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© 2003 Chapter 1

"Dad, can I fly with you today? Bill and the baby are driving me nuts." Channtel, my 23 year old daughter ask.

"Shit baby, I'm not sure where I'm going today. And why are they drivin you nuts?" I replied, as I looked at her breast.

"The baby is sick, Bill is just... Well, you know Bill." She said.

Yes, I knew bill. A fat, lazy, prick that got my sexy daughter pregnant. Never worked a day in his life and made Channtel borrow money off me when ever they were broke. I hated the fat BASTERD.

I gave her a good tight Hug, " Why don't you dump his big fat ass?"

"I don't know, he's not good for anything." She said, hugging me back.

I told Channtel, " You go back in the office, I need the talk with Dennis and find out where I'm going. And to see if it will be safe for you to go. Who's going to watch the baby?" I gave her round 36 inch ass a good firm love smack, as she walked away.

"Mom is... Ouch, you better stop that." Channtel giggled.

"God, I love watching that girls ass," I thought," Even having her baby just four months ago, she looks as hot as ever."

Her light brown hair had streaks of blonde running through it. She always had a long strand or two that tried to cover one of her blue eyes.

She had the face of a Goddess, her big red juicy lips were always smiling. Showing her snow white teeth. I loved to see my girl smile.

As I watched her go in the office, she turned to wave, " Oh man," I thought, " how did she ever get a set of knockers that big?"

They must be a 40 DD now that the baby is nursing her. If I was her Pussy Ass husband, I would be sucking on them day and night.

She has nice big areola circles, that are a real light tan color. Her nipples are the size of little pebbles and always hard. How do I know this? She always wears see-through blouses.

I walked up the steep stairs into the plane looking for Dennis. I found him in the back section of the L-1011. Giving instructions how to tie down the cargo.

"Dennis, give them guys a break. They know how to load a plane. Besides that I need to talk to you." I said, pulling him off the plane.

"What's up Jake?" Dennis ask with a big smile.

My buddy Dennis is a missionary that could charm the 'devil' himself. He talked me into leaving a job paying a hundred grand a year and bring my wife and daughter to Nepal, and living in Katmandu.

I fly supplies to other missionaries into China. Some of the places I land in don't even have a runway, just a cleared field. In most cases it's just a mountain top.

Worst of all, the government over there doesn't want anybody helping their people or trying to teach them the Bible. This year alone, five planes have been shot at. Last June I had to ditch a plane in the mountains and walk five days before a found a ride back to Katmandu.

I lit a cigarette and ask, " Where's this stuff going? Channtel wants to fly with me."

With concern, Dennis replied, " It's going to Lhasa, the Army hasn't been in the area but, you never know where they'll be," He took a deep breath, " and... we haven't gave the local General any pay offs for a few months."

I told Dennis, " The baby has been sick, ass hole Bill, is driving her nuts. She just wants to get away for the day."

"Well, it will be up to you," Dennis lit a smoke, " you know the rules... If you crash, you're on your own."

"Yeah, yeah, I know... I think it will be O.K.," I replied, " what am I flying in today?"

"A Set Up Village." Dennis told me.

A Set Up Village, is enough supplies for five people to live five months. Food, clothes, blankets, heaters, medical supplies and any other thing you could think of.

In fact, it's a Mini town and it meant the plane would be overloaded and have cargo in the old passenger area plus in the cargo hold.

We talked a while longer about a weather front that was building over China. I would really have to get back in a hurry to beat the storm. A storm over the Himalayas could drop up to ten feet of snow in just a few hours time.

I went to the little office to find Channtel, there she was bent over, trying to get a Coke out of the fifty year old machine. Her seductive ass stuck up in the air, only covered by a pair of Blue Jeans, that had to have been twenty years old. They where so soft and worn out, every curve and crevice on her wonderful hips and ass could be seen.

"Hi Dad," she said, " can you help me with this?"

"MMMMM I'd love to..." I replied, as I walked to her ass. Pushing my hard cock into her tight ass.

"DADDDY... ," Channtel screamed and jumped up. Her face was as red as a tomato, " DON'T DO THAT. Bill hasn't been doing his... Ummm... duties in the bedroom."

"Oh my God, my poor baby was horny," My mind raced, " what I wouldn't do to fix you up little lady."

I turned her to face me, I held her in my arms, my ten inch cock now smashed into her neglected growing, " Oh yeah? Well, your Mother hasn't been doing her 'duties' neither."

I leaned on a desk, pulling her hips more into my cock. My hands went to her ass, massaging her firm cheeks. As I massaged her, I could feel her delicate body melting in my arms.

"mmmm... oh daddy... I love you so much..." Channtel sighed.

My hands moved to her Angel face, " I love you to baby." And I kissed her softly on her lips.

Then a voice came over the load speaker, " Jake... You're clear for take off."

"Well shit... That really sucks," I said moving my hands back to Channtels great ass, " I get a hot lady in my arms and we have to go."

Channtel reached and gave me a good, deep kiss, " Damn, Dad. You done went and got me all horny." She pulled away from me and gave herself a good firm rub between her legs.

My cock was hard as a rock, my sexy daughter just told she got horny by me hugging her. If she ever did let me get her, I would wear her little Love Tunnel out.

Another thing crossed my mind, when her baby was born, the doctor had to take it. Her Love Burrow would be tight, just the way I loved them.

We took off and was off to main land, China. Either one of us has said more than two words. I was still in shock and she looked like a 'Young Girl' in love.

"Did you mean what you said in the office?" I ask Channtel.

With love in her eyes, " Yes... every word, well... Kinda." little tears came in her eyes, " I've been in love with you sense that day you bought me that white Bikini. It really sucks that we are Dad and Daughter."

That white bikini, my mind drifted back in time...

I would never forget it. I was on a trip to Florida, I went into a Sex Shop, looking for something nice for my wife Kate. But, when I saw that bikini, I knew I had to get it for Channtel.

Of coarse Kate my wife, had a fit when she saw our 16 year old daughter wearing it. It just did cover her young nipples and as far as covering her sex...

Channtel had to learn how to shave her private spot.

My wife and I had a big fight about it. In truth, I think she may have been jealous about it. All Kate did was, sit on the sofa watching TV and eating all day. She had put on about 50 pounds that year.

When I wouldn't take it from Channtel, Kate went to her Mothers house for the night. I didn't give a damn, I had a chance to catch up on my sleep.

Sometime that night I woke up and took a shower. When I had finished I went to find something to eat. That's when I think Channtel fell in love with me, when I saw her, I as well, fell for her.

She had walked into the house, water from the pool ran down her body. The bikini became transparent when it was wet. Her full young breast filled my eyes. As I looked down, her tender love spot came into view.

"Thank you, for the bikini Daddy," she purred, moving into my arms.

I had not put anything on, my ten inch manhood went right between her inexperienced legs. Her wet, cool body filled my arms, as my raging cock pushed on her sensitive pussy.

I pulled her as close to me as possible, I could feel the heat between her legs as my throbbing cock smashed into her.

One of my hands found her beautiful breast, my other hand went to her sexy ass. I began to tease her young body, moving my hands all over her, then, I moved my hand to her wet pussy.

"Oh Daddy," she moaned, " I'm so hot... please fix me... make me a woman."

"HELLO... DAD... HELLO." Channtel yelled.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I was thinking about something." I told her.

"What were you thinking about?" She ask, with a little smile.

"To be truthful... That night in the kitchen," I paused, " how good you looked all wet."

"You know what I think about... ," Channtel leaned back in her seat, " How big you are. How it would feel inside me. Filling my body like no man has ever done."

She stood up giving me a soft kiss, " I need to use the Ladies Room."

As I waited for her to come back, I was thinking of all the different ways I could make love to her. I would thoroughly suck her big breast dry.

After that, I would do her doggy style for an hour or so. Then lay her down and spread her legs as wide as they will go, do her for another hour.

We went on talking, me telling her how much I loved to watch her sexy body and her telling me how much she wished Bill had a cock like mine.

"Baby if he had a piece of meat this big," I grabbed my cock through my jeans, " he still wouldn't know how to use it." We both busted out laughing.

I looked out the window and stated, " Well, we're half way there," I pointed, " there's Mt. Everest. We're now in China."

"This country gives me the creeps," She shuddered, " they way they treat their people makes me sick."

"You better hope we don't get shot down," I teased her, " you'll find out how they treat their women."

"That's not a bit funny," Channtel was pissed, " I'd be some little yellow basterds sex slave for the rest of my life."

About an hour later I made our final turn to Lhasa. When I got a funny felling.

I looked at the radar, " Buckle up," I told her, as I banked the plane to the right, "we got company..."

"OH DADDY, I'M SCARED." Channtel screamed.

A Russian Mig was closing on us fast. I needed to get us back to the border as fast as the plane would go. He would be shooting a missile at us any time.

The only hope we had, most of the missiles they had were duds. All they would do is crash into our plane. That also was bad but, not as bad as being blown up.

I had the trottle wide open, the poor plane probably had never been flown this fast. Racing to the highest mountains in the world, hoping to out-fly a fighter plane.

As the plane closed in on us, I looked at Channtel and said, " Baby... I'm sorry, I should have never let you come with me."

"Daddy, it's not your fault. I wanted to come." She replied, with big tears running down her face.

That's when the pilot of the other plane started shooting his guns at us. No missiles, just his guns, we had a chance on getting back to the Himalayas.

Alarms started going off, he hit our fuel line and one of the engines caught on fire. I knew that we were going down, all I could hope for was a clear spot to ditch the plane.

I kept the trottle full open, we still had to get high into the mountains. If we crashed in the low lands an army patrol would come looking for us. Channtel would be a sex slave and me? I would most likely just be executed.

Higher and higher we climbed, the poor plane moaned and groaned the whole way up. We only had a little ways to go. Then I saw a small valley, between two huge peeks.

"See that valley, to the right?" as I pointed.

"Yes, I see it Dad." Channtel returned.

"That's going to be our home for the next five months." I stated.

I pointed the plane towards the valley, it was going to be very close. The low fuel lights came on, I hoped we would glide in real soft.

We got within range of the valley, I looked at Channtel and told her, " Baby... Go in the back," I hugged her, " remember where all the sleeping bags and covers are?"

Big tears ran down her face as she nodded 'yes'.

"Go cover up with as many of them as you can," I kissed her, " I love you, now run..."

As the plane got closer to the spot, it looked better than some of the run ways I had to land on. It was very flat and wide enough for the planes wings.

I heard the engines sputter, "Oh shit... We're out of fuel."

Chapter 2

The valley was a great place to land. The plane floated in with no problem at all. It was just like landing on a bad runway.

I unbuckled screaming, " YOU O.K. BABY?"

As I ran to the back of the plane, Channtel jumped into my arms crying. Big tears ran down her face as she hugged and kissed me.

"Are we really going to be here five months?" Channtel ask.

I looked into her eyes, " Baby, I'm sorry. It mite be longer than that."

"What about my baby," she began to cry, " she'll forget me."

I patted her round ass, " Oh, no she won't."

We hugged for a long time before I got her to calm down.

"We need to start looking through all the supplies and getting everything we need to make us a good warm living area," I said, " I'll go to the cargo hold. You start hanging blankets up to the walls and fix the warmest bed you can make."

"Should I make... Two beds... Or," Channtel looked to the floor, " or just one... Big bed?"

I gave her a little hug and said, " That's up to you Baby."

I went down in the cargo hold, rooting through all of the many boxes and crates. I needed to find the heaters, lights and the stoves.

Each time I would find more of the things we needed I would put them on the mini-elevator and send it up to Channtel. After a good two hours of digging through hundreds of boxes, I had found about everything we needed for now.

Dennis sat at his desk, watching the old clock on the wall. He hated it when a plane was late getting back from China, this plane had his best friend and his beautiful daughter on board.

He picked up the phone, " Control Tower, this is Dennis. Any word on Jake yet? O.K., have every plane going or coming from there, keep an eye out for them." Dennis hung up the phone.

Dennis began to e-mail every person he knew in the area, being a missionary meant he knew some shady people. The 'perfect' people didn't need saved. It was drug dealers, hookers and Black-market dealers. That needed a 'Man of GOD' and they know everybody and everything that went on around the border.

He also knew one other person that could help a lot, a long time friend in the C.I.A. It meant that a load of guns or some mercenaries would be on one of his planes. But, anything for Jake.

"GOD, I pray they're O.K.," Dennis thought to himself, " I should never have let Channtel go along. If they're dead her poor baby will be motherless, and it will be my fault."

Dennis went on thinking, " and my best friend, Jake, I've known him for close to twenty years. Now I've killed them both." Dennis began to cry...

I made my way back up top to find that Channtel had really been working very hard. She had covered every wall and ceiling with blankets. She had covered the floors with the sleeping bags.

She had fixed the blankets so that we had three little rooms. An area to cook our food, a sitting area and one very nice and cozy bedroom.

"WOW. My little girl sure has been a busy little beaver." I said.

With a big smile Channtel replied, " You like?"

"Lord yes, this is nice," I looked to the bed, " are you sure about the bed?"

Her face got a little red and she said, " Can we just take things real slow," she moved into my arms, " I know it's wrong for us to do 'it' together but, I also know that I've wanted you sense I first knew what sex was."

"You lead the way," my hands found Channtels ass, " however you want things to go."

She gave me a nice deep French Kiss and said, " Thanks Daddy."

After we had warmed up dinner, we sat snuggled on our bed. Channtel sat on my lap, with my arms wrapped around her. My right hand lightly squeezed her breast. A long steam of milk shot from her nipple.

"Damn Baby, them things are loaded." I said with a little laugh.

"I know... They are starting to hurt real bad," she wiped off my hand, " the baby should have nursed three or four times by now."

"How are we going to get the milk out?" I said, looking at her big wet breast, " I don't want to see you hurting."

Channtel reached for a cup, " You hold this for me," she pulled off her blouse, then her very thin bra, " I'll try to milk them, you hold the cup under my nipple."

I was in shock, I had always wanted to see a woman playing with her tits. Now, I have my sexy daughter, sitting on me, Milking her full breast.

My cock started to grow as I watched her take her breast in her hands and giving it little squeezes. The milk trickled from her nipples, little by little the cup began to fill. So did my cock.

Channtel looked at me with a little smile and said, " Daddy, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get you excited."

"It's not every day a man gets to see something as sexy as this," I looked down to her breast, I caressed the nipple, " you're beautiful..."

"Thank you, would you like to do it for me?" She ask.


"Only if you want me to." I figured that would be the best thing to say.

She moved on my lap facing me. She took the cup, my hands moved to hold her swollen breast. I began to play with her tender nipple and gave her breast little squeezes.

The milk flowed from her body, filling the cup faster than before. I could feel her breathing increase as I worked her neglected breast. Squeezing her breast harder as I pinched her tender nipple.

"Oh Daddy... ," Channtel panted, " it feels so good"

I moved to her other breast, again teasing her nipple as I squeezed the milk from her young body. She began to rock her hips against my rock hard cock.

"Oh shit... stop for a minute... The cup is full." I told her.

Channtel put the cup by the stove, grabbing a bigger cup, I slipped off my pants, freeing my cock. She moved back on my lap.

Shocked by what I had done, " DADDY." She said.

"You just relax, you do what ever you want. O.K.?" I said.

"O.K. anything I want?" she ask.

I nodded.

She stood up, taking off her jeans. As I looked at her love, I could she was very excited. Her powder blue panties were soaked with her fluids.

She moved back to my lap, pressing her saturated panties and mound on my cock. Her hips began to move back and forth against my hard cock. I pushed one of her 'milk filled' breast into my mouth, sucking it hard and fast.

"Oh GOD... DADDY... YES..." Channtel screamed.

Her hips went wild humping my cock shaft, as hard and fast as she could go. Her breast smashed in my mouth, I sucked and squeezed it as hard as I could. Draining all of Channtels warm, sweet milk.

Faster her pussy rubbed my swollen cock, her fluids coated my cock. As she used my cock pole for her release, I was pushing into her love. Hoping her panties would move or my cock meat would find it's way inside my daughters body.


"GO... Baby go... Cum on me." I said.

Screaming louder, " OH... DADDY... DADDY... MAKE ME... CUM."

I kept sucking her full breast as my hands pushed her ' ready to cum' pussy into my cock. Her hips moved the length of my shaft, stimulating her body to the fullest.

"OH YES." She moaned, as her body exploded.

Her orgasm ran through her young body, I could feel every muscle in her spasm. Her breast shot milk all over my face. After a few minutes, she fell on top of me.

"GOD, that was so good," She panted, " I haven't came like that sense... That night in the kitchen."

"Oh really?" I said.

"YES... I went to my room and..." Channtels face was bright red, " I must have masturbated 10 or 15 times that night thinking of you."

I hugged her to me, pressing her wet love mound against my hard cock, " I'm sorry Baby... You were only 16, I wanted you real bad too but, I knew you needed to find a guy your age."

She sighed, " All the boys my age only had four or five inch dicks, I knew I needed a big one, like yours."

"You can have it any time you want, we'll be here for a long time."

"Remember... You said, I could take my time." She stated.

"While your taking your time, you could help me fix this thing now and then." I replied.

"Oh yeah... Like how?" Channtel said with a smile.

"Oh let me think... A good rub down... Mmmm a good rub down between your breast... And you could always give Dear Old Dad a nice Blow Job." I told her.

"MMMM that sounds like fun..." Channtel said as her hands moved to my cock.

She began to stroke my cock shaft up and down, letting it brush across her wet nipples. The droplets of milk acted like a lubricant. Her hands moved faster, her blue eyes watched my face as she brought me closer to cumming.

"Cum for me Daddy... Cum on my tities..." Channtel purred, " you can even cum on my face..."

"Cum Daddy... Cum on your daughter." She whispered.

Her hands moved up and down my love shaft, bringing me closer to cumming. She squeezed and pulled on it like a master. Like she had played with my cock hundreds of times before.

"OOOOHHHHh Baby... Yes... Yes." I moaned.

My cock started shooting it's load all over Channtels big breast. She pumped my meat faster, making sure she pleased her Daddy. My kept shooting it's load on her breast and on her pretty face.

"WOW... Thank you, Daughter." I panted.

"Damn Daddy, when was the last time Mom did you?" she ask.

"Shit..." I thought to myself, " about three months ago."

"oh Daddy," Channtel purred, " I've wanted your cum on me and in me for so long..." Her hands started rubbing my cum all over her big breast, and then she began licking her fingers.

After cleaning up, we laid in each others arms and fell asleep.

"Daddy..." Channtel moaned.

I was sleeping very good after her great hand job, " What Baby?"

"I'm hurting real bad, can you help me milk my breast again?" She begged.

"Yes..." I said.

She started to get up, " I'll get the cup..." I grabbed her, pulling her swollen breast to my mouth. I started sucking it like a hungry animal. Drinking down all of her warm milk.

"Oh Daddy... That feels so good," Channtel moaned and commenced to rub her hot pussy on my swollen cock. I pulled her on top of me, trying to push my cock inside of her body.

"DADDY, NO... NO," Channtel pleaded, " you said I could take my time."

"Come on, I need to be in you Baby," I begged, " give Daddy some of your hot little pussy." I kept trying to no avail.

From then on that's how we drained her breast, I wasn't going to pour that wonderful milk of hers down the drain any more. Hell, I liked the taste and getting it out of her was the best part.

For the next few weeks she would rub her pussy on my cock and then jerk me off. I didn't want to rush her. I wanted her to make all the moves.

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Hello Friends, This is Sachin Kale from Mumbai. I am a fair guy with an athletic body (being a sportsman and a swimmer). I have a really huge cock (without any extravagant measurements). And I never had any girlfriend in school (since I studied in a boys school and later in a Boys’ Junior College). Well, I believe I am bisexual, especially with the lovely incident that took place the other day with me. This is the first time I am writing at ISS. I must admit at the outset that this is my...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Bestiality Cop

Introduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was...

2 years ago
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Chad The Babysitter Part 13

Trish had indeed gone when I woke up and a little note on her pillow read, “Have fun babe, I love you xx” which was a damn nice gesture and that’s why I love her. I got the girls fed and watered and on a promise of Pizza tonight they went to school happy and excited.Peace at last, it wasn’t that I was complaining but I had gone from bachelor to married with 2.4 in a very short pace of time and it was nice to have some ‘alone’ time.I decided to take a long hot shower and was happily rinsing off...

2 years ago
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My thick Latina mom

Just my fantasy My mom is pretty hot in her mid thirties big ass and medium sized tits. She is the neighborhood fantasy. One day in the summer I'm sitting on my computer chair when my mom calls me upstairs. "Mijo ven" I go up to her room and there she is on all fours. "No has visto mi zapato" the whole time I'm just looking at her ass and she turns around "no" I say and quickly leave. The same day she comes into my room to talk. "Hijo es normal que seas curioso" "si mama ya Lo se" she let's out...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Sath Adhuri Kahani

Hi dosto main iss ki stories ka regular reader hu aur muje iss ki stories bahot achhi lagti hai main kai dino se soch raha tha ki apni story likhu par dil nahi kar raha tha lakin finally maine apni story likhne ka decide kiya ye meri first story hai khair main apne bare me thoda bata deta hu. Mera name Raj hai aur me surat Gujarat se hu meri age 24 years hai meri height 5.10″ hai aur average body hai aur lund ka size 6″ hai main juth nahi bolunga ki mera lund bahot bada aur mota hai aur haa ek...

4 years ago
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Mary teaches me a few things about sex

One day I visited them, figuring I would find my cousin Jim, and we could go to the park together and play basketball. Well, I opened the door and the radio was on loud, playing music. So I closed the door and happened to walk in on my 20-year-old cousin Mary, dress flipped up, panties off, lying on her bed, masturbating to the music. Her door was open and I figure she didn't expect anyone to be coming home. And there I was in her doorway, looking right down her crack, with one of her...

2 years ago
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SOSChapter 5

I raised an eyebrow at the old woman. "The Dark ones?" I asked She nodded. "They enslave us, they take our young and work them in the mines, they are building something in the south, they have been since the beginning, this story has been passed down through the years, they came from the void." She said. I frowned. "the void?" I asked, still not clear on the matter. She nodded. "you know the space between." she said. I shook my head. "Never heard of it." I said...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day Rubdown Cindys Story

Cindy decided when she went back to work that the best thing to say would be nothing. She had had a fantastic time seducing Gina, and an even more marvelous time when Gina returned the affection. Still, she knew Gina was feeling guilt over what had happened. Not because of the age difference or even that she was another woman Cindy decided. It was simply because, as Gina had told her, that the older woman had never strayed from her marriage. Cindy even found herself feeling a bit guilty...

3 years ago
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TOWERING PAS ION by Rumple Foreskin Late afternoon sunlight reflected off nearby treetops as we climbed the scuffed wooden stairs of the old forestry service fire tower. Once above the nearby pines and oaks, the horizon opened up. Green forest stretched for miles in all directions. It had always been one of my favorite sights. But not today—not with the incomparable, denim clad bottom of Polly Wright swaying just inches above my face as she moved ahead of me up the stairs. Last night I’d...

4 years ago
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Me and my girlfriend of 4 years, have one good thing in common, we play video games, even though most girls wouldnt like it, she wouldnt care. So one night we were playing Madden, I had an idea, which was really stupid at the time, I said, for every touchdown, u must remove an article of clothing. She We did that. We started playing and on the first play I threw an interception for a TD by my girl's team the Eagles and mine was (god help me) the Patriots, I removed my shirt first. So in...

3 years ago
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Thinking With My Dick Ch 3 Back Down the Rabbit Hole

What am I doing? I'm a dude, and even with fake nails I'm sure I still look like a dude wearing fake nails, and here I am jacking off over it. I got out of bed and stomped back to the bathroom to clean all my cum off myself. In the end, it seemed easier to just shower again, I was already naked anyway. Showering with long nails was another odd experience, having these things that weren't me attached semi-permanently to my body. I was so conscious of them through the whole shower and...

4 years ago
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Das schwarze Brett

Schon nach zwei Tagen nach dem seine Seite online war, erhielt Hans seiner erste Rückmeldung. Es ist nicht vorstellbar wie viele Kerle ihre Ex Freundinnen anschwärzen und alles wissenswerte preisgeben, um sich die schlimmsten heraus zu suchen. So erfuhr er praktisch alles. Wie sie aussehen, wo sie wohnen und wie groß ihre Fotzen waren. Alles was die Typen als Gegenleistung wollten, war ein ein Video der Rache. Nachdem Hans, um sicher zu gehen noch eine Mail verschickt hatte, wusste er alles was...

2 years ago
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I noticed that the old ginger haired widow lady in the next street never closed her blinds properly. She always left about a two inch gap at the bottom. Her window was hidden by a tall hedge which made it perfect for me to spy! On many occasions I would see her lying in her robe on the couch, the only flesh exposed her hands, feet and ankles. Her toes & finger nails painted in different colours on each occasion. After fantasising for about a year but not expecting to see anything more, I...

1 year ago
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OHGirls Sex Saga Continues

One of the guys stroked his cock as he held it in my ass, ejaculating internally. The camera was up close, filming his dick as it throbbed in me, releasing a hot gusher of sticky fluid into my rectum. It was an amazing feeling as I laid there on a wooden bench in a locker room under the stadium. Marvin was filming me as 22 different guys, dressed as Ohio State Buckeye football players, fucked me late at night in front of a wall of lockers. I had been dressed as a cheerleader and my outfit was...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Andi Rose My Stepbrothers Homemade Pussy

Ricky Spanish has been feeling particularly horny ever since his hot new stepsister, Andi Rose, moved in. Seriously, every time he sees Andi he gets a hardon! After running into his stepsis in the kitchen, Ricky finally knows he has to do something to control himself. He gets creative and settles on fashioning a sex sleeve out of a roll of toilet paper and a latex glove. Ricky is so eager to try his homemade sex sleeve that he just whips it out right there in the kitchen. His humiliation when...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 26 Awakening

Sheila was quiet on the way to her house, and so was I. She stared out the window, lost in her own thoughts. I drove, imagining her going down on that guy, wrestling for mouth space with Jade on the length of his cock while he sat there like he owned them. My teeth were grinding. She wouldn't do that with Amy due home at any minute though, would she? No. She may be Charlotte, the school slut, but even she wasn't that low. I decided my girlfriend was safe for the time being. But why, oh...

4 years ago
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I love that adorable Sues butt

I had met Burt and his wife Sue a bar that Anita and I used to go to. We had become friends. Both guys were very friendly.Sue was hot. A bit bubbly, but her curves made her very sexy…After a year of meeting at that bar, they held a party at their house.I went alone, since Ana was on a business trip away. It was spring time and people were all outside in their back yard; most of us were just talking, drinking; enjoying the warm evening.Sue came over me and asked if I could go with her inside....

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend

I'm going for some more beer, Guy said. Everyone at the party applauded this idea and on the way out he invited me to go along with him. Secretly I was thrilled to go and be alone again with the man I loved. We took my mom's car and I was sooo very grateful it had a bench seat so we could maybe sit side by side as we drove. So off we go and once out of sight of the house I used tuning the radio as an excuse to get closer. Immediately his arm was around my shoulder and I nestled myself even...

1 year ago
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Erotic Encounter With An Office Girl In My Cab 8211 Pt 1

I am a 26-year-old cab driver with my own private car (inherited from my father) and struggling in life with little income and huge ambitions. My father got paralyzed recently as a result of a stroke. I had to hold the responsibility as the eldest of the family to support the medical bills and put the food on the table at the end of the day. These are the days a private cab driver has to face huge competition from the corporate giants like Ola and Uber. It is almost impossible for a normal cab...

1 year ago
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Clothing store encounter second cumming

It had been a while since I had seen the young lady from the clothing store. I was quite surprised when I received a call from Jaden. She asked me if I knew who was calling. I said that I recognized her voice right off. Just hearing her on the phone was making me hard. She mentioned that I had said to call if she ever wanted to get together. She said she had thought of me often over the last month since the events at the store. She asked if I was able to meet her after work at her apartment. I...

2 years ago
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kate Wednesday night

I got home and carried out Kate's instructionsKate phoned and said she might be late, but sally would be coming round to drop some stuff off, What are you doing she asked,Just watching telly I replied, OK I shouldn't be long just a late appointmentI watched telly for a hour, the bell rangIt was sally, I invited her in and made her a drink Sally put down two carrier bags and we went into the garden and just chattedShe was wearing her work uniform, a black skirt , grey blouse with yellow piping...

3 years ago
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Meri Friend Neelam Or Step Son

Mera naam meenu hai age 39,5’9 ht,fair color,long hair or body full of curves becoz of my figure 38d-30-38.Main apne pati or stepson rohan,21 ke sath rehti hu.Mere pati ek business man hai or mujhse age me bahot bade hai or ab sex unse ho nahi paata isliye meri haalat to ap sab samjah hi gaye hone.Meri ek nayi saheli hai neelam jo ki mere sath lesb hai or ghar se dori dur par rehti hai or aati rehti hai.Pehli baar usne meri maalish karte hue mere sath lesb kiya tha.Vo bhi ek mast incident hai...

1 year ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 30 Shadows of Fear

I lost track of time after that. Ashley seemed determined to extract a huge orgasm out of me and was loud and passionate. Lenore watched us couple and then joined in by kissing first me and then Ashley. The next hours would remain forever blurred in my memory. Once Lenore started to kiss me the only thing I cared about was giving and receiving pleasure. Ashley, Lenore and I kissed, caressed and loved every inch of skin on each of the others before collapsing into a sexually contented pile to...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Kevin pt 1

Introduction: This is the first part in what I hope to be a well received series. Please give feedback. His lips were thick, it was the first thing that she noticed. They looked delicious and perfect. Samantha was a romantic though. She noted the way that he looked at her, or at least the way she thought he looked at her. She noticed how he just said you and your husband, then leaving her to tell him that no, she was not married. In fact, she was too young to be married. Well, at least in her...

2 years ago
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My Lucky Life

My Lucky Life Prolog Four years ago I won the Powerball. Lucky me. It wasn't the biggest jackpotin history, but 92 million after taxes isn't chicken scratch. I was 28 andin good health, was and still am a computer tech by trade. Bought a nice houseon the Florida Gulf coast. Not too big mind you, after all it's just me livinghere. Also bought a bunch of nice, fast cars. I didn't change much after thatlucky day, until my second lucky day arrived. Chapter I It was a nice fall afternoon. My...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 195 Vengeance is Mine

When I got home Friday afternoon it was quiet. Too quiet. I'd had a great afternoon wrapping things up at the studio and Polly and I had a good hug and forgave each other. I guess I can work with her but I can't work for her. But it was strange not to have anyone around when I got home from work. It hadn't been unusual for Jen, Court, and Sam to all be out on the horses in the afternoon before the fair, but with Jen in a cast from her ankle to her hip, that wasn't likely. And Anna had...

2 years ago
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Cousins DelightChapter 2

I spent the rest of the day up at Lake Wetauga sort of following around my suddenly sexy cousin. We played volleyball with my parents and her parents, and my Dad's other sister and her husband. She was the youngest in his family, and had only recently had a baby, which was in a baby seat in the pavilion, sleeping. The smaller kids, as always, wanted to play, but only messed up the game whenever the ball came to them. Of course, whenever the ball came to me, I messed up the game because I was...

1 year ago
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Fucks new maid

Hi friends, this is Abhijeet am from Mumbai and am 37 yrs .few months back I had taken an extra office to use as a pleasure den in an new colony which was made for poor slum dwellers. The reason was that there were lots of women from the lower class living there and I wud not have to search for a hot fuck too much. Few months back I had locked up my office around noon and was going down using the steps when I saw the office below me had its door open and a woman was cleaning the floor, I paused...

1 year ago
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OC Sex Therapy

You're scrolling through a therapy website, trying to pick a therapist. Between the smiling profile pics and serious old guys, you see a picture of a person with long dark hair and a friendly smirk. You click "Make Appointment" and set up a time for your first meeting. Connie is a sex therapist and incubus with minor magical and hypnosis powers. They are nonbinary and appear as a femme human about 30 years old. They have light skin, smooth dark hair, lanky curves, and interesting bone...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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GreenEyed Prison Wife

Kijani sat in the middle of the retrofitted prisoner transport bus. He garnered the attention of another passenger in the row opposite him. “What the get you for,” asked the slim, deep brown-skinned guy wearing the same state issued orange jumpsuit and shackles.Kijani sighed and rolled his eyes. “Prescription forgery.”“Ah hell, you stole a pad?”“I didn’t steal anything,” the burnt-caramel complexioned inmate hissed.“My bad, yo. Calm down. I mean that weed they found wasn’t mine. I ain’t even...

4 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 2

Carla took to wearing very little around the house. In fact, she was stark naked at home most of the time. If she got home from class or the store, the first thing she did was pull off her blouse or t-shirt and kick off her shorts. She never wore underwear. If she wasn't going anywhere that day, she stayed nude all day and night. On many occasions she stayed nude for forty-eight and seventy-two-hour stretches. Carla called them her "nudie marathons." My girlfriend was also often stark...

2 years ago
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Anna Show And Dont Tell

-------- Anna Show And Don't Tell --------During a morning coffee visit with my daughter-in-law Anna, she seemed a little sad. She finally admitted she was unhappy with her current life, the way she felt about herself. Her husband wasn't paying much attention to her, she was feeling old and unattractive.I told her this isn't uncommon (avoiding the catch phrase "for women your age"), and I had a suggestion on how to change that. Interested, she listened as I explained."I've learned from other...

4 years ago
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A Modest Proposal

A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR PREVENTING THE SONS OF POOR PEOPLE IN CHINA FROM BEING A BURDEN TO THEIR PARENTS OR COUNTRY, AND FOR MAKING THEM BENEFICIAL TO THE PUBLIC by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 1999 Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this. With this and any of my other works, please write to me for other permissions. --------------------------- It is indeed a sad state of affairs to...

1 year ago
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Me and my sister Jennifer

Hey my name is Cloud. I'm an 18 year old guy, skinny with short brownish hair and blue eyes. A week ago I had the most amazing experience. My sister Jennifer came to my place to visit unexpectedly. She was depressed because her fiancé broke off the wedding because it turned out she couldn't have kids. She asked if she could stay for the night. I of course said yes. Now my sister worked part time as a model so she is very very hot. She is tall, long brown strait hair, tiny ass and perfect...

2 years ago
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A trip to the DVD shop

I was 19 and in my second year of Uni. I am athletic, but incredibly shy - I hadn't had a girlfriend and used to buy a fair amount of top shelf magazines. One day on the way to Uni my train was taken out of service and everyone was dumped at a station waiting for the next one. I was thirsty so I left the station and went to find a newsagents. I thought I might get a few porn mags whilst I was around - and there was no chance of meeting anyone I knew.I walked around and found a newsagents, which...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Doll Chapter 1

The add was deceptively simple. ‘Female, blonde, blue eyes, tall and sexy. Owned by a loving husband and Master is now available for weekend use by those desiring a fully compliant, service-oriented slave with no limits, an unbelievable sexual appetite, and a huge pain tolerance.’ ‘Apply to this add with proof of your abilities and references that are checkable.’ She had no idea that Master was in the final process of selecting her first tryst. She knew that the add had gotten many replies,...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 400 Return to Sender

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 I had a déjà vu at 2:10am on Tuesday morning, too early for me to use, much to the relief of that Mark. So it was probably going to be early evening, plus or minus several hours. Over an early breakfast, I told my families, "I think it's going to happen this evening..." "Oh n..." started Julia, who was stopped by a look from her mother. "Sorry Mark." "Don't worry about it, love. I feel the same way, only with more swear words. -- "I guess it'll be...

2 years ago
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What manner of place is this? No light. No sound. I quell the terror rising in my breast and strain to listen, to hear beyond the muffled space into which I am squeezed. Timbers creak. The Earth groans. In the ensuing silence, I sense my own pulse; slow and distant as the stars; shallow as a leafy grave. I remember nothing. Nothing but a name. Daniel. The name opens a door. Now I remember Daniel. Rough, playful hands. Soft, skilful lips. I remember his flesh swelling in my disbelieving hands,...

3 years ago
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Coming in Second

There are advantages and disadvantages of being the latch-key kid of an over-the-road trucker and a nurse. The biggest advantage for a young man at that age is having a safe, comfortable place to have sex with his girlfriend - in his own bed. Dave was taking full advantage of that. Amy writhed, moaned, and groaned in orgasm as he pounded her pussy. He was nearly to the point of no return. The advantage of having a girlfriend on birth control is that he was able to explode inside her. Amy let...

2 years ago
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A fun nignt with my X and her sister Pt 5

After having my cock sucked dry by my X wife. The girls took a hand each and lead me back to the house, my limp drained cock hanging between my legs bobbing as I walked. We went into the house and thru to the bed room. Jane opened the French windows and it was like been outside only comfortable. I flopped down on the bed on my back with a silly smile on my face.Jane asked, " What's up with you horny fuck??". "Oh I was just trying to imagine how you and s*s would look in a 69". Jane blushed and...

3 years ago
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Kates Request

Kate’s Desire I grew up next to Kate, but I never entertained any romantic notions for her. She was seven years younger than I and I didn’t want to wait for her to grow up. If anyone had ever accused me of doing that, I’d have laughed in his or her face, but Kate always thought she wanted me until she met Elizabeth. When I noticed Kate for the first time, I was twenty-five and she was eighteen. We were doing inventory at Johnson’s market and I’d been working late. When I turned off the...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 140 Simply Irresistible

"YES! YES! YES! MASTER! OH, MASTER! AAAIIIIEEEE!" Alan was fucking Brenda's ass hard and fast. He'd already been fucking her at a good pace for over ten minutes and was getting tired, but still he kept on drilling her back door. Susan and Suzanne had gone to his room so he and Brenda could have some semblance of privacy in Susan's bedroom. "OH MASTER! PLEASE! PLEASE! YES!" She kept yelling "please," and for the life of him, he couldn't understand what the "please" was for...

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In the NavyChapter 20 Bridgetown

Bridgetown was lying in the sunshine of the late spring day afternoon when they approached the harbour, beating up against the prevailing south-eastern trade wind. Harriet watched as Asia drew nearer with each tack, the silhouette of the city growing steadily. Amanda Fallon was standing beside her, also curious to see their home for the next three years. “Mr. Dougherty, kindly have the gunner ready for the salute!” Tony’s order cut through Harriet’s musing. “Prepare for the gunfire,...

4 years ago
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416 Part 16

While they would have loved to stay on Ecstasy Island, David and Diana returned to Dallas to take care of business. On their flight from Miami, both of them had visions of the erotic lifestyle they had enjoyed on their island. Diana remembered the fun they’d had with Kookie, while David relished mental pictures of sharing their bodies with the shy young couple who just needed some sexual tutoring.After an hour of silence, David turned to Diana. “Do you think you can get by with just me?”At...

4 years ago
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Closer to my daughter part 1

With that I roll on top of her stroke my throbbing cock a few times and then rub my cock head on her pussy lips getting it wet, I slowly push my cock head in, and as I do her back arches with her mouth making a capital “O”, I stop…slowly...

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