Luke free porn video

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I’ve had a crush on my gay friend, Luke, for a while now. I’ve known him for a year now, and we instantly became close friends. It wasn’t hard to tell that he preferred the opposite sex. With some people you just know. I met him at the hair salon I used to frequent. He was the hair stylist, and did my hair! We talked as he did my hair the two hours I was there. I wanted it colored. I’ve grown up a red head, and finally wanted my hair dyed black. Luke comes over to visit every now and again, and we hang out sometimes, of course at gay clubs. Sometimes we go to clubs where gay men and women party together, and other times we go where there are predominately gay men. I’ve seen Luke kiss and dance with other men, and he sometimes spoke of his experiences with them, though not in great detail. I can’t blame him.

I told one of my friends that I developed an innocent crush on my homosexual friend, to which she said, ‘He’ll never score with you. Once you have dick in your life, you never go back.’ That comment made me jealous, and a little mad even. Many men have told me that my pussy was good. I’m sure Luke would think the same thing, but of course, you just never know.

It all happened December 31st. Luke came over to my apartment, and we had drinks. He invited his friend, Erin over, who is gay too. Erin is flamboyantly gay, while Luke is more masculine, just with feminine features. We all decided we were just going to enjoy ourselves and have drinks. At the last minute, we decided to head downtown to see the ball drop. All of us were ridiculously drunk. Erin saw his ex in the streets, and they made drunken proclamations to each other that they were not going to break up again. He left with his ex, to Luke’s dismay.

Luke and I went back to my place once the new year came in, and I poured the both of us drinks. Like me, Luke can hold his liquor. Even when he’s drunk, he’s still coherant. I figured that having sex with him this night would be perfect, with it being the new year and all. I studied his hands, they were big, but not inhumane. Hands are a fetish for me, and fingers too.

‘What’s wrong?’ Luke asked.

‘Oh, nothing,’ I answered.

‘Feel like going to sleep?’ He asked me.

‘In a while, but not now.’

He nodded, before returning to his drink.

‘How about a movie?’ I asked, ‘I have an extended collection.’

‘Sure, that’ll be great.’

I got up, and picked a romantic movie, and put it in. I was barely paying attention to the movie, since I’ve seen this one many times. You can say I put it in to set the mood. Luke went through the movie without saying anything. He doesn’t talk during movies. That’s the way I like it. I yawned, and noticed I was suddenly getting sleepy. Luke leaned back against the couch, and his lids were slowly going down, before he closed them. He was sleeping! I turned off the movie, and the blue light from the screen illuminated the room. I too laid down on my side. Luke was sitting up as he slept, something I could never do if my life depended on it. Before I knew it, I too was sleeping.


I felt a heaviness on top of me, and figured that it couldnt’ be blankets. I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, Luke was sleeping on top of me. It alarmed my system, yet I didn’t want him off. It was something I dreamed of. I kissed his forehead, and massaged his head, before kissing it again. He opened his eyes, and immediately got up.

‘Oh my god, how did I wind up on top of you?’ He asked.

‘You were sleeping.’

He wiped his eyes, ‘Oh, sorry. Can I use your bathroom?’

‘Sure,’ I answered.

He got up, and went to the bathroom. I heard him turn on the shower. While he was in the shower, I decided to fix pancakes. When he got out, I asked if he wanted breakfast.

‘No thanks, I’m not hungry.’

‘You sure? They’re blueberry.’

‘I’ll pass,’ He said, before putting on his coat, ‘I’ve got to get going. I’ll talk to you soon.’

Now I was disappointed in the departure. I had to say something, and quick.

‘Luke,’ I called to him, before he turned around.

‘Is it because of what happened last night?’ I asked.

‘No, it isn’t. It’s just that I don’t like waking up that way.’

I didn’t respond. I knew exaclty what he meant. He didn’t like waking up next to a woman. A man is who he wants in his bed. I can’t really blame him, considering that I’m a straight woman and I’m crazy over men.

‘See you later,’ He said before closing the door.

Damn! I knew that I shouldn’t have kissed him! I shouldn’t have made the first move, I just couldn’t resist myself. He looked so peaceful, sleeping on top of me, and I was horny. Ugh. I always ruin things.


Luke didn’t text or call me the rest of the day, and I even went out to some clubs where I was sure to spot him at, but I never saw him. I figured that maybe the friendship was over. I spoke to my friend, Michelle about what happened.

‘I don’t understand why you’re crazy over him, even though he’s drop dead gorgeous! But get a grip, he’s a gay man. He likes dick! Why can’t you see through that?’

Man the truth really hurts.

‘I can see through it, but you just never know. Things happen. People change.’

‘People are set in their ways, you cannot change people who are.’

‘Yeah that’s true.’

‘Like when you dyed your hair black, everyone was telling you that you shouldn’t change it to that color, but what did you do?’

‘I had it dyed anyway.’

‘Exactly. The fact that he’s a gay man, makes reality a little bit tougher. But would you really want someone who sticks in their dick in other men?’

‘I mean-no. But I just feel something different with Luke. I feel like we could be a great couple, even fuck buddies at least.’

‘But?’ Michelle asked.

‘He just chose a different path in his life.’

Michelle shakes her head, ‘You’re crazy.’

She’s right. Maybe I am crazy.


A week has gone by, and I finally gain the courage to text Luke. I even re-read the text messages while I was soaking in the tub.

Me: Hey, you. (Sent 10:01 pm)

Luke: Hello Chris (Sent 10:10 pm)

Me: How are things going? (Sent 10:11 pm)

Luke: Great. How are things on your end? (Sent 10:15 pm)

No pun intended.

Me: Things are pretty cool (10:17 pm)

Luke: Good (Sent 10:20 pm)

Me: Look, sorry that things were a little crazy NY’s night. I’m sorry if I kissed you. It was inappropriate and I’m sorry)

He’s not responding quick enough like I want him too. I’m constantly checking my phone to see if he sent anything, even though my notification sounds whenever I get a mesage.

Luke: It’s OK. It was awkward. Let’s not talk about it (Sent 10:33 pm)

Me: OK I won’t. I’m thinking of going to the club this weekend, wanna go? We can do dinner at Applebee’s. My treat.

He doesn’t respond back. Something told me not to text him. Period. Maybe it was Michelle’s voice or something. I never listen to my intuition.


I’m wearing a red negligee and panty that I bought from Victoria’s Secret. A knock comes at the door, and I open it. It’s Luke. I frown and wonder what he’s doing here. I open the door, and before I could say anything, he kisses me, and puts his tongue in my mouth. I give in to him, and put my arms around his neck. His body is so strong. It feels good against mine. He picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist, and he carries me to the bedroom. He puts me on the bed, and collapes on top of me. We proceed with kissing, and I rip his shirt off. He has a lot of tattoos. Luke’s mouth brushes against my neck, and he sucks my ear. The best part comes when he slips his dick inside of me, and pounds me. It feels so good. I feel like I’m in Heaven.

My pussy is throbbing as I wake, and I realize it’s all a dream. B
ummer for me. But the dream was good. I wish that all of this happened in reality. I lay in my bed a while, and reminisce about the dream, before falling back to sleep.

I visit the salon that day, because I want my hair done again. It’s that time. I ask for Luke, and the woman at the desk tells me that he will be in shortly, but I can sit in his chair. I go to his chair and notice the pictures in his station. There’s a picture of he and I, that we took last Spring for Mardi Gras, along with other party pictures he took with people, and even celebrities he met. The salon smells like hair, heat, and sweet sceneted shampoos and hair products. The sounds of blow dryers going off, washers in the back, and dilluted conversations fills the room.

Luke comes in five minutes after I arrive, and when he sees me, he freezes in his tracks. He hangs up his coat, and accepts a million greetings from people in the shop. He’s pretty popular around these parts I see. He comes up to me and tells me he’s sorry for coming in late.

‘It’s okay,’ I answer.

‘What did you want done?’ He asks.

‘A wash would be great, and if you can curly it that’ll be fabulous.’

‘Sure,’ He answers, as he ties up his apron, ‘Let’s get you a smock.’

I put on the smock, and he takes me to the backroom where the sinks are. He washes my hair, and scrubs my scalp. His fingers are long, and he gets my entire head. Luke puts a peppermint shampoo and conditioner in my hair, and washes it out real good. We don’t talk much, but I do try to make conversation by saying general things, and he replies with, ‘yeah.’

Even after he’s done with washing my hair, I can sstill feel the touch of his fingers scrubbing my scalp and washing my hair of buildup and oils. He blow-drys my hair, and has to change it because the one he always used went out. After he blow drys, he straightens my hair and curls it.

‘Your hair came out nicely,’ He says.

About time he said something.

‘Thanks, do you like it?’ I ask.


‘Like, describe it for me. Is it party girl? Is it a 90210 look? What is it?’

‘I think it’s office girl finally steps out to club, gets a load off of a million Bloody Mary’s and finds herself a guy she takes home.’

I look at myself in the mirror, and he holds a mirror up to me. He’s right. I do look like that girl.

‘It’s beautiful, as usual,’ I answer.

‘Go over to the cashier’s and pay the forty,’ He says, as he sweeps the hair from under his station. As if I didn’t know that? I’ve been here for a while now. The fact that Luke is talking to me like I’m a complete stranger really bothers me.


I decide to go to a club. I hate going to straight clubs sometimes because of sleezy men wanting to take me home. Gay clubs offer a better atmosphere. ‘Music’ by Madonna has everyone on the dance floor. My favorite spot is at the bar, chatting with the bartender and smoking a cigarette. The bartender is of course a gay male, sporting millions of tattoos starting from his neck, and he has platinum blonde hair, and an eyebrow piercing. His gray eyes make him look feminine because of his makeup, but his muscles give him an added masculine look. Without asking for another drink, he pours me another.

‘Thanks,’ I say, taking another puff of my cigarette.

‘You look like you need more, going through a break up?’

I shrug, ‘Not exactly, but I like someone who doesn’t like me back.’

He rolls his eyes in agreement, ‘I know the feeling girl.’

A drunk man comes up the bar, and slurs something about a Bloody Mary. He’s African American and very small, yet adorable. His voice is raspy.

‘Here,’ The bartender puts his Bloody Mary in front of him, almost as if he had the drink prepared before the young man came up to the bar.

‘Thanks,’ The man slowly takes in his drink.

‘Don’t you think you had enough Darryl?’ Bartender asks.

He shakes his head, ‘I can never get enough of these,’ He turns to me, ‘It’s my birthday today.’

‘Oh, happy birthday,’ I exclaim. I should have known it was his birthday. Darryl is wearing a crown that says ‘Queen’, and a shirt that says, ‘It’s my birthday.’

Darryl looks very loaded, like he will fall out any minute now. He drops his drink. Nobody barely notices it, but another guy who tells the bartender he will clean it up for him. A white man, also skinny, decked out in a Versace outfit for men approaches the bar, and puts his arm around his lover’s neck.

‘Darryl, this is why I hate going out with you, you don’t know how to control yourself.’

His voice is so Californian, like a young valley girl. He looks at me and smiles, ‘Hi.’

‘Hi,’ I answer.

He puts Darryl’s arm around his neck and helps him get up from the bar stool, and they both walk away.

‘Happens all the time,’ The bartender tells me.

‘Are they together?’

‘On and off for five years now. Those two are like night and day, vinegar and oil.’

I have to laugh at that. The irony of things!

‘How long have you been working here?’

His eyes wander at the ceiling, like he’s thinking back, ‘April ’97.’

‘Do you like working here?’

‘Oh it’s fun, better than the last job I had! But this isn’t the only job I have. I work at Casey’s, the bar and grill downtown. I’m assistant manager.’

‘Wow, good for you!’

‘By the way, your hair is off the hook girl!’

I laugh, ‘Thanks.’

Another drink later, I go home and take a shower. The doorbell rings, and I answer. Low and behold, it’s Luke! He has a blank expression on his face and holds up my purse.

‘You left this at the shop.’

I take it, ‘Oh my god, I didn’t notice. Thanks. Do you want to come in?’

He doesn’t say anything at first, but then says yes. I let him in, and he asks to use the bathroom.

‘Down the hall,’ I answer. As he’s in the bathroom, I feed my cat. Luke comes out, and I hold back from asking him if he wants a drink. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to seduce him. He looks so good in his leather jacket, makes me want to jump on him!

‘Look,’ he starts off, ‘Sorry about the way I’ve been acting. But you really scare me. I wouldn’t have came here, but I knew you needed your purse.’

‘Well, I appreciate the kind gesture Luke.’

‘You’re welcome,’ He starts to turn away before I call him.



I sigh, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know if there’s any other way to restore our friendship, considering I made a move on you and all.’

‘Forget it,’ He starts to walk away again-

‘And I’m truely, truely sorry. I don’t think I can say that enough.’

Now, I’ve got his full attention.

‘Look,’ He starts off, ‘I’m a gay man, and I like other men. I can never be with a woman. But fact is, when you kissed me that night, it felt nice, and reassuring, but the kiss was different.’

‘Different, how?’

‘It’s like a mom or grandmother kissing you, that’s what it felt like. I can’t really describe it, but that’s what I felt. With another man, it’s passionate. With you, a woman, it’s different. I respect you, and honestly I don’t look at you like that. I love you enough to tell you the truth–as a friend.’

I feel like breaking down and crying, my mouth shakes, I’m trying so hard to hold back tears and exploding.

‘Sorry,’ Luke finishes. He leaves and closes the door.

I spend the rest of the night crying. I wake up, and cry again. There’s some sort of relief, because I don’t have to wander about his feelings for me, being that he is a homosexual male, but the truth hurts. When it hits you hard, it hits you full force.


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Story Number One Many Years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn’t famous for anything heroic. He was notorious for enmeshing the windy city in everything from bootlegged booze and prostitution to murder. Capone had a lawyer nicknamed “Easy Eddie.” He was Capone’s lawyer for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In fact, Eddie’s skill at legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time. To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money big,...

2 years ago
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A Sailors Tale Chapter Five

Chapter Five They came to the end of the warehouse about to turn into the parking area for those that had cars waiting for them as ships disembarked crews and two men came around the corner, no worries, just business men by the look of it but my hackles rose a bit and my grip on her waist tightened.   One man, a particularly large man at that, came straight at them in a way that brought on fears of the unknown, now I was getting nervous.   I whispered to her “be cool, but just in case be...

2 years ago
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Back to my story. After another long workweek. It was finally Saturaday. I thought to myself as I woke up in the morning. “This is awesome! Have the whole day to myself. It will just be me and my dildos.” It was mid August. So it was another hot summer day. So something light and cool to wear was the ticket. That is if I decided to leave the house. Before the first pot of coffee was ready. My mind was already thinking about sex. I reached down and begin playing with my penis. Thoughts starting...

3 years ago
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Another Love

I never meant to get into a new relationship after so long not least with a girl, and girl is the right word who could have been my daughter. In fact, she was my daughters’ best friend which is how we came to meet in the first place.I should explain that I am just shy of 50, a widower, my wife Louise died of cancer ten years ago and along with the grief of losing not just my lover but my best friend and confidant meant that for the years since I had thrown all my energy into bringing up our two...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 914

This is compliments of J & B A women and here five year old son were walking down the street when they met a pregnant woman. After she had gone by the little boy asked his mother why the woman had a big stomach. The mother did not want to get into conception at his age and side stepped the issue by saying she had swallowed a watermelon. The little boy knew what watermelons looked like and figured that sounds right. A short time later, they meet another very pregnant woman. As they meet...

4 years ago
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The First EntryChapter 14

January 3, 2013 When we stepped out of the doctor's office, I stopped to put on my coat, while Jules dug through her purse for her keys. "Told you," I sang with a smug grin on my face. "You still took a crazy risk letting him fuck you without a condom. You don't know, he could have some kind of disease." She'd been in rare form this morning. The night before, we'd talked for hours, until she took me to bed to drive me crazy with her tongue. We'd woken up late and had to scramble...

3 years ago
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The Girlfriend Experience

It was a Friday afternoon in late spring. I was considering a dilemma that all seventeen-year-old boys face on a daily basis. Do I continue studying for my year end exams that were a few weeks off, or do I jerk off, fantasising about my latest crush?Amy was on my school swim team and we had started hanging out together during the last few weeks of practice. She had a pretty face, nice tits and a gorgeous ass. I was sure that she was into me, but I was too much of a chicken shit to ask her out....

First Time
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Day TripChapter 10

The sex continued at night, but our days were filled with trying to get the new ballista built as soon as possible. John was more skilled than I with metal working, so we were able to use a continuous steel bow. Some steel cable was unwound to make a bowstring, and we were in business before long with a mobile ballista. We made some darts from tree trunk sections. The shafts were split from the trunk and turned to a round crosssection with a simple, home-made lathe. We fletched the darts...

2 years ago
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While in the US Air Force stationed in what was then a west Germany in 1967 on my three day break I was with seven others from my security policeman flight celebrating Joe Roberts twenty first birthday at a bar in a Trier. Unbeknownst to Joe one of our colleagues had managed to arrange a girl to do a strip for him and somehow we,d managed to keep,it secret from Joe. A couple German girl friends were also present at the party and we were all feeling fairly merry when the girl arrived, Helmut...

3 years ago
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Father in LawChapter 6

Christ, her cunt was like a fucking drainpipe. I dived in, my face went in her gash as she squeezed their spunk out. I swallowed what I could, but she was humping my face and coating me with their goo, I fucking loved it! After I’d finished licking her out, everyone sat down and carried on as normal. Well, Bibi served some more drinks and snacks, her tits were out and her skirt up around her waste, spunk was drying on the inside of her thighs. My dress was around my waist from both top and...

1 year ago
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Sister8217s pussy

Sometimes stereotypes are accurate. Take me, Finn. I fall into the nerdy computer geek category. I’m short for my age, skinny, lank dark hair and I spend most of my free time online playing games. The only sports I play are those forced on us in phys ed class at school. Then there’s my older sister Heather. She’s got it all, taller than me, dark hair, but it’s silky and wavy and her body could be described the same way. Sure I’ve checked her out. Who...

3 years ago
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Just A Small Town Girl Part 6 Passing The Test

Penny would be going to NYU and had accepted Shay's offer to share her apartment. Poor Kent would be alone in Boston while his two partners would be sharing a bed. Still he knew that in some ways it would be better for him to concentrate on school. His father didn't disagree. But that was still a month away. For now Shay was on her first airplane, flying across the Atlantic with fun and relaxation ahead. She looked over to her left where Kent, who'd done this before, was already dozing. To...

1 year ago
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Return to the picnic table

Return to the picnic table To see him there laying on top I came up and touched his cock He looked at me with a smile. I began to rub up and down his pants He moaned slightly. I laid on top of him as I kissed his lips. His hands grabbed my ass tight I felt his cock grow I felt my pussy get wet. He whispered undo my pants Make me hard as you can with your hand I stood back up and un did his pants I took a hold and stroked his cock Up and down, again and again. He moaned faster, faster Lick the...

Erotic Poetry
2 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 14

Alex looked over the hologram of the plans for the dome in front of him. Though a lot had been done in these past two weeks, there was still more to do. Since the night of the Artucian’s entry into the Unified Systems Alliance, both them and the crew of the Perseus had been working around the clock. Salvaging the wrecks of the Dead Snows was well under way, as was the rebuild of the dome behind him. One of the first things to be done was to clear away all the ice surrounding the dome. Once...

4 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 23

Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 14, 2019 06:50 PDT (09:50 EDT) “The ship itself is complete, so you can board it,” Abi said as the ramp at the back began to lower. “There are just a few more things to take care of, but they’ll only take a few minutes.” “What sort of things?” I asked following after Ben who was already making his way up the ramp. “I am linking up my own dimensional storage with this shuttle to increase its capabilities. When I’m done, anyone on the shuttle will...

1 year ago
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My first construction job my first time

It was my first job. Young and fit, I got hired to clean up around a new home construction site. Picking up spilled nails and discarded pieces of wood. Not exactly a skilled labor job, but I was just starting out and had to start somewhere. It turned out to be the best job in the world though!I had fantasized about being with other guys and sucking cock, but never acted on them. Never even had a chance to actually, but sometimes while watching porn, I would imagine it was me sucking those big,...

1 year ago
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A New Way To Get Off

Jewel Morgan was the kind of woman that had that special something about her. She was well dressed and her outfits were always very well coordinated. She was very friendly and everybody she met wanted to be around her. She had no trouble meeting people ever. People just flocked in her direction. She could be buying coffee at the corner deli or getting her car washed and she'd meet people wherever she went. She was just that kind of a person. She was very outgoing and happy. Most men found her...

4 years ago
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Me and my sister

My name is Chris (I've changed the names due to anonymity) I am 18 years old. I'm about 6ft tall, stocky/overweight, dark brown hair and I have a pretty impressive 7.5" penis (not made bigger for the story!!) And so it begins....It is 1:40am on Wednesday 1st June 2011 and I have just been awakened my the sound of moaning in the next room. Silently, I crept out of bed and noticed that my sister's bedroom light was on, shining under the slightly open door. My curiosity decided to get the better...

3 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 2

I woke up in a lot of pain. When I looked around, I saw that I was not where I was supposed to be. I was laying on my side. The small tractors that we installed in the cabin but never used now held me in position. I was bleeding and I could feel the dampness in my clothing. I must have moved because the darkness called me back. When I awoke the second time, my mind must have got my healing reflex working but I was weak and still in pain. I could not get free. I tried to access the computer...

1 year ago
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Losing My Balls On The Golf Course

Recently I had been fantasizing a lot about jerking off outside. A few years ago I had made somewhat of a weekly ritual of driving up the canyon near my house at night, parking my car off the side of the road and wandering a few yards into the woods to strip down and jerk one out. The thrill of being completely nude outside used to make me so hard and I remember shooting huge loads. I no longer live close to the canyon, so I had been pondering as to where I could go to fullfil my fantasy and...

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Moms VideoChapter 7

Wow! I thought this day would never come. How about you, Bro? Are you as excited as I am? Becky, nobody is as excited as you are. Your nipples are boring holes in your top. Are you still commando? As the Scotsman said to the woman who asked what they wore under their kilts--Give me yer hand, Laddie. Mmmmm. Feels good and tastes better. It’s a real shame that we can’t completely join the Mile High Club this time, but if you can keep it quiet, I’ll try to give you as much as you can...

3 years ago
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a hard Time

I had difficulty sleeping alone after we parted, so I imagined that I was stillbound thightly on your bed. I felt so safe there, so cared for – especially when the heavy, sweaty, rough playing was over and you would hold my bound hands and ie next to me. It still amazes me that I can fall asleep with my legs tied spread and my wrists tied tightly together. I would have thought that some part of my subconscience would rebel against such constraints. Such times teach me a great deal about myself...

2 years ago
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daughters coming out

growing up I knew I was not your typical young teenager,I was sort of confused as to my sexuality. I liked boy's and I liked girls,but with girls it was mostly touching.I talked to my Mom about being Bi-Sexual but she was no help,she said I should speak with Dad since he could relate with my feeling's,which i found to be odd.One day while in my room relaxing ,Dad came in and said Mom had spoken to him and he should have a talk with me.I told him about my feeling's and confusion.He said he could...

4 years ago
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The EncounterChapter 3

After landing in Dallas at 4:53 AM, and having to go through security, which did not take as long as expected, I looked around the waiting lobby for Jessica. I thought to myself, I have no clue what she looks like, so, how am I even going to know that she will be here. That question was soon answered when this gorgeous brunette, that stood about 5'4" tall, with gorgeous, puppy dog eyes stood up, after noticing the flight had been unloaded, with a small sign that read "John". Wow, she was...

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The Filling in a Slayer Sandwich

The Filling in a Slayer SandwichXander yawned as he made his way through the corridors of Sunnydale High School, responding to an unexpected call from Giles for help with researching the latest demon of the week. While he wasn’t very good with reading the books Giles had brought with him from England to help discover what they were facing, Xander seemed to have a knack for finding books that held the required information for Giles and the others to go through, a talent that the Watcher utilised...

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First Date

First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her prepare her...

2 years ago
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The taxi driver

I was at a nightclub, and it just turned 2am, I wasn't drunk or anything but just dam horny, and there were no hot daddies for me to bring back home with me.I decided that I'd just admit defeat and jump a cab home when I got outside, when I jumped in, I gave the cab driver the details of my address and we went on our way.'Good night was it?' he asked 'Nah' I said 'Was pretty dire and was full of couples''Oh' he said 'a good looking guy like yourself? Not going home with a hot man tonight eh?'I...

4 years ago
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Ek Raat Bade Gand Bali Aunty Ke Sath

My Name is Sameer main Odisha kaa rehnewala huun. Mera age 24 ar mera height 5’ 5 ar rang Sabla hen to main issmain bahat sari stories padahun muche ye sab bahat pasand hen to abb main apna pehla story likh raha huun agar kahi paar kuch gadbadi hua to much maap kardena khun ki ye mera pehla story hen to apko boring nehi karte huyen main sidhe hi story pe ata hun. Ye baat abb kuchi mahine ki pehele ki baat hen Main ek new ghar main kirayedar ban kar reh rahe the ar hamari land lord jo nije...

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Art ProjectChapter 8 Rebellion

“Bitch!” Kendra’s voice cut through the air echoing my own before I got to the door. “You humiliated my friend and classmate. I don’t need this class.” “Me either.” I turned at the door to see Susan standing up. “I already graduated from kindergarten. I don’t need a self-righteous nursery school teacher to humiliate me.” She picked up her books and headed toward Kendra and me. “Now see here,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “I want this class to come to order immediately. There is no reason for...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Se Kasauli Ka Sex Trip With Girlfriend

Hi everyone I’m Sam from Chandigarh and I’m posting my second true sex story. I’m muscular and good looking and mujhko bade bade boobs suck karna bohot zyada pasand hai. So if any lady wants to hook up,contact me at () This sex story is about shalza my ex gf and kaise maine use chodda…Shalza was gorgeous,very fair with big breasts and nicely shaped ass,5ft 5in,36-26-38 her figure Itni sundar aur hot thi wo ki kya btaun Kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye use dekhte hi Anyways,story pe ate huye Ye...

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