I had fun pressing boobs of 19 yrs. old girl and letting her play with my lund. It’s a real life experience. I am personally against the Jabardasti vala boob press or any sexual advances. I strongly feel we enjoy sex or sexual advances only if both the partners are willing to indulge into...
CHAPTER 8 Papas men delivered her furniture, clothes, and computer on Monday. We put the furniture in the garage until we could figure out what to do with it, the clothes in the closet in the spare room, and the computer on my desk. Marta explained that she did much of her work at home. We sat in the kitchen with some graph paper as we discussed how to make the house bigger. I thought about extending the rear to enlarge the kitchen and bathroom, adding a door directly from our bedroom and...
She read his first story eagerly. The though of being in control of a man like that was driving her crazy. She could feel her juices flowing into her panties. Unable to stop herself she lifted her skirt and slipped her hand under her panties, cupping her mound. She continued to read as her fingers spread her lips. She imagined her man lying naked on the floor waiting for her to site on his face as she slid her finger down between her wet lips. She could feel his tongue sticking out, parting her...
Chapter Two: Headmistress's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
Chapter 1We start out with some kissing soft and sweet at first but as our hands begin to wander, it excites our minds and is reflected as our kissing becomes more passionate and vigorress. I have my right hand messaging your large breast and my left hand moves up to your hair holding the right side of your head while we generously sample each other's saliva and pleasure each others lips. Just then I gently but firmly tighten my grip on your hair and pull your head back a bit and I immediately...
© Copyright 2000 (Revised 2002) Dear Diary: Some months ago, my friend Rachel played some mind games with me, getting me all hot about her cousins Brenda and Josie. And then bringing me over to join them in a mini orgy. Since then I've opened up for her (in more ways than one). And, as is her practice with me, I've taped our conversation and recorded it here and only here, in MY diary. If should YOU find this, please, read no further than the next paragraph. Really, don't read it,...
Today me and my dad are moving in with his new girlfriend Katie. I had a sister but my mom took her and I got my dad. My dad's name is Jeff. A couple of days ago I found out I'll be having a seventeen year old brother named Keegan. I'm kind of glad. After we got done putting are stuff in he took his charger and I drove my challenger. I wouldn't say we're rich but just to say my dad owns a big business. When we got there I grabbed my purse and hopped out. They had a huge house! Bigger...
Many years ago my daddy married this attractive blonde woman named Samantha she was cute had money and was really nice to me so I went to stay at her house for the weekend best choice ever I was 12 I wanted nice things and to be around nice people and she seemed ok to me one thing I didn't count on was she was married before and as a 12 year old wide eyed trusting c***d I didn't think much of it until I meet him Markuss a 14 year old who pissed me off he poked me annoyed me yelled screamed and...
My name is Karen. I am a 39 years old, but everyone says I don't even look 30. I work out regularly and keep my body and keep a good tan. My breasts are 36D, I have long blond hair, and bright blue eyes. I am divorced and live with my only daughter, Kayla, who is 18. I woke up at 7:15am like I do every morning. I had just had a very sexy dream, but could not really remember the details. I really felt horny, though. I could feel that the sheets had gotten pretty moist and my panties had a large...
IncestNote: I love comments letting me know what people think about my stories, it's the only way that I can improve if I know what needs some work so please don't be shy and let me know what you think! "Great, just fucking great," I mutter as I lean backwards against my door and look around my sterile white studio apartment. I just got home from work where they told me they were laying me off for a month possibly even more. Not enough work right now, it's the slow part of the year for us,...
"Protection?" Hunter mumbled, staring down and into her face. "Yes, you know, to keep women from having babies? Condoms?" "You can't get pregnant..." he began then heard her laugh. "Yeah, I thought that same thing before Lineal and I got married. I was already three months along when we finally spoke our vows. After that, we were very careful." Hunter's hand slid down from her shoulder, slicking across her breasts before ending against her flat, muscled stomach. "Y-you could be...
Monday, April 3, 1848 Ed: Day 15 of the Boston to St Joseph trip The area we were traveling through had some hills, but the traveling was easy. It was also easy for us to talk. "Ed, how did you end up with four wives, with one of them being a black woman?" Tina asked. "Cassie looked at me and asked, "Can I tell it, Ed?" "Go ahead, love." "Ed and Sam were together first. They were just traveling around, exploring the country. I had been having trouble with my father's second...
Jessica was lazing around in bed one weekday morning. She rolled to the side and reached for her tablet on the bedside table. Laying face down, naked under her duvet, her little clit pressed against the mattress.She unlocked the tablet and opened the browser to log online and check her new messages on her favourite site. When she opened her inbox and saw new messages from the married couple she was chatting with her heart beat a little faster and a smile grew on her face.She read the messages,...
Over the years I've had back trouble that has bothered me to a lesser or greater degree. Don't ask! Sven the younger broke his back as an idiot teenager. Could have been worse, I guess. If nothing else it makes me aware of what the weather is about to do, but it has caused me grief off and on ever since. During one of the times when it was being more than a passing nuisance, I was willing to try anything, and a friend recommended a special lady and I gave her a call. So by accident I found a...
CheatingI continued to meet up with Kurt after the time he and Glen introduced me to be slutty. I had such fun with the two of them that I wanted to keep exploring. Kurt had turned into a regular fuck buddy and I stopped making him wear a condom, letting him take me raw. We continued to chat about fantasies and he was pleasantly surprised by just how many I had. He was interested in them all and had a few of his own as well. After being serviced by both Kurt and Glen's cocks in one night I wanted them...
Introduction: A new life could really change someone. Hello. This is my first story, I dont know how many people will enjoy it. Before you get to reading, just know that I didnt put the story under FANTASY because I didnt feel it would be a big part to change the tags. The series will be fantasy, but not a strong, super, duper, over, extra fantasy (what the fuck). The first part has no sexual activity, just buildup and characterization. If youre looking for a series that just revolves around...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven o'clock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot. Mary and I sent our bodyguards to raid the house and were watching from our...