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An Erotic X-Files Story

Trudi Bowman slowly unwrapped another soft cube of strawberry Bubble-Yum and added it to the now nearly flavorless glob already in her mouth. The surge of flavor did little to lift her spirits as she shifted her feet behind the counter of the nearly-empty Road Pantry convenience store just outside Hallville, Pennsylvania. It was eight- thirty on a Saturday night, another hour before her shift ended, and time seemed to be standing still for the sixteen-year old girl. Her boyfriend, Gene, had finally gotten his car running and he was picking her up here after work. They were planning to celebrate by driving to the nearby reservoir which supplied the small town of Hallville with its water and its horny teenagers with a secluded spot for romantic encounters.

Trudi was trying to decide how far to let Gene go tonight at the reservoir. Having a boyfriend with his own car was going to make this quite an enjoyable summer (only two more weeks until summer vacation), and she wanted to reward him for his success in reviving the 1977 Chevy Camaro he had bought for $700 a few months ago from the local junkyard. She fully intended to go all the way with Gene, who was pretty cute in addition to being good with cars. But not tonight - the first time they had sex shouldn't be in a car, that was kind of tacky. They could wait until Trudi's mother went to visit her sister in Gaithersburg some night and have the house to themselves.

Leaning her back against the counter, she stretched her arms over her head and yawned before turning her attention back to the People magazine she was leafing through. Trudi was an attractive girl with long slender legs, narrow hips, and surprisingly large breasts. With her full lips and sparkling brown eyes she could easily be considered beautiful, except for the short, punk haircut and off-the-wall makeup she favored. Tight denim shorts, a leather vest, and a nose ring (her mother had flipped out when she came home with that) completed the standard 1990's uniform of a rebellious teenage girl.

Tonight she would give Gene a blow job, she finally decided. Her best friend, Amy Archer, had given her boyfriend a blow job last month (and had been giving them regularly ever since). Amy had even showed her how to do it, giving Trudi a spirited demonstration on a cucumber, and although it sounded gross at first, the more she thought about it the less gross and more interesting it seemed. Besides, Trudi didn't want Amy to get too far ahead of her - she had already slept with two guys and Trudi was still a virgin.

The Road Pantry was quiet, as it usually was in the evenings - two boys in Little League uniforms in the candy aisle discussing the relative merits of Atomic Fireballs and Sour Patch Kids were the only customers. The owner, Vince Lansing, was in the back room taking inventory. Outside, the air was just starting to cool down after the hottest day of the young summer. Inside, the air conditioning kept the store at a constant, chilly 68 degrees.

The "ding" as the door opened roused Trudi from her reverie, and she looked up as a man in a green windbreaker and a baseball cap came in. She caught a glimpse of his face - a brown mustache and glasses - but before she could get a better look he turned his back and began browsing through the magazines on the opposite side of the store. It seemed odd to Trudi that anyone would be wearing a jacket on such a hot day, but before she could finish her thought the Little-Leaguers came up to the counter with armfuls of candy.

When she was finished ringing the boys up, she noticed that Vince had come out of the back and was selecting a candy bar for himself. In his late thirties, he had the body of a former athlete who was just starting to get a little thick around the middle. With his wavy blonde hair and easy smile women found him attractive, and the fact that he had been a legendary high-school football player 20 years ago didn't hurt either. Trudi had daydreamed more than once about what they could do in the back room when business was slow, but Vince was happily married with two little girls. She didn't realize that Vince had a serious crush on her, or she wouldn't flirt with him as much as she did.

"Now don't forget to pay for that," she said with a smile.

"This is my store and I can eat whatever I want, little missy," replied Vince playfully as he bit into his Snickers bar.

Trudi liked working for Vince - he was pretty casual about work rules, letting his employees wear whatever they wanted, and he didn't ask the checkout girls to do other stuff like restocking and sweeping the floor when business was slow, like some other stores in town she knew of.

As she and Vince chatted about the weather and about Trudi's plans for the upcoming summer, neither of them noticed that the man in the green windbreaker was staring at them intently with a strange half-smile on his face.

"I guess you and loverboy have an exciting summer planned, now that he's got those hot new wheels of his," teased Vince.

"There's not much exciting to do in Hallville, but I guess we will think of something to pass the time." Trudi blushed a little as she said this - it had come out sounding a bit more suggestive than she had meant.

"I guess you will," laughed Vince. "Just watch out for police patrols over by the reservoir - this is a Christian town you know, and they don't much like the kids fooling around. With all the recent publicity I wouldn't be surprised if they stationed a permanent lookout up there this summer."

Vince was referring to a local newspaper article chronicling the sudden jump in teenage pregnancies in Hallville over the last few months. Trudi knew at least three girls from her high school class who had somehow managed to get themselves knocked up. Wrinkling her nose into a puzzled look, Trudi said "I really don't understand it you know? I mean, we get sex-ed in eighth grade now, and everybody knows the guys gotta wear a condom. And some of those girls just don't seem like, you know, the type."

As Vince opened his mouth to reply, he was distracted by a sudden strange warmth inside his chest, which was accompanied by a faint buzzing inside his head. The room seemed to spin, and he put his hand on the counter to steady himself.

"Are you OK?" asked Trudi with a concerned look.

Vince didn't respond. Looking at Trudi he felt a sudden, overwhelming surge of desire. He licked his lips and began edging around the counter towards her, his eyes moving up and down her body. Behind them, the man in the green windbreaker shifted his gaze from Vince to Trudi and his eyes narrowed with concentration.

"Vince, what's going on..."

Before she could continue she was startled to feel a warm, pleasant feeling move through her entire body, starting in her chest and moving outward towards her hands and feet. Her eyes locked into Vince's for a moment, and then dropped to his crotch, where a noticable bulge had appeared. She suddenly realized that she had never felt so horny in her life, and she could think of nothing else but having sex with Vince.

"Why don't you unzip his pants and let that thing out," said the man in the green jacket softly. He had walked partway up the aisle toward the counter and was standing about 15 feet away, but neither of them looked over at him. Moving as if she was in a dream, Trudi stepped towards Vince and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his khakis, giving the zipper a little extra tug to get it over the growing bulge of his cock. Reaching into his pants, she slid his jockey shorts down, revealing the head of his penis.

Vince moaned with pleasure as Trudi's hand closed around his thick cock and pulled it away from his briefs. The buzzing in his head had subsided a bit, and he now felt a not-unpleasant lightheadedness, as if he was under the influence of some strange drug. He slid Trudi's vest back off her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor, and then he eagerly lifted her Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt up over her head, revealing a black satin bra which contrasted sharply with her smooth white skin. Trudi finished pulling off the t-shirt herself, and then she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.

Leaning forward, she let it slide off her chest, down her arms, and onto the floor. Vince drew his breath in sharply at the sight of Trudi's exposed chest. Her large, round breasts had the firm, upright posture which was the unmistakable hallmark of very recent development. A small gust of air conditioning caused her small, brown nipples to contract and harden into pebbles before his eyes.

As she stood topless in front of Vince, Trudi could hear a tiny voice in the back of her head telling her that this was very strange and very wrong. But the sight of Vince's rigid cock pointing up at the ceiling had a mesmerizing effect on her, and she found herself unable to hold onto that thought.

"Now, don't you think it would fun to suck on that fine-looking cock?" said the man in the same low, even tone.

He was right -it would be fun to do just that, thought Trudi. In fact, she didn't know when she had ever heard a more appealing idea, and she had to swallow a lump of desire in her throat as she looked at that thick organ with its glistening drop of liquid forming at the tip.

She dropped awkwardly to her knees, conveniently bringing her mouth to the level of Vince's cock, and then she grasped it in her left hand near the base, pulling it down and towards her. Trying to remember the pointers Amy had given her on giving head, she leaned forward and began licking the tip with short, exploratory flicks of her tongue.

As he felt Trudi's impossibly warm tongue begin caressing him, Vince let out an involuntary groan. He thrust his hips forward, causing the end of his penis to slide between Trudi's lips and into her mouth. A shudder ran through his body as her teeth scraped against the sensitive skin of his cock head. Trudi began running her tongue in exploratory circles around the head of Vince's organ, lubricating it and savoring the faint manly scent. She was amazed at how warm and velvety- smooth it was - it was like sucking on a cylinder of almost-melted chocolate.

As her saliva began to flow and things became more slippery, she began pushing her head forward, letting more of the thick shaft enter her mouth. She soon found a rhythm that matched the movement of Vince's hips, and she became vaguely aware of a delightfully obscene slurping sound each time she drew her lips back along the shaft toward the tip. She was also aware of a warm tingling between her legs, and she was surprised to realize that she was rubbing her pussy through her shorts with her free hand.

After a while she glanced up at Vince. Her boss had his head tilted back and his eyes closed, and small groans and exclamations escaped his lips as his brain tried to process the waves of intense pleasure coursing through his body.

In the meantime, the other man had walked up to the counter, and Trudi and Vince were both startled when he spoke again.

"You're doing a fine job sucking that cock ... maybe too good a job. I would hate to see this fella come before we get to do anything else, wouldn't you?"

Trudi stopped her cocksucking and looked up at the other man. Her face was flushed, and she was unaware of the strand of saliva still connecting the corner of her mouth to the tip of Vince's cock. She had a feeling that she had seen the man before, but she couldn't remember where. Again she heard the voice in the back of her mind telling her that something was very wrong, and she made a desperate effort to follow that thought through the whirling haze of sexual images filling her head.

"Who ... why are you making us... ?"

"I want you to stand up and take off the rest of your clothes," interrupted the man firmly. "You two have been dying to get it on, and now you are finally going to get the chance."

Trudi rose shakily to her feet and looked over at Vince. His eyes were half-closed and glassy, and she could hear the rasping sound of his rapid, shallow breathing. Clearly, he was completely overcome by whatever force the stranger was using on them.

Slowly, she unbuttoned her shorts and worked them down off her hips, and then stepped out of them. As she removed her black panties she could see that the crotch was darkened with her juices, and she was overwhelmed by the thought of Vince's cock, still slippery with her own saliva, parting her virgin pussy and sliding into the warm core of her body. Despite the lingering feeling that it was ridiculously inappropriate to be standing behind the Road Pantry checkout counter wearing nothing but sneakers and socks, she realized that she was looking forward to what might happen.

"Sit up on the edge of the counter and spread your legs."

Trudi complied, jumping slightly to lift her ass onto the counter. Looking down, she could see that the dark pink folds of her pussy were glistening with moisture where they pushed out from the wispy thatch of her bush. The man was standing directly behind her on the other side of the counter, and Trudi was suddenly afraid that he would touch her. Instead, that soft, even voice continued to give instructions.

"Go ahead and put it in her, buddy ... but do it nice and slow."

Vince, his khakis and undershorts down around his knees, shuffled forward between Trudi's outstretched legs until his cock was inches away from Trudi's crotch. Pushing his stiff organ downwards, he pressed the head into the moist pink opening. Trudi moaned as her pussy lips were pushed apart and Vince's cock begin to slide into her. Despite the lubrication, her virgin pussy was tight enough to provide considerable resistance.

"That's it ... slide it right on in there..."

Trudi leaned her head back and let out a low moan as she felt the thick shaft spread her open and begin filling her up. It seemed to go on forever, providing a constant stream of intensely pleasurable sensations and creating an ever-increasing pressure inside her pussy which left her feeling helplessly impaled when Vince's stiff cock was finally completely inside her.

"Now fuck her nice and slow ... make it last."

Vince hooked his arms under her knees, supporting her legs and steadying himself, and began to slowly thrust in and out. Trudi leaned back on her elbows and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the waves of pleasure which filled her body. As her pussy continued to relax and lubricate, the pace began to increase, and Vince was soon bumping his hips firmly into Trudi's ass at the end of each stroke, causing her breasts to bob up and down rhythmically on her chest. The man in the green windbreaker stared at them with a look of dreamy pleasure on his face, and made no attempt to join in or interfere.

When the "ding" of the door alarm sounded, Vince and Trudi were completely oblivious, but the other man flinched and swore sharply. With a grunt of displeasure, he tore his eyes away from the couple with an almost physical effort and then made his way quickly towards the door, turning his face away from the two middle-aged women who had entered the store. When the shocked shouts and screams began, he was already slipping away into the warm, dark night.

It was 8:15 am on the following Monday morning, and Special Agent Fox Mulder was already in his cluttered office deep within FBI headquarters looking over the stack of incident reports that had accumulated in his internal mailbox over the weekend. A cup of coffee steaming on the desk next to him, the boyishly handsome agent was glumly sifting through the reports looking for anything that might qualify as a genuine X-file case: an incident or series of events that suggested some sort of paranormal or supernatural phenomenon.

Whenever a case anywhere in America without an obvious, logical explanation came to the attention of the FBI, a summary was forwarded to Mulder or his partner, Agent Dana Scully - a policy which generated a lot of chaff that needed to be separated from the occasional grains of wheat. Years of experience allowed Mulder to dismiss many of the reports into the circular file next to his desk after only a cursory glance - he had become adept at distinguishing crackpots searching for attention, drug-induced hallucinations, and cases of honest misinterpretation from possible paranormal phenomena.

In reality, there was often no way to tell from a short case summary whether or not further investigation was justified, so anything that sounded promising went into a thick folder labeled "Possibles." Mulder and Scully spent a lot of their time looking over the reports in the "Possibles" folder, looking for patterns. One report of guy who says he saw a sewer monster through a storm drain probably wasn't worth following up, but if a second report of a sewer monster sighting from an independent witness came in the next day, then maybe you had something worth looking into.

Or, more likely, you had two kooks with the same fantasy, mused Mulder sourly as he dropped a report about a middle-aged couple who claimed to have been abducted by aliens on their way to their bowling league into the wastebasket. Normally even-tempered and optimistic, he was feeling a bit depressed on this sunny morning. Another relationship had self-destructed over the weekend, and Mulder, who had trained himself to look for patterns in his job, had to admit to himself that there was a definite pattern developing in his love life. He would meet someone, hit it off well, and things would progress nicely for a few weeks. But as soon as things started to become serious he would back off, retreating into his work, and the relationship would wither like an unwatered houseplant.

As he picked up the next report and began to skim it, he suddenly felt the welcome tickle of recognition that often signaled a pattern beginning to develop. Police in Hallville, Pennsylvania had arrested a man and a teenaged girl for allegedly having sex on the counter of a convenience store during business hours. Faced with reliable eyewitness accounts and the videotape from the store's security camera, the couple had made the somewhat lame-sounding claim that they had been overcome by a strange sensation which had forced them to have sex against their will.

"I'm sure the Hallville P.D. is having a lot of fun with this case," thought Mulder to himself with a smile. But the titillating nature of the incident wasn't what had caught his attention. Opening the "Possibles" folder, he began flipping back through the reports, looking for another recent incident that had stuck in his mind.

He didn't have far to go, as it turned out. Just one week before the unfortunate Hallville couple had been caught in the act at the Road Pantry, an even more bizarre incident had taken place inside an upscale restaurant outside Baltimore. Mulder put his feet up on his desk and tried to recreate the second incident from the terse two-page report.

Around 1 am, shortly before closing, a busboy came out of the kitchen of Elgin's Steakhouse and noticed that the elegant dining room had suddenly taken on the appearance of a porn movie set. One well- dressed couple was having sex on top of their table amid the half-eaten remains of their creme brulee, while another couple stood by watching and groping each other. At another table a man appeared to be receiving fellatio from his dinner companion, who had disappeared under the long tablecloth. And at yet another table two topless women were kissing and fondling each other while their waiter masturbated behind them. All of the diners had been concentrating entirely on their sexual activities, and had shown no fear of getting caught.

The busboy had apparently stood watching this rather surreal scene unfold for at least 15 or 20 minutes before finally calling the authorities (Mulder could hardly blame him for the delay). In their official statements to the police, most of the bawdy diners claimed that they had been overcome by a "strange impulse" which caused them to lose their inhibitions, and that they remembered nothing specific about what had happened.

After rereading both reports, Mulder picked up his phone and dialed his partner's extension.


Agent Dana Scully had been about to go downstairs from her office to the morgue in the basement when the phone rang. Her red hair was pushed back from her attractive pale face by a hairband and she wore a shapeless, green scrub suit.

"It's me. I've just come across something interesting that we might want to bring up with Skinner this afternoon. Do you remember that incident report about the orgy in the steakhouse last week?"

"Yes, Mulder, how could I forget that one ... Are you going to tell me you think it should be an X-file?"

"Maybe. A similar incident took place in a convenience store in Hallville, Pennsylvania on Friday night. A couple was caught while having sexual intercourse on the checkout counter, and then they made a lame excuse about a strange impulse to have sex. The diners in the steakhouse said the same thing. Also, in both cases the participants claimed to not remember any specifics about what happened. It would be a pretty big coincidence if it's not related."

"Sounds a little far-fetched, Mulder. Cases of people having sex in public aren't all that rare. But we might as well mention it to Skinner, and in the meantime I'll ask around about any other cases that might match."

"OK, see you this afternoon."

As he hung up the phone, Mulder's thoughts turned back to his love life, as they often did after talking to Dana Scully. He wasn't sure if he was in love with her or not, but he had come to realize that she was the reason why he was unable to have any lasting relationships with women. After working together closely for years, he and Scully had an odd sort of intimacy. They were more than friends, he was sure of that, but taboos about office romances, which were particularly strong in the Bureau, had kept them from exploring the next logical step. But those taboos didn't keep him from fantasizing about Dana whenever he was sleeping with someone else. Forcing his mind back to safer and more useful subjects, Mulder picked up the phone again and asked the operator to connect him to the Baltimore police department.

In the morgue, Dana was thinking along remarkably similar lines as she looked dispassionately at the cold, gray body on the table in front of her. When she first started working with Fox Mulder she had been annoyed by his tendency to flaunt FBI regulations and bemused by his belief in the supernatural. When she was assigned to be his partner, she had been told to "keep him under control," and she had naturally fallen into the role of the skeptic non-believer. Now, after three years of working X-files with Mulder, her professional opinion of him was much higher, and she had become more open-minded about paranormal phenomena.

As for her personal opinion of Mulder, that had undergone some unsettling shifts recently as well. Maybe it was inevitable, she thought, as she made a long vertical incision with her bone saw; you can't work with someone every day, often under dangerous, stressful conditions, and not develop feelings for that person. And her feelings for Mulder were definitely straying well beyond professional respect.

When Scully arrived at Assistant Director Skinners office at a few minutes past 3 pm for their weekly X-files meeting, Mulder was already there. In the past, Skinner had been almost antagonistic towards X- files investigations and he had maintained a policy of refusing to investigate suspicious phenomena as long as there was a chance that they might just go away on their own. As Mulder had indelicately put it, Skinner didn't like to start an investigation until at least two or three bodies had turned up. Naturally, this had caused a lot of friction between the two, and they had come to blows on at least one occasion. After a while, Skinner had recognized that Mulder had a unique talent for sniffing out cases, and he now gave a much freer rein to his agents.

However, perhaps out of habit, Mulder still treated a request to open a new investigation like a lawyer trying to keep his client out of the gas chamber. As Scully sat down in the empty chair to his left, Mulder glanced over at her but did not interrupt his spirited monologue aimed at Skinner, who was leaning back in his chair with a bemused expression on his face. She noticed a videotape sitting on Skinners desk, and she smiled to herself - Mulder loved to use props to strengthen his case, and if that tape was what she thought it was it should make interesting viewing. Mulder was still talking.

" ... and although it's true that thousands of cases of public lewd behavior and indecent exposure are reported every year, these two incidents don't fit the profile at all. I talked to a detective at the Baltimore P.D. today and he said he had never heard of a similar incident in all his years on the force. And as for the convenience store incident, that doesn't fit the profile either: the man is married and the girl is a good student who was working behind the counter. Neither had been drinking. Both of them had a lot to lose by getting caught in the act, which was pretty much inevitable considering the security camera which they both knew was there."

Mulder paused to take a breath, and Skinner took the opportunity to break in with a question.

"Is there anything connecting the two incidents other than the claim by the perpetrators that they were compelled to act by some sort of sudden, powerful impulse? That sounds like a pretty predictable response ... Maybe you've heard the phrase 'The devil made me do it?'"

"Yes, I think there is something else connecting the incidents. I'd like to play the videotape from the security camera for you. I spoke to the officer who was at the scene, and he sent me a copy by courier. It's only about 10 minutes long, and I think it clearly demonstrates the nature of the incident."

"I'm sure it does," said Scully dryly.

Since Skinner had a TV/VCR setup behind his desk he could hardly refuse. Without comment, he pushed the tape into the VCR and moved his chair to the side to give Mulder and Scully a clear view. Mulder provided the voice-over.

"As you can see, the camera is set up to monitor the checkout area. The girl behind the register is Trudi Bowman - 16 years old, high school honor student, raised by a single mother."

"Nice nose ring" added Skinner, who didn't miss much.

"Yeah, lots of kids have one these days. Anyway, in a couple seconds you'll see the owner ... there he is. Vince Lansing, age 37, married, 2 kids. See, right now they are just talking - no lovey dovey stuff."

The tape showed Trudi from above as she stood at the register, and provided a frontal view of Vince as he took a bite out of his Snickers bar. They could clearly see the change in his expression as he suddenly lost his balance and grabbed the counter.

"Did you see that? I believe that's the point at which he fell under the influence of some outside force. And I imagine the same thing happened to the girl ... they rapidly begin having sex now - no foreplay or fooling around." Mulder's voice was cool and even.

"Good Lord," said Skinner as Trudi's bra fell to the floor. He gave an embarrassed glance towards Scully, but she was watching the screen intently.

There was no conversation for the next few minutes as all three of them watched Trudi perform fellatio on Vince, who had a faraway, slack- jawed look on his face. Suddenly a third figure appeared on the screen.

"Pause the tape," said Mulder.

"See the guy at the counter? The two having sex seem to be ignoring him, which is odd. In their statements to the police they gave conflicting reports - the girl said that this guy was controlling them, telling them exactly what to do. Lansing doesn't remember him being there at all, even after seeing this tape."

"You can't really see this guys face under the baseball cap," commented Scully.

"Whoever installed that security camera was a moron," added Skinner. "It's aimed in the wrong direction to see the customers."

"Mulder, do you think that man used some sort of hypnosis to coerce them into having sex?", asked Scully.

"I think that's what we should investigate. Here's the interesting part: Out of the nine patrons in Elgin's Steakhouse at the time of the other incident, only one man didn't participate in the orgy. He disappeared before the police showed up, but they got a rough description from a waiter, which more or less matches the man in this videotape. During questioning none of the other patrons remembered seeing him that night, or any other details for that matter. The investigating detective felt that he might well have had a connection to the incident, but there was no way to find him."

"Any description could more or less match this guy, for all you can see here," said Skinner, squinting at the screen. He reached over to the VCR and restarted the tape.

Trudi was now sitting on the counter. They watched silently as Vince shuffled between her legs, his stiff cock bouncing in front of him. As they started to fuck, Trudi threw back her head and looked directly into the camera. The look of intense pleasure on her face was unmistakable. Skinner shifted in his chair without taking his eyes off the screen.

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My life changed on a Friday, just after I'd turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That's how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I'd grown up, I'd moved to the modest town where I'd be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, I wasn't really sure, but I liked art and I was kind of good at it anyway. So those were the kind of classes I took while I worked part-time at Sears, dressing mannequins and putting up...

2 years ago
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Break Me

This short story was written for a painslut I know. My only relationship with her is that of friendship. She had been a "technical advisor" for several of my stories. In that context, I have occasionally spoken with her about the strange ways in which a painslut's mind and body work. In one of those sessions, she described her need to be "broken once in a while in order to stay sane." That discussion led to this story. Although the story itself is purely fictional, I showed it to her...

1 year ago
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Bioterrorism AftermathChapter 5

It was a late morning in early October when our road sensors went off for the twenty-fifth time. The rest had been individuals and small groups escaping their captors or simply looking for greener pastures. One coed group of ten stopped at the Oregon Border and called us or we might never have known they were there. They were all on horseback with horses pulling three wooden wagons of supplies and I don’t think their wagons would have set off the road sensors. I guess the metal in their...

1 year ago
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The Breeding of Laura Part III Finale

Tom had coffee on the go when they emerged from the bedroom. He poured some for them and kissed Laura as he handed her a mug. “Everything okay?”“Yes,” she snapped. “You should have told me that you had been for tests.”He turned away sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I should have done but I… I”“It’s okay… water under the bridge now,” she interrupted. “Anyway, Jason’s moving in with us. He’ll be sharing my bed, so you will need to move into one of the spare bedrooms.”Tom nodded, taken aback by her...

1 year ago
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DMGC The Department of Magical Gender Change

When magic spells are cast, some are very specific, but others are vague on the details. If a wizard changes a man into a lovely maiden, he might decide what the new woman looks like and how she's dressed. But what happens if the change is triggered by a magical object, or an ambiguously worded wish? Who determines what standard of beauty to use? Who determines what clothes she's wearing after the transformation and makes sure that it's color-coordinated? Who decides on her hair...

4 years ago
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Urlaub in der Trkei

Urlaub in der Türkei Haupt Personen: Justus - der Vater Anni - die Mutter Sophie - Tochter Sommerferien! Der Flieger landet und als die kleine Familie aus dem Flugzeug steigt ist es als würden sie gegen eine schwüle warme Wand aus Luft laufen. Keine einzige Wolke ist zu sehen am hellblauen Himmel über Antalya. Sophie die Tochter, braune lange glatte Haare die ihr fast bis zum Popo gehen auf die sie sehr stolz ist und hegt und pflegt, blaue Augen und ca. 150 groß mit kleinen Tittchen die ihre...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 15

It was not long before he felt unable to control the pressure of the water in his bowels. He evacuated almost immediately, feeling utter relief as he dispelled the entire contents of his bowels. He wiped his bottom and pressed the handle, which was set into the wall. He sat back down on the toilet seat and contemplated his fate. It was the first time he had been alone since sentence had been passed. He had no idea what happened next; he had heard rumours that four strokes of the birch was a...

2 years ago
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Cursed Ch 02

Chapter Two The Priory of Junen Anteran Three hours later the unconscious man was transferred onto the smooth wooden table in the small thatched hut Lena shared with Eula. Merryl and Karina left immediately without speaking. Trying to shut out their strained faces from her mind, Lena struck a fire in the hearth at the centre of the cool, dark hut, feeding the flames with dry kindling. When it was blazing with reassuring heat she lit as many candles as she could find, while Eula fetched...

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Desio sex

Is storie ko parrh ker btayega zaroor keh kiya meri friend ne theek kiya ya ghalat kiya us ko yeh sab kerna chahye tha ya nahin hi all friends i am amina from pk i am 19 years old girl like lesbian sex i am silent member of this group maine is group main bohat si stories parrhi hain ajj main app ko pehli bar apni aik friend ki story sunane ja rahi hon may be kuch logon ko yaqeen na ho is bat ka mujhe bhi nahin huwa tha lakin jab maine us ko apni ankhon se dekha to phir yaqeen aya keh yeh sach...

4 years ago
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It had been five years since my wife died. I was stuck in a rut. It was as if my life had stalled the day Gina passed away. I was as emotionally healed as I would ever be, yet I lacked the will to go out and start anew. I worked, I came home. I slept, and then I headed back to work again the very next day. My life became a cycle. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.Maybe that’s why I allowed Christie to get so close to me. I told myself I just needed the help, but had I thought it through, I would...

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5th NovemberChapter 1 The Plot is made

Maurice Anglesey, Head of the new Association pondered over his latest find. He was trying to trace the actions of the Association from its early days; the current documents he was reading had been put onto microfiche and then stored away. They had been forgotten until the archivists found it. Maurice read the documents and shook his head, this was astounding! It was part of English history but the involvement of the Association was unknown, his hands found the telephone and he dialled a...

2 years ago
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Maa ko daku ne choda

Hi iss readers, this is raj. I am going to tell you the story how my mother got seduced by cruel dacait. But firstly mere mummy ka description de deta hun. This is a story when i was 12 years old and that time my mom was 34 years old. Her figure was 34 29 36. Unke boobs bahot shaped hai aur butts bahot hi gol and tight and bada hai. She is very fair in colour and she is 5’8’’. She looks very beautiful and attractive. Now let me tell you the story. My dad passed away in my early age. So my mom...

4 years ago
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Lesbians and a Bed

"Mmm!!! Yes! Just like that! Lick my pussy with that wonderful, magical tongue of yours, Amy!" Amy raised her head for just a second to say "i will. But soon, it's my turn."**********************************************************************************The day had started out normal enough. I had taken a call from my friend, Amy. It was a little something like this..."WHAT?" i said as i answered the phone. I wasn't in a great mood. She had just interrupted my daily dose of porn videos."I-I...

1 year ago
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daddy uses me

I was lying on the bed as the door opens and in walks daddy naked,he's a big bear of a man hairy big gutI meet him online and after talking for a few days I decide I had to meet him, we agreed to meet at a hotel just a cheap place, we decided that I would be on the bed naked dress like the slut I am.And all I can focus on since he came in the room is his thick hard cock.As I'm looking at his cock he walks over to the bed and pins me down and puts his hard cockin front of my face telling me I'm...

2 years ago
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Mother knows best

My fantasies are varied and can be as extreme as they come, to my mind they are just fantasies that I never want to actually happen so they can be unrealistic or just plain wrong. Be they incest, bestiality, bdsm, lactation or piss, they can get my mind to that place where I like it to be when I cum. As I said my wife is my world but she doesn’t have a kinky bone in her body, but she does her best to keep me satisfied. But of course, I always want more, I want her to tie me up, whip me,...

3 years ago
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Sunday Funday

"Oh yeah? That's awesome, I for sure wouldn't recognize a celebrity if I randomly ran into them. Ha! Well cheer's thanks for the drink!" James said as their glasses clanged. A shot of Fernet on a Sunday morning, James thought with a smile. It was only his second month being in a new town and being able to converse with new people over a simple football game felt nice. "I'm Rodge by the way." The man shifted his arm over. "Jim, nice to meet you," James said reaching out and feeling the...

2 years ago
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Naked Day part 22 Decisions

"OK the note on top says there are some cards or notes from people we met. Then the folder of materials. Oh, this bigger box is from Nikki." Cindy opened the wrapping and box to find two more bras. A sheer white and a rose colored one. The enclosed note read - 'A little something more. Felipe insisted. The white will go under the lightest color shirts, but if you want sexy add some color to POP. He felt the rose got you into the red family, but not red, 'because Cindy says she doesn't...

3 years ago
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Giving in to anal

Ross and I had planned a whole day of fun in an empty house. As the day arrives, I feel a frisson of excitement go through me when I think of what I have planned. Ross enters the house. It's his first time here and I want to show off my new pad. I make us both some coffee and the tour begins. I know he wants us to be in the bedroom, my bedroom, but I make him wait. I think the way I am dressed distracts him though. I am wearing thigh high boots with a very short skirt and I know he just wants...

1 year ago
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Turning Gay Pt 2

now that I had committed my first "gay" act by watching two guys suck each other off and stroking my cock in front of them, I was even more anxious to take it one step further. I had a long term girlfriend at the time that I was living with, so i had to be very discreet if I was going to make it happen. I continued my usual obsession with porn, and occasionally looked at gay porn. but it didn't really turn me on for some reason. I just had a fascination with cocks, and the rest of the gay sex...

3 years ago
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Welcome Home Chapter 2

Tommy got a notice from his C.O. a couple days after he got back. The notice said he would need to report to the base and begin outprocessing from the military. He would need to go to the base and stay there for a few days to get through the whole process. He didn’t want to let her go, but he knew he had to get this last phase of his military service completed. So the night before he was to leave, he laid in bed with Becky. He had just returned from his last deployment to Iraq and barely had...

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Sex With My Colleague Who Is Also My Business Partner

This a true story of how i nailed a married woman ( Ashita-name changed). We both worked in the same company. She was an experienced whore ( i like to call her that) who worked there for 3 years and was on. When i joined the firm, she was the one to give induction program. Sooner, we got close and started talking a lot. One day our boss asked her to shift to other branch which is 7 km away. She moved on and was bit not happy about it. I kept asking her to meet up and blah. But as she shifted,...

4 years ago
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My wife8217s bhabhi

Hi I am sumant, and I am married. I and my wife have a great se life but I always liked watching good female bodies. My wife’s bhabi is a good looking lady with 34-30-36 body. Whenever we meet I always touch her boobs by rubbing on them with my shoulder and she never minded it. She used to bend in front of me and I saw her boobs many times. They are real firm with brownish black nipples. Once I got a chance to be at her house when her husband was not there. Both of us sat down to have drinks....

2 years ago
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Sharing is Caring at Home

I dare you… turn on your cam. Looking at myself one last time in the mirror before setting down my phone. Nervous. That text message now out. He had called me a slut this morning, and tonight? I wanted to show him just how much of a slut I could be. I had on a red lacy demi cup push up bra with just a low cut white tank top over it and a pair of black lacy knickers, more of a thong than French cut though…and oh so very see through. That was it. My long auburn hair lay about my face in kinks...

1 year ago
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A Wild Weekend In Tahoe

It was late when me and my 3 girl friends arrived to our cabin in Tahoe. As we were unloading our stuff 3 hot guys walked up and offered to help us bring our stuff in. We greatly accepted. “These could be the guys to make our weekend worthwhile.” Kate whispered. “I think you are right!” Kristy said. We lead the three guys into our cabin. As they put our stuff down we introduced ourselves. Their names were Ben, Nate, and Sean. “Would you boys like to join us for a drink?” Anna asked. They...

Group Sex
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Castaway FearlessChapter 5

In the garden, a jubilant chorus of young temple women, shouted, “Lord Solon!” I winced, never believing Derwen would send them out looking for me in the dark. In light of our strange link, I should have known my wife would use my aura to guide them in the right direction, even if it was dark. Our shuttle’s stealth technology had nothing to compete with the natural locating ability of Derwen’s mind when in range of her soul mate. Landing on our estate I had felt her too, since mating with her...

1 year ago
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Ready for big tits and huge boobs at Melons Tube? Well, do you know what can make a pornographic scene so much better? A big pair of bouncing knockers. I am sure that some of you might not care about this, but those who prefer to see a chick with massive natural tatas, I suggest you visit This is a great free porn site that explains everything you need to know about the content, in its name, since I am sure that you lads are familiar with the term 'melon' in the pornography.So,...

Porn Aggregators
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 15

Spring – 2082 a.d. Under Way – the Voyage Continues The two princesses were on the Bridge as the spiral entrance at the end of the hollow moon opened to allow the great ship to leave Deimos Station. From the outside, the entrance was camouflaged to look like a huge crater deforming the entire symmetry of the tiny moon. In fact, unlike New Eden, Deimos wasn't really round at all. It had been made to look like an asteroid, like their long abandoned, failed, first attempt to create a base...

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Feminizer disease takes my body over Chapter 20 and 21

Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay Chapter 20 I packed up my stuff and as I was getting off the elevator in the kitchen I saw Steve standing ready for me. I could see his bra was still on. Our eyes connected and Steve said, "Terri, would you mind if I wore my bra while I drive you home?" For some reason, I had no problem at all and expected him to have the pretty bra on yet. I told him I had no problem at all, that it...

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The Princess

The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...

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An old girlfriends sister

He was fifteen she was thirteen and this was to be a night of first. He found her sitting on her bed playing with some dolls. She was trying to glue pubic hair onto them and was so engrossed in what she was doing that it took a while for her to realize he was even there. Finally she looked up. Oh hi, how long you been there? Long enough. She held up her doll and asked, What you think? Looks pretty good. Whered you get the hair? From my head, I cut some from the back where it wouldnt...

2 years ago
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Love Lost And love Found

My name is Greg I live in a flat and I paid the rent.I let my fried Fred live in my basement and my girlfriend Shana . You could call it a Ideal place and I was thinking of buying this two story flat. a brick house that made me happy. Especially women and the stories of this place would fill up two phone books and what was to be was not something new to us but the feelings I had were different this time and after all, all three of us were single. All three of us were setting in a booth and I...

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 Part 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...

2 years ago
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Fucking Experience In Vizag

Hi guys I am Rahul, I am from Vizag and presently in am pursing, my B-tech. I am 20 years old. I am a fair guy with 5’8 height and a toned body. Today I want to discuss an incident which happened when I was studying inter the second year. There used to live an aunty near my home her name was Suma, her age was 22 and had a lean body with big tits. She was milky fair and had fat at correct places. She had an hourglass structure. By looking at her figure any guy can’t stop getting a hard-on. She...

3 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 12

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben encountered school psychologist Marya Thompson in the hallway the next morning when he walked into school. ‘Have you got a couple of minutes, Marya?’ he asked her. ‘Sure,’ the psychologist said. ‘Is this something about one of your students?’ ‘Yes, Trish Wilkins,’ Ben said. ‘Why don’t you come down to my office and tell me about it?’ Marya said. Ben followed Marya down the hall and into her officer. She walked across the room, turned to face...

1 year ago
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Madame Butterfly

Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...

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Me and Ashley The Rain Stormy Fucknight

I was working for a 24 hour convenience store in a gas station, as cashier, my shift was the night, from 10pm to 6am.Usually the night shift is so empty after midnight, because people comes more from 10pm to midnight.The gas station is in the same block area of where the building i live in is, so is easy for me to go and get back to the work, if i need to catch up anything, just 3 or tops 4 minutes tops walking from my work to home.Was in early march, the end of summer season, still rain a...

4 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 19

Now that I am more mature and look back on my summer with my cousins and my Aunt Wilhelmina with fond memories, I visualize Claire's prominent clitoris sticking out almost like a budding cock. She was the most feminine of all the cousins. Certainly a lot more feminine and less tomboyish than the rough and tumble Bobby and Billy and she never once exhibited the cunning wiles of some clinging tease or frustrating cunt with a world of promises and a reality of emptiness. I am ashamed to...

2 years ago
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Hot Lust on the Landing

Vix stood about halfway down the stairs gently called ‘Trish, you sexy thing, what do you think of these?’ Trish came and stood at the bottom of the stairs to be greeted by Vix, with her short dark hair just brushing the top of her shoulders wearing a shiny necklace and a pair of blue jeans. Her large, tanned boobs looked delicious as she modeled her new purchase. ‘You look amazing,’ said Trish ‘Now turn around.’ Vix, doing what she was told, slowly turned around and wiggled her bum a little,...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 31

Wolfskull Cave opened into a natural tunnel that then descended into the mountainside. There were a few torches guttering along the hallway. We’d been walking for several minutes when I saw a draugr patrolling ahead. I shot him with an arrow. We continued past his corpse and soon the passageway opened into a larger chamber. There were two figures warming themselves at a campfire along one wall of the chamber. I quickly dispatched both of them. We checked their corpses, they were both human....

3 years ago
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Meri cousin hina

Hi friends this is farhan back again. App ne meri story “meri pyari behan afiffa” bohat pasand ki. Thanx for that. Mujhay yeh dekh ke sab se zyada khushi hui kr mail krnay walooon main kaafi larkian bhi thien. So young ladies another sexy and seductive story is here for u. Kuchh logooon ne mujhay galiaaan likh ker bhi e-mail ki. Un se main yehi kehoon gaa ke agar app ko incest pasand nahi hai to title dekh ker chhor diien. Main koshish krooon ga ke yeh story zyada mazaydar ho.plz mail kr ke...

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Sailors in Silk Chapter 3B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 3B - By: Beverly Taff Our newly won pirate ship continued sailing westerly very slowly in the balmy tropical airs. More importantly, our two new crewmembers of Timothy and David continued with their remarkable recovery. Whatever secrets Elizabeth had learned in her Parisian finishing school it seemed that she had used her time wisely. Within a week, both boys were up and mincing delicately around the deck. I felt a huge sympathy for them but between...

3 years ago
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Bunk Beds Chapter 15 Epilogue

Chapter 15: CHARACTER LIST: Loren: 5'6, longish dark hair. Small A-cup naturally. Currently questioning gender identity. Cindy: 5'2. Asian. A-cup. Hair that goes halfway down her back dyed blue. Rebellious, but self-conscious. Karen: 5'10, athletic build. B-cup. Long blonde hair sometimes kept inponytail. Pragmatic. Jenna: 5'6. Perfect hourglass figure. DD cup breasts. Optimistic, detail- oriented, and logical. Beth: 5'4. Top-heavy, a few pounds extra. The nerdy apple of...

4 years ago
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First Sex With My Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part II

Dear friends I am continuing the story how I fucked Raziya (2nd Daughter of my House Maid & Sultana Elder Sister). Saying about Raziya, she was the second daughter of my House maid, she ran away from home and got love marriage, first they were happy as the days passed problem started that she did not have children’s since from two years, and this became very big problem in her family life. Coming to the story: As the days went, day by day I and sultana sexed in all positions, and there was no...

1 year ago
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InBetween PrologueChapter 3

*************************************** Intro: *************************************** Not long after I finished writing 'Seems Too Good,' I had an idea for a new story that percolated for six months or so. A few months ago, I was able to finally get some time to work on this new work, 'In-Between.' The full work is completed with 65 Chapters and an Epilogue, and I've been posting it on my WattPad account as well as a site that's more for the ABDL crowd. I didn't initially want to...

1 year ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Part 25

Introduction: Some how I forgot to add this part it. It fills in between 2 and 3 The boy turned and grabbed a cart that looked like ones businessmen used at the airports and begin to load their bags and boxes on it. Michael grabbed a few bags and headed towards the door. Silk grabbed a few shoeboxes and followed him. Once outside Michael opened the trunk for the boy to place the stuff inside. He sat his bags in the trunk and gestured for Silk to do the same. The boy placed the packages in the...

1 year ago
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Day TripChapter 32

The Jimmy W. did not have any design flaws that caused us any real trouble. A few minor items were corrected when we got home. We now were able to settle on a basic design. We did need to know just how big we could go, so the John W. was built with the dimensions scaled up by 50%. John was so pleased with his ship that we went for broke and scaled the Wilbur H. to be double the size of the Jimmy W. Wilbur reported that his ship had a tendency to be a bit ungainly, so we decided to scale the...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 31

"A siege," said Shaw. "Yes, Mr. Shaw, pretty much a classic siege," Igwanda responded. "On foreign territory, in a foreign structure, with no advance provisioning, in the worst of all possible positions." "Colonel, I've read a little history, and can you tell me even one case—" "—where the besieged have prevailed under those conditions?" the colonel finished. "No. There is none, without outside relief. If you wish, this is our extraterrestrial Alamo." "What in the name of...

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