A Rainy Night free porn video

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It's a rainy night. You're driving towards home, listening to the radio. One of your favorite songs comes on the radio and you start jamming out to it without a care in the world. You flip on the wipers a bit higher, and turn up the volume on the car's stereo, continuing your drive. As you round a curve, your headlights catch a glimpse of a dark shadowy figure just about to cross the street. It steps out off the curb, and you slam on the brakes. Quickly, you turn down the volume of the radio and stare out through the rain-streaked windshield. The figure has stood up and is staring at you with pure hatred. After what seems like an eternity of locking eyes with the devil himself, you put the car into park, pull an umbrella from the driver's side door storage, and step out of the car. You push the umbrella's button and it shoots up and expands with the sort of urgency you'd like to see on a stormy night like this. You slowly approach the figure. After all, it is your civic duty to make sure this person is all right. The figure is short, and feminine looking. Somewhat young, with a slightly mischievous look in her eye... at least you're assuming it's female. Hard to tell in the pouring rain. The closer you get, you can see she's wearing a trench coat with sexy and dark attire underneath. You know of some sort of goth club around here, and think perhaps that's where she's coming from. With a slightly nervous tone you ask if she's okay. Sizing up your obviously larger body, she smiles and seems pleased that you stopped to ask. With the horrid weather, you offer her a ride, and she graciously accepts. It's the least you can do after nearly running her over, right? She gets into your vehicle in a very lady-like fashion. You glance over seeing a wonderfully curvy ass plopping down in your passenger seat, with legs covered in pink fishnets, with black tights underneath, swinging inwards. In the light of your car, you can now see that's she's very beautiful, if not a bit slutty looking. Then again, who are are you to judge fashion? Regardless, this leaves you a bit nervous that a cop might pull up and think you're picking up some underage prostitute. As she closes the door, it leaves you the two of you in darkness. She simply stares forward, as if waiting for you to speak. You put the car into drive and pull out from the curb, making sure to be extra careful. The silence is a bit awkward, you realize a few minutes down the road. Questions race through your mind... "Who is this girl?" "What is she doing out this late?" "She seems so young. Is she really so naive as to get into a car with an older, and complete stranger?" Finally, you simply ask, "So... where do you live? I guess that's where I'll be taking you." She turns her head, briefly smiles, and begins giving you directions. Not much more conversation breaks out along the way. Many more minutes pass, and you begin to wonder how much further could the drive be. She notices your impatience, and reaches into her coat to take out a bottle of pink-colored water. She takes a sip, and then offers you some. You are a bit parched, and some water would certainly quench your thirst. You take the bottle, glancing at it momentarily. "Pink?" you think to yourself, "Must be something fruity." Not wanting to be rude, you uncap the bottle and take a swig. It tastes sweet. It really is quite good. You take another sip. And another. And another. As soon as the bottle is empty, you realize that you must have been thirstier than you thought. You pass the empty bottle back to the girl, apologizing, but she doesn't seem to mind. As you approach a traffic light, she points to a small shop across the intersection. Looks like an old bookstore, which she explains has been in her family for generations. There's an apartment upstairs in which she lives. You pull up to the curb besides the store and she glances out the window momentarily. If you had been paying more attention, you would have seen her smiling widely-evilly-in the reflection of the glass. She asks you if you'd like to come up for bit. You're immediately hesitant, but also feel a bit more open to her suggestion. You want to tell her once more that you're sorry and it's getting late, but for some reason you simply comply with her request. Maybe she is simply just being nice. Before you can really debate it internally, any further, you find that you've opened your door and are getting out of the car. You both seek refuge under an overhang near the door to her upstairs apartment. You look down at her. This is the first time you've really seen her face. She's really quite stunning despite the overly- glamorous makeup she's wearing. You still can't help but wonder how old she really is. She looks up into your eyes, nearly straining her neck, and gives you a look which serves to beckon you in. She searches through a purse you hadn't noticed before for her keys. When she does, she unlocks the door, opens it, and begins the trek up the stairs. You can't but help watching the sway of her hips under that coat. In your mind, you have a vague idea of what she's wearing under there, and it's incredibly hot. You're pretty confident that you've made the right decision to follow along. Your accent comes to an end as you both reach a cramped landing at the top of the stairs. The confined space makes it a bit difficult for you both to fit in there, but part of you enjoys that you can be this close to her. It's still a bit strange to you that you're proceeding so willingly on this journey to an unknown territory, but it's also a bit exciting. Abruptly reaching a landing, you accidentally bump your crotch into her, and lightly brush up against her ass. She briefly giggles while you blush with embarrassment. You awkwardly shuffle around, and she backs up a bit to get better access to the keyhole on door in front of you. Within a few moments, she's turning the handle, and pushing open said door with a slight creak. Sort of an ominous fanfare that creeps you out, sending a shiver down your spine. You both enter her living room, and she flicks on the lights. Motioning to a nearby couch, she tells you that she'll "be back shortly." Sitting down, you look an antique coffee table covered in various magazines. Makes you feel like being in a waiting room at the doctor's office. While nervously and idly glancing about, you notice most of the items in her living quarters seem to be of an antique variety. No real rhyme or reason to it, or any sort of motif. Just items seem to have been collected over several years-even generations. "Must be family heirlooms, or something of the like." you think to yourself. Several minutes pass by in silence. You sit there playing with your cell phone until that silence is broken with the muffled sound of a flushing toilet. You hear footsteps clacking on hardwood floors as the girl returns through the same door she left through. However, the trench coat has been discarded, and you now see this girl in full sight. Very young looking, and perhaps about nineteen or twenty years of age. Her body dressed in an outfit she was no doubt "clubbing" in. Very curvy, yet short. If not for the large heels on her boots, she wouldn't even come close to your height. She sits down next to you and starts to rub your thigh. She then looks up into your eyes with a sort of eagerness that no man could withstand. You want to ask her name, but when you do all that you can stutter is, "So I'm Jeff. What's your...." before she aggressively begins to kiss you. You play along. In fact, you're not just playing along, but really getting into it. She moves over to straddle your lap, and continues the make out session. She then tears off your shirt, and starts to undo your pants. Despite the forwardness of it all, you're not going to complain. She takes a hand and begins to massage your cock with her right hand in an attempt to make it spring into action. It doesn't take much effort, and it's become very clear what she wants at this point. This continues for a bit, until she breaks away entirely, and suggests "moving things to the bedroom." You comply very easily. You begin to stand up when suddenly you begin to feel very woozy. In fact, you can barely stand up. "What's the matter?" states the girl in a matter of fact tone. "Having a little trouble getting up? Guess I'm just too much for you. Not much of a man, but we'll fix that..." she says with a smile, and a cute but sinister giggle. It bothers you that she seems amused by this, and are confused and insulted by that statement. She glances at the clock, and nods her head, noting that it's getting close to midnight. "Right on time..." she mutters to herself. You can barely even stay conscious at this point. You attempt to fight the darkness that wants to envelope you. Only a few more moments can you keep it up, and eventually you succumb to... ...the darkness. Decades... years... eons... They fly by as though they were nothing. You dream. You dream of feminine things. You dream of sexual things. Men. Women. Images cascade through your mind until they coalesce into something coherent. You're in a club. You're dancing. Young men and women all dressed in dark but tight clothing. Short skirts. Tight pants. All designed to announce that they're interested in one thing: sex. You flash in and out of moments in time. At one point you get a look at yourself, glancing in a mirror on a wall, on the dance floor. But what you see is impossible. You're that girl! You're dressed just as she was, and there's a boy behind you grinding up against you. You don't seem to have any control over what's going on, so you respond as any girl might, and push your ass into his crotch, feeling his dick stir underneath his tight, vinyl pants. You glance back in the mirror, and smile at yourself. Long blonde hair, falling down to your shoulders... That's the last thing you notice before... ...the darkness. But then... There was light... It slowly comes back to you. You feel like you're lying on a bed. You can't move quite yet. You're still a bit groggy. Then comes a voice. "Looks like my darling Jeff has woken up." As incapacitated as you are, things start to come back to you. The girl. The weird dream. You try to move your limbs as you groan in response. You've got a headache the size of Texas, as though you've been on a bender all weekend. Your limbs move but with the restraint of being tied down. You attempt to move your head, and through your still-blurry vision, you notice that all your limbs have been tied to the posts of this bed. You groan again, trying to get out some sort of statement. You want to know what's going on as you're now panicking over this sort of bondage. The girl looks over you and giggles. "Ssh... don't try to speak, sweetie. I know you must be confused and scared, but don't worry your pretty little head about it. Your answers will come soon enough." she says while stroking your hair. For some reason her sweetness seems to calm you down, but you're not sure why. You should be furious, but... you're just not. You look above you and see that there's a large mirror attached to the ceiling. "Kinky." you think to yourself, as you notice you're in nothing but your underwear. You turn your head to see the girl is rummaging through her dresser, picking items out, happily humming to herself. You can't see much, but can't help but wonder why she's doing that. "If tying you to a bed were to be some sort of sexual act, wouldn't she be doing something right now?" you wonder. Thoughts race through your mind. "What is she going to do to me?" "What is she doing at that dresser?" "How long have I been here?" "Has she kidnapped me? Why?" But all of those thoughts seem less and less important to you as she seems to finish her search, returns to the bed, and drops a pile of clothing between your spread-eagled legs. She simply states, "A girl always should look her best." She notices a look of confusion and distress on your face. "What?" you state nervously. "You... you're not going to dress me up, or something, right? I'm not really into that sort of thing..." She moves up towards you, and gently strokes your cheek. "No, you aren't, but 'she' certainly will be..." Now you're really confused, but before you can really say anything, she pulls a pair of the girliest pink panties out of the clothing pile and holds them up in front of you. "These are going to be yours." And then she rubs them against your face. "Don't they feel so soft? Don't you love how they feel against your skin?" You feel so compliant. They feel very wonderful. You begin to wonder how they might feel when wearing them. A grin come across your face at that thought. Her voice snaps you back out of your thoughts. "And you'll be wearing panties every day, for all of eternity... you'll just love it, I know it." Immediately, these words turn you on, but then realize what's going on. You're not some transvestite, and this should be disgusting you. You want out of there. "Let me out of here, now!" you demand. But the girl just laughs. "Aww does my little girly girl want out of here?" she says with a sugar-laced sarcasm. "You can't leave now. We're only just getting started... but maybe we can do something about those ties..." She snaps her fingers, and instantly the ties on your wrists and ankles disappear into nothingness. You want to get up, but part of you doesn't want to now. It's hard to explain. You know you should run, and get out of here before things get any weirder. Almost ignoring the fact that she just made those ties disappear is incredible, and before you can think any further, she come over to the bed and lays down next to you. She's so incredibly beautiful. You're lost in her eyes, as she smiles softly, rubbing her leg up against yours. She begins to whisper into your ear. "I think you deserve an explanation. There's never any easy way of describing this, so I'll just say it. It's not like you'll want to go anywhere, anyway. That drink you had made sure of it. You sealed your fate hours ago. You see, I'm a witch. A very old and lonely witch. And I've always wanted a sister to play with so, this evening I've decided to make one. And guess what? That's going to be you, my little sister. My precious little, girly sister. Doesn't that sound nice?" You want to recoil at the notion, but you just lay there, turning your head back, with fear and doubt in your eyes. She gently takes your hand, and places it under her skirt squeezing it between her soft thighs. "Do you feel that?" she says rubbing her hand against her flat crotch. "Don't you want to feel that all the time? I know you do. Feel how soft I am. Nothing like your cock. Nope, all that hardness is going to become soft and smooth just like me. And the best part is you're going to love every minute of it." and then giggles punctuating her statement. Your cock becomes hard in both excitement and fear. It's a strange feeling. Actually, it's a feeling like nothing you've every felt. You look down at the tent in your boxers and actually see it start to shrink. She's looking down to and you can see in her eyes that's she's pleased. Pulse racing, a tear streaks down your cheek as you realize that she wasn't lying. You've gone and sealed your own fate by picking this girl up, and there's nothing you can do now. She notices how sad you seem at the loss of your manhood, and puts her hand under your boxers, to give a nice rub. "It will be okay my darling. Trust me. You'll love being a girl. Not that you really have any choice in the matter..." she states to you. That sentence, "...love being a girl" resonates through your mind. All your male sensibilities should be aghast at the notion, but you're starting to get excited, now. All these emotions are coursing through you as more physical aspects of your transformation have been revving up to go. You look up in the mirror as she lies there with you. You couldn't see it before, but your hair has begun to grow out at an alarming rate. You can see it spreading out from beneath your head as it turns a decidedly blonde color. It looks like a shaggy cut at the moment, but you know it's going to be much longer than that soon, and part of you enjoys the thought of having hair just like your sis.. er that girl... er wait. You're not quite sure what to think. As if this girl-this witch-knows what's going through your mind, she begins to stroke your ever-growing hair. It's oddly soothing and pleasurable. You can feel little tingles all over your body, starting to will it into a decidedly different shape. It should be painful, but you can feel little clicks all along your skeleton as you watch your body begin to lose mass and hardness. You stare dazed into that mirror as the girl whispers into your ear, "Look... all that hardness just melting away into softness. Doesn't it feel so right? So good?" You can't seem to argue with that point. With each little click a tinge of pleasure shoots through your body. You watch in awe as all that muscle melts away. Arms becoming slender, with a slight layer of feminine fat developing under the skin. That skin losing its hair and it sucks back into your pores. You can't help it. It's also fascinating and wonderful. You know it's the truth, what she's told you. You're becoming her sister. Your mind fights back at the notion, but it's so completely drowned in the pleasure. To part of you, becoming a girl feels just so good, that you don't want to fight it. You cough a little as your throat becomes slender. Your Adam's apple just slipping away. You giggle at the tickling sensation. "Giggle? Guys don't giggle." you think to yourself. But this bourgeoning girly personality wants to be known. She's going to be the sister that this witch wants whether you accept it or not. You then feel a bubbling sensation in your chest. Your nipples are getting larger, and spreading out. Again, you know any male would be totally horrified by what's happening here. Especially this. You're about to grow parts that will define you as a girl for the rest of your days. A soft, girly voice in your mind giggles and repeats that phrase, "... love being a girl." You can't shake it off, and your nipples become the size of pencil erasers, with that girlish flesh building behind it. You glance down at the witch's chest, that wonderful cleavage. You feel... jealous. No, you shouldn't but "she" is. The girl sees you and smiles like any older sister would. "It'll be ok, hun. You're going to be just as stacked as me. A nice, round C-cup." The thought does indeed horrify you, but you can't help but smile back at her, just like sisters acting sweetly to each other. Looking back down you feel your chest bubbling upwards into about an A, and breaching on B, cup. She was right. You are going to be just like her. You smile at her, thinking of all the cute clothing you two will share, and look down at the pile of clothing that still lies between your hairless legs. They still look boyish, but that won't last very long. And part of you hopes that's true. "I bet you can't wait to see yourself in a skirt. Once you're done sweetie, you'll be wearing them all the time. No pants for you. Just miniskirts and tights. You're going to love how soft they feel on your hairless legs." You want to cringe at the thought of wearing something so... girly, but can't also feel completely happy at what she's saying. You look up again in the mirror, and see your figure is starting to develop some curves. Your hips begin to crack outwards, pushing themselves apart, while, at the same time, bringing your knees closer together. They continue to push outwards, gaining some of that feminine fat on them that fill out a skirt so nicely. In time, they make it to about 36 inches across and you breath a sigh of relief hoping that they don't get too much bigger. They're just right. But that fat isn't quite done with you yet as you watch it fill in that gap between your thighs. They rub together naturally now. It's such a soft, sensual, girly feeling. You can feel your smaller cock somewhat trapped between them. It rubs erotically against them. You can't help but wonder what it would feel like to wear the tights that the girl is wearing. As if on cue, she rubs her own legs together, and you hear the rubbing of the fishnets running over each other. Your legs finish their transformation as they become more slender down below and your feet shrink down to girl proportions that will look killer in heels. Before you know it, waist now begins to contract giving a stark contrast to your wider hips. You're getting such a wonderful hourglass figure, and it looks as though some invisible corset is wrapped around it make it smaller and smaller. Your mind goes back to that dream at the club. The guy standing behind you, grinding into you with his hands around your waist. You close your eyes feeling the pleasure of the transformation, and as in the dream, you involuntarily begin grinding your ass backwards. You feel a click in your spine with each motion. It tilts your pelvis forward, and ass back to make your behind that much more inviting. Your mind is so caught up in this pleasure, you don't know what to think anymore as thoughts of how hot your ass would look in those panties, laying so flat against you in front.... just like your... sister? Your ass then begins to balloon outwards into new proportions, now starting to meld more appropriately with your girly thighs. Fat fills in giving you those curves most girls desire, and men certainly want to get their hands on. "Men... are you attracted to them now?" you think. You recall how good it felt to dance with that guy in your dream. A very primal part of you spans back into action with that thought. Despite all that pleasure, and these girly thoughts, you try to break through the fog. You shouldn't like how your finished ass now pushes you off the bed slightly. Your male mind doesn't want this to happen, but you look up at that "girl" in the mirror and she looks so much more like the other girl laying besides her... her sister. You can't argue with results, and "she" is a spectacular vision. You feel just right staring at her. It's so hard to associate that vision as you now, but, uncontrollably, you lift of a hand, and give a little wave at yourself. You notice that your nails now have a French manicure, and lead into dainty fingers, and smaller hands. It's so weird to see it attached to you, but you can't help but smile at how cute you've become. The pleasure has mostly subsided, now that your transformation is practically finished. Your male psyche can now look through those beautiful eyes. Somewhere along the line, you face has become incredibly gorgeous. Small, upturned nose, plump lips, eyes, dark pools that screams with something behind them, but the girl on the outside just smiles. You're inside and can't really do much of anything now. All that pleasure has caused you to lose control of your own body. It's really not yours anymore. You're kind of just along for the ride. "She" turns over to look at her sister with a pout, pointing down to her crotch. It's then you realize that your cock is still in tact. Your "sister" smiles and pulls down your boxers, exposing what's left of your manhood. Your "sister" begins to suck on it. You look out in horror as you feel it shrinking. "Oh god... this is it..." you think. The pleasure returns as it continues to shrink out of existence. "No, wait..." you can still feel it, but it's not much to hold onto. She just continues to suck. You feel like you're about to come. Your balls start to tighten against your body, until, with each of her motions, they can no longer hold out, and pop inside your body. It feels so incredibly good, but strange as they squirm upwards to become your ovaries. Your scrotum begins to thicken and split up the middle, puffing outwards into pouty labia. Your cock is just barely an inch long now. The girl just keeps going and going and going until... you come. Your body moans and whimpers in such a girly way, feeling your cock contract like it usually does, but this time it's different. Nothing comes out. It just shrinks with each contraction until it nestles itself between those lips, becoming your clit, and your vagina blossoms open. You lay there in what must be the afterglow of your first female orgasm. Even your male side feels contentment, but after that passes you begin to take stock of things. "Her" eyes look up into the mirror and you see nothing but a beautiful girl looking back. Those soft thighs rub together and you can't help but feel ashamed that you can no longer feel anything between your legs. You can barely remember what it feels like to have a penis, let alone an erection. With that orgasm, you've lost everything about you that was male, physically. But it's worse than that. You don't have control anymore. She does. You can no longer present yourself to the world in a male way. This witch has made it so you'll act it the girliest ways possible. No more pants. You'll feel constantly exposed to the world. Soft panties, bras, tights, makeup... these are your world from now on, and you'll be spending your existence with your new "sister". The witch gets up and grabs those pink panties. She motions to you to stand up, and you do against your will. She begins dressing you. She knows you're trapped inside feeling every inch of this new body. You want to cry out, make yourself known, but simply cannot. She picks each of your feet, one at a time, and slowly, agonizingly, draws those panties up. For the first time in your life, you're going to be wearing girls' clothing. The girly side of you feels thrills and excitement, and giggles as these lacy things tickle your legs, thighs, and then slowly cups your rounded ass. They're let go with an audible snap and you feel the softness of them. It's such a girly sensation that feels wonderful to "her" but not to you. Your "sister" continues with the bra, holding up your now C-cup breasts, and supporting them. You can feel your nipples just digging into the gentle confines of the cups. The new sensation of straps on your shoulders reminds you of your new gender. She motions for you to now sit on the bed. Your body obeys. She then proceeds with a pair of pink tights, balling them up. She slowly pulls them up your legs, and in to place. It's such a weird feeling, but oddly nice, in the way they softly hug your legs. Silky feelings emanate from between your legs and your thighs rub against each other. "She" can't help but giggle at how cute and feminine this all feels. The witch grabs a dark, black lacy top, and places it over your head, pulling out your long, blonde hair. It tickles your shoulders. You look down and enjoy the view of cleavage being pushed out from the top, but you really wish you weren't looking at it from this angle. A short, black miniskirt is produced and pulled up your legs, smoothly over the tights. It's zippered into place, hugging your hips, and ass like it was meant to. In fact, if you move the wrong way, then some guy might just get a good look at your fantastic ass. "She" uncontrollably blushes at the thought, while you cringe. Finally, some strappy heels are placed on your feet. You cross your legs in a very girly way, and sit there waiting for whatever may be next. "Now we just need something for that face..." says the witch. She pulls out some makeup and begins to do up your face. Lips gloss, eye shadow, the works. No doubt your makeup probably looks similar to hers right now. When she finishes up, she stands back and tells you to stand up. You do so, and find yourself easily standing up on your heels. You hadn't noticed before, but you're significantly shorter than your "sister" by a good few inches, even in heels. You gaze downwards at yourself. Your hands are clenched behind your back, thrusting out your chest. Your new feminine mannerisms make you stand with a knee bent inwards. The witch puts her finger under your chin, and you gaze up at her with the cutest smile. She then takes you by the shoulders and positions you in front of a full length mirror. Through those eyes you see the cutest looking goth girl you've ever seen. "She" can't be more than 18. "She" smiles and begins to twirl a strand of her hair. You've certainly become one of girliest goth girls out there, but your witch "sister" has made sure that you'll be best friends forever. "See," she says. "I told you that you'd be very pretty. What do you think my sister?" The witch places her hand under your skirt, and lays it flat against your crotch. No more hardness ever again. Just flat softness. Against your will "she" giggles, clenches her thighs around the hand, and simply says, "I love being a girl.."

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Rainy day with dad

I awoke to see the walls and ceiling of myroom flash with lightning, then crash! Another peel of thunder seemed toopen up the skies even more. A hard rain drove like nails into the tinyhome's roof.Summers were like this in Illinois. In between sweltering July heat, wewere pelted by electrical storms and sometimes high winds. Those days madeit impossible for my dad to work his construction job. As I wiped he sleepfrom my eyes and gave my morning wood a few quick strokes, I could make outhis legs...

3 years ago
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Rainy Sunday after noon

Rainy Sunday after noon. So we are in the bed room watching this porno movie when there is a knock at the door and I say to you "will you go down and answer it , you do and I say who is it? ....And it turns out to be your friend Dan the producerSo I invite him upstairs and he walks in and sees that you have your nightie up and your hand still rubbing your pussyhe sees how excited and wet you are and I tell him to feel see how wet you have got so I lay down at your side and kiss you and fondle...

3 years ago
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rainy days and mondays

Rainy days and Mondays !! Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some...

4 years ago
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rainy day thoughts

Today I was mostly thinking about fruit! It all started out so innocently when the idea of sitting on his face and squirting cum into his mouth came to me as I was in the middle of an important but very boring meeting. Knowing he was in an impossible position to be able to wank over our mutual fantasies made my already bad bad mind work overtime. It was a very good idea he told me. But only on the condition that he could watch me slap my clit at the same time. I told him I was full of good...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket ... with wine, a...

2 years ago
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Rainy DayValentine Day

Rainy Day/Valentine's Day By Paul G. Jutras It was a lovely Sunday morning and Paul was in his room, playing with a four-foot wooden dollhouse. He was on his knees in a green blouse, ankle-length skirt and nude hose. With a knock on the door, his mother stepped into his room. He looked up at her, with her B cup breasts standing out in her tight white blouse and matching shorts. She also had brown hose and Velcro flip-flops. "Paula honey, your friends are here." "Thanks mom."...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day Fun

Rainy day in Punjab, business calls needed to be completed so I had to be out, I was in 1 of the big cities and after finishing 1 of my calls I am waiting for an auto, here the public transport system is nonexistent so sharing autos and jeeps are the best way to travel. I am waiting and I spot an auto coming towards me, I flag it down in the pouring rain and it stops, the back side is completely full the only seat that is left is near the driver, I hesitantly take it as I know it has a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Ch1

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 1 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 11.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel " A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 1: Latimer was surprised to receive a phone call from Mr. Hawkins, although he had been with the internationally celebrated Management Consultancy of McIntyre for 3years after gaining his MBA from Manchester...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 2

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 12.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: As soon as Mrs Atkinson had left the room, Mr. Hawkins expostulated "Thank god that arrogant bitch has left! How dare she take control of the meeting? She'll have a little pansy like you for breakfast. I shall...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Ch3

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 3 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18-23.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: With some trepidation, Latimer followed Glynis from his flat and entered the waiting taxi. Glynis noted his anxiety and tried to allay his fears saying, "Harrods have been apprised of the circumstances and...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 4

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 4 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18.05.2016 - 6.6.2017 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Apologies to those following the story for the long delay, I have been rather ill and required surgery which rather took away my muse. Here's hoping I can recover it. Laura, Glynis and Julie entered the lift but it...

2 years ago
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Rainy Saturday

I have to say that this is rather difficult to write. Difficult for several different reasons. Firstly I hadn’t actually woken up this morning planning to write anything – there was no 'novel inside of me that I need to get out’. Also I certainly have never thought about writing down what I am about to detail – at least what I think I am about to detail. Then there is my actual condition. I do not suppose that many writers work their literary magic without a stitch of clothing on. I could...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Part II

Rainy Day – Part II   Bill was mesmerized by Susan’s naked upper body now perched straddling his groin area. Her pussy pinned his cock down to his body, the only visible portion, its head, slowly regaining a hint of pink after   having released a huge load only minutes prior.   Susan had her hands firmly planted on Bills defined pecs . Her eyes closed for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin. His chest hair interwoven amongst her fingers,...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Rainy Day Part I

Rainy Day – part I   Bill hurried to the side door, and let a small smirk escape his mouth, as he opened the door to reveal a luscious woman standing before him.   “Well…..Hello Susan…..what are you collecting for today?” he asked.   The woman, clad in a long black overcoat, only exposed a small amount of sheer nylon stocking and nice set of black 4 inch pumps.   Her brunette hair was pinned back into a perfect bun, which allowed her beautiful...

4 years ago
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Rainy day

Hi Friends I am hemant back again with my new experience. Well I am back after a long time & this time with a new experience, which happened to me accidentally. One evening my friend came to me & asked me to give my bike & that he would return that by night. At 9’o clock I phoned him & he requested me to come to his house & take the bike, as he was busy with the household work. So, I went to his house in auto. It was about 9:45 when I reached his house. He then forced me to have dinner in his...

2 years ago
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Rainy And Dark University Days

Hello guys, I am Akash. This story tells you one of the best things that happened in my life. I am a university final year student and I am quite the person who gets every girl’s attention because I play for the football team and because of my 6 feet muscular body. Even though many girls were eying on me, I never wanted to settle for any of them, I wanted someone special for me! One day, early in the morning and while we were on football practice, it started raining. So, the practice was...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day Mom

It was a rather cool Sunday for mid June, and the rain was falling gently but steadily outside. I was lying on the narrow bed in my tiny room, with the window open beside me. This was an odd little room, never intended as a bedroom. When we had first moved into the house several years before, I had noted this room and wanted it for mine. It actually was just a large walk-in closet, but it had a square window, which opened on hinges and was protected by the overhanging roof on the east side of...

4 years ago
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Rainy Nights

Although rain is predicted later in the night, it is calm when I go to bed. My teenage daughter, Carol, is already in her bed asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, I am suddenly awakened by a very loud ‘KABOOOOM!’ Not fifteen seconds later, my daughter comes running into the room wearing only her flimsy nightgown. “What Was That, Daddy??” she yells.“That was just a loud clap of thunder, baby girl. You can go back to bed.”Just then there was another ‘KABOOOOM!’ just as loud as, or maybe...

2 years ago
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Rainy Nights

The rain was pouring outside. Thunder cracked and lightning danced in through the trees. Shards of light coming through cracks between the window blinds. Shifting light and patterns on the walls and the floor. My heart was still beating quickly even though he was snoring next to me. He'd been that way at least an hour ... or maybe only 20 minutes. When you can't sleep each minute seems endless. I just laid there watching his chest and stomach rise and fall with each breath. His snoring was...

2 years ago
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Rainy night

In 62 I was in a serious relationship with a girl called Pamela, right up to the minute she dumped me obviously she didn’t have the same feelings I did. Of course I was really in the dumps and moped my way slowly to the bus stop at the other end of Morecambe, just in time to see the last bus disappearing down the road, to add insult to injury it started to rain. Of course the idea of walking more than seven miles in the rain in the mood I was in didn’t appeal so I set off hitch hiking, of...

2 years ago
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Rainy night

In 62 I was in a serious relationship with a girl called Pamela, right up to the minute she dumped me obviously she didn't have the same feelings I did. Of course I was really in the dumps and moped my way slowly to the bus stop at the other end of Morecambe, just in time to see the last bus disappearing down the road, to add insult to injury it started to rain.Of course the idea of walking more than seven miles in the rain in the mood I was in didn't appeal so I set off hitch hiking, of course...

2 years ago
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Rainy night

I was staying the night at my friend Steve's house. We had fun playing outside all day and it was time to eat. After dinner we took our showers and dressed for bed. Going up front we watched a movie before going to bed. At the end of the movie we said our good nights to his mother and dad.I was woken the a loud clap of thunder which shook the house. Looking over in his bed Steve was fast asleep. I went up from and found Tom, Steve's dad watching TV still. He asked why I was up. I told him about...

1 year ago
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Rainy Night

God, it was hot, but thankfully, it looked like rain. "Can't we go out, dear?" Ruth, my pretty wife, asked. I looked up from my paper to see she had changed out of her jeans and shirt and put on a short denim skirt and a tie up blouse. "It's going to rain," I said. "Bloody about time," she sighed wiping the sweat from her brow. "I think I'd like to be soaking wet," she said with a sexy giggle. With her back to me, I could study her fine slim figure, especially her great legs....

2 years ago
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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

1 year ago
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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

3 years ago
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rainy night part 2

I said how about this weekend you and I take off somewhere? She said how about next weekend so we can actually plan something? He said that sounds fine Lynne. They had just finished dinner when there was a knock on the door and Bill was getting up and Lynne said I will get it. Lynne went to the door and when she opened it there stood a woman with big breasts wearing a too tight half shirt and jean shorts that looked like they had been painted on. Hello can I help you Lynne asked/ Yeah...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day at the Shop

It was a slow day at the shop. Rain lashed against the front windows. Alice sighed and stretched. She and Liam had already done all the folding, facing, sweeping, and other make-work jobs in the vintage clothing store. No customers were coming in at 2 pm in this kind of weather. She was bored, and the chill music that the owner insisted they play wasn’t helping.She drummed her fingers on the counter and watched as Liam puttered with the front window display. He was cute, in a generic sort of...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Rainy Night0

As I rounded the back of the car, my flashlight lit on a trash can which apparently I had taken out and it was lodged under the back of my car. I set the flash light on the back of the car and began to try to dislodge the can. Fighting with the umbrella was a loosing battle so I just closed it and tugged with both hands but still the can did not budge. I looked around and could see a light on at the house in front of the trash can so I walked like a drowned dog to their door. The...

2 years ago
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Rainy Romance

Sharing erotic fantasies had become part of our work day, but for some reason today’s conversation seemed different. Greg had recently shown interest in my past relationships, and for some reason just talking about them seemed to push the right buttons. Never being very good at explaining things, it seemed to be easier when he asked direct questions. Those questions dug up things I hadn’t thought about in years. Needless tosay, I was ready to jump his bones. So I decided to try a little...

3 years ago
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Rainy Sunday

It was late when I awoke, listening to the sound of the rain outside the window. A thick cloud cover darkened the room, making it seem much earlier than it was. I turned my head and looked at her lying beside me, her red hair splayed about the pillow like a blazing fire. The color of her hair is fitting, as she lights a fire in my very soul. She was turned in my direction, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted as she slept peacefully beside me. There were remnants of the previous day’s...

4 years ago
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Rainy Summers Eve

We’re in the woods! It’s a warm summers night, as we look up to see the clouds gathering, ‘Perfect,’ you say. We set up camp and make sure everything is just the way we wanted it. We sit back and wait for the rain to wash down upon us. I’ve told you my secrets many times wishing you were there to act upon them, but you’re here now and we are acting on them. Time slowly trickles by. I’m watching you your watching me. I lean over and kiss you fully on the mouth working my tongue deep inside ,...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Play

He slowly moved up between her legs. Her smooth shaved pussy staring him in the face. He parted her lips with his fingetips to expose her swollen clit. Gently, he began licking and sucking. She threw her hands above her head and closed her eyes. She cupped her 36d breast and started squeezing her nipples while pressing herself into his face forcing his tongue deeper inside of her….beep beep beep beep beep Sarah’s hand bolted up and slapped the off button on the alarm clock. Damn, woken from...

3 years ago
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Rainy Night Part 1 The Parking Lot

The rain was sheeting across my windshield while the wipers barely kept the road visible. I laughed to myself because I couldn’t believe I was actually going to drive three hours in this shit just to see her for a few hours. Lori and I had known each other for years and she only called me when she wanted to fuck. She had a boyfriend but I think he was a little too conservative for her sexual appetites. At least that’s what I used to tell myself. I had the radio on low. For some reason I...

4 years ago
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Rainy Vacation Day

My wife and I were on vacation for a few days in Switzerland. It had been raining for the last two days and we were getting bored. So bored we started playing cards. It was early afternoon and it was supposed to rain all day so we found some cards to kill time. I had a friend living in Stockholm that said he may stop by on his way to southern France. But Christer was not very reliable and I did not really expect him to show. Then out of the blue he called and said he was at the hotel and...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket … with wine, a...

4 years ago
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Rainy Night Part 2

Lori met me as I got out of my car and took my hand with a naughty smirk. We walked towards the hotel and I opened the door letting Lori go through first. Not because it was the gentlemanly thing to do but because I wanted to see that luscious ass. There is something about a sundress like that. The way it moves over the curves when women are walking that just drives me crazy. I think she knew I was watching and added a little more bounce to her step than she normally would have. The way that...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day

              John pulled up and put the car in park. They had been driving now for a couple hours, trying to let this torrential rain let up. He had this perfect date planned for Renae. They ate at a nice restaurant and were going to come lay and look at the stars that night at an old cabin that his family kept on their land. There wasn’t much left standing, but it still had a porch and a swing, and it was sitting on a nice grassy hill that had an excellent view at any time, but it was...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day For Alexia

The smell of rain danced near his nose, as Alex sat by the window. It had been raining for two hours now, with no sign of stopping. The clouds were ever so gray and the wind gave the trees reason to dance.“I guess I know what will make this afternoon cozier,” he said, making for his wardrobe. Passing his mirror, he caught sight of himself again, 5 foot 8, 62 kilos, with long brown hair,dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. Just a bit of weight around his butt area, but no one really would...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day

{if Game Mode = true}(Thank you for enabling Game Mode!){[email protected]}(This story is best experienced in Game Mode. It is structured as a game of hide-and-seek in which you win or lose rather quickly. I don’t think Game Mode is as intrusive in this format as it is in some long-form stories, so please give it a try. You can enable it by clicking Start Game in the right sidebar.){endif} (Only this chapter is written in 3rd person in order to introduce the characters. You will choose one and...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day

When I got up that morning, it was raining extremely hard; looking out my window it was almost as if there was a wall of water coming from the sky. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed in the distance. Normally I’d hope that a storm this bad would get school cancelled; but today, I hoped for the opposite. For today was the day I’d finally worked up enough courage to talk to the hottest girl in the school.Camilla Mackenzie was a well known slut; she had perfect tits, that were just large enough...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Rainy Afternoon

[ For something different. Taking inspiration from something that happened, for real, way back in 1983; during the declining days of my first, and very unhappy marriage. This one is dedicated to the memory of Marvin, who was the first guy to ever suck my cock! Thanks for the memories, Marvin! You have NOT been forgotten! ]The slightly musty smell of a dank basement under an older house...that's a smell that summons up for me the type of location where I got my very first blow job.It was summer....

3 years ago
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Rainy Saturday

I looked out the window for probably the hundredth time that morning and still there was no end in sight to the pouring rain. I really didn't mind the rain, in fact I loved to watch a good storm, just not on a Saturday. Worse still, my mom had a friend from work coming over and I really didn't want to be stuck in the house with two chatty women while they gossiped and drank a bottle of wine. I figured at that moment, if there was a God, I must have done something to piss him off. Resigned to...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day Sex

Monday, I mentioned to Joe that I was feeling the need to be with another woman. He wished me luck and told me he wanted a video or all the sordid details. Now we do not do videos, so he wanted a full report, so here it is.I decided to wait for the weekend to book a room in the HRH&C and troll the bars. So I was very casually dressed in shorts and a tank top, braless and tennis shoes when I went for my after dinner neighborhood walk. We live in a tight little community and many of us know...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Daughter

I watched my father come out of his bedroom, the rain beating hard on the tin roof. He stopped and looked at me then turned to pour himself a cup of fresh coffee that I had put on just for him. I kept looking out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to watch a silly talk show. Yesterday I had been busy spending my first day of the summer vacation with him by doing what I loved most: running around in the thick woods. Today it was different. Today I had awoke from one of the wildest dreams I...

2 years ago
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Rainy night in Georgia

We were out seeking some excitement, just riding around looking for a place to spend an hour or two until the rain let up. The red Georgia clay looked almost florescent in the driving rain. Danny spotted a small road side bar and said let's have a drink. He parked as close as he could, but me with only a sheer, white, cotton top and no jacket got soaked getting to the door, We walked in and as our eyes adjusted to the darkness of the place we saw a bartender and one customer was all there was...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day III

I was now wearing a white pleated knee high skirt , white PH , pink blouse with a white collar & a pink bow in my long brown hair. White lacey bra & matching panties {I have very little body hair} lipstick and light pink rouge. I looked quite passable {to really good in the evening}. Mike drove my Toyota while I sat like a lady in the passenger seat. We were off to Provincetown MA which is an open gay community. M. asked if I would agree to an ...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Transformation II

We woke up early. l was in my panties & short nighty. M. was naked in the sheets. I gazed at his joystick .I was hooked. I love cock now. I am a girl. He is a boy. It’s almost heterosexual. We showered together. I rubbed his cock but not too much. {Other students might need the bathroom}. We hurried out and got dressed. I put on black lacey panties , black half slip & black bra . Dried my hair & tied it in back in pony tail with side barrette of red....

2 years ago
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Rainy night surprise

The following story is created for a very, inspiring, lets say, friend.. It does build up to a very rewarding ending, I just wanted to build up some tension before that, trying to describe a few of the many things that'd be going through my head in this scenario :) I do hope you enjoy it and get at least half as horny as I've gotten writing and thinking about it, over and over again >.

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Transformation

PreludeI was driving into Boston to see my GF. We were both graduate students but at different colleges. I was staying in her dorm room and there was no hassles at all. Other guys stayed there with their GFs. We had been steady for about 3 years. {I did not know she was cheating on me}. I was 30 years old, thin , petite with real long hair. My GF K. often brushed it and put it in barrettes. I am about 4 inches and she said it was too small for her ...

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