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Hi Folks ... it's October! Time for the creatures of the night. This is the first of a batch of stories with a Halloween bent, so if you don't like those, you should probably pass this one by. I started the story out trying out another new editor ... God I miss Mikothebaby ... I ended up finishing it with SirCharles5150 from last week. He cot in at the last minute and did an absolutely heroic job. Here we go. SS06

New Orleans is a city of contrasts. As soon as visitors stepped foot in the city, its character washed over them like a hurricane. Its rich cultural diversity and old world charm just seemed to fit right in alongside all of its modern conveniences. The swampy, hot, humid weather seemed to only add to its down home sophistication.

Internet bars and Starbucks franchises competed for space on the avenues. But in New Orleans they sat right beside fortune teller's shops, voodoo bookstores and hundreds of tiny yet charming mom and pop restaurants that served the most enticing blend of French, Southern and Creole fare.

Religion, be it Catholic, Voodoo, Paganism or whatever, was very in your face. And it wasn't unusual to see statues or posters of the saints, whether the religious icons or the very modern day football team in the windows of both large and small shops.

Tourists are a big part of the city. They come from every area of the country and the planet to experience Jazz, Ragtime, Blues and a thousand other types of music and entertainment that the city is famous for.

Me, I'm Theresa Gillian, I'm thirty four years old, I've lived here all of my life, and I hate it. I can't wait to get out of this cesspool. This city is so full of sin and evil that I often feel like I need to take three showers a day and go to church twice just to keep my soul clean. I've been saving all of the money I can, as quickly as I can, so I can move to Chicago to live near my cousin and her family.

That is my dream. Ever since I visited her three years ago to attend her wedding, I've wanted to go back there. I know that Chicago isn't the nicest place on the planet. They have crime and all of the other ills that every big modern city has. But the difference is that its ills and even its evils are clean, human problems. They don't reek with the touch of evil that permeates the air here.

Maybe it's the fact that because of the water table we have to bury the dead above ground. And that keeps them so close to us that you can fell the presence of the dead all around you. Maybe it's just that being an old city brings the air of past times, past crimes and past evil, closer to the city in an intimate way.

My parish priest once told me that old spirits, both good and bad liked the places that were familiar to them, so an older city has more ghosts. But whatever it is, in only a few months, I'll be free of this place.

Some of the woman that I work with, cleaning hotel rooms in the big tourist type hotels near the quarter laugh at me when I talk about it. But I know what I feel. And I know what I know.

The tourists especially the younger ones with their piercings and their tattoos, who come down here looking for God knows what, should be more careful. Some of those poor young people disappear and are never heard from again. I truly believe that some of them came face to face with what they sought.

Those poor stupid children with archaic languages and metal decorating their bodies have no idea about the forces they play with. Most of them are just looking for thrill. They want to be scared. They are no more prepared for what they find here than those stupid paranormal investigators on TV. They go into a haunted house carrying thousands of dollars worth of equipment, trying to find ghosts or evidence of the supernatural.

What always makes me laugh is how quickly those expert ghost hunters scramble and run out of the pace as soon as something goes bump in the night. Why do they run? I mean the whole intention of their visits is finding ghosts, right? So why would they run as soon as they find one?

They run because it's a human reaction to things that the mind just can't face. There are some things that people should just leave alone. And although those idiots' conscious minds tell them to go and tease the ghosts, their subconscious minds know better.

I pray for all of them though because they really don't understand what they're playing at. Tattoos and body piercings are the devil's way of marking his children. And sooner or later he comes to claim them. If you tease a demon you shouldn't be surprised when he snatches you. Here in New Orleans, magic, whether spiritual, Christian, or evil, is all real. The city is like a nexus point where all kinds of things just seem to come together.

Some places just resonate with a certain type or power. The Catholics have Rome. The witches and Pagans have Salem. The Native tribes have the Great Lakes region, but New Orleans just seems to be the place where they all interact.

So walking around here with a pentagram or an upside down cross tattooed over your hoo-hah is only going to get you in trouble.

Wednesday night, I was walking home after my shift, with one of the girls who lives near me. As we passed by the old convent near the French Quarter, she looked upwards suddenly and let out a gasp. I looked to see what had startled her and noticed that a man was climbing out of one of the windows on the upper floor. It had to be about forty feet up.

He looked around and then just jumped. We were frozen on the spot. Caroline and I both thought that he had jumped to his death. But when he landed, his legs buckled and then he stood up and walked away as easily as if I had just jumped down from a truck with a lift kit.

Caroline gasped and crossed herself, because we both knew that nothing human should have been able to do that. Suddenly he turned towards us. We ducked behind the building we were passing and went back the other way. I learned at an early age to never let the Devil know that you've seen him.

By the time I got home I was still shaking about what I had seen. The very next morning I told my priest about it when I went to church to pray. He of course proved to be useless. He asked me several times whether I was sure of what I'd seen and if was I was taking any kind of drugs or medication. For a man of the cloth who is supposed to do battle in God's name, against the forces of evil, he seemed to be just as scared as I was.

He even told me not to tell anyone about what I saw. He told me it was probably just a trick of the light or some sort of fatigue making me think I saw something that I didn't actually see.

I went to work today with the intention of having Caroline go to the church with me, so she could tell Father Scaredy pants that she saw it too. Both of us couldn't have been fooled by a trick of the light. Both of us weren't suffering from the same fatigue.

The problem was that Caroline didn't show up for work today. This is the first time I remember her missing work. When I called her, I got no answer. I'm pretty sure that she ran off with that man she's been dating. She's always telling me how she's tired of being alone. So maybe she took him up on one of his offers. He's a truck driver and always asks her to go out on the road with him. I figured that he's married otherwise he'd have asked her to marry him by now. Being out on the road in a truck would be just like playing house. And that's a sin.

I've decided that tonight, I'm going to either walk home the long way and avoid the old convent or maybe just walk over to the taxi stand that's right down the street from hotel. Even though it isn't a convent anymore, I'm not walking past that place again. I still get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.

It's a warm night but I feel cold for some reason. I pull my sweater closer around my shoulders to keep the chill out. It just seems funny that on a night when it's eighty degrees out, I'm still cold.

I sit down on the bench to wait for a taxi. A shrunken dark skinned man smoking one of those foul foreign cigars nodded his head at me.

"Ah'll be back in just a shake ma'am," he says. "I just gotta' get my log book and take a leak. There's my cab right there, if you wanna wait inside of it."

It sounded like a good idea to me. There were people just across the street in the sidewalk cafes. There were a couple of Zydeco musician down the block playing for tourists. But there was something wrong with the night itself. It just seemed like the darkness was palpable. If you looked only two feet away from the street lights it was dark again. It almost seemed like the light couldn't chase away the darkness. Waiting inside of the cab sounded like the best idea I heard, so I got up to walk the twenty feet over to the cab.

I never made it. He stepped out of one of the puddles of darkness, as if the dark itself was a cloak to cover him. For some strange reason it seemed as if I was the only one who could see him.

It was as if he had hypnotized me. I couldn't look away from his eyes. He had one of those corny old hats that they used to wear forty or fifty years ago and a ratty old coat. He even had a walking stick. Who the hell carries a walking stick nowadays?

He spoke in a Cajun accent so thick that I could barely understand what he was saying. "Ya saw me th' other night huh Chere?" he asked.

Recognition fired in dormant brain cells along with fear. I tried to run but my body refused to cooperate. My heart started to beat faster and louder and I wanted to scream but for some reason I couldn't. He turned again towards the darkness and I followed him without even being asked.

The strangest thing was that we were only a few yards away from the tourists who were smiling and dancing to the happy sounds of the Zydeco. He bit deeply into my neck and took half of my blood with the first draught.

"Are you going to make me a vampire like you?" I asked.

"Sorry Chere," he laughed. "You're just as plain as swamp grass. You wouldn't be a good vampire." A few seconds later, his red rimmed mouth descended on me again and I felt my soul drawn out of me. As I melted away into nothingness I wondered about the futility of it all. What about heaven? What about hell? Did any of it mean anything?


Hunger is a funny thing. It affects us all differently. Some people get really testy when they're hungry and others get tired. Some of us respond to hunger like there's a dinner bell ringing behind them, and other look at it like it's merely a suggestion. Some of us are vegetarians, who wouldn't touch meat to save their lives. Others think that no meal is complete without a large portion of charred dead animal flesh on their plates.

I see us all, with all of our different appetites as being the same. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. We all have our woes and our crosses to bear. I know a nurse who's a diabetic. Living around the big easy and not being able to partake of most of the sweets and cakes and pies that come from this region is probably one of the most insidious versions of hell. When I think about her, my particular dietary conundrum becomes less damning.

I call myself a Fluitarian. That means I subsist totally on fluids and I'm kind of particular about which fluids I take in. Other than that and a fatal disability to process sunlight, I'm your average, every day swamp rat.

I've been told that I have a certain roguish charm and I see the results from time to time, like tonight. I work in Grace Hospital as a transporter. My job is to move the patients from one area in the hospital to another. I'm supposed to be charming and compassionate, while maintaining an air of professionalism. At least that was the way they explained it during my orientation.

I'm sitting here in the administrative office considering my options, while a forty year old woman with stars in her eyes tries to convince me to better my life.

"Mason, I think you can do better for yourself," she says. "In fact, I'd be willing to help you to do just that." As she speaks she leans over the desk between us much more than is necessary. She leans over so far that the cleavage between her dangling breasts shows me that she isn't wearing a bra. She looks into my eyes to make sure that I'm paying attention to her and smiles as she notices that I've noticed her breasts.

"Mason, we can talk about other things, some other time. Right now we should talk about your future. What do you think about you becoming a nurse or maybe even a doctor?" she asks.

"Well ma'am..." I begin.

"Hallie," she corrects. "Just think of Halle Berry but without the creamy brown skin."

I nod at her. "I'm a transporter, that's it. I don't think I have what it takes to become a doctor or a nurse. That's a lot of school. And I have to work to support myself."

"We can work all of that out and..." she begins.

"Hallie, I'm not interested," I tell her point blank. I was always told to always leave your opponent with a sense of hope, so I throw in. "At least not in the schooling. I like to keep my life in the low pressure zone." I smile and obviously leer at her breasts.

She smiles and leans back in her chair, pulling her shoulders back to make her breasts stand out more. "Can we maybe talk about those other things later tonight?" I ask.

"We sure can," she smiles. "I'll come and find you."

Now all I had to do was avoid her for the rest of the shift. It wasn't hard. With the constant flow of patients to all of the areas of the hospital, I was often too busy to even chat with the patients for more than a few seconds. But those few seconds often made the difference in the lives of the sick.

Sometimes just a few kind words at the right time made all of the difference. I also saw some of the cheesiest things in the world happen. There were times, especially around the first of the month, where the adult children of senior citizens would send mom or pop to the hospital while they spent their parent's social security check. I saw it all too often. Mr. Smith or Mrs. Jones had no idea why their son or daughter had brought them into the hospital. "I coughed a couple of times and she sent me here," was a typical response. And in this day of litigation for any and every reason, the hospital had no choice but to schedule Mr. Smith for a Chest x-ray while his son skipped off to the casino.

With the transporters working overlapping shifts to ensure that there were always some of us on duty, I got off at 4 a.m. Lucky for me, my amorous HR fan was long since asleep. I left the hospital under the cover of darkness and smelled the warm, humid air. My belly was full of the cold, yet still life giving fluid that I had taken in. Years of experience in the hospital setting had taught me how to get around the security methods in the blood bank.

It was simple to trance an overworked doctor into going in and bringing me what I needed and then sending him on his way. Most people in a hospital would never consider questioning a doctor, especially about something as innocuous as a bag of blood.

So flush with blood and the perfume of the night I walked towards my bike. I knew there was a problem before I got to it. I saw them there, but curiosity alone made me go anyway. There was also the fact that I hadn't been seriously challenged by anyone in a long time. My kind, only seem to get stronger with age. In terms of immortality, at 60 years old, I'm nowhere near immortal. But I was turned when I was 27, so I've been a vampire for 33 years. A lot of us don't survive that long these days. It's too simple to succumb to the three S's. Suspicion, Sunlight and Stupidity tend to take their toll on us.

All of the fables and fairy tales about us are mostly wrong about some of the details. Yep, I have the potential to live forever. But potential without motivation ain't squat. Half of us are still subject to all of the insecurities and problems that most humans have. There comes a time when you just get tired of living. It's especially hard when everyone you know has gotten older or died. Life itself also changes with the generations until you no longer relate to anything around you. I was born in the late fifties. Who saw computers and cellphones coming?

Anyway, the shit about being killed by a stake through the chest is true, but come on, that would kill anything. The thing about sunlight bothers the shit out of me and I keep testing it. Every five years as I get stronger, I test it, and every God damned time it hurts like hell. I can't fly, or change into anything unless you're talking about a different outfit.

I am far stronger than any human and much, much faster though. I can trance most humans and even some animals but that's the extent of my supernatural abilities. We don't seem to have any telepathic abilities or no links between vampires unless they share a bloodline. We are very territorial, but it's mostly just suspiciousness of the motivation of others of our kind.

I have only met a truly old vampire, twice during my life. And both times it was a terrifying experience. The first of course was the woman who turned me. She was scary but only because of what she did to me. On retrospect, she was actually very kind to me. I was out of my head at the time. She didn't stick around to see what happened to me. The stories of vampires training their fledglings, is only more fiction. I often wonder what has happened to her. I heard more about her during my second encounter with an older vampire.

His name was Antoine de la Cravalle, obviously French and crazy as a bed bug. He was curious about me. He kept calling me his grandson. I finally figured out that he didn't mean genetically. He was the creature who had turned the woman who turned me. My vampire blood came from him, through her. She is almost four hundred years old and he's older still. He is extremely terrified of her, now. She has powers that defy even vampiric age. We didn't talk much, what with him being a total fucking lunatic. But from what I gathered, she has somehow gained the ability to switch back and forth between being a vamp and a human at will. And she can walk in the sun when she's human. He's scared shitless that she'll track him down and murder him while he sleeps so he's constantly on the move. I got the impression that he turned her by force over two hundred years ago and she's been tracking him around the globe to get her revenge until recently when something else took over her interest.

Anyway, I didn't think I'd have much of a problem with them at first glance. I guess, since I could hear their heartbeats, which marked them as human, and the fact that they were women I didn't really take them seriously. There was also the fact that three women, dressed from head to toe in leather piqued my curiosity. Each one of them wore a different color of leather. Each of them also wore a hooded leather cloak in the same color as their leathers. One wore head to toe white leather. Another was clothed in green leather and the last, wore yellow leather.

As I said I sensed a problem as I approached, but I didn't think it was a serious one. In the back of my mind, I had the idea that they were just another group of Goth kids. I thought the main danger might've been that they had discovered or suspected what I was. I might have to move out of my apartment or change jobs, but I viewed them as more of an annoyance than a legitimate threat. I was wrong.


I hate being the new kid. To most of the people we interact with there isn't much difference between us. After they've been around us for a few hours or in some cases a few days, they look for differences. We're never in any place for longer than a few days though, so most never get the chance to discover that even the surface differences between us aren't really a good way to tell. Once you get past the appearance and personality quirks we're even more the same. We're all devoted to our lord and his service first and foremost.

In fact, that was what led to me becoming a part of the team. Was it only 2 years ago that I was one of the nuns in the academy training and hoping that one day I would join them in serving our lord or even simply support them in some way.

I knew that the only way I'd actually get a place on the team would be through accident, injury or death. And I also knew that once selected, I'd be under the same risk. I simply never expected it to happen this soon or that Sister Prudence would be the one I replaced. I could see Sister Patience falling in battle or simply retiring. Not because she isn't still in shape physically, but because she's pretty old; I think. No one really knows how old Patience is. When I looked back at the team the way they were structured, Patience was the strategist among them. She was the one who moved to a higher vantage-point and fired long range weapons, while directing the fight from a distance. She was the one who saw the big picture. But again she was and is old. I saw myself replacing her.

Then there's Penance ... what can I say about her? Penance scares the heck out of me. I'm not sure she can really be considered a nun. Penance curses ... I've heard her. And she's just too bloodthirsty to be a nun. Her battle strategy also seems to be a touch foolhardy. She rushes straight in, with no planning and no strategy. Penance uses brute force against most of her opponents and she usually out-muscles most men. Penance is also the largest of us all. She's built really proportionally and a lot of men stare at her, especially her huge boobs, but Penance is a nun, first and foremost. She's an angry, scary, blood-thirsty nun, but still a nun.

Now I find myself teamed with the two of them. I'm not really sure which position I fall into. Prudence was the natural leader and that definitely isn't me. But Prudence was also the best fighter among the three and that is also not me. I modeled myself after Prudence, but I don't have half of her skill or speed. I'm bigger than Patience, but not nearly the size of Penance.

I've heard myself referred to as the young one or the nervous one, but I'm only a year or two younger than Penance and she's been doing this for five years. I also don't see myself as being any more fidgety than the other two.

Being the new kid sucks. There are so many things that the three of them went through that are talked about or used as a reference that I have no knowledge of. It's always, "Remember the one in England did this?" when I clearly wasn't in England with them. I guess that time will tell, and truthfully over the 2 years that I've been with the team we have begun to generate some memories of our own. I truly am beginning to gain experience when dealing with some of the challenges we face.

As we wait in the parking lot outside of the hospital that our next opponent frequents, I go over the chain of events that brought us here.

A woman named Theresa Gilliam complained to her parish priest that she'd seen some sort of creature, the nature of which is still unknown. The priest followed the protocol. He tried to dissuade her, but reported her claims to the local bishop. The Bishop went to an Arch Bishop, who contacted a Cardinal. A few days later, we're sweating it out in leather in the bowels of the Bayou.

The first thing we did upon arrival was to visit the local church. I guess technically we should have gone to the Archbishop and followed the chain of command downwards, but we favor the direct approach.

Our idea was to have the priest direct us to Theresa, but we couldn't find her. After visiting the local hospitals and morgues, we found that both Theresa and the friend who had been with her on the night when she saw the creature had been killed. Strangely enough both bodies had been drained of blood. Because of the way the throats had been ripped out, the police suspected an animal attack. The three of us didn't say a word. We just silently looked at each other and nodded.

The detective who'd helped us was a parishioner and a very religious man. But like most cops he tended to want to be able to answer questions with what seem like reasonable and factual answers. So when you ask him what type of animal sucks out all of the blood from its victims, he says it was probably a wolf or a bear. When you ask him again where the blood went, he says it was probably absorbed into the ground after the victim bled out.

He's not a bad man, he just needs everything to fit neatly into little boxes that he can wrap his mind around. This will be my first vampire and both Patience and Penance have prayed that once we make our presence known the creature vacates the area. Most of them do. A few of the very old ones, like the one from two years ago can be trouble. It was a vampire that caused Prudence to leave the team. He was very old and very powerful. He had all kinds of mental tricks. He didn't kill Prudence but he was able to wound her. In the end it was a man, a civilian, who had rammed his car into the beast pinning it so it could be beheaded that had ended things. After that things get sketchy. What should have happened was that Prudence should have undergone a cleansing process to make sure that she was still untainted, and then returned to service. But for some reason she quit.

I've heard all kinds of rumors about why. At first I really believed the one that made the most sense. That was the one where dealing with the creature and barely escaping with her life had caused her to lose her nerve. Another theory was that she'd been so tainted by the creature's foul touch that she was no longer fit for service.

I didn't believe that one because it really didn't make sense. I got to meet Prudence a year after the incident. There were several weird things going on. My psychology classes prepared me for all of the things that might occur. I was prepared for her to resent me for taking her place on the team. I was prepared for jealousy. I was even prepared for her to try to challenge me, to see if my skill with a sword was equal to hers. I knew that I had to go easy on her because she no longer had her powers. I intended to gently but firmly let her know that although I respected her immensely, she no longer had what it takes, and I had earned my place on the team honestly and fairly.

I wasn't prepared for what actually happened. When we pulled up in front of the nicest house I'd ever seen, a tall blond hurricane rocketed out of the house and hugged Patience and then Penance. If she was tainted, neither of them should have let her touch them. But what came next shocked me to the core. She saw me out of the corner of her eye and enveloped me in one of her hugs as well.

It was surprising. I wondered how a woman who had fallen from grace could be so happy. And then I saw it. A man, a good looking one came out of the house and walked over to her shyly. Somehow, without trying to they ended up next to each other and then their hands ended up entwined and she glowed. All of my life, in the convent and before I've heard of people who had been touched by the spirit, but that was the first time I'd truly understood it.

Patience had smiled at the man and called him by name. Even Penance had paid him a grudging compliment.

"Hello, Man," she said. "I see you haven't run out on her or killed her joy yet."

"Penance, he has a name," laughed Patience. "And he's a friend."

"I don't have any friends who are MEN," grumbled Penance. She looked over at Jason then and gave him a very high compliment. "Do you want to fight?" it was the same thing she asked me when we first met.

We went inside of their house and their love was clear. The two of them could barely keep their hands off of each other and their eyes ... were always on each other.

I guess the psychologists don't know it all. I began feeling like I, not she was the loser. I started to analyze the things she said and realized that I was the one who was jealous.

It was the man who brought up the subject but I was glad he did.

"So Piety," he began. "What's your weapon of choice?"

"I use a rapier," I said. His eyes lit up. "Do you want me to go to the car and snow it to you?" I asked. He nodded his head. I should have noticed then that Penance was shaking hers.

I guess I expected him to be impressed or awed by my sword. "Oh, a Pappenheimer," he said matter of factly. He acted as if he saw them every day.

"Can you use it?" he asked. I started to wonder exactly how much Prudence had told him about what we do.

"Of course," I said.

"Can you show me?" he asked.

"If you want," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh shit," grumbled Penance. "This is how it starts."

We went out in the back of the house where they had a large sun deck. I unsheathed my blade. "Be right back," he said. He came back with a dagger and a mace. I laughed at his choice of weapons. This would be like child's play. First there was the fact that I had enhanced speed and strength. But even more obvious was the fact that my rapier was almost three times the length of the mace which was longer than the dagger.

"Ooh," gasped Penance. Jason smiled and showed her the mace.

"Are you serious?" I asked. I was sure that the longer reach of my rapier would allow me to simply sit back and pick him apart. He just smiled at me. I felt like Miguel Cabrera facing a little league pitcher. The problem was that Patience and even Penance seemed to like the guy.

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As Alpha1 carried Sarah's Clan back to the Enclave, they reviewed the time spent on the ship that day. Over the last several weeks, they had returned to the ship many times. Each trip was a little different but their first stops were always to see how Amy's Clan was progressing and then to see how the crew was doing with the maintenance. Also, on each trip they usually managed to spend some time on the bridge. Normally this was to review the documentation on their area of responsibility....

3 years ago
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A Dirty Little Meet

We have wanted to post our experiences on here for such a long time, so when we had one of our best so far, we couldn’t wait to tell everyone.My wife is a gorgeous 50yo, petite woman with dark hair and beautiful small, perky tits. She is the dirtiest little slag I’ve ever known with her love of cock, cum, piss and watching me with other guys. A while ago we used to meet guys together, I know, lucky guy eh?.I’m a bisexual guy, well built with an average cock. We’re well matched because I’m as...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 7

Béla perched, bare toes in the snow on the roof of her cabin, and watched the sun come up over the mesa. She waited patiently for the intruder in her cabin, whose mind she had detected as she approached, to come out. He would have to, eventually, unless he was using the kitchen sink as a waste disposal unit. It was almost winter now, and he just might do that. The squatter had been asleep when Béla arrived. Probing his dreams, she picked up odd images of impossible memories for a person who...

2 years ago
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Sloppy seconds10

We lay there spent just basking in the afterglow , she asks if she can see the recording I look at her and see the state she is in and laugh she is all covered in sticky dried come ,her face, neck, tits, chest it was just amazing ,I loved it .She started to laugh too. I set up the video for us to watch , I ask do you want pop corn she laughs says you ass ole start the movie when I get out of the shower .Toni is all smelling nice and fresh now retouched her makeup and all ,she put on a sexy...

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african moddaltho oo ratri

hi dear telugu readers ur madan here , eeroju meeku chala nallakinda jargina incident chebutha…. aaa roju kerala nundi chennai ki neenu maa avida train loo vasthunnamu. 1 st class cupeeloo oka pakka meemu, maa edurga muggurunnaru, vaalu oka lady iddaru africans, vallantha students laga unnaru. maa avida aa blacks ni choosthunteene bhayamgaa window vaipu koorchundi. night dinner ayyaka, neenu vaallatho chit chat chesthuntee kooda maa avida vaddani andhi, endhukantee, vaalla pravarthana typical...

1 year ago
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Not so faithful

Our place had a new trainee, Rachel. We were short-staffed and have been unable to fill a post for more than a year. This was more or less the situation across the country.During regional meetings, one of the other consultants had come across Rachel. She was unhappy with her present workplace and was looking to move out. As we had nothing to lose, we interviewed her.She was nothing brilliant, had average references but was someone who could do the job, that’s what I heard. A pair of hands is...

3 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 21 This Is All Your Fault

The rest of the evening proceeded smoothly with everyone eating way too much cake and probably drinking a little too much beer. Rhea got some lovely presents from her friends and a very nice digital camera from Jennifer and Adam. The last gift presented to Rhea was an envelope from her mother. Inside were her acceptance papers and receipts for a full four years tuition at Blanke Schande College when she finished High School. There was also a little pile of gift vouchers that Rhea could use at...

2 years ago
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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

1 year ago
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Weekend Fantasy part 1

I was lying in bed just after sex with my wife when she turned to me and out of the blue says "I want you to be honest - are you completely happy?". I took a deep breath and reassured her that while I was still completely in love with her that after a stressful couple of years, having a family, moving house, changing jobs that I felt that we were stronger as a couple but perhaps some of the spark had gone out of the bedroom. She pondered that for a few moments and then thanked me for being...

3 years ago
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43 Reminiscences from the manor estate

43. Reminiscences from the manor estate An additional few memories to the story “sex and my amazing wife” PART BSEE ALSO 42 AND 44 My position as lord of the estate comes with some privileges, one is that if I say jump people do tend to do just that, though it`s not a privilege to abuse, although I hear a number of my contemporise do just that. One couple were Jack and his wife Alice, my dungeon keeper (we cater for the kinkier side in our manor house hotel) and his wife our medical sister...

3 years ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 11 Lynnes Induction

At Richard's urging, saying that we didn't want to be late for the ceremony, we quickly finished our diners in silence then gathered our belongings and departed the dining room. When Kevin led us to the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor I quickly questioned him saying, "I definitely remember the hall being on the second floor." "That was the old auditorium Alex" he corrected me. "The entrance to new facility is on the third floor. Wait 'till you see it. We've been...

1 year ago
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A short tale of frotteurism

Fanny’s bottom was soft and pliant under the graceless pressure of Don’s hand, and she fell quite silent when Don began to touch her there, her silence amounting, in his simple mind, to permission. In any case her pantied ass-flesh was so supple and alluring that the childlike Don could not resist his drive to possess the young ass fully once he came into contact with it, and he reached his hands around to her buttocks and squeezed them both firmly. He dug his fingers so hard into...

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Her first time having anal sex

So, laughing I told her I could take it out and let it breath and unbend. To my surprise, she said ok take it out let him breath. She rolled over to face me on the floor smiling and looked at my cock. I asked her if she wanted to help me take him out? Now I knew she had never seen or felt a hard cock before so I was pushing my luck here and wanting to find out just how far she would go. She reached out to my belt and undid it then the button and the zipper. Now is when she had trouble, my cock...

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A Threesome with Jen and Cat1

The first girl to come out is Victoria, a Korean girl I’ve fucked before. She would do. The next girl is Karen. She has a very pretty Eurasian look and big boobs pop out the top of her bustier. If it were Victoria and Karen, it would be OK. The next girl is pretty and brown like a Thai girl and wearing a black bikini over a body that fills and spills and thrills. I am reminded of Jessica Gomez. Wow. “Hi, I’m Jen. How are you?” Her accent is almost Aussie and she sounds...

2 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Four

Ghost Writer - part 4 - By circe ([email protected]) I stared at my keyboard and felt a vibrating on my ankle. It took me a couple of seconds to break from my reverie and realize it was the cell phone I had bought - that Becky had made me buy - yesterday. Only three people in the world knew the number (I wasn't counting myself, as I still had no idea) and Charlie was in her workroom, clattering. This left Becky and James. I felt a momentary rush of excitement at the thought of...

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KinkFeatures Kristen Scott School Of Submission

Kristen Scott is ready to begin day 2, which will include bondage and sex. We learned on Day 1 that Kristen is determined and also inspired to complete the grueling four days to expose her weaknesses and help her grow. Today we employ Derrick Pierce to exploit every sexual mistake she makes. He’s not here to just fuck a hot girl in bondage, but rather to examine her and help her work through things that she wants to improve. We begin with the basics, by testing her ability to follow...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Pain

I had a bottle of wine, a nice cigar and made sure that I was presentable. I liked to keep my hair tied up, because I liked the way his fingers felt in my hair when he pulled out the pins. He came in with his bag of toys. We make it as far as the hallway before I’m on my knees sucking him. My tongue wrapped around him, moving up and down, up and down. I was drinking him down, his hard cock pushing farther and farther down my throat. He was moaning, the pins from my hair falling to...

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My Childhood Friend

By : Nat.Crazzy Hello friends this is your Nataraj and this is my third story im penning down. Hope you friends will encourage me as always. I got a very good response for my previous ones. Thanks for evry one who mailed me their opinoins. Today i am going to share an wonderful incident which happened on this new year eve, i.e last day of 2010. Without boring you much lets get into the incident and enjoy. We guys planned for outing on that special day but unfortunately i couldn’t join them due...

3 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 7 Salad Undressing

It had taken the girls very little time to go to the mall and return with their purchases. Hannah's most difficult problem was figuring out how to add a new camera to the existing wireless surveillance system, yet keep it invisible from other users of the network, that is, from the boys. It didn't take her long to figure it out though, and in no time the 'F10' key of their computer was controlling a private, password protected, camera that, after testing, they then sneaked into the boys'...

1 year ago
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A Staged Romance

A romance is a tale told by an idiot, full of flowery phrases and stolen kisses, and signifying nothing. To the fool, the teller of such tales, the fascination lies not with the sexual act: a messy business finishing with a shout and a grimace, but with the dance that brings them there. That eternal game of cat and mouse that brings two seemingly complex people into the hormone-induced dream world we call love. Love causes people to merge until they wed and propagate, or go their woeful ways. ...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 29

I fought down the rational, fatherly advice about "growing up too fast" and considered her question carefully. All of them were as old as we were mentally. It had to be almost like torture for them. I tried to imagine what it would have been like for me if I had returned to age one instead of eleven and was horrified at the very idea. However, there were other things to consider. Her smile dissapeared when my reply was "I'm sorry babe, but we can't." She climbed up in my lap and...

2 years ago
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Stoking the Fire

It was a Saturday night like any other at my little country bar. Mostly regulars hanging out and drinking beer. Telling hunting stories and tells of mischief from bygone years. It was cold out and the warmth of the bar felt good. As I was about to leave and head to my cabin to enjoy a roaring fire I had started that afternoon, a group of women walked into the bar. I knew most of them—but there was a new lady that I had not seen before. I made a quick decision to stay a while longer because...

Straight Sex
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Second Date

‘WHAT?!’ Natalie screeched, ‘What do you mean you aren’t going?’ ‘I’m just too exhausted for the bar scene tonight,’ Carly replied sheepishly, ‘Steve and I are going to stay in and watch movies until we pass out.’ ‘Ugh, seriously,’ Natalie replied impatiently, ‘I’m all dressed and ready. I wish you’d have called sooner.’ ‘I know, I’m sorry kiddo,’ Carly said, ‘I’m sure you and Lisa will have a perfectly good time without me.’ ‘That’s the bitch of it,’ Natalie complained, ‘Lisa bailed too.’ ...

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Rebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated. She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 13

~~Beatrice~~ Beatrice had no idea Dolareido had so many dark, hidden corners. “You Carthians. It will never cease to amaze me how much you want to adapt the modern,” Jacob said. “Modern?” The two of them were deep into North Side, and probably near the edge of the city. It was a big city; she’d never been out this far. “That you would take a car, instead of this!” The crazy Nosferatu gave that weird chuckle of his, and jumped. With the old, dark robes he was wearing, he looked like a...

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My Roomate and His Girlfriend

This is my first story, i've been meaning to write it for a while. Please let me know how it is and if i should write more.Another day in college and of course i had woken up with a raging hard on. My roommate, Kevin, was still asleep in our dorm room. So, i decided to go masturbate in the shower. I jumped in and turned the steaming water on as i began to stroke my stiff cock. The hot water dripping down me felt so good. My throbbing cock was wet with water as i imagined fucking the hot...

2 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 8 The Sixth Day

I awoke early the next morning and found myself alone in the bed. I was growing accustomed to the sound of the hairdryer running when I awoke and seeing a naked Angela in the bathroom. This morning, however, was Saturday. That fact dawned on me when I didn't hear the hairdryer running. I wondered where Angela might be and then I smelled the coffee. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee and something that smelled delicious drifted into the bedroom from the kitchen below. I groggily got out of...

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Christmas At The Salon

Back in October I introduced my friend Susan to boys that wanted to be girls for her beauty school.They would come in for help with their hair and makeup and her students could practice on them.Everyone had a ball and it worked out very well. Soon the girls realized that this was a dream come true for the boys and became more demanding of them.Keeping the place clean was just one of their many new tasks.They had to speak in a feminine voice when they were there and address each girl as...

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Two Horny BabysittersChapter 3

They drove towards Terri's house slowly. Ralph seemed torn between guilt and lust. He kept pulling her tighter against him, his hand on her tit while he drove. As they neared her part of town, the part of town where they both lived, Terri slid back across the seat. She felt damp between the legs and her skin still tingled with Ralph's hot kisses. She wished they could do it again real quick before she had to run up to her bedroom. When she grabbed the crotch of his pants, she knew Ralph...

3 years ago
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My Mistress My Wife

Some elements of this are true, my wife's profession for a start. As is the general underly story. This is a first part of a long running tale of my submission and enslavement, all will be explained as it goes on.I can't believe i'm doing this, i know the consequences, what it makes me. I hesitate at the door, but i know its what want. I press the door bell and i hear it raing inside. A buzz sounds and the door pops open, i walk inside.The hallway is dark, a curtain separates the vestibule...

4 years ago
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Nice Nina and Awesome Aisha 1

Nice Nina is a slender sensual sexy ski-instructor from Sweden seducing her schools great gals Nice Nina sees the talent of awesome athletic Aisha from first moment she slides down on skisNina follows the swing of her hot hips down the slope Wow this blonde beauty can dance wellNina follows both her hormones and her intuition I want her to share my bed from first night!Aisha appears back uphill with bluhes on her cheeks, a big smile, sparkles in her eyes from the rideAisha appears not to notice...

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Coffee to sex

We often come across sexual harassment of girls and women in academies and work-place. Well it is not completely true that only ladies face exploitation at the hands of guys superior to them. Even male members of any educational or business institution are subject to sexual harassment at the hands of lady colleagues or bosses. I for one have faced harassment at the hands of my girl colleague, it was quite pleasant in the end though. She studied in the same software training institute I studied...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 30

Session A64: “It’s important that your children are happy, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “People who have sex three or more times each week are happier, aren’t they?” “Yes.” “Your children should be having sex three or more times each week, shouldn’t they?” “Yes.” “But they can only be doing that if they know about it, can’t they?” “Yes.” “Your son knows about it already from the textbook, doesn’t he?” “Yes.” “But Lucy doesn’t know, does she?” “No.” “Someone needs...

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DeborahChapter 37

Richard decided to leave it to Sharon to say anything about Neil and went back to his study. It was not long before half past twelve and on the dot Sharon knocked on his door. "OK," she said without preamble. "What brings the owner of a taxi firm over to see you?" "How about cars for the wedding?" "Telephone." "And to collect the money I owed him from last Friday." "Post. Come on, Richard my love. Don't bullshit me. I wasn't born yesterday." Richard looked at her, his mind...

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Poor Cousin Robillard

Story Title: Mistress AutumnPOOR, PUDGY ROBILLARD!As he brushed and stroked his beautiful goddesses curls, Robie’s penis nearly wrecked itself, locked in the tiny casing. Would he escape it today? maybe?Robillard St. Croix finished coming Autumn’s cascading blonde hair. He’d given Autumn a great comb over, and massaged his pretty cousin’s shoulders till Autumn had purred. She’d looked up at Robillard lovingly, and he felt like he was on the top of the world.And Robillard was good! He  had a big...

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High TidesChapter 18 A Man And a Half

The current situation, is a dilemma, means: Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. With nine year old Luz and soon to be eleven year old Carlita designing to seduce me, and likely seeking to revenge themselves on me, if I scorn their juvenile advances? I don’t doubt they’re capable of ruining me, making me my own worst enemy, the instrument of my own ruin. I’m feeling very dank and chilly! Mama? “Mama Ava?” Yeah, in a crisis or in pain? I want my Mommy. Not the affectionate big titted Mom, who...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Electra Rayne G284

Electra and the Cocksmen don’t waste any time once she is up on the pedestal. Her gangbang starts with her tight blue dress already hiked halfway up with Chris rubbing her pussy and Randy feeling her boobs. The dress doesn’t make it even a minute before Electra is naked and surrounded by her FIVE COCKSMEN. The first topic of conversation is her natural, full bush before Will decides to claim his GUESS THE V win and be the first to dive into it. All the Cocksmen make their first push...

3 years ago
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SEXFIGHT AT DAWN translated from the French

SEXFIGHT AT DAWN (translated from the French) Note: This story was originally written in French and posted on XHamster 3 years ago (and is still there). I have translated it into English as well as I could for those who cannot read French. I apologize for the clumsy English since I tried to follow the French as closely as possible. ———————————————————————————————————— One must say that she didn’t feel like hurrying. Manuela de Gonzalez was always late and, furthermore, she hated that two-bit...

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My wife and her sister have always been close and this has affected my relation with her and her husband, Tom, so I too like them very much. We spend a lot of time together and rarely meet other people to socialize. The two sisters are very alike both body-wise as well as humor-wise. Both are slim, rather narrow hips and a cute protruding bum, small tits, long legs. Both are brunettes with shoulder-long hair. Gray eyes, with a shade of green in them. Straight noses, a little too long but they...

4 years ago
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Just Construction Bums

I work in the construction industry. . . not one of those who work the red iron members of an erection gang or a boltup gang but I used to be. I’d started out of high school, as an apprentice, worked myself up to Foreman, and now I was a superintendent building bridges and tall buildings. The work takes me all over the country for varying lengths of time and has left me with little social life. My friends are those I have through my work. I drink only moderately, never to the point of...

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Old Money

I'm lucky enough to come from a family that was rich with old money. My father still works in the city but my mother just works for charitable causes. Just after my seventeenth birthday my favourite great Aunt died. I was very sad, for I can remember spending many a hot sunny day at her beach cottage. "Letter for you," my mum said, handing over the envelope. It was from my Aunt's solicitors, inviting me to the reading of the will. "Looks like she left you something," my dad said when I...

2 years ago
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Fucking Justin in the Park

The biggest problem with dating Justin is how squeaky his bed is. If you so much as shift your weight the noise can be heard throughout his house. His roommates aren't particularly fond of me as it is – I'm loud and boisterous and talk too much about sex – so we don't want to get them too riled up about the whole thing. Once, after an evening playing board games and watching TV, we went back to my car and I sucked his cock. The way he smells and tastes, and the feeling of his cock in my...

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 23

The ride to the airport was longer than it should have been due to the time of day, but I was just glad to finally be out of that room. I had the backseat to myself this time, Morgan riding shotgun, though she was angled so that she could see both Chadwick and myself. "Morgan, can I ask you something?" I didn't sound interested but it was too difficult to reach a normal tone of voice so I didn't even bother trying. "Sure." "Why are your visions coming so often? Marcus said you got...

4 years ago
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Me Wife And Him

Hi, sex story readers, I am a software professional married to a sexy and voluptuous lady. She too works for an ad agency and we recently moved to Mumbai. We have a normal sex life mostly spicier due to the beauty of my wife. She is a flirt and is a hottie in her office. Sometimes she gets so horny by some idiot trying to get into her pants that I need to work hard to keep her satisfied. This new apartment we moved in has a good society of people and my wife made some of them friends. There...

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Like Smoke in the Wind

Like Smoke in the Wind By Cheryl Lynn Trying something a bit different with this story delving more into the heroine's mental state. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use strictly forbidden unless author's approval obtained. Comments and suggestions for the plot are welcome at [email protected]. "Like Smoke in the Wind" by A.A. Davis. I sat back from my computer and contemplated for a moment. "Yes, an apt title for my...

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Teen Eating Creampies from MILF Friend of the Family

I have recently been thinking about the sexual experiences earlier in my life that have molded my somewhat perverted, bisexual desires. I love to perform oral sex of any kind. Early on I developed a ravenous taste for pussy juice, cum, and even piss. That ultimately led me to my cuckold and cock sucking desires and fantasies. This story chronicles an experience I had while in high school during the 1970s. I think you’ll agree that I lucked into an amazing learning situation for a guy my age. I...

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BackroomCastingCouch Angeline Sophie 3way

Have you ever heard the saying two is better than one? It’s not ALWAYS applicable, for instance two years in prison is NEVER better than one… unless you’re into that kind of thing. But in the case of this couch, two is definitely better than one. This week we’ve got Angeline and Sophie, and before I go any further I’ll preface by saying this is a FUCKING EPIC SCENE, we’ve got an hour and thirty eight minutes of debauchery. If you’re not into long...

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Offering my nephew a helping hand cunt ass and mouth

Offering my nephew a helping hand, cunt, ass and mouth: I am a 50 yrs old housewife. I have a23 yrs old nephew who has just graduated and was preparing to start a career. One day he came to visit me. My husband was away so I asked him to spend the night in my place. I have a habit of sleeping while watching TV so he kept watching it while I went into deep sleep. As he told me later, my dress went up so he was able to see my voluptuous thighs. My underpants shifted so he was able to see the slit...

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Recovery of a HeroChapter 15 The Heros Gift

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. When I woke up, I remembered the party and what we'd planned for today. Uncle Dar was going to get Ellen and Nancy signed up with my gymnastics instructor and we were going to go car shopping. Uncle Dar wanted a big van so he could take us all at once without having to call Megan for rides and such. We were also going to see if Sandra and Shelly could get into the gymnastics...

2 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 22

The next day I faced the surgery. Okinawa did not forget to strengthen me mentally and prepare me for the surgery. – do not be scared my dear, this is for you own goodness. You can refuse this even now but if you do, you coming here all the way will be pointless – – I wanna do this, Mr Okinawa – He kissed my forehead and let me go. After the surgery, when I was back to consciousness, I could not believe my eyes. I was covered with plasters. My boobs, hip, ass cheeks and thighs seemed bigger...

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