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There was a storm raging on the most beautiful day of my life. It was early afternoon, but the sky was nearly as dark as night. It kind of felt like the world was coming to an end, too, especially being locked outside in the rain.

And here my parents were gone out for the day, not even in the same city. Normally, that would have been an awesome thing. Just kicking back, blasting tunes, sitting around in my underwear, playing video games with nobody nagging me to clean up or be quiet. Except, my idiot brother left his keys at the gym. I called to ask him if he had them before I left my buddy Evan's place, and he said, "Yeah, yeah! I got them." And he just hung up on me. What a douche.

So I'm standing on my front stairs getting soaking wet, and he comes strolling along and asks me why the hell I'm standing outside like an idiot.

"I'm waiting for you!" I said, nearly screaming with rage.

"Well, where the fuck are your keys?" he says.

"I told you, I haven't had them in like a week. I don't know where they are. I asked you if you had yours!"

He searched his bag.

"Well, I had them at the gym!" he says. And then he punched me and called me about 18 different names for not having mine.

For fuck sakes. What a dick.

"Well, go back to the gym and get them!" I told him

"I just got off an hour-long bus ride! I'm not going all the way back now! Fuck that!"

We were nearly in a fist fight by the time I figured out what to do. He was ready to take a rock and smash the window, but I stopped him.

"Wait! Why don't we just go over and hang out with Debbie until mom and dad get back?"

"What the fuck we gonna do at Debbie's? All she ever does is watch TV all day. She's a weirdo psycho bitch."

It was a dickish thing to say about a girl who you've been friends with your whole life. We've lived next door to Debbie since we were little kids. She used to let us play in her sandbox and on the swing set her parents had in their back yard. We used to play hide n' seek, and tag, cops n' robbers, and all that. It was fun. And she always invited us to her birthday parties, even if we didn't have a present for her.

Well, all that ended when we hit junior high school. Suddenly, my brother was too good for her. She hit puberty and grew up kind of tall and skinny and awkward, and he became this super hot shit jock douchebag, all popular at school with all the ladies, into all the sports, and invited to all the parties, and too good to even talk to Debbie, never mind be her friend. Then in grade ten, he got a girlfriend, this little bimbo named Jessica with more tits than brains, and suddenly he was acting like he was too good for everybody. He'd gotten laid finally, by a girl who worshipped him a little too much, and he walked around like he was God's gift to humanity.

The worst part about my brother having a slutty little girlfriend is I was forced to keep watch every time he brought her home after school. He literally made me sit at the bottom of the stairs while they fucked in his bedroom. I was supposed to holler when my parents' car pulled up. I had much better things to do, and it drove me nuts listening to all those moans and squeals of hers, and the smug, gratified laughter when it was all over, like she owed him or something, and it was a good thing she'd paid up. But every time I tried to tell him to fuck off, he threatened to beat the shit out of me so bad I wouldn't walk straight for a month. The dude was in kickboxing, so I sort of believed him. I never argued much. Maybe deep down inside, I actually liked listening to those moans and squeals of hers. She was pretty damn hot when she was getting laid. I just wished she had a better boyfriend than my asshole brother. She could have any guy she wanted.

But he's a douche. He has been for years. He's about 9 months older than me, but about five years stronger than me. He's got more muscle than brains, the kind of guy who thinks it's hilarious to kick the shit out of anybody who disagrees with him about anything, or just simply looks funny to him. A real winner, that guy. And I'm stuck with him for a few more years yet. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to hear him making fun of poor old Debbie.

For my part, Debbie's okay, I guess. She's never done anything wrong to me, so why should I have anything against her? Years ago, she would actually come knock on our door to invite me over to play. Lately, I've hardly seen her outside at all. I still say hi to her when I do see her, but we never really hang out any more. She eventually just stopped coming to school altogether, and it was a rare event if you ever saw her step outside her house. Nobody knows why.

"She's not a psycho," I told him. I knew damn well arguing about it was pointless, but I was cold, wet, and bitchy. And he was being a dick, so why not? The worst that could happen was I'd get some new bruises. Big deal.

"If you like her so much, why don't you go see if you can fuck her? You don't seem to have any luck with a normal human being." He laughed his horrible, hateful laugh. You know a guy's a prick when he can insult two different people in a single line, and without even trying.

I was mad now, and not even afraid of him kicking my ass. "You don't even know how much of an asshole you really are, and how much everybody honestly hates you. That's the saddest thing about you. You walk around thinking you're the king of the fucking school, but there's not a single person who doesn't talk shit about you behind your back. You're so fucking lame, and stupid, and full of shit. But everyone's afraid of you, so you're completely oblivious."

He kicked high and fast, right at my face. But I knew it would be coming, and I pulled back. His foot stopped in the empty air. He held it there, the way someone would brandish a clenched fist, just showing off his bullshit kickboxing moves. Someday, I'll just kick him in the nuts when he does that.

"You're fucking lucky I'm tired from my workout. Next time, I'll kick your fucking face in, and you'll be even uglier. Everybody loves me. You're just jealous. You should hear the shit they say about you."

Maybe I should just run away. At least living on the streets the abuse would be less predictable.

"Fine. Stay here and get soaked. I'm gonna go knock on her door. If you bust out any windows, don't try blaming it on me. She'll be my witness!"

I left him there, soaked and miserable, and went next door to knock.

Debbie answered. She looked like she was surprised to see me.

"How's it going?" I said, water dripping off every part of me.

"What... ?" she replied, more out of stunned surprise to see me standing at her door than not hearing what I'd said.

"I said, how's it going? I'm sorta locked out and my parents are gone out of town for the day. Mind if I come in and warm up? My idiot brother left his keys at the gym downtown, and I don't even have mine."

"But..." she began. I was still standing there, shivering, looking like a corpse someone had pulled from the river and stood up on her front step, all pale, and cold, and soggy. I could feel the heat coming at me from out of her front hallway. It was lovely.

"Are your parents home?" I asked after a moment's awkward silence.

She shook her head, no. A crack of lightning flashed in the gloomy sky above the trees on our block. Thunder rumbled across the sky, warning godless heathens everywhere that the world may indeed be coming to an end. At least it sounded that way to me. Either that, or the gods had a really epic bowling game going on up there. I flinched at the boom, but Debbie jumped.

"So I can't come in because they're not home? I'm gonna freeze to death. When are they gonna be back?"

"Well ... we're just watching a movie, and..." She trailed off, glancing back toward the living room.

"We?" I asked, sniffling as a drop of water fell from the end of my nose. Debbie was an only child. If her parents weren't home with her, who was?

"My cousin is here," she answered robotically. "Her dad said nobody was allowed over, under any circumstances. They didn't even want to leave her here, but they had an emergency funeral to go to, and they didn't want to leave her home alone during a storm. My parents won't be back until after ten or eleven, maybe."

"All right, then," I said. "I guess I'll go freeze to death. Enjoy your movie." I shoved my hands into my pockets and turned slowly away, dreading a long night of sitting on the front steps listening to my brother's bullshit. Maybe I could just get on a bus and ride around and around the circuit until my folks got home. Or maybe I could just go hang around the convenience store a few blocks away. Trouble was, I had no money. So both those ideas were out.

Another blasting boom of thunder rumbled, even bigger this time. This time, I jumped, too, and Debbie nearly screamed. It shook the entire neighborhood. Car alarms went off. The streetlights dimmed a little for a moment. A dog barked wildly from somebody's backyard somewhere, all in a panic.

"Wait, Luke!" Debbie said, as I got to the bottom of her stairs.

I turned back.

"Maybe you could... visit ... for a little while. It's kind of scary being all alone in here. What if the power goes out?"

"Your parents would want you to be safe, right?" I suggested, hopefully.

"I guess," she says.

I trotted back up the stairs. She stepped back, opening the door to let me in.

Her house smelled kind of funny, like old laundry, and medicine, and stale food. I hung up my hoody on the door knob, letting it drip dry onto the old brown welcome mat they had. Debbie got me a towel from a laundry basket at the bottom of the stairs. It was folded, so I assumed it was clean, though I couldn't really tell from the smell of the place. I dried my hair off, and ran my fingers through it a bit, getting it out of my eyes. I patted my face down a bit. She took the towel and dropped it back onto the clean ones. Ugh. My shirt and pants were still relatively dry. It was just my hair and my sweater that were soaked. I felt better already. It was so blissfully warm in there.

We walked into the living room. It was mostly dark. The flickering TV was the only light, other than a crack in the curtains where lightning flashed through every few minutes. My eyes slowly adjusted. But even by this inadequate lighting, I could see it was a mess. The coffee table was piled high with pop bottles, take-out containers, candy wrappers, and empty chip bags. There was popcorn everywhere that must have been in a bowl at one point but it had been spilled and never cleaned up. The bowl had been taken away, but the spill remained. It was kind of disgusting. There wasn't an inch of space on the table that wasn't covered by some sort of debris. There was even an old long-necked vodka bottle lying sideways on the table. It must have been polished off by her parents at one point, but now it just had the stub of an unlit red candle in its mouth. Some of the candle wax had dripped down onto the hardwood floor.

The TV was to the right of me, beside the doorway. To the left was the front picture window, mostly covered by two heavy brown curtains that were hung ceiling to floor. There was a couch in front of it. Across from the doorway was a loveseat. The coffee table, with its piles of debris was in front of that. To the right was an easy chair. All of this filled up only half of the long rectangular living room. Behind the easy chair was an empty space with only an exercise bike in front of the matching picture window at the back wall, and an old stereo system that looked like it hadn't been used in decades. We used to play back there, when we were kids. We used to build forts with the couch cushions. We used to have snowball fights with rolled up socks, and play tug of war with towels. Debbie used to be so full of life.

I hadn't been in that room in so long, and I was about to say so, but then I stumbled to a stop and just stood there dumbstruck. There on the loveseat opposite me was the most absolutely beautiful angel of a girl I'd ever seen. I took one look at her and kind of wondered if maybe the gods above were fighting over her. My heart nearly stopped. She looked up at me with these eyes that seemed to sparkle, even in the dim light of the darkened room with only the flicker of the TV to light them. Her lips were absolutely gorgeous, pouting out in an invitation to the most beautiful kiss you could ever imagine. Her hair was long and blonde, hanging nearly to her waist in these two ponytails that were flung lazily down across her back. She looked like a goddess, or at least an angel. All that was missing was a halo, or wings.

And I nearly had to slap myself to stop from staring at her boobs. Muh-mee-mah-moo ... mmmy God! My brain babbled to itself. It's a good thing I hadn't been in the middle of saying something! She was sitting cross-legged on the couch, with utterly flawless posture. Her back was straight, and her tits were thrusting out toward me as I stood in the doorway looking like I'd been struck by lightning myself. So much boobs. So much boobs. So much-

"Hi," she said. I gave my head a shake, rousing myself from my little daze. Her voice was lovely, too, soft and gentle and sweet and soothing, like she could explain to you all the mysteries of the universe, and you would believe every word she said without question.

"Huh," I replied. It was supposed to be hi, but it came out as more of a grunt. I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach all of a sudden. I stood there like an idiot, just staring and blocking the doorway, until Debbie finally squirmed around me and stepped between me and the angel.

"This is my cousin," Debbie told me. And to her, she said, "This is Lucas Anthony Clark."

"Just Luke," I corrected her.

"Hi, Luke," her cousin said, and she smiled so sweetly, I felt the invisible man boot me in the gut even harder than before. It was all I could do to stay standing upright.

"Hi," I managed to sputter out finally.

Debbie continued, looking me up and down as though she'd never actually seen me before, and she talked so deadpan and miserable, you'd think she hadn't slept in two weeks. "Lucas lives next door. We've been friends since we were kids. He comes over now and then to play. Well, he used to, anyway."

"You look like you're freezing. Do you need a blanket?" the angel said. She was staring at me with what looked like a combination of terror and awe and deep concern. But her voice sounded calm enough. She pulled the blanket from her lap and handed it to Debbie, who handed it to me. I draped it over my shoulders like a disaster victim. Man, was it ever warm. Luxuriously warm! It had been on the angel's lap.

Debbie was still standing there, looking back and forth between us, like she was confused about what species I was or something. "Is it all right if he visits with us for a while? He's locked out of his house, and there's a storm."

"It's your house," the girl said. "If it's okay with you, who am I to argue? You can't just leave him outside!"

"But your dad..." Debbie began, and she trailed off once more.

"My dad's not here right now. And he won't be back until after supper. So, it's really up to you. Maybe the storm will burn out after a while. But sending him out there right now would be inhumane!"

Another crash of lighting and thunder rumbled the house, as though nature herself was pleading my case.

"I guess so," Debbie said. And she let out a deeply troubled sigh. "I just don't want you getting in trouble."

"I'm sure we'd be in even more trouble if this poor boy died of hypothermia. I'm sure even my dad would agree."

"I seriously doubt it. But whatever," Debbie says. "Have a seat, Lucas. You can hang out. But you better be gone before any adults come back."

"Seems like everybody's parents have gone missing today," I told Debbie. "My parents are out at a convention for my dad's work. Her parents are at a funeral. Yours are... somewhere."

"They went on a date. Mom and dad hardly get any time alone any more. They're ready to scream. They don't like leaving me alone, but since she's here, they decided to seize the opportunity."

"That's so sweet!" angel girl said, with a happy sigh.

"I don't think your dad liked it much."

I moved to sit down on the couch, the one in front of the window. The beautiful girl was sitting in the shadows on the couch across from the TV. I wasn't so presumptuous to move right in and sit beside her.

"You can't sit there," Debbie said. "I'm lying down there. I don't feel well."

"Oh," I said. I looked over at the other couch, where the goddess was sitting so prettily. She patted the seat beside her. Oh, my God! Suddenly, my stomach felt like it was ready to explode. Some people get butterflies in their stomach when they're nervous. I get fireworks and lava. Just hot, burning, panicky pops and fizzles in my gut that feel like I'm being stabbed or something. And they were really nuts at the moment. It usually begins with me feeling like I was kicked in the stomach, and before I know it, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Mom thinks I need to see a shrink. I'm pretty sure I just need to go a few days without getting threatened or beaten up by my brother for no apparent reason. A vacation from him would do me wonders.

So I moved to sit next to this beautiful golden-haired goddess. I should have been celebrating, but I was actually in a silent panic. Debbie flopped down on her couch, pulled a blanket up to her chin, and stared at the movie. She didn't really look like she was watching it, though. She was just staring at the motion and colors, like a zombie.

The first thing I noticed when I sat next to her cousin was how amazingly pretty she smelled. Compared to the rest of the house, she smelled like a flower garden. I could smell her shampoo. I could smell her clothing. It was all so soft, pretty, and girly. I kinda wished I could smell her skin. She moved over a bit, making room for me, uncrossing her legs and sliding her feet down onto the floor. She was wearing this knee-length skirt, but the motion she made let it slip upward across her thighs. She smoothed it down again, but not before I got a really nice look at the gorgeously smooth skin of her upper legs.

"What you guys watching?" I asked, forcing my attention to the TV.

"Some adventure thing," the girl said. "It's kinda boring. This guy, Austin McKinley, is trying to find some lost jewel in the jungle before the bad guys do, and there's this giant snake chasing them all."

"Austin McKinley, huh?" I said. "Sounds like something Debbie would put on. She was a big fan when were little. She always wanted to be the damsel getting rescued."

"Debbie's not even really watching it. She's been sleeping all morning."

I turned to look, and sure enough, Debbie was passed out already, snoring lightly with the blanket right up to her chin.

"That seems kind of rude when you have a guest over."

"She can't help it. She has some sleeping disorder that makes her conk out randomly all day long."

"Oh. Really? I guess that explains why she hasn't been going to school much this year."

"You're in her grade?"

"Used to be. I'm in grade ten now. She isn't. She started missing more and more school in junior high, and finally she just vanished. We knew she hadn't moved or anything, so we'd always wondered what happened to her. I did, anyway."

"Yeah. She doesn't come out to family get-togethers much either. This is the first time I've seen her since we were kids."

"That's strange. I mean, this disorder she has. It must be awful."

She gestured at the mess on the table. "As you can see, her parents are coping the best they can, but they both work full-time, and they come home exhausted. They're supposed to be home-schooling her, too, but it's slow going. Apparently, something's mixed up in her brain, and she lives her entire life like somebody who hasn't slept in like two or three days. I can't even imagine."

"I can't go half a day, and I'm already dead tired!" I said. "No wonder she passed right out."

"Me, too. It's really sad. She's missing out on half her life, just sleeping all the time..."

It was quiet for a few minutes. A crack of thunder rumbled outside. Debbie didn't even stir, but her cousin reached out in a flash and grabbed my hand, startled. She gasped so prettily, too. Her hand was soft and warm on mine. Mine was still cold, and I would have just let her hold it all day, if I could have. She let go quickly enough, though.

"Sorry. That just scared me. Crazy storm."

The rain and wind roared on. The people in the movie prattled on about their schemes and conflicts. I wasn't paying any attention, though.

"What grade are you in?" I asked, very curious about absolutely anything and everything there was to know about her.

"Ten. Same as you. Same as her."

"So you're fifteen, too?"

She nodded, sitting up a little straighter, as though I were challenging her maturity. It could not have been further from the truth. She almost looked like she should have been done with school by now, and moved on to a career in modelling.

"What school?" I asked. "I've never seen you at Sherman."

"Saint Mary's. It's a private school. All girls. It totally sucks."

"You walk around in those cute little outfits, with the skirt, and tie, and beret?"

"Yup. That's me," she said with a dreary little sigh. "In winter, they even let us wear a matching sweater. Wooo. Fun."

"I see girls walking around like that sometimes. Must be all Saint Mary's girls."

"Yup. I hate it. I feel like a soulless clone in that get-up. The only good thing about it is not having to compete with other girls over fashion choices. Nobody's gonna tease you for dressing dorky or slutty or whatever when we're all wearing the exact same thing. It's also pretty nice not having to decide what to wear every morning."

"I think they're cute. Very pretty. Gorgeous even."

"But we all look the same! Ugh!"

I was going to tell her that nobody could possibly be compared to her, but I chickened out. It sounded like too much of a line.

"So I gather you don't have much of a dating life," I said. "With no boys around, I mean."

"Nope. Never even had the chance to say no. I've never even been asked out."

"Damn. And here I was gonna..." Now it was my turn to trail off.

She laughed, nervously. "Oh, no! No dating for me. I'm not even allowed to talk to boys."

Something crumpled inside me, dismayed. It had taken so much courage to blurt out that half a line! But apparently, she was off limits. My stomach churned with renewed savagery.

"You're not even allowed to talk to a guy? Should I shut up?" I said.

She turned to look at me. I noticed her eyes were green. Maybe greenish-blue, like a moonlit pool in the dim grey light of the television. I had to look away. It was just too powerful. The rumble of thunder above wasn't helping the overwhelm of the moment.

"No. You go right ahead and talk," she said. "I actually love it. I never get to talk to guys. It's a huge deal, as pathetic as that sounds. It's like a whole new world. And it's kind of soothing, just listening to a male voice. I could sit here with you all day, just listening to you. As long as my dad doesn't find out, it's all good."

"When do you expect him back?"

"They're gone until after supper sometime. Six or seven maybe. It's two o'clock now."

"Is he gonna, like, beat me half to death if he walks in early and finds me sitting next to you?"

"I don't think he do anything to you. But I'd definitely be in deep trouble."

"It's not your fault some guy sat down and started talking to you."

"Tell that to Daddy Adolf."

Adolf? I grinned at that. Apparently, she had a Nazi for a father. But I could sort of see why he would be so protective. I can't imagine there's a man alive who wouldn't immediately start trying to fuck this girl the moment he got her alone. I mean, I wasn't putting the moves on her or anything, but I sure as hell wanted to.

"What, does he expect you to run and hide any time a boy walks up and says hi, if he's not around?"

"Something like that."

"That sounds kind of psychotic."

"That's Daddy Adolf."

She sighed, long and lonely sounding. I desperately wanted to give her a hug. It was the only thought in the entire universe in that moment. But I was too afraid.

"Um ... what's your name, anyway? Debbie just called you her cousin."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she replied, instead of answering.

That made my heart jump like a gun had gone off behind me. What the hell was she asking me that for? Was she gonna ask me out? No. Of course not.

"No. No girlfriend. Um... why?"

"I was just wondering, 'cause, you're kinda ... hot." Her voice trailed off into a whisper, as though someone had choked the breath right out of her by the end of the sentence. "Your hair is just sort of like, all over the place, and hanging down over your eyes like that. It's kinda dark and mysterious and sexy. And your shirt is kind of sticking to your skin. I can see your muscles. I can't believe you're single. Sherman girls must be totally blind!"

More dynamite and lava exploded inside me. How much more of this could I stand before I just fainted? I somehow managed to formulate a reply.

"I got caught in the rain. Sorry," I said, running my fingers through my hair. It immediately fell down into my eyes again.

"It looks good. I love dark hair on a guy. So sexy. Like a movie star."

"Um, thanks, I guess. I must be just average to all the girls I know. There are much hotter guys than me. I guess, compared to them, I'm invisible. At least nobody's ever called me hot before."

"Well, you just came right out and asked me to go out with you. That almost made me faint! Nobody's ever been that bold with me before."

"I find that amazingly difficult to believe."


"Look at you! You're just... absolutely..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence without sounding like a creepy pervert who'd been eye-fucking her since I walked in the door.

"I'm just absolutely?" she said, smirking. She nibbled her lip nervously. God, I wanted to kiss her so bad.

"I mean. I just ... I don't know. You're very pretty."

"Thank you, Luke."

"You still haven't told me your name," I said.

"What kind of girls do you go for, I mean if you did have a girlfriend?"

Once again, she'd avoided the question. And it was such a strange question to ask. I just stared at her for a moment, first wondering why she was asking. It's not like she could date me, even if she was my type (which she totally was!) Then I was trying to think up an answer that didn't sound as dorky as I felt.

"I don't know. It would have to be somebody who's as smart as she is pretty. Not the dumb, slutty type."

"There's a dumb, slutty type?" she asked. Her brow wrinkled cutely. Sheesh! Was this girl from another planet?

"Well, I know this one girl, Jessica. She can barely speak with proper English grammar, but she's so hot, guys are lining up around the block to sleep with her. I don't know. I would kind of feel like I was fucking a little kid, if the brains aren't there, you know? I mean boobs and ass are nice and all, and I'm sure the sex is great, but you'd have to talk to them after, and it would be just be pointless and annoying."

She stared at me with wide eyes, and I felt another flash of panic for having talked so openly about sleeping with some random girl to this sheltered little angel who'd barely even talked to a guy before, never mind about sex!

Finally, she answered, breaking the awkward silence. "I guess the guys who line up to get with her don't plan on talking to her much, once they're done with her."

"Well, she's got this really douchebag boyfriend now. They've been together for a few months, and they fuck, like, just about every damn day after school. So far, he hasn't gotten bored with her, but he's not too bright himself. They're a perfect match, I guess."

"How do you know that?" she asked me.

"How do I know what?"

"How do you know that they're doing it every day after school?"

Whoops. She had a point there. I hadn't mentioned that it was my brother or that the two of them were doing it right next door while I was forced to keep watch. From her point of view, it must have sounded kinda creepy. And telling her that would be even creepier!

"Because he's always bragging about it!" I said. And it wasn't actually a lie. "He's always carrying on about how sexy her ass was jiggling, how nice her boobs were bouncing, and how tight her little pussy was every day after they're done. Sometimes he goes into great detail about how he sprayed his load all in her face, and other times he brags about how he comes in her mouth and she swallows for him. It's really lame."

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Ann Pham-Monet was a beautiful Eurasian girl with just the right proportions of Asian and European ancestry to produce the classic beauty of love poets. Married in Asia to an American gentleman 35 years her senior at age 16, she had come with him to Washington State where she had divorced him when she was 20. Now, at age 28, she had been married to Bill Martin – age 21 – for the past 2 years. Ann was highly sexed. Bill Martin had a lot in common with her first husband, Claud Monet....

2 years ago
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Chrisalis Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Waking for the first time feeling the luxurious soft sensation of wearing silk pajamas, I found myself pleasantly stretching like a house cat after sleeping all night on its favorite pillow. I awoke with a wide foxy grin on my face, hardly able to believe that yesterday's naughty episode in Lisa's bedroom wasn't just a dream. In a million years, I would never have imagined that any of yesterday's events would happen to me, let alone happen all on the same day. Apparently,...

2 years ago
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Mothers Hot Surprise

Nicole was in the garage leaning against the side of her husband’s car while Noah buried his adoring face in the abundant flesh of her enormous tits. Her nipples were fully aroused as her son’s best friend moved from side to side, taking turns to suck on each of her nipples while his fingers pressed deeply into the meat of her pliant globes. The eighteen-year-old’s impressive cock was throbbing with heat in her hand, precum already oozing from the head while she lathered the slick flow over the...

3 years ago
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What Was I Doing Here

What I was doing here? I didn't know. We had made an appointment to meet. I had met him in a chat room. We had talked for about a month and here I was. What was I getting myself into? Let me explain. The name of the chat room is "Sissies for Real Men". I hate to admit it, but I m the sissy. Way back when I was very young, my mother would make me go across the street from my father's business to buy her a birthday present. At that age I just knew that presents should be what...

4 years ago
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A Midnight Swim Grant the Pool Attendant

Aside from Grant, there was at least one other attendant but Grant always seemed to do the late shift. However, he had lots of other duties besides “babysitting” the swimmers, so it was quite common to see nothing but glimpses of him from time to time. However, if I went earlier in the evening, I would often see Grant sitting in his chair on top of his ladder. He had the fascinating habit of sitting with one ankle crossed on top of his other knee, so that as I swam down the lane and...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public

I really love my boyfriend but he does get me to do the most embarrassing and humiliating things in public. You see, shortly after I realised that I was really, really, totally, madly in love with him I promised him that I would always do whatever he asked me to do, and I’m one of those girls who always keeps a promise. I was, still am, so far into him that I would walk barefoot over red hot coals for him – if he told me to. He’s a wonderful man who really looks after me, he buys me almost...

1 year ago
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The Move Part 1 Picking up Friends

Chapter 1: Jeff’s House Amanda, Josh and Jeff all walked through the front door of Jeff’s house heading straight forward to the stairs that led to Jeff’s room. They reached the top and all moved into the room Josh taking a seat on one of Jeff’s circle chairs while Amanda sat on the bed. “Well I need to shower before we go I will be done in a minute” said Jeff to the two. “More like thirty” Amanda said with a smile. Jeff smiled knowing she was right, he loved to take long showers. He knelt down...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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My Very First Threesome

I had just finished moving into my new condo and was very hot and sweaty. The air conditioner had not yet been able to overcome the door standing open for two hours as I moved boxes and things. Even a quick, cool shower failed to compensate for the oppressive heat of the summer. “Well,” I thought to myself, “Good time to check out the pool.” I slipped on my trunks and grabbed a towel. I hoped my condo would cool down before I returned, I had no idea just how hot it was about to get. There was...

2 years ago
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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 3

The warmth invades her dreams and soon Brea becomes Roman is holding her from behind with his hard cock pushing lightly against her thighs and her pussy is already wet. Lucy feels his arms around her, caressing her nipples. His lips are kissing the side of her neck. She turns carefully onto her back and then reaches down to grab his erection. When her hand closes over it, she is puzzled. This doesn’t feel right. Roman’s cock should be hotter than this. Suddenly, she opens her eyes and...

3 years ago
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Bernies Back Room 3 Jean

I barely noticed as Jean walked into the store, approached the counter and asked, in perfect English but with a delightful French accent, if I had a copy of 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo. I heard the words clearly, but my eyes and brain were focused on the sashaying rear end of a lovely piece of ass with gorgeous tits and nice round hips who had somehow even again resisted my best efforts at seduction and was on her way out of the store. Without even buying a fucking book! Bitch! Cunt!...

1 year ago
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An evening out

I've been a particularly horny little girl for a few weeks now. When trying to just score a quick hook-up I have went all the ways of our wonderful age of civilization. Everything from dating sites, hook-up sites, and even craig's list. After a few weeks of just not being able to set anything up I decided to go hit up a club and see if i could find someone fun that might want to play. I got dressed up in a sexy little outfit (fishnet thigh highs, black cheeky panties, black bra, fishnet shirt,...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Rose Darling Unfaithful Latina wife cheats with Masseur

Awoken by the scent of roses, Rose Darling’s eyes open to a beautiful birthday boquette and card from her loving cuck husband. She calls to thank him and learns that he even booked a massage for her. When Nat Turnher shows up and starts in on his massage, Rose begins to melt in his strong Black hands. Nat has another birthday surprise for Rose: his big black cock. This unfaithful Latina hot wife takes it in her mouth, claiming that her husband must’ve set the whole thing up so she...

3 years ago
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The Beach House

The deep rumble of the waves was behind me as I walked up the beach towards your beach house. One of the doors leading on to the sun-deck was open, and in the subdued light, I could see a pretty young girl sitting on her bed inside. You didn't notice me outside, the gentle crashing of the sea masked any sounds I made and the light from the new moon was barely enough for me to see my own feet. You were busy painting your toenails; one of your tanned legs was up on the bed with your chin resting...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Story challenge oil and knife

After being given a task of writing a story with oil and a knife (not my thing I must add) this is what I came up with.I had fallen out with my wife, an argument over nothing but had escalated probably unnecessarily as we both gave each other the silent treatment.It had been nearly 4 weeks since I last had sex, and my balls were busting. The hot summer days didn't help.I was working installing timber decking in the garden of a rather well to do lady, fit, early forties and a great body but such...

2 years ago
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Bar Meetup

We decide to meet up at a bar for our next little encounter, meet up for some drinks and fuck each other silly after. I get to the bar and see you sitting down at a table, you've already got a drink. I swing by the bar and pick one up before sitting down next to you."Hi" I say before sitting down next to you. Giving a nice kiss.I feel your hand reach down my leg and up to my cock that's quickly growing."Mhmm all I can think about is that cock in my mouth.""Yes me too, I want it all the way in...

3 years ago
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Out of the ClosetChapter 4

Liam scoots close to her, but Rebecca puts on a sour face. “Not here, you goof. Mom might catch us, or even Dad.” “Then where?” Her face changes like on the cartoons where the character gets an idea and a light bulb appears over their head. “How about your old tree house?” “Are you kidding?” Liam asks. “That thing’s falling apart.” “Looks sturdy enough,” she argues. “Just because it hasn’t fallen doesn’t mean its sturdy,” he counters. “Besides, I haven’t been up there in years.” “No one...

3 years ago
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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 1 and 2

Chapter 1 I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

1 year ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 22 Making a Difference

Nothing unusual happened the rest of the weekend. Shannon and her family came over Saturday night for another round of cards and video games. She and I got a little face time, if you know what I mean, while Mark and Allison played games in my room, and no, not those kinds of games. It was actually pretty funny, now that she wasn't trying to butter him up she was kicking his ass on most of the games we had. His only chance was to bring something I didn't have and she hadn't learned...

3 years ago
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BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...

3 years ago
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What This Night May Bring

“It’s lonely up here, when the tricks have been played. And the spotlight has faded, and the plans that we made have fallen apart. It’s lonely as hell. And there’s no magic spell for a broken heart.” -Warren Zevon, “For My Next Trick, I’ll Need a Volunteer“ NOTE: This story takes place about two months after “So Night Follows Day.” I’m planning a little break when that story finishes, however, I’m aware that I owe everyone a “Festival of Cupid” story, so thought I’d bring it to you in time for...

4 years ago
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Weird Sex With Gloria

I was heading for the gym when Gloria suddenly grabbed my arm and asked 'want to go to my house and get real freaky???' I looked at her as she smiled and started to walk towards the exit. I decided that running was not as interesting as having sex with Gloria. Gloria is on the cheer leading squad and as sexy as hell. She had witnessed part of my initialization for the track squad and blacked mailed me into having sex with her. It really didn't make no sense, all the guys in school would have...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Rosalyn Sphinx Ryder Skye Teach My Girlfriend How To Fuck

Have you ever seen the graduate? Where Mrs. Robinson tries to steal Dustin Hoffman away from her own daughter. Well, this is similar, kind of. Ryder Skyes stepson has a girlfriend, Rosalyn Sphynx. But Rosalyn has been ignoring her boyfriend recently, and Ryder does not want anyone to treat her stepson that way. She can tell he needs some attention, especially when she catches him peeking in on her in the bathroom. And she is more than happy to be the one who offers him the attention that he is...

1 year ago
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My great summer break from college

At breakfast my Dad thanked me for letting Denise stay with me. I told him no problem. She just used her phone and really didn’t interact with me. My Dad told me that she was going thru some hard times. Since her Mom passed away last year. Her Dad is trying to get her help. He is surprised at the way she has been. Cutting and coloring her hair. I told him it was ok. I decided to go for a ride to visit my buddy Dave, he got back yesterday also. I wanted to hear all about his first year in...

2 years ago
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My first stranger

I practiced dressing hundreds of times before I went out in public. I went out in public dozens of times before I tried to pick up someone. I wasn't attracted to gay men - I liked men who appreciated me for my feminine side, so because of that I only wanted to be with a straight guy. Obviously this proves difficult, since straight guys don't want their girl to have a cock. I have found that usually they are so turned on by the time they find you have a cock that they don't care. This is...

4 years ago
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Decades Ch 01

Doug had a photograph of Grandma and Aunt Doro on the beach, which he had kept on his desk throughout his four years at Columbia. Snapshots of various buddies and girlfriends had come and gone, and for appearance’s sake he had occasionally also displayed a picture of his mother when he could stand to, but Grandma and Aunt Doro were there with him throughout the four years. ‘That’s my grandmother and my great aunt,’ he would explain to anyone who asked. ‘I lived with them in high school because...

2 years ago
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Mystery Tag Team

"Went on a delivery today with Samantha, we were gone two hours and all she talked about was sex." "What!?" I yelled into my phone, "Are you serious?!" Samantha, a 32 year old that works at Home Depot with us is fucking gorgeous. When I met her I insisted she show me ID. I'm 25, and I'd been treating her like she was younger than me since the store opened 6 months ago. I asked her who the prime ministers were and everything, she's legitimately 32. But she could almost pass for...

1 year ago
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In Space No One Can Hear You Moan

Common date 2-45-872.214 14:37 'Why do we still bother with a twenty-four hours clock?' Jan wondered. Certainly it was a leftover from the home planet. Man had proved very adaptable to Persephone's 36 hour day and Boann's 6 hour day. Maybe that was what helped man conquer Home, an ability to live in almost any environment. Funny too, that all of the planet's were still named for Home deities, as if the thousands of gods Mankind had created to explain the incomprehensible universe had...

4 years ago
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Priscilla Priscilla Constant He was wearing his sisters clothes when his Mother found him. He was fully decked out in her best ball gown, heels, jewelry, and wearing full makeup. They started at each other for a minute before she found her voice. "I wondered who was getting into our clothes and getting makeup on them! Now I have my answer!" He stood, rooted to the spot afraid to move or say anything because his Mother had a temper that was legendary in the family. She walked...

2 years ago
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Thick The Legend of the PAWG Part 3

It was a few months after TwerkFest, and Brooke was back at work at her job. The usual things happened at her job. The male gaze. She flaunted it a bit more, even though she and Mark were somewhat a thing. Her usual customers even returned. She looked at the four that showed up at TwerkFest in South Padre that day. She saw their distinct faces.“What’s up, Brooke?" Jaden said.“Or should we say, Miss New Booty?" Kevin replied, with a smirk.Brooke smiled and shushed them.“How you doing, Kevin? I...

3 years ago
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Torched Cherry

Xavier was away studying in college which was just fine by him because he and his stepmother just didn't get along. Now he was coming home from Miami for the holidays. I never took well to Xavier, he was a bit effeminate though naively I never suspected he was gay. His personality rubbed us all the wrong way, nothing was ever good enough for him. The food was always too cold or too hot and his elitist attitude made it hard to warm up to him. But the thing that pissed me off the...

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Family ReunionChapter 3

Jamie Livingston smiled to himself as he remembered what Linda had whispered in his ear just before he'd left her the night before. His driving was almost automatic, and he paid little attention to the passing scenery as he drove along the New York state thruway, headed toward his mother and father's resort. He had made this trip many times before and could almost name every rock along the way to Exit 18. He welcomed the long drive up, because he knew his wife Susan would elect to remain...

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All I wanted was a simple lie pt3

"WELL TINY DID YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER OR DID SHE SEDUCE YOU? DOES HER PUSSY GET PUMMELED OR DOES YOUR ASS LOOSE ITS VIRGINITY? I WANT AN ANSWER." I looked back at the naked beautiful Sophie, a woman I had seen for the first time less than a hour ago and replied, "It took advantage of her......Mistress." Mistress Tara's eyes widened. "Fine then I'm going to make you my BITCH! go to the counter and lean over it." I slowly walked over watched by the man and...

1 year ago
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Someone to Talk to

After that night with Josh we both got up at around nine and had to be ready by ten. So we each quickly took a shower and decided to grab something from the continental breakfast. We were the only ones down there at the time so Josh decides that this is a good time to have a talk. “So, Dan, I didn’t sleep well last night thinking about what we did. It wasn’t right. I am not gay. I know I am not. I mean I can’t be.” “It sounds like you are forcing yourself not to be, but if that is...

1 year ago
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Namaste Porn

NamastePorn is your go-to place for a taste of some good Indian smut as well as porn from all over the world. The site has done a great job of collecting erotic porn videos from popular tubes to bring you a fantastic collection of nothing but the best porn around. Most of the scenes here involve straight and lesbians getting it on hot, heavy and sticky, although there is a decent collection of shemale and gay porn as well.Speaking of the content, ThePornDude was amazed by the sheer volume. I’m...

Indian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 111

~~Antoinette~~ Jack had seen her. She knew he must have. And yet, he gave chase into the forest, with Beatrice over his shoulders. So committed was he to his plan, to his need for revenge, that he would ignore her approach, the Prince of Dolareido, and his lover, to pursue it. It was not Jack she saw. It was the curse, a relic from ages past, from those infuriating striges and their obsessive need to disrupt the lives of Kindred. The curse. The damned, bloody curse, that crawled into her...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 33

Steve Amazing, one night the little ones don't wake you up, and the next they wake up a couple of times. It wasn't bad either time, as Mickey and Giovanna were quickly up to take care of them. I can't imagine what Chuck is doing with ten of them in his big suite. Chuck has made some very nice plans for us, considering I thought the resort was sold out to other customers. Chuck is sneaky that way. He'll have had this planned for months now, and was able to coordinate holding the Costa...

1 year ago
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Sex Encounter With Office Neighbour

Hi friends, I am shiva from Chennai with average built body 26 years… This is my first sex story and please bear if any mistakes found in the story and feedbacks are welcome Let me start the story…. 2 years before I had a sex encounter with a sexy queen who works in my group company. As I am into sales field I use to talk with different people for job purpose. Like this one day I hav seen my sex queen aunty by named shanthi (name changed). 38-36-38.. She looks damn sexy and I cannot take my...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 5D

I walked toward the living room and stood in the doorway, allowing the sheet wrapped around me to make as much noise as it wanted, and hoping she would respond if she were awake. Dimly across the room I saw her rise and look toward me. "Speedy?" "Yes," I answered. "It's me." "I thought you were going to sleep?" "Are you awake?" "What do you think? I was worried about you." I told myself: Do something, show her some fight. In the faint light I saw a pencil on the lamp table...

2 years ago
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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 4

The morning darkness faded and Kaia was finally able to look around to take a full assessment of her predicament. She was on a ship manned entirely by centaurs, there must be at least a hundred of them. The ship was large and moving quite swiftly, propelled by the centaurs incredible strength. Piles of plunder lay on the deck around her. The heavy chain which bound Kaia to the mast pulled at the iron collar around her neck, chafing her skin. Her broken arm was now aching severely and was...

3 years ago
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My friend Miranda Ch 1

My name is Adam, I’m 24 and I’m a “nice guy” I do nice things and I never get the girl. I’m decent looking, I have a good personality, I’m just not aggressive enough to go for what I want. But things changed after I met her. Miranda is adorable. That’s the best way to describe her. Yeah adorable. She’s around 5’ 1” maybe 110 pounds. Blonde hair cute smile. Striking blue eyes. The first night I ever met her I was in love, well not love, extreme infatuation. A mutual friend of ours had...

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How Im cuckolded

My beautiful little wife has two sides that coexist perfectly. She and I are happily married and enjoy what appears to be a normal marriage. To our family and friends to are just a typical pair of married folks. But the fact is I haven had sex with my wife in over five years. Ever since I introduced her to cuckolding she has found it more exciting that I thought she would. Once she was convinced that it wasn't a trap and that I actually wanted her to have sex outside our marriage she went to...

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Charity Slave AuctionChapter 4

Lisa came over on Tuesday. We drank coffee and sat around and talked for a while. Lisa and I have always been good friends, at least since Dale and I joined the car club. But now we’ve become especially close. She’s just as excited about last weekend as Dale and I are. It turns out that Frank and Dale must have a lot of the same fantasies. They both got a big kick out of watching what Glenn did to us, and let others do to us. Lisa and I talked for a couple of hours. Then, and I’m honestly...

4 years ago
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My Reward My Bride My Sister

Welcome back dear readers. In the previous part, I finally proposed to my mother Neetu and we got married with the consent of my sister. Our wedding night was extremely passionate and trust me there is nothing more heavenly than making love to your mother. My eyes opened at 9 in the morning. I woke up due to my morning erection when my dick got erect inside my mother’s warm pussy. Mom felt some hardness and she opened her eyes too “hhhhhmmmm baby you’re hard again!” I looked at my mobile and I...

3 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerIn the Blue Corner

Tales of a Hustler----In the Blue Corner The lines were pretty long—it was morning weigh in. Fortunately, for the Silver Gloves, you can weigh twice. Joey had been hanging right on the line, so I was kinda worried. “Gallager—South Coral Jr Hgh---125 and ¼. Sorry k I d, your gonna be 4 ounces over. Unless you can drop it by noon, you'll have to step up to Featherweight.”Joey stepped off the scale and just looked at me. As if that weren't bad enough, we noticed in the other line was the punk from...

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The Installment Plan

The Installment Plan by Cal Y. Pygia ?I never heard of anyone buying a Versace gown on layaway,? Karen, the fresh-faced young blonde said, admiring the designer dress on which her customer had just made another payment. Shaped to flatter, the gown was a gorgeous peau de soie satin. Its boned bustier created an incredible silhouette, and the draped skirt with the diamond belt provided plenty of brilliant sparkle. Fully lined, it had a hidden zipper in the back. Jenny had...

1 year ago
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They Meet at a Wedding Part I

meets his dream girl at a wedding...John finds wedding tedious at the best of times, but business weddings are the worst. The Davidson wedding in LA was a “must attend” unfortunately. John had helped Bill Davidson raise the money to expand his hotels in Asia and now his oldest son David was getting married. David Davidson he thought, what a stupid name and chuckled to himself.John has made his rounds and is getting ready to discreetly take his leave. He’s booked a room at one of his favorite...

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San Diego Pt 1 The Blow Job

I went to this conference out in San Diego and when I got there I posted to Craigslist and found a guy in the hotel next to mine that was interested in receiving a BJ. We decided to meet at his hotel bar and we had a few drinks. I was immediately attracted to him. He was a few years younger than I, about 35 and like me married. Scott was his name and we happened to be attending the same conference. We talked about our jobs then our wives then we talked about sex. He was strictly into...

1 year ago
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The Choice

A loving mother gives her child a simple choice. But nothing is ever simple. I leaned out of our back door and yelled out into the yard. “Johnny?” “Yes Mum?” A little voice came floating down out of the big Maple tree in our back yard. “Come down out of the tree, honey. It’s time to wash up for dinner.” I watched as a few branches started shaking and then the little monkey came into view as he scrambled down out of the tree. I watched until he was safely on the ground – partly because I...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 14 Marketing Blitz

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 25, 2009) Chapter 14 - Marketing Blitz "Hurry and get dressed," Dad told me when I walked into the house. "We need to go." "Ok," I said. I dropped my book bag on the couch and headed for Sarah's room. "What should I...

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The Mist of Time Ch 1516

CHAPTER FIFTEEN I came downstairs to my office at eight o’ clock on Monday morning to the smell of freshly made coffee. I was not late. I usually started work at this time, but having Tina in at this time was unusual. ‘Morning, Boss. I thought you would come back to the Pub yesterday.’ ‘Sorry Tinkerbell, I decided to drive back here, so I could duck out of the thumbscrews and your interrogation.’ ‘You only postponed it.’ She replied grimly and pointed to my chair. ‘Sit! I have loaded your...

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Sex with her friends husband

The phone rang at a late hour and she jumped at the sound of it, “Hello” she said, deadly curious to see who it was. “Hi” said her friend at the other end of the phone “How are you?” “Good” she said, “Why are you calling me?” she waited for her friend to answer. “I wanted to know if my husband and I could come and visit?” “No” she replied, “After the way you’ve treated me I don’t see why I should ever agree to see you again”. Her friend stayed silent for a minute then spoke “I’m sorry but I...

Straight Sex

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