Goody episode 2
- 2 years ago
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Elliot Carson looked at the screen on his HAAS controller. He pressed the buttons that would run the program at 25% rapid and in single block mode. Running in single block, meant that the huge machine would execute only one single block or command in the program at a time. It would then wait for him to prompt it before doing anything else.
He closed the door to the machine's cavernous machining envelope and wished for the best. He'd been tweaking this program for more efficiency and hoped that he'd finally gotten it right. If so, it would cut down on the machine's cycle time and save the company more money. Saving the company more money meant that Elliot's production numbers went up and that his profit sharing check would be bigger.
Elliot lost all thought of that as it happened. He'd been so pre-occupied by the machine that he'd lost track of the time and almost missed one of his two favorite times of the day. Watching "her" arrive at the plant was the best. Watching "her" leave was a close second.
She walked briskly to the time clock and looked for her card. She punched the card, put it back in her slot and walked up the stairs towards the office. Today as usual she was wearing a skirt that stopped just below her knee. Her calves were beautiful and her ankles were as spectacular as the rest of her. Her ass was perfect, not huge, not flat just perfectly proportionate for her frame. Her breasts were just there as far as he could tell. They weren't huge by a long shot and they weren't flat. They stood out from her torso, but not a huge amount.
It was her face and that luxurious mane of hair that Elliot noticed first. Her face was perfection. She was blessed with huge blue eyes and a Cupid's bow mouth. Her nose was cute and covered with a light coating of freckles. He dreamed of looking into those eyes someday and kissing those lips, but it would probably never happen.
Her hair was a golden blond color and was literally the longest mane of hair he'd ever seen. It extended all the way down past her ass nearly to her knees. It was always tied up or restrained in some way. Today it was in one long pony tail that swished and bounced off of her ass as she walked. Elliot watched her all the way until she disappeared from view into the office upstairs.
"Earth to Elliot. Earth to Elliot. Come in Elliot, are you there?" laughed the voice of Elliot's best friend, Mark Daniels.
Elliot turned around and barely noticed his friend. It always took him a while to return to normal after seeing her.
"Elliot, can you hear me?" asked Mark.
"Yeah, of course I can," snapped Elliot. He was embarrassed that Mark had caught him staring at the woman and hoped that maybe his friend wouldn't notice.
"Man, you zoned out over that one," said Mark, removing all hope of Elliot maintaining his dignity. "You really went gaga over her, Bud."
"No I didn't," snapped Elliot. "I don't even know what you're talking about. I was going over my calculations for the radii in this program because if I got them wrong, I'm going to fuck up a pretty expensive casting."
"Hmm, it seems pretty coincidental that your calculations started right when that blond came in and ended right when she disappeared from view," said Mark. "But I believe you. After all you are my best friend."
"That's because I'm the ONLY guy who can stand you for very long," said Elliot.
"That is probably true," said Mark. "Anyway, lunch today? On you of course, I'm technically broke until we get paid tomorrow."
"Okay," said Elliot turning back to his machine. "See you then."
Mark quickly went up the stairs and into the office. He looked around and saw the blond woman. She was sitting at a desk near the center of the room. All around her were other secretaries and assistants. He stared at the woman trying to see exactly what was so special about her that had drawn his friend's interest.
There had to be something. Elliot hardly ever looked at women, let alone spaced out in the middle of the shop floor over one.
Mark went and spoke to Sally, the office gossip. Sally smiled broadly as Mark leaned over her desk. She leaned forward to give him a better view of her chest and quickly looked around to make sure that the other women in the office were watching her.
"I told you, you'd be back," she said. "What happened, did you run out of single women to go after?"
"Sally, you getting married is one of the worst things to ever happen to me in my life," said Mark. "I really wish you hadn't done it, because now we can get together every once in a while, but it can't be anything regular. It would arouse too much suspicion. And I don't need any husbands beating down my door."
"You had your chance, baby," said Sally. "You could have married me yourself. Shit, you still can."
"Sally what do you know about the blond over there?" Mark pointed at the woman that Elliot had been staring at.
Sally looked to see who he was talking about and then turned her head back. Her eyes had changed. "Mark you need to stay the fuck away from her," she snapped.
"She's been through a rough enough time already. She doesn't need you pumping her up and then dumping her on a whim, or because after you've fucked her a couple of times you're just bored. She's not your type and you're not hers."
Mark looked at the woman again. Her face seemed plain, but she was kind of pretty. He'd seen better though. She had hardly any tits. She wasn't very tall or very short. She didn't wear a lot of make-up or jewelry. Her clothes weren't very stylish. Shit, she was the most average woman Mark had ever seen. The only thing that stood out about her was all of that hair. Holy shit, he wondered. How the hell did she go to the bathroom without getting shit all over it?
"Don't worry, Sally," said Mark. "I'm not the least bit interested in her."
"Yeah right," said Sally. "She has a pussy, so you're interested. But if you mess with her, every woman that works here will make sure that you lose your job."
"Honest to God Sally, I'm not interested in Rapunzel," said Mark.
"Her name is Kathy," snapped Sally. "And if you're not interested in her, then why the hell were you asking about her?"
"A friend of mine is kind of nuts about her," said Mark.
"Well tell your friend to stay the fuck away from her," snapped Sally. "Or else..."
"Or else what?" asked Mark, bringing his face so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her cheek. She wondered if he'd actually kiss her here in the office in front of everyone. Mark was such a bastard. She was sure he would. He'd do it without even a thought, her marriage and reputation, be damned.
"Or else we'll make sure that both you and your friend have problems," said Sally, snapping out of her near swoon. Mark was trouble. It was all she could do to keep from pulling her panties down and handing them to him.
"Don't worry," said Mark. "I doubt that anything will happen. You know how shy Elliot is."
"Elliot," snapped Sally. All of a sudden her entire demeanor changed. "Ohhh, the poor baby. Tell me what's going on."
A few hours later Elliot sat at a table across from Mark in a mom and pop restaurant near the plant where they both worked. Mark was a salesman and a very good one. He used his charm to schmooze people into buying everything he sold, whether they needed it or not.
Elliot was a CNC programmer and he was also very good at what he did. The two men had been friends for most of their lives. Mark was outgoing and friendly, on the surface. Elliot was more reticent and shy.
Those qualities were only on the surface though. Mark would walk up and talk to anyone he saw. He'd ask them all kinds of personal questions and make them think that he really wanted to know them. A good example of this was when they were in their last year of high school. They got a new science teacher who was a really beautiful woman. Mark walked right up to her and was soon asking her all kinds of questions. What's your daughter's name? How old is she? Oh it's too bad she's in a wheelchair. Her birthday is when?
Elliot on the other hand almost went into shock when having to meet new people. He hung back and stayed off to himself. People sometimes thought he was aloof or just plain snooty until they actually met him. But in reality nothing was farther from the truth. Elliot would go a long way out of his way to help anyone. Even people he barely knew. In our example about the science teacher, three weeks later was the science teacher's daughter's birthday.
Mark totally forgot about it. Elliot went into the classroom early and left a present for the child. When he got caught doing it, he claimed that Mark had told him to do it. The overwhelmed teacher went to thank Mark and found out that he had no idea when her daughter's birthday was. When she went back to Elliot, he apologized profusely and told her that he wanted to get the child a present but was embarrassed to do it because she hadn't actually told him about her daughter, it had been Mark.
People who knew both of them for any period of time came to love Elliot, while Mark tended to get on their nerves after a while. With dating it was the same thing. Elliot had one girlfriend from his early teens all the way until his second year of college, when her family moved out of the country. They kept in touch for years and he was heartbroken when time and distance ended the relationship.
Mark dated someone new every time the wind blew. Most of the women he dated more than once claimed they'd date him again occasionally but not seriously. "He goes out with a lot of different women..." said one. " ... Because he only has enough bullshit to last for one or two dates. After that, he just gets on your nerves."
"Her name is Kathy," said Mark as the two men ate. "She's from a small town in Ohio. She moved here three weeks ago and has been working here for two weeks. She isn't dating anyone. She lives alone. She doesn't have any kids. She likes your car, so that might be a way for you to start a conversation with her."
"Mark, what are you babbling about?" asked Elliot.
"You dream girl," said Mark. "I went and got you the 411, because I knew that left alone you'd just sit there and stare at her until someone else started dating her. Then you'd watch her in secret until she got married and broke your heart."
"Mark, I still don't know what you're talking about. I'm not interested in any of the women at work," said Elliot. Inwardly he was really excited to know her name.
Later on at work that afternoon, Sally and a couple of the other women in the office took Kathy on a tour of the plant. They walked her around to all of the other departments and introduced her to everyone. A lot of the men in the plant were very outgoing. They smiled at Kathy and tried their best to charm her. Unfortunately a lot of them were also married.
When they got to Elliot's office he wasn't there. "He's probably on the shop floor," said Sally. "Those are the only two places Elliot ever is. Either in here on his computer, writing programs or down on the shop floor, testing them. He's a really nice guy, Kathy. You'll like him."
When they got to the shop floor, most of the guys there were eager to meet the pretty new secretary as well. Everyone who worked on the floor came over to meet her, except for Elliot who wasn't anywhere to be found.
"Mark, you're full of shit," said Sally later. She walked in to Mark's cubicle and slammed the door before she realized that he was on the phone. She smiled a shit eating grin in embarrassment and sat down. As soon as Mark hung up the phone, she started in on him again.
As Sally took a deep breath to start yelling at him, Mark smoothly stood up and kissed her. Instead of coming out as a scream her breath was released as a sigh. Mark reached out and mauled her breasts though her clothes and Sally got weak in the knees.
"Now what were you about to say?" he smirked.
"I think you're lying about Elliot," said Sally. "We took Kathy around on a tour and he was nowhere to be found. If he liked her, don't you think that he'd have been there to meet her"? We did it that way so it wouldn't put him on front street. He'd just be one of many people she was introduced to, this afternoon. I think that you're lying to me and are just trying to get into the poor girl's panties. I think that you're using your best friend just to advance yourself to another conquest."
Mark reached around and patted Sally on her ass. "So what if I am?" he asked as he rubbed.
"Maaaark, stop that," crooned Sally. Mark noticed that though she'd said stop she didn't move away from him and took no action whatsoever to actually make him stop.
"Well, she's a really nice girl and she's been through hell," said Sally. "I can't let you hurt her."
"I'm wounded, Sally," said Mark pulling her to him. "Elliot is my best friend and I swear to you that he really likes her. I wouldn't lie about that. Besides, there's really nothing special that I can see about her. He can have her, if we can get them together. I have no interest in her or even in fucking her. She just seems kind of weird to me with all of that long ass hair. But since you don't believe me, I propose a bet."
"What kind of bet?" asked Sally? At that moment she was wishing that like Kathy she'd worn a skirt that day. Mark was rubbing her pussy through her pants and she was tempted to take them off.
"If I can prove to you that Elliot is the one who likes Blondie, then I get to fuck you in the ass. If I can't prove it then I swear on everything that I hold dear not to ever even speak to her," he said.
"Mark, I haven't even let my husband have my ass," whined Sally. "Pick something else."
"Scared huh?" asked Mark smiling.
"No, I'm sure that you just want to toss that girl on the scrap heap after you have your way with her," said Sally.
"Then make the bet," said Mark.
"But what would my husband say?" whined Sally.
"First, he's not going to say shit because he's not going to find out," said Mark. "And second it's none of his business anyway. I want to fuck your ass not his. And since you haven't given it to him yet, you're probably saving it for me anyway."
"I am not!" snapped Sally, turning red.
"Think about it Sal," said Mark. "Your husband just loves your pussy doesn't he?"
Sally nodded wondering where Mark was going with this.
"Well I was there before he was, to warm it up for him," said Mark. "So someday if he ever does want to fuck your ass, I'm sure he'd appreciate me having warmed that up for him too, don't you think."
"I don't know," said Sally. "He gets pretty jealous."
"But if you're right, it's not going to happen anyway is it?" asked Mark.
"I know I'm right," said Sally. "Because I know you, Mark. You're the noise a donkey makes."
"What the fuck are you talking about Sally?" laughed Mark.
"He whore, He whore, He whore," laughed Sally. Then she stuck her hand out "It's a bet," she said. "But you have to prove it to me within 48 hours."
"It won't take that long," laughed Mark. "Just meet me here tomorrow morning about 10 minutes before the morning shift starts."
"And shy Elliot is just going to admit that he likes Kathy?" asked Sally. "Every time we've tried to fix him up with someone it's been a disaster. Honestly he's the sweetest guy I know. He, unlike his friend is perfect husband material. Shit, I'd love for my daughter or my sister to marry him. But he's so God damned shy that he'll probably be a bachelor for his whole life."
"Just be here at 7:20 tomorrow," said Mark, who was stinging from her remark. Oh yeah I'm stinging from you saying I'm not husband material. But by tomorrow night your fat ass will be stinging, he thought.
Early the next morning Mark met Sally outside of his office. He took her to the catwalk that overlooked the floor. He pointed down at Elliot, who as usual was hard at work doing some complicated technical thing on one of his machines.
"Aren't we going to go down there so he can tell us that he likes her?" asked Sally. Mark noticed that Sally had squeezed herself into a skirt that was a couple of sizes too tight to be appropriate for business. Only the fact that the skirt was black let her get away with wearing it.
"Elliot would never admit to something like that," said Mark. "Just watch him. Watch his face. Then after you see what I want you to see, we'll go and talk to him. I want you to watch his face as he tells you he hasn't seen her."
Sally noticed that Elliot was deep into his programming. Elliot got so into it that sometimes he even spoke to people using the G&M codes that CNC machine operated on.
She remembered when he had to deliver the address to the staff about where to go in the event of a fire. He said G00, which was machine code for a rapid movement. No one knew what the hell he was talking about until one of the other programmers burst out laughing and explained it to everyone.
Mark pointed towards the door. Kathy entered the plant and started walking towards the time clock. Sally looked at Elliot. His jaw had dropped open and he was staring intently at the blond woman as if he wanted to etch her features on his eyeballs so he could always see her. His whole body turned to keep her in view. The expression on his face told the entire story. It was like something out of a fucking fairy tale. Elliot would probably die for Kathy without ever having spoken to her and probably without ever knowing her name.
It was the saddest thing Sally had ever seen. It was also too romantic to let pass. But if she didn't do something it would go by without anyone ever knowing. She'd known Elliot for the whole time that he worked here. It took literally months before he would even speak to her and he had to see her every week to collect his check stub. The company used direct deposit, so their pay was forwarded directly to their bank accounts but they still got a pay stub to let them know how much had been deposited and why.
Once she got him to talking, Sally had discovered how sweet Elliot could be. Sally had a tiny little Toyota car that she loved. During the winter especially the car was impractical and also simply too small. Sally had planned a party for her sister's kids and needed to go shopping for a lot of things that she knew would never fit into her car. Elliot had a really nice Mustang that he doted on, but during the winter he drove an F-150. As soon as Sally had gotten done talking about her problem with some of the women she knew, who had suggested that she just make more than one trip, or have the items delivered. Elliot quietly came over and put his keys on her desk.
"Elliot, that is so sweet of you," she'd said. "But I'd be afraid to drive that huge truck."
Elliot had driven her to every store she wanted to go to, and transported all of her packages. He'd spent the whole day shopping for toys and games and food for a party for children that he didn't even know.
After seeing Elliot's reaction to Kathy, Sally knew that she had to help get the two of them together. It was so sad. He watched her walk in and punch her card. Then he watched her walk all the way up the stairs until he couldn't see her anymore. Then he just turned back to what he was doing. He shook his head and smiled and moved on. It was simply too fucking romantic to let go.
Sally also realized as she looked at Mark's smirking face that she'd lost the bet.
"We have to get the two of them together," she said. Mark just nodded.
"When and where?" he asked.
"I don't know, we have to figure out how to get them together without it looking like we planned it," she said.
"Not that bullshit," said Mark. "You know what I'm talking about. First things first. Besides you wanted to lose this bet."
"What makes you think that?" Sally asked indignantly.
"You normally wear pants, Sally," he said. "Today you show up in a skirt that is so short and so tight that it just looks like you want someone to bend you over a desk and fuck that ass."
Sally walked away fuming. She wasn't a slut. She just had needs.
Later, just after quitting time, Sally was bent over Mark's desk. He'd pulled her skirt up and taken her panties off and was licking her vagina from between her spread legs. He licked her outer lips and slowly moved inside. His tongue very gently moved over her sensitive folds. He made a slurping noise that caused her to erupt in laughter as he moved to her opening and then he attacked her clit. Sally thought that she had died and gone to heaven.
She hadn't been this wet since the last time Mark had fucked her, on the eve of her wedding night. Mark stood up behind her and she heard the sound as his pants hit the floor. He'd obviously been excited. She heard his keys and everything that was in his pockets jingle.
Sally had a tingle to go with the jingle as she trembled in anticipation of his assault. Mark used the head of his dick to scoop up some of her juices for lubrication and pushed it slowly into her pussy. He slowly pushed until he was all the way inside her and she started moving herself as soon as she adjusted to his length. She pushed her ass against his lower abdomen in time to his thrusts. "Oh baby," she moaned. "You can do this whenever you want."
Mark just smirked behind her. Then he pulled his dick out of her all the way. "Mark, why are you stopping?" she whined. Mark started forcing his dick that was covered in her own secretions into her smaller hole. "Oh God, Mark," she hissed. "It's not going to fit. Slowly, you have to go really slow."
After what seemed like an eternity the head of Mark's dick snapped inside of her anal sphincter. He stopped to let her get used to the feeling. She felt as if someone had stuck a white hot poker up her ass. After a few seconds she relaxed and the pain started to go away.
Mark seemed to feel her relax and he started pushing forward, a little at a time until over half of his dick was in her ass. Then he backed out a little and started to move forward again, going a bit deeper each time. Before long Sally was pushing her ass against him again and they started going faster and faster. What had started out very painful was now bringing Sally pleasure. It was a different feeling than vaginal sex but in its own way very good. Maybe it was because she was a virgin to this kind of sex. Maybe it was because it was so much nastier to her, but she was building towards a massive orgasm.
Sally screamed and Mark clamped his hand over her mouth. "Shut up stupid, we're still in the plant. There are way too many people still here for you to be screaming," he hissed.
"It's so good," she whispered. "Just don't stop fucking my ass."
Mark started pounding Sally harder and harder. Sweat broke out on his forehead. Sally spread her legs further apart to give him better access. Mark ripped her blouse open sending a spray of tiny buttons across the office. He started to rub her breasts through her bra. Sally lifted it until they came free. She looked over her shoulder to one side and Mark hungrily clamped his mouth down on hers, all the while they built towards a furious rhythm.
Then the door opened and the cleaning lady reached in to grab Mark's trash can. She looked up at them and smiled. "Hi Sally. Hi Mark," she said.
"Oh shit, don't stop," said Sally.
"How's the new husband, Sally," asked the cleaning lady as she ducked back out of the room.
"Bitch," hissed Sally.
"Relax, she won't say a thing," said Mark.
"Let me guess. You're fucking her too," said Sally. Mark just smiled.
Sally's formerly virgin ass was giving Mark more friction than he could handle, without warning he just erupted squirting hot semen throughout her bowels. In a chain reaction Sally's insides started to clutch and she exploded too. The strange thing was that she felt the orgasm in her pussy even though he'd fucked her ass.
Mark staggered backwards as he pulled himself free. Sally was still throbbing and waiting for her vision to clear. She leaned down and took Mark's dripping member into her mouth. Mark's still sensitive dick started to spurt again. "Ooh Shit, that was good," he said.
"Oh yeah, you can do that to me any time you want too," said Sally.
"Nuh unh," said Mark. "Remember, we can't get together very often. The husband, remember?"
"Fuck him," snapped Sally. "I might have to send him to you for lessons." She pulled her skirt down and tried to fasten her blouse, but realized that it didn't have buttons anymore. She reached over by her purse and grabbed the sweater she'd worn over her blouse. She buttoned the sweater and then looked at Mark as she stuffed her panties in his pocket.
"Did you do what you were supposed to do?" she asked.
"Why do you think my breath smells like gas," he smirked.
"Mark, your breath doesn't smell like gas," said Sally. "It smells like my pussy."
Downstairs on the shop floor, Elliot was closing up his toolbox. He'd go back up to his office and shut down his computers on his way out. As he turned to shut off the lights on his section of the floor he noticed her standing there.
He looked at every line and curve of her face for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a few seconds.
"Sorry to bother you," she said. Her voice was melodic. It was like music to his ears. He was so awed by the fact that she was talking that he didn't actually pay any attention to what she was saying.
"There's something wrong with my car," she said. "I just moved here and I don't know anyone one to call. And I don't have a cell phone yet. Could you let me back into the office so I could use the phone on my desk to call a tow truck?"
"What's wrong with your car?" croaked Elliot.
"Well, it just won't start," she said. "I don't know anything about cars. I just put the key in and turn it and it takes me places."
Elliot was even more in love with her now. "If you'd like I could take a look at it for you," he said almost too quietly for her to hear.
"That would be awesome," she said.
Elliot followed her out the door to the parking lot. She stopped in front of a 10 year old Ford Taurus. She handed him the key and he got inside. Elliot turned the key and heard the starter. He looked over and her gas gage was on E.
"You're out of gas," he said.
"But I had almost a quarter of a tank," she said. "I don't live very far from here and that should have gotten me home tonight and back here tomorrow, before I needed to fill up again."
"I'm sorry," Elliot said. "I believe you. But there's nothing wrong with your car, you just need some gas. Maybe you hit something and got a leak in your fuel line. If you'd like I could go and get you some?"
"I don't have any money," said Kathy. "I just moved here and I really don't know anyone yet."
"It would be my pleasure," said Elliot. He reached into his pocket and got his keys out. "You can wait for me in the office, while I go."
"Wouldn't it be easier for me to go with you?" she asked.
"I guess," said Elliot. "My car is over here."
Elliot stopped at his Red 08 Mustang GT vert. The car was his favorite thing on the planet. He had customized nearly everything on the car, but it still looked almost stock. He didn't do too many things to it that would affect its outside appearance.
"I love this car," said Kathy. "I'd wondered who it belonged to."
Elliot got in and waited for her to put her seat belt on. He took off slowly which was difficult because with the supercharger the car put out nearly six hundred horsepower. Keeping all of that power under control was difficult, but he managed. He didn't want her to think that he was showing off. Elliot was dying to let the top down and see all of her beautiful hair blowing in the wind, but he didn't want to anger her so he didn't even mention it.
He drove to the gas station that was only a block away. He looked in his trunk and got out the small gas can he usually kept there. Elliot himself didn't run out of gas. That was next to impossible since the display in his car told him how many miles he could drive before the tank was empty. But he'd run into friends and other people over the years who did so he liked to be prepared to help when he could. His emergency kit also included jumper cables and an emergency battery charger as well as blankets, flares, a first aid kit, etc.
Elliot filled the small can and put it into his trunk. Then he drove back to Kathy's car. He put the gas from the can into her tank and asked her for her keys. After several attempts the car's motor caught and Elliot drove off, leaving a surprised Kathy standing by Elliot's Mustang.
It took about 10 minutes and she was beginning to get worried, when Elliot drove back up to her. She looked at him questioningly, and he told her that he'd needed to test the car.
"I wanted to make sure you didn't have a leak from your gas tank or fuel line," he said. "If you did, you might be in this same boat tomorrow." He left off the part where someone else might get to rescue her. Someone more aggressive, who'd start dating her and take her away from him.
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I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can’t stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn’t all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...
Re Tony’s forfeit As Tony had failed to keep up the agreed full hour of mutual sexual gratification without exploding into the very meaty dripping wet pussy of the very hard to fully satisfy Gemma. On saying that you would need to be a very well-endowed and more importantly very hard to keep it in without it dropping out. She can usually go through several explosive orgasm with either someone who is very good or at the same time several mere mortals who are average especially if more than one...
The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...
Straight SexI was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...
Straight SexShes sitting there in the corner of my eye asking why I have to make a mess she knows my cakes take time to prepare bake and set. Whisking the eggs fluffing my batter she waits my forearms tighten cute bakers hat shaking my good mood to much to resist. Come here for a second she calls out to me. Hold on is my reply. Set my pans in the oven turn around her body pins up mine. Gimme a kiss. So I do slip to the side and be rude let me go take a shower. I wash the flour out my hair take a moment and...
Good Porn! Ah, the appeal of free things! It doesn't matter whether it's a new pair of pants or a car; free stuff makes everyone happy. What if you could get something that you actually wanted for free? You know, something like free porn? That's right. You know The Porn Dude is your number one destination when it comes to finding the best portals for free smut. I spend long hours on the darkest parts of the internet looking for places where you can stroke your prick chaffed without worrying...
Free Porn Tube Sitesmy first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...
I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
We were planning to have a couples trip down to a lake for the weekend. Just 4 of us as me and my coworker ended up telling out gfs that we would go to check out the place. They told us to just call ahead but we had plans of our own and thought this would be the perfect time to go by ourselves. We got to the place after a nice little drive and rented it for the night for ourselves. It was right by the lake and was a good distance between the other cabins, offering some much needed privacy. We...
Story taken from forum!I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind...
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
Sex StoryMy boyfriend Ray J had kept in contact with several of his college buddies over the years and they would meet on weekends to do things together. Over the years they began to get pretty competitive with their activities and to add money to their quests. At first it did not concern me as he would loose $25.00 over a weekend or come home a winner with several hundred dollars that he always used to pamper me. However, as their competitiveness continued to increase the losses starting...
91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...
This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...
Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...
VISIT on to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...
I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
First TimeReddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...
Reddit NSFW ListHe called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...
IncestTed walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. ‘Oh, lord! What have we here?’ He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot’s hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...
I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....
To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot’s arm around Goody’s neck and...
Her gorgeous tan breasts heaved as she moaned. She couldn’t believe how good her innocent little sister was at eating her out. “Oh... Yeah... Don’t stop Jacinta... IM SOOOO CLOSE!” Alex moaned so loud that the whole house would’ve heard. On any normal day she would have been much more cautious about moaning, however tonight her parents were out for dinner and given how late it was, were probably doing something similar. Jacinta continued too eat her sisters bare cunt just as she had been begged...
LesbianThis happened a while ago, early 2000's, after my first divorce but prior to my second marriage and second divorce. I was living in an apartment alone, like now, and was looking for fun in AOL chat rooms, a pretty new thing at the time. The chat room was for guys wanting to watch while someone fucked their wife. Hmmm. He wasn't much of a chatter but said he and his wife would like to...
Wife LoversThis just happened earlier this summer. Julie and I have been friends for over 20 years. I met her when we were going to a local university. We had a lot in common, both married and starting families trying to finish up school. Over the past couple of years, we haven't seen much of each other. She was going through a bad time in her marriage, eventually getting a divorce. Having three k**s really took a toll on her body, so before the divorce, she had gotten a boob job and a tummy tuck. She...
I drove long that night out of the city through the suburbs till I reached your quaint town, I saw my target, and a few lights still on I parked just far enough away. And crept through the long grass encompassing your home. When I was close enough I sat to observe the house one small feminine car on the drive. And light shone out a small window I manoeuvre to peer inside. I began to watch you flitting about the kitchen enticingly prancing around. Wearing just an apron, barely covering her large...
after about two hours and half, the school was almost clear, i think there was only janitors, so i could proceed to leave the school. i opened the door, and i walked few steps without any worries. the door had two walls to each sides of it hiding the door from viewers, both walls were huge, so then i see a girl kicking her soccer ball on the wall, i could remember that person was a friend i had. i walked over her and she smiled at me, i was happy by the display of greetings, but...
Introduction: Young, hot teen sex. I waked up and i realisated i had a slight erection. In 30 minutes i had to leave home, but since my mother was on the computer in my room, i stood in the bed 10 minutes, but the erection wouldnt go away So i simply bent my torso so the erection is less visible and i dressed myself. I walked my way to school, not minding my erection after 10 minutes. i arrived too early, so there was not a lot of persons, when i did my walk towards the schools door i realised...
This story involving my Mom is true having begun many months ago. I’m writing only because I have no one else to share it with. All the names are real, although I’ve made up some dialog to enhance the story only because I don’t remember exactly every word that was said in each situation. As bizarre as this sounds, if it wasn’t for my friends, I would never have fucked my Mom. Let me explain. At the time, I was an eighteen year-old college male, in- between my freshman...
March 9, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio If Tasha hadn’t already been upset by Clarissa, Robby, and Lee, her face showed she was beyond livid with me now. The kiss Janey and I had exchanged wasn’t just a peck on the lips, but the kiss of a boyfriend and girlfriend, if not lovers. And Tasha had seen it. She knew I dated, but she didn’t know I was involved with Janey to that degree. And given the spat Tasha and I’d had the previous night, I could imagine all the evil thoughts going through her...
Lance's girlfriend Gina has another surprise for him. Group Sex It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Gina and I were getting along great. Every chance we got we snuck away to some secluded place and attacked each other. After years of wondering why my friends were so fascinated and daring about sex, my raven-haired beauty was showing me what I had been missing. Every day I got to know her body’s mixture of hard muscle and...
Strange friendship By Jennifer Adams I had to finally sit down and write this out to get my life into prospective. It has been several weeks since I last saw Micheal, my now ex-boyfriend. He said he had to move on with his life and find a nice girl who could give him children. I told him I understood and that I supported his decision. I have been crying ever since and I think I have finally cried myself out of tears. As my tears began to fade, my mind began to clear. I slowly began to...
Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. This time I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about how I and enjoyed sexual relationship with a friend without actual vaginal intercourse. It is not a real story. Guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. I had a childhood friend called Sonakshi (Sonu). During childhood, we played together, went to same school and relished our childhood. Our families were friends too. It so happened that Sonakshi’s family...
I had a wild dream of watching my wife gangbanged by 3-4 guys together. One day I had talked to some of my friends over a drink about my fantasy of a gang bang on my wife. Then everybody jokingly discussed about it and shared their on fantasies and stories of such gang bangs they have heard about. Thereafter this matter was forgotten and I had been transferred to another place about 600 KM away. About six months passed and then I got a call from one of my old friends. He told me that...
If there is demand, I will post part 3. PART 1 My name is Nina, I'm Canadian-Lebanese [27 F], 5 ft 1, 115 pounds, and dark hair. This is the story of me and my husband [30, M, White] and his group of friends. My husband and I have been married for a year and he is the only guy I have ever been with. Since we've been married, my husband has wanted me to get to know his friends better, which I was happy to do. They are a close knit group of 6 guys (including my husband) and my husband is...
Me and my friends had gone out clubbing. We were on our way home. I always stayed the night with one of the girls when we went out just because I live that much further out than them. Tonight I was sleeping around my friend Tally's house. We'd been best friends for only about a year now. We'd spent the night together many times before. But never engaging in any girl on girl activities. I had thought about it though, and I'm pretty sure she had too. Certain things she's said when we'd been out...
LesbianGood Friends by Vallee (1994) As I approached the small medical facility owned by my good friend Jeff, I began to have doubts as to whether he could help me or not.. I mean, should I drag him into a situation that I have created? "Well. He's my only hope", I whispered to myself, as I walked through the door. As I entered the ultra-modern lobby, an attractive receptionist sat at her desk filing some sort of cards. As I approached, she looks up and said "May I help you sir?" I...
Bikini Beach -Boyfriends ElrodW Despite the girls telling them no, the boys follow Natalya, Megan, and her friends to Bikini Beach to surprise them. Now the girls have to deal with an unexpected complication in their tween romances, and then the fallout of the boys having changed afterwards. ********** Bikini Beach -Boyfriends This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported...
I knew something was up because Nan had been fidgety since I walked in the front door. It was one of the signs that she had something to say that she didn't think I was going to like to hear. After fifteen years of marriage I knew the signs and I also knew that I couldn't hurry things along. When Nan had something like that to say she had to work herself up to say it. So, while I waited for her to finish dinner I grabbed a beer and went into the living room to watch CNN. When Nan called me...
Wife gets back at husband for flirting by making him watch.Chapter 1I met Kat at work two years ago. She was 22, 18 years younger than I, but we had a connection from her first day. I was the owner at a small ad agency, and she enjoyed flirting with, and later dating the boss. She was so pretty and alive, with an amazing body. She didn't dress slutty, but her curves were never hidden in the sundresses she wore all summer or the sweaters she wore in the winter. Things moved fast, she had moved...
It was still early, so Gail gave us directions to a place to go for some refreshments. We all pulled up to a place called "The Abbey". It seemed both pleasant and quaint, hardly a fitting structure for its name since it looked like a small, unimposing building. As we trooped in we found it to be a nice quiet place with several tables, a few big couches, and I noticed a bar along one wall. I didn't worry about it because I assumed Gail knew of any restrictions. Besides, most restaurants had...
Race relations in the United States were expected by many to improve after the first black president was elected and then reelected by wide margins. However, recent events involving conflicts between primarily black minorities and various police jurisdictions have caused numerous protests, some of which have turned violent. It is in the backdrop of those demonstrations that I first cuckolded my husband with some of the black protesters, many with prejudices against white people.My name is...
InterracialCandace and I had a blast. She was at least a couple inches shorter than me. That made me feel good, even though most of my friends were taller. We went through the exhibits and she wanted to see my ribbon for bread. She'd snagged a piece before we left the set and munched it as we loaded our stuff. On the way through the Commercial Building, we saw a sign at the Vita-Mix booth that said, "Brian's Gazpacho, 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00." It was hastily lettered and was sitting next to the...
When they first met, Calvin was one of the laziest people Shawna had ever met. He didn’t do any of his homework and nearly failed every test. Yet, he managed to graduate with everyone else. Even though he graduated, everyone thought he’d amount to nothing in life.Shawna was the total opposite; she did all of her homework and passed every test with flying colors. She wasn’t valedictorian or anything like that, but she was more productive than Calvin. It came as no surprise that she graduated and...
Straight SexThese words changed my life as I typed them into the group chat that my husband's friends created. My husband was not invited to the group chat. Just me, his slutty wife, who just the night before fucked one of his best friends behind his back. But let's back up for a second. My name is Nina. I'm 27 years old, 5 foot 1 inch tall, about 115 pounds with dark brown hair, light skin and brown eyes. I was born and raised in Canada but my background is Lebanese. I have small, but perky breasts,...
My name is Ethan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were lucky to have been born and raised in the Savannah, Georgia area, and then able to find good jobs and raise our family here. We are in our mid-fifties now, and our children are grown and own their own, living in Atlanta.Jenny and I have a lot of good friends from high school who are still in the area, and she sees her old girlfriends socially at church gatherings, playing cards at bridge nights twice a month, and other get togethers with a couple...
MatureWell to be honest it has been at least ten years since I talked with anyone directly involved with it all, and now it has been more than forty years since it all happened. Yet there are some defining moments in your life that you never forget. True, details become blurred with time and perhaps some details that still exist may have come from second hand accounts or perhaps even from an over active imagination; the realities of the moments are still there. It all started the summer of 1952 in...
Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. This is Ram Prakash from Hyderabad, 23 years old. Thanks for commenting on my first real sex story through emails (First Femdom Act). Coming to the second sex encounter of my life, it was with my girlfriend and 3 of her friends. I am working in a software company in Chennai. There I met this girl named Aruna. She hails from Salem and is living with her seniors in a flat. She is light brown in color and has a good structure. Aruna and I were put into the...