- 3 years ago
- 52
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The way to the chapel was strewn with rubble and bloody corpses. As Amity trod along the stone floor, she could hear the soles of her bare feet squelching on the stone floor. She shivered as she reasoned that the stickiness that adhered itself to her feet was the blood that flowed from the slaughtered victims of the Duke of Warwick's revenge. However, she was less concerned than she might otherwise have been for the cleanness of her feet. Her naked body was already a mess of dirt, scratches and bruises. A little more made no difference at all.
But before she bathed her body in a stream or even in the castle's filthy moat, in which faeces floated amongst the corpses of the brave defenders of the Baron of Flint's demesne, she had more pressing duty to attend. And this was to give her praise to the Lord God for sparing her from the gruesome slaughter that had delivered every man, woman and child within the castle walls to a premature encounter with their maker. She hoped only that their souls would be spared the pains of eternal damnation she was certain their murderers must surely endure when their time should come.
Amity was shocked to see that his cloth had not spared the priest who served in the chapel any more than it did his congregation. Amongst the piled bodies, slumped over the pews and under the shelter of the holy relics that had failed on this occasion to save believers from the knights and mercenary warriors of a vengeful Duke, there, on the very spot where the faithful celebrated the blessed Eucharist, was the body of the priest, his body slumped over the now drying blood he had shed in defence of the holy sacrament.
It was at the feet of the carved image of the Saviour, raised high on the cross commemorating the moment of His great sacrifice, that Amity bent down, her naked body normally so incongruous in such a holy place, and made her obeisance. As the Lord Jesus Christ had saved the world from its sins, so too had He seen fit to spare her from the fate of her fellows. And in gratitude of that, Amity's first priority was to pray to the Lord to express her gratitude for His infinite mercy and also to request that this mercy should extend to the souls of the freshly massacred, whose corpses filled every room and open space within the castle walls; and no doubt throughout the estate of the now deceased Baron of Flint whose foolishness had brought such disaster upon his servants and family.
She confirmed the vow she had earlier made as she prayed to the Lord her Saviour. As she knew of no sacrifice appropriate for a young woman of no worldly wealth, she vowed instead to eschew forever any possessions of any kind for the rest of her natural life. This was a vow not only to accept no reward for her labours beyond that necessary to stay alive but to own not even clothes to shroud her naked flesh. A vow she intended to keep forever and one that would remind not just her, but anyone who saw her, of the extent of her gratitude to her saviour.
In truth, clothing was something she rarely wore anyway. The recently decapitated Baron, like his father, treated his serving wenches as nothing better than whores. They were his mere playthings from whom he demanded sexual favours whenever he wished and paid no regard at all to their own desires. Only the barest rags were ever allowed to cover the wenches in his service and he took pleasure in their humiliation.
The Baron was one who believed that just as he owned every ox, sheep or swine in his estates, so too did he own the villeins and serfs who tended them. Not for him was there any intention to reciprocate the fealty extended to him. He never promised nor provided any protection or kindness. The English peasantry in his service were his to dispose as he felt fit and the young Baron followed his father's example in his dereliction of any duty towards those living within his estate.
In any case, he was unable to provide the protection the serfs most desired. The greatest source of their misery and the cause of their most bitter complaints had always been the depredations of the Baron himself.
Although he professed to the Christian faith, he frequently damned even the Lord Jesus Christ and treated the ministers of the chapel as servants whose prime purpose was to avail him absolution from the many sins he committed. And should a priest show any reluctance to do so, or ever display the temerity to question the Baron's wisdom, he would be treated with as little respect as that shown by the Duke of Warwick's knights to the now deceased Father Jacques de Calais whose bloody body draped the steps to the nave.
Initially, she had welcomed the opportunity to serve as a wench for the elder Baron of Flint. Like many in the manor, she naively believed that the violence and petty slights visited on her by the Baron's knights was not representative of their liege. Her new servitude was also rescue from the abuse she suffered from her natural father who treated his daughter and wife with as little kindness as did his Norman overlords. She had long lost her virginity to her father's perverse passion from which her mother was unable to protect her daughter any more than she was able to protect herself from a man who believed only too well that she was there solely to honour and obey.
But, as Amity discovered, all that happened was that she exchanged one misery for another, with the additional burden of having to learn, with no formal tuition, the French language that was all the Baron's court spoke or understood.
As Amity's facility in French improved, she learnt not only the words necessary to serve her duties as a wench to the portly, balding Baron but also those words for profanity and obscenity freely mouthed in the company of the Baron's equally foul-mouthed knights and directed with no restraint at the wenches who served him. These profanities were just the accompaniment to the indignities and humiliations met upon Amity and the other women who served his table. She soon learnt that unless a fellow baron or a member of the royal family should visit the Baron's castle, she would be denied the modesty she yearned for, and that the abuse she had known all her life before was to be exceeded by the horrors that were limited by only the Baron's imagination.
After her first day in his service, shivering under the rag which served as her only clothes and also her bed linen, her tears and shame could not be consoled even by the tender caresses of her companions who were now much more inured to the Baron's despicable lust. She soon learnt that the only solace available were her hours of sleep or those waking hours in the company of her equally unfortunate fellows in the execution of their many and arduous menial duties. She wondered how anyone could be so cruel and heartless as the Baron and his knights.
She rejoiced on the occasion of the old Baron's death in a hunting accident witnessed only by his eldest son, the new Baron. Perhaps the young lad, barely needing to shave and so inept on the saddle, would treat his servants and villeins with more respect.
Her hopes were dashed when the young Baron continued in the tradition of his father, made worse by the fact that he was more virile and so able to pursue his rapacious assaults with more energy and persistence. Only the proscriptions ordained by the church prevented her from taking her own life to bring her misery to its end.
She became a frequent visitor to the chapel, avoiding those times when the Baron or his knights made attendance, rare though these were, and prayed to the Lord for deliverance. She found comfort in the images of the Holy Mother Mary and of the blessed saints whose images filled the chapel as they did every church in Christendom. And most of all she took comfort and strength from the example of Jesus Christ, who like her, had suffered so much and had yet, through His suffering, brought the blessing of the Holy Spirit to the world.
"Fucking Warwick!" exclaimed the young Baron not many months after assuming the mantle left by his father. "The cunt slighted me. He even accused me of being the cause of my father's death."
"He was a close friend of your father, my liege," remarked Sir Guillaume, one of the older knights who had lost an ear and a hand in the Crusades. "It is natural he should be aggrieved."
"Are you suggesting that it was I, you fuckface whoreson, who was in some way responsible for my father's death?"
"Not at all, my liege! But many have wondered how it is his own arrow should bring him so low."
"Don't you fucking accuse me, you cockless ass. My father's arrow was deflected by a tree between him and the boar we hunted. Were it not for my urgent ministrations his death would have been sooner. Was it not I who raised the alarm?"
"I make no accusations, my liege, but words have been said in the Royal Court..."
The young Baron eyed his knight with a true glint of menace that clouded his misleadingly innocent face. "It is not right for the Duke of Warwick to slur my character. Not only I, but others in the Royal Court, heard him slander my good name and should the opportunity arise I shall take my blade and force it deep inside the same orifice of his as I shall soon be embedded within of the cuckold's daughter, Amity, here."
Unfortunately, the Baron was true to his word and Amity soon lay beside her sated master, shivering from the chill of the banqueting hall and her own shame, while the Baron resumed his drunken revelries with his other knights who had similarly taken advantage of the many pretty young women who served his table, slaved in the kitchen and throughout cared for their many needs beyond those of their carnal desire.
It was not many days after this that Sir Guillaume fell low in a sword-fight, to be discovered by three other knights who wept while wiping clean their blades of the blood that they claimed belonged to the assailants, whose bodies, unlike that of Sir Guillaume were never to be found.
And from that day hence no suggestion was made by the late Sir Guillaume's fellow knights of the rumour rife within the Baron's manor that it was the young Baron Reynard who had been responsible for his father's untimely demise.
This was not, alas, the last time the Baron referred to the slights he had endured from the Duke of Warwick. Not many days after Sir Guillaume had been laid to rest, amongst great weeping in the chapel, Amity heard the Baron once again curse the name of the Duke. She lay beneath the snoring body of Sir Henri, his penis still between her legs and her arse still sore from the Baron's simultaneous violation.
"The whoreson declared that in battle against the treacherous Comte de Boulogne, he would not choose to serve beside me. He said that he could no more trust me than should my father when hunting. Is there no limit to the hogfucker's impertinence? Am I not, as much as he, a servant to the King?"
The other barons expressed horror at the Duke's most recent example of discourtesy, vying with each other to recount the vile unholy deeds he had committed and the extent to which his arse deserved to be abused.
"There is a village but one day's ride hither that should feel the wrath of your steel," remarked Sir Simon. "They deserve as surely as their master to feel the vengeance of a baron dishonoured."
The Baron of Flint laughed. "Every wench will know a knight's cock in their arse and their babes in arms the lethalness of his steel."
The evening was enlivened from thence by speculations of the Baron's righteous rage, whose concomitant sexual excitement was similarly stimulated to the further shame and distress of the abused serving wenches. This was a night whose bruises pained Amity and her fellows for many days after, while, receiving no sympathy and no respite, they continued to serve their masters in their menial and amorous chores.
"I pissed on as many whores as I had piss in my bladder!" boasted the Baron after he and his knights had enacted their revenge, fired up with mead, hemp and wine.
"And I their pathetic children!" boasted Sir Henri, whose lascivious hands groped the naked flesh of poor Edwina, who had just this day began her service in the Baron's kitchen and suffered the most from the knight's predations.
"Not one villein or serf alive! And every ox, ass and swine removed to our kitchen!" echoed Sir Yves with a cruel laugh. "The Duke of Warwick now knows that the Baron of Flint is not a man to cross."
However, there was no immediate reprisal and the Baron was frustrated by the lack of concern the Duke showed to those in his estate, although a formal complaint was made to the King to compensate the Duke for his loss.
As the days and weeks passed by, Amity heard more accounts of the atrocities the Baron chose to inflict on the peasants labouring on the Duke of Warwick's fields, whilst suffering, as did the other wenches, the drunken self-congratulation of the knights of Flint.
The Baron's frustration at the Duke's stoical inaction mounted at the same pace as his boldness in the extent of his murderous incursions into the shires and boroughs who owed allegiance to the Duke. Amity shivered, despite the extent of her own misery, at the accounts of the knights' depredations. No woman or child, let alone man or livestock, was spared the sword or carnal lust of the knights and their armed servants. Each horror was recalled in detail of women raped, children abused and men disfigured before, without exception, all but the valuable beasts of the estate were slaughtered or put to the flame.
Like the other wenches, accustomed now to a court that treated them with no respect, but at least spared their lives and refrained from mutilating their young bodies with the swords and knives never far from their person, Amity was frightened that an excess of mead or ale might be enough for the court to extend their perversions beyond that which they normally felt free to express on the Duke's servants.
And then one evening, there was a dread morose silence in the court. A messenger from the King had arrived, guarded by the Royal privilege whose potency defended him from the rage the Baron was so near to expressing on the trembling servant.
The Succubus' Vows Part Three of The Succubus Bride Trilogy A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. This story is presented as part of a trilogy, the author highly recommends the sections be read in the correct order. (The Succubus' Wedding Night, The Succubus' For Better or For...
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ONE Grey light filtered through the barred window, creating faint lines in the dusty air above her head. The little clouds made by her less than steady breathing eddied around her mouth as she sat on the cold stone floor. She gazed out through the iron lattice, to the courtyard which formed the nucleus of the prison complex. A pre-dawn glow lit the stones, and lent a slight colour to the bonsai firs which stood clustered around a lone figure in the centre of the circular space. One might have...
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-- Crystal -- I awoke depressed. Another day to get through. I rolled out of Kegan’s arms and moved over so I could flop back onto my back. I thought about Vaughn and Harmony. It has been nearly three months since my portal book said he had connected to a portal on another planet. He has tried to send me there, but for some reason, the portal on the other side refuses to let him send me. ‘I didn’t meet protocols’, were the replies that Vaughn got. He even connected to the portal on...
I was speechless when Crystal walked in to say that Raina and the babies were fine. She was the woman in the crystal ball. I guess Zara had known that she was to be my paramour. But I think something did change. I don’t believe Zara saw me as an Empress in the other version of our future. I drank in Crystal’s beauty and felt myself harden at the sight of her. I knew she was still to be mine in this version of reality. I had no problem with that at all. I glanced at Storm’s other three...
I looked at the camera. Seven months old, Devin stood on my right thigh, and his brother Quin stood on my left with my arms supporting them. Sky sat cross-legged across on my lap and leant against me. Kim was at my right shoulder with his right arm around Sarah. Beside him was Lindell her arm around him and Bonny. Raina fussed and finally said she had a lovely picture. Sky scrambled down to run to her big sister and see the results. Sarah bent and kissed me and claimed Devin while Bonny...
I’ve decided the last few chapters of this book should be Mikal’s summary. Of all of us, he has probably had the most interesting year. While a lot has happened to me too, I think the others have summed up my major achievements in their way. I know that I’m a very content man. Being surrounded by the huge loving family that I have managed to gather just makes me an even happier one. I find plenty to keep me occupied and having my kids has also been a major distraction, towards which I’ve...
I had been doing my typical thing all winter long, working around the house, remodeling, and refurbishing my older bathroom and bedroom, while I continued writing new stories as a side income. My full time job became less important due to increased income from royalties I began to receive from different online publishing companies. I was making almost twice, what I was taking in as a marketing rep for the once well off operation I was involved with. It’s popularity declined due to bad business...
I have vowed to never again look at what I type. I must stare, instead, at my own knees, at the folly of hair that hatefully covers them like a blanket from Hell. Maybe if I don't see what shit I write, it'll be better for me. I've been born with the desire to write, but with no talent, or staying power to finish what I've started. I doubt I will write this for more than a page. I am trapped within my own skin, forced to grope breasts of other people, the lucky people, the...
“Fuck!” I said aloud. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I was still standing in a Ring. However, it wasn’t the same ring that I had been standing inside of, only moments before. I was in another cavern. This cavern also had a disused look similar to the one I had been in, but it was cleaner and better sealed. I looked up and noticed the crystals were a lot dimmer and there was not as many, as in the other cavern. I had a feeling if I wanted to go home, they would need to be a lot brighter and recharged....
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A runner turned at the homestead. My spouses were coming home. I immediately started tossing out orders, to get the carts on the road and get the herders assembled. I was running around like a clucker with its head cut off. Greta and Edith calmly took over and told me to go. I was on Opal so fast it wasn’t funny. I was pacing the wharf waiting for Captain Hail to tie up his ship so he could drop the planks and I could board. I raced up the plank and stopped dead at the sight of Bea and...
Tom was correct, and we did arrive in Weston just after lunch. He followed Reilly’s directions and ended up pulled up on a nice wide dock over to the southern side of the long bay. It was a little removed from the other docks, but as he explained, they were considered a higher end market area these days. The area had once been a big meat works, which was why they had the separate dock and sale pens for livestock. With the changes in population, the meatworks moved further north as it seemed...
After the fun of entering the Palace compound, we arrived at a courtyard and dismounted. We were then shown through umpteen dozen hallways and rooms, each gaudier than the last, to get to a waiting room. As we walked, I wondered if the King was related to Higgins. He had the same horrible taste in decorations. John and Tony left us in a little alcove to wait. We settled in, as I didn’t expect to be received in any hurry. I was glad we’d had something to eat before we were interrupted. I did...
-- Earth time: 2095-- Where was I? Yes, my first trip to my Island. If I wasn’t nuts before I got here, I was by the time I left. My arrival... -- Earth time: 1100-- I coughed and then vomited again. I dry retched several times and finally sat up as the dizzy sensation abated. I looked around me and found that I was sitting inside a Ring. I knew that it wasn’t the same Ring as the room was also different. This room had curved walls and had a high domed ceiling that was covered in...
-- Storm - Earth time 2102-- Kim and Lindell had decided to come on the trip with Sarah and me. Sarah dropped her shuttle down onto an open paddock near the section of Torus in the old crater. As we disembarked, a man dressed in what I’d call cut down buckskins approached. He was taller than the average here, lean and fit with sable hair tied back off his face. He looked at most as if he was twenty years old. With him was a very shapely woman. She had paler, more honey coloured hair but...
-- Daniel -- I’m surprised by how well Pip and I have learnt to work together. It’s not been an easy task, and we both realise that we still have a lot of work to do and a lot to learn about running a city and a community. The people we rescued have been settling into the city and taking over a lot of the work of rebuilding their lives and new homes. I think the fact that they could spread out a bit sorted out a lot of the animosity between the different factions. Captain Dale has been of...
-- Storm - Amity - Earth time: 2102 -- We were in a right pickle. Daniel and Pip stayed a couple of extra days to help with the clean-up and burying of the dead. Even my other wizards turned up in Nickel City and then teleported to us to help. Ulu even brought Carline and Sharon with him. Carline was Leslie’s only living daughter, and Sharon was Anne’s daughter to a different shifter, called Trip. They were both pretty upset about their mothers dying like they had, as one would expect....
I woke early and crawled out of the bodies piled onto my bed. I still liked about four hours sleep, and I think I had slept so solidly due to utter exhaustion. It had been a very fulfilling night, and my loved ones had worked hard to please me. I showered and dressed and then popped down to the café and grabbed some food and a large pot of tea to get me going. I asked JJ where the ships were, near Saran and Green Island. She pointed out that the ships near Saran were just off the coast. I...
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Roger awoke cuddled up to Julie with his head on her bosom, as he opened his eyes he saw Miranda in the exact same position on the other side of Julie. Miranda and Julie still had their eyes closed and were breathing evenly so Roger assumed they were still asleep. His head was pounding and he figured he had a mild hangover from the beer he drank the night before. As his thoughts became more clear the full ramifications of what occurred the previous night hit him. He didn't regret what...
The wind howled throughout the island as it was accompanied by descending torrents of rain that lashed mercilessly against the sodden ground. As the storm raged above, a shadow could be seen through a small stained glass window as the candle flickered wildly. Sister Alison was knelt down in front of the altar as she finished her evening prayers. Upon uttering her final words she stood up and began to diligently extinguish the candles. Sister Alison wandered toward the door before grabbing her...
I had known Nikki for many years. Within those years, Nikki had fucked many men. She was the town tramp, the easy lay of the neighborhood. I wanted her at the moment that I saw her.Nikki was a hot little bitch, with a thin body, small tits, and a sweet ass. She dressed the part, wearing tight miniskirts and black stockings, it was plain to see that she was projecting herself as fuckmeat.Nikki's reputation was no secret. There were many stories of her immoral behavior.Nikki dated a boy, the...
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"I thought that my wife Helene and I had a better marriage than many other couples we knew. No cheating, no arguing, which were common among several others in our neighborhood in one of the best areas just outside a Scandinavian county capital. We were in our mid thirties and had two kids. Helene worked 80 % of a full time at an insurance company but had got so much overtime the last weeks that she had almost full time. I worked as a constructional engineer. Helen was still in good shape...
I sat on my towel on the folding chair, the sun beginning to set in the west. Reverend Irene Bailey, who turned out to be a big-hearted, open-minded woman in her 50's, was droning on a sermon about how marriage was all about declaring to society at large that you were in love and determined to support the one you loved in all manner of ways. I let my mind drift. Irene Baily was the only one dressed. That's the way it often is, when the officiant isn't a naturist. I've had weddings at the...
?Well, it's been a month already. Of course I'm going to be impatient.? ?Yeah, and what exactly have you done besides let him know you're accessible?? Tanya made a valid point. Alan sat back on his computer chair and frowned. He'd pulled out all the stops to get his roommate Tom in his clutches; a slutty maid outfit, a makeup artist, and a bet gone awry had done wonders. A sore ass and exhaustion had kept them from round two, and after that... Tom had been avoiding him as much as...
I went for a hike. I’d not been out to the Isa for ages, and you still didn’t have to go far out of town to be in the bush. Most of the area was cattle stations and mine sites. I bummed a lift to the airport with a bloke heading that way from my hotel and then hiked out to the man-made dam they called Lake Moondarra. It was about 14km in, and I had packed my small backpack for the day. Making sure, I had plenty of water in my two belt canteens and steriliser tablets. I had a box of my...
‘Ho-ho, ho-ho, a bussing we will go.’ Actually, I hate buses as much as I hate planes. But they are a necessary evil when you travel. I’d had to bus to a hotel in town for the night. I then bussed to a different airport. I then jumped on my next flight to get to Kuching and then another one to get to the Mulu airport. A friend had organised for me to stay in Mulu Village with a family that he had stayed with previously. From here, I could pretty much do as I wished. I’d organised a couple...
I got up and found the loo. Upon inspection, I decided that it needed to go. I headed downstairs to the better bathroom and used it instead. I even took a quick bath. I put on my clean set of clothes and spruced them up a little, now I knew how. I tightened the waist on the pants and lengthened them a little with the excess material. Then I trimmed some of the excesses out of the shirt by tightening the weave and trimming the material. It looked a higher quality of material now and a better...
The rest of that week was busy. I collected a heap of new crystals and Wally, Walter, and I went around the house embedding them in the walls. We then went room to room, and we decided on a colour scheme for each. Once we were all happy, we liked it, I transported the furniture I’d picked for the room, and we arranged it accordingly. Pammy suggested we move some to different rooms, so they didn’t look cluttered, so the boys moved it. I then inspected the alteration and approved the moves...
I helped myself to the port and sat across from Kim. I asked why he was down here alone and he pouted at me and told me it was my fault. When I gave him an inquiring look, he grinned and said I shouldn’t have winked at him. I laughed. “Sorry, I’ve never actually been with a bloke, but for some reason, I thought if I did, you wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” He must have liked this answer because he said, “Damn straight! You’d break my heart if you did it with anyone else before...
I got up early. I wanted to get the building I owned fixed before it fell down. I also needed to do a bit of Lord Wizard’s stuff. I tried not to disturb Kim when I got up, and I headed to the cavern workshop and double checked what was required to build the boxes for Kim and Mathew. I was finding I only slept for about four hours and I was awake and ready to go. Most of the rest I was learning slept about seven hours. I found all I needed in the cavern, except the copper. I still had...
We went with the others to Mathew’s place. We sat and talked for a bit and then the couples wandered off to find a room. I wasn’t surprised that the new couples had been invited, nor that they disappeared early. I was left with Lindell. She giggled and said, “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” The others wouldn’t know if we sat here for the night or not. I finished my drink and said, “My place.” I got up, and I made her stand and then blinked her to my room. She was surprised to...
I woke to a cock between my arse cheeks. Kim was rocking his hard cock between my arse cheeks. He had already managed to penetrate me and was happily working in deeper, and my arse didn’t seem to mind at all. I found my cock was rocking in between Lindell’s cheeks. I could feel Junior was already between her cunnie lips and she wasn’t helping by encouraging him to bury in further. I groaned as Kim pushed in harder and Lindell pushed back onto me. I think they both realised they were...
We found the formal dining room set up for us. I think I had to accept that I couldn’t eat with the staff now the house was getting a mistress. Kim whispered something to Lindell. She looked at me and then headed for the kitchen. I took my seat and then looked up to see my staff heading into the dining room, their plates in one hand and a dish of food in the other. They all picked a seat and made themselves comfortable as Kim and Lindell sat either side of me. I beamed at them, and they all...
Our staff were happy to see us home. We had to attend meetings with the Magistrates and learned that Veldor had flipped out on them. The man had not liked admitting a few home truths as to how he obtained his wealth or his wife. They ended up sending him to a special place where they put people, who had difficulties relating to the world and that had been convicted of serious crimes. All of his wealth was confiscated. They determined that he has used Raelene’s wealth and title to accrue...
I don’t sleep as long as my loves. I got up and decided to consult the crystal ball on the location of the broken medallions. I was surprised they weren’t in the wing I couldn’t approach but in a different house. I blinked over but stayed invisible. The house had a couple of ‘protection’ spells, but they couldn’t detect me while I was inside the invisibility shield. I entered the establishment and found what I was looking for. They were stuffed in a box in the man’s study. They looked like...
It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...
In the morning, we had a staff meeting. I explained that we had to go home for a few days and then we had to take the Sarans home. I appointed Oslo as my manager and told him to contact James in Iron Hills for his supplies. If he needed more staff, he was welcome to hire them. He could also have the flat above, once we left. He liked this idea very much. He and Wayne asked if their girls could stay. They wanted to marry them. I don’t think this surprised any of the staff. I said I’d ask the...
David James cussed when he banged his busted knee on the old trunk. He rubbed it and noticed the knee was swelling up again. He was supposed to stay off it for at least another week, but that wasn’t happening. While in the hospital, he had been contacted by a lawyer about his Father’s estate. He owned an apartment building containing sixteen units in the city of Cairns, Queensland, on the northern end of the Esplanade. The lawyer had a buyer. UNSEC (The United Nations Security...
Ulu was feeling miserable. It had turned colder the further north they had travelled, and they had found the thin blankets offered little protection. Ulu hated the cold and was feeling very disgruntled at his confinement. In the last hour or so, the ship had been rocking and rolling more than normal. Several of the girls had been sick in the privy and were a bit green about the gills. It had gotten dark earlier. Ulu heard the sailors shout to get the sails down as they were being chased by...
The spaceship got under way, and they headed off to Mars. This Explorer ship was one of their newest at about 120m long and 60m at its widest. It looked like a flattened oblong. It had two liveable decks that were about 3m high with a meter crawl space between. Helm, food-prep, a sickbay, a rec-room and labs were on this deck. Six bunkrooms were on the second deck, with perishable storage and a communal bathroom. The third deck was the biggest and housed the transporter that seated four of...
David woke slowly. He reached out to find the other side of the bed empty. He frowned. Carol rarely got up before him, as the lady liked her sleep. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he remembered that Carol would be sleeping forever. They had grown close over the weeks they had been together, and while he didn’t love her, he had enjoyed her company, both in and out of bed. The silly bugger hadn’t put the safety harness on the chair on properly. When they had left in a hurry, he had grabbed...