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Hi people, You see the strangest things on the net. The other day I was looking through my email and saw an article on women who want their husbands to have an affair. It got my curiosity up so I read it. This story is the result of that.The article was true, the story isn't. But the great editing job by Mikothebaby almost makes it feel real. SS06

My name is Carmen Johnson. I'm writing this story for all of you other mid to late-forties women out there who may be in my shoes. A little over a year ago I read an article online about women in our age bracket who were in supposedly very stable marriages who wished their husbands would have an affair.

Yeah, I know it sounds strange to me too. It sounded so strange that I read the whole article and that was what fucked up my life. The article talked about women who wanted their husbands to have an affair, so they'd have a reason to divorce them.

In most cases the husbands didn't beat or abuse the women, they weren't cheating on them, nor were they alcoholics or addicts of any kind. In most cases there was nothing wrong with the husbands at all, the women had simply fallen out of love with them. In the majority of the cases the women were also not having or planning on having an affair themselves. They'd once again simply fallen out of love with the men they married.

After reading the article, I was shocked even further because what they described seemed almost exactly like my life.

The more I thought about it, the more it began to resonate with me. It was word for word a perfect description of my life. There was nothing wrong with my husband Allen. He's a truly nice man. He's a great provider and an even better father to our daughter Joy. He's very compassionate and forgiving and I know from the bottom of my heart that he loves me. He'd make a great best friend, but he just doesn't do it for me anymore.

I remember when we were first together, when there seemed to always be a fire burning between my legs, or an itch that it seemed like only he could scratch. But after being together for twenty five years and married for twenty-three, I guess he finally took care of that itch because I just don't have it anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I still love him, but it's more the way you love a brother or a cousin. I thought about it for a couple of days and wondered what I should do about it. I'd been pondering that question the evening that one of my lifelong girlfriends had come over to pass the time. Allen had gotten home from work an hour or so before. He'd gone into our home gym to throw some weights around as he called it while he waited for the sun to drop.

Allen is a runner. In Michigan it gets so hot during the middle of the summer that Allen usually waits until six thirty or seven to go out and run. He'd kissed me and then headed out to pound the pavement for a while as I sat down to talk to Patti.

"He is so cute, Carmen," she'd said. "I love the way that after all of this time he still loves you. Usually, by his age they're sick of their wives and screwing their secretaries. But that man still loves you just as much as he did when you guys first got together."

"Yeah, isn't it great," I said. I guess my tone let Patti know that I was less than enthusiastic about the subject.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise?"

"Not exactly trouble," I said. I grabbed her arm and dragged her into our home office where I showed her the article. She read it and then looked at me with a smile on her face.

"So you want Allen to have an affair," she smirked. "Just so you'd have a reason to divorce him. Honey you're out of your mind. Maybe you don't remember what single life was like. The last time you were single was what ... over twenty years ago. Trust me when you were single it was a completely different time and you were young and pretty. You could have had any guy you wanted and you took the cutest, smartest one you could find and you fell in love with him, got married and had a baby with him. You got the brass ring girl. You're on the train for happily ever after."

"If you want to see a fucked up life, try being forty-eight years old, divorced, living alone and not even steadily dating anyone. It makes what you have, seem like a fairy tale."

"I guess the grass is always greener from the other side," I said. "The freedom you have seems like it would be really great. You don't have to worry about making anyone's meals except your own. You can go anywhere you want, any time you want with anyone you want to go with. You're not tied down to anyone."

"Carmen, do you have rocks in your head?" she asked. "If I had to be tied down to anyone it would probably be either George Clooney or your husband Allen. Allen is a great guy. Out of every husband we know he's probably the best."

"I know that Patti," I snapped. "I'm not saying that Allen's not a great guy. He's a very good fucking guy okay. That's not the problem. The problem is that I just don't love him anymore. The problem is that every day I spend here feels like fucking torture and I want to be free. The problem is that from the bottom of my heart I can't take another night hoping that he doesn't want to have sex with me. The problem is that I just don't have the balls to ask him for a divorce because he's too nice a guy and I don't want to hurt him but he just doesn't turn me on anymore." As I'd spoken, my voice had risen to the point where I was almost yelling.

Patti looked stricken in front of me. Her eyes were huge and her hand was over her mouth.

"Did I shock you?" I asked. "I thought that when you've been friends for as long as we have that we could be honest with each other." Patti just sat there and then pointed behind me. I turned around to see my husband Allen standing behind me.

He looked like a balloon when all of the air has been sucked out of it. He had the biggest tears I've ever seen running down his cheeks. Then he looked up at me. "I forgot my iPod," he said. "I hate running with no music." He turned and went back out to do his run.

"Why didn't you tell me he was back there?" I yelled at Patti. "I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just thinking out loud."

"With you standing there in front of me flailing your arms around while you screamed out how bored you are, I didn't notice him there until it was too late," she said. "By then you'd already put your foot in your mouth."

"It's going to take some time to fix this one," I said. Patti looked at me like I was crazy.

"That man loves you, Carmen. Did you see how hurt he was?" I just nodded my head. My husband Allen is one of the strongest people I know. He once ran the last five miles of a marathon with blood pouring out of his shoe. He'd cut his foot on a piece of metal a little over a week before the race. They'd only taken the stitches out two days before. The pounding of running over twenty miles on that foot had torn the deep cut back open during the race. He kept running step after step, in agony but he finished.

"I don't think you even understand what you did, Carmen," Patti told me. "I really think that you read that article and started feeling that way because of what you read. I think you're going to end up like some of those stupid women who listen to Oprah and end up making their marriages far worse than they were."

After Patti left, I started thinking about what I would say to Allen when he came home. I felt a deep sense of dread. I was actually sorry that he'd over heard what I'd said. I guess I'd have phrased it differently if I'd had the chance. Allen, in all of our time together, had treated me like a precious gem. He'd never said an angry word to me, even when he was. He deserved far better. Even if I had intended to tell him, which I hadn't, I would have said it in much kinder terms.

About a half hour after Patti left the house phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello, Carmen, it's James Peterson. I work with Allen. There's an emergency with one of our customers vent systems and since Allen designed that system we need him over here ASAP. I've tried calling his cell but it goes straight to voice mail. Is he there?"

"No, James, he's out running. He should be back soon. As soon as he gets in I'll tell him that you called."

"Thanks Carmen," he said. Then he hung up. About ten minutes after he called, Allen came in. His eyes were so different from the way they were when he'd kissed me on his way out for his run. They were dull and lifeless. His smile was gone and the easy comfortable way we related to each other was gone with it. He looked at me, not like the man who'd loved me and lived with me for over twenty years but like a stranger would. He looked as if he was waiting for me to say something.

"Uhm you got a call from James Peterson," I said. I felt like a coward for diverting his attention from our problems but I just didn't know what to say to him at that moment. I needed more time to think about what I wanted and about what to say.

A few minutes later I heard the shower running. Allen always took a shower after running. He'd learned early on that I wouldn't let him anywhere near me unless he was and smelled very clean.

I knew that he'd come downstairs ready to relax and watch TV with me and maybe we could talk a bit then.

He did come down the stairs but he was fully dressed, as if he was going to work. He also had his bigger briefcase with him.

"There's an emergency. I have to go," he said. I nodded my head.

"Allen, you just ran all of those miles, you're probably starving. Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"There's no time. I'll grab something on the way," he said. Then he walked out the door. As the door closed I heard the sound of our garage door opening. A few seconds later I heard the sound of Allen's Mustang starting up. The car's awful exhaust system still made that awful noise that he loved so much. I wondered why he hadn't just driven his Jeep. He rarely drove the Mustang to work. But he babied that car. I'm sure he had his reasons why it was okay to drive it tonight.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned on the TV. I'd dodged a bullet. We wouldn't have to talk about our problem tonight after all. This also meant that I could watch my shows without having to listen to Allen commenting on them. I could watch Hot in Cleveland and Lifetime movies the whole night. And when he got home his wonderful Magnaflow exhaust system would warn me as soon as drove up the block so I could just jump into bed and pretend to be asleep. That way I wouldn't have to try to come up with something to say until tomorrow night.

I woke up the next morning and realized that I'd fallen asleep on the couch. The hissing from the TV told me that I'd been watching some cheesy movie on one of those minor channels that didn't broadcast a twenty-four hour schedule.

I wondered why Allen didn't wake me up. Then I remembered that he was angry with me over what I'd said. It was just as well. I didn't have to say anything until I figured out how I'd make it up to him.

I decided that I'd bake his favorite cake and we'd sit down and have a talk when he got home this evening. That is if he went to work. He might have the day off after being at work late last night.

I went up the stairs and didn't hear the sound of the shower. He was probably staying home. That would give us time to talk. I decided to make him a nice big breakfast to eat while we hashed things out.

Stepping into our bedroom it hit me that the bed had never been slept in. Allen had been out all night. Whatever the problem was it was probably a big one. I checked our voice mail. Usually when Allen worked late, he called me every few hours until he got home. Our voice mail was empty. I called his cell phone and it rang several times and went to voice mail. I started to leave him a message but I really didn't know what to say. There were a few seconds of silence and then I spoke. Allen, Honey, it's me. Call me when you get this ... bye."

Allen never called me back and by afternoon, I was frantic. The only time he'd ever gone that long without calling me had been a nightmare. He gotten hurt at one of their customer's plants and had been hospitalized. I called his office and asked what was going on. His secretary Sherry spoke to me. She seemed very guarded and not her usual self. She was very polite, but she spoke to me using her professional voice. I'd known her since she'd first hired in and didn't know how to actually run their phone system. It wasn't unusual for her to switch me right over to Allen after telling me a joke or telling me to beat him up because they were all being mean to her.

"Sherry did they take care of the emergency?" I asked.

"Which emergency are you referring to Mrs. Johnson?" she asked. She'd called me Mrs. Johnson instead of Carmen which was a warning in itself.

"Is Allen there?" I asked.

"He's not in the office right now," she said. "May I take a message?" Her responses to my questions were very professional and probably scripted. She wasn't giving me any kind of information at all. I didn't know if something was going on at the company or if Allen was just pissed at me and having her screen his calls.

Patti dropped by after work and was dying to know what had happened later on with Allen. We talked and drank a little bit of wine to pass the early evening. While she was there, my daughter Joy came over and sat with us for a while. I wondered why my daughter would take an evening away from her fiancé but was glad to have the company. We had a few glasses of wine and talked. I got the idea that my daughter was watching me.

Usually when she just dropped by like this she wanted to ask for something. Either she had another expense for her upcoming wedding in the spring or she wanted something that neither she nor her future husband could afford. I was sure that she was just being polite until Patti left and then she'd tell me what she was really there for.

She did go upstairs for a while. She came back down with a couple of clothes carriers full of stuff but I couldn't tell what was in them. Joy had tons of clothes still in her closet in her room. She often took loads of them to the apartment she shared with Ted.

When I got up to fill my glass again, I heard her asking Patti, "Aunt Patti, what the hell is going on with my mom and dad?"

I heard them whispering and when I went back into the room they stopped.

"Why the hell are you two talking about me behind my back?" I asked. Neither of them said a word. They just got that deer in the headlights look.

"Well?" I asked.

"I asked Aunt Patti what was going on with you and Dad," said Joy.

"Honey, there's nothing going on, it's just a misunderstanding," I said.

"I tried to tell her that," said Patti. "I told her that your father had just overheard some of the things you said and took them the wrong way."

"How many ways are there to take, "I don't love you anymore?" asked Joy. She stood up abruptly shaking her head and got ready to leave. I could tell she was pissed.

"Joy, sit down honey. Don't just leave. Let me try to explain this," I said.

"Mom, there's nothing to explain," she said smiling. It wasn't a very nice smile either. I know my daughter. She was pissed but she was being nice for Patti's benefit. She was so much like her father sometimes. No matter what happened just put that happy smiling face on.

"Come on Joy," I said. "I know you want to say something."

She erupted then. "Where the fuck is my mother? What did you do to her? Where is the woman who taught me not to ever do mean things, even to strangers or bums?"

"Joy," I began.

"You read some dumb assed article ... not in a medical journal or written by a psychologist ... you read it on the internet and then hurt the best man I know," she said. The venom in her voice and on her face was very clear.

"So your father told you huh?" I said. "I knew he'd try to twist this so I seemed to be the villain just because I want out. Don't I have a right to be happy too?"

"Mom, Daddy didn't tell me shit," she said. "I went to see him at work, to ask him to pay for the photographer for the wedding. Ted and I just can't afford the prices those guys are quoting. He said fine he'd be glad to pay for it. But I noticed that he was off. I stayed a little bit longer to try to see if I could figure out what was going on. I told him I'd stop by here to drop him off the printed quotes and packages and we'd figure out which one to hire."

"He told me that it would be better for me to bring them by the office. That meant either he didn't want you to know he was doing it, or he wasn't going to be home. Mom, he looked like hell. I could tell he was really hurting and just trying to keep up that brave face for me. I left and stayed in the hall after Shelly went back into the office. I heard her telling him his divorce lawyer was on the phone. I was shocked. But I've seen enough of my friends parents go through divorces. From the way that Shelly was talking to him, she was being really solicitous, I could see she was trying to be his friend and support him through this."

"I went back in and spoke to him. I told him that I'd heard what they were talking about and I asked him what was going on. Do you know what he told me, mom?" she asked.

"He told you that I'd..." I began.

"Nothing, Mom," she said. "He gave me that tired old bullshit about how this had nothing to do with me. And that both of my parents loved me and that there's not always a right or wrong in these things. Sometimes people just change, he said. But Mom when I looked at him, barely able to keep the shaking out of his voice or the tears out of his eyes, I wondered ... So yep, I grabbed a couple more suits for him to wear to work, since I'm here. But I really wanted to take a look at you too."

"I figured that maybe you'd be upset too and we could get to the bottom of this. But you sit here as cool as a cucumber sipping glasses of wine with Aunt Patti while my Daddy is miserable. So yep I asked her what was going on. Now I know and I'm leaving. Mom, I really hope you're happy. Daddy is still Daddy. He's giving you what you want, just like he has for the past twenty five years. But you know what they say, "Be careful what you wish for..."

She headed for the door. "So I still end up the bad guy huh?" I asked.

She turned and glared at me. "What the fuck did you expect?" she asked. "I love you Mom, Daddy told me to remember that. His exact words were, "She's still your mother and she loves you too." The problem, Mom, is that I just don't LIKE you very much right now."

"Joy, wait," I said. "We need to talk about this. And I want to talk to your father."

"I don't feel like talking right now mom," she said. "And Daddy emailed you."

After she and Patti had gone, I went over to the computer and logged in to my email account. There it was among all of the junk mail and chain letters.

"Dearest Carmen," he wrote.

"I always considered the day I met you to be the luckiest day of my life. I still do. What I overheard yesterday hurt me very badly, I can't deny that. But still, though it hurts I realize that you have the right to express the way you feel and to act on those feelings. I guess when this is all over I'll still feel glad to have had you in my life for as long as I did. You were the perfect wife. You were loving, beautiful, smart, sexy and the best friend I have ever had. I hope the next man in your life has qualities that I lack and can bring all of those things out in you again. Mostly, I wish that you'd felt that you could trust me enough to just sit down with me and explain how you felt. I guess that's another thing I missed because I never would have forced you to stay with me if it made you unhappy. I honestly thought that we were happy. As usual, I'll do my very best to give you what you want. I've already told my lawyer to start the divorce proceedings. I have no intention of trying to be unfair to you. We'll split everything 50/50, including the house. But if you'd like to keep the house, we could write that into the agreement.

The one thing I must insist on though is a clean break. I don't want to send you a check each month or anything to that end. Our lawyers can work out a one-time payment or other suitable financial arrangements. It would be nice if you could spend Saturday out with Patti or your friends so I could come and get the rest of my things. I'd really like it if we could do that at least without involving the lawyers. I'll come by Saturday after nine in the morning. If you're still there I won't stop.

Always remember that I loved you with all of my heart and my fondest wish was to grow old and watch our grandkids with you. Since this probably won't happen, I'd like for us to wrap this up with all due haste and a minimum of unpleasantness. My lawyer assures me that most divorces don't actually end up in court. We have no custody or child support issues to work out so all we need to do is make financial arrangements, sign the papers and move on.

I really enjoyed the past twenty-five years, but that was probably just me being selfish. It's your turn to enjoy the next twenty-five. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.

Love always, Allen."

When I read that letter, the thing that went through my mind first, was relief. Patti had told me several times about how acrimonious her divorce had been. She and Greg had argued over every insignificant detail for months dragging their divorce out until it seemed like it took years for them to be free of each other. Even after it was over, he constantly stiffed her over her alimony payments until they ran out. They'd been divorced for over ten years and the two of them still couldn't run into each other without a fight happening.

The weirdest things about their divorce though, only I knew about. Greg dated a lot of women and Patti also dated, but neither of them had settled down with anyone else. More often than not Greg was dating sluts and Patti complained long and loud about the types of men she met. They were both unhappy. And secretly they'd gotten together on several occasions just to fuck. There were no strings attached and they didn't sleep with each other or spend the night. They just hooked up fucked and left without saying anything. I wondered if I'd ever be that desperate.

But at least Allen's letter let me know that he intended to be fair with me during the divorce. For the next few weeks I woke up whenever I felt like it. I worked in my garden though I didn't know why. The house was on the market and that made me want to cry but there was nothing I could do about it.

I hadn't held a job in over twenty years. There was no way I'd be able to afford the house. If I wanted it I would have to pay Allen half of the value of the house. And besides that there was simply no way I needed a place this big alone.

More than likely I'd end up in an apartment like Patti's. Maybe I'd end up in an apartment in Patti's building. That was an idea because then I'd have a friend nearby. Patti could be my guide to the carefree single life.

A few weeks later, Patti suggested that we share an apartment. I told her I liked the idea but I was worried about cramping her style. I didn't want to have her hesitant to bring home men after her dates. She just looked at me like I was crazy and said that it was worth it to save fifty percent on her rent and expenses. Plus, since I didn't work there's be someone at the apartment during the day to get her packages and make sure the super wasn't going through her things.

Less than three months later my divorce was final. Patti and I decided to go out to celebrate. Most nights we stayed in and drank and watched movies. This would be my first time going out as a single woman. We arranged all kinds of signals so one of us would know if the other was going to let a guy get lucky.

We sat at the bar for most of the night alone. The only difference between what we did that night was that instead of making the drinks ourselves, the bartender made them for us and they cost us a hell of a lot more.

Patti blamed it on the bar. She said we should have gone to a livelier place. I tried to remind her that there had been a lot of men there and I did see them hooking up with some of the women there. It was just a case where none of them had tried to pick us up. Maybe we were giving off a lesbian vibe. Or maybe we just weren't dressed slutty enough.

I'd had a feeling for the past few weeks that maybe I really hadn't treated Allen well. I was sure that yesterday had been hell on him. I imagined him sitting in some shitty little apartment alone last night, drinking himself to death. I felt bad for him.

I called Joy and Ted answered the phone. As soon as he found out who it was, he handed the phone to Joy without saying another word.

"Yeah, Mother," said Joy.

"How's your father?" I asked. "I know that yesterday was probably rough on him. Maybe I should call him and try to cheer him up."

"Mom, Dad is on a cruise," she said. "For months now he's withdrawn into a shell. He bought a nice little house in a really nice community. He's been fixing his house up and it's really nice. It's very plush. He has a small pool, a nice deck the whole nine yards. It sits on two acres and he hasn't even begun to landscape it. That was always your thing. He just did all of that crap to please you."

When she said that, something went through me. I don't know what it was. I just started to feel funny.

"Joy, why don't you just give me his phone number and when he gets back I'll give him a call," I said.

"Mom, I can't," she said. "I'm not sure he'd want you to have his number. You know that he hurt for months over what you said and the way things ended between you. For you, this is all just a big adventure. You wanted your freedom and you got it. You never went through any emotional upheavals, Mom. For you, it was just a change in your life. You've even started dating again. Ted and I spent weeks trying to comfort Dad. And even more weeks after that trying to get him to go out and do something. I think the only reason we got him to go on the cruise was because he didn't want to be anywhere around here on the date your divorce was final. It kills him for me to see him crying over you."

That last statement of hers made me feel even funnier. She was right, I'd walked away from the man I'd married with no more concern than if a gold fish had died.

"You know what they say, Mom," she said. "Freedom isn't always free. You got to be free from a man who worshipped you. And all it cost was breaking his heart."

Now I was sure that something was funny. "When your father returns from his cruise, why don't you ask him to call me," I said.

For the next few weeks, Patti and I went out three or sometimes four nights a week. Patti often hooked up with guys and went home with them which left to me come back to our apartment alone. She was so used to it that she had a big purse with all of the things she needed for her late night walk of shame. I asked her why she didn't just stay overnight.

She gave me a lot of reasons. She hated waking up in a strange place. She didn't want to worry about being late for work. She could trust a guy for sex but who knew what they might try to do to her during the night. Their wives might not like it. And her number one reason ... They never asked her to.

She said that most of the guys she hooked up with described eternity as the period of time between when they came and she left.

One night Patti and I were in a bar and two guys came over to us. One of them was obviously after Patti and the other one spent a lot of time trying to talk to me. I pretty much ignored him until Patti dragged me into the ladies room.

"God damn it Carmen, this guy wants you badly," she said.

"So," I told her. "I'm not attracted to him at all."

"Why not?" she asked. "I know he isn't Allen, but he's not that bad and you haven't gotten laid since before your divorce. Shit, it's been at least eight months. Can you at least pretend to be interested so I can get laid?"

We went back out and I at least spoke to the guy. Truthfully he didn't interest me at all. When he put his hand on my leg, nothing happened. That should have told me something. I didn't get a tingle or anything. We ended up going back to one of the guy's place.

"Your wife has good taste," I said.

"Uhm, I'm divorced," he spat more to Patti than to me.

"Bullshit," I said. "I was looking for a towel and found all sorts of feminine things in your laundry closet.

"Uhm, I'm separated," he said.

"Look I don't care," I said. "It's no skin off my ass either way." Patti glared at me. A few minutes later she and the guy were headed up the stairs leaving me alone with his friend.

He scooted over to sit near me. He started rubbing on my leg and I told him to stop.

"Come on babe, you'll enjoy it. Lighten up a little bit and have some fun," he whined.

Actually I was wondering too. So I looked at my watch. "It's ten thirty," I said. "Leno comes on at eleven thirty. "I need fifteen minutes to drive home, ten minutes to change into my sleep wear and five minutes to make a drink and some popcorn. That gives you thirty minutes to get me interested enough to think about staying. Go to it."

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Bua Ko Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends….I’m a regular reader of ISS…Now I also decieded to share my experience. My name is aman from haryana. Baat kuch saal pehle ki hai main haryana se bahar job krta hu or un dino vacation pe ghar aaya tha….Us din mujhe meri bua ka cal aaya ki aaj wo aa rhi hai raat ko late train se aayengi to kya main unhe rcv krne aa skta hu…Fufa g army main the so bua or unke bache army main sath he rehte the…Aapko bua ke bare main bta du 5’2″ height mast figure boobs 36 nd...

2 years ago
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Julie Just Wont BehaveChapter 1

A strange thing happened the day my dad died of a massive heart attack a couple of years ago. A large group of people who all looked like the Men in Black, swarmed through our house. They showed up at the door that day, the day dad died, with search warrants. They explained nothing. They handed the search warrant to my mom, charged in like they were attacking us and turned our house upside down. And I do mean upside down! It took us a week to put our house back together, one of the most...

1 year ago
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A Rare Beauty Part 2 of 2

She was so tight on me that I knew I wouldn’t last long, but the interruption as she’d switched from blowjob to mounting me had given me enough of a respite that I was good for the moment. In fact, I was just noticing that her movements were becoming less measured and more erratic when she said, “Ohh, fuck, I’m gonna come!”I was surprised. “Really? Just from having my cock up your ass?”“Ohh, god yes! It feels so fucking good! Dan…” She’d been about to ask me something but instead decided to go...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 18

[Preservation – Janice] The next morning, we had a quick breakfast and set out with Amy to have a look at her horses. She actually had a small herd of ten with a stallion, mares, and colts. There were also two geldings in the herd. One of them came up to her nickering softly. She grinned at us and said, "This is Billy. I usually ride him or one of the mares." Billy was a fine looking horse and all of the horses in the herd were looked like they had been kept well. Amy obviously knew how to...

3 years ago
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Strike Off Fantasy List With A Stylish Threesome

Hi folks. Handshake to boys, boobs shake to girls. This story is about scratching off fantasy list and an awesome threesome with my girl friend and her roommate. Relax, hands inside inners and enjoy. It was college time and I had a hot girlfriend. Her name was Kriti and was incredibly sexy. Her beautiful body would make anyone go crazy and I was lucky that she was mine. Not only was she sexy by looks, but also sexy and naughty in nature. She was bold and open. She was full of life and did what...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 5 Elvish Heat

Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement of the fight against the monster morphed into pure lust. I moaned into her kiss. I had forgotten about everything. The tentacle,...

1 year ago
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Naukraaniaur makaan malkin

Main ek makaan me kiraaye ka room le kar rahta hu. Meri makaan malkin (shalini) bahut sexy hai. Us ka figure 36 30 38 hai aur saari me wo bahut tight blouse ke saath mast lagti hai. Humaare ghar ke samne ek 20 saal ki fuljadi (paayal) rahti hai. Wo bhi mast maal hai.main usko balcony se dekh kar aksar apna land sahlata hu. Ek din wo naha kar dhup me apne baal sukha rahi thi aur main us ko dekh kar apna 7 inch lamba land masal raha tha. Mujhe dhyaan nahi raha ki humari naukraani (usha)bhi...

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Reform School

"Is this really necessary?" I said to my parents "Yes, reform school is the only answer, we're sorry" I watched the car drive of until it was out of sight. The principal of the school told me that the head of my dormitory would escort me to my bed and get me settled in. "Well, I don't even have to ask why you were sent here and by your clothes alone I can see you are a tomboy" said the head of my dorm (Tegan) "I know exactly were to put you". She had allocated me to a bed in the corner and...

3 years ago
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Defying My family

Defying My familyI can’t believe they are going to make me do this. I thought. I really honest to God don’t want to, but I know he’s going to force me. It’s hard living in my house. I’m Bradley Patrick, Brad for short. I am 15 years old. I have dark dirty blonde hair. I stand at an even 6 foot. I’m thin mostly because I run track and I am one of the fast if not the fastest k** on the team. I have 2 half-brothers Ron who is 25, and TJ who is 23 and a half-sister Tara who is 18. You would think...

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DorcelClub Rebecca Volpetti Rebecca 4 You

Rebecca and Raul, newlyweds, are a happy couple, but Raul spends most of his time at work. One evening, they receive his boss for dinner and the latter makes him the most indecent offer. He will consider giving him a promotion if Raul lets him sleep with his wife. Upset at first, Rebecca will take the lead and accept, her husband has sacrificed too much to see his advancement stopped now. In turn, then together during an intense double penetration, the two men will fill the beautiful Russian...

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JulesJordan Angela White Gets Dp8217d In A Desolate Warehouse

Angela White gets DP’d by Jules & Markus in an abandoned warehouse. Angela’s decided to show us her dark side as she teases in an abandoned waterpark. She’s dressed luxurious black lingerie with matching thigh high boots as she makes her way through the desolate space, shedding her clothes as she goes. After a sexy smoke dance, Angela makes her way inside the warehouse where she finds Jules & Markus waiting for her. She makes them worship he body as she teases them with her stunning...

1 year ago
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Mehak Ke Saath 8211 Part 2

She was wearing a beautiful pair of red bra and panty. Her skin was glowing so much. She was hiding her face because she was feeling shy. I removed my boxers and laid over her and started kissing her shoulders and neck. Muuuahhh .. muuahh ummuahh aaahhh muuuahhh … my dick was rubbing her pussy over her panty. She was already wet which was evident with the touch of my dick over her panty. She had hugged me tightly. I tried to set myself free from her arms and moved down her bra straps and kissed...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 51

Day 202: Their second night in the jungle was when things came apart. They’d traveled for two days, turning to head directly into the thickest, wettest, deadliest part after midday that first morning. The trees they walked between emitted a rotting musk, and their boots squelched deep into soft, clinging, stinky mud. Detouring around puddles eventually devolved into slogging across putrid, stagnant ponds. Anything deeper than their knees had to be avoided, and they lost count of how many...

2 years ago
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The Scarlett Tales Unexpected Entertainment

I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...

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Young Girl Sex ClubChapter 5

Kalola awoke to a sense of well being. The raucous chatter of myna birds had awakened her. From a distance came the sound of a riveting gun, indicating that another high-rise apartment was being erected. These were the sounds of Waikiki, and she smiled with contentment at this proof that she was home. She considered her situation and decided it could easily be worse. It was true that, after paying one month's rent in advance, plus a cleaning deposit and a light and gas deposit, they were...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 789

This one is compliments of J & B Where to Retire You can retire to Phoenix, Arizona where You are willing to park three blocks away from your house because you found shade. You’ve experienced condensation on your rear-end from the hot water in the toilet bowl. You can drive for four hours in one direction and never leave town. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food. You know that “dry heat” is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door at 500...

3 years ago
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Peeping Girl II

His hands were tangled in my hair, tugging my head up and down.  I fought off the urge to gag but how much more could I take of his relentless throat fucking? "That's better...I knew you could do better".  His words trailed off into a low guttural moan.  My mouth strained to keep him there, in the deepest hollows of my throat.  "Dirty, dirty girl.  See what happens when you put yourself in dangerous predicaments?  Spying on us like that...this is exactly what you wanted isn't it?"  My eyes...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 39 Decisions and Consultations

The wet quintet left muddy footprints down the hallway that led to their exit when the re-entered the castle. “I will clear those once I change my boots,” Joseph said. “Else our secret will be known far and wide.” “I will clean it,” Catherine offered. “You will take ages to get mud out of your hair,” Joseph replied with a smile, “and perhaps a few other places it still resides.” “Will you dine with us tonight?” Julia asked. At first, she had been irked that her as-yet-unacknowledged...

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Becoming a Teenage Lingerie Model

Chapter 1 Melanie was cute; very cute, and she knew it. She wasn't conceited about her physical beauty and the nice figure she'd been given, but she loved showing off her body and her nice full rounded breasts whenever she had the opportunity. As she moved into her final year of high school, her career plans to establish herself as a lingerie model became more and more firmly developed in her mind. She wanted to be one of those sexy young women who pose in various kinds of lingerie and...

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Heros LamentChapter 2

"DAD, DAD, LeAnn's been hit by a car," came his son's voice blubbering from the speaker. "WHAT! Is she hurt bad?" "I ... I don't know, dad. The ambulance took her away a couple minutes before I got here. There're cops all around asking people questions. Right now they're talking to LeAnn's bus driver." "Bus..." Tyler's mind was going through a thousand scenarios a second. "Bus driver, is he the one that hit her?" "No—no, I don't so. I think he just saw what happened. I...

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Victor watching my ass being ravaged

I had convinced my hubby to get some vacation days at Barbados.On the first night at the resort, we had shared our dinner with another guest, Aaron, a black guy who was there without his wife. He was a polite and enchanting man and I got damp between my thighs as we chatted with him after dinner, having some drinks.As we got back into our room, I assaulted Victor in a very wild way, making him to fuck me in all my holes. I got relaxed, with my holes filled with my beloved hubby’s warm cum…On...

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Family LettersChapter 135

Dear Marissa, Wow, you had a lot to say and right now I'm so enchanted with little Electra that I don't get a lot of time to read or write. Of course there is the preparation for our raid on Tufts, which takes time, especially as Erica and I are having to take the tank out for some test runs to see how the new armor affects it. Then we have to get back into shape a bit. I mean the medical tech is nice and all, but we both spent a few months carrying a bowling ball in our bellies and now we...

2 years ago
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I Caught My Wife With My Neighbor

My wife and next door neighbor were fucking on my living room floor.My next door neighbor, Todd, and his wife come over to my house during the summer to enjoy my pool and spa with my wife, Linda, and I. One summer night Todd's wife went back home and left him to continue drinking and talking with me and Linda. We had already been at the pool for several hours and I was getting tired. It was about 11 o'clock by now so I decided to go to sleep. As I went into the house, Linda and Todd went...

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Saturday Night Nurse

My Tracy and her best friend Lynn both work as nurses in old peoples home. My girlfriend is a very sexy babe who gas beautiful blonde hair which goes not quite halfway down her back and has the whitest teeth ever with a perfect smile but her tits, well I can only describe as awesome, better and bigger than any page 3 babe, with a love heart tattoo on her right tit in exactly same place as Lynn's tattoo, but my babe also had a tattoo of a large red rose running from between her breasts down to...

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BBC adventures A Cuckold weekend with my Aunt an

As i arrived at my Aunts house i was very excited, i loved spending time there. i was rock hard everytime i saw her. i was a 25 year old guy who didnt get a lot of action, so as naughty as it was i loved going over there. She was short, around 5"3 with a beutifull round ass that would make any man take notice. she had great tits as well almost d cups and dressed very hot usally. She was a textbook milf and she knew it, she was very flirty and i loved that. Now as if that wasn't enough Aunt...

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Suck Baby Suck

(This story was sparked when I read about a Dutch 'zuigvrouw', which translates literally as 'suck woman', or more on point, as 'lactation starter'. This was a genuine profession, a century back; a 'zuigvrouw' helped getting the lactation of a pregnant woman started by sucking on her nipples. This was before the invention of breast pumps, obviously, to encourage breastfeeding)I think you'll understand it best when I tell you my story right from the beginning. Because you might wonder why an...

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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 12

"Malthus felt that man was doomed to live a life of poverty because the population, he said, would always grow faster than the food. It was this prediction that led writer and historian Thomas Carlyle to call economics 'the dismal science.'" Jack glanced at the clock on the wall behind the class. He was just concluding the second day of his new teaching assignment, and needed to take care of one last order of business before he set the students loose. "Before we wrap it up today, and...

1 year ago
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Kissing Cousins Part 1

I had been very sexual from a very young age. I could remember listening to my mom mess around with the guy that I called “dad” for 9 years. I would sleep on the couch in the living room with the Cartoon Channel on, while she was in the other room fucking this guy's brains out.I was the youngest of 3, well technically it's a tie because I'm a twin, bu I'm the youngest twin. My mom was the oldest of 6 making us the oldest cousins in our family, except my cousin Mo, who was about 2 months younger...

3 years ago
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A new Friend

I had met a guy on xhamster who lived nearby and we chatted for a couple of days. He confided that he was really looking for a J.O. buddy and I was interested. We finally met at a bar for a few drinks and hit it off even though I am older than he is. Alcohol was working and during some sexy talk, he quickly slid his hand to my crotch. I was already hard and this was getting hotter by the minute! I got a chance to reach for his crotch and he suggested we go elsewhere. As we were leaving,...

2 years ago
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Wifes Lovers Fuck Me Silly

I love watching my wife, Trish, get dressed on those evenings she is going out prowling for real men to give her what she needs. She lets me watch as she shaves her legs and trims her pussy. Clad in stockings, garters, see-through top with no bra, short see-through skirt, and NO PANTIES.She wears an ankle bracelet to advertise her availability, the kind that lets men know what a woman is after. After she finishes applying her makeup and just before she leaves, she lets me lick her pussy for a...

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My first time dressed as a girl Part 4 Spitroast

The next morning I awoke with a raging hardon, Gunther was already up andwasn't in the room so I masturbated myself to a rather satisfying orgasmusing the visual in my mind from the past two days as inspiration. After Icleaned up I found my panties at the foot of the bed and put them on andthen went into the closet. I fixed up my makeup and selected a Red wig thatwas fashioned into a steeply angled bob. I found a thin Ivory cashmerev-neck sweater-dress that was a decent fit and put that on...

2 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 13

Darcy was thankful that his bank account was healthy and he had his spare packs. He was pretty sure the girls found a present for everyone at Redtail Hill as they called their settlement. He had to admit that he and Speeder had been just as bad for adding handy gadgets that they both knew would be useful for the community. The girls had mentioned that they grew rice and Darcy had remarked that he had read that planting sesame and sunflowers with the rice increased crop output. He also...

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Its not supposed to matter

Mother Nature loves to trip women up all of the time. Just when we carefully plan and predict our periods, Mother Nature decides to fuck up our schedule by pushing it back a week or making it several days early. When it is supposed to rain [and we protect our hair], it shines, and on days it is supposed to shine, it rains, causing our hair to look not so pleasant. She makes our breasts too big on some bodies and too small for others, and just a random guessing game when it comes to the rest of...

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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 04

“Now, here’s how it works, girls,” Elaine was saying. “We form a circle and we mind-link together. I will suggest the object to concentrate on. When you can see that object in front of you, let me know. When you all see the same – by that I mean that our attention is on the same individual object, then we pull it into the circle. “You mean that if you want us to concentrate on locating a fork or a spoon, we all have to locate the same one?” Murielle asked, grinning with disbelief at her...

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 12

We went into our bedroom and removed our clothes. Walking out, we went to the hot tub and removed the cover and eased in. It felt good as we stayed in to our necks and held each other. We had the hot tub and a pool but found we didn't use them often enough. We had a service that came out on Mondays and Thursdays to service them year round. We had decided that they weren't the best options for our home. Like our basement exercise room, we had good intentions but poor follow through. We did...

4 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 8 Incidental Incident

"I know this plane!" The Shaman was quite surprised. "You do?" Wendy asked. "Hellyas." He explained, "the Russians claim they shot it down, during a hijacking incident over the Baltic." He grinned. "But it wasn't a hijacking, not really. It took off one dark night, right behind a Tu-85 on a test flight. Who ever the pilot was, he was really good. He tucked under the tail of the prototype and the Russian radar saw one legitimate test flight." "Didn't anyone on the 85 notice the...

4 years ago
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Sex In The City Chapter 10 Part 1

Alice answered the door to Catherine.“Hello, is there something wrong?” Alice asked.“No, not at all, hope you enjoyed yourself the other night?” responded Catherine.“Oh, believe you me I did, it was out of this world, I don’t think I have ever felt so alive. Please come in, can I get you a drink?”“That’s excellent to hear,” said Catherine, “you experiencing new experiences is what we were going for when we started this journey. I will say no to the drink, it is only a quick visit. My main...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 08

Grayson and his men were also up before the sun broke over the mountain peaks. Breaking camp and mounting up, they followed River Sheil to the mouth and turned west, to ride along the shore to a narrow crossing of Strath Duich, shallow enough for them to traverse it. They were just making their way along the coast of Loch Duich, when the sound of cannon fire broke the misty morning silence, sending wildlife fleeing from their safe positions. Grayson knew immediately that the battle had started,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 58 Old Friends

Author's note. The game for chapter 58: spot the Monty Python reference. Caller number ten with the correct answer wins The Spanish Inquisition. Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition. And, no, that wasn't it. "Here." Crash was handing Warren a sandwich. "Got these at a deli in downtown Evanston. Keep 'em in the fridge. "Damn, Crash, you rule. I love Ruebens." "I know you do. And this place makes great sandwiches." Warren took a bite. "Shit, you ain't kidding." Crash handed...

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Anna and the Train

Anna lay back on the wide bed, her body still trembling from her last orgasm. Her husband Allan continued to stroke her body with one hand as he slowly moved the big vibrator inside her cunt. She wondered if he planned to excite her to yet another orgasm, knowing she'd welcome even more excitement if he offered it. She also wondered why he was taking so much trouble with her this evening. She couldn't remember the last time he'd made such passionate love with her, come inside her so hard, had...

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The Saga of Marcus C Elliot revised

by Vegan Brie (Prologue) To whom it may concern, I embrace constructive criticism. I’m writing a great adventure, both sexually awakening, emotional expressive, and captivating. It is a sex story yes but there will actually be substance to the story, so there might be some slow spots at first, i suggest drinking lots of liquids this is a marathon not a sprint. Beginning of Act (1) Chapter {One} Roller-Coasters of Emotion It was a bright crisp day in May, and the clocks were...

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The child repeated even like part 03

I noticed that the younger son took a mobile phone and then extended into the bathroom. But only showing up in my hand Wood has opened the bathroom door in any way. As for mom, she was not wearing any clothes at all. Just turn off the shower and turn to talk on the phone.What do you say, dad? This woman's voice greeted her husband.Yeah, the chick will talk too, saying that the business is important for a moment. The voice of her husband saidPhen U will visit the souvenir shop? My friend will...

1 year ago
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Bus Aunty Jo Choda

Hello indian sex stories dot net doston mera naam raunit hai jai sa k aap jaante hi hai mai kitna chudasu hu abb tak maine 16 aunty , 4 behne , 1 mausi , aur 8 gf, aur 11 anjaan ladki aunty ko chod chuka hu to aap samajh hi sakte hai k main kitna bada chudakkar hu . Aapko logo ka email milta rehta hai jisse mujhe bohot prerna mlti hai ab aap logo ko jyada bor na karte hue sidhe kahani pe aata hu . Vaise to mujhe bahut sareef mana jaata hai colony me lekin sex ke samay mere andar ek janvar jag...

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MIBD Artemis The Hunter

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...

1 year ago
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Sister and I take a break

*** 100% Fiction Last summer holiday my sister and I decided to go and visit the countryside as we were getting bored at home with not much to do. We both packed our bags and decided to head south, taking the train from the city centre. After heavy delays, we reached the south and decided to check into a motel as we were both in need of a shower. The hot summer’s day and the walking around from one station to another had taken its toll on both of us. The receptionist took my name down and...

1 year ago
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Brought Smile To My Bengali Moms Face Part 3

Let us come back to the story. I’m continuing from where we left last time. Sahil came out of the room. We both looked at each other. Sahil- So Rahul, how was your surprise? Me- This was something I would have never expected. My mom talking like this was the last thing I have imagined. Sahil- Oh don’t be surprised. This is what she needed. She was looking for it herself. Thanks to you, she has discovered herself. While we both were talking, mom came from inside with a big smile...

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Please Teach Me About Teaching Lesson 4

"Office hours by appointment only," stated the sign upon the frosted glass of the private office door. Inside, Jin sat in one of the chairs next to the round conferencing table; pages of notes and homework and past tests scattered over its surface. Just a few months ago, he would have squirmed uncomfortably in his seat and been unable to focus on anything his hot professor might have been trying to teach him in such a private lesson. But things had changed, and Jin himself had changed...

3 years ago
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wife and her best friend

So, we have been having a three way relationship with my wifes best friend for a while now, this is the first bi experience for both of them and they have not been shy about it. However they would never want to fuck each other alone even though I have egged them on repeatedly. So I am at work the other day and get a text from the wife saying that my girlfriend wants some.....I respond saying, give her some. No response for 50 minutes.......I guess they got over their anxiety and the girlfriend...

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The Princess Has Come of Age

As its title, The Princess Comes of Age, suggests, this Black Widows Production, a 47-minute animated hentai film, is a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story, that depicts, in quite graphic detail, the protagonist's maturation. In this case, her maturation is neither moral nor emotional. It is not even physical--although she is young nubile (both in the literal and the figurative senses of meaning), she has, quite obviously, already experienced adolescence. Although she does not seem...

1 year ago
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Ek Haseen Raat Apni ExGirlfriend Ke Saath

Hi doston, kaise ho aap sab. Aap ka dost Ajeet from Mumbai fir se aap ki seva mein hajir hai. Kaafi din baad main aap logon se contact kar raha hu. Meri har stories jo maine ISS mein upload kiya hai use like karne ke liye dhanyawaad. Kafi logon ne meri stories padne ke baad mujhe mail kiye. Un ladies ka dil se dhanyavaad jinhone mujhe contact kiya aur unhe satisfied karne ka mauka diya. Aur bina maange mujhe paise bhi diye and gift bhi. Especially to one Mumbai client who gifted me a Bike Honda...

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A 27-year old woman, Cyd, is separated for the first time from her 24-year old female lover, Danni, when Danni leaves for a week to visit her mother. That first night and the next morning, alone, without Danni, Cyd reminisces how they first met, their first encounters together, and her feelings for Danni. Danni’s absence coincides with Cyd’s ovulation cycle which brings a new dimension to Cyd’s loneliness. Cyd’s cravings and urgent need for gratification, together with her longings for Danni,...

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