Do Not Disturb For a Lifetime
- 5 years ago
- 52
- 0
I couldn’t believe we were actually in the air on our way to Zambia. My four girlfriends and I had worked hard to help raise the necessary funds to finance our trip and to pay for medications and other items we would need helping at a rural hospital near the coast. My mom and dad did a similar thing when they were young and thought the experience would do my friends and me a world of good. Mom helped us with everything. We couldn’t believe all the shots we were subjected too to protect us against nearly everything that we would never be exposed to at home.
Home was Abbotsville, a beautiful city in the mid-west with an exciting view of the Everett Mountain chain. Nothing of note ever happened there so when it was suggested we could go to Zambia and actually help some of the people we jumped at the chance. Our church was very helpful with the planning and fund raising. We five girls met often to review everything we needed, as many of the things we took for granted were not available where we were going. The list seemed to grow after each meeting. One of the problems would be packing. There was a weight limit to what we could bring without paying additional. My dad said he would send us additional supplies in two weeks once we found out what we forgot and needed.
I’m Paige Forbes, fifteen, this would be my first big adventure and the first time I had ever been away from home by myself. My friends were the same age and we all attended the same school and church. We had been working hard to raise a minimum of three thousand dollars each to pay for the airfares and for extras we needed for the trip. Our goal was to raise another twenty five hundred dollars for purchases we would need once there. Our parents, the community and our church members were very active in support both monetary and volunteer work. Several bake sales and rummage sales helped. There was an article in the local paper about our goals and surprisingly many people we didn’t know sent donations to the church for our project. After seven weeks we were assured the trip was possible. We girls were ecstatic.
From the first meeting and decision we would try and raise the money till now as we sat in the plane ready to take off took seven months. Thinking back at all the meetings and the lists of items it seemed like yesterday. Mom was a super help for all of us girls as she had made the trip many years ago but had her diary of her trip and came up with all kinds of suggestions. What really surprised me was she had my doctor prescribe birth control pills for me. The other girls mentioned they had them also.
It was the first time for all of us to be on such a large plane. We had one stop and then we landed in Zambia. The trip was long and uneventful. I was sitting with Kristy Dryburge my best friend. We held hands most of the trip. In the night I felt her hand between my legs lowering my zipper. I shifted my body so she could get to her target my moist pussy. Her finger massaged my wet clitoris it took my mind off the long boring trip. I was in love with Kristy. We had been a couple for nearly two years. Halfway through the night we changed seats we cuddled under a blanket and I enjoyed fingering her till dawn. Usually we sixty-nined but I didn’t think the rest of the passengers would have appreciated it. When we finally adjusted our position so we could arrange our clothing, I noticed my finger was wrinkled from being in her pussy so long. Looking her in eye I put it to my nose then licked her juice.
“I hope we’re somewhere tonight where you can taste me. I really miss you between my legs Paige.”
“Not as much as I miss tasting you Kristy.”
Landing in Zambia was a real experience. We had a preconceived idea that it would be similar to the airports in our country. Wrong. There were armed soldiers everywhere and most looked like kids with guns. Looking around we saw a black man carrying a sign with all of our names printed on it. Moving through the throng of people we reached him.
“Hello I am Paige Forbes and this is the rest of our group.”
We were greeted with a large smile and a mouth full of bright white teeth.
“I am Simon. Please follow me. We have to obtain your luggage as soon as possible. There’re many ways it can disappear.”
The last thing we would need was to have any luggage disappear after the time we spent making sure we had everything. After nearly an hour we had located every box, every piece of luggage, made our way through Customs and loaded everything into a large old beat up Ford Van. The heat of the day was revolting, we were wet from perspiration, and Simon looked as fresh as a daisy. All the windows were open, providing no relief at all, just the smells of the new country. We travelled for what felt like days but we learned it was actually two hours travel and nearly fifty miles to the coastal town where we were to spend our summer. We veered off the main road into very dense bush then it opened up to a small settlement. We saw the hospital and a number of out buildings. Many people were moving about but all stop when they heard the van. They waved and a cheer went up. It was our welcoming party.
The administrator welcomed us and told a young native girl to show us our accommodations and then instructed three men to make sure our luggage was put into each of our rooms. Kristy and I managed to get one small cottage. It wasn’t much by our standards but I learned later it was considered very elaborate in Zambia. Kayla Stiller and Jessica Butcher got the one next to us. Lauren Conley shared a cottage with a new arrival from Britain. I had always thought Kayla and Jessica were a couple but they had managed to keep their relationship to themselves. Lauren was the social butterfly of the group; she was already in deep conversation with her new roommate. What I desired now was a bath to rid myself of all the dust and sweat that was coating my body. It turned out we had two choices, one, a homemade shower that might or might not have enough water to complete a shower or we could go to a stream and bathe in fresh but cool water. There was a sort of enclosure of thick bushes in an area to the right of the stream for some privacy. Kristy and I took the stream. The last thing I needed at this time was to run out of water in the makeshift shower.
We took our time bathing, helping each other. It was so hard for me not enjoying her breasts and pussy. It was all I thought of during the trip in the van. We didn’t do anything too obvious, as we had no idea who could be watching. Drying each other, we headed back to unpack. I couldn’t believe the amount of hand soap my mom managed to put in my luggage. My count was thirty-nine bars. Kristy had piled the same amount on her bed.
“I don’t know what Mom was thinking she never mentioned we would need all this soap. Did your mom mention anything?”
“No. I will ask her when I call.”
One of the girls working for the hospital knocked and advised us there would be a meeting for all the new arrivals at five. This apparently was when we were assigned to different parts of the hospital as staff. The meeting room was sort of a classroom with a big chalkboard in the middle of one wall. All our names were listed and mine appeared beside women’s ward, Kristy was below mine and had the same designation. Kayla and Jessica had been assigned to the men’s ward. We were to report to our respective areas tomorrow morning reporting to the nurse in charge to be assigned duties. They advised us dinner was served in twenty minutes in the dining hall.
All five of us had chosen to wear white shorts and sleeveless blouses as uniforms. Each of us had four duplicate sets along with panties and bras. Kristy and I were the same size so in a pinch we could borrow from each other.
The meals were very plain fare, based on fish and poultry. There was plenty of fruit, some we had never seen before. That night we had another wash in the stream and got ready for bed. The problem was we had to leave the windows partially uncovered to let the cool breeze from the ocean. Kristy and I moved the beds so it was difficult to see what we were doing. Fresh from our baths we were soon naked and in each other’s arms. Our first night in Zambia was going to be a satisfying one. As soon as we hit the bed we were in a sixty-nine position. Kristy’s pussy never tasted so good. Her sexual odor had me so horny but her tongue quickly took me to my first climax. Every time I tasted her I appreciated our lasting friendship.
The morning came on fast. We could feel the heat of the day. Breakfast consisted of tea and biscuits with a type of spread I had never seen before. We were at the ward at five minutes to seven and reported to the nurse in charge. She explained that we would be on the day shift for the balance of this week and nights next week. We alternated with two other girls. Our main tasks would be housekeeping and making sure all the women and girls were bathed. We were to assist when needed and found out many did not have our appreciation of hygiene. Modesty was not prevalent; when the patients saw us with a basin they stripped off the sheets and robes and presented themselves naked to us.
Some of the patients were new mothers having just delivered their babies. One of our tasks was bring the babies to be fed at their mother’s breasts. Watching the young mothers feed made me jealous as most of the moms had lovely black breasts with very large nipples. The babies grasped the nipples and sucked profusely, the surplus milk trickling down their mouths. Wondering what it would be like to actually suck a milk giving nipple I could feel my pussy tingle. I was surprised I was so attracted to their bodies, especially their beautiful hair framed pussies. It was the first time I had seen pubic hair so tightly curled. The first day was a trial but we got through it. The patients accepted us at face value, not questioning anything we did. The soap our mom’s packed came in handy, as there was no soap in the hospital. It was a luxury the administration couldn’t afford. When our charges realized we had real soap to clean them and make them smell pretty they looked forward to us coming into the rooms.
By the end of the week we were part of the camp. As we became more proficient and confident in our skills things developed into a routine. With new confidence I actually got to study some of my patients. There were some girls our age in the ward and when I bathed them I couldn’t believe how beautiful they were. Their breasts were firm and nipples much larger then Kristy’s and mine but what really impressed me was the size of their vulvas. The lips were thick and pouty and every one of them got aroused bathing, showing her very large clitoris. One girl’s stuck out over an inch; every time I saw it I wanted to taste her. Her name was Mary and she managed to climax every time I bathed her. She smiled, spreading her legs as wide as possible showing me her beautiful pink inner lips. Her tight black curly pubic hair framed her beauty. I could only imagine how wonderful she would taste. I wondered if she was bi. Kristy was experiencing the same thing with the women and girls she was taking care of. We discussed the situation and agreed that each one of us could pursue these young women without getting jealous. Both of us wanted to taste the young black pussies displayed to us daily.
One afternoon, after taking a baby boy back to the nursery, as I returned with warm water to bathe his mother, I noticed she was not her usual self but appeared to be in discomfort. Her breasts were large and her nipples were discharging thick white milk.
“What is wrong? You look like you are in pain.”
“My baby usually drains my breasts but I am now producing too much milk, my breasts really hurt.”
The amount of milk seeping from her massive nipples was substantial. Gently moving the washcloth over her breast made her wince in pain. They must be super sensitive. She looked at me with eyes pleading for me to do something to relieve her agony. Lowering my face I took her nipple and sucked. The taste of her milk had me sucking in earnest. Once I had it drained the other was in my mouth. My mom breast-fed me but this was a first. The milk was warm but so sweet and thick; the sensation of drinking this young mother’s milk had me very wet. When I was done she smiled at me and thanked me. Her hand was on my crotch massaging my pussy through my shorts.
“Please come to me this evening to drink the surplus after my son’s last feeding. Your kindness will allow me to get good night’s sleep.”
“Of course I’ll see you tonight about seven.”
Over the next two weeks breast milk was on my diet until she was released. Thinking back now I really missed it. Surprisingly my skin took on a new glow of healthiness during that period and continued until we flew home.
On Sunday we rotated to the night shift. It wasn’t as demanding as the day shift. We kept checking the patients on regular intervals. It was actually very boring. I did get to talk to the younger girls and started a friendship with the young girl with the clitoris I would have loved to suck. When I came into her room she always spread her legs.
“You’re very beautiful Mary. Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Not really a boyfriend but I see him often, do you?”
“Yes he’s in the states.”
“He’s a long way from here. I bet you miss him?”
“A bit but I’m so busy I don’t think of him too often.”
I didn’t want to tell her that the only reason I had a boyfriend was to attend school functions with a guy. Kristy was my lover and no boy would ever replace her. Then she surprised me.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
Looking right in her eyes then to her clitoris which I saw was extended longer then when I first came in the room. It was so pink and moist, a real contrast of her dark complexion. It was so appealing I wanted enjoy it.
“Yes I do.”
“Yes how did you know?”
“I didn’t but the way you look at my body I thought maybe you liked women. So do I but I also like men.”
“I like women much better than men.”
“You haven’t seen our men have you?”
Kayla and Jessica told us about what they had seen in the men’s ward. The size of their patient’s penises had them really talking. I didn’t believe them but now with Mary mentioning it I wondered.
“No I haven’t but Kayla and Jessica mentioned their sizes.”
Mary was smiling and put her hand to her pussy and rubbed her engorged clitoris. She looked at me and licked her lips.
“Would you like to touch me Paige?”
I had touched her many times bathing her but this was different. Not saying anything I reached and caressed her vulva and then fingered her clit. Mary was very wet, my fingers were coated with her moisture. Bringing my finger to my nose made me so horny. Mary looked at me then gently took my head and directed my face between her legs. My mouth was on her clitoris sucking it like a newborn. If only her clitoris gave milk I would be in heaven. Hers was the largest clitoris I had seen or tasted. It made me jealous as mine was so small. Mary had a unique sexual taste that was addictive. Lapping up her juice, I raised my head and looked at her smiling face.
“Can I see yours Paige? I’ve never seen a white girl before.”
Since only Kristy and I were on duty and she wouldn’t barge in on me, I slipped off my shorts. Mary seemed fascinated by my soft blue V string bikini. There was a damp spot in the center of the V string. Slowly lowering it I was standing before her naked from the waist down, my shaved pussy puffy from excitement.
“Please kneel on the bed; I want to see you up close.”
On my knees beside her she moved her body down the bed motioning me to straddle her face. I felt her hands on my hips pulling me down so my pussy was right on her lips. Her tongue licked as her fingers found my asshole. I was holding on to the bed headboard to keep from collapsing as Mary brought me to numerous climaxes. Finally she was done and I realized she had two fingers buried deep in my asshole. It felt so good.
“White girl you taste good. I hope you will let me do it again.”
“Black girl I love your clitoris, I wish mine was that big.”
“It can be.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No my aunt can give you a potion that will make it grow as big as mine. The only problem is there is no way to make it smaller.”
Looking at her with doubt I dressed covering my very satisfied pussy. Mary knew how to eat pussy. She could see my doubt.
“It’s true Paige. I will be out of the hospital tomorrow. I hope we see each other often.”
“How can I see you after you are released?”
Mary was laughing. Her beautiful face had me wanting to kiss her cum covered lips.
“I work here. I had very bad period pains now it’s over. I will be in the women’s ward tomorrow but the dayshift. Maybe we can bathe together. I would love to bathe you.”
I would miss seeing her at night. The thought of being able to explore her body had my interest tweaked. I was really looking forward to seeing her naked body again and would tomorrow after shift if we could arrange the same time off. Mary and I could bathe at that time. All Moms’ extra soap had already paid off now that I had met and tasted Mary. This working vacation was turning out great. I had seven more weeks of exploration.
Friday night was the last night shift. No one had come in to fill the bed Mary vacated. We had made plans to meet tomorrow at four in the afternoon at the stream. Kristy was happy for me and was actually close to another girl in the compound. They might get together this weekend.
During my rounds early in the morning I heard some noise coming from a ward. When I went in to investigate I saw a male on top of a female, fucking her. This wasn’t supposed to happen but I watched as his shaft plowed in and out of her very willing cunt. What really fascinated me was the length of his shaft. It had to be at least ten or twelve inches and as thick as my arm. I watched for about five minutes before he stiffened and pumped his sperm into her. He remained in position panting from his exertion; the fingers of the girl were in his hair both were whispering to each other. When he removed his deflated cock from her cunt it remained open. Even in the half-light I could see a ribbon of thick spunk slowly running down to her asshole. It was a beautiful sight. I felt very horny. I slowly backed out of the room. Later tonight I would question the lady before I decided if I should report this event. The young lady was single and nearly as beautiful as Mary. She too had a very appealing pussy.
When I returned she was sitting up looking out of the window. She had a very satisfied smile on her face. Her breasts were exposed and the light seemed to make them shine. Her nipples were very large and inviting.
“I watched you with that boy tonight. You know that is against the rules.”
“Please don’t tell. It’s my boyfriend. We’re hoping to get married. If I didn’t have sex with him he may wander.”
When I got closer to her the scent of sex was very strong. A mixture of a woman’s pussy juice and sperm filled the area. She removed her cover revealing her beautiful cunt coated with cum. She needed to be bathed. With a cloth and a basin of warm water I cleaned her beautiful opening. Her clitoris wasn’t as big as Mary’s but it was way larger than mine. Entering her with my finger I removed globs of cum. My finger found her tight asshole. When I looked at her she was smiling. My finger pushed against her puckered opening and she pushed back. Slowly my finger slipped in two knuckles.
“That feels so good. Your hands are so soft.”
She grabbed both her knees and pulled them back towards her head giving me a wonderful view of her asshole and pussy. Her clitoris was now extended, begging to be sucked. Her sexual scent mixed with a slight odor of her boyfriend’s sperm was heady. I lowered my face, kissing her pussy and then sucking her clit. I knew this could become habit. First Mary and now this young girl, I couldn’t get enough of their taste. After making her cum and licking her juice I left. I never saw her again as she was released the next day.
On Friday we learned we had Saturday off and didn’t have to report to work till Sunday at seven. It gave us time to do laundry and relax. Everything had to be hand washed in sun-warmed water. Kristy and I quickly completed our chores, giving us time to relax. I was looking forward to my meeting with Mary. I had been wet all day thinking of her. Kristy would vacate our cottage if Mary hadn’t got anywhere for us to make love.
Mary looked so sexy in her native dress. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra the way her breasts moved which made me wonder if she was wearing panties. She was carrying a carryall bag. Her hair was pulled back in a ribbon. Her lip-gloss was a deep red and made her lips even more desirable.
“Come on Paige I have been waiting to get you alone. I know a nice spot where’ll not be disturbed.”
Following her to the stream we passed our bathing area and went deeper in the forest. It had me wondering as we had been warned not to venture to far from the compound. Mary must have realized my concern.
“We’ll be safe here, Paige. Here we are. Doesn’t it look cozy?”
I had to admit the moss looked inviting and thinking of Mary’s nude body did me in. She quickly removed her clothing. Standing in front of me naked, legs slightly spread displaying her big luv lips glistening with her juice, she had a big grin. Her eyes were laughing as she watched me slowly strip. Finally I was standing before her naked. She rolled out a blanket. Quickly I was in her arms kissing. My body relaxed and we fell to the blanket. Mary managed to shift her body so we were in a sixty-nine position. Her pussy was framed with tight black curls. Juice was seeping from her now open luv lips. The musk scent had me intoxicated with desire. My tongue reached her open slit and my taste buds were rewarded with a truly unique taste. Closing my eyes I enjoyed sucking her opening. Wiggling in position, I managed to grasp her clitoris with my mouth and suck. I could feel it growing as I sucked. What I wouldn’t give to have a clit that size.
Mary was sucking my pussy and I felt her long thin finger enter my asshole. The feeling I had to poo and climax at the same time was exhilarating. I felt my world explode only to be brought back to the brink again and again. When she rolled off me I was exhausted. I had never experienced anything like this even with Kristy. Mary was beside me face to face and kissed me. Her lips were coated with my thick luv juice. Our tongues played. She was rolling one of my nipples in her fingers.
“Mary did you mean what you said about my clitoris? I can have one as long as yours?”
“Of course but I also meant it will stay enlarged; there’s no way of reducing its size once it is extended.”
“And your aunt can do it for me?”
“Yes, I warn you here and now; it can’t be reversed. So think hard about that if you plan on going through with it. We can visit my aunt tomorrow and she will tell you all about it.”
We stood and looked at each other, we were such a contrast, her beautiful black body, me chalky white. We kissed and then dressed. Mary was an excellent lover.
She grabbed my hand and led me down the beach away from the stream. I looked at her and she smiled.
“Where’re we going Mary? The stream is the other way.”
“Would you like to see the boys and the men of the village diving for fish? See those cliffs they dive and spear fish from there. I think you will enjoy the view.”
The view turned out to be men’s and boy’s cocks. There was a large group of native girls and women also watching. All were bare breasted wearing short sarongs that didn’t cover their pussies. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing, many of the girls had streams of cum running down their legs and none seemed embarrassed about it. My cunt was tingling as I looked at them. I couldn’t believe my reaction considering I just made love with Mary. The men were only wearing flaps over their cocks and when they dove, they hung down like limbs on a tree. The length of their spears and the girl’s pussies really had me excited again. Like the girls and women, the men had no modesty and seem indifferent about the fact their tools were exposed. Mary was watching me with a knowing smile on her face.
“Now you know why we enjoy the men here. Do you like what you see? All of them are curious about the white girls from America.”
Curious was an understatement. I was not a virgin, losing it to a pimple-faced boy when I was only twelve. I had been fucked only three times. The only time I really enjoyed it was when my uncle did me. He took his time and actually made me climax four times. Unfortunately I don’t see him that often. I would see him at Thanksgiving and hoped to have him do me again. I stared in awe as they continued their diving. The length of their cocks had my attention. None of the guys I knew at home could compare. Mary was laughing, embarrassing me.
“I told you our guys are different. Have you ever had one that big?”
“Hell I’ve never seen any that big. Is one of them your boyfriend? Which one?”
“There, see the one just about to make his dive.”
Looking at him his cock hung down a good twelve inches. It looked like a black snake. I was fascinated.
“When David’s in me I feel like I should taste him, he is so long and thick. All the males are interested in you white girls, every one of them thinks about fucking you, so don’t make eyes at them. They’ll have you on your back in seconds’ right here on the beach.”
It was an intriguing thought. I wondered if I could accept anything that big. Mary grabbed my hand and we ran to the shore where the men were returning from their dives. She grabbed her boyfriend’s arm and brought him over to me. His loincloth was too short for the length of his cock the head of his snake extended two inches past the cloth. It was so large.
“Paige this is Roger. He’s been my man for nearly a year. Roger this is my good friend Paige from the compound.”
When I looked up he was smiling, watching my eyes stare at the head of his massive cock. He moved slightly, exposing the complete trunk. Wow it was long. It was presently extended but the weight didn’t allow it to stick out from his body. He was looking at Mary smiling. I could see desire in both of their eyes.
“Paige, would you mind if Roger and I went for a few minutes? Roger, call Ron and Bill over here to keep Paige company.”
“Of course I don’t mind Mary and there’s no need to bother his friends I will sit here and watch the divers.”
“Paige, it’s no bother, it’ll give them a chance to see a beautiful white girl and show off.”
Roger called and two young men came running over. Their cocks flopped back and forth as they moved. They were both well endowed. When they saw me I watched as their cocks go rigid. Roger told them of Mary’s suggestion; both smiled and came over.
“Paige this is Ron and the small one is Bill.”
Bill might be smaller in build then Ron but his cock nearly hit his knee. Neither boy made any attempt in covering up their monsters. They sat on both sides of me staring. I guess I was as different to them as they were to me. Mary and Roger took off down the beach and followed the stream. I had visions of Mary on her back and Roger mounting her then burying his massive cock in the pussy I had just enjoyed. Bill was the first to speak.
“You know what they will be doing don’t you?”
My blush told them I knew. Bill moved closer to me and whispered.
“Paige I would love to have you so would Ron. Would you like to come with us?”
I was dumbfounded at their suggestion. Bill must have taken my shock as an approval. I found myself being led though a heavy undergrowth. Ron was following with a blanket. We came to small clearing and Ron spread the blanket. Bill took me in his arms and kissed me. Still in shock I felt my body being lowered to the blanket. All my will power was gone. Bill’s hands ran over my breasts. My nipples were like bullets. I could feel the buttons of my clothing being undone. My shorts and panties were lowered and removed. Both young men dropped their loincloths. I could see precum on the heads of both black snakes. Bill moved in position and lowered his cock so the head was at my mouth. I automatically opened and accepted the head, sucking. His taste was salty but acceptable. Ron was between my legs feeling my very wet pussy. I couldn’t believe I was doing this.
“Paige we want to fuck you is it okay? We don’t want any trouble with the compound.”
I had no idea why I did it but I nodded it was okay. Bill pulled his cock out of my mouth and put the head against my wet cunt. As he lowered his body I watched as his twelve inches disappeared deep inside of me. I had never felt anything like it. When he started to stroke in and out of my pussy, I couldn’t believe the feeling. My limited experience in sex never prepared me for this. I was in ecstasy. I felt my climax build and explode. Bill wasn’t far behind me. I felt like someone turned on a hose in my pussy. Bill’s long cock and cum filled my void. I had never felt this good about sex. When he softened Ron was standing ready. His cock was hard, looking for relief.
Also, this is my first time publishing anything in any form, so be gentle. I made a serious attempt to communicate something, so please don’t expect instantaneous jerktxt. If you take the time to read it and I haven’t been too terribly wordy, you’re hopefully gonna get that its about connecting with people… and something more than just jerktxt… though I hope you enjoy too :) I’ve always been the silly, soft spoken, over thinker; less a fighter, more of a hugger. At 22, I was still...
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My name is Adam Rockwood and I am twenty-one years old, a country boy at heart. My dad was a hard-working logger and I inherited his rugged looks. I wear my dirty blond hair down to my shoulders, which has just a bit of a curl to it. I’m six-foot, two-inches tall, with a muscular build but I have a ruddy complexion that is a turn off to most girls. I did inherit my mom's icy blue eyes, which I think is my only redeeming feature.My dad was hoping that I would follow in his footsteps and become a...
First TimeWhen I was a naive sixteen year old boy, I embarked on the holiday of a lifetime.My best friend, Simon invited me to spend the school summer holidays with his family in their luxurious villa on the Mediterranean island of Majorca. My parents were good friends with Simon's mum and dad and they were also invited. However, because of work commitments, they were unable to go but they gave me their blessing to go without them. Simon's parents, Vic and Katie also invited another couple, John and...
First TimeIt was to have been the vacation of a lifetime, an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas for the entire Robinson family. Things weren't working out quite as you expected, though. You land at the airstrip of a small island with a sandy beach perimeter, a thick jungle interior, and -- seemingly -- only one house, a beautiful three story estate that sits on a small rocky rise looking down upon all about it. The pilot quickly unloaded your bags and pointed you toward the house, then fired up...
IncestLife had been going along smoothly when I got a phone call from June. She told me that she was watching her friend's home and would I come with her to check the house. I told here that I would help her. We drove to Nick and Lori's home, the house of the couple that we had traded with months before. We walked through the place, checked everything, and then left to go back to June's house. "Matthew, what is a Sybian?" June caught me off guard and I ended up running a stop sign. I knew from past...
MILFThis story is pure fiction about a teacher and her students. I had this hot teacher "Ms. Kelly" in high school, and would just sit there and stare at her titties everyday...because my God they were always busting out in my face. Always had these fantasies about her, so I decided to write a few stories.MS. Kelly’s Ride of a Lifetime "Ok class, that'll be all for today, test is next week," As the rest of the class got up and walked out of the classroom, I walked back to my desk and plumped down...
IncestAs I came back from taking Donna to work there stood both Nancy and Ivy, it had been over two years since I'd fucked them, as I got out of the car they both said hello, I walked up to them and said "Do either of you two want a coffee" and they both said "Yes", I put the kettle on, made the drinks and the three of us sat in the lounge.As we were talking about nothing in particular, Nancy said "I'll just pop round home and turn the oven off", as soon as she'd gone Ivy said "I've been thinking...
This is my very first story in ISS, I know the joy of reading sex stories. And this endeavor of mine will give the same storygasm to you. To begin, while I kept on searching for a nice bottom in my own town through facebook. I found one such fellow very near to my place. He replied seeing my horny status as he wanted to get fucked by me. We started our chat by 2 pm continued it will 5 pm and planned to meet outside by six. During the chat itself, I found that he would be a perfect bottom for...
Gay MaleHey all this is Raj, 23 from Bangalore. This is story of mine having sex with an unexpected person and how it turned out to be one of the best ever had. The story begins when I completed my boards exam and waiting for the results. During that time my family decided to go on a vacation to Andaman and Nicobar islands but I stayed back with a lot of stubbornness as was not interested to roam around so being the only son my parents weren’t so confident on letting me stay home alone so they asked my...
IncestAuthor's note: Hank and William's third case. Most stories, the hardest thing to come up with is the plot. But this one came really easy. I realized that I haven't done a transformation scene in this one, so I included it in this one. Enjoy. Role of a Lifetime by Hazel M Part I: The Actress Will picked up the suit and sat down on the bench next to the dresser. He carefully rolled up the legs of the suit. Next, he placed one foot in the suit and stretched the foot of the suit...
WELCOME FELLOW BDSM ENTHUSIASTS TO MY VERY OWN VERSION OF REALITY TV, on the world wide web. My name is Chris and I am a fairly well off 41 yo married male living what (until now) appears to everyone (execpt for a select few individuals) a seemingly very normal yet non discript life. Most everyone who knows (of) me would descripe me as someone who "has it all"..the sexy wife,plenty of money, a great job, beautiful house and 3 great kids. While I cant deny having all of these things, they by...
To this day I still can't believe my boyfriend talked me into it. I never thought things would turn out the way they did. I guess I just want to blame someone else, when in fact, I just let things get carried away. The thing is, even though I know it's wrong, I'm not sorry it happened. I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself, I should start at the beginning.My younger brother Tom was turning 18 years old and I was trying to think of an appropriate gift. Between the apartment and the car,...
I was horny. In a crowd of people and no real way to get any privacy to get some relief. I needed to get away. I changed into my bikini, grabbed my backpack- sneaking my vibrator in with my towel- in case the opportunity arose to fuck myself and find some release. Off I set on the trail- never knowing what I would find...... It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in mid-July. My partner, kids and I were camping with some family, friends, friends of friends and the like at a private campground...
AffairThe house had liquid colored chandeliers. They sparkled when the lights in the parlor were flipped on. The carpet was a rather luminous shade of aqua. It was scrubbed every week. It had a healthy shimmer and a rather antiseptic smell. It had a new carpet sort of smell. The carpet was installed everywhere. Everywhere except the kitchen and the upstairs den. It was laid perfectly on each step of the staircase. The staircase had shiny, newly polished banisters. Valerie and Michele were holding...
Authors Note: This probably won’t make sense if you haven’t read ‘Hold Me Tight’. — Helen walked home in the early morning light, tired and aching. She’d gone to Bryan, needing to feel closeness, comfort… Love. And she’d found all of it with him. Sighing, the blonde rummaged around in her bag, looking for her keys, and opened the door to her shared apartment slowly. The sound of raised voices greeted her, and the young woman shook her head, tiptoeing through the hall and into the smaller...
Lying on her bed; Nyx rubbed her big, round belly. Greek Pantheon just went through a big change: Cronos, the youngest Titan, has just overthrown his father Uranus and declared himself as the new King of Gods. The day Uranus was crowned as the King of Gods; his mother and Queen of Gods, Gaia, foretold that one day he would have to back down from the throne. Worrying about the prophecy, he imprisoned the strongest among his sons, Hekatonkheires, in Tartarus. That action offended Gaia greatly....
FantasyPart IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...
So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...
Group SexI could feel Mark’s hard cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy as I lay under him. We were both breathing heavily, anticipating a mind blowing orgasm. Several times he has kissed me passionately. Because this is the first time I’ve been with anyone but my husband, I’m still very nervous and having a hard time concentrating. I know that soon my animalistic instincts will take over and all nervousness will cease as the pleasure Marks cock is giving me overrides my consciousness. I guess...
I realized when I wrote this that it looked like it could turn into a marathon read for you folks. Sorry about that, I wanted it to be a stand alone story. Don’t go looking for any sex in this one. I had never closed the door to my den in all the time we have lived in this house so Jacqui must have known I had heard our daughter’s question. ‘Mom, how did you first meet Daddy?’ The pause before she replied simply gave me time to close the file I had open on the computer and reminisce that...
Camille wasn't worried at all about this attack. Yes, this was an unusually large Arkadian host. Yes, the enemy’s numbers seemed larger than the normal band of brigands. And yes, the enemy had actually managed to capture a small town and (presumably) slaughter its garrison. But Camille had been on numerous anti-pirate ops—she was a veteran blooded member of the elite Falkirk Guard after all. She knew that in the end, the cowardly criminals always fled. Besides, this display of military...
Nothing could have prepared me for this. I was face to face with the man I love naked and grinning at me. I made my move and got on my knees. How did I get here? 4 HOURS AGO: "Hey Alex!" Josh said as my mom dropped me off. I was first to the party, as usual, so we waited outside as everyone piled in. "How many are coming?" I asked. "Like twenty people." Josh said. "Alright!" I responded. During the next 30 minutes, people trickled in. Then, the last to arrive, was Jon. "You...
All of you again I'll tell about yourself, I'm thirty years old young man, my cock any girl / woman to please his pride understands. Now I will tell you your Apebti! My story computer problem reading the many emails I came. A woman named Sonia (name changed to I), which was 28 years old, came to his mail that he was impressed by my story and wants to meet me, he told her, she is doctor by profession. But we both live in different cities and we are both in the profession if the problem...
Several years ago when I was in my teens I had a fixation with my best friend’s mother. She was about 40 and divorced which helped fuel my lust. She was tall and beautiful with long black hair and fantastic large tits, a bit like Sophia Loren. I used to jerk off to her several times a day. All it took to set me off was to think about her. On those occasions when I got a peek at her cleavage I would go erect almost immediately. Once when I was over for dinner the boys left the table to do...
Surrounded by the happy bustle of the holiday, I smile, I joke, I laugh in all the appropriate places. Yet, over it all is a lingering ache, a yearning to be somewhere else. Lingering images of him overlay my thoughts, sometimes vividly catching me by surprise in the middle of activities, always there just below the surface. His voice floats in my mind, filling in his replies to my imagined questions. Cradling the cup of coffee in trembling fingers, I inhale the aromatic fumes that float...
He was standing at the corner of the town square, watching her cross the street from the parking deck. She held her stomach carefully as she walked, holding her clothes away from her skin, even as she hugged the coat closer to her body against the autumn chill. Oh yes, he remembered, she’d had surgery this summer, and the scar was still sensitive. He’d heard the news through the grapevine, just when his plans were ready to set in motion. He’d had to wait almost three months, but it was worth...
It had been 33 long years since he saw her last. That day could just as well have been the day before, though, it was that fresh in his memory. Dan’s mind flashed back, as he sat in his car in the airport parking lot. Patty was a vision then, her body perky and soft, yet round with the exhuberance of youth. Her perfect B cup breasts were always partially exposed, she was that kind of woman. ‘Sizzler’ outfits were the dress of the day, incredibly overly short outfits with matching underwear...
It was John’s regular seat at the bar. Not that it was an everyday kind of thing. He was only here when he was consulting and that was only about three or four days a month. One thing he hated about the consulting gig was sitting around alone. This bar was a good one. Not one of those meat market kinds of places. He almost always met a few interesting people. Plus Andy, the barkeeper had gotten to know him. Andy was always good for a story or two. John guessed it was what made a good barkeeper....
I would like to thank my Literotica Volunteer Editor Kttn for her work on this story. Her commentary and suggestions were excellent and I just wanted to let every one know I appreciated her efforts. Any remaining errors are mine and not hers. Part 1, The Mystery Amy was sitting alone in her dorm room thinking about the date she had the night before. So many things were going through her mind and she wasn’t able to sort them out. It was a first date, but a first date like no other she’d ever...
Life had been going along smoothly when I got a phone call from June. She told me that she was watching her friend’s home and would I come with her to check the house. I told here that I would help her. We drove to Nick and Lori’s home, the house of the couple that we had traded with months before. We walked through the place, checked everything, and then left to go back to June’s house. “Matthew, what is a Sybian?” June caught me off guard and I ended up running a stop sign. I knew from past...
A few months had passed, and Stacy and I kept having sex when Ashley was not around. Ashley and I kept having sex when Stacy was not around. All in all, I could not complain. My birthday was coming up, and Ashley had asked me for months what I wanted for it, besides a threesome. I said nothing. This had gone on for about a month until I finally said I’d love to do a sexy photo shoot of her in all of her sexy outfits. She thought about it. ‘We can do it as long as no one is home,’ she said out...
This is not a fairy story it is the absolute God’s Honest truth. I was fifty years of age, in a (late) mid-life crisis, holding down an extremely respectable job in the community. Visiting e****ts over the previous two years had started to bore me, though I still got a buzz when driving to meet a new one – what does she look like this woman whom I have never met before but within the next hour she will be naked in front of me and allowing me to shag her? To those of you who have never punted I...
Introduction: this story is the exact same as Elaines ride the reason why im copying it is cuz i couldnt remember my password for the other account so i started a new account Elaine is an average teenage girl, who lived in California near Malibu. She was 5 foot 6, hour-glass figure, with 36 C cups and brown hair that went down to her mid-back. She has her everyday classes and everyday friends. And of course like every other 16 year old she has a crush on the hottest guy in the school. His name...
I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...
As I stand waiting on the platform, my eyes are drawn towards the beautiful woman stepping down from the train. Her smile makes me stand up straight with a smile. As I watch her, the only way I can explain the looks she’s giving me is that she is undressing me with her eyes I look at her figure. Her sweet curves and tanned skin as she walks towards me, her short skirt brushing her thighs with her very tight white shirt fitting snugly around her amazingly big breasts. My smile grows with each...
Jacob, a twenty year old guy, was the most successful and youngest wrestler of the wrestling company owned by his mother. He had an undefeated streak within the wrestling company as one by one, all the other wrestlers have fallen before his might. His mother, Sophie, the owner of the company, has an attraction for guys who can rise to the top. Her son was currently at the summit of the strongest, since he had the unbeaten streak no other wrestler had.Needless to say, she found her son...
IncestIntro: Lacy recently turned 18 and is a senior at her local high school. She lives with her liberal mom (Amanda) and her older sister (Natalie) who both believe she’s too shy about her body even though she has no reason to be embarrassed. They routinely attempt to get her to become more comfortable with showing skin and encourage her to be more open about her sexuality. As a single mother, Amanda is open about her sexuality and doesn’t hide it from her daughters. Natalie takes after her mother...
You can't believe what you're reading. You're holding a letter from the Walt Disney Company, staring at it in disbelief. You read the word, "Congratulations," and stopped. This couldn't be happening, could it? You won the contest? A few months back, you entered in the first contest of its kind, one where you could win an entire trip on a cruise ship. Not your run of the mill win a cruise, you got the ENTIRE ship, and you were allowed to bring whoever you wanted on board with you. You were...
FantasyYou are Sam West, an 18 year old, fresh out of high school and on your way to Harvard. You never went to a high school party for as long as you were there, but on the last day, you thought to yourself “Fuck it. Why not?” and grew the balls to go out to the hottest girl in school’s party. After all, she did say everyone was invited. When you turn the corner onto her street, you hear the loud pulsing of techno music playing. The closer you get the louder it becomes until you finally reach the...
TeenI hate vaction time, I really hate when I have to share it with my family. Don't get me wrong I do love them but I really like having time to myself after all being the Manager of a large company that just happens to belong to my family is stressful enough without having to go on vacation with them. "Mom, I really wish you would not ask me to go on this vacation trip," I said wishing I could reach through the phone and choke her into silence. "I really don't mind taking the down time alone."...
IncestThe roar of the engines could be heard overhead as a girl struggled to keep her red dress from flipping up in the backdraft. She smoothed the slinky red thing down to her mid thigh. She was waiting here for Danny, the friend she had made online around six months ago. He was coming down here just to visit her, but she was a little worried. The guy had never sent her any pictures of himself, but she trusted him more than anything in the world. She waited and waited, looking down at how her...
LesbianThe one good thing about libraries is that the ratio of men to women is almost constantly one-to-five, making fifth study hall all the more interesting. Now, with that in mind, most guys would be busy staring at that sexy Junior's shirt as it keeps riding up when she tries to reach that book high up on the shelves -and all four guys in the room were.. except one. You, John, were already preoccupied combing through the schools oddly impressive archive of comics, searching for one you haven't...
As you pull up to your apartment, you sigh at what a long and depressing week it has been. Long hours at work, stress at school, and even an argument with your best friend. Now she isn’t your normal best friend, Doe is a very beautiful girl and one of the most popular girls in your school. She has long, silky, strawberry-blond hair, sea-green eyes that you sometimes got lost in, beautiful white skin that has a sprinkle of freckles, what you guess to be about 36D breast (you respect her too much...
RomanceDan waiting anxiously by the bus for his suitcase to be unloaded. The bus ride from the airport wasn't a long one, but Dan hadn't seen his bags since before he had boarded the plane and he never trusted the airlines not to screw something up. The rest of the band members were milling around, either waiting for their bags or making their way up to their hotel rooms. Finally, he spotted a familiar-looking brown suitcase at the end of the row. Grabbing it up, he made his way over to the elevator....
“Nooo”, I moaned. “Don’t do this to me now.” I slammed the car hood shut and prayed that the smoke rolling out of it didn’t mean my trip was over for good. This was so lame. I hadn't even gotten a hundred miles before my ancient pinto sputtered to a stop. It had taken me six months to save up enough money for this trip and now it might all have been for nothing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and willed it to call a tow truck. Instead of buying a fancy new Iphone that could have been a...
LesbianJohn's hands shook as he opened the envelope. It fell to the floor gently as he pulled out its contents. Slowly, he opened the letter, and as he did, he felt sweat dripping down his brow. A month earlier, he'd entered a TV competition to visit an unknown movie set in Hollywood. He'd never entered anything in his life, feeling that he was naturally unlucky... But for some reason, he'd had a good feeling about it. And now he stood, a letter from the same TV company in his hands. He opened it, and...
I've been together with my boyfriend for some 6 years now... We had a very happy relationship, and we even got engaged. We're supposed to take the big step next Spring. Lately though, he seems to not be the same. Sex, which was never his strong point to begin with, is now even more boring and dull. And I am starting to wonder if I still love him... I'm having second thoughts about the wedding, also. So I have decided recently to reactivate my account on a well known porn platform. Why, you ask?...
I just recently recalled a chunk of my c***dhood that my brain had suppressed for quite a few years. Isn't it funny how your brain can store something until you have the ability to process it. Not that I feel broken or that these events that I'm now starting to think about changed the course of my life, then again, it may have. It's 2020 now, and I'm a 42 year old man, married, with a c***d leading a normal life. I have a good job, a decent house, and good friends. So I'm just a normal guy...
"Who the fuck is she?" I yelled, throwing another dish towards him, but it only hit the kitchen wall. "Tell me now!" "I don't know who you are talking about, Sandra," he answered, with his head peeking out in the kitchen doorway as the rest of his body remained hidden. "Don't lie to me!" I screamed, stomping my feet "I swear, I'm not seeing anyone else. I've been faithful to you." With his phone in my hand, I marched to him. A picture of some naked chick in his pictures glared at him. He looked...
Love StoriesHaving just completed his regular, early morning swim in the bay, Don walked up from the water and up onto his own small, private beach. The cool, crisp Southern California water left him invigorated and he felt ready to begin his day.After walking the short distance up through the sand to his house, he stripped off his clothes, dried off, and was now sitting naked in his comfy armchair-recliner, scanning through the porn sites on his one major extravagance, a ninety-inch screen smart TV.Living...
I'd finally done it. I'd saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I'd always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...