nans halloween party
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
I knew something was up because Nan had been fidgety since I walked in the front door. It was one of the signs that she had something to say that she didn't think I was going to like to hear. After fifteen years of marriage I knew the signs and I also knew that I couldn't hurry things along. When Nan had something like that to say she had to work herself up to say it. So, while I waited for her to finish dinner I grabbed a beer and went into the living room to watch CNN.
When Nan called me for dinner I was surprised to see that she had opened a couple of bottles of wine, one on the table and one on the sideboard to 'breathe, ' and she had already poured two glasses. Since we rarely had wine with our meals during the week I asked her what was the occasion.
"I'm trying to get you in a mellow mood."
"In other words I'm not going to like what's coming, am I?"
"Probably not."
"Well why not just go ahead and get it over with?"
"Not yet. Wait until we finish the wine."
"That bad?"
Nan looked down at her wineglass and said, "Pretty bad."
We sat in silence as we finished dinner and I wondered what 'pretty bad' could mean.
When dinner was over and the dishes were cleared away I said, "Living room, family room, bedroom or here?"
"Here is fine" and she got up and got the other bottle of wine off the sideboard. She refilled our glasses and then she sat down across from me.
"Would you say we have a good marriage?"
"I would say we have an excellent marriage."
"Are you happy with me?"
"Of course I am."
"You do know that I love you, don't you?"
"Yes, I believe I do, now what's this all about?"
She watched me silently for several moments, took a big gulp of her wine and then she said, "One of my boyfriends wants to take me to Cancun this weekend for a week and I want to go."
My wineglass was halfway to my mouth before what Nan had said registered on me. I put the glass down on the table and stared at her not believing what I had heard and not knowing what to say. I just sat there and stared at her.
"Aren't you going to say anything?"
"Say what? Start where? The sudden news that you had a boyfriend would have floored me, but boyfriends plural? I don't know what to say. When, why, how long, how many, why are you telling me this, what do you expect me to say? If you need to hear me say something how about this - just how long past the end of this conversation do you expect this marriage to last? For that matter, why are we even having this conversation? Why don't you just pack your bags and head for Cancun? It's a damned good bet that I won't be here when you get back anyway."
"That's what this is all about honey. I want you here when I get back. I won't even go unless you say I can."
"You can't be that stupid Nan. Whether you go or not doesn't matter. You have just informed me that you have been cheating on me. You are unfaithful - you are fucking other men behind my back. You think I'm just going to sit here and say "That's nice dear, and have you been having a good time?" We don't need to say anymore; you've just said all that needs to be said. The marriage is toast. Go to fucking Cancun. Go anywhere you fucking want to, it doesn't matter to me any more."
I got up from the table and headed for the basement.
"Where are you going?"
"To get a suitcase."
"Because I'm getting out of here and I'm going to need to pack some things."
"Please stay and talk to me honey."
"We have nothing to talk about."
"Yes we do. We need to talk about us."
"God damn it Nan, there is no more 'us'. We stopped being an 'us' when you hit me with that boyfriend shit. Just leave me alone."
I went to the basement and got a couple of suitcases and went up to the bedroom to pack. Nan stood in the doorway and watched me for several minutes and then she turned and walked away. I finished packing and carried the suitcases out to the car and put them in the trunk. When I got in the car I found Nan sitting on the passenger side. She looked over at me and said, "I'm sticking to you like glue until we talk this out. You admitted that we had a great marriage. You said you were happy with me and you acknowledged that you believe that I love you. So I've had lovers, so what? Our marriage has still been great and I still love you so at least hear me out before you take off."
"All right, go ahead and talk."
"Please honey, just come back inside. We can sit at the kitchen table where I can sip my wine. I need the wine to help me say what I need to say and I'm going to need it to keep me going."
She took a sip of the Merlot and then said, "First off, I have to say that I love you with all my heart. I love being married to you, I love going to sleep in your arms and I love waking up with you cuddled up next to me. I love every thing about you; your laugh, your tenderness and I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you make love to me and that is where the problem with me is. You just don't do it often enough."
I started to say something, but Nan held up her hand, "Please let me finish - let me get it all out - and then you can say whatever you want or ask any questions you want to." She took another sip of her wine; "You don't need sex as much as I do honey. You are fantastic in bed and you never fail to make my toes curl when we make love, but honey, you just don't want sex all that often. For the last six years you have been happy with once, sometimes twice a week and that isn't near enough for me. Where once a week is good enough for you I could handle once or twice a day."
She took another sip of her wine.
"Back when we slowed down to once or twice a week I spent a small fortune on sexy under things and sexy high heels to try and get you in the mood to make love more often, but you never seemed to notice. I tried being more aggressive in instigating things, but you never responded. Eventually I came to understand that you just weren't all that interested in sex. In all other things you and I were perfect for each other and our marriage was great so I resigned myself to only having sex when you were ready. That lasted about two months and by the end of that two months I was so sexually frustrated that I got irritable and cranky and we started having all those arguments over piddily little shit that didn't amount to much and it was putting a hell of a strain on our marriage. I don't think the marriage would have survived another six months if I hadn't had to much to drink at your sisters wedding shower."
She got up and opened another bottle of wine and when she went to pour me some I waved her away. She refilled her own glass and said, "The girls had all chipped in to hire a male stripper to come in and perform. The girls were pretty raunchy that night and they were tossing him money to try and get him to strip down all the way and when he finally did and I saw his hard cock sticking out in front of him I started to feel sorry for myself. It just so happened that he left the party a minute after I did and he saw me having trouble putting the key in the car door lock. I was crying so hard that I could hardly see. He came over to help me and one thing led to another and I ended up at his apartment and in his bed. He screwed me five times before I had to leave and come home. I was fine after that. Oh I did feel guilty and I cried a lot over the fact that I had betrayed your trust, but the frustration was gone, the irritability was gone and so was the crankiness. But it came back and so did the arguments and the arguments were getting worse. One day we had one that left me so angry that I just wanted to scream and run through the house breaking things. I was cleaning out my purse and I found the piece of paper that Chad had given me with his number on it. I had forgotten that he had given it to me. I was just mad enough at you that day to call him and when he invited me over I went. From then on I saw him three and four times a week. Things smoothed out in our marriage, I was happy and I was able to keep you happy. I know that doesn't make it right, but it worked."
"Six years? You have been doing this six years and have been able to hide it from me?"
"I did it during the day while you were at work and I always made sure I was home and cleaned up well before you got home. There wasn't anyway for you to have found out."
"So I don't satisfy you."
"That's not what I said honey. You always satisfied me when we made love. You just don't do it often enough."
"So what you are telling me is that you are a slut for cock and you have a stable of studs to see that you get it."
"I guess you could put it that way, at least from your point of view."
"How would you put it?"
"I would say that I have a few friends that help me out in my hour of need."
"Just how many is a few?"
"Three or four."
"You don't even know for sure?"
"It changes. It started out as just Chad. Then Chad graduated and got a job in another city. He introduced me to Tony, another dancer he worked with, and then Tony moved and I met Gary. Chad moved back to town and I dated both Gary and Chad for a while and then Tony moved back and it just keeps changing. Right now I'm seeing Chad, Harry, Rudy and Glenn, but Harry is supposed to be moving to Dallas this week. I don't see them all at once, I just take turns dating them. That way I avoid any emotional entanglements."
"So who is it who wants to take you to Cancun?"
"And just what is it that makes this Chad think that you can come and just ask me to let you take off for a week with him?"
"He doesn't know I'm asking you."
"Then what in Christ's name made you think you could do it without causing our marriage to self destruct?"
"Try to understand this honey. I'm gambling here. I know I love you and I was sure that you loved me. What I have been doing for the last six years has not affected your quality of life one little bit. If anything, what I've been doing has made things better for us because we don't argue and fight any more. But circumstances change. My boyfriends are losing the ability to see me during the day when we are relatively free from worrying about being found out. To continue to get the sexual satisfaction that I need I'm going to have to do it in the evenings which almost guarantees that I will eventually get caught. So I decided to bite the bullet and out myself. I'm gambling that I can convince you that I love you more that anything, that you haven't lost anything and that you won't lose anything if I continue. If I can't convince you then the marriage is over. If I hadn't come forward now and I'd have been caught the marriage still would have been over. I'm hoping that by doing it this way I'll have a chance at keeping you."
"I don't see how Nan. As long as I didn't know we could have kept on going, but now I do know. I'd never be able to come home again without wondering who you spent the day with and what you did. I'd never be able to kiss you again without thinking about where that mouth had been and what it had been doing. Just the thought that I've been kissing you after you have sucked some other man's cock is making my stomach turn right now. Look at the bright side. Now you can fuck your stable all day and all night every day. That should keep you sexually satisfied."
She looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Damn it Ben, I love you and I don't want you to leave me."
"Sorry Nan, you should have thought of that before you let yourself become a slut."
I spent the next three days in a motel wondering just how in the hell that a marriage that had been so good for fifteen years could have gone down the chute so quickly. I loved Nan and it killed me to be away from her, but I also knew I was right when I stated the way I would feel when I would come home to her. She professed love for me, but how could she expect me to kiss her knowing that she had just sucked another man's cock? How could she expect me to sit across from her at the dinner table knowing that just a couple of hours earlier she had been on her back with her legs spread for some other guy? After fifteen years she had to know me better than that.
Sitting in the motel and staring at the TV I thought about Nan's reason for doing what she did. She was right that I didn't seem to need a lot of sex, but I wasn't going to accept that it was my fault that she turned herself into a whore. There were plenty of women in the world whose husbands were like me and they didn't go out whoring. So I only made love once or twice a week, what was wrong with that? When it happened I was making love not having sex, and it wasn't any quick coupling either - it sometimes lasted an hour or more and it was almost always more than once or twice. I sometimes went three and four times. What was wrong with having quality instead of quantity? I loved Nan and I do believe that she loved me, but Jesus - how could she expect me to live with what she had become?
My car needed work so I dropped it off at the dealership on Saturday morning and took a cab over to my house. Nan would be in Cancun with her asshole and I could take my time going through the place and packing up what I wanted. I held the cab long enough to check the garage and make sure Nan's car was gone. It was so I paid off the cab driver and then let myself inside the house. About an hour later I was in the bedroom taking clothes out of the closet when I heard the garage door opener start up. At the same time I heard a car door slam out in the drive and when I went to the window and looked out I saw a man getting out of a pick up truck. The shock of seeing the man rattled me more than I cared to admit. Nan had said nothing about the fact that one of her lovers was black.
Obviously Nan had brought one of her lovers to the house and the last thing I wanted was a confrontation with Nan and one of her assholes so I quickly shoved the boxes I'd packed in the closet and closed the door. I hurried down the hall to the spare bedroom. As soon as the two of them were in the master bedroom I would get out of the house. I heard them coming up the stairs and then I heard the man say, "Isn't that your bedroom?"
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Jill and Her Boyfriends “Record temperatures of over 105o are predicted for the Central Valley floor throughout this Fourth of July weekend. People are requested to avoid the use of fireworks during this extreme heat, despite the holiday. Enjoy your civic display or watch a telecast from your air conditioned living room.” Jill turned off her radio and shed her halter and shorts. Shrugging into a light robe, she padded down the hall to the bathroom. Soon, she lay in a tub, her golden hair in a...
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The phone rang..... "Hello?" "Hey...Nicole?" "Yep, Hi John." "Haha I thought it was you, how you been? "Good, and you?" "Great, is your mother there?" "No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though." "Oh, okay, well tel her I'll give her a call, do you need anything?" "Haha no, she'd kill me, but I'll definatly tell her you called." "Okay honey, talk to ya later" "You too, bye!" --------------------------- Nicole...
The phone rang….. “Hello?” “Hey…Nicole?” “Yep, Hi John.” “Haha I thought it was you, how you been? “Good, and you?” “Great, is your mother there?” “No, she went to the doctors, she should be back soon though.” “Oh, okay, well tel her I’ll give her a call, do you need anything?” “Haha no, she’d kill me, but I’ll definatly tell her you called.” “Okay honey,...
After a couple of weeks of continuous sexual engagement between the three of us, we got into a regular routine of who was going where and when. I would normally see Nan a couple of times a week, but still end up in Mom’s bed at the end of the night, if only to cuddle, as she had to work the next day. Saturday night was our real fun night. We would have dinner and the three of us would all settle down to watch some videos. Mom would then go to have a bath to relax, and I would follow her after...
IncestAfter witnessing the sexxion between my Mom and Nan, I couldn’t wait until the next night to tell my Mom what I had seen and what I did later. After dinner that night, Mom said she had a bad headache and was going to bed early. That shattered my dreams of another good night in her bed. I decided to just watch some TV and Nan informed me that she would stay upstairs and join me for a while. We watched a couple of comedy shows and then Nan surprised me when she asked if I had any other DVD’s a...
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This is the continuation of a wonderful family love story………………as promised in the first chapter. I have already mentioned that my Mom, Nan and I lived in the same house very comfortably. We didn’t infringe on each other and it wasn’t until the relationship between my Mother and myself changed that everything changed. The day after my Mom and I made love, we were sitting in the lounge room talking when Mom mentioned something about a family secret that she had to tell me. “Mom, you don’t have...
IncestYou ever do something and then later find yourself wondering just what the fuck ever possessed you to make you do something so stupid? I have and what I did has pretty much fucked up my life. It started out as a kinky way to have some sexual fun with my wife and blew up in my face big time. I'm a Site Coordinator for a large advertising agency and my job is to go wherever the agency is planning a shoot and coordinate things. Coordinator is just a fancy title for a 'gofer.' Doing an ad for...
Please bear with the start of this chapter as it describes events over the intervening years………….. After a couple of years, Mom and I decided to have another baby before she was too old. We had a boy this time and named him Joseph Daniel; he was nicknamed JD by the kids at school. When Mom brought him home, our lives continued on the same track. Whenever Mom would feed JD I was always there to help drain the excess milk from her beautiful teats.. We also kept up the routine of Mom lying on...
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Nan, Mom and Me Pt.11 Young Dan and Gracie, his Mom We have eventually reached the advent of the series. Dan – who’s Nan and Grandpa are also his Mom’ and Dad’s father and the same with Fran, so that is starting to get a little complicated. Don’t you think?? Let’s have a little rundown on the original stories so that we can clear it up – just a little. Firstly Dan (the original) made love to Mom and Nan. Mom had 2 children to him and they were named Gracie Francis and...
IncestA bit of family history. I live at home with my Mom. My name is Dan and I am a 20 year old college student. My Nan also lives with us but in another section of the home that my Dad had built when he and Mom first married. It is a large house and if not for Nan, I think Mom would have moved into something a bit smaller just for herself and me. As I said earlier, I am 20 years old and Majoring in Health Education at College. I have a very fit body and pronounced Abs and muscles throughout...
IncestNan, Mom and Me Pt.9 A new generation……………… Young JD had now been initiated into the family festivities with his Nan and Mom. He still had to gain a place with his sister, Gracie. She was 2 years older than him and had been in the family fun for the last 2 years since she turned eighteen. JD continued servicing both his Nan and Mom for about 12 months. He told his Dad (Dan) that he was learning all that he could before he approached Gracie, and that he wanted to plan her...
IncestAfter the wonderful night I had with Nan, I had to stop and re-think in what direction my life was taking me. She had been so great to be with but I still needed and wanted my Mom’s loving. The next night I followed my Mom to her room and sat of the side of the bed watching her disrobe and get ready for bed. Not a word was said by either of us as she proceeded to slowly strip off her outerwear. She stood in her underwear, black satin bras, garters and stockings and sexy panties – not thongs...
IncestNan, Mom and Me Pt.8 JD joins the family festivities After a couple of years of servicing all my beautiful ladies, Nan, Mom and Gracie, the time had come to introduce JD to the family festivities. He had just turned 18 and Fran, my Mom, and Grace, my Nan, both decided they were going to think up a way for them to seduce my boy, JD. I had already explained the facts of life to him a few years earlier and I am sure that he may have already lost his virginity, but not within the...
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Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...
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Me and my boyfriend first met to have threesome with a mutual friend. They had had sex a couple of times and wanted to explore more. They ask me and I joined. We did just about anything three guys can do together completely naked. A few days later he called me and invited me on a date. We did, more dates. After a few months we got together and moving together.The first year we had an incredible amount of sex. We could fuck up to three times a day, in the morning, on the bus, at malls, in the...
Chapter 1 Roy knew that he and Karen had gotten themselves into something that was going to take a lot of work to continue without their being caught. Roy was naked and he was leaning over his stepdaughter, Karen, as she lay there on her back on the couch underneath him. His big horny cock was buried halfway inside Karen's tight young teenage pussy and he was flexing his ass muscles and his legs as he held her ankles firmly, spreading her legs out to be side of her body as he fucked Karen...
The first time I ended up in bed with two men I couldn't have imagined how far it would go. Just twenty minutes earlier we had been in the local pub garden chatting and drinking on a warm July evening. My boyfriend had said the night had been a lot of fun (and it had) but the pub was closing and it was time to go home."Or I could come back to yours and we could have a threesome" whispered Chris in a shocking display of nervous courage.Well I was taken aback; I had only been with my lovely new...
Mom?s New Boyfriend ? Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestanceMy name is Brittney. I am 19 and your average California teenager. I was raised on the beaches near LA, was into sports (and boys) and ended up going to UCLA on a swimming scholarship. That made my mom, Cathy (43 years old), very happy. She is a casting agent and divorced my father six years ago. While she is involved in the film industry and makes enough for us to live comfortably, we are by no means rich and not having to pay for college was ...
My name is Jack, and I've been a virgin since I was 21. The reason is, I'm a very shy man. It seems the cause is the death of my parents when I was young, which made me afraid of others. Since then, I've been living with my aunt and uncle, and their daughter who's two years older than me, Jennifer. I've barely talk to any other women than my cousin and her mom, and never had what you'd call real friends.One day that I was alone at home (or so I thought) and about to do some homework for...
BETA BOYFRIEND by Throne Let me tell you about life with my girlfriend Maggie. I'm like a love- sick puppy around her. She's a few pounds overweight, with a soft face and substantial curves. She has glasses with big round frames. Her honey-colored hair is shoulder-length and cut in bangs. I am soooo smitten with her. Despite everything that's happened recently, I know I won't leave her. When we first met she invited me out instead of the other way around. I've always been...
Hello everyone, I am Sonia from Mumbai here with a real story of mine, or rather I should say my confession. So I would begin by describing myself. I am 44 years old working in a bank, married at an early age, and have kids 1 daughter who is 20, and 1 son who is 16 years old. I have a good figure and looks despite my age as I like to maintain myself. My husband Ashok is a businessman and is 48 years old. We are happily married and are quite open-minded and have raised our kids the same way. My...
I have an erotic experience to share, But before that I would like to describe my life. If God gifted anyone a good life, it was me. Son a rich arab businessman, studying for my MBA in Pune India and owned an apartment in Bramha Exubarance the most expensive apartment block at the time ( All the places in the story are real and you can google it). My nterior decoration was all imported from Saudi Arabia and I owned my own Mercedes which was an added perk in those days. So I was well known among...
I tucked my boyfriend into a bed in the back room at the house that we were at. His friends had carried him back for me, so that he could sleep off the booze. He had been hard at it with some of his friends since noon, and was so drunk I knew I wouldn’t see him again until late the next day. I put a glass of water next to his bed and shut the door and went back out to the party. The party had gone from around 75 to about 30 as all the drunks left. The only ones left were my boyfriends friends...
It’s me Rajiv again. First of all, I would like to thank this website for creating a new phase in my life. It has helped me meet many amazing people, win new friends and changed the way I think about relationships. After writing several stories, I am trying to come up with a sex story from a women’s perspective. This sex story is purely based on imagination and I only wish that it comes true one day. This sex story is about Nisha. After going through a couple of my stories Nisha dropped a note...
A role-play with my boyfriend.. (RAPE) I have gotta say, the actual reality of being raped, whether you're a real woman, a TV, or even a guy, is pretty horrific. If it was being done by several men, it would be a very painful, potentially physically damaging, unpleasant experience. It sounds horny and slutty, the ultimate submissive position to be in, but by the third or fourth hard fucking, it would be all pain and no pleasure for me. So I can't say I like the idea in reality,...
The best friend and the boyfriend We met on the first day of seventh grade in the girl’s washroom. She told me she liked my headband and asked me where it was from. I gave her the name of the store, a snobbish little girl look through the bathroom mirror, and walked out through the swinging door. Lauren Styles and I had been best friends even since. It was a friendship based on similar tastes, similar backgrounds, and rivalry. Both natural blonds, when we turned 16 Lauren convinced me to dye...
Oral SexHi, my name is Richa Arora. I am a 22 years old working girl. I live away from my parents, with my boyfriend Anshu in Delhi. I have an active sex life with Anshu. I do most of my work from home and rarely need to go out. My boyfriend Anshu on the other hand has a 10 to 7 job and he is rarely at home on weekdays. But the weekends are amazing. We go to different places, eat outside and fuck each other. The sex was good. One Wednesday, I needed to visit one of my colleagues for official work. I...
It was the first time I dined at her Y. Actually, it was the first time I’d seen any of her female parts. I’d had lunch with Marnie a few times but this was the first on a Saturday. After we finished our repast, she casually said, “I’m horny. Let’s go to my place.” Who would refuse an invitation from a pixie cute, short haired blonde with nice tits? She lived a couple blocks away and we were soon naked in her messy bed. I did notice quite a few cum stains on her sheet that didn’t look very...
I once again met a guy named Pape, a peddler senegale's, whom I met on the beach a few days At the first meeting I made a blowjob to guy. Everything seemed to end well. It seemed a pleasant encounter that promised future ? I never imagined that after the blowjob did to the boy are become his whore. So Pape believed A whore of his property. When I met for the second time Pape, a meeting that I really wanted and tried, I also suffered the devastating consequences of his...
My boyfriend has been really horny for the last three weeks. We've had morning sex, he's gone from work to fucking some of his girls, and come home late because he's stopped by someone on the way home. just over a week ago he met his ex girlfriend from high school, with whom he has a daughter. They start having sex again this past week.She has stayed with us this Friday to Sunday. first on friday you didn't know any feelings until i went to bed at night. They were sitting in the living room for...
I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...
(MMF, MM, forced, inc)Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it came to appreciating her charms. Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and what...
Getting a Boyfriend Transexual fiction by [email protected]. The following story contains descriptions of sex between young men and transgendered men. If you are offended by such things, or live in an area where such things are illegal to read about, or you're too young to be reading adult fiction, please stop now. I was born in San Jose, California. My name is Sam. I have two older (by 3 years) sisters, twins, named Melissa and Miranda. My parents are both engineers....
HH12: Charli's boyfriend TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women becoming...
"My Black Boyfriend ""He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor "My Black Boyfriend "??? "??? ??????????????????????????He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor toward him. He sits casually naked in his chair, hischocolate brown muscular body relaxed, and his strong legs spread wide sothat I can see the object of my love, my life. Some of you will think I amperverted, and others of you may even suspect I am mentally ill, but I tell? you I am not. I have...